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Proline Prowirl 73: Technical Information

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Technical Information

Proline Prowirl 73
Reliable Flow Measurement of Gas, Steam and Liquids.
Two-Wire Saturated Steam Mass Flowmeter.

Application Your benefits at a glance

For universal volume or mass flow measurement of Prowirl 73 offers a complete measuring point for
steam, water (according to IAPWS-IF97 ASME), natural saturated steam or liquid mass in a single device:
gas (according to AGA NX-19), compressed air and other mass flow is calculated from the measured variables
liquids or gases. of volume flow and temperature in the integrated
flow computer.
Maximum application range:
For superheated steam or gas applications an external
• fluid temperatures from –200 to +400 °C
pressure value can read in optionally, for delta heat
• pressure ratings up to PN40/Cl300 (higher pressure
applications an external temperature value can be read
ratings in preparation)
Approvals for hazardous areas:
The instrument can be ordered pre-programmed
• ATEX, FM, CSA, TIIS (customer or application specific)
Connection to all prevalent systems: The Prowirl sensor is robust, reliable and proven in
• HART, PROFIBUS PA, FOUNDATION Fieldbus more than a 100’000 applications. It offers:

Relevant safety aspects: • multivariable flow measurement in compact design

• high robustness against:
• PED, SIL-1 – vibrations (above 1 g in all axes)
– temperature shocks (>150 K/s)
– clogging fluids
– water hammer
• no maintenance, no moving parts, no zero point drift

Proline Prowirl 73 F, W

Function and system design

Measuring principle Vortex shedding flowmeters work on the principle of the Karman vortex street. When a fluid flows past a bluff
body vortices are alternately formed and shed and each generates a local low pressure point downstream of the
bluff body. The pressure fluctuations are detected by the sensor and converted to electrical pulses (digital sig-
nal). Within the operating limits of the device the frequency of vortices generated is directly proportional to the
volume flow.


The K-factor is used as the proportional constant:

K-Factor =
unit volume [dm³]

Within the application limits of the device the K-factor (calibration factor) is dependant only on its mechanical
geometry and is independent of the fluid, velocity, viscosity and density. (gas, liquid or steam)
The primary measurement signal is digital (frequency signal) and a linear function of the flow. After
manufacture the K-factor is determined during a factory calibration and once derived is not subject to zero or
long term drift.
The device does not contain any moving parts and requires no maintenance.

The DSC (Differential Swit- The measuring sensor for a vortex flowmeter has a major influence on the performance, robustness and
ched Capsitance) sensor reliability of the whole measuring system.

The DSC sensor of the new Prowirl 73 incorporates the experience gained from an installed base of over
100.000 vortex measurement points with the benefits of an integrated temperature sensor (PT 1000).
To ensure that the DSC sensor meets the range of demands required in today’s applications it has been burst
tested to pressures in excess of 400 bar, vibrations in excess of 1g in all axes and temperature shocks of
150 K/s.

Prowirl 73 is capable of measuring low flow rates even with low density fluids and where pipe line vibrations
are present. The meter will maintain its wide turn down ratio even under conditions where vibrations of 1g
or more and frequencies up 500 Hz are experienced.

Due to its internal mechanical balance the DSC sensor

reads only the pressure pulses caused by the vortices and is Sensor
immune to any influence from mechanical pipe line vibra-

Thanks to its mechanical design, the capacitive sensor is

also especially resistant to temperature shocks and water
hammer in steam lines.
Pt 1000


2 Endress+Hauser
Proline Prowirl 73 F, W

Temperature measurement In addition to the volume flow the instrument measures the temperature. This measurement is performed
by a resistance thermometer Pt 1000 located close to the process in the DSC sensor's paddle (s. fig. Pt 1000
→ Page 2 ).

Flow computer The electronics of the measuring device is equipped with a flow computer. By means of this computer using
the primary measurands (volume flow and temperature) a variety of other process variables can be calculated,
• the mass and heat flow of saturated steam and water
• the mass and heat flow of superheated steam (at constant pressure)
• the mass and corrected volume flow of other gases (at constant pressure)
• the mass flow of any liquid

Diagnostics The device offers a wide variety of diagnostics, e.g. tracking of the temperature of media and ambient, as well
as extreme flow events etc.

Measuring system The measuring system consists of a sensor and a transmitter.

Two versions are available:
• Compact version: sensor and transmitter form a mechanical unit.
• Remote version: sensor is mounted separate from the transmitter.

• Prowirl F (Flange version)
• Prowirl W (Wafer version)
• Prowirl 73

Measured variable • Volumetric flow (volume flow)
is proportional to the frequency of vortex shedding after the bluff body.
• Temperature
can be available and used for the calculation of mass flow e.g..
The measured process variables volume flow and temperature or the calculated process variables mass flow,
heat flow or corrected volume flow can be configured as an output.

Measuring range The measuring range is dependant on the fluid and nominal diameter.

