Section 2 (20–27)
Engine DH10A,
245, 285, 345, 350, 360
TP 16031/1
Engine DH10A
Common characteristics: The DH10A-series is largely been changed but still build on the re-entry model, that
based on the earlier THD104 engine. Characteristics: is, a more favourable air rotation and thereby a more
Horizontal design, turbocompressor feed, 9.6 liter dis- complete combustion. The injection system is electron-
placement. Single circuit coolant-intercooler, separated ically controlled (EDC). Injection pressure has been
from the ordinary coolant system. Lube system with raised as a result of changes in the injection pump.
two full-flow filters and piston cooling from oil sprayed Other nozzles also contribute to better combustion, re-
onto the pistons from underneath. Piston peaks have sulting in lower emissions and lower fuel consumption.
Basic engine Type Specific characteristics and areas of use Bus type
Net output has been measured in accordance with ISO 1585 and SAE J 1349. Smoke requirements met according to ECE/
EEC and the Swedish regulations. DH10A fulfils smoke requirements as per 91/542/EEC, Level B (Euro 2) (EC96).
kW Output Effekt Leistung Puissance Potentia kW Output Effekt Leistung Puissance Potentia
220 280
285 EC96
360 EC96
200 260
350 TW95
345 J96
180 245 EC96 240
160 220
140 200
120 180
100 160
80 140
60 120
1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400rpm 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400rpm
Nm Torque Vridmoment Drehmoment Couple Par motor Nm Torque Vridmoment Drehmoment Couple Par motor
1200 1600
360 EC96
1000 285 EC96 1400 350 TW95
800 245 EC96 1200 345 J96
1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400rpm 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400rpm
Type designation ............................ 245 285 345 350 360
Net output* kW/hp ......................... 180/245 210/285 254/345 255/350 265/360
at speed r/s / r/min ...................... 33/2000 33/2000 33/2000 33/2000 34.2/2050
Max. torque Nm/kpm
at 20 r/s (1200 r/min) .................. 1050/107 1200/122 1440/146 1500/153 1500/153
* Net as per ISO 1585.
245, 285 345, 350, 360
Compression ratio 20:1 18:1
Firing sequence ............................................................. 1-5-3-6-2-4
Direction of rotation (B10M frontal view,
B10B rear view, engine installed in bus) ................ Clockwise
Engine block Piston rings
Compression rings
Cylinder head Number .................................... 2
Type ...................................... 1 per cylinder Piston-ring clearance in groove,
Height, new ........................... 114.85–115.15 mm upper compression ring ...... 0.13 mm
after machining min. 114.65 mm lower compression ring ...... 0.09 mm
Piston-ring gap in ring
Groove for cylinder liner, opening 1st ring ...................... 0.50 mm
width ..................................... 3.4±0.05 mm 2nd ring .................... 0.70 mm
depth ..................................... 3.0±0.3 mm
Oil scraper ring
Number .................................... 1
Cylinder head bolts Piston-ring clearance in ring
Number/cylinder head .......... 4 opening ................................ 0.4 mm
Dimension thread .................. 3/4"–10 UNC Piston-ring clearance in groove 0.05 mm
Length ................................... 200 mm
Gudgeon pins
Cylinder block Clearance, gudgeon pin –
Height, upper block face – connecting-rod bushing ....... 0.03 mm
crankshaft centre (A) min. 438.8 mm Gudgeon pin diameter stnd. ..... 51.998–52.000 mm
Height, lower block face – Gudgeon pin hole diameter
crankshaft centre (B) ........ 120 mm in piston ............................... 52.005–52.013 mm
Length ................................... 990 mm
Valve Mechanism
Disc diameter
Inlet ..................................... 50 mm
Exhaust ............................... 46 mm
0,14 - 0,20 mm
0.14–0.20 mm Valve seat angle/valve edge
Inlet ..................................... 29.5°/min. 2.4 mm
Exhaust ............................... 44.5°/min. 1.7 mm
Valve clearance, cold engine Depth (meas. D)
Inlet ...................................... 0.40 mm Inlet ...................................... 8.8–8.9 mm
Exhaust ................................ 0.70 mm Exhaust ................................ 11.8–11.9 mm
Valve guides
Inside diameter
Valve seat inserts
Inlet ...................................... 11.02–11.04 mm
Outer diameter (meas. A) standard
Exhaust ................................ 11.02–11.04 mm
Inlet ...................................... 54 mm
Exhaust ................................ 49 mm
Height above cylinder head
spring face
Inlet ...................................... 20 mm
Inlet ...................................... 54.2 mm
Exhaust ................................ 21 mm
Exhaust ................................ 49.2 mm
Max. permitted clearance between
Height (meas. B)
valve stem and valve guide
Inlet ...................................... 6.8 mm
Inlet ...................................... 0.15 mm
Exhaust ................................ 9.5 mm
Exhaust ................................ 0.25 mm
Valve springs
Outer valve spring
Length, off-load ........................ 61 mm
With 300–390 N
(30–39 kp) load ......................... 49.6 mm
Recess for valve seat inserts Inner valve spring
Diameter (meas. C), standard Length, off-load ........................ 53 mm
Inlet ...................................... 54.00–54.03 mm With 80–170 N
Exhaust ................................ 49.00–49.025 mm (8–17 kp) load ........................... 42.6 mm
Camshaft Timing gears
Drive ......................................... Gear Number of teeth:
No. of bearings ......................... 7 crankshaft gear (1) ................... 30
intermediate gear (2) ............... 53
Bearing journal diameters, min. injection pump drive gear (4) .. 60
Front bearing journal ........... 68.94 mm servo pump drive gear (8) ....... 19
2nd ....................................... 66.56 mm camshaft gear (3) ..................... 60
3rd ........................................ 64.17 mm compressor drive gear (5) ........ 26
4th ........................................ 63.39 mm intermediate gear for oil pump
5th ........................................ 60.99 mm and coolant pump (6) ............... 48
6th ........................................ 60.21 mm drive gear for oil pump and
7th ........................................ 56.24 mm coolant pump (7) ..................... 21
Camshaft bearings
1. Crankshaft gear
Bearing bores 2. Intermediate gear
Front bearing ....................... 69.050–69.075 mm 3. Camshaft gear
2nd ....................................... 66.675–66.700 mm 4. Injection pump drive gear
5. Compressor drive gear
3rd ........................................ 64.287–64.312 mm 6. Intermediate gear for oil pump/coolant pump
4th ........................................ 63.500–63.525 mm 7. Drive gear for oil pump/coolant pump
5th ........................................ 61.112–61.137 mm 8. Servo pump drive gear
6th ........................................ 60.325–60.350 mm
7th ........................................ 56.350–56.375 mm
Wear max. ........................... 0.050 mm
Crank Mechanism Oversizes
0.2 mm
(axial bearing 0.1 mm) .. 46.175–46.225 mm
Crankshaft 0.4 mm
Length ....................................... 1154 mm (axial bearing 0.2 mm) .. 46.375–46.425 mm
Crankshaft, end float, max. ....... 0.4 mm 0.6 mm
Main bearings, radial (axial bearing 0.3 mm) .. 46.575–46.625 mm
clearance, max. ......................... 0.14 mm Fillet radius (R) ...................... 3.75–4.00 mm
The crankshaft is nitrocarburised or induction-hard-
ened. NOTE: A nitrocaburised crankshaft may be
ground max. to 2nd undersize. With deeper grinding
Thrust washers (axial bearing)
the crankshaft must be re-nitrocarburised. Thickness (B), standard ............... 2.312–2.362 mm
oversize 0.1 mm ...... 2.412–2.462 mm
0.2 mm ...... 2.512–2.562 mm
Main bearing journals 0.3 mm ...... 2.612–2.662 mm
Diameter (Ø) for machining 0.4 mm ...... 2.712–2.762 mm
standard ............................. 99.978–100.000 mm
undersize 0.25 mm ........... 99.724–99.746 mm
0.50 mm ........... 99.470–99.494 mm
Main bearing shells
0.75 mm ........... 99.216–99.238 mm Diameter, bearing shell seat
1.00 mm ........... 98.962–98.984 mm in block ............................ 104.978–105.003 mm
1.25 mm ........... 98.708–98.730 mm Thickness (D),
Main bearing journals standard ........................... 2.447 mm
out-of-round (new) ............ max. 0.006 mm undersize 0.25 mm .......... 2.574 mm
wear out-of-round .............. max. 0.08 mm 0.50 mm .......... 2.701 mm
taper ................................... max. 0.05 mm 0.75 mm .......... 2.828 mm
1.00 mm .......... 2.955 mm
Width axial journal pin (A) 1.25 mm .......... 3.082 mm
standard ............................ 45.975–46.025 mm
Big-end bearing journals connecting-rod bushing
Diameter (Ø) for machining internal diameter (G) ........... 52.022–52.028 mm
standard ............................... 86.003–86.025 mm
undersize 0.25 mm ............. 85.753–85.775 mm Axial clearance, crankshaft –
0.50 mm ............. 85.503–85.525 mm connecting rod, max. ........... 0.35 mm
0.75 mm ............. 85.253–85.275 mm Connecting-rod bearings, radial
1.00 mm ............. 85.003–85.025 mm clearance, max. .................... 0.12 mm
1.25 mm ............. 84.753–84.775 mm Max. weight deviation for
Axial bearing surface width (A) 53.90–54.00 mm connecting rods within
Fillet radius (R) ........................ 3.75–4.00 mm same engine ......................... 50 g
Big-end bearing journals
Straightness max. deviation on
out-of-round (new) .............. max. 0.004 mm
100 mm measuring length ... 0.05 mm
slitage orundhet ............. max. 0.08 mm
Torsion, max. deviation on
konicitet ............. max. 0.05 mm
100 mm measuring length ... 0.1 mm
SAE 5W/30 1
-10°C SAE 20W/30
Relief valve (direct oil filter)
0°C SAE 30
Spring length
+10°C SAE 40
Off-loaded ........................... 69 mm
-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 C
Loaded with
-22 -4 14 32 50 68 86 104 F 16.9–18.9 N (1.69–1.89 kp) 32 mm
Loaded with
The temperatures refer to stable ambient temperatures.
Refers to synthetic or semi-synthetic oil. 13–14 N (1.3–1.4 kp) .......... 40 mm
NOTE! Only SAE 5W/30 may be used.
Fuel system
Type .............................................................................. EDC (Electronic Diesel Control)
Injection pump direction of rotation, seen from
clutch side ................................................................ Clockwise
Injection sequence ........................................................ 1-5-3-6-2-4
Quality must fulfil minimum current legislation as well as national and international standards EN 590, SS-EN 590,
DIN EN 590, ASTMD 975 No. 1-D, No. 2-D, JIS KK 2204.
Injection pump
Volvo P/N ..................................................................... 425 758
Pump type ..................................................................... PE 6 P 120 A320 RS 8033
Governor type ............................................................... RE 30
Injection pump direction of rotation ............................. Clockwise
Injection sequence ........................................................ 1-5-3-6-2-4
Injection pump basic setting on engine:
DH10A 345 .................................................................. 5.5±0.5° B.T.D.C.
DH10A 245, 285, 360 .................................................. 7.0±0.5° B.T.D.C.
DH10A 350 .................................................................. 9.0±0.5° B.T.D.C.
Performance check
Bus stationary
• Engine switched off
• Start key (feed selector switch) in drive position
Speed 1200 r/min 2000 r/min
over- over- control over- over- control
press. press. rod travel press. press. rod travel
kPa volt volt kPa volt volt
DH245 125 3.60 2.40 135 3.76 2.74
DH285 135 3.76 2.55 150 3.99 3.05
DH360 115 3.44 2.87 195 4.71 3.18
D 245 125 3.60 2.36 135 3.76 2.71
DH350 106 3.31 2.87 196 4.75 3.18
DH345 – Values not known when manual went to print.
Feed pump
Designation ................................................................... FP/KG 24 P 307
Feed pressure (depending on speed and load) .............. 100–400 kPa (1–4 bar)
Fuel filters
Number ......................................................................... 2
Volvo P/N ..................................................................... 466 987
Inlet and exhaust systems Measuring during driving
Accelerator pedal in full throttle position and
engine at max. load: See Performance Check
For engine DH10 245, 285
Designation ................................ HX 40 W – 8594 Z Starter pre-heater
Cooling ...................................... Water-cooled Output ........................................ 3500 W
Lubricating system .................... Pressure-
Wastegate opening pressure ...... 155 kPa engine Pressure-drop indicator
speed 4.04 volts Red indication at mm VP .......... 580–720
at 2000 r/min
With control rod travel on
wastegate ................................... 1±0.3 mm Exhaust-pressure governor
(setting) Control pressure with warm-up
Check value ............................... 0.4–1.5 mm and exhaust pressure braking . 750 kPa
Axial clearance, rotor ................ 0.04–0.09 mm
Cooling system
Type ........................................... Overpressure closed
Pressure valve opens at .............. approx. 50 kPa
(0.5 kp/cm2)
Type ........................................... C
Consists of ................................. Glycol with
Colour ........................................ Blue-green
Volvo art no. 1 kg ...................... 1128700-9
5 kg ...................... 1129701-7
235 kg .................. 1129702-5
Fans B10B
Temperature-controlled cooling fan
Type ............................... Bimetal plate/
coolant coupling
Hydraulic-driven cooling fan Wear tolerances
(rear-mounted) Cylinder head
Pump, type/designation ............ Vickers PVE 19 R
Height, min. .............................. 114.65 mm
Fan motor, type/designation ..... Volvo Flygmotor
Max. pressure at leakage check 150 kPa
(1.5 kp/cm2)
Fan speed
at engine speed 1000 r/min
and coolant temperature Cylinder liners
under 90°C ....................... approx. 700 r/min A cylinder liner (pistons and piston rings) should be re-
above 94°C ...................... approx. 2000 r/min newed at 0.40–0.45 mm wear or if oil consumption is
Filter, P/N ................................. 4823936 abnormally high.
