Poster Rubrics
Poster Rubrics
Poster Rubrics
Criteria Content
Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1
Content goes along with the given topic and it completely, clearly, and accurately defines the topic.
Sufficiently defines the topic. All required elements are included on the poster.
Topic defined, but lacks completeness, clarity, or accuracy. Some of the required elements are included on the poster.
The work is either incomplete or irrelevant. Several required elements are missing.
It is relevant to the age group and includes a simple message to the Visual The poster is exceptionally impact attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness. Very colorful, detailed, inviting, professional, & eyecatching. Pictures Pictures and diagrams and suppliment the content diagrams making the poster interesting. Headlines, Used appropriate headings, Quotes, quotes and explanations. Explanation Completely, clearly, and s accurately explains the topic Organisatio Content,pictures and all n of other materials are well material organised.
The poster is attractive in terms of design, layout and neatness. Colorful, neat, detailed, & professional.
The poster is acceptably attractive though it may be a bit messy. Requires more color, neatness, and details.
Some pictures are used which make the poster interesting. Used headings and quotes,but not so appropriate. Sufficiently explained and described the topic.
The poster is distractingly messy or very poorly designed. It is not attractive. Significantly lacking in color, detail, neatness, &/or professionalism. The poster did not have any pictures.
No headings and quotes. Poster does not explain Topic explained or defined, or describe the but lacks completeness, topic. clarity, &/or accuracy. Matter is not organised and is messy.
Attempted to organise the No attempts made to matter sensibly. organise the matter.
Neatness & Excellent presentation. Did Work shows neatness and Overall a good job presenting the planning. appearance topic. Work shows neatness, careful planning and attention to details: Creatively organized and presented.