HOUSEKEEPING NC II - Performance Task (Cleaning Techniques & Proper Storage)

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HOUSEKEEPING NC II (Quarter 4 - Week 3)

Performance Task

Topic/Lesson: Cleaning Techniques & Proper Storage

Name: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________

Grade & Section: ___________________________ Learning Modality: Face-to-Face

Instruction: Perform the steps/procedures in Cleaning Techniques & Proper Storage. You will be
assessed based on the rubrics below. Your teacher may conduct oral questioning after
performing the task to satisfy the performance criteria.

Criteria Good (10) Fair (5) Poor (1) Score

The learner did
The learner The learner
NOT gather
Gather Supplies gathered supplies gathered supplies
supplies even with
without assistance with assistance
The learner The learner The learner did
performed the performed the NOT perform
correct procedures correct procedures correct procedures
without assistance with assistance even with assistance
The learner did
The learner stored The learner stored
NOT store the
the materials and the materials and
Storage materials and
supplies safely supplies safely with
supplies safely even
without assistance assistance
with assistance
The learner finished The learner finished
It took so long to
Timeliness the task within the the task beyond the
finish the task
given time given time



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