Drive belts
late prod. .............................. SPB 2380 Lw Crankshaft
P/N 9518424 Max. permitted out-of-round on
main bearing and big-end
Fan speed Engine speed bearing journals ................... 0.08 mm
Max. permitted taper on main
bearing and big-end bearing
journals ................................ 0.05 mm
Max. crankshaft end float ......... 0.40 mm
Max. radial clearance ................ 0.14 mm
Connecting rods
Straightness, max. deviation on
100 mm length measured .... 0.05 mm
Torsion, max. deviation on
100 mm length measured .... 0.1 mm
End float, max. ......................... 0.35 mm
Radial clearance, max. .............. 0.12 mm
Coolant temperature °C
Max. permitted clearance between
valve stem and valve guide
Fan B10L Inlet ...................................... 0.15 mm
Fan drive, hydraulic Exhaust ................................ 0.25 mm
Pump type/designation ............. AFGP 31.5 L Valve disc edge should be min.
Volvo P/N ................................. 3118711 Inlet ...................................... 1.9 mm
Fan motor/designation .............. Sauer Sundstrand Exhaust ................................ 1.4 mm
551/1/00888/ETC The valve stem insert may be ground down so
Volvo P/N ................................. 9519828 that distance from the valve disc (new valve)
Thermostat valve ...................... Sauer Sundstrand to cylinder head face is max.
553/1/09648/093 Inlet ...................................... 2.5 mm*
Volvo P/N ................................. 9519829 Utlopp .................................. 1.5 mm
Closes at .................................... 93°C * With greater distance than above, renew inserts.
Flywheel, installed
Max. permitted axial throw (manual gearbox)
measuring radius 150 mm ........ 0.16 mm
Tightening torques
Groups 20–21 Nm kpm Group 22 Nm kpm
Cylinder heads (see note 1) Bracket, oil pump ..................... 40±4 4.0±0.4
Main bearings ........................... 340±25 34.0±2.5 Intermediate gear, oil pump ...... 17±2 1.7±0.2
Big-end bearings ....................... (see note 2) Sump ......................................... 18±2 1.8±0.2
Intermediate gear bearings........
60 –5
6.0 –0.5 Sump cover ............................... 24±2 2.4±0.2
+5 +0.5 Drain plug, sump ...................... 60±15 6.0±1.5
Flywheel ................................... 185 –10 18.5 –0.1
Pulley, crankshaft ..................... 60±6 6.0±0.6 Groups 23–25
Flywheel casing ........................ 140±15 14.0±1.5
Pressure valve stand,
Drive gear, injection pump
injection pump ..................... 85±5 8.5±0.5
drive with 6 bolts ................. 33±4 3.3±0.4
Nut for retainer, injectors.......... 45±5 4.5±0.5
Drive gear, camshaft ................. 60±5 6.0±0.5
Clamp bolt, injection pump
Cleansing plugs, cylinder block 60±10 6.0±1
M11 ..................................... 90±5 9.0±0.5
cylinder head . 20±5 2.0±0.5 M12 ..................................... 114±10 11.4±1.0
Centre bolt, crankshaft .............. 560±30 56.0±3 Laminate screw, injection pump
Centre bolt, M10 ..................................... 62±5 6.2±0.5
+50 +5.0
with torque converter........... 140 –20 14.0 –2.0 Retaining bolt, injection pump . 40±4 4.0±0.4
Vibration damper flange ........... 60±6 6.0±0.6 Drive, injeciton timer ................ 33±4 3.3±0.4
Front sealing ring ...................... 60±6 6.0±0.6 Turbocompressor thrust
Timing gear casing ................... 40±4 4.0±0.4 bearings ............................... 4.5 0.45
Timing gear cover ..................... 50±5 5.0±0.5 Turbocompressor wheel ........... 17.0 1.7
Engine mounts .......................... 80 8.0 Turbocompressor turbine
Bearing brackets, rocker housing ................................ 13.6 1.4
arm shaft .............................. 40±4 4.0±0.4 Turbocompressor housing ........ 5.7 0.6
Thrust washer, camshaft ........... 40±4 4.0±0.4 Exhaust-pressure governor ....... 10–11 1.0–1.1
Axial journalling,camshaft ....... 40±4 4.0±0.4 Intercooler bearers .................... 20±2 2.0±0.2
1 Tightening sequence for cylinder head bolts 2 Tightening sequence for connecting-rod bearings
Clean the contact face for the cylinder head bolts prior to fitting Tighten the connecting-rod bearings in 3 stages.
the bolts. Dip the bolts entirely (incl. bolt heads) in rustproofing 1st stage 40 Nm (4 kpm).
art. no. 1161346-0. The bolts should be drip-free before fitting. 2nd stage 75 Nm (7.5 kpm).
Tighten the cylinder head bolts evenly and unhurriedly accord- Final stage (angle tightening) 90°.
ing to the following stages and torques:
2 4
3 1
Special Tools
1819 Extractor, support bearings flywheel 2269 Counterhold, fitting bearings coolant pump
and fan motor
1866 Drift, pressing out bushing exhaust brake
2337 Lever
2000 Standard handle
2479 Holder, dial indicator
2013 Drift, pressing out/in gudgeon pin
2529 Socket, pressing out/in connecting rod
2089 Puller plate, cylinder liner
2654 Puller, oil pump drive gear
2658 2659 2665 2666 2671 2677
2677 Drift, pressing out/in bushing, rocker arm 6068 Drift, exhaust-pressure governor
2679 Puller, camshaft and injection pump drive gear 6088 Drift, crankshaft rear seal
6222 6239 6394 6395
6645 6647 6656 6662 6664
6831 6848 6849 6850 6858
998 5423
998 5468
998 6187
998 7600
998 7057
998 8539
40 mm
999 9954
Removing and installing engine Weight, engine with gearbox approx.
1300 kg
Draining coolant
Special tool: Handling heavy components as those men-
(999) 6049 Drain hose tioned above, requires experience in stacking and
lifting. Work involving this must never be done by
inexperienced personnel. Always make sure the lift
tools can cope with the work in hand and are in
good condition.
Make sure the lift fixture slots securely into the en-
gine lift points and that the guide edges fix against
the lift forks or lift table.
Always switch off the main switch and disconnect
the battery cables before removing electrical con-
The number and location of the drain points vary with
bus type. Drain points common to all types are the radi-
ator and two drain points on the engine. Coolant must
be handled with the same care and caution as for
other fluids dangerous to health.
Topping-up coolant
Recommended for the cooling system (and heating On buses with roof-mounted air conditioning system,
system) is a mixture of 50% anti-freeze and 50% wa- where the coolant is above the level of the expansion
ter. tank, the coolant has to be pumped up by starting the
Never use coolant with less than 40% anti-freeze. This circulation pump.
also applies to topping-up. The anti-freeze protects the Top-up gradually via the expansion tank until the sys-
cooling system from corrosion and damage from tem is full. Check the coolant level after having run the
freezing. engine warm.
Volvo coolant is recommended even when the coolant
does not require anti-freeze. It provides very good pro- NOTE! For the B10M (late prod. or older that has been
tection against corossion. altered afterwards) where the vent line from the radi-
ator goes down into the bottom of the expansion tank,
we recommend topping-up from the evacuation con-
nection in the bottom of the radiator. This is a good
way of getting rid of any air pockets in the cooling sys-
Draining oil
There are three plugs for draining the oil: One under-
neath the sump; one next to the oil pocket on the in-
spection panel; and one on the underside of the oil tank.
Removing and installing engine
Special tools:
(998) 8993 Lift table
8994 Engine fixture
1. Drain the oil and coolant. Switch off the power 4. Release the steering servo pump.
with the battery main switch.
Release the fan prop shaft.
Observe due care with regard to the fuel pipes!
The location of the delivery pipes between the in-
jection pump and the injectors require the engine to
be angled slightly so that the pipes do not catch on
the frame member.
7. Detach the engine mounts from the frame member Bear in mind that rubber parts age and are affected by
and lift out the engine together with the gearbox. climatic conditions. If necessary, replace them. Check
the engine mounts and replace if necessary.
Top-up oil and coolant.
Removing and installing rear
To observe when removing/installing the engine
Special tool:
(998) 5654 Engine carrier trolley Fuel system
Open the fuel pipe joint at the gearbox.
Drain the coolant and engine oil (see pages 25 and 26).
The engine is suitably lifted out together with the gear- Bolting
box. To remove and install, run the engine carrier trol- Engine mounts 80 Nm (8 kpm)
ley in underneath the engine and adjust the supports, Propeller shaft 54 Nm (5.4 kpm)
see next page.
Always turn off the power with the battery main Inlet and exhaust systems
switch. Disconnect the inlet hose from the turbocompressor.
Disconnect the exhaust at the flex hose between the tur-
bocompressor (exhaust brake/EPG) and the silencer
Release the bracket from both the
frame member and the engine mount hook.
Adjust in the supports on the lift unit as shown in the
pictures below.
Servicing the engine
The VOLVO warranty for exchange engines (factory
new or overhauled) applies on the following condi-
3. Hoses
Use new hoses for both the cooling and heating Other measures
systems and new hoses for the oil pipes. Components such as the alternator, starter motor, air
compressor and steering servo pump must not be faulty
4. Drive belts and preferably recently inspected.
Use new drive belts for the fan prop shaft, altern-
ator drive, etc.
Special tool:
(999) 6670 Filter removal tool
Topping-up oil
Top-up via the oil tank filler tube.
The oil level is checked with the oil tank level tube.
Thisshould be done with the engine idling or immedi-
ately after stopping the engine.
The level should be between the Max. and Min. levels
on the oil tank level tube.
The oil level must never go below the Min. mark!
Oil quality
(VDS, VDS2) or API CD, CE OR CCMC -D4, D5.
-22 -4 14 32 50 68 86 104 F
0°C SAE 30
+10°C SAE 40
-22 -4 14 32 50 68 86 104 F
Replacing oil filters
Special tools:
(999) 6672 Filter removal tool
(Alternative tool:
(999) 8487 Filter removal tool)
Special tool:
(999) 6671 Filter removal tool
Condition test
A compression test is a simple and reliable way of The cooling system is checked for leakage by
finding out the condition of the engine. The test pressure-testing the coolant remaining in the sys-
shows whether or not cylinders and valves are leak- tem. This means that all the following compo-
ing. nents in the system are check for leakage: radi-
Low compression pressure on all cylinders indicate ator, connections, hoses, coolant pump, heating
worn cylinder liners and/or piston rings. Should a system, etc. See chapter Cooling system.
particular cylinder have a lower pressure, this may
be due to leaking valves, broken piston rings or
damaged cylinder head gasket. Camshaft wear can be checked by measuring the
camshaft lift (valve lift) without having to remove
the camshaft from the engine.
Low charge pressure and fuel system malfunc-
tion can cause the following symptoms: low start
torque, and smoky exhaust gases. The timing gears and camshaft can be checked
by measuring the valve timing. If the valve stroke
deviates from that specified, there is risk of the
Low oil pressure may indicate worn crankshaft exhaust valve striking its piston.
bearings. However, it would be best first to check
the lubricating system valves.
Compression test
Special tools:
(999) 8009 Adapter
9691 Compression gauge
2 DH10A 245, 285 ....................... 3.6 MPa (36 kp/cm2)
3 DH10A 345, 350, 360 ............... 3.2 MPa (32 kp/cm2)
Best. Nr. 5 1341 250 00
Charge pressure
Mechanical testing (pressure gauge)
Special tools:
(999) 6065 Pressure gauge
6666 Nipple
After testing fit and tighten up the screw plug for the
measuring socket. Make sure it is properly tightened as
there is always a risk that an insufficiently tightened
plug slackens during driving. If the plug drops off, the
charge pressure will drop and notably lower the power
output, Ther is also risk of dirt getting into the engine,
particularly in connection with much idling and engine
Charge pressure
Electrical testing (multimeter)
Special tools:
(999) 6899 Test box
6931 Adapter
8180 Adapter
(951) 0060 Multimeter
The charge pressure is checked in two stages; on the
engine switched off and on it when driving. The volt-
age measured corresponds to a kPa measuring value.
