Drastic Changes Designed For DU: Maldives Seeks Loan From Bangladesh
Drastic Changes Designed For DU: Maldives Seeks Loan From Bangladesh
Drastic Changes Designed For DU: Maldives Seeks Loan From Bangladesh
Says Ukraine as tensions soar
over alleged Russian troop
build-up near Kiev’s borders
“It is minimum demand. It is not a matter of kindness, “Things get easier when Shakib bhai plays. With him returning, “We need to welcome and integrate one another and
magnanimity or humanity as it is her civic right.” we’re thinking of employing four bowlers and seven batters.” to walk together as brothers and sisters, all of us.”
An undernourished
nutrition budget
NILIMA JAHAN Rima also has no idea how she can receive the
MALNUTRITION OVERLOOKED government maternity allowance, meant for the
Twenty-five-year-old Rima Rani Paul is currently Direct interventions to improve nutritional poor and underprivileged pregnant women to
in her eight month of pregnancy. When she meet their increased nutritional demands.
visited the doctor recently, she was recommended status lacking According to public health and nutrition
a balanced diet, rich in nutrient-dense foods, as experts, despite Bangladesh’s significant
the fetus was not growing as expected.
Nutrition budget around 1pc of GDP and
improvements in various nutrition indicators
Despite this, on most days Rima’s husband 9pc of national budget in the past, the direct interventions to improve
Shipon Paul – a street vendor in Kapasia, nutritional status – such as ensuring maternal
Gazipur – cannot afford to buy her nutrient-rich Only 2pc allocated for direct interventions nutrition to reduce the low birth weight of
fruits and vegetables after providing for their babies, managing acute malnutrition, providing
eight-member family.
High suffering for pregnant women seeking
allowances to poor pregnant and nursingmothers
The situation was particularly challenging free prenatal supplements and so on – require more attention, especially
during her first trimester, which coincided with during the Covid-19 pandemic.
the Covid 19 lockdown. Shipon didn’t have a For instance, a BRAC study found that 73
regular earning and it was difficult for Rima to Last month, when I visited the local union percent of women and 67 percent of men did
put food on the table, let alone have a balanced not eat nutritious foods in the pandemic, while
diet, she told this correspondent.
health and family welfare centre for prenatal
Red Munia, Dhaka, Bangladesh. the pandemic affected the dietary pattern of 28
“Last month, when I visited the local union vitamin supplements, I was only provided with percent of households.
health and family welfare centre for prenatal some iron and folic acid supplements due to However, a recent Bangladesh National
he Red Munia entered my child- ones. I was able to spend some time 2017, which represented around one percent of
hood through a story about with these birds. vitamin B complexes and calcium carbonate KAPASIA, GAZIPUR
the Creator painting birds after What a memorable time it was. supplements for free as well,” she said.
creating them. However, one fidgety The males were in their breeding
bird has flown off before being paint- plumage. They had a brownish head,
ed and returns just when He finishes. black tail, and dark brown wings.
There are a few drops of paint remain- But you did not really notice any of
ing with which He splatters this bird. that – all your attention went to the
And so this exquisite bird was created body covered in bright red with white
with spots of white sprinkled on red. dots. Females were grey with a red tail
When I came to birding I saw and white spots on the wings. Flocks
pictures of the Red Munia and flew in, landed on the ground, and
connected it with my childhood story. immediately set about stripping off
But, while I found and photographed seeds from grass blades using their
our other munia species, this bird strong beaks. On cold mornings
eluded me. In the fields of Purbachol they sometimes warmed themselves,
before it was developed, I observed perching on a thin reed with their
numerous munias in the tall grass, back to the sun. Couples huddled
making clumpy nests among the reeds together, often helping preen each
and busily finding seeds and eating other’s feathers.
them. Four of our five munias were An interaction among them caught
in attendance: Silverbill, Tricoloured, my eye. Three Red Munias were
Scaly-breasted and Chestnut Munias. perched on the thinnest of reeds: a
But the Red Munia never showed up. cozy couple on the right and a single
On two other occasions I saw it male on the left. The couple’s male
fleetingly. Once, in the Padma chars dozed off and the female started
of Rajshahi, it flew in and perched eyeing the single male. At one point
momentarily on an Akond branch she jumped to sit close to her single
before taking off – just enough neighbour. But it did not work – the
time for a glimpse but not for a single male shooed her off instantly,
photograph. Later, while birding in as if rebuking her for leaving her mate.
Australia’s Northern Territory, I found The couple was back together. The
it among other finches. I got a distant episode was so fast that you would
photograph, but the flock flew away as have missed it had you blinked.
I came closer for a better shot. Incidentally, the Latin Name for
Recently, however, my luck with Red Munia is Amandava amandava
Red Munias changed when friends – meaning “a bird of Ahmedabad.”
showed me a spot in Dhaka’s Aftab It is also known as Red Avadavat,
Nagar. At the far edges of this housing “Avadavat” being a colonial British
development there remains some distortion of “Ahmedabad.”
intact grassland with tall kash grass. ............................................................
When accumulated water from low-lying areas of the capital overflows, a pump of Water Development Board at Goranchatbari is turned on,
In this patch, which is next to a beel, facebook.com/ikabirphotographs or follow
draining all of it into the river. The only problem is this water comes from residential drains and factories, which means it is contaminated to a
reside many munias, including red ihtishamkabir on Instagram.
horrifying degree, and hence the foams by the shore. This photo was taken recently from Mirpur-Ashulia-Beribadh Road. PHOTO: RASHED SHUMON
dilapidated road
(Rab-14) in Mymensingh
text verdict “Recently, Time published an issue dedicated to the arrested a rape accused
COP26. As Bangladesh is well known for its vulnerability from Gazipur yesterday.
to climate change, a lot of people have shifted their focus
Authorities concerned towards us,” Azam said. identified as Md Abu Taleb
must take approval from AKLAKUR RAHMAN AKASH, Savar “During the Time interview, I mostly presented the Old alias Pinu Mia, 35, son of
the appropriate court in Abdul Motalab of Bilkherua
Dhaka Rasulbagh park project. They got very excited,” he
three working days of The pothole ridden Zirabo- village in Ishwarganj
Bishmail road in Ashulia, Savar is said. upazila of Mymensingh.
imposing a restriction on “From their perspective, they felt that a solution exists.”
a citizen from leaving the in an extremely poor shape, causing According to Rab sources,
immense suffering to the commuters. Rafiq Azam is widely considered as one of those local the accused raped an RMG
country, the Supreme Court
observed in the full text of The road connects two major architects who have managed to combine western theories worker early November
a verdict explaining Article highways -- Dhaka-Aricha and Tongi- with local knowledge passed down through generations, 14. A case was lodged with
36 of the constitution Ashulia DEPZ. Besides, around 100 and melding one with the other. Ishwarganj Police Station
regarding citizens’ freedom RMG factories and more than 500 “I had an exhibition in New York city in 1998, when I accusing four persons in
of movement. small and big business are established realised I had only received foreign knowledge at Buet. I this regard.
“Restriction may be on both sides of the road. Thousands didn’t learn anything about our own heritage.” Abu Taleb was named
imposed on travel in order of heavy vehicles go over the road all prime accused on November
“I thought the organisers were pitying me; it was as if 21, said Abdul Kader
to prevent exit from the day and night.
Due to lack of repairs in last two they were saying ‘you are just copying us’.” Miah, officer-in-charge of
country by persons who
leave quickly to avoid due years, the road’s state has dilapidated. Since then, he started contemplating how to apply Ishwarganj Police Station.
process of law. However, This correspondent recently visited local knowledge and elements in his work. Rab said Abu Taleb
this would be subject the road and talked to pedestrians, “My drawings were in the European and/or American developed a love affair
to confirmation by the drivers, and businessmen who use the style,” he reminisced. over phone calls with the
appropriate court within road and they shared their sufferings. The pothole ridden Bishmail-Zirabo Road in Savar’s Ashulia is in such a “But then I adopted localised knowledge and victim and proposed to her
a period of three working Rafiqul Amin, a private car driver, poor state that suffering has become inevitable during every day commute. elements to create a certain amount of fusion, and also for marriage. He asked her
days,” the Appellate who commutes on the road regularly, devise new concepts.” to visit him at his house
Division of the SC said in said although the road is unsuitable for at Kuturia, said, “If the road isn’t for me as I live almost one kilometre in Ishwarganj. When the
repaired as soon as possible, we’ll face away from the factory.” Azam has received the highest number of international
the 18 page-verdict released private cars, owing to his employer’s victim went for the visit,
on Wednesday. major losses in our businesses as this Contacted, Saleh Hasan Pramanik, accolades among Bangladeshi architects. Abu Taleb raped her.
job at a garments factory next to the
Earlier on September 27, road, he has to use it. effects the shipment costs.” engineer of Savar’s Local Government His work has been included in many famed European During the primary
the apex court delivered a “I have to wait long hours while Arzina Akter, a garments worker in Engineering Department (LGED), and American university curriculums. investigation, Taleb
short verdict modifying, passing from Jirabo to Amtola area a nearby factory, said, “I have to go to said they’ve already selected a A book titled “Rafiq Azam: Architecture for Green confessed to committing
with some observations due to tailback created for the road’s factory on foot, as rickshaw and small construction firm via tender and the Living” was published through a joint venture between rape and was handed over
and directions, the High horrible conditions,” said Amin. vehicles don’t take this road due to its repairs for the 3,600-metre road will Italian publication Skira and Bengal Foundation. to Ishwarganj Police Station
Court ruling that said Anti- Shamsul Haque, a furniture trader bad condition. It’s extremely perilous soon start. Translated by Mohammed Ishtiaque Khan this afternoon, said the OC.
