Differences Between Tyler's and Wheeler's Model
Differences Between Tyler's and Wheeler's Model
Differences Between Tyler's and Wheeler's Model
The main difference between Tyler and Wheeler model of curriculum is that Tyler model of
curriculum is a linear model while Wheeler model of curriculum is a cyclic model.
Tyler Model and Wheeler Model are two models used for curriculum development. Tyler’s model
is a linear model that contains four basic components namely: objectives, selection of learning
experiences, organization of learning experiences, and evaluation. Although it is an old model, it
is still widely used in curriculum development. The Wheeler model, on the other hand, is a
cyclical model based on the Tyler model. According to this model, curriculum development is a
continuous cycle that reacts to changes in the education sector.
1. “UNIT 4: Models of curriculum design.” Evaeducation .
2. Aykan, Zuleyha. "Wheeler Model." Academia.edu