Connect-up as in figure.
Test box
Measure between the measuring points on the test box
As alternative, measuring can be done directly in the
6899 nine-pin test socket.
6931 control unit
1. Measuring on engine switched off
Nine pin Measuring with the engine switched off ensures that
test socket the charge pressure sensor gives a measuring value that
agrees with the “should” value (see Specifications),
providing the charge pressure sensor is functioning
properly, and that gives us a reference voltage which
corresponds to the voltage measured between the
charge pressure sensor and the control unit.
The measuring is done as follows with the engine off
and the start key (feed selector switch) in Drive posi-
Measuring on text box (6899)
– measuring points 1–4, reference voltage
– measuring points 3–4, charge pressure (voltage)
Nine pin test socket Compare with the “should” values in the specifications
for the respective engine.
With low charge pressure, check:
(V) – for any damage to the turbocompressor
– fuel filters, fuel feed pressure
– charge pressure sensor
4.0 v
– control rod travel, injection pump (see Testing in-
4.0 jection pump).
3.5 At 0°C ambient temperature, the turbo pressure voltage
3.25 should be 3.7 V.
– Go to 3.7 V on the vertical axis on the diagram.
– Follow it horizontally to where it intersects the
2.75 vertical line for the ambient temperature (0°C).
– The corrected voltage is read-off on the respective
2.5 curve in the diagram. In our example 3.5 V, which
2.5 corresponds to the voltage at 20°C.
- 20 - 10 +- 0 + 10 + 20 + 30 + 40
2 3 (C)
Special tools:
(999) 6065 Pressure gauge
6065 6066 Nipple
6066 968179 Banjo screw
Oil pressure
6398 Special tools:
(999) 6398 Pressure gauge
6666 Nipple
Special tool:
(999) 8068 Crank tool
4. Measure valve lift as follows:
Adjusting valves
Special tool: (999) 8068 Crank tool
Valve clearance should be adjusted with a cold engine.
Pull out the manual stop control!
1. Fit crank tool 8068.
2. Crank the flywheel in its direction of rotation until
no.1 cyl. piston is at top dead centre position after
the compression stroke (0° on the flywheel).
Adjust valves: 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9
Again crank the flywheel in its direction of rota-
tion (one turn) until no. 6 cyl. piston is at top dead
centre position after the compression stroke (0– on
8068 the flywheel).
Adjust valves: 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12
Group 21
Cylinder head
– Description .......................................................................................... 41
– Removing, cleaning ............................................................................. 42
– Pressure-testing ................................................................................... 43
– Valve guides ........................................................................................ 44
– Valves, valve seats .............................................................................. 45
– Valve springs ....................................................................................... 47
– Rocker arm mechanism ....................................................................... 47
– Face-grinding cylinder head ................................................................ 48
– Copper sleeve for injectors .................................................................. 49
– Installing cylinder head ....................................................................... 50
Cylinder head
The valve mechanism for each cylinder head consists
– an inlet valve and an outlet valve
– valve guides
– double valve springs with washers and valve locks
– rocker arms with adjusting screws
– rocker arm shaft with bearing brackets
– push rods and valve tappets
Special tools:
(998) 5468 Valve spring clamp
(999) 6239 Lift chain
6643 Extractor
2. Remove…
6239 – rocker arm cover
– delivery pipes
– injectors, rocker arm bracket and push rods.
New features
1. Valve seats and valves on the inlet side have been
moved down one millimetre.
2. The inlet valve has a rounded disc edge and small-
er stem diameter, below the valve guide.
3. The inlet valve spring face has been moved down
one millimetre.
4. The exhaust valve inside has been bevelled to im-
prove exhaust flow.
5. New type of cast plug, of cast iron. Use lock fluid
when fitting plugs of this kind. (Die tool 999
Disassemble the cylinder head. Clean all the parts and
the cylinder block contact surface.
Rust and carbon deposits, etc., must be removed from
the bolt holes and threads in the cylinder block and cyl-
inder head.
Paint and dirt must be removed from cylinder head sur-
faces in contact with bolt heads otherwise there is risk
of leakage and damage to seals and gaskets.
Threads and under bolt heads must be free from nicks,
etc. Renew damaged bolts.
Special tools:
6662 (999) 6579 Lever (or corresponding)
6662 Pressure gauge
6686 Clamp
8077 Cover washer
Before pressure-testing
Reducer valve A. Connect up pressure tester 6662 to the work-
The tap can be locked
by pushing it in the shop air supply. Adjust pressure to 100 kPa
direction of the arrow. (1.0 kp/cm2) with the reducer valve tap.
B. Close the shut-off tap. No pressure is allowed
to drop during two minutes while reading-off
the pressure gauge.
C. Screw out the reducer valve tap.
1. Connect up the equipment. Lower the cylinder
head into water with temperature approx. 70°C.
Valve guides
Special tools:
(999) 1084 Drift
6668 Drift
6669 Drift
9696 Magnetic stand
(998) 9876 Dial indicator
Max. permitted clearance between valve stem
and valve guide:
– inlet valve ................................................ 0.15 mm
– exhaust valve ........................................... 0.25 mm
1. Press out the old valve guides with drift 1084.
Valves, valve seats
Grinding valves
Valve seats
Grind the valve seat with a grinding machine. Use the The valve seat should be renewed when the distance A,
self-centerer that is fitted in the valve guide. Do not measured with a new valve, exceeds:
grind off too much material. It is essential that the con- Exhaust 2.5 mm
tact angle is correct and that the surface is even. Inlet 1.5 mm
Valve seats are available in standard size and oversize.
The outer diameter on an oversize is 0.2 mm greater
than that on a standard size. They are used when grind-
ing valve seat recesses.
Usually valve seat damage is quite insignificant. This
means that normally it is not necessary to reduce seat
width when grinding. Otherwise the grinding is limited
to the measurements that apply to max. distance from
the top side of the valve disc to the cylinder head con-
tact face.
Weld In connection with removal: grind the valve disc on an
old valve so that it can be pressed down into the valve
Then weld according to the illustration.
Tap out the valve seat.
Use carbon dioxide snow to cool the seat down to
–70°C and –80°C when refitting. Then use a suitable
tool to press the valve seat into position.
Inlet 0.5–0.50 mm
Exhaust 1.2–1.7 mm
with new valve.
Valve springs
Replacing bushings
1. Press out the old bushing with drift 2677 and coun-
terhold 2267.
– rocker arm shaft/bushing wear
– that the adjusting screws are not deformed or
worn on the surface against the push rods
– the threads on the adjusting screws and lock
– that the lock nut is not damaged
– that the contact face against the valve stems is
not worn or damaged in any way. Minor wear
can be remedied by grinding to a smooth fin-
After machining, the distance A from valve disc top face to the Machining
cylinder head face should be. It is most important that the contact face for the cylin-
der liners is even. Max. surface finish (roughness) is
Min. Inlet 0.05–0.5 mm
Exhaust 1.2–1.7 mm 0.006 mm.
The overall height of the cylinder head after machining
If additional cylinder head machining is required, the valve
seats must be ground down to enable the valves to sink down. must be minimum 114.65 mm.
There is no need to alter the depth of the groove for the
cylinder head seal, providing machining stays within
permitted limits.
Copper sleeve for injectors
Special tools:
(999) 6419 Extractor 8134 Threading tool
6647 Reaming tool 8140 Extractor
Steel ring 6419
Sealing ring
Sealing ring
3. Pull out the copper sleeve. 4. Smear a new rubber seal with soapy solution and fit it in
the cylinder head.
min. 0.5 mm
5. Fit the injector steel ring on tool 6647 and a new copper 6. Smear the copper sleeve with a soapy solution and fit the
sleeve. Screw in the expander. sleeve in the cylinder head. Hold the stem on tool 6647
Check that the clearance between the copper sleeve and steady while tightening up the large nut. Continue until the
the steel ring is at least 0.5 mm. stem loosens and the expander can be drawn through the
copper sleeve.
Installing the cylinder head
Special tools:
(998) 9876 Dial indicator
(999) 2479 Stand
2666 Press tool (two)
2666 6239 Lift chain
Clean the cylinder block face, if this has not been done
already. The cylinder block contact surface against the
gasket must be shiny before installing the head.
Cylinder liner, piston, connecting rod
Upper O-ring
Installed dry
Gudgeon pin and
lock rings
Lower O-rings
Lubricant packed
with gasket set
Cylinder liner Piston
Connect- Tightened in
ing rod stages (see
The engines have wet, replaceable cylinder liners. Precisely at the end of the compression stroke the air
Characteristic of this type of liner is its immediate con- will find itself in the area for this surface and be rapidly
tact with the coolant. This ensures good cooling. compressed and pressed down into the scored section
in the lower part of the combustion chamber. The width
The connecting rods have angle-cut connecting-rod of the surface contributes essentially to rapid air rota-
seats to enable them to be taken up through the cylinder tion. The tapered projection in the middle of the piston
liners together with the piston. keeps the air from the middle of the piston and presses
instead the air out from the middle, thereby contribut-
Like the pistons, the cylinder liners are grouped per ing to more effective air rotation. Not only is air rota-
class. This means that pistons are fitted in cylinder tion improved, the fuel dispersion is better.
liners of the same class. Pistons and cylinder liners are
supplied as spare parts only as a single unit.
Piston/piston rings
Special tool:
(998) 5423 Piston ring pliers
To prevent damage to the piston cooling nozzles,
they must first be removed before removing piston
and connecting rod.
0.40 mm
Checking pistons
0.50 mm Check for cracks, broken-off sections between the
piston ring grooves and also for groove wear. Pis-
tons with seizure marks on the jackets must be
The piston should also be renewed if there is one or
several cracks in the gudgeon pin seat or in the bot-
tom of the combustion chamber.
Piston renewal also means replacing the gudgeon
pin, piston rings and cylinder liners as a complete
Gudgeon pin, connecting rod
Special tools:
(999) 1801 Standard handle
2013 Drift
2013 2529 Drift
1. Remove the gudgeon pin lock rings.
4. The tools used for removing the old bushing can
1801 also be used for pressing in the new one. Make
sure the bushing is fitted correctly.
1. Fit one of the gudgeon pin lock rings. Oil the
gudgeon pin and bushing.
NOTE! Apply light pressure when pressing in the
gudgeon pin. Do not try to knock it in.
Cylinder liner
Measure the cylinder liners with a cylinder indica-
tor. Max. wear 0.40–0.45 mm.
Special tools:
(999) 2089 Puller plate
2479 Holder
6645 6394 Spacer (two)
6395 6395 Spacer (two)
6645 Extractor
2. Thoroughly clean the cylinder liner collar. Fit a
new O-ring on the cylinder liner.
Note: The O-ring must be dry.
8. Fit the piston cooling nozzle.
Follow also the instructions on page 90!
11. Crank the engine with crank tool 8068 and fit the
other pistons.
Cylinder block/crank mechanism
Upper cylinder liner seat
4 3 2
The crankshaft is either nitro-carburized or induction-
hardened (both alternatives exist). It has a new rear 14-
bolt flange against the flywheel (previously 10 bolts).
The crankshaft is single-piece forged in special steel.
The bearing surfaces are nitro-carburized to increase
strength and reduce risk of cracks.
The crankshaft has seven main bearings. Each big-end
bearing is placed between two main bearings. The
counterweights on the crankshaft are there to even out
operating surges so that torque is evenly spread out.
Up front the crankshaft has a polygon hub to which the
vibration damper hub is fixed. The main bearing and
big-end bearings consist of lead-indium plated and
lead-bronze lined steel shells.
Vibration damper
To further its damping qualities, the DH10A engine has
been given a more robust, built-in vibration damper.
The timing gear cover has had its shaped re-designed to
suit the new vibration damper.
The vibration damper consists of a housing containing
a rectangular damper ring, which is surrounded by sili-
cone oil, that acts as a speed buffer between the damper
ring and the housing. Since the housing is fixed to the
crankshaft, the speed buffer has a dampening effect on
crankshaft oscillations. The vibration damper is placed
on the inside of the timing gear cover in the figure.
Sound baffles
The engine timing gear cover and oil sump have been
fitted with sound baffles. These are built up of two
Sound baffle for timing gear casing plastic layers with an intermediate damper layer of
Sound baffles for oil sump plastic/rubber.
Crankshaft movement
Differences compared to THD104
The flyhweel has 14 holes.
Connecting rods
The connecting rods have trapezoidal gudgeon pin
Sealing strip Sound baffle cover
In design the pistons have been adapted to the trap-
ezoidal connecting rods. The shape of the combustion
chamber has been altered, resulting in altered compres-
sion ratio. Altered, too, are the specifications for the
piston rings.
Cylinder liner seats
Coolant will leak if the cylinder liner seats and /or
the underside of the cylinder liner collars are cor-
roded. The cylinder liner must have a tight fit to
prevent gas leakage.
