Hibbeler Dynamics Ism Ch22

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When a 20-Ib weight is suspended from a spring,

the spring is stretched a distance of 4 in. Determine the
natural frequency and the period of vibration for a 10-Ib
weight attached to the same spring.

k= 2 om

k 60
a= fh = aa = 13.90 rad/s
mV 333

T= — = 0452s Ans

f=>=221 He Ans

22-2. A spring has a stiffness of 600 N/m. If a 4-kg

block is attached to the spring, pushed 50 mm above its
equilibrium position, and released from rest, determine the
equation which describes the block’s motion. Assume that
positive displacement is measured downward.

[k / 600
OW, = m = y rT = 12,25 rad/s

v=0 x=-0.05 matr=0

x = ASiNwWyt + Bos @,t

— 0.05 =0+B

B= —0.05

U = A@, COS Gt — Bp sinwyt

0 = A(12.25) —0


Thus, x = —0.05cos(12.21) m Ans

22-3. When a 3-kg block is suspended from a spring,

the spring is stretched a distance of 60 mm. Determine
the natural frequency and the period of vibration for a
0.2-kg block attached to the same spring.

F 3(9.81)
k= AD
—= 5060 = 490.5le N/m

W,_ = & = 490.5 == 49,52 rad/s

Vm 0.2
*22-4. An 8-kg block is suspended from a spring having
a stiffness k = 80 N/m. If the block is given an upward
velocity of 0.4 m/s when it is 90 mm above its equi-
librium position, determine the equation which describes
the motion and the maximum upward displacement of the
block measured from the equilibrium position. Assume
that positive displacement is measured downward.

[jk |
WO, =,/—= 80 = 3,162 rad/s
m 8

v= ~0.4 m/s, x =-—0.09 matr=0

x= Asinw,t + Bcosw,yt

— 0.09 =0+8B

B= —0.09

U = Aw, COS Wf — Bay Sin Wyt

~ 0.4 = A(3.162) — 0

sx ~0,126

Thus, x = —0.126 sin(3.16r) — 0.09 cos(3. 162) m Ans

C= JSAl + B? = /(—0.126)? + (—0.09)* = 0.155 m_ Ans

22-5. A 2-Ib weight is suspended from a spring having

a stiffness k =2 Ib/in. If the weight is pushed | in.
upward from its equilibrium position and then released
from rest, determine the equation which describes the
motion. What is the amplitude and the natural frequency
of the vibration?

k = 2(12) = 24 Ib/ft

ke 24
Oy, = ,f/— = =~ = 19.66 rad/s
nt 335

f= 2x
=313 He Ans

yur-—, v=Oatr=0

From Eqs. 22-3 and 22-4,

B = —0.0833

O = Aw, +0


C = JA? + B? = 0.0833 ft= 1 in. Ans

Position equation,

y = (0.0833 cos 19.77) ft Ans

22-6. A 6-lb weight is suspended from a spring having
a stiffness k = 3 Ib/in. If the weight is given an upward
velocity of 20 ft/s when it is 2 in. above its equilibrium
position, determine the equation which describes the
motion and the maximum upward displacement of the
weight, measured from the equilibrium position. Assume
positive displacement is downward.

k = 3(12) = 36 Ib/ft

k 36
o, = f—= — = 13.90 rad/s
m 322

t=0, v= —20 fus, yang fi

From Eq. 22-3,

1 =O+B

B = —0.167

From Eg. 22-4,

~—20 = A(13.90) +0



y¥ = [—1.44 sin(13.92) ~ 0.167 cos(13.97)] ft Ans

From Eq. 22-10,

C = VA? + B? = 4/(1.44)? + (~0.167)? = 1.45 ft Ans

22-7. A 6-kg block is suspended from a spring having

stiffness of k = 200 N/m. If the block is given an upward
velocity of 0.4 m/s when it is 75 mm above its equi-
librium position, determine the equation which describes
the motion and the maximum upward displacement of the
block measured from the equilibrium position. Assume
that positive displacement is downward.

fk [200
Dy, = Vx = ,f/— = 5.774
m 6

X= Asinw,t + Bos @yt

«== ~0.075 m when ¢ = 0,

—0.075 =0+ 8; B= -0.075

v = Aw, COS@,t — Ba, sin w,t

uv = —0.4 m/s when f = 0.

~ 0.4 = A(5.774) -0, A = —0.0693


x = —0.0693 sin(5.771) ~ 0.075 cos(5.771) Ans

C = JA? + B? = \/(-—0.0693)? + (—0.075)? = 0.102 m Ans

*22-8. A 3-kg block is suspended from a spring having
a stiffness of k = 200 N/m. If the block is pushed 50 mm
upward from its equilibrium position and then released
from rest, determine the equation that describes the
motion. What are the amplitude and the natural frequency
of the vibration? Assume that positive displacement is

Wy -/£-/@ = 8.165
m 3

pw ot
_ 1999 21.30 Hz Ans

x= Asing,t + Bcosant

x == —0.05 m when ¢ = 0,

—0.05=0+8; B= -—0.05

Vv = Ady COS @,t ~ Bw, SiN Opt

v = 0 when ¢ = 0,

O= A(8.165)-0,; A=O0


x x ~—0.05 cos(8. 161) Ans

C=VA?2 + BF = JOY + (—0.05)? = 0.05 m=50mm Ans

22-9. Determine the frequency of vibration for the block.

The springs are originally compressed A.
22-10. A pendulum has a 0.4-m-long cord and is given
a tangential velocity of 0.2 m/s toward the vertical from a
position 6 = 0.3 rad. Determine the equation which des-
cribes the angular motion.

See Example 22-1.

On 2 Jf
1” V [9-81 == 4.95
6 = Asina,t + Bcosw,yt

6 = 0.3 rad when ¢ = 0,

0.3=04+8, B=03

6 = AW, COS Wyt — Bw, Sin w,t

Since s = 61, i = 61. Hence,

—0.2 = 6(0.4), 6 = —0.5 when t = 0,

—0.5 = A(4.95): A =-—0.101


= —0.101 sin(4.95r) + 0.3 cos(4.951) Ans

22-11. A cable is used to suspend the 800-Ib safe. If the
safe is being lowered at 6 m/s when the motor controlling
the cable suddenly jams (stops), determine the maximum
tension in the cable and the frequency of vibration of the
safe. Neglect the mass of the cable and assume it is elastic
such that it stretches 20 mm when subjected to a tension
of 4 KN.

