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The questions within this file are not intended to be used as a comparison of difficulty to the actual exam and
should only be used as a study aid to evaluate your knowledge of the various area of the fourth edition task list.
Area scores on this mock exam may not reflect scores on the actual exam.

This file and its content is not affiliated nor endorsed by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) in
any way. For the most recent information on the Behavior Analyst Certification Board’s (BACB’s) task list
versions, areas, and content, visit www.bacb.com

This file, its content, and any part thereof, is subject to change at any time, without notice.
Version 1.2, created on March 5, 2018

This file was designed for the purpose of being a study aid for the Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analysis
(BCaBA) and Board Certified Behavior Analysis (BCBA) exams and should not be used as a sole resource for

This file and its content are property of William M. Slusser, M.S., BCBA, COBA. This file and its content was
initially distributed, but please ask for permission before further reproduction or distribution.

Special thanks to the beta testers!

Alexia Manolitsis
Andrea Bianco
Ashley Michaels
Elizabeth Smith
Jessica Roth-Ainsworth
Joy Wimberly
Justin Crumpton
Karen Nerak
Kristen DT
Kristy Durham-Snell
Lauren Bender
Melissa Silvestre-Delgado
Natasha Butts
Raven Bayle
Ria Bianco
Sandy Sergeant
Shabnam Ch
Siobhan Connelly
Smeralda Monforte
Smile Lucero
Talia Daneasha

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CBMock - Bill’s Extended Questions v.1

Beta Stats for CBMock - Bill’s Extended Questions v.1

Average overall scores of each task list area (based on beta tester data):

Area A: 80% correct

Area B: 82% correct
Area C: 79% correct
Area D: 85% correct
Area E: 94% correct
Area F: 83% correct
Area G: 95% correct
Area H: 90% correct
Area I: 93% correct
Area J: 88% correct
Area K: 93% correct

Total Average: 87% correct

Average duration to complete each task list area (based on beta tester data):

Area A: 25 minutes
Area B: 18 minutes
Area C: 10 minutes
Area D: 50 minutes
Area E: 30 minutes
Area F: 23 minutes
Area G: 17 minutes
Area H: 26 minutes
Area I: 22 minutes
Area J: 22 minutes
Area K: 23 minutes

Total Average: 4.43 hours

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Exclusive to members of:

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Attempt Chart – CBMock - Bill’s Extended Questions v.1

Name: _______________________________________________
Task List Area
Attempt A B C D E F G H I J K
Date: ____ / 42 ____ / 31 ____ / 9 ____ / 95 ____ / 29 ____ / 21 ____ / 25 ____ / 24 ____ / 26 ____ / 22 ____ / 24
_____ % _____ % _____ % _____ % _____ % _____ % _____ % _____ % _____ % _____ % _____ %

Date: ____ / 42 ____ / 31 ____ / 9 ____ / 95 ____ / 29 ____ / 21 ____ / 25 ____ / 24 ____ / 26 ____ / 22 ____ / 24
_____ % _____ % _____ % _____ % _____ % _____ % _____ % _____ % _____ % _____ % _____ %

Date: ____ / 42 ____ / 31 ____ / 9 ____ / 95 ____ / 29 ____ / 21 ____ / 25 ____ / 24 ____ / 26 ____ / 22 ____ / 24
_____ % _____ % _____ % _____ % _____ % _____ % _____ % _____ % _____ % _____ % _____ %

Date: ____ / 42 ____ / 31 ____ / 9 ____ / 95 ____ / 29 ____ / 21 ____ / 25 ____ / 24 ____ / 26 ____ / 22 ____ / 24
_____ % _____ % _____ % _____ % _____ % _____ % _____ % _____ % _____ % _____ % _____ %

Date: ____ / 42 ____ / 31 ____ / 9 ____ / 95 ____ / 29 ____ / 21 ____ / 25 ____ / 24 ____ / 26 ____ / 22 ____ / 24
_____ % _____ % _____ % _____ % _____ % _____ % _____ % _____ % _____ % _____ % _____ %

Color your two lowest areas red and your two highest areas green for each attempt

For even more practice, try out the other versions and extensions of CBMock!!