Special tools:
(999) 2479 Holder for dial indicator
2666 Press tool (holder) for cylinder liner
9511 Expander tool
9551 Milling tool
Use of special milling tool 9551
Before grinding the cylinder liner seat, measure the
cylinder liner height in order to calculate the compen-
sation space for removed material.
2479 1. Use the dial indicator and note the measurement.
Assume, for example, that the seat has sunk a bit
and is 0.12 mm.
Milling cylinder
liner seat
Damage round oil and coolant seals on the cylinder
block require repair-milling. The cylinder block
can be milled, provided piston height above the
cylinder block face does not exceed 0.70 mm.
The max. piston height must not be exceeded, oth-
erwise the piston will knock against the cylinder
head or the valves.
Front sealing ring
Special tools:
(999) 2000 Standard handle
2337 Lever
2679 Puller
8014 Hollow drift
Removing Fitting
Timing gears
4 3 2
1 1. Crankshaft gear
2. Intermediate timing gear
7 3. Injection pump drive gear
8 4. Power steering oil pump drive gear
5. Camshaft gear
6. Space normally occupied by air compressor drive gear
7. Intermediate oil pump gear
8. Oil pump gear
– rocker arm cover for no. 1 cylinder
– oil sump
– front drive pulley, vibration damper
Replacing/removing timing gears – timing gear cover
4. Pull off the crankshaft drive gear with puller 2658. 6 Injection pump drive gear. If necesssary use stand-
ard puller 2679 with hex socket screw 952076-8.
Timing gears
Check the timing gears. Replace worn or damaged
gears. Backlash must not exceed 0.17 mm.
Timing gears Pressing on crankshaft hub
Installing (polygon hub)
1. Make sure the crankshaft crosskey is fitted in 1. Smear the crankshaft end with molybdenumndi-
position.Use tool 2659 and fit the crankshaft gear. sulphide grease before pressing on the crankshaft
2. Make sure the camshaft drive gear guide pin is in 2. Temporarilly lock the crankshaft with stop 4706.
position. Fit the camshaft drive gear. Then the in-
termediate gear. Ensure that the line-up marks on
the intermediate gear, the crankshaft gear and the
camshaft drive gear coincide.
Sealant for timing gear cover Injection pump drive mechanism
Sealing agent Volvo P/N 1161231-4 is used instead of
a gasket. Replacing seal, output shaft
The sealing areas must be thoroughly cleaned before Special tools:
applying the sealant. Allow the sealing surfaces to dry. (999) 6640, 8011, 8012
Apply an even bead of sealant about 1.5 mm in dia-
meter. Best result is with a 1 mm nozzle hole. The injection pump and the pump coupling must first
be removed (applies only to DH10A, 345, 360) in order
to replace the sealing ring on the injection timer/drive
For the DH10A, 245, 285 and 350 it is enough to re-
move the pump coupling.
3. Pull out the old seal by screwing down the extrac-
tor. At the same time hold tight the extractor with
the drift.
Because the drive mechanism does not have a
wedge at the front flange, it is most important that
the clamp bolt is tightened to the correct torque:
Tightening torque Nm kpm
Clamp bolt (A)
M11 .................................... 90±5 9.0±0.5
M12 .................................... 114±10 11.4±1.0
Flange bolt (B)
M10 .................................... 62±5 6.2±0.5
4. Oil the new seal and injection timer shaft.
Seal replacement alternative
5. Fit the sealing ring on the shaft and tap it in until it method DH10A, 345, 360
is flush with the bearing housing.
Use drift 8012. 1. Release the clamp bolt. Remove the bolts and
washers. Take off the front discs first. Remove the
3. Fit a new sealing ring. 5. Fit the bolts and washers as shown in the figure.
Fit the shaft and the rear discs.
Ring grip
15 mm
sleeve (socket)
40 mm
7. Tightening torques:
Nm kpm
Clamp bolt ......................... 114±10 11.4±1.0
Flange bolt ......................... 62±5 6.2±0.5
NOTE! Torque will be 4% greater if above work-
shop-made tool is used.
Tightening torque
with special tool:
Nm kpm
Clamp bolt ......................... 110 11.0
Flange bolt ......................... 59.7 6.0
Injection timer, 3. Remove the drive belts, pulley, vibration damper
removing/installing and timing gear cover.
DH10A, 345, 360 4. Remove the injection timer drive gear bolts and lift
off the gear (with stiff removal, we recommend
Special tools:
use of a standard puller 999 2679 together with in-
(999) 8068 Crank tool
2679 Puller
hex plug socket to pull off the gear).
Installing 2. Crank the flywheel until no. 1 cylinder is at top
dead centre, compression stroke.
Note the following…
The sealing surface between the timer and the timing
gear casing must be clean. Fit a new sealing ring on the
The six bolts on the injection timer gear should be
tightened to a torque of 33±4 Nm.
The flange discs are M10-tightened to a torque of 62±5
Before tightening the clamp unit on the flange to the
correct torque 114±10 Nm, check the injection pump
basic setting, see under “Basic setting injection pump
Replacing camshaft
Special tools:
(999) 2337 Lever
8068 Crank tool
8079 Extractor 4. The guide pin on the camshaft against cylinder
head = no. 1 cyl. piston at top dead centre.
1. Remove…
– rocker arm mechanism for all the cylinder heads 5. Remove the camshaft gear.
– sump
– timing gear cover
6. Remove the thrust washer. 9. Remove the valve tappets.
Always check the tappets.
Prior to any machining, check the crankshaft for
cracks. Seizure can cause overheat cracks, which
can only be detected by using special equipment.
The recommended test involves using a magnetic
powder, type MAGNAGLO, which is fluorescent
and is scrutinized under ultraviolet light. For pow-
der type, concentration, current and magnetizing,
follow the instructions of the manufacturer. See
also below the types of cracks that can occur.
…fillets have these types of cracks …or the crack is further than 5 mm from the lube drill-
ing. Cracks nearer the lube drilling can be removed by
…or there are longitudinal cracks within the areas …or when a crack is less than 10 mm outside the area
marked here. marked here.
Individual cracks within 10 mm are acceptable.
Straightening the crankshaft
To assess straightness, the crankshaft must be support-
ed under main bearings 1 and 7 and main bearing 4
checked for out-of-round.
Damaged bearing surfaces should be lapped. If this is
not enough, replace the crankshaft or machine it. A ni-
tro-carburized crankshaft must be be ground more than
to second undersize, unless the nitro-craburizing treat-
ment is repeated. After treatment, bearing surfaces and
fillets should be lapped to a surface finish of 0.002 mm.
Grinding nicks or sharp edges are not permitted, as
they may cause fracture. The width measurement “A”
for the pilot bearing is particularly important. Refer to
After machining, thoroughly clean the crankshaft. Re-
check for cracks, using the magnetic power test method
and de-magnetize. Clean and flush all oil drillings.
It is most important that the fillets are ground to the
right shape and size. They should be between 3.75–
4.00 mm. Use a radial template for the measuring.
Crank the flyhweel to get max. throw. It must not
exceed 0.15 mm.
If the throw is greater than this, remove the fly-
wheel and check the contact surfaces for dirt or un-
Replacing ring gear
1. Punch holes in the ring gear tooth gaps with a
chisel. Crack the ring gear at the punched hole.
Brush clean the contact surface.
Flywheel casing
The flywheel contact surface against the clutch cas-
ing should be square to the crankshaft within 0.15
Its inner edge should be concentric with the fly-
wheel within 0.25 mm.
Replacing support bearings
Special tools:
(999) 1801 Standard handle
1819 1819 Extractor
2665 Press tool
Special tools:
(999) 2000 Handle
6088 Drift
8010 Extractor
1. Remove the flywheel.
Group 22
Lubricating System
– Description .......................................................................................... 80
Oil pump
– Removing, installing ........................................................................... 83
– Servicing .............................................................................................. 85
Oil cooler
– Oil cooler ............................................................................................. 87
– Oil pressure, piston cooling ................................................................. 87
Lubricating system
2. Relief valve,
4. Reducer oil filter
To valve
lube system
3 4 5
1 6
0 7
reducer valve
oil tank
2 15773-13
3. By-pass valve
oil tank
3 1
1. The piston cooling valve opens when engine 4. The reducer valve opens at excessive lube oil
speed has just reached above low idle and oil pres- pressure to return the excess oil back to the sump.
sure has increased. The oil is then led by a drilling
to the piston cooling duct in the engine block. Six The engine is lubricated from a pressure-lubricating
nozzles are connected to the piston cooling duct, system. Since the engine lies horizontally, the oil sump
one for each piston, and from these oil is sprayed is of the dry type with separate oil tank.
against the bottom of the pistons.
The oil system delivery pump sucks the oil from the oil
2. The relief valve for the oil filters opens if the fil- tank through a strainer. It then pressurizes the oil out to
ters are clogged. This ensures continued lubrica- the various lube points in the lubricating system.
Return oil is pumped back to the oil tank by two scav-
3. The by-pass valve opens when the pressure drop enging pumps.
across the oil cooler is too high, e.g., at cold start.
When the valve opens, the oil by-passes the oil
cooler to get more quickly out to the engine lube
4 7
General layout, engine oil
A The oil pump is of the gear type and has
three pump units. The front unit functions
B as an oil delivery pump and the other two
8 as scavenging pumps. They all pump the
2 10 11 oil back to the oil tank via the oil cooler.
The oil pumps are gear-driven from the
8 9 crankshaft via an intermediate drive gear.
Oil pump
drive gear
pump unit
Coolant pump
pump unit
The lubricating oil filters have “spin-on” type re-
placeable filter inserts.
The piston-cooling valve is normally closed at low en-
gine speed, this to prevent the oil pressure from drop-
ping at low idle. As engine speed increases, the piston-
cooling valve opens to direct the oil to six calibrated
nozzles, one under each piston.
Piston-cooling nozzles
If piston cooling is cut-off, reduced or wrongly aimed,
the piston will seize after a relatively short period under
load. Oil for the piston cooling does not pass through
the oil filters during pressure feed but from the oil tank
via the oil pump and on to the piston cooling nozzles.
1. Remove the starter motor, oil filters, coolant
pump, sump.
Special tools:
(999) 2807 Centering tool
6656 Centering tool
Secure the cap in a vice with aluminium jaws (see Fig. Press the pump to the left. Zero-set the indicator dial.
below). Press the pump to the right. Read-off the dial.
Make sure the pump does not lie against the vice. Press the pump back to half the measured value.
Mount a dial indicator with magnetic foot on the cap Tightening torque: 40±4 Nm (4.0±0.4 kpm).
and position the probe to right angles to the pump.
Press right
Servicing oil pump
Special tools:
(999) 2654 Puller
6849 Drift
6850 Reamer
Check the pump body for scoring and wear also for 2654
leakage signs between the bracket and the pump
body. The contact surfaces will be black if there is
Pressing out/in bushings NOTE! The bushings must be pressed in from the
“outside”, as shown below.
Reaming bushings
3. Assemble the pump.
Oil cooler
Pressure testing
Special tools:
(999) 2800 Test bench
8074 Nipple
8075 Cover washer
Group 23
Fuel System
– Description .......................................................................................... 89
– Injection timer ..................................................................................... 92
– Replacing, testing ................................................................................ 94
– Cleaning copper sleeves ...................................................................... 95
Injection pump
– Removing, installing ........................................................................... 96
– Basic timing injection pump (EDC) .................................................... 97
– Idling speed ......................................................................................... 99
– Venting fuel system ............................................................................. 100
– Injection timer
Checking......................................................................................... 101
– Testing injection pump ........................................................................ 102
C. Adjuster device ............................................................................... 103
A. Synchronizing................................................................................. 104
D. Speed sensor ................................................................................... 106
B. Checking and setting fuel flows ..................................................... 106
E. Checking oil pump ......................................................................... 107
F. Anti-tamper sealing ........................................................................ 108
– Replacing damper valve holder, injection pump ................................. 109
Note: For more detailed information on the fuel system (EDC), refer to Service Bulletin
2 (23) No. 18. There is also a description of the EDC-system in Service Manual 3 (37)
Electrical System B10B and B12.
Fuel System
Feed pump governor
Stop device
The feed pump supplies the injection pump with fuel Pump camshaft
under pressure. Fuel flows through the fuel filters be-
fore reaching the injection pump. Push rod
The pump camshaft pressing down the piston causes
the pump chamber in the feed pump to fill with fluid.
When the cam has passed its highest point and the pis-
ton spring presses back the piston, the pump discharges
the fuel. In other words, fuel pressure is determined by Working
the force of the spring. Inlet
Spring lift
The fuel filters are of the spin-on type and are connect-
ed in parallel.
The filters have a new location compared to their loca-
tion on the THD 104 engine; they are now placed under
the starter motor.
