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Potential for Renewable Energy in the San Diego Region August 2005

Chapter 2: Solar Photovoltaic Electric

Summary Solar energy can be converted to useful forms of energy through two main processes: solarelectric (PV) and solar-thermal (see Chapter 3). In the solar-electric process, solar radiation is converted directly into electricity via photovoltaic cells. From a utilization perspective, there are two major applications: small scale or distributed and central plant or station. Residential and commercial photovoltaic systems and solar hot water heating are examples of the distributed application of solar energy conversion. Large-scale solar-electric and solarthermal generation are examples of central plant or station applications. In the distributed application of solar energy, the equipment is located at or near the end point of utilization and typically requires no additional utility infrastructure to serve the loads.
This chapter explores the technical potential of residential and commercial photovoltaic solar electric production. It discusses the methodology utilized to calculate the technical potential, the economics of the technology, drivers and barriers, and it provides an illustration of various levels of actual development of the technical potential. Details about the technology and applications of PV can be found in Appendix C, PV Technology & Applications.
Factors that influence how much of this potential actually gets installed between now and 2020: Economics Regulatory and legislative policy Manufacturing capacity Customers decisions about installation of this technology

Table 2.1 summarizes the technical potential of photovoltaic systems calculated to exist in the San Diego region for residential and commercial PV. Factors that influence how much of this potential actually gets installed between now and 2020 include economics, regulatory and legislative policy, manufacturing capacity, and ultimately, the decisions customers make about installation of this technology. Therefore, it is difficult to forecast how much photovoltaic capacity ultimately will be installed. One way to interpret these results is to apply a range of market penetration rates. The Study Group chose market penetration rates of 1%, 5%, and 10%.

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Potential for Renewable Energy in the San Diego Region August 2005

Table 2.1: Technical Potential of PV Systems in San Diego County

Capacity (MWAC)1 Potential PV: Residential Commercial Total Technical Potential for PV Potential PV Market Penetration: 1% 5% 10%
1 2

Energy (GWh) 2020 2,965 1,726 4,691 Today 5,782 3,165 8,947 2010 6,310 3,263 9,573 2020 6,756 3,468 10,224

Today2 2,539 1,575 4,114

2010 2,772 1,624 4,396

41 2063 411

44 220 440

47 235 469

89 4474 895

96 479 957

102 511 1,022

Capacity is defined as nameplate peak power rating May 2005 SDG&Es existing PV grid-connected installation is 12.6 MW which equates 0.31% of SDG&Es peak demand 3 5.1% of SDG&Es peak demand using a 2004 peak of 4,065 MW 4 2.4% of SDG&Es 2004 total energy sales of 19,000 GWH

2.1 Photovoltaics in California California is the third largest consumer of photovoltaic systems, behind Germany and Japan, although it obtains 40 percent more annual sunlight than Germany and 20 percent more than Japan. At the end of 2004, there were 12,737 PV systems installed in California providing 93.2 MW (rounded) of power1. See Appendix D, Solar Charts & References Table D.2, for specifics. Figure 2.1 gives the overview of PV capacity installed in California by the middle of 2004.

California is the third largest consumer of photovoltaic systems, behind Germany and Japan, although it obtains 40% more annual sunlight than Germany and 20% more than Japan.


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Potential for Renewable Energy in the San Diego Region August 2005

Figure 2.1: Grid-Connected PV in CA2






60 MW





10 2.2 0 1981-1989

1990-1999 Years 1981-1989 1990-1999 2000-2004


2.2 Photovoltaics Existing Resources in SDG&Es Service Territory3 Photovoltaic (or PV) cells are devices that use semiconductor materials similar to those used in computer chips-to convert sunlight directly into electricity. The electric current can either be used immediately, or it may be stored, as in a battery, for later use. See Appendix C for full description of the PV Technology, including graphics and photos of installations. 2.2.1 Residential In 1999, there were 11 grid-connected photovoltaic systems As of March 2005, representing about 0.03 MW of capacity in the Region. These there were 12.4 MW were all small residential scale systems. As of March 2005, of SDG&E gridthere were 12.4 MW of SDG&E grid-connected photovoltaic connected capacity. The 2000-2001 energy crises were the main drivers for photovoltaic the early growth in photovoltaic installations in the San Diego capacity. region. When San Diego Gas & Electric fully divested itself of generation and was able to recover its competitive transition costs in 2000, San Diego region customers experienced market prices for electricity. This translated to high energy costs for residents and business owners, who sought to take actions to lower their costs. Before the crisis there were only a few companies installing photovoltaic systems in the Region. During and after the crisis the number of installation companies grew to several dozen.

2 3

Ibid. SDG&Es service territory consists of all of San Diego County and a portion of South Orange County.

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Potential for Renewable Energy in the San Diego Region August 2005

The early grid-connected market was led by residential retrofit projects. This market segment continues to have the largest number of installed systems, but most are relatively small (averaging 3.2 kW). Table 2.2 shows the growth of the grid-connected residential PV system in SDG&Es service territory.
Table 2.2: Residential Grid Connected Photovoltaic Systems in SDG&Es Service Territory

Year 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total

Systems Installed 11 28 270 342 509 823 1,983

Installed MW 0.029 0.086 0.862 1.030 1.940 2.407 6.354

2.2.2 Commercial As of December 2004, there were 91 commercial PV projects representing a capacity of 4.71 MW (Table 2.3).4 Commercial project are defined as PV Systems > 10 kW capacity. Commercial projects represent a larger size per system than residential projects.

