Hibbeler Dynamics Ism Ch22
Hibbeler Dynamics Ism Ch22
Hibbeler Dynamics Ism Ch22
k= 2 om
k 60
a= fh = aa = 13.90 rad/s
mV 333
T= — = 0452s Ans
f=>=221 He Ans
[k / 600
OW, = m = y rT = 12,25 rad/s
— 0.05 =0+B
B= —0.05
0 = A(12.25) —0
F 3(9.81)
k= AD
—= 5060 = 490.5le N/m
[jk |
WO, =,/—= 80 = 3,162 rad/s
m 8
x= Asinw,t + Bcosw,yt
— 0.09 =0+8B
B= —0.09
~ 0.4 = A(3.162) — 0
sx ~0,126
k = 2(12) = 24 Ib/ft
ke 24
Oy, = ,f/— = =~ = 19.66 rad/s
nt 335
f= 2x
=313 He Ans
yur-—, v=Oatr=0
B = —0.0833
O = Aw, +0
Position equation,
k = 3(12) = 36 Ib/ft
k 36
o, = f—= — = 13.90 rad/s
m 322
1 =O+B
B = —0.167
~—20 = A(13.90) +0
fk [200
Dy, = Vx = ,f/— = 5.774
m 6
Wy -/£-/@ = 8.165
m 3
pw ot
_ 1999 21.30 Hz Ans
x= Asing,t + Bcosant
x == —0.05 m when ¢ = 0,
—0.05=0+8; B= -—0.05
v = 0 when ¢ = 0,
O= A(8.165)-0,; A=O0
On 2 Jf
1” V [9-81 == 4.95
6 = Asina,t + Bcosw,yt
0.3=04+8, B=03
Freebody Diagram: Here the stiffness of the cable is k = bo =
200(10°) N/m. When the safe is being displaced by an amount y = 800(9.81) + 200110v
downward vertically from its equilibrium position, the restoring force
that developed in the cable T = W + ky = 800(9.81) + 200(107)y.
Equation of Motion:
+f > F, = 0; 800(9.81) + 200(10°)y ~ 800(9.81) = —800a [1]
Kinematics: Since a = mm ¥, then substituting this value into
800(9.81) N
Eq. [1], we have
200(107)y = —800¥#
¥+4250x = 0 [2]
From Eq. [2], w? = 250, thus, w, = 15.81 rad/s. Applying Eq. 22-14,
we have
Oy 15.81
=o =a = 2.52 Hz A
f Qn 2a 52 Hz Ans
y= Csin(15.8i1r+¢) [3]
O= Csing [5]
6= 15.81Ccosd [6]
¢=0 C=0.3795 m
t sz20,
7 | —k
T _ m
(Qr)y2 &
(0.83 mz
(Qn)? 2k ()
(1,52)? mg +50
(Qx)i ~~ 2k Q)
mg = 0.03490k
mg =212kg Ans
6+- * eae
ad .
9. sine =0
x ed
6+ ———-8@ =0
ke +a? mg
. .
From the above differential equation, w, =
. isd
ke +d
2 2: Ike &
pee ote Ans
Wn of y 28
22-14, The thin hoop of mass m is supported by a knife-
edge. Determine the natural period of vibration for small
amplitudes of swing.
2 2 2
Io = mr* + mr? = Imr-
2 far
ra ZF =n /— Ans
Wp &§
20 47 3
+ (=)
— [! 7 ||
—-— = 0.4045
04 slugoe
- fi ft
Equation of motion:
6 + 28.462 sin 6 = 0
6 + 28.4620 = 0
2a 220
t= 535 Bs Ans
*22-16. The square plate has a mass m and is suspended
at its corner by the pin O. Determine the natural period
of vibration if it is displaced a small amount and released.