Start of measuring range

Depends on the density and the Reynolds number (Remin = 4'000, Relinear = 20'000).
The Reynolds number is dimensionless and indicates the ratio of a fluid's inertial forces to its viscous forces.
It is used to characterise the flow. The Reynolds number is calculated as follows:

4 · Q [m³/s] · r [kg/m³]
Re =
p · di [m] · m [Pa·s]

Re = Reynolds number; Q = Flow; di = Internal diameter; m = Dynamic viscosity; r = Density

6 7
DN 15...25 ® v min. = [m/s] DN 40...300 ® v min. = [m/s]
r [kg/m³] r [kg/m³]

Endress+Hauser 3
Proline Prowirl 73 F, W

Full scale value

• Gas/steam: vmax = 75 m/s (DN 15: vmax = 46 m/s)
• Liquids: vmax = 9 m/s
By using the selection and sizing software Applicator, you can determine the exact values for the fluid you use.
You can obtain Applicator from your Endress+Hauser sales centre or on the Internet at www.endress.com.

Measuring range for gases [m³/h or Nm³/h]

In the case of gases, the start of the measuring range depends on the density. With ideal gases, the density [ρ]
or corrected density [ρN] can be calculated using the following formulae:

r N [kg/Nm³] · P [bar abs] · 273.15 [K] r [kg/m³] · T [K] · 1.013 [bar abs]
r [kg/m³] = r N [kg/Nm³] =
T [K] · 1.013 [bar abs] P [bar abs] · 273.15 [K]

The following formulae can be used to calculate the volume [Q] or corrected volume [QN] in the case of ideal

Q N [Nm³/h] · T [K] · 1.013 [bar abs] Q [m³/h] · P [bar abs] · 273.15 [K]
Q [m³/h] = Q N [Nm³/h] =
P [bar abs] · 273.15 [K] T [K] · 1.013 [bar abs]

T = Operating temperature, P = Operating pressure

Outputs, general The following measured variables of a device (4...20mA / HART-version) can generally be output via the

Current Frequency Impulse Status

output output output output

Volume flow X X X limit value*

Temperature X X – limit value

Mass flow if programmed if programmed if programmed limit value*

Standard volume flow if programmed if programmed if programmed limit value*

Heat flow (power) if programmed if programmed if programmed limit value*

Saturated steam
pressure (only for
if programmed if programmed if programmed limit value*
saturated steam

Operating pressure
if programmed if programmed if programmed limit value*
(if read in)

* limit value for flow or totalizer

In addition, the calculated measured variables density, if programmed, specific enthalpy, saturation steam
pressure (for saturated steam), Z-factor and flow velocity can be displayed, if available, via the local display.

Output signal • Current output: 4...20 mA with HART, Start value, Full scale value and time constant (0...100 s) can be set,
Temperature coefficient: typically 0.005% o.r. / °C (o.r. = of reading)
• Frequency output (optional): Open collector, passive, Galvanically isolated,
Non-Ex, Ex d: Umax = 36 V, with 15 mA current limit, Ri = 500 W
Ex i: Umax = 30 V, with 15 mA current limit, Ri = 500 W

4 Endress+Hauser
Proline Prowirl 73 F, W

Can be configured as:

– Frequency output (optional): Full scale frequency 0...1’000 Hz (fmax = 1’250 Hz)
Pulse output: Pulse value and polarity can be selected,
Pulse width can be selected (0.005...10 s) Pulse frequency max. 100 Hz
– Status output: Can be configured for error messages or flow-, temperature- or pressure limit values
– Vortex frequency: Direct output of unscaled vortex pulses 0.5...2‘850 Hz
– PFM signal (pulse-frequency modulation): by external connecting with flow computer
RMC or RMC 621
PROFIBUS PA interface:
– PROFIBUS PA in accordance with EN 50170 Volume 2, IEC 61158-2 (MBP), galvanically isolated
– Current consumption = 16 mA
– FDE (Fault Disconnection Electronic) = 0 mA
– Data transmission rate: supported baudrate = 31.25 kBit/s
– Signal encoding = Manchester II
– Function blocks: 4 x Analog Input, 2 x Totalizer
– Output data: Volume flow, Mass flow, Corrected volume flow, Heat flow, Temperature,
Density, Specific enthalpy, Saturated steam pressure, Z-Factor, Vortex frequency,
Electronic temperature, Reynoldsnumber, Flow velocity, Totalizer
– Input data: Pressure, Empty pipe detection (ON/OFF), Control totalizer, Display value
– Bus address adjustable via DIP-switches at the measuring device

FOUNDATION Fieldbus interface:

– FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1, IEC 61158-2, galvanically isolated
– Current consumption = 16 mA
– Signal encoding = Manchester II
– FDE (Fault Disconnection Electronic) = 0 mA
– Data transmission rate: Supported baudrate = 31.25 kBit/s
– Function blocks: 6 x Analog Input, 1 x Discrete Output, 1 x Analog Output
– Output data: Volume flow, Mass flow, Corrected volume flow, Heat flow, Temperature,
Density, Specific Enthalpy, Saturated steam pressure, Z-Factor, Vortex frequency,
Electronic temperature, Reynoldsnumber, Flow velocity, Totalizer 1 + 2
– Input data: Pressure, Empty pipe detection (ON/OFF), Reset totalizer
– Link Master (LM) functionality is supported

Signal on alarm • Current output: error response can be selected (e.g. in accordance with NAMUR Recommendation NE 43)
• Frequency output: error response can be selected
• Status output: “not conducting” in event of fault