Table 2.3: PV Commercial Systems in SDG&Es Service Territory

Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total

PV Systems Installed 2 12 27 50 91

Installed MW 0.023 0.987 1.830 1.873 4.713

2.3 PV Technical Potential in the San Diego Region San Diego is a mixture of traditional urban and rural communities with a solar insolation that varies dependent on terrain and microclimate as shown in Appendix D, PV Charts & References. With PV one size does not fit all, that's one of its main advantages. A PV system is scalable and can be constructed to virtually any size in response to the energy needs at hand. A PV system can also be enlarged or moved as these energy needs change. For instance, homeowners can add

Urban applications of PV can reduce the need for peaking generators and have the potential to defer SDG&Es investments in distribution grid infrastructure.


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Potential for Renewable Energy in the San Diego Region August 2005

modules every few years as their energy usage and financial resources grow, and ranchers can use mobile trailer-mounted pumping systems for watering cattle that are rotated around different fields. Urban applications of PV can reduce the need for peaking generators and have the potential to defer SDG&Es investments in distribution grid infrastructure. In addition, PV can be an outstanding choice for rural areas where grid power is unavailable and connecting to the grid would be very costly or impractical. By the end of 2004 San Diego County had 11 MW of interconnected PV as shown in Table 2.4. By the end of March 2005 the value had grown to 12.4 MW of interconnected PV.

Table 2.4: Total Grid Connected PV Systems Installed in SDG&Es Service Territory

Year 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total

Number Installed 11 28 272 354 536 873 2,074

Installed MW 0.029 0.086 0.885 2.017 3.77 4.28 11.067

2.3.1 Residential PV Methodology to Calculate Residential Technical Potential

Its difficult to translate an assessment of PVs technical potential into an estimate of what will actually be developed, given the vast uncertainties and issues hindering wide acceptance and market penetration of PV technology. Therefore, the Study Group constructed a simple working model of the technical potential in the Region. The model is presented here, to allow readers to test differing assumptions about key drivers of technical potential. In addition, an example is provided to show how assumptions about market penetration levels can be examined to determine the resulting Realizable Resource Potential. Because the residential and commercial sectors have different characteristics and influencing factors, the market was separated into residential and non-residential segments. The method employed was as follows: The residential segment is sub-divided into occupied single and multifamily housing units by city within the San Diego region based on SANDAG (San Diego Association of Governments) forecast data.

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The following estimates were made for each sub segment: Average single family and multifamily square footage Roof space available to site a PV array A factor to determine the number of housing units with appropriate characteristics, such as orientation and shading The calculations for single family homes5 were: Divide the remaining square footage by 100 to determine the total kW DC rating of PV6 - calculation based on Crystalline Technologies. Multiply by a roof pitch adjustment factor Multiply by the DC to AC conversion factor Estimate the existing and projected new housing units classified by PV capacity potential for current & future years for that sub segment Sum the numbers to derive the capacity estimate for each individual city within the Region as well as for the whole Region The assumption, estimates, and factors are shown in Table 2.5.
Table 2.5: Example Calculation to Determine San Diego Residential PV Technical Potential7
Single Family

2003 Ave Sq Ft 2003 2010 Ave Sq Ft % Sq Ft Roof % Homes Suitable Roof Pitch 30 Deg 1 kWdc Needs 100 Sq Ft DC to AC conversion
Example Calculation: Take the number of single family homes multiplied by 2,000 Multiply by 50% of homes suitable Multiply by 50% of roofs suitable Divide by 100 (kW dc) Multiply by 67% for the DC to AC conversion Multiply by 99% for the pitch adjustment

2,000 2,500 50% 50% 99% 100 67%

If the number of single family homes is 1,000, then the capacity equals 1,000*2,000*0.5*0.5/100*0.67*0.99 = 3,317 kW

Multifamily analysis was conducted with different assumptions but is not shown. Typically crystalline array systems produce 10 watts per square foot of array area. A GUIDE TO PHOTOVOLTAIC (PV) SYSTEM DESIGN AND INSTALLATION, CEC 2001. 7 This evaluation produces a value which is approximately the current average for residential systems.

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Potential for Renewable Energy in the San Diego Region August 2005

Once the PV capacity potential was determined, the Study Group multiplied the capacity value appropriate location-differentiated (kWh/kW) energy production factor; derived from the actual operational experience of existing large PV systems installed in the Region; to determine PV energy potential (kWh). It assumed the annual average capacity factor for relatively large PV systems would be fairly close to that for small PV systems.

