SAC Minutes June 10 2009

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STAFF ADVISORY COUNCIL Meeting June 10, 2009 Executive Committee Kathy Aliaga, President, katherine.aliaga@du.

edu, x13284 Christa Bruning, Vice President, [email protected], x13170 Jennifer Emmett, Secretary, [email protected], x12335 Kate Martin, Treasurer, [email protected], x12247 Jon Aderhold, Webmaster, [email protected], x12121 Members in attendance: Kathy Aliaga, Facilities Nicky Bruckhart, Athletics and Recreation Amy Kho, Writing Program Christa Bruning, University Communications Jan Drobnick, Daniels College of Business Anne Gross, Admissions Tina Miller, University College Sarah Childs, Human Resources Caryl Shipley, Sturm College of Law Ethan Crawford, Graduate School of Social Work Stephanie Panion, Graduate School of Social Work Marty Neary, DU Bookstore Rachel Desormes, Penrose Library Kate Martin, Student Life Bonnie Rodriguez, Facilities Erin Hegel, Budget and Planning SAC Meeting Minutes June 10, 2009 Noon- Introductions and the meeting was called to order. 1. Guest Speaker Erin Meyer Student outreach Librarian and research Center coordinator Discussion of the collections, Penrose has over 1 million books. Little known is that they also have DVDs of the latest movies and they can be checked out for free. They also have a number of recreational as well as academic periodicals and magazines. And now have a caf area with New Books. Inter-library loans Access to all Colorado Libraries as well as out of state libraries. The library also has electronic resources- electronic newspapers under databases and articles. They have the paid logins to see all the articles so if you use the Penrose library website you can access this all for free with your banner ID number. Penrose also has a number of programs on these databases such as Language learning/Rosetta Stone. This is a $60,000 a year program and all employees, faculty and students can access it for free. Other databases include steaming theatre productions and old video clips. Erin reminded everyone to take advantage of the resources Penrose has to offer. Webcentral, Facebook and Twitter are all listed with events for Penrose library. You can also ask for the library to purchase items. There is a place on the website to suggest purchases that would be helpful and useful at Penrose.

Research Center is open for Drop in appointments or by a formal appointment and for all questions. Bookstack -Resource and Donation bin at the entrance of the library. So if you have books at home or books you will no longer use you can donate them at Penrose. 2. Approval of May Minutes. 3. Treasury Report We currently have $6500.48 4. Departmental Announcements a. DCB New Part Time MBA program launching in the fall. b. Athletics and Recreation New Mens Lacrosse coach from Princeton, Bill Tierney to start in July. c. Ethan- His SAC term is up and he wondered if anyone wanted to be on the Sustainability council as the SAC rep. They meet 1st Thursday of the month. d. Amy Kho- Benefits advisory council also needs a SAC rep. They have Quarterly meetings. Marty Neary has offered to take over for Amy. 5. Old Business SAC Picnic update. July 16th , 2009 a. Brochure design approved Cost $160.00 b. Menu Issues Sodexho or Outside Caterer? Sodexho price was higher than other bids. Question of if it would be okay to go to outside vendor. This is acceptable. 6. New Business a. Staff Awards went out on Webcentral and will have flyers for it at SAC Picnic. b. Flex spending Staff Member emailed and had wondered if it was a government rule or DU rule to the Use it or Lose it policy on flex spending. This is part of the FSA Sec 1 -25 IRS code and treasury department. If anyone has questions they should contact Human Resources directly. c. Volunteering Policy- Staff issue on a supervisor who would not let a person participate in a volunteer for DU event. Currently, no Human Resource policy regarding this. It is currently at the permission of the supervisor in a department. Suggestion that other departments take a vacation day if they wish to volunteer. d. SAC Representative Elections Lots of terms ending in August and officially start in September. September meeting will have nominations for offices. e. Last item of business if you need a SAC shirt for the picnic please see Kathy Aliaga.

Meeting Adjourned.

Respectfully submitted, Nicky Bruckhart and Jennifer Emmett

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