Pharmacology: First Exam Questions
Pharmacology: First Exam Questions
Pharmacology: First Exam Questions
- Mineral/ Earth sources: Iron is used in treatment of iron deficiency anemia. Mercurial salts
are used in Syphilis. Fluorine and borax have antiseptic properties.
- Semi Synthetic sources: When the nucleus of drug obtained from natural source is
retained but the chemical structure is altered, we call it semi-synthetic.
Examples hydromorphone and hydrocodone
Phase II potential drug is tested on selected patients for therapeutic efficacy in those
diseases for which it is intended.
In Phase III the drug is tested on large groups of patients and compared with standard
treatments. During clinical trials many drugs are revealed to be unusable.
Before testing drug in people, researchers must find whether the drug is causing toxicity or not.
It includes :
Invitro (outside the body in controlled conditions.)
In-vivo (in the living body using lab animals.)
Trial Rationale (it is important to justify the need for the proposed trial, to identify the
population of interest, and to determine the disease or biomarker prevalence in this
population. When the disease is rare or a targeted subgroup is of interest, then specific study
designs for these settings may need to be considered.)
Monitoring & stopping rule (it is important to decide the number and timing of analyses to
be conducted before the completion of data collection and build this as part of the design.
Furthermore, it is important to specify parameters for all stopping rules for stopping the trial
Simulation studies (valuable tool for evaluating different trial designs and scenarios without
exposing patients to ineffective or harmful therapy or incurring the high financial costs
associated with running an actual trial.)
Absorption is movement of drug from site of administration into the blood stream . It
involves interaction of drug through various biological membranes made up of lipid bilayer
1. Passive diffusion (most common) - mainly lipid soluble drugs are absorbed through this
3. Facilitated diffusion:- Carrier mediated transport which does not require energy .
Transport is from higher to lower concentration.
E.g. Transport of glucose across muscle cell membrane by transporter GLUT 4 .
Excretion is removal of drug and its metabolite from the body . Main channels of excretion
are :-
1. Kidney - The processes involved in the excretion of drug via kidney are:
a) glomerular filtration
b) passive tubular reabsorption
c) active tubular secretion
2. Lungs - Alcohol and General anesthetics like halothane
3. Faeces - Drugs like purgatives e.g. senna and cascara
4. Bile - Tetracyclines
5. Skin - Metals like arsenic and mercury
6. Saliva - potassium iodide , phenytoin , lithium and metronidazole
7. Milk - Drugs taken by lactating mother may appear in milk like amiodarone .
Pharmacodynamics describes:
1 Stimulation- adrenaline stimulates the heart resulting in an increase in heart rate .
3 Irritation - Some agents on topical application can cause irritation of the skin and adjacent
tissues like eucalyptus oil, methyl salicylate etc.
4 Cytotoxic - Drugs are selectively toxic for the infecting organism/ cancer cells
e.g. antibiotics/ anticancer drugs
The mechanism of action - These are events in cells caused by the drug. Medicinal
substances realize their action by:
changing of the enzymes activity (e.g. neostigmine as acethylcholinesterase
interaction with receptors (e.g. atropine as M-cholinoblocker) influence on ion
channels (e.g. local anesthetics)
influence on the transport systems
the antimetabolic mechanism (e.g. methotrexate as folate antagonist) the action at
the genes level (e.g. anti-cancer drugs).
Pharmaceutical Pharmacological
(before the administration, outside (after the administration, inside the
the body) body)
1. Physical (changes in agregate 1. Pharmacokinetic (interaction
state of drugs) during absorption, dis- tribution,
biotransformation, and excretion)
2. Chemical (chemical reac- 2. Pharmacodynamic (intraction in
tions between the drugs). tissues during binding to receptors).
=>Dose-effect dependence
=>Factors influencing a drug action.
Systemic routes: by this route drug can entre the blood and can cause systemic actions. Two
types- Enteral and Parenteral.
Enteral route: has three types—oral, sublingual and rectal.
- Oral: Tablet, capsule and syrups can be used. Eg. Paracetamol
Advantages: safe, good for repeated use, painless
Disadvantages: not be used for emergency, drugs can be metabolized rapidly and have low duration
- Sublingual: the drug is kept under the tongue or in buccal area and is mixed in
the blood. Ex- nitroglycerin in angina attack and buprinorphine in myocardial
Advantages: quick action, good, safe
Disadvantages: irritant, lipid- insoluble drug, bad taste.
- Rectal: liquid or solids are used, enemas and suppository. Ex- indomethacin for
rheumatoid arthritis.
Parenteral route
These include inhalation and injections.
- Inhalations: volatile liquids and gases. Ex- drugs foe general anesthesia.
b) passive tubular reabsorption - The main factor affecting passive reabsorption is the pH of
renal tubular fluid and the degree of ionization. Strongly acidic and strongly basic drugs
remain in ionized form at any pH of urine, hence excreted urine.
4. Bile - Tetracyclines
7. Milk - Drugs taken by lactating mother may appear in milk like amiodarone.
They have acid pH so the basic drugs like tetracyclines remains ionised and can affect the
breast-fed child.
Oral administration:- first pass metabolism can occur to the drugs. They are first
exposed to the liver and may be extensively metabolised before reaching the rest of
the body.
During the absorption drug crosses cell membranes by 4 ways- passive diffusion, filtration,
active transport, and endocytosis.
- Passive diffusion is directed down concentration gradient. It does not require
energy or carrier and is not saturable
- Facilitated diffusion (or filtration) also is down gradient and energy independent,
but needs carrier and is saturable.
- Active transport is against gradient, needs energy ATP and carrier, it is saturable.
- Endocytosis is the process by which cells take in substances from outside of the
cell by engulfing them in a vesicle.
b). Lipid-soluble and unionized form of the drug is better absorbed than water-
soluble and ionized form.
C). Particle size: Drugs with smaller particle size are absorbed better than larger
ones, e.g. microfine aspirin, digoxin and griseofulvin are well absorbed from the gut
and produce better effects. Some of the anthelmintics have larger particle size. They
are poorly absorbed through gastrointestinal (GI) tract, hence they produce better
effect on gut helminths
3 Ph and ionisation :- Strongly acidic and strongly basic drugs remains ionised at all ph and
hence are poorly absorbed.
4. Blood flow to the absorption site: Blood flow to the intestine is higher than the flow to
the stomach, due to this absorption from the intestine is favored over that from the
5. Total surface area available for absorption: The intestine has a surface area greater than
the stomach, because of the presence of microvilli. It makes absorption of the drug across
the intestine more efficient.
6. Contact time at the absorption surface: If a drug moves through the GI tract quickly
(during diarrhea), it is not well absorbed.
7. Food - Presence of food in the stomach can affect absorption of some drugs like
rifampicin , levodopa etc . Milk decreases the absorption of tetracyclines.
8. Presence of other drugs - Concurrent administration of two or more drugs may affect
their absorption, e.g. ascorbic acid increases the absorption of oral iron. Antacids reduce the
absorption of tetracyclines.
It is the process by which a drug leaves the blood stream and enters the intersticium
(extracellular fluid or the cells of the tissues) Distribution depends on:
(blood-tissue barriers, e.g. the blood-brain barrier, placental barrier). The transfer of drugs into
the brain is regulated by the blood-brain barrier. The capillary membrane between the plasma
and brain cells is much less permeable to water-soluble drugs than is the membrane between
plasma and other tissues. The blood vessels of the fetus and mother are separated by a number
of tissue layers that collectively constitute the placental barrier. Drugs that traverse this barrier
will reach the fetal circulation. The placental barrier, like the bloodbrain barrier, does not
prevent transport of all drugs but is selective, and factors that regulate passage of drugs through
any membrane are applicable here.
Agonist: A drug that is capable of producing pharmacological action after binding to the
receptor is called an agonist. Agonist has high affinity + high intrinsic activity (e.g. morphine
and adrenaline).
There are also partial agonist and inverse agonist.
Partial agonist:- drug that bind to receptor but produces very low effect or only partial
effect. Ex- pinodol
Inverse agonist:- It has full affinity towards the receptor but produce effect opposite to that
of agonist.
Ex- beta-carbolines produces anxiety and convulsions on benzodiazepine receptors.
Antagonist: A drug that prevents binding of agonist to its receptor or blocks e effect/s is
called an antagonist. It does not by itself produce any effect. Competitive antagonist has
high affinity without intrinsic activity (e.g. naloxone is an antgagonist of opioid receptors,
others atropine, anaprilin). It produces receptor blockade.
Antagonism can be of 4 types- physical, chemical, functional, receptor antagonism.
- Other factors are first pass metabolism( When drugs are administered orally,
they have to pass via gut wall to portal vein then liver and then to systemic
circulation .
- During this passage, certain drugs get metabolized and are removed or
inactivated before they reach the systemic circulation. This process is known as
first-pass metabolism. The net result is a decreased bioavailability) and hepatic
The general principal of biotransformation is the metabolic conversion of drug molecule to more
water-soluble metabolites that are more readily excreted. Biotransformation of an active compound
may lead to formation of metabolites that also have pharmacologic actions.
The result of stage 1 is the formation of active or inactiveproducts which enters the 2 stage reaction.
Inducers of microsomal oxidation- Drugs which increase the activity of microsomal enzyme in liver
e.g. phenobarbital, carbamazepine, St.john wartz
Inhibitors of microsomal oxidation- drugs which decrease the activity of microsomal enzyme in liver
e.g. metronidazole. Grapefruit, Azol antifungals,
STAGE 2- Reaction are synthetic Conjugation with endogenous compounds like glucuronic
and sulfuric acid; methylation; acetylation via activity of Transferase. Result in formation of
inactive metabolites excreted from body.
Material accumulation is accumulation of drug that are slowly excreted from the organism.
Functional accumulation is accumulation of drug effect it means presence of drug effect
after its excretion (alcohol, caffeine)
The accumulation of drugs in tissue or body compartment can increase drug action because
the tissue releases the accumulated drug and the concentration of plasma drug decreases.
When doses are repeated a drug can accumulate in the body until dosing stop, this is
because it takes time to get rid of a drug from the body.
Drugs may also accumulate in specific organs by active transport or get bound to specific
tissue constituents. Drugs sequestrated in various tissues are differentially distributed, tend
to have large volume of distribution and long duration of action. Some may exert local
toxicity due to high concentration.
e.g. tetracyclines on bone and teeth, chloroquine on retina, streptomycin on vestibular
apparatus, emetine on heart and skeletal muscle.
MAXIMAL DOSE: it is the highest quantity of drug that an patient can take safely within a
given period of time.
Single dose: for single administration, daily dose: for the day of treatment, total dose : for the course of treatment.
Supporting dose: an individual dose for supporting a therapeutic effect during long-term treatment.
Therapeutic index: It is the ratio of the dose that produces toxicity to the dose that produces
a clinically desired/effective response(TD50/ED50).
It is determined by measuring the frequency of desired response and toxic response at
various doses of drug.e.g; warfarin (small therapeutic index; at higher doses high degree of
anticoagulation occurs that results in hemorrhage.
-penicillin (large therapeutic index; its bioavailability does not critically alter the
therapeutic/clinical effects.)
- Tachyphylaxis: rapid form of tolerance developing during the first day of treatment: e.g.,
tachyphylaxis to ephedrine.
- Drug dependence is irresistible aspiration to take the drug for euphoria or improvement of
There are two types of drug dependence:
Physical dependence – if the patent wants to take the drug for altering general state and
mood. It is characterized by abstinence. Abstinence is a phenomena of deprivation. Ethyl
alcohol and narcotic analgesics may cause physical dependence.
Psychological dependence – if the patient wants to take the drug for altering the mood (for
euphoria). Such kind of drug dependence is caused by psychomotor stimulants.
18a.Role of chemical structure, physical and chemical properties in the action of drugs on
an organism.
Physicochemical properties has all aspects of drug action and are critical for solubility,
permeability and successful formulation.
Specific physicochemical properties which are important to oral drugs are size, lipophilicity,
ionization, hydrogen bonding, polarity, aromaticity and shape.
Most drugs exert their effects, both beneficial and harmful, by interacting with receptors
(that is, specialized target macromolecules) present on the cell surface or within the cell.
The drug–receptor complex initiates alterations in biochemical and or molecular activity of
a cell by a process called signal transduction.
The physical structure of drug whether liquid, solid, or gas would determine how the drug
will be absorbed, distributed, metabolized and eliminated by the body.
The chemical structure would determine which bond need to be broken to allow the drug
to assimilated and catalyzed in the body.
19a. Dependence of pharmacological effect from dose (concentration) of medication.
Drug dependence is a state in which use of drugs for personal satisfaction is higher priority
than other basic needs, with the risks to health.
Two types of drug dependence:-- psychological and physical
Psychological dependence It is said to have developed when the individual believes that
optimal state of wellbeing is achieved only through the actions of the drug. The subject feels
emotionally distressed if the drug is not taken. Reinforcement is the ability of the drug to
produce effects that the user enjoys and which make him/her wish to take it again or to
induce drug seeking behaviour. Certain drugs (opioids, cocaine) are strong reinforcers.
Physical dependence It is an altered physiological state produced by repeated
administration of a drug which becomes necessary to continue taking the drug to maintain
normal physiological condition. Discontinuation of the drug results in a characteristic
withdrawal (abstinence) syndrome.
Drugs producing physical dependence are— opioids, barbiturates and other depressants
including alcohol and benzodiazepines.
Drug abuse Refers to use of a drug by self-medication in a manner and increased amount
from the normal concentration. This can be social disapproval of the manner and purpose of
drug use.
The two major patterns of drug abuse are:
a. Continuous use: The drug is taken regularly, the subject wishes to continuously remain under the influence of
the drug,
e.g. opioids, alcohol, sedatives.
b. Occasional use: The drug is taken off and on to obtain pleasure or high, recreation (as in rave parties) or
enhancement of sexual experience, e.g. cocaine, amphetamines, psychedelics, binge drinking (alcohol),
cannabis, solvents (inhalation), etc.
The effect of the two drugs is in the same direction and simply adds up:
Aspirin + paracetamol as analgesic/ antipyretic
Nitrous oxide + halothane as general anaesthetic
Amlodipine + atenolol as antihypertensive
Glibenclamide + metformin as hypoglycaemic
Ephedrine + theophylline as bronchodilator
Suppradditive (potentiation)
The effect of combination is greater than the individual effects of the components:
Acetylcholine + Inhibition of
physostigmine break down
Levodopa + Inhibition of
carbidopa peripheral
Adrenaline + Inhibition of
cocaine neuronal uptake
21a. Drug interactions. Antagonism, its types and practical significance.
In antagonism, the effect of one drug is decreased or abolished in the presence of another
1. Physical antagonism: The opposing action of two drugs is due to their physical property,
e g. adsorption of alkaloids by activated charcoal- useful in alkaloid poisoning.
2. Chemical antagonism: The opposing action of two drugs is due to their chemical
Example- • KMnO4 oxidizes alkaloids—used for gastric lavage in poisoning.
• Nitrites form methaemoglobin which reacts with cyanide radical.
4. Receptor antagonism: The antagonist binds to the same receptor as the agonist and
inhibits its effects. It can be competitive or noncompetitive.
ANTIDOTE Poisoning
Acetycysteine Acetaminophen
Deferoxamine iron
Protamine Heparins
– Sodium thiosulfate
– N-Acetylcysteine
2) Chelating agents
– Tetacin-calcium (Calcium-EDTA)
– Deferoxamine (desferral)
– Penicillamine
3) Cholinesterase reactivators
– Pralidoxim (PAM)
– Alloxim
– Dipiroxim
– Isonitrosine
4) Antagonists of opioids
– Naloxone
– Naltrexone
-displacement from tissue binding sites (e.g., ethanol under the conditions of poisoning with methanol)
Also known as drug safety, is the pharmacological science relating to the collection,
detection, assessment, monitoring, and prevention of adverse effects with pharmaceutical
- What are adverse drug reactions (ADR)and adverse drugs events (AE)?
