The Cyber Security Network Guide: Fiedelholtz
The Cyber Security Network Guide: Fiedelholtz
The Cyber Security Network Guide: Fiedelholtz
The Cyber
Studies in Systems, Decision and Control
Volume 274
Series Editor
Janusz Kacprzyk, Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences,
Warsaw, Poland
The series “Studies in Systems, Decision and Control” (SSDC) covers both new
developments and advances, as well as the state of the art, in the various areas of
broadly perceived systems, decision making and control–quickly, up to date and
with a high quality. The intent is to cover the theory, applications, and perspectives
on the state of the art and future developments relevant to systems, decision
making, control, complex processes and related areas, as embedded in the fields of
engineering, computer science, physics, economics, social and life sciences, as well
as the paradigms and methodologies behind them. The series contains monographs,
textbooks, lecture notes and edited volumes in systems, decision making and
control spanning the areas of Cyber-Physical Systems, Autonomous Systems,
Sensor Networks, Control Systems, Energy Systems, Automotive Systems,
Biological Systems, Vehicular Networking and Connected Vehicles, Aerospace
Systems, Automation, Manufacturing, Smart Grids, Nonlinear Systems, Power
Systems, Robotics, Social Systems, Economic Systems and other. Of particular
value to both the contributors and the readership are the short publication timeframe
and the world-wide distribution and exposure which enable both a wide and rapid
dissemination of research output.
Indexed by SCOPUS, DBLP, WTI Frankfurt eG, zbMATH, SCImago.
Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD, USA
This Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Switzerland AG
The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland
The Cyber Network Guide, Studies in Systems, Decision and Control textbook
provides a cybersecurity technical foundational landscape of the international
government cyber operational capabilities for college undergraduate and graduate
students, which includes standard operating procedures, cyber operational docu-
mentation, and description of tools utilized in the event of a major cyber incident.
The cyber textbook provides in-depth background information for each step
of the cyber analytic framework process, which includes the following requirements:
• Pre-incident Planning and Analysis
• Incident Detection and Characterization
• Vulnerability/Consequence Analysis
• Incident Response and Recovery
• Cloud Architecture Analysis
The purpose of the Cyber Network Guide, Studies in Systems, Decision and
Control book is to standardize requirements for cyber-physical international oper-
ational analysts and response for cyber practitioners.
This unique technical guide provides cyber analysts with appropriate Open
Source background information to underpin efforts to provide accurate and com-
prehensive inputs in the development of cyber analytic products. In addition, this
cyber primer is an effort to provide cyber baseline information in collaboration with
international governments regarding vulnerability and consequence analysis for
responding to cyber network attacks.
I would like to dedicate this cyber book to Jennifer Fiedelholtz, who has stood by
me with all my crazy career changes and who gave me two beautiful children, Sarah
and Matthew.
In addition, this Cyber Network book would not be possible if not for the tireless
efforts of the team at Media Graphics Lab, Rockville, Maryland. The excellent
graphic diagrams in this book are a reflection of their graphics skills and command
of the computer science principles encapsulated in this material.
Finally, while teaching at the University of Maryland at Baltimore (UMBC), I
noticed that a more hands-on approach to supplement their excellent computer
science pedagogical foundational approach is needed. This cyber book will address
that gap to provide the university with both a computer science comprehensive
theoretical and hands-on skills.
The purpose of cyber-physical planning and analysis under the Cyber Network
Guide, Studies in Systems, Decision and Control textbook is to standardize
requirements for cyber-physical preparedness (including vulnerability and con-
sequence analysis) and operational incident response for all international cyber
x Introduction
all Federal departments and agencies; State, local, tribal, and territorial governments;
the private sector; and international partners. In close coordination with the origi-
nators of information and with other partners, the Federal requests, receives, shares,
and analyzes information on cyber-attack techniques and vulnerabilities from the
range of the highest to the lowest level of classification or restriction possible and
works with Federal partners to mitigate threats to critical networks.
In this process, the Federal government continues as the information and
coordination hub of a national network to protect critical infrastructure. Specific
Federal government roles include situational awareness and crisis monitoring of
critical infrastructure, and information sharing on threat information and colla-
boration, assessment and analysis, and decision support pre- and post-incident.
Both the Federal government and private sector will assist and collaborate sector
analysts and provide actionable information in real time for comprehensive cyber
and physical analysis of critical infrastructure during an incident (manmade and/or
natural disaster). The centers’ activities include analysis and providing a greater
situational awareness of cybersecurity and communications vulnerabilities, intru-
sions, incidents, mitigation, and recovery actions.
The cyber analyst in the cyber-physical response and recovery will provide
necessary support in the analysis and development of response and recovery action
Introduction xi
plans to protect the sector entity or infrastructure property, business needs, and the
environment after an incident has occurred and then continue this effort in stabi-
lizing the incident. Response and recovery efforts are focused on ensuring that the
sector entity or infrastructure is able to effectively respond to any threats with an
emphasis on economy, environment, and safety.
The ensuing recovery process includes those capabilities necessary to assist the
sector entity or infrastructure asset, as well as communities affected by an incident,
in recovering effectively and prioritizing action plans and support. It is focused on
timely restoration, strengthening, and revitalization of the infrastructure. Successful
recovery requires informed and coordinated leadership, collaboration between the
sector partners during all phases of the recovery process.
Once the cyber-physical analysis and incident response and recovery action and
plans are communicated to the sectors or entities in question, the cyber operational
agencies, sector agencies, and the sector or entity involved should review the entire
incident analysis process to determine what worked and identify areas of weakness
to improve the process for the next incident response and recovery analysis.
The lessons learned process should strive to identify shortcomings of the process
that walks through the Cyber-Physical Mapping Framework Analysis Process Matrix
depicted in Appendix G (i.e., pre-incident planning and analysis, incident detection
and characterization, vulnerability/consequence analysis, incident response and
recovery, roles, responsibilities, collaboration, support, various report outputs, and
training). The lessons learned should provide guidance for the additional need for
training for all the personnel involved in the cyber-physical incident analysis.
The lessons learned should also focus on collecting data, sharing information,
providing guidance and assisting the sector or entity in preventing future attacks,
preventing or limiting disruption if they do occur, and creating early visibility of
such attacks through enhanced awareness, security monitoring, and training.
xiv Contents
Chapter 1
Pre-incident Planning and Analysis
The purpose of cyber-physical planning and analysis under the Cyber Network Guide,
Studies in Systems, Decision and Control textbook is to standardize requirements for
cyber-physical preparedness (including vulnerability and consequence analysis)
and operational incident response for all international cyber stakeholders.
The cyber and private sector international organizations under this cyber-physical
incident process and monitoring will, in advance, have the mechanisms and facility
to allow the development of a common operational picture of the incident in question
based on participation and input. Preparation also includes training to ensure indi-
viduals, teams, and organization leadership are trained in cyber-incident response
procedures and internal/external reporting mechanisms. Training should also ensure
that individuals meet professional qualifications and performance standards and have
been trained in their specific cyber roles within their organization structure and
During steady-state and monitoring activity, the international cyber organiza-
tions will leverage expertise in working with the international cyber governments
and private sector organizations to identify critical areas for vulnerability and conse-
quence analysis as it relates to infrastructure dependency, interdependency, cascading
effects, and cross-sector impacts of a potential incident. Cyber analysts will collab-
orate to standardize understanding of roles and responsibilities among the partners
(Fig. 1.1). Each organization plays a unique role in preparing for a cyber incident
with respect to its distinct mission and organizational authorities.
In the context of the United States National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP),
“steady state” is defined as the posture for routine, normal, day-to-day operations,
as contrasted with temporary periods of heightened alert or real-time response to
1 “How to Prepare for and Response to Business Disruption After Aggressive Cyber Attacks”,
August 2019.
Chapter 2
Incident Detection and Characterization
The Cyber Operation Centers will continue to serve as a centralized location where
operational elements involved in cybersecurity and communications dependence are
coordinated and integrated. The cyber incident response partners include all Federal
departments and agencies; State, local, tribal, and territorial governments; the private
sector; and international partners. In close coordination with the originators of infor-
mation and with other partners, the Federal requests, receives, shares, and analyzes
information on cyber-attack techniques and vulnerabilities from the range of the
highest to the lowest level of classification or restriction possible and works with
Federal partners to mitigate threats to critical networks.
In this process, the Federal government continues as the information and coordi-
nation hub of a national network to protect critical infrastructure. Specific Federal
government roles include situational awareness and crisis monitoring of critical
infrastructure, and information sharing on threat information and collaboration,
assessment and analysis, and decision support pre- and post-incident.
Both the Federal government and private sector will assist and collaborate sector
analysts and provide actionable information in real time for comprehensive cyber
and physical analysis of critical infrastructure during an incident (manmade and/or
natural disaster). The centers’ activities include analysis and providing a greater situ-
ational awareness of cybersecurity and communications vulnerabilities, intrusions,
incidents, mitigation, and recovery actions.1
2.1 Detection
When prevention and protection efforts are unsuccessful, Federal, State, local, tribal,
territorial, and private-sector owners and operators of critical networks and infras-
tructure are likely to be the first to detect malicious or unauthorized activity on their
1 Federal [1].
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Fiedelholtz, The Cyber Security Network Guide, Studies in Systems,
Decision and Control 274,
4 2 Incident Detection and Characterization
networks. In general, the critical infrastructure sector owners and operators work
independently and within their company’s incident response processes to address
cybersecurity issues. These private-sector owners and operators in partnership with
others, when appropriate, identify and contain malicious and unauthorized activity
on their critical networks (from internal/external cyber attacks). They seek to gather
as much information as possible on the unauthorized activity, including any critical
details on the “who, what, where, when, why, and how” of the incident, if known.
As part of this activity, organizations reporting an incident may report directly to the
Federal Operation Centers through its collocated organizations; indirectly through
the Situation Operation Center (SOC), National Operation Center (NOC), or law
enforcement, intelligence, and regulatory agencies; indirectly through Information
Sharing and Analysis Centers (ISACs); and/or directly from the private sector.2 Activ-
ities related to detection conducted by the Cyber Analyst in collaboration with Federal
Cyber Operation Centers may include the following:
• Conduct open source monitoring—Monitor the Cyber Daily Open Source
Infrastructure Report, a summary of open-source published information collected
each business day concerning significant critical cyber issues. Each Daily Report
is divided by critical infrastructure sectors and key assets defined in the NIPP, and
discusses relevant physical and cyber incidents across the Nation.3
• Collect datasets (security incidents, alerts, and events)—During the cyber inci-
dent, review and collect, major cyber reports, as well as sector reports of essential
security incidents, alerts, events, and information on control systems in sector
area(s) of concern. Such reports may include the Suspicious Activity Report
(SAR), U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT), and Industrial
Control System-Computer Emergency Readiness Team (ICS-CERT) weekly and
monthly reports; Open Source Infrastructure report and analysis; and others.
• Identify and analyze suspicious activity—Identify and analyze suspicious
activity reporting (SAR) from the Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting
Initiative (NSI) database. The SAR initiative is a collaborative effort led by the U.S.
Department of Justice (DOJ), Bureau of Justice Assistance, in partnership with
the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Federal Bureau of Investi-
gation (FBI), and State, local, tribal, and territorial law enforcement partners. The
program establishes a national capacity for gathering, documenting, processing,
analyzing, and sharing SAR information among law enforcement agencies. SAR
reports are vetted by the cyber fusion centers and shared as appropriate among
NSI participants.
• Detect and verify unusual and network traffic—Cyber Operation Centers, will
review, detect, and verify real-time cyber data with automatic collection tools,
and conduct deep packet inspection of traffic coming to or from Federal Internet
protocol (IP) addresses ending in “.com” or “.gov” to detect signs of suspicious
or malicious activities.
2 Federal [2].
3 Federal [3].
2.1 Detection 5
Cyber threat analysis is the practice of effectively fusing incident information, knowl-
edge of an organization’s network and vulnerabilities—both internal and external,
including essential IT and industrial control systems (ICS)—and matching these
against other actual cyber attacks and threats that have been observed or reported.
The output of this fused analysis is an advanced defensive detection mechanism with
a final goal of enhancing the defensive posture of seemingly unaffected or affected
asset owners of the critical infrastructure network.