1 > 2
lo = We +a*)+m (24) =
2 “
4+ >> Mo = loa; —meg (24) é= (Soe) 0
_ [3v2g
“ y 4a
r= = =6.0/4 Ans
, g
lic = -1 /{ —~
10 ) (1)? + ——10 (2)? = 0.4658slug - fe
te 5 (a5): Yt 359) me
< £432 Mic = Lcw; —100(28) = 0.46586
. T
6 + 429.30 = 0 if t
- >
Wy 2
429.3 = 20.72 rad/s
* roa
6 = Asinw,t + Bcosa,t
0= Aw, —0O
9 = 0.4cos(20.7t) Ans
22-18. The pointer on a metronome supports a 0.4-Ib
slider A, which is positioned at a fixed distance from the
pivot O of the pointer. When the pointer is displaced,
a torsional spring at O exerts a restoring torque on the
pointer having a magnitude M = (1.26) lb-ft, where @
represents the angle of displacement from the vertical,
measured in radians. Determine the natural period of
vibration when the pointer is displaced a small amount
@ and released. Neglect the mass of the pointer.
To = 355 42
3. (0.25) = 0.7764(10")
slug - ft 2
0.25 ft = fu
. 0.4 Ib a,
A+ >> Mo =Ioa, ~1.26 + 0.4(0.25) sin = 0.776400-7)6 F M=1.20 m1
For small @, sin@=@
So that
6 + 1417.50 = 0
v =——~
3764 = 0.167
0.167 s s Ans
22-19. The connecting rod is supported by a knife edge
at A and the period of vibration is measured as t, =
3.38 s. It is then removed and rotated 180° so that it is
supported by the knife edge at B. In this case the period
of vibration is measured as tg = 3.96 s. Determine the
location d of the center of gravity G, and compute the
radius of gyration kg.
—mgld = lod . or 6+
. 70mel =0 [2]
— =272,[/— [3]
3.38 = 20.f—* 14 = 0.2894ingd
= 2 7 | me(0.25 ~d)
Tg |, 'g == 0.3972m2(0
0.397 .25 —d )
However, the mass moment inertia of the rod about its mass center is
Thus, the mass moment inertia of the rod about its mass center is
Ig = I, — ma? = 0,2894m
(9.8 1)(0. 1462) — m(0.14627) = 0.3937m
For equilibrium:
k = 80 lb/ft
Ts: = 3 Ib
A+ Mo = low + ma(0.75)
a =0.75a
0.75 1,0
—T3, (0.75) — (80)(@) (0.75) (0.75) + (3)(0.75) = E (5) (01737) 6+ (=) (0.75)8(0.75)
2 \32.2
2n 2x
t= — == (0.40! 5 Ans 3 Ib ma
@, 4/2453
We have T
2 i 36.2
On n== VTfo == y fs
Tein == 49)49! radss
2. 20 ; 0.5 Ib
T= 5, = ao 1785 Ans
50 o , 35 ow
22-22. The 50-Ib spool is attached to two springs. If the lhe = 355 (1.5) + 355WW? = 5.047 slug - te
spool is displaced a small amount and released, determine
the natural period of vibration. The radius of gyration of
the spool is kg = 1.5 ft. The spool rolls without slipping. A+ Mic = Tica: = —3(38)(3) — 1(8) = 5.0470
6 + 5.54830 = 0
Wy = /5.5483
t= ———= = 2.675 Ans
V¥ 5.5483
= 1 lb/ft
22-23. The platform AB when empty has a mass of 400
kg, center of mass at G,, and natural period of oscil-
lation tT; = 2.38 s. If a car, having a mass of 1.2 Mg
and center of mass at G2, is placed on the platform, the
natural period of oscillation becomes 12 = 3.16 s. Deter-
mine the moment of inertia of the car about an axis passing
through Go.
Kinematics: Since a = —> = and sin? = @ if @ is small. then
substitute these values into Eq. [1], we have
- ” qT
—mgl@=to6 or 6+ 0 =0 [2]
—_ Uo yp _ o 2
2.38 == 27 | [email protected]) Ua)p = 1407.55 kg. m
(la)c + 1407.55 3
3.16 ony 1600(9.81)(1.9975) (LOVE = 6522.76 kg +m
. = Na A = 2. ke . 7
Thus, the mass moment inertia of the car about its mass center is
_ 6k
5+ Ke <0
Tx ee Ans
_— F
Equation of Motion: The mass moment inertia of the wheel about its
> 50 A
mass center is [g =: mk?2, = 39 OT) = 0.7609 slug - ft’.