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47 95
46 94
45 93
44 92 Scoring Chart: CBMock - Bill’s Extended Questions v.1
43 91
42 42 90
41 41 89
40 40 88
39 39 87
38 38 86
37 37 85
36 36 84
35 35 83
34 34 82
33 33 81
32 32 80
31 31 31 79
30 30 30 78
29 29 29 77 29
28 28 28 76 28
27 27 27 75 27
26 26 26 74 26 26
25 25 25 73 25 25 25
24 24 24 72 24 24 24 24 24
23 23 23 71 23 23 23 23 23
22 22 22 70 22 22 22 22 22 22
21 21 21 69 21 21 21 21 21 21 21
20 20 20 68 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
19 19 19 67 19 19 19 19 19 19 19
18 18 18 66 18 18 18 18 18 18 18
17 17 17 65 17 17 17 17 17 17 17
16 16 16 64 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
15 15 15 63 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
14 14 14 62 14 14 14 14 14 14 14
13 13 13 61 13 13 13 13 13 13 13
12 12 12 60 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
11 11 11 59 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
10 10 10 58 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
9 9 9 9 57 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
8 8 8 8 56 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
7 7 7 7 55 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
6 6 6 6 54 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
5 5 5 5 53 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
4 4 4 4 52 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
3 3 3 3 51 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
2 2 2 2 50 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1 49 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
A B C D1 D2 E F G H I J K

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Task List Area A
1. I specifically want to measure the number of times my client’s engages in an eloping behavior, walking away, during a non-
preferred task. What would be the most accurate measurement to use?
A) Latency
B) Duration
C) Frequency
D) Rate

2. I have a client who engages in frequent self-injurious behavior and I want to collect data on how many occurrences of the
behavior take place during predetermined length of time. What would be the most accurate measurement to use?
A) Interresponse time (IRT)
B) Frequency
C) Latency
D) Rate

3. I have a client who hates doing his chores. Whenever his mom tells him to do them, he attempts to change the topic. His
mom has figured this out and refuses to talk to him until he starts his chores. My client typically starts his chores 5 minutes
after being told because he doesn’t like when his mom ignores him. He spends 15 minutes picking up the toys in his room, 5
minutes cleaning the bathroom, and 8 minutes loading the dishwasher. What would be the most accurate measurement to
use to measure the amount of time it takes my client to start his chores after being told to?
A) Duration
B) Rate
C) Interresponse time (IRT)
D) Latency

4. The statement “Jim took 7 trials to master discriminating between a banana and an apple” is an example of which
A) Rate
B) Changing criterion design
C) Trials to criterion
D) Percent of occurrence

5. I present a math worksheet to my client and tell him to start. I track the amount of time it takes my client to complete the
worksheet. When he is finished, I check the answers. Of the 50 questions on the worksheet, he answered 44 of them
correct. Knowing this, I can then record the client’s…
A) Rate
B) Interresponse time (IRT)
C) Percentage of correct responding
D) Duration

6. When using an equal-interval graph, the dependent variable should go on the ___ and independent variable should go on
the ___
A) Horizontal Axis / Vertical Axis
B) Abscissa / Ordinate
C) Ordinate / Abscissa
D) X Axis / Y Axis

7. Interobserver agreement is a measurement of the data’s

A) Accuracy
B) Reliability
C) Social significance
D) Believability

8. All of the following are true about condition change lines on an equal-interval graphs except:
A) A solid line indicates a major change

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B) A dashed line indicates a minor change
C) Is a vertical line
D) Replaces the need for a trend line

9. I am on a strict exercise plan and want to measure how many miles I walk each day. I calculate that I walked 3.5 miles
yesterday but I actually walked 5.25. My measurements is lacking…
A) Accuracy
B) Reliability
C) Social significance
D) A duration measurement

10. I want to measure interobserver agreement of the data collected by two BCaBAs. I take the total interval data of one and
divides it by the other. This is an example of…
A) Interval Count IOA
B) Total Count IOA
C) Exact Count IOA
D) Mean count IOA

11. I have data from two RBTs I’m supervising and want to calculate the interobsever agreement. I want to use only the trials
where at least one of (or both) the RBTs agree a behavior did not occur. I should use...
A) Unscored IOA
B) Scored IOA
C) Trial-by-trail IOA
D) Total Count IOA

12. I observed and collected data on how quickly my client completes her homework. I notice she answers the questions on the
worksheet very quickly but takes 5-7 minutes between each question. During this time, she frantically looks through her
book. I decide to teach her to ask for help. This reduces the time she spends looking through her book and thus reduces the
amount of time she takes to complete her homework. By teaching her to ask for help, I reduced her…
A) Interresponse time (IRT)
B) Rate
C) Latency
D) Accuracy