As part of this process, the cyber analysts are responsible for threat analysis, which
will characterize the attack, including scope and scale, from forensic information,
and will attempt to ascertain the level of sophistication of the attack and the potential
impact to the sector(s). This will include identification of other potentially vulnerable
sector(s) and possible detection mechanisms for the attack. The attack’s level of
severity will be based on the seven layers of the Open Systems Interconnection
(OSI) Model described in detail in Appendix D. The steps for threat analysis are as
• Identify tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs)—The cyber analyst identi-
fies tactics, techniques, and procedures that pertains to cyber attacks. Attacks such
as distributed denial of service (DDoS), Internet of Things (IOT) and Ransomware
are just few examples that the critical infrastructure sectors operators may experi-
ence in the year 2019. For more details on the top 10 types of attacks, see Appendix
• Define scope/scale—The Federal government should identify the scope and scale
of the cyber-physical incident in terms of the interruption of the continuity of daily
business activities.
• Determine the intent and capabilities—The cyber analyst may seek information
from operation centers on the intent, scale, and capabilities of the cyber attack
(if available) to determine the type of attack and to understand the impact the
disruption will have on the critical infrastructure and the potential defense and
detection mechanisms that will be required for mitigation.
• Identify the sector affected (16 sectors) and any additional sector(s) with the
potential to be affected—The analyst should identify the sector(s) affected by
the cyber-physical exploit to understand the upstream and downstream disruption
impact on the sector supply chain and other sector(s) dependencies. This should
include identification of other sectors that may be similarly vulnerable, so that the
appropriate notification can be developed and communicated.
Fig. 2.1 Cyber digital media analysis process (Kent et al. [4])
8 2 Incident Detection and Characterization
user and host systems. NIST SP800-86 provides a guide to integrating forensic or
digital media analysis techniques into incident response.4
• Review and identify network configuration vulnerabilities (e.g., sensors, fire-
walls, routers, host, IDS/intrusion protection system [IPS], host anti-virus
[AV])—The cyber analysts should consider reviewing and identifying critical
network vulnerabilities during the initial stage of the cyber-incident analysis (if
available); these may include misconfigured firewalls, sensors, routers, IDSs and
IPSs, and host AV software, as well as risks associated with vendor-supplied soft-
ware, risks associated with the network, and systems administration errors. If the
information is not available in the initial analysis, efforts should be made to seek
this information during a latter stage of an analysis, such as digital media analysis,
to aid in the development of response and recovery plans. The following are other
vulnerabilities that should be considered:
– Network vulnerabilities—Review of network vulnerabilities across informa-
tion and control systems includes computers, network hardware/systems, OSs,
and software applications that may have originated from a vendor system,
system administration activities, and/or user activities.
– Vendor vulnerabilities—Vendor-originated vulnerabilities includes software
bugs, missing OS patches, vulnerable services, insecure default configurations,
and Web applications.
– System administration vulnerabilities—System administration originated
vulnerabilities include incorrect or unauthorized system configuration changes
and lack of password-protection policies.
– User vulnerabilities—User-originated vulnerabilities include sharing of direc-
tories with unauthorized users, failure to run virus scanning software, and
malicious activities such as introducing system backdoors.5
• Review network control systems—Through the Cyber Operation Centers, the
analyst leverages capabilities that provide onsite support and mitigation infor-
mation for protection against and in response to cyber threats; such information
may include incident response, forensic analysis, and site assessments. Informa-
tion and data from ICS-CERT investigative, forensic, or digital media analysis
tools can provide situational awareness of evolving threats to an ICS from cyber
For example, during the discovery of Stuxnet malware, the network analysis
quickly revealed that sophisticated malware of this type potentially has the ability
to gain access to, steal detailed proprietary information from, and manipulate the
systems that operate mission-critical processes.
• Filter information through the Cyber Operation Centers—The cyber analyst
should filter the incident and its impact to the sector entity in close cooperation with
the different cyber entities. The operational centers continuously monitor national
and international incidents and events that may affect emergency communications.
Malware analysis entails comprehensive review of the regional risk from an infras-
tructure disruption from cyber threats (see Appendix B). The analysis provides a
holistic view of the problem to assist the critical sector(s) in response and recovery.
The analysis should consider the following:
• Collect and analyze the data profile—Collection and analysis of data should
include information needed to analyze and manage critical infrastructure risks.
The dataset should include addresses, points-of-contact, asset geo-location, and
other information. This data should leverage geographic information system to
visually represent the data on a map; it can be sorted by sector, risk, and priority.
Output should provide tabular results of the critical infrastructure in question.
• Perform security and vulnerability assessments—This step should provide
analysts a way to assess the vulnerabilities and consequences of the threat’s impact
on infrastructure assets. Current cyber threat modeling and analysis tools should
provide a comprehensive score based on past and current analyst knowledge and
experience. The assessment should allow the analyst to tweak data based on local
threat and sector conditions.
• Separate asset groups for analysis and monitoring—The malware analysis
should allow the analyst to separate and prioritize asset groups based on threat and
consequence. These sector assets can be efficiently monitored for manipulation
of data based on changing conditions in the field.
• Document and disseminate results—The analyst can document the results from
the malware analysis and target the results based on a specific audience and
according to the different protocols.
The cyber analyst can seek information from various cyber threat models, which
may include threat identification, characterization, and indicator patterns for detec-
tion and investigation of specific incidents, in order to determine reactive courses
of action. These models are utilized as a structured language for cyber threat intel-
ligence information that capture, characterization, and communication of standard-
ized cyber-threat information; it improves consistency, efficiency, interoperability,
and overall situational awareness. A variety of high-level cybersecurity cases rely
on such information (Fig. 2.2), which is provided by cyber analysis, which works in
conjunction with Common Indicator Threat Information. See Appendix C for more
10 2 Incident Detection and Characterization
Fig. 2.2 Notional core use cases targeted by cyber indicators™ (
1. Federal: Cybersecurity and Infrastucture Agency (CISA) (2019) (undated a).
2. Federal: Bottom-Up Review Report (2019).
3. Federal (U.S. Department of Homeland Security): Federal daily open source infrastructure
report. Available at (2013).
Accessed 25 Mar 2013
4. Kent, K., Chevalier, S., Grance, T., Dang, H.: Special publication SP800-86, guide to integrating
forensic techniques into incident response. NIST (2006, August). Available at
gov/publications/nistpubs/800-86/SP800-86.pdf. Accessed 25 Mar 2013
Secure, functioning, and resilient critical networks requires the efficient exchange
of information, including intelligence, between all levels of government and critical
infrastructure sector owners and operators. This must facilitate the timely exchange
of threat and vulnerability information as well as information that allows for the
development of a situational awareness capability during incidents.1
To conduct vulnerability/consequence analysis of any particular sector or poten-
tial exploit, the analyst will collect relevant data from cyber operational centers on
credible cyber threats and combine it with cyber-physical system information from
owner/operators. Collection of data includes understanding potential cyber exploit
details, potential impacts on the entity based on their information, and relevant miti-
gation steps. The analyst will leverage partnerships with the government, industry,
and international partners to determine risk to infrastructure owners and operators
from credible cyber threats. These analyses will provide the basis for pre-incident
preparedness activities and post-incident response and recovery.
1 [1].
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14 3 Vulnerability/Consequence Analysis
an eye out for suspicious activity on their bank accounts to avoid loss of public
• Collection of validated cyber incident and forensic data involves the search for,
recognition of, collection of, and documentation of all the electronic evidence
collected by NCCIC automated tools and the sector participant.
• Network and host information—Cyber data collection involves review of
network and host information collected from application servers, system log
files, firewall log records, IDS, AV, malware detection automated tools, ISP
log files, and interviews of people and departments involved in the incident.
For example, the Network Mapper (Nmap) open-source tool for network explo-
ration and security auditing can provide information about hosts available on the
network, types of services (application names and version), OS versions, types of
packet filters/firewalls that are in use, and other characteristics.
centralized data acquisition and control are critical to system operation. They are
used in distribution systems such as water distribution and wastewater collection
systems, oil and natural gas pipelines, electrical power grids, and railway trans-
portation systems. A SCADA control center performs centralized monitoring and
control for field sites over long-distance communications networks, including
monitoring alarms and processing status data. Based on information received
from remote stations, automated or operator-driven supervisory commands can
be pushed to remote station control devices, which are often referred to as field
Field devices control local operations such as opening and closing valves
and breakers, collecting data from sensor systems, and monitoring the local
environment for alarm conditions.
DCSs are used to control industrial processes such as electric power generation,
oil refineries, water and wastewater treatment, and chemical, food, and automotive
production. DCSs are integrated as a control architecture containing a supervisory
level of control overseeing multiple integrated subsystems that are responsible
for controlling the details of a localized process. Product and process control
are usually achieved by deploying wired or wireless feedback or feed forward
control loops whereby key product and/or process conditions are automatically
maintained around a desired set point. To accomplish the desired product and/or
process tolerance around a specified set point, specific PLCs are employed in the
field and proportional, integral, and/or derivative settings on the PLC are tuned to
provide the desired tolerance as well as the rate of self-correction during process
DCSs are used extensively in process-based industries in conjunction with
SCADA systems to remotely operate multiple processing facilities. An example
of the wireless SCADA for a water treatment facility is shown in Fig. 3.1.
PLCs are computer-based solid-state devices that control industrial equipment and
processes. While PLCs are control system components used throughout SCADA
systems and DCSs, they are often the primary components in smaller control
system configurations used to provide operational control of discrete processes
such as automobile assembly lines and power plant soot blower controls. PLCs
are used extensively in almost all industrial processes.4
The following is a list of the generic ICS and communication network architecture
components (Fig. 3.2) that are vulnerable to cyber exploits:
• Control server—The control server hosts the DCS or PLC supervisory control
software that communicates with lower-level control devices. The control
server accesses subordinate control modules over the ICS network.
• SCADA server or master terminal unit (MTU)—The SCADA server is the
device that acts as the master in a SCADA system. Remote terminal units
(RTUs) and PLC devices (as described below) located at remote field sites
usually act as slaves.
Fig. 3.1 Notional critical infrastructure network layout facility (NIST 800-82, Revision guide to
control systems)
(PDA) to access data over a LAN through a wireless access point, and using a
laptop and modem connection to remotely access an ICS.6
Additional systems include the following:
• Safety instrumented system (SIS)—A SIS plays a vital role in providing the
protective layer functionality in many critical infrastructure industrial process
and automation systems. Automatic SIS are some of the mitigation measures the
industry uses to protect against or mitigate harm/damage to personnel, process
plant, and the environment. A SIS comprises sensors, logic solvers, and actua-
tors to take a process to a safe state when normal predetermined set points are
exceeded, or safe operating conditions are violated. In general, any protection
system (including a SIS) is kept functionally separate from the process control
systems so that it can operate independently of the state of the control systems.
In essence, protection systems such as SISs should be capable of functioning to
protect the processes under their control when the control system fails or is in fault
mode.7 Today, due to the complex process and automation systems, separation
of the SIS from process control system is not possible and therefore could be
exploited using malware, or when the process control system is compromised by
a perpetrator.
• Emergency shutdown system—An emergency shutdown (ESD) system is an
automated safety system layer of protection designed to mitigate and prevent
plant processes, personnel, and the environment from a hazardous situation. The
ESD is designed to shut down a process in a safe and orderly fashion during an
emergency. An emergency shutdown system for a process control system includes
an ESD valve and an associated valve actuator. An ESD controller provides output
signals to the ESD valve in the event of a failure in the process control system.
A solenoid valve responds to the ESD controller to vent the actuator to a fail
state. A digital valve controller (DVC) test strokes the ESD valve. An impedance
booster device allows the direct current powering of the solenoid valve and the
DVC over a two-wire line while still permitting digital communication over the
same two-wire line.8
• The ESD system can be activated manually or automatically from a third-party
system such as a fire and gas system or process sensors. Once activated, the ESD
system initiates customer-defined actions, which may consist of either partial or
total plant shutdown procedures. It is not uncommon for the industry to transmit
shutdown signal, defined system, and discrepancy alarms data using a third-
party DCS network and backup communication systems architecture, control,
and monitoring devices. The following are components that may be part of the
ESD system:
The term control system encompasses several types of systems, including SCADA,
process control, and other automated systems that are found in the industrial sectors
and critical infrastructure. These systems operate physical processes that produce
the goods and services the Nation relies upon, such as energy, drinking water, emer-
gency services, transportation, postal and shipping, and public health. Infrastructure
dependency/interdependency can be described in terms of four general categories:
• Physical (e.g., the material output of one infrastructure is used by another),
• Cyber (e.g., infrastructures utilize electronic information and control systems),
• Geographic (e.g., infrastructures are collocated in a common corridor), and
• Logical (e.g., infrastructures are linked through financial markets).