3 A
4 + Ma = (Mp) 45—28.86 (1.6) = p(t. 20(1.2) + 0.7609
Mag = 50 (12a) loa
@ + 15.3760 =0 {1] XQ 0.7609a
6 + 15.3766 =0 [2] A
From Eq. [2], w? = 15.376, thus. w, = 3.921 rad/s. Applying Eq. 22-
14, we have
22-26. Solve Prob. 22-13 using energy methods.
j . 2 442
T+V= a lnks + md~\0- + mge(d)(l — cos@) d
, -
os 2
(kz, + d?)66 + gd(sin9)6 = 0
sin@ =@
. gd
6+ ———-# =
(kz, +d?)
9} 2 2
pa nay | Kt) Ans
On ga
} 20 4
n= ym = (ss) (1)? = 0.3106 slug - f? d
i ft
Io = 1g +md* 20 Ib
20 f4ayy? 20 4a?
= 0.3106 ~ |] +35! |
= 0.4045 slug - f?
Tax = > f oO a O02.
6 x
Vina = mgd ()
Trax = Vax
2 (o.4045)0202,,
. @, max = 20/1 — 42]
~~ 30 (Sea
@, == 5.33 rad/s
2 sos a .
=ma?9b + me | —= | (sin@)é = 0
3 . (4)!
- 3 Datumn
sing = 96 + 2.9 =0
20/ 2a
5 =0.750, 5 = 0.750
1p fs 752/624
T+ve~|~(—_) . tf (=
3 ) 0.756)?;
+ al: (s5) or] 4 +3+ (33)! )
0 = 0.183466 + 80(s-4 + 0.759)(0.756) — 2.256
Frog = 808¢q = 3
3 Ib
Sey = 0.0375 ft
0.18344 + 450 =0
6+ 245.3 =0
Fg=3tb 3 tb
pe ee 0401s Ans
On —f245.3
22-30. The uniform rod of mass m is supported by a
pin at A and a spring at B. If the end B is given a
smal] downward displacement and released, determine the
natural period of vibration.
T= ; (5m) 6?
V= gk Ge + ya)" 2 — gyi
1 2 1
= zk leeg +16) — MZ (5) @
1 42, 1 10
THV= gine + 5k Weg +169 — mg (5)
Time derivative
gas . 6
Rad frome
For equilibrium
K(O.q) = mal [2, 9eq = Ke
=m Ld + kd4
6 + 3k/m)e = 0
Cx Qn a Ans
On 3k
T +/V = const.
T= 508
1 l
5 (500).
_ 2
+ _5 (500).« 2
3¥ + 1000x = 0
¥ + 333x = 0 Ans
*22-32. The machine has a mass m and is uniformly
supported by four springs, each having a stiffness k. Deter-
mine the natural period of vertical vibration.
T + V = const.
T= sms)?
J 2
V =mgy+ 3 (4b As -yy
I 1
T+V = >m(s)’ +mgy + 5 (aks ~ y)?
my¥ +mey — 4k(As — y)¥ = 0
m¥ + mg + 4ky — 4k As = 0
. mt
Since As = “ Datumn.
Then, wort
m¥+4ky =0
. , 4k
a ft V m
t= =n [fm Ans
Dy y k
Sk = 600 Nim
>,1 2,1, 45
5 (0.1)
t=2n 2,600) (0.1)? = 0.3395 Ans
22-34. Determine the natural period of vibration of the
pendulum. Consider the two rods to be slender, each having
a weight of 8 lb/ft.
= M82) + 2(8)(2) = 15 ft
8(2)} + 8(2)
lo =a tft
5 Fao 2 + 2(8)(1) 2 |
— [awe
i 2 + 2(8)(2) 2} | —= 2.8157 slug
- . ft£42
= ¥(1 — cos 6)
T+V = const.
