Mtap - Aubf Review Notes Finals

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PREPARED BY: Ma’am Jennifer Gaytano-Bautista

PART IV. OTHER BODY FLUIDS Tube # Section Storage
1 Chemistry or Frozen
serology section
CSF 3 Hematology Refrigerated

➔ Considered as the 3rd major body fluid APPEARANCE

➔ 1st recognized by Catugno in 1764
➔ Does not resemble an ultrafiltrate of plasma Crystal Clear Normal
➔ CSF is derived from ultrafiltration and secretion Cloudy, Milky, Turbid ↑ Protein, Lipid, WBC
of blood through choroid plexus Bloody Intracranial hemorrhage,
traumatic tap
Functions Xanthochromic (Pink, Hemoglobin, bilirubin,
Orange, Yellow) carotene, ↑ protein,
➔ Supply nutrients to nervous tissue melanin
➔ Removes metabolic waste ➔ Pink – oxyhemoglobin
➔ Orange – heavy hemolysis
➔ Cushion the brain & spinal cord against trauma
➔ Yellow – conversion of oxyhemoglobin into
CSF Volume unconjugated bilirubin
Clotted Clotting factors
➔ Adults: 90-150 mL introduced by traumatic
➔ Neonates: 10-60 mL
Pellicle Tubercular meningitis
➔ Production of CSF: 20 mL/hr approx. 480 mL/d seen after overnight of
➔ In Henry’s approx. 500 mL/d refrigeration
Oily Radiographic contrast
Formation & Physiology
➔ Meninges – lines the brain and the spinal cord TRAUMATIC TAP VS. INTRACRANIAL
3 layers: HEMORRHAGE
➔ Dura mater: hard matter; outer most layer of
the meninges; it lines the skull and vertebral Traumatic Tap Intracranial Hemorrhage
canal Uneven distribution of Even distribution of blood
➔ Arachnoid matter – middle layer; spider blood
like/web like structure Clot formation No clot formation
➔ Pia mater – inner layer; lines the surface of Supernatant: not Supernatant:
the brain and spinal cord xantochromic xantochromic
➔ Subarachnoid space – space between the Erythrophagocytosis -
arachnoid matter and pia mater; this is where macrophage containing
the CSF flows RBCs/hemosiderin
➔ Choroid plexus - Responsible for the granules
(+) D-dimer – indication of
production of CSF
fibrin degradation product
➔ Blood-Brain-Barrier (BBB) – tight fitting
endothelial cells Cell Count
➔ Produces 20 mL/hr of fluid
➔ Most routinely performed WBC count
Specimen Collection
➔ Should be performed ASAP
➔ RBC: disintegrate within 1 hour
➔ Procedure: lumbar tap/lumbar puncture: 3rd, 4th,
➔ ↓ by 40% in WBC: after 2 hours
5th lumbar vertebrae
➔ Pleocytosis - ↑ number of cells in CSF
➔ Before aspirating: opening pressure is
measured first Methods
➔ Ideally: test is performed on STAT basis
➔ Position: lying or sitting position ➔ Manual – Neubauer counting chamber
➔ Automated: automated cell counters
CSF Specimen Collection Tubes
➔ QC: results of manual count should agree with
automated count by ± 25%
➔ 3 sterile tubes: numbered in order they are
withdrawn Normal Values
➔ If possible: 4th tube may be withdrawn for
microbiology section ➔ Adult: 0-5 cells/uL → predominant cells:

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PREPARED BY: Ma’am Jennifer Gaytano-Bautista
➔ Neonates: 0-30 cells/uL → predominant cells: ➔ Level declines rapidly when treatment is
MONOCYTES successful

CSF Electrophoresis CSF Glutamine

➔ Primary Purpose: detection of oligoclonal ➔ Preferred over direct measurement of CSF