Control systems security is particularly important because of the inherent intercon-
nectedness of the critical infrastructure sectors and their dependence on one another.
As such, assessing risk and effectively securing ICSs are vital to maintaining the
Nation’s strategic interests, public safety, and economic wellbeing. A successful
cyber attack on a control system could result in physical damage, loss of life, and
cascading effects that could disrupt services.10
3.3 Dependency/Interdependency Analysis 23
Figure 3.3 shows an illustration of cascading and escalating failures for represen-
tative components of the electric power and natural gas infrastructures. As depicted,
a cascading failure is initiated by a disruption of the microwave communications
network that is used for the SCADA system. The lack of monitoring and control
capabilities causes a large generating unit to be taken offline, an event that, in turn,
causes a loss of power at a distribution substation. This loss then leads to blackouts
for the area served by the substation. The outages affect traffic signals; this problem
Fig. 3.3 Notional example of interdependency and escalating failures (McCauley [5])
24 3 Vulnerability/Consequence Analysis
increases travel times and causes delays in repair and restoration activities (esca-
lating failure). In addition, the electric power loss could cause a major imbalance,
triggering a cascading failure across the power grid. This could result in large area
blackouts that could potentially affect oil and natural gas production, refinery opera-
tions, water treatment systems, wastewater collection systems, and pipeline transport
systems that rely on the grid for electric power.11
• Resiliency measures—Infrastructure resilience is the ability to reduce the magni-
tude and/or duration of disruptive events. The effectiveness of a resilient infras-
tructure or enterprise depends upon its ability to anticipate, absorb, adapt to,
and/or rapidly recover from a potentially disruptive event. The National Infrastruc-
ture Advisory Council (NIAC) has the following resiliency measures for critical
– Absorptive capacity is the ability of the system to endure a disruption without
significant deviation from normal operating performance. For example, fire-
proofing foam increases the capacity of a building system to absorb the shock
of a fire.
– Adaptive capacity is the ability of the system to adapt to a shock affecting
normal operating conditions. For example, the extra transformers U.S. electric
power companies keep on store and share increases the ability of the grid to
adapt quickly to regional power losses.
– Recoverability is the ability of the system to recover quickly—and at low
cost—from potentially disruptive events.12
The cyber analyst should identify external impacts from a cyber-physical perspective.
All critical infrastructure assets depend on, and are needed for, one or more other
critical infrastructures. For an example, the chemical sector depends on, and is needed
for, a wide range of other sectors, including communications, critical manufacturing,
emergency services, energy, food and agriculture, healthcare and public health, IT,
transportation systems, and water and wastewater systems.13 The highly simplified
example (Fig. 3.4) shows how to determine external impacts from a cyber incident to
understand and analyze cascading or escalating failures. The following areas should
be considered when identifying external impacts:
• Dependencies—The 16 critical infrastructures are now increasingly dependent
on automation technology, as depicted in Fig. 3.4. To evaluate the cyber-physical
impacts from a cyber incident, it is vital that the analyst understand the rela-
tionship and implications of dependencies and interdependencies among the
Fig. 3.5 Notional infrastructure interdependencies for electric power (Petit [9])
15 Johnson [10].
Chapter 4
Incident Response and Recovery
The cyber analyst in the cyber-physical response and recovery will provide necessary
support in the analysis and development of response and recovery action plans to
protect the sector entity or infrastructure property, business needs, and the environ-
ment after an incident has occurred and then continue this effort in stabilizing the
incident. Response and recovery efforts are focused on ensuring that the sector entity
or infrastructure is able to effectively respond to any threats with an emphasis on
economy, environment, and safety.
The ensuing recovery process includes those capabilities necessary to assist the
sector entity or infrastructure asset, as well as communities affected by an incident,
in recovering effectively and prioritizing action plans and support. It is focused on
timely restoration, strengthening, and revitalization of the infrastructure. Successful
recovery requires informed and coordinated leadership, collaboration between the
sector partners during all phases of the recovery process.
The cyber analyst working with the operational centers develops responses commen-
surate with levels of response (levels 1, 2, and 3 as defined under Cyber Operational
CONOPS) as appropriate for the incident under investigation. Information sharing
includes keeping the leadership of International, Federal agencies, and sector partners
In collaboration the cyber analyst provides information on the incident and the
response and recovery action items initially drafted to the appropriate leadership.
The cyber analyst reviews feedback from the operational center on the response and
recovery plan and action items. During this step, the cyber analyst shares information
and collaborates with other analysts at the operation centers.
To conduct an incident analysis, the cyber analyst will collect relevant data from
operation centers on the incident and collaborate and share information on the sector
infrastructure and specifics of the entity in question. Data collection includes under-
standing cyber exploit details, the initial impact on the entity, and relevant mitigation
steps provided to the entity during the information-sharing stage which will leverage
operational center partnerships with the government, industry, and international
partners to obtain and share situational awareness about incident consequences.
The cyber analyst, in collaboration with other experts will work closely with critical
infrastructure owners/operators, Federal agencies, and State and local governments
through the local government entities to provide initial information on the threat, risk,
and consequence of the cyber incident for situational awareness and data analysis to
develop and share actionable mitigation recommendations.
4.2 Mitigation Activities 33
Based on the sector and the incident, the analyst will identify, understand, and review
the entity- or sector-specific infrastructure physical attributes, processes, operational
nuances, and mechanical and operational constraints of the systems in question to
plan mitigation and response activities. For example, if the incident is related to a
natural gas pipeline, the analyst will gather all the relevant operation and physical
configuration data, resiliency of the system, and physical operational constraints.
The analyst will understand both upstream and downstream infrastructure compo-
nents such as processing plants, compressor stations, receipt/delivery points, inter-
connections, and underground storage connectivity, as well as all the pertinent links
and nodes for comprehensive mitigation steps to be undertaken by the entity/sector
participant experiencing the cyber incident.
Cyber analysts will develop courses of actions in response to the reported cyber
incident. These actions may address short-term and long-term responses to mitigate
vulnerabilities, weaknesses, or misconfigurations that may be the specific targets
of exploits. For example, in the case of a confirmed phishing attack with defined
indicators based on analysis, the analyst and the operational centers will collaborate
to assess the cost and efficacy of courses of action deemed necessary for the effective
development of response and recovery, as appropriate and applicable to the sector-
specific infrastructure and operational requirements (e.g., implementing a firewall-
blocking rule at the gateway to the business network).
34 4 Incident Response and Recovery
To develop response and recovery action plans, it is vital for the analyst to under-
stand and document the operational resiliency aspects of the sector infrastructure or
the individual entity experiencing the cyber exploits on their business and control
system networks. This should include discussion with personnel in control systems
engineering and operations who can provide insight into the details of how control
systems are deployed within the organization, such as the following:
• How are networks typically segregated?
• What remote access connections are generally employed?
• How are high-risk control systems, ESDs, or SISs typically designed?
• How much system downtime can the organization tolerate? How does this
downtime compare with the mean repair/recovery time?
• What other processing or communications options can the user access?
• Could a system or security malfunction or unavailability result in injury or death?
• What security countermeasures and mitigation controls are commonly used or in
place to respond to a cyber-physical incident?
• How is the security incident response plan put into action for response and
recovery of physical assets?
• What type of redundancies and backups are in place to operate the system?
• What workarounds are available for manual control of operation?
• What are the types and availabilities of resources in place (technical/certified
personnel) to operate the control system under manual control, and other process
plant functions?
In collaboration with the sector partners, the cyber analyst documents the relevant
operational workarounds and constraints to formulate action plans for response and
recovery for efficient and effective response to an incident. An incident response and
recovery plan includes a predetermined set of instructions or procedures to detect,
respond to, and limit consequences of incidents that target an organization’s informa-
tion and control systems. Response should be measured first and foremost against the
service being provided, not just the system that was compromised. The response plan
should take into account risk assessments performed initially in collaboration with
the sector partner to evaluate both the effect of the attack and the available response
4.3 Response and Recovery 35
options. For example, one possible response is to physically isolate the system under
attack. However, this may have such a dire impact on the service that it is dismissed
as not viable.1
The development and documentation of response and recovery plans should include
appropriate mitigation security controls timeframe (short-term versus long-term)
In collaboration with the operation center, the cyber analyst will characterize the inci-
dent based on local, State, regional, and national consequences to develop appropriate
response and recovery action plans with designations agreed upon and according
cyber policy and procedures (catastrophic, major, moderate, and minor) to support
the sector entity or infrastructure partner in implementing mitigation and recovery
options. Characterizations are as follows (per NIST Special Publication 800-30, with
some modification):
• Catastrophic (High)—The cyber-physical incident (1) may result in national-
level consequences; (2) may result in the very costly loss of major tangible assets
or resources or infrastructure; (3) may result in major cascading impacts to other
critical infrastructure; (4) may significantly violate, harm, or impede an organiza-
tion’s mission, reputation, or economic interest; and/or (5) may result in human
fatality or serious injury.
• Major (Medium)—The cyber-physical incident (1) may result in regional-level
consequences; (2) may result in the costly loss of tangible assets or resources or
some part of infrastructure; (3) may result in some cascading impacts to some other
regional critical infrastructure; (4) may violate, harm, or impede an organization’s
mission, reputation, and interest; or (5) may result in human injury.
• Moderate (Low)—The cyber-physical incident (1) may result in State or local-
level consequences; (2) may result in the loss of some tangible assets or resources,
or a limited part of the infrastructure; (3) may result in limited cascading impacts
to some other local-/State-level critical infrastructure; or (4) may noticeably affect
an organization’s mission, reputation, or interest.
Cyber-physical digital media analysis, also known as computer and network foren-
sics, has many definitions, practices digital media analysis as a means to evaluate
a cyber incident. In practice, the digital media analysis is considered the applica-
tion of science to the identification, collection, examination, and analysis of data
while preserving the integrity of the information and maintaining a strict chain of
custody for the data. Data refers to distinct pieces of digital information that have
been formatted in a specific way. Organizations have an ever-increasing amount of
data from many sources. For example, data can be stored or transferred by standard
computer systems, networking equipment, computing peripherals, PDAs, consumer
electronic devices, and various types of media, among other sources. Because of
the variety of data sources, digital media analysis techniques can be used for many
purposes, such as internal policy violations, reconstructing computer security inci-
dents, troubleshooting operational problems, and recovering from accidental system
damage. The process for performing digital media analysis comprises the following
basic phases:
• Collection—Identifying, labeling, recording, and acquiring data from the possible
sources of relevant data, while following procedures that preserve the integrity of
the data.
• Examination—Forensically processing collected digital media data using a
combination of automated and manual methods, and assessing and extracting
data of particular interest, while preserving the integrity of the data.
• Analysis—Analyzing the results of the examination, using legally justifiable
methods and techniques, to derive useful information that addresses the questions
that were the impetus for performing the collection and examination.
• Reporting—Reporting the results of the analysis, which may include describing
the actions used, explaining how tools and procedures were selected, determining
what other actions need to be performed (e.g., examination of additional data
sources, securing identified vulnerabilities, improving existing security controls),
and providing recommendations for improvement to policies, procedures, tools,
and other aspects of the analysis process.4
1. Stouffer, K., Falco, J., Scarfone, K.: Special publication SP800-82: guide to industrial control
systems (ICS) security. NIST (2015). Available at
2. Stoneburner, G., Goguen, A.: Special publication 800-30—risk management guide for infor-
mation technology systems, NIST (2015, July). Available at
tpubs/800-30/sp800-30.pdf. Accessed 25 Mar 2013
3. Stouffer, K., Falco, J., Scarfone, K.: Special publication SP800-82: guide to industrial control
systems (ICS) security. NIST (2015). Available at
82/SP800-82-final.pdf. Accessed 25 Mar 2013
4. Kent, K., Chevalier, S., Grance, T., Dang, H.: Special publication SP800-86, guide to integrating
forensic techniques into incident response. NIST (2006, August). Available at
gov/publications/nistpubs/800-86/SP800-86.pdf. Accessed 25 Mar 2013
Chapter 5
Cloud Architecture
The three basic models with which cloud provides services are, Software as a Service
(SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).