13. Latency is the measure of…

A) The amount of time between the SD and the start of the response
B) The amount of time between the SD and the end of the response
C) The amount of time between the SD and the when reinforcement is given
D) The amount of time between the end of one response and the start of the next response

14. My client is engaging in hitting, kicking, and biting. Which of the following would be best to use to measure these
A) Interresponse Time
B) Frequency
C) Duration
D) Latency

15. Another observer and myself have just collected trial data and want to find interobserver agreement by using a method
which only counts the trials where they agree or disagree. We should use…
A) Mean count IOA
B) Trial by trial IOA
C) Scored IOA
D) Unscored IOA

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16. I woke up and stepped on his bathroom scale. I noticed I had gained 12 pounds since last week. I then stepped off the scale
and back on again. Again the scale read I had gained 12 pounds. I then called for my wife. My wife stood on the scale and
the scale read she also gained 12 pounds. We then got a full gallon of milk, knowing a full gallon of milk weighs about 8.6
pounds. When we placed the gallon of milk on the scale, it read 20.6 pounds. This proved the scale was lacking…
A) Social Validity
B) Accuracy
C) Reliability
D) Measurability

17. Calculate the interobserver agreement using the total count method for the following data, rounding to the nearest whole
Interval # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Person 1 0 0 1 2 5 7 0 2 7 8 0 1
Person 2 0 1 2 2 7 7 1 1 3 4 0 3
A) 87%
B) 44%
C) 94%
D) 52%

18. Equal-Interval Graphs can also be referred to as…

A) Histograms
B) Multiple – Divide Charts
C) Add - Subtract Charts
D) Semi-logarithmic Charts

19. On a cumulative record, you will never find a...

A) Flat data path
B) Downward data path
C) Upward data path
D) Steep directional change of the data path

20. I want to find the interobserver agreement of the frequency data the RBTs I’m supervising collected. I do this by finding the
mean of each interval and then averaging all those means. Which IOA method am I using?
A) Mean count-per-interval IOA
B) Mean total-per-interval IOA
C) Mean occurrence-per-interval IOA
D) Mean duration-per-interval IOA

21. I want to use the most stringent method of calculating interobserver agreement. I only want to look at the intervals where
the observers agree on the exact same amount occurrences or non-occurrences of behavior. I should use…
A) Exact score IOA
B) Exact count IOA
C) Exact number IOA
D) Total count IOA

22. What type of graph is this?

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A) Cumulative Record
B) Changing Criterion Graph
C) Semi-logarithmic Charts
D) Bar Graph

23. Artifacts are likely to occur with all of the following measurements except:
A) Partial interval recording
B) Discontinuous measurement
C) Momentary time sampling
D) Event recording

24. While observing a client, I collected data on the number of times and how long my client talked appropriately to his peers. I
observed and recorded a total of three occurrences during the session. The first occurrence had a length of 3 minutes. The
second occurrence had a length of 1 minute. The third occurrence had a length of 4 minutes. Which measurement did I
A) Rate
B) Total Duration Per Session
C) Duration-Per-Occurrence
D) Percent of occurrence

25. I would like to measure how long it takes my client to choose an animal picture once a field of three is presented to her.
What type of data am I collecting?
A) Count
B) Inter-response time
C) Latency
D) Event recording

26. All of the following are disadvantages of using a percent of occurrence measurement except:
A) It cannot be used to record fluency or proficiency data
B) It can be used to record the percentage of correct responses
C) It has upper and lower limits
D) It does not have dimensional value

27. Calculate the interobserver agreement using the unscored interval method for the following data, rounding to the nearest
whole percent.
Interval # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Person 1 X X X X X X X
Person 2 X X X X X X X
X = Occurrence of target behavior
A) 43%
B) 75%
C) 41%
D) 25%

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28. Intrresponse time (IRT) is the measure of…
A) The amount of time between the SD and the start of the response
B) The amount of time between the SD and the end of the response
C) The amount of time between the SD and the when reinforcement is given
D) The amount of time between the end of one response and the start of the next response

29. Which of the following is a continuous measurement procedure?

A) Partial Interval Recording
B) Momentary Time Sampling
C) Count
D) Trials to Criterion

30. Which of the following is a time sampling method requires the least amount of observation time?
A) Partial interval recording
B) Duration
C) Momentary time sampling
D) Whole interval recording

