An Introduction To Chemistry: by Mark Bishop

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Chapter 1

An Introduction to
By Mark Bishop

The science that deals

with the structure and
behavior of matter
Summary of
Study Strategies

The will to succeed is important, but what’s

more important is the will to prepare.
Bobby Knight, basketball coach
• Read the chapter in the textbook before it
is covered in the lecture.
• Attend the class meetings, take notes, and
participate in class discussions.
• Reread the textbook, working the
exercises, and marking important sections.
More Study

• Use the chapter objectives as a focus

of study.
• Use the computer-based tools that
accompany the course.
• Work some of the problems at the end
of the chapter.
• Ask for help when you need it.
• Review for the exam.
Chapter Map
Values from

• A value is a quantitative description that

includes both a unit and a number.
• For 100 meters, the meter is a unit by
which distance is measured, and the 100 is
the number of units contained in the
measured distance.
• Units are quantities defined by standards
that people agree to use to compare one
event or object to another.
Type Base Abb. Defined in terms of
Unit SI Base Units
length meter m the fixed numerical value of the speed of light in
vacuum c to be 299,792,458 when expressed in
the unit m s−1, where the second is defined as
mass kilogram kg the fixed numerical value of the Planck constant,
h, to be 6.62607015 ×10−34 when expressed in the
unit J s, which is equal to kg m2 s−1, where the
meter and the second are defined in terms of c
and ∆νCs.
time second s the fixed numerical value of the cesium frequency,
∆νCs, which is the unperturbed ground-state
hyperfine transition frequency of the cesium-133
atom, to be 9,192,631,770 when expressed in the
unit Hz, which is equal to s−1.
temperature kelvin K the fixed numerical value of the Boltzmann
constant, k, to be 1.380 649×10−23 when
expressed in the unit J K−1, which is equal to kg
m2 s−2 K−1, where the kilogram, meter and second
are defined in terms of h, c and ∆νCs.
Derived Unit

1 L = 10−3 m3
103 L = 1 m3
Some Base Units and Their
Abbreviations for the International
System of Measurement

Type Base Unit Abbreviation

Length meter m
Mass gram g
Volume liter L or l
Energy joule J

Prefix Abbreviation Number

giga G 109 or 1,000,000,000
mega M 106 or 1,000,000
kilo k 103 or 1000
centi c 10−2 or 0.01
milli m 10−3 or 0.001
micro µ 10−6 or 0.000001
nano n 10−9 or 0.000000001
pico p 10−12 or 0.000000000001

• Numbers expressed in scientific notation

have the following form.
Scientific Notation

• 5.5×1021 carbon atoms in a 0.55

carat diamond.
– 5.5 is the coefficient
– 1021 is the exponential term
– The 21 is the exponent.
• The coefficient usually has one
nonzero digit to the left of the decimal

• The coefficient reflects the number’s

• It is common to assume that coefficient is
plus or minus one in the last position
reported unless otherwise stated.
• Using this guideline, 5.5×1021 carbon
atoms in a 0.55 carat diamond suggests
that there are from 5.4×1021 to
5.6×1021 carbon atoms in the stone.
Size (Magnitude)
of Number

• The exponential term shows the size or

magnitude of the number.
• Positive exponents are used for large
numbers. For example, the moon orbits the
sun at 2.2×104 or 22,000 mi/hr.
2.2×104 = 2.2×10×10×10×10 = 22,000
Size (Magnitude)
of Number

• Negative exponents are used for

small numbers. For example, A red
blood cell has a diameter of about
5.6×10-4 or 0.00056 inches.
From Decimal Number to
Scientific Notation

• Shift the decimal point until there is one nonzero

number to the left of the decimal point, counting
the number of positions the decimal point moves.
• Write the resulting coefficient times an exponential
term in which the exponent is positive if the
decimal point was moved to the left and negative if
the decimal position was moved to the right. The
number in the exponent is equal to the number of
positions the decimal point was shifted.
From Decimal Number to
Scientific Notation (Examples)

• For example, when 22,000 is converted to scientific

notation, the decimal point is shifted four positions to
the left so the exponential term has an exponent of

• When 0.00056 is converted to scientific notation, the

decimal point is shifted four positions to the right so
the exponential term has an exponent of -4.
Scientific Notation to
Decimal Number

• Shift the decimal point in the coefficient to

the right if the exponent is positive and to
the left if it is negative.
• The number in the exponent tells you the
number of positions to shift the decimal
2.2×104 goes to 22,000
5.6×10-4 goes to 0.00056
Reasons for Using
Scientific Notation

• Convenience - It takes a lot less time and space

to report the mass of an electron as
9.1096×10-28, rather than
0.00000000000000000000000000091096 g.
• To more clearly report the uncertainty of a
value - The value 1.4×103 kJ per peanut butter
sandwich suggests that the energy from a typical
peanut butter sandwich could range from
1.3×103 kJ to 1.5×103 kJ. If the value is reported
as 1400 kJ, its uncertainty would not be so clear. It
could be 1400 ± 1, 1400 ± 10, or 1400 ± 100.
Exponential Terms

• When multiplying exponential terms,

add exponents.
103×106 = 103+6 = 109
103×10-6 = 103+(-6) = 10-3
3.2×10-4 × 1.5×109
= 3.2 × 1.5 × 10-4+9
= 4.8×105
When dividing exponential
terms, subtract exponents.
Raising Exponential
Terms to a Power

• When raising exponential terms to a

power, multiply exponents.
(104)3 = 104•3 = 1012
(3×105)2 = (3)2 × (105)2 = 9×1010
Range of
Range of
Mass and

• Mass is usually defined as a measure of

the amount of matter in an object. Mass can
be defined as the property of matter that
leads to gravitational attractions between
objects and therefore gives rise to weight.
• Matter is anything that occupies a volume
and has a mass.
• The weight of an object, on the Earth, is a
measure of the force of gravitational
attraction between the object and the Earth.
Comparison of the
Mass and Weight of
a 65 kg Person

On Earth and Moon On Moon
Mass 65 kg 65 kg 65 kg
Weight 637 N ≈0 N 1/6(637 N)
= 106 N
Range of
Celsius and
Precision and

• Precision describes how closely a series

of measurements of the same object
resemble each other. The closer the
measurements are to each other, the more
precise the measurement. The precision of
a measurement is not necessarily equal to
its accuracy.
• Accuracy is a measurement’s relationship
to the property’s true value.
Precision and
Accuracy (cont.)
Reporting Values
from Measurements

• One of the conventions that

scientists use for reporting
numbers from measurements
is to report all of the certain
digits and one estimated (and
thus uncertain) digit.
Graduated Cylinder
Accurate to ±0.1
Zeros (2)

Report all digits unless

otherwise instructed.
Readout (2)

In many cases, it is best to round the

number in the value to fewer decimal
positions than displayed. For the mass
displayed above, 100.432 g would
indicate ±0.001 g.

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