R B [W] R B [W] R B [W]
1100 1100 1100
1000 1000 1000
900 900 900
800 800 800
Ex 700
Ex d Ex i
600 600 600
500 500 500
400 400 400
300 300 300
200 200 200
100 100 100
0 0 0 U S [V]
10 15 20 25 30 36 10 15 20 25 30 36 10 15 20 25 30
18 21 18


The grey shaded area indicates the permissible load (for HART: min. 250 Ω)
The load can be calculated as follows:

(US – UKl ) (US – UKl )

RB = -3
(Imax – 10 ) 0.022

RB Load
US Supply voltage: Non-Ex = 12...36 V DC; Ex d = 15...36 V DC; Ex i = 12...30 V DC
UKl Terminal voltage: Non-Ex = min. 12 V DC; Ex d = min. 15 V DC; Ex i = min. 12 V DC
Imax Output current (22.6 mA)

Endress+Hauser 5
Proline Prowirl 73 F, W

Low flow cut off Switch points for low flow cut off can be selected as required

Galvanic isolation The electrical connections are galvanically isolated from one another.

Power supply
Electrical connection
a b
+ - + -
1 2 3 4


Electrical connection Prowirl 73

a - HART: Power supply, current output
- PROFIBUS PA: 1 = PA+, 2 = PA–
- FOUNDATION Fieldbus: 1 = FF+, 2 = FF–
b Optional frequency output (not for PROFIBUS PA and FOUNDATION Fieldbus), can als be operated:
- as pulse or status output (except PROFIBUS PA and FOUNDATION Fieldbus)
- together with the flow computer RMC or RMS 621 as PFM output (pulse-frequency modulation)
c Ground terminal (relevant for remote version)

Connecting the Note!

remote version The remote version must be grounded. In doing so, the sensor and transmitter must be connected to the same
potential matching.


+ 5 VA
– 5 VA

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8






c f





d 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


– 5 VA

+ 5 VA


Connecting the remote version

Supply voltage Non-Ex: 12...36 V DC (with HART 18...36 V DC)

Ex i: 12...30 V DC (with HART 18...30 V DC)
Ex d: 15...36 V DC (with HART 21...36 V DC)
Non-Ex, Ex d: 9...32 V DC
Ex i: 9...24 V DC
Current consumption → PROFIBUS PA: 16 mA, FOUNDATION Fieldbus: 16 mA

6 Endress+Hauser
Proline Prowirl 73 F, W

Cable entry Power supply and signal cables (outputs):

• Cable entry M20 x 1.5 (8...11.5 mm)
• Thread for cable entry: ½" NPT, G ½", G ½" Shimada
• Fieldbus connector

Power supply failure • Totalizer stops at the last value determined (can be configured)
• All settings are kept in the EEPROM
• Error messages (incl. value of operated hours counter) are stored

Connecting diagram for the 1. Process control system with common “positive”
input of an external tempera-
ture or pressure value via PLC+ PLC (73) in PLC (p/T) in
HART protocol

0+ 0+H 0– 0+ 0+H 0–




Connecting diagram for process control system with common “positive”

A) Prowirl 73
B) Cerabar-M or other HART- and burst-able pressure-, temperature, and density-transmitter
C) Active barrier RN221N

2. Process control system with common “negative”

PLC (73) in PLC– PLC (p/T) in


0+ 0+H 0– 0+ 0+H 0–




Connecting diagram for process control system with common “negative”

A) Prowirl 73
B) Cerabar-M or other HART- and burst-able pressure-, temperature, and density-transmitter
C) Active barrier RN221N

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Proline Prowirl 73 F, W

3. Connecting diagram without process control system


0– 0+H 0+ 0+ 0+H 0–




Connecting diagram without process control system

A) Prowirl 73
B) Cerabar-M or other HART- and burst-able pressure-, temperature, and density-transmitter
C) Active barrier RN221N

Performance characteristics
Reference operating Error limits following ISO/DIN 11631:
conditions 20...30 °C, 2...4 bar, Calibration rig traceable to national standards
Calibration with the corresponding process connection of the respective norms

Maximum measured error • Liquid (volume flow):

< 0.75% o.r. for Re > 20’000; < 0.75% o.f.s for Re between 4’000...20’000

• Gas/Steam (volume flow):

< 1% o.r. for Re > 20’000; < 1% o.f.s for Re between 4’000...20’000

• Temperature:
< 1 °C (T > 100 °C, saturated steam); rise time 50% (stirred under water, following IEC 60751): 8 s

• Mass flow (saturated steam):

– for flow velocity v 20...50 m/s, T > 150 °C (423 K)
< 1.7% o.r. (2% o.r. for remote version) for Re > 20’000
< 1.7% o.f.s (2% o.f.s for remote version) for Re between 4’000...20’000
– for flow velocity v 10...70 m/s, T > 140 °C (413 K)
< 2% o.r. (2.3% o.r. for remote version) for Re > 20’000
< 2% o.f.s (2.3% o.f.s for remote version) for Re between 4’000...20’000

• Mass flow (other fluids):

Depends on the quality of the pressure value specified in the device functions.
An individual error observation must be carried out.
o.r. = Of reading, o.f.s = Of full scale, Re = Reynolds number

Repeatability ±0.25% o.r. (of reading)

