One-Line Diagram - OLV1 (Load Flow Analysis) : Scheme-1
One-Line Diagram - OLV1 (Load Flow Analysis) : Scheme-1
One-Line Diagram - OLV1 (Load Flow Analysis) : Scheme-1
13 MW
3 R 3C300_1 3 R 3C300_2
1 km 1 km
0.344 % Vd
CT23 ±
1250/1 1250/1
SW BD MV-11213
11213A 211213B %
11 kV 99.66
% 11 kV Open 99.66
Panel no K27
Panel no K01 Panel no K12 Trafo Feeder to SS#14
Capacitor Feeder Trafo Feeder to SS#10
To be changed from This cable will be laid in overhead tray for most part of
CT3 ± the length and underground in some parts.Also it is
250/1 100A to 250A
CT1 To be changed from CT2 To be changed from considered during pre-commissioning phase not much cables
250/1A is availble as
± ±
150A to 250A will be laid on this tray and other adjacent trays.
250/1 150/1 100A to 150A spare CT Keeping all these consideration in view it is reasonable
250/1 CT is available as 150/1A CT is available to consider the derating factor of 0.6 for this cable.
1 R 3C150_3
spare CT. as spare CT Current rating of this cable in air as per manufacturers
1 R 3C150_1 data sheet= 332A
2.76 km
CU Derated current =0.75 x 332 = 249A
0.6 km 2.08 % Vd Current rating of this cable in ground as per
To be changed
0.326 % Vd manufacturers data sheet= 397A
CT6 1 R 3C150_2 CT8 ± from 150A to Dearated current=397 x 0.63 = 250.11A
250/1 CU 250/1 250A 0.75 is the derating factor for cables laid overhead
SS#11 Panel no K34 2.21 km 0.63 is derating factor for cables laid in ground
CPP 0.866 % Vd SS#14 Panel no K93
Capacitor Feeder Capacitor Feeder
11211A 11211B
% 11 kV SW BD MV-14211
% 14211A
11 kV
99.33 99.33 % 14211B %
11 kV 97.58 11 kV 97.58
182.1 A 182.1 A
125.4 A 125.4 A 125.4 A
CT4 ±
To be changed from
200/1 Lump1
CT7 ± 100A to 150A
2.353 MVA Lump6
1 R 3C300_3 150/1 150/1A CT is availabe 2.353 MVA
CU as spare CT
1.41 km Panel no K42 TTP/ RO-DM
0.461 % Vd Capacitor Feeder SW BD MV-10211
10211A 10211B %
11 kV 98.79
11 kV 98.79
182.1 A 65.3 A
65.3 A 65.3 A
2925 kW
Lump2 1.235 MVA
1.235 MVA
1.0 New cable shall be laid for feeding power from Sw.Bd. MV-11213 to Sw.Bd. MV-11211.
2.0 Cable planned for feeding power from MV-11213 to Emergency Transformer of SS#14 shall be used for feeding power to Sw.Bd MV-14211. Once power is made available to Sw.Bd.MV-14211
through regular incomer, this cable to the extent possible shall be reconnected to SS#14 Emergency Transformer.
3.0 Cable planned forfeeding power from MV-11213 to Emergency Transformer of SS#10 shall be used for feeding power to Sw.Bd MV-10211. Once power is made available to Sw.Bd.MV-10211
through regular incomer, this cable to the extent possible shall be reconnected to SS#10 Emergency Transformer.
4.0 Wherever CTs have been changed, the same shall re-installed once regular power supply is made available to these Switchboards.