In Software as a Service (SaaS) the cloud provider gives a customer access to
applications running in the cloud. The Customer has no control over the infrastructure
or even most of the application capabilities but the customer accesses and uses the
In Platform as a Service (PaaS) the customer has his or her own applications,
but the cloud affords the languages and tools for creating them. The customer has
no control over the infrastructure that underlies the tools but may have some say in
infrastructure configuration.
In Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) the cloud offers processing, storage,
networks, and other computing resources that enable customers to run any kind of
software. Here, customers can request operating systems, storage, some applications,
and some network components.
Managed Edge
Integration Tethering
Cloud-Inspired Managed
PaaS Framework Private Cloud
There are many different definitions of clouds, and many ways of describing how
clouds are deployed. Often, four basic offerings are described by cloud providers:
private clouds, community clouds, public clouds, and hybrid clouds.
A private cloud has infrastructure that is operated exclusively by and for the
organization that owns it, but cloud management may be contracted out to a third
party. A community cloud is shared by several organization and is usually intended
to accomplish a shared goal. For instance, collaborators in a community cloud must
agree on its security requirements, policies, and mission. It too, may farm out cloud
management to another organization. A public cloud available to the general public
is owned by an organization that sells cloud services. A hybrid cloud is composed
of two or more types of clouds, connected by technology that enables data and
applications to be moved around the infrastructure to balance loads among clouds.
Thus, cloud software is not business as usual. It must provide services without
anchoring in a particular location. It must also be highly modular, with low coupling
and easy interoperability all characteristics of good code.
Two of the major cloud models that are most used by the government and
private sector are the Amazon Web Cloud Services (AWS) and Azure Microsoft
Web Services.
components over the internet services. The AWS Cloud network is established to
enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of cyber data being transferred over the
The government cloud data in the AWS platform is encrypted with a public and
private key is used to secure Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability (CIA).
Once the cyber-physical analysis and incident response and recovery action and
plans are communicated to the sectors or entities in question, the cyber operational
agencies, sector agencies, and the sector or entity involved should review the entire
incident analysis process to determine what worked and identify areas of weakness
to improve the process for the next incident response and recovery analysis.
The lessons learned process should strive to identify shortcomings of the process
that walks through the D Cyber-Physical Mapping Framework Analysis Process
Matrix depicted in Appendix G (i.e., pre-incident planning and analysis, incident
detection and characterization, vulnerability/consequence analysis, incident response
and recovery, roles, responsibilities, collaboration, support, various report outputs,
and training). The lessons learned should provide guidance for the additional need
for training for all the personnel involved in the cyber-physical incident analysis.
The lessons learned should also focus on collecting data, sharing information,
providing guidance and assisting the sector or entity in preventing future attacks,
preventing or limiting disruption if they do occur, and creating early visibility of
such attacks through enhanced awareness, security monitoring, and training.
Other key components of an effective post-event analysis program include the
• Identify what transpired and the sequence of events;
• Understand the causes of events;
• Understand the vulnerabilities that were exploited;
• Identify and ensure timely implementation of corrective actions;
• Develop and disseminate recommendations and valuable lessons learned to the
Federal partners, and industry to enhance operational performance and avoid
repeat events;
• Develop the capability for integrating risk analysis into the event analysis process;
1. NERC (North American Electric Reliability Corporation): Cyber attack task force—final report.
Available at
2012-Board%20Accepted%200521.pdf (2012). Accessed 25 Mar 2013
1 NERC [1].
Appendix A
Cyber Network Hardware and Software
Operating Procedure (SOP)
Term Description
Sensor Sensors typically are small inexpensive and often
battery powered meaning that issues of very low
power consumption and limited process capability
Control panel Network Control Panel enables us to change various
hardware and software features. For example,
System and Security, Network and Internet,
Hardware and Software Programs, User Accounts
SandBox Applets and servlets run in a protected area called
the sandbox, which provides extensive security
controls to prevent them from accessing
unauthorized resources or damaging the hardware
OO or file system
Appendix A: Cyber Network Hardware and Software Operating Procedure (SOP) 47
Term Description
Gateways Nodes connecting two or more networks or network
segments that might be physically implemented as
workstations, servers, or routers. (Layer 5)
Policy registry Establish hardware and software policies for
governing network features
Encryption The act of applying a transforming function to data,
with the intention that only the receiver of the data
will be able to read it (after applying the inverse
function, decryption). Encryption generally
depends on either a secret shared by the sender and
receiver or a public/private key pair
Cloud A specific way of organizing computer resources
for maximum availability and accessibility and
minimal complexity in the interfaces including
front end web based interfaces and a large
collection of computing and data resources
(collectively called back end resources)
Bus A communication protocol used by all devices
attached to a bus that governs the formats, content
and timing of data, memory address and control
messages sent across the bus
Firewall—Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) The DMZ is used to hold services such as DNS and
email servers that need to be accessible to the
outside. Both the internal network and outside
world can access the DMZ but hosts in the DMZ
cannot access internal network. Therefore, an
adversary who succeeds in compromising a host in
the exposed DMZ still cannot access the DMZ
HTTP HTTP is an application protocol that is used to
retrieve webpages from remote servers. May
efficient application programs that is web clients
like Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari
provide users with different look and feel but all of
them use the same HTTP protocol to communicate
web servers over the Internet
Protocols A specification of an interface between modules
running on different machines, as well the
communication service that those modules
implement. The terms is also used to refer to an
implementation of the module that meets this
specification. To distinguish between these two
uses, the interface is often called a protocol
Switch A network node that forwards packets from inputs
to outputs based on header information in each
packet. Differs from a router mainly in that it
typically does not interconnect networks of
different types
Router A network node connected to two or more networks
that forwards packets from one network to another.
Contrast with bridge, repeater, and switch
48 Appendix A: Cyber Network Hardware and Software Operating Procedure (SOP)
Term Description
Netflow analysis Strictly speaking, a flow is a series of packets that
share the same source and destination IP addresses,
source and destination ports, and IP protocol. This
is also called a five-tuple IP flow. The word flow is
also sometimes used to mean an aggregate of
individual flows. A flow record is a summary of
information about a flow, recording which hosts
communicated with which other hosts, when this
communication occurred, how the traffic was
transmitted, and other basic information about the
network conversation. A flow analysis system
collects flow information and gives you a system to
search, filter, and print flow information. Flow
records summarize every connection on your
Intrusion detection system; Intrusion Related to firewalls are systems known as intrusion
protection system detection systems (IDS) and intrusion protection
systems (IPS). These systems try to look for
anomalous activity such as an unusually large
amount of traffic targeting a given host or port
number, for example, and generate alarms for
network managers or perhaps even take direct
action to limit a possible attack. While there are
commercial products in this space today, it is still a
developing field
Middleware System software that glues together parts of a
client/server or multitier application and enables
clients and servers or distributed components to
locate and communicate with one another
Mitigation Cyber operational agencies promulgate
countermeasures to mitigate suspicious IP
addresses. (see mitigation diagram)
Appendix B
Cyber-Physical Mapping Framework Analysis
Process Matrix
1 Forbes[1].
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 51
Fiedelholtz, The Cyber Security Network Guide, Studies in Systems,
Decision and Control 274,
52 Appendix C: OWASP Top Ten Cyber Attacks
as law enforcement agencies and governments try to get one step ahead of the
criminals, it is likely that the use of such tools, and the debate surrounding their
use, will continue.
5. Malware exploits—Malware exploits are common to both the wired and wire-
less networks. Today, the wide use of mobile devices, while offering huge
benefits to a business, also increases its risk from malware exploits that allow
the perpetrator access to the company’s enterprise business and control system
networks. Cloud data can be accessed from devices that may not be as secure as
traditional endpoint devices. When the same device is used for both personal and
business tasks, risk increases still further. In December 2012, Iran reported new
Stuxnet-like Trojan attack targeting Iran’s oil refinery control systems. A Trojan
is a type of malware designed to give remote control of one computer to another
in order to inflict damage or steal information. Famous Trojans have included
Zeus and Netbus. Preliminary data suggested that files on several computers
were overwritten with garbage code, after which the hard disks on the targeted
systems were wiped clean by a malicious program.
6. Privacy breaches—The value of personal data to cybercriminals and legitimate
businesses will only grow in the future, and with it the potential threat to privacy
7. Cyber extortion—The year 2012 saw growing numbers of ransomware Trojans
designed to extort money from their victims, either by encrypting data on the
disk or by blocking access to the system. Such attacks are easy to develop and,
as with phishing attacks, there seems to be no shortage of potential victims.
Until fairly recently, this type of cybercrime was confined largely to Russia and
other former Soviet countries. However, they have now become a worldwide
phenomenon, although sometimes with slightly different modus operandi. In
Russia, for example, Trojans that block access to the system often claim to have
identified unlicensed software on the victim’s computer and ask for a payment.2
8. Apple MAC and iPad OS attacks—Attacks on the Mac OS have grown
steadily over the last 2 years; it would be naive of anyone using a Mac to imagine
that they could not become the victim of cybercrime. It is not only generalized
attacks, such as the 700,000-strong Flashfake botnet, that pose a threat; there
have also been targeted attacks on specific groups, or individuals, known to use
Macs. The threat to Macs is real and is likely keep growing. In addition, recent
events have identified exploits of Apple iPad OS; iPad use is becoming popular
for normal business uses such as accessing emails and corporate data.
9. Attack on Android OS—Mobile malware has exploded in the last 18 months
because of the popularity and use of smartphones by employees and business
executives. The lion’s share of it targets Android-based devices—more than
90% is aimed at this OS. The appearance of the “Find and Call” app earlier this
year has shown that it is possible for undesirable apps to slip through the net.
However it is likely that, for the time being at least, Android will remain the
chief focus of cyber criminals. The key significance of the Find and Call app
2 Croucher [2].
Appendix C: OWASP Top Ten Cyber Attacks 53
lies in the issue of privacy, data leakage, and the potential damage to a person’s
reputation: this app was designed to upload someone’s phonebook to a remote
server and use it to send Systems Management Server (SMS) spam.
10. Java exploits—One of the key methods used by cyber criminals to install
malware on a computer is to exploit unpatched vulnerabilities in applications.
This relies on the existence of vulnerabilities and the failure of individuals or
businesses to patch their applications. Java vulnerabilities currently account
for more than 50% of attacks, while Adobe Reader accounts for another 25%.
Cyber criminals will continue to exploit Java in the year ahead. It is likely that
Adobe Reader will also continue to be used by cyber criminals, but probably
less so because the latest versions provide an automatic update mechanism.
Appendix D
Structured Threat Information EXpression
STIX™ and CybOX are used in conjunction with TAXII™ that allows sharing
of actionable cyber threat information across organization. The following describes
the attributes of CybOX™ and TAXII™:
D.2 CybOX™
a novel approach for building soft clusters that expose behavioral commonali-
ties characterized as component traits. The idea is to identify malware in terms of
component-based malware cluster, behavior mapping, and malware relationship.4
• Determine operational event management—Operational event management
logged data from security event systems is monitored and compiled from network
and application firewalls, network and host IDS/IPS, access controls, sniffers, and
Unified Threat Management systems (UTM), switch, router, load balancer, OS,
server, badge reader, custom or legacy application, and many other IT systems
across the enterprise.5 From this data, CybOX™ allows the compilation of the
observable events in the operational domain.
• Determine Logging—Logging records are the only evidence of a successful
attack. Many organizations keep audit records for compliance purposes, but
attackers rely on the fact that such organizations rarely look at the audit logs,
so they do not know that their systems have been compromised. Because of
poor or nonexistent log analysis processes, attackers sometimes control victim
machines for months or years without anyone in the target organization knowing,
even though the evidence of the attack has been recorded in unexamined log files.