San Diego County technical potential: 2,539 MW Existing homes 2,772 MW Existing plus new homes built 2005 to 2010 2,965 MW Existing plus new homes built through 2020 Capacity and Energy Estimate Results for San Diego County

Based on the model, San Diego County has a technical potential of 2,539 MW from existing homes, 2,772 MW from existing plus new homes built between 2005 and 2010, and 2,965 MW from existing plus new homes built through 2020. Applying the location differentiated kWh/kW factors in the Regions residential segment, PV energy potential is estimated at 5,782 GWh for existing homes, 6,310 GWh for all homes in 2010, and 6,756 GWh for all homes in 2020.
Table 2.6: Technical Potential - Residential PV
Homes Area Year 2003 Carlsbad Chula Vista Coronado Del Mar El Cajon Encinitas Escondido Imperial Beach La Mesa Lemon Grove National City Oceanside Poway San Diego San Marcos Santee Solana Beach Vista Unincorporated County Total 34,738 63,356 7,747 2,194 32,356 22,855 40,984 9,001 23,904 8,425 14,733 55,340 15,240 458,879 16,638 16,067 5,765 27,055 134,011 989,288 2010 41,165 75,186 7,792 2,203 32,781 24,405 43,038 9,111 24,241 8,626 14,978 61,588 15,698 493,093 22,076 16,477 5,803 28,776 145,269 1,072,306 2020 44,751 79,441 7,895 2,218 33,331 24,845 44,370 9,552 24,428 8,948 15,367 63,673 16,016 526,304 22,827 17,738 5,829 29,869 171,767 1,149,169 2003 Year 2010 2020 2003 200 366 41 12 180 136 259 43 134 53 77 313 115 2,500 109 114 32 152 945 5,782 Year 2010 251 443 41 12 183 148 279 43 137 55 79 355 119 2,639 153 118 32 165 1,059 6,311 2020 273 462 41 12 187 149 287 41 138 56 80 364 121 2,774 156 125 32 171 1,287 6,756 Capacity (MW) Energy (GWh)

96 163 20 6 71 65 102 21 56 24 35 150 45 1,117 46 45 15 68 396


120 198 20 6 72 71 110 20 57 24 35 170 47 1,179 64 47 15 74 443


131 206 20 6 74 71 113 20 58 25 36 174 48 1,239 65 49 16 76 539


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Potential for Renewable Energy in the San Diego Region August 2005 Interpreting the Technical Resource Potential for Different Market Penetration Rates

The results of this analysis yield technical potential for residential PV. Recognizing the unlikelihood of all homes having PV, the Study Group calculated the results for market penetration rates of 1%, 5%, and 10%. Table 2.7 shows the capacity8 and energy values9 of the San Diego region assuming these market penetration rates are realized.
Table 2.7: Residential Market Penetration Rates
Market Penetration Capacity (MW) Existing and New Construction 2003 25 127 254 2010 28 139 277 2020 30 148 296 2003 58 289 578 Energy (GWh) % of RES Goal*

1% 5% 10%

2010 63 316 631

2020 68 338 676

2010 1.8% 4.6% 18.4%

2020 1.0% 4.9% 9.9%

*RES renewable energy goal is 15% by 2010. Calculation based on projected 2010 SDG&E total sales of 22,820. **RES renewable energy goal is 25% by 2020. Calculation based on projected 2020 SDG&E total sales of 27,327.

2.3.2 Commercial PV The technical potential for commercial-scale photovoltaic systems in the San Diego region is 1,726 MW and 3,468 GWh in 2020. These numbers represent the amount of capacity and energy that could be realized if all available commercial rooftop space identified in this report were to be covered with photovoltaic panels. To provide more reasonable numbers of what might be possible to achieve, we have provided a range of market penetration rates from 1%, 5% and 10%. Commercial PV Estimate Methodology

To determine the total potential for commercial rooftop photovoltaic systems in the San Diego region, the Study Group used data from a project conducted by the San Diego Regional Energy Office and the City of San Diego, which identifies The technical all the large commercial rooftops within the City of San Diego potential for 10 boundaries. Results from this project were compared to the commercial-scale overall regional commercial building stock to extrapolate the total photovoltaic systems roof area for San Diego County. in the San Diego
region is 1,726 MW

The project, which was based on a similar study done in Marin and 3,468 GWh in 2020. County, used Solar Analyst software to determine if there were any areas of the region that were not suitable for photovoltaic systems (e.g., canyons or valleys). The results of the Solar Analyst model were overlaid on a satellite image of the entire City of San Diego. Given the terrain, minimal tree cover, and dispersed development within San Diego, there were few if any areas of commercial development that
Defined as name plate peak power rating. SANDAG Regional Energy Strategy was adopted in July 2003. The RES set the following percentage goals for renewable sales in the San Diego region: 15% by 2010, 25% by 2020, and 40% by 2030. The RES also places specific emphasis on locating renewable generation in the San Diego region. 10 This project was funded in part by a grant from the U.S. Department of Energys Million Solar Roofs Initiative.
9 8