Corruption Commission
(ACC) has to take court
permission to impose
embargo on corruption
suspects or accused from
leaving the country.
The legend
An undernourished
FROM PAGE 3 “Most of the time, our stock finishes
Disabilities are
A four-member bench
of the Appellate Division,
headed by Chief Justice
GDP and around nine percent of the
national budget, only two percent of
the nutrition expenditure was on direct
within the first 10 days of the month, and
when they come later, they have to return
empty-handed, which discourages many
not a burden
Syed Mahmud Hossain, from coming again,” he said, on conditions
delivered the verdict on interventions.
Of the two percent, the Ministry of of anonymity. Says social welfare minister
the appeals moved by ACC According to experts, increasing the BSS, Dhaka
lawyer Khurshid Alam Health and family Welfare (MoHFW) spent
only four percent of its nutrition budget expenditure of micronutrient distribution,
Khan, challenging the HC ensuring maternal and adolescent Social Welfare Minister Nuruzzaman Ahmed yesterday said
judgements and orders on while the Ministry of Women and Children
Affairs (MoWCA) spent seven percent of its nutrition, is crucial as the prevalence of disabled persons are not burdens of the nation, as proper
this issue. under-5 stunting children is still 28 percent. care can turn them into wealth.
The apex court said, nutrition budget. These were the two major
ministries working on direct interventions The expenditure for the Karmajibi “Proper care can transform people with physical
“The fundamental right Lactating Mother Sohaita Tohbil project
through 13 operational plans. disabilities into resources of the country,” he said.
guaranteed under Article of MoWCA was also found inadequate.
Contrary to that, the vast majority of The minister made this comment virtually at a
36 of the constitution According to project director Md Jamal
of Bangladesh is non- expenditure (around 98 percent) was programme marking the 30th International Disability
in addressing wide- ranging underlying Uddin Bhuiyan, the project has been Day and 23rd National Disability Day held at National
absolute. The right to leave providing training and a monthly
one’s country has therefore PHOTO: COLLECTED causes of malnutrition, such as water Disability Foundation at city’s Mirpur.
and sanitation, the status of women, allowance of Tk 800 for three years to only “We must have to successfully implement the
never been considered an two other members of the guerilla, were preparing bombs 2,77,000 lactating mothers in every city
absolute right. The right to send to Khulna at Nitai Sikder’s house in Morelganj social protection, agriculture, education, programmes which already have been taken by Prime
environment and climate change etc. corporation, municipality and BGMEA and Minister Sheikh Hasina for promoting the quality
may be restricted in certain Bazar. Suddenly they heard a bomb blast and ran towards BKMEA factory workers.
circumstances.” the source of the sound. After arrival, they noticed the Dhaka University nutrition and food livelihood of the disabled people”, he told the function
science professor Dr Nazma Shaheen said, Urging for more allocation, the PD said, arranged by the Social Welfare Ministry. “If we provide
bomb had exploded in Chitta’s hands. As he collapsed to “We have got an allocation of Tk 276 crore
“In order to achieve our SDG and nutrition appropriate training and cooperation to then the disabled
Trapped the ground, with his only able hand, he wrote ‘Joy Bangla’
on the ground with his own blood, passing away several targets, it’s imperative we scale up the most 65 lakh, which is not sufficient because for
the past two years, we have been unable to
persons could be transformed into resources and would be
minutes later. important and effective interventions and able to contribute to the development of the country,” the
strengthen them by expanding coverage to increase the number of our beneficiaries, minister said.
rice, most farmers continue “Our first operation at Hawlia village in Morelganj was even though there is a huge demand amid
to attack the police station in July. Lutfar Rahman was in- include a larger number of beneficiaries.”
to grow rice due to lack of the pandemic,” he said.
a supportive agricultural charge of the police station at that time. There were 22 CURRENT INTERVENTIONS BNNC director-general Dr Md Khalilur
rifles at the police station, out of which we took six and INADEQUATE Rahman said that Covid 19 pushed back the
policy from the state,”
broke the pins of the remaining 16. Then we camped at When The Daily Star visited a number of nutrition achievement for at least three years.
commented Maria. Gulishakhali in the same upazila,” he recalled. centres of Sima’s upazila recently, it was In terms of human resource shortage,
Sixty percent rural “As we were running out of funds, Major Ziauddin, sub- seen that there is a supply shortage of the BNNC DG claimed there’s not a
women of working age sector commander of sector 9, the ninth sector, captured prenatal vitamins for pregnant mothers. single person at the district level who can
remain engaged in unpaid the Pirojpur disctrict treasury and brought the money to According to the pharmacist of Rima’s talk about nutrition to people or do the
agricultural activities. Their our camp,” he added. centre, they receive only 2,000 pieces of required advocacy.
earning potential remain “On December 4, a battle took place at Sharankhola iron and folic acid supplements, 500 pieces Dr Iqbal Kabir, chief consultant, BNNC,
largely untapped because that lasted from dusk till dawn. Seeing that our cohort of calcium carbonate and 1,000 pieces of also said that there is a need for more
of this very reason, the Alauddin could not operate the mortar, the Razakars vitamin B complexes, which are far less allocation to expand coverage of existing
study also found. opened fire and killed five of our members. As a last resort, than the actual demand of an average of interventions, while tracking where the
The researchers we informed Major Ziauddin, who came in a speed boat 250 pregnant women in each union. budget is being spent.
recommended three from the Sundarban camp area and participated in the
steps to increase income fight,’’ said Ranajit.
After the war, Ranajit joined the Bangladesh Civil
of rural households,
Service (BCS) admin cadre in 1984 as a deputy magistrate 40 held over
namely diversification
and modernisation of
at Keshabpur Upazila of Jessore district. He later retired drug peddling,
from the Ministry of Public Administration in 1994 as
agriculture by focusing deputy secretary. abuse
more on higher value- ‘’When I was working as ADC in Pirojpur, I started an BSS, DHAKA
added crops, livestock agricultural farm, ‘Basanti Matso o Krishi Khamar’ after my
and fishing products; wife’s name. Our yearly income from the farm is over 10 Detective Branch (DB) of
engagement of women to lakh taka,” he said. police arrested 40 people
skilled and paid works; Ranajit Gharai said he lived alone but happily in the on charges of selling and
and development of small village. His son Mondip Gharai currently works as a UNO consuming drugs in the
cities and towns so that in Shariatpur and his daughter is a deputy civil surgeon in city in the last 24 hours till
Jessore. 6am yesterday.
more men and women can The drives were
Subal Das, one of Gharai’s followers, said, “Dada
engage in non-agricultural simultaneously carried
showed us the path of success. In our village, there’s barely
and paid activities. anyone unemployed or struggling.” out starting at 6am on
December 2, a DMP
statement said yesterday.
In separate anti-drug
operations, police arrested
drug peddlers and abusers
and seized banned and
illegal drugs from the
capital’s different areas.
32 cases were filed in
these connections with
police stations concerned
under the Narcotics
Control Act.
vehicle kills
foreign worker
A construction vehicle
hit Kazakhstan national
Barjahan (35) at the
Rooppur Nuclear Power
Plant construction site
yesterday morning, leaving
him dead on the spot.
Barjahan was a worker
of Nikimth, a construction
firm of the power plant.
Ishwardi Police Station
Inspector Md Hadiul Islam
said the accident took place
around 9:30am while the
victim was standing behind
the vehicle. The vehicle hit
him while it was reversing.
Police recovered the
body and sent it to Pabna
general hospital morgue for
A year on, now it’s all
Citrus fruits like orange are beneficial FROM PAGE 16 There are even shopping malls in
in this season. Vitamin C improves see better days.” Bhasan Char. On the ground floor
the immune system to fight the Bhasan Char island has 120 of Island Mall, there is a super shop,
common cold. Herbs like ginger, brick-built cluster villages and 120 modern salon and laundry service.
garlic should also be included more cyclone shelters. There are flood There is a restaurant on the first floor
in the diet as they help keep the body protection embankments, facilities and rooms are being constructed on
warm and prevent inflammation. for education, farming and fishing, the second and third floors.
As winter tends to make us feel
hospitals and playgrounds. Buildings Abdul Hannan, manager of the
lazy, staying motivated and indulging
for the aid agencies were also mall, said, “Our business is getting
in physical exercise also become
constructed there. better. We started just three months
Getting some sunlight is very A high-level team of the UNHCR ago.”
important to get the required dose visited the island on Thursday and Anowarul Kabir, deputy director
of vitamin D. That’s why yoga or spoke to the Rohingyas. However, of Bhasan Char development project,
stretching in the sunlight can be a the team declined to talk to the said the attitude and mentality of the
good activity during this season. media. Rohingyas have changed a lot in the
We often drink less water in winter Once a quiet and calm island last one year.
which can lead to dehydration. with a few shops, Bhasan Char has Initially, they engaged in criminal
Having warm drinks like herbal and seen a massive change with around activities due to resource shortages,
green tea to stay hydrated is a good hundred small shops being set up by but now they are finding proper ways
practice. the refugees. of making a living, he said.
