Asme B 31.1
Asme B 31.1
Asme B 31.1
136.3 Examination Table 136.4.1-1. For welds other than those covered
by Table 136.4.1-1, only visual examination is required.
136.3.1 General. Examination denotes the functions Welds requiring nondestructive examination shall comply
performed by the manufacturer, fabricator, erector, or with the applicable acceptance standards for indications
a party authorized by the owner that include nondestruc- as specified in paras. 136.4.2 through 136.4.6. As a guide,
tive examinations (NDE), such as visual, radiography, the detection capabilities for the examination method are
ultrasonic, eddy current, liquid penetrant, and magnetic shown in Table 136.4.1-2. Welds not requiring examina-
particle methods. The degree of examination and the tion (i.e., RT, UT, MT, or PT) by this Code or the engineering
acceptance standards beyond the requirements of this design shall be judged acceptable if they meet the exam-
Code shall be a matter of prior agreement between the ination requirements of para. 136.4.2 and the pressure
manufacturer, fabricator, or erector and the owner. test requirements specified in para. 137. NDE for P-
ð20Þ 136.3.2 Qualification of NDE Personnel. Personnel Nos. 3, 4, 5A, 5B, and 15E material welds shall be
who perform nondestructive examination of welds performed after postweld heat treatment unless directed
shall be qualified and certified for each examination otherwise by engineering design. Required NDE for welds
method in accordance with a program established by in all other materials may be performed before or after
the employer of the personnel being certified, which postweld heat treatment.
shall be based on the following minimum requirements:
(a) instruction in the fundamentals of the nondestruc- 136.4.2 Visual Examination ð20Þ
tive examination method. (a) Visual examination as defined in para. 100.2 shall
(b) on-the-job training to familiarize the NDE person- be performed in accordance with the requirements
nel with the appearance and interpretation of indications described in ASME BPVC, Section V, Article 9. Visual exam-
of weld defects. The length of time for such training shall inations may be conducted, as necessary, during the fabri-
be sufficient to ensure adequate assimilation of the knowl- cation and erection of piping components to provide
edge required. verification that the design and WPS requirements are
(c) a visual acuity examination performed at least once being met. In addition, visual examination shall be
each year to determine optical capability of NDE personnel performed to verify that all completed welds in pipe
to perform the required examinations. and piping components comply with the acceptance stan-
(d) upon completion of (a) and (b), the NDE personnel dards specified in (b) or with the limitations on imperfec-
shall be given a written examination and performance tions specified in the material specification under which
examination by the employer to determine if the NDE per- the pipe or component was furnished.
sonnel are qualified to perform the required examinations Records of individual examinations are not required,
and interpretation of results. except for the in-process examination specified in
(e) certified NDE personnel whose work has not para. 136.4.7.
included performance of a specific examination method (b) Acceptance Standards. The following indications
for a period of 1 yr or more shall be recertified by success- are unacceptable:
fully completing the examination of (d) and also passing (1) cracks — external surface.
the visual examination of (c). Substantial changes in proce- (2) undercut on the surface that is greater than 1∕32 in.
dures or equipment shall require recertification of the (0.8 mm) deep, or encroaches on the minimum required
NDE personnel. For this Code, the requirements of section thickness.
ASME BPVC, Section V, Article 1, Mandatory Appendix (3) undercut on the surface of longitudinal butt
III are optional. welds.
As an alternative to the preceding program, the require- (4) weld reinforcement greater than specified in
ments of ASME BPVC, Section V, Article 1, T-120(e) or T- Table 127.4.2-1.
120(f) may be used for the qualification of NDE personnel. (5) lack of fusion on surface.
Personnel qualified to AWS QC1 may be used for the visual (6) incomplete penetration (applies only when
examination of welds provided they meet the annual inside surface is readily accessible).
visual acuity examination requirement of (c) and the (7) any other linear indications greater than 3∕16 in. (5
J1 visual acuity requirement of ASME BPVC, Section V, mm) long.