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had appreciably less sunlight than others; therefore, the Study Group determined that the entire City of San Diego had strong solar insolation. The project then identified and digitized11 all large buildings with a footprint of over 3,000 square feet12 in the following non-residential land classifications: industrial, office, commercial, educational (including schools and universities), hospital, hotel, and other. Each building was classified based on the estimated amount of roof area available for solar photovoltaic equipment. Three classifications were created depicting the percentage of area available for photovoltaic systems: Class 1 represents buildings with approximately 80 percent of the total roof space suitable for a photovoltaic installation, Class 2 represents approximately 60 percent suitable roof space Class 3 represents approximately 20 percent suitable roof space. Because there were over 15,000 rooftops to digitize, this classification system simplified and expedited the actual digitization process, which is very time consuming. Alternatively, the Study Group could have digitized the total roof area and all roof obstructions and taken the difference between the two as the usable space. This approach would have been more accurate but would have been much more laborious and timeconsuming. The Study Group opted for the simpler approach that balanced accuracy and time-to-complete knowing there was an element of subjectivity in the classification process. The Study Groups goal of determining timely, reasonable estimates of the potential for commercial photovoltaic systems was met through this practical approach. Once all the rooftops were digitized and classified, the Study Group could estimate the total square footage available for photovoltaic equipment. One concern of the Study Group was how to account for shading by rooftop equipment and parapet walls. To address this, the Study Group reduced the amount of available roof space by 20%.13 Then the Study Group estimated that for each 100 square feet of roof space 1 kW DC14 of photovoltaic capacity could be installed. This was used to calculate an estimate of the total possible capacity (MW DC) and energy production for all identified buildings in the City of San Diego. The Study Group employed the CEC method15 to de-rate the DC rating to determine MW AC, a more accurate measure of the actual capacity of a photovoltaic system. To derive energy production estimates, the Study Group used another CEC method. Based on actual system production, the CEC estimates that photovoltaic systems in the San Diego region generate approximately 1400-1700 kWh annually for each kW DC of installed capacity. Recognizing microclimate variations in the Region, the Study Group assigned each jurisdiction a production value from the CECs range, with coastal communities having lower
A GIS technician drew a line around the building footprint. 3,000 square feet corresponds to the minimum system size eligible for incentives under the Self-Generation Incentive Program. Sample calculations for existing rooftops helped the Group determine this number. Marin County, which did a similar analysis, reduced their total roof area by 25% to account for shading. A rule of thumb is that a PV installation should installed at a distance equal to twice the distance of a parapet wall. 14 For purposes of estimating roof area needed, the Group used kW DC. This also assumes that the systems are predominantly crystalline technology. 15 See Appendix B, PV Technology & Applications for a description of the CECs method.
12 13 11

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production and inland communities having higher production. For the commercial PV energy production estimates, the Study Group further assumed that all systems would be installed flat, which reduces energy production by about 11 percent according to the CEC.16 Table 2.9 lists the energy production values used to determine the estimated annual PV energy production.
Table 2.8: Energy Production Factors for Commercial PV Systems by Jurisdiction
Energy Production (kWh/kW/yr) 1246 1335 1246 1246 1513 1246 1513 1246 1424 Energy Production (kWh/kW/yr) 1335 1335 1246 1513 1335 1424 1513 1246 1335 1424

Jurisdiction Carlsbad Chula Vista Coronado Del Mar El Cajon Encinitas Escondido Imperial Beach La Mesa

Jurisdiction Lemon Grove National City Oceanside Poway San Diego San Marcos Santee Solana Beach Unincorporated Vista Capacity and Energy Estimate Results for the City of San Diego

Using the method described above, the Study Group derived capacity and energy generation estimates for the 15,157 buildings identified in the City of San Diego. It estimated the technical potential for photovoltaic system capacity to be 769 MW Estimated technical AC17 and energy production to be 1,532 GWh annually. Table 2.10 summarizes the results for City buildings only. The table shows the gross area identified using GIS analysis. As mentioned above, the Study Group took the gross amount for each class of roof area and applied a multiplier to yield the roof area suitable for photovoltaic installations. For example, Class 1 included a total of 3,208 acres of which roughly 80% or 2,566 acres was usable according to the Study Groups method. The Study Group then multiplied the area by the capacity and energy multipliers described above to derive technical potential for photovoltaic capacity (MW AC) and energy production (GWh).
potential for photovoltaic system capacity for the City of San Diego is 769 MW AC and energy production is 1,532 GWh annually.

See Table in Appendix Orientation Factor for Various Roof Pitches and Directions. Estimates of photovoltaics capacity in the report are listed in MW AC. To determine MW AC we used the CECs method and multiplied MW DC by 0.67, a factor that accounts for attendant losses of a PV system.


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Table 2.9: GIS Analysis Results for SD City Buildings

Total Estimated Estimated Estimated PV PV Class Rank Usable Capacity Capacity Area (MW-DC) (MW-AC) (Acres)* 1 Good 80% 9,755 2,053 894 599 2 Fair 60% 5,158 574 250 167 3 Poor 20% 244 8 4 2 Totals 15,157 2,635 1,148 769 *This number includes the 20% reduction for shading and roof structure variations. Available Roof Space Number of Buildings Estimated Annual Energy Production (GWh) 1,194 333.70 4.85 1,532 Extrapolating Results to the San Diego Region

