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A Research Paper
Presented to the Faculty of
The Senior High School Department

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

In Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion
Second Semester A.Y. 2021 – 2022


Diaz, Marius Dionell M.

Emplica, Jose Romulo S
Enraca, John Nerbert R.
Olazo, Carla B.
Torres, Van Aeros C.
Grade 12 – Potassium

June 2022




SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT” prepared and submitted by Diaz Marius

Dionell M, Emplica Jose Romulo S , Enraca, John Nerbert R, Olazo, Carla B. and

Torres, Van Aeros C.. in partial fulfillment of the requirements in Inquiries, Investigation

and Immersion has been examined and is recommended for approval and acceptance

for Oral Examination.


Research Adviser



Statistician Head, Languages Department


Research Adviser

Augusto Africa, Ph.D.

Date Principal, UBSHS




SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT was conducted for those students who struggle

during COVID-19. Learning has become difficult with the outbreak of this trying pandemic.

For some, the comfort of staying at home that it necessitates makes it more of a benefit

than difficulty, but for the majority, the lack of knowledge and resources is what prevents

them from actually learning. Although students' approaches to dealing with the online

environment differ, it is vital to recognize that the current predicament encompasses a

wider range of difficulties, from intra-personal to interpersonal. Through guided and

organized procedures to analyze the relationship between the students’ performance and

the learning mode that they are under, the researchers should arrive at a general concept

on how to aid the students in terms of what methods can they practice for them to be

more punctual and work things from thereon.

Keywords: Pandemic, Resources, Intra-Personal, Inter-Personal, Relationship, Methods


The researchers would like to extend their deepest gratitude and appreciation to the

following persons who contributed greatly to the process of making this study.

To Ms. Domycel Amor G. Gilera, their research adviser, for her kindness, guidance,

constructive criticism, imparting her knowledge, and escorting the researchers in

accomplishing this study;

To Mrs. Lilian Morales-Verano for the researchers' class adviser who wholeheartedly

guided the researchers to finish the research;

To the researchers' family and friends who continually encouraged and brought the

spirits up of the researchers to pursue their research paper;

And most importantly, to the Almighty God, for imparting knowledge, wisdom, strength,

and courage for them to accomplish and produce the research paper.


This humble work is whole-heartedly devoted to all who assisted and guided the

researchers in fulfilling their objectives for the glory of God. This work is the fruit of

countless and arduous sacrifices. Through the researchers’ efforts. To the hundreds of

students who are in the community in pursuit of a healthy living and to the entire

teachers and faculty members. And lastly, to the Almighty God, thank you for the

guidance, strength,

power of mind, and skills that you gave to us so that we can finally finish this research.



TITLE PAGE………………………………………………………………………. i

APPROVAL SHEET……………………………………………………………… ii

ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………………….. iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT…………………………………………………………. iv

DEDICATION……………………………………………………………………... v

TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………………. vi

LIST OF TABLES ...............................................................................................viii

LIST OF FIGURES………………………………………………………………… ix



Introduction…………………………………………………………………. 1

Conceptual Framework……………………………………………..…….. 4

Statement of the Problem…………………………………………….…… 3

Significance of the Study………………………………………………..… 6

Scope, Limitation and Delimitation…………………………………..…… 7

Definition of Terms ................................................................................... 8-9


Related Literature…………………………………………………….. 10-15

Related Studies………………………………………………….……….. 15-18

Synthesis…………………………………………………………….……. 19


Research Design………………………………………………..….……. 21

Population and Sampling……………………………………………….. 21-22

Research Instrument…………………………………………………….. 22-23

Data Gathering Procedures……………………………………….…..... 24-25

Statistical Treatment of Data……………………………………………. 25

III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS…………………………………… 26-45


Summary…………………………………………………………………. 46






CURRICULUM VITAE…………………………………………………..68


Title Page

1. Difficulty of online learning & academic strategies needed for the

distance learning………………………….………………………………………….26

2. Usual complications that students deal with Through or During Online


3. Common Dilemmas that Students Go Through During Online Learning……36


Title Page

1 Conceptual Paradigm: Research on The Grade 12 Stem-Engineering

Students’ Class Performance During Online Classes in University at
Batangas Senior High School Department………………………………………..4

2 Digital Poster’s Title Page (Output)……..………………………………………..43

3 Digital Poster’s Sample Content Page…………………………………………...44

4 Facebook Page……………………………………………………………………..46

5 Article………………………………………………………………………………...45




The life of students is exciting for it comprises different experiences and adventures—

in and outside the school that will need much power, time, and energy. Likewise, there

are the challenges, problems, and stressors that students encounter in different aspects

of everyday life. Young people should have everything to be happy about, but as the

generation with the least responsibility, they experience the most stress.

Since the COVID-19 Pandemic took a surge, things went away from their

respective settings. The education system took the hardest hits as most countries,

including the Philippines, refrained from the face-to-face settings to altering to online

classes. Although the online classes offer a lot of advantages through their advanced

features while also not requiring face-to-face settings, they also have specific


According to SDSN Youth Organization (2020), students in online learning do not

connect well with other people as they do in a regular setting. It directly affects their mental

health, causing them to lose interest in their respective subjects.

In addition, in 2018, a study by the same organization found that 45% of Filipinos

do not have internet access while 74% of public schools also struggle to establish their

respective internet connections. (Kemp and Grieve, 2014) also stated that in online

learning, teachers and learners fail to notice and take into consideration each

other’s verbal and non-verbal cues. This hinders the communication method between the

students and the teachers.

Moreover, (Xu and Jaggars, 2016) pointed out that face-to-face learning offers

numerous edges and benefits that the online setting failed to deliver. While the traditional

setting allows students to spark their creativity and innovative ideas, online classes, on

the other hand, are being hindered by the limitations that the teachers and the students

had to deal with.

More so, these setbacks directly affect the performance of the students. In most

cases, they are also being reflected in the grades of the students. Frontiers in

Organization quoted that the technical problems that are always present in an online

setting cause the students to feel disregarded, giving them a sense of ignorance of the

importance of their activities and performances. This dilemma spoils learning.

While the objectives of online learning are also to deliver learnings to students

most efficiently and safely, the setbacks that it brings add up to the current stress that the

COVID-19 pandemic ushered to both the students and faculty members. The University

of Cumberlands defines this stress as “Zoom Fatigue”. This term gets associated with

mental burnout, depression, anxiety, and lack of motivation. The university also marked

those individuals who suffer from mental health issues find it harder to deal with this

specific kind of stress while most of them suffer to a higher degree. Similarly, school

closing may also affect students because of disruption of teacher and students’ networks,

leading to the poor performance reported that schools and colleges are moving towards

educational technologies for student learning to avoid a strain during the pandemic


Hence, the present study’s objective is to develop and test a conceptual

model of student satisfaction with online teaching during COVID-19, where both

students and teachers have no other option than to use the online platform for

uninterrupted learning and teaching. While there are different perspectives from the

different people of the learning process such as learning achievement and faculty

perspectives, students’ perspectives are especially critical since they are ultimately

the main characters of this kind of topic. A student's perspective on online education

is profoundly important. Online learning has become part of the curriculum at the

University of Batangas. This type of learning by electronic technologies to learn

outside a normal or traditional classroom. Presentations can be recorded or

presented live inside the used apps for E-Learning, allowing participants to either

learn at their own pace or even go back and review what they have already learned

and ask questions. Attendance can be registered and monitored through these

platforms to ensure accountability and provide education credits.

Statement of the Problem

The research aims to identify the Grade 12 Stem-Engineering Students’ Class

Performance During Online Classes in the University of Batangas Senior High School


It sought to answer the following questions:

1. What difficulties do students face during online learning?

2. What are the negative and positive effects of online learning on Grade 12 Stem-

Engineering Students concerning their class performance?

3. What are the possible effects of employing a set of a strategic academic plan for

students to their:

3.1 Academic performance; and

3.2 Social well-being?

4. Based on the findings of the study, what digital material can be developed to

promote healthy practices for students during online learning?

Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

 Difficulties
Students Face  Validated Online materials:
During Online Questionnaires
 Analysis of data  Digital poster
 Class
Performance  Statistical  Facebook Page
during Online treatment
Classes  Article

Figure 1

Conceptual Paradigm: Research on The Grade 12 Stem-Engineering Students’
Class Performance During Online Classes in University of Batangas Senior High
School Department

Figure 1 represents the Input, Process, and Output (IPO) of the conceptual

framework of the study. The Grade 12 Stem-Engineering Students’ Class Performance

During Online Classes in University of Batangas Senior High School Department is the

main focus of the study. Following the processes in instructional material preparation, the

researchers used simple words which were easy to understand for the input, process,

and output. The illustrations could easily follow with the materials which are already


The primary input of the researchers employed was the demographic profile of the

respondents and the lifestyle preferences of the respondents are used to determine the

Grade 12 Stem-Engineering Students’ Class Performance During Online Classes in

University of Batangas Senior High School Department.

In order to gather the needed data essential to the study, the researchers

conducted a survey questionnaire to clearly grasp the responses of the respondents, as

the respondents represent the receiver and the source of information. The analysis of

data and statistical treatment is used to determine the Grade 12 Stem-Engineering

Students’ Class Performance During Online Classes in University of Batangas Senior

High School Department.

For the output, the researchers would propose a strategic plan that would promote

and strengthen the students’ performance during online classes. The type of material

depends on the result of the survey.

Significance of the Study

This research study will be beneficial and valuable to the students, teachers,

parents, the University of Batangas Senior High School Department, as well as to future


Students. This study will highlight the situations of the students of the University

of Batangas as they participate in their online classes. The recommendation of this study

will allow them to aid their major concerns during their classes.

Teachers. The recommendation of this study will give them sample beneficial

solutions with regards to the needs of the students and how they perceive online classes.

Parents. This study will give ample insights to the parents of the students with

regard to the relationship between their mental health and participation in online classes.

University of Batangas Senior Highschool Department. This will provide data

that will relate to and compare the students’ academic performance in both traditional and

online settings. This will also allow the department to launch appropriate approaches with

regard to the common dilemmas that the students encounter during online classes.

Future Researchers. This study will serve as a guide for future researchers.

Definition of Terms

For better understanding, the researchers defined the following terms conceptually

and operationally.

Article. Any written work that tackles informative events that happen. This could

be in a print or electronic medium. (Veeranda,2020). In this study, this term was used as

an output that the researchers aim to produce in order to allow them to distribute or

publish an informative text that will enlighten both the students and the academic

administrators about the effectiveness of online learning.

Class Performance. This is the measurement of a student’s learning status

across various academic subjects. (Ballot Pedia Organization, 2014) In this study, the

term class performance was used to describe the academic performance of the students

under both traditional and online learning.

E-Learning. A structured and planned course or learning that happens

electronically. (Association for Talent Development,2020). In this Study, E-Learning was

used to describe the new form of learning that allows the students to work on their

requirements with the aid of online tools and applications.

Online Class. A course of study that is being conducted over the internet through

different platforms. (Top Hat, 2018). In this study, the term online class was defined as a

mode of learning that most schools altered to since the beginning of the Covid 19


Technical Problems. These are problems that most administrators face in their

fields of work. These difficulties have appropriate solutions that may be within the

repertoire of the admins or require professional help. (International General Insurance,

2014). This study referred to technical problems as specific setbacks that most educators

and even students encounter in the midst of their online learning.

Zoom Fatigue. This can also be referred to as virtual fatigue. This is the kind of

exhaustion that someone feels after attending a number of online meetings and

appointments. (White,2021). In this study, zoom fatigue was regarded as the feeling of

tiredness that students mostly experience after a long day of online learning.



This chapter discusses the related literature, the related studies, and the review

following the authors’ comprehensive and in-depth quest. Following the authors'

exhaustive and in-depth search, it offers background material to assist the writers in

conceptualizing and thoroughly comprehending the analysis.

Related Literature

Whether coping mechanisms to E-learning as compensation are adaptive or

maladaptive, they vary from person to person and situation to situation. Clark A. et.al.

(2020) findings revealed the causal effects of online learning on student performance.

Using the difference-in-differences approach, we show that online education improves

students’ academic achievement by 0.22 of a standard deviation, relative to those who

stopped receiving learning support from their school during the COVID-19 lockdown. All

else equal, students from a school having access to recorded online lessons delivered by

external higher-quality teachers have achieved more progress in academic outcomes

than those accessing lessons recorded by teachers in their own school. We find no

evidence that the educational benefits of distance learning differ for rural and urban

students. However, there is more progress in the academic achievement of students

using a computer for online education than that of those using a smartphone. Last, low

achievers benefit the most from online learning while there is no significant impact for top

students. Our findings have important policy implications for educational practices when

lockdown measures are implemented during a pandemic.

On the other hand, Barcelona and Francisco (2020) stood on their point that web-

based learning is a solitary process in which the students find themselves wandering

without the proper guidance of their teachers. They also emphasized that the current

digital learning does not bring the same effect as traditional learning.

Meanwhile, Barrios’ findings in 2018 with regard to coping mechanisms vary from

positive to negative. He stated that setting up targets/deadlines, giving proper incentives,

determining the cause/s of problems, having fair judgment, and giving motivational talks

were often used. All of the respondents agree with the use of tact and diplomacy in dealing

with clients and persons. His study compared to the present study differed in terms of

respondents and their nature of work.

Similarly, Lo (2017) conducted a study to examine stress coping mechanisms in

students. Lo conducted a cohort study to identify the perception and sources of stress,

the coping mechanism used, and the relationship of self-esteem in 332 nursing students.

The questionnaire consisted of the general health questionnaire (GHQ-12), the Self-

esteem Scale, and the modified Ways of Coping Scale. Results showed 1st-year students

experienced high levels of stress as compared to students in 3rd year. An association

was reported between avoidance in coping behaviors and negative Self-esteem. Positive

self-esteem was correlated with proactive coping behavior. Coping strategies used by

students were: problem-solving, recreation & sports, meditation, and yoga. Thus, results

showed positive self-esteem played an important role in coping behavior.

Sivakova Y. et.al 2021 reported that the high use of web systems in learning

implies that e-learning is becoming a common successful learning method in wider

academic contexts. In order to enhance and support schooling and literacy, e-learning

includes leveraging information and communication technology (ICT). The purpose of the

analysis was to determine the correlation between e-learning and the academic

achievement of students in higher learning. A set of 150 author’s observational studies,

carried out in Russian educational institutions (both in the period before and during the

COVID-19pandemic), was used to measure findings using Cohen's formula focused on a

rigorous sampling method. The findings of the equation (= 0.712) reveal that ICT has a

major statistically favorable effect on the academic success of students in e-learning. The

results suggest that ICT has a substantial positive effect on the total success of students

in universities

On the other hand, on the study by Saifi (2018), he highlighted the effects of e-

learning on students' academic learning at the university level. The objective of the study

was; to find out the effects of e-learning on students' interest and learning at the university

level. Researchers used a quantitative research method for the study. Graduate students

formed the population and a simple random sampling technique was used for data

collection. The data was collected from 205 students from the University of Lahore,

Pakpattan Campus. The data was analyzed and used the statistical techniques of

frequency and percentage score. The study found that e-learning provides time flexibility

to the students and it motivates students to do their own work without others' help. It was

also that students felt comfortable when they used the internet. The study concluded that

e-learning is a system that provides time flexibility to the students for their learning and

motivates students to do their work without others' help. It is also concluded that students

feel comfort in browsing and surfing the internet.

Paul and Jefferson (2019) also reported that A growing number of students are

now opting for online classes. They find the traditional classroom modality restrictive,

inflexible, and impractical. In this age of technological advancement, schools can now

provide effective classroom teaching via the Web. This shift in the pedagogical medium

is forcing academic institutions to rethink how they want to deliver their course content.

The overarching purpose of this research was to determine which teaching method

proved more effective over the 8-year period. The scores of 548 students, 401 traditional

students, and 147 online students, in an environmental science class were used to

determine which instructional modality generated better student performance. In addition

to the overarching objective, we also examined score variabilities between genders and

classifications to determine if teaching modality had a greater impact on specific groups.

No significant difference in student performance between online and face-to-face (F2F)

learners overall, with respect to gender, or with respect to class rank were found. These

data demonstrate the ability to similarly translate environmental science concepts for non-

STEM majors in both traditional and online platforms irrespective of gender or class rank.

A potential exists for increasing the number of non-STEM majors engaged in citizen

science using the flexibility of online learning to teach environmental science core


Ram Gopal, Varsha Singh & Arun Aggarwal (2021) find out that in order to identify

the factors affecting students’ satisfaction and performance regarding online classes

during the pandemic period of COVID–19 and to establish the relationship between these

variables. The study is quantitative in nature, and the data were collected from 544

respondents through online surveys who were studying business management (B.B.A or

M.B.A) or hotel management courses in Indian universities. Structural equation modeling

was used to analyze the proposed hypotheses. The results show that four independent

factors used in the study viz. quality of instructor, course design, prompt feedback, and

expectation of students positively impact students’ satisfaction and further student’s

satisfaction positively impact students’ performance. For educational management, these

four factors are essential to have a high level of satisfaction and performance for online

courses. This study is being conducted during the epidemic period of COVID- 19 to check

the effect of online teaching on students’ performance.

Recently, the education system has faced an unprecedented health crisis that has shaken

up its foundation. Given today's uncertainties, it is vital to gain a nuanced understanding

of students' online learning experience in times of the COVID-19 pandemic. Although

many studies have investigated this area, limited information is available regarding the

challenges and the specific strategies that students employ to overcome them. Thus, this

study attempts to fill in the void. Using a mixed-methods approach, the findings revealed

that the online learning challenges of college students varied in terms of type and extent.

Their greatest challenge was linked to their learning environment at home, while their

least challenge was technological literacy and competency. The findings further revealed

that the COVID-19 pandemic had the greatest impact on the quality of the learning

experience and students' mental health. In terms of strategies employed by students, the

most frequently used were resource management and utilization, help-seeking, technical

aptitude enhancement, time management, and learning environment control. Implications

for classroom practice, policy-making, and future research are discussed.

A 2019 review of 35 studies into online learning by Jacqueline Wong et al explores the

connection between online learning and self-regulated learning. The study highlights the

significance of support for self-regulated learning such as the use of prompts or feedback

in promoting the development and deployment of strategies for self-regulated learning,

leading to better achievement in online learning.

In online learning environments where the instructor presence is low, learners have to

make the decisions regarding when to study or how to approach the study materials.

Therefore, learners’ ability to self-regulate their own learning becomes a crucial factor in

their learning success supporting self-regulated learning strategies can help learners

become better at regulating their learning, which in turn could enhance their learning


Related Studies

This chapter contains concepts, a conclusion, and other information. Those

covered in this chapter helps in familiarizing the reader with topics that are related and

similar to the current study.

According to GMA News Online (2020), due to "fluctuating" internet connections in

the Philippines, online classes are anti-poor and sure to be unreliable, a senator warned

Monday. Albay Representative Joey Salceda, speaking on Dobol B in News TV,

presented data suggesting that only 17% of Filipino pupils have an internet connection at

home and only 3.74 percent own cellphones that can connect to the internet. He went on

to say that just about 5% of pupils have reliable internet connectivity for online learning


He also took note that most students will be more exposed to the coronavirus if

they are forced to leave their houses to buy mobile data or pay for their internet fees for

online lessons.

Based on the article written by Kumar (2015) Many students do not have the high

bandwidth or robust internet connection required for online courses, and as a result, they

fall behind their virtual classmates: their poor monitors make it difficult to follow the Course

Management System, and their learning experience suffers. Furthermore, the majority of

them live off campus and find it difficult to keep up with the course's technical

requirements. Some of them don't even possess computers and seek technical support

from Learning Resource Centers. The best way to solve this problem is to know exactly

what kind of technical support they'll need before enrolling in a course, as well as properly

equipping themselves to complete it successfully.

According to Madarang (2021), the unstable internet connection remains the main

problem for teachers, students, and parents in distance learning, according to the recent

survey. The poll conducted by an independent research firm called options Ventures

Corporation showed that more than half of 67% of parents, 84% of teachers, and 71% of

students chose “unstable mobile/internet connection” in the list of challenges encountered

in distance learning.

Based on the article written by BusinessMirror (2021), WITH another school year

set to start in the era of the pandemic, access to reliable Internet connections remains

crucial for students and learning institutions for online education. Among them is Von

Gerald Abalos, a student from Tagum City in Mindanao. He was among the beneficiaries

of a recent partnership between the local government unit of Tagum and PLDT wireless

arm Smart Communications Inc. that provided Smart Bro Pocket Wi-fi devices with load

allocation for the city’s scholars. “These devices are really a big help to us students,”

Abalos said. “We can now attend our online classes with less to no interruptions. Also,

we can use this to connect with our classmates and friends whom we miss so much,” he

added. The devices allow students to connect to Smart LTE—the country’s fastest mobile

network according to third-party analytics firms like Ookla. To date, Smart said it serves

96 percent of the Philippine population from Batanes to Tawi-Tawi.

According to Salomon (2021), they are now able to participate and keep learning

after their initial difficulties in adapting to the new normal in their school: “The stable

connection lets me connect to my online classes better.”

According to Amadora (2020), the world is internet-challenged. A stumbling block

in the implementation of remote learning in general. Although there are internet plans

available, they are not all made equal. Despite the fact that we live in a metropolis, we

continue to have errors. During a virtual House session on Thursday, the Commission on

Higher Education (CHEd) admitted that weak internet connections, particularly in the

provinces, make totally online classes "unviable."

Moreover, De Vera (2021) advocated that colleges and universities use "flexible

learning," a blend of online and offline learning activities, with take-home assignments

that students may work on during their free time, as an alternative to online classes.

According to Gascon (2021). If a student is having these kinds of problems, it might

have an impact on their overall performance. It is possible to be missed in class, which

might have an impact on the student's performance.


The related literature and studies that were reviewed allowed the researchers to

have a more vivid understanding and conceptualization of the research problem.

Furthermore, the reviewed literature and studies emphasized the Grade 12 Stem-

Engineering students’ class performance during online classes in University of Batangas

Senior High School Department.

After a thorough gathering of related literature and studies, the researchers found

out that the study possesses similarities and differences with the other related topics. The

mentioned citations gave the researchers a deeper understanding on how the current

educational setup affects the academic performance of the students.

As stated by Barcelona and Francisco, Salceda also stated that pushing online

learning to students imposes greater threats with regard to their emotional and mental

health and the risk of succumbing to Corona Virus.

In addition, De Vera and Saifi both emphasized that online learning lets students

become flexible in terms of their time management and the way they deal with their

respective workloads. They both correlate to the idea that the situation that the students

find themselves in allows them to think of ways how to deal with it.

However, Amadora’s findings state that the implementation of distance and online

learning in remote areas will only result in an imbalanced distribution of knowledge. This

contradicts the idea of Sivakoya Y. et.al which implies that e-learning does not only

promote flexible learning but also the literacy of students in a wider context.

Moreover, Paul and Jefferson’s concept refutes Kumar’s as they stressed online

learning as a more viable option for students while Kumar highlighted that most students

find it hard to deal with online learning due to lack of resources, thus, causing them to be

left behind.

But despite the wide comparisons that can be drawn from the study and other

studies, the study will only focus on the assessment of students’ performance during

online classes. Its goal is to come up with a research-based output that will further

enlighten the beneficiaries on how to sustain and improve the current educational setting.



This chapter presents the methodology employed by the researchers in analyzing

and interpreting the data pertaining to the variables of this study. This chapter is showing

how the researchers come up with the study for the respondents.

Research Design

The aim of this study is to assess the academic performance of the Grade 12 Stem-

Engineering students of University of Batangas under online learning. To do such, the

researchers have chosen to conduct quantitative descriptive research to collect and

gather sufficient data that will allow the researchers to describe the data and its

characteristics. As defined by Siedlecki (2020), descriptive research aims to gather data

and evaluate the respondent’s perception of a certain phenomenon.

Population and Sampling

With a total population of 229 Grade-12 STEM-Engineering students, the researchers

used 22% of the population above and yielded 50 ideal respondents as the study’s sample

size. More so, the sample size will be composed of students of the University of Batangas

Batangas Campus’ Senior High School Department.

The researchers will utilize the benefit of the sample’s randomness to determine and

explore the spectrum of differences between the respondents. The researchers will also

entreat the respondents to fill out the questionnaire provided to further develop a better

understanding of the relationship between online learning and the students’ academic


Furthermore, the researchers will employ the Simple Random Sampling method as their

way of determining their ideal respondents. This means that everyone who is within the

range that was set by the researchers will have an equal chance of being selected as a

respondent. The method will also diminish the study’s possible biases.

Research Instrument

The researchers constructed a research instrument divided into three procedures

to assess such as the construction of the questionnaire, validation of the research

instrument, and scoring of responses.

Construction of Questionnaire. For the researchers to obtain important data and

information, a questionnaire will be used as the main instrument of the study. It includes

the character traits of the respondents, their initial perception of online learning, significant

differences in the students’ performance during traditional and online learning, and

possible platforms that the researchers can make use of to aid the common dilemmas of

students amidst pandemic.

Validation of Research Instrument. The researchers sought support and

direction from their assigned strand specialist, statistician, and research adviser in order

to confirm the questionnaire's validity. These people looked over the information and

confirmed it. In addition, any relevant suggestions and criticisms will be taken into account

by the researchers. The researchers also made good use of their time by consulting on

how to improve and clarify the questionnaire. The comments and ideas of the

aforementioned persons greatly benefited the research in obtaining satisfactory results.

Administration of Questionnaires. The data for this study will be gathered using

a survey questionnaire created with Google Forms. The questionnaire will be delivered

to the respondents after it has been validated by the research adviser and experts.

Participants will be given ample time to respond to the questions.

Scoring of Responses. The researchers used a four-point scale format for the

questionnaire to allow the respondents to express their ideas and opinions about the

product. The gathered data was quantified using verbal interpretations.

Option Range Verbal Interpretation

4 3.51-4.00 Strongly Agree

3 2.51-3.50 Agree

2 1.51-2.50 Disagree

1 1.00-1.50 Strongly Disagree

Validation of Research Instrument

The researcher used a prepared questionnaire as the major data collection

instrument for the capture of relevant data for this study in order to give adequate data

and information. The researcher used analytic techniques after acquiring all of the

necessary data. According to the precise questions posed, the researcher examines the

data acquired in light of the study's purpose. In addition, the researchers used book

readings, online articles, published and unpublished thesis, and analyzed conceptual and

research literature to develop the contents of the questionnaires for this study.

Data Gathering Procedure

To obtain the necessary data, the researchers must first write and send a letter to

the University of Batangas Senior High School, which will include a request for permission

to conduct the research study as well as the distribution of validated questionnaires.

Second, a set of questions will be included in the questionnaire and distributed to the

respondents. Finally, after the respondents have completed the questionnaire, the

researchers will collect and interpret the acquired information.

The researchers themselves distributed the study instrument to the chosen

respondents. The researcher acquired the surveys after they were finished. The data was

extensively reviewed after gathering the complete amount of surveys using Google

Forms, with the constraint that the data and replies collected will be hidden from the


Statistical Treatment of Data

By using Microsoft Excel, the researchers were able to obtain the following data through

the application’s careful and precise statistical functions such as the mean, rankings, and


Ranking. The formulation of what became known as the levels of measurement.

In this study, this statistical technique is used to distinguish the rank of the average

responses of respondents concerning the given questions included in the questionnaire

and to identify which among them affects the perception of selected students to least and


Weighted Mean. In this study, this is used as an assessment to measure the

importance of the average responses about the efficiency and feasibility of online learning

and how it affects the performance of the students.

Composite Mean. In this study, the composite mean is the average of all the

garnered weighted means of the statements.

Ethical Consideration

The researchers will utilize an informed consent form and will distribute them to their

target respondents. The form will give the researchers the right to make use of the

respondents’ answers to the survey questionnaire that they have prepared.

This is to assure the respondents that their responses will remain confidential and will

only be used exclusively for the purpose of the study. It will also serve as an affirmation

for the researchers that the data that they will receive will come directly from respondents

who agreed to partake in the study.



This chapter presents all the data gathered and the responses provided by the selected

response as well as the analysis of the results. Data were analyzed to guide the

researchers in coming up with an output that will help the students, parents, and teachers

to know the factors that they should deal with during online learning and how these affect

the academic performances of the students.

1. Difficulties that the respondents have faced due to the current mode of learning.

The researchers obtain this set of data in order to identify the difficulties that the

respondents have to endure in order to cope with the current mode of learning. The

researchers also identified the set of learning strategies that the respondents practice in

order to aid their academic dilemmas.

Table 1

Difficulty of online learning & academic strategies needed for the distance learning

Statements Weighted Mean Verbal Rank


Much time gets spent on 3.28 Difficult to the 2.5

the computer or other great extent


Effective strategies and 3.22 Difficult to the 5

techniques are being great extent

enforced to help students

become more engaged.

Encouraging learning 3.20 Difficult to the 6

through group interaction. great extent

Requirements come with 3.04 Difficult to the 11

written directions only. great extent

Distance learning gets as 3.12 Difficult to the 8.33

hard or even harder than great extent

on-campus learning.

Facilitators are easy to 2.96 Difficult to the 12

contact. lesser extent

Learning at one’s own 3.12 Difficult to the 8.33

pace. great extent

With more freedom, 3.28 Difficult to the 2.5

students get to be more great extent


Students encounter 3.12 Difficult to the 8.33

personal issues with their great extent

courses over time.

Teachers’ comments on 3.34 Difficult to the 1

one’s output come weeks great extent


Students suffer from 3.24 Difficult to the 4

poorly-working groups due great extent

to a lack of management.

Students become unwilling 3.16 Difficult to the 7

to give feedback and great extent

constructive criticisms on

their classmates’ works.

COMPOSITE MEAN 3.17 Difficult to the

great extent

In table 1, the researchers present the mean distribution of the perception of the

respondents towards the difficulty of online learning and the strategies that it requires the

students to fulfill. The statement “Teachers’ comments on one’s output come weeks later.”

ranked first among the concerns of the students and garnered a weighted mean of 3.34

with a verbal interpretation of Difficult to the great extent. The statements “With more

freedom, students get to be more self-disciplined.” and “Much time gets spent on the

computer or other gadgets” got tied on the 2.5th rank as both gathered a weighted mean

of 3.28 with the verbal interpretation of Difficult to the great extent.

Meanwhile, the last on the rankings is the statement “Facilitators are easy to

contact” which garnered a weighted mean of 2.96 with the verbal interpretation of Difficult

to the lesser extent while the statement “Requirements come with written directions only.”

ranked 11th with a weighted mean of 3.04 and a verbal interpretation of Difficult to the

lesser extent.

The results yielded correlated with the idea of Barcelona and Francisco (2020) in

their published article entitled “Effectiveness of an Online Classroom for Flexible

Learning” wherein they stated that students do not find enough guidance from their

teachers in web-based learning. This relates to the number one ranked statement that

reveals that the latency of the teachers’ comments and remarks on one’s output is a

difficult setback to deal with. Receiving remarks on time helps the students to ponder on

their work and improve on their shortcomings if they had any. This will result in a better

academic performance from the students and will make them aware of the wrong things

and practices that they might be employing in their work for so long.

More so, positive remarks, according to Lo (2017), can also help students to attain

higher self-esteem. In Lo’s study, it was found that having low self-esteem causes the

students to have stress, thus, directly affecting their ways of coping with school-related

requirements and paperwork.

Meanwhile, Ferlazzo (2020) claimed in his article entitled “What Students are

Really Thinking About Online Learning” that while it sounds easier to complete tasks for

the students as they have to do their tasks at their own pace during this period of online

learning, students are being pressured to finish a pile of time-consuming workloads in a

limited amount of time, directly aiding the respondents’ perception that it is actually

tougher to work in one’s own pace. That is because having to work at your own pace has

its negative consequences, especially in terms of balancing one’s time across different

major units.

In line with this, according to Herman (2020) in an article written entitled “Online

Learning is Not the Future”, most students in higher education take three to five courses

with varying modalities of learning from Zoom meetings to fully Asynchronous sessions.

With that, the students feel that they become less productive and learn lesser in online

learning despite having to work on their own. In worst cases, when compared to traditional

learning where students get to work alongside their classmates, students in online

learning find it difficult to cope with huge piles of requirements as they feel lost and adrift

at the same time.

On the other hand, Ferlazzo (2020) also expressed in his article that online

learning has caused students to become less socialized as it forces students to stay in

front of their screens throughout the day. This shares the same sentiment that the

respondents held in the statement “Much time gets spent on the computer or other

gadgets.” This creates a wide comparison to traditional learning where students get to

socialize with other people and hear the opinions and ideas of their friends, schoolmates,

and even teachers. Ferlazzo also added that this dilemma branches to an even wider

woe about the students’ mental health issues and likes, something that they don’t usually

have to deal with in traditional learning.

White (2021) of Healthline also pressed on this topic as he emphasized the

negative effect of prolonged exposure to computers and gadgets on the students.

According to White, school-related stress especially during the online learning period can

also be classified as “Zoom Fatigue”. He claimed that this type of burnout has caused the

students to feel undesirable tiredness and even exhaustion which greatly affects the

students’ way of producing their outputs.

Moreover, in an article by West (2021) entitled “Teacher, Are You There? Being

"Present" in Online Learning”, he stated that the feeling of a teacher’s presence can make

a student more engaged in learning, relating to the statement “Facilitators are easy to

contact.” He also added that teachers who understand the natural tendencies of each of

their students give the students a sense of connection with the teacher, thus, making

them feel as if they are still in a face-to-face setting.

Concerning this, Bukas PH (2021) also claimed in their blog entitled “How

University Administrators Can Maximize Online Learning” that school administrators can

also take part in making the students feel heard and welcomed. Bukas encouraged the

school admins to focus on building a supportive and open community through social

engagement that will help aid the students’ feeling of isolation amidst the pandemic. The

group also added that school administrators have the power to create flexible policies and

schedules that will compensate for the mental health of the students and that they should

always place themselves in the shoes of the students.

Meanwhile, in a study conducted by Dunham, Lee & Persky (2020), the

researchers found that written instructions serve their purpose well as students can

comprehend large amounts of details even through text scanning. However, although

written instructions have their advantages, they have to be presented clearly to avoid

confusion among the students. Moreover, the study concluded that students who have

step-by-step instructions on what they should do have a higher chance to secure better


With this, a blog that was written by Renard (2019) entitled “20 ways teachers can

give differentiated instructions to students” stated that no matter how clear some written

and oral instructions are, at least three questions from the students should always be

entertained by their teachers. Through this, the teachers can get a grasp on which

students struggle with a specific learning strategy and which students do not.

2. Complications of the respondents struggled through or during Online Learning.

The researchers collect this information in order to discover the challenges that

respondents must face in ability to engage with online learning. The researchers also

found a set of learning techniques that respondents use to help them with their academic


Table 2

Usual complications that students deal with Through or During Online Learning.



Having one or more 3.32 Enriched to the 5

devices for online great extent


Using deep 3.38 Enriched to the 4

vocabulary words on great extent


Managing time, 3.3 Enriched to the 6.5

organizing schedule great extent

or time


Having good 2.28 Enriched to the 14

communication lesser extent


Having self- 3.16 Enriched to the 11

discipline throughout great extent

the online class.

Having team work. 3.02 Enriched to the 13

great extent

Ability to manage a 3.14 Enriched to the 12

team. great extent

Ability to meet 3.24 Enriched to the 9.5

deadlines. great extent

Having research 3.3 Enriched to the 6.5

skills. great extent

Problem solving 3.28 Enriched to the 8

skills great extent

Assessment and 3.52 Enriched to the 1

evaluation skills. great extent

Being an active 3.24 Enriched to the 9.5

participant/student. great extent

Having an open 3.42 Enriched to the 3

mind as a student. great extent

Learning how you 3.48 Enriched to the 2

learn best. great extent

COMPOSITE 3.22 Enriched to the

MEAN great extent

In Table 2, the researchers present the mean distribution of problems of the

respondents coping with online learning and the solutions that it demands the students to

accomplish. The statement “Assessment and evaluation” ranked first among the concerns

of the students and garnered a weighted mean of 3.52 with a verbal interpretation of

Enriched to the great extent. The statements “Learning how you learn best.” ranked 2 nd

and gathered a weighted mean of 3.48 with the verbal interpretation of Enriched to the

great extent. The statement about “Having good communication skills“ ranked 14th and

gathered 2.28 weighted mean with the verbal interpretation of Enriched to the lesser

extent. Lastly, the statement “Having Teamwork” ranked 13 th and gathered 3.02 weighted

mean with the verbal interpretation of Enriched to the great extent.

According to Torah High, the primary purpose of assessment and evaluation is to

improve student learning. Information gathered through assessment and evaluations

helps teachers to identify students’ difficulties as well as to detect weaknesses in

programs, assessment and evaluation strategies are also based on the curriculum

expectations and on the achievement level descriptions and categories.

Assessment in its various forms has always been a central part of educational

practice. Evidence gleaned from the empirical literature suggests that assessment,

especially high stakes external assessment has effect on how teachers teach and

consequently, how students learn. Through focus group discussions, this paper draws

upon the experiences of 12 tutors and 18 student-teachers in 3 colleges of education in

Ghana. The findings show that although teachers are expected to nurture evaluative

thinking skills in their pupils/students this is not reflected in the assessment and teaching

and learning practices of student-teachers. This paper argues that for teachers to be

effective in promoting the desired goals of the basic school curriculum, greater recognition

must be accorded to the influence of assessment on teaching and learning, the

understanding of which could arguably play an important role in introducing changes that

will promote the cognitive processes and thinking skills desired in schools and


Moreover, as for Alamo College District (2020), Online students rely heavily on

virtual communication skills to communicate with classmates and instructors. Suppose

you are part of the overwhelming percentage of Americans who prefer emails and texting

to in-person conversations. In that case, this may sound like the perfect way to

communicate—but hold on. It’s important to remember that the casual way you text your

friends should not be carried over to your class emails and posts. Part of being a

successful online student is learning to strike a professional tone; otherwise, your

messages could come across as flippant, unclear, or even offensive.

With this, a form written by Alison Doyle (2021), The ability to communicate

effectively with superiors, colleagues, and staff is essential, no matter what industry you

work in. Workers in the digital age must know how to effectively convey and receive

messages in person as well as via phone, email, and social media. These communication

skills will help you get hired, land promotions, and be a success throughout your career.

Being a good listener is one of the best ways to be a good communicator. No one likes

communicating with someone who cares only about putting in her two cents and does not

take the time to listen to the other person. If you're not a good listener, it's going to be

hard to comprehend what you're being asked to do.

As for the last part, Rasmussen University said that communication skills are

important in school because this can make easier to learn or adjust in school environment

Teamwork can also improve the outcome of a school project because you’re able to draw

upon each other’s unique strengths. This ability, of seeking the expertise and ability of

other people will serve you well in your academic pursuits

On February 19, 2019 By Infinite Knowledge, Teamwork helps in combining

different minds and ideas towards the same conclusion. People who are united in

pursuing their dreams have the edge over those who chase their goals in solitary. In all

areas of life, ranging from sports to studying, teamwork is a vital element for achievement

of any goal. Teamwork can also help you to earn some friends that can help you

throughout the term.

The concept of teamwork arises from the basic premise that no human being is

perfect. All human beings are special and have some unique talent, skill or attribute.

Successful completion of any activity requires a good combination of more than one skills

and talents.

Good teamwork means that that team work together efficiently in order to achieve their

goal with as much success as possible.

Good teamwork is a useful thing in so many aspects of life. As well as being great

for business contexts, teamwork can help families to pull together and resolve their issues

– and it is a handy skill for groups of friends who are working together on a school project

as well.

3. Common problems that students have during online classes

The researchers gathered these data in order to identify the most common issues that

students face during online classes.

Table 3

Common Dilemmas that Students Go Through During Online Learning

Weighted Verbal
Statements Rank
Mean Interpretation

There are some students who can’t afford to provide a Difficult to the
3.40 1
comfortable workspace great extent

Online requires Wi-Fi which the other students don’t Difficult to the
3.34 2.5
have great extent

.There might be some students who are not able to go Difficult to the
3.34 2.5
to class every day because of housework great extent

.Using technology as a learning strategy is time- Difficult to the

3.15 7
consuming. great extent

Students might find it hard to communicate and have a Difficult to the less
3.06 8.5
communication barrier extent

Difficult to the
There are students which have poor learning skills 3.25 4.5
great extent

students’ perceptions are negative regarding their

Difficult to the less
past, present, or future online learning experiences 3.06 8.5
because of the communication barrier

It is hard to find help – for some other students
Difficult to the
because of having not too much confidence or social 3.25 4.5
great extent

Difficult to the
There are students who just want to listen, not to work. 3.23 6
great extent

Difficult to the
great extent

In table 3, The researchers present the mean distribution of respondent’s

perceptions of Dilemmas that Students are facing during online learning. The statement

“There are some students who can’t afford to provide a comfortable workspace.” ranked

first among the student’s concerns and garnered a weighted mean of 3.40 with a verbal

interpretation of Difficult to the great extent. The statements “Online requires Wi-Fi which

the other students don’t have.” and “There might be some students who are not able to

go to class every day because of housework” both tied for the 2.5th ranked with a

weighted mean of 3.34 with the verbal interpretation of Difficult to the great extent.

However, the statement that ranks last is " Students might find it hard to

communicate and have a communication barrier” and “student’s perceptions are negative

regarding their past, present, or future online learning experiences because of the

communication barrier” both got the 8.5 rank and a weighted mean of 3.06, with the verbal

interpretation of Difficult to the lesser extent while the statement.

The outcomes were related to the idea of Dr. Sheryl Reinisch, former Dean of the

College of Education at Concordia University-Portland, studies indicate that high-quality

classroom environments “help children feel safe, secure, and valued. As a result, self-

esteem increases, and students are motivated to engage in the learning process.”

According to Akpan, Edem, & Pepple, (2017) The workplace environment plays a

major role in the performance and productivity of a student. Most industries have an

unsafe workplace environment and are most time unhealthy too. A workplace

environment such as unsuitable furniture, poorly designed workstations, lack of

ventilation, excessive noise, inappropriate lighting, poor work space can adversely affect

the productivity of the employee or student. Students productivity and performance can

decrease due to poorly planned workplace environment as this adversely affects their

morale and may give rise to poor motivation.

Meanwhile In an article by Indy Star, (2020) they stated that as many school

districts experiment with or require virtual learning during the pandemic, homes now

double as a classroom for thousands of U.S. kids. Though parents, teachers and students

have struggled with this transition, there are ways to better facilitate the learning process.

This is especially true when it comes to your student’s workspace. Young minds need

freedom to explore — but they also require structure that can help them organize their

thoughts and maintain productivity.

According to Baticulon MD, Jenkin, & Reyes MD, (2021), the data showed that the

availability of fast and reliable internet connection was a bigger concern than either device

ownership or technical aptitude. Studies on online learning in developing countries often

concentrated on students’ limited access to devices and the internet.

However, An article by Tate. (2021), Though about 12 million students in this

country still lack any internet access at all—a problem cast into relief during the

pandemic—there is good news: That number is steadily shrinking. Even though there are

a lot of student that have a internet connection. There was some student that don’t have

a internet connection. Multiple studies and surveys have documented the ever-narrowing

digital divide. Yet, even as the number of unconnected students declines, there is another

group that, for years, has made virtually no headway. That is students who are “under-

connected.” “There are still a proportion of families who have no internet access, and

that’s massively important,” says Vikki Katz, associate professor in the School of

Communication and Information at Rutgers University. “But there are many, many, many

more kids who, if we’re just focused on ‘access,’ we’re ignoring. We’re going to miss this

huge number—millions—of families.”

According to Rinzin (2020), more than one in three students could not study at

home as they were engaged in household chores during the pandemic, a regional study

has found. The findings also saw that almost an equal number of youths feel they were

given too much schoolwork. No or limited access to online learning, worry about the exam,

and difficulty in studying in the home environment were their other major concerns. More

than 300 students also said they faced challenges in studying during this pandemic while

others said it has been difficult to deal with the people they live with.

With this, a form that was written by COUNCELING CENTER (2020) stated that

being a student can be difficult and time-consuming. The roles students take on at school

may include being enrolled in multiple classes, engaging in clubs or sports, professional

development opportunities, and establishing a life in their new environment. However,

these are not the only roles students have. Many students engage in outside employment,

have relationships, assist in the care of family members, and have many other personal

obligations. Due to this, students may feel pulled in different directions and have difficulty

juggling a lot of competing priorities.

As stated by Baticulon MD, Baron, and Tui (2021), among barriers to online

learning, the most frequently encountered were difficulty adjusting learning styles, having

to perform responsibilities at home, and poor communication or lack of clear directions

from educators. Lack of physical space conducive for studying and mental health

difficulties were also common. Power interruptions, weak infrastructure, and internet

With this a Blog stated by Chalk (2021), student engagement can be difficult.

Students face constant distractions, and the sad truth is that attention spans getting

shorter. As educators, a high level of engagement should be a priority. The more students

are engaged, the more they learn, and the more they achieve. It also makes it significantly

easier to maintain your energy throughout the day. In today’s students grew up in the

digital age, we should be taking advantage of technology rather than viewing it as a

distraction, to increase student engagement. To make sure that students are getting the

most out of every lesson, the content should be presented in a way that the work has a

clear meaning and immediate value to your students. Technology in the classroom allows

students to gain a deeper understanding of topics that interest them, collaborate with each

other, and direct their learning. We’ve created a list of some of the interesting ways that

you can incorporate technology into your classroom to increase student engagement.

According to Himmelsbach (2022), in the physical classroom, some postsecondary

educators view technology as a distraction. Even if they don’t ban the use of mobile

phones or social media during lectures, they may begrudgingly view technology as a little

more than a necessary evil. But after a year of remote learning during the COVID-19

pandemic, perspectives are changing. Rather than simply ‘tolerate’ it, instructors are

realizing that technology and the power of digital devices, apps and tools can increase

engagement, encourage collaboration, spark innovation and enhance student learning.

Considering this, an article by Baticulon MD, Baron. Communication channels needed

improvement. Students said that their views were not being heard, and they lamented the

lack of appropriate action from school administrators in response to student feedback

regarding the conduct of online learning. They also voiced out the need to interact with

peers, with whom they could exchange insights, resources, and opinions.

4. A Facebook page containing a digital poster and an article about a set of

guidelines that could be proposed to inform readers about the different factors that

affect the academic performance of students under online learning.

The purpose of this output is to enlighten the expected readers about the current

dilemmas that the students encounter amidst the online classes and how these setbacks

affect the students’ overall academic performance.

Through this output, the researchers will also be able to suggest academic strategies and

practices that are found to be effective for the students.

Figure 2

Digital Poster’s Title Page (Output)

Figure 3

Digital Poster’s Sample Content Page

Figure 4

Facebook Page

Figure 5




This chapter presents the study’s summary, findings, conclusions, and

recommendations, which were derived from the researchers’ extensive and thorough



The study aimed to provide an output that contains defined academic

strategies that will help the students deal with the setbacks that they encounter in online


Furthermore, this study aimed to provide answers to the following research


1. What difficulties do students face during online learning?

2. What are the negative and positive effects of online learning on Grade 12 Stem-

Engineering Students concerning their class performance?

3. What are the possible effects of employing a set of a strategic academic plan for

students to their:

3.1 Academic performance; and

3.2 Social well-being?

4. Based on the findings of the study, what digital material can be developed to

promote healthy practices for students during online learning?

The researchers utilized a descriptive type of quantitative research. This allowed

the researchers to observe and gather data as they aimed to evaluate the respondents’

perceptions of a certain phenomenon.

Through the researchers’ data gathering procedure, they were able to identify

the respondents’ commonly faced problems with regard to dealing with online learning.

The gathered data were then interpreted with the use of the statements’ weighted mean,

verbal interpretation, composite mean, and ranking. In addition, other sources were also

utilized such as books, articles, and other researchers’ theses in order to support the data

collected. From there, the researchers were able to arrive at specific recommendations

that will aid the students as they continue their pursuit of learning through online means.

Meanwhile, the study consisted of 50 students from the Grade-12 Stem-

Engineering strand of the University of Batangas Senior High School Department. The

researchers used a stratified random sampling method.


The following data were recognized in the study after a thorough and systematic

collection, analysis, and interpretation:

1. Difficulties that the respondents face during online learning.

After assessing the gathered data, the researchers found out that failure to

afford a comfortable workspace at home ranked as the most common dilemma that

the respondents struggle with as it garnered a weighted mean of 3.40 and verbal

interpretation of “Difficult to the great extent.” Meanwhile, online classes requiring

Wi-Fi ranked 2.5th with a weighted mean of 3.34 and a verbal interpretation of “Difficult

to the great extent.” On the other hand, communication barriers in online classes

ranked last with a weighted mean of 3.06 and a verbal interpretation of “Difficult to the

less extent.” It resulted in a composite mean of 3.23 and a verbal interpretation of

“Difficult to the great extent.”, thus, implying that the respondents find it hard to deal

with such kinds of dilemmas.

2. Positive and negative effects of online learning concerning the students’

academic performance.

It was determined that the facilitators being easier to contact ranked 12th and

served as the most evident positive effect of online learning on students as it gathered

a weighted mean of 2.96 with a verbal interpretation of “Difficult to the less extent.”

This implied that students find it comforting to have their facilitators easier to reach

through the means of social media. Meanwhile, it was revealed that the academic

performance of students was affected negatively by the teachers’ late comments on

the students’ output as it ranked 1 st with a weighted mean of 3.34 and a verbal

interpretation of “Difficult to the great extent.” These resulted in a composite mean of

3.17 with a verbal interpretation of “Difficult to the great extent.”

3. Effects of online classes on students.

This part presents the data about the effects of online classes on the respondents.

3.1 Academic Performance. It was found that the students’ communication skills

were hardly enriched through online learning as it garnered a weighted mean of 2.28 and

a verbal interpretation of “Enriched to the lesser extent.” Meanwhile, the students’

assessment and evaluation skills were highly enriched under the said mode of learning

as it gathered a weighted mean of 3.52 and a verbal interpretation of “Enriched to the

great extent.” to rank 1st. The said results yielded a composite mean of 3.22 and a verbal

interpretation of “Enriched to the great extent.”

3.2 Social Well-Being. After a careful examination of the data, it was found that

the respondents find it hard to seek help under online learning due to social anxiety as it

ranked 4.5th with a weighted mean of 3.25 and a verbal interpretation of ‘Difficult to the

great extent.”

4. Proposed digital material to promote healthy practices for students during

online learning.

The researchers will utilize a Facebook page that will post a digital poster and an

article consisting of a set of recommendations from the researchers to help the students

battle with the common dilemmas that the current mode of learning brings. With this, the

researchers will also be able to enlighten school administrators, local government units,

teachers, and parents with regard to the factors that affect a student’s academic

performance and what course of action should be made in order to give the students the

best learning experience despite the adversities that the current pandemic bring to the



1. Lack of internet connections is a common challenge that students/respondents face

because some students cannot afford to get an internet connection. They also do not

have a room to work where they can complete their assignments and activities.

2. The positive effects of online learning/online class are that students are more

comfortable answering questions when the class is online, but the negative effects of

being in an online class are that they are unable to focus on their lesson because the

devices that students use are luring them to play games or use social media instead.

3. What are the possible effects of employing a set of strategic academic plan for

students to their:

3.1 Academic performance;

According to the findings, pupils prefer traditional classrooms rather than online

learning. A considerable proportion of students reported feeling very comfortable taking

face to face courses in a traditional classroom. Overall, the findings reveal that

traditional learning was advantageous to students, as seen by their academic


3.2 Social well-being

The absence of balance between the academic works and personal life of understudies

can cause a burnout, and can be related with weakened

performance and poor health. These are the potential impacts of utilizing a set of

strategic academic plan for understudies to their social well-being; it can assist

understudies with figuring out how to deal with their time, stress level and, even,

indirectly their emotional well-being. These are a portion of the justification for why

having a set of strategic academic plan for students to their social well-being for

understudies to their social well-being is significant and furthermore, it can assume a

significant part in the upbringing of understudies.

4. Based on the findings of the study, what digital material can be developed to promote

healthy practices for students during online learning?

It is proposed that the quick pace of learning in a proper environment and away from

distraction places further adjustments on students, teachers, and LMS. With this, they

can easily interact with each other to conduct a well-sustainable online course

throughout the whole online school year. A lot of study is required to spot success

factors in online intense learning environments.


Based on the findings and conclusions of the study which were previously

shown, the following recommendations are hereby presented:

1. The University should always conduct a monthly survey, feedback from

students about their learning can help you identify common challenges, and

adjust the teaching strategies for the student’s success

2. Professors must clearly identify assignment due dates, providing a clear

schedule and no sudden changes. Creating a course quick guide for students

with listing of due dates by week

3. Professors must provide students with a variety of content for students such as

engaging outdoor activities to increase their socialization skills.

4. The student must be aware that they have roles and responsibility in school

and at home, so they must work harder and prioritize what is important over what

is not.

5. It doesn't matter if a student doesn’t have a lot of space in your home simply

set up all of your stuff and make yourself comfortable while completing your daily



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March 15, 2022



University of Batangas Senior High School

The undersigned are Grade 12 students of University of Batangas Senior High School

undertaking research entitled, “GRADE 12 STEM-ENGINEERING STUDENTS’



With your expertise, we are humbly asking for your permission to validate the attached

self-made questionnaire.

We are looking forward that our request would merit your positive

response. Thank you and God bless!


Diaz, Marius Dionell M. Enraca, John

Nerbert R.Emplica, Jose Romulo S.

Torres, Van Aeros C. Olazo, Carla B.


Ms. Domycel Amor G. Gilera

Research Adviser

Mrs. Sheva C. Sandoval







Researchers: Diaz, Marius Dionell M.

Emplica, Jose Romulo S.
Enraca, John Nerbert R.
Olazo, Carla B.
Torres, Van Aeros C.

Statement of the Problem

The research aims to identify the Grade 12 Stem-Engineering Students’ Class Performance
During Online Classes in University of Batangas Senior High School Department.
It sought to answer the following questions:
1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:
1.1 Age;
1.2 Gender;
2. What are the negative and positive effects of online learning to the Grade 12 Stem-
Engineering Students concerning their class performance?
3. Is there any significant relationship between the profile of the respondents and the
students’ class performance during online classes?
4. Based on the findings of the study, what digital material can be developed to promote
healthy practices for students during online learning?

Research Design: Descriptive Design

Respondents: 140 STEM Engineering students of UBSHS
Sampling Method: simple random sampling
Research Instrument: Survey Questionnaire (see attached questionnaire)
Statistical Treatment:
1. Frequency
2. Percentage
3. Weighted Mean
4.Spearman Rho Correlation

Research Adviser:



March 15, 2022

Dear Respondents,

Good day!


We are the Group 4 of Grade 12 - Potassium STEM Engineering students from the University of Batangas
Senior High School Department. We are presently conducting a study entitled “GRADE 12 STEM-
subject Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion.

In this connection, we would like to request you to be one of our respondents for our study. We hope you
can help us by answering the instrument sincerely and truthfully.

Thank you very much, we hope for your kind cooperation and foremost support regarding this matter.

Respectfully yours,

Diaz, Marius Dionell M.

Emplica, Jose Romulo S.

Enraca, John Nerbert R.

Olazo, Carla B.

Torres, Van Aeros C.


Research Adviser



Instructions: indicate the level of difficulty you have experienced in Online-

Learning, Distance Learning or so called NEW NORMAL
4 – Difficult to the greatest extent
3 – Difficult to the great extent
2 – Difficult to the lesser extent
1 – Difficult to the least extent

In the process of online learning, does.. 4 3 2 1

Having much time spent on education is done using a
computer or gadget?
Using effective strategies and techniques that actively
engage students in the learning process? ( team problem-
silving, doing research, groupings)
Encourage learning through group interactions?

Distance learning requires you to work from written


Distance learning requires at least as much as on-

campus (UNIVERSITY OF BATANGAS) courses.
Students surveyed say that distance learning courses are
hard as or harder than on campus courses

Students who do well in distance learning are usually

comfortable contacting the professor/teacher as soon as
they need a help with the homeworks
Some students prefer the independence or distance
learning, others learn better by listening, reading and
reviewing on their own. Learning distance provide less
opportunity for group interaction than most on-campus
Distance learning give students greater freedomof
scheduling, but they can require more self – discipline
than on campus classes.
Distance learning students sometimes neglect their
courses because of personal or professional
circumstances. Having a compelling reasin for taking the
course helps motivate the students to stick with the course
Online classes take more than a week to get comments
back from your teacher
Online classes creates poor group management when it
comes to team works
Having unwillingness to criticize and having little feedback
on each other works one of the effects of online learning


Instructions: Indicate the extent by which the following o n l i n e l e a r n i n g

skills are enriched through the use of technology

4 – Enriched to the greatest extent

3 – Enriched to the great extent
2 – Enriched to the lesser extent
1 – Enriched to the least extent

Having one or more devices for online class
Using deep vocabulary words on research
Managing time, organizing schedule or time management
Having good communication skills?
Having self-discipline throughout the online class
Having teamwork
Ability to manage a team
Ability to meet deadlines
Having research skills
Problem-Solving skills
Assessment and evaluation skills
Being an active participant/student
Having an open mind as a student
Learning how you learn best


Instructions: Indicate how the given barriers affect the students in the
online learning

4 – Affect to the greatest extent

3 – Affect to the great extent
2 – Affect to the lesser extent
1 – Affect to the least extent

Barriers on the online learing that stopping students 4 3 2 1

from learning….
There are some students who can’t afford to provide
comfortable workspace
Online requires wifi which the other student’s doesn’t
There might be some students who’s not able to go to
class everyday because of houseworks
Using technology as learning strategy is time-
Students might find hard to communicate, and have
communication barrier
There are students which have poor learning skills
students’ perceptions are negative regarding their past,
present, or future online learning experiences because of the
communication barrier
It is hard to find help – for some other studens
because of having not too much confidence or social
There are students who just want to listen, not to


I. Personal Information

Name: Olazo, Carla B.

Address: 172 Villa herminia Housing, Balayan Batangas

Birthday: August 25, 2003

Age: 18

Email Address: [email protected]

Contact Number: 09167677943

II. Educational Background


Balayan East Central School


Balayan National Highschool

III. Club / Organization Membership

Name of Club

Aspiring Engineering Students Association


I. Personal Information

Name: Van Aeros C. Torres

Address: Annalyn Subdivision, Kumintang Ilaya, Batangas


Birthday: June 24, 2003

Age: 18

Email Address: [email protected]

Contact Number: 09470247811

II. Educational Background


Kumintang Elementary School


University of Batangas

III. Club / Organization Membership

Name of Club

Aspiring Engineering Students Association


I. Personal Information

Name: Jose Romulo S. Emplica

Address: Gulod Itaas, Nazareth Compound, Batangas City

Birthday: June 25, 2004

Age: 17

Email Address: [email protected]

Contact Number: 09690235133

II. Educational Background


Divine Child Academy


University of Batangas

III. Club / Organization Membership

Name of Club

Aspiring Engineering Students Association


I. Personal Information

Name: Diaz, Marius Dionell M.

Address: L-311 Poblacion San Pascual Batangas

Birthday: May 1, 2004

Age: 17

Email Address: [email protected]

Contact Number: 09083481753

II. Educational Background


Agape Chirstian Academy


Christ The Lord Institute Foundation

III. Club / Organization Membership

Name of Club

Aspiring Engineering Students Association


I. Personal Information

Name: John Nerbert Enraca

Address: Gerason, Phase 1 Cuta, Batangas City

Birthday: January 15, 2004

Age: 18

Email Address: [email protected]

Contact Number: 09635303300

II. Educational Background


University of Batangas


University of Batangas

III. Club / Organization Membership

Name of Club

Aspiring Engineering Students Association


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