Article 9. (8) surface porosity with rounded indications having
dimensions greater than 3∕16 in. (5 mm) or four or more
136.4 Examination Methods of Welds rounded indications separated by 1∕16 in. (1.5 mm) or less
136.4.1 Nondestructive Examination. Nondestructive edge to edge in any direction.
examinations shall be performed in accordance with the (9) arc strikes outside of the weld joint.
requirements of this Chapter. The types and extent of man-
datory examinations for pressure welds and welds to
pressure-retaining components are specified in
Table 136.4.1-1 Mandatory Minimum Nondestructive Examinations for Pressure Welds or Welds to Pressure-Retaining Components ð20Þ
Piping Design Conditions and Nondestructive Examination
Temperatures Over 750°F Temperatures Between 350°F (175°C) and 750°F (400°C) Inclusive,
Type of Weld (400°C) and at All Pressures With All Pressures Over 1,025 psig [7 075 kPa (gage)] All Others
Butt welds (girth and longitudinal) Volumetric examination (RT or UT) for over Volumetric examination (RT or UT) for over NPS 2 (DN 50) Visual for all sizes
[Note (1)] NPS 2 (DN 50). MT or PT for NPS 2 (DN 50) with thickness over 3∕4 in. (19 mm). VT for all sizes with thickness and thicknesses
and less [Note (2)] ∕4 in. (19 mm) or less
Welded branch connections (size Volumetric examination (RT or UT) for Volumetric examination (RT or UT) for branch over NPS 4 (DN 100) VT for all sizes
indicated is branch size) over NPS 4 (DN 100). MT or PT for NPS 4 and thickness of branch over 3∕4 in. (19 mm) and thicknesses
[Notes (3) through (5)] (DN 100) and less [Note (2)] MT or PT for branch NPS 4 (DN 100) and less with thickness of
branch over 3∕4 in. (19 mm)
VT for all sizes with branch thickness 3∕4 in. (19 mm) or less
Fillet, socket, attachment, and seal welds PT or MT for all sizes and thicknesses [Note (6)] VT for all sizes and thicknesses VT for all sizes
and thicknesses
(a) All welds shall be given a visual examination in addition to the type of specific nondestructive examination specified.
(b) NPS = nominal pipe size; DN = diameter nominal.
(c) RT = radiographic examination; UT = ultrasonic examination; MT = magnetic particle examination; PT = liquid penetrant examination; VT = visual examination.
ASME B31.1-2020
(d) For nondestructive examinations of the pressure-retaining component, refer to the standards listed in Table 126.1-1 or manufacturing specifications.
(e) Acceptance standards for nondestructive examinations performed are as follows: MT — see para. 136.4.3; PT — see para. 136.4.4; VT — see para. 136.4.2; RT — see para. 136.4.5; UT — see
para. 136.4.6.
(f) All longitudinal welds and spiral welds in pipe intended for sustained operation in the creep range (see paras. 104.1.1 and 123.4, and Table 102.4.7-1) must receive and pass a 100% volumetric
examination (RT or UT) per the applicable material specification or in accordance with para. 136.4.5 or 136.4.6.
(1) The thickness of butt welds is defined as the thicker of the two abutting ends after end preparation.
(2) RT may be used as an alternative to PT or MT when it is performed in accordance with para. 136.4.5.
(3) Volumetric examination (RT or UT) of branch welds shall be performed before any nonintegral reinforcing material is applied.
(4) In lieu of volumetric examination (RT, UT) of welded branch connections when required above, surface examination (PT, MT) is acceptable and, when used, shall be performed at the lesser of
one-half of the weld thickness or each 1∕2 in. (13 mm) of weld thickness and all accessible final weld surfaces.
(5) Branch thickness is tnb as defined in para. 127.4.8 and Figures 127.4.8-4 and 127.4.8-5.
(6) Fillet welds not exceeding 1∕4 in. (6 mm) throat thickness that are used for the permanent attachment of non-pressure-retaining parts are exempt from the PT or MT requirements of this Table.