- Difference b/w ADR & AE
- Serious and NON-serious ADR
- Valid and NON-valid ADR
- Unlisted and Listed ADR
- Workflow in pharmacovigilance for ADR.
For example, serum sickness (fever, urticaria, joint pain, lymphadenopathy) with penicillins
and sulphonamides; acute interstitial nephritis with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDS) and Stevens-Johnson syndrome with sulphonamides.
Phototoxic Drug or its metabolite accumulates, phototoxicity: in the skin, absorbs light and
undergoes a photochemical reaction followed by a photobiological reaction resulting in
local tissue damage (sunburn-like), i.e. erythema, edema, blistering which have fast onset
and shorter duration after exposure ends.
Toxicity may result from extension of the therapeutic effect itself, e.g. coma by barbiturates,
complete A-V block by digoxin, bleeding due to heparin. Another action may be responsible for
Adverse effects on the embryo due to a substance that enters the maternal system and
crosses the placental barrier; the effects of the substance may be expressed as embryonic
death or abnormal development of one or more body systems, and can be deleterious/
harmful to maternal health.
FETOTOXICITY: Week 9 to week 37 Adverse fetal effects due to toxins entering the
maternal circulation and crossing the placental barrier, which may compromise maternal
health and appear as fetal malformations, altered growth and in utero death.
TERATOGENIC ACTION: Teratogenic actions are caused by teratogens; they are substances
that may cause birth defects through a toxic effect on an embryo or fetus. Known
teratogens include: thalidomide, mercury, alcohol, lead, and polychlorinated biphenyls
- Progestin: virilization (is a condition in which women develop male-pattern hair growth
and other masculine physical traits) of female fetus
- Valproate sodium: Spina bifida and other neural tube defects and limb abnormalities
Polymorphism of N-acetyl transferase 2 gene results in rapid and slow acetylator status
-Slow acetylator phenotype
– isoniazid peripheral
- Rapid acetylator phenotype
Age: as we age, total body water and muscle mass decrease while percentage of body
fat increases. These changes can lead to drugs having a longer duration of action and
increased effect. Drugs that were effective may become compounded and
overexceed their therapeutic threshhold causing increased side effects.
Weight: In patients with extra body weight, the drugs may not get to those optimal
levels, as there is more body mass for the drug to saturate,
Gender: women are prone to torsades de pointes, medications known to prolong the
QT interval should be used with caution. Women should receive lower dosages of
digoxin and have lower serum concentration targets than men because of higher
mortality rates.
psychological state: efficacy of drugs can be affected by patient’s belief, attitude and
expectations; particularly CNS drugs (more GA in nervous and anxious patients.)
Placebo- substance or treatment which is designed to have no therapeutic
value. Common placebos include inert tablets (like sugar pills), inert injections
(like saline)
Diseases: influence drug disposition e.g. GI diseases (in coeliac diseases, amoxicillin
absorption is decreased, while cotrimoxazole & cephalexin is increased.).
liver diseases (e.g. cirrhosis. Increased dug bioavailability with high first pass
metabolism,also metabolism and elimination of the drug may be reduced.)
genetic factors.
30a. Cholinergic synapse, its chemical structure and function. Main effects of
acetylcholine. Cholinereceptors, its localization. Classification of medical agents that affect
choline receptors.
The nerve endings of postganglionic parasympathetic nerves release a neuro-transmitter
acetylcholine, such synapses (neural junction) are named cholinergic synapses.
Chemical structure - Each synapse contains a presynaptic membrane, a synaptic gap (cleft),
and a post- synaptic membrane with cholinergic receptors.
Eye :- ACh does not produce any effect on topical administration because of its poor
penetration through tissues.
Nicotinic Actions.
1. Autonomic ganglia: Higher doses of ACh produce dangerous muscarinic effects especially
on the heart. Higher doses of ACh stimulate both sympathetic and parasympathetic ganglia
causing tachycardia and rise in BP.
2. Skeletal muscles: At high concentration, ACh initially produces twitching, fasciculations
followed by prolonged depolarization of NMJ and paralysis.
3. Actions on CNS: Intravenously administered ACh does not cause any central effects
because of its poor penetration through the blood-brain barrier (BBB).
A. Cholinoblockers
Natural agents: Atropine sulfate, Hyoscine (Scopolamine hydrobromide),
Platyphylline hydrotartrate, Belldoonna dry extract,Synthetic.
A) Ganglion blockers:
B) Myorelaxants
-Non-depolarizing agents: d-tubocurarine chloride, pancuronium bromide,
pipecuronium bromide, mellictinum
- Depolarizing agents: Succinylcholine (dithylinum)
B. Cholinomimetics:
-M-, N- cholinomimetics
-Direct acting: acetylcholine, Carbacholin
-Indirect acting(anticholinesterase): Neostigmine (proserin), Physostigmine,
pyridostigmine, galanthamine hydrobromide, isoflurophate, phosphacolum,
-M-cholinomimetics: Pilocarpine hydrochloride, Aceclidinum
-N-cholinomimetics: Cytitonum, lobeline hydrochloride.
Carbachol (Carbacholinum) has the chemical structure similar to acetylcholine, but is not destroyed by cholinesterases; is
direct acting M-, Ncholinomimetic with the prevalence of M-cholinergic activity; now is applied topically for the treatment
of glaucoma (eye drops).
Pilocarpine is an alkaloid from Pilocarpus pinnatifolius, is a M-cholinomimetic; has strong systemic M -cholinomimetic
activity, but is toxic; nowadays is used only for the treatment of glaucoma (eye drops, eye ointment, or eye membranes),
seldom is used in xerostomia.
Aceclidinum is a synthetic preparation; is administered SC, IM, or topically (eye drops); is not toxic; does not penetrate
CNS; is M-cholinomimetic; is used for the treatment of atonia of the intestine and urinary bladder, as well as for glaucoma.
M-cholinoblockers are the drugs which block neurotransmission in the muscarinic synapses
of the parasympathetic nerves and decrease the effects of parasym-pathetic innervation.
They also block M-cholinoreceptors in sympathetic neurons innervating sweat glands.
A. Non-selective
1. Natural agents:
– Atropine sulfate
– Butylscopolamine (buscopan)
– Tropicamide
B. Selective
They stimulate N-cholinoreceptors in zona carotis and increase in the activity of the respiratory and vasomotor centers
resulting in the short stimulation of breathing and elevation of BP. They also stimulate N-cholinoreceptors in the adrenal
medulla, increase the secretion of epinephrine, which causes vasoconstriction and the elevation of BP
stimulates N-cholinoreceptors;
reflexly stimulates respiration and increases BP;
is used for emergency help in respiratory arrest and collapse;
is an ingredient of combined tablets against tobacco abuse.
is administered IV, acts 3-5 min.
Lobeline Hydrochloride
is an alkaloid;
is administered IV and acts during 3-5 min; the mechanism of action is similar to
is used for emergency help in the respiratory arrest, asphyxia, asphyxia of
is used to treat tobacco abuse in the form of combined tablets “Lobesil”;
is not used for collapse due to its ability to provoke transitory a decrease in BP resulting
from the stimulation of n.vagus center.
N-Cholinoblockers : are the drugs, which block neurotransmission in the nicotinic synapses in
ganglia or in skeletal muscles. N-cholinoblockers aredivided into:
33a. Adrenergic receptors, its localization. Classification of medical agents that affect
There are 5 types of adrenergic receptors- alpha1, 2 and Beta-1,2,3
Drugs acting on adrenergic synapses are named adrenergic drugs. They are divided into two groups:
adrenergic agonists and adrenergic antagonists (adreno-blockers and sympatholytics)
α-, β-adrenomimetics
– Ephedrine hydrochloride
β- adrenomimetics
– Dobutamine (β1)
– Fenoterol (β2)
– Phentolamine hydrohloride
– Prazosin
– Doxazasin
– Propranolol (Anaprilin)
– Oxprenolol Selective
– Labetalol – Carvedilol
the dilation of peripheral blood vessels, reducing of peripheral resistance, an increase in venous capacity a decrease in BP
the improvement of trophy of peripheral tissues the stimulation of gut motility the stimulation of the salivary, lacrimal,
pancreatic, and respioratory tract secretions a decrease of urine retention in patients with prostate hyperplasia
Phenylephrine (Mesatonum) is a non-catecholamine; has a selective action on α1-adrenoceptors; may be taken orally, is
administered SC, IM, IV, or topically; has the duration of action of 4-6 hrs; is used in acute and chronic hypotension, for
prolongation of local anesthesia, for producing of midriasis, as well as for a decrease in edema of the mucous membrane in
acute rhinitis or conjunctivitis.
Naphazoline and halazolin are non-catecholamines; have a selective action on α2-adrenoceptors, are used as nasal drops
for acute rhinitis, nasal bleeding, and rhinoscopia; cause tolerance and tachyphylaxis.
Isoprenaline (Isadrinum) is a synthetic catecholamine; has a non-selective action on β1- and β2-adrenoceptpors; is
administered sublingually, by inhalation, or IV; is used in a bronchial asthma attack, heart block, some types of
cardiogenous shock.
Salbutamol is a non-catecholamine; has a selective action on β2- adrenoceptors, acts longer than isoprenaline; does not
act on the heart; is used in bronchial asthma, bronchospasm and before bronchoscopia.
Fenoterol (Partusisten) is a non-catecholamine; has a selective action on β2- adrenoceptors, acts during 4-6 hrs; does not
act on the heart; is used in bronchial asthma and in danger of pregnancy interruption.
Dobutamine has a selective action on β1-adrenoceptors; increases cardiac output; is administered by IV infusion for the
emergency treatment of acute heart insufficiency and cardiogenous shock.
- Gastric lavage can limit the absorption of poison if done within 2-3hrs of
poisoning. If patient is unconscious, endotracheal intubation should be done before
gastric lavage.
- Gastric lavage is done with normal saline or other can be used like leukwarm
water, potassium paramagnet, sodium bicarbonate etc.
- Lavage should be done the fluid is clear.
- Laxatives like magnesium sulphate or citrate can be used orally to promote
elimination of the ingested poison.
- Oral polyethylene glycol electrolyte solution can be used for whole bowel
irrigation of the gastrointestinal tract in case of poisoning due to iron, lithium,
cocaine heroin, foreign bodies, etc.
To promote elimination of absorbed portion of the drugs:
(a) Diuretics (i/v. mannitol or furosemide) are used to promote the elimination of
absorbed portion of the drug. Renal elimination of some of the drugs can be
increased by altering the pH of urine, e,g. alkalinisation of urine in salicylate
poisoning and acidification of urine in amphetamine poisoning.
(b) Dialysis is used in cases of severe poisoning, eg. lithium, aspirin, methanol, etc.
Symptomatic treatment: Intravenous diazepam 5-10 mg if there are con- vulsions and
external cooling for hyperpyrexia.
Maintenance of fluid and electrolyte balance: Hyponatraemia should be treated with i.v.
normal saline and hypernatraemia with i.v. furosemide.
Hypokalaemia is treated with potassium chloride, oral or slow i.v. infusion.
Thiazides or furosemide can be used to treat mild hyper kalaemia. Severe hyperkalaemia is
treated with 10% calcium gluconate
Intravenous sodium bicarbonate is used to treat metabolic acidosis
GI disorders after poisoning: vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, a loss of appetite liver lesions: hepatic necrosis,
hepatic insufficiency renal insufficiency lesions of the skin and mucous membranes: necrosis, irritation, exfoliation, rash.
35a. Antidotes.
acetylcysteine Acetaminophen
Deferoxamine iron
Protamine Heparins
4. Others--
- analeptics: niketamide (IV, SC), camphor (SC), sulfocamphocaine (IV, IM, SC), bemegride
(IV), etimizol (IV), Carbogenum (carbon dioxide + oxygen, by inhalation).
The management of bronchial asthma includes: Reducing impairment & Reducing risk.
Avoidance of asthma triggers
Treatment of allergic inflammation
Dilatation of bronchi
- The use of leukotriene inhibitors such as zileuton attract cellular infiltrates producing
epithelial injury and also increases airway in smooth muscle responsive-ness and airway
A. Bronchodilators
(i) Sympathomimetics: Salbutamol, Terbutaline, Bambuterol, Salmeterol, Formoterol, Ephedrine.
(ii) Methylxanthines: Theophylline (anhydrous), Aminophylline, Choline theophyllinate, Hydroxyethyl
theophylline, Theophylline ethanolate of piperazine, Doxophylline.
(iii) Anticholinergics: Ipratropium bromide, Tiotropium bromide.
B. Leukotriene antagonists: Montelukast, Zafirlukast.
C. Mast cell stabilizers: Sodium cromoglycate, Ketotifen. IV.
D. Corticosteroids
i. Systemic: Hydrocortisone, Prednisolone and others.
ii. Inhalational: Beclomethasone dipropionate, Budesonide, Fluticasone propionate, Flunisolide, Ciclesonide.
E. Anti-IgE antibody: Omalizumab Emergency aid:
- Inotropes- digitoxin inhibition of cardiac sodium potassium ATPase results in increase intracellular
sodium .
- Vasopressors are prescribed in combination with inotropic drugs and fluid in fusion in the absence
of optimal perfusion with improved cardiac output.
- Norepinephrine should be used to increase systemic vascular resistance. To reduced
vascularresistance (septic shock), combined with dobutamine to improve hemodynamic
- Vasodilator are most useful for patient with hypertension and should be used with extreme caution
in patients with chronic arrhythmia.
- Cardiac glycosides likes strophanthin(IV), corglycone from strophanthus group used to inhibit
the sodium group allowing calcium to move inside cells and increases the force of contraction.
41a. Principles of providing medical assistance in acute coronary syndromes (unstable
angina; myocardial infarction).
unstable angina is coronary heart disease caused by a buildup of plaque along the walls of
your arteries.
Myocardial infarction is the formation of the area of necrosis in the myocardium due to
local ischemia resulting from the obstruction of blood vessel, most commonly by thrombus
or embolus.
It manifests by persistent intense cardiac pain, diaphoresis, pallor, hypotension, faintness,
nausea, vomiting.
1. Pain, anxiety and apprehension
- glyceryl trinitrate (GTN)
- opioid analgesic (morphine/pethidine) or diazepam is administered parenterally.
DOSE: GTN- oral(2.5-ti.5mg TDS); IV(10mcg/min); sublingual tablet (0.3-0.4mg every 5min of 3 doses)
5. Pump failure the objective is to increase cardiac output and or decrease filling pressure
without increasing cardiac work or lowering BP.
(a) Furosemide: indicated if pulmonary wedge pressure is > 20 mm Hg. It decreases
cardiac preload.
DOSE: Furosemide- Oral(20-80mg OD; maxti00mg/day); I.V (20-40mg for 1-2min, max200mg/dose); IM (20-
40mgfor 2hr, max200mg/dose)
(b) Vasodilators: Drugs like GTN (i/v), or nitroprusside have been mainly used.
(c) Inotropic agents: dopamine or dobutamine i.v. infusion
6. Prevention of thrombus extension, embolism, venous thrombosis
Aspirin (162–325 mg) should be given for chewing and swallowing.
This is continued at 80–160 mg/day.
Anticoagulants heparin, (followed by oral anticoagulants) enoxaparin are used primarily to
prevent deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary/ systemic arterial embolism.
Eptifibatide (anti-platelet) - DOSE: 180 μg/kg i.v. bolus, followed by 2 μg/kg/ min infusion up to 72 hours
diuretics: furosemide (IV), mannitol (IV infusion), Urea pura (IV infusion)
drugs caused the redistribution of blood: ganglia blockers (hygronium, IV infusion;
pentamine, IV, or IM);
peripheral vasodilators (nitroglycerine, IV; sodium nitroprusside, IV infusion)
cardiac glycosides: strophanthin (IV), corglycon (IV)
glucocorticoids: prednisolone (IM, IV)
narcotic analgesics: morphine hydrochloride
surfactants: exosurf, curosurf
oxygen with anti-foam agents (vapor of ethanol).