8 Endress+Hauser
Proline Prowirl 73 F, W

Operating conditions: installation

Installation instructions Vortex meters require a fully developed flow profile as a prerequisite for correct volume flow measurement.
For this reason, please note the following points when installing the device:

The device can generally be installed in any position in the piping. In the case of liquids, upward flow is prefered
in vertical pipes to avoid partial pipe filling (see orientation A).
In the case of hot fluids (e.g. steam or fluid temperature ≥ 200 °C), select orientation C or D so that the
permitted ambient temperature of the electronics is not exceeded.
Orientations B and D are recommended for very cold fluid (e.g. liquid nitrogen).
Orientations B, C and D are possible with horizontal installation.
The arrow indicated on the device must always point in the direction of flow in all mounting orientations.
• If fluid temperature is ≥ 200 °C, orientation B is not permitted for the wafer version (Prowirl 73 W)
with a nominal diameter of DN 100 and DN 150.
• In case of vertical orientation and downward flowing liquid, the piping has always to be completely filled.

- + E

- + E


- + E


Possible orientations of the device

Minimum spacing and cable length

We recommend you observe the following dimensions

to guarantee problem-free access to the device for
service purposes: A
• Min. spacing in all directions = 100 mm (A)
• Necessary cable length L + 150 mm -
+ E


Rotating the electronics housing and the display

The electronics housing can be rotated continuously 360 ° on the housing support. The display unit can be
rotated in 45 ° steps. This means you can read off the display comfortably in all orientations.

Endress+Hauser 9
Proline Prowirl 73 F, W

Piping insulation
When insulating, please ensure that a sufficiently large area of the housing support is exposed. The uncovered
part serves as a radiator and protects the electronics from overheating (or undercooling).
The maximum insulation height permitted is illustrated in the diagrams. These apply equally to both the
compact version and the sensor in the remote version.

1 Esc
2 -
+ E
- + E


1 = Flanged version
2 = Wafer version

Wafer version mounting set

The centering rings supplied with the wafer style meters are used to mount and center the instrument.
A mounting set consisting of tie rods, seals, nuts and washers can be ordered separately.




Mounting wafer version

1 = Nut
2 = Washer
3 = Tie rod
4 = Centering ring (is supplied with the device)
5 = Seal

10 Endress+Hauser
Proline Prowirl 73 F, W

Inlet and outlet run As a minimum, the inlet and outlet runs shown below must be observed to achieve the specified accuracy
of the device. The longest inlet run shown must be observed if two or more flow disturbances are present.

1 15 x DN 5 x DN 2 18 x DN 5 x DN

Esc Esc
- -

+ E + E

20 x DN 5 x DN 40 x DN 5 x DN

Esc Esc
- + E - + E

5 6
25 x DN 5 x DN 50 x DN 5 x DN

Esc Esc
- + E - + E


Minimum inlet and outlet runs with various flow obstructions

A= Inlet run, B = Outlet run
1= Reduction
2= Extension
3= 90° elbow or T-piece
4= 2 x 90° elbow, 3-dimensional
5= 2 x 90° elbow
6= Control valve

A specially designed perforated plate flow conditioner can be installed if it is not possible to observe the inlet
runs required (→ Page 12).

Outlet runs with pressure measuring point

If a pressure measuring point is installed after the device, please ensure there is sufficient enough distance
between the device and the measuring point to avoid effects caused by the generated vortices.


+ E

3...5 x DN

Installing a pressure measuring point (PT)

Endress+Hauser 11
Proline Prowirl 73 F, W

Installation of Delta Heat Applications (second temperature - value read in via HART)
• For Saturated Steam Delat Heat Applications Prowirl 73 has to be installed on the steam side.
Temperature of the cold side is read in via HART.
• For Water Delta Heat Applications Prowirl 73 can be installed on either warm or cold side.
• The inlet and outlet lenghts specified above have to be followed:

1 2


Saturated Steam or Water Delta Heat Application

Perforated plate flow conditioner

A specially designed perforated plate flow conditioner, available from Endress+Hauser, can be installed if it
is not possible to observe the inlet runs required. The flow conditioner is fitted between two piping flanges and
centered with mounting bolts. Generally, this reduces the inlet run required to 10 x DN whilst maintaining

2 x DN 8 x DN 5 x DN

- + E


Flow conditioner

The pressure loss for flow conditioners is calculated as follows:

∆p [mbar] = 0.0085 · ρ [kg/m³] · v² [m/s]

Examples of pressure loss for flow conditioner

• Example with steam • Example with H2O condensate (80°C)
p = 10 bar abs ρ = 965 kg/m³
t = 240 °C → ρ = 4.39 kg/m³ v = 2.5 m/s
v = 40 m/s ∆p = 0.0085 · 965 · 2.5² = 51.3 mbar
∆p = 0.0085 · 4.39 · 40² = 59.7 mbar

12 Endress+Hauser
Proline Prowirl 73 F, W

Operating conditions: environment

Ambient temperature range • Compact version: –40...+70 °C

(EEx-d version: –40...+60°C; ATEX II 1/2 GD-version/dust ignition-proof: –20...+55°C)
Display can be read between –20 °C...+70 °C
• Remote version:
Sensor –40...+85 °C
(ATEX II 1/2 GD-version/dust ignition-proof: –20...+55°C)
Transmitter –40...+80 °C
(EEx-d version: –40...+60°C; ATEX II 1/2 GD-version/dust ignition-proof: –20...+55°C)
Display can be read between –20 °C...+70 °C
When mounting outside, protect from direct sunlight with a protective cover (order number 543199),
especially in warmer climates with high ambient temperatures.