Socialising or investing time in The refugees now earn a living The project, funded with public
doing what you like is very important by engaging in farming, fishing, money, was taken after some
to avoid the winter blues. Although shopkeeping, rickshaw pulling and 750,000 Rohingyas fled a brutal
socialising can be tricky amid the other occupations. military crackdown in Myanmar’s
Covid-19 situation, you can read a “If we find work, life will be Rakhine and took shelter in Cox’s
book or watch a movie from under more joyous and more people will Bazar in the months following
the warmth of your blanket. be interested to come to Bhasan August 2017. They joined some
Planting some winter flowers and 300,000 other Rohingyas, who had
Char because it is safe here and
vegetables will also keep your mood fled previous waves of violence in
everyone has a home. We moved
upbeat during the season. Palestinian protesters clash with Israeli troops in the village of Kfar Qaddum near the Rakhine.
Stay well this winter. PHOTO:
here in search of peace and we got
Jewish settlement of Kedumim in the occupied West Bank, during a protest against the AFP it,” said Jamila Khatun, a mother The project was approved in
November 2017.
Dinajpur girl expropriation of land by Israel yesterday. of five.
The father said someone tried to kill
his daughter after raping her.
Hospital sources said there was
Send Khaleda abroad for treatment My aim is to make Pakistan
evidence of rape and the girl was still FROM PAGE 16 Mujahids of Pakistan to give a crushing
unconscious. offensive “is not to cause unnecessary reply to the enemy,” he declared.
said those words out of emotion. But The leaders and activists of In the council yesterday, Mostafa CHINA DENOUNCES INDIA
Fakhrul Islam, officer-in-charge of damage to the infrastructure of
as a prime minister of the country, she Gonoforum will work together to Mohsin Montu and advocate Subrata China’s Acting Foreign Minister Chi
Birol Police Station, said police were Bangladesh, which I think is quite
cannot be driven by emotions …. It restore democracy and the rule of law Chowdhury were picked president right,” added Aurora. Peng’fei denounced India today for
trying to arrest the suspect. was a violation of her oath.” in the country, stated party President and general secretary of Gonoforum. what he described as India’s continued
A case was being filed, he said, At the press briefing on Dr Kamal Hossain. After 29 years of its formation, the expansion of “armed aggression
adding that a 25-year-old man had November 17, Hasina talked about “I’ve always stressed unity,” read a party has apparently split. By committing aggression against the against Pakistan” and implied that
been detained for interrogation. several attempts on life when she statement from Dr Kamal, one of the Contacted, Gonoforum Joint entire people of India and Bangladesh, India was acting with the support and
was in the opposition and also how founders of Gonoforum. The political General Secretary Moshtaq Ahmed said the military junta of West Pakistan encouragement of the Soviet Union.
Tigers hope Khaleda gave “promotions” to the
accused in the Bangabandhu killing
party was established in 1992.
Due to illness, Dr Kamal could not
using Gono Forum’s symbol, Montu
and Subrata formed their own party.
only paved the way for its own total
decimation as a power base, said
case. attend the council yesterday. Moshtaq said they would hold Hossain Ali, high commissioner of In a telephonic conversation, US
wicket haul in the port city.
Nagorik Oikya Convener Urging unity among political another council soon. Bangladesh in a statement today. President Richard Nixon discussed
Along with Shakib, the return today the possible US response to
Mahmudur Rahman Manna said parties, Jatiya Samajtantrik Dal-JSD Mohsin, a former general secretary Referring to the declaration of war
of Taskin Ahmed also made the Indo-Pak crisis with his Assistant
Khaleda is a three-time prime minister. President ASM Abdur Rob said it was of the party, however, claimed that the on India by Pakistan, Hossain Ali
Tigers’ bowling attack more potent. expressed the hope that this war would for National Security Affairs Henry
“She is now fighting for life. Can’t the the solution to the ongoing anarchy party has not split.
However, Taskin, who returned after be “the final war” as Pakistan President Kissinger. As to Nixon’s query about
government change the law for her?” caused by the ruling party. Replying to a question, he said,
a finger injury, will be assessed in Yahya Khan had described it. taking the issue to the Security
he asked. Dr Zafrullah said a country cannot “He [Dr Kamal Hossain] wished to
the morning today before the team “The 75 million people of Council, Kissinger commented, “At
Gonoshasthaya Kendra founder run well without democracy and rule retire from the party due to illness. He
management makes their final call Bangladesh stand today solidly by the Security Council, the Indians and
Dr Zafrullah Chowdhury suggested of law. “I believe those will return has made it clear in a letter ... He can
regarding including Taskin in the their Indian brethren in their hour Soviets are going to delay long enough
that BNP Senior Vice Chairman soon,” he said. remain as an advisor”
playing eleven. of peril,” added the Bangladesh high so a resolution cannot be passed. If it
Tarique Rahman should request “We fought for the right to vote in Asked if it was mentioned in the
However, the nature of the Mirpur commissioner. was, the Soviets would veto. UN will
civil society members and political 1971. After 50 years of independence, letter, he said he was not able to
pitch once again remained in focus YAHYA VOWS TO CRUSH FOE be impotent. So the Security Council
leaders over phone to create a we’ll have to fight for it once again,” discuss the matter right now and
yesterday during Mominul Haque’s Yahya accused India today of having is just a paper exercise -- it will get
mass movement seeking Khaleda’s said Saiful Huq, RWSB’s general he would explain it later in a press
press conference. Captain Mominul launched a full’scale war and told his the Post and Times off our backs.
treatment abroad. secretary. conference. And the Libs will be happy that we
said he was hoping for a flat track countrymen it was time “to give a
and not a usual spinning top. crushing reply to the enemy”. turned it over to the UN. The damage
Asked if his team were up for “We are fighting for our country’s won’t show up for a few years. At
improvement in the second Test and
looking to get a result, Mominul
AL again picks Ivy for N’ganj mayor integrity and honour,” he said in a
broadcast. “God is with us in our
the moment we retrench around the
world, this proves that countries can
dictated it was important to start well. FROM PAGE 16 Akabbar Hossain on November 16. under Parbatipur upazila in Dinajpur mission. get away with brutality.”
“Ofcourse [looking for a good mayor of the erstwhile Narayanganj According to the schedules, as well as the UPs in Khulna and “Our enemy has once again Kissinger rather suggested that the
result]. In Tests, the first hour is very municipality. the deadline for submission of Barishal divisions, as the local bodies challenged us -- India’s government has economic aid to India should be stopped
important. Batting is our strength The maiden election to NCC was nomination papers is December 15, will go to polls in the fifth phase on launched a full’scale war on us,” he said. as a measure to squeeze the country.
and if we can bat six sessions, we can held in a non-partisan manner in while the last date for the scrutiny of January 5. Speaking in Urdu, although he Nixon agreed to this plan and
2011. In 2016, Ivy was reelected as the nomination papers is December 20 A total of 707 unions will go to normally addresses the nation in added, “Let’s get some PR out on
comeback in the game.”
AL candidate as the mayoral election and the last date for withdrawal of polls in this phase in 47 districts. English, Yahya said India’s “hate and them -- put the blame on India. It
enmity” toward Pakistan were known will also take some blame off us.
UAE buys record was held using party symbols, unlike
the councillor elections to the city
candidature is December 27 in the
NCC and Tangail-7 by-polls.
According to the polls schedule
announced by the EC, the deadline to “the whole world”. Our story about getting off militarily
corporation. The third election to NCC will be held for the submission of nomination “India has always tried to weaken didn’t get much play. They will feel the
80 French fighter On November 30, the Election using electronic voting machines (EVMs) papers is December 7, while the and ruin Pakistan -- this is India’s biggest economic one. We have got to help
rebuild Pakistan.”
Commission announced schedules instead of traditional ballot papers. date for the scrutiny of nomination and final war against us,” he said.
jets as Macron for NCC election and Tangail-7 by- Besides, yesterday’s meeting papers is December 9 and the last He addressed his countrymen as
“120 million Mujahids”, followers of
Shamsuddoza Sajen is a journalist
and researcher. He can be contacted at
polls. The parliamentary seat fell finalised the names of AL chairman date for withdrawal of candidature is
starts Gulf tour vacant following the death of AL MP candidates for the union parishads December 15. Islam. “The time has come for the heroic [email protected]
AFP, Dubai
The United Arab Emirates signed a
record 14-billion-euro contract for 80 ‘We need to be watchful’ Depression
French-made Rafale warplanes and FROM PAGE 1 is also compatible with creating a
committed billions of euros in other sustained wind speed
“The economic growth studies show welfare society. But creation of an
deals as President Emmanuel Macron within 54 km of the
that episodes of rapid growth are enabling environment depends on
kicked off a Gulf tour on Friday. cyclone is about 62 kph
quite common among the developing the country-specific context.