α- and α,β–adrenergic agonists: phenylepiphrine (IM, SC, or IV), noradrena-line
hydrotartrate (IV infusion), adrenaline hydrochloride (SC)
analeptics: niketamide (SC, IV), camphor (SC), sulfocamphocaine (IV, IM, SC)
Ans:- Anaphylactic shock (Anaphylaxis is a serious allergic reaction that is rapid in onset
and may cause death)
Principle of Treatment :-
First can we put the patient in reclining position, administer oxygen at highflow rate
and perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation if it is required.
Inject adrenaline (IM)
repeat every 5-10 min in case patient does not improve or improvement is transient.
This is the only life saving measure.
Adrenaline should not be injected i.v. unless shock is immediately life
We can Administer a first generation H1, antihistamine
(pheniramine or chlorpheniramine) i.m./slow i.v.
Glucocorticoids are the only drug effective in type I, type II, type III, typeIV.
It can be ADDED -
H1 blockers (diprazin, dimedrol, suprastin)
Mitotropic agents (euphylline)
Analeptics (cordiamine)
Glucagon for patients taking beta blockers and with refractory hypotension.
47a. Principles of providing medical assistance in seizure and epileptic status.
Principles of the treatment of epilepsy:
-The choice of the drug according to the type of epilepsy
-A long-term treatment
-The oral administration of drugs
-An equal dose of a new drug, if the change of preparation is needed.
Anti-seizure drugs:
1. Barbiturate: Phenobarbitone
Dose of ti0 mg 1–3 times a day in adults; in children (3–5 mg/ kg/day)
2. Deoxybarbiturate: Primidone
Dose: 250–500 mg BD, children 10–20 mg/kg/day
4. Carbamazepine, Oxcarbazepine
Dose: 200–400 mg TDS; Children 15–30 mg/kg/day.
5. Succinimide Ethosuximide
Dose: 20–30 mg/kg/day
• Lorazepam: 4 mg (0.1 mg/kg in children) injected i.v. at the rate of 2 mg/min, repeated once after
10 min if required, is the first choice drug.
• Diazepam 10 mg (0.2–0.3 mg/kg) injected i.v. at 2 mg/min, repeated once after 10 min if required,
has been the standard therapy till recently. It is also more damaging to the injected vein.
• Fosphenytoin 100–150 mg/min i.v. infusion to a maximum of 1000 mg (15–20 mg/kg) under
continuous ECG monitoring is a slower acting drug which should be given if the seizures recur.
• Phenytoin sodium It should be used only when fosphenytoin is not available, because it can be
injected only at the rate of 25–50 mg/ min and causes more marked local vascular complications.
• Phenobarbitone sodium: 50–100 mg/min i.v. injection (maximum of 10 mg/kg), slower acting drug
which can be used as alternative to fosphenytoin.
• Refractory cases who fail to respond to lorazepam and fosphenytoin within 40 min of seizure onset
may be treated with i.v. midazolam/propofol/thiopentone anaesthesia.
Severe cases of status epilepticus, who are not controlled by diazepam or other drugs, may
be paralysed by a neuromuscular blocker (repeated doses of a competitive blocker) and
maintained on intermittent positive pressure respiration till the disease subsides.
• General measures, including maintenance of airway (intubation if required), oxygenation, fluid and
electrolyte balance, BP, normal cardiac rhythm, euglycemia(normal blood glucose) and care of the
unconscious must be taken
Signs: hypersalivation, nausea, vomiting, spasm of the bronchi, then edema of lungs,
convulsions, unconsciousness.
Emergency help: Reactivators of cholinesterase (dipyroxime, alloxim, isonitrosine),
IM Atropine.
General measures:-
1. Remove the contaminated clothes; wash skin with soap and water. Fresh air should be
2. Gastric lavage should be continued till the returning fluid is clear .
3. Airway should be maintained.
4. Artificial respiration is given, if necessary
5. Diazepam should be used cautiously by slow i.v. Injection to control convulsions.
Specific measures:-
1. Atropine:
- Atropine is the first drug to be given in OP poisoning.
- Inject atropine i.v. stat and it should be repeated every 5-10 minutes doubling the
dose, if required, till the patient is fully atropinized (fully dilated, nonreactive pupils,
tachycardia, etc.).
- Atropine should be continued for 7-10 days.
- Atropine competitively blocks the muscarinic effects of OP compounds (competitive
2. Oximes:
- Atropine is not effective for reversal of neuromuscular paralysis.
- Neuro- muscular transmission can be improved by giving cholinesterase reactivators
such as pralidoxime and obidoxime.
- DOSE: is injected i.v. slowly in a dose of 1–2 g (children 20–40 mg/kg). Another
regimen is 30 mg/kg i.v. loading dose, followed by 8–10 mg/kg/hour continuous
infusion till recovery
50a. Principles of providing medical assistance in acute poisoning with narcotic substances.
Narcotic is referred to as any psychoactive compound with sleep-inducing properties,
and euphoric properties. Examples of opioids are morphine, codeine, oxycodone,
oxycodone + acetaminophen, and hydrocodone + acetaminophen.
The signs and symptoms of an opioid overdose emergency can include:
● Unusual sleepiness or unresponsiveness, Breathing will be slow or absent (Cheyne stocks breathing)
● Slow heartbeat or low blood pressure, Skin feels cold and clammy
● Pupils are small, Nails and lips are blue, spasm of the intestine and bowel.
It consists of respiratory support and maintenance of BP (i.v. fluids,
Gastric lavage should be done with potassium permanganate to remove unabsorbed
drug. Lavage is indicated even when morphine has been injected.
Specific antidote: Naloxone 0.4–0.8 mg i.v. repeated every 2–3 min till respiration
picks up, is the specific antagonist of choice because it acts rapidly, does not have
any agonistic action and does not depress respiration.
Due to short duration of action, naloxone should be repeated every 1–4 hours,
according to the response.
Other drugs like naltrexone and nalmefene (i/v) can also be used as opioid
51a. Medical and social aspects of opioid addiction, principles of drug addiction treatment.
It is a chronic, relapsing brain disease that causes compulsive drug seeking and use,
despite harmful consequences to the addict and those around them & leads to changes
in the structure and function of the brain.
A person eventually feels flat, without motivation, lifeless, and/or depressed, and is unable
to enjoy things that were previously pleasurable. Now, the person needs to keep taking it
to experience even a normal happiness—which only makes the problem worse, like a
vicious cycle. Also, the person will often need to take larger amounts of the drug to
produce the familiar high—an effect known as tolerance.
Heart conditions ranging from abnormal heart rates to heart attacks and collapsed
Nausea and abdominal pain, which can also lead to changes in appetite and weight
Increased strain on the liver, which puts the person at risk of significant liver
Lung disease
Problems with memory, attention and decision-making, which make daily living
more difficult
Global effects of drugs on the body, such as breast development in men and
increases in body temperature, which can lead to other health problems
Physical dependence – if the patent wants to take the drug for altering general state and
mood. It is characterized by abstinence. Abstinence is a phenomenon of deprivation. Ethyl
alcohol and narcotic analgesics may cause physical dependence.
Psychological dependence – if the patient wants to take the drug for altering the mood (for
euphoria). Such kind of drug dependence is caused by psychomotor stimulants.
- It can also cause a person to become paranoid and untruthful about their
- The users may even become aggressive and violent towards other people, even
their family and friends.
All prescribers should:
Establish an accurate diagnosis whenever possible (although this may often be difficult)
Be clear in what way the patient is likely to gain from the prescribed medicines
Obtain an accurate list of current and recent medications (including over the counter and
alternative medicines); prior adverse drug reactions; and drug allergies from the patient, their
carers, or colleagues
3. Take into account other factors that might alter the benefits and risks of treatment
Consider other individual factors that might influence the prescription (for example,
physiological changes with age and pregnancy, or impaired kidney, liver or heart function)
Seek to form a partnership with the patient when selecting treatments, making sure that they
understand and agree with the reasons for taking the medicine
5. Select effective, safe, and cost effective medicines individualized for the patient
The likely beneficial effect of the medicine should outweigh the extent of any potential harms,
and whenever possible this judgement should be based on published evidence
Prescribe medicines that are unlicensed, ‘off label’, or outside standard practice only if satisfied
that an alternative medicine would not meet the patient's needs (this decision will be based on
evidence and/or experience of their safety and efficacy)
Choose the best formulation, dose, frequency, route of administration, and duration of
Be aware of guidance produced by respected bodies (increasingly available via decision support
systems), but always consider the individual needs of the patient
Select medicines with regard to costs and needs of other patients (health care resources are
Be able to identify, access, and use reliable and validated sources of information (for
example, British National Formulary), and evaluate potentially less reliable information critically
Be aware of common factors that cause medication errors and know how to avoid them
Identify how the beneficial and adverse effects of treatment can be assessed
Understand how to alter the prescription as a result of this information
Know how to report adverse drug reactions (in the UK via the Yellow Card scheme)
9.Communicate and document prescribing decisions and the reasons for them
Always seek to keep the knowledge and skills that are relevant to your practice up to date
Be prepared to seek the advice and support of suitably qualified professional colleagues
Make sure that, where appropriate, prescriptions are checked (for example, calculations of
intravenous doses)
Food and Drug Administration Agency (FDA) reviews the safety and effectiveness of new
drugs that manufacturers wish to market in the United States; this process is called
premarket approval or preapproval review. Second, once a drug has passed that threshold
and is FDA-approved
53a. The peculiarities of prescribing of narcotics and psychotropic medications.
Rules for prescribing narcotics:
Issue date.
Name and address of patient.
Name, address, and DEA registration number of practitioner.
Drug name.
Strength of drug.
Dosage form (i.e., tablet, suspension, etc)
Quantity prescribed.
Directions for use.
always try to use non-narcotic drugs first for pain management, if narcotics are
used, minimal therapeutic dose is given
Indications: Traumatic shock, Myocardial infarction (used together with atropine),
colic(used together with atropine), pain associated with cancer, pain after surgeries, pre-
anesthetic medication, pulmonary edema, cough dangerous for life (danger of pulmonary
bleeding or pneumothorax) Psychotropic medications are Neuroleptics, anxiolytics, and
sedatives and are drugs for the treatment of psychic disorders of different severity.
Neuroleptics (major tranquilizers) are the strongest among these preparations and have an
antipsychotic action .
Anxiolytics (minor tranquilizers) are characterized by anxiolytic and sedative effects.
Sedative drugs are the least potent and have only a sedative effect. Lithium salts are specific
agents to treat mania.
The cataract-analgesia is the kind of general anesthesia when the tranquilizer and
the narcotic analgesic are administered together (IV).
Intravenous anesthetics are drugs for general anesthesia which are administered IV.
• Intermediate-acting (20-30 min) – Thiopental sodium, used for the induction to narcosis,
general anesthesia in short-term surger-ies and diagnostic investigations
• Short-acting (10–20 min) – Ketamine (Ketamini hydrochloridum, Kalipsol), used for starting
and maintaining of anesthesia, for chronic pain and for sedation in the intensive care. used
in children, in patients with shock or low BP, asthmatics or people with chronic obstructive
airway disease, emergency surgery in field conditions in war zones, and to supplement spinal
or epidural anesthesia.
– Sodium hydroxibutyrate
– Propofol, Used for induction and maintenance of anesthesia, Antiemetic, CNS and cardiac
– Thiopental-sodium
stimulates barbiturate receptors of CL-ion channels; displays a rapid onset of action; has
potent anesthesia, poor analgesia, and little myorelaxation; has a hypnotic action;
is used for the induction to narcosis, general anesthesia in short-term surgeries and
diagnostic investigations;
Side effect- suppression of respiration, apnea, bronchospasm, laryngospasm, hypotension,
arrhythmia, liver lesions, lowering of the body temperature, thrombophlebitis;
is contraindicated in the heart failure, bronchial asthma, diseases of the upper respiratory
pathways, shock, acidosis.
Ketamine is administered IV, IM; begins to act in 30-60 sec after administration; acts during 15-30
min; may be administered repeatedly in a lower dose.
uses include the starting and maintenance of general anesthesia, sedation for mechanically
ventilated adults, procedural sedation, and status epilepticus. Maximum effect takes about 2
min to occur and lasts 5-10 min.
Common side effects are irregular heart rate, low BP, burning sensation at the site of
injection, and the stopping of breathing. The drug may cause addiction and propofol infusion
Lidocaine (Xycainum) is the amide; acts longer than procaine; is more active; is suitable for all types of anesthesia; is used
for the treatment of ventricular tachyar-rhythmia (IV). Trimecaine is an amide; pharmacological properties are similar to
Bupivacaine (Marcaine) is an amide; is one of the most active local anesthetics; is used for infiltration, conductive and
spinal anesthesia; has toxic action on the heart.
Articaine is an amide; more active than lidocaine and procaine; acts during 1-5 hrs; is used for infiltration and conductive
anesthesia; is widely used in dentistry. Combination of articaine with vasoconstrictor is known as Ultracaine.
Tetracaine (Dicainum) is an ester; dilates blood vessels; is more active and more toxic than procaine; is used only for
surface anesthesia.
Lidocaine(Lingocaine, xycainum)
is the amide; acts longer than procaine; is more active; is suitable for all types of anesthesia;
is used for the treatment of ventricular tachyar-rhythmia (IV).
Mech.OfAct. – act by blocking of voltage-gated sodium channels leading to a reversible
block of action potential propagation.
Uses – used for surface application, infiltration, nerve block, epidural, spinal and
intravenous regional block anesthesia. Numb and relieve pain form minor burns (including
sunburns), skin abrasions, insect bites, and painful condition of mucous membrane. In
dental procedure.
Bupivacaine (Marcaine) A potent and long-acting amide-linked: used for infiltration, nerve
block, epidural and spinal anaesthesia of long duration. A 0.25–0.5% solution injected
epidurally produces adequate analgesia.
Used in obstetrics (mother can actively cooperate in vaginal delivery) and for postoperative
pain relief by continuous epidural infusion.
It has high lipidsolubility; distributes more in tissues than in blood after spinal/epidural
injection. Therefore, it is less likely to reach the foetus (when used during labour) to
produce neonatal depression.
Bupivacaine is more prone to prolong QTc interval and induce ventricular tachycardia or
cardiac depression—should not be used for intravenous regional analgesia.
Epidural anaesthesia can cause cardiac arrest.
Articaine is an amide; more active than lidocaine and procaine; acts during 1-5 hrs; is used
for infiltration and conductive anesthesia; is widely used in dentistry. Combination of
articaine with vasoconstrictor is known as Ultracaine.
Trimecaine: pharmacological properties are similar to lidocaine. is also used for prophylaxis
and therapy of ventricular arrhythmia in myocardial infarction and in cardiac surgery. It is
also used for prophylaxis of sympathetic reaction during tracheal intubations.
5b. Acute intoxication with local anesthetic, its treatment and prevention.
(1) CNS effects are light-headedness, dizziness, auditory and visual disturbances, mental
confusion, disorientiation, twitching, involuntatory movements and respiratory arrest.
(3) Injection of LAs may be painful, but local tissue toxicity of LAs is low. However, wound
healing may be sometimes delayed. Addition of vasoconstrictors enhances the local tissue
damage, rarely necrosis results.
6b. Astringents, slime agents and absorbents, irritants: mechanism of action, therapeutic
Astringents are the agents that precipitate protein and form albuminates on the surface of
the damaged skin or the mucous membrane, thus protecting the receptors from irritating
factors and relieving pain.