Storage temperature –40...+80 °C (ATEX II 1/2 GD-version/dust ignition-proof: –20...+55°C)

Degree of protection IP 67 (NEMA 4X) according to EN 60529

Vibration resistance Acceleration up to 1 g, 10...500 Hz, following IEC 60068-2-6

Electromagnetic compatibility According to EN 61326/A1 and NAMUR Recommendation NE 21.


Operating conditions: process

Medium temperature range • DSC sensor (differential switched capacitor) capacitive sensor: –200...+400 °C
• Seal:
– Graphite: –200...+400 °C
– Kalrez: –20...+275 °C
– Viton: –15...+175 °C
– Gylon (PTFE): –200...+260 °C

Medium pressure Pressure-temperature curve according to EN (DIN), stainless steel

PN 10...40 → Prowirl 73 F, 73 W
PN 63...160 → Prowirl 73 F (in preparation)

PN 10...40 bar
PN 63...160

45 180
40 PN 40 160 PN 160
35 140
30 120
25 PN 25 100 PN 100
20 80
15 PN 16 60 PN 63
10 PN 10 40
5 20
0 °C 0 °C
-200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400

Endress+Hauser 13
Proline Prowirl 73 F, W

Pressure-temperature curve according to ANSI B16.5 and JIS, stainless steel

ANSI B 16.5:
Class 150...300 → Prowirl 73 W und 73 F
Class 600 → Prowirl 73 F (in preparation)

JIS B2238
10...20 K → Prowirl 73 W und 73 F
40 K → Prowirl 73 F (in preparation)

Class 150...600 bar
10...40 K

120 45
40 40 K
100 Cl. 600
80 30
Cl. 300 20 20 K
40 15
10 10 K
20 Cl. 150
0 °C 0 °C
-200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400

Pressure loss The pressure loss can be determined with the aid of the Applicator, a software for selection and sizing of
flowmeters. The software is available both via Internet (www.applicator.com) and on a CD-ROM for local
PC installation.

Mechanical construction
Design, dimensions Dimensions of transmitter, remote version

232 (226)*
150 (163)*

- + E
345 (368)*
Ø 8.6 (M8)




* The following dimensions differ depending on the version:

– The dimension 232 mm changes to 226 mm in the blind version (without local operation).
– The dimension 150 mm changes to 163 mm in the Ex d version.
– The dimension 345 mm changes to 368 mm in the Ex d version.

14 Endress+Hauser
Proline Prowirl 73 F, W

Dimensions of Prowirl 73 W
Wafer version for flanges according to:
• EN 1092-1 (DIN 2501), PN 10...40
• ANSI B16.5, Class 150...300
• JIS B2238, 10...20K

A 149 (142)* 161...181** B 105


H – 42.5
- + E


C 151 (144)* 161





- + E



A = Standard and Ex i version
B = Remote version
C = Ex d version (transmitter)
* The following dimensions change as follows in the blind version (without local operation):
– Standard and Ex i version: the dimension 149 mm changes to 142 mm in the blind version.
– Ex d version: the dimension 151 mm changes to 144 mm in the blind version.
** The dimension depends on the cable gland used.

DN d D H Weight
DIN/JIS ANSI [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg]
15 ½" 16.50 45.0 276 3.0
25 1" 27.60 64.0 286 3.2
40 1½" 42.00 82.0 294 3.8
50 2" 53.50 92.0 301 4.1
80 3" 80.25 127.0 315 5.5
100 4" 104.75 157.2 328 6.5
150 6" 156.75 215.9 354 9.0

Endress+Hauser 15
Proline Prowirl 73 F, W

Dimensions of Prowirl 73 F
• EN 1092-1 (DIN 2501), PN 10...40, Ra = 6.3...12.5 mm,
raised face according to EN 1092-1 Form B1 (DIN 2526 Form C), PN 10...40, Ra=6.3...12.5 µm
raised face according to EN 1092-1 Form B2 (DIN 2526 Form E), PN 63...100, Ra=1.6...3.2 µm*
raised face according to EN 2526 Form B2, PN 160, Ra=1.6...3.2 µm*
• ANSI B16.5, Class 150...300 , Ra = 125...250 min
• JIS B2238, 10...20K, Ra = 125...250 min
*... Pressure Rating PN63...160, Cl 600, 40K in preparation.

A 149 (142)* 141...151** B
121 95


H – 42
+ E


C 151 (144)* 161





- + E


A = Standard and Ex i version, B = Remote version, C = Ex d version (transmitter)

* The following dimensions change as follows in the blind version (without local operation):
– Standard and Ex i version: the dimension 149 mm changes to 142 mm in the blind version.
– Ex d version: the dimension 151 mm changes to 144 mm in the blind version.
** The dimension depends on the cable gland used.