Freebody Diagram: Here the stiffness of the cable is k = bo =
200(10°) N/m. When the safe is being displaced by an amount y = 800(9.81) + 200110v
downward vertically from its equilibrium position, the restoring force
that developed in the cable T = W + ky = 800(9.81) + 200(107)y.

Equation of Motion:
+f > F, = 0; 800(9.81) + 200(10°)y ~ 800(9.81) = —800a [1]

. woe ay. woe .

Kinematics: Since a = mm ¥, then substituting this value into
800(9.81) N
Eq. [1], we have

200(107)y = —800¥#

¥+4250x = 0 [2]
From Eq. [2], w? = 250, thus, w, = 15.81 rad/s. Applying Eq. 22-14,
we have

Oy 15.81
=o =a = 2.52 Hz A
f Qn 2a 52 Hz Ans

The solution of the above differential equation (Eq. [2]) is in the

form of

y= Csin(15.8i1r+¢) [3]

Taking the time derivative of Eq. [3], we have

y= 15.81C cos(15.81r +¢) [4]

Applying the initial condition of y =O and + = 6 m/s att = 0 to

Eqs. [3] and [4] yields

O= Csing [5]

6= 15.81Ccosd [6]

Solving Eqs. [5] and [6] yields

¢=0 C=0.3795 m

Since ¥mae = C = 0.3795 m, the maximum cable tension is given by

Tax = W + KYmax = 800(9.81) + 200(10)(0.3795) = 83.7 kN Ans

*22-12. The uniform beam is supported at its ends by
two springs A and B, each having the same stiffness k.
When nothing is supported on the beam, it has a period of
vertical vibration of 0.83 s. If a 50-kg mass is placed at its
center, the period of vertical vibration is 1.52 s. Compute
the stiffness of each spring and the mass of the beam.

t sz20,
7 | —k

T _ m

(Qr)y2 &

(0.83 mz
(Qn)? 2k ()

(1,52)? mg +50
(Qx)i ~~ 2k Q)

Egs. (1) and (2) become

mg = 0.03490k

maz +50 = 0.1170k

mg =212kg Ans

k= 609 N/m Ans

22-13. The body of arbitrary shape has a mass m, mass

center at G, and a radius of gyration about G of kg. If it is
displaced a slight amount @ from its equilibrium position
and released, determine the natural period of vibration.

(+> Mo =Ioa; — mgd sin@ = [mk + md?]6

6+- * eae
ad .
9. sine =0

However, for small rotation sin@ = 6. Hence

x ed
6+ ———-8@ =0
ke +a? mg

. .
From the above differential equation, w, =
. isd
ke +d

2 2: Ike &
pee ote Ans
Wn of y 28
22-14, The thin hoop of mass m is supported by a knife-
edge. Determine the natural period of vibration for small
amplitudes of swing.

2 2 2
Io = mr* + mr? = Imr-

A+ >> Mo =TIpa; — meré = Qmr2)6


2 far
ra ZF =n /— Ans
Wp &§

22-15. The semicircular disk weighs 20 Ib. Determine

the natural period of vibration if it is displaced a small
amount and released.

Moment of inertia about O: F

® 120 1b
Ig =le tmé
1 / 20 20 \ fapPr > 4)
— { ——) (1)? = Ig + { — }] —] Ly = 0.1987slug - fe
(ss) o+ (3) [2] A sme 3m
Io = Ig + ma?

20 47 3
+ (=)
— [! 7 ||
—-— = 0.4045
04 slugoe
- fi ft

Equation of motion:

=Mo = loxs@; 20] 1 ~ 2] sin@ = —0.40456

6 + 28.462 sin 6 = 0

However, for small rotation sin@ = @. Hence

6 + 28.4620 = 0

From the above differential equation, w, = /28.462 = 5.335,

2a 220
t= 535 Bs Ans
*22-16. The square plate has a mass m and is suspended
at its corner by the pin O. Determine the natural period
of vibration if it is displaced a small amount and released.

1 > 2
lo = We +a*)+m (24) =

2 “
4+ >> Mo = loa; —meg (24) é= (Soe) 0

_ [3v2g
“ y 4a

r= = =6.0/4 Ans
, g

22-17. The disk has a weight of 10 Ib and rolls without

slipping on the horizontal surface as it oscillates about its
k = 100 Ib/ft
equilibrium position. If the disk is displaced, by rolling it
counterclockwise 0.4 rad, determine the equation which
describes its oscillatory motion when it is released.

lic = -1 /{ —~
10 ) (1)? + ——10 (2)? = 0.4658slug - fe
te 5 (a5): Yt 359) me
< £432 Mic = Lcw; —100(28) = 0.46586
. T
6 + 429.30 = 0 if t
- >

Wy 2
429.3 = 20.72 rad/s
* roa

6 = Asinw,t + Bcosa,t



@ =O = Ay COS Wyt — Boy Sin Wat

0= Aw, —0O



9 = 0.4cos(20.7t) Ans
22-18. The pointer on a metronome supports a 0.4-Ib
slider A, which is positioned at a fixed distance from the
pivot O of the pointer. When the pointer is displaced,
a torsional spring at O exerts a restoring torque on the
pointer having a magnitude M = (1.26) lb-ft, where @
represents the angle of displacement from the vertical,
measured in radians. Determine the natural period of
vibration when the pointer is displaced a small amount
@ and released. Neglect the mass of the pointer.

k= 1.2 Ib- frad

To = 355 42
3. (0.25) = 0.7764(10")
slug - ft 2
0.25 ft = fu
. 0.4 Ib a,
A+ >> Mo =Ioa, ~1.26 + 0.4(0.25) sin = 0.776400-7)6 F M=1.20 m1
For small @, sin@=@

So that

6 + 1417.50 = 0

Wy, = V1417,5 = 37.64 rad/s

v =——~
3764 = 0.167
0.167 s s Ans
22-19. The connecting rod is supported by a knife edge
at A and the period of vibration is measured as t, =
3.38 s. It is then removed and rotated 180° so that it is
supported by the knife edge at B. In this case the period
of vibration is measured as tg = 3.96 s. Determine the
location d of the center of gravity G, and compute the
radius of gyration kg.

Freebody Diagram: When an object of arbitary shape having a mass

an is pinned at O and is displaced by an angular displacement of 6, the
tangential component of its weight will create the restoring moment
about point O.

Equation of Motion: Sum moment about point O to eliminate O,

and O,,

< +)"Mo =Ioe, — —mgsin6() = Joa [1]


Kinematics: Since a = = = 6 and sin@ =@ if @ is small, then

substitute these values into Eq. {1}, we have

—mgld = lod . or 6+
. 70mel =0 [2]

From Eq. [2], @; =

2 i fmgl .
=, thus, @, = y ae, Applying Eq. 22-12, we
oO 0

— =272,[/— [3]

When the rod is rotating about A, tT = tT, = 3.38 s and / = d. Substi-

tute these values into Eq. [3], we have

3.38 = 20.f—* 14 = 0.2894ingd

When the rod is rotating about B, tT = Ty = 3.96 s and / = 0.25 ~— d.

Substitute these values into Eq. [3], we have

= 2 7 | me(0.25 ~d)
Tg |, 'g == 0.3972m2(0
0.397 .25 —d )

However, the mass moment inertia of the rod about its mass center is

Ig = Ly ~ ma? = Ty ~ m(0.25 — dy?


0.2894mgd ~ md? = 0.3972m2(0.25 — d) — m(0.25 — dy?

d = 0.1462 m = 146 mm Ans

Thus, the mass moment inertia of the rod about its mass center is

Ig = I, — ma? = 0,2894m
(9.8 1)(0. 1462) — m(0.14627) = 0.3937m

The radius of gyration is

kg = [le jo =0627m Ans

m an
*22-20. The disk, having a weight of 15 Ib, is pinned at
its center O and supports the block A that has a weight
of 3 Ib. If the belt which passes over the disk is not
allowed to slip at its contacting surface, determine the
natural period of vibration of the system.

For equilibrium:
k = 80 lb/ft
Ts: = 3 Ib

A+ Mo = low + ma(0.75)

a =0.75a
0.75 1,0
—T3, (0.75) — (80)(@) (0.75) (0.75) + (3)(0.75) = E (5) (01737) 6+ (=) (0.75)8(0.75)
2 \32.2

~2.25 — 456 + 2.25 = 0.1314 + 0.052414

T,, + KO(0.75)
6 + 245.30 = 0

2n 2x
t= — == (0.40! 5 Ans 3 Ib ma
@, 4/2453

22-21. While standing in an elevator, the man holds a

pendulum which consists of an 18-in. cord and a 0.5-lb
bob. If the elevator is descending with an acceleration
a = 4 ft/s*, determine the natural period of vibration for
small amplitudes of swing.

Since the acceleration of the pendulum is (32.2 + 4) = 36.2 tus?

Using the result of Example 22-1,

We have T

2 i 36.2
On n== VTfo == y fs
Tein == 49)49! radss
2. 20 ; 0.5 Ib
T= 5, = ao 1785 Ans

50 o , 35 ow
22-22. The 50-Ib spool is attached to two springs. If the lhe = 355 (1.5) + 355WW? = 5.047 slug - te
spool is displaced a small amount and released, determine
the natural period of vibration. The radius of gyration of
the spool is kg = 1.5 ft. The spool rolls without slipping. A+ Mic = Tica: = —3(38)(3) — 1(8) = 5.0470

6 + 5.54830 = 0

Wy = /5.5483

t= ———= = 2.675 Ans
V¥ 5.5483

= 1 lb/ft
22-23. The platform AB when empty has a mass of 400
kg, center of mass at G,, and natural period of oscil-
lation tT; = 2.38 s. If a car, having a mass of 1.2 Mg
and center of mass at G2, is placed on the platform, the
natural period of oscillation becomes 12 = 3.16 s. Deter-
mine the moment of inertia of the car about an axis passing
through Go.

Freebody Diagram: When an object of arbitary shape having a mass

m is pinned at O and being displaced by an angular displacement
of @, the tangential component of its weight will create the restoring
moment about point 0.

Equation of Motion: Sum moment about point O to eliminate O,

and O,.

{+30 Mo =Jga: —mgsin@() = loe {]

Kinematics: Since a = —> = and sin? = @ if @ is small. then
substitute these values into Eq. [1], we have

- ” qT
—mgl@=to6 or 6+ 0 =0 [2]

From Eq. [2], 02 = =.I thus, @, = [met , Applying Eg. 22-12, we

oO oO
2a lo
T= —

When the platform is empty, t = t) = 2.38 s,m = 400 kg and /=

2.50 m. Substitute these values into Eq. [3], we have

—_ Uo yp _ o 2
2.38 == 27 | [email protected]) Ua)p = 1407.55 kg. m

When the car is on the platform, r == tT. = 3.16.8, nt = 400 kg + 1200 ke

2.50(400) + 1.83(12
== 1600 kg. / = 2.50(400) + 1.83(1200) = 1.9975 mand lp = Uoje +
Ua)» = Vodc + 1407.55. Substitute these values into Eq. [3], we

(la)c + 1407.55 3
3.16 ony 1600(9.81)(1.9975) (LOVE = 6522.76 kg +m
. = Na A = 2. ke . 7

Thus, the mass moment inertia of the car about its mass center is

Uae = Vole — med?

= 6522.76 — 1200(1.83°) = 2.50(10°) ke-m* Ans

*22-24. The uniform rod has a mass m and is supported
by the pin O. If the rod is given a small displacement and
released, determine the natural period of vibration. The
springs are unstretched when the rod is in the position


G+ 0 Mo = loa; FL) = 108

fh tos
—k (5) (L)(@) = pe 6

_ 6k
5+ Ke <0

Tx ee Ans

*22-25. The 50-lb wheel has a radius of gyration about

its mass center G of kg = 0.7 ft. Determine the frequency
of vibration if it is displaced slightly from the equilibrium
position and released. Assume no slipping.

Kinematics: Since the wheel rolls without slipping, then ag = ar = 50 lb

1.2a. Also when the wheel undergoes a small angular displacement
@ about point A, the spring is stretched by x = 1.6sin 6. Since @ is
small, then sin@ = @, Thus, x = 1.68. F = 28.86

Freebody Diagram: The spring force F,, = kx = 18(1.60) = 28.86

will create the restoring moment about point A. 1.6 ft

_— F
Equation of Motion: The mass moment inertia of the wheel about its
> 50 A
mass center is [g =: mk?2, = 39 OT) = 0.7609 slug - ft’.

3 A
4 + Ma = (Mp) 45—28.86 (1.6) = p(t. 20(1.2) + 0.7609
Mag = 50 (12a) loa
@ + 15.3760 =0 {1] XQ 0.7609a

Since @ = == G, then substitute this values into Eq. [1]. we have

dr? 1.2 ft

6 + 15.3766 =0 [2] A

From Eq. [2], w? = 15.376, thus. w, = 3.921 rad/s. Applying Eq. 22-
14, we have

22-26. Solve Prob. 22-13 using energy methods.

j . 2 442
T+V= a lnks + md~\0- + mge(d)(l — cos@) d
, -
os 2
(kz, + d?)66 + gd(sin9)6 = 0
sin@ =@

. gd
6+ ———-# =
(kz, +d?)

9} 2 2
pa nay | Kt) Ans
On ga

22-27. Solve Prob. 22-15 using energy methods.

} 20 4
n= ym = (ss) (1)? = 0.3106 slug - f? d

i ft
Io = 1g +md* 20 Ib

=(l4- mr) + md?

20 f4ayy? 20 4a?
= 0.3106 ~ |] +35! |

= 0.4045 slug - f?

Tax = > f oO a O02.

View = mgd (1 — C08 Omax)


For small Q@nav, COS9max & 1 ~ >

6 x
Vina = mgd ()

Trax = Vax

2 (o.4045)0202,,
. @, max = 20/1 — 42]
~~ 30 (Sea

@, == 5.33 rad/s

cae igs Ans

Dn §.33
*22-28. Solve Prob. 22-16 using energy methods.

1/1 3 > a\? 1 (=)

T+V =z=|—
5] iam +) “ +m(S)
—= |e + mg —
A } (1(1 ——cosé
cos 6)

2 sos a .
=ma?9b + me | —= | (sin@)é = 0
3 . (4)!
- 3 Datumn
sing = 96 + 2.9 =0
20/ 2a

22-29. Solve Prob. 22-20 using energy methods.

5 =0.750, 5 = 0.750
1p fs 752/624
T+ve~|~(—_) . tf (=
3 ) 0.756)?;
+ al: (s5) or] 4 +3+ (33)! )

+ 51 (80)Sey + 0.750)? 2 — 30.756) Datumna

0 = 0.183466 + 80(s-4 + 0.759)(0.756) — 2.256

Frog = 808¢q = 3
3 Ib
Sey = 0.0375 ft


0.18344 + 450 =0

6+ 245.3 =0
Fg=3tb 3 tb
pe ee 0401s Ans
On —f245.3
22-30. The uniform rod of mass m is supported by a
pin at A and a spring at B. If the end B is given a
smal] downward displacement and released, determine the
natural period of vibration.

T= ; (5m) 6?

V= gk Ge + ya)" 2 — gyi

1 2 1
= zk leeg +16) — MZ (5) @

1 42, 1 10
THV= gine + 5k Weg +169 — mg (5)

Time derivative

gas . 6
Rad frome

O = = ml*66 + ki (Ocq + O)E — mgls

For equilibrium

K(O.q) = mal [2, 9eq = Ke


=m Ld + kd4

6 + 3k/m)e = 0

Cx Qn a Ans
On 3k

22-31. Determine the differential equation of motion of

the 3-kg block when it is displaced slightly and released.
The surface is smooth and the springs are originally

T +/V = const.

T= 508

1 l
5 (500).
_ 2
+ _5 (500).« 2

T+V = 1.5%? +500x7

1.5 (24)¥ + 1000x% = 0

3¥ + 1000x = 0

¥ + 333x = 0 Ans
*22-32. The machine has a mass m and is uniformly
supported by four springs, each having a stiffness k. Deter-
mine the natural period of vertical vibration.

T + V = const.

T= sms)?

J 2
V =mgy+ 3 (4b As -yy

I 1
T+V = >m(s)’ +mgy + 5 (aks ~ y)?
my¥ +mey — 4k(As — y)¥ = 0

m¥ + mg + 4ky — 4k As = 0

. mt
Since As = “ Datumn.

Then, wort

m¥+4ky =0

. , 4k

a ft V m

t= =n [fm Ans
Dy y k

22-33. The 7-kg disk is pin-connected at its midpoint.

Determine the natural period of vibration of the disk if the
springs have sufficient tension in them to prevent the cord
from slipping on the disk as it oscillates. Hint: Assume
that the initia] stretch in each spring is 69. This term will
cancel out after taking the time derivative of the energy

Sk = 600 Nim

>,1 2,1, 45

k(Or +80)? + gk@r ~So) + foley

E = k(6r + 89)6r + k(@r — 59)6r + 1906 = 0


5 (0.1)
t=2n 2,600) (0.1)? = 0.3395 Ans
22-34. Determine the natural period of vibration of the
pendulum. Consider the two rods to be slender, each having
a weight of 8 lb/ft.

= M82) + 2(8)(2) = 15 ft
8(2)} + 8(2)

lo =a tft
5 Fao 2 + 2(8)(1) 2 |

— [awe
i 2 + 2(8)(2) 2} | —= 2.8157 slug
- . ft£42

= ¥(1 — cos 6)

T+V = const.

T= 52-8157) (6)° = 1.40796?

V = 8(4)(1.5)(i — cos 6) = 48(1 — cos@)

T + V = 1.40796? + 48(1 ~ cos 9)

1.4079 (26)6 + 48(sin 6)@ = 0

For small @, sin@ = @, then

6 + 17.0470 = 0

Qn 27
Ts — = —— = 152s Ans
Wn V 17.047

22-35. _ Determine the natural period of vibration of the

disk having a mass m and radius r. Assume the disk does
not slip on. the surface of contact as it oscillates.

T +V =const.

s = (2r)0

T+V= ; [5m + mr?| e+ sk2rey?

0= sm? + 4kr766

~ ke
64% 20

27 rd
tren = an 395 /™ Ans
On [ 8k Vk
V 3m
*22-36. Determine the natural period of vibration of the
3-kg sphere. Neglect the mass of the rod and the size of
the sphere.


(3)(0.30)? + 5 (500) (6 + 0.30)? — 3(9.81)(0.36)


E = 6[3(0.3)°6 + 500(8,,. + 0.36)(0.3) — 3(9.81)(0.3)} = 0 0.30

By statics, 39.81) N

(0.3) = 3(9.81)(0.3)

T = 3(9.81) N



3(0.3)°6 + 500(0.3)°6 = 0

6 + 166.670 = 0

@n = V 166.67 = 12.91 rad/s

2a 2x
t = @,
— = ——
51 = 0.487
(0.487 ss Ans

22-37, The slender rod has a mass m and is pinned at ac

its end O. When it is vertical, the springs are unstretched. )-——-
Determine the natural period of vibration. :

3 [Fmcay| 7 + 5k (28a)?
1 + 5H6a)
5 + mga(l —cos@)

4 oan . . .
O= 3marae + 4ka706 + ka?00 + mga sin 06 A 8

sin@ = 6 \ Datumn

4 on ,
ymare + 5ka74 + mead =0

« 15k 3m,
6+ (a )o =0

rate ( ma Ans
On 6/3 \ Ska +ing
22-38. Determine the natural frequency of vibration of 6 is the displacement of the disk.
the 20-Ib disk. Assume the disk does not slip on the
inclined surface. The disk rolls a distance s = r@

Ak = ré sin 30°


= 5 lic OY + zhlbsr + Or — W(ré sin 30°)

E = O(lic8 + kis +kOr? — Wr sin 30°) =0

Since ké,, = Wr sin 30°

6+ 6 =0

I Ll 24 2 3 2
w= 3 2”
m= mr mre = —mr~

Thus, Ww

fe yp t fer? ,
Datum f+
iy 30°
On On fic
Vey Ah Cx

IC "
3/20) op = 1.81 Hz Ans

2 \ 32.2

22-39. If the disk has a mass of 8 kg, determine the lo= 5800.1) = 0.04
natural frequency of vibration. The springs are originally
Trax = Vinax

3/0 (POnax)* = 2 sh OO mas) 1m

F, ky
Thus, l,
m Qkr? 8 F,
k= 400 N/m

_ @ — 1 /2400)0.1)7 _
fax = sy por = 225 Hz Ans

*22-40. Determine the differential equation of motion of Kinematics: Since no slipping occurs, sg = 0.1@ hence
the 3-kg spool. Assume that it does not slip at the surface 0.3
Sp= O10 az 0.30, Also,
of contact as it oscillates. The radius of gyration of the
spool about its center of mass is kg = 125 mm.
Ug = 0.16. 0.2m
k= 400 N/m
E=T+V 0.1m

E= $((3)(0.125)7162 + £(3)(0.18)? + 5 (400)(0.36)? = const.

== 0.038446? + 1867

0.07687560 + 3696 = 0

0.0768756(6 + 468.296) = 0 Since 0.0768756 #0

6+4689=0 Ans
22-41. The block shown in Fig. 22-16 has a mass of 20
kg, and the spring has a stiffness k = 600 N/m. When the
block is displaced and released, two successive ampli-
tudes are measured as x; = 150 mm and x2 = 87 mm.
Determine the coefficient of viscous damping, c.

Assuming that the system is underdamped.

x, = De (x)
\™ qd)

x2 = pe) (2)

Divide Eq. (1) by Eq. (2) a =

“2 e. 3m J?

xy c
in (=) = (5) =n) @)

2. 2. Ce
However, h—-t =] = aa =— and @, = —-——
Qy c 2 2m

en a Ce

4mx .
gee (4)

Substitute Eq. (4) into Eq. (3) yields:

x} c 4m
n() =() C\2
C. i-(£) c

From Eq. (5)

x, =O0.15m x. = 0.087m on, =fe= [600 _ 5.477 rad/s

mV 20

Cy = 2m, = 2(20)(5.477) = 219.09 N- sim

in ( 0.15 ) 2x (sis)
0.087 } ~
V'~ (ai5a8),
c= 18.9N-s/mn Ans

Since C < C,, the system is underdamped. Therefore, the assumption

is OK!
22-42. The 20-Ib block is attached to a spring having
a stiffness of 20 Ib/ft. A force F = (6cos2t) Ib, where
t is in seconds, is applied to the block. Determine the k = 20 lb/ft oly
maximum speed of the block after frictional forces cause
a PAA\ ind
the free vibrations to dampen out. F= 6cos 21

“J o


ik / 20
Oy = fom = 37 = 5.6745 rad/s
mm 335

C= —* 5 = 0.343 ft
1- (sgus)

Xp = Ccos2t

Xp = —C(2) sin 2t

Maximum velocity is

Umax = C(2) = 0.343(2) = 0.685 fs Ans

22-43. A 4-kg block is suspended from a spring that has

a stiffness of k = 600 N/m. The block is drawn downward
50 mm from the equilibrium position and released from
rest when ¢ = Q. If the support moves with an impressed
displacement of 6 = (10sin 4t) mm, where ¢ is in seconds,
determine the equation that describes the vertical motion
of the block. Assume positive displacement is downward.

[k /600
Wy, a fmm
m =m y ee
4 EE 2.

The general solution is defined by Eq. 22-23 with ké& substituted

for Fo,

. do .

y = Asinew,t + B cos w,f + | =————-——~= | sin wt


6 = (0.01 sin4r)m, hence dy = 0.01,w = 4, so that

y = Asin 12.25t + Bos 12.257 + 0.0112 sin 4+

y = 0.05 when ¢t = 0,

0.05 =0+B+0; B=0.05m

y = A(12.25) cos 12.25¢ — B(12.25) sin 12.25¢ + 0.0112(4) cos 4t

v=y=0 whent = 0,

0= A(12.25) ~0+0.0112(4); A= —0,00366 m

Expressing the result in mm, we have

y = (~3.66 sin 12.25¢ + SO0cos 12.257 + 11.2sin4dt) mm Ans

*22-44. If the block is subjected to the impressed
force F = Focoswt, show that the differential equation
of motion is ¥ + (k/m)y = (Fo/m)coswt, where y is
measured from the equilibrium position of the block. What
is the general solution of this equation?

+] SF = may, Focosat + W — kbs — ky = m¥

Since W = ké,,,

p+ k
(=) yo Fo7” cos wt (i) Q.E.D. Fe Fy cos wt

Ye = Asinaw, y + Bcosw,y (complementary solution) T= k (6, +3)

¥p = Ccoswrt (particular solution) wy = i

Y Y my
Substitute y, into Eq. (1), Feoswt

k Fo
C(—w? + — | coswt = -— cos wt
nt rei)

C= it


Y= Not ¥p

. Fo
¥ = Asing,? + Bcos@,t + | ———— ] coswt Ans
(k — mw?)

22-45, The light elastic rod supports a 4-kg sphere.

When an 18-N vertical force is applied to the sphere, the
rod deflects 14 mm. If the wall oscillates with harmonic 0.75 m
frequency of 2 Hz and has an amplitude of 15 mm,
determine the amplitude of vibration for the sphere.

~~18 = 1285.71 NA m
Ay = 0.014
k = —

@ = 2 Hz = 2(27) = 12.57 rad/s

dy = 0.015 m

[k 1285.7
m 4

Using Eq. 22-22, the amplitude is

5p 0.015
(Xp max =
1~ (3753)

(Xp)max = 0.0295 m = 29.5 mm Ans

22-46. A block having a mass of 0.8 kg is suspended
from a spring having a stiffness of 120 N/m. If a dashpot
provides a damping force of 2.5 N when the speed of the
block is 0.2 més, determine the period of free vibration.

cu F245
cae D2 12.5 N-s/m

on = yf pk (120
=Vog = 12.247 rad/s

Co = 2me, = 2(0.8)(12.247) = 19.60 N - sfm

2 2
og =o, f1—-(£) =12247/1- (22) = 0.432 rads
Ce 19.6

2 an
“=o 3432 = 0.666 s Ans

22-47, A 5-kg block is suspended from a spring having

a stiffness of 300 N/m. If the block is acted upon by
a vertical force F = (7 sin 8rt) N, where ¢ is in seconds,
determine the equation which describes the motion of the
block when it is pulled down 100 mm from the equilib-
rium position and released from rest at t = 0. Assume that > k = 300 N/m
positive displacement is downward.

The general solution is defined by:

y= Asin wt + Bos wt +

Wp F=7 sin 8


F =7Tsin 8¢, Fy =7N, w = 8 rad/s, k = 300 N/m

Oy, = a [30 _ 3746 rad/s

Vin V5


y == Asin 7.746 + B cos 7.7467 + an sin 8t

~ (7.746
¥ =0.1 m when ¢ = 0,

0.1=0+ B—0; B=0.1m

y = A(7.746) cos 7.746¢ — B(7.746) sin 7.746r — (0.35)(8) cos 8t

y= y=0 whens = 0.

y = A(7.746) ~— 2.8 = 0; A = 0.361

Expressing the results in mm, we have

y¥ = (361 sin 7.75¢ + 100 cos 7.75¢ — 350 sin 81) mm Ans
*22-48. The electric motor has a mass of 50 kg and is
supported by four springs, each spring having a stiffness
of 100 N/m. If the motor turns a disk D which is mounted
eccentrically, 20 mm from the disk’s center, determine the
angular rotation @ at which resonance occurs, Assume that
the motor only vibrates in the vertical direction.

Resonance occurs when w = o,.

fk /4(100)
wy, se f—
mn =,f/———
30 =2, 83 rad/s‘

22-49, The instrument is centered uniformly on a plat-

form P, which in turn is supported by four springs, each
spring having a stiffness k = 130 N/m. If the floor is
subjected to a vibration w = 7 Hz, having a vertical dis-
placement amplitude 5y = 0.17 ft, determine the vertical
displacement amplitude of the platform and instrument.
The instrument and the platform have a total weight of
18 Ib.

k = 4(130) = 520 Ib/ft

bo = 0.17 ft

ws 7 Az = 7(27) = 43.98 rad/s

Using Eq. 22-22, the amplitude is

(Xp) eax cod res
am f Gh
| (2 )

k 20
Since w, = jf = =a = 30.50 rad/s
m 323


(Xp) max = 7 yassene = 0.157 ft
1 — (3050)
(Xp)max sz 1.89 in. Ans
22-50. The fan has a mass of 25 kg and is fixed to the
end of a horizontal beam that has a negligible mass. The
fan blade is mounted eccentrically on the shaft such that
it is equivalent to an unbalanced 3.5-kg mass located 100
mm from the axis of rotation. If the static deflection of
the beam is 50 mm as a result of the weight of the fan,
determine the amplitude of steady-state vibration of the
fan when the angular velocity of the fan is 10 rad/s. Hint:
See the first part of Example 22-8.

F 25(9.81)
=—_—_ sso 0.05 4905 5, N/m

k 4905
Wy, = j£-(% = 14.01 rad/s

The force caused by the unbalanced rotor is

Fy = mr” = 3.5(0.1)(10)? = 35 N

Using Eq. 22-22, the amplitude is

(Xp snare = — z

(Xp )max = at == 0.0146 m

te (saa)
(Xp)max = 14.6 mm Ans

22-51. What will be the amplitude of steady-state vibra-

tion of the fan in Prob. 22-50 if the angular velocity of the
fan is 18 rad/s? Hint: See the first part of Example 22-8.

F 25(9.81)
koe 0.05 eefd 905 NA N/m

On = [& = {4905 == 14.01 rad/s

mV 25

The force caused by the unbalanced rotor is

Fo = mrw* = 3.5(0.1)(18)? = 113.4 N

Using Eq. 22-22, the amplitude is

(Xp max = —_4t__.




(Xp)max = 4905 = 0.0355 m

I ( 18 )

(Xp)nex = 35.5 mm Ans

*22-52. The electric motor turns an eccentric flywheel
which is equivalent to an unbalanced 0.25-Ib weight lo-
cated 10 in. from the axis of rotation. If the static deflec-
tion of the beam is | in. because of the weight of the
motor, determine the angular velocity of the flywheel at
which resonance will occur. The motor weighs 150 Ib.
Neglect the mass of the beam.

== —
= —~ = 1800 Ib/ft yy = 4f—
k =
—- ==
3 1/12 it m= ry 1507323 ~ 19.66
Resonance occurs when @=w, = 19.7 rad/s Ans

22-53. What will be the amplitude of steady-state vibra-

tion of the motor in Prob. 22-52 if the angular velocity of
the flywheel is 20 rad/s?

The constant value F, of the periodic force is due to the centrifugal

force of the unbalanced mass.

2 0.25 LO 2.
F, = ma, = mrw- = (3) a) (20)° = 2.588 Ib

Hence F = 2.588 sin 20

F150 rk 1
ba aL
5 > Tia = g00
1300 ome onaw, = fk
V mY = | OX 19.657
From Eq. 22-21, the amplitude of the steady state motion is

C= | Folk | |_2588/1800 >| 9 uaogs f= 0.490 in. Ans

(ay 19.657
22-54. Determine the angular velocity of the flywheel in
Prob. 22-52 which will produce an amplitude of vibration
of 0.25 in.

The constant value F, of the periodic force is due to the centrifugal

force of the unbalanced mass.

0.25 1O\ , 5
F, = ma, = mra* = (5) (5) aw = 0.0064700-

F = 0.006470? sin wr

From Eq. 22.21, the amplitude of the steady state motion is

C= Fo/k
of ;

'-(Z) Wy

0.25 _ o 70 (+55)
127 o \2
I (woes)

@ = 19.0 rad/s Ans

22-55. The engine is mounted on a foundation block

which is spring-supported. Describe the steady-state vibra-
tion of the system if the block and engine have a total
weight of 1500 Ib and the engine, when running, creates an
impressed force F = (50 sin 2r) lb, where ¢ is in seconds.
Assume that the system vibrates only in the vertical direc-
tion, with the positive displacement measured downward,
and that the total stiffness of the springs can be represented
as k = 2000 Ib/ft.

The steady-state vibration is defined by Eq. 22-22.

Xp = —_t__ sin wt

'-(3) Oy

Since F = 50sin 2r

Then Fy = 50 1b, w = 2 rad/s

k = 2000 Ib/ft

Oy, = y ~ = a = 6.55 rad/s

Hence, Xp ——2000__ sin 2t

Xp = (0,0276 sin 2t) ft Ans
*22-56. Determine the rotational speed w of the engine
in Prob. 22-55 which will cause resonance.

Resonance occurs when

Ee 2000
Q = Wy = a 130. 6.55 rad/s Ans

22-57. The block, having a weight of 1.5 Ib is immersed

in a liquid such that the damping force acting on the block
has a magnitude of F = (0.8{v|) lb, where v is in ft/s. If
the block is pulled down 0.8 ft and released from rest,
determine the position of the block as a function of time.
The spring has a stiffness of k = 40 Ib/ft. Assume that
positive displacement is downward.

Viscous Damped Free Vibration: Here c = 0.8 Ib - s/ft. a, = f= =
{ 40 15
Se 9.266 rad/s
dss and cp Yo =SE 2M, 1 = 2 (=>)
— ; (9.266)
(9. =

8.633 Ib - s/ft. Since c < ¢,, the system is underdamped and the solu-
tion of the differential equation is in the form of

y = Die" sin(wyt + 6)] [1]

Taking the time derivative of Eq. [1], we have

v=y=D [- (sa)
2m et sin (age +b) + age" cos(wat + $)|

= De~/2m) [- (=) sin(@ygt + @) + wy cos(wyt + ¢)| [2]

Applying the initial condition v = 0 at t = 0 to Eq. [2], we have

0 = De® [- (=) sin(0 + 6) + wg cos(0 + ¢)|

Cc . .
0= p[- (=) sing +1, cos $| [3]

0.8 c
Heree, = seer
35/32.) = 0.8587
OBST: and wgw= =a, w, /1 fl-f—}=
(< )

9.266,/ 1 ~
\? = oo.9.227 rad/s. Substituting
ae these values into
Ea. [1] yields

0 = D[—0.8587 sin @ + 9.227 cos #]} [4] Solving Eqs. [4] and [5] yields

Applying the initial condition y = 0.8 ft at r = 0 to Eq. [1], we have @ = 85.74° = 1.50 rad D = 0.8022 ft

0.8 = Die’ sin(0 + 6) | Substituting these values into Eq. [1] yields

0.8 = Dsing i5] y = 0.802[e~85 sin(9,23¢ + 1.50)] Ans

22-58. A 7-Ib block is suspended from a spring having a
stiffness of k = 75 Ib/ft. The support to which the spring
is attached is given simple harmonic motion which may
be expressed as 6 = (0.15 sin 2r) ft, where ris in seconds.
If the damping factor is c/c, = 0.8, determine the phase
angle @ of forced vibration.

@y = f—= 75 = 18.57
"| (zs)32.2

6 = 0.15 sin 2t

69 = 0.15,
w= 2

gd’ = 9.89° Ans

22-59. Determine the magnification factor of the block,

spring, and dashpot combination in Prob. 22-58.

o = jhe 75
== 18.57
n= = (=)

6 = 0.15 sin 2r

= 0.15, w=2

MF = =

{-@T-tOGT -) | +Poo(a)]

MF = 0.997 Ans
*22-60. The 30-lb block is attached to two springs having
a stiffness of 10 lb/ft. A force F = (8cos 31)lb, where
t is in seconds, is applied to the block. Determine the
maximum speed of the block after frictional forces cause
the free vibrations to dampen out.