The filter element consists of a spiral-wound paper in-
sert with very large filtration area. The layers of paper
are folded so as to form pockets with openings that face
upwards. The fuel flows axially through the pockets,
and this separates dust particles, water, etc., from the
Push rod and
thrust spring
Nozzle needle
Injection pump D10A THD104
The delivery valves have been replaced by damper
valves in order to maintain a higher pressure at the in-
jectors, without having to raise the injection pump
The delivery valve holders (delivery pipe connections)
are now longer and have only one damper valve.
Fuel system venting has been modified to accomodate
the above changes.
After normal venting at the filter bracket, venting is
also required to release the delivery pipes at the injec- Damper ventil Delivery valve
The governor adjuster device (1) is placed in the gov- 2B 1
ernor housing end and consists of an electromagnet that
works directly against the injection pump control rod.
The control rod position sensor (2A and 2B) gives the
control unit the opportunity of deciding if current to the 2A
adjuster device should be increased or decreased. The
main speed sensor (3) in the system works against a
toothed gear on the pump camshaft. In addition to the
charge pressure, it is important for the control unit to
know engine speed, otherwise it will not be possible for
the control unit to determine fuel flow.
Injection timer
Engine DH10A, 345 and 360 have an electrically oper- The injection timer angle setting is dependent on three
ated injection timer. Basically this is the mechanical- different factors: speed (r/min), temperature (°C) and
hydraulical timer described in Service Bulletin 2.23.21 load (Q).
11-93 and Service Manual 2 (20–27) Engine THD The information on engine speed and engine load is
101–104. obtrained from the EDC-control unit (9058) and the
The difference is that the centrifugally activated con- temperature from the temperature sensor (756B).
trol valves in the rear flange have been removed and, A special control unit (3104), placed on the electrical
because of this, the infinite timing setting has been re- distributor unit, takes care of the information and con-
placed by a 2-position timer and the maximum timing trols engagement/disengagement of the solenoid valve
angle has been reduced from 6° to 5°. (638) on the injection timer.
Delivery oil flow from the engine is regulated instead
by a solenoid valve (638), mounted on the timer bear-
ing housing.
The injection timer alters the a-angle to suit operating The value of a and b can be seen from the following
conditions, see diagram below. When there is no cur- table:
rent in the solenoid valve, the engine a-angle is the
same as the basic setting value (a). When operating DH10A, 345 DH10A, 360
conditions are such that current reaches the solenoid
valve, it opens and the engine lube oil presses the inter- Value a 5,5° 7°
nal torsion piston to compress the pressure return
spring until the piston is against the internal adjuster Value b 10,5° 12°
sleeve. During this movement the piston turns so that
the a-angle increases 5° to maximum a (b).
The above diagrams show the angle setting (a°) in rela- The lower diagrams refer to a cold engine (max 55°)
tion to the engine speed. with engine load (Q) less than 55% resp. more than
The upper diagrams refers to an engine run warm (min. 55%.
55°), with engine load (Q) less than 55%. They show They show that, at low engine load, there is readjust-
that, at low engine load, there is no readjustment from ment at all speeds. At high engine load there is read-
idle up to 800 r/min, irrespective of load, between 1080 justment between 1080 and 1290 r/min, otherwise ad-
and 1290 r/min. At other speeds there is readjustment. justment takes place.
Special tool:
(999) 6643 Puller
1. Make sure the injector is thoroughly clean before
removing or fitting it. Make sure no paint flakes
stick to the sealing surfaces of the pipe ends.
6643 3. Clean the copper sleeve according to instructions
next page.
There are no prescribed intervals for checking the
injectors. They should be removed and checked
when the engine has lost some of its power or if the
exhaust emissions are unacceptable.
Injectors should be checked in an injector tester.
Check results against injector data in “Specifica-
Concerning repairs to and maintenance of injec-
tors, refer to the instructions of the Bosch factory.
To be able to assess injector condition properly, one
must be aware that the different injectors have different
Warning! spray pattern and chatter. Most important is checking
Utmost care must be taken when testing the opening/adjusting pressure and tightness. Spray
injectors. Fuel spray from the injector MUST pattern and chatter are difficult to assess and do not
NOT be allowed to strike unprotected parts of the provide any sure indication of injector condition. All
body. The jet has tremendous force and skin pene- air must be removed from the injector before testing.
tration could lead to blood poisoning. Pump fuel with large pump strokes in order to get max-
imum fuel flow.
Checking/adjusting opening pressure
Connect up a pressure gauge. Slowly push down
the nozzle tester lever until the nozzle opens and
releases fuel. Read-off the opening pressure.
Volvo specifies an adjusting pressure in addition to
the opening pressure. The adjusting pressure refers
to new injectors with new thrust springs. It is high-
er than the opening pressure and provides a certain
margin to allow for thrust spring fatigue.
If the opening pressure obtained when testing does
not comply with the specifications, adjust to the
correct opening pressure with the help of adjusting
for pressure setting
Spray pattern After the injector has been in use for a short time, this
At a high pumping speed of 4–6 pump strokes per sec- difference diminishes and the contact area increases so
ond, the spray pattern should be uniform and the fuel that the chatter noise should eventually die out.
atomized. The chatter does not have any effect on the injector
when installed in the engine.
Leakage check
Check for fuel leaks between the tip of the nozzle nee-
Servicing nozzle tester
dle and the tapered sealing surface of the nozzle sleeve. If the test fuel has been contaminated by dirt, etc., it
Wipe the nozzle tip dry. Connect up a pressure gauge must be renewed. Also the nozzle tester filter insert
and pump the pressure to approx. 200 kPa below the must be replaced or removed and cleaned in fuel.
injector opening pressure. Keep the pressure constant
for 10 seconds. No fuel should drip from the nozzle tip. When filling with new test fuel, flush the nozzle tester
by pumping the lever, no injector fitted.
Chatter test Check the pressure gauge reading at intervals, using a
Normally only new injectors emit a chatter noise. test gauge. If the pressure gauge shows incorrect read-
The contact area between the nozzle needle and the seat ings, it should be replaced. Minor deviations can be
is narrow as the parts are manufactured with a small corrected by checking against a correction table.
angle difference.
Injection pump
Special tool:
(999) 8068 Crank tool
1. Remove the inspection panel from underneath the 3. Remove the delivery oil pipe from the engine
flywheel casing and fit crank tool 8068. block.
2. Crank the flywheel until no. 1 cyl. piston has just 4. Disconnect the fuel pipes and cables. Plug all open
passed the TDC (compression stroke), (0° on the connections with plastic plugs.
flywheel, mark on pump flange facing up).
5. Release the pump from the pump shelf.
Tightening torques
Injection pump retaining bolts .................................... 40±4 Nm (4,0±0,4 kpm)
Injection pump flange bolts ........................................ 62±5 Nm (6,2±0,5 kpm)
7-pin connector
To make sure the cable connection is tight enough, pull
the cable unit axially, see fig, to ensure there is no gap,
which is the case with an improperly tightened coup-
ling. Tighten to take in this gap, if any, and then a fur-
ther hex side (approx. 60°).
rear NOTE! It is important that all cable connections and
joints in the EDC-system are fully plugged in and that
the protection sleeves are pressed fully over insulators
Pull cable unit axially and sensors.
to check for gap
Hex spanner Check that there is engine oil in the bottom section of
grip the injection pump. There should be no oil in the gov-
Special tools:
(998) 7057 Timing tool
8068 Crank tool
3. Remove the plug from the pump governor hous-
Low idling speed EDC
Setting, permanent
If the engine is warm (above 45°C), the bus stationary
and the clutch pedal released (parking brake on and
gearbox in neutral on buses with automatic transmis-
sion), idling speed can be set with the help of the break-
ers on the direction indicator stalk.
Setting, temporary
Venting fuel system 3. In the same way slacken each delivery pipe and
use the feed pump hand primer to get fuel free
from air bubbles and then tighten up the pipes
1. Open the vent screw on the fuel filter housing. while the fuel is still flowing out.
2. With the feed pump hand primer pump fuel into 4. Check for leakage and the function.
the fuel system until fuel free from air bubbles
flows out. Then close the vent screw.
Injection timer,
checking DH10A, 345, 360
Special tools:
(999) 8060 Crank tool
8190 Measuring instrument
Testing injection pump, DH10A
Before testing the injection pump, fill the injection pump with engine oil
SAE 20W20 up to the level of the lube oil return outlet.
Concerning adjustment details, refer to the diesel test standard sheet, Serv-
ice Bulletin, Group 23.
Special tools:
(998) 6551 Bracket
7057 Setting tol
7059 Power source, variable 12 V/15 A
– Power sources, fixed voltage 12 V/3 A
alt. on 12 V battery is used
7075 Oscilloscope (needed only for
checking speed sensor)
7085 Test control unit (control unit for
testing pump)
7094 Cable unit
7097 Cable unit
(951) 0060 Voltmeter, accuracy <± mV (Digital)
7085 Test control unit Bosch KDEP 1701 Setting tool
U/norm x 5.00
U/RV/a =
Ex. measured working voltage (U/ref) = 4.97 V
For test in question: U/norm = 3.10 V
3.10 x 5.00
U/RV/a = ≈ 3.12V to be used for test
4.97 in question
C. Adjuster device
The first to check on the injection pump is the control
rod travel.
Test No.
1 Unorm 3.10 V
Control rod travel: 12.95–13.05 mm (Setting value)
12.90–13.10 mm (check value)
2 Unorm 1.70 V
Control rod travel: 5.90–6.40 mm (Setting value)
5.85–6.45 mm (check value)
3 Unorm min V
Control rod travel: 0.5–1.0 mm (Setting value)
0.4–1.1 mm (check value)
1. Fit the fuel feed line and return line to the pump. 5. Check to make sure the dial indicator measuring
Run the pump warm (600 r/min) for 3 minutes. probe has contact with the travelled control rod.
Unorm = 2.5 V. Set the dial indicator to 21 mm.
2. Fit the bracket and dial indicator (Volov P/N 998 6. Reduce the variable voltage to 0 V and read-off the
6551) at the front of the injection pump to measure dial indicator. Compare the measured value with
control rod travel. The Fig. shows an adapted the value given in the diesel standard sheet at C.
bracket. Adjuster device with U/norm = min. 0.4–1.1 mm.
If the control rod travel is not within the tolerance,
adjust by replacing the setting device end pin,
which is available in different sizes.
4. Switch on the variable power source and slowly 7. Thereafter carry out tests 1 and 2 under C. Adjust-
increase the voltage until you can hear the adjuster er device adjustment as per diesel test standards
device going to its end position. sheet. Tips: Carry out the tests at low pump rota-
Note: The adjuster device may only be in the end tion, e.g., 200 r/min.
position for max. 1 minute, otherwise there is risk Compare the measured values with those given in
of it catching fire. the diesel test standards sheet.
A. Synchronizing 3. Open the tap on the test bench injector for no. 1
Fit the bracket and dial indicator on the rear side of the cylinder.
pump to measure the lift from the basic circle on no. 1 Increase the voltage to the adjuster device (control
pump piston. Crank the pump so that no. 1 pump piston rod travel voltage Unorm) to correspond to the val-
is at its bottom position. Zero-set the dial indicator. ue given in the standards sheet.
Lift from basic circle at start of measuring
1. Set no. 1 pump piston to its bottom position. Zero-
set the dial indicator. Remove the relief valve from
the injection pump. Connect the test bench high-
pressure hose to the pump fuel inlet. Plug the
pump fuel outlet.
Checking pulse gear cam
Fit special tool 998 7057 on the injection pump and
earth the tool.
Both the diodes should light when no. 1 pump piston is
in stroke position. If both diodes light, carefully crank
the pump and at the same time read-off the protractor
on the test bench. Compare the difference in degrees
between no. 1 stroke position and when both diodes
light with the value permitted in the diesel test stand-
Tolerance between pump cylinders
The other 5 pump elements are checked and if neces-
sary adjusted in accordance with engine firing se-
quence 1-5-3-6-2-4.
The dial indicator is used only on no. 1 tappet. The oth-
er pump elements are adjusted with the help of the test
bench protractor. Mark the stroke position for no. 1
pump element on the test bench protractor. Then re-
move the dial indicator.
The pump camshaft is cranked 60° for each pump ele-
ment. Compare the angle deviation with the value pre-
scribed in the diesel test standards (see tolerance be-
tween the cylinders).
If necessary, adjust with shims under the flange bush-
D. Speed sensor
This check is carried out only if there are problems
with speed control or when the sensor/toothed gear has
been removed.
Run the tests as specified in the diesel test standards
and check that the flow difference between the pump
elements is as little as possible. The difference must not
exceed “Difference max. cm3”.
After 10 seconds vacuum must be higher than 40 mbar (0.6 psi) Setting
After 10 seconds vacuum must be higher than 30 mbar (0.45 psi) Check
Checking oil pump, cont…
F. Anti-tamper sealing
Anti-tamper seal the pump and the governor with the
two screws on the governor cover.
