WHS Management Plan
WHS Management Plan
WHS Management Plan
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Woolmers Hotel WHS Plan
1. Project information
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Woolmers Hotel WHS Plan
2. Roles and responsibilities
1.5. Manager
The manager of this project is responsible for:
• preparing, updating and implementing this WHS Management Plan, including all associated
• identifying and observing all legal WHS requirements
• ensuring that all works are conducted in a manner without risk to workers
• planning to do all work safely
• participating in the planning and design stages of trade activities
• identifying WHS training required for an activity
• ensuring workers undertake identified WHS training
• communicating and consulting with workers
• investigating hazard reports and ensuring that corrective actions are undertaken
• assisting in rehabilitation and return to work initiatives
• dispute resolution
• continual review and monitoring of construction activities, sequence, process and procedures
• Ensuring that the right plant, equipment and personnel to operate are applied to the task
• Investigating incidents
1.3. Workers
All workers on this project are responsible for:
• taking reasonable care of their own health and safety
• taking reasonable care that their conduct does not adversely affect others
• complying with instruction, so far as they are reasonably able
• cooperating with reasonable notified policies or procedures
• cooperating and complying with reasonable notified policies and / or procedures
• raising concerns where uncontrolled risk is evident and the task cannot be completed safely
• reporting any incident or unsafe condition as soon as reasonably practicable
• assisting in incident investigations (where required)
• presenting to work in a fit condition free from fatigue, alcohol or other drugs.
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3. General WHS information
3.1. Legislation
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Woolmers Hotel WHS Plan
4. Risk management
All hazards that are identified throughout the project must be reported immediately to the manager.
We will inform our workers of our risk management procedures and ensure they are trained in risk
management (see section 5).
• Eliminate
• Substitute
• Administrative controls
Where practical, the manager will implement risk controls that are high in the order of hierarchy and
will implement multiple controls where necessary.
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Woolmers Hotel WHS Plan
5. High risk housekeeping work
Change the
Carry, move order of
and stack Body strain Significant Housekeeper 23.11 Medium
products onto
heavy stuff shelves
Carry or move
“ Body strain Significant stuff between 2 Housekeeper 20.11 Medium
or three people
Repetitive caused by Significant Rotate jobs Housekeeper 20.11 Medium
movement RSI
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Woolmers Hotel WHS Plan
6. Emergency and incident response
The manager may record details of the incident and will ensure any remedial action is taken.
• the manager will confirm the reporting requirements required by Workplace Standards and
Tasmania Police
• the manager shall only give permission to disturb the site when notified by Workplace Standards
that a formal investigation is not required
• if a formal investigation is required, the manager will secure the site
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7. Induction and training
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Woolmers Hotel WHS Plan
8. Consultation and communication
8.1. Consultation
The manager will consult with all workers on WHS issues for this project:
• at meetings where anyone can raise issues for discussion
• informally during the planning of activities or the development of Safe Work Method Statements
• when changes to workplace arrangements could affect the health and safety of workers
• during investigations into any incident to establish details of the incident or to formulate corrective
action to prevent the incident re-occurring
• formal progress and construction meetings
The manager will also consult with suppliers on WHS issues associated with any products or
services provided for the contract:
• during the negotiation phase before agreeing on the work requirements
• when any changes to workplace arrangements occur that could affect the health and safety of the
suppliers’ workers or affect their work procedures
8.2. Communication
The manager will ensure our workers are aware of WHS requirements by providing them with this
WHS Management Plan before starting work on the project.
The manager will communicate relevant WHS information to everyone involved in this project by:
• induction
• pre-work meetings
• meetings
• incident reports and outcomes
• distributing safety alerts or guidance material about industry specific hazards/incidents
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9. Site safety procedures
9.1. Rules
Workers shall carry out works on site as per the site rules specified in the “Operational procedures
standards. All persons entering the Woolmers Hotel Apartments shall take all reasonable
precautions to ensure the Health and Safety of persons including:
• The Manager.
• Suppliers’ workers.
• Workers
• Guests
Everyone shall take all reasonable precautions to ensure environmental contamination does not
A copy of the site rules is displayed in the site office.
Workers must:
• follow all instructions to wear and use PPE
• take reasonable care of PPE
When undertaking work involving the risk of a fall from height, workers must:
• follow all instructions
• work with a partner when using a ladder
• only use approved work equipment
• assess climate (wind , rain, dust, sufficient light etc.)
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Woolmers Hotel WHS Plan
b) Falling objects
Where practical, The manager will provide adequate protection against the risk of falling objects
through the use of control measures by storing and stacking materials safely.
Where this is not possible, a risk assessment must be undertaken and appropriate control
measures implemented to manage the risk of injuries from falling objects.
a) Ladder safety
The manager will manage hazards associated with ladders by:
• using ladders according to the manufacturer’s instructions
• only allowing one person at a time on a ladder
• not setting up ladders to gain extra height
b) Manual handling
The manager will manage hazards associated with manual handling by:
• ensuring all users follow good manual handling practices
• assessing risk assessments
• providing mechanical lifting aids where applicable
d) Hand operated
The manager will manage hazards of hand operated by:
• regularly checking all tools and equipment to ensure they are in a safe working order
• recording all electrical tools in a tag and testing register
• testing and tagging electrical tools every 3 months
• communicating any issues identified with power tools to workers through a toolbox meeting.
Workers must report any issues with power tools to the manager or supervisor. Unsafe tools will be
tagged and removed from service.
e) Sun safety
All persons on site should:
• wear adequate clothing (eg hats) and other protection methods (eg sunscreen) to protect
themselves from the effects of working while exposed to UV rays.
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• manage working in the sun to avoid dehydration and heat stress related illnesses
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10. Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS)
This section of our plan includes our completed Safe Work Method Statements for all high-risk
construction work.
Name: Position:
Codes of practice,
Training required to Equipment required for Equipment Maintenance Legislation & Standards
carry out the activity: this activity: checks required: which apply to this
Permits / Approvals
required for this activity:
• Police check
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