Fibonacci Sequence
Fibonacci Sequence
Fibonacci Sequence
For example: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, …1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, … is a pattern made of numbers
(called a sequence), and this pattern is characterized by doubling (i.e., each term is
twice as large as the term before).
Finding and describing patterns is at the heart of mathematics and most of these
patterns can be observed in nature.
This parable shows that it is only through sharing what each of us knows that true
understanding could possibly be reached.
Nature in itself is interesting and amazing. There are visible regularities of form found in
the natural world. These are called patterns in nature.
Nature by Numbers:
- The result of this ratio (ie the division of a by b) is an irrational number known as
Phi —not to be confused with Pi— and an approximate value of 1.61803399…
- The Golden Angle - he angular proportional relationship between two circular
- Animals can exhibit many different forms of symmetry. Some not at all (sea
- Bilateral – one plane divides into 2 mirror images
- Radial – more than 2 planes divide into identical pieces
- Pentaradical – five planes divide the organism evenly
- Spherical – can be cut into two identical halves through any cut that runs
through its center.
Spirals in Nature
Meanders in Nature
Humans are capable of producing intricate and creative patterns and they use this
perspective to explain the structure behind the patterns that are found in nature.
- Reaction-diffusion system
- Morphogens – any two chemical substances that work together to stop and start
a reaction. Examples: hormones, proteins, and acids
- Interact > diffuse > decay
Hexagons – 120 degrees, more filling with fewer edges, created by surface tension
Some important discoveries and inventions often originated from a simple curiosity.
- Calculation
- Application
- Inspiration
Math is the science of patterns, and we study it to learn to think critically and creatively
Golden Ratio
Some 2,500 years ago, in Ancient Greece, it was discovered that when a line is divided
into two parts in a ratio of 1: 1.618, it creates an appealing proportion. This ratio is known
as the golden ratio, the divine proportion or phi (named after Phidias, a Greek sculptor
and mathematician who used this ratio when designing sculptures).
Since the Renaissance period, artists like Botticelli and Leonardo Da Vinci have used
the golden ration in the sketching of their paintings, such as Monalisa or Birth of Venus.
During modern times, the golden ratio has been applied to facial beauty and adopted
as a guideline for aesthetic treatments.
This ratio is used to mark out the ideal proportions on a patient’s face and aesthetic
enhancements that ignore phi may make patients look worse.
• the distance from the top of the nose to the center of the lips should be 1.618
times the distance from the center of the lips to the chin
• The hairline to the upper eyelid should be 1.618 times the length of the top of the
upper eyebrow to the lower eyelid.
• the ideal ratio of upper to lower lip volume is 1:1.6 (the lower lip should have
slightly more volume than the upper lip
Divine Proportion
The appearance of rectangles created using the Golden ratio is based on the Divine
Proportion. It appears that a structure based on (or approximately based on) the
measurements of the Divine Proportion will look aesthetically pleasing.
Designers can use this understanding of proportion in an effort to make their work more
visually appealing.
Many designers do not consciously use Divine Proportion in their day-to-day work.
However, it may be that people who gravitate towards the art and design fields have
an intuitive understanding of this system of proportion and make use of it
Not every individual has body dimensions in exact phi proportion but averages across
populations tend towards phi and phi proportions are perceived as being the most
natural or beautiful.
Application of Mathematics
- Examples: Scientists can plot bird migration routes to help conserve endangered
animal populations.
- Social media analysts can crunch all online postings using software to gauge the
netizens’ sentiments on particular issues or personalities.
Big Data
Creating forecast using the time series patterns is dependent on some factors such as
trend, cyclical, seasonal, and irregularity or random effects.
Using mathematics, man is also able to exert control over himself and the effects of