Third Sem Question Paper Criminology and Penalogy
Third Sem Question Paper Criminology and Penalogy
Third Sem Question Paper Criminology and Penalogy
Q1) Define the term ‘Tort’ and state the elements of a tort. Distinguish Tort from a
Crime and Breach of contract.
Q2) What is the rule of “Strict liability”? What are the exceptions to this rule?
Q4) What is the rule of liability? Explain the exceptions recognized to this rule in
Rylands Vs. Fletcher. Explain whether this rule is applicable in India.
Q5) Volenti non fit injuria is defence scientific non fit injuria is not at all defence
Q6) Injuria sine Damnum is actionable but Damnum sine injuria is not actionable.
Q7) What is meant by joint-tort feasors? Explain the need for the payment of
Q8) Examine salient feature of the Motor Vehicle Act 1988 (Amendments in 2000).
Q9) Analyse the evolving law relating to Sovereign Immunity for Torts.
a) Nervous Shock.
b) Hospital Negligence.
d) Public Nuisance.
Total No. of Questions : 10] [Total No. of Pages : 02
Second Year
(Paper – II): Criminology and Penology
Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80
Q2) Explain the important legal and constitutional measures relating to Juveniles.
Q6) ‘The prison should be reformatory’. What are the reforms needed to achieve this
Q7) Distinguish between probation and parole. Also discuss how far a parolee gets
himself readjusted in the normal social life.
Q8) Explain the causes of white-collar crimes and suggest remedial measures.
Q9) Enumerate the powers and duties of police under the Police Act and Criminal
Procedure Code?
b) Prison labour.
c) Corruption in police.