ASME B31.1-2020
Porosity X [Notes (1), (2)] X [Notes (1), (2)] X [Notes (1), (2)] X …
Slag inclusion X [Note (2)] X [Note (2)] X [Note (2)] X X
Lack of fusion (on surface) X [Notes (1), (2)] X [Notes (1), (2)] X [Notes (1), (2)] X X
Incomplete penetration X [Note (3)] X [Note (3)] X [Note (3)] X X
(1) Applies when the outside surface is accessible for examination and/or when the inside surface is readily accessible.
(2) Discontinuities are detectable when they are open to the surface.
(3) Applies only when the inside surface is readily accessible.
ð20Þ 136.4.3 Magnetic Particle Examination. Whenever 136.4.4 Liquid Penetrant Examination. Whenever ð20Þ
required by this Chapter (see Table 136.4.1-1), magnetic required by this Chapter (see Table 136.4.1-1), liquid
particle examination shall be performed in accordance penetrant examination shall be performed in accordance
with the requirements of ASME BPVC, Section V, with the requirements of ASME BPVC, Section V, Article 6.
Article 7. (a) Evaluation of Indications
(a) Evaluation of Indications (1) Mechanical discontinuities at the surface will be
(1) Mechanical discontinuities at the surface will be indicated by bleeding out of the penetrant; however, loca-
indicated by the retention of the examination medium. All lized surface imperfections, such as may occur from
indications are not necessarily defects; however, certain machining marks or surface conditions, may produce
metallurgical discontinuities and magnetic permeability similar indications that are nonrelevant to the detection
variations may produce similar indications that are not of unacceptable discontinuities.
relevant to the detection of unacceptable discontinuities. (2) Any indication that is believed to be nonrelevant
(2) Any indication that is believed to be nonrelevant shall be regarded as a defect and shall be reexamined to
shall be reexamined to verify whether or not actual defects verify whether or not actual defects are present. Surface
are present. Surface conditioning may precede the reex- conditioning may precede the reexamination. Nonrele-
amination. Nonrelevant indications that would mask indi- vant indications and broad areas of pigmentation that
cations of defects are unacceptable. would mask indications of defects are unacceptable.
(3) Indications whose major dimensions are greater (3) Indications whose major dimensions are greater
than 1∕16 in. (1.5 mm) shall be considered relevant. than 1∕16 in. (1.5 mm) shall be considered relevant.
(4) An indication of a discontinuity may be larger (4) An indication of a discontinuity may be larger
than the discontinuity that causes it; however, the size than the discontinuity that causes it; however, the size
of the indication and not the size of the discontinuity of the indication and not the size of the discontinuity
is the basis of acceptance or rejection. is the basis of acceptance or rejection.
(b) Acceptance Standards. Indications whose major (b) Acceptance Standards. The following relevant indi-
dimensions are greater than 1∕16 in. (1.5 mm) shall be cations are unacceptable:
considered relevant. The following relevant indications (1) any cracks or linear indications
are unacceptable: (2) rounded indications with dimensions greater
(1) any cracks or linear indications than 3∕16 in. (5 mm)
(2) rounded indications with dimensions greater (3) four or more rounded indications in a line sepa-
than 3∕16 in. (5 mm) rated by 1∕16 in. (1.5 mm) or less edge to edge
(3) four or more rounded indications in a line sepa- (4) ten or more rounded indications in any 6 in.2
rated by 1∕16 in. (1.5 mm) or less, edge to edge (3 870 mm2) of surface with the major dimension of this
(4) ten or more rounded indications in any 6 in.2 area not to exceed 6 in. (150 mm) with the area taken in the
(3 870 mm2) of surface with the major dimension of this most unfavorable location relative to the indications being
area not to exceed 6 in. (150 mm) with the area taken in the evaluated
most unfavorable location relative to the indications being
ASME B31.1-2020