Kerala State Electricity Board Limited: Application For Change of Name

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App No

For Office
Use Only
Con No load/ Con
.............. Date of change of
Purpose Tariff
kW/kVA ownership Affix recent Passport size
Photograph of applicant /
authorised signatory
Kerala State Electricity Board Limited
Application for Change of Name
(in case of Sale/ Lease / Change in ownership / Occupancy – not for legal heirs)
* This form is to be used by Prospective Consumer

I am now in possession of building / premises having Service Connection bearing Consumer No./ Code
.................................. registered in favour of ................................................................................................. (Name of
Registered Consumer) under Electrical Section .............................................................. I request that the said service
connection be transferred to me.

Particulars of Applicant Particulars of Owner

(Prospective Consumer) (if the applicant is not the owner of the building)


Bldng No. / Street

Place / Land mark
District / Pin Code

Phone No.

E mail
If connection is Name of Organisation
2 required for an
Organisation Designation of Applicant

3 Contracted load kW Contract demand kVA

Reason for Transfer of
Change in ownership of Building Change in occupancy
Connection (√)
5 Sale Merger Acquisition of Rights
Nature of Transfer (√)
Lease De-Merger Others Specify

4 Status of applicant (√) Owner Tenant

If applicant is tenant / occupier * (Proof of ownership to be produced separately)

I …………...………....…………………...........…............….. .........................................being registered title holder and the owner / joint

owner of property comprised in Sy No ............................ of ......................................... Village, bearing building no. ...........................of
.................................................................. (local body) do hereby give my / our consent to Sri / Smt
......……..................…...…………………..........., who is a tenant / occupier of the above premises to wire and avail service connection
from KSEB Ltd in his name as consumer at the above premises. I/We shall inform KSEB as and when the premises is vacated.

Name & dtd signature of Name & dtd signature of Name & dtd signature of
owner first witness second witness

I, ………………………………………………………………, son/daughter of ……………………………………………… hereby declare

that I have attained 18 years of age, that the information provided in this application is true to my knowledge, that there are no
orders of Court / Govt restricting electricity connection in the premises, that I will remit electricity dues during every billing cycle
and also as and when demanded as per the applicable electricity tariff, and other charges, that I will own the responsibility of
security and safety of the meter, cut-out and the installation thereafter. I will not indulge in any misuse of power and will take all
necessary steps in the premises for the efficient use of power and to stop its wastage. I have read and understood the Kerala
Electricity Supply Code, 2014 and agree to abide by the conditions mentioned therein.

Date: Signature of the applicant / authorized signatory

Place: Name:

Ref No: ...............................................

Application of ....................................................................................(name of applicant), complete in

all respects, for change in name has been received at this office on ............................. (Date).

The above reference number is to be used for all future correspondence.

Signature of representative Seal of KSEB Ltd

Name and designation

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