Organic substances
– Tannin
– Tanalbinum
– herb of Saint-John’s-wort (herba Hyperici)
– flowers of chamomile (flos Chamommillae)
– leaves of salvia (folium Salviae)
– bark of oak (Cortex Quercus)
Non-organic substances
– Bismuth subnitrate.
Tannin is an organic astringent; is used in the form of solution, ointment, powder for
external use; has astringent and anti-toxic action (is an antidote in poisonings with
alkaloids and salts of metals); is used for gargling in diseases of oral mucose, for
processing of burns, for lavage of stomach in acute poisonings; may disturb digestion if it
is taken orally.
Bark of oak (Cortex Quercus) is used in the form of decoction; is applied for gargling
in stomatitis, gingivitis, paradontitis; may be also used to treat burns, wounds.
Irritants – irritants stimulate sensory nerve endings and induce inflammation at site of
application. They produce cooling sensation or warmth, prickling and tingling,
hyperesthesia or numbness and local vasodilation.
- all M-cholinomimetic effects on internal organs (similar to those of carba-chol
and pilocarpine)
- an increase in neuromuscular transmission resulting from the
- accumulation of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction.
1. reversible anticholinesterases
(i) short acting(Alcohols) – Edrophonium
(ii) intermediate acting (carbamates esters) – Physostigmine, Neostigmine, Pyridostigmine,
2. irreversible anticholinsterases – phosphates esters : Ecothiophate and Isoflurophate.
Therapeutic uses:-
Physostigmine is used for the treatment of glaucoma, intoxication by atropine,
cholinoblockers, and tricyclic antidepressants, early stages of Alzheimer’s disease; is toxic.
is an alkaloid; is well absorbed; penetrates CNS; has a reversible anticholinesterase action;
Galantamine is used for the treatment of paralysis, neuritis, early stages of Alzheimer’s
disease and other neurological diseases; is not used in glaucoma due to its irritative action.
is an alkaloid; is administered SC, IM; penetrates into CNS; has a reversible anticholinesterase action.
Neostigmine is used for paralysis, neuritis, myasthenia gravis, atonia of the intestine and urinary
bladder, some kinds of arrhythmia, glaucoma, poisoning with atropine, overdose oftubocurarine; may
be used for stimulation of labor activity; in dentistry is applied for xerostomia; is less toxic than
physostigmine is a synthetic preparation; is administered orally, SC, IV, topically (eye drops); does not penetrate CNS; has
a reversible anticholinesterase action (4-6 hrs);
Pyridostigmine acts longer, but is less potent than neostigmine; is used orally for the
treatment of neurological diseases and myasthenia gravis.
Phosphacolum is an irreversibly acting anticholinesterase with long-lasting action; is toxicand
used only for glaucoma (eye drops).
Side effects: same as direct M-,N-, and M- cholinomimetics like pain in abdomen,
bradycardia, frequent urination , diarrhea, hypersalivation, sweatiness, spasm of bronchi.
8b. M-cholinoblockers: mechanism of action, pharmacodynamics, therapeutic use and
side effects.
M-cholinoblockers are the drugs which block neurotransmission in the muscarinic synapses
of the parasympathetic nerves and decrease the effects of parasympathetic innervation.
They also block M-cholinoreceptors in sympathetic neurons innervating sweat glands.
A. Non-selective
1.Natural agents:
– Atropine sulfate
– Butylscopolamine (buscopan)
– Tropicamide
B. Selective
Atropine has a non-selective action: it interacts with all the subtypes of M-cholinoreceptors.
- CNS : therapeutic dose- a sedation and ant parkinsonism effect, large doses- excitation,
hallucinations, coma.
- Eye: dilatation of pupils (mydriasis), inability to focus for near vision (cycloplegia, paralysis
- Cardiovascular: tachycardia
- Gut: reduce saliva and gastric secretion, decrease tone and motility, antispasmotic activity
- Trauma of the eye, inflammation in the eye (cycloplegia and midriasis are
Blurred vision
Dry mouth
Constipation, Retention of urine, Flushed skin, A rise in body temperature.
Scopolamine is alkaloid. It has pharmacokinetics and peripheral effects similar to
atropine; the central action is greater and longer than that of atropine; inhibits
activity of VIII pair of cranial nerves and decreases motion sickness, produces
sedation and short memory block-ing, has antiparkinsonian effect; has a strong and
short (5-6 hrs) action on the eye; is used for the prevention and treatment of motion
sickness, for the complex therapy of psychic diseases, Parkinson’s disease, for
premedication; has side-effects similar to those of atropine.
Platyphylline is alkaloid; has the central action less than that of atropine; has a short
(5-6 hrs) action on the eye; causes
inhibition of the vasomotor center and a direct myotropic action on blood vessels,
that’s why dilates blood vessels and lowers BP; may be used to treat spasms of
cerebral and coronary blood vessels, as well as to treat hypertension.
Prifinium bromide (riabal) is slowly absorbed into the gut and quickly excreted;
blocks peripheral M-cholinoreceptors in the GI tract that leads to inhibition of acid
secretion and peptic activity of gastric juice; reduces the exocrine activity of the
pancreas, the tone of the smooth muscles of the gut, normalizes the peristalsis of
the stomach, corrects increased motor activity of the GI tract. The drug is used in
nausea and vomiting caused by functional spasms in infants, abdominal pain
syndrome with functional disorders of the colon; spasms of smooth muscles of the
gastrointestinal tract. Side effects are dry mouth, mydriasis, disturbances of accom-
modation, drowsiness.
Tropicamide blocks the M-cholinoreceptors of the sphincter in the iris and ciliary muscle,
causing short-term mydriasis and accommodation paralysisis; is used in ophthalmology for
examination of the ocular fundus, investigation of refraction, as well as in inflammatory
processes of the eye. It is applied as eye drops.
Given ORALLY or IM
Ipratropium bromide – it is derivative of atropine, non-selective M-Cholinoblockers in the
forms of aerosols. Used for prevention of bronchial asthma, it has no significant side effects.
Pirenzepine – it is selective M1-cholinoblocker inhibiting gastric secretion, produce maximal
concentration in blood plasma after orally. Do not penetrate CNS and placenta. Used for
peptic ulcer by stress, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.
Only pirenzepine is selective cholinoblocker.all other are non selective.
10b. Ganglion blockers: mechanism of action, indication and contra-indication for use,
Ganglion blockers are preparations which block N-cholinoreceptors in ganglia.
1. Quaternary amines
- Hexamethonium (benzohexonium) hypertensive emergency, controlled
hypotension in surgery, edema of lungs, edema of brain, bronchial asthma attack,
- Hygronium : short acting, only I.V, used for controlled hypotension in surgeries,
edema of lungs, edema of brain, severe hypertensive crisis.
- Pentaminum : only I.V and I.M, acute hypertension, bronchial asthma attack, colic,
controlled hypotension in surgery
2. Tertiary amines
- Pachycarpine hydroiodide : taken oral, treat gangliolitis, spasm of peripheral blood
vessel, bronchial asthma
MOA – They blocks N-cholinoreceptors in the sympathetic and parasympathetic ganglia and
disturbs autonomic regulation of internal organs. It inhibit propagation of nervous impulses
running to effector organ along both sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers.
- Succinylcholine (Dithylinum).
It binds to endplate N-cholinoreceptors without exciting them and acts as a competitive
antagonist towards acetylcholine. It blocks neuromuscular transmission by the prevention of
acetylcholine binding to such nicotinic receptors.
muscular paralysis which occurs firstly in the muscles of fingers, neck, face, extremities,
trunk, then in intercostal muscles, and the diaphragm (with the inability to breath).
- myorelaxation under the conditions of general anesthesia
- seizures caused by seizure poisons and some infections.
SIDE EFFECTS : Spasm of bronchi and urticaria (due to histamine release from mast cells) Lowering of BP (due to weak
ganglia blocking activity).
Decurarization The duration of the action of d-tubocurarine can be shortened by the administration of neostigmine.
Inhibition of acetylcholine esterase causes the concentration of acetylcholine released at the endplate to rise. Competitive
“displacement” by acetylcholine of tubocurarine from the receptors allows transmission to be restored.
Pancuronium is a synthetic compound, is more potent than tubocuracine, has a longer duration of action, does not cause
release of histamine or ganglionic blockade, may cause an increased heart rate and BP (due to blockade of M2 cardiac
Pipecuronium is similar to pancuronium, does not cause tachycardia and an increase of BP.
Rokuronium is an antagonist of n-cholinergic receptors of skeletal musculs; inhibits neuromuscular transmission and
causes myorelaxation, has weak vagolytic effect, does not affect the release of histamine. The duration of the effect is 22
min in adults.
13b. Pharmacodynamics, mechanism of action and use of ephedrine, its side effects.
Ephedrine and pseudoephedrine are mixed-action adrenergic agents. They not only release
stored norepinephrine from nerve endings but also directly stimulate both α and β
Pharmacodynamics – Stimulation of CNS, increase ability to physical and mental work,
euphoria, stimulation of heart function, vasoconstriction, elevation of BP, dilation of
bronchi, inhibition of gut motility, retention of urine, mydriasis.
2. Noradrenaline:
-non selective action on adrenoreceptors;has a short durative action;
-is administered SC,IM and IV
3. Mesotonum: Phenylephrine
-is a non cathecolamine;
-has a selective action on alpha1-Adrenoreceptor
-may be takken orally,SC,IV,IM,topically;
-used for acute and chronic hypotension;to decrease edema in acute rhinitis or conjuctivitis
Phenylephrine is also used in ophthalmicsolutions for mydriasis
4. Salbutamol:
-is a non catecholamine;
-has a selective action on beta2-AR;
-is used in bronchial asthma,bronchospasm and before bronchoscopia
5. Isadrine (isoprotenol):
-is a synthetic catecholamine;
-has a selective action on beta2-AR and beta1-AR;
-is administered sublingually,by inhalation,IV;
used for the treatment of bradycardia (slow heart rate), heart block.
Reduce peripheral resistance, increase venous capacity, decrease BP, improve trophy of
peripheral tissues, stimulate gut motility, stimulate salivary, lacrimal, pancreatic and
respiratory tract secretions, decrease of urine retention.
● a decrease in automaticity of myocardium
● a decrease in excitability of myocardium
● a decrease in conductivity of myocardium
● a decrease in the heart rate (anti -arrhythmic effect)
● decreases the heart contractility, striking and minute volume
● a decrease in the consump;on of oxygen by myocardium (antianginal effect)
● a decrease in the renin’s secretion in the kidney
● the lowering of BP (antihypertensive effect)
● the lowering of intraocular pressure
Uses :-
1) Anaprilin used in hypertension, ischemic heart disease (angina pectoris, MI) ,
Migraine , glaucoma, hyperthyroidism, supraventricular tachyarrhythmia
2) metoprolol : HTN, angina pectoris, arrhythmia
3) talinolol: cardioselective action on beta 1 receptors, membrane stabilizing effect
(doesn't inhibit heart contractility and conductivity)
4) atenolol: same as metoprolol
5) nebivolol : treat chronic HTN and as a part of combined therapy of CHF in old
patients -
6) bisoprolol : for chronic HTN, angina pectoris, CHF
side effects : bradycardia, heart block, hypotension, spasm of bronchi , fatigue, vertigo,
depression, disturbances of sexual function in men, increasing of heart incompetence,
17b. Sympatolytics: drugs, pharmacodynamics, mechanism of action and use, side effects.
Sympatolytics are the adrenergic antagonists of presynaptic action
1. Alpha2 AGONIST(centrally acting symphatholytic)-clonidine,methydopa(centrally
converted to norepinephrine to decrease adrenergic outflow)
4.Ganglionic blocker-trimethaphan
1.Reserpine :-
19b. Opioid and non-opioid analgesics: mechanism of action, therapeutic use for different
types of pain.
Opioid analgesics are the drugs to relieve intense pain which increase the action of
endogenous opiopeptides and may cause drug dependence.
Mechanism of action
If we talk about morphine. Morphine stimulates all the types of opioid receptors. It has high
affinity for μ-receptors (mediate analgesia at supraspinal level) and some action for other
opioid receptors.
In such a way it suppresses neurotransmission in the nociceptive system that results in the
rising of pain threshold in the spinal cord and altering of the brain perception of pain.
- Traumatic shock
- Myocardial infarction (together with atropine) Colic (together with atropine)
- Pain associated with cancer
- Pain after surgeries
- Pre-anesthetic medication
- Pulmonary edema
- Cough dangerous for life (the danger of pulmonary bleeding or pneumothorax).
Non-opioid analgesics are drugs for a decrease of intermediate and weak pain, especially
resulting from inflammation
Mechanism of analgesic action
Inhibition of COX by non-opioid analgesics leads to a decrease in the synthesis of
prostaglandins. That results in a decrease of the sensitivity of nociceptors to inflammatory
mediators and an increase of the pain threshold.
Such events cause a decrease in the transmission of pain impulses in CNS and relief of pain.
- Rheumatism Fever
- Arthritis Headache, toothache, myalgia,
- neuralgia
- Gout
- Dysmenorrhea
- Prophylaxis of re-thrombosis, myocardial infarction, or insult Thombophlebitis
- Patent ductus artriosus Prevention of colorectal cancer.
1. Strong agonists of opioid receptors
3. Analgesics with opioid and non opioid mechanism of action: Tremadol hydrochloride
analgesia (a decrease in all the kinds of pain; changes in perception of pain –
sensation of pain is not unpleasant)
euphoria (sense of well being), then sleep sedation
potentiation of other drugs inhibiting CNS
the inhibition of the respiratory center resulting in respiratory depression the
inhibition of the tussive center resulting in a decrease of cough
the inhibition of the vomiting center
the inhibition of the thermoregulation center in hypothalamus
the stimulation of the n. vagus center resulting in bradycardia
the stimulation of the trigger zone of the emetic reflex that leads to vomiting in
some patients after the 1st administration of morphine
the stimulation of the n. oculomotorius center resulting in miosis
the stimulation of vasopressin production
the dilation of peripheral veins
an increase in the tone of sphincters in the GI tract, bile and urinary pathways
an increase in the tone of bronchi
Mechanism of action
- morphine stimulates the all type of opoid receptors
- It has high affinity for μ-receptors and some action for other opioid receptors. In such a
way it suppresses neurotransmission in the nociceptive system that results in the rising of
pain threshold in the spinal cord and altering of the brain perception of pain
-Morphine also acts at κ receptors in lamina I and II of the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. It
decreases the release of substance P, which modulates pain perception in the spinal cord.
Morphine also appears to inhibit the release of many excitatory transmitters from nerve
terminals carrying nociceptive (painful) stimuli.
Use:- Traumatic shock, Myocardial infarction (together with atropine), Colic (together with
atropine), Pain associated with cancer, Pain after surgeries, Preanesthetic medication,
Pulmonary edema, Cough dangerous for life (the danger of pulmonary bleeding or pneumo-
Side-effects :- Depression of respiration, Sleeping, Euphoria,
Vomiting,hypertension,constipation , Elevation of intracranial pressure, Tolerance (to the
respiratory depressant, anal-gesic, euphoric and sedative effects).
Children till 3 (due to the higher sensitivity of the respiratory center to morphine in such pa- tients)
Elderly patients after 65 years old (due to an increased sensitivity of the respiratory center to mor- phine.
A. Peripheral action
(i) Acetylsalycylic acid (aspirin):
Pharmacodynamics : anti-inflammatory, anti-pyretic, analgesic, anti-platelet, anti-
gout,stimulate respiration, dilation of blood vessels, stimulate synthesis of
glucocorticoids, increase secretion and excretion of bile, hypoglycemia.
Side effects : vertigo, dormancy, depression, pain in epigastric area, ulcer of stomach,
nausea, decrease appetite, GIT bleeding, leukopenia, skin rash, aplastic anemia, disturbance
in renal function, acute pancreatitis, hepatitis, jaundice.