31. I set a timer to go off every 30 seconds. I check to see if the target behavior is occurring every time the timer goes off. I am
A) Whole interval recording 30 seconds
B) Partial Interval Recording 30 seconds
C) Momentary time sampling
D) Event recording

32. I am observing a client in the school setting and recording the number of times a peer approaches and attempts to talk to
my client. I am also recording the number of times my client acknowledges the approaching peer with a verbal response. I
am using what type of measurement?
A) Percentage of occurrence
B) Rate
C) Duration
D) Interresponse time (IRT)

33. Calculate the interobserver agreement using the mean count-per-interval for the following data, rounding to the nearest
whole percent. Interval # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
A) 69% Person 1 3 5 2 1 0 2 2 4 3 1 2 1
B) 71% Person 2 4 4 2 1 1 1 3 4 3 2 2 3
C) 81%
D) 93%

34. With a cumulative record, the steeper the slope of the data path …
A) The higher the response rate
B) The lower the response rate
C) The more variable the response rate
D) The less variable the response rate

35. The RBT I’m supervising believes the client has been recently started mastering his manding targets more and more
frequently, needing less trials to reach the mastery criteria than when the program was introduced. This can be supported
by collecting data on the client’s…
A) Rate of responding
B) Interresponse time (IRT)
C) Trials to Criterion
D) Percentage of correct responding

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36. All of the following are considered continuous measurements except…
A) Time Sampling
B) Timing
C) Interresponse Time (IRT)
D) Event Recording

37. All of the following are continuous measurement procedures except…

A) Count
B) Duration
C) Interresponse Time
D) Partial Interval Recording

38. I am recording the number of times my client engages in spitting behaviors during our two hour session by dividing the
session into 24 five minute intervals and then recording how many times the behavior occurs during each interval. Which
continuous measurement procedure am I using?
A) Whole Interval Recording
B) Partial Interval Recording
C) Rate per interval
D) Duration per interval

39. All of the following are discontinuous measurement procedures except…

A) Event Recording
B) Whole Interval Recording
C) Partial Interval Recording
D) Momentary Time Sampling

40. I want to use a discontinuous measurement for my client’s disruptive classroom behaviors. These behaviors last about 5-8
seconds. Which discontinuous measurement should I use to collect the most accurate data?
A) Partial Interval Recording, at 8 seconds
B) Partial Interval Recording, at 4 seconds
C) Whole Interval Recording, at 8 seconds
D) Whole Interval Recording, at 10 seconds
E) Momentary Time Sampling, 8 seconds

41. One should not use continuous measurements when…

A) When the behavior to be measured occurs at low rates
B) When the behavior to be measured occurs at high rates
C) When the behavior to be measured occurs for short periods of time
D) When the behavior to be measured has a discrete beginning and ending

42. I was on vacation in a city I have never been to. I scheduled an appointment a few blocks away and left early to ensure I
would get there on time. I walk for 4 minutes, spend 1 minute looking around, walk another 4 minutes, spend 3 minutes
buying a coffee, walk for an additional 8 minutes, and arrive to my appointment on time. What would be the most accurate
measurement to use to measure the amount of time it took for me to get to my appointment?
A) Interresponse time (IRT)
B) Latency
C) Frequency
D) Duration

Task List Area B

1. Teaching independent living skills is an example of which dimension of ABA?

A) Behavioral
B) Analytic
C) Technological

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D) Applied

2. My client is engaging in head banging behaviors. Due to the danger the client poses to himself, I want to implement a
treatment immediately (i.e. before collecting and comparing baseline data). Which withdrawal design should I use?
A) A-B-A
B) A-B-C-A
C) B-A-B
D) B-B-A

3. Which experimental design is best at minimizing sequence effects?

A) Multi-Element Baseline Design
B) Multiple Baseline Design
C) Multiple Treatment Reversal Design
D) Withdrawal Design

4. I want to determine the most effective fixed-ratio schedule of reinforcement for my client. I first implement a fixed-ratio
schedule of 6, then a fixed-ratio schedule of 8, and lastly a fixed-ratio schedule of 10. I am using what form of analysis?
A) Non parametric Analysis
B) Parametric Analysis
C) Component Analysis
D) Functional Analysis

5. Which experimental design would you use for a client whose behaviors are endangering himself and you would like to try
several different treatment procedures?
A) Multiple Baseline Design
B) A-B-A Reversal Design
C) B-A-B Reversal Design
D) Alternating Treatment Without Baseline Design