6 + 17.0470 = 0
Qn 27
Ts — = —— = 152s Ans
Wn V 17.047
T +V =const.
s = (2r)0
0= sm? + 4kr766
~ ke
64% 20
27 rd
tren = an 395 /™ Ans
On [ 8k Vk
V 3m
*22-36. Determine the natural period of vibration of the
3-kg sphere. Neglect the mass of the rod and the size of
the sphere.
E = 6[3(0.3)°6 + 500(8,,. + 0.36)(0.3) — 3(9.81)(0.3)} = 0 0.30
By statics, 39.81) N
(0.3) = 3(9.81)(0.3)
T = 3(9.81) N
3(0.3)°6 + 500(0.3)°6 = 0
6 + 166.670 = 0
2a 2x
t = @,
— = ——
51 = 0.487
(0.487 ss Ans
3 [Fmcay| 7 + 5k (28a)?
1 + 5H6a)
5 + mga(l —cos@)
4 oan . . .
O= 3marae + 4ka706 + ka?00 + mga sin 06 A 8
sin@ = 6 \ Datumn
4 on ,
ymare + 5ka74 + mead =0
« 15k 3m,
6+ (a )o =0
rate ( ma Ans
On 6/3 \ Ska +ing
22-38. Determine the natural frequency of vibration of 6 is the displacement of the disk.
the 20-Ib disk. Assume the disk does not slip on the
inclined surface. The disk rolls a distance s = r@
Ak = ré sin 30°
= 5 lic OY + zhlbsr + Or — W(ré sin 30°)
6+ 6 =0
I Ll 24 2 3 2
w= 3 2”
m= mr mre = —mr~
Thus, Ww
fe yp t fer? ,
Datum f+
iy 30°
On On fic
Vey Ah Cx
IC "
3/20) op = 1.81 Hz Ans
2 \ 32.2
22-39. If the disk has a mass of 8 kg, determine the lo= 5800.1) = 0.04
natural frequency of vibration. The springs are originally
Trax = Vinax
_ @ — 1 /2400)0.1)7 _
fax = sy por = 225 Hz Ans
*22-40. Determine the differential equation of motion of Kinematics: Since no slipping occurs, sg = 0.1@ hence
the 3-kg spool. Assume that it does not slip at the surface 0.3
Sp= O10 az 0.30, Also,
of contact as it oscillates. The radius of gyration of the
spool about its center of mass is kg = 125 mm.
Ug = 0.16. 0.2m
k= 400 N/m
E=T+V 0.1m
== 0.038446? + 1867
0.07687560 + 3696 = 0
6+4689=0 Ans
22-41. The block shown in Fig. 22-16 has a mass of 20
kg, and the spring has a stiffness k = 600 N/m. When the
block is displaced and released, two successive ampli-
tudes are measured as x; = 150 mm and x2 = 87 mm.
Determine the coefficient of viscous damping, c.
x, = De (x)
\™ qd)
x2 = pe) (2)
xy c
in (=) = (5) =n) @)
2. 2. Ce
However, h—-t =] = aa =— and @, = —-——
Qy c 2 2m
en a Ce
4mx .
gee (4)
x} c 4m
n() =() C\2
C. i-(£) c
in ( 0.15 ) 2x (sis)
0.087 } ~
V'~ (ai5a8),
c= 18.9N-s/mn Ans
“J o
ik / 20
Oy = fom = 37 = 5.6745 rad/s
mm 335
C= —* 5 = 0.343 ft
1- (sgus)
Xp = Ccos2t
Xp = —C(2) sin 2t
Maximum velocity is
[k /600
Wy, a fmm
m =m y ee
4 EE 2.
. do .
y = Asinew,t + B cos w,f + | =————-——~= | sin wt
y = 0.05 when ¢t = 0,
v=y=0 whent = 0,
Since W = ké,,,
p+ k
(=) yo Fo7” cos wt (i) Q.E.D. Fe Fy cos wt
Y Y my
Substitute y, into Eq. (1), Feoswt
k Fo
C(—w? + — | coswt = -— cos wt
nt rei)
C= it
Y= Not ¥p
. Fo
¥ = Asing,? + Bcos@,t + | ———— ] coswt Ans
(k — mw?)