The next challenge was to extrapolate the results from the City of San Diego to determine technical potential for the entire County of San Diego. To do this, the Study Group compared the total useable roof area in the City of San Diego with the total existing developed acreage18. According to SANDAG, in 2005 the City of San Diego will have a total of 1,135,955,502 square feet (26,078 acres) of non-residential developed land. The GIS analysis of non-residential rooftops in the City of San Diego identified approximately 143,489,645 square feet (3,294 acres) of useable roof area. The Study Group determined the ratio of total useable roof area to total developed land. [3,294 acres of total useable area]/[26,078 acres of total developed land ] = 12.6% For the City of San Diego, the total roof area suitable for photovoltaic systems was about 12.6% of total developed land area. To determine an estimate of useable roof area of the other jurisdictions in the Region, the Study Group applied this ratio to the total developed non-residential land area.19 It assumed that all other jurisdictions would have a similar ratio of total developed land to usable roof area. It then applied this ratio to the jurisdictions outside the City of San Diego to derive an estimated gross technical potential for the remaining portions of the County of San Diego. Table 2.11 shows the total area of non-residential land in each jurisdiction in 2005, 2010 and 2020.20 For consistency, the capacity and energy data for the City of San Diego in this table is not based on the total useable area identified in the GIS study; rather the Study Group applied the more conservative 10% multiplier (see footnote 18) to the Citys total developed land area. This accounts for the difference between the capacity and energy data from Table 2.10 differ from those in the table below. As mentioned above, the Study Group then reduced the total area number by 20% to account for shading of roof top equipment and parapet walls. The total estimate of useable area in 2005 for all the jurisdiction in the County is 235,047,321 square feet (5,396 acres), which translates into a capacity of approximately 1,725 MW AC.
Total developed land data were supplied by SANDAG. This ratio was rounded to 10% to be conservative and to account to some extent for the subjectivity of the roof classification method described above. 20 SANDAG did not provide 2005 data, so the Group interpolated these values from the 2000 data and 2010 projections.
19 18

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Table 2.10: Capacity and Energy Estimates for SD County

Total Developed Land (Acres) Capacity (MW)* Energy (MWh) 2010 149 156 58 11 101 40 133 14 34 13 52 117 82 1257 78 56 16 797 98 3263 2020 164 169 58 11 102 42 140 14 34 13 53 127 90 1327 84 58 16 858 107 3468

Jurisdiction 2005 2010 2020 2005 2010 2020 2005 Carlsbad 3317 3434 3766 77 80 88 144 Chula Vista 3279 3350 3627 77 78 85 153 Coronado 1340 1342 1346 31 31 31 58 Del Mar 259 259 261 6 6 6 11 El Cajon 1913 1920 1936 45 45 45 101 Encinitas 887 920 978 21 21 23 39 Escondido 2482 2528 2652 58 59 62 131 Imperial Beach 314 320 328 7 7 8 14 La Mesa 681 682 684 16 16 16 34 Lemon Grove 268 270 271 6 6 6 12 National City 1120 1123 1131 26 26 26 52 Oceanside 2544 2692 2922 59 63 68 110 Poway 1450 1555 1716 34 36 40 76 San Diego** 26078 27018 28518 609 631 666 1213 San Marcos 1509 1576 1685 35 37 39 75 Santee 1020 1062 1108 24 25 26 54 Solana Beach 369 372 374 9 9 9 16 Unincorporated 16739 17139 18451 391 400 431 779 Vista 1880 1977 2157 44 46 50 93 Total 67449 69540 73911 1575 1624 1726 3165 *Capacities listed are in AC watts. **Capacity estimates based on 10% of total developed land NOT the 12% identified in the GIS study. Assumptions

In developing our technical potential estimates, the Study Group used a range of assumptions to guide its work. In the City of San Diego GIS project, it only counted large commercial rooftops above 3,000 square feet. The rationale for this was that another component of the project was to conduct outreach to customers about existing incentive programs, particularly the Self-Generation Incentive Program, which has a minimum system size eligibility criterion of 30 kW. Rooftops of 3,000 square feet and greater likely could accommodate a 30 kW system. Additionally, these rooftops are more likely to have sufficient roof area able to accommodate photovoltaic systems. In determining the energy production of the technical potential, the Study Group assumed all systems would be installed flat. As discussed in Appendix C, PV Technology & Applications, flat systems generate about 89 percent of systems with optimum orientation and tilt. While there are fixed tilt commercial installations in the San Diego region, the Study Group chose to simplify the process by assuming all systems are flat. Covered Parking

The Study Group did not account for the potential for covered parking and other potential applications like ground-mounting. Lacking detailed GIS data made it impossible to do a detailed analysis of the structured parking. The Study Group recognized there is a significant potential for these applications, in particular covered parking and it should be studied in the next phase.
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Potential for Renewable Energy in the San Diego Region August 2005 Interpreting the Technical Potential for Different Market Penetration Rates

The results of our analysis yield technical potential for commercial PV. Given the uncertainty in actual development of this technical potential, the Study Group calculated the results for market penetration rates of 1%, 5%, and 10%. Table 2.11 shows the capacity and energy values of the San Diego region assuming these market penetration rates are realized.

Table 2.11: PV Capacity at Various Penetration Rates

Capacity (MW) Market Penetration 1% 5% 10% 2005 16 79 157 2010 16 81 162 2020 17 86 173 2005 32 158 317 Energy (GWh) 2010 33 163 326 2020 35 173 347 % of RES Goal 2010* 0.95% 4.77% 9.53% 2020** 0.51% 2.54% 5.08%

*RES renewable energy goal is 15% by 2010. Calculation based on projected 2010 SDG&E total sales of 22,820. **RES renewable energy goal is 25% by 2020. Calculation based on projected 2020 SDG&E total sales of 27,327.