Freebody Diagram: When the block is being displaced by amount = 10 Ibe :

x to the right, the restoring force that develops in both springs is
Fyp = kx = 10x.

Equation of Motion:

3K = 0; — 2(10x) + 8cos 31 = 30.94 in X
30 Ib
a +21.47x = 8.587 cos 3t [1]
Fp rd | r=8 3
Kinematics: Since a = =X, then substituting this value into
dt? = COS Sf
Eq. [1], we have [>_>

+ 21.47x = 8.587 cos 32 [2] Fy 10x |

Since the friction will eventually dampen out the free vibration, we N
are only. interested in the particular solution of the above differential
equation which is in the form of
Thus, Xp = 0.6888 cos 3¢ [3]
Xp = C cos 3t
Taking the time derivative of Eq. [3], we have
Taking second time derivative and substituting into Eq. [2], we have
Up = Xp = ~2.0663 sin 31
—9C cos 31 + 21.47€ cos 3t = 8.587 cos 3t
Thus, (Up) max = 2.07 fUs Ans
C = 0.6888 ft

22-61. A block having a mass of 7 kg is suspended from

a spring that has a stiffness k = 600 N/m. If the block
is given an upward velocity of 0.6 m/s from its equilib-
rium position at f = 0, determine its position as a function
of time. Assume that positive displacement of the block
is downward and that motion takes place in a medium
which furnishes a damping force F = (50|v|)N, where v
is in m/s.
c=SON-s/fm &£=600 N/m m=
7 kg vs pe (in) [wa cos(wyt + 6) — a sin(@gt + |

k i> Applying the initial condition at 7 = 0, y = 0 and v = —0.6 m/s.

Wy = j= z= 9,258 rad/s

0 = Die~ sin(0 + )] since D #0

Co = Zmw, = 2(7)(9.258) = 129.6 N-s/m

Since c < c, the system is underdamped, sing = 0 o=0°

3 ca ~ 0.6 = De~°}8.542 cos 0° — 0]

e\e j 50 \*
Od == @,,/} —~{—]}
(<) =9.25
9 sy! -—{——]
(as) = 8.542
8.542 rad/ss
D = ~0.0702 m

6 35 y = {~+0.0702[e775” sin(8.547)]} m Ans

2m 7)

From Eq. 22-32

y= D : (sr)
2m J"sin(@,t 9)

v=y=D oe cos(@yt +6) + (-=) ola)! sin(wyt + »|

22-62. The damping factor, c/c,., may be determined
experimentally by measuring the successive amplitudes
of vibrating motion of a system. If two of these maximum
displacements can be approximated by x; and xz, as shown
in Fig. 22-17, show that the ratio Inx)/x2 = 2(c/c.)/
V1—-(c/c,)*. The quantity In x) /x2 is called the loga-
rithmic decrement.

Using Eq. 22-32,

c 2n
x= p[e (a) sin(out + 6)| then h -t) = oy

The maximum displacement is so that In{ 1) = “=

xy MWg

=D ~(ae)
Xmax = Le Using Eq. 22-33, c, = 2mu,
Att=f,, and? = th, z
. tg * Wy,/ 1 — soft (<)
= De™ (aa)n fs) “

. So that,
x2 = De (an )2

2 (<)
Hence, In (= ) NE Q.E.D
: l-+
Ar De™ - (am)! =e (aa) <)

*2 De (35 )e

Since @gts — @ygt, == 27

22-63. Draw the electrical circuit that is equivalent to

the mechanical system shown. Determine the differential
equation which describes the charge g in the circuit.

For the block Cc

my t+cy+ky = 0

Using Table 22-1

La+Rq+=q=0 Ans
*22-64. The 20-kg block is subjected to the action
of the harmonic force F = (90cos6r) N, where t is in
F=90 cos 6f
seconds. Write the equation which describes the steady-
State motion.
F =: 90cos 6r

Fo = 90N, w = 6 rad/s c=125N-s/m L

k /800
Qy = jf = 30 = 6.32 rad/s

From Eq. 22-29,

Ce = Qe, = 2(20)(6.32) = 253.0

Using Eqs. 22-39,

x = C’ cos(wt — )
G = 83.9°


x = 0.119 cos(6t — 83.9°) m Ans

t= (9) P + [2 (385) (Sa)T

= 0.119

22-65. Determine the differential equation of motion for

the damped vibratory system shown. What type of motion
occurs? Take k = 100 N/m, c = 200 N- s/m, m = 25 kg.

Freebody Diagram: When the block is being displaced by an amount

y vertically downward, the restoring force is developed by the three
springs attached to the block.

Equation of Motion:

+t OF, = 0; 3ky
+ mg +2ch —mg = —m¥

my + 2cy + 3ky = 0 on

Here, m = 25 kg, c= 200 N-s/m and & = 100 N/m. Substituting 3 ky

+ mg
these values into Eq. [1] yields

25¥ + 400¥ + 300y = 0

¥+ 167+ 12y=0 Ans

Comparing the above differential equation with Eq. 22-27, we have
mz | kg,c= 16 N-s/mandk = 12 N/m. Thus, a, =y _— =
T ==: 3.464 rad/s.
C, = 2ma@, = 2(1)3.464) = 6.928 N-s/m

Since c > c,, the system will not vibrate. Therefore it is overdamped. Ans
22-66. The 10-kg block-spring-damper system is contin-
ually damped. If the block is displaced to x = 50 mm and
released from rest, determine the time required for it to
return to the position x = 2 mm.

k= 60 N/m

m=10kg, c=80, k=60

C. = 2¢km = 2/600 = 49.0 < c¢ (Overdamped)

x= Aew + Bet!

Ay = ~0.8377, Ag = —7.1623

Atr=0, x«=0.05,%=0

0.05 = A+B


X= Adje* + Bage*!

O = AA, + BAz

0 = (0.05 — B)A; + Bar

B= 22%). _6.6228(10-3)
Ayo Az

A = 0.056623
x = 0.056623e"0837" — 6.6228(1073 e772
Set x = 0.0002 m and solve,

t=3.99s5 Ans

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