bands ammonia
➔ Can determine if a fluid is indeed CSF ➔ Ammonia is volatile
➔ Normal values: 8-18 mg/dL
Oligoclonal Bands ➔ Elevated levels: associated with liver disorder
that result in ↑ blood and CSF ammonia
➔ Indicates immunoglobulin production ➔ Frequently requested procedure for patients
➔ Bands are located in the GAMMA region of the with coma of unknown origin
protein electrophoresis ➔ ↑ in approximately 75% of children with Reye’s
➔ Interpretation: syndrome
 Oligoclonal bands in CSF ONLY: ➔ Glutamine produced from ammonia & α-
▪ Multiple sclerosis ketoglutarate by the brain cells
▪ Other: neurologic disorder,  This process serves to remove
encephalitis, neurosyphilis, ammonia from the CNS
Guillain-Barre syndrome
 Oligoclonal Bands in CSF and Microbiology Test
▪ HIV infection ➔ Identification of causative agent in Meningitis
 Oligoclonal Bands in SERUM ONLY ➔ Microorganism must be recovered by growing it
▪ Leukemia, Lymphoma, Viral on the appropriate culture medium
infections ➔ 24 hours in cases of bacterial meningitis
▪ May produce CSF banding ➔ 6 weeks for tubercular meningitis
because of BBB leakage or ➔ Specimen concentration: CSF centrifuged @
blood contamination during 1500 g for 15 minutes → sediment used or slides
lumbar tap & culture
➔ CSF culture: confirmatory test rather than
Myelin Basic Protein diagnostic test
➔ Microbiology test for a preliminary diagnosis
➔ Indicates recent destruction of the myelin sheath  Gram stain
that protects the axon of the neurons  Acid fast stain
(demyelination)  India ink preparation
➔ Measurement can be used to monitor the course  Latex agglutination test
of multiple sclerosis
CSF Glucose
➔ Value: 60-70% of plasma glucose Bacterial Viral Tubercular Fungal
➔ Example: Neutrophil Lymphoc Lymphocyt Lymphocytes,
 Plasma glucose: 100 mg/dL

ytes es, monocytes,

nt Cell

 CSF glucose: 65 mg/dL monocytes eosinophil

➔ Blood glucose: should be drawn 2 hours prior
to lumbar tap (CSF)
➔ ↑ levels: always a result of plasma elevations of
Marked Moderate Moderate to marked
↑ Protein

➔ ↓ levels: caused by alteration in transport in

BBB and ↑ used by brain cells

Markedly ↓ Normal ↓ Normal to ↓

➔ Destruction of tissue within the CNS due to

hypoxia causes the production of ↑ CSF lactate
➔ Aid in the diagnosis and management of
meningitis cases
➔ Used to monitor severe head injuries >35 mg/dL >25 mg/dL
➔ Falsely elevated: obtained from xantochromic or

hemolyzed samples
➔ Elevation is consistent with: bacterial,
tubercular, and fungal meningitis

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PREPARED BY: Ma’am Jennifer Gaytano-Bautista
Testes ➔ Seminiferous tubules –
production of
Gram Stain spermatozoa
Epididymis ➔ Storage and maturation
➔ Routinely performed on CSF from all suspected of sperm
cases of meningitis Seminal ➔ Produces most of the
➔ Values lies in the detection of bacterial and Vesicles fluid present in the semen
fungal organism (60%-70%)
➔ Use of cytocentrifuge: provides highly ➔ Fructose – used by
concentrated specimens sperm for energy &
gray appearance of
Infants ➔ S. agalactiae sperm
➔ E. coli K1 strain, L. Prostate Gland ➔ Aids in propelling the
monocytogenes sperm through the
Adolescents/Adults ➔ H. influenzae type B, urethra by contractions
S. pneumoniae during ejaculation
➔ S. pneumoniae Bulbourethral ➔ Contributes about 5% of
Elderly ➔ N. meningitides, L. Gland the fluid volume in the
monocytogenes form of thick alkaline
➔ C. neoformans mucus (helps neutralize
vaginal acidity)
Cryptococcus neoformans
➔ Cryptococcal meningitis (one the frequently
occurring complications of AIDS) ➔ Sexual abstinence – at least 2 days but not
➔ Laboratory findings: India ink: thick more than 7 days
encapsulated organism  Prolong abstinence – higher volume
➔ Gram stain: starburst pattern (may be seen and decreased motility
more often than a positive India ink ➔ Fertility testing – according to WHO: 2 or 3
➔ Associated with ↑ eosinophils sample be collected not les than 7 days or more
than 3 weeks apart with 2 abnormal samples
Limulus Lysate Test considered as significant
➔ Specimen/Semen – if possible, should be
➔ Diagnosis of meningitis caused by gram (-) collected in the room provided by the laboratory
bacteria  Should be analyzed within 1hr
➔ Limulus amoebacyte reacts with bacterial  Semen collected outside the laboratory
endotoxin of gram (-) bacteria should be kept in room temp – 20-24°C
➔ Reagent: from blood cells of horseshoe crab and should be delivered in the
(Limulus polyphemus) laboratory 1hr before the collection
➔ (+) result: coagulation within 1 hour of  37°C temperature if the semen will not
incubation @37°C be processed immediately
 Should be collected by masturbation
Serologic Testing  Non-lubricant condom and
rubber/polyurethane condom can be
➔ Detection of neurosyphilis
used in collection
➔ Venereal Disease Research Laboratories
➔ Procedure recommended by the CDC to
diagnose neurosyphilis APPEARANCE
➔ Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody-Adsorption
(FTA-ABS) Test - more sensitive than VDRL; ➔ Normal semen – gray-white color, appears
prevent contamination with blood because the translucent, has characteristic of musty odor
FTA-ABS remains positive in the serum of ➔ Low sperm concentration: appears almost
treated cases of syphilis clear
➔ Increase white turbidity: indicates presence of
SEMINAL FLUID WBCs and infection within the reproductive tract
➔ LE reagent strip: useful in differentiating
Semen presence of WBC compare to immature sperm
➔ Composed of 4 fractions that are contributed by: ➔ Red coloration: presence of RBC

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PREPARED BY: Ma’am Jennifer Gaytano-Bautista
➔ Yellow coloration: urine contamination – ➔ Sperm count: sperm concentration x sperm
retrograde ejaculation (significant finding), volume
prolonged abstinence and medication ➔ Normal sperm count: >40 million per ejaculate


Liquefaction ➔ Sperm should be capable of forward,

progressive motility
➔ Fresh semen specimen is clotted within 30-60 ➔ Should be assessed using a well-mixed,
mins after collection liquefied specimen within 1hr of specimen
➔ Failure of liquefaction w/in 60 mins.: caused collection
by deficiency in prostatic enzymes and should
be reported Morphology
➔ Prostate gland: produces 20-30% acidic fluid
➔ Milky acidic fluid components: acid ➔ Head – oval shape approx. 5um long and 3um
phosphatase, citric acid, zinc, proteolytic wide
enzyme  Acrosomal cap – enzyme containing
 Responsible for coagulation and critical to ovum penetration
liquefaction of semen (encompasses half of the head and
➔ If after 2 hours the specimen has not liquefied, cover approx. two thirds of the sperm
an equal volume of physiologic Dulbecco’s nucleus)
phosphate-buffered saline of proteolytic ➔ Neckpiece – attaches the head to the tail and
enzymes such as alpha-chymotrypsin or midpiece
bromelain may be added to induce liquefaction ➔ Midpiece – approx. 7um long, thickest part of
and allow the rest of the analysis to be the tail (surrounded by the mitochondrial sheath
performed that produces energy required by tail for motility)
➔ Tail – 45 um long
➔ Normal semen volume: 2-5 mL
➔ Increased volume: prolonged abstinence ➔ Strict criteria – normal form >14%
➔ Decreased volume: frequently associated with ➔ WHO Criteria - >30%
infertility ➔ Round cells - <1.0 M/mL
➔ Incomplete specimen collection must be ➔ Air-dried smear – used to test for morphology
considered ➔ Stains used
 Wright’s stain
Viscosity  Giemsa
 Shorr
➔ Refers to the consistency of the fluid and may  Papanicolaou stain
be related to specimen liquefaction ➔ Evaluate 300 sperm - >14% normal form should
➔ Incomplete liquefied specimen: clumped and be obtained
highly viscous
➔ Normal: easily drawn into a pipette and form Abnormal Heads
small discrete droplets, do not appear clumped
or stringy ➔ Double head
➔ Droplets that form longer than 2cm: highly ➔ Giant/amorphous pinheads
viscous, abnormal ➔ Tapered
➔ Constricted
➔ Normal pH: 7.2-8.0
➔ Increased pH: indicates infection within the ➔ Doubled
reproductive tract ➔ Coiled
➔ Decreased pH: increased prostatic fluid, ➔ Bent
ejaculatory duct obstruction, poorly developed
seminal vesicles ADDITIONAL TESTS

Sperm Concentration Sperm Vitality

➔ Normal sperm concentration: >.20-250 mL ➔ Normal sperm concentration is tested

sperm/mL ➔ ↓ SV – normal sperm concentration, markedly
➔ Borderline sperm concentration: 10-20 decreased motility
million per sperm/mL

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PREPARED BY: Ma’am Jennifer Gaytano-Bautista
➔ Eosin Nigrosin Stain – 100 sperm is evaluated; ▪ T. vaginalis
dead cells are counted; phase contrast  Yellow, opaque cervical discharge:
microscope is used ▪ C. trachomatis
 NSV - >50 living sperm cells %; will
 Dead sperm cell – stains red against
purple background pH

➔ Normal vaginal flora, bacteria, lactobacilli:

produces lactic acid (end product of glycogen
metabolism), provides an acidic vaginal
Vaginal Secretions
environment with pH between 3.8-4.5H2
➔ H2O2 – keeps the vaginal acidic and provides
➔ Examined in order to diagnose infection,
protection against infections
complication of pregnancy, forensic testing in
➔ >4.5 pH – bacterial vaginosis, Trichomoniasis,
sexual assault patients
desquamative inflammatory vaginitis, atrophic
Specimen Collection & Handling vaginitis
➔ 3.8-4.5 – Candidiasis
➔ Speculum – moistened with warm water is used ➔ Estrogen – production is necessary to preserve
to visualize vaginal fornices an acidic vaginal environment
➔ Collected by: swabbing the vaginal walls and
vaginal pool to collect the epithelial cells along Microscopic Procedure
with vaginal secretions
➔ Initial Screening Test: saline wet mounts &
➔ Sterile, polyester-tipped swab on plastic
shafts or swabs – specifically designated by
 KOH – used to identify yeast cells;
manufacturer should be used
lyses RBC
➔ Cotton swabs – toxic to N. gonorrhea
 Amine – whiff test
➔ Wood in wooden shafts – toxic to Chlamydia
➔ Confirmatory Test (Yeast Bacterial
Vaginosis) – gram stain
➔ Calcium alginate – can inactivate herps
simplex virus (HSV) for viral cultures
 Room temperature to:
▪ Preserve motility of T.
vaginalis Rare <10 organisms or cells /slide
▪ Recovery of N. gonorrhea 1+ <1 organisms or cell /HPF
 Refrigerate 2+ 1-5 organisms or cells /HPF
▪ For C. trachomatis and HSV 3+ 6-30 organisms or cells /HPF
to prevent overgrowth of 4+ >30 organisms or cells /HPF
normal flora
Color & Appearance
Squamous EC
➔ Normal vaginal fluid appears white with
flocculent discharge ➔ Exhibit a polygonal “flagstone” appearance
➔ Microscopically:
Clue Cells
 Normal vaginal flora: predominance of
large, rod-shaped, gram + lactobacilli
➔ Squamous epithelial cells with attached
 Squamous epithelial cells
 WBC and RBS may be present if the
➔ Granular, irregular appearance
patient is menstruating
➔ “shaggy”
➔ Abnormal vaginal secretions
➔ Diagnostic for bacterial vaginosis (G. vaginalis)
 Homogenous white to gray
discharge White Blood Cells
▪ Often seen in bacterial
vaginosis ➔ Are present in rare to scanty numbers in vaginal
 White “cottage-cheese” like secretions
discharge ➔ >3+ WBCS: vaginal candidiasis, atrophic
▪ Particular for Candida vaginitis, or infections with Trichomonas,
infections Chlamydia, N. gonorrhea, herpes simplex
 Yellow-green frothy, adherent ➔ Present due to menstruation or desquamative
discharge inflammatory process

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PREPARED BY: Ma’am Jennifer Gaytano-Bautista
➔ Confused with yeast cells, can be distinguished NUGENT’S GRAM STAIN CRITERIA TO DIAGNOSE
Red Blood Cells Lactobacillus Gardnerella Curved Points
& gram-
➔ Present due to menstruation or desquamative Bacteroides variable
inflammatory process spp. rods
➔ Confused with yeast cells, can be distinguished Morphocytes
by KOH → RBC will lyse 4+ 0 0 0
3+ 1+ 1+ or 2+ 1
Parabasal Cells 2+ 2+ 3+ or 4+ 1
1+ 3+ 3
➔ Round to oval shaped with marked basophilic 0 4+ 4
granulation or amorphic basophilic structures NOTE: points are added according to morphocytes seen.
(“blue blobs”) in surrounding cytoplasm Add the points for all 3 columns for a final sum. A score of
➔ Increased in desquamative inflammatory 7 or higher indicates BACTERIAL VAGINOSIS
vaginitis accompanied by large numbered of
WBCs KOH Preparation and Amine (Whiff) Test

Basal Cells ➔ Performed by placing a drop of saline specimen

prepared from the collection swab onto a
➔ Round cells which can be distinguished from properly labeled clean slide and adding one drop
WBCs (multilobed nucleus) of 10% KOH
➔ Large number of WBCs: indicative of ➔ Check for “fishy” amine odor
desquamative inflammatory vaginitis ➔ Positive – presence of fishy odor; negative –
absence of fishy odor
Trichomonas vaginalis
Gram Staining
➔ Atrial flagellated protozoan that can cause
vaginal inflammation and infection in women ➔ Considered as the gold standard in identifying
➔ Exhibits “jerky” motion observed in wet mount the causative organisms for bacterial vaginosis
➔ Dead Trichomonas tend to appear oval and
slightly larger than a WBC Culture

Yeast Cells ➔ Considered gold standard for detecting yeast &

Trichomonas – time consuming & requires up to
➔ Candida albicans and non-Candida spp. causes 2 days of result)
most fungal infections but an occasional yeast ➔ Diamond’s Medium – special media required
cell is considered as part of normal flora for T. vaginalis
➔ Appears in wet mount as both budding yeast ➔ Culture for G. vaginalis – not a diagnostic
cells (blastophores) or has hyphae, which are procedure for bacterial vaginosis – part of
long filaments and from a mycelium normal flora in 50% of healthy women


➔ Vagina – non-sterile environment with complex
endogenous bacterial flora that varies with age
& hormonal status of patient ➔ Amnion – membranous sac that surrounds the
➔ Lactobacillus spp. – largest portion of bacterial fetus
 Appearance: large, gram +, non-motile PRIMARY FUNCTION OF AMNIOTIC FLUID
 Produces lactic acid, maintains the ➔ Provide protective cushion for the fetus
vaginal pH @ 3.8-4.5 ➔ Allow fetal movement
 H2O2 produced by lactobacillus spp. ➔ Stabilize the temperature to protect the fetus
helps to suppress growth of other from extreme temperature changes
organisms ➔ Permit proper lung development
➔ Mobiluncus spp. – thin, curve, gram-negative
motile rods VOLUME
➔ Gardnerella vaginalis/Bacteroides spp. – short, AF volume is regulated by a balance between:
gram-negative coccobacilli
1. Production of Fetal urine & lung fluid

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PREPARED BY: Ma’am Jennifer Gaytano-Bautista
2. Absorption from fetal swallowing & ▪ + Screen for AMNIOTIC
intramembranous flow FLUID: presence of “FERN-
a. 3rd Trimester – approximately 800- LIKE” crystals (due to protein
1200 mL (gradually decrease prior to & sodium chloride)
b. Polyhydramnois – Amniotic Fluid Amniocentesis
>1200 mL
i. Due to: failure of the fetal ➔ AF is obtained by needle aspiration into the
lung to begin swallowing amniotic sac
ii. Secondary associated with: ➔ Maximum of 30mL collected in sterile syringe
fetal structural anomalies, ➔ 1st 2-3mL collected → DISCARDED
cardiac arrhythmias, ➔ Safe if performed after 14th week gestation
congenital infections, Procedure
chromosomal abnormalities
c. Oligohydramnois – Amniotic Fluid < 1. Transabdominal Amniocentesis: most
800 mL frequently performed
i. Due to: ↑ fetal lung 2. Vaginal Amniocentesis: great risk of infection
swallowing, urinary tract
deformities, membrane Specimen Handling & Storage:
➔ Bilirubin Testing
 Place in amber colored tubes or black
1st Trimester plastic cover for container
➔ Fluid for Chemical Testing
➔ Volume of approximately 35mL
 Separated from cellular element and
➔ Composition similar to maternal plasma
➔ Contains small amount of sloughed fetal cells
➔ Cytogenetic Studies
 Basis for Cytogenetic Analysis
 Stored at RT or Body Temperature
3rd Trimester (370C)
➔ FLM (Fetal Lung Maturity)
➔ Volume reaches a peak of 1L – gradually  Low speed centrifugation not >5
decreases prior to delivery minutes
➔ Major Volume Contributor in Fetal Urine  Filtration recommended prior to testing
o ↑ Creatinine, Urea, Uric Acid  Delivered in ICE
o >2mg/dL Creatinine = Fetus >36  Refrigerated prior to testing (Tested
weeks within 72 hours)
o AF Creatinine does not exceed
AF Color & Appearance
3.5mg/dL & Urea 30mg/dL
o ↓ Glucose & Protein
➔ Normal AF: Colorless
 Transparency: slight to moderate
turbidity (from cellular debris,
AMNIOTIC FLUID particularly in later stages of fetal
Maternal Urine Amniotic Fluid development)
Creatinine High (up to Lower (don’t
Color Significance
10mg/dL) exceed
Colorless Normal
Blood-streaked Traumatic Tap, abdominal
Urea High (up to Lower (don’t
trauma, intra-amniotic
300mg/dL) exceed
Yellow HDN (Bilirubin)
Glucose & Negative (Normally) Present
Dark Green Meconium (NB 1st bowel
Fern Test Negative Positive
Dark red-brown Fetal death

➔ Fern Test – used to evaluate premature rupture TESTS FOR FETAL DISTRESS
of the membranes.
 Vaginal Fluid specimen is spread on
Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn (HDN)
the glass slide
➔ Oldest routinely performed laboratory test on
 Allow to completely dry at RT
amniotic fluid evaluates the severity of the fetal
 Observed microscopically:
anemia produced by HDN.

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PREPARED BY: Ma’am Jennifer Gaytano-Bautista
➔ Rh-Negative Mother ↔ Rh-Positive Newborn ➔ Sphingomyelin: lipid that is produced at a
 Initial exposure to foreign red cell constant rate after about 26th week of gestation
antigen occurs during: (STIMULATES
the mother to produce antibodies L/S Ratio
against the antigen) Prior to 35 weeks’ Usually, <1.6
▪ Gestation gestation
After 35 weeks’ 2.0 or higher
▪ Delivery of the placenta
▪ Previous pregnancy (when Therefore: when L/S Ratio reaches 2.0 → PRETERM
fetal RBCs enter the maternal delivery is usually considered to be relatively a
circulation SAFE procedure
➔ Presence of (red blood cell degradation ➔ Falsely Elevated L/S Ratio: AF contaminated
product): Unconjugated Bilirubin (Amniotic with blood or meconium
Fluid) → due to destruction of fetal red blood
cells Phosphatidyl Glycerol

Neural Tube Defects (NTD) ➔ Lung surface lipid

➔ Can be detected after 35 weeks’ gestation
➔ Most common birth defects in the US ➔ Production of PG normally – parallel – with –
➔ Can be detected by: Maternal Serum Alpha- LECITHIN
Fetoprotein (MSAFP), High Resolution  Production is DELAYED: in cases of
Ultrasound & Amniocentesis Maternal Diabetes
➔ ↑ AFP (both maternal circulation & AF):
Indicative of NTD (e.g., Anencephaly & Spina Foam Stability Index
➔ AFP: major protein produced by the fetal liver ➔ “Foam” or “Shake” Test
during early gestation (prior to 18 weeks)  Mechanical Screening Test
➔ Amniotic Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) – more  Measure the INDIVIDUAL LUNG-
specific than AFP SURFACE lipid concentrations
 Not to be performed in bloody
specimen → Blood contains AChE
1.Amniotic Fluid + 95% Ethanol
TESTS FOR FETAL LUNG MATURITY 2.Shake for 15 seconds
Fetal Lung Maturity 3.Allowed to sit undisturbed for 15 minutes
4.Surface of the fluid is observed for: PRESENCE
➔ Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS): OF CONTINUOS LINE OF BUBBLES AROUND
 Most frequent complication of early THE OUTSIDE EDGE.
delivery a. Presence of the Bubbles: Indicates a
 7th most common cause of morbidity & sufficient amount of phospholipids
mortality in premature infant ➔ Falsely Mature Index Result: AF contaminated
 Cause by insufficiency of Lung with blood or meconium
Surfactant production & structural
Lamellar Bodies
immaturity of the fetal lungs
➔ Surfactant: ➔ Densely packed layers of phospholipids that
 Normally appears in mature lungs and represent a storage form of pulmonary
allows the alveoli (air sacs of the lung) surfactant
to remain open throughout the normal ➔ Secreted by the type II pneumocytes of the fetal
cycle of inhalation and exhalation lung at about 24 weeks of gestation
 Keeps the alveoli from collapsing by ➔ Absorbed into the alveolar spaces to provide
decreasing surface tension and allows surfactant
them to inflate with air more easily ➔ Enters the AF at about 26th week gestation
 ↓ Surfactant = Collapsed of Alveoli = ➔ Increase in concentration from 50,000–
RDS 200,000/mL by the end of 3rd Trimester
Lecithin-Sphingomyelin Ratio ➔ Fetal Lung Mature = ↑ Lamellar Body Production
= ↑ Amniotic Fluid Phospholipids & L/S Ratio
➔ L/S Ratio: reference method for FLM
➔ Lecithin: primary component of the surfactants
(phospholipids, neutral lipids & proteins)
 Produced at a relatively low & constant
rate until the 35th week of gestation


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