(iii) Diclofenac- sodium : indication similar to indomethacin also including rheumatoid
arthritis, osteoarthritis and ankylosing spondylitis. Less toxic then indomethacin but may
cause pain in epigastric region, meteorism, constipation, diarrhea, GIT bleeding, headache,
drowsiness, nasal bleeding, microhematuria, allergy, skin rash.
B. Central action
(i) Paracetamol Acetaminophen: intermediate analgesic and anti-pyretic activity, weak
anti-inflammatory action. Used in headache, muscle and joint pain, fever associated with
infection and inflammatory diseases. Analgesic-antipyretic of choice in children with viral
infections or chicken pox. Antidode- acetylcystin
-Celecoxib : a selective COX-2 inhibitor, is significantly more selective for inhibition of COX.
The inhibition of COX-2 is reversible.
Used in rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis may cause pain in epigastrium, stomach ulcer,
GIT bleeding, headache, vertigo, insomnia, depression, increase intracranial pressure,
Adverse effects: Headache, dyspepsia, diarrhea, and abdominal pain are the most common
adverse effects.
1. Local action: antiseptic action; disinfective action; irritating effect; tannic effect;
antifoam action
2. Resorptive action: anxiolytic action; antishock effect; stimulation of energy metabolism;
increase BP; antidote action; diuretic action; changes in gastric secretion
2. Preparation for the treatment of epilepsy with petit mal – short epileptic seziure
– Valproic acid – Clonazepam – Lamotrigine
– Valproic acid and divalproex sodium: mechanisms of action include sodium channel
blockade, blockade of GABA transaminase, and action at the T-type calcium channels.
Carbamazepine blocks sodium channels, thereby inhibiting the generation of repetitive
action potentials in the epileptic focus and preventing their spread.
Carbamazepine is effective for treatment of focal seizures and, additionally generalized tonic–
clonic seizures, trigeminal neuralgia, and bipolar disorder.
Mechanism of action :
-other preparations realize their action by antagonism to glutamate, a direct GABA mimetic
action, regulation of GABA reuptake.
Side effects :nausea, vomiting, drowiness, ataxia, rash, hyponatremia, weight gain or weight
loss, depression, tolerance, teratogenicity, weakness, dyspepsia, decrease blood coagulation,
life threatening skin reactions, loss of balance, vision disturbances, insomia, anxiety,
25b. Drug treatment of Parkinson’s disease and Parkinson’s syndrome, its side effects.
1. Drugs affecting brain dopaminergic system:
(a) Dopamine precursor: Levodopa;
(b) Peripheral decarboxylase inhibitors: Carbidopa, Benserazide;
(c) Dopaminergic agonists: Bromocriptine, Ropinirole, Pramipexole;
(d) MAO-B inhibitor: Selegiline, Rasagiline;
(e) COMT inhibitors: Entacapone, Tolcapone;
Vascular parkinsonism is caused by one or more small strokes, while Parkinson’s is caused by a
gradual loss of nerve cells.
One major difference from Parkinson’s is that it’s not progressive, while Parkinson’s becomes worse
with time. Another difference is that there are no tremors in vascular parkinsonism.
26b. Antipsychotics: classification, pharmacodynamics, mechanism of action, use and side
Neuroleptics also known As antipsychotics(used to treat psychosis)
1. Typical neuroleptics(first generation)
(i) Phenothiazines : Chlorpromazine (aminazine), trifluoperazine (triftazin), flunazine
(iii)Thioxanthenes : chlorprothixene
(iii)Benzisoxazoles : Risperidone
Side effects : irritation in the place of injection, pain in the stomach,irritation of the skin and
mucous membranes, confusion, blurred vision, dry mouth, hyposecretion in the stomach,
constipation, urinary retention, hypotension, liver lesions, icterus, dermatitis, phototoxicity,
inhibition of hemopoiesis(leukopenia, agranulocytosis),parkinsonian symptoms(tardive
dyskinesia, akathisia),neuroleptic syndrome(apathy,
depression, parkinsonism)
27b. Tranquilizers: drugs, pharmacodynamics, mechanism of action, use and side effects.
A tranquilizer refers to a drug which is designed for the treatment of anxiety, fear, tension,
agitation, and disturbances of the mind, specifically to reduce states of anxiety and tension.
according to duration
drugs of long lasting action- diazepam, phenazepam, clozepid
drugs of medium lasting action- lorazepam, alprazolam
drugs of short lasting action- medazolam
Mechanism of action :benzodiazepines bind to their receptors of chloride ion channel and
open them,thus chloride entry is increased that leads to hyperpolarization of cell
membranes. Then decreasing neurons excitement in the lymbic system,midbrain;
Side effects : weakness, drowsiness, ataxia, skin itch, impotence, amenorrhea, drug
addiction, drug dependence.
28b. Hypnotics: drugs, their pharmacodynamics, mechanism of action, use and side
Hypnotics are the drugs for the treatment of insomnia. They induce the onset of
sleep and maintain it.
Barbiturates – Phenobarbital – Barbital – Ethaminal (Aethaminalum-natrium)
Benzodiazepines – Nitrazepam
Aliphatic compounds – Chloral hydrate
Other preparations – Donormyl – Zopiclone – Zaleplon.
Donormyl is H1-histamine blocker from the group of ethanolamines. The drug has a
hypnotic, sedative and M-anticholinergic action. Reduces the time of falling asleep,
increases the duration and quality of sleep, while not changing the phase of sleep.
The duration of action is 6-8 hours.
Mechanism of action – sodium bromide increases inhibition in CNS, effective dose depends
on the type of higher nervous activity.
Melatonin regulates circadian rhythms through activation of melatonin receptors. Glycised
has amino acid glycine which participates in neurotransmission in glycinergic and GABA-
ergic synapses.
Uses –
sodium bromide used in light neuroses, neurasthenia, hysteria, restlessness,
insomnia, epilepsy, light forms of hypertension.
Vegetative preparations used in cardioneurosis, somatic disease with neurotic
syndrome, spasms of stomach and intestine.
Melatonin used in jet lag and shift work, headaches, protection from radiation.
Glycised used in neurocirculatory dystonia, alcohol abstinence, sleep disorders,
depression, increased irritability.
31b. Analeptics: drugs, their pharmacodynamics, mechanism of action, use and side
Analeptics are the drugs which stimulate mainly the respiratory and vasomotor centers in
medullar part of CNS.
They have such effects as:
- an increase in respiration resulting from the stimulation of the respiratory center
- an increase in BP resulting from the stimulation of vasomotor center
- a decrease in the action of drugs inhibiting CNS (an awakening effect) seizures (in
higher doses)
according to type of action:
If we talk about Camphor, is a mixed-acting analeptic. It has a direct and indirect action.
Direct action includes disturbances in the permeability of the neuronal membrane to Na+.
They results in an increase of Na+ concentration in the cells that leads to the maintenance
of the excitement of neurons in the medulla of brain.
The indirect component of camphor’s mechanism of action is realized by the stimulation of
chemoreceptors of zona carotis and a reflexive excitation of centers in the prolonged
- the stimulation of the respiratory center in its moderate suppression resulting in
the acceleration and deepening of breath
- the stimulation of the vasomotor center in its suppression resulting in an
increase of BP
- an awakening action and a decrease in the effects of CNS inhibitors
- a positive inotropic action (an increase in strength of heart contractions under
the conditions of heart failure resulting from the enhance of the myocardium
sensitivity to catecholamines and the intensification of metabolic processes)
- the improvement of microcirculation
- the inhibition of platelet aggregation
- an expectorant action resulting from excretion by bronchial glands
- the stimulation of lactation.
Contraindication: Should not be administered IV/IM; Hypersensitivity (to camphor), Epilepsy (prone to
Etimizol is a synthetic preparation, an imidazole derivative; is administered IV, IM, and orally;
has short action; is a direct-acting analeptic inhibiting adenosine receptors; decreases
phosphodiesterase activity, thus increases cAMP in cells;
has pharmacological effects, which by their strength form the line: the stimulation of the
respiratory center; the stimulation of vasomotor center and awakening action; produces the
stimulation of ACTH secretion resulting in anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects, displays
cognitive enhance, the improvement of the tone of myocardium and skeletal muscles, dilates
bronchi; increases surfactant synthesis in the lungs; is used in the suppression of respiration,
asphyxia of newborns, the prophylaxis of lungs atelectasis during inhalation general
anesthesia, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, rheumatoid arthritis; may cause dyspepsia,
vertigo, restlessness, insomnia; is contraindicated in epilepsy, psychic disorders, excitement.
Carbogen is a mixture of 3-7% CO2 and 93-97% O2; is administered by inhalation; has a
mixed action; is a physiological stimulant of the respiratory center; is used for the treatment
of asphyxia, respiratory arrest, prophylaxis of atelectasis and pneumonia after inhalation
general anesthesia, suppression of respiration; may cause suppression of breathing if
concentrations of CO2 will be high.
32a. Antidepressants: drugs, their pharmacodynamics, mechanism of action, use & side effects.
– Imipramine (Imizinum)
– Amitriptyline
Selective inhibitors of the serotonin re-uptake; SSRIs(by blocking serotonin transporter= >>serotonin
in postsynaptic receptors)
– Fluoxetine, Sertraline
Selective inhibitors of the norepinephrine re-uptake; SNRIs (by blocking serotonin & NE transporter=
>>serotonin & NE)
– Maprotiline
B. MAO inhibitors
(inhibits MAO enzyme that degrades monoamines such as serotonin & NE, ultimately increasing their
Selective (MAO-A):
– Pirlindole (Pirazidolum)
– Moclobemide (reversible)
C. Atypical antidepressants:
- an anti-depressive action
- a thymoleptic {mood modifying} action in the emotional sphere (a sedative or
weak psychostimulantaction)
- the absence of CNS stimulation or mood elevation in normal individuals
- a peripheral M-cholinoblocking action an antihistamine action.
Mechanism of action:
If we talk about Imipramine, the mechanism of action includes the inhibition of the
norepinephrine re-uptake resulting in an increase of adrenergic processes in brain
It is also connected with the inhibition of the serotonin re-uptake resulting in an increase of
the serotonin amount in synapses that leads to an increase in serotonin inhibiting influence
in the limbic system.
Side effects: excitement, insomnia, headache, tremor, tachycardia, arrythmias, allergy, dry
mouth, vomiting, drowsiness, dizziness, hallucination, agitation, lowering of BP, nausea,
hepatotoxicity, nephrotoxicity.
- Acute attacks of epilepsy
- Cardiotoxic action (sudden death),
- tri-cyclic antidepressants increase arrhythmogenicactivity of drugs for general
anesthesia, antihistamines etc.
Digitalized heart contracts more forcibly and completely. The positive inotropic effect
causes complete emptying of the ventricles during systole and increases the CO. The
diastolic size of the heart is reduced.
When the size of the heart is reduced, muscle fiber length is also reduced, thereby,
decreasing the oxygen requirement of myocardium. The digitalized heart, thus, can do more
work for the same energy. Therefore, digitalis is called a 'cardiotonic.
Heart rate: In patients with CCF, digitalis reduces the heart rate (negative chronotropic
effect) by direct and indirect actions. In small doses, digitalis decreases heart rate by
stimulation of vagus. In toxic doses, it can increase sympathetic activity thus increasing
heart rate.
This may lead to bradycardia and AV block. At higher concentrations, digoxin can increase
automaticity in cardiac tissue by direct action as well as by increasing sympathetic activity.
This can result in atrial and ventricular arrhythmias.
ECG: Digitalis produces prolongation of P-R interval, inversion of T wave and depression of
ST segment.
-positive inotropic effect (increase in the force of contraction, increase in the myocardial tone);
-negative chronotropic effect (prolongation of diastole, slowing of HR);
-negative dromotropic effect (deceleration of conductivity);
-positive bathmotropic effect (increase in myocardium excitation);
Extracardiac action:
- improve blood circulation;
- decrease in venous pressure, normalization of arterial blood pressure;
- increase in renal blood flow, which leads to an increase in diuresis and decrease in
- Sedative
- Gastrointestinal tract (GIT): Digitalis can produce anorexia, nausea, vomiting and
occasionally diarrhea.
- Nausea and vomiting are due to stimulation of chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ) and
a direct action on the gut.
- Central nervous system (CNS): In high doses, it can cause central sympathetic
stimulation, confusion, blurring of vision, disorientation, etc.
Patients may also experience blurred vision, yellowish vision (xanthopsia), disorientation,
psychosis, mental confusion, fatigue,
Emergency help:
The abolishing of cardiac glycoside
Drugs containing potassium (potassium chloride, panangin)
SH-group donator (dimercaprol, or unithiol)
Anti-arrhythmic agents (phenytoin, lidocaine, propranolol, an atropine for AV block)
Digoxin antibodies (digibind)
Glucose, vitamins preparations, oxygen inhalation.
Reduced preload and afterload - Direct inhibition of smooth muscle of arteries and veins.
Uses: only short term in severe refractory CHF & as an additional drug to conventional therapy
with Digitalis, Diuretics, Vasodilators.
Side-effects: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, liver damage, fever, arrhythmias & thrombocytopenia
(transient & asymptomatic)
Pharmacological properties:
-is administered sublingually, orally, IV, IM;
-is absorbed in the GIT;
-penetrates the CNS;
-is metabolized in the liver and excreted with urine;
-decrease BP, HR, Cardiac Output;
-sedation; decrease in pain; decrease Intra Ocular Pressure;
the potentiation of other drugs inhibiting CNS
Uses: chronic hypertension; hypertension crisis; glaucoma; migraine; pain syndromes; chronic
alcoholism; potentiation of general anesthesia, used to control opioids withdrawal symptoms
from alcohol & opioids, ADHD
Side effects: are lethargy, sedation, constipation, and xerostomia. Abrupt discontinuance
must be avoided to prevent rebound hypertension.
Pharmacological properties:
-is taken orally;
-is well absorbed by the GIT;
-penetrates the CNS;
-decreases the activity of vasomotor center, inhibits sympathetic impulsation to bloodvessels,
dilates blood vessels and lowers BP;
-has antihypertensive action, improves cerebral blood flow, increases lactation
Uses: hypertension
Side-effects: muscular and joint pains, a rise in the body temperature, skin rash, galactorrhea
Contraindication: to patients suffering from depression, Parkinson’s disease, liver diseases.
Metoprolol – Atenolol – Nebivolol – Bisoprolol
Labetalol, Carvedilol
Pharmacokinetics: is administered orally, IV, topically (eye drops); is absorbed in the GI tract;
binds to proteins in blood serum; penetrates CNS; is metabolized in the liver; is excreted with
urine; acts during 3-4 hrs.
If we talk about propranolol, it blocks β1-adrenoceptors in the heart (lowers BP & decrease
cardiac output) and β2-adrenoceptors inother organs (blood vessels, bronchi, etc.). cardio
selective only affects beta 1,
also block β1-adrenoreceptors in the kidney and inhibit renin secretion resulting in a decrease
of peripheral resistance and blood volume.
– Verapamil
– Nifedipine (Phenigidine)
– Amlodipine
– Diltiazem
According to generations
These drugs block voltage-gated “L-type” calcium channels and decrease Ca++ entry in the
cells of the myocardium and the smooth muscles of blood vessels (relaxation).
Side effect - Verapamil and diltiazem should be avoided in patients with heart failure or
with atrioventricular block due to their negative inotropic (force of cardiac muscle
contraction) and dromotropic (velocity of conduction) effects. Dizziness, headache,
and a feeling of fatigue caused by a decrease in blood pressure are more frequent with
2. Magnesium sulphate:
Uses: in hypertensive emergency; chronic hypertension; seizure attack; edema of the brain;
tachyarrhythmia; Myocardial Infarction; toxicosis of pregnancy; overdose of calcium
Side-effects: pain and infiltrate in the site of administration (IM), suppression of respiration
(IV). If the suppression of respiration is occurred, calcium chloride (IV) and carbogen
(inhalation) should be used.