Deficiencies in security logging and analysis allow attackers to hide their location,
malicious software used for remote control, and activities on victim machines.
Even if the victims know that their systems have been compromised, without
protected and complete logging records they are blind to the details of the attack
and to subsequent actions taken by the attackers. Without solid audit logs, an
attack may go unnoticed indefinitely and the particular damages done may be
• Apply digital forensics—Through utilization of the standardized CybOX™
language, collect digital forensics relevant to observable events or properties on
the appropriate portions of attack patterns and malware profiles from CybOX™
techniques in order to tie the logical pattern constructs to real-world evidence of
their occurrence or presence for attack detection and characterization.7
4 Yavvari
et al. [4].
5 Butler
6 SANS Institute [6].
7 The MITRE Corporation [7].
Appendix D: Structured Threat Information EXpression (STIX™) 59
for the detection, prevention, and mitigation of cyber threats. TAXII™ is the preferred
method of exchanging information represented using the STIX™ language, enabling
organizations to share structured cyber threat information in a secure and automated
TAXII™ roles (producer and consumer) are used to denote participants in
TAXII™ according to their high-level objectives in the use of TAXII™ services:
• Producer—An entity (e.g., a person, organization, or agency) that is the source
of structured cyber threat information.
• Consumer—An entity that is the recipient of structured cyber threat information.
(Note that these roles are not mutually exclusive; one entity might be both a
consumer and a producer of structured cyber threat information.)
• TAXII™ Functional Units—TAXII™ functional units represent discrete sets of
functionality required to support TAXII™. A single software application could
encompass multiple functional units or multiple applications could cooperate
to serve as a single functional unit. A functional unit simply represents some
component with a well-defined role in TAXII™.
• TAXII™ Message Handler (TMH)—A functional unit that produces and
consumes TAXII™ messages. The TMH is responsible for parsing inbound
TAXII™ messages and constructing outbound TAXII™ messages in conformance
with one or more TAXII™ message binding specifications. A TMH interacts with
the TAXII™ Transfer Agent (defined below), which handles the details required
to transmit those messages over the network. The TAXII™ back-end interacts
with the TMH to turn the information from the back-end into TAXII™ Messages
and to perform activities based on the TAXII™ messages that the TMH receives.
• TAXII™ Transfer Agent (TTA)—A network-connected functional unit that
sends and/or receives TAXII™ messages. A TTA interacts with other TTAs over
the network and handles the details of the protocol requirements from one or more
TAXII™ protocol binding specifications. A TTA provides TAXII™ messages to
a TMH, allowing the TMH to be agnostic to the utilized network protocol. By
the same token, the TTA can be agnostic as to the content of TAXII™ Messages,
leaving the handling of this information to the TMH.
• TAXII™ Back-end—A term that covers all functional units in the TAXII™ archi-
tecture other than the TTA and the TMH. This could cover data storage, subscrip-
tion management, access control decisions, filtering of content prior to dissemi-
nation, and other activities. The TAXII™ specifications provide no requirements
on how capabilities are implemented in a TAXII™ back-end beyond noting that
TAXII™ back-ends need to be able to interact with a TMH. Individual imple-
menters and organizations can decide which TAXII™ back-end capabilities are
necessary given the TAXII™ services they wish to support and how they wish to
provide this support.
• TAXII™ Architecture—A term that covers all functional units of a single
producer or consumer’s infrastructure that provide and/or utilize TAXII™
The OSI Reference Model has seven layers: application, presentation, session, trans-
port, network, data link, and physical. Understanding severity of the cyber incident
and exploit requires understanding of these seven layers. The OSI Reference Model
defines Internet working in terms of a vertical stack of seven layers. The upper layers
of the OSI Reference Model represent software that implements network services,
such as encryption and connection management. The lower layers of the OSI Refer-
ence Model implement more primitive, hardware-oriented functions like routing,
addressing, and flow control (Fig. E.1).
It is a fundamental rule that higher layers cannot be secured without the lower
layers also being secured. For example, currently known/familiar threats at lower
levels of the OSI stack include address resolution protocol (ARP) spoofing man-in-
the-middle (MITM) attacks at layer two, and physical layer attacks such as passive
optical taps or the interception of wireless network signals by attackers. As noted by
SANS Institute in their Top 20 Security Risks report, nearly half of the 4396 total
vulnerabilities reported in SANS @RISK data from November 2006 to October 2007
The physical layer is the lowest layer of the OSI Reference Model, which is concerned
with the transmission and reception of the unstructured raw bit stream over a physical
medium. It describes the electrical/optical, mechanical, and functional interfaces to
the physical medium, and it carries the signals for all of the higher layers. The physical
layer defines the electrical, mechanical, procedural, and functional specifications for
activating, maintaining, and deactivating the physical link between communicating
network systems. Physical layer specifications define characteristics such as media,
voltage levels, timing of voltage changes, physical data rates, maximum transmission
distances, and physical connectors.
This layer ensures that a bit sent on one side of the network is received correctly
on the other side. Data travel from the application layer of the sender, down through
the levels, across the nodes of the network service, and up through the levels of the
receiver. To keep track of the transmission, each layer “wraps” the preceding layer’s
data and header with its own header. A small chunk of data will be transmitted with
multiple layer headers attached to it. On the receiving end, each layer strips off the
header that corresponds to its respective level.
Kinetic (physical) destruction and intentional attempts at electromagnetic destruc-
tion of network assets via high-power microwave weapons, or high-altitude electro-
magnetic pulse effects, are examples of the threats at the physical layer of hardware.10
Another example of physical layer-1 vulnerability is a computer’s need for electrical
power. A physical exploit would be to pull the power cord out of the wall. Mitigation
to prevent the exploit would be to house the power cords in a locked enclosure. A
countermeasure would be to connect all the computers to an uninterruptible power
supply (UPS) device.11
The data link layer provides error-free reliable transfer of data across a physical
network. This layer deals with issues such as flow regulation, error detection and
control, and frames. This layer has the important task of creating and managing what
frames are sent out on the network. The network data frame, or packet, is made up of
checksum, source address, destination address, and the data itself. The largest packet
size that can be sent defines the maximum transmission unit. Different data link
layer specifications define different network and protocol characteristics, including
physical addressing, network topology, error notification, sequencing of frames, and
flow control. Physical addressing (as opposed to network addressing) defines how
devices are addressed at the data link layer.
Network topology consists of the data link layer specifications that often define
how devices are to be physically connected, such as in a bus or a ring topology. Error
notification alerts upper-layer protocols that a transmission error has occurred, and
the sequencing of data frames reorders frames that are transmitted out of sequence.
Finally, flow control moderates the transmission of data so that the receiving device is
not overwhelmed with more traffic than it can handle at one time. The protocols used
in the data link layer are serial line Internet or interface protocol (SLIP), point-to-
point protocol (PPP), MTU, and compressed serial line Internet or interface protocol
(CSLP). Logical link control (LLC) defines how data are transferred over the cable
and provides data link service to the higher layers. Medium access control (MAC)
defines who can use the network when multiple computers are trying to access it
simultaneously (e.g., token passing, Ethernet).
The network layer controls the operation of the subnet, deciding which physical
path the data should take based on network conditions, priority of service, and other
factors. Figure E.2 shows the test packets captured under the Wireshark tool.
The network layer is responsible for the routing of data (packets) through the
network and handles the addressing and delivery of data. This layer provides for
congestion control, accounting information for the network, routing, addressing,
and several other functions. IP is a good example of a network layer protocol.
Transport layer is responsible for reliable transmission of data and service specifica-
tion between hosts. The major responsibility of this layer is data integrity, ensuring
that data transmitted between hosts is reliable and timely. Upper-layer datagrams are
broken down into network-sized datagrams, if needed, and then implemented using
appropriate transmission control. The transport layer creates one or more network
connections, depending on conditions. This layer also handles what type of connec-
tion will be created. Two major transport protocols are the TCP and the User Data-
gram Protocol (UDP). The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) is an integral
part of any TCP/IP implementation. The transport layer ensures that messages are
delivered error-free, in sequence, and with no losses or duplications. It relieves the
higher layer protocols from any concern with the transfer of data between them and
their peers.
In any typical attack scenario, the attacker will first engage in some reconnaissance
and scanning activities using open source automatic tools such as Network Mapper
(Nmap) and Superscan in order to better understand the environment of the target;
gather information about the target so as to plan the attack approach; and employ
the right techniques and tools for the subsequent attack phases. One of the most
common (albeit noisy) and most well-understood techniques for discovering the
range of hosts that are alive in the target’s environment is to perform a ICMP sweep
of the entire target’s network range. An ICMP sweep involves essentially sending a
series of ICMP request packets to the target network range and inferring from the list
of ICMP replies whether certain hosts are alive and connected to the target’s network
for further probing.12
• End-to-end layers—Unlike the lower “subnet” layers whose protocol is between
immediately adjacent nodes, the transport layer and the layers above are true
“source to destination” or end-to-end layers, and are not concerned with the details
of the underlying communications facility. Transport layer software (and software
above it) on the source station carries on a conversation with similar software on
the destination station by using message headers and control messages.
The session layer coordinates dialogue, session, and connection between devices
over the network. This layer manages communications between connected sessions.
Examples of this layer are token management (the session layer manages who has the
token) and network time synchronization. The session layer establishes, manages,
and terminates communication sessions by allowing two application processes on
different machines to establish, use, and terminate a connection, called a session. The
session timeout defines action window time for a user that also represents a delay
during which an attacker can try to steal and use an existing user session. The best
practice to protect from exploits is to keep the session timeout to the minimal value
possible based on the application.13
Communication sessions consist of service requests and service responses that
occur between applications located in different network devices and perform the func-
tions that allow these processes to communicate over the network, performing secu-
rity, name recognition, logging, and so on. These requests and responses are coordi-
nated by protocols implemented at the session layer. Some examples of session-layer
implementations include Zone Information Protocol (ZIP), the AppleTalk protocol
that coordinates the name binding process, and Session Control Protocol (SCP), the
Decent Phase IV session layer protocol.
The presentation layer formats the data to be presented to the application layer in an
ordered and meaningful manner. It can be viewed as the translator for the network.
This layer’s primary function is the syntax and semantics of the data transmission. It
converts local host computer data representations into a standard network format for
transmission on the network. On the receiving side, it changes the network format
into the appropriate host computer’s format so that data can be utilized independent
of the host computer. American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII)
and Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC) conversions,
cryptography, and the like are handled here.
The presentation layer provides a variety of coding and conversion functions that
are applied to application layer data. These functions ensure that information sent
from the application layer of one system would be readable by the application layer
of another system. Examples of presentation layer coding and conversion schemes
include common data representation formats, conversion of character representation
formats, common data compression schemes, and common data encryption schemes.
Common data representation formats, or the use of standard image, sound, and
video formats (e.g., QuickTime and MPEG [Motion Picture Experts Group], JPEG
[Joint Photographic Experts Group], GIF [Graphics Interchange Format], and TIFF
[Tagged Image File Format]) allow the interchange of application data between
different types of computer systems. Using different text and data representations,
such as EBCDIC and ASCII, uses conversion schemes to exchange information
with systems. Standard data compression schemes allow data that are compressed
or encrypted at the source device to be properly decompressed or deciphered at the
The application layer serves as the window for users and application processes to
access network services. This layer is the main interface through which the user
interacts with the application and therefore the network. The application layer is
the most exploitable layer, where the application using the network resides and
makes use of applications such as Web browsing, emails, instant messaging, file
transfer systems, and remote login systems. This layer is vulnerable primarily to
data theft, cross-site scripting, SQL injection, buffer overflows, and numerous other
attack methods.
The application layer is the OSI layer closest to the end user, which means that both
the OSI application layer and the user interact directly with the software application.
This layer interacts with software applications that implement a communicating
component. Application layer functions typically include identifying communication
partners, determining resource availability, and synchronizing communication. When
identifying communication partners, the application layer determines the identity
and availability of communication partners for an application with data to transmit.
When determining resource availability, the application layer must decide whether
sufficient network resources for the requested communication exist. In synchronizing
communication, all communication between applications requires cooperation that
the application layer manages. Some examples of application layer implementations
include Telnet, FTP, and Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).14,15
While users are not an explicit layer of the OSI Reference Model, they represent a
unique vulnerability. Users are vulnerable to a wide variety of social engineering
attacks ranging from deception to stealing of credentials and phishing. Because
system integrity can be undercut by users volunteering their passwords, additional
research into human factors is needed to better understand how to keep human
participants in complex security systems from serving as the “weakest link.”