16 Endress+Hauser
Proline Prowirl 73 F, W

Table: dimensions of Prowirl 73 F according to EN 1092-1 (DIN 2501)

DN Pressure d [mm] D [mm] H [mm] L [mm] x [mm] Wight [kg]


PN 40 17.3 95.0 277 200 16 5

PN 160* 17.3 105.0 288 200 23 7

PN 40 28.5 115.0 284 200 18 7

25 PN 100* 28.5
140 295 200 27 11
PN 160* 27.9

PN 40 43.1 150.0 292 200 21 10

40 PN 100* 42.5
170.0 303 200 31 15
PN 160* 41.1

PN 40 54.5 165.0 299 200 23 12

PN 63* 54.5 180.0 17

PN 100* 53.9 310 200 33
195.0 19
PN 160* 52.3

PN 40 82.5 200.0 312 200 29 20

PN 63* 81.7 215.0 24

PN 100* 80.9 323 200 39
230.0 27
PN 160* 76.3

PN 16 107.1 220.0
324 250 32 27
PN 40 107.1 235.0

100 PN 63* 106.3 250 39

PN 100* 104.3 335 250 49

265 42
PN 160* 98.3

PN 16 159.3 285.0
338 300 37 51
PN 40 159.3 300.0

150 PN 63* 157.1 345 86

PN 100* 154.1 359 300 64

355.0 88
PN 160* 146.3

PN 10 207.3 340.0 63

PN 16 207.3 340.0 62
200 377 300 42
PN 25 206.5 360.0 68

PN 40 206.5 375.0 72

PN 10 260.4 395.0 88

PN 16 260.4 405.0 92
250 404 380 48
PN 25 258.8 425.0 100

PN 40 258.8 450.0 111

PN 10 309.7 445.0 121

PN 16 309.7 460.0 129

300 427 450 51
PN 25 307.9 485.0 140

PN 40 307.9 515.0 158

*... Pressure Rating PN63...160, Cl 600, 40K in preparation.

Endress+Hauser 17
Proline Prowirl 73 F, W

Table: dimensions of Prowirl 73 F according to ANSI B16.5

DN Pressure rating d [mm] D [mm] H [mm] L [mm] x [mm] Weight [kg]

Cl. 150 15.7 88.9
Schedule 40
Cl. 300 15.7 95.0
277 200 16 5
½" Cl. 150 13.9 88.9
Schedule 80
Cl. 300 13.9 95.0
Cl. 600* 13.9 95.3 288 200 23 6
Cl. 150 26.7 107.9
Schedule 40
Cl. 300 26.7 123.8
284 200 18 7
1" Cl. 150 24.3 107.9
Schedule 80 Cl. 300 24.3 123.8
Cl. 600* 24.3 124.0 295 200 27 9
Cl. 150 40.9 127.0
Schedule 40
Cl. 300 40.9 155.6
292 200 21 10
1½" Cl. 150 38.1 127.0
Schedule 80 Cl. 300 38.1 155.6
Cl. 600* 38.1 155.4 303 200 31 13
Cl. 150 52.6 152.4
Schedule 40
Cl. 300 52.6 165.0
299 200 23 12
2" Cl. 150 49.2 152.4
Schedule 80 Cl. 300 49.2 165.0
Cl. 600* 49.2 165.1 310 200 33 14
Cl. 150 78.0 190.5
Schedule 40
Cl. 300 78.0 210.0
312 200 29 20
3" Cl. 150 73.7 190.5
Schedule 80 Cl. 300 73.7 210.0
Cl. 600* 73.7 209.6 323 200 39 22
Cl. 150 102.4 228.6
Schedule 40
Cl. 300 102.4 254.0
324 250 32 27
4" Cl. 150 97.0 228.6
Schedule 80 Cl. 300 97.0 254.0
Cl. 600* 97.0 273.1 335 250 49 43
Cl. 150 154.2 279.4
Schedule 40
Cl. 300 154.2 317.5
348 300 37 51
6" Cl. 150 146.3 279.4
Schedule 80 Cl. 300 146.3 317.5
Cl. 600* 146.3 355.6 359 300 64 87
Cl. 150 202.7 342.9 64
8" Schedule 40 377 300 42
Cl. 300 202.7 381.0 76
Cl. 150 254.5 406.4 92
10" Schedule 40 404 380 48
Cl. 300 254.5 444.5 109
Cl. 150 304.8 482.6 143
12" Schedule 40 427 450 60
Cl. 300 304.8.9 520.7 162

*... Pressure rating Cl 600 in preparation.

18 Endress+Hauser
Proline Prowirl 73 F, W

Table: dimensions of Prowirl 73 F according to JIS B2238

DN Pressure rating d [mm] D [mm] H [mm] L [mm] x [mm] Weight [kg]