3. Apressin:
Mechanism of action: they block ACE and disturb the transformation of angiotensin I to
angiotensin II. The result is the decrease of output of the sympathetic nervous
system, vasodilation, a decrease in sodium and water retention, enhance in the bradykinin
level in blood. They decrease afterload and preload causing increased cardiac output.
vasodilation caused by diminishing of angiotensin ΙΙ contents and an increase in
the bradykinin level in blood
a decrease in the blood volume resulting from the inhibition of the secretion of
aldosterone and reducing of its action on sodium and water excretion
a decrease in BP resulting from the vasodilatation and a decrease of blood volume
a decrease in the load on the myocardium
an increase in cardiac output under the conditions of heart failure
a decrease in oxygen demand of the myocardium
the reduction of pressure in blood vessels of the lungs
Side effects: skin rash; dry cough; fever; hypotension; hyperkalemia; disturbance in the
renalfunction, hypotension, altered taste(dysgeusia).
“First-line” drugs:
“New drugs”
Imidazolines: Moxonidine, Rilmenidine
Serotonin receptor blockers: Ketanserin
Ca2+ antagonist & α2 adrenoblocker: Monateril
-antianginal effect: negative inotropic and chronotropic effects;
-decrease oxygen consumption by the myocardium and increase oxygen delivery;
-coronaro dilating effect provided by Coranorolytics (Dipyridamole, Carbocromen, Menthol);
-antiaggregant effect (Dipyridamole);
-improvement of the metabolism of the myocardium (Trimetazidine)
Mechanism of action:
-substances of the reflexive mechanism: dilates coronary vessels by reflex and increase the
oxygen supply to the myocardium by irritating the mouth mucous membrane receptors;
-drugs acting on myocardial metabolism: provide transmembrane transfer of Na, Ca, K
supporting the homeostasis in cardiomyocytes.
Uses: MI, recovering therapy after MI, for AHF and CHF, Angina pectoris attack, Thrombosis
of the central vein of the retina, Combined therapy of hypertensive crisis, Paroxysmal
nocturnal dyspnea, Myocardial infarction and edema of lungs (a special medicinal form
of nitroglycerine for IV injections is used).
Mechanism of action
Nitrate (NO2) is transformed into nitrous oxide (= NO, endogenous endothelial-derived
relaxation factor, EDRF).
It binds to SH-groups(thiol) of nitrate receptors.
That results in activation of guanylate cyclase and leads to an increase in the cGMP content
in cells and a decrease in the Ca++ entry.
Such processes lead to the dephosphorylation of the myosin light chain and relaxation
ofvascular smooth muscles
-it causes dilation of venous vessels, decrease peripheral vascular resistance, thus,
decreasing afterload of myocardium.
As a result of this there is a decreasing in the demand of oxygen, dilation of coronary
vessels,redistribution in their blood flow results in increase oxygen supply, inhibition of
impulses from vasomotor center
Uses: angina pectoris attack; thrombosis of the ventral vein of the retina; paroxysmal
nocturnal dyspnea; MI, edema of lungs; hypertensive crisis
Side Effect
Headache (as a result of the dilation of blood vessels in brain tunics and increasing of
intracranial pressure; may be diminished by the applying of Validolum or non-narcotic
Hypotension, postural hypotension, collapse (may be treated by Mesatonum)
Reflex tachycardia
Pain in eyes, an increase in intraocular pressure (as a result of dilation of ocular blood
Flushing of the skin
B-Blockers reduce the risk of death and MI in patients who have had a prior MI and also
improve patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction.
cardioselective beta-blockers, such as metoprolol and atenolol, are preferred for antianginal
therapy at low doses.
CONTRAINDICATIONS:- B-Blockers should be avoided in patients with severe bradycardia; Nonselective B-blockers should
be avoided in patients with asthma. [Note: It is important not to discontinue B-blocker therapy abruptly. The dose should
be gradually tapered off over 2 to 3 weeks to avoid rebound angina, MI, and hypertension.
Side effects:
1. Phenylalkylamines - Verapamil
3. Benzodiazepines – Diltiazem
Verapamil slows atrioventricular (AV) conduction directly and decreases heart rate, contractility, blood pressure, and
oxygen demand. it is a weaker vasodilator. Verapamil is contraindicated in patients with preexisting depressed cardiac
function or AV conduction abnormalities.
Diltiazem also slows AV conduction, decreases the rate of firing of the sinus node pacemaker, and is also a coronary artery
vasodilator. Diltiazem can relieve coronary artery spasm and is particularly useful in patients with variant angina.
Nondihydropyridine calcium channel blockers can worsen
heart failure due to their negative inotropic effect, and their use should
be avoided in this population.
- Class I drugs (membrane stabilizers): exert their effect by the inhibition of Na+
channels which decreases the rate of rise of phase-o depolarization & slows
conduction velocity.
- subclass IA blocks Na+ channels which are in the open state; e.g. Quinidine –
Procainamide – Disopyramide
- subclass IC includes the most potent agents with a more significant action on open
channels. E.g. Propafenone – Flecainide – Ethacyzin
- Class II drugs increase the refractory period of the AV node. E.g., Propranolol –
- class III block K+ channels resulting in the prolongation of repolarization (Phase 1&3).
e.g. Amiodarone – Dronedarone – Bretylium – Sotalol
- Class IV (affect av node) blocks Ca++ slow inward movements during Phase 2, thus
increasing the duration of the refractory period. E.g., Verapamil – Diltiazem
is taken orally, has the duration of action of 6-8 hrs; inhibits excitability, automaticity, and
conductivity in the atria, AV node, bundle of His and Purkinje fibers, inhibits ectopic
arrhythmias, ventricular arrhythmias caused by increased normal automaticity, prevents
re-entry arrhythmias,
decreases the contractility of the myocardium, has M-cholinoblocking properties and can
induce tachycardia in normal individuals;
is administered orally, IM, IV, has a half-life of 2-3 hrs, is acetylated in the liver to N-acetyl
procainamide which has properties of class III drug; is not toxic, does not inhibit contractility;
side-effects, such as AV block, reversible lupus erythematosus-like syndrome, nausea,
vomiting, seizures, asystole, and the induction of ventricular arrhythmias (in overdose).
Used for the prophylaxis and treatment of serious and life-threatening ventricular
arrhythmias, supraventricular extrasystole, paroxysm of fibrillation,
Propranolol 2 class (beta blocker): prevent the action of catecholamines on the myocardium,
diminish Phase 4 depolarization. As a result, they prolong the refractory period and decrease
conductivity. They act by slowing conduction through the AV node. They depress automaticity, thus
β-adrenoblockers decrease the heart rate and contractility.
Use: Tachyarrhythmia caused by increased sympathetic activity Atrial flutter and fibrillation
AV nodal re-entrant tachycardia.
Side-effect: AV block Bradycardia Worsening in CHF.
Verapamil 4 class is a calcium channel blocker from the first generation; is administered
orally and IV; is well absorbed in the GI tract; develops a peak concentration in 1-2 hrs; has
a half-life of 3-6 hrs; undergoes first-pass biotransformation in the liver; is excreted with
urine; has astrong action on heart rate, as well as vasodilation;
Side effects: fall in BP, bradycardia, photosensitization, sun burn, malaise, fatigue,increased AST
or ALT levels.
1. Central action-
(i) Opioids: Codeine phosphate suppress tussive center, ethyl morphine hydrochloride,
(ii) Non-opioids: Glaucine hydrochloride(glauvent) inhibits medulla center of cough and treats
diseases of lungs and bronchi accompanied by dry cough, oxeladin citrate (tussuprex),
butamirate citrate (sinecod).
b) drugs of resorbtive and local action – bromide sodium and potassium, ammonium
chloride, sodium hydrocarbonate, ether oils.
suppresses the cough reflex through peripheral action. It anesthetizes the stretch receptors
located in the respiratory passages, lungs, and pleura.
Side-effects: include dizziness, numbness of the tongue, mouth, and throat. These localized
side effects may be particularly problematic if the capsules are broken or chewed and the
medication comes in direct
contact with the oral mucosa.
2. bronchosecretolytic drug(mucolytics) –
a) proteolytic enzymes – trysin, chymotrypsin, chymosin, deoxyribonuclease.
MOA-It activates hydrolytic enzymes, increase the release of lysosomes from Clarck's cells.
-expectorant action;
-mucolytic action
Classification :
1. Beta-2 Adrenomimetics – Salbutamol, Terbutaline, Bambuterol, Salmeterol
MOA – relax airway smooth muscles and inhibit the release of substances from mast
cells which cause bronchoconstriction.
Side effects – nervousness, shaking, headache, throat dryness, nausea, cough, change
in taste.
Use – Bronchial asthma, spasm of bronchi of different origin, chronic obstructive bronchi,
status asthmaticus, emphysema of lungs, nocturnal apnea, apnea of new born, lungs
Side effects – restlessness, insomnia, tremor, seizures, tachycardia, arrythmia, hypotension,
atony of gut, allergic reaction
3. irritate sensitive nerve endings in the stomach and cause vomiting reflexly. Now these
preparations are used rarely.
ANTI-EMETIC DRUGS: these are the drugs that are used to stop vomiting.
1) cholinergic antagonists - Scopolamine
is M-cholinoblocker
inhibits activity of 8th pair of cranial nerves and decrease motion sickness.
Drug should be taken 30 min before the start of travel and repeated every 4 to 6 hrs.
If it is applied transdermally can provide effective protection for up to 3 days.
2) H1 antihistamines - promethazine, diphenhydramine .
may suppress nausea and vomit that follow the surgery or are due to opioid
analgesics, gastrointestinal irritation, uremia, an elevated intracranial pressure.
4) D2 dopamine receptor antagonist : Domperidone
They inhibit the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach by competing, inhibition of
the histamine interaction with H2- histamine receptors of stomach cells. Is used in case of
peptic ulcer; hyper acidic gastritis
M1-cholinoblockers(Pirenzepine, Atropine):
they block M1-ChR of the gastric mucous membrane selectively and it leads to the inhibition
of the hydrochloric acid and pepsinogen secretion by the gastric glands. Is used to treat
peptic ulcer; hyperacidic gastritis
Blockers of H/K-ATPase pump(Omeprazole)
they inhibit the activity of the pump, thus stopping the hydrogen ions secretion by oxyntic
cells of the stomach and is accompanied by the inhibition of the hydrochloric acid
formation. Is used to treat peptic ulcer; hyperacidic gastritis
Adhesive drugs(Maalox)
form a film from colloid that protects the sensitive nervous endings of the gastric mucous
membrane from the action of irritants and the hydrochloric acid. Is used to treat gastritis,
hyper-acidic gastritis; ulcer(peptic, duodenal)
side effects
(a) Absorbed systemically: large doses will induce alkalosis.
(b) Produces CO2 in stomach → distention, discomfort, belching, risk of ulcer
(c) Acid rebound occurs, but is usually short lasting.
(d) Increases Na+ load: may worsen edema and CHF.
Sodium citrate has poperties similar to sod. bicarbonate; 1 g neutralizes 10 mEq HCl;
Uses- used in metabolic acidosis, in gout to make urine less acidic and different
kidney problems.
These are insoluble and poorly absorbed basic compounds ,they react in stomach to form
the corresponding chloride salt. The chloride salt again reacts with the intestinal
bicarbonate so that HCO3 is not spared for absorption—no acid-base disturbance occurs.
Mag. Hydroxide: its has low concentration of OH¯ions and thus low alkalinity. It
reacts with HCl promptly and is an efficient antacid (1 g → 30 mEq HCl).Rebound
acidity is mild and brief.
Mechanism of action -it reacts with HCL to form magnesium chloride (MgCL2) and
water . Uses- used as a laxative to relive constipation, indigestion, heart burn and air
Side effects – excessive thirst, nausea, stomach cramps and vomiting .
Aluminium hydroxide gel is a weak and slowly reacting antacid. ( 1–2.5 mEq/g. ) The
Al3+ ions relax smooth muscle. So, it delays gastric emptying.
Uses- used in combination with magnesium hydroxide for to relive heart burn, acid
indigestion and upset stomach, hyperphosphatemia and phosphate stones.
Side effects - Alum. hydrox. frequently, causes constipation due to its smooth
musclerelaxant and mucosal astringent action. Alum. hydrox. binds phosphate in
the intestine and prevents its absorption so hypophosphatemia occurs on regular
use.This may also cause osteomalacia .
Other antacids include Magnesium trisilicate, Calcium carbonate.
54b. Principles of combinative treatment of peptic ulcers.
Peptic ulcer disease takes two very different ways, depending on the predominant location
of the gastritis in the stomach.
Some individuals produce excessive quantities of acid (hypersecretion of acid), and this leads to the development of
duodenal ulcer. This type of response occurs when gastritis is localized in the pyloric region.
- Eradication of H. pylori through the use of antibiotics
- Reduction of acid secretion (Reducing the acidity in the stomach lumen promotes
healing, and it also increases the effectiveness of the antibiotics)
- Protection of gastric mucosa
- Replacement therapy in the condition of acid hyposecretion.
- Pentagastrin and diluted HCL can be used for hyposecretion.
(ii) A proton pump inhibitor plus a bismuth compound plus metronidazole plus tetracycline.
De-nol + amoxicillin
De-nol + Metronidazole
Omeprazole + Amoxicillin + clarithromycin
De-nol + Clarithromicin + Metronidazole
De-nol + Pantoprazol + Amoxicillin, Clarithromycin
De-Nol stimulates gastric and duodenal alkaline secretion through prostaglandin dependent
De-nol is a preparation containing bismuith preparation against peptic ulcer with citrate
coating. bismuith preparation help in treating infection of traveller diarohea which led to
peptic ulcer progressively.
(i) Drugs which increase secretion of bile and stimulate production of bile acids (real
(a) drugs which contain bile acids (alcohol used in constipation and dyspepsia,
cholenzyme used in gastritis, achillia, enterocolitis)
(c) drugs of plant origin (common immortelle, stigma of corn, pepper mint, tansy, dog-
(ii) Drugs which increase secretion of bile primarily due to water component
(hydrocholeretics: mineral waters, valerian drugs).
A bile acid used for the treatment of primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC), dissolution of
radiolucent gallstones in patients with a functioning gallbladder, and treatment of
hepatobiliary disorders associated with cystic fibrosis in pediatric patients.
56b. Drugs for treatment of acute and chronic pancreatitis, their pharmacodynamics,
mechanism of action.
Drugs used in acute pancreatitis
-directly inhibitors of proteolysis and fibrinolysis - (Aprotinin and contrykal).
-Aminocaproic acid has mixed mechanism of action, inhibits proteolytic enzymes, exerts
anti allergic and anti toxic action.
-antifibrinolytic action; Aprotinin intravenously
-antiproteolytic action– Pancreatin oral administration
Mechanism of action
Inhibitors of pancreatic enzymes are most essential in the treatment of acute pancreatitis.
Aprotinin and contrykal are directly acting inhibitors of proteolysis and fibrinolisis.
Aminocaproic acid has a mixed mechanism of action, inhibits proteolytic enzymes, excerts
anti-allergy and anti-toxic actions.
Enzyme replacement therapy is used in chronic pancreatitis.
Combined preparations containing protease, amylase, and lipase are suitable in this case.
Ans:- Diuretics are drugs which cause a net loss of Na+ and water in urine. They increase
production of urine. These drugs have a direct renal action. Their predominant action is
urine excretion by inhibiting reabsorption of NaCl and water.