2.4 Impact of Photovoltaic Systems on the Electric System Solar energy, absent energy storage, is considered an intermittent resource. The production of energy from photovoltaic systems is constrained by the availability of sunlight. Photovoltaic systems produce power when the sun is shining proportional to the time of day and that days particular atmospheric Photovoltaic systems conditions. It does not produce any energy after the sun has set; are not a dispatchable therefore, photovoltaic systems are not a dispatchable resource, resource, unless energy storage devices unless energy storage devices are used. It cannot be called on to are used. produce power at a given time of day on a particular day. Rather, it produces power in a predictable daily and seasonal pattern.

When demand for electricity is high, such as during a heat wave when everyone's air conditioner is running, utilities must rely on power from "peaking" plants to meet the demand for just a few hours a day. Peaking power is expensive because the plants only operate a limited number of hours per year and must recover their costs during that time. Because PV systems produce substantial energy during periods of high customer demand they can help reduce the power supplied by these types of Because PV systems generators. This reduces the need for peaking generation.
produce substantial energy during periods of high customer demand they can help reduce the power supplied by these types of generators. This reduces the need for peaking generation.

Another important benefit of photovoltaic systems is that they can produce power near the point of usea concept called "distributed generation." As the grid loads increase, the local PV systems provide electricity to individual homes and buildings, reducing demand on the grid. This reduces the load and losses on the distribution system.
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Potential for Renewable Energy in the San Diego Region August 2005

Figure 2.2 illustrates average PV capacity by hour of day of large PV sites in the San Diego region using two years of data. Figure 2.3 illustrates average PV capacity as a percentage of name plate capacity by month of large PV sites in the San Diego region. The Study Group ascribed the dip in capacity in the month of June to the marine layer, a dense cover of clouds that forms along the coast typically in June. This weather pattern is often called June Gloom.
Figure 2.2 Yearly Average Hourly Capacity Factors at Large PV Sites in San Diego
80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%

Data from 2002 to 2004

Capacity Factor

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Time (Hour of Day)

Summer W inter Average

The time of day that an electric system experiences its greatest demand, the system peak, and the size of this peak when it occurs are important issues for energy planners and designers. The Study Group looked at two benefits of PV installations: ability to shift and reduce the system peak, which can reduce the need for other energy supply resources to meet the peak, and ability to reduce load on distribution infrastructure, which can reduce or delay the need for investments in this infrastructure. Recognizing that PV systems have the potential to contribute supply capacity at time of peak, the Study Group conducted an analysis of photovoltaic systems impact on SDG&Es 2002 system peak load day (August 2002). The PV system output was modeled utilizing one years worth of August operational data for 11 large commercial PV systems installed as part of the AB970 Self Generation Incentive Program.

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Figure 2.3: Average Monthly PV Capacity for 11 Large PV Sites in San Diego


Average Capacity




0.0% Jan





Jun Month







Monthly Avg PV Capacity

Study results are shown in Figure 2.4, which demonstrates the potential effect of PV on the 2002 SDG&E system peak load. Each curve in Figure 2.4 represents SDG&Es system load with varying amounts of solar energy reducing that load. Note that the system peak moves to later hours as the amount of solar energy It takes increasing amounts of is increased. The curves were calculated utilizing the known 2002 photovoltaic capacity system load information and subtracting the PV output from the to move the system system load. In determining the impact of increasing amounts of PV on system peak load, the Study Group calculated the amount of PV required to shift the system peak by an hour, as well as the reduction in peak that results from this amount of PV at that time of day. For instance, the Study Group calculated the amount of PV capacity required to move the 3pm system peak to 4pm, the 4pm peak to 5pm and so forth.21 Figure 2.4 shows the effect of PV on system peak magnitude and timing diminishes quickly and is not linear past the time of day when solar radiation is at its maximum. In other words it takes increasing amounts of photovoltaic capacity to move the system peak one hour as it gets later in the day, because the output from the PV system declines as the suns radiation decreases as the afternoon progresses. The largest reduction of system peak per amount of PV nameplate capacity occurs when the system peak is shifted from 3 to 4pm (57 MW of PV
21 After 8pm, no additional reduction in system peak load is possible since the PV output at 8pm is zero due to the lack of solar radiation. However, additional PV systems will continue to contribute to system energy requirements during the sunlit hours.

peak one hour as it gets later in the day.

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capacity would reduce the system demand at 3pm by 31 MW). Table 2.12 illustrates these figures.
Table 2.12: PV Nameplate Capacity Required to Change System Peak Load

System Peak MW Hour 3pm 3957 4pm 3923 5pm 3827 8pm 3588 Cumulative MW

Reduced Peak MW 34 96 239 369

PV MW 63 231 960 1254

The maximum system peak shift and corresponding reduction in its magnitude for the 2002 system data occurs when 330 MW of actual photovoltaic capacity is added to the system. This requires 1123 MW of PV nameplate capacity to be added. Regardless of amount of PV installed beyond 1123 MW, there is no further effect on the timing or magnitude of the system peak. The peak will continue to be 8 pm. However, additional photovoltaic capacity will reduce total energy requirements throughout the day and installation of tracking and storage devices will also impact these results.