6. When referring to an experimental design, what does "single-subject" mean?

A) Only one subject can be utilized at any given time
B) Only one treatment can be utilized at any given time, even across multiple subjects
C) Every utilized subject acts as their own control
D) When multiple treatments are utilized, every treatment variation corresponds to only one subject

7. When a change in the independent variable results in a change in the dependent variable there is said to be…
A) Data Accuracy
B) Data Reliability
C) A Functional Relation
D) Predictability

8. In ABA terms, there are two types of experimental designs (i.e. two ways independent variables are manipulated). These
A) Parametric and Nonparametric
B) Withdrawal and Applied
C) Continuous and Discontinuous
D) Ascending and Descending

9. I am teaching my client how to cross the street so he can independently get to his new job. This demonstrates which
dimension of ABA?
A) Behavioral
B) Applied
C) Effective
D) Generality

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10. Which dimension of ABA states that all procedures should be described clearly and in great detail so they can be duplicated
exactly by another person?
A) Behavioral
B) Applied
C) Technological
D) Conceptually systematic

11. Which design is best to use to shape a behavior the client can already perform (for example increasing the amount of time
the client will sit in his seat during dinner)?
A) Alternating Treatment Design
B) A-B-A-B Reversal Design
C) Changing Criterion Design
D) Multiple Baseline Design

12. I implemented a multi-part treatment and the treatment is very effective, but I would like to understand which part of my
treatment is actually effective. I should conduct a…
A) Component Analysis
B) Treatment Analysis
C) Functional Analysis
D) Experimental Analysis

13. I see my co-worker John in the hallway of the office and say “Hi! What’s going on?” While I am on lunch break, I see my
friend James walking towards me on the street. I again say “Hi! What’s going on?” This demonstrates which dimension of
A) Conceptually systematic
B) Effective
C) Generality
D) Behavioral

14. I walk into my client’s classroom and the teacher says the client is having a lot of "uncontrollable behaviors" today. I decide
to observe these behaviors, so I can define and measure them. Which dimension of ABA am I using?
A) Applied
B) Analytic
C) Technological
D) Behavioral

15. Which of these experimental design is least recommended when you want to shape a novel behavior?
A) Multiple Baseline Design
B) Withdrawal Design
C) Changing Criterion Design
D) Multi-element Design

16. All of the following are advantages of using a multiple baseline design except...
A) A successful intervention doesn’t need to be withdrawn
B) It evaluates generalization
C) Demonstrates a functional relationship
D) You can utilize more than two or more settings, subjects, or behaviors.

17. The RBT I am supervising is having problems with getting his client interested in earning a snack, something which is
typically reinforcing to the client. I observe the session and discover an underlining issue. I explain to the RBT that the client
is not interested in having a snack because he just ate lunch, thus the snack currently has very little value and is having an
abative effect on the client’s behavior towards it. I recommend the RBT wait a little while to allow the motivating operation
to change due to deprivation and try again. My explanation of the issue to the RBT is an example of which dimension of
A) Technology

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B) Applied
C) Behavioral
D) Conceptually Systematic

18. I teach my 12 year old client how to independently get ready for school and how to ride the school bus. This demonstrates
which dimension of ABA?
A) Generality
B) Effective
C) Applied
D) Analytic

19. Every time I drink something containing milk, my stomach becomes upset. If I drink anything which doesn’t contain milk, my
stomach doesn’t become upset. This demonstrates which dimension of ABA?
A) Effective
B) Analytic
C) Technological
D) Behavioral

20. My client mastered how to read so I set the following contingency for my client; if the client reads 3 pages of his book, he
gets 10 minutes on his iPad. The client masters this almost immediately so I then set the contingency to, reading 5 pages of
his book earns him 15 minutes on his iPad. The client masters this after several session so I once again increase the mastery
criteria. Which design am I using…
A) Alternating treatment design
B) Withdrawal Design
C) Changing Criterion Design
D) Multiple Probe Design

21. Which design is best to use if you want to use the same treatment procedure across multiple behaviors?
A) Multiple Baseline Design
B) A-B-A-B Reversal Design
C) Changing Criterion Design
D) Alternating Treatment Design

22. I want to see if my client’s hitting behaviors decrease while being taught how to complete a task, making himself a
sandwich. This new task is being taught using the forward chaining procedure and consists of ten steps. Due to scheduling
constraints, I can only record data intermittently and plan to record this data after each step he masters. Which design
should I use?
A) Changing Criterion Design
B) Multiple Probe Design
C) Multiple Treatment Design
D) Multi-Element Design