1. Thiazides : Hydrochlorothiazide (Dichlothiazide) , Indapamide
2. Loop diuretics: Furosemide (Lasix), Ethacrynic acid, Torsemide
3. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors: Acetazolamide (Diacarbum)
4.Potassium-sparing diuretics: Spironolactone, Triamterene
5.Osmotic diuretics: Mannitol, Urea
Mechanism of action:
2) Furosemide (Lasix):
they act by inhibiting the Na+ - K+ - 2Cl- cotransport system in the thick ascending limb of
loop of Henle (TAL). Increase elimination of NaCl ion.
Uses – acute pulmonary edema, hypertension, refractory edema, acuterenal hypovolemic
failure, hypercalcemic states.
Side-effect- Ototoxicity, hyperuricemia, Hypotension, Hypomagnesemia,
5) Triamterene {1 group} closes Na+ pores in the apical membrane of cells in collecting
tubules increases Na and water excretion and reduces the loss of K. Uses:
Pharmacodynamics – they are absorbed orally over 2-3 hours. Lipid solubility is low, and
it is highly bound to plasma proteins. It Is mainly excreted unchanged by glomerular
filtration as well as tubular secretion.
Show synergism with ethacrynic acid (loop diuretic) and that’s why
simultaneous use of them is contraindicated.
Drug interaction with acebutalol (beta 1blocker). acebutolol increase serum potassium
levels while furosemide decreases serum potassium levels
Mechanism of action - they act by inhibiting absorption in the Na+ - K+ - 2Cl- cotransporter in
the thick ascending limb of loop of Henle (TAL). Increase elimination of NaCl ion. They also
inhibit magnesium and calcium reabsorption in the thick ascending limb. They also stimulate
release of renin, which through Renin-angiotensin system, increase fluid retention. Thus
increase GFR.
Uses – acute pulmonary edema- I.V. administration of furosemide., cerebral edema,
hypertension, hypercalcaemia of malignancy, congestive heart failure,chronic kidney
Side effect – Sulfonamide hypersensitivity, hypokalemia and alkalosis,
hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia, hyperuricemia, ototoxicity.
Contraindications: acute glomerulonephritis, acute renal failure, anuria, obturation of
urinary pathways, hepatic coma, pancreatitis, disturbances in electrolyte balance, gout,
diabetes mellitus, hypotension, lupus erythematosus, first half of pregnancy, lactation.
ASPIRIN blocks its action by inhibiting tubular secretion of its active metabolite (canrenone)
Uses - used to treat heart failure, high blood pressure (hypertension), or hypokalemia
(low potassium levels in the blood).
is secreted into the tubular fluid by proximal tubule cells. {most commonly
prescribed diuretics.}
Mechanism of action:
- enhance in Na+, Cl- excretion (the effect on Na+ is small because most of
the Na+ has already been absorbed prior to reaching the distal tubule)
- an enhance in K+ excretion,
- a reduce in uric acid excretion
- a decrease in Ca++ excretion, enhance in the excretion of Mg++
- an increase of diuresis and a decrease in volume of blood
- the reduction of peripheral vascular resistance and lowering of BP
- a decrease in diuresis in patients with diabetes insipidus
- a decrease in intraocular pressure
Use: Hypertension, Edema caused by CHF or hepatic cirrhosis, Glaucoma.
Treatment with corticosteroids and estrogens, Diabetes insipidus
Renal disturbances (nephrotic syndrome, acute glomerulonephritis, chronic renal
Ergometrine maleate
increases the uterus tone and terminates postpartum bleeding caused by a low tone of the
myometrium; through alfa-1 & Serotonin receptors.
uses: treatment of postpartum bleeding and slow postpartum involution of theuterus.
Side effects: acute and chronic poisoning (ergotisms), trophy disturbances, psychic
6c. Pharmacology of drugs that are used for treatment of hypo- and
hyperchromic anemias.
Ans:- Drugs for hypochromic anemia -
- iron preparations- Ferrous lek (iron dextran), Ferrous sulphate,
- cobalt preparations- Coamide
- combined preparations- Ferovenum, Ferroplex, Hemostimulinum
- adjuvant hematinic- Erythropoietin
Erythropoietin stimulates erythroid proliferation and differentiation by interacting
with specific erythropoietin receptors on red cell progenitors. It also induces release of
reticulocytes from the bone marrow,
Mechanism of action:
- is used to form hemoglobin in erythrocytes;
- is used to form myoglobin in muscles;
- is used to form enzymes;
- increases the synthesis of erythropoietin, promotes the including of iron into hemoglobin
- stimulates the synthesis of oxido-reductases needed for normal function of CNS
Use: hypochromic anemia of various etiology(anemia from an acute and chronic blood
loss, alimentary iron deficiency, pregnancy, etc.)
Moa: inhibits adenosine desaminase and phosphodiesterase in platelets
increases cAMP concentration in the cells and inhibits thromboxane
A2 synthesis
that leads to a decrease in platelet aggregation. It also increases
the prostacyclin level.
Uses: angina pectoris attack , thrombosis , atherosclerosis
Moa: irreversibly blocks purinergic receptors for ADP in platelet
The inhibition of ADP-induced expression of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptors
in the platelet membrane decreases platelet aggregation.
Clopidogrel (prodrug)
specifically and irreversibly inhibits the P2Y12 subtype of ADP receptor, which
is important in activation of platelets
Side effect of heparin – easy bleeding, brushing, bluish color skin , itching of
They blocks the enzyme epoxide reductase in the liver.
The inhibition of this enzyme leads to the block in the creation of
vitamin K active form and the inhibition of the synthesis of clotting
a decrease in blood coagulation
an increase in fibrinolysis
a decrease in lipids concentration in blood
USES: Acute thrombosis (together with or after heparin’s usage), MI ,
Ischemic insult, Thromboembolism ,Thrombophlebitis
,The prevention of thrombus formation after surgeries
Warfarin and related vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) block the function of the vitamin K
epoxide reductase complex in the liver, leading to depletion of the reduced form of vitamin
K that serves as a cofactor for gamma carboxylation of vitamin K-dependent coagulation
Prophylaxis of complication: controlling prothrombin index.
Ans: Fibrinolytic drugs: drugs producing the lysis of the blood clot
A. Fibrinolytic drugs
Direct-acting – Fibrinolysin Indirect-acting (activators of pro-fibrinolysin)
non-selective – Streptokinase, selective (tissue plasminogen activators, t-PA) – Alteplase –
B. Inhibitors of fibrinolysis
Direct-acting – Contrykal Indirect-acting – Aminocaproic acid.
FIBRINOILYSIN is the protein from the donors’ plasma, the active factor of fibrinolysis is administered
by IV infusion has a direct action on fibrin and dissolves fibrin clot in the first hours after thrombosis
is used for the treatment of acute thrombosis, acute myocardial infarction, thrombophlebitis
may cause bleeding resulting from an increase in fibrinolysis, allergy, anaphylaxis, arrhythmia,
hypotension is contraindicated in bleeding, a cerebral vascular accident, recent trauma of the brain,
surgery, uncontrolled hypertension.
STEPTOKINASE is the proteolytic enzyme from hemolytic streptococcus acts indirectly, promotes the
conversion of plasminogen to plasmin, causes systemic activation of fibrinolysis and degradation both
of fibrin and fibrinogen resulting in the dissolving of thrombus has a plasma half-life of 23 min; is
administered by IV infusion (intracoronary infusion in myocardial infarction) is more potent than
fibrinolysin does not cause arrhythmia.
Alteplase (Actilise) is tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA), product of biotechnology; has a half-life of 5
min, is administered by IV infusion; has high affinity for fibrin and acts selectively on plasminogen
bound with thrombus.
Pharmacological properties :
An increase in catabolism of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates
An increase in basal metabolism
An increase in body temperature
An increase in the activity of sympathetic nervous system
Participation in growth and mental development in children
Blocks peroxidase and suppresses thyroxine’s iodination
A result is a decrease in the synthesis of thyroid hormones and the
reduction of symptoms of hyperthyroidism .
Uses: Hyperthyroidism
Side effect ;- sweating, hunger, fast heart rate, blurred vision, confusion ,
15c. Oral hypoglycemic drugs: mechanism of action, indications to use, side
Ans:- Oral hypoglycemic drugs are synthetic non-hormonal preparations which
can lower the glucose level in blood.
1. Sulphonyl urea : Glibenclamide, Glycvidone, Glycolide
2. Biguanides : Metformine
3. Thiazolidinediones (insulin sensitizers) : Rosiglytazone
4. Alpha-glucosidase inhibitor : Acarbose miglitiol,
5. Glinides(Prandial glucose regulators) : Repaglinide
Mechanism of action:
1. Sulphonylurea – increse insulin release from pancrease. Reduce conc. Of
plasma glucagon.
An increase: in protein catabolism, in gluconeogenesis, glucose in blood
The regulation of lipids distribution, an increase in lipolysis
An increase in excretion of potassium and calcium
The suppression of immunity
The suppression of allergic reactions
The inhibition of lymphoid tissue proliferation
An increase in resistance to stress.
Changes in blood film (eosinopenia, lymphopenia)
Therapeutic use:
Substitution therapy of chronic and acute adrenal insufficiency ( hypocorticism,
addisons diseases)
Collagenosis, severe rheumatism, arthritis , arthrosis, Autoimmune diseases,
Hypoglycemic coma, Anaphylactic shock , Allergic diseases of the skin and
mucous membranes , Bronchial asthma
Glucocorticoids effects
1.Anti- inflammatory
2. anti- allergic
3. anti-shock
4. antitoxic
5 immunosupressent
(i) Short acting, 8-12hrs-hydrocortisone acetate (Cortisol) use topically
(ii) Intermediate acting glucocorticoids, 18-36-prednisolone[ oral given],
methylprednisolone, triamcinolone [IM given]
(iii) Long acting, 1-3 days- dexamethasone and betamethasone ( IV and IM given)
(iv) Topically active glucocorticoids- beclamethasone dipropionate, flucinolone
Complications :
Osteoporosis, hip fracture due to osteoporosis, ecchymosis, peptic ulcer
disease, Cushing’s syndrome, skin thinning and atrophy, acne, mild
hirsutism,facial erythema, impaired wound healing, thinning of hair,
perioral dermatitis.
Mechanism :
Glucocorticoids suppress their own synthesis through a feedback mechanism
that operates at the pituitary (i.e. reduced ACTH synthesis) and the brain
(reduced CRH synthesis), rapid cessation of glucocorticoid therapy leads to
acute adrenal insufficiency, which can be debilitating.
Prevention :
The cessation of high dose, systemic glucocorticoid treatment must be
gradual(not abrupt) to limit acute adrenal insufficiency.
Treatment : Is treated by decreasing the dose of the drug and changing it with
another glucocorticoids like Panangin.
(i) Short acting, 8-12hrs-hydrocortisone acetate (Cortisol) use topically
(ii) Intermediate acting glucocorticoids, 18-36-prednisolone[ oral given],
methylprednisolone, triamcinolone [IM given]
(iii) Long acting, 1-3 days- dexamethasone and betamethasone ( IV and IM
Topically active glucocorticoids- beclomethasone dipropionate,flucinolone acetonide
19c. Pharmacodynamics and use of mineralocorticoids.
Ans:- Mineralocorticoids are a class of corticosteroids , are produced in the adrenal cortex and
influence salt and water balances
Desoxycorticosterone acetate (IM and sublingual)
Fludrocortisone (orally)
-is administered IM and sublingually.
-regulates or enhances reabsorption of sodium from DCT in kidney, decrease
reabsorption of potassium ,.
-regulates fluid – electrolyte metabolism, increases arterial pressure, enhances
muscle work.
-promotes retention of phosphate, calcium carbonate, water and sodium.
-increase the blood pressure, retention of Na,H2O and elimination of K;
-normalization of the tone and improvement of the skeletal muscles activity
Usage: myasthenia; primary and secondary insufficiency of adrenal
cortex (hypocorticism, Addison's disease (chronic adrenal
insufficiency), adynamia.
Features of dosing-
1. Discontinuation of all OCs results in fulI return of fertility within 1-2 months.
There may be even be a rebound increase in fertility-chances of multiple
pregnancy are more if conception occurs within 2-3 cycles. With injectable
preparations, return of fertility is delayed. The cycles take several months to
normalize or may not do so at all. They are to be used only if the risk of
permanent infertility is acceptable.
2. If a woman on combined pills misses to take a tablet, she should be advised
to take two tablets the next day and continue as usual. If more than I tablets
are missed, then the course should be interrupted, an alternative method of
contraception used and next course started on the 5th day of bleeding.
3. If pregnancy occurs during use of hormonal contraceptives-it should be
terminated by suction-aspiration, because the risk of malformations, genital
carcinoma in female offspring and undescended testes in male offspring is
Testosterone propionate :
takes part in the development of primary and secondary sex characteristics,
maintains fertility in men; has an anabolic action; maintains normal bone
uses: hypogonadism in men; combined therapy of certain anemias, wasting
syndromes, senile osteoporosis, severe burns, breast cancer in women before
An increase in protein synthesis and mass of skeletal muscles
The retention of nitrogen, phosphor, and calcium
The stimulation of tissue regeneration and hemopoiesis
The improvement in trophy of myocardium
A decrease in glucose level in blood
Uses: Cachexia ,Asthenia Wounds, ulcers ,Bone fractures, osteoporosis ,
Ischemic heart disease ,Myopathy , Diabetes mellitus (additional drug)
Anemia (additional drug) ,Prolonged treatment with glucocorticoids
Side effects: Edema ,An increase in body weight ,Liver disturbances ,
Masculinization in women ( Contraindicated in sportsmen as a
Moa : The ascorbic acid is a donator and an acceptor of hydrogen. That is why
it takes part in oxidation-reduction systems, is a direct-acting antioxidant
participation in the synthesis: of procollagen and collagen, adrenal
steroids and thyroid hormones , catecholamines
providing of the growth of bones, the formation of cartilages and
stimulation of regeneration
participation in the transformation of the folic acid into the
tetrahydrofolic acid
increase in the absorption of iron and synthesis of hem
activation of sympathetic nervous system
improvement of immunity and phagocytosis
decrease in the permeability of blood vessels
participation in cholesterol metabolism and the inhibition of the
develop-ment of atherosclerosis
detoxication of xenobiotics in the liver
increase in resistance to stress and radiation
Side-effects only occur in bigger doses of vitamin C:A decrease in the secretion of
insulin, Renal concrements, An increase in BP, decrease in permeability of blood-
tissuebarriers, Hypercoagulation of blood
Retinoids :are a class of chemical compounds that are vitamers of vitamin A or are
chemically related to it.
3 generations:
1st generation: (tretinoin (retinoic acid), isotretinoin, and alitretinoin);
2nd generation (etretinate and its metabolite acitretin);
3rd generation (adapalene, bexarotene, and tazarotene).
supporting of the normal function of the retina (night vision)
stimulation of the proliferation and regeneration of the epithelium
the promotion of growth of the organism, prevention of bones’
epiphyses calcification
an increase of immunity
the improvement in the trophy of the myocardium, skeletal muscles,
liver, the nervous system
supporting of the reproductive function
Pharmacokinetics-metabolized in the liver and excreted with bile and urine, has durative
Mechanism of actionActive form of retinol is a constituent of visual purple (rhodopsin).It
takes part in the synthesis of keratohyalin.
It takes part in the forming of bones and teeth.
Retinol activates synthesis of immunoglobulins, antibodies, lysosome enzymes.It activates
glycogen deposit in the muscles, heart, and liver.Retinol activates release of STH, thyroid
hormones.It is an antioxidant.
Uses: Hypovitaminosis (hemeralopia) , A therapeutic dose for adult patients is up to
10000 IU per day, a prophylaxis dose is 5000 IU per day (1 drop of 3,44% oil solution
contains 5000 IU)
Acute hypervitaminosis: fatigue, headache, sleepiness, nausea, vomiting, pho-
tophobia, convulsions (resulting from an increase in intracranial pressure).