The biggest international order ever rising to 88 kph in squalls,
countries, but the growth is rarely “An immediate concern is the
made for the Rafale jets came as Macron the bulletin added.
sustained. That is why we need to be challenges to be faced in the post-
held talks with Abu Dhabi Crown “All boats and trawlers in
watchful,” Prof Wahiduddin said at Least Developed Country (LDC) era.
Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed the North Bay and deep sea
the event organised by Bangladesh We have to start preparing ourselves
at the start of a two-day trip which will have been advised to remain
Institute of Development Studies regarding how we shall negotiate our
also take in Qatar and Saudi Arabia. close to the coast and
(BIDS) at a city hotel. way in the global economic order
The resource-rich UAE, one of the proceed with caution until
He also mentioned the challenges without the preferential treatment
French defence industry’s biggest further notice,” it added.
in the post-Least Developed Country that we have been enjoying,” he said.
customers, also inked an order for 12 (LDC) era, land scarcity, and Most of our trade competitors have
Caracal military transport helicopters
for a total bill of more than 17
challenges of governance.
He credited diversification of
already become part of one or more
regional Free Trade Arrangements
billion euros. rural economy as a major driving (FTAs), he said, suggesting developing
“This is an outcome of the lives and of their
force for the Bangladesh economy expertise to negotiate FTAs. civilization,” the culture
strategic partnership between the two and suggested focused attention to Another issue, he said, is
countries, consolidating their capacity ministry said in a
materialise Bangladesh’s aspiration Bangladesh’s extreme land scarcity. statement.
to act together for their autonomy to become an upper-middle income This makes it extremely difficult to
and security,” the French presidency The interior patio where
nation by 2031 and a developed have urbanistion and industrialisation rituals took place is about
said in a statement. country by 2041. without impinging on agricultural
Abu Dhabi’s Mubadala sovereign four meters (13 feet) below
“The present danger is that this land or whatever environmental ground level, according to
wealth fund also pledged eight socio-cultural infrastructure of the resources like forests and water bodies
billion euros in investments in a team of archaeologists
market economy may be at the risk Bangladesh is left with. who spent three months
French businesses, while the licence of being undermined by political “If we become even a high-
of the UAE capital’s branch of the analyzing the site.
polarisation, ethnic and religious middle income country, we shall
Louvre art gallery was extended for 10 strife and replacement of trusted have to imagine an environmentally
years to 2047. village elders by politically powerful sustainable configuration of land use
The Emirates was the fifth biggest party cadres.” where we shall be producing GDP per
customer for the French defence Prof Wahiduddin said development square kilometre that will be higher
industry with 4.7 billion euros discourses have spent efforts on how than most of today’s industrialised
from 2011-2020, according to a to imitate the success stories of the so- countries.”
parliamentary report. called East Asian tigers. In contrast, the He cited findings of a study on
France has faced criticism after contemporary development literature economic cost of Dhaka’s overgrowth
some of these weapons were used in has given relatively less importance to and suggested formulating a strategy
Yemen, where a Saudi-led coalition the example of Japan, which followed for dispersed urbanisation and
is fighting Iran-backed rebels in a war industrialisation.
its business model tied to workers’
that has created one of the world’s
welfare and loyalty. The economist said higher public
worst humanitarian crises.
“And it may not have occurred spending and better service delivery
The Rafale order signed on Friday,
to many as to why Japan has many will be important to retain gains in
while Macron met with Sheikh
rich people, but few billionaires,” he social indicators.
Mohammed at Dubai’s Expo site,
said, adding that Japan has only 25 He said Bangladesh needs to create
is the biggest made internationally
billionaires against America’s 675 and the needed skills and capabilities
for the aircraft since it entered into
service in 2004. India’s 153. of the increasing labour force with
French Defence Minister Florence “Notice that Bangladesh is also enough employment opportunities as
Parly called it a “historic contract” now cited as a country producing a large number of secondary school
which will contribute “directly to billionaires, which means we are graduates remains unemployed.
regional stability”. The F4 model achieving high economic growth, Wahiduddin, a former professor
Rafales, currently under development, but it also means that growth has of economics at Dhaka University,
will be delivered from 2027. become increasingly unequal,” said said demographic dividend is a factor
By snapping up the fighter craft, Wahiduddin, now chairman of fuelling the current economic growth.
built by Dassault Aviation, the UAE is Economic Research Group. This opportunity may last for
following the lead of Gulf rival Qatar, He said all success stories have some another two decades. After that the
which has bought 36 of the planes, common elements, like providing an growth of the labour force will slow
and Egypt which ordered 24 in 2015 enabling environment for fostering down due to the aging population, he
and 30 earlier this year. economic entrepreneurship that noted.
HILE we are disappointed at a recent report by this public intellectual on many national was a time-traveller who could return to the then Pakistan government to diffuse University professors, were captured by
this daily, which detailed an incident of how issues. I would see him walking briskly the present to explain the demands of the student protest over the question of the Pakistan Army in August 1971. They
students protesting for road safety confronted along the faculty floor, maintaining a the present and chart the future. He was state language on February 20, 1952, a were kept in a “VIP cage” in Agargaon.
a 19-year-old illegally driving a microbus while the respectful distance. We would exchange a living legend as he witnessed different young Rafiqul Islam stood up and told Dr Nurul Islam, Prof Rehman Sobhan
vehicle’s driver slept beside him, it is, unfortunately, pleasantries, but hardly any real crosscurrents of our sociopolitical and the committee president, Abul Hashim, and Prof Ansiur Rahman approached US
too common a scene in our country. The young driver conversation. On several occasions in the cultural life that is tinged with our to leave the matter to the students. In Senator Edward Kennedy, who called the
could not produce a driving licence or any other papers last seven years of our acquaintance, we national identity. response, Hashim retorted, “I do not then Foreign Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
to the demonstrators, but claimed he had been driving like to learn politics from a boy like to precipitate their release. He told us how
the vehicle for the last four years without any issues. you” (Islam, R, Bangla Bhasha, Sahitya earlier he had lost his father in March
He may have meant this to be a reassuring statement, o Sangskritik Andolon, 2006). Yet, the 1971 when there was a firing going on
but it’s anything but that. We are left to wonder how protest happened; he joined the Language near their house at RK Mission Road. His
Movement procession with his camera. father hit his head hard while trying to get
ineffectively the current road safety laws are implemented
We are all grateful for the photographs away from the bed and succumbed to his
if a 19-year-old has been able to drive a passenger-laden
that he as a young man captured. He injuries in a state of coma. Prof Islam had
motorised vehicle since he was 15 years old. It should be to stay in his Dhaka University residence
spoke to witnesses and recorded the
noted that the student protesters suspected that the driver to attend to his father. The police officials
immediate reactions of the participants
was even younger than he claimed to be. and family members of the victims of the informed the then vice-chancellor to warn
There is little doubt that recklessness on the roads— Language Movement. He made sure that some of his colleagues who were on the
including the fact that teenagers are able to drive any ULAB curated his prized possessions; the wanted list of the Pakistanis. When Prof
motorised vehicle, from cars to buses, carrying people—is photograph collections are displayed on Islam was arrested and taken to Ramna
perpetuated by the authorities’ apparent apathy towards every Ekushey February to remind our police station, the officer-in-charge was
road safety. Otherwise, how is it that the Road Transport next generation of the proud legacy of our surprised that the message had not
Act, passed three years ago, is still in its draft form language. been communicated. The OC allowed
waiting to be vetted by the law ministry? Despite the After his retirement from Dhaka Prof Islam to call the VC, who seemed
first seven months of this year seeing a 42.25 percent University, he was approached by surprised that one of the professors
hike in road accidents and a 39.98 percent rise in the editor of Ajker Kagaj and ULAB could get away. He thus warned us of the
deaths in said accidents (compared to the same period founder Kazi Shahid Ahmed to help frequent betrayals that characterise our
in 2020), why did the government decide to delay the him consolidate his ideas of doing national life.
act’s implementation by allowing transport owners and Prof Rafiqul Islam with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, her family members, and something for the country. Prof Islam Prof Islam would tell us about his
associations to negotiate some of its key sections? Who others at the inauguration of the countdown to Mujib Borsho celebration at the was instrumental behind the creation of visit to the mortuary after the August
is to say how many of those thousands of lives lost on National Parade Square in Dhaka on January 10, 2020. PHOTO: PID a university that has Bangladesh in its 15 massacre, and give gory details of
the roads were due to underage drivers being allowed name. Eventually, he became the vice- the killings. I had the good fortune of
had sat side by side in the faculty lounge He enrolled into Dhaka University chancellor of the University of Liberal working with him in the national Mujib
to ply the roads, manning all sorts of vehicles? Anyone,
during different birthday celebrations of in 1951. He completed his MA in Arts Bangladesh (ULAB) and remained so 100 subcommittee on publication and
including the traffic police, need only look at these
colleagues, shared stage during national Bangla language and literature from the till 2007. During his tenure, he initiated translation as well as on the ULAB project
drivers to know that they are clearly not old enough of a commemorative volume on the father
or cultural events. He would recount university in 1956, and joined his alma quite a few traditions at the university,
to drive. So, we wonder if bribes exchanging hands is of the nation. Prof Islam and I edited the
anecdotes or reflect on some national mater as a scholar-cum-lecturer. In 1959, including the adoption of Tagore’s “Mora
the cause of human hauliers regularly being driven by bilingual volume. I read his article and
events. We met on several occasions to he obtained a Fulbright scholarship Satyer pore mon..” as a theme song. The
adolescents on our roads. powerful lyrics is quite telling of his own was inspired by the clarity of thoughts
organise events or seek his opinions to pursue his MA in general linguistics
We believe that the focus of the law should be shifted on university-related issues. His voice and cultural anthropology. He joined life and the university, with which he was and convictions that defined him as a
from underage drivers, who likely drive vehicles for very modulation commanded the attention of the Department of Bangla of Dhaka involved till the last day of his life: writer. He was supposed to speak at the
low wages to support their livelihoods, and instead be his audience. Like others, I would listen to University as an assistant professor in “Today we shall offer our mind to the book launch on October 7. For the first
redirected towards traffic police and vehicle and transport him in awe while he would storyboard his 1961 and taught there for 40 years, cause of truth, time, he sounded frail over the telephone.