Schedule 40 20K 16.1 95.0
277 200 16 5
15 20K 13.9 95.0
Schedule 80
40K* 13.9 115.0 288 200 23 8
Schedule 40 20K 27.2 125.0
284 200 18 7
25 20K 24.3 125.0
Schedule 80
40K* 24.3 130.0 295 200 27 10
Schedule 40 20K 41.2 140.0
292 200 21 10
40 20K 38.1 140.0
Schedule 80
40K* 38.1 160.0 303 200 31 14
10K 52.7 155.0
Schedule 40
20K 52.7 155.0
299 200 23 12
50 10K 49.2 155.0
Schedule 80 20K 49.2 155.0
40K* 49.2 165.0 310 200 33 15
10K 78.1 185.0
Schedule 40
20K 78.1 200.0
312 200 29 20
80 10K 73.7 185.0
Schedule 80 20K 73.7 200.0
40K* 73.7 210.0 323 200 39 24
10K 102.3 210.0
Schedule 40
20K 102.3 225.0
324 250 32 27
100 10K 97.0 210.0
Schedule 80 20K 97.0 225.0
40K* 97.0 240.0 335 250 49 36
10K 151.0 280.0
Schedule 40
20K 151.0 305.0
348 300 37 51
150 10K 146.3 280.0
Schedule 80 20K 146.3 305.0
40K* 146.6 325.0 359 300 64 77
10K 202.7 330.0 58
200 Schedule 40 377 300 42
20K 202.7 350.0 64
10K 254.5 400.0 90
250 Schedule 40 404 380 48
20K 254.5 430.0 104
10K 304.8 445.0 119
300 Schedule 40 427 450 51
20K 304.8 480.0 134

*... Pressure rating 40 K in preparation.

Endress+Hauser 19
Proline Prowirl 73 F, W

Dimensions of flow conditioner according to EN (DIN)/ANSI/JIS


Flow conditioner according to EN (DIN)/ANSI/JIS, material 1.4435 (316L)

Table: dimensions of flow conditioner

DN 15 / 25 / 40 / 50 / 80 / 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300 /
½" 1" 1½" 2" 3" 4" 6" 8" 10" 12"
s [mm] 2.0 3.5 5.3 6.8 10.1 13.3 20.0 26.3 33.0 39.6
EN (DIN) PN 10 0.04 0.12 0.30 0.50 1.40 2.40 6.30 11.5 25.7 36.4
Weight in [kg] PN 16 0.04 0.12 0.30 0.50 1.40 2.40 6.30 12.3 25.7 36.4
PN 25 0.04 0.12 0.30 0.50 1.40 2.40 7.80 12.3 25.7 36.4
PN 40 0.04 0.12 0.30 0.50 1.40 2.40 7.80 15.9 27.5 44.7
PN 63 0.05 0.15 0.40 0.60 1.40 2.40 7.80 15.9 27.5 44.7
ANSI Cl. 150 0.03 0.12 0.30 0.50 1.20 2.70 6.30 12.3 25.7 36.4
Weight in [kg] Cl. 300 0.04 0.12 0.30 0.50 1.40 2.70 7.80 15.8 27.5 44.6
JIS 10 K 0.06 0.14 0.31 0.47 1.1 1.8 4.5 9.2 15.8 26.5
Weight in [kg] 20 K 0.06 0.14 0.31 0.47 1.1 1.8 5.5 9.2 19.1 26.5
40 K 0.06 0.14 0.31 0.50 1.3 2.1 6.2 - - -

Weight • Weight of Prowirl 73 W → see dimension table on Page 15.

• Weight of Prowirl 73 F → see dimension tables on Page 16 ff.
• Weight of flow conditioner according to DIN/ANSI/JIS → see dimension table on Page 20.

Material • Transmitter housing:

Powder-coated die-cast aluminium
• Sensor:
– Flanged and wafer version.3
Stainless steel, A351-CF3M (1.4404), in conformity with NACE MR 0175
• Flanges:
– EN (DIN) → Stainless steel, A351-CF3M (1.4404), in conformity with NACE MR 0175
(DN 15...150: as of 2005 changeover from fully cast construction to construction with
weld-on flanges in 1.4404)
– ANSI and JIS → Stainless steel, A351-CF3M, in conformity with NACE MR 0175
(DN 15...150, ½"...6": as of 2005 changeover from fully cast construction to construction
with weld-on flanges in 316/316L, in conformity with NACE MR 0175)
• DSC sensor (Differential Switched Capacitor; Capacitive Sensor):
Wetted parts (marked as “wet” on the DSC sensor flange):
– Standard for pressure rating up to PN 40, Cl 300, JIS 20K (excluding Dualsens version):
Stainless steel 1.4435 (316L), in conformity with NACE MR 0175
– Higher pressure rating and Dualsens-version (in preparation):
Inconel 2.4668/N 07718 (B637) (Inconel 718), conform to NACE MR 0175
• Non-wetted parts:
– Stainless steel, 1.4301 (CF3)
• Support:
– Stainless steel, 1.4308 (CF8)
• Seal:
– Graphite (Grafoil)
– Viton
– Kalrez 6375
– Gylon (PTFE) 3504

20 Endress+Hauser
Proline Prowirl 73 F, W

Human interface
Display elements Liquid crystal display, double-spaced, plain text display, 16 characters per line
Display can be configured individually, e.g. for measured variables and status values, totalizers

Operating elements Local operation with three keys (S, O, F)

(HART) Quick Setup for quick commissioning
Operating elements accessible also in Ex-zones

Remote operation Remote operation possible via:

• Endress+Hauser Service Protocol

Certificates and approvals

CE mark The device is in conformity with the statutory requirements of the EC Directives. Endress+Hauser confirms
successful testing of the device by affixing the CE mark.

