Angular Measurement
Angular Measurement
Angular Measurement
1) Vernier Bevel Protactors
2) Universal bevel protactor
3) Optical bevel protactors
b) Sine Bars
C) Sine Centers
D) Angle Gauges
E) Spirit Level
F) Clinometer
1) Vernier clinometer
2) Micromter clinometer
G) Auto Clinometer
H) Angle Dekkor
Vernier Bevel Protractor
Sine Centre
Sine center is basically a sine bar with block holding centers which can
be adjusted and rigidly clamped in any position. Used for the testing of
conical work, centered at each end.
Extremely useful since the alignment accuracy of the centers ensures
that the correct line of measurement is made along the workpiece.
The centers can also be adjusted depending on the length of the conical
work piece, to be hold between centers.
The clinometer is a special case of the application of
the spirit level. It is an instrument used for
measuring angle relative to the horizontal plane.
Angle Dekkor