Chronic hypervitaminosis: weakness, fatigue, sleepiness, nausea, skin pigmen-
tation, hyperkeratosis, bone pains, the liver and spleen enlargement
functions throughout the body including roles in vision, regulation of cell
proliferation and differentiation, growth of bone tissue, immune function, and
activation of tumor suppressor genes
uses: inflam-matory skin disorders, skin cancers, psoriasis, acne, photoaging.
They reduce the risk of head and neck cancers. Isotretinoin is used as
chemotherapy for leukemia
side effects: anorexia, skin lesions, hair loss, hepatosplenomegaly,
papilloedema, bleeding, general malaise, pseudotumor cerebri
(hypervitaminosis A syndrome).
*Acute hypervitaminosis: weakness, sleepiness, nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia,
hypotension, arrhythmia, an increase in body temperature, an increase in the
calcium concentration in blood serum, changes in urine (protein, cylinders,
calcium salts, erythrocytes, and leukocytes).
*Chronic hypervitaminosis: bone demineralization, calcium deposit in blood
vessels, the kidney, and other organs (cal-cinosis), CNS damage, heart
insufficiency, an increase in BP, an increase in the calcium level in blood serum
and in urine.
Treatment of D hypervitaminosis
–– Abolishing of drug ,Antioxidants (vitamins E, C, A), Glucocorticoides
–– Other medications: phenobarbital for the intensification of vitamin D
biotransformation; solution of sodium bicarbonate for acidosis; preparations of
potassium and magnesium; calcitrin for the prevention of bone
Contraindications-Severe atherosclerosis,Elderly age.
27c. Enzymes and anti-enzymatic medications: pharmacodynamics and use.
Ans:- Enzymes are preparations which play the role of the biological catalyzers of
metabolism in the organism
Enzyme medications :
1)Peptidases and proteases: pepsin, trypsin, chemotrypsin
2)Nucleases: Ribonuclease, desoxyribonuclease
3)Hyaluronidases: Lidase, Ronidase
4)Enzymes of other action: L-asparginase, penicillinase
5)Fibrinolytic enzymes : Fibrinolysin, Streptolyase
6)Combined preparations: Pancreatin, creon, festal,wobenzym
Anti-enzyme medications :
1) Inhibitors of proteolysis and fibrinolysis : Contrykal, Aprotinin, aminocaproic
2) Inhibitors of lipases : Orlistat
Contrykal inhibits the activity of trypsin and plasmin, has a direct action on
proteolytic enzymes, decreases proteolysis andfibrinolysis, has anti-
inflammatory properties.
Used in acute pancreatitis, surgeries on the pancreas, lungs, and glands,
bleeding due to an increased fibrinolysis, obstetrics pathology.
Aminocaproic acid (used orally, by IV infusion, and topically (in dentistry); )has mixed
mechanism of action, inhibits proteolytic enzymes, exerts anti allergic and anti
toxic action.
Orlistat inhibits gastric and pancreatic lipases, thud decreasing the breakdown
of dietary fat into smaller molecules that can be absorbed; is used as an anti-
obesity drug.
28c. Lipid-lowering drugs: classification, mechanism of action and therapeutic
Ans:- These are drugs which lower the level of lipids and lipoproteins in blood.
Antihyperlipoproteinemic drugs:
1. -Drugs interfering with intestinal absorption of cholesterol : Polysponinum
,Ezetimibe, Cholestyramine(bile acid sequestrant)
Mechanism of action – binds to bile in acid in intestine, forms insoluble
compounds which are excreted in faeces, loss of bile acid leads to increase in
conversion of cholesterol into bile acids in the liver, reduction in plasma
cholesterol and LDL level.
2. -Inhibitors of de novo cholesterol synthesis:(statins,niacin and fibrate)
fenofibrate, Lovastatin , nicotinic acid, lovastatin, simvastatin, atorvastatin,
Mechanism of action – inhibits HMG CoA reductase and inhibits
cholesterol synthesis.
3. -Drugs increasing cholesterol catabolism by increasing binding of
cholesterol to HDL: Lineatholum, Essentuale, lipostabil.
Mechanism of action – transfers neutral lipids and cholesterol to
oxidation sites, by increasing ability of HDL to bind to cholesterol, protects
hepatic cells, dissolve fat embols.
Used in atherosclerosis with hyperlipoproteinemia 2-4 types.
After parenteral use has sedative, hypnotic and narcosis action,
the inhibition of the vasomotor center;, the dilatation of blood vessels, and a
decrease in BP, the dehydratation of tissues, a, a decrease in intracranial
an antidote in acute poisonings with compounds of calcium
action: anti-arrhythmic , anti-seizure , diuretic , spasmolytic action
Mechanism of action –
They cause induction of annexins in macrophages, endothelium and fibroblasts
which in turn inhibit phospholipase A2 and decreased production of
prostaglandins. Negative regulation of COX-2 which decrease inducible
production of prostaglandins. Negative regulation of genes for cytokines in
macrophages, endothelial cells and lymphocytes which decrease production of
interleukines. They decrease vasopermeability, redness, edema and pain.
Uses – in allergic eye disease, arthritis, arthrosis, bronchial asthma, lupus
erythematous, shock, autoimmune disease, anaphylactic shock, adrenaline
Side effects – hypertension, glucocorticoid withdrawal, cushing syndrome,
gastric ulceration, increase blood coagulation, edema, increased appetite,
hypokalemia, osteoporosis, hyperglycemia, dystrophy of skeletal muscles.
Prednisone works as an anti-inflammatory by reducing the swelling and redness of
Dexamethasone works by increasing the production of other chemicals that reduce
Hydrocortisone is a steroid that suppresses the immune system, thereby minimizing
the inflammatory response.
Iodine: processing of small cuts of the skin , processing of the surgery skin area and
surgeon’s hands , dermatomycoses ,diseases of muscles and joints (the “iodine network” on
the skin).
Povidone- iodine: wounds, ulcers, cuts, burns, vaginitis associated with candidal
Ioddicerin: skin diseases, ulcers, wounds ,otitis, tonsillitis, chronic atrophic rhinitis,
paradontosis, vaginitis ( due to less irritation on mucous memb)
Chlorhexidine: wounds, for gargling, prophylaxis of STDI , for the processing of the
surgeon’s hands, the surgical skin area, for a quick sterilization of instruments.
based on the destruction of hydrogen peroxide with the release of oxygen
They produce the oxidation and denaturation of proteins
The formation of molecules of O2 results in the foam formation and
mechanical cleaning of the wound
wounds (3% solution) , impaired skin , capillary bleeding , whitening of
teeth gargling and mouthwash in diseases of the throat and oral cavity
, depigmentation of skin.
The drug should not be used in deep wounds and injures of bigger vessels
Causes degradation of the molecule of potassium permanganate with the
releasing of oxygen atoms and manganum oxide
Oxygen produces the oxidation and denaturation of proteins resulting in a
bactericidal action.
It also oxidizes some poisons.
Manganum oxide causes an astringent action on the macroorganism.
antimicrobial spectrum: narrow: Gram (+) and Gram (-) cocci (streptococci,
some staphylococci, gonococci, meningococci), clostridia, corynebacteria,
listeria, spirochetas, leptospira.
penicillin G: destroyed by gastric juice therefore given IM, IV, endolumbally
is widely distributed through the body
penetrates CNS only in the conditions of meningitis; penetrates placenta
without negative influence on the fetus
is excreted with urine , acts during 4-6 hrs.
Allergic reactions which occur in 0.7-20% of patients taking penicillin and may
range from rash, fever, broncospasm, vasculitis, serum sick-ness, exfoliative
dermatitis, and Steven-Johnson syndrome to anaphylaxis
(Contraindications :Hypersensitivity to penicillin.)
5. Ampiox combined preparation (ampicillin and oxacillin), that’s why it has a wide spectrum
and acts on staphylococci.
3rd generation : Gram (+) cocci, Gram (-) cocci, Gram (-) bacilli; they are more
resistant to the effects of β-lactamase.
Ceftazidime and Cefoperazone effective against Pseudomonas.
Severe respiratory infections , UTI , Gynecologic infections , Osteomyelitis
Infections of the skin and soft tissues , -Sepsis , Peritonitis
The prophylaxis of infectious complications of surgeries
Side effects:
Allergy , Dyspepsia , Renal disturbances (cephaloridine)
A decrease in the prothrombin amount in blood
granulocytopenia , Dysbacteriasis (for drugs administered orally).
Irritation of mucous membrane Of digestive tract ,
infiltrates after i/m introduction
phlebitis after i/v introduction
39c. Carbapenems: classification, antimicrobial spectrum, use, side effects
and complications.
They are a class of Beta lactam antibiotics
Ans:- Classification:
Group 1 – Ertapenem, Panipenem, Tabipenem.
Group 2 – Imipenem, Meropenem, Doripenem, Biapenem.
Group 3 – Tomopenem, Razupenem.
Antimicrobial spectrum – broad spectrum antibiotics or widest spectrum of
antibacterial action. Active against both gram negative and gram positive
bacteria, anaerobes, pseudomonas aeruginosa. They are extremely resistant to the
actions of β-lactamase
Side effects: nausea, vomiting, and rarely, seizures in high doses (meropenem
is less likely to cause seizures).
*Rickettsia infection i.e Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Brill's disease , murine
and scrub Typhus.
* Chlamydial infections (lymphogranuloma venereum, psittacosis, trachoma)
* Mycoplasmal infections
* Bacillary infections (brucellosis, tularemia, cholera, some Shigella and
Salmonella infections)
* Venereal infections
* Amebiasis
* Lyme disease.
Side effects:
Gastrointestinal disturbances , Hepatic dysfunction ,Dermatitis, phototoxicity
Teratogenic action (“tetracycline teeth”)
Yellow-brown discoloration of the teeth and depressed bone growth if
tetracyclines are given to children
A pseudotumor of the brain
Dysbacteriasis and superinfection which can result in staphylococcal en-
terocolitis, candidiasis, and pseudomembranous colitis. Stomatitis, gingivitis.
(Contraindications Diseases of the liver and kidney ,Pregnancy ,Children younger than 8
years old)
Levomycetin (Chloramphenicol) is a nitrobenzene derivative
Spectrum: Broad
Meningococcus, some strains of Streptococcus and Staphylococcus,
spirochetes, Clostridium, Chlamydia, Mycoplasma; rickettsiae.
A. Highly absorbed sulfonamides ;
Short-acting – Sulfamethazine (Sulfadimezin) – Aethazolum Intermediate-acting –
Sulfamethoxazole – Sulfaphenoxazole
Long-acting – Sulfamethoxypyridazine (Sulfapyridazinum) – Sulfadimethoxine
Ultralong-acting – Sulfamethoxypyrazine (Sulfalenum)
B. Poorly absorbed sulfonamides – Phthalylsulfathiazole (Phthalazolum)
C. Sulfonamides for a local use – Sulfacetamide sodium (Sulfacylum natrium, Albucid) –
Sulfonamide (Streptocidum)
D. Derivatives of sulfonamide and the salicylic acid or silver – Sulfasalazine
(salazosulfa) – Salazopiridazine – Silver sulfadiazine
E. Combinations of sulfonamides and trimethoprim – Co-trimoxazole (Bactrim)
Spectrum of action:
Sulfonamides have a broad spectrum of action. They are effective against Gram cocci
(Streptococci, Staphylococci), Gram (–) cocci (Neisseria gonorrhoeae), Gram (-) bacilli
(Haemophilus influenzae, E.coli, Shigella, Yersenia enterocolitica, Proteus mirabilis),
Nocardia, Actinomycetes, Chlamidia, Toxoplasma, Plasmodium malariae
Mechanism of action:
Structural similarity to PABA provides competitive antagonism of sulfonamides to PABA
and the blockade of dehydropteroid synthase. This leads to the inhibition of stage I of
the synthesis of the folic acid active form in a microbial cell.
The absence of tetrahydrofolate results in disturbances in the synthesis of nucleic basis
and then in the synthesis of nucleic acids. The reduplication and growth of microbes are
inhibited (bacteriostatic action). Sulfonamides act only on the organisms using PABA in
their life cycle. Sulfas are inactive in the purulent environment rich in PABA. They leak
antimicrobial activity in the presence of ester local anesthetics which are hydrolyzed to
The affinity of enzymes to sulfonamides is less than to a natural substance, that’s why a
strike dose of the drug is necessary at the start of treatment. Drugs, inhibiting the
second stage of folate synthesis (e.g. trimethoprim), are synergic to sulfas.
Indications: Respiratory infections Gastrointestinal infections Urinary tract infections
Genital infections (gonorrhea) Trachoma Nocardiasis Toxoplasmosis Infections of the
skin and mucous membranes Infections of the eyes .
are taken orally, sometimes are administered IV or applied topically are absorbed in the
small intestine bind to serum albumen penetrate CNS and placenta are metabolized in
the liver: most sulfas undergo acetylation accompanied by a decrease of their solubility
that results in the crystals formation in renal tubuli are excreted the with urine.
Schemes of treatment:
For short-acting drugs: 4 tablets (2,0) for the 1st administration, then 2 tablets (1,0) 4
times a day, after the normalization of body temperature 1 tablet (0,5) 4 times a day
during 3 days. (Total dose is 20-30 g).
For long-acting drugs: 4 tablets (2,0) for the 1st administration, then 2 tablets (1,0)
once a day, after the normalization of body temperature 1 tablet (0,5) once a day during
3 days. (Total dose is 8-10 g)
For ultra-long-acting drugs: 5 tablets (1,0) for the 1st administration, then 1 tablet (0,2)
once a day (Total dose is 2 g). The total dose may be taken once a week.
Crystalluria Allergy Hemopoietic disturbances Dermatitis and phototoxicity Stevens-
Johnson syndrome Hepatitis Kernicterus (in newborns) Idiosyncrasy (hemolytic anemia
in patients with the deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase).
A. Antibiotics
1. Basis antibiotics : – Benzylpenicillin sodium , – benzylpenicillin (Bicillin-1)
– Benzathine benzylpenicillin + benzylpenicillin (Bicillin-5)
Benzylpenicillin sodium , Bicillin-1, Bicillin-5 ( narrow), Cefaloridine(wide):
They are the inhibitor of the cell wall synthesis (inhibit components of
spirochetal cell wall) Narrow spectrum
Uses: Benzylpenicillin sodium for Treponema palidum
alternate antibiotic in syphilis
drugs for treatment of nematodoses :
(i) For intestinal – Pyrantel pamoate, Piperazine adipinate, Levamisole.
(ii)For extraintetsinal – Diethylcarbamazine, Ivermectin
Mechanism of action:
(a) Polyenes
Nyastatin (Narrow spectrum only used against superficial candidasis),
Amphotericin B (wide spectrum, Uses = in oral, vaginal and cutaneous
candidosis, systemic mycosis). Side effects = CNS toxicity – headache,
vomiting, nerve palsies. Nephrotoxicity is most common.
It is a nucleoside analogue (fig. 32.7). Pharmacokinetics is taken orally has bioavailability
of 60% is widely distributed through the body penetrates CNS is metabolized in the liver
is excreted with urine in the form of metabolites has a half-life of 1-3 hrs.
Mechanism of action: AZT is a nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI). Its
mechanism of action includes: the phosphorilation of AZT by host cell kinases the
formation of nucleotide analog AZT-triphosphate AZT-triphosphate incorporation into the
growth chain of the viral DNA by the reverse transcriptase the immature chain
termination and inhibition of viral replication . Spectrum of action HIV-1, HIV-2.
Indications: AIDS The prophylaxis of HIV infection through accidental needle stick, The
prevention of vertical HIV transmission from the mother to the neonate.
Side-effects: Anemia, neutropenia GI distress Headache, agitation, insomnia Myalgia
Hepatitis and cholestasis.
Zalcitabine is used in a combination with AZT or as monotherapy in patients who can not
tolerate AZT.