Mba Excel Caso Tivo Kel934-Xls-Eng
Mba Excel Caso Tivo Kel934-Xls-Eng
Mba Excel Caso Tivo Kel934-Xls-Eng
3. Cree una tabla para cada atributo (por ejemplo, Género) y registre el porcentaje de respuestas para cad
de encuestados que respondieron "hombre" y % de respuestas "mujer").
age of responses for each answer (e.g., % of
a. How many married men who are early adopters can afford to purchase a TiVo for $499 and on av
next two years ?
b. How many women with education of MA or PhD are making purchasing decisions for electronics
or because they are making purchasing decisions without the involvement of their spouses?
c. Among early adopters, how many purchase electronics at least once every year and do so in sto
d. How many seniors (above the age of 65) spend more than six hours a day watching TV? What is
Seniors watching > 6 hrs
of TV
Income range
Average annual income
Gender Educatio MaritalCount of gender
female MA marrie 37
single 28
MA Result 65
PhD marrie 26
single 21
PhD Result 47
female Result 112
Favorite feature/CARATERIST(empty)
cool gadget
programming/interactive features
saving favorite shows to watch as a family
schedule control
time shifting
Age RANGO ECount of age
66 <52 a 68> 13
66 Result 13
67 <52 a 68> 27
67 Result 27
68 <52 a 68> 10
68 Result 10
69 <69 a 85> 19
69 Result 19
70 <69 a 85> 12
70 Result 12
71 <69 a 85> 6
71 Result 6
72 <69 a 85> 17
72 Result 17
73 <69 a 85> 9
73 Result 9
74 <69 a 85> 12
74 Result 12
75 <69 a 85> 17
75 Result 17
76 <69 a 85> 21
76 Result 21
77 <69 a 85> 10
77 Result 10
78 <69 a 85> 11
78 Result 11
79 <69 a 85> 11
79 Result 11
80 <69 a 85> 20
80 Result 20
Total Result 215
t tables, or you may use another method and record your answers.
TiVo for $499 and on average have enough money to purchase another electronic gadget in the
ecisions for electronics without discussing them with a spouse, either because they are single,
of their spouses?
y watching TV? What is their income range? What is their average annual income?
b. How many women with education of MA or PhD are making
purchasing decisions for electronics without discussing it with a spouse,
either because they are single, or because they are making purchasing
decisions without their husband’s involvement?
c. Among early adopters, how many purchase electronics at least once
every year and do so in stores that specialize in electronics?
d. How many seniors (above the age of 65) spend more than six hours a
day watching TV?
What is their income range?
If so, what is the average annual income of the low income group and that of
41,000 - 55,000
5. Correlacione el ingreso anual con la edad. ¿Cuál es la correlación (o r al cuadrado)? Si usa la función C
devuelven r, que deberá elevarse al cuadrado. También puede usar cualquier otro método para calcular la
Si no está seguro de cómo se calcula la correlación, consulte las fórmulas aquí: "
5. Correlate Annual income with Age. What is the correlation (or r squared)? If you use the CORRE
Analysis Toolpak add-in in Excel, they return r, which will need to be squared. You may also use an
calculate the correlation.
If you are unsure how correlation is calculated, check the formulas here:
r al cuadrado)? Si usa la función CORREL o el complemento Analysis Toolpak en Excel,
alquier otro método para calcular la correlación.
las aquí: "
s here:
16 60 960
6. For the attributes Gender and Annual income:
a. Code Gender as a number. What is the correlation between it and Annual income?
b. Explain why it makes no difference which numbers are used to c
Gender or other non-numeric attributes.
mbers are used to code
7. Repeat the correlation analysis for the following 4 pairs of attributes record their
e. Of the four correlations, are any high enough to make one of the attributes
redundant? In other words, you can explain any of the attributes by simply saying "it
behaves like attribute X?”
8. Select one or more attributes to use as the basis for generating two segmentation schemes. For
as the basis for creating segments based on age ranges. Or you could select two attributes that wo
willingness to buy versus ability to pay.
As you generate segmentation schemes, Use the data in the "Survey Data" worksheet to fill each c
Remember to try to create segments that are homogenous internally and heterogeneous across se
of segments. Not all attributes will be used.
Description of segment
vey Data" worksheet to fill each cell in the tables shown below.
ally and heterogeneous across segments for the indicated number