Ex-approval • Ex i:
II1/2G, EEx ia IIC T1...T6 (T1...T4 for PROFIBUS PA and FOUNDATION Fieldbus)
II1/2GD, EEx ia IIC T1...T6 (T1...T4 for PROFIBUS PA and FOUNDATION Fieldbus)
II1G, EEx ia IIC T1...T6 (T1...T4 for PROFIBUS PA and FOUNDATION Fieldbus)
II2G, EEx ia IIC T1...T6 (T1...T4 for PROFIBUS PA and FOUNDATION Fieldbus)
II3G, EEx nA IIC T1...T6 X (T1...T4 X for PROFIBUS PA and FOUNDATION Fieldbus)
– FM
Class I/II/III Div. 1/2, Group A...G; Class I Zone 0, Group IIC
Class I/II/III Div. 1/2, Group A...G; Class I Zone 0, Group IIC
Class II Div. 1, Group E...G
Class III

• Ex d:
II1/2G, EEx d [ia] IIC T1...T6 (T1...T4 for PROFIBUS PA and FOUNDATION Fieldbus)
II1/2GD, EEx ia IIC T1...T6 (T1...T4 for PROFIBUS PA and FOUNDATION Fieldbus)
II2G, EEx d [ia] IIC T1...T6 (T1...T4 for PROFIBUS PA and FOUNDATION Fieldbus)
– FM
Class I/II/III Div. 1, Groups A...G
Class I/II/III Div. 1/2, Groups A...G
Class II Div. 1, Groups E...G
Class III
More information on the Ex-approvals can be found in the separate Ex-documentation.

Pressure measuring device Devices with a nominal diameter smaller than or equal to DN 25 correspond to Article 3 (3) of the EC Directive
approval 97/23/EC (Pressure Equipment Directive). For larger nominal diameters, certified flowmeters to Category III
are optionally also available if necessary (depends on fluid and operating pressure). All devices are applicable
for all fluids and instable gases on principle and have been designed and manufactured in accordance to sound
engineering practice.

Endress+Hauser 21
Proline Prowirl 73 F, W

Certification The flowmeter has successfully passed all test procedures and is certified and registered by the Fieldbus
FOUNDATION Fieldbus FOUNDATION. The device thus meets all the requirements of the specifications following:
• Certified according to FOUNDATION Fieldbus Specification
• The device meets all the specifications of the FOUNDATION Fieldbus-H1
• Interoperability Test Kit (ITK), revision status 4.5 (device certification no. available on request):
The device can also be operated with certified devices of other manufacturers
• Physical Layer Conformance Test of the Fieldbus FOUNDATION

Certification The flowmeter has successfully passed all test procedures and is certified and registered by the PNO
PROFIBUS PA (PROFIBUS User Organisation). The device thus meets all the requirements of the specifications following:
• Certified according to PROFIBUS PA profile version 3.0 (device certification number available on request)
• The device can also be operated with certified devices of other manufacturers (interoperability)

Other standards and • EN 60529: Degrees of protection by housing (IP code).

guidelines • EN 61010: Protection measures for electrical equipment for measurement, control, regulation and
laboratory procedures.
• EN 61326/A1: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC requirements).
• NAMUR NE 21: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of industrial process and laboratory control
• NAMUR NE 43: Standardisation of the signal level for the breakdown information of digital transmitters
with analogue output signal.
• NACE Standard MR0175: Standard Material Requirements - Sulfide Stress Cracking Resistant Metallic
Materials for Oilfield Equipment.
• VDI 2643: Measurement of fluid flow by means of vortex flowmeters.
• ANSI/ISA-S82.01: Safety Standard for Electrical and Electronic Test, Measuring, Controlling and related
Equipment - General Requirements. Pollution degree 2, Installation Category II
• CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 1010.1-92: Safety Standard for Electrical Equipment for Measurement and Control
and Labatory Use. Pollution degree 2, Installation Category II
• The International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam - Release on the IAPWS Industrial
Formulation 1997 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam
• ASME International Steam Tables for Industrial Use (2000)

22 Endress+Hauser
Proline Prowirl 73 F, W

Ordering information
The Endress +Hauser service organisation can provide detailed ordering information and information
on the order codes on request.

• Spare parts as per separate price list
• Replacement transmitter Prowirl 73
• Flow conditioner
• Universal flow and energy computer RMC 621
• HART Communicator DXR 375 handheld terminal
• Active barrier preline RN 221 N
• Resistance thermometer Omnigrad TR10 (HART-able and burst-able)
for Delta Heat Applications
• Pressure transmitter Cerabar M (HART-able and burst-able)
• Pressure transducer Cerabar S (PROFIBUS PA, FOUNDATION Fieldbus)
• Process display RIA 250, RIA 251
• Field display RIA 261 resp. RID 261 (PROFIBUS PA)
• Applicator
• ToF Tool - FieldTool Package
• Fieldgate FXA 520

• Operating Instructions Proline Prowirl 73
• Operating Instructions Proline Prowirl 73 PROFIBUS PA
• Operating Instructions Proline Prowirl 73 FOUNDATION Fieldbus
• Related Ex-documentation
• System Information Proline Prowirl 72/73
• Related documentation for Pressure Equipment Directive

Subject to modification

Endress+Hauser 23
Proline Prowirl 73 F, W

International Head Quarter

GmbH+Co. KG
Instruments International
Colmarer Str. 6
79576 Weil am Rhein

Tel. +49 76 21 9 75 02
Fax +49 76 21 9 75 34 5
[email protected]


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