Replacing damper valve holder, Important!
injection pump If the washer has fallen down, in all probability the in-
jection pump is damaged and must be repaired. If the
pump is damaged, the delivery pipes and the injectors
Special tool:
425973 Removal/installation tool will also have to be replaced.
Pressed-in washer
Group 25
Starting pre-heater
– Troubleshooting................................................................................... 113
– Replacing heating coil ......................................................................... 114
– Description DH10A, 345, 350, 360 ..................................................... 115
– Servicing DH10A, 345, 350, 360 ........................................................ 116
– Description DH10A, 245, 285 ............................................................. 119
– Servicing DH10A, 245, 285 ................................................................ 121
– Wastegate ............................................................................................ 120
The intake system for the air is entirely separated from
the fuel system. It consists of four main parts:
– air intake with inlet pipe
– air cleaner
– turbocompressor
– inlet manifold with starting pre-heater (including
intercooler on engines with intercooler). The start-
ing pre-heater is optional, so it may not be fitted on
some engines.
Air cleaner
Air cleaner
Inlet manifold
Inlet pipe with
Air cleaner
The air cleaner is of the dry filter type. Air flows
through it from the outside to the inside.
Filter insert
Air cleaner, single filter insert type The air cleaner may have one or two filter inserts. The
inner insert in the double filter variant does not need to
be replaced as often as the outer one.
Buses fitted with double filter inserts usually also have
a cyclone filter. This is mounted next to the air cleaner
The filter insert should be replaced when the pressure- intake. It swirls the incoming air so that large dust and
drop indicator window shows red or if the filter has dirt particles drop down. When the engine stops, these
been in use for 18 months. fall down through a rubber valve in the bottom of the
cyclone filter sleeve.
For more details, look up the Service Manual “Service The rubber valve should be squeezed now and again
and Maintenance”. just to make sure no dirt has stuck inside.
All the DH10A-engines have the single-circuit type in-
tercooler with a separate cooling circuit, radiator and
The intercooler lowers the temperature of the inlet air
and this has a better effect on engine power. The sys-
tem cools the inlet air down to approx. 60°C. Concern-
ing pressure testing and description of the coolant cir-
cuits, refer to “Cooling system”.
Pressure-drop indicator
The pressure-drop indicator should show full red at
the Vp vacuum value given in the Specifications. If
the indicator is not faulty, depress the reset button.
If faulty, replace the pressure-drop indicator.
When fitting the pressure-drop indicator, make
sure it is screwed on tight. There must not be any
air leakage on the “clean” side of the air cleaner.
Connection, pressure-
drop indicator
Starting pre-heater
An indicator lamp lights when the starting pre-heater is
engaged. Should it light during testing, the fault is in
the power supply circuit or in the operating circuit. But
first check the fuses and also relay 312.
If cable failure or short-circuit is suspected, carry out
the following checks:
Switch off the electric circuits when about to
replace the starting pre-heater!
Intercooler housing
Heating coil
Starting pre-heater
Use is made of the engine exhaust gases to drive the The turbine wheel and compressor wheel are mounted
turbocompressor turbine wheel. on the same shaft. When the compressor wheel rotates,
it sucks air in from the air cleaner, the turbocompressor
compresses it and presses it through the intercooler to
the engine. Concerning the charge pressure, refer to
“Condition test”.
From exhaust manifold The turbocompressor is lubricated and cooled by the
engine oil, on the DH10A, 245, 285, the turbo is also
cooled by coolant. Turbocompressor function is de-
pendent on oil supply. Therefore the engine lubricating
system must be well looked after.
The turbocompressor is adapted to engine type, where
the size of the turbine is of great importance.
To exhaust air cleaner
Turbocompressor To intercooler
Removing/installing 1. Remove…
– the compressed-air pipe for the exhaust pressure
– the clamp between the shutter housing and the ex-
4 haust pipe,
3 – the nuts for the diffusor.
1 5 2. Lift out the shutter housing.
3. Remove the inlet hose.
1 4. Disconnect the delivery and return oil pipes from
the turbo.
4 5. For DH10A, 245, 285: Disconnect the coolant con-
nections (do not disconnect the wastegate and con-
trol rod).
6. Remove the turbocompressor from the exhaust
Fit new gaskets on the
– exhaust manifold
– delivery oil pipe
– return oil pipe
– coolant connections (DH10A, 245, 285).
Sealant 591247-2
Special tools:
(998) 7600 Adapter
(999) 9708 Torque wrench
➇ Retaining rings
➁ Compressor
and bushings
➀ Turbine housing
L-H thread
➂ ➄
4 7
Check all parts for wear. Always replace bearings,
seals, circlip, lock washer with new ones from the re-
pair kit.
Checking, cont.
A damaged shaft with scored bearing surfaces must not
be refitted. Minor scratches are acceptable.
A damaged turbine or compressor wheel must always
be replaced. Do not try to straighten out a deformed
blade. The housing should be replaced if it has cracks
or has been exposed to overheating.
Very often the best alternative is to replace the entire
compressor (exchange unit) if, e.g., the shaft, housing
or some blades are damaged.
Repair kit
1. –
2. Bearing bushing
3. Thrust bearing
4. Lock ring
5. Circlip
6. Screw
7. Screw
8. Lock washer
9. O-ring
10. Piston ring seal
Turbocompressor To intercooler
DH10A, 245, 285
From air
To exhaust
From exhaust
1. Wastegate
2. Pressure box 4
3. Lube oil
4. Coolant
Wastegate, checking opening pressure 2. Remove the hose from the pressure box at the
compressor housing and connect nipple 999 9314
Special tools: to the hose. Connect pressure tester 999 6662 to
(999) 6662 Pressure gauge the nipple. Always check to make sure the pres-
9324 Nipple sure gauge is correctly calibrated.
Refers to repairs to turbo on DH10A, 245, 285.
The wastegate with pressure box and bracket is not to
be removed from the turbine housing. Nor is the lock
nut on the push rod to be released. But, if it has to be
released, the push rod must be adjusted, in which case
refer to Checking wastegate opening pressure.
If the pressure box has to be replaced, use the repair kit
for this (see Parts Catalogue). The kit contains a service
tool (fixture) and necessary instructions for a correct
mounting of the wastegate.
Always line-up mark the position of the turbine hous-
ing (1) in relation to the compressor housing (2) before
– Compressor housing (5).
– Bearing housing (4), compressor wheel (6) and turbine
wheel (7). Avoid damage to the wheel blades.
6 1
– Observe due care when removing the compressor Cleaning
housing/turbine housing not to damage the blades Corossive cleaners can damage certain parts and
on the wheels. should therefore be avoided.
Make sure all surfaces adjacent to the wheels and hous-
ings are free from deposits and are clean and smooth.
Allow the parts to seep in a cleaner until the deposits
drop off.
Use a plastic scraper or soft brush on the aluminium
Note: A steel brush or metal scraper must never be
used. Steam can be used on condition that shafts and
other bearing surfaces are not damaged.
Blow all parts clean with pressurized air; check par-
– The lock nut on the compressor wheel (6) has a l-h ticularly to make sure that all drillings and slide sur-
thread. faces are free from dirt.
Check all parts for wear. Bearings, seals, lock rings and
circlips requiring replacement should be replaced with
the corresponding parts from the repair kit.
A damaged shaft with scoring on the bearing surfaces
must not be re-fitted. Minor scores are acceptable.
If damaged, the turbine and compressor wheels must
always be replaced. Do not attempt to straighten out a
deformed blade. The housing is replaced if it is cracked
or been exposed to overheating.
Very often the better alternative is to replace the entire
compressor (exchange unit) if, e.g., the shaft, housing
or some blades are damaged.
Repair kit
1. Lock nut
8 2. Circlip
3. O-ring
10 4. Piston ring seal
5. Oil guide plate
8 9 6. Axial bearing
7. Retaining rings
7 8. Bearing bushings
9. Piston ring seal
10. Screw
Installing – Use straight engine oil and oil the bearing parts
Important! and the piston ring seals.
– Always make sure that the balance mark is in line
on the rotor when assembling the turbo.
– Line-up the balance mark on the oil guide plate – Align the line-up marks on the bearing housing
with the mark on the axial bearing (6) and the and the turbine housing. Tighten the screws (10) to
mark on the shaft end. 14 Nm.
Oil the O-ring (3) on the oil seal and make sure – Secure the turbine housing and check-measure ra-
that the axial bearing and oil guide plate are placed dial and axial clearance with the help of a dial indi-
correctly. cator.
– Fit the circlip (2), with the bevelled side facing the
bearing bushing. Check to make sure the circlip
properly locates in the groove.
Exhaust Pressure Governor (EPG)
The engine has been fitted with an exhaust pressure
governor (EPG) the function of which is to provide
cleaner exhaust gases while the engine is warming
up.When the parking brake is on and coolant temper-
ature is below 70°C, the governor shutter closes off the
exhaust gases so that the engine works against a certain
backpressure and this reduces hydrocarbon emissions
and white smoke. The EPG is controlled by pressurized
air via a solenoid valve and a reducer valve.
The EPG also functions as an exhaust brake when the
exhaust brake switch is activated.
Note. The same control pressure is used for the EPG
during warm-up as for exhaust braking, which is max.
750 kPa.
23 3005
15 3
max. 750 kPa
626 78143-31
Exhaust pressure governor, servicing
Special tool:
(999) 6068 Drift
Tightening torque
10–11 Nm (1.0–1.1 kpm)
Sealing ring
(Evacuation hole)
Bearing housing
Spacer washer
Scraper ring
Stopp ring
Piston rod
Disassembling Assembling
1. Remove 5. Fix the shutter in a vice.
– cover
– piston 6. Fit on the shutter housing cover.
– spring
7. Fit the bearing housing and piston rod.
2. Remove
– cylinder 8. Fit the cylinder. Make sure the evacuation hole
– bearing housing faces down.
– spacer washer
9. Fit the spacer washer, spring and piston.
3. Remove
– piston rod 10. Fit the cover.
– shutter
Group 26
Cooling System
Coolant pump
– Disassembling/assembling .................................................................. 131
– Pressure-testing ................................................................................... 135
Cooling fan
– Description .......................................................................................... 137
– Pressure-testing cooling system .......................................................... 139
Fan drive
– Fan drive with drive belts .................................................................... 143
– Hydraulic fan drive .............................................................................. 144
Cooling system – description
The function of the cooling system is to cool the en- the engine oil temperature. Two piston type main ther-
gine, and if the bus has a separate hydraulic retarder or emostats regulate the engine coolant temperature. The
retarder built into the gearbox, also the oil for the re- system also has two other thermostats: a heating sys-
tarder or gearbox. The engine gets its cooling from tem thermostat and a thermostat for the retarder (or
coolant pumped round the engine in the coolant drill- gearbox) oil cooler. The thermostats direct the coolant
ings and by the coolant also flowing through the oil flow to the respective circuit to the extent they are in-
cooler, this contributing to engine cooling by lowering fluenced by the coolant temperature.
The engine and intercooler circuits are connected up as inter-coupled with a pipe elbow and the thermostat
before. The cooling circuit for the hydraulic retarder housing has only one vent hose.
and the automatic transmission are coupled in series Pos. 9 is the thermostat valve that controls the hydrau-
with the engine cooling circuit. If the bus does not have lic pump and thereby the fan speed. (Hydraulic-driven
an hydraulic retarder or automatic transmission (pos. fan.)
19), their connections on the thermostat housing are
Cooling system vent lines, B10M Better use of cooling system heating
To prevent air from getting into the cooling system a capacity
vent line from the radiator lies in the bottom of the ex-
Check valve between intercooler and expansion
pansion tank, that is, below coolant level. This, how- tank
ever, makes for slower venting when filling an empty When the coolant diverts heat from the engine, some of
cooling system from the expansion tank. For this rea- the coolant goes up to the cooling system expansion
son, we recommend filling via the evacuation connec- tank. At the same time a small amount of coolant flows
tion in the bottom of the cooler, using filler unit from the intercooler circuit also up to the expansion
9812271-6. tank. This coolant is much cooler than the coolant that
comes from the remaining part of the engine. From the
NOTE! point of view of heating, this is not a good mixture, par-
The radiator vent line must not be inter-coupled with ticularly at low ambient temperatures. It is estimated
the other vent lines as this could risk air feedback. that up to 5% of the heating capacity is lost. This corre-
sponds to an approx. 3–5°C loss in temperature for the
coolant flowing into the bus heating system. To reduce
these losses and thereby raise the temperature of the
bus heating system, a check valve has been installed in
the vent hose between the LLK-radiator and the expan-
sion tank. The check valve prevents coolant circulation
but does not prevent venting.
Check valve
Pos. Description
1. Nipple
2. Ball (B10B)
3. Nuts
4. Nipple
5. Hose clamps
6. Ball (B10M)
Main thermostat
The thermostat housing contains two thermostats for
maintaining temperature in the engine cooling circuit
and one thermostat for the bus interior heating system.
If the bus does not have an hydraulic retarder or auto-
matic transmission with oil cooler, their connections 2
and 3 on the thermostat housing are inter-coupled with
a pipe elbow and the housing has only one vent hose.