~~18 = 1285.71 NA m
Ay = 0.014
k = —
dy = 0.015 m
[k 1285.7
m 4
5p 0.015
(Xp max =
1~ (3753)
cu F245
cae D2 12.5 N-s/m
on = yf pk (120
=Vog = 12.247 rad/s
2 2
og =o, f1—-(£) =12247/1- (22) = 0.432 rads
Ce 19.6
2 an
“=o 3432 = 0.666 s Ans
y= Asin wt + Bos wt +
Wp F=7 sin 8
y == Asin 7.746 + B cos 7.7467 + an sin 8t
~ (7.746
¥ =0.1 m when ¢ = 0,
y= y=0 whens = 0.
y¥ = (361 sin 7.75¢ + 100 cos 7.75¢ — 350 sin 81) mm Ans
*22-48. The electric motor has a mass of 50 kg and is
supported by four springs, each spring having a stiffness
of 100 N/m. If the motor turns a disk D which is mounted
eccentrically, 20 mm from the disk’s center, determine the
angular rotation @ at which resonance occurs, Assume that
the motor only vibrates in the vertical direction.
fk /4(100)
wy, se f—
mn =,f/———
30 =2, 83 rad/s‘
bo = 0.17 ft
(Xp) eax cod res
am f Gh
| (2 )
k 20
Since w, = jf = =a = 30.50 rad/s
m 323
(Xp) max = 7 yassene = 0.157 ft
1 — (3050)
(Xp)max sz 1.89 in. Ans
22-50. The fan has a mass of 25 kg and is fixed to the
end of a horizontal beam that has a negligible mass. The
fan blade is mounted eccentrically on the shaft such that
it is equivalent to an unbalanced 3.5-kg mass located 100
mm from the axis of rotation. If the static deflection of
the beam is 50 mm as a result of the weight of the fan,
determine the amplitude of steady-state vibration of the
fan when the angular velocity of the fan is 10 rad/s. Hint:
See the first part of Example 22-8.
F 25(9.81)
=—_—_ sso 0.05 4905 5, N/m
k 4905
Wy, = j£-(% = 14.01 rad/s
Fy = mr” = 3.5(0.1)(10)? = 35 N
(Xp snare = — z
(Xp )max = at == 0.0146 m
te (saa)
(Xp)max = 14.6 mm Ans
F 25(9.81)
koe 0.05 eefd 905 NA N/m
(Xp max = —_4t__.
== —
= —~ = 1800 Ib/ft yy = 4f—
k =
—- ==
3 1/12 it m= ry 1507323 ~ 19.66
Resonance occurs when @=w, = 19.7 rad/s Ans
2 0.25 LO 2.
F, = ma, = mrw- = (3) a) (20)° = 2.588 Ib
F150 rk 1
ba aL
5 > Tia = g00
1300 ome onaw, = fk
V mY = | OX 19.657
From Eq. 22-21, the amplitude of the steady state motion is
0.25 1O\ , 5
F, = ma, = mra* = (5) (5) aw = 0.0064700-
F = 0.006470? sin wr
C= Fo/k
of ;
'-(Z) Wy
0.25 _ o 70 (+55)
127 o \2
I (woes)
Xp = —_t__ sin wt
'-(3) Oy
Since F = 50sin 2r
k = 2000 Ib/ft
Oy, = y ~ = a = 6.55 rad/s
Hence, Xp ——2000__ sin 2t
Xp = (0,0276 sin 2t) ft Ans
*22-56. Determine the rotational speed w of the engine
in Prob. 22-55 which will cause resonance.
Ee 2000
Q = Wy = a 130. 6.55 rad/s Ans
Viscous Damped Free Vibration: Here c = 0.8 Ib - s/ft. a, = f= =
{ 40 15
Se 9.266 rad/s
dss and cp Yo =SE 2M, 1 = 2 (=>)
— ; (9.266)
(9. =
8.633 Ib - s/ft. Since c < ¢,, the system is underdamped and the solu-
tion of the differential equation is in the form of
v=y=D [- (sa)
2m et sin (age +b) + age" cos(wat + $)|
0.8 c
Heree, = seer
35/32.) = 0.8587
OBST: and wgw= =a, w, /1 fl-f—}=
(< )
9.266,/ 1 ~
\? = oo.9.227 rad/s. Substituting
ae these values into
Ea. [1] yields
0 = D[—0.8587 sin @ + 9.227 cos #]} [4] Solving Eqs. [4] and [5] yields
Applying the initial condition y = 0.8 ft at r = 0 to Eq. [1], we have @ = 85.74° = 1.50 rad D = 0.8022 ft
0.8 = Die’ sin(0 + 6) | Substituting these values into Eq. [1] yields
@y = f—= 75 = 18.57
"| (zs)32.2
6 = 0.15 sin 2t
69 = 0.15,
w= 2
o = jhe 75
== 18.57
n= = (=)
6 = 0.15 sin 2r
= 0.15, w=2
MF = =
{-@T-tOGT -) | +Poo(a)]
MF = 0.997 Ans
*22-60. The 30-lb block is attached to two springs having
a stiffness of 10 lb/ft. A force F = (8cos 31)lb, where
t is in seconds, is applied to the block. Determine the
maximum speed of the block after frictional forces cause
the free vibrations to dampen out.
Equation of Motion:
3K = 0; — 2(10x) + 8cos 31 = 30.94 in X
30 Ib
a +21.47x = 8.587 cos 3t [1]
Fp rd | r=8 3
Kinematics: Since a = =X, then substituting this value into
dt? = COS Sf
Eq. [1], we have [>_>
Since the friction will eventually dampen out the free vibration, we N
are only. interested in the particular solution of the above differential
equation which is in the form of
Thus, Xp = 0.6888 cos 3¢ [3]
Xp = C cos 3t
Taking the time derivative of Eq. [3], we have
Taking second time derivative and substituting into Eq. [2], we have
Up = Xp = ~2.0663 sin 31
—9C cos 31 + 21.47€ cos 3t = 8.587 cos 3t
Thus, (Up) max = 2.07 fUs Ans
C = 0.6888 ft
y= D : (sr)
2m J"sin(@,t 9)
c 2n
x= p[e (a) sin(out + 6)| then h -t) = oy
=D ~(ae)
Xmax = Le Using Eq. 22-33, c, = 2mu,
Att=f,, and? = th, z
. tg * Wy,/ 1 — soft (<)
= De™ (aa)n fs) “
. So that,
x2 = De (an )2
2 (<)
Hence, In (= ) NE Q.E.D
: l-+
Ar De™ - (am)! =e (aa) <)
*2 De (35 )e
my t+cy+ky = 0
La+Rq+=q=0 Ans
*22-64. The 20-kg block is subjected to the action
of the harmonic force F = (90cos6r) N, where t is in
F=90 cos 6f
seconds. Write the equation which describes the steady-
State motion.
F =: 90cos 6r
k /800
Qy = jf = 30 = 6.32 rad/s
x = C’ cos(wt — )
G = 83.9°
Equation of Motion:
+t OF, = 0; 3ky
+ mg +2ch —mg = —m¥
my + 2cy + 3ky = 0 on
Since c > c,, the system will not vibrate. Therefore it is overdamped. Ans
22-66. The 10-kg block-spring-damper system is contin-
ually damped. If the block is displaced to x = 50 mm and
released from rest, determine the time required for it to
return to the position x = 2 mm.
k= 60 N/m
x= Aew + Bet!
Ay = ~0.8377, Ag = —7.1623
Atr=0, x«=0.05,%=0
0.05 = A+B
X= Adje* + Bage*!
O = AA, + BAz
B= 22%). _6.6228(10-3)
Ayo Az
A = 0.056623
x = 0.056623e"0837" — 6.6228(1073 e772
Set x = 0.0002 m and solve,
t=3.99s5 Ans