Myongji University: Guideline For 2022 Fall Exchange Program
Myongji University: Guideline For 2022 Fall Exchange Program
Myongji University: Guideline For 2022 Fall Exchange Program
※ All in-person activities, such as Orientation and Check-in, may be replaced with alternative methods
(i.e. emails, online materials, or virtual meetings) depending on the future situation with COVID-19.
Students must:
① Be officially nominated by the home university and completed at least 1 academic year in the home
② Meet at least 1 of the followings:
Already obtained at least TOPIK Level 3
TOEFL IBT 70 or above (or IELTS 5.5, TOEFL ITP 527, TOEIC 750 ) OR proved by the home
university for excellent level of English language skills
Students who have not taken TOPIK but can prove their Korean language proficiency (prior to their
arrival in Korea, special examination will be available online to these students).
Application Procedure
① Student contacts the international office of his/her home university to start the application procedure.
② The home university’s international office nominates applicants to MJU via email by end of April.
③ MJU issues the Certificate of Admission, Letter of Acceptance and other related materials by mid-
June. (Post mailed to the international office of the student’s home university).
④ Students apply for a visa in his/her home country, purchase a flight ticket and insurance.
Required Documents
All documents should be uploaded either as a PDF or JPG.
Photos taken with mobile phones are not accepted.
① Recommendation Form : professor / academic advisor / International office officer.
② Health Report
③ Guardian (Parental) Consent Form : needs guardian’s handwritten signature
④ Certificate of Enrollment in English
⑤ Official Transcript in English with total average GPA
⑥ Passport and Identification Card
A copy of the first page of the passport - Upload the entire page without cut off.
Passport must be valid at least until 2024 March.
⑦ Colored ID Photo : 2 photo print version & a JPG file
An ID photo taken at a photo studio ONLY, MUST be white background (3.5cm×4.5cm). No selfie.
Please bring 2 photos with you when you come to Korea.
⑧ TOPIK, TOEFL, IELTS certificate, if applicable
⑨ Copy of Certificate of Travel Insurance purchased in your home country
The certificate of insurance which is effective from the day of your departure from your home
country to approximately October 31, 2022. (Once you register for an official ID card, you will be
automatically subscribed to the Korean National Health Service. You are required to be covered
under a private insurance until your registration in Korea. Registration will take approximately in
mid-late October.
You can submit this copy of insurance certificate after you receive a certificate of admission from
Once students receive the Letter of Acceptance, Certificate of Admission, Certificate of Business
Registration, they must visit - at the earliest date possible - the nearest Korean embassy/consulate to apply
for a student visa. Make sure you contact the embassy/consulate in advance to find out the required
documents for a visa. Respective Korean embassy/consulates have sole discretion on the issuance of a visa,
and Myongji University is not in the position to offer any support in this regards. It may take over three
months in certain countries or different documents may be required depending on the country. Please DO
NOT purchase your plane ticket until you obtain a visa (since there is no 100% guarantee that your visa will
be issued in time).
Course Registration
① Campus
There are two campuses; Seoul and Yongin (divided by faculty). Students can only choose one
campus. Depending on the student’s Korean proficiency, students can take following courses:
교과목 학점 조건
한국어연습 1 1 토픽 3급 이상
한국어연습 2 1 토픽 4급 이상
한국어 1 2 토픽 3급 이상
한국어 2 2 토픽 4급 이상
중급한국어 1 3 토픽 3급 이상
고급한국어 1 3 토픽 4급 이상
Does not meet language KLEC intensive Korean language courses (Fee-paying)
※ Exchange(Visiting) students must maintain a minimum of 12 credits per semester. The course
registration for the first semester will be done by office of international affairs of MJU. You will be able to
change [add/drop] your courses once the semester starts.
② KLEC Registration for Exchange Student
Each KLEC semester is 6 credits. Depending on your period of enrollment in KLEC, the
number of credits you can register will change because the total cannot exceed 17 (total =
KLI + Regular undergraduate). For example,
- If you take 1 semester of KLEC, which is 6 credits, the maximum credits you can register for
undergraduate (major or elective) courses are 11, therefore.
- If you take 2 semesters of KLEC, which are 12 credits, the maximum credits you can register
for undergraduate (major or elective) courses are 5, therefore.
Tuition : 20% tuition reduction for exchange students per KLEC semester.
Detailed information can be found:
Mandatory National Health Insurance Service(NHIS).
The Korean Government’s new health insurance policy requires all foreigners enrolled in programs
offered by Korean institutions of higher education, which include Korean Language programs,
undergraduate and graduate programs, to be subscribed to the National Health Insurance.