association owners who allow these adolescents to memories. before his retirement in 2000. Among his Long live truth. He said, “I am not feeling well. I would
put their own and others’ lives at deathly risk. We also From his accounts, his snippets of favourite students was Bangabandhu’s We shall follow, worship and launch a rather join online.” He was the one who
urge the government to speedily implement the Road the past, we would know who Prof daughter. When Prime Minister Sheikh treasure-hunt for truth, led the year-long Mujib 100 programmes
Transport Act, especially in the face of the recent protests Rafiqul Islam really was as a person. His Hasina held his hands to lead him to Long live truth. at ULAB. We decided to stream his
by students for safer roads and public transport. We bio-blurbs are full of credentials, such the parade ground on Bangabandhu’s Not to think of a lie despite misery, recorded speech, and probably it was his
hope that the coming years will not be reminiscent of as national professor, Bangla Academy homecoming day celebration as part of Not to serve a lie despite poverty, last recorded video. He developed a lung
2018 as this year has been, in terms of poor safety on the president, professor emeritus, Ekushey the Mujib 100 inauguration, the nation Not to tell a lie despite penalty. condition due to old age, and it started
country’s roads and the authorities’ apathy towards the award-winning Nazrul scholar, eminent saw how influential he was as a teacher. Long live truth.” deteriorating fast. On November 30, 2021,
situation. linguist, language warrior, former vice- “I used to live in the railway colony. At ULAB, Prof Islam led the Center the news came. An era ended. ULAB lost a
chancellor of ULAB, or even the favourite My father was a doctor. I had seen them for Bangla Studies and brought out guardian and the nation a chronicler.
teacher of our prime minister. Somehow, around 1948—those people, mostly invaluable research-oriented publications,
Dr Shamsad Mortuza is pro-vice-chancellor of the
they seem inadequate in defining the man students participating in the procession. designed curricula, and integrated University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB).
Overpopulation in
Dhaka getting out of How can we start the open
It’s causing huge economic
losses and making the city
data revolution?
OW well organisations and businesses can countries around the world embraced datasets on the website data.gov.uk. They
MAN AND do we make better decisions on innovation, this philosophy as a tool to ensure report that after private individuals, start-
unliveable MACHINE know investment, and expansion. Finally, transparency and efficiency, and engender ups and SMEs are the largest categories
ourselves? What academia and research organisations innovation. of requesters. Open data start-ups like
EARLY eight percent of the jobs in Bangladesh
is the best way to can help improve the government’s data Bangladesh approved an open data CityGrows built open data platforms that
are concentrated in Dhaka city, and 40 percent even measure the efforts by scrutinising the structures and strategy in 2016. But the strategy focused help non-technical government staff build
are concentrated in the greater Dhaka region, country’s progress? processes which can ensure better data- only on the release and publication of and customise digital services. Estonian
which includes Gazipur and Narayanganj cities. Such How can we centric governance. data at the national level. Even though ICT company Datel has been developing
extreme concentration of people and economic activities practise evidence- The second task is to ensure “usability.” the country has many key ingredients a new early warning system based on
in the capital are having negative impacts on the national based public Availability is important, but it does not in place to implement a high-impact satellite open data for large infrastructure
economy, according to a new study. The study found MOINUL ZABER policy? How can ensure the use. Data must be “reusable,” open data programme, a look at the such as railways, highways, bridges, ports,
that some 31.9 percent of Bangladesh’s urban population we engender meaning they should be in open formats open data platform tells us that the etc to make them more accessible and
live in Dhaka, whereas the country’s major cities that innovation? One secured. In South Korea, a start-up named
have over a million inhabitants contain only 3.5 percent of the scientific ways is to take a “data- Modu Parking released an application
of the urban population. In the last 10 years, Dhaka’s centric approach.” This means that the that lets parking space owners lease out
population has increased by more than 50 percent. government primarily takes the driving their spots to others. The company started
In 2017, Bangladesh’s per capita income and GDP was seat to ensure that the country’s data by aggregating data about car parks from
11 percent lower than its potential, due to the excessive assets are properly and timely curated, municipal open data portals. Around
concentration of resources and economic activities in the and are made available for the agencies the world, there are many such stories of
city. In 2019, the GDP loss as a result of that amounted and residents to consume. Unfortunately, innovation.
to USD 35 billion. At present, Bangladesh is losing 6-10 the traditional means of collecting, Unfortunately, stories like that are
percent of its GDP because Dhaka’s growth has crossed manipulating, and building indicators of rare or non-existent in Bangladesh. This
the optimum rate—and that is a huge loss. That just progress has become too slow and very points out our inertia to make evidence-
expensive at this age of computational based decisions and the lack of awareness
goes to show how long overdue it is for the government
revolution. Scientists around the world of the innovative use of data. We collect
to take measures to try and reduce the huge population
are now talking about the potentials data for the sheer fact that it must be
load that is currently on Dhaka. of Big Data and machine learning as collected, being unaware of its intrinsic
Another issue of major concern is that such complementary, and sometimes as an value. Moreover, most of the government
overpopulation is leading to urban poverty remaining alternative path to facilitate data-centric agencies and potential non-government
stagnant. For example, the study shows that from 2010 decision-making. We also want to see users are likely not aware of the 2016
to 2016, the extreme poverty rate in rural areas declined ourselves at the forefront of technology. strategy. Academia has not come forward
from 21.1 to 14.9 percent, but there was virtually no But before we jump on the Big Data with innovative research either, which
change in urban poverty rate. Additionally, the traffic bandwagon, we need to put the focus would pressurise the government to make
congestion that arises from this huge concentration of on creating value from our traditional this platform a rich source of information
people is causing losses amounting to 2.9 percent of the sources of data. However, the question is: It’s high time Bangladesh understood the true value of open data and made full use and innovation.
country’s GDP. Where do we start? of it to become truly innovative and progressive. If Bangladesh wishes to become a truly
All things considered, it is becoming increasingly clear To be honest, there is no playbook innovative country, we need to focus on
that not only is the population burden on Dhaka leading to start the process. But every scientist that can be read by software, and users progress has been very slow. If we assume our data assets. We need to create demand
to worsening living conditions, but it is also causing and practitioner will agree on one thing: will have the legal right to “reuse” them. the number of datasets uploaded as a by raising awareness that in turn will
significant economic losses, as well as environmental we need to establish a culture of data- Why? While a large amount of data is measure of activity, Bangladesh till early ensure the supply of quality data. One
damage. Therefore, it’s high time for the government centric decision-making in all possible published on government websites, most 2021 uploaded 134 datasets, while our way to do it is by involving academia
to urgently develop other regions of the country to spheres of our societies. This is the job of them are meant to be read as stand- neighbours Nepal and India have 616 to come up with innovative projects
try and reduce some of the load from Dhaka. Some of the modern government that has alone documents and not reused for other and 10,224, respectively. In general, based on our available data resources. If
decentralisation measures and locating the government’s already chosen to walk on the path of purposes. This makes these data unusable supply increases where there is increasing the government does not show interest,
“digital transformation.” The first task by modern computational and statistical demand. It seems that there is a general private organisations and academia
own agencies—most of which are in Dhaka—outside of
of the government is to make an effort software. lack of demand for using the open data should come forward. Let the data
the capital would be great steps towards that end. City
to make any data available. Why? There Making data available and ensuring platform in Bangladesh. revolution begin by making the open data
authorities also need to be empowered so that they can are several reasons behind it. Firstly, it their reusability is the philosophy of Around the world, open data initiative a success.
pursue the necessary development goals that they have benefits the government itself by making the “open data” movement. This global platforms not only helped governments
on their own, instead of always having to rely on the inter-institutional decision-making an movement picked up steam in 2013 get organised and do away with siloed Dr Moinul Zaber is senior academic fellow at the
centre. Whatever steps the government can take, it should Operating Unit on Policy-Driven Electronic Governance
easy task. Agencies working in silos amass when G8 leaders signed an “Open Data decision-making, but also engendered (UNU-EGOV) in United Nations University (UNU),
take them now, before Dhaka’s overpopulation situation a vast amount of data that other agencies Charter.” This charter promised to make many innovative services. The UK Guimaraes, Portugal. His Twitter handle is @zabermi.
becomes worse and the city becomes completely The views expressed in this article are those of the
could benefit from but do not have the public sector data openly available, free, government records the category of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy
uninhabitable. access to. Secondly, non-governmental and in a reusable format. Over time, person and organisation requesting or views of the UNU.
