Question Bank Ust 6501 - Design and Analysis of Experiments

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1. Define fixed effect model.

2. Define random effect model
3. Define mixed effect model
4. Define contrast.
5. Define linear contrast
6. Define orthogonal contrast.
7. State the assumptions of ANOVA?
8. Define a treatment with an example.
9. Define a block with an example.
10. Define a yield with an example.
11. Define experiment with an example.
12. Define experimental units with an example.
13. Define absolute experiment and comparative experiment.
14. Define Precision.
15. Define uniformity trials.
16. State the model for one way ANOVA.
17. What is critical difference?
18. State the model for two way ANOVA.
19. What is ANCOVA?
20. What do you understand by experimental error?
21. State the mathematical model used in analysis of variance in a two- way classification.
22. State the model for LSD.
23. Give the layout of standard 4 x 4 Latin square design.
24. Give the layout of standard 5 x 5 Latin square design.
25. Give the layout of standard 6 x 6 Latin square design.
26. Define Factorial Experiments.
27. Write all possible treatment combinations in a 22 design.
28. Write all possible treatment combinations in a 23 design.
29. Write all possible treatment combinations in a 32 design.
30. What are the advantages of confounding?
31. What do you understand by total confounding?
32. Define partial confounding.
33. Define Incomplete Block Design.
34. Define BIBD
35. Prove that𝑣𝑟 = 𝑏𝑘.
36. When is a BIBD said to be symmetric?
37. Distinguish between fixed effect model and Random effect model.
38. Explain the three principles of experimental design.
39. Mention the advantages, disadvantages and applications of CRD
40. Give the advantages, disadvantages and application of completely randomized design.
41. Prove that mean sum of squares due to treatments, provides an unbiased estimate of 𝜎𝑒 2
for one way analysis of variance.
42. Explain critical difference .
43. Explain Tukey Test.
44. Prove that mean sum of squares due to treatments, provides an unbiased estimate of 𝜎𝑒 2
for two way analysis of variance.
45. Estimate the single value missing in RBD
46. Elaborate the procedure of estimating two missing values in RBD
47. Derive the expression to measure the efficiency of RBD over CRD
48. Mention the advantages and disadvantages of LSD
49. What is missing plot technique? Derive the formula for missing value when one
observation is missing in the case of LSD.

50. Explain the concept of Factorial Experiments?

51. Write the advantages of factorial experiment.
52. Describe a 22 factorial experiment and develop its statistical analysis.
53. Present the Yate’s table analysis of 23 Factorial Experiment.
54. Give the statistical analysis of 32 factorial experiments.
55. Explain the principles of confounding in Factorial experiments.
56. Distinguish between Total Confounding and Partial Confounding.
57. Prove that 𝜆 𝜈 − 1 = 𝑟 (𝑘 − 1) in balanced incomplete block design.
58. Prove that 𝑏 ≥ 𝑣 (Fisher’s inequality) in BIBD.
59. Prove that a BIBD is said to symmetric if 𝑏 = 𝑣 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑟 = 𝑘.
60. In a symmetric BIBD, the number of treatments common between any two blocks is 𝞴.
61. Prove that (𝑁𝑁 ′ )−1 = 𝐴𝑑𝑗( 𝑁𝑁 ′ ) in BIBD.
𝑁𝑁 ′


62. Derive the complete statistical analysis of one way analysis of variance.
63. Develop the complete Statistical analysis of two way classified data with one
observations per cell.
64. Develop the complete Statistical analysis of two way classified data with m observations
per cell.
65. Describe in detail the preparation of layout for a Latin Square Design and the steps
involved in its analysis.
66. Derive the statistical analysis of 22 Factorial experiment.
67. Discuss the concept and statistical analysis of 23 Factorial Experiments.
68. Derive the complete statistical analysis of 32 in Factorial experiment.
69. Briefly explain total confounding and partial confounding in various factorial experiment.

70. Develop the Intra block analysis of Balanced Incomplete Block Design


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