Regardless of amount of PV installed beyond 1123 MW, there is no further effect on the timing or magnitude of the system peak.

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Figure 2.4: Effect of PV on 2002 System Peak

4000 3 pm System Peak 3500 3000 Additional 206 MW PV Shifts Peak to 5 pm 2500

57 MW PV Shifts Peak to 4 pm

Additional 860 MW PV Shifts Peak to 8 pm


2000 1500 1000 500 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Time (Hours)

PV installations also have potential to reduce the load on utility distribution infrastructure. If the PV potential is realized, it could significantly impact the way the distribution system is built out and operated. As an example, Figure 2.5 shows the impact of PV on SDG&E commercial and If the PV potential is realized, it could residential substations, assuming the entire San Diego significantly impact photovoltaic systems capacity of 11 MW (January 2004) is the way the utilitys electrically connected to either of those substations. The peak distribution system is demand reduction at the commercial substation is much larger built out and (6.8 MW) since that substations load profile on a peak day is operated. much flatter and peaks at 2 pm. At 2 pm the PV system produces 62 percent of its nameplate rating. For a residential substation the peak load occurs later, at 5pm, and the impact of the 11 MW of PV on reducing that peak load is much smaller (2.7 MW). At 5pm, the PV systems only produce 25 percent of nameplate rating.

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Figure 2.6 Impact of 11 MW on a SDG&E Commercial and Residential Substation Peak Load




60 S u b s ta tio n M

5 P h o to v o lta ic s M


40 R e s id e n tia l S u b s ta tio n 30 C o m m e rc ia l S u b sta tio n L o a d P V N a m e p la te 1 1 M W 20


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 T im e (H o u rs )



Drivers and Barriers

2.5.1 Resource Availability PV production is predictable; it is based on sun availability and may be coincident with load. The output of a photovoltaic array is also a function of the array temperature and solar insolation which is affected by conditions such as cloud cover, soiling, azimuth and tilt (position of the sun in the sky), which result in a electrical energy output which has -daily, monthly and -yearly variability. Adding tracking and energy storage capabilities improves the availability of PV. This is described in detail in Appendix C, section PV Technology and Application. The Study Groups conclusions and findings in this report are based on fixed tilt south-facing array orientation. 2.5.2 Transmission access Photovoltaic systems are typically an onsite application and do not require transmission to serve the load. There are no access issues since residential customers typically are connected to electric distribution systems. Deployment of PV may reduce or delay the need for distribution system improvements and do not require transmission to serve the load.

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2.5.3 Economics The current capital costs (first costs) are a significant barrier to the widespread adoption of photovoltaic systems. Additionally, the failure of inverters adds an additional cost at some point in the future. At this time the photovoltaic panels The current capital have a predicted life of over 25 years while the inverter portion costs (first costs) are of the photovoltaic system has an anticipated life of less than 10 a significant barrier years. A full analysis of levelized cost will take place in the to the widespread next phase of study. adoption of photovoltaic Photovoltaic systems are typically installed on buildings and are systems. considered distributed energy. Because photovoltaic systems use no fuel, there's no uncertainty about rising and fluctuating fuel prices. In addition, clean renewable energy technologies like PV tend to have minimal costs associated with complying with legislation that protects the environment.

The price of a PV system depends on a number of factors, including whether a home or business is under construction and whether PV is integrated into the roof or mounted on top of an existing roof. The price also depends on the PV system rating, manufacturer, retailer, and installer. Solar system costs have declined dramatically over the past 20 years. In the early 1980s, system costs were over $25/peak watt installed. Today the costs can be as low as $6/peak watt installed. For comparison, conventional power generating systems cost $0.7 to $2/watt installed.

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Table 2.13 outlines the average and median price per watt for residential PV Systems in San Diego before rebates22.
Table 2.13: Average $/watt for all PV Systems23

Size Range (kW) 0-10 11-20 21-30 30-50 51-100 101-200 201-500 500+

CEC Average Cost ($/W) $ 9.41 $ 8.71 $ 8.28

SGIP Average Cost ($/W)

$8.83 $9.03 $8.38 $7.59 $7.97

Note: Based on completed projects

Table 2.14 outlines the existing PV incentives and tax credits available in San Diego due to two programs: the CPUC administered self generation incentive program and the CEC administered renewable energy buy-down program.


Sources: CEC Emerging Renewables Databases of May 3, 2005. http://www.energy.ca.gov/renewables/emergingrenewables/200505-03_EPR_Cmptd_Apprd.XLS Self Generation Incentive Program Databases as of January 2005. http:///www.sdenergy.org/uploads/SelfGenStatewide9602DataJan05.xls.

CEC Emerging Renewables Databases of May 3, 2005 and Self Generation Incentive Program Database of January 2005 (http://www.sdenergy.org).

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Table 2.14: PV Incentives and Tax Credits

Programs Available Self-Generation Incentive 2004 (CPUC) CEC Buydown 2004 CA Tax Credit (for Systems 200 kW or less) Federal Tax Credit (Commercial Only)

Incentive Offered (per Watt) $3.50 $2.80

Minimum System Size 30 kW 1 kW

Maximum System Size 5000 kW 10 kW 200 kW

Tax Credit



2.5.4 Net Metering Photovoltaic systems have historically been used in remote applications. PV is the power technology of choice for satellites, telecommunications towers/repeaters, and homes that are located too far from the utility grid to receive a low cost electrical hookup.