23. I am teaching my client to engage in a conversation. Every time I hold up a red card, the client asks a question. Every time I
hold up a green card, the client says a comment. This demonstrates which dimension of ABA?
A) Generality
B) Effective
C) Technological
D) Analytic

24. I write out every component of my intervention in easy to understand terms so the client’s teachers can follow through
with the intervention when I am not there. This demonstrates which dimension of ABA?
A) Technological
B) Applied
C) Behavioral
D) Generality

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25. Before the intervention was implemented, my client only makes fleeting eye contact 3% of the time during a session. After
the implementation of the intervention, my client is now making fleeting eye contact 41% of the time. This demonstrates
which dimension of ABA?
A) Behavioral
B) Technological
C) Effective
D) Generality

26. I want to determine whether or not the presence of a TV being on in the background during the session, results in an
increase in off-topic behaviors with the client. During one half of the session, the TV is on. During the other half of the
session, the TV is off. Before the start of each session, I randomly select which half of the session will have the TV on. I am
using what form of analysis?
A) Non parametric Analysis
B) Parametric Analysis
C) Component Analysis
D) Functional Analysis

27. I describe the treatment procedure I created as follows “Every time the client appropriately asks for a break during a non-
preferred task, give him a reinforcer.” My treatment is lacking in which dimension of ABA?
A) Behavioral
B) Technological
C) Applied
D) Effective

28. Which dimension of ABA states that all procedures should be described using, at the very least, the basic principles of ABA?
A) Behavioral
B) Analytic
C) Technological
D) Conceptually systematic

29. I taught my client how to ask for help appropriately during the sessions in the home setting. The client then starting using
the skill in new environments and with new people. This demonstrates which dimension of ABA?
A) Generality
B) Technology
C) Conceptually systematic
D) Behavioral

30. I want to help my client improve his grades so I measure how often he engages in appropriate behaviors during lunch time.
My treatment is lacking in which dimension of ABA?
A) Behavioral
B) Effective
C) Conceptually systematic
D) Generality

31.Referring to the dimensions of ABA, in order for a treatment to be considered “effective”, the treatment must…
A) Make statistically and socially significant changes to the client’s behavior which are beneficial to the client
B) Make statistically and socially significant changes to the client’s behavior which are beneficial to the client’s legal guardians
C) Make statistically and socially significant changes to the client’s behavior which are beneficial to those who are typically in
contact with the client
D) Make statistically and socially significant changes to the client’s behavior which are beneficial to society as a whole

Task List Area C

1. Which of the following is not an unwanted effect of reinforcement?
A) The reinforcer may overshadow the SD

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B) It creates stimulus control
C) Needs to be faded to a generalized conditioned reinforcers
D) Reinforcement depends on motivation operations (MOs)

2. I have trained my dog that in order to receive a treat, she must respond correctly to a specific given command. I want to use
this reinforcement contingency to teach her new commands but every time I attempt to teach her a new command, she is
solely focused on the treat in my hand. This is an example of…
A) Masking
B) Overshadowing
C) Stimulus Control
D) An Establishing Operation

3. My client likes to push the buttons on his favorite toy. Every time he pushes a button a song plays. He pushes the buttons
on his toy so often, it makes his sister upset. Their mother takes the toy from him, removes the batteries, and then hands it
back to him. He continues to play with the toy for a little while and now his favorite toy is now a puzzle. Which of the
following best describes the procedure the mom using?
A) Positive punishment procedure
B) Negative punishment procedure
C) Extinction procedure
D) Time-out procedure

4. All of the following are possible unwanted effects of punishment expect…

A) It reduces the future rate of target behavior
B) It may involve aggression towards the person implementing the procedure
C) It requires a lot of supervision, resources, and time
D) It may involve a behavioral contrast effect in other environments

5. I am implementing a treatment where every time my client is about to bite me, I threaten to take away the client’s favorite
toy for the day. In turn the client’s biting behavior is greatly reduced in the future. Is this an example of a punishment
A) Yes, because it reduced the client’s biting behavior.
B) No, because threats are not considered punishment
C) Yes, because threatening the client is an antecedent procedure which acts on the MO
D) No, because it teaches an alternative behavior

6. My wife is always texting me while I am at work. Her text conversations typically start with a text saying “Whatcha doing?” I
normally text her back immediately but today I have an extra heavy work load so I am not responding. My wife then texts
me “???” “Hey?” “Why aren’t you texting me?” “Hello?” in quick succession. My wife’s recent behavior change is an
example of…
A) Escape/avoidance behavior
B) Spontaneous recovery
C) Extinction burst
D) Extinction induced aggression

7. When my client and his father arrived at his school for his first day of kindergarten, he wouldn’t say “Hi” to anyone. His
father told the teacher that he is typically a very polite boy and knows how to “Hi”. The client not saying “Hi” to his new
teacher and peers is an example of…
A) A Rule-Governed Behavior
B) A Contingency-Shaped Behavior
C) Overshadowing
D) Masking

8. All of the following are possible unwanted effects of extinction except…

A) It may involve aggression towards the person implementing the procedure
B) It may involve an extinction burst and spontaneous recovery

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C) It may involve a behavioral contrast effect in other environments
D) In may involve a withholding of the reinforcer in order to reduce the behavior

9. My client typically gets attention from his peers when he yells during math class. The math teacher tells the class to not give
him attention when he yells. His peers agree to comply. The next day, my client begins to yell during class. His peers do not
react. He then starts pounding his fist on his desk. His peers still do not react. My client then flips the desk over and kicks
his materials. My client’s behaviors are an example of…
A) Extinction burst
B) Extinction induced aggression
C) Spontaneous recovery
D) Escape/avoidance behavior

Task List Area D

1. Which of the following is an advantage of using most-to-least prompting?
A) It prevents the client from responding incorrectly
B) It should be evaluated during every session to be most effective
C) It gives the client more time to reach independent mastery
D) It allows you to use the strongest prompt first, even if the client’s behavior could be evoked by a weaker prompt.

2. I am targeting appropriate hand raising behaviors with my client in the classroom setting. I do this by setting a timer for
an average of 10 minutes, sometimes as low as 5 minutes and sometimes as high as 15 minutes. If the client shouts out
an answer to the teacher's question, without raising his hand first, he will not earn reinforcement. When the timer goes
off, I give the client his favorite toy the very next occurrence of raising his hand appropriately. This is an example of
which intermittent reinforcement schedule?
A) FI 10
B) FR 10
C) VR 10
D) VI 10

3. When a political commercial comes on TV, I change the channel. This is an example of…
A) Attention seeking
B) Escape
C) Avoidance
D) Self-Stimulation

4. I find the sound of a phone ringing to be very annoying. Every time my office phone rings, I immediately answer it. This
behavior allows me to avoid become annoyed so I continue to immediately answer my office phone in the future. This
is an example of …
A) Positive reinforcement procedure
B) Positive punishment procedure
C) Negative reinforcement procedure
D) Negative punishment procedure

5. Which of the following reinforcement schedules is an example of schedule thinning?

A) Moving from a FR 4 schedule to a FR 2 schedule
B) Moving from a FR 4 schedule to a CRF schedule
C) Moving from a FR 4 schedule to a FR 6 schedule
D) Moving from a VR 4 schedule to a VI 4 schedule

6. I want to increase my client’s duration of compliance during non-preferred tasks so I remove the client’s toy until the
client reaches a predetermined goal. We can say for sure that the removal of the toy is a…
A) Negative reinforcement procedure
B) Negative punishment procedure
C) Positive reinforcement procedure
D) Removal of a stimulus

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7. Type I Reinforcement is to Sr+ as Type II Punishment is to …
A) Penalty Principle
B) Penalty Contingency
C) Type I Punishment
D) A and B

8. My wife yells “STOP!” to our daughter every time she engages in inappropriate behaviors. Our daughter seems to enjoy
being yelled at and her behavior continues even after being told to stop. My wife’s yelling is acting as a _____ towards
our daughter’s behavior.
A) Reinforcer
B) Punisher
C) Unconditioned Stimulus
D) Penalty Contingency

9. A Continuous Reinforcement Schedule (CRF) can also thought of as which of the following intermittent reinforcement
A) VR 1
B) VI 1
C) FI 1
D) FR 1

10. Prompts occur ______ a response.

A) Before
B) During
C) After
D) A or B

11. I have a series of picture cards. Each card represents a single step of a washing dishes task. I complete each step of the
sequence in order. As I complete each step, I place the cards in order, in front of the client. When I get to the last step, I
hand the card illustrating the last step to my client. The client does the last step and places the card in the correct spots
of the sequence. Which chaining procedure am I using?
A) Forward Chaining
B) Total Task Chaining
C) Backward Chaining with Leap Ahead
D) Backward Chaining

12. When my client entered his room, he pointed to and said “Clock”. He then left his room. This is an example of which
verbal operant?
A) Echoic
B) Mand
C) Tact
D) Intraverbal

13. I want to learn better study habits because I need to study for the exam. I place a jar full of my favorite type of cookie
on the table where I study. When I start studying, I also start a timer. For every 30 minutes I study, I give myself a
cookie from the jar. When I get up to use the bathroom or to take a break, I pause the timer until I return to studying.
After studying for several days, I found I am studying more frequently and for longer durations. This is an example of
A) Negative reinforcement procedure
B) Negative punishment procedure
C) Positive reinforcement procedure
D) Positive punishment procedure

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14. I present a field of three picture cards to my client. The first card has a picture of a book on it, the second card has a
picture of a rabbit on it, and the third card has a picture of a frog on it. I then ask my client “which card has a rabbit?”
During the initial trials, the client consistently selects the incorrect card. I then added a small yellow smiley face sticker
on the card with the picture of a rabbit. The next day, I ask my client “which card has a rabbit?” He stops responding all
together. Which form of prompting am I utilizing?
A) Response Prompt
B) Within Stimulus Prompt
C) Extra Stimulus Prompt
D) No prompt was given

15. While at a restaurant with my friend, I told him “My food is as cold as ice. Is yours?” This is an example of which tact
A) Solistic Extension
B) Metonymical Extension
C) Metaphorical Extension
D) Generic Extension

16. When my client engages in problem behaviors, the consequence is he loses one minute of iPad time for every minute
he engages in the problem behaviors. Recent data indicates the number of problem behaviors my client engages in has
greatly decreased since baseline. This is an example of…
A) Positive Punishment
B) Bonus Response Cost
C) Time-out Procedure
D) Direct Fine

17. A Task Analysis...

A) Is required in order to implement a chaining procedure
B) Is individualized to each client
C) Takes a task and breaks it up into smaller, teachable steps
D) All of the above

18. Which for these is an example of point to point correspondence?

A) Seeing the letter "C" and saying "see"
B) Seeing the word "apple" and saying "apple"
C) Seeing the letter "W" and saying "W"
D) Hearing the word “pear” and saying “fruit”

19. I am teaching my client to match pictures of animals. I draw a colored star on each of the matching pairs of animal
pictures. The matching dog pictures each had a dark red star, the matching cat pictures each had a dark blue star, and
matching sheep pictures each had a dark green star. After several successful responses, I erase the stars and draws dots of
the same color. After several more successful responses, I erase the dots completely. What method of fading am I using?
A) Response Prompt Fading
B) Stimulus Prompt Fading
C) Least-to-most Prompt Fading
D) Most-to-least Prompt Fading

20. My client receives a piece of a cookie every five questions he answers correctly. This is an example of which
intermittent reinforcement schedule?
A) FI 5
B) FR 5
C) VR 5
D) VI 5

21. Every time my client engages in hitting behaviors, he gets the attention he wants from others, so his hitting behavior
continues and sometimes increases in the future. This is an example of a…

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A) Positive reinforcement
B) Positive punishment
C) Negative reinforcement
D) Negative punishment

22. What would be an appropriate/acceptable replacement behavior for a treatment plan which utilizes a differential
reinforcement of an incompatible behavior (DRI) procedure for the behavior of biting adults to gain their attention?
A) Biting peers to gain attention from adults
B) Verbally asking for attention from peers
C) Verbally asking for attention from adults
D) Tapping adult's side to gain their attention

23. I present my client with a difficult question. She engages in challenging behaviors. Next I present five easy questions
and then one difficult question. She answers all six questions without engaging in any challenging behaviors. This is an
example of…
A) Behavioral Momentum
B) Noncontingent Reinforcement
C) Behavioral Contrast
D) The Premack Principle

24. The grocery store where I shop recently changed where they keep the applesauce. Even after I discover the change, I
still go down the aisle where the applesauce used to be and look for it. The rate of my behavior of going to the wrong
aisle does not increase, but it does take several months to for the behavior to subside. Going down the wrong aisle and
looking for the applesauce after knowing it was moved, is an example of…
A) An Extinction Burst
B) Resistance to Extinction
C) Spