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Courses Points that Can be Awarded

Jenkins L2 29
LDAP L2 12
LDAP L3 14
Arc Sight L3 14
Business Analysis L1 14
Business Analysis L2 18
Business Analysis L3 29
Informatica Powercenter L1 6
Informatica Powercenter L2 12
Informatica Powercenter L3 14
Which of the following commands is used to make the build fail immediately if any tests fail in ANT
Various test techniques are
Performance tests run by?
How do you configure Jenkins to skip the test in Junit?
How will you automate your unit and integration tests by specifying a goal?

Build history metrics plugins calculates metrics for all the builds once installed
A) Mean time to failure (MTTF)
B) Mean time to Recovery (MTTR)
C) Standard deviation of build times
Static Analysis collector plugin does not provide?

8) How do you generate findbugs reports?

a) Mvn site
b) Mvn site findbugs
c) Mvn findbugs findbugs
d) Both a and c
Checkstyle,Findbugs,PMD are all ?
What does the code coverage report provide?
How do you run groovy scripts in Jenkins server?

You need to execute a shell script (/usr/bin/prepare-env) just before a Linux slave is started. How do you achieve this?
What does of executors indicate for Jenkins configuration?
For serial executions of Job , it needs to connect each ?
What plugins can be used for binary repository?
The Jenkins jobs are internally stored in which format?
The Jenkins logs are stored bydefault in?
You are asked to obtain the config.xml of a folder from a script or HTTP client using the Jenkins remote API. The folder exists
at the root of a Jenkins master. Which URL pattern is correct?
There are dev, main and release branches followed in the development team. You need to setup
built from all branches for CI, you will?
How to execute windows batch command from a job?
Code coverage analysis is CPU and Memory intensive process which will slow down build completion time.
How do you configure code coverage analysis in this scenario?
Which plugin is used to run the selenium test cases in Jenkins?

3) What are the minimum steps needed to configure unit testing in Jenkins?
a) Add built step to invoke ant and include the
b) Add post-build action to publish the test res
c) Both the above
d) Add HTML scarping and include T
How do you configure Jenkins to utilize more memory for running performance tests?
Which one of the following has maven project?
Checkstyle is used for checking?
Which plugin is used for getting code coverage for .net projects?

d)a and b

Name the correct plugin that is used for running static code analysis?
a)checkstyle Maven plugin
b)FindBugs plugin
c) a and b
d) none of the above
You are installing the plugins and Jenkins throw error that is not able to download the plugins since Jenkin is behind firewall.
Which of the below is used to configure JDK and ANT installations in build job?
How do you run groovy scripts in Jenkin server?
The Jenkins job are internally stored in which format?
PRQA plugin is used for?
You need to have the maven build previous builds , compile code and unit test and generate jar file, what needs to be configu
How to execute windows batch command from a job?
You need to schedule build to run every minute of every hour of every day. How do you set up?
To shut down Jenkins cleanly , you can use the _______________ link , which prevents any new build from being started?
Halton failure
All of the above
MVN Verify
All of the above

Total number of bugs and warnings

Both A and C

Code Analysis Tool

Displays the calculated coverage percentage based on the unit tests written
Use Script Console
Use the E prefix Start Slave Command __ configuration option on the slave configuration

Total number of concurrent jobs executions that can take place on the Jenkins machine
Upstream job to a downstream one with <invoke>

Set branches to build as blank(**)

Go to the build section and click on Add build step? Execute windows batch command
Run code coverage analysis in separate build job after unit and integration test successful.

Hudson Selenium
Both the above

mention the memory to be used in MAVEN_OPTS field in the build job.

Coding standards coding practices code complexity metric
a and b ( mstest and vstest )

a and b ( checkstyle Maven plugin and Findbugs plugin)

set http proxy connection details

configure system
use script console
JSON format
static code analysis
add clean package for maven build
Go to the build section and click on Add Build step? Execute windows batch command
add “******” in Poll SCM option in build triggers
Prepare for shutdown
S.No Question Option 1
Please select the Non Database user of Oracle
1 installation for Arcsight sys
Oracle accepts network connections through an Oracle
2 service is known as TNS Listener
3 _____files contains metadata about the database data
The _____ is used to move the partitions out of the
4 database for offline storage Offline Achiever

To perform the online backup of an Online database,

5 ensure that the database is configured for mode ARCHIVERLOG
Which is not the component in the notification
6 structure for Rule Action Notification Groups
7 Which one is not the tablespace in Arcsight DB arc_system_data
By default, a user's account is disabled after _____
8 failed login attempts Three
A____ is a temporary certificate used during initial
9 installation CA Signed Certificate
10 A network consists of _____ Zone
Which log file contains information on Memory,
11 Persistence, time & thread dumps Server.log
Which log file contains information & errors related to
12 Partitioner Achiever wrapper.log
To troubleshoot a problem, start from the ______ and
13 move towards the ____ Console & Source

14 List the function that is performed by system package Aggregation

What stores information about logons, user actions,
15 and the resulting events in the most concise way? Event annotations

Which firewall will generate Outbound TCP connection

16 event even if there is no 3 way hand Shake ASA
To detect a Brut force Attack effectively, name the field
17 that should be used in the correlation rule Source User
Name the field that is common in firewall events for
18 "TCP Connection" & NAT Translation in ASA event Destination Port
In Windows, the installation directories can be located
19 by selecting the service in the _____ TNS Listener

Start the Oracle instance

Start the Oracle TNS Listener
Start the ArcSight Manager
Services for the ArcSight ESM components must be Start the ArcSight Web
20 started in the following order service
21 On Reserve period holds how many partitions? 8
Arcsight manager Connects to Oracle installation over
22 TCP port ___ 1521
What is the recommended backup Method for Oracle
23 DB Offline
24 List the stage that is not part of partition lifecycle: Online Reserve Period
An encrypted repository on the SSL server that holds
the SSL Certificate and the server's private keys called
25 _____ TrustStore:
26 ___ file helps to restrict access for Connectors agents.accept.ips
For applying oracle CPU, on windows , you to need to
27 logon as ____ user Oracle

the procedure for downloading and running the patch

28 installer on _____ platform Is different in ArcSight Windows
communication between Arcsight web and client is
29 _____ encrypted SSH
______ is usually installed on the same server as
30 ArcSight manager ArcSightDB
choose arcsight table which will occupy more space in
which one of the listed here is of least importance
32 during Sizing of ArcSight soultions? Retention Policy
______ offers no parity, stripping or spanning of disk
33 space across multiple disks Raid 3

_____ consists of block - level stripping with distributed

34 parity and is distributed among the drives Raid 3

The Arcsight recommendation for disk sizing is to allow

35 ______ buffer to prevent solutions being undersized 1.5X

The ARcSight recommendation for Peak EPS is to allow

36 ______ buffer to prevent soultion being undersized 1.5X
In a typical environment, where you would see high
37 EPS per device Firewall
the ArcSight recommendation for windows connector
sizing is to allow ______ buffer to prevent solution
38 being undersized 1.5X
For Optimal performance, Arcsight database required
39 dedicated _____ WAN link
Raid level recommendation from Arcsight to Storage is
40 ______ 1+1

Arcsight database constantly performs a lot of random

41 ____ because of large number of event insertions Writes
42 In _____ two disks fail, all data is lost 1+1
Most I/O load will be on ____ db table due to random
43 read/writes ARC_EVENT_DATA
A separate volume in Db server is required if Arcsight is
44 running ______ Webserver
What is considered to be "Good persistence" when
45 troubleshooting performance on Arcsight DB Post EPS filter count is 0
46 How can Write performance issue can be resolved ? Raid level changes in Storage
what is integration method used to integrate remedy
47 ticket system to Arcsight ARP
Post integration of remedy ticketing system what is
48 stored in case "External ID attribute" Source IP
Events are partitoned by _______, hence Oracle would
49 know exactly which partition to scan Manager Receipt time
Asset based variables are heavier and consume more
50 system resource than ______ based variable Event
Chained rules same as join rules , except they utilize
______ to retain event details, often for longer periods
51 of time active lists
If the manager Receipt time 1-2 min is more than
Agent receipt time,what could be the possible issue log source has an issue in
52 which closely matches event processing
When all conditions in a rule are satisfied, a rule can be
53 configured to take ______ actions Add to an existing case
Rules can write, read and remove entires dynamically
54 in ______ active lists
Where do you set max. # of correlated alerts per min
55 limit to minimize rule recursive issues? Server.log
To Avoid excessive rule firing for repetitive events in
case of an attack , in action and if you set "On time
56 unit" to a value what will happen will notify end of attack
Use active lists to correlate information from events
57 will limit ______ consumption Memory
The usage of performance datamonitors can be
58 monitered from ____ Packages

what is the pre-requisite when configure a usecase "to

59 identify inactive user accounts" through a Wizard ? Network & Asset Model
60 Which one listed here is not a Jump start package? PCI
For all perimeter monitoring use cases _____ to be
61 detained Zone

To configure a usecase to detect users not performing

"Two factor authentication" if they are from untrusted
62 realms, which of the listed below is least pre-requisite Network Modelling
When you build a report based on the query, by
63 clicking on which field you will schedule it? Attributes
The communication through Arcsight manager center
& Connector is through ______, if there is no ARcMC
64 agent HTTPS
As a best practice, when to schedule regular
65 configuration backup for all Arcsight Appliance Same time
_____ rules are defined to generate alerts against
66 health data metrics Health
A _________ is a managed Arcsight product (ie,
67 Connector logger etc) Host
when logger report to generated _____ to view, copy ,
68 modify, run Parameter explorer
Logger report and its performance cannot be affected
69 by _____ Data distribution
when the compression ratio is higher for the rawlog
70 storage, the data retrieval rate would be _______ Faster
If the raw log data in Syslog FlexConnector contains
nonASCII characters, where do you configure character
71 encoding?
To tune the advance configuration parameters in file
Rotation for the flex connectors, where do you make
72 changes
during key field assignment when you build a flex
73 connector which filed you will use for custom fields flexcustom
Please select from the following which is not a Arcsight
74 syslog Smart connectors Syslog Daemon
After modification in syslog.conf file in the log source
what else should be done at the log source level to
75 start receiving the event to syslog connector Restart the log source
events not being received at Syslog Smartconnector, run a Packet Sniffer at log
76 mark the correct troubleshooting step source level
In Cisco secure IPS SDEE integration with smart
connector, which field would not be retrieved & stored
77 by default? Device Vendor
How do you turn off SSL for troubleshooting for SDEE
78 connections in smart connectors? Modify
During integration of apache webservers ___________
can be used to get the logs if data rotation is confifured
79 at OS level File contents
If Database auditing is enabled , what it’s the database
related operations oracle writes to the operating
80 system audit file as an event ? Database start up
what is the Arcsight recommended Syslog audit level
81 that need to be set for Oracle DB integration Warning
82 which one is not a Audit trail in Oracle DB? OS
For Checkpoint integration _______ Arcsight
83 smartconnector is being used File smart connetor
The Oracle RDA Tool gathers configuration information
on your oracle installation and writes the output to a
84 series of ______ files XML

The number of events per

second processed by the
From the get status output for specific connector connector in the last few
85 peformance, what does "Sent (SLC)" Denotes minutes
if the server.std.log file repeatedly reports the arcsight
manager is running out of memory ____ may need to
86 be increased CPU Cores
87 Events to the Arcsight console flow from _____ Arcsight Manager
where will you check to troubleshoot or confirm if the
arcsight manager is able to connect to the Arcsight
88 database Server.log
_____ log file name contains information & related
89 errors on partition achiever Server.log
what is the command to be executed to find any error
90 in the TNSListener service tnsctl
Option 2 Option 3 Option 4

system root Arcsight

HTTP Listener Message Listener Exception Listener

Control online redo configuration

Database Achiever Partition Achiever Partition Separator


Escalation Levels Destinations User Role

arc_system_index arc_event_data arc_data_index

Five Six Ten

Self-signed Certificate Demo Certificate SSH Certificate

Report Filter Channel

Server.std.log Server log Server.sql.log

Server log Server.log Agent log

Source & Console Connector & Console Source & Console

Benchmarking and analysis Email Alerting and Acknowledgement Compression and Storage

Active Lists Session Lists Cases

Checkpoint Juniper Pal Alto

Destination IP Source IP Destination User

Source Port Destination IP Command

Service Applet MSG Applet Task Manager

Start the ArcSight Web service

Start the Oracle instance service Start the Oracle instance Start the ArcSight Manager service
Start the Oracle TNS Listener Start the ArcSight Web service Start the Oracle instance
Start the ArcSight Manager Start the Oracle TNS Listener service Start the ArcSight Web service
service Start the ArcSight Manager service Start the Oracle TNS Listener service
26 14 72
8080 8443 443

online Both None of the above

Online Retention Period Offline Retention Period Offline Reserve Period

Key Pair KeyStore Masterkey

web.accept.ips xmlrpc.accept.ips xmlrpc.reject.ips

sys sysuser Administrator

Mac Aix Solaris


Oracle ArcSight Web ArcSight Console


aggregation ratio Events per second Number of users

Raid 4 Raid 1 Raid 5

Raid 4 Raid 1 Raid 5

3.5X 1.25X 1.55X

2.0X 1.25X 1.55X

Windows Server IPS Antivirus server

3.5X 0.5X 2.5X

Instance & Machine CPU Cores Disk space

0+1 5 4

Reads Query Search

0+1 5 4

Usecases Partition Achiever Partition Separator

Post aggregation count is 0 Estimated Cache size is 0 post filter count is 0

Event filtering at the device Usecsae modification Changing the retension policy


Attacker IP Remedy ticket Number Remed Assest ID

End time Connector receipt time Device start time

Log Time List

active channel filter Rule

Network latency Arcsight service is down Webserver is down

create a new rule create a active channel create a report

active channel filter Rule

server Server1.log Server.sql.log

will periodically notify that the

attack is still going on will notify start of attack will notify whenever alert is triggered

CPU Drive Space DB records

CapsManager Services.MSC Foundation

Vulnerablility data Enriched data Time based variables

SOX Perimeter monitoring Db Monitoring

Asset Network Vulnerablility

Zone management Log source integration Third party integration

Templates Jobs Parameters


with a Gap of 6 hours with a Gap of 34 hours with a Gap of 48 hours

Datasource Breach Manager

Node Asset Resource

Report Explorer Category explorer Favorite explorer

Server load Querry complexity Aggregation settings

slower Normal None JVM options JVM options

devicecustom deviceVendor deviceProduct

Syslog Pipe Syslog Package Syslog File

No other actions required Restart the Syslog server Restart the network service

telnet to port 514 to log source telnet to port 514 to Smart connector Check webservice is up

Device Payload Device Severity Threat category

Modify Modify JVM options Modify

File name pattern time stamp of logs Agent receipt time

Table creation Table Delete Insert record

Debug Informational Notice


LEA WMI Syslog


The number of events sent to the The number of events in the connector Any exception in the connector that
manager cache pervents events from being sent

Heap size Procure additional Manager Aggregation

Arcsight connector Device Logger

Server.std.log Server.log Server.sql.log

Agent.log Wrapper log Server.sql.log

listctl parserctl Isnrctl

Questions Choice A
What is HDB in Open LDAP? HDB is the new generation st
Explain moduleload directive in Open LDAP The moduleload directive instru
How can i join information contained in different directories Transited, Multivendor directori
What can i do if my application doesn’t speak to LDAP ? weblogic that translate one dire
What is the relationship between LDAP and JNDI JNDI has classes provided by OIM
What is used for ldapmoddn change the RDN of an entry
Commonly Used Command-Line Options in LDAP as -p
What is OpenLDAP Security ACL
Which configuration path for clients that uses the system /etc/openldap/ldap.conf
What is similarities between LDAP and AD both software implementations o
What is LDAP Binding Componets(BC)? comprehensive solution for int
What is topmost LDAP Directory Structure? organization 
what is LDAP Client? A directory client uses the LDAP
What is LDAP Schema Definition? Set of rules that describes the n
what are configured with the LDAP Binding Component? Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
Which platform supported in LDAP Binding Component? Red Hat Linux AS4 64–bit
Which server supported in LDAP Binding Component? Windows Server 2003 Active Di
What is LDAP Protocol Variations? ldap://
In LDAP ObjectClass Inheritance as inetOrgPerson -> organizationa
How many security types there for LDAP Integration? 2
LDAP security types for authentication as Anonymous Authentication
Which directories are supported as LDAP type user directories? OID
which directory is shown in Kerberos Authentication? LDAP
When should I use LDAP? Data to be centrally managed, s
Difference between LDAPv2 and LDAPv3 is Strong authentication and data s
OpenLDAP clients and servers support As Kerberos authentication servic
What is LDAP Content Synchronization protocol has operation types? refreshOnly
Default olcTimeLimit is 3600
OpenLDAP provides which sets of limits size limit
Full name LMDB Level Memory-Mapped Databas
Dynamic Directory Service ACLs Allow users to start a meeting
LDAP Object Predefined Searches are All Objects
Active Directory Logon Predefined Searches All Users who never logged on
Server environment for LDAPv2 or LDAPv3 are Lotus Domino
New LDAP Connection parameter are Bind DN
Complex Search of LDAP Operators are Equal To (=)
LDAP Admin Tool you can easily export data CSV
User attributes in LDAP are sn
New group creation in LDAP attributes are cn
User can't see more than 1000 records and get a Size Limit Exceeded Disable Enable Ldap Paged Resu
How to set an entry attribute to null select the attribute value --> righ
which is
connected to workgroup and not domain, I can I get the full DN string for
connection? logon on to a computer which i
LDAP "simple" authentication method has modes of operation anonymous
LDAP Anonymous authentication access means providing no name and no pass
Where LDAP passwords are normally stored? userPassword attribute
what is SSHA password storage scheme
what is use OpenLDAP SASL? the most secure password stor
OpenLDAP clients and servers ar
SASL used some industry standard authentication mechanisms GSSAPI for Kerberos V
Is OpenLDAP support replication topologies to? AD
What is LDAP Admin?  administration tool for LDAP directory manageme
An open source LDAP browser are Jxplorer
Create LDAP root user password slappasswd
OpenLDAP Configuration File Examples slapd.conf
Full name DAP Directory Access Protocol
OpenLDAP overlay libraries, binary native files path /usr/lib/ldap/
OpenLDAP debiging loglevel are -1
LDAP attributes type StateOrProvinceName is ST
Searching LDAP the specified parameter are Scope
LDAP Client andOperations in LDAP
Server SSL/TLS Handshake Bind
Request, SSL/TLS Options
Choice B Choice C
HDB is the new generation tra HDB is the new generation operate mechanism for Ope
The moduleload directive instr The moduleload directive not a OpenLDAP
Transited, Operate directories Distributed, Multivendor directories glued together by r
Gateway that translate one dirJboss that translate one directory access protocol into a
JNDI has classes provided by OAJNDI has classes provided by OUD that will help ur appln
move an entry or subtree to anoMore than one of the above
-h -D
/etc/openldap/slapd.conf /etc/openldap/schema
both hosted on-premise based on the LDAP protocol
comprehensive solution for intecomprehensive solution for interacting with a OAM Direc
root sibling
several client APIs available in More than one of the above
Helps maintain consistency andReduces duplication of data
Transport Layer Security (TLS) TLS on Demand
Microsoft Windows XP SP3 32–bMicrosoft Windows 2003 R2 SP2 32–bit
Sun Java System Directory ServeMore than one of the above
ldaps:// ldapi://
top->inetOrgPerson -> organizatop-> organizationalPerson ->inetOrgPerson -> person
4 3
Simple Authentication Secure Authentication
AD A and B
Machine Authentication User resource management
Certificate authentication and da A and B
SOAP authentication services More than one of the above
refreshAndPersist attrsonly
7200 4200
time limit Hard limits
Lightning Memory-Mapped Da Lightning Minimum-Mapped Database
restrict refresh to the member restrict delete to the creator
All Objects with selected attrib All Objects with selected attribute not present or null
All Users who logged on Today All Users who logged on in last 7 or 30 days
IBM Tivoli Directory Novell eDirectory
HostName Port and protocol
Greater Than or Equal to (>=) More than one of the above
Excel LDIF
objectclass UserPassword
uniqueMember A and B
Disable Enable Ldap Paged ResuEnable Enable Ldap Paged Result control from Options|P
select the attribute value --> rigselect the attribute value --> right click --> removed

use the full dn in the dn field logininfo.vbs need to run the file
unauthenticated user/password authenticated
providing "Complex" bind operproviding name and password to the "Complex" bind ope
Password attribute USRPassword attribute
salted version of the SHA sche More than one of the above
Simple Authentication and SecuMore than one of the above
browse, search, modify, create A and B
Apache More than one of the above
chkconfig  openldap
ldap.conf a-n-other.conf
Distinguished Authority phase Domain access protocol
/etc/ldap/schema/ /etc/ldap/slap.d/
2048 22
Attributes to Return Alias Dereferencing
UnBind Abandon
Certificate, SSL/TLS Options More than one of the above
Choice D Correct Answer
More than one of the above A
The moduleload directive instructs OpenLDB
Distributed, Resilience directories glued t C
OHT that translate one directory access pr B
JNDI has classes provided by SUN that willD
None of these C
All of these D
All of these D
/etc/openldap A
All of these D
comprehensive solution for interacting witA
top B
None of these C
All of these D
All of these D
All of these D
None of these A
All of these D
top-> person-> organizationalPerson ->in A
5 C
All of these D
CAeTrust C
All of these D
None of these A
More than one of the above C
2400 A
More than one of the above C
Lightning Memory-Memory Database B
All of these D
All of these D
None of these D
More than one of the above D
More than one of the above D
None of these C
All of these D
All of these D
ou C
Disable Enable Ldap Paged Result control A
select the attribute value --> right click -- B

All of these D
All of these D
providing the "RES" bind operation A
userPasswd attribute A
None of these B
None of these C
All of these D
All of these A
Only search C
None of these C
bdb A
All of these D
Decision access Protocol A
/var/lib/ldap/ A
More than one of the above D
All of these D
All of these D
None of these C
When you create an entry in a _______its data contents are contained in attributes, which are grouped into objectclasses, wh
LDAP Attributes typically contain data
TOP objectclass is defined
Operational characteristics of the LDAP server
LDAP Operational Attributes and Objects live under
The main server in the LDAP suite
OpenLDAP suite can be broken
stable branch for OpenLDAP 
 Basic OpenLDAP configuration in Ubuntu requires a few extra libraries and packages
The clients are packaged in OpenLDAP
OpenLDAP server can handles
OpenLDAP server configuration file slapd.conf contains heading
OpenLDAP server configuration file slapd.conf supported the schema
OpenLDAP server can use different storage backends as
ACLs to grant common permission levels
OpenLDAP can be installed in
LDAP defines some basic models to describe its operations
LDAP information model determines as
LDAP Commonly Used Command-Line Options "-P"
The command-line tool ldapmodify to modify existing entries type
OpenLDAP Tools "slapcat" used in
ldapmodify/ldapadd [-a] [-c]
ldappasswd [-A]
ldapsearch [-a never|always|search|find]
OpenLDAP tools "slapd " refer to
OpenLDAP user configuration As
Require SASL Encryption in Directory Server
Required Disallow SASL Encryption
What are different type of ACL
What is Wildcard Mask in ACL
How to permit or deny specific Host in ACL
In which directions we can apply an Access List
Difference between #sh access-list command and #sh run access-list command?
How Access Lists are processed?
How do I use TLS/SSL?
Requirements for an LDAPS certificate as
LDAPS communication to a global catalog server occurs over TCP
How do I turn on slapd(8) logging?
Why SLAPD hold multiple naming contexts?
What should default referral be set to in OpenLDAP?
What system parameters factors in performance in SLAPD?
OpenLDAP's suite supports replication as
Why is Syncrepl better?
How do I implement a pushed based replication system using Syncrepl?
OpenLDAP Performance cachesize directive used for
The dirtyread directive allows OpenLDAP as
What is used for DB_CONFIG file in OpenLDAP for performance?
DB_CONFIG file in OpenLDAP contaning Aditional Tuning directory directive
when is an overlay really an overlay in OpenLDAP?
how do know whether overlays are static or dynamic in OpenLDAP?
Standard LDAP Error Messages "LDAP_SUCCESS"
LDAP_REFERRAL error message means
Standard LDAP Error Messages as
How to configure Master-Slave LDAP replication?
How to completely remove ldap and remove the directory tree
How to allow LDAP user to change password?
OpenLDAP Configure Multiple DITs needs to
What is used entryCSN in OpenLDAP
Open Source LDAP Tools and Browsers are
Using TLS with SASL EXTERNAL both client and servers require as
Choice A
Every attribute is defined in a schema
top is always the top of a hierarchy
Matching rules
Stand-Alone LDAP Daemon
2.3 branch
The Berkeley Database
client requests and directory management
LDAP Naming Model
Allows directory information to be referenced and organized
The bind password in simple authentication
export an LDIF from an LDAP database
Add new entries
The current password is defined by oldpassword value
Retrieve attributes only (no values)
stand-alone LDAP daemon
More than one of the above
Standard Access List
specify an individual hosts, a network, or a range of network
Using a wildcard mask
IN - ip access-group 10 in
sh access-list shows number of Hit Counts
sequential, logical order, evaluating packets from the top down
StartTLS for initiating TLS/SSL
A private key that matches the certificate is present in the Local Computer's store
start slapd(8) with the -d option
multiple databases and each database can support multiple suffixes
holds the root of your directory information tree
Replication via syncrepl
Syncrepl is self-synchronizing
 LDAP backend (Backends and slapd-ldap(8)) to your slave directory
the number of entries that the LDAP backend will maintain in memory
return in-memory data that may not yet have been written to disc
A multiple DITs (multiple database sections in slapd.conf)
set lk_detect DB_LOCK_DEFAULT
If the overlays are dynamic they need a moduleload directive
Overlays can be either dynamic or static
Indicates a LDAP Referral response
create a ldap user that is allowed to read all ldap entries to replicated it to the consumer server.
delete /var/lib/ldap/*
in the slapd.conf write access control rule
syncrepl style replication operations
valid X.509 certificate
Choice B
Every attribute is included in one or more objectclasses
cannot have a SUP statement
not visible in normal operations
OpenLDAP libraries
2.4 branch
The OpenSSL libraries
replicating changes to other directories
Database Configuration
flat files
LDAP Authentication Model
The form and character of information in the directory.
Wallet password
stand-alone LDAP daemon
Calculating operation mode
Prompt for old (current) password
Specify how alias dereferencing is done
verify SASL data against a DIT
Extended access List
give sequence number
Using keyword
IN - ip access-group 10 in
sh run access-list does not show number of Hit Counts
one statement at a time
ldaps:// and LDAPS refers to "LDAP over TLS/SSL" or "LDAP Secured"
The Enhanced Key Usage extension includes the Server Authentication 
start slapd(8) with the -s option
single suffix approach is preferred
using Internet style naming (ie: "dc=example,dc=com")
Replication via the slurpd daemon
Syncrepl can operate in either direction
setup Syncrepl to point to your Master database
The frequency of checkpointing
to maintain or have plans to create a multi-DIT
For each directory containing a database
set_flags DB_TXN_NOSYNC
olcModuleLoad if using cn=config
Overlays can only dynamic
include one or more LDAP URLs
to enable the provider service in the master ldap server and give the user ldaps2 read access to the entire ldap server.
apt-get remove --purge package
At /etc/pam.d/common-password removing the use_authtok parameter and save the file
mandated to create an entryUUID 
commercial Certificate Authority (CA)
Choice C
An attribute definition includes its type (or SYNTAX)
More than one of the above
globally unique
More than one of the above
Clients access LDAP servers
More than one of the above
2.2 branch
The Cyrus SASL library
More than one of the above
SQL database
More than one of the above
More than one of the above
More than one of the above
The port number of the directory server
verify SASL data against a DIT
More than one of the above
clear text password for simple authentication
Use base (DN) as the starting point for the search instead of the default
search LDAP entries
More than one of the above
More than one of the above
Using keyword
More than one of the above
the permit or deny option
More than one of the above
The Active Directory fully qualified domain name of the domain controller
slapd -d stats,acl
More than one of the above
X.500 style naming (ie: "o=Example Company,c=XX")
More than one of the above
Data updates can be minimal or maximal
More than one of the above
database does NOT need to be updated immediately with any in-memory 
directory it is sensible to create a sensible subdirectory
To check some performance stats of the database
More than one of the above
Overlays can be either dynamic or static
Overlays can only static
More than one of the above
Need to enable replicating from a specified server to our ldap consume
A simple sudo dpkg-reconfigure slapd should perform the task.
need to restart
comparison rule of an attribute
TLS/SSL session starts 
Choice D Correct Answer
All of these D
All of these C
More than one of the above A
None of these C
None of these C
2.1 branch A
All of these D
ldap-utils D
None of these A
All of these D
All of these D
All of these D
None of these C
All of these D
None of these A
None of these B
None of these C
All of these D
verify a DN against a DIT configuration A
Enable SASL Interactive mode A
None of these B
All of these B
All of these A
All of these A
dsSaslSSF B
dsSaslMaxSSF A
None of these C
All of these A
None of these B
More than one of the above D
None of these C
All of these D
None of these C
All of these D
All of these A
All of these D
None of these C
All of these D
All of these D
None of these C
All of these D
None of these C
None of these A
All of these A
All of these D
None of these C
All of these C
All of these A
4 B
None of these C
All of these D
All of these D
All of these D
All of these D
More than one of the above D
All of these A
All of these D
None of these A
Questions Choice A Choice B
Which of the following is not performed by configure Process-related services on manage process
Process Task Manager the Process Engine related services

What is the correct options where preferences ans) a single user a single group
can be applied
Where you cannot apply security Documents Entry Templates

In FileNet P8, which file format is used to import tiff ans) XML
and export objects and metadata definitions

Which of the following is correct about the Documents Search Templates

versioning in FileNet P8

Which of the following statement is not correct Can be modified and deleted Can be searched for
about annotations independently of the annotated object and retrieved

What is the use of Entry Templates in FileNet Automatically classify the document Launch a workflow
P8 based on its content when the object is

What is not the use of entry templates Documents Folders

What is the use of Access roles defined in access the objects grant/deny permission
workplace to user

What is not the use of IBM enterprise records Place records on hold. Generate reports.

Which is possible using FEM Processing of workitems ans) Create

Document class
Which of the following statement is correct Ensures timely processing of the work Multiple timers can be
about timers used

What is not correct about process designer Launch workflow Create a workflow
Which of the following use of Process Enforce service level compliance Enables one-step
Automation work processing using
electronic forms

Which of the following is correct about the ans) Workflow author User
override of inherited item that who can perform
What cannot be part of a workflow definition Steps Responses

What is not correct about the searches Searches can be stored Search can be
Which of the following is correct about Process Pie chart Bar chart
What is the place where entry templates are ans) Content Engine Process Engine
stored in FileNe tP8
What is one of the following is correct about Document content ans) Workitem
What is the reference of storing objects or ans) It is an instance of a document It is a document class
documents in the object store class
Which of the following is not a queue type in User Queue Work queue
Which of the following is correct with different Maintain history of changes Use previous versions
versions of content if required

Which of the following is correct about search Scope of search can be the current Scope of search can
templates objectstore be all objectstores
within the domain

What is the use of process designer in FileNet Processing a

P8 technologies ans) Designing the workflow workitem
Which of the following can be stored in Structured Information Unstructured
objectstore or filestore Information

What is category of photo or films data in ECM Structured Information ans) Unstructured
space Information

What is category of business objects data in ans) Structured & Unstructured Only structured
ECM space Information Information

What is one of tool that can be used to tract ans) Process Tracker FileNet Enterprise
running workflow items Manager

What is Active content documents Content results

What is the area where check in and check out Business Process Management ans) Enterprise
functionality available Content
What is the use of Content Federation Services ans) Accessed from multiple Migrated to FileNet
used in FileNet space repositories P8
Which are of the following document Adding/Deleting/Updating Documents Searching and
management task Retrieving Documents

Which one of the following is not a Business View, perform, and reroute tasks ans) Publishing
Process Management task? objects
Which one of the following is not check for right Are all these steps complete? Have the right
decision? peoples been

Which one of the following is not correct? Process Flow outside the enterprise ans) Process flow
for self process

Which one of the following tool useful to track FileNet Process Simulator FileNet Enterprise
work items Manager
The IBM FileNet P8 platform provides an ans) This is correct statement This is not correct
authentication model based on J2EE and the statement
Java Authentication and Authorization Service
(JAAS) standard
Which are of the following BPM key Performance Rich Process
differentiator? definition environment

How you can improve customer service using Process Tracking Milestone Reporting
FileNet BPM?

In which category The product IBM Records Content Process

Manager will be placed?
Content-based searching supports extensive ans) This is correct statement This is not correct
content search capabilities that account for statement
misspelled words
In which category The product eDiscovery Content Process
Manager will be placed?
Which one of the following is not a lifecycle ans) Save Draft
Reduced errors, gain insight and make the right ans) This is correct statement This is not correct
decisions improving customer satisfaction statement

Which are of the following challenges in ECM Improve quality of care while reducing Automate complex
healthcare? the overall cost business processes
such as billing

Bulk operations can be performed on search ans) This is correct statement This is not correct
results in Enterprise Manager statement
Which are of the following challenges in ECM Improve overall operational efficiency to Provide an
retail? reduce costs information-enhanced
shopping experience
Which are of the following challenges in ECM Streamline highly manual, labor- Overcome resistance
transportation? intensive processes to change

Which are of the following challenges in ECM Automate complex core business Transform and
Insurance? processes streamline processes

Which are the following key search


Users can search for documents A single search

Which are of the following are supported by
Content Engine? PDF HTML
Which of the following are benefits of ECM Automated Processes Rapid response to
clients market opportunities

Which of the following are example of Image Services FileNet P8

repositories repositories

LifeCycle Policies and Lifecycle Actions are ans) This is correct statement This is not correct
included in FileNet ECM statement

Contents cannot be published across multiple This is correct statement ans) This is not
delivery channels correct statement

Which one of the following is part of Business Process Task Manager Process Configuration
Process Managements Tools Console

Which of the following is false regarding BPF configure in baskets configure tools
Filter available in BPF in basket ans) queue filter Roster filter
Which is the custom object class that is used for BpfCase PECase
creating a bpf case?
What is the name of BPF default component BPF_Component ans)
manager? BPF_Operations
Process Analyzer is not performing following Generates Reports ans) Simulates Data

Authorization mechanism allows or disallows This is correct statement ans) This is not
permission to user for logins to the application correct statement

To communicate with CE using java CE API, ObjectStore ans) Connection

which class should be used?
Which of the following is not a bpf class Bp8Object Bp8Attachment
Workplace and Workplace XT are web This is correct statement ans) This is not
applications that you can use to access only correct statement
CustomObjects does not have custom This is correct statement ans) This is not
properties for storing business-related metadata correct statement

Photos or videos or audio recording are an Structured Information ans) Unstructured

example of Information

To communicate with PE using java PE API, Connection PESession

which class should be used?
A single search can be possible only on single This is correct statement ans) This is not
object store correct statement

Content Engine does not provides an import This is correct statement ans) This is not
and export capability for moving objects from correct statement
one object store to another
Which of the following is not create and process VWWorkObject VWStepElement
work class?
Process Task Manager to manage and This is correct statement ans) This is not
configure content related services on the correct statement
Content Engine
Which of the following is search work class? VWProcess VWWorkObject

Which one of the following is related to ECM Process Content

and BPM

Content engine URI can be set while ans) setBootstrapCEURI setCEURI

connecting to PE using
You cannot override site preferences with user This is correct statement ans) This is not
preferences correct statement

Bulk operations cannot be performed on search This is correct statement ans) This is not
results in Enterprise Manager correct statement

What is the jar used in WAT? jace.jar pe.jar

What can be useful to track work items of the ans) Process Tracker FileNet Enterprise
running workflows Manager
In BPF, case object data stored in the Process Custom Object Document
Engine repository as
In Business Process Framework, what of the Push and Pull methods Complex Prioritization
following can consist for role based work and sorting criteria
BPF does not use its own workflow region to ans) This is correct statement This is not correct
store case data instead of P8 workflow region statement

Which can be correct about BPF Case related Case Tab Audit Log Tab

Which of the following is correct about BPF Pick List or Text Box Configurable
Each Inbasket may contain custom tabs, which ans) This is correct statement This is not correct
are developed by developers or third part statement

Which of the following can be part of BPF Web Application Settings Domain Object Model

Microsoft Management Console Snap-in that ans) This is correct statement This is not correct
allows configuring the Business Process statement
Framework applications and features
FileNet Process Analyzer does not enable This is correct statement ans) This is not
process optimization in a FileNet BPM correct statement
Which of the following are the consumers of Corporate Level Executives Line of Business
process analysis? Managers

Which are the usage of Process Analysis Data Presentation and reporting Perform real-time
client? monitoring

Which of the following stages involved in Data Source Data Mart

analytics and reporting of Process Analyzer

Identify that one of the following is not part of ans) GCD Database Process Cubes
Process Analyzer database
XML data can be rendered into HTML page for ans) This is correct statement This is not correct
the presentation in WAT statement

Which one of the following step is not required Instantiate Controller in JSP ans) sorting data
in Page life cycle while page is executing using
Which of the following steps to create UI Subclass a UI module Override methods
module in WAT framework

Which of the following is the part of FileNet P8 Back-end services Development tools
family of products?

Which one of the following is the correct name ans) Object Store FileSystem
of FileNet P8 repository?

Object or File store can be used to store Structured Information Unstructured


Both .Net API and Java API are available for This is correct statement ans) This is not
Process Engine for all activities correct statement

Which of the following are libraries for PE API? pe.jar pe3pt.jar

Which are the pre-requisites for .Net .Net Runtime environment Web Services
environment? Enhancement
In BPF, which of the following can be correct
for customizing Web Application?
Custom Tools Custom Tabs
Which of the following are correct about BPF
Browse Mode Sequential Mode
Which of the following can be integrated with Workflow map Workflow queues
BPF and Process Engine Integration?

Which of the following can be integrated with Object Store Document Classes
BPF and Content Engine Integration?

Which of the following can be true about Create Case Log Event
Components Manager – BPF_Operations?

Which are of the following ways for managing

BPF user roles? LDAP Group
Manual Integration
Which are of the following objects of BPF user
interface? Tools Tabs
Which of the following are is correct about
Process Analyzer data? Collect data from the
Process Engine
environment and
Used for data aggregation and analysis events
Which of the following are part of WAT
Model View
To communicate with CE using java CE API, ObjectStore ans) Connection
which class should be used?
Which of the following is not a bpf class Bp8Object Bp8Attachment
To communicate with PE using java PE API, Connection PESession
which class should be used?
Which of the following is not create and process VWWorkObject VWStepElement
work class?
Which of the following is search work class? VWProcess VWWorkObject

Content engine URI can be set while ans) setBootstrapCEURI setCEURI

connecting to PE using
What is the jar used in WAT? jace.jar pe.jar
In BPF, case object data stored in the Process Custom Object Document
Engine repository as
When a new object store is initialized, Which of Document Class Custom Object Class
the following will not be created automatically
In Content Engine Security, ACL is a subset of ACE ans) collection of
one or more ACE
Which of the following is customizable Workplace XT Business Process
Which of the following is not a web application Workplace Workplace XT
that you can use to access content engine
Document management system manages document content metadata

Annotations can be associated with Documents Custom Objects

which of the following is the capability of file plan record retention

records manager?

How many data model options RM supports ans) 4 3

Which of the following is correct about the Has specific retention period based on Must have fixed
record in record management business policy content

In which manner event subscriptions runs? Synchronously Asynchronously

Which are the possible lifecycle actions can be Promote/Demote Forward/Backward


Process tracker provides ans) Realtime view Completed items view

FileNet ECM and BPM are to resolve business ans) Tightly integrated Loosely integrated
In order to implement FileNet BPM and ECM Database Active Directory
functionality ______________ is mandatory

which of the following is Records management

business objects
searches holds
Another way to interact with content in the ans) True
system is to use the Content Engine’s ability to
execute code when certain events are
Custom work performers are the most flexible ans) This statement is correct This statement is not
option to enhance the capabilities of the PE correct

.Net API ia not available for Process Engine This statement is correct ans) This statement
is not correct

For the EJB transport, .jar files that are specific ans) This statement is correct This statement is not
to the application server are required in the correct
thick client environment
FileNet BPM does provide Graphic process design tools Process Event logs
Which of the following is true with Process Enables rapid deployment of improved Easily defines,
Timers processes designs, and
administers business
Which of the following steps to create UI Subclass a UI module Override methods
module in WAT framework

Which of the following is the part of FileNet P8 Back-end services Development tools
family of products?

Which one of the following is the correct name ans) Object Store FileSystem
of FileNet P8 repository?
Object or File store can be used to store Structured Information Unstructured

Both .Net API and Java API are available for This statement is correct ans) This statement
Process Engine for all activities is not correct
Which of the following are libraries for PE API? pe.jar pe3pt.jar

Which are the pre-requisites for .Net .Net Runtime environment Web Services
environment? Enhancement

In BPF, which of the following can be correct

for customizing Web Application?
Custom Tools Custom Tabs
Which of the following can be integrated with Workflow map Workflow queues
BPF and Process Engine Integration?

Which of the following can be integrated with Object Store Document Classes
BPF and Content Engine Integration?

Which of the following can be true about Create Case Log Event
Components Manager – BPF_Operations?

Which are of the following ways for managing

BPF user roles? LDAP Group
Manual Integration
Which of the following are is correct about
Process Analyzer data? Collect data from the
Process Engine
environment and
Used for data aggregation and analysis events
Which of the following are part of WAT
Model View
Which is the custom object class that is used for BpfCase PECase
creating a bpf case?
What is the name of BPF default component BPF_Component ans)
manager? BPF_Operations
To communicate with CE using java CE API, ObjectStore ans) Connection
which class should be used?
Which of the following is not a bpf class Bp8Object Bp8Attachment
To communicate with PE using java PE API, Connection PESession
which class should be used?
Which of the following is not create and process VWWorkObject VWStepElement
work class?
Which of the following is search work class? VWProcess VWWorkObject

Content engine URI can be set while ans) setBootstrapCEURI setCEURI

connecting to PE using
What is the jar used in WAT? jace.jar pe.jar
In BPF, case object data stored in the Process Custom Object Document
Engine repository as
Which of the following can be the part of FileNet Back-end services Development tools
P8 family of products?

Which is the correct name of repositories in ans) Object Store FileSystem

FileNet P8
Which one of the following step is used to Submap Step ans) Component
execute operations in an external program Step
What is the name of tool which will be useful to Process Simulation Console Process Task
create process map Manager
Which one of the following is not s step type General step Submap step

Which one of the following tool where you can Database Admin console Process Configuration
see the work items Console

CustomObjects have ans) Custom Properties Content

Annotations can be associated with Documents Custom Objects

Content Engine object properties can be used Classify the object Search and retrieve
to the object

Which of the following statement is true? All properties of a class must (required) Properties of a class
have default values cannot have default
The properties that are associated with objects single value multiple values
can have

A subscription is the request to get updates on the ans) the association

events of a particular event
trigger with an event

Which are the correct statements about Folder Can contain documents Can have custom
object? properties

Which is not the functionality of the Annotation Can be audited ans) Can have a
object? lifecycle
A document currently checked out for In Process ans) Reservation
modification is called
A document can not be demoted from a major This statement is correct ans) This statement
version to a minor version is not correct
Which are the following scenarios where users When a new task is assigned As a reminder for
can be notified by user via email completing a task

Which are of the following challenges in ECM Streamline highly manual, labor- Overcome resistance
transportation? intensive processes to change

Which of the following are benefits of ECM Automated Processes Rapid response to
clients market opportunities
Choice C Choice D
Start Stop the process ans) Create
services workflows

all users all groups

Search Templates ans) External


XSL properties

ans) Documents and Search Neither Documents

Templates nor Search

Can participate in a link ans) There is no

relationship concept of

ans) Automatically classify Neither

the document based on its Automatically
content and Launch a classify the
workflow when the object is document based on
created its content nor
Launch a workflow
when the object is

Custom objects ans) Workflow

grant/deny permission to ans) grant/deny
group permission to
user or group
Audit records. ans) Create
Search Template

Design a workflow Monitor work items

ans) Ensures timely Neither Ensures

processing of the work and timely processing
Multiple timers can be used of the work nor
Multiple timers can
be used
Validate workflow ans) Monitor
ans) Enables one-step work Neither Enables
processing using electronic one-step work
forms and Enforce service processing using
level compliance electronic forms nor
Enforce service
level compliance

Group Neither User nor

Data fields ans) Index fields
in document class

ans) Search cannot have There is no

default criteria searches in FileNet
ans) Pie chart and Bar chart Neither Pie chart
nor Bar chart
Application Engine Rendition Engine

Security Search Templates

It is an interface It is document class

ans) document queue Component queue

ans) Maintain history of
changes and Use previous
versions if required Maintain workflow
ans) Scope of search can be Neither Scope of
the current objectstore and search can be the
Scope of search can be all current objectstore
objectstores within the nor Scope of
domain search can be all
objectstores within
the domain

Configuring the process Defining document

service classes
ans) Structured and Neither Structured
Unstructured data nor Unstructured
ans) Structured and Neither Structured
Unstructured data nor Unstructured
Only unstructured Information Neither Structured
nor Unstructured
Process Designer Process
Process results ans) Combination
of Content and
Process results
Neither ECM nor
Archived to DB Achieved in cloud

ans) Adding, Deleting, Workflow

Updating, Searching and management
Updating documents
Launch workflows Track workflows

ans) Are all contents Is the best, most

migrated? accurate
Process Flow for automation Process Flow for
among systems human-to-human
IBM Content Collector ans) Process
This may be correct statement This is neither
correct nor

Fully integrated eforms ans) All A, B and

C options are
ans) Process Tracking and Neither Process
Milestone Reporting Tracking nor
Compliance ans)Discovery

This may be correct statement This is neither

correct nor
Compliance ans) Discovery

Review Publish

This may be correct statement This is neither

correct nor
ans) Improve quality of care Neither Improve
while reducing the overall quality of care while
cost and Automate complex reducing the overall
business processes such as cost nor Automate
billing complex business
processes such as

This may be correct statement This is neither

correct nor
Improve customer service with ans) All A, B and
better insight C options are
Improve recordkeeping and ans) All A, B and
ensure compliance C options are
ans) Automate complex core Neither Automate
business processes and complex core
Transform and streamline business processes
processes nor Transform and

Neither Users can

ans) Users can search for search for
documents and A single documents nor a
search single search
Neither PDF nor
ans) PDF and HTML HTML
Control of unmanaged ans) All A, B and
contents C options are
ans) Image Services and Neither Image
FileNet P8 repositories Services nor P8
This may be correct statement This is neither
correct nor
This may be correct statement This is neither
correct nor
ans) PTM and PCC Neither PTM nor

configure workflow information ans) configure

process engine
Event filter workitem filter
BpfCaseClass ans) Bp8Case

BPF_Methods BPF_WFMethods

Generate Reports and Neither Generate

Simulate Data reports nor
simulate reports
This may be correct This is neither
statenment correct nor
CESession Session

ans) Bp8Audit Bp8Settings

This may be correct This is neither
statenment correct nor
This may be correct This is neither
statenment correct nor
Structured and Unstructured Neither Structured
Information nor Unstructured
Session ans) VWSession

This may be correct This is neither

statenment correct nor
This may be correct This is neither
statenment correct nor
ans) VWRoster VWFieldType

This may be correct This is neither

statenment correct nor
ans) VWQUeue VWWorkflowDefini
Connectivity ans) All A, B and
C options are
setConfiguration setRemoteServerU
This may be correct This is neither
statenment correct nor
This may be correct This is neither
statenment correct nor
ans) p8toolkit.jar log4j.jar
PT ans FEM Neither PT nor
Folder ans) Workitem

ans) Push, Pull, complex, Neither push nor

prioritization and sorting pull methods
This may be correct This is neither
statenment correct nor
Attachment Tab ans) All A, B and
C options are
No limit to number of filters ans) All A, B and
C options are
This may be correct This is neither
statenment correct nor
Data Visualization Definitions ans) All A, B and
C options are
This may be correct This is neither
statenment correct nor
This may be correct This is neither
statenment correct nor
Business Analyst ans) All A, B and
C options are
ans) Data presentation, Neither data
reporting and real-time presentations nor
monitoring realtime monitoring
OLAP Cubes ans) All A, B and
C options are
Prune Events Prune Isolated
This may be correct This is neither
statenment correct nor
Retrieve Data store Register Modules

Add an Event Handler ans) All A, B and

C options are
ans) Backend services and Neither Backend
development tools services nor
Objectstore and Filesystem Neither Objectstore
nor Filesystem

ans) Structured and Neither Structured

Unstructured Information nor Unstructured
This may be correct This is neither
statenment correct nor
peResorces.jar ans) All A, B and
C options are
.Net and web services Neither .Net nor
environments web services
ans) All A, B and
Case JavaScript Event C options are
Handlers corrects

ans) Browse and Sequential Neither Browse nor

modes sequential modes
Component Manager - BPF ans) All A, B and
Operations C options are
Properties ans) All A, B and
C options are
Attach Doc ans) All A, B and
C options are
ans) All A, B and
C options are
Access Roles corrects

Neither Tools nor

ans) Tools and Tabs Tabs
ans) All A, B and
C options are
Combine the aggregated data
in a structure for query
ans) All A, B and
C options are
Controller corrects
CESession Session

ans) Bp8Audit Bp8Settings

Session ans) VWSession

ans) VWRoster VWFieldType

ans) VWQUeue VWWorkflowDefini

setConfiguration setRemoteServerU
ans) p8toolkit.jar log4j.jar
Folder ans) Workitem

ans) Country Class Folder Class

Collection of only one ACE Collection of only

two ACE
Workplace ans) All A, B and
C options are
BPF application ans) Filenet
ans) Document and Neither document
metadata content nor
folders ans) All A, B and
C options are
auditing ans) All A, B and
C options are
2 1
ans) Has specific retention Neither Has
period based on business specific retention
policy and must have fixed period based on
content business policy nor
must have fixed
ans) Synchronously and Neither
asynchronously Synchronously and
ans) Promote, demote and Neither Promote,
Forward, Backward denote nor
Forward, backward

Realtime view and Compiled Neither Realtime

items view view nor Compiled
items view
Not Integrated Neither integrated
nor configured
Web Application Server ans) All A, B and
C options are
fileplan ans) All A, B and
C options are

This statement is partially This statement

corrected neither correct nor
This statement is partially This statement
corrected neither correct nor
This statement is partially This statement
corrected neither correct nor
Process configuration tools ans) All A, B and
C options are
ans) Maintains accelerated Automatically
cycle times by escalating reacts to events
work that threatens to
violate requirements
Add an Event Handler ans) All options A,
B and C are
ans) Backend services and Neither Backend
development tools services nor
development tools
Fixed content devices Documentum
ans) Structure and Neither Structured
Unstructured information nor Unstructured
This statement is partially This statement
correct partially incorrect
peResorces.jar ans) All options A,
B and C are
ans) Web services and .Net Nor web services
runtime environments nor .Net runtime
ans) All options A,
Case JavaScript Event B and C are
Handlers correct
Component Manager - BPF ans) All options A,
Operations B and C are
Properties ans) All options A,
B and C are
Attach Doc ans) All options A,
B and C are
ans) All options A,
B and C are
Access Roles correct
ans) All options A,
B and C are
Combine the aggregated data
in a structure for query
ans) All options A,
B and C are
Controller correct
BpfCaseClass ans) Bp8Case

BPF_Methods BPF_WFMethods

CESession Session

ans) Bp8Audit Bp8Settings

Session ans) VWSession

ans) VWRoster VWFieldType

ans) VWQUeue VWWorkflowDefini

setConfiguration setRemoteServerU
ans) p8toolkit.jar log4j.jar
Folder ans) Workitem

Applications ans) All options A,

B and C are
Workflow Records manager

System Step General Step

ans) Process Designer Process

Launch step ans) Compound
ans) Workplace / FileNet Enterprise
WorkplaceXT Manager

Versions none of the above

folders ans) All options A,
B and C are
export data into business ans) All options A,
reports B and C are
ans) Properties of a class Only one property
can have default values can have default
no value ans) All options A,
B and C are
the component that performs none of the above
an action

Are secured ans) All options A,

B and C are
Can be searched for and Can subscribe to
retrieved server-side events
Released Superseded

This statement is partially This statement

correct partially incorrect
When a deadline has expired ans) All options A,
B and C are
Improve recordkeeping and ans) All options A,
ensure compliance B and C are
Control of unmanaged ans) All options A,
contents B and C are
Question Option A
You define a set of instructions to execute tasks, Workflow Monitor
using :
.……………….. is the primary unit for management and Repository Manager
administration within PowerCenter
A ……….. is the logical representation of a machine in a Node
………… allow users to create shortcuts to objects in the Integration Service
The Integration Service connects to the repository Repository Service
through the …………… to fetch metadata from the
Which among the following is not an Application Integration service
Which service is responsible for executing the Integration service
Which are the types of services which need not to be SAP BW service
created by the Administrator?
A set of source and target definitions linked by Mapping
transformation objects that define the rules for data
transformation is called a
…………… is a repository object that generates, Transformation
modifies, or passes data
To create or import source definitions, ………….. is used Target Designer
in the Designer
To extract data from a source, first step in the create a session
Designer is :
Relational source definitions can be imported from : tables

When a relational source definition is imported, which triggers

of the following source metadata is imported ?

What type of files can be imported for flat-file Fixed-width

source/target definitions in the repository ?

Target Designer is used to : Import or create target

In which of the following ways can the target Create a target definition
definitions be created ? based on a source definition

Which types of target definitions can be created in the Relational

Target Designer ?
Mappings represent : the data flow between
sources and targets
When the Integration Service runs a ……………, it uses command
the instructions configured in the mapping to read,
transform, and write data
Every mapping must contain which of the following Source definition
components :
Which of the following changes cause the session to Adding a table in the source
be invalid ? database

Which of the following cannot be used as Targets XML Files

A flat file cannot be used as the following Source
Which of the following objects cannot be included in a Target Definition
Shortcuts can be created from which of the following? Source Definitions

Which of the following is not a Active Filter

Transformation ?
Which of the following Transformations does not use Sorter
cache files ?
Which of the following is not a lookup cache Dynamic Lookup Cache
property ?
Which of the following transformations does not have Expression
variable port ?
The output from an Aggregator transformation All records
without a Group by will return?
………….. contains a set of transformations that can be Worklet
reused in multiple mappings
An Active Transformation : Does not change the number
of rows that pass through it

When you add a relational or a flat file source Joiner Transformation

definition to a mapping, you need to connect it to a

In Joiner Transformation, if Master Outer Join type is Keep all rows of data from
used, it will : the detail source and the
matching rows from the
master source, and discards
the unmatched rows from the
master source

To test data for one or more conditions and route Sorter Transformation
rows of data that do not meet any of the conditions to
a default output group, which transformation would
you use ?

A transformation that does not change the number of Passive Transformation

rows that pass through it, is called :
……………….. is an example of Passive Transformation Update Strategy
……………….. is used to control on a row by row basis, Sorter Transformation
whether the row is to be inserted, updated, deleted or
a rejected based on some logical condition

To concatenate first name and last name of an Aggregator Transformation

employee, which transformation would be used ?
Aggregator Transformation performs : calculation of values in a
single row
Which of the following is not True with respect to Sorter uses cache memory to
Sorter transformation ? sort data
What types of transformation ports are valid ones? Input, Output, Variable

What value would the function GET_DATE_PART 0

(DATE_SHIPPED, 'HH') return
when the value of DATE_SHIPPED is null?
For triming leading & trailing spaces of a in Informatica TRIM(VALUE)
the following function is used
A set of instructions to execute tasks such as sessions, Mapping
emails, shell commands etc is called :
A session : is a set of instructions that
describes how and when to
execute tasks related to
extraction, transformation
and loading data

Which among the following is not a type of workflow Event wait

A session task is a type of : transformation
Chrological details of workflow tasks can be viewed in Gantt chart view

In a Workflow , you need to run an operating system Call from Post SQL
script between two sessions. How can you best
accomplish this?
Are user-defined events supported in PowerCenter No, because only File Wait
workflows? events are supported in the
Event-Wait task.

Which of the following is a type of workflow task? Database Bulk Loading

A workflow fails and you need to consult the logs. Designer
Which PowerCener application will allow you consult
the session and workflow logs?
A Workflow log does not contain which of the Status of tasks and worklets in
following? the workflow
To determine the cause of workflow or session Use log events
problems & resolve it?
You can also create an _________ file for workflow log XML
What is Default Recovery Strategy for Session Restart task
At which tracing level does the Integration Service not Terse
write error messages or row-level information for
reject data.
Session, Tasks, Workflows
You can view properties for which of the following
items in the Workflow Monitor?

which command is used to execute workflow tasks PMREP

from the command line
A scheduling tool from BMC software CONTROL M
-sv' option of PMCMD command is used to repository service
specify______________ name
Option B Option C Option D Answer
Workflow Manager Repository Manager PowerCenter Designer
Workflow Manager Administration Console Power Center Domain
Server Grid Service A

Ans)Shared Folder Repository Security Administration B

Repository Manager Reporting Service Metadata Manager
Repository service Log service reporting service
Repository service Log service reporting service
Core Repository service Application service
Worklet Workflow Schema

DTM Mapping Integration Service
Process A
Transformation Developer Mapping Designer Source Analyzer
data profiling define sources in the repository create a workflow
tables, views, synonyms tables, views tables, views, stored
procedures D
stored procedures Column Names, Datatypes Column Names,
Datatypes, Key
Delimited Fixed-width and delimited flat files Binary
that do not contain binary data
Create mappings Import or create source definitions Create target
definitions A
Manually create a target definition Import the target definition from a All of the above
relational target or a flat file
Relational, Flat file, XML file Binary file DLL file
data extraction data cleansing data loading
session transformation query

Target definition Source definition, Target Source and Target
definition, Transformation, Links definition C
Deleting rows from a target table Creating an index in the source Adding or removing a
database Joiner or Update
transformation in the
Cobol Files Text Files Relational Tables B
Target Aggregator Lookup C
Source Definitions Router Transformation Update Strategy
Transformation A
Reusable transformations Mapplets All the above
Sequence Generator Router Update Strategy
Router Rank Aggregator
Static Lookup Cache Persistent Lookup Cache Active Lookup Cache
Rank Filter Aggregator
Error 1 record None of the above
Mapplet Custom Transformation Workflow
Represents the data flow between Can change the number of rows Creates a target C
sources and targets that pass through it definition based on a
source definition
Aggregator Transformation Source Qualifier Transformation Expression C

Discard all rows of data from the master Keep all rows of data from the Keep all rows of data
and detail source that do not match, master source and the matching from both the master
based on the condition rows from the detail source, and and detail sources
discards the unmatched rows from
the detail source

Router Transformation Joiner Transformation Filter Transformation B

Connected Transformation Mapplet Source Qualifier A

Router Transformation Expression Transformation Rank Transformation C

Update Strategy Transformation Joiner Transformation Normalizer B


Joiner Transformation Expression Transformation Normalizer C

concatenation of columns/ports in a row aggregate calculations, such as calculations on a row- C
averages and sums by-row basis
Sorter is a Passive Transformation Sorter can be used to remove All the above
duplicate records B
ans)Input, Output, Input/Output, Input, Output, Variable, Aggregate Input, Output, B
Variable Input/Output,
Variable, Parameter
Null 12 A Transformation
error is generated B


Load Balancer Workflow Transformation C

is an object that groups a set of tasks is a set of instructions that Reads workflow C
describes how to move data from information from the
source to target using a mapping repository

Event raise Timer Filter D

worklet workflow task mapplet C

task view Workflow view we cant view A
chronological details
in worklow monitor
Call the script from a Command task Use a custom transformation Use Event raise and
Event wait tasks B

Yes, but only in workflows containing No, because Event-raise tasks do Yes, using a
worklets. not support user-defined events. combination of
Event-Raise and D
Event-Wait tasks

Event Raise Ranking Sorting B

Administration console. Workflow Monitor Workflow Manager.

Errors encountered during the workflow Status of tasks and worklets in the None of the above
and general information workflow D
Locate the relevant log codes Locate text prefixes All of the above
text binary log All of the above
Resume from last checkpoint Fail task and continue workflow None C
Verbose Both A and B Normal

Session, Tasks, Workflows, Links, Folders Session, Tasks, Workflows, Links, Session, Tasks,
Folders, Integration Service Workflows, Links,
Folders, Integration D
Service, Grids


Autosys A
domain name integration service name node name C
SL No Question Opt A
How many return ports are allowed in unconnected lookup transformation ? 2
2 which reference is used to call an unconnected lookup transformation? :LKP
the transformation that control how the rows are flagged for Insert, Update, Router
3 Reject or Delete in a Mapping

The kinds of information that are stored in the repository are Repository configuration details
Which PowerCenter applications are used for creating and administrating Administration Console and
5 folders? Workflow manager
6 The dependency window can display following type of dependency source target dependencies

Which types of objects can be visible in the Repository Manager Navigator Mappings, repository users, and
window? source and target definitions
One of the following partition types available to Informatica ensures that data Hash partitioning
8 is evenly distributed among all partitions
If you have created a session using source-based commit, which partition type Round-Robin Partitioning
9 do you use on the Relational and Flat File targets?

A partition executes in a _________ single reader, transformation,

or writer thread
Which partition type need to be used if the target tables are partitioned on round robin
11 key range
Multiple partitions for a single
pipeline stage, Partitioning
Partitioning option helps configure which of the following? information that controls the
number of threads (reader,
transformation, and writer)
You cannot create partition point for which of the following transformations Source Qualifier

The integration service passes

Which of the following is true in case of a Round Robin partitioning type all rows at one partition point to
the next partition point without
redistributing them
15 Which is not a type of partition? Round robin

Which of following changes to mappings can cause partitioned session failure? Delete a transformation that
was a partition point
You can change the parameter
Which of the below statements is true? file when the workflow is
17 running

A parameter value can change

What is the difference between a mapping parameter and a mapping throughout a Session Task run,
variable? and a mapping variable value
remains constant.
19 Parameters are created in which tool? Repository manager
$$$SessionStartTime returns
What is the difference between the system variables $$$SessionStartTime and the session start time as a
returns the session start time
as date/time
21 Which among these is not a task specific predefined workflow variable? Condition

Which is not true about built in functions $$$SessStartTime and $$$SessStartTime cannot be
SESSSTARTTIME ? use in Mapping or mapplet
22 filter condition.

Built-in variables return either

Which options is false for built-in-variables: run-time or system information

1. Value in parameter file

2. Value saved in the repository
The Integration Service looks for the start value of a variable in the following (if the variable is persistent)
3. User-specified default value
4. Datatype default value

25 which among the following is not a variable function? SetMaXVariable
If we enter a space between the parameter name and the equals sign, the part of the parameter name
26 Integration Service interprets the space as

What is difference between $ and $$ parameters/variables? $ are User defined and $$ are
System defined variables
To assign a null value to $PMBadFileDir , set the parameter or variable value $PMBadFileDir=NULL
28 to
Mapplets and mapplet ports
Which of the below statement is not true about Mapplet display differently in the
Mapplet Designer and the
29 Mapping Designer

We can revert back Reusable

Which of the below statement about reusable component is true?
transformation to normal one
Which of the below object cannot be used in Mapplet.
1. Expression Transformation
2. Lookup Transformation
3. Normalizer transformation 1&2
4. Mapplet

A mapplet must contain at least one _____ with at least one connected port in
Input Transformation
33 the mapplet.
Which of the following actions when performed on a mapplet can cause an Do not delete connected ports
existing mappings to become invalid?
in an Input or Output
A mapplet used to run a batch
What is a mapplet? of mappings
Which statement is true of Worklets but NOT of Mapplets? They are reusable by nature
37 Which is not a valid option of UPDATE STRATEGY transformation DD_DELETE
If you delete ports in the mapplet when the mapplet is used in a mapping,
It invalidates the mapping
38 which of the following is True?
which of the transformation cannot be created as Reusable transformation? sequence genertor
40 _____________ definitions are not allowed in mapplet Target
the Power Center Server stores
What happens if the Lookup table is larger than the Lookup Cache? the overflow values in the
41 cache files

Which components are required to run a debug session? The Designer

Use an existing non-reusable
What type of debugger sessions can be configured? session
What is a conformed dimension? Dimesion which is finalized.
45 Which is not a Valid SCD type 2? Flag
46 Which SCD type stored Partial history? SCD type1
47 Which type of SCD can store the complete history SCD type1
48 Which is not a valid options in Target Load type Property? BULK
Create sessions, view object
The tasks that can be performed using Workflow Manager dependencies, run workflows,
49 edit mappings
Workflows must be within
Which one of the following statements is NOT correct? Tasks to be executed
198 Which of the following is a type of workflow task? Database Bulk Loading
How to run a workflow without using GUI i.e, Workflow Manager, Workflow From Oracle Database
51 Monitor?
Yes, the second session will
In a sequential batch, can we run the session if previous session fails? run even if the first session fails
If a session fails after loading of 10000 records into the target. How can you
load the records from 10001th record when you run the session next time? Restart the session normally
Stop - Stops the Session
Difference between stop and abort Abort - Kills the session.
Which command line program should you use to start a workflow from a
55 batch file?
56 Which of the following objects can be scheduled? Workflows

which command is used to execute workflow tasks from the command line PMREP
58 A scheduling tool from BMC software and) CONTROL M
How to determine whether the incoming record already exists in the target Using Router Transformation
59 table?
source qualifier ,all the
A pipeline consists of a ______ transformations and targets
that receive data from that
60 source qualifier
Opt B Opt C Opt D Answer
1 3 Any number

:LPK LKP no reference is required A

Lookup Update Strategy Filter
Mappings Workflows All of the above

Repository Manager and Administration Workflow Manager and Designer and Workflow B
Console Workflow Monitor Manager.
Mapping dependencies shortcut dependencies All of the above D
Mappings and C
Repository users, folders and sub Business
components,Mappings,reusable Mapplets,Integration
folders ,and source and target definitions transformations Services,and folders and
n:n Master/Detail partitioning Keyrange partitioning Round-robin partitioning
Pass-Through Data-Driven Hash User-Keys

single reader, multiple A

single reader, or writer thread multiple reader, transformation, transformation, or multiple
or writer thread
writer thread
Hash auto keys Key Range database
How the Integration Service
Number of source and target reads data from the source,
connections to use distributes rows of data to each All of the above

Joiner Sequence Generator Both A & C
The integration service passes the data The integration service The integration service
to each partition depending on the distributes data evenly among distributes data to the
ranges you specify for each port all partitions partitions by group

database pass through key hash D

Move a transformation that is a D
Add a transformation that is a default partition point to a different All of the above
partition point
You cannot change the parameter file once a parameter file is created, parameter files can be
when the workflow is running it can never be changed. created dynamically

A parameter value must be read A mapping variable value
A parameter value remains constant from a flat file, and a mapping must be read from a flat file,
throughout a Session Task run, and a variable value must be and a parameter value must
mapping variable value can change. recalculated with an expression be recalculated with an
for each row. expression for each row.
Designer workflow monitor Admin console B
$$$SessionStartTime returns the session $$$SessionStartTime returns the There is no difference in
start time as integer , and session start time as a string ,
SESSSTARTTIME returns the session start and SESSSTARTTIME returns the practice.Either can be used to
time as date/time session start time as integer return the session start time.

EndTime ErrorCode ErrorName D

SESSSTARTTIME can be used in $$$SessStartTime can be used
expressions. in sql overrides. NONE

Values can be defined for built-in B

The integration service sets the Built-in variables can be
variables in a workflow or session values for built in variables. used in expressions in
parameter file. Designer.
1. User-specified default
1. Datatype default value value
1. Value saved in the repository (if the 2. Value saved in the repository 2. Datatype default value
variable is persistent) (if the variable is persistent) 3. Value saved in the
2. Value in parameter file
3. User-specified default value 3. Value in parameter file repository (if the variable is
4. Datatype default value 4. User-specified default value persistent)
4. Value in parameter file

SetMinVariable SetCountVariable SetAvgVariable D

part of the parameter value Ignores it Throws an error

$ are System defined and $$ are User $ are Session Level defined and $ are Mapping Level defined B
$$ are Mapping Level defined and $$ are Session Level
defined variables variables defined variables
$ PMBadFileDir=’\0’ $PMBadFileDir=<null> None of the Above
If you use a Sequence Generator A mapplet can be active or COBOL Sources and XML
transformation, you must use a reusable passive depending on the Sources can be used in
Sequence Generator transformation transformations in the mapplet mapplet

We cannot revert back Reusable Reusable components are only once a reusable component is
created in the mapping designer created, we need to use only
transformation to normal one tool that in all the mappings

2&3 3&4 4 C

Ouput Transformation Sequence Generator None

Do not change a passive d

Do not change the data type, precision, mapplet to an active mapplet or
or scale of connected ports in an Input or an active mapplet to a passive All of the above
Output transformation
A mapplet is a reusable object that is A mapplet is a database object B
created using mapplet designer. referred in a mapping None of the above
They encapsulate part of the They have their own Designer D
functionality of a Workflow/Mapping tool They can be nested


It does not invalidate the mapping It will invalidate the mapplet None of the above
Source qualifier sorter expression

source trasnformation None of the Above A

The workflow execution will fail The workflow will execute with the system will hang

The Designer, the Workflow C

The Designer and the Workflow Manager The Designer and a running Manager, and a running
Informatica server Informatica server

Use an existing reusable session Create a debug session instance All of the above D

Dimesion which is connected to more Dimesion which is connected to Dimesion which is connected B
than one fact. another dimention. to single fact
Date Range Version and) Type C
SCD Type 2 SCD Type 3 None of the Above C
SCD Type 2 SCD Type 3 None of the Above B
Create and Edit tasks, Start B
Create and delete workflows, configure Create and delete workflows,
connections, create tasks create tasks, restore repositories and stop Informatica server,
monitor workflows
Tasks must be within Workflows to be Workflow links may contain Workflows may contain A
executed conditions worklets.
Event Raise Ranking Sorting B
Using 'runworkflow' command Using pmcmd command None of the above
the second session has no dependency of We cannot run sessions the second session will by
the first session sequentially in workflow default fail if the first session
manager fails
Restart the session using session Restart the session using It is not possible to load from
recovery option workflow manager option 10001th record

Stop - Kills the session. A

Abort - Stops the session Both stops the session None of the above
infasetup pmrep pmcmd

Sessions Worklets Command Tasks A


Autosys workflow scheduler Maestro A

Using Lookup Transformation Using Aggregate Transformation Writing a select query on
source qualifier ,all the A
source qualifier and all the
transformations from that source transformations and all the none of the above
qualifier but not target targets in the mapping from
other sources as well
SL No Question Opt A Opt B
1 Which of the following is a Web Based Repository Manager ans)Admin console
application for administering the
powercenter domain and powercenter

2 which is not the valid kind on lock on Read lock write lock
repository objects
3 the extension of a repository backup file .REP .BAK
4 Which components are required to run a The Designer The Designer and the
debug session? Workflow Manager

5 What type of debugger sessions can be Use an existing non-reusable Use an existing
configured? session reusable session
6 A scheduling tool from BMC software CONTROL M Autosys
7 Which is not a Type of Pushdown Source side Pushdown Target side
optimization: optimization Pushdown
8 For pushdown optimization the insert statement Select insert
integration service creates which DML in statement
case of source side pushdown?
9 What is 'PowerCenter Pushdown Transforms Mapplet logic into Transforms
Optimization Option' in Informatica SQL Queries and sends to Transformation logic
database into SQL Queries and
sends to database

10 Types of Pushdown optimizations Source-side push down Target side push

11 For pushdown optimization the select update statement Select insert
integration service creates which DML in statement
case of target side pushdown?
12 Which statement about integration When the Integration Service integration service
service is true? pushes transformation logic to can also track
the database, it cannot track database errors
errors that occur in the database

13 To use different pushdown optimization $$configpushdown $$Pushdownconfig

configuration at different times, use the
________________ mapping parameter

14 In Pushdown Optimization the amount of database, transformation logic, database,

transformation logic that can be pushed mapping and session transformation logic
to the database depends on the configuration and mapping
___________ configuration
15 Pushdown Optimization is used for Optimizing the session Optimizing the
performance while execution workflow
performance while

16 To improve performance, where should a As early in the mapping as As late in the

filter transformation be placed? possible. mapping as possible.

17 Which of the below statements helps in indexes need to be enabled Drop the constraints
improving the performance before running a session and indexes before
running the session
and rebuild them
after completion of

18 How to improve the session performance Using Sorted Input Using Index
in aggregator transformation?

19 How can you minimize the cache for a Make the smaller source the Make the smaller
joiner transformation? master source source the details

20 When you want to create an additional Database Key range

pipeline stage to improve performance,
but do not want to change the
distribution of data across partitions, use
_______ partition

21 Which of the following is True on Load Load Balancer dispatches tasks When multiple tasks
Balancing? from the dispatch queue based are waiting to be
on the service levels dispatched, the Load
Balancer dispatches
high priority tasks
before low priority

22 Integration Service processes the The transformation logic The transformation

transformation logic if which of the updates a mapping variable and contains a variable
following conditions are true: saves it to the repository port.

23 Which of the following criteria affects Type of transformation Location of the

whether the Integration Service can push transformation in the
the transformation to the database? mapping

24 Pushdown optimization viewer shows. ETL logic Transformation


25 Pushdown optimization cannot be used Source Qualifier Target

on which transformation?
26 When can you say that there is a source When the Integration Service When the Integration
bottleneck? spends more time on the reader Service spends more
thread than the transformation time on the
or writer threads transformation
thread than the
reader or writer

27 You are optimizing a mapping. Which of String operations are faster than You should trim char
the following statements about number operations and varchar fields
expressions is true? before performing

28 Which statement about optimizing Configure for Single-Pass reading Avoid unnecessary
Mapping bottleneck are valid? datatype conversions

29 The______ratio indicates the number of hit ratio miss ratio

read or write operations the Integration
Service performs on the cache.

30 [(# of reads from disk) + (# of writes to hit ratio miss ratio

disk)]/[(# of reads from memory cache) +
(# of writes to memory cache)] is the
formula for

31 Which is not valid for optimizing system Improve network speed improve CPU
bottleneck? performance

32 ___________is a PowerCenter web informatica IDQ informatica

application to browse,analyze and powerexchange
manage metadata form disparate

33 ________ is used to analyze where data impact Analysis Data Lineage

originates, how the data is transformed
and what objects transform it, and where
the data ends

34 which repository table stores the name OPB_MAPPING OPB_TASK

of each PowerCenter repository folder

35 The repository table thast stores the OPB_MAPPING OPB_TASK

names and IDs of all the transformation
fields for each of the transformations

36 The repository table which stores the OPB_COMPONENT OPB_SESSIONS

component details like Post-Session-
Success-Email, commands in Post-
Session/pre-Session etc

37 Which repository table stores OPB_REPOSIT OPB_SESSIONS

information regarding repository name
and its associated domain
38 This table stores the details of the OPB_MAPPING OPB_TASK
expressions used anywhere in
39 The repository table that stores the name OPB_MAPPING OPB_TASK
and ID of each mapping and its
corresponding folder
40 Which plug in enables IT to access and PowerExchange for Social Media PowerExchange
extract data from social media networks
and integrate data in batch or real time
Opt C Opt D Answer
repository service integration B

execute lock Exclusive lock D

.DBF any extension can A

be given
The Designer and a The Designer, the C
running Informatica Workflow
server Manager, and a

Create a debug session All of the above D

workflow scheduler Maestro A
Full Pushdown Transformation D
optimization Pushdown
Select statement C
ete statement
Transforms Session None B
logic into SQL Queries
and sends to database

Full push down All D

Select statement Update,insert,Del D

ete statement

integration service all above A

cannot push statements are
transformation logic to valid
the database

$$pushdownsource $ B

transformation logic, transformation A

and mapping logic, mapping
configuration and session
Optimizing the lookup Is a session D
performance property to
pushdown the
logic to the

Immediately before an Immediately A

Aggregator before an
transformation. Expression

indexes should be disable the B

dropped but constraints but
constraints should be enable the
enabled before running indexes before
a session running a session

Using SQL Override None of the A


Sort the master data sort the detail A

prior to the joiner data prior to the
transformation joiner

Hash user keys Pass-through D

You can create service All of the above D

levels and configure the
dispatch priorities

The session is not a&b D

configured to override
the default values of
input or output ports.

Mapping and session All of the above D

configuration for the

SQL queries or None of the C

messages related to above
the pushdown
Rank Union C
When the Integration All above A
Service spends more statements create
time on the writer source bottleneck
thread than the
transformation or
reader threads

ans)The CONCAT Using a variable is C

function is faster than less efficient than
the || operator using the
equivalent code
in several

Avoid database reject All the above D

errors statements are
a&b None of the A

a&b None of the A


increase paging check hard disks C

on related
informatica Metadata Informatica MDM C

data depenedency data quality B






No plug in is required Powerexchange A

for twitter
SL.NO Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
1 Direct marketing is an application of Predictive Descriptive None of the All of the
Analytics Analytics above above
___ is the technique of Predictive Analytics Linear
2 regression None of the
model LDM Inheritance above
3 Sections of Business Analytics are Information &Decision SuppVisualization All of the abo
4 From total sales finding out sales by region is an example of Drill Down Drill up Drill across All of the abo
5 According to Gartener 2013 report Prognos and GoodData are Challengers Niche Players Leaders Visionaries
6 To be included in the Gartener Magic Quadrant, vendors must 1 0
generate at least $15 million in BI and
7 ETL stands for Extraction, t Enable,Trans Enable,TransaNone of these
Application of Analytics is increasing in SCOR, what is the full form
of SCOR Supply Chain Supply Chain Supply Chain Supply Chain
Operations Operational Optimization Optimization
Reference Reference Reference Relation
The major Stakeholders of Marketing performance measurement
and management do not include Chief Chief Chief marketing
Marketing Financial Production operations
Officer Officer Manager professionals
10 All data and metrics are collated and presented as useful Pivot Chart Histogram Nyquist Plot Dashboard
information for the organization is called a
Notable commercial predictive analytic tools do not include KXEN
MATLAB SAS Python Modeler
12 From sales by region finding out total sales is an example of Drill Down Drill up Drill across All of the abo
13 A First Session is  visit from a uniquely identified client that has 1 0
theoretically not made any previous visits
14 What is a First Session  A visit from aauniquely
series ofidentified
pa The uniquely
client that
i A visit
has from
a uniquely
not identified
made anyclie
15 A visitor that has not made any previous visits Repeat Visitor -
New Visitor  Unique User 
16 Analytics enable HR professionals to analyze, interpret, and make 1 0
the best possible decisions and recommendations based on
how is a cell named in Excel row name - row name - column column
column column name - row name - row
name name - name - name
sheet name sheet name
SQL stands for Standard Set Query Smart Query Structure
18 Query Language Language Query
Language Language
The analysis of data that occur in the Web environment is called Clickstream time series cube none of the
analysis analysis analysis above
20 What is Online analytical processing A query that An processingAn informationone of the a
21 What is Data visualisation A graphical, aA method thatA datset in whnone of the a
___ is the technique of Predictive Analytics Linear
22 regression Decision Segmentatio All of the
model Tree n above
Must feature for ETL All of the
Extraction OLAP above None of the a

% Change % Change
Store from 2006 from 2007
to 2007 to 2008
P 10 -10
Q -20 9 $727,200 $792,000 $800,000 $880,000

R 5 12
S -7 -15
T 17 -8
If the dollar amount24
of sales at Store P was $800,000 for 2006, what was the dollar amount of sales at that store for 2008?
% Change % Change
Store from 2006 from 2007
to 2007 to 2008

108.70% 92.30%
P 10 -10
Q -20 9
108.70% 92.30%
R 5 12
S -7 -15
T 17 -8
At Store T,25the dollar amount of sales for 2007 was what percent of the dollar amount of sales for 2008? 100.00% 62.50%

% Change % Change
Store from 2006 from 2007
to 2007 to 2008
P 10 -10
Q -20 9
R 5 12
S -7 -15
T 17 -8

The dollar
For 2008 the
The dollar amount of
amount of sales at
amount of
sales at Store R for
sales at
Store S for 2008 was
Store R was
2008 was 22 more than
greater than
percent less 17 percent
that at each
than that for greater than
of the other
2006. that for
four stores.
26Based on the information given, which of the following statements must be true? 2006.

27 Feb
month showed the largest decrease in total imports over the previous month? Mar Apr May


What was the total value of sheet steel (in $) imported over the 6 month period? 75,300 55,550 42,370

29 What was the percentage of scrap steel imported in the 6 month period? 37.5 35.2 36.1 31.2

What was the difference 10months of the
30 (in thousands of tons) between coil steel and sheet steel imports in the first 3 16 year? 18 20

What was31the approximate ratio of sheet steel and coil steel imports in the first 3 months 11:9
of the year? 8:9 7:11 7:4
Motorcycle Sales
Country Jan Feb Mar Apr
Germany 34 47 45 54
UK 40 44 36 47
France 37 32 32 32
Belgium 14 14 14 16
Spain 29 29 28 31
Italy 22 24 24 26
Total 176 190 179 206

The table above shows the unit sales of the TT950 motorcycle in six European countries over a six
month period. These motorcycles are imported into each country by a main dealer. Use this information
to answer the below question.

What is the average number of units per month imported into Italy over the first four
months of the year? 22 23 24 25

Country Jan Feb Mar Apr
Germany 34 47 45 54
UK 40 44 36 47
France 37 32 32 32
Belgium 14 14 14 16
Spain 29 29 28 31
Italy 22 24 24 26
Total 176 190 179 206

The table above shows the unit sales of the TT950 motorcycle in six European countries over a six
month period. These motorcycles are imported into each country by a main dealer. Use this information
to answer the below question.

What percentage of total imports is accounted for by the three small 37.1 14.8 40 35.1


pers published by leading US universities over a six year period. Use this information to answer the below question.How many papers were published by researchers at Yale in
34 50 55 60 65
The table above shows the number of nanotechnology papers published by leading US universities
over a six year period. Use this information to answer the below question.

35 In what year did researchers at Stanford publish most papers? 2000 2001 2002 2003

The table above shows the number of nanotechnology papers published by leading US universities
over a six year period. Use this information to answer the below question.
36 In what year did researchers at Duke and Yale first publish the sa 2000 2001 2002 2003

The table above shows the number of nanotechnology papers published by leading US universities
over a six year period. Use this information to answer the below question.

37 In what year did researchers at Princeton publish more papers than 2000 2001 2002 2003

The table above shows the number of nanotechnology papers published by leading US universities
over a six year period. Use this information to answer the below question.

38 Which university published the second highest number of papers ove Harv Princ Yale Duke

The pie charts above show the percentage of students in each faculty at North West University and
the number of non-US students in the Arts faculty. These percentages have been rounded to the
nearest whole number. There are a total of 1049 students in the Arts faculty. Use this information to
answer the below question.

39 What percentage of students in the Arts faculty are non-US student 14% 9% 30% 11%
The pie charts above show the percentage of students in each faculty at North West University and
the number of non-US students in the Arts faculty. These percentages have been rounded to the
nearest whole number. There are a total of 1049 students in the Arts faculty. Use this information to
answer the below question.
40 How many students are there in the Engineering faculty? 420 410 390 440

The pie charts above show the percentage of students in each faculty at North West University and
the number of non-US students in the Arts faculty. These percentages have been rounded to the
nearest whole number. There are a total of 1049 students in the Arts faculty. Use this information to
answer the below question.
41 How many students are there at the university? 4650 4560 4640 4450
The pie charts above show the percentage of students in each faculty at North West University and
the number of non-US students in the Arts faculty. These percentages have been rounded to the
nearest whole number. There are a total of 1049 students in the Arts faculty. Use this information to
answer the below question.
42 If six percent of Science students are Asian. How many Asian studen 48 66 120 57

The pie charts above show the percentage of students in each faculty at North West University and
the number of non-US students in the Arts faculty. These percentages have been rounded to the
nearest whole number. There are a total of 1049 students in the Arts faculty. Use this information to
answer the below question.
There are 34 European medical students. What percentage of the faculty does this represent?
43 15% 18% 12% 16%
Age 15-20 21-30 31+
Classical 6 4 17
Pop 7 5 5
Rock 6 12 14
Jazz 1 4 11
Blues 2 3 15
Hip-Hop 9 3 4
Ambient 2 2 2
Total 33 33 68

The table above shows the number of people who responded to a survey about their favourite style of
music. Use this information to answer the below question to the nearest whole percentage.
What percentage of respondents aged 21-30 indicated a favourite style other than Rock music?

44 64% 60% 75% 36%

Age 15-20 21-30 31+
Classical 6 4 17
Pop 7 5 5
Rock 6 12 14
Jazz 1 4 11
Blues 2 3 15
Hip-Hop 9 3 4
Ambient 2 2 2
Total 33 33 68

The table above shows the number of people who responded to a survey about their favourite style of
music. Use this information to answer the below question to the nearest whole percentage.

What percentage of the total sample indicated that Jazz is their favourite style of music?
45 6% 8% 22% 11%
Age 15-20 21-30 31+
Classical 6 4 17
Pop 7 5 5
Rock 6 12 14
Jazz 1 4 11
Blues 2 3 15
Hip-Hop 9 3 4
Ambient 2 2 2
Total 33 33 68

The table above shows the number of people who responded to a survey about their favourite style of
music. Use this information to answer the below question to the nearest whole percentage.

What percentage of the total sample were aged 21-30?

31% 23% 25% 14%

Age 15-20 21-30 31+
Classical 6 4 17
Pop 7 5 5
Rock 6 12 14
Jazz 1 4 11
Blues 2 3 15
Hip-Hop 9 3 4
Ambient 2 2 2
Total 33 33 68

The table above shows the number of people who responded to a survey about their favourite style of
music. Use this information to answer the below question to the nearest whole percentage.

What percentage of respondents under 31, indicated that Blues is their favourite style of music?

7.1 7.6 8.3 14.1


What is the average sales of all the branches (in thousand numbers) for the year 2000?
50 80 25 60

e total amount of expenditures of the company is how many times of expenditure on research and development? 20 18 8


e total amount of expenditures of the company is how many times of expenditure on research and development?
27 20 18 8


Rs. 1.25 Rs. 95 lakhs Rs. 65 lakhs Rs. 35 lakhs

expenditure on advertisement
51 is 2.10 crores then the difference between the expenditure on transport
crores and taxes is?
he ratio of the total expenditure
52 on infrastructure and transport to the total expenditure on taxes5:2 4:3loans?
and interest on 9:7 13:11

Rs. 7 crores Rs. 5.4 Rs. 4.2 Rs. 3 crores

st on loans amounted to Rs. 2.45 crores then the total amount of expenditure on advertisement, taxes and research
croresand development
crores is?

The expenditure54on the interest on loans is by what percent more than the expenditure on transport? 5% 10% 20% 40%

ing table gives the enrolment in Higher Secondary Schools in 1978. Study the table carefully and answer these questions.
What is the approximate percentage of schools, where the enrolment was below 120?
50 56.39 52 40

ing table gives the enrolment in Higher Secondary Schools in 1978. Study the table carefully and answer these questions.

Under which class does the maximum number of schools fall?

100-119 80-99 60-79 None of these

ing table gives the enrolment in Higher Secondary Schools in 1978. Study the table carefully and answer these questions.
What is the approximate percentage of the least number of schools for the classes of enrolment? 
5 9.5 9 10

ing table gives the enrolment in Higher Secondary Schools in 1978. Study the table carefully and answer these questions.

2000 1000 1833 1316

ing table gives the enrolment in Higher Secondary Schools in 1978. Study the table carefully and answer these questions.

What is the average enrolment per H.S. School? 100 150 200 106.33

ing table gives the enrolment in Higher Secondary Schools in 1978. Study the table carefully and answer these questions.
What is the approximate percentage of schools, where the enrolment was below 120?59.16 20 80 75.2



















SL.N Questio
O n
1 If the investments by NRIs are Rs 4,000 crore, then the investment by corporate houses and FIIs together is:

2 What percentage of the total investment is coming from either FIIs or NRIs?

3 What is the approximate ratio of investment flows into India Bonds from NRIs to corporate houses?
4 In the corporate sector, approximately how many degrees should he there in the central angle?

If NHAI 5could receive a total of Rs. 9695 crores as External Assistance, by what percent (approximately) should it increase the Market Borrowing to arrange for the
The following pie-chart
6 shows the sources of funds to be collected by the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) for its Phase II projects. Study the pie-chart and answ

The following pie-chart

7 shows the sources of funds to be collected by the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) for its Phase II projects. Study the pie-chart and answ

The following pie-chart

8 shows the sources of funds to be collected by the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) for its Phase II projects. Study the pie-chart and answ
The following pie-chart
9 shows the sources of funds to be collected by the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) for its Phase II projects. Study the pie-chart and answ

The following pie-chart

10 shows the sources of funds to be collected by the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) for its Phase II projects. Study the pie-chart and answ

If the dollar amount of sales at Store P was $800,000 for 2006, what was the dollar amount of sales at that store for 2008?



At Store T, the dollar amount of sales for 2007 was what percent of the dollar amount of sales for 2008?
13 SCD, TEF, UGH, ____, WKL
14 B2CD, _____, BCD4, B5CD, BC6D
15 FAG, GAF, HAI, IAH, ____
16 CMM, EOO, GQQ, _____, KUU
17 ZA5, Y4B, XC6, W3D, _____
18 QPO, NML, KJI, _____, EDC
19 JAK, KBL, LCM, MDN, _____
20 BCB, DED, FGF, HIH, ___
21 Look at this series: 7, 10, 8, 11, 9, 12, ... What number should come next?
22 10, 5, 13, 10, 16, 20, 19, (....)
23 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, (....)
24 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, (....)
25 In the first 10 overs of a cricket game, the run rate was only 3.2. What should be the run rate in the remaining 40 overs to reach the target of 282 ru
26 A grocer has a sale of Rs. 6435, Rs. 6927, Rs. 6855, Rs. 7230 and Rs. 6562 for 5 consecutive months. How much sale must he have in the sixth mont
27 Radio : Listener : : Film : ?
28 ELFA, GLHA, ILJA, _____, MLNA
29 In an election contested by two parties, Party D secured 12% of the total votes more than Party R. If party R got 132,000 votes, by how many votes
A vendor sells 60 percent of apples he had and throws away 15 percent of the remainder. Next day he sells 50 percent of the remainder and throws a
When processing flower-nectar into honeybees' extract, a considerable amount of water gets reduced. How much flower-nectar must be processed to
32 A student multiplied a number by 3/5instead of 5/3. What is the percentage error in the calculation?
33 Ritesh & Co. generated revenue of Rs. 1,250 in 2006. This was 12.5% of its gross revenue. In 2007, the gross revenue grew by Rs. 2,500. What is th
34 Gauri went to the stationers and bought things worth Rs. 25, out of which 30 paise went on sales tax on taxable purchases. If the tax rate was 6%, t
35 A candidate who gets 20% marks fails by 10 marks but another candidate who gets 42% marks gets 12% more than the passing marks. Find the ma
36 From a total of six men and four ladies a committee of three is to be formed. If Mrs. X is not willing to join the committee in which Mr. Y is a member,
37 Danielle has been visiting friends in Ridge-wood for the past two weeks. She is leaving tomorrow morning and her flight is very early. Most of her frien
38 Look at this series: 36, 34, 30, 28, 24, ... What number should come next?
39 A person crosses a 600 m long street in 5 minutes. What is his speed in km per hour?
40 Produce : Waste : : Contrast : ?
41 In what ratio must tea at Rs. 62 per Kg be mixed with tea at Rs. 72 per Kg so that the mixture must be worth Rs. 64.50 per Kg?
42 In what proportion must rice at Rs. 3.10 per kg be mixed with rice at Rs. 3.60 per kg so that the mixture be worth Rs. 3.25 per kg?

A four-person crew from Classic Colors is painting Mr. Field's house. Michael is painting the front of the house. Ross is in the alley behind the house p
44 B as a percentage of A is equal to A as a percentage of (A + B). Find B as a percentage of A.
45 If the price of petrol increases by 25% and Raj intends to spend only an additional 15% on petrol, by how much % will he reduce the quantity of petr
46 In how many ways can 5 different toys be packed in 3 identical boxes such that no box is empty, if any of the boxes may hold all of the toys?
47 When six fair coins are tossed simultaneously, in how many of the outcomes will at most three of the coins turn up as heads?
48 Nurse Kemp has worked more night shifts in a row than Nurse Rogers, who has worked five. Nurse Miller has worked fifteen night shifts in a row, mo
The high school math department needs to appoint a new chairperson, which will be based on seniority. Ms. West has less seniority than Mr. Temple,
50 Look at this series: 22, 21, 23, 22, 24, 23, ... What number should come next?
51 Look at this series: 53, 53, 40, 40, 27, 27, ... What number should come next?
52 Which of the following is not a leap year?
53 If each of the three nonzero numbers a , b , and c is divisible by 3, then abc must be divisible by which one of the following the numbers?
54 If each of the three nonzero numbers a , b , and c is divisible by 4, then abc must be divisible by which one of the following the numbers?
55 If each of the three nonzero numbers a , b , and c is divisible by 5, then abc must be divisible by which one of the following the numbers?
56 The basket contains more apples than oranges.
If the first two statements are true, the third statement is
57 Kathy is older than Mark.
If the first two statements are true, the third statement is
58 Of the three babies, Jasmine weighs the most.
If the first two statements are true, the third statement is
59 Four defensive football players are chasing the opposing wide receiver, who has the ball. Calvin is directly behind the ball carrier. Jenkins and Burton a
60 As they prepare for the state championships, one gymnast must be moved from the Level 2 team to the Level 1 team. The coaches will move the gym
Option A Option B Option C

the investment by corporate houses and FIIs together is: 24,000 crore 24,363 crore 25,000crore

ntage of the total investment is coming from either FIIs or NRIs? 33% 11% 44%

e ratio of investment flows into India Bonds from NRIs to corporate houses? 1:3 9:8 1:1
or, approximately how many degrees should he there in the central angle? 122 140 150

ance, by what percent (approximately) should it increase the Market Borrowing to arrange for the shortage
of funds? 20.00% 6%
National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) for its Phase II projects. Study the pie-chart and answers the10.00%
question that20.00%
follow. 6%

National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) for its Phase II projects. Study the pie-chart and answers theSPVS
question thatExternal
follow. Assistance Annuity

National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) for its Phase II projects. Study the pie-chart and answers the200°
question that178°
follow. 187.2°
National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) for its Phase II projects. Study the pie-chart and answers the45°
question that31°
follow. 55°

National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) for its Phase II projects. Study the pie-chart and answers the1:6
question that2:3
follow. 1:3
AT FIVE RETAIL STORES FROM 2006 TO 2008 $727,200 $792,000 $800,000

e P was $800,000 for 2006, what was the dollar amount of sales at that store for 2008?
$727,200 $792,000 $800,000



unt of sales for 2007 was what percent of the dollar amount of sales for 2008?

mber should come next? 7 10 12

22 40 38
540 64 187
43 84 52

was only 3.2. What should be the run rate in the remaining 40 overs to reach the target of 282 runs? 6.25 6.35 6.45

, Rs. 7230 and Rs. 6562 for 5 consecutive months. How much sale must he have in the sixth month so th4991 10252 21056
Producer  Actor Viewer

ured 12% of the total votes more than Party R. If party R got 132,000 votes, by how many votes did it lo300,000 168,000 36,000
17 23 77
ws away 15 percent of the remainder. Next day he sells 50 percent of the remainder and throws away the rest. What percent of his apples does the vendor throw?
1.5 kgs 1.7 kgs 3.33 kgs
act, a considerable amount of water gets reduced. How much flower-nectar must be processed to yield 1kg of honey, if nectar contains 50% water, and the honey obtained fr
What is the percentage error in the calculation? 34% 44% 54%
6. This was 12.5% of its gross revenue. In 2007, the gross revenue grew by Rs. 2,500. What is the percentage increase20% 25%
in the revenue in 2007?
h Rs. 25, out of which 30 paise went on sales tax on taxable purchases. If the tax rate was 6%, then what 15 the costRs.
of 15.70 Rs. 19.70
the tax free items?
but another candidate who gets 42% marks gets 12% more than the passing marks. Find the maximum 50 100 150
122Mr.Y is willing
of three is to be formed. If Mrs. X is not willing to join the committee in which Mr. Y is a member, whereas 105to join the committee
84 only if Mrs Z is included, how

the past two weeks. She is leaving tomorrow morning and her flight is very early. Most of her friends live 9fairly close to 8the airport. Madison 7lives ten miles away. Frances lives
ber should come next? 20 22 23

What is his speed in km per hour? 3.6 7.2 8.4

Brightness Match Shapness

th tea at Rs. 72 per Kg so that the mixture must be worth Rs. 64.50 per Kg? 1:3 2:3 3:1

mixed with rice at Rs. 3.60 per kg so that the mixture be worth Rs. 3.25 per kg? 3:7 5:3 3:1
in the alley on the north side of in front of
behind the the house the house
r. Field's house. Michael is painting the front of the house. Ross is in the alley behind the house paint
e of (A + B). Find B as a percentage of A. 62% 73% 41%
nds to spend only an additional 15% on petrol, by how much % will he reduce the quantity of petrol purchased? 73% 4%

n 3 identical boxes such that no box is empty, if any of the boxes may hold all of the toys? 20 30 45

w many of the outcomes will at most three of the coins turn up as heads? 32 21 42

han Nurse Rogers, who has worked five. Nurse Miller has worked fifteen night shifts in a row, more than 8Nurses Kemp and
9 Rogers combined.
10Nurse Calvin has worked eight n
Mr. Rhodes Mr. Temple Ms.West
a new chairperson, which will be based on seniority. Ms. West has less seniority than Mr. Temple, but
number should come next? 22 24 25

number should come next? 12 14 27

700 800 1200

c is divisible by 3, then abc must be divisible by which one of the following the numbers? 6 27 33

c is divisible by 4, then abc must be divisible by which one of the following the numbers? 6 64 33

c is divisible by 5, then abc must be divisible by which one of the following the numbers? 6 125 33
1 0 uncertain
ment is
1 0 uncertain
ment is
1 0 uncertain
ment is
osing wide receiver, who has the ball. Calvin is directly behind the ball carrier. Jenkins and Burton are sideBurton Zeller Jenkins

ymnast must be moved from the Level 2 team to the Level 1 team. The coaches will move the gymnast wRoberta Beth Michele
Option D Answer

25,643.3 crore B

22% C

2:1 A
100 A

15% C
15% C

Market Borrowing B

90° C
90° B

1:2 A
$880,000 B

$880,000 B

13 B
23 B
286 B
360 A
6.55 A
144 A
Director C
24,000 C
None of these B

None of these B

64% D
50% C
Rs. 20 C
200 B
91 D
6 D
26 B
9.6 B
Contradict B
3:2 C
7:3 D
on the south side C
of the house

57% A
8% D
25 D
22 C
11 B
Ms. Brody A

26 C
53 B
2000 A
121 B
121 B
121 B
none of these A

none of these A

none of these C

Calvin C
Jamie B
SL.N Questio
O n Option A Option B
1 Today is Monday. After 61 days, it will be: Sunday Friday
2 Excluding stoppages, the speed of a bus is 54 kmph and including stoppages, i 9 10
3 The ratio between the speeds of two trains is 7 : 8. If the second train runs 400 70 km/hr 87.5 km/hr
II: Dogs who like to swim also like to run.
4 III: Dogs who like to run do not look like their masters. I only II only
II: Two of the children are boys.
5 III: The boys have brown eyes. I only II only
The drugstore is west of the market.
6 If the first two statements are true, the third statement is 1 0
7 Pointing to a man in a photograph, a woman said, "His brother's father is the o Sister Aunt
8 Two brother X and Y appeared for an exam. The probability of selection of X is 1/1/63 23/63
9 Taxol is
poisonous when
taken by healthy Taxol has cured people
Find the statement that must be true according to the given information. - 'The people.
Pacific yew is an
various diseases.
tree that grows in the Pacific Nor
Rebecca's house is west of the Shop and Save Grocery.
10 If the first two statements are true, the third statement is 1 0
11 Children are in pursuit of a dog whose leash has broken. James is directly behindMax
the dog. Ruby is James
behind James. Rachel is behind Ruby. Max is ahead
12 At the baseball game, Henry was sitting in seat 253. Marla was sitting to the right
of Henry in seat252
254. In the seat to the left of Henry was George. I
Look carefully for the pattern, and then choose which pair of numbers comes next.
13 42 40 38 35 33 31 28 25 22 26 24
14 8 12 9 13 10 14 11 14 11 8 15
15 It was Sunday on Jan 1, 2006. What was the day of the week Jan 1, 2010? Sunday Friday
16 If 6th March, 2005 is Monday, what was the day of the week on 6th March, 200 Sunday Friday
17 On 8th Feb, 2005 it was Tuesday. What was the day of the week on 8th Feb, 20Sunday Friday
18 A farmer travelled a distance of 61 km in 9 hours. He travelled partly on foot @ 14 15
Find the odd man out. ->
19 3, 5, 11, 14, 17, 21 21 14
20 A and B are young ones of C. If C is the father of A but B is not the son of C. H Niece and Uncle Daughter and Father
21 A woman introduces a man as the son of the brother of her mother. How is the Uncle Grandson
If all the even digits are deleted from the above Arrangement, which of the following will be seventh from the right end of the Arrangement?
22 3 5
23 How many such 2's are there in the above arrangement each of which is immediately None preceded byTwo
an odd digit and also immediately followed by an o
24 How many such 1's are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately One preceded byTwo a perfect square?
25 3 end of the arrangement?
Which of the following is seventh to the right of the nineteenth digit from the right 5
26 Which of the following is exactly in the middle of the eleventh from the left end and
R the fifteenth from
E the right end?
27 Find the average of the following set of scores. 216, 463, 154, 605, 446, 336 387 370
28 The average of four consecutive even numbers A, B, C and D respectively is 55. What
2652 is the product
3024of A and C?
29 The average of five numbers is 49. The average of the first and the second numb92 91
30 Average score of Rahul, Manish and Suresh is 63. Rahul’s score is 15 less than 120 111
31 The average of 10 numbers is calculated as 15. It is discovered later on that w 20 18
32 Which is the smallest fraction among the following? 7/9 4/5
33 64^12 ÷ 4^15 = 64^x What is the value of x? 9 3
34 5^8.9 X 25^7.2 ÷ 125^4.6 = 5^x, Find value of x? 10.5 9.5
35 (69.3 × 15.2) + (4.5 × 19.8) =? 11205 1142.46
36 (18)^7 X (5831)^-2 (324)^-1 = (18)^? 1 2
37 Sweta can complete a piece of work in 8 hours and Priyanka can complete the  same
2 hrs piece of work
5 hrs
in 4 hours. How much time will both of them take
38 A can do a piece of work in 10 days and B in 20 days. They work together but 2 days
8 before the completion
9 of the work, A leaves. In how many days
39 A and B can do a work in 40 and 25 days respectively. They began the work together,
6 but A left after
8 some time and B finished the remaining work in
40 A can do a piece of work in 36 days, B in 54 days and C in 72 days. All the three began
24 daysthe work together
28 days but A left 8 days and B 12 days before the
41 A builder decided to build a house in 50 days. He employed 150 men at the beginning
10 days
and another1280days
men after 20 days and completed the work in s
42 The sum of 18% of a number and 6% of the same number is 492. What is 12% 234 245
43 In an examination it is required to get 65% of the aggregate marks to pass. A student
850 gets 522 marks
780 and is declared failed by 7% marks. What are
44 When 30% of one number is subtracted from another number, the second number
4:7 reduces to its 3:2
own four-fifth. What is the ratio between the first an
45 If the numerator of a fraction is increased by 200% and the denominator of the fraction
2/5 is increased
4/5by 120%, the resultant fraction is 9/11. What is
46 The salary of a man increases by 20% every year in the month of January. His salary
7200was 5,000 in6200
the month of February in year 2009. What will be
47 Prakash, Sunil and Anil started a business jointly investing 11 lakh, 16.5 lakh and4.5
lakh respectively.
2.25 lakh
the profit earned by them in the business at
48 A, B, C and D enter into a partnership investing 3000, C invests twice as much a300 400
49 A and B started a business by investing 50000 and 60000 respectively. A Receives
12% of the profit
4300for managing the business and the rest is divided
50 Sarita started a boutique investing an amount of 50,000. Six months later Neeta9000
joined her with an
amount of 80,000. At the end of one year they ea
51 Gina invests 48,000 to start a business. Four months later Shrayon joins her by investing
7668 62,000 and
6603another two months later Deepika joins them bo
52 The sale price of an article including the sales tax is Rs. 616. The rate of sales 500 515
53 Sam purchased 20 dozens of toys at the rate of Rs. 375 per dozen. He sold each3.5 4.5
54 A sells an article which costs him Rs. 400 to B at a profit of 20%. B then sells 472 476
55 Saransh purchased 120 reams of paper at Rs. 80 per ream. He spent Rs.280 on 86
transportation, paid
octroi at the rate of 40 paise per ream and paid R
56 A person bought 20 litres of milk at the rate of Rs. 8 per litre. He got it churned 25% 35.30%
57 A train passes a platform in 36 seconds and a man standing on the platform in 20
120 m 240 m
58 A train covers a distance of 12 km in 10 minutes. If it takes 6 seconds to pass a 9
t0 m 100 m
59 How many seconds will a 500 metre long train take to cross a man walking with 25
as 30
60 Look at this series: 2, 1, (1/2), (1/4), ... What number should come next? 1/3 1/8
Option C Option D Answer
Saturday Wednesday C
12 14 B
86.5 km/hr 74.25 km/hr B
II and III only None of the statements is a known fact. B
II and III only None of the statements is a known fact. B
uncertain A
Grandmother Daughter A
9/14 2/63 C

People should not

eat the fruit of the The Pacific yew was considered
Pacific yew. worthless until taxol was discovered.
uncertain none of these B
Ruby Ruddy A
253 254 A
26 23 25 23 C
15 12 15 19 C
Saturday Wednesday B
Saturday Wednesday A
Saturday Wednesday A

16 17 C
17 3 C
Nephew and Uncle Daughter and Mother B
Cousin Son C
7 9 C
Three Four B
Three None D
1 7 A
# None D
361 345 B
2442 None of these D
Cannot be determined None of these D
117 None of these B
16 14 C
6/7 9/13 D
7 12 C
7.6 None of these B
4556.47 None of these B
3 4 C
3 hrs 4 hrs C

6 10 A
10 12 B
20 days None of these A
16 days None of these C
247 None of these D
900 None of these C
Cannot be determined None of these D
3/5 1/5 C
7800 6800 A
2.5 lakh 3.75 lakh B
550 600 D
4400 None of these A
12000 10000 D
7240 6390 D
550 600 A
5.6 6.5 C
528 532 C
89 90 D
37.50% 42.50% B
300 m None of these B
120 m 140 m C
40 45 B
2/8 1/16 B

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