Collectively these are referred to as off-grid applications. It is only within the last five to seven years that it has been feasible to install a photovoltaic system and connect it directly to the utility grid. Net metering, a policy that allows customers to receive retail credit for excess power production, and government incentives have created the opportunity for the emerging grid-connected market.24 Thirty-five states now have some form of net metering policies,25 and 18 have either state or utility sponsored rebate programs to offset the capital cost of photovoltaic systems.26 While there is a history of off-grid photovoltaic systems in the Cuyamaca Woods area of eastern San Diego County, grid connected systems only became feasible after the passage of Senate Bill 656 (1995) and more recently AB x25 and Public Utilities Code Section 2827. This legislation and regulation Net metering authorized Californias net metering and rebate programs, allows customers to get full retail credit respectively. for the excess Any SDG&E residential or commercial electricity customer who electricity they generates some of their electricity from renewable reserves is produce. eligible for net metering. The basic eligibility requirements are: the electricity generating system must be powered by solar or wind energy or a

Net metering in California allows customers to get credit for excess production as long as total production is equal to or less than 100% of their total consumption. 25 http://www.dsireusa.org/summarytables/reg1.cfm?&CurrentPageID=7. 26 http://www.dsireusa.org/summarytables/financial.cfm?&CurrentPageID=7.

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combination of the two, and the system must not exceed one megawatt of peak power output. Net metering allows customers to get full retail credit for the excess electricity they produce. They are permitted to bank excess electricity generated in the electric grid and essentially retrieve it later, free of charge. The credit for the excess electricity offsets costs for electricity customers have to buy later in the day at retail price. This makes owning a generating system more cost effective. However, customers can only get the full retail credit for electricity equal to 100% of their total annual consumption. With net metering customers do not need to buy and install batteries to store energy for use in the evening when the photovoltaic system is not generating power. They rely on grid power at night. Overall, the State of California has given the Investor Owned Utilities a net metering cap equal to 0.5% of the utilities historical system peak load27. Currently, this is approximately 21 MW in San Diego. The number of eligible net energy metering installations in San Diego is quickly approaching this mark and if exceeded customers installing in excess of the net metering cap would not be eligible for net meeting. At the time of this writing there is a bill being considered in Sacramento to raise the SDG&ES net metering cap28. For further discussion of this issue see Appendix B.
2.5.5 Environmental Effects of PV Heavy metals are used in the production of photovoltaic modules. Production plants must be carefully monitored to ensure that none of these escape into the environment. Once the photovoltaic array has been manufactured, the effect of photovoltaic systems on the environment is positive as electricity is produced without emissions. At the end of their useful life the photovoltaic modules must be recycled to reclaim the heavy metals.

Because PV systems burn no fuel and have no moving parts, they are clean and silent, producing no atmospheric emissions or greenhouse gases that have detrimental effects on the planet. Compared with electricity generated from carbon-based fuels in the San Diego region, each kilowatt of installed photovoltaic capacity offsets up to 1 pound of oxides of nitrogen, 0.04 pounds of sulfur dioxide, and 1,924 pounds of carbon dioxide annually29. The fuel-free, clean renewable energy technologies of PV tend to have minimal costs associated with complying with legislation that protects the environment.

Compared with electricity generated from carbon-based fuels in the San Diego region, each kilowatt of installed photovoltaic capacity offsets up to 1 pound of oxides of nitrogen, 0.04 pounds of sulfur dioxide, and 1,924 pounds of carbon dioxide annually1.

Public Utilities Code Section 2827. http://www.aroundthecapitol.com/Bills/SB_816. 29 Average 2000 emissions numbers for the South Bay and Encina Power Plants are calculations from: 0.735 lbs/MWh NOx, 0.028 lbs/MWh SOx, and 1292 lbs/MWh of C02. EPA eGRID: www.epa.gov/cleanenergy/egrid/.


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2.5.6 Maintenance of PV Systems PV systems are easy to maintain. They have no moving parts, so visual checks and battery servicing (if applicable) are enough to keep systems up and running. The arrays should be cleaned periodically to reduce soiling. Because manufacturers test solar panels for hail impact, high wind, and freeze-thaw cycles representing year-round weather conditions, weather damage is no greater potential problem for PV systems than for other types of energy production systems. The inverters must be replaced periodically; typical lifespan is five to ten years. A 2 kW inverter costs approximately $1800 or $900/kW as of this date. 2.5.7 Legislation and Regulatory There are a number of ongoing proceedings impacting policy and deployment of renewable resources. In California, the most significant of these occurred on February 28, 2005, when Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger announced support for pending legislation, nicknamed a a million solar homes, that aims to place solar energy systems on one million new and existing California homes and businesses (or 3,000 MW of solar capacity) by the end of 2018. It would create a 10-year incentive fund encouraging both residences and commercial buildings to install solar power. The goal is to install 3,000 MW of solar power by 2018, about five percent of todays entire electricity usage at peak periods. Further discussion on Legislation and Regulatory is taken up in Appendix B.

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