Email your satire pieces, cartoons, comic strips or whatever tickles your funny bone to [email protected] and you too may have something to show for wasting your time
[email protected]
those lips of yours.
n a landmark judgment in Anis Miah petitions for bail or remand to police
v State, Criminal Appeal No. 6799 hope of attracting shareholders. statement was a replica of an official paper
custody, and determination of age of a Before diving into the legal recourse in made by an official person; and finally, the
of 2011, a full bench of the High child. The Court was of the opinion that
Court Division (HCD) deliberated on this regard, it is essential to understand statement was a fair presentation produced
the magistrate is empowered to do the what constitutes misstatement in a by the expert and he/she withdrew his/her
the “legal implication of confession
routine works and pass any order for the prospectus. Section 143 of the Company approval. The aggrieved party will not be
made under section 164 of the Code of
sake of investigation. It made some seven Act 1994 provides a comprehensive able to obtain damages from the directors if
Criminal Procedure [CrPC] by a child
in conflict with law”. observations-cum-directives. In one of the vision in this respect. By interpreting this the directors are successful in proving these
The judgment was published at a time directives, it said that the magistrate may section, three notions can be discovered circumstances.
when the Children Act 2013 was in force record the confessional statement of a which come within the scope of
child who comes in conflict with law. misrepresentation. Those notions are false
repealing the Children Act 1974. The
This direction is relevant to the present statements, statements that provide the
case was about the offence of murder that a child is not supposed to make a issue as it involves the question of binding incorrect impression, and concealment of
and kidnapping in which the appellant confession in the first place. Eventually, status of the HCD’s observation that a essential information.
(Anis Miah), a child under 16 at that the HCD rejected the contention that the Let us now revert to the basic concern
time (according to the 1974 Act), made child’s confessional statement must not be
evidentiary value of confession made by recorded. of whether the aggrieved party has
a confessional statement under section a child has already been approved by the recourse to the law if they are deceived
164 of the CrPC. Accordingly, the Police One argument is that a magistrate may
Appellate Division in Md Shukur Ali v State by a misrepresented prospectus or not.
submitted a charge sheet against nine deny recording a confessional statement
(Jail Petition No. 8 of 2004) inasmuch as The answer is yes, for aggrieved subscriber
persons including the appellant. The only upon two grounds: if the statement
the question of recording confession of or defrauded shareholder, legal redress
Speedy Trial Tribunal as the Juvenile appears not to be “true and voluntary”,
a child or its evidentiary value was not at is possible. Basically, two remedies are
Court found him guilty and awarded and when the child refuses to make it.
issue in the said decision. available for aggrieved shareholder. The Apart from that, making misstated
him with punishment of detention and The magistrate’s such denial takes support
The Court eventually held that rescinding of the contract is the first statements are punishable under sections
imprisonment of 10 (ten) years. from sections 24-28 of the Evidence Act
confession of a child under section 164 remedy accessible to the aggrieved party. 146 and 147 of the Act. According to
On appeal, the HCD stated that the 1872 concerning relevance of confessional
of CrPC has no evidentiary value, and If he discovers any untrue statements section 146, anybody who is authorised
recording of confessional statement statement, the procedure in section 164 regarding material facts in the prospectus,
therefore, such confession cannot form to produce a prospectus faces a two-year
under section 164 of the CrPC is part of and the manner provided in section 364 he has the right to cancel the transaction.
the basis of finding a child guilty in any jail sentence or 5,000 taka fine or both,
of the CrPC about recording confessional To rescind the contract, nevertheless,
adversarial processes. The application of criminal case. Consequently, the Court if they make any type of misstatement in
statement, and the guidelines detailed the aggrieved party needs to prove that
confessional statement by a child against allowed the appeal and set aside the the prospectus. Fraudulently encouraging
in Rules 78 and 79 of Criminal Rules the company provided a fraudulent
a juvenile offender, however, runs counter judgment and order of the trial court. individuals to invest money is punishable
and Orders 2009 (Vol. 1) with regard prospectus. The second remedy that is
to the fundamental tenets of the juvenile Here, a crucial question arises as to under section 147. For this, the penalty
to the compliance about due care and available to the aggrieved party is claiming
justice system as it intersects with human whether the arguments, observations, is either 5 years in prison or a fine of 15
deliberation. the damages. Section 145 of the Company
rights principles. The HCD observed and opinions made by the HCD form a thousand taka or both.
To conclude, both the judgments of the Act clarifies this by saying that if the
that because neither the 2013’s Act nor binding law prohibiting the magistrate In view of the foregoing, it emerges that
HCD dealt with some legal points that are misstatement is discovered, the aggrieved
the 1974’s Act makes any provision for from recording any confessional aggrieved investors will get legal recourse
not covered in the 2013 Act including the party may seek compensation or damages
recording confession of a child and statement by a child as defined in the if they are defrauded by a deceptive
issue of legality of confessional statement from the directors, promoters, or any other
using the same against him/her, it is in 2013 Act or not. prospectus. Despite the fact that legal
made by a child. While in Anis Mea case person who has permitted their name to
fact legally impossible to do so. Hence, Significantly, the judgment in Ridoy v redress is accessible, investors will need
the Court observed that a confessional be mentioned during the prospectus’s to exercise greater caution. They must
the HCD rejected the contention of the State (Criminal Appeal No. 7533 of 2019), statement by a child must not be recorded, issuance. examine the prospectus diligently before
Prosecution that by virtue of section 18 of made by another bench of the HCD, the Court in Ridoy case held that a However, some defences have been
the 1974 Act or section 42 of the 2013 Act, becomes relevant in this regard. investing in the company since they
magistrate could do so in the interim granted to the directors under this usually act believing in the substance of
the confession of a child can be recorded The HCD in Ridoy case, raised period. Now, it is logical to conclude that provision, which safeguards them from
under section 164 of the CrPC and used questions of law as regards who will the prospectus to invest money.
a magistrate may record confessional burden of paying compensation. Section
against him. take cognizance of an offence when the statement made by a child who is in 145 in clause 2 stipulates that a director is Noor Afrose
The Court noted that the legislature accused person is a child under any special conflict with law under the 2013 Act. not obligated to pay compensation if he Student of Law, Bangladesh University of
purposefully did not reenact the law like the Prevention of Oppression can demonstrate that the prospectus was Professionals (BUP)
provisions of the 1974 Act into the against Women and Children Act 2000 The Writer Is Senior Judicial Magistrate,
2013 Act, and this omission implies or the Special Powers Act 1974 and so Bangladesh Judicial Service.
of the day
Iran nuke talks set for pause Afghan women’s rights
European diplomats express ‘disappointment and concern’ at the
latest proposals from Tehran must be ‘enforced’
AFP, Tehran And speaking on a visit to the Taliban release decree in the name of supreme leader
United Arab Emirates, just across the
Negotiations in Vienna aimed at AFP, Kabul
Gulf from Iran, the French president
reviving the Iran nuclear deal were said it “should not be excluded” that The Taliban yesterday issued a decree in the
We’re set to be suspended yesterday, Iranian
media said, as European diplomats
this round of talks “does not reopen name of their supreme leader instructing
going expressed “disappointment and
On Thursday, Iran’s lead negotiator
Afghan ministries “to take serious action”
to fight this concern” at the latest proposals from Ali Bagheri said the proposals
on women’s rights, but failed to mention
Iran. girls’ access to schools.
variant with The semi-official ISNA news
concerned two main issues facing
The move comes after the Islamists seized
the 2015 accord known as the Joint
science and agency said the talks would “most Comprehensive Plan of Action, or power in mid-August and as they seek to
speed, not likely” resume on Monday but French will be held on Friday,” said Iran’s JCPOA. “The first document sums up restore Afghanistan’s access to billions of
President Emmanuel Macron warned dollars in assets and aid suspended when
chaos and there could be a longer break in
official news agency IRNA.
“This meeting was requested
the Islamic republic’s point of view
concerning the lifting of sanctions, the previous, Western-backed regime inheritance.
confusion. This the talks, which resumed only on by the European side before its while the second is about Iran’s collapsed in the final stages of a US military It instructs the Ministry of Culture and
is a moment November 29 after a five-month break. representatives return to their capitals nuclear actions,” Bagheri told state withdrawal. Information to publish material on women’s
Iran said it has submitted two draft to review the text proposed by Iran,” television. “The Islamic Emirate’s leadership directs rights “to prevent... ongoing repression”.
we can put the proposals for the nuclear agreement, the news agency added. “Now the other side must examine all relevant organisations... to take serious Respect for women’s rights has repeatedly
divisiveness which has been in tatters since the US Senior diplomats from the E3 these documents and prepare itself to action to enforce Women’s Rights,” the been cited by key global donors as a
decree states, quoting elusive supreme
behind us, I withdrew in 2018. group of Britain, France and Germany
yesterday expressed “disappointment
hold negotiations with Iran based on
these documents.” leader Hibatullah Akhundzada.
condition for restoring aid.
“After the handing over of the The decree crucially makes no mention
hope.” text of the Iranian proposal to the and concern after thoroughly and In a telephone call with EU top The decree centres on marriage and of girls’ secondary education -- which
P4+1 group (Britain, China, France carefully analysing Iranian proposed diplomat Josep Borrell, Foreign widows’ rights, stating “no one can force has been suspended for millions -- or the
US PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN and Russia plus Germany) and the changes to the text negotiated during Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian women to marry by coercion or pressure” employment of women, who have been
ON FIGHT AGAINST European Union, a meeting of the the previous six rounds”, which took said the talks were going well “but and that a widow is entitled to an barred from returning to jobs in the public
OMICRON COVID VARIANT joint committee of the nuclear deal place earlier this year. slowly on all tracks”. unspecified fixed share of her husband’s sector.
US proposes ‘code of conduct’ at Philippines court to allow Nobel UN launches ‘bodyright’ symbol
UN for killer robots laureate Ressa to go to Norway against online violence
AFP, Geneva REUTERS, Manila AFP, United Nations
Rejecting calls for a binding agreement regulating or banning the use of Philippine journalist Maria Ressa The United Nations on Thursday launched a campaign against gender-based
weapons often dubbed killer robots, Washington instead proposed at the will be allowed to travel so she violence on the internet, complete with the symbol which can be added to
United Nations on Thursday a “code of conduct”. can accept her Nobel Peace Prize social media posts.
Speaking at a meeting in Geneva focused on finding common ground on in person after a court gave her The symbol seeks to highlight that corporate logos and copyrighted
the use of such so-called lethal autonomous weapons, a US official balked permission to leave the Southeast Intellectual Property often receive greater protection online than people.
at the idea of regulating their use through a “legally-binding instrument”. Asian country to visit Norway later The UN population agency UNFPA’s “bodyright” campaign said women,
The meeting saw governmental experts preparing for high-level talks at this month. young people, ethnic minorities and the LGTB community had to be
a review conference on the Convention of Certain Conventional Weapons Ressa, who is subject to travel protected against online violence.
from December 13-17. restrictions due to the legal cases “Everyone has the right to live free of fear and violence -- both online and
“In our view, the best way to make progress... would be through the she faces in the Philippines,
offline,” UFNPA executive director Natalia Kanem said.
development of a non-binding code of conduct,” US official Josh Dorosin shared the Peace Prize with Russian investigative journalist Dmitry Muratov,
told the meeting. in an endorsement of free speech under fire worldwide. “It’s time for technology companies and policymakers to take digital
The United Nations has been hosting diplomatic talks in Geneva since The prize is the first Nobel Peace Prize for journalists since the German violence seriously.”
2017 aimed at reaching an agreement on how to address the use of killer Carl von Ossietzky won it in 1935 for revealing his country’s secret post- Eighty five percent of women globally have experienced or witnessed
robots. war rearmament programme. In its ruling yesterday, the Philippine Court of digital violence against other women, according to a poll by the Economist
Activists and a number of countries have called for an all-out ban on any Appeals granted Ressa’s request to travel to receive the award on December Intelligence Unit, and 38 percent have suffered it themselves.
weapons that could use lethal force without a human overseeing the process 10, noting that “she is not a flight risk.” UNFPA said online violence included cyberstalking, hate speech, doxxing
and making the final kill order. In November 2018, UN chief Antonio The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided this year’s award ceremony -- publishing private information about an individual -- and non-consensual
Guterres joined the call for a ban, but so far countries do not even agree on will be an in-person event taking place in Oslo City Hall. Ressa’s news site, use of images and video such as deepfakes.
whether there is a need to regulate the weapons. Rappler, has had its licence suspended and she is embroiled in various legal It said the symbol was a demand that “images of our bodies are given the
During Thursday’s debate, a number of countries, including India and the cases. Supporters say she is being targeted due to her scrutiny of government same respect and protection online as copyright gives to music, film and
United States, criticised the idea of a legally-binding agreement. policies, including a war on drugs launched by President Rodrigo Duterte. even corporate logos.”
reasons for leaving home country
Jazeera spoke to, took a slightly different route. He
to pay public employees
ALJAZEERA ONLINE 25 percent deduction would only be for a
flew from Moscow to Minsk, Belarus, and from
Greece has become a European port of call for few months,” a PA public employee told Al
there to Belgrade via Istanbul. After years of economic stagnation,
refugees from Africa and Asia. Jazeera on condition of anonymity.
But in recent months, authorities have been The arrivals are now in their hundreds. authorities in the occupied West Bank say
“Until now, nobody knows whether we
surprised to find large numbers of Cubans seeking Juan, a Cuban asylum seeker enlisting his they are struggling to pay salaries for public
will get paid or not, or if we’ll get our salaries
shelter far from home. compatriots on an asylum petition, has gathered employees, as soaring inflation, dwindling
in full or only 75 percent of it.”
The issue came to light on October 28 when 400 signatures. He says at least 200 more refused donor aid and Israel’s withholding of vital tax
Like economies the world over, Palestine
some 130 Cubans tried to fly from the island to sign, afraid of giving away their identities. revenues strangle the Palestinian Authority’s
is currently wrestling with soaring inflation
of Zakynthos, in the Ionian Sea, to Milan, in The list reveals that the arrivals are mostly (PA) already crippled budget.
stemming from supply chain snarls and
northern Italy. students and professionals below 50, many “The conditions we are living in are shortages of raw materials as nations cast off
“It was accidental that so many Cubans met with children. difficult, we are in financial deficit,” Prime coronavirus restrictions.
in the same place,” said Pedro, 28, who was rubber dinghies to reach the east Aegean islands, “This is a new wave. There are lawyers, doctors, Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh admitted this The PA’s fiscal revenues declined to their
among them. “Usually we try to use lots of Cubans do not appear to be shepherded by civil engineers – we’re not brigands,” said Juan. week, telling reporters the PA has not received lowest levels in 20 years shortly after the start
different airports.” smugglers. “We wanted the country that will embrace us to aid to pay salaries, estimated at a monthly of the pandemic, which only exacerbated
“When police saw one Cuban passport after Pedro and his girlfriend, Laura, flew from see that we can offer thing to society, we’re not here cost of 920 million Israeli shekels ($292m). longstanding financial challenges.
another, they put us all in a separate room.” Havana to Moscow, where travel is visa-free for to extract wealth and go home, but to be part of The financial crisis – described by While support from foreign donors has
A video clip posted by a local news outlet Cubans. From there they flew to Belgrade, also society and contribute to it.” officials and analysts as “the worst” since withered over the years, the biggest blow was
showed Cubans in an uproar when police tried visa-free, and took buses and taxis through Serbia All the Cubans Al Jazeera interviewed cited a the PA’s establishment in 1993 – has left dealt in 2017, when former United States
to bus them to the local precinct. They were and North Macedonia to the Greek border. crumbling economy and repression as reasons for workers anxious. President Donald Trump cut off nearly all
given written orders to leave Greece before “We didn’t have a plan,” said Laura, 27, who co- leaving Cuba. “Basic needs are in very low supply,” “At first, we heard that we would not get US aid to Palestinians. Though Trump’s
being released. owned a restaurant with Pedro in Havana. “We just said Pedro. “Medicine, soap, toilet paper, food – paid at all. Then we were told that we may successor, Joe Biden, has reopened some
Unlike the mostly Middle Eastern and African sold everything, bought tickets and left for Russia.” it’s all scarce, and when these things do appear, get a permanent 25 percent deduction on of the funding taps, US laws now prohibit
asylum seekers who set out from Turkish shores in Carlos, 23, another Cuban asylum seeker Al they are very expensive.” our salaries. After that, they said that the direct aid to the PA.
e-mail: [email protected]
Agarwal leads
Mendis, Embuldeniya spin Sri
India’s fightback
elsewhere. At 34, perhaps Messi was Ballon d’Or winner for his new club --
principally rewarded for his enduring certainly George Weah’s victory in the
brilliance by jurors as he won the prize 1995 Ballon d’Or owed much more to
ahead of much-fancied rivals including what he did with PSG, even though he
Robert Lewandowski and Karim Benzema. had left to join AC Milan earlier that year.
However, he still scored 38 goals in his
aims to
Mauricio Pochettino’s PSG are 12
final campaign with Barcelona, was top points clear at the top of Ligue 1 before
scorer in La Liga, won the Copa del Rey Saturday’s game at Lens, where one of
and captained Argentina to victory at the the best atmospheres in French football
Copa America. will await the Parisian superstars at the
As he collected his prize in a ceremony 37,000-capacity Stade Bollaert.
in the French capital on Monday, PSG
president Nasser al-Khelaifi was there and
spoke of his “immense pride that one of
our players has won the most prestigious
and coveted award”.
If Messi should be there alongside
Kylian Mbappe, Neymar will not be, the
Brazilian beginning his latest spell on the
sidelines with an ankle injury.
Neymar, who has endured a
On Wednesday, as PSG played host to disappointing 2021, is not expected back
Nice, the message “Paris Golden City”, in until at least mid-January.
English, covered the main entrance to the Now, however, Pochettino needs to try
Parc des Princes. Inside Messi was paraded to get his team -- still regularly playing
before kick-off on a stage on the pitch as well below their potential -- firing on
he showed off his reward. all cylinders without the world’s most
Yet he proceeded to produce another expensive player.