Special tool:
(999) 6781 Drift
The pressure valve, which is placed in the tube be-
tween the thermostat housing and the coolant pump,
increases the pressure in the inner circuit when the
main thermostat is closed, especially at low engine
speed. This improves circulation in the heating system
The Fig. shows valve opening under load.
Coolant pump
Special tools:
(999) 2268 Drift
2269 Counterhold
6858 Drift
8039 Drift 1. Remove the pump cover and flange.
8113 Drift
6859 Counterhold Press out the shaft enough to loosen the impeller.
3. Tap out the seals. 6. Press a new bearing into the bearing cage.
5. Press the shaft out of the bearing cage. 8. Mark the shaft 37 mm from its end.
Press the shaft in up to the mark.
9. Tap the inner bearing into the bearing housing. 12. Tap down the unit seal.
10. Press in the shaft, bearing and bearing cage. 13. Press the impeller about 10 mm down on the shaft.
First use counterhold 2269 as a counterhold. Then
continue with drift 8113, using the handle as a
11. Carefully press down the seal, past the drain drill- 14. Place counterhold 6859 as a support under the im-
ing. peller and press on the impeller.
15. Check the distance. 18. Fit the O-ring and the outer cover.
NOTE! The marks on the intermediate cover and
the outer cover must coincide.
0.5–1.0 mm
Intercooler 3. Connect the pressure gauge to the nipple and test
the pressure. It must not drop during one minute. If
it does, replace the intercooler!
Use a standard puller and pull out the intercooler tubu-
lar sleeves.
Tighten the screws in two stages in the sequence shown
Stage 1: Tighten the screws until the screw head makes
contact with the block.
Stage 2: Tighten the screws to 20±2 Nm (2±0.2 kpm).
Cooling fan
Up front the temperature-controlled cooling fan has pin (4) transfers the bi-metal washer movements to a
two temperature-sensitive bi-metal plates that regulate spring-loaded valve (5) in the fan hub.
fan engagement.
A thermostat-controlled fan should always be in
The bi-metal plates start to bend when the cooling air
the vertical position. Placed horizontally could
reaches a temperature of approx. 40°C. The hotter the
cause leakage and impair the efficiency of the fan.
air flowing through, the greater the bending. A control
1. Temperature-sensitive
bi-metal plate
2. Cover
3. Oil scraper
4. Control pin
5. Spring-loaded valve
6. Intermediate plate with
valve arm
7. Drive plate
8. Fan bearings
9. Coupling housing
10. Drive shaft hub
The fan engagement fluid is a silicone oil of high vis- However, because of slip caused by the silicone oil, fan
cosity. At temperatures below approx. 40°C, the spring- speed will never be higher than 95% of the drive shaft
loaded valve (5) is fully closed. Oil can then go through speed.
a return channel from the coupling housing (9) to the When the cooling air temperature drops, the fan speed
space in the cover (2). In this mode, the fan speed is re- decreases, rapidly between 60°C and 50°C, but fan
duced to approx. 1/4 of the drive shaft (10) speed. This speed reduction is slower when the temperature drops
is the lowest stage at which engagement takes place. down towards 37°C.
As the temperature increases, the valve starts to open
and the degree of engagement increases to full engage-
ment at approx. 65°C, at which the spring-loaded valve
is fully open.
Cooling fan speed B10B
Expensive testing equipment is required to do a
complete check on the thermostat-regulated cool-
ing fan. One of the reasons for this is that it is diffi-
cult to measure the air temperature round the bi-
metal plates. If the cooling fan does not seem to
work, there is a simple way in which to check the
Fan speed and drive shaft speed can be measured
with an optical tachometer that works with reflec-
tion tape. A piece of this tape is stuck on a fan blade
and another piece next to the fan drive shaft. Start
the check with a cold engine and an ambient tem-
perature of max. 25°C. Then run the engine to
about 2000 r/min. If fan speed increases at temper-
atures below 25°C, then there is something wrong
with fan control mechanism.
The fan control mechanism is functioning properly
if the degree of engagement is within the gray-
marked sector in the diagram below.
Note, however, that it is fully normal if the fan en-
gages at full speed to begin with. Wait, therefore,
until the fan speed has stabilized before checking.
Do not go near the fan when it is rotating.
Engage degree
Air temperature (°C)
40 50 60 70 80
Pressure-testing cooling system Temporarily connect the pressure tester along with the
Special tools: test cap in place of the pressure cap. Test at a pressure
(999) 6662 Pressure tester of 70 kPa (0.7 kp/cm2).
6049 Hose (with nipple) When pressure has stabilized, check all the compo-
6441 Test cap for expansion tank nents in the system for leakage – radiator, connections,
with thread hoses, coolant pump, heating system, etc. If the pres-
sure gauge indicates pressure drop, then there is leak-
age, which must be remedied without delay.
Stage 1 Stage 2
Radiator, removing/installing
Special tool:
(999) 9954 Component lift
1. Place the radiator assembly on lift 9954. 4. Fill with coolant and open the taps in the bus heat-
Raise the bus enough to run the radiator assembly ing system.
in underneath. Start the engine and check for leakage.
2. Lower the bus and raise the lift far enough so that Top-up with coolant if necessary.
the assembly mount brackets can be bolted on. 5. Fit the edge plates and the engine rear plate.
Fit and tighten all the bracket bolts and lower the
3. Connect up the hoses for the intercooler and cool-
Install the fan and fit the drive belts.
Adjust the drive belts.
High coolant temperature
Check the radiator for clogging and for deformed fins
or for poor coolant flow to the radiator pipes. If neces-
sary clean the radiator.
NOTE! Observe great care not to damage the fins
when cleaning the radiator. Do not use high-pressure
flushing. Pressurized air can be used from the rear side
of the radiator.
A radiator with loose or damaged fins should be re-
Upper seal
(viewed from left side)
Side seals
(viewed from above)
Coolant temperature sensors
2 1, 3
Temp. sensor EDC P/N 1619819 (2-pin) max. test current 1mA
C° Ω
60 615±62
90 255±29
120 119±15
Temp. sensor, temp. gauge P/N 1619819 (2-pin) max. test current 1mA
between pins 1–3 between pins 2–3
C° Ω C° Ω
60 116.6±14.2 0 1634±21
90 45.9±4.5 25 2000±22
100 34.9±3.1
Temp. sensor EDC (4-pin) max. test current 1 mA P/N 3944 168
between pins 1–2 between pins 3–4
C° Ω C° Ω
60 607.5±59 0 1634±21
90 250.6±26.8 25 2000±22
120 116.6±14.0
Fan drive with drive belts B10B
1. Check to make sure that the tension on the fan Check-tighten the drive belt tension twice: Check 1 af-
drive belts is correct: 13–14 mm deflection at 50 N ter 500–1500 km; check 2 after 3000–5000 km.
(5 kp) midway between the pulleys. Check pulleys
inter-level with a straight edge.
Belt tensioner
Position of tensioned belts 0°
30° 15°
Rubber rod
2. With incorrect relationship between the belt ten-
sioner and pulleys, adjust the belt tensioner posi-
Belt tensioning
The tensioner has a scale. Adjust the pre-tension to 15°
on the scale. This corresponds to correct belt tension-
Rotational centre/angle setting ing. Tighten up the lock bolt.
Hydraulic fan drive
An alternative to the mechanical fan drive is the hy-
draulic version, which is to be found on both the B10M
and B10B.
11 9
1 5
6 8
1. Pump
2. Fan motor
3. Thermostat valve
4. Control valve 06886
5. Modulator
6. Restrictor
7. Oil tank Delivery line
8. Oil filter By-pass oil line
9. Radiator assembly Suction line
10. Pulley Return line
11. Max. pressure valve
Concerning troubleshooting, servicing the hydraulic pump,
hydraulic motor, refer to Service Manual, Section 2 (26) Hy-
draulic Fan.
Group 27
Engine Controls
Fault diagnosis
– Activating fault diagnosis .................................................................... 150
– Fault codes ........................................................................................... 151
– EDC, troubleshooting with multimeter ............................................... 154
– Connecting-up ..................................................................................... 155
– Measurements table ............................................................................. 155
– Remarks ............................................................................................... 158
EDC – Electronic Diesel Control
EDC is an electric system for regulating and monitor- Compared to a conventional fuel system, the advant-
ing the engine fuel injection. ages of the EDC is that it has greater opportunities to
Characteristic of the system is that it works with an control fuel flow. The electromagnetic governor reacts
electromagnetic governor mounted on a standard injec- more rapidly and provides a more precise fuel control
tion pump. On the engine and in the driver area there compared to a mechanical governor.
are a number of sensors that send different signals to This chapter contains a description of the system,
the electronic control unit, which processes incoming check/remedy measures when one or several fault
signals and converts them to signals that go to the elec- codes have been registered and instructions for adjust-
tromagnetic governor on the injection pump. ing the accelerator pedal and the setting of the injection
The EDC-system also has capacity for cruise control pump on the engine.
and, possibly, an adjuster function for low and raised
1. Rev/speed control
2. Diagnosis
3 3. Accelerator pedal
4 4. Speed
5 5. Brake pedal
6 6. Clutch pedal
7 7. Exhaust brake
8 8. Turbo pressure (charge pressure)
9. Intercooler temp.
10. Coolant temp.
11. Speed
12. Regulated fuel flow
13. Engine switch off
Function of sensors, driver area
Clutch pedal position breaker
Controlled mechanically by the clutch pedal. When the A speed signal is despatched as information to the con-
clutch pedal is depressed, this position breaker disen- trol unit from the speedometer/tachograph.
gages the cruise control.
Cruise control
Used for three different functions:
• Idle speed, setting.
• Raised idle speed (so-called “constant speed
• Cruise control.
EDC-components in electrical distributor unit
Relay box 3060 Fuse 45 for Fuse 44 for Control unit 9058
normal voltage cruise control
feed stalk
Relay box
Relay box 3060 contains relays for voltage feeding the TR2 circuit is wired to the automatic transmission and
system and three small electronic circuits, which main- parking brake. Its function is to simulate “clutch pedal”
ly contain transistors. Normal voltage feed, from fuse up. It must be possible, namely, to earth pin 27 on the
45, comes in to pins 1 and 9. At input to R1, there is a control unit, even if the hus has automatic transmission
diode that prevents reverse current. Before R1 can and thus does not have a clutch pedal. “+” in the N-
close, TR1 must open, which it does at a (+) via 3063 position is used when the bus is stationary and gives
relay (engine shut-off). This (+) also closes R2. On the (–) on pin 6 when the parking brake is on. “+” above
strength of the power available, R2 distributes the feed 3 km/h is converted by the TR2 circuit to (–) on pin 6
to the two lines going to the control unit. during driving.
Electronic circuit TR3 converts engine speed sensor With no voltage at pins 1 and 9, relay R1 remains in the
(753B) impulses, which vary between –12V and +12 V inactive position and voltage is fed instead from pin 10.
up to pin 15, to a pulse signal from 0–24V, which is fed The TR4-circuit then lights warning lamp EDC+ by
to pin 32 in the control unit. Pin 14 is earthed. giving a (–) at pin 11.
+30 from
coupling box
Relay 3063
“+” “+” above breaks “+”
in N-pos. 3 km/hr when engine
Control unit
Control unit 9058 houses the electronics for regulating
fuel flow. The electronic system has two microproces-
sors, a main processor M1, that normally looks after all
engine and vehicle control, and another microprocessor
that takes care of fault diagnostics, communication
with the other control units, that is, ABS/ASR and EST
18. M2 also monitors processor M1and takes over its
functions should M1 break down.
Pin Signals to/from control unit 9058
32 Speed signal from relay box 3060 35 Sensor earth.
2/1 Voltage feed 17/13 Accelerator pedal position from position sensor,
18/12/30/5 Signals from “cruise control” (1125). In series accelerator pedal (7065). In the EDC-system,
between pin 5 and the cruise control stalk there the kick-down breaker for automatic transmis-
is also a pressure breaker (2008) that breaks the sion is housed in the position sensor.
current during braking. 33/34 Intercooler pressure sensor (7066). A 5 V refer-
9 C3-signal from speedometer/tachograph. ence voltage (outsignal) comes in from 33 and a
voltage of 1.3–2.5V is sent to 34, depending on
16 Voltage from activated exhaust brake (breaks
the charge pressure.
cruise control function) and accelerator pedal
function. 11 Voltage from activated brake lights (breaks
cruise control function).
7 PWM (Pulse Wide Modulated) voltage signal to
automatic transmission and ASR-system (Anti- 28 Control rod position signal from control unit.
Slip Regulation) passes on information on the 14 Not used.
throttle position. 20/19 Earth connection.
25 Signal from ASR-system concerning dethrot- 4 Doubled engine shut-off (apart from switching
tling with skidding. off power to adjuster device on governor) is ef-
15 Input and output for diagnostic lamp. fected by a “+” to the solenoid valve (603)
21/3 Outsignal to adjuster device on governor (6064) which, via a compressed-air cylinder (emergen-
for regulating throttle. cy stop) activates the injection pump stop lever.
Breaking “+” to the solenoid valve 603 opens
6/29/10 Control rod position from sensor in governor
the valve.
27 Position breaker (2007) on the clutch pedal
31 Speed from sensor in governor (6064).
earths when the clutch pedal is released. (Ap-
26 Intercooler temp. from sensor (7067) in inlet plies only to manual gearbox – for automatic
pipe. transmission, see pin 6 relay box.)
23 Coolant temp. from sensor (756B) in thermostat
housing cover on B10B and in discharge pipe af-
ter engine (to retarder) pn B12.
Fault code/ Probable fault(reaction) Check/action
2B The control unit is not programmed (engine Program the control unit with the data statement speci-
will not start) fied for the engine, see further page 9.
3HE Brake indication faulty or not checked (cruise Turn the start key to the drive (feed selector switch)
control does not function) position. Depress the brake pedal and keep it depressed
for about 4 seconds. The lamp should then go out. “+”
must not be in the connector TB “5” when the brake
pedal is depressed hard, “+” on the other hand should
be in TC “6”.
4E No main or assist speed signal (engine does Check the resistance in the sensors, see below fault
not start) code 5 B. If there is nothing wrong with the sensors,
check for failure in cables to pins 31 and 32.
5B Main speed signal faulty (reduced engine The sensor is housed inside the injection pump gov-
power) ernor. Sensor resistance between pins 3 and 4 on the
governor 0.8–1.2 Ω.
6HE Assist speed signal faulty The sensor is place on the engine. Correct resistance is
1050±100 Ω between the sensor connection pins.
8B No speed signal Measure the voltage between the C3 signal and earth.
At 0 km/h, voltage should be 1.0–1.4 V. Voltage
should increase 0.2–0.3 V for every speed increase of
10 km/h.
9B Intercooler temp. abnormally high (90° C) Check the intercooling. If both fault codes 9 and 11 are
(reduced engine power) indicated, measure the sensor resistance which should
be 220–280 Ω at 90°C, (1mA) between the sensor con-
nection pins.
10B Intercooler temp. abnormally low (reduced Check for failure in the cables and connections.
engine power)
11B Intercooler temp. abnormally high (higher Sensor resistance between the sensor connection pins
than 100° C) should be 100–130 Ω at 120°C (1 mA).
12B Coolant temp. abnormally low Failure to/or in sensor 756 B. Sensor resistance be-
tween sensor connection pins should be 500–800 Ω at
Check the cooling system thermostat.
13B Collant temp. abnormally high (reduced en- Check the cooling system. Check the temp. sensor re-
gine power) sistance, which should be 220–280 Ω at 90°C (1mA).
14B Charge pressure abnormally low (reduced Check the fuel filters, feed pressure, air cleaner and
engine power) charge pressure. Refer to specifications for respective
15B –
Fault code/ Probable fault(reaction) Check/action
16B Accelerator pedal indicates abnormally low Check voltage in connector TB“7”. Should be 5V.
voltage (does not react to throttling, remains Voltage in TB“6” should be 0.5V with accelerator ped-
at low idle) al released.
17B Accelerator pedal indicates high voltage Check for earth failure, pin TA“3”.
(does not react to throttling, remains at low Note: With accelerator pedal released, the voltage
idle) range for the accelerator pedal sensor, measured in
“TEST7”, should be 0.5 V and with the accelerator
pedal depressed 2.8–3.5 V. Voltage in connector
TB“7” must not exceed 5 V.
18BE Cruise control faulty Check fuse 44. Measure the voltage (24 V) in TB “5”.
Depress the brake pedal and check that voltage cuts-out
at 2008 (extra brake pressure breaker). Set cruise con-
trol to “RESUME”, measure the voltage (24 V) in TB
“3”, in “SET-”, in TB“2” and in “SET+” and in TB “1”.
19H System fault (communication error) Fault inside control unit. Engine can start and be driven
but with reduced power and lower engine speed.
BE System fault EDC Fault code 20. Control problem, general
21. Control problem, control rod position
extremely low
22. Control problem, control rod position
extremely high
23. Control problem, internal communica-
tion fault
24. –
Injection pump governor Compressed-air cylinder for
The governor adjuster device (1) is placed in the gov- emergency stop
ernor housing end and consists of an electromagnet that For safety reasons, there is a compressed-air cylinder
works directly against the injection pump control rod. for emergency engine switch-off. It is placed on the in-
(2A) and (2B) function as position sensors for the con- jection pump.
trol rod. They enable the control unit to decide at every
Normally the engine shuts down when the feed voltage
moment if current to the adjuster device has to be in-
to the EDC control unit is broken by turning the start
creased or decreased. (3) is the main speed sensor in the
switch to position “0”. The compressed-air cylinder
system and it works against the toothed gear on the
then turns the governor stop lever to the stop position.
pump camshaft.
The chief function of the compressed-air cylinder is,
nevertheless, to act as an emergency stop in order to
eliminate negative results from involuntary throttling
caused by cable failure between the control unit and the
injection pump. A signal is sent out from the EDC con-
trol unit to cut out voltage to the compressed-air cylin-
der solenoid valve and this activates the compressed-air
cylinder to engage emergency stop.
In some cases there may also be a stop control in the
engine compartment or next to the battery box. This
control must be pushed in before the engine can be re-
The clearance between the stop lever and the stop cyl-
inder push rod, when the stop cylinder is activated,
should be, on the THD103 engine, 0.3–0.6 mm. Ad-
justment is made with the push rod adjuster screw.
Adjustment is made on the engine by adjusting the po-
sition of the stop cylinder with the attachment adjuster
nuts. Remove the push rod from the stop lever. Turn
the top lever to the stop position and pull the stop cyl-
inder push rod out to the end position. Adjust the posi-
tion of the stop cylinder to get a clearance of 1–2 mm
between the push rod and the lever.
Accelerator pedal, adjusting
At full throttle or kick-down position, the stop screw Obs!. Vridverktyg 999 6956 finns inte under Special-
for the accelerator pedal should be able to stop pedal verktyg och på sid. 97 nämns 998 8068? Översättarens
movement precisely before the throttle control reaches anm.
the max. throttle stop lug for the position sensor.
For buses with automatic transmission, the stop screw
should be screwed up 1–2 mm from the position where
the throttle control has stopped against the position
sensor stop lug.
Change over from full throttle to kick-down is felt
through more resistance from the accelerator pedal.
Switch off the power with the battery main switch.
31 9
X 11
9 24
8 23
7 22
6 21 36
5 20 35
4 19 34
3 18 33 48
2 17 32 47
1 16 31 46
15 30 45 60
14 29 44 59
28 43 58
13 57
27 42
26 41 56
25 40 55
39 54
38 53
37 52
Pin+ Pin– Nominal value Component Remarks
1 19 Battery voltage Feed to control unit
2 20 Battery voltage Feed to control unit
1 15 Battery voltage Diagnostic lamp
32 19 19 V Speed sensor, engine 5
33 19 4.6–4.9 V Reference voltage, intercooler pressure 9
34 19 1.3–1.5 V Voltage from intercooler pressure sensor 9
21 19 Battery voltage Adjuster device, injection pump
3 19 Battery voltage Adjuster device, injection pump
4 19 Battery voltage To solenoid valve for engine switch-off
31 35 0V Speed sensor, injection pump 10
17 35 4.6–4.9 V Reference voltage, accelerator pedal
13 19 2.75–3.5 V Depressed accelerator pedal
13 19 0.32–0.5 V Released accelerator pedal
9 19 0.3–1.4 V Speed signal (C3)
27 19 0–1.3 V Clutch pedal released 1 (automatic transmission)
27 19 3–5 V Clutch pedal depressed 1 (automatic transmission)
16 19 0–1 V Exhaust brake, not activated
cont. …
Test box
Pin+ Pin– Nominal value Component Remarks
16 19 Battery voltage Exhaust brake, activated
28 35 0.3–0.6 V Control rod travel, accelerator pedal released 2
28 35 2.8–3.5 V Control rod traval, accelerator pedal depressed
7 19 2.1–2.5 V Position signal to automatic transmission 3
and ASR
25 19 2.1–2.5 V Without ASR
25 19 approx. 20 V With ASR 4
11 19 0–1 V Brake pedal released
11 19 Battery voltage Brake pedal depressed
11 19 Battery voltage Retarder control, activated
5 19 0–1 V Brake pedal depressed
5 19 Battery voltage Brake pedal released
5 19 0–1 V EDC-control, held in “OFF” position
5 19 Battery voltage EDC-control, held in “SET+”, “SET–”,
“RESUME” or neutral position
12 19 Battery voltage EDC-control, held in “SET–” position
12 19 0–1 V EDC-control, held in “OFF”, “SET+”,
“RESUME” or neutral position
18 19 Battery voltage EDC-control, held in “SET+” position
18 19 0–1 V EDC-control, held in “OFF”, “SET–”,
“RESUME” or neutral position
30 19 Battery voltage EDC-control, held in “OFF”, “SET–”, “SET+”
30 19 0–1 V EDC-control, held in “OFF”, “SET–”, “SET+”
or neutral position
The following measurements are made with the engine started
31 92
OX 11
Without ASR With ASR
5 20
4 19 34
3 18 33 48
2 17 32 47
1 16 31 46
15 30 45 60
14 29 44 59
1. If the bus has automatic transmission, the relay 3. Signal to control unit for ABS/ASR and automatic
box earths pin 27 when the transmission is in neu- transmission. It is the socalled “pulse wide modu-
tral and the parking brake on or if speed exceeds 3 lated signal” and indicates the throttle position to
km/h. To simulate a depressed clutch pedal on an the control units for the automatic transmission
automatic transmission, depress the D-button on and ABS/ASR. When measuring with an average-
the gear selector panel or release the parking forming voltmeter on a pulse wide modulated sig-
brake. nal, the voltage increases with greater pulse width
NOTE! The engine must be switched off and the (measuring in the alternating current position).
bus wheels chocked to prevent it from rolling. If there is no ASR, “MR” 1 and “MR” 2 loop to-
gether (see page 157).
2. Control rod travel: the voltage is in proportion to
the position of the control rod travel. In other
words, the position sensor in the injection pump
informs the control unit what voltage it should
give to pin 28. To be able to compare the measured
voltage value for max. control rod travel with the
value given in the specifications for the engine in
question, it is necessary to correct the value with a
view to the fact that the reference voltage can vary
(pins 17 and 35). The new value we call Unorm.
Unorm = measured voltage measured
value, control rod X reference
travel voltage
Also check the resistance, see page 157 (control
rod travel sensor, injection pump)
Ex. of pulse
wide modu-
lated signal
4. Signal from ABS/ASR (pulse wide modulated) 5. Pulse signals from the engine speed sensor, so-
that indicates if dethrottling is necessary. When called “square” signal (but not a pulse wide modu-
dethrottling is not required, the signal should have lated signal). Frequency increases with increased
a pulse wide ratio of 90% (fixed value). When a speed. Should be measured with an oscilloscope.
power reduction is required, a 10–90% signal is Low idle (550 r/min) 270–300 Hz.
emitted. 10% of this corresponds to low idle.
6. The speed signal from the tachograph is a so- 7. Sensor of type NTC-resistance. Temperature-
called “square” with varying width on the pusle dependent resistance reduces with increased tem-
interval. Amplitude is approx. 7 V and the pulse perature.
width is 2.5 ms long (varies according to setting on
the dip-switches on the tachograph). At approx. 8. Sensor of type NTC-resistance. Temperature-
100 km/h, the pulse-interval ratio is 1:1, frequency dependent resistance reduces with increased tem-
200 Hz. The pulse width is constant, but it alters perature.
with speed (frequency changes).
9. Turbopressure sensor. To be able to compare the
measured voltage value for max. turbo pressure
with the value given in the specifications for the
engine in question, it is necessary to correct the
value with a view to the fact that the reference
voltage can vary. The new value we call Unorm.
Unorm = measured voltage measured
value, control rod X reference
travel voltage
The voltage for the turbo pressure Unorm is estimated
at 3.7 V at an ambient temperature of 0°C.
– Go in on the vertical axis in the diagram to 3.7 V.
– Follow the horizontal axis to the right until it inter-
sects the vertical line for 0°C ambient temperature.
– The corrected voltage is read-off on the respective
curve in the diagram. In our example 3.5 V, which
corresponds to the voltage at 20°C.
10. An oscilloscope is required for a complete check At low idle (550 r/min), positive amplitude should
on the injection pump speed sensor. Max. differ- lie between 2.3–11.6 V (50–60 Hz). Average A.C.
ence in positive amplitude 1.4 V. Positive ampli- voltage 2.2–2.4 V (average reading voltmeter).
tude should lie between 10–30 V at 1200 r/min en-
gine speed (injection pump revs 600 r/min).
Volvo Bus Corporation
Göteborg, Sweden