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Deccan Education Society's Fergusson College, Pune (Autonomous)

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Deccan Education Society’s




Effective from Academic Year 2017-2018


Fergusson College is awarded academic autonomy by the UGC beginning the year
2016-17. This autonomy is for a period of six years. We shall be following the
semester pattern for academic transactions and the Credit Based Assessment
System will be followed for assessment. The curriculum for the graduate programme
in Physics is designed to cater to the requirements of the Autonomy and the Credit
system following the UGC guidelines.
Physics is one of the oldest branches of natural sciences. It forms the foundation of
the scientific process.
The programme is aimed to be more learning centric than teaching centric. The
courses are designed so that a student progressively develops a deeper
understanding of various aspects of physics.
Physics is learnt more through experimentation than only through classroom
sessions. The experiments are designed to develop logical thinking and analytical
ability. Reading between lines is important and some open ended experiments,
assignments and small projects are designed to develop these skills.
Continuous assessment is an integral part of the credit system. This will help
students learn their subjects systematically and thoroughly.
The under graduate programme in Physics is spread over three years with two
semesters every year. There will be two theory courses and one laboratory course
each semester for the first and the second year. For the third year, there will be six
theory courses and three laboratory courses each semester.

1. To explore different areas of physics.
2. To develop theoretical foundation and experimental skills to study various
natural phenomena.
3. To train students for in depth study of physics.
4. To encourage students to explore applications of physics in various walks of
5. To inculcate research culture by introducing projects at the final year of the

Deccan Education Society’s

Fergusson College (Autonomous), Pune
Faculty of Science
Course structure for B.Sc. (Physics)
Semester Course Title of the Course Core / No. of
Code Elective Credits
I PHY1101 Mechanics and Properties of matter CORE-1 2
PHY1102 Heat and thermodynamics CORE-2 2
PHY1103 Practical Course– 1 PCORE-1 2

II PHY1201 Introduction to Mathematical Physics CORE-3 2

PHY1202 Electricity and Magnetism CORE-4 2
PHY1203 Practical course II PCORE-2 2

III PHY2301 Oscillations, Waves and Sound CORE-5 3

PHY2302 Principles and Applications of Optics CORE-6 3
PHY2303 Practical course III PCORE-3 2

IV PHY2401 Introductory Quantum Physics and Relativity CORE-7 3

PHY2402 Measurement Techniques in Physics CORE-8 3
PHY2403 Practical course IV PCORE-4 2

V PHY3501 Mathematical Methods in Physics CORE-9 3

PHY3502 Solid State Physics CORE-10 3
PHY3503 Classical Mechanics CORE-11 3
PHY3504 Atomic and Molecular Physics DSE-1 3
PHY3505 Modelling and Simulations DSE-2 3
PHY3506 MATLAB Programming DSE-2 3
PHY3507 Astronomy and Astrophysics DSE-3 3
PHY3508 Fundamentals of Material Science DSE-3 3
PHY3509 Practical Course V PCORE-5 2
PHY3510 Practical Course VI PCORE-6 2
PHY3511 Practical Course VII: MATLAB Programming PCORE-7 2

VPH3501 Video Recording and Playback Systems* DSE-2 3

VPH3502 Video Production* DSE-3 3
VPH3503 Practical Course V* PCORE-7 2

VI PHY3601 Classical Electrodynamics CORE-12 3

PHY3602 Quantum Mechanics CORE-13 3
PHY3603 Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics CORE-14 3
PHY3604 Nuclear and Particle Physics DSE-4 3
PHY3605 Electronics II DSE-5 3
PHY3606 Advanced Electronics DSE-5 3
PHY3607 Physics of Nanomaterials DSE-6 3
PHY3609 Practical Course VIII PCORE-8 2
PHY3610 Practical Course IX PCORE-9 2
PHY3611 Practical Course X: Project PCORE-10 2

VPH3601 Entrepreneurship Development* DSE-5 3

VPH3602 Radio Production* DSE-6 3
VPH3603 Practical Course VI* PCORE-9 2
VPH3604 Practical Course VII: Project* PCORE-10 2
Note: For semester III:
1. Students not opting Electronics in F. Y. B. Sc. should select PHY2302.
2. Students opting Electronics in F. Y. B. Sc. should select PHY2303.

Note: For semester V:

1. Students should select any one out of these PHY3505 and PHY 3506 courses.
2. Students should select any one out of these PHY3507 and PHY3508 courses.
3. *Students opting for vocational photography at F. Y. B. Sc. and S. Y. B. Sc. should select
VPH3501, VPH3502 and VPH3503.

Note: For semester VI:

1. Students not opting Electronics in F. Y. B. Sc. should select PHY3605.
2. Students opting Electronics in F. Y. B. Sc. should select PHY3606.
3. Students should select any one out of these PHY3607 and PHY3608 courses.
4. *Students opting for vocational photography at F. Y. B. Sc. and S. Y. B. Sc. should select
VPH3601, VPH3602, VPH3603 and VPH3604.

No. of Credits: 3 No. of Lectures: 48
Title and Contents No. of
Unit -I Module1 :Undamped and damped Oscillations
Undamped Oscillations
1.1 Definition of linear and angular S.H.M.
1.2 Differential equation of S.H.M. and its solution
(exponential form)
1.3 Composition of two perpendicular linear S.H.Ms. for
frequencies 1:1 and 1:2 (analytical method)
1.4Lissajous’s figures and its uses, Applications
(mechanical, electrical and optical)
1.5 Compound Pendulum, Bar Pendulum, Kater’s 12
Damped oscillation
1.6 Differential equation of damped harmonic oscillator
and its solution, discussion of different cases.
1.7 Logarithmic decrement
1.8 Energy equation of damped oscillations
1.9 Power dissipation
1.10 Quality factor
1.11 Application :LCR series circuit
Unit -II Module 2. Forced Oscillations
2.1 Forced oscillation with one degree of freedom
2.2 Differential equation of forced oscillation and its
solution (transient and steady state) Amplitude of
forced oscillation
2.3 Resonance and its examples: mechanical (Barton’s
pendulum), optical (sodium vapour lamp)
2.4 Velocity and Amplitude resonance
2.5 Sharpness of resonance
2.6 Energy of forced oscillations
2.7 Power dissipation
2.8 Quality factor and Bandwidth
2.9 Application of forced oscillations
2.10 Equation of coupled oscillations
Unit –III Module 3. Wave Motion and Doppler effect
3.1 Differential equations of wave motion in continuous
3.2 Equations for longitudinal waves and it’s solution
(one dimension only)
3.3 Equation for transverse waves and its solution (one
dimension only)
3.4 Energy density and intensity of a wave
3.5 Discussion of seismic waves
3.6 Electromagnetic Waves.
3.7 Explanation of Doppler effect in sound
3.8 Expression for apparent frequency in different cases.
3.9 Asymmetric nature of Doppler effect in sound
3.10 Doppler effect in light, symmetric nature of Doppler
effect in light.
3.11 Applications: Red shift, Violet shift, Radar
Unit –IV Module 4:Sound
4.1 Definition of sound intensity, loudness, pitch, quality
and timber
4.2 Acoustic intensity level measurement
4.3 Acoustic pressure and it’s measurement
4.4 Reverberation time and Reverberation of a hall
4.5 Sabine’s formula (without derivation)
4.6 Stroboscope
Reference 1. Waves and Oscillations, Stephenson
Books: 2. The physics of waves and oscillations, N. K. Bajaj,
Tata McGraw- Hill, Publishing co. ltd.
3. Fundamentals of vibration and waves, S P Puri, Tata
McGraw-Hill Publishing co. ltd.
4. A text book of sound, Subramanyam and Brijlal, Vikas
5. Sound, Mee, Heinmann, Edition - London.
6. Waves and Oscillations, R. N. Chaudhari, New age
international (P) ltd.

PAPER –II: Principles and Application of Optics
No. of Credits: 3 No. of Lectures: 48
Title and Contents No. of
Unit -I Module 1: Geometrical Optics by matrix method 12
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Reflection and Translation
1.3 Translation Matrix
1.4 Refraction Matrix
1.5 System Matrix
1.6 Position of image plane
1.7 Magnification
1.8 System of matrix for thick Lens
1.9 System of matrix for thin Lens
1.10 Cardinal points of an optical system
1.11 System matrix for two thin lenses
1.12 Searle’s Goniometer
Unit -II Module 2: Interference 12
2.1 Phase change on reflection [Stoke’s treatment]
2.2 Interference due to thin film
i] Uniform thickness: Reflection and Transmission
ii] Wedge shaped film: Reflection and Newton’s ring
2.3 Colors in thin film
2.4 Principle construction and working of Michelson
2.5 Applications of Michelson Interferometer
i] Determination of thickness of transparent media
ii] Resolution of spectral lines
iii] Standardization of meters
Unit –III Module 3: Diffraction 12
3.1 Definition, difference between interference and
diffraction, types of diffraction
3.2 Fresnel’s diffraction:
i] Diffraction at straight edge and thin wire
ii] Diffraction at circular aperture, rectangular
aperture and circular disc
iii] Zone plate: Derivation of focal length and
comparison with converging lens
3.3 Fraunhoffer’s Diffraction
i] Diffraction through Single slit ,double slit and
3.4 Rayleigh criteria for resolution
3.5 Resolving power of telescopes and microscopes
3.6 Dispersive and resolving power of grating
Unit –IV Module 4: Polarization 12
4.1Polarization of transverse waves
4.2 Polarization by reflection
4.3 Biot’s polariscope
4.4 Brewster’s law and Brewster’s window

4.5 Pile of plates, Malus law
4.6 Double refraction: Huygen’s explanation of double
refraction in uniaxial crystal
4.7 Nicol prism
4.8 Nature of refraction for different position of optical axis
[parallel, Perpendicular, oblique to crystal surface]
4.9 Elliptically and circularly polarized light
4.10 Quarter wave plate
4.11 production and detection of plane, circularly and
elliptically polarized light
4.12 Optical Activity: Fresnel’s experiment and
explanation of rotation
4.13 Polarimeter
Reference 1. Optics, fourth edition, Pearson education, E. Hetch, A.
Books: R. Ganesan.
2. A Text book of Optics, N.Subhramanyam, Brijlal,
3. M. N. Avadhanulu, S. Chand publication.
4. Physical Optics by A. K. Ghatak, McMillan, New Delhi.
5. Fundamentals of Optics, F. A. Jenkins, H. E. White,
McGraw- Hill international Edition.
6. Principles of optics, D. S. Mathur, Gopal Press, Kanpur

No. of Credits: 2 No. of Experiments: 10
Title of Experiment
1 Log decrement of oscillator in air and water
2 Study of coupled oscillations using Couple Pendulum
3 ‘g’ by Bar Pendulum
4 Determination of radius of curvature of a lens using Newton’s ring
5 Study of Double refraction using prism
6 Absorption coefficient of sound
7 Determination of cardinal points using Searl’s Goniometer
8 Measurement of lengths using diffraction pattern
9 & 10 Demo Experiments

PAPER – I: Introductory Quantum Physics and Relativity
No. of Credits: 3 No. of Lectures: 48
Title and Contents No. of
Unit -I Module 1:Particle Nature of Wave
1.1 Black Body Radiation:
i] Spectral energy density at various temperatures,
ii] Stefan’s 4th power law
iii] Ray Leigh Jeans law
iv] Wein’s displacements Law, Plank’s law
1.2 Photoelectric Effect:-
i] Experimental observation
ii] Einstein’s explanation photoelectric current and
retarding potential (estimation of Plank’s constant and
work function)
1.3 X-ray and X-ray Diffraction: - Discovery of X-ray,
Production and Diffraction
1.4 Compton Effect:- Experimental demonstration of effect
(Derivation of wavelength shift)
1.5 Pair Production Annihilation
Unit -II Module 2: Wave nature of particle
2.1 de Broglie Hypothesis: Concept of matter waves, de
Broglie wavelength
2.2 Experimental confirmation of de Broglie Hypothesis
i) Davisson Germer experiment
ii) G P Thompson Experiment
2.3 Heisenberg uncertainty principle
2.4 Electron Microscope Principle and construction
Unit –III Module3: Special theory of relativity
3.1Historical background :Concept of absoluteness of space,
time simultaneity and absolute motion, Michelson
Morley experiment, Lorentz-Fitzgerald Transformation
3.2 Postulates of special theory of relativity
3.3 Lorentz transformation: Derivation 12
3.3 Time dilation, length contraction, simultaneity
3.5 Variation of mass with velocity and mass energy
3.6 Twin paradox
Unit –IV Module 4: Important Discoveries of Constituents of Atom
and Nucleus
4.1 Discovery of
i] electron, ii] proton, iii] neutron, iv] neutrino,
v] positron, vi] mesons
4.2 Elementary particles: classification
Reference 1. Atomic Physics, J.B. Rajam, S. Chand Publication
Books: 2. Concepts of Modern Physics, Aurther Beiser, Tata
McGraw- Hill Education
3. Introduction to Special Relativity, Robert Resnick,
John Wiley and Sons
PAPER –II: Measurement Techniques in Physics
No. of Credits: 3 No. of Lectures: 36
Title and Contents No. of
Unit -I Module 1 : Mechanics
1.1 Measurement of mass:
1.2 Poison’s ratio of rubber
1.3 Measurement of Young’s modulus and Modulus of
rigidity of wire by Searl’s method
1.4 Measurement of surface tension of liquid by
i)Wilhelmy’s method
ii)Fergusson Method
iii)Quinke’s Method
iv)Soap solution method
1.5 Determination of viscosity of liquid by coaxial
cylinder method
1.6 Determination of viscosity of gas by flow through a
capillary tube
1.7 Error analysis: definition of error and accuracy in
measurement, order of accuracy, types and causes of
errors, estimation of errors, Average error, rms error,
probable error, practical determination of error
Unit -II Module 2: Heat and Thermodynamics
2.1 Determination of specific heat of solid and liquid by
cooling method
2.2 Determination of latent heat of fusion of ice, latent
heat of vaporization
2.3 Clement and Desorme’s experiment for determination
of Cp/Cv for air
2.4 Duma’s method for determination of vapour density
2.5 Determination of thermal conductivity of rubber and
glass tube
2.6 Forbe’s method for determining thermal conductivity
of a metal bar
2.7 Determination of Joule’s equivalent of heat by
Callendar and Barne’s method
2.8 Determination of Stefan’s constant using black body

Unit -III Module 3: Optics

3.1 Determination of refractive index of a liquid by total
internal reflection within a glass prism
3.2 Determination of wavelength of light by Lloyd’s
single mirror and Fresnel’s double mirror
3.3 Determination of Young’s Modulus and Poisson’s
ratio of glass bar by Newton’s ring 12
3.4 Refractive index of air by Rayleigh’s refractometer
3.5 Determination of e/m for electron by Normal Zeeman
effect using Fabry parrot interferometer
3.6 Determination of resolving power of telescope
3.7 Michelson’s method for measuring stellar diameters
3.8 Use of Quarter wave plate
3.9 study of rotation of plane of polarization by Lorentz
3.10 Methods for measurement of velocity of light
i) Astronomical Method
ii) Kerr Cell Method
iii) Rotating mirror method
Unit –IV Module 4: Electricity and Magnetism
4.1 Determination of BH , BV and angle of dip by Earth
4.2 Determination of permeability by using iron wire
specimen and iron sample by using magnetometer and
Ballistic galvanometer
4.3 Determination of susceptibility of a solution
4.4 Measurement of electric charge by moving coil
Ballistic galvanometer
4.5 Determination of value of high and low resistance 12
using Kelvin ‘s Bridge and by leakage using Ballistic
galvanometer method
4.6 Study of variation of resistance with temperature
using bridge method
4.7 Comparison of capacities of condensers
4.8 Measurement of self inductance using Anderson
4.9 Measurement of sensitivity of AC bridges using
moving coil vibration Galvanometer
Reference 1. Advanced Practical Physics for students, B.L.
Books: Worsnop and H.T. Flint, Methuen

No. of Credits: 2 No. of Experiments: 10
Title of Experiment
1 Use of Computer
2 Transistor characteristics
3 Determination of BH , BV and angle of dip by Earth coil
4 Measurement of electric charge by moving coil Ballistic galvanometer
5 Study of half wave and full wave rectifiers
6 study of rotation of plane of polarization by Lorentz Saccharimeter
7 Measurement of Young’s modulus and Modulus of rigidity of wire by
Searl’s method
8 Quarter wave plate
9 & 10 Study visit


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