‘Like living in a fool’s paradise’ win for
Bangladeshi shuttlers have been participating in the Yonex-Sunrise Bangladesh Swadhinata
International at home since 2012 in a quest to develop and make up for a lack of
overseas tournaments, but improvement remains a distant prospect. Only Shapla
Aktar and Alina Sultana have made an impression so far -- grabbing bronze in the Newcomers Swadhinata
Krira Sangha kept their
women’s doubles in the 2018 edition -- while the rest usually faced eliminated in quarterfinal hopes alive in
the first or second round. Former summer and national champion Enamul Haque, the Riviera Independence
who once took part in the tournament regularly, spoke to The Daily Star’s Anisur Cup with a come-from-
Rahman about the players’ performances and the tournament. behind 3-2 win over
Rahmatganj in three-team
The Daily Star: What are you me how the players will deliver in Group A encounter at the
doing at present? an international tournament? Shaheed Mostafa Kamal
Enamul Haque: While I am DS: What hindrances do you see Stadium in Kamalapur
the distributor of Ashaway, a to the progress of badminton in yesterday.
badminton accessories company, I Bangladesh? Swadhinata KS, who
am still playing badminton at the EH: Do you know that five types suffered a 1-2 defeat to
national level and conducting a of poor-quality shuttles were used Abahani in their debut
badminton academy in Sylhet. in the national championship, match in top-flight
DS: Why did you establish an
which was completed in just
two days instead of five? The
Lewy, Haaland to clash as football, now have three
points alongside Abahani,
who will play against
EH: Since the sudden death of games were even till midnight.
coach Jahangir Alam and the
departure of some senior shuttlers,
a vacuum was created in coaching
Meanwhile, players had to bear
the cost of accommodation and
food while also paying high entry
Dortmund host Bayern Rahmatganj in the group-
deciding final match on
December 7.
in Sylhet, so I came forward fees to take part in the ranking AFP, Berlin Rahmatganj, featuring
as a senior player to make an tournament, but the prize money three foreign players,
academy in 2010. The academy self-satisfaction of getting an was a token amount. Then how a Bundesliga star strikers took only three minute to
has approximately 30 players opportunity to play against shuttler will compete in Dhaka? Erling Haaland and Robert
break the deadlock when
but we have to contend with a foreign players in an international Besides that, the premier league, Lewandowski go head-to-
Ghanaian forward Philip
lack of practice courts. 12 to 15 tournament. Hoping to achieve which is the lone source of head on Saturday when
Adjah Tettey availed a
players have already played for the something from this tournament income, was last held about eight Borussia Dortmund host
through-ball from Sanowar
national badminton team. is akin to living in a fool’s paradise years ago. How will we progress? Bayern Munich in the top-of-the-table
clash. Hossain and advanced
But we can’t keep talented because we don’t have any proper DS: What should the into the box before beating
shuttlers in Sylhet. They leave for preparation or sponsorship for federation do to get a return League leaders Bayern head to Signal
Iduna Park just one point ahead of goalkeeper Sarwar Jahan.
the country for a better life because players. It is like fighting on a from the international But the lead lasted only
they don’t get anything by playing battlefield with guns but no tournament? second-placed Dortmund.
Haaland, 21, who has scored 19 goals 13 minutes as Polish striker
for the national team. Talented bullets. EH: There is no Rafal Zaborowski scored
shuttlers like Milad bhai, Saim DS: Was the condition the same alternative but to for Dortmund and Norway this season,
proved a hip injury is behind him with a before Sabbir Hossain
Bhai, Tarek, Jainal, Dipon and when you represented Bangladesh conduct long-term
stunning volley in last weekend’s 3-1 win whipped in a cross for
Mangal left the country despite in the Yonex-Sunrise tournament? training and send
at Wolfsburg. Bosnian forward Nedo
showing promise in national and EH: The present condition is far players abroad to
The same can be said for Bayern’s Turkovic, who made no
junior national championships. poorer than what we were used participate in overseas
Lewandowski, who after scoring a record mistake.
DS: Local shuttlers once again to in the past. The whole world is tournaments while also
41 Bundesliga goals in 2020-21, has Rahmatganj substitute
failed to shine in the edition of going forward but we are crawling increasing the number
backed that up this season with 25 goals defender Al Amin struck
the Yonex-Sunrise badminton back. To be honest, badminton of competitions in the
for the club and five for Poland. his own net in the 72nd
tournament, an event you once has no patronisation like cricket domestic circuit. We had
Bayern have won all of their last minute to give the
played regularly. What were the or football. I have heard that long-term training ahead of
six games against Dortmund, but the Bangladesh Championship
returns for shuttlers playing in the national players practiced with the 2010 SAFF Games and
Bavarians could be missing two key League champions the joy
tournament? used shuttles in the two-week we repaid that by winning
midfielders for the game which will be of leaving the field with a
EH: Nothing other than the training camp this time. Then tell bronze medals.
played in front of a reduced crowd of maiden victory in the top-
15,000 due to increasing Covid-19 cases. flight football.
second Test of the two-
match Test series, hoping to
bounce back following an
eight-wicket defeat in the
first Test in Chattogram.
For Abdul Jalil, life in Bhasan Char is way better than it was The game, set to get
in a cramped Rohingya refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar. underway at the Sher-e-
After a year of being on the island in the Bay of Bengal, Bangla National Cricket
he is now able to earn a living. Stadium at 10:00am, is also
The 40-year-old grows spinach and radish in one bigha Bangladesh’s second match
of land, and sells his harvest at a kitchen market. Over the in the latest cycle of the
last one week, he earned around Tk 500 everyday. World Test Championship
“I am expecting to sell vegetables worth Tk 30,000 this (WTC).
year,” Jalil told The Daily Star yesterday. The Tigers’ bid to
He hopes that things will be even better when the United improve their Test character
Nations begins humanitarian operations in Bhasan Char. in the new journey will
On December 3 last year, Jalil arrived on the remote be buoyed by the return
island in the first batch of Rohingyas from the crowded of ace all-rounder Shakib
camps in Ukhia and Teknaf, the world’s largest refugee Al Hasan, who missed the
settlement. The government relocated them to provide T20I series and the first Test
them with a better life and livelihood. Another reason against Pakistan due to a
behind the relocation was to reduce the pressure on the hamstring injury.
Rohingya camps. Even though the Tigers
The government has so far relocated around 19,000 suffered a defeat in the
Rohingyas in multiple phases. Initially, the UN was not first Test, there were a
involved with the humanitarian support programme in few positives to take.
Bhasan Char. But the UN recently signed a MoU with the Liton Das and Mushfiqur
government to extend support. Rahim found runs with
Bangladesh Navy developed the island under a Tk the bat that instilled some
3,100-crore housing project. confidence in the dressing
Ali Akbar, another Rohingya man, said, “Everything is A group of children enjoying themselves on a large swing at a playground in Bhasan Char. There are room while Taijul Islam
almost settled now. Since the UN is coming here, we will small recreational spaces for the young residents of the island, which has been the home for around MOHAMMAD AL-MASUM MOLLA made a mark with a seven-
SEE PAGE 5 COL 5 19,000 Rohingya refugees since it opened one year ago. The photo was taken on Thursday. SEE PAGE 5 COL 1
Depression in
Bay turns into
cyclone ‘Jawad’
UNB, Dhaka
The deep depression
over west-central Bay and
adjoining area moved PRACTICES
northwards further
intensifying into a cyclonic
during winter
storm ‘Jawad’ around noon STAR HEALTH DESK
yesterday, the Met Office
said in a weather bulletin. As the saying goes:
“It is likely to intensify prevention is
further and move in a better than cure. As
north-westerly direction,” winter approaches,
the forecast said. we can all adopt
Maritime ports in some habits and
Chattogram, Cox’s Bazar, precautions to stay
Mongla, and Payra have healthy during the
been advised to hoist colder and shorter
distant warning signal no 2 days.
lowering distant cautionary Fresh winter
signal no 1, said Met office vegetables are one
bulletin. of the perks of the
Sea will remain very season. Keeping
rough near the cyclone
vegetables like
centre as maximum
lettuce, spinach,
SEE PAGE 5 COL 4 cabbage, cauliflower,
broccoli etc. in your
diet is a must for
a healthy lifestyle.
They are packed
with vitamins,
minerals and
PRAYER TIMING DECEMBER 4 antioxidants but
Fazr Zohr Asr Maghrib Esha low in calories.
5-15 12-45 3-45 5-19 7-00 Two private vehicles idling in close proximity to a speeding train at the FDC level crossing in the capital on SEE PAGE 5 COL 1
5-50 1-15 4-00 5-22 7-30 Thursday. The barriers that keep vehicles at a safe distance are lowered on both sides of the tracks, but some PRABIR DAS
SOURCE: ISLAMIC FOUNDATION drivers risk their and their passengers’ lives by going beyond the barriers at the last minute.
EDITOR & PUBLISHER : MAHFUZ ANAM. Printed by him from Transcraft Ltd, 229, Tejgaon Industrial Area, Dhaka-1208 on behalf of Mediaworld Ltd, 52, Motijheel C/A, Dhaka-1000. Editorial, News & Commercial Offices: 64-65, Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue, Dhaka-1215,
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