Industry recognizes that access control is vital to protect systems and people
from exploits. Secure Shell Hash (SSH) and Secure Socket Layer (SSL)/Transport
Layer Security (TLS) encryption along with two-factor authentication (the use of
both something the user know, such as a password, and something the user has,
such as a hardware cryptographic token), should largely make technical credential
capture attempts a futile exercise. However, end-to-end strong encryption and two-
factor authentication is still the exception rather than the rule, primarily because of
economic and ease-of-use issues.
14 Microsoft [17].
15 [18].
Appendix F
Cybersecurity Toolsa
Security tool Function Security information
Kismet A console-based 802.11 layer-2 Identifies networks by passively
wireless network detector, sniffer, sniffing (as opposed to more
and IDS active tools such as NetStumbler),
and can even de-cloak hidden
(non-beaconing) networks. It can
automatically detect network IP
blocks by sniffing TCP, UDP,
ARP, and dynamic host
configuration protocol (DHCP)
packets, log traffic in
format, and even plot detected
networks and estimated ranges on
downloaded maps
Metasploit An advanced open-source Generally used to develop and
platform for developing, testing, test exploits. The tool comes with
and using exploit code ready exploits for use by
attackers. The tool can also allow
the attacker to explore the exploit
code to understand the malware
Nessus A popular vulnerability scanner Features include remote and local
for UNIX systems (authenticated) security checks, a
client/server architecture with a
Web-based interface, and an
embedded scripting language for
writing plug-ins or understanding
the existing ones
Nmap (network mapper) A free and open-source (license) Provides host information on the
utility for network discovery and network, services (applications,
security auditing. Many systems version), OS/versions, packet
and network administrators find it filters/firewalls information, etc.
useful for tasks such as network Designed to scan large networks
inventory, managing service rapidly, but works on single host
upgrade schedules, and systems
monitoring host or service uptime
OSSEC HIDS Designed as an IDS Performs log analysis, integrity
checking, rootkit detection,
time-based alerting, and active
response. In addition to its IDS
functionality, it is commonly used
as a security event manager
(SEM)/SIM solution. Because of
its powerful log analysis engine,
it can monitor and analyze
firewalls, IDSs, Web servers, and
authentication logs
Appendix F: Cybersecurity Toolsa 71
Security tool Function Security information
Snort A network intrusion detection Detects thousands of worms,
and prevention system for traffic vulnerability exploit attempts,
analysis and packet logging on IP port scans, and other suspicious
networks behavior
tcpdump A network sniffer Tracks network problems or
monitoring activity
Wireshark™ An open-source, multi-platform Examines data from a live
network protocol analyzer. network or from a captured file
Formerly known as Ethereal® on disk. It provides view on the
reconstructed TCP session [19]
Appendix G
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Term Description
ARP Address Resolution Protocol
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
AV Antivirus
BMP Bitmap
CAPEC Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification
CS&C Office of Cybersecurity and Communications
CSLP Compressed Serial Line Protocol
CVRF Common Vulnerability Reporting Framework
CybOX™ Cyber Observable eXpression
DCS Distributed Control System
DDoS Distributed Denial of Service
DFXML Digital Forensics Extensible Markup Language
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DHS U.S. Department of Homeland Security
DLC Data Link Control
DMZ Demilitarized Zone
DOJ U.S. Department of Justice
DoS Denial of Service
DVC Digital Valve Controller
EBCDIC Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
ESD Emergency Shutdown System
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation
FTP File Transfer Protocol
GIF Graphics Interchange Format
HITRAC Homeland Infrastructure Threat and Risk Analysis Center
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 73
Fiedelholtz, The Cyber Security Network Guide, Studies in Systems,
Decision and Control 274,
74 Appendix G: Acronyms and Abbreviations
Term Description
HMI Human-Machine Interface
I/O Input/Output
IAA Infrastructure Impact Assessments
IAB Internet Architecture Board
IAC Integrated Analysis Cell
ICANN Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol
ICS Industrial Control System
ICS-CERT Industrial Control System-Computer Emergency Readiness Team
IDS Intrusion Detection System
IED Intelligent Electronic Device
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IIS Infrastructure Impact Summaries
IOC Infrastructure of Concern
IP Internet Protocol
IPS Intrusion Protection System
IQL Infrastructure Quick Look
iRAC Incident Risk Analysis Cell
IRQ In Response to your Question
ISAC Information Sharing and Analysis Center
ISP Internet Service Provider
IT Information Technology
JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group
LAN Local Area Network
LLC Logical Link Control
MAC Medium Access Control
MAEC Malware Attribute Enumeration and Characterization
MITM Man-in-the-Middle
MPEG Motion Picture Experts Group
MS-ISAC Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center
MTU Master Terminal Unit
NCC National Coordinating Center for Telecommunications
NCCIC National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center
NCSD National Cyber Security Division
NFAT Network Forensic Analysis Tool
NFS Network File System
NIAC National Infrastructure Advisory Council
Appendix G: Acronyms and Abbreviations 75
Term Description
NICC National Infrastructure Coordinating Center
NIPP National Infrastructure Protection Plan
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
Nmap Network Mapper
NOC National Operations Center
NSA National Security Agency
NSI Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting Initiative
OS Operating System
OSI Open Systems Interconnection
OVAL Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language
PC Personal Computer
PCX Personal Computer Exchange
PDA Personal Digital Assistant
PHP Personal Home Page
PLC Programmable Logic Controller
POP Point of Presence
PPP Point-to-Point Protocol
RFA Request for Analysis
RFI Request for Information
RTU Remote Terminal Unit
SAR Suspicious Activity Report
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SCP Session Control Protocol
SEM Security Event Manager
SIEM Security Information and Event Management
SIM Security Information Management
SIS Safety Instrumented System
SLIP Serial Line Internet Protocol
SMS Systems Management Server
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SQL Structured Query Language
SSH Secure Shell Hash
SSL Secure Socket Layer
STIX™ Structured Threat Information eXpression
TAXII™ Trusted Automated eXchange of Indicator Information
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TIFF Tagged Image File Format
76 Appendix G: Acronyms and Abbreviations
Term Description
TLS Transport Layer Security
TMH TAXII™ Message Handler
TTA TAXII™ Transfer Agent
TTP Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures
UDP User Datagram Protocol
UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply
URL Uniform Resource Locator
US-CERT U.S.-Computer Emergency Readiness Team
UTM Unified Threat Management
WAN Wide Area Network
WLAN Wireless Local Area Network
XML Extensible Markup Language
ZIP Zone Information Protocol
Appendix H
Glossary of Termsa
Term Definition
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) A network layer protocol used to convert an IP
address into a physical address (called a Data
Link Control [DLC] address), such as an
Ethernet address. A host wishing to obtain a
physical address broadcasts an ARP request onto
the TCP/IP network. The host on the network
that has the IP address in the request then replies
with its physical hardware address
American Standard Code for Information ASCII is a code for representing English
Interchange (ASCII) characters as numbers, with each letter assigned
a number from 0 to 127. For example, the ASCII
code for uppercase M is 77. Most computers use
ASCII codes to represent text, which makes it
possible to transfer data from one computer to
Antivirus (AV) tools Software products and technology used to detect
malicious code, prevent it from infecting a
system, and remove malicious code that has
infected the system
Attack An attempt to gain unauthorized access to system
services, resources, or information, or an attempt
to compromise system integrity, availability, or
Authentication Verifying the identity of a user, process, or
device, often as a prerequisite to allowing access
to resources in an information system
Authorization The right or a permission that is granted to a
system entity to access a system resource
Backdoor An undocumented way of gaining access to a
computer system. A backdoor is a potential
security risk
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 77
Fiedelholtz, The Cyber Security Network Guide, Studies in Systems,
Decision and Control 274,
78 Appendix H: Glossary of Termsa
Term Definition
Buffer overflow A condition at an interface under which more
input can be placed into a buffer or data holding
area than the capacity allocated, overwriting
other information. Adversaries exploit such a
condition to crash a system or to insert specially
crafted code that allows them to gain control of
the system
Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and A publicly available, community-developed list
Classification (CAPEC) of common attack patterns along with a
comprehensive schema and classification
taxonomy. Attack patterns are descriptions of
common methods for exploiting software
systems. They derive from the concept of design
patterns applied in a destructive rather than
constructive context and are generated from
in-depth analysis of specific real-world exploit
Compressed Serial Line Protocol (CSLP) A compression version of SLIP. The protocol has
no effect on the data payload of a packet and is
independent of any compression used by the
serial line modem
Confidentiality Preserving authorized restrictions on information
access and disclosure, including means for
protecting personal privacy and proprietary
Control center An equipment structure or group of structures
(facilities) from which a process is measured,
controlled, and/or monitored
Control system A system in which deliberate guidance or
manipulation is used to achieve a prescribed
value for a variable. Control systems include
SCADA, DCS, PLCs and other types of
industrial measurement and control systems
Cyber Observable eXpression (CybOX™) A standardized schema for the specification,
capture, characterization, and communication of
events or stateful properties that are observable
in the operational domain. A wide variety of
high-level cybersecurity use cases rely on such
information, including event
management/logging, malware characterization,
intrusion detection, incident
response/management, and attack pattern
characterization. CybOX™ provides a common
mechanism (structure and content) for
addressing cyber observables across and among
this full range of use cases, improving
consistency, efficiency, interoperability, and
overall situational awarenessc
Appendix H: Glossary of Termsa 79
Term Definition
Database A repository of information that usually holds
plant-wide information, including process data,
recipes, personnel data, and financial data
Digital Valve Controller (DVC) Valves that use microprocessors to control
process conditions such as flow, pressure,
temperature, and liquid level by opening or
closing in response to signals from controllers
that compare a set point to a process variable
whose value is provided by sensors that monitor
changes in process conditionsd
Distributed Control System (DCS) In a control system, refers to control achieved by
intelligence that is distributed about the process
to be controlled, rather than by a centrally
located single unit
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) A type of denial of service (DoS) attack where
multiple compromised systems—which are
usually infected with a Trojan—are used to target
a single system causing a DoS attacke
Domain Name System or Server (DNS) An Internet service that translates domain names
into IP addresses. Because domain names are
alphabetic, they are easier to remember. The
Internet, however, is based on IP addresses.
Every time a domain name is used, therefore, a
DNS service must translate the name into the
corresponding IP address. For example, the
domain name might translate
to The DNS system is, in fact, its
own network. If one DNS server does not know
how to translate a particular domain name, it asks
for another one, and so on, until the correct IP
address is returned*
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol A protocol for assigning dynamic IP addresses to
(DHCP) devices on a network. With dynamic addressing,
a device can have a different IP address every
time it connects to the network. In some systems,
the device’s IP address can even change while it
is still connected. DHCP also supports a mix of
static and dynamic IP addresses
Dynamic addressing simplifies network
administration because the software keeps track
of IP addresses rather than requiring an
administrator to manage the task. This means
that a new computer can be added to a network
without the hassle of manually assigning it a
unique IP address. Many ISPs use dynamic IP
addressing for dial-up users*
80 Appendix H: Glossary of Termsa
Term Definition
Emergency Shutdown System (ESD) Designed to minimize the consequences of
emergency situations related to typically
uncontrolled flooding, escape of hydrocarbons,
or outbreak of fire in hydrocarbon carrying areas
or areas that may otherwise be hazardous. An
ESD system for a process control system
includes an ESD valve and an associated valve
actuator. An ESD controller provides output
signals to the ESD valve in the event of a failure
in the process control system. A solenoid valve
responds to the ESD controller to vent the
actuator to a fail state. A DVC test strokes the
ESD valve. An impedance booster device
enables the direct current powering of the
solenoid valve and the DVC over a two-wire line
while still permitting digital communication over
the same two-wire linef
Encryption Cryptographic transformation of data (called
“plaintext”) into a form (called “ciphertext”) that
conceals the data’s original meaning to prevent it
from being known or used. If the transformation
is reversible, the corresponding reversal process
is called “decryption,” which is a transformation
that restores encrypted data to its original state
Extended Binary Coded Decimal An IBM code for representing characters as
Interchange Code (EBCDIC) numbers. Although it is widely used on large
IBM computers, most other computers, including
PCs and Macintoshes, use ASCII codes*
Extensible Markup Language (XML) A language developed especially for Web
Fieldbus A digital, serial, multi-drop, two-way data bus or
communication path or link between low-level
industrial field equipment such as sensors,
transducers, actuators, local controllers, and even
control-room devices. Use of fieldbus
technologies eliminates the need for
point-to-point wiring between the controller and
each device. A protocol is used to define
messages over the fieldbus network, with each
message identifying a particular sensor on the
Field Device Equipment that is connected to the field side on
an ICS. Types of field devices include RTUs,
PLCs, actuators, sensors, HMIs, and associated
Appendix H: Glossary of Termsa 81
Term Definition
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) An Internet standard for transferring files over
the Internet. FTP programs and utilities are used
to upload and download Web pages, graphics,
and other files between local media and a remote
server that allows FTP access
Human-Machine Interface (HMI) The hardware or software through which an
operator interacts with a controller. An HMI can
range from a physical control panel with buttons
and indicator lights to an industrial PC with a
color graphics display running dedicated HMI
Identification The process of verifying the identity of a user,
process, or device, usually as a prerequisite for
granting access to resources in an IT system
Information Technology (IT) A term that refers to anything related to
computing technology, such as networking,
hardware, software, the Internet, or the people
who work with these technologiesg
Input/Output (I/O) A general term for the equipment that is used to
communicate with a computer as well as the data
involved in the communications
Insider An entity inside the security perimeter that is
authorized to access system resources but uses
them in a way not approved by those who
granted the authorization
Integrity Guarding against improper information
modification or destruction, and includes
ensuring information non-repudiation and
Intelligent Electronic Device (IED) Any device incorporating one or more processors
with the capability to receive or send data/control
from or to an external source (e.g., electronic
multifunction meters, digital relays, controllers)
Internet The single interconnected world-wide system of
commercial, government, educational, and other
computer networks that share the set of protocols
specified by the Internet Architecture Board
(IAB) and the name and address spaces managed
by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names
and Numbers (ICANN)
82 Appendix H: Glossary of Termsa
Term Definition
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) The IP that allows the transfer of information
from a computer system to another computer
system using TCP/IP protocol. If there is a
problem with the connection, error and status
messages regarding the connection are sent using
ICMP. ICMP can send back codes to a system
explaining why a connection failed. These may
be messages such as “Network unreachable” for
a system that is down, or “Access denied” for a
secure, password-protected system. ICMP may
also provide routing suggestions to help bypass
unresponsive systems. While ICMP can send a
variety of different messages, most are never
seen by the user. Even if the user does receive an
error message, the software being used, such as a
Web browser, has most likely already translated
the message into simple language the user can
Internet Protocol (IP) Specifies the format of packets, also called
datagrams, and the addressing scheme. Most
networks combine IP with a higher-level
protocol called Transmission Control Protocol
(TCP), which establishes a virtual connection
between a destination and a source. IP by itself is
something like the postal system. It allows a
sender to address a package and drop it in the
system, but there is no direct link between the
sender and the recipient. TCP/IP, on the other
hand, establishes a connection between two hosts
so that they can send messages back and forth for
a period of time. The current version of IP is
IPv4. A new version, called IPv6 or IPng, is
under development*
Intrusion Detection System (IDS) A security service that monitors and analyzes
network or system events for the purpose of
finding and providing real-time or near real-time
warning of attempts to access system resources
in an unauthorized manner
Intrusion Protection System (IPS) A system that can detect an intrusive activity and
can also attempt to stop the activity, ideally
before it reaches its targets
Local Area Network (LAN) A group of computers and other devices
dispersed over a relatively limited area and
connected by a communications link that enables
any device to interact with any other on the
Appendix H: Glossary of Termsa 83
Term Definition
Logical Link Control (LLC) A sublayer, one of two, that make up the Data
Link Layer of the OSI Reference Model. The
LLC layer controls frame synchronization, flow
control, and error checking*
Malware Software or firmware intended to perform an
unauthorized process that will have adverse
impact on the confidentiality, integrity, or
availability of an information system. A virus,
worm, Trojan horse, or other code-based entity
that infects a host. Spyware and some forms of
adware are also examples of malicious code
Malware Attribute Enumeration and A standardized language for encoding and
Characterization (MAEC) communicating high-fidelity information about
malware based upon attributes such as behaviors,
artifacts, and attack patterns. By eliminating the
ambiguity and inaccuracy that exist in malware
descriptions and by reducing reliance on
signatures, MAEC aims to improve
human-to-human, human-to-tool, tool-to-tool,
and tool-to-human communication about
malware; reduce potential duplication of malware
analysis efforts by researchers; and allow for the
faster development of countermeasures by
enabling the ability to leverage responses to
previously observed malware instancesi
Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) A type of active Internet attack in which the
person attacking attempts to intercept, read, or
alter information moving between two
computers. MITM attacks are associated with
802.11 security, as well as with wired
communication systems*
Master Terminal Unit (MTU) The device that acts as the master in a SCADA
Medium (or Media) Access Control (MAC) A hardware address that uniquely identifies each
node of a network. In Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802 networks, the
DLC layer of the OSI Reference Model is
divided into two sub-layers: the LLC layer and
the MAC layer. The MAC layer interfaces
directly with the network medium. Consequently,
each different type of network medium requires a
different MAC layer. On networks that do not
conform to the IEEE 802 standards but do
conform to the OSI Reference Model, the node
address is called the DLC address*
84 Appendix H: Glossary of Termsa
Term Definition
Motion Picture Experts Group (MPEG) A working group of the International
Organization for Standardization (ISO). The
term also refers to the family of digital video
compression standards and file formats
developed by the group. MPEG generally
produces better-quality video than competing
formats, such as Video for Windows, Indeo, and
QuickTime. MPEG files previously on personal
computers (PCs) needed hardware decoders
(codecs) for MPEG processing. Today, however,
PCs can use software-only codecs including
products from RealNetworks, QuickTime, or
Windows Media Player*
Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting The Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting
(NSI) Initiative (NSI) is a collaborative effort led by the
DOJ, Bureau of Justice Assistance, in
partnership with DHS, the FBI, and State, local,
tribal, and territorial law enforcement partners.
This initiative provides law enforcement with
another tool to help prevent terrorism and other
related criminal activity by establishing a
national capacity for gathering, documenting,
processing, analyzing, and sharing suspicious
activity reporting (SAR) informationj
Network File System (NFS) A client/server application designed by Sun
Microsystems that allows all network users to
access shared files stored on computers of
different types. NFS provides access to shared
files through an interface called the Virtual File
System that runs on top of TCP/IP. Users can
manipulate shared files as if they were stored
locally on the user’s own hard disk. With NFS,
computers connected to a network operate as
clients while accessing remote files, and as
servers while providing remote users access to
local shared files*
Network Forensic Analysis Tool (NFAT) A collection of tools for network security
surveillance, anomaly detection, analytics, and
forensics. Examples of such tools are Nmap,
SNORT, Wireshark, tcpdump, BackTrack, and
Appendix H: Glossary of Termsa 85
Term Definition
Network Mapper (Nmap) A free and open-source (license) utility for
network discovery and security auditing. Many
systems and network administrators also find it
useful for tasks such as network inventory,
managing service upgrade schedules, and
monitoring host or service uptime. Nmap uses
raw IP packets in novel ways to determine what
hosts are available on the network, what services
(application name and version) those hosts are
offering, what OS (and OS versions) they are
running, what type of packet filters/firewalls are
in use, and dozens of other characteristics. It was
designed to rapidly scan large networks, but
works well against single hosts. Nmap runs on
all major computer OSs, and official binary
packages are available for Linux, Windows, and
Mac OSsk
Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) An ISO standard for worldwide communications
that defines a networking framework for
implementing protocols in seven layers. Control
is passed from one layer to the next, starting at
the application layer in one station, proceeding to
the bottom layer, over the channel to the next
station and back up the hierarchy*
Open Vulnerability and Assessment An information security community effort to
Language (OVAL) standardize how to assess and report upon the
machine state of computer systems. OVAL
includes a language to encode system details,
and an assortment of content repositories held
throughout the community. Tools and services
that use OVAL for the three steps of system
assessment—representing system information,
expressing specific machine states, and reporting
the results of an assessment—provide enterprises
with accurate, consistent, and actionable
information so they may improve their security.
Use of OVAL also provides for reliable and
reproducible information assurance metrics and
enables interoperability and automation among
security tools and servicesl
Operating System (OS) An integrated collection of service routines for
supervising the sequencing of programs by a
computer. An OS may perform the functions of
input/output control, resource scheduling, and
data management. It provides application
programs with the fundamental commands for
controlling the computer
86 Appendix H: Glossary of Termsa
Term Definition
Password A string of characters (letters, numbers, and
other symbols) used to authenticate an identity or
to verify access authorization
Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) A handheld device that combines computing,
telephone/fax, Internet, and networking features.
A typical PDA can function as a cellular phone,
fax sender, Web browser, and personal organizer*
Personal Home Page (PHP) The server space provided by the web host to the
subscribers for a fee.* PHP is an
HTML-embedded Web scripting language. PHP
also stands for hypertext preprocessor (a
recursive acronym) is a code that can be inserted
into the HTML of a Web page. When a PHP
page is accessed, the PHP code is read or
“parsed” by the server the page resides on. The
output from the PHP functions on the page, are
typically returned as HTML code which can be
read by the browser. Because the PHP code is
transformed into HTML before the page is
loaded, users cannot view the PHP code on a
page. This make PHP pages secure enough to
access databases and other secure informationm
Phishing A method of tricking individuals into disclosing
sensitive personal information by claiming to be
a trustworthy entity in an electronic
communication (e.g., Internet Web sites)
Port The entry or exit point from a computer for
connecting communications or peripheral
Port scanning The process of using a program to remotely
determine which ports on a system are open
(e.g., whether systems allow connections through
those ports)
Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) A method of connecting a computer to the
Internet. PPP is more stable than the older SLIP
protocol and provides error checking features.
Working in the data link layer of the OSI
Reference Model, PPP sends the computer’s
TCP/IP packets to a server that puts them onto
the Internet*
Appendix H: Glossary of Termsa 87
Term Definition
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) A solid-state control system that has a
user-programmable memory for storing
instructions for the purpose of implementing
specific functions such as I/O control, logic,
timing, counting, three-mode
proportional-integral-derivative control,
communication, arithmetic, and data and file
Protocol A set of rules (i.e., formats and procedures) to
implement and control some type of association
(e.g., communication) between systems
Protocol analyzer A device or software application that enables the
user to analyze the performance of network data
so as to ensure that the network and its associated
hardware/software are operating within network
Real-time Pertaining to the performance of a computation
during the actual time that the related physical
process transpires so that the results of the
computation can be used to guide the physical
Remote access Access by users (or information systems)
communicating external to an information
system security perimeter
Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) A computer with radio interfacing used in remote
situations where communications via wire is
unavailable. Usually used to communicate with
remote field equipment. PLCs with radio
communication capabilities are also used in
place of RTUs
Risk The level of impact on agency operations
(including mission, functions, image, or
reputation), agency assets, or individuals,
resulting from the operation of an information
system, given the potential impact of a threat and
the likelihood of that threat occurring
Risk assessment The process of identifying risks to agency
operations (including mission, functions, image,
or reputation), agency assets, or individuals by
determining the probability of occurrence, the
resulting impact, and additional security controls
that would mitigate this impact. Part of risk
management, synonymous with risk analysis.
Incorporates threat and vulnerability analyses
88 Appendix H: Glossary of Termsa
Term Definition
Risk management The process of managing risks to agency
operations (including mission, functions, image,
or reputation), agency assets, or individuals
resulting from the operation of an information
system. It includes risk assessment; cost-benefit
analysis; the selection, implementation, and
assessment of security controls; and the formal
authorization to operate the system. The process
considers effectiveness, efficiency, and
constraints due to laws, directives, policies, or
Router A computer that is a gateway between two
networks at OSI layer 3 and that relays and
directs data packets through that inter-network.
The most common form of router operates on IP
Safety Instrumented System (SIS) A system that is composed of sensors, logic
solvers, and final control elements whose
purpose is to take the process to a safe state when
predetermined conditions are violated. Other
terms commonly used include EDS, safety
shutdown system (SSD), and safety interlock
Security Event Manager (SEM) SEM provides the capability to process near
real-time data from security devices and systems
to determine when security events of interest
have occurredn
Security Information and Event Management The SIEM tool provides threat detection and
(SIEM) security incident response through the real-time
collection and historical analysis of security
events from a wide variety of event and
contextual data sources. It also supports
compliance reporting and incident investigation
through analysis of historical data from these
sources. The core capabilities of SIEM
technology are a broad scope of event collection
and the ability to correlate and analyze events
across disparate sourceso
Appendix H: Glossary of Termsa 89
Term Definition
Security Information Management (SIM) A type of software that automates the collection
of event log data from security devices, such as
firewalls, proxy servers, IDSs, and AV software.
The SIM translates the logged data into
correlated and simplified formats. Many SIM
architectures provide security reporting, analysis,
and reporting for Sarbanes-Oxley, Basel II, the
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
Act of 1996, the Federal Information Security
Management Act of 2002, and Visa Cardholder
Information Security Program compliance
Sensor A device that produces a voltage or current
output that is representative of some physical
property being measured (e.g., speed,
temperature, flow)
Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) An IP for connection to the Internet via a dial-up
connection. Developed in the 1980s when
modem communications typically were limited
to 2400 bits per second, it was designed for
simple communication over serial lines. SLIP
can be used on RS-232 serial ports and supports
asynchronous links. A more common protocol is
PPP because it is faster and more reliable and
supports functions that SLIP does not, such as
error detection, dynamic assignment of IP
addresses, and data compression. In general,
ISPs offer only one protocol, although some
support both protocols*
Session Control Protocol (SCP) A simple protocol that lets a server and client
conduct multiple conversations over a single
TCP connection. The protocol is designed to be
simple to implement, and is modeled after TCPp
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) A protocol for sending email messages between
servers. Most email systems that send mail over
the Internet use SMTP to send messages from
one server to another; the messages can then be
retrieved with an email client using either point
of presence (POP) or Internet message access
protocol (IMAP). In addition, SMTP is generally
used to send messages from a mail client to a
mail server. This is why the user needs to specify
both the POP or IMAP server and the SMTP
server when configuring an email application*
90 Appendix H: Glossary of Termsa
Term Definition
Secure Shell Hash (SSH) A program to log into another computer over a
network, to execute commands in a remote
machine, and to move files from one machine to
another. It provides strong authentication and
secure communications over insecure channels.
SSH protects a network from attacks such as IP
spoofing, IP source routing, and DNS spoofing.
An attacker who has managed to take over a
network can only force SSH to disconnect but
cannot play back the traffic or hijack the
connection when encryption is enabled. When
using SSH’s slogin (instead of rlogin) the entire
login session, including transmission of
password, is encrypted; therefore it is almost
impossible for an outsider to collect passwords*
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) A protocol developed by Netscape for
transmitting private documents via the Internet.
SSL uses a cryptographic system that uses two
keys to encrypt data − a public key known to
everyone and a private or secret key known only
to the recipient of the message. Both Netscape
Navigator and Internet Explorer support SSL,
and many Web sites use the protocol to obtain
confidential user information, such as credit card
numbers. By convention, URLs that require an
SSL connection start with https instead of http*
Social engineering An attempt to trick someone into revealing
information (e.g., a password) that can be used to
attack systems or networks
Spyware Software that is secretly or surreptitiously
installed onto an information system to gather
information on individuals or organizations
without their knowledge; a type of malicious
Structured Query Language (SQL) A standardized query language for requesting
information from a database*
Structured Threat Information eXpression The STIX™ standardized language intends to
(STIX™) convey the full range of potential structured
cyber threat information and strives to be fully
expressive, flexible, extensible, automatable, and
as human-readable as possibleq
Stuxnet A group of sophisticated malware worms that
primarily target SCADA systems for large
infrastructure assets (e.g., industrial power
plants). The original Stuxnet worm was
discovered in 2010, and numerous variations of it
have been identified since then*
Appendix H: Glossary of Termsa 91
Term Definition
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition A generic name for a computerized system that is
(SCADA) capable of gathering and processing data and
applying operational controls over long
distances. Typical uses include power
transmission and distribution and pipeline
systems. SCADA was designed for the unique
communication challenges (e.g., delays, data
integrity) posed by the various media that must
be used, such as phone lines, microwave, and
satellite. Usually shared rather than dedicated
Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) A report that provides the mechanism for anyone
to report suspicious activity to a Federal agency
such as DHS, local law enforcement, etc. This
initiative provides law enforcement with another
tool to help prevent terrorism and other
terrorism-related crime by establishing a national
capacity for gathering, documenting, processing,
analyzing, and sharing SAR information in a
report formr
Systems Management Server (SMS) A set of Microsoft tools that helps manage PCs
connected to a LAN. SMS enables network
administrator to inventory all hardware and
software on the network and to store it in a
database. Using this database, SMS can then
perform software distribution and installation
over the LAN*
Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) One of the most widely supported file formats for
storing bitmapped images on personal computers
(both PCs and Macintosh computers). Other
popular formats are bitmap (BMP)and Personal
Computer Exchange (PCX). TIFF graphics can
be any resolution, and they can be black and
white, gray-scaled, or color. Files in TIFF format
often end with a .tif extension*
Technical controls The security controls (i.e., safeguards or
countermeasures) for an information system that
are primarily implemented and executed by the
information system through mechanisms
contained in the hardware, software, or firmware
components of the system
Threat Any circumstance or event with the potential to
adversely affect agency operations (including
mission, functions, image, or reputation), agency
assets, or individuals through an information
system via unauthorized access, destruction,
disclosure, modification of information, and/or
92 Appendix H: Glossary of Termsa
Term Definition
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) One of the main protocols in TCP/IP networks.
Whereas the IP protocol deals only with packets,
TCP enables two hosts to establish a connection
and exchange streams of data. TCP guarantees
delivery of data and guarantees that packets will
be delivered in the same order in which they
were sent
Transport Layer Security (TLS) A protocol that guarantees privacy and data
integrity between client/server applications
communicating over the Internet*
Trojan Horse A computer program that appears to have a
useful function, but also has a hidden and
potentially malicious function that evades
security mechanisms, sometimes by exploiting
legitimate authorizations of a system entity that
invokes the program
Trusted Automated eXchange of Indicator Defines a set of services and message exchanges
Information (TAXII™) that, when implemented, enable sharing of
actionable cyber threat information across
organization and product/service boundaries.
TAXII™, through its member specifications,
defines concepts, protocols, and message
exchanges to exchange cyber threat information
for the detection, prevention, and mitigation of
cyber threatss
Unauthorized access A circumstance in which a person gains logical or
physical access without permission to a network,
system, application, data, or other resource
Unified threat Management (UTM) A term first used by Internet Data Corporation to
describe a category of security appliances which
integrates a range of security features into a
single appliance. UTM appliances combine
firewall, gateway AV, and intrusion detection and
prevention capabilities into a single platform.
UTM is designed to protect users from blended
threats while reducing complexity*
Uniform Resource Locator (URL) The global address of documents and other
resources on the Internet. The first part of the
URL, the protocol identifier, indicates what
protocol to use; the second part, the resource
name, specifies the IP address or the domain
name where the resource is located. These two
elements are separated by a colon and two
forward slashes*
Appendix H: Glossary of Termsa 93
Term Definition
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Also known as uninterruptible power source,
UPS, or battery/flywheel backup, it is an
electrical apparatus that provides emergency
power to a load when the input power source,
typically the utility mains, failst
User Datagram Protocol (UDP) A connectionless protocol that, like TCP, runs on
top of IP networks. Unlike TCP/IP, UDP/IP
provides very few error recovery services,
offering instead a direct way to send and receive
datagrams over an IP network. It is used
primarily for broadcasting messages over a
Virus A hidden, self-replicating section of computer
software, usually malicious logic, that propagates
by infecting (i.e., inserting a copy of itself into
and becoming part of) another program. A virus
cannot run by itself; it requires that its host
program be run to make the virus active
Vulnerability Weakness in an information system, system
security procedures, internal controls, or
implementation that could be exploited or
triggered by a threat source
Wide Area Network (WAN) A physical or logical network that provides data
communications to a larger number of
independent users than are usually served by a
LAN and that is usually spread over a larger
geographic area than that of a LAN
Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) A LAN that uses high-frequency radio signals to
transmit and receive data over distances of a few
hundred feet; uses Ethernet protocolu
Worm A computer program that can run independently,
can propagate a complete working version of
itself onto other hosts on a network, and may
consume computer resources destructively
Zone Information Protocol (ZIP) Provides applications and processes with access
to zone names. A zone is a logical grouping of
nodes in an AppleTalk Internet, and each zone is
identified by a name. A zone name is typically
used to identify an affiliation between a group of
nodes, such as a group of nodes belonging to a
particular department within an organizationv
a Stouffer et al. [20]
b The MITRE Corporation [21]
c The MITRE Corporation [22]
d [23]
e Quinstreet Inc. (Webopedia) [24]
f Esoteric Automation & Control Technologies [25]
g [26]
94 Appendix H: Glossary of Termsa
h [27]
i The MITRE Corporation [28]
j Institute for Intergovernmental Research [29]
k [30]
l The MITRE Corporation [31]
m [32]
n Gartner [33]
o Ibid.
p Simon Spero, UNC Sunsite/EIT [34]
q The MITRE Corporation [35]
r Federal [36]
s The MITRE Corporation [8]
t Farlax Inc. ( [37]
u Farlax Inc. [38]
v [39]
Note Definitions not footnoted are from NIST SP800-82 standard; definitions marked with an
asterisk (*) are from Webopedia:
1. Forbes, Top 10 Security Issues That Will Destroy Your Computer in 2013. Avail-
able at
destroy-your-computer-in-2013 (2013). Accessed 25 Mar 2013
2. Croucher, M.: Trojan attack may not be limited to Iran. The National (2012, April
27). Available at
to-iran. Accessed 25 Mar 2013
3. The MITRE Corporation: Standardizing Cyber Threat Intelligence Information with the Struc-
tured Threat Information eXpression (STIX™). Available at
nts/STIX_Whitepaper_v1.0.pdf (2013b). Accessed 25 Mar 2013
4. Yavvari, C., Tokhtabayev, A., Rangwala, H., Stavrou, A.: Malware Characterization using
Behavioral Components. George Mason University. Available at
research/Behavioral_Map.pdf (2012). Accessed 25 Mar 2013
5. Butler, J.M.: Benchmarking Security Information Event Management (SIEM). SANS Insti-
tute (2009, February). Available at
ntMgt_Feb09.pdf. Accessed 25 Mar 2013
6. SANS Institute: Critical Control 14: Maintenance, Monitoring, and Analysis of Audit
Logs. Available at (2013).
Accessed 25 Mar 2013
7. The MITRE Corporation, Cyber Observable eXpression—CybOX: A Structured Language
for Cyber Observables. Available at
dout.pdf (undated). Accessed 25 Mar 2013
8. The MITRE Corporation: TAXII—Trusted Automated eXchange of Indicator Information.
Available at (2013). Accessed 25 Mar 2013
9. Davidson, M., Schmidt, C.: TAXII Overview Version 1.0. The MITRE Corporation. Available at (2013). Accessed 25 Mar
10. University of Washington: The OSI Model. Available at
computing_fundamentals/networking/osi (2011). Accessed 25 Mar 2013
11. University of Oregon: Security Vulnerabilities: Up and Down the OSI Stack. Available at (undated). Accessed 16
Apr 2013
12. Thread: Security OSI Model. Available at
ec-council-ceh-chfi/65437-security-osi-model.html (2002-2011). Accessed 16 Apr 2013
13. IP Tutorial—Subnet Masks and Subnetting. Available at (2013). Accessed 25 Mar 2013
14. Chapter 6. Working with Captured Packets. Available at
org/docs/wsug_html_chunked/ChapterWork.html (undated). Accessed 25 Mar 2013
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