RCC Safety Supervisor: Civil

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Dept./Section CIVIL JHA No.: 01

Location of Job Date:-25.06.2021

Job Description RCC Doc.:GSPL/JHA/1.2-

Team Who has done JHA Safety Supervisor Revision=00
Basic job description Potential Hazards Safe Guards / Controls to be put in place Responsibility

1. Material Handling Safety: 1. 25 kg for men & 16 kg for women

1) Heavy load are the maximum lifting capacity Site Supervisor
to be strictly followed. Safety
2) Sharp edges of load Supervisor
2. Safety gloves to be worn while
3) Bad housekeeping handling.
3. Good housekeeping is to be
Environment: maintained on worksite.
NA 4. Proper supervision for wrong
Quality: procedural working.
NA 5. Small intervals to be provided
between work.
1.Improper working
6. Shelter & rain coat to be provided
to workers.
2.Continuation Of
7. Sand & broken bricks to be laid on
Seasonal: swampy ground.
1.Heavy downpour. 8. Drinking water facility & shed to
2.Lightening be provided on work place.
3.Swampy area. 9. ORS should be present
4.High Temperature compulsory in first aid box.
5.Loo 10. Adequate PPEs usage.
Occupational 11. Periodic medical check up
Health Hazard:

Required PPE Required Required Training Experienced site in-

Tools/Equipments charge
Safety Hand gloves, Safety Training before start of job Available
Goggles, Safety Helmet, Training about the following SOP
Safety Shoes, Ear plug. Nose
Mask, Fluorescent Jacket

Signature of JHA Team Members


Dept./Section CIVIL JHA No.: 01

Location of Job

Job Description RCC

Team Who has done Safety Supervisor
Basic job Potential Hazards Safe Guards / Controls to be put in place Responsibility

2. Excavation by Safety: 1. NOC , work permit before start of operation.

manually. 1. Damage of 2. Pre inspection of hand tools . Supervisor
underground services 3. Barricade the operation area. Site Safety
(cables, pipes) etc. Supervisor
4. Safe distance i.e 1.5m away from the excavated
2. Faulty hand tools.
3. Excavated pit side pit to be maintained for any work.
collapse. 5. Caution board to be installed with warning
4. Falling of person & sign.
material into the pit. 6. Adequate PPE usage (i.e gum boot specifically
5. Biological Hazard for this work), beat the ground with stick
Environment: heavily and repeatedly before start of work
1. Dust
wherever there is bushy area beside the work
7. Water sprinkling to be on timely basis on work
Ergonomic: site.
1.Wrong working 8. Proper supervision required.
posture. 9. Small work break needed between operation.
2. Faulty manual 10. Follow TSL authorized guidelines for manual
handling. handling.
11. Sand and broken bricks to laid on swampy
1.Swampy area
2.Lightening floor.
3. Land slide 12. Designated shelter & information regarding
4.High Temperature safeguards of lightening.
Occupational 13. Pathway for debris flow to be rerouted,
Health Hazard: installing sand bags/structures for rerouting.
1.Musculoskeletal 14. Drinking water facility with adequate shelter
disorder on work site.
15. Periodic medical check up

Required PPE Required Required Training Experienced site

Tools/Equipments in-charge
Safety Hand gloves, Digging bar, Training before start of job Available
Safety Goggles, Safety shovel ,hoe, gamla, Training about the following SOP
Helmet, Safety Shoes, hammer
Ear plug. Nose Mask,
Fluorescent jacket

Signature of JHA Team Members


Dept./Section CIVIL JHA No.: 01

Location of Job

Job Description RCC

Team Who has done JHA Safety Supervisor
Basic job description Potential Hazards Safe Guards / Controls to be put in place Responsibility

3. Levelling by vibrator. Safety: 1.Competent working personnel needed. Supervisor

1) Injury due to using 2.Good housekeeping to maintained on Site Safety
improper way. work site. Supervisor
2) Trip and fall hazards 3. Prior start of work equipment checklist
due to negligence work. to be maintained.
3) Physical injury due 4.Adequate PPEs usage compulsory.
to using faulty 5. Barricade the work place, with caution
equipment. board.
4. Flying chips and dust 6.Unauthorised access not permitted
hazard. within working premises.
5) Movement of 8. Good quality fuel to be used , calibrated
unauthorised equipment should be compulsory.
personnel. 9.Water sprinkling needed.
6) Frayed Wire 10.Only manufactures’ parts to be replaced
7) Movement of other while break down maintenance.
vehicles. 11. Proper supervision needed on work
Environment: site.
1.Dust 12.Shelter, drinking water should be
2. Smoke available on work site.
Quality: 13. Raincoat to be provided.
1.Low-standard 14. Shed should be available.
machinery parts 15.Periodic medical check up
1.Wrong working
1.High Temperature
Health Hazard:

Required PPE Required Required Training Experienced site in-

Tools/Equipments charge
Safety Hand gloves, Safety Vibrator Training before start of job Available
Goggles, Safety Helmet, Training about the following SOP
Safety Shoes, Ear plug.Nose
Mask, Fluorescent Jacket

Signature of JHA Team Members


Dept./Section CIVIL JHA No.: 01

Location of Job

Job Description RCC

Team Who has done JHA Safety Supervisor
Basic job description Potential Hazards Safe Guards / Controls to be put in place Responsibility

4. Reinforcement work. Safety: 1. Proper stacking of material to be done

1. Fall of material due away from the work site. Site Supervisor
1. Manually handling of TMT to improper stacking. 2. Cut-piece of card board or gunny bag to Safety
Bar *Hand and leg injury be wrapped on the edges of the material Supervisor
due to Sharp edge, carried.
2. Stacking of Bar. Projected nail, tor steel 3.Tools to be carried in specified tool kits.
3. Bar bending. of reinforcement. 4. Safety goggles usage compulsory.
4.Laying of re-bar as per * Eye injury by flying 5.Good housekeeping to be maintained.
drawing. dust particles. 6. Avoid horseplay, haphazard manner
2. Slips, Trips and Fall work procedure to be avoided.
Hazard. 7. Long handle to be used for pipe/rod
3. Hand injury due to bending.
slipping/breaking of 8. Machine guard , spatter controller
pipe/rod during bar machine to be used while working.
bending. 9. Pre- inspection of machine before start of
4. A) Burn injury and work.
eye injury by spatter. 10. Avoid frayed wire , loose electric
B) Failure of cutter connection with must earthing.
machine and cutter 11.Proper supervision.
wheel. 12. Interval between operation.
C) Electric shock. 13.Shelter , drinking water facility.
Environment: 14. Rain coat, shed.
NA 15. Designated shedding and information
Quality: regarding hazards of lightening.
16.Periodic medical check up

1.Faulty working
2.Long working hours.
Seasonal :

1.High Temperature
2.Heavy Rainfall
Health Hazard:

Required PPE Required Required Training Experienced site in-

Tools/Equipments charge
Safety Hand gloves, Safety Cutter Machine, Pliers, Training before start of job
Goggles, Safety Helmet, Screwdrivers Training about the following SOP
Safety Shoes, Ear plug. Nose
Mask, Fluorescent jacket

Signature of JHA Team Members


Dept./Section CIVIL JHA No.: 01

Location of Job

Job Description RCC

Team Who has done JHA Safety Supervisor
Basic job description Potential Safe Guards / Controls to be put in place Responsibility
5. Shuttering - De- Safety: 1.Competent carpenter to be deployed for
shuttering Work. 1. Hand and leg injury handling wooden planks/plies . Site Supervisor
due to Sharp edge, 2. Adequate PPE usage compulsory. Safety
Projected nail. 3.Machine guard should be must for Supervisor
*Eye injury by flying operating cutting machine.
dust particles. Hand tools to be carried specified tool kit.
2. Finger injury during 4. Harness belt should be used.
Ply/Bottom cutting by 5. Good housekeeping to be maintained at
Hacksaw/ Electrical work site.
cutter. 6. ELCB , adequate earthing, insulated wire,
3. Fall of person or adequate socket needed before start of
material while working work.
at height. 7.Proper supervision.
4.Slip trip and fall 8. Small gap to be given between working
hazard due to Improper hours.
stacking of material. 9.Shelter near work place.
5.Electric Shock. 10. Rain coat
Environment: 11. Periodic medical check up
1..Improper working
2. Long working hours.
1.High Temperature
2. Rainfall
Health Hazard:

Required PPE Required Required Training Experienced site in-

Tools/Equipments charge/supervisor
Safety Hand gloves, Safety Tool Kit, Electric cutter Training before start of job. Available
Goggles, Safety Helmet, machine Training about the following SOP
Safety Shoes, Ear plug. Nose
Mask, Fluorescent jacket

Signature of JHA Team Members


Dept./Section CIVIL JHA No.: 01

Location of Job

Job Description RCC

Team Who has done JHA Safety Supervisor
Basic job description Potential Safe Guards / Controls to be put in place Responsibility
6. RCC Work. Safety:
1.Barricade , caution board to be installed Site Supervisor
1. Unauthorised
on work site. Safety
personnel movement
2. Safety goggles, safety helmet Supervisor
2. Spatters 3. Work place to be properly sorted and
3. Bad housekeeping adequately maintained.
4. Concrete solution 4. MSDS & safety hand gloves.
Environment: 5.Proper supervision needed.
NA 6. Shelter with adequate drinking water to
Quality: be present on work site.
NA 7.Rain coat with designated shed should be
Ergonomic: present on work site.
1. Wrong working 8.Periodic medical check up
1.High Temperature
2. Heavy Rainfall
Health Hazard:

Required PPE Required Required Training Experienced site in-

Tools/Equipments charge/supervisor
Safety Hand gloves, Safety Spade, Hoe, Watering Training before start of job. Available
Goggles, Safety Helmet, Can, Gamla Training about the following SOP
Safety Shoes, Ear plug.
Mask, Safety Jacket

Signature of JHA Team Members


Dept./Section CIVIL JHA No.: 01

Location of Job
Job Description RCC
Team Who has done JHA Safety Supervisor
Basic job description Potential Safe Guards / Controls to be put in place Responsibility
7. Disposal of debris Safety: 1. Competent worker with adequate
Manually. experience in dealing debris Site Supervisor
1. Removing debris disposal. Safety
pieces. Supervisor
2. Safety goggles to be worn during
2. Flying particles.
4.Low level of structure. work.
3. Caution to be installed in regional
5. Damage tools and
tackles. language on low structure area,
safety helmet.
6. Biological Hazard
4. Proper supervision and pre
checking of tools used .
Water pollution due to
5. Adequate PPE usage (i.e gum boot
cement & iron particles.
specifically for this work), beat the
Quality: NA
ground with stick heavily and
repeatedly before start of work
Wrong lifting technique
wherever there is bushy area
& posture
Seasonal: beside the work area.
1.Humidity 6. Specific dust-bin for specified
2.Heavy Rainfall debris and dispose waste material
3. Lightening away from water source.
Occupational 7. Keep both the legs apart & keep
Health Hazard: backbone straight with proper
1.Musculoskeletal supervision.
disorder 8. Drinking water facility & shelter
on work site.
9. Rain coat, shed .
10. Stop the work & take shelter in a
designated place.
11. Periodic medical check up

Required PPE Required Required Training Experienced site in-

Tools/Equipments charge/supervisor
Safety Hand gloves, Safety Broom, Spade Training before start of job. Available
Goggles, Safety Helmet, Training about the following SOP
Safety Shoes, Ear plug.
Mask, Safety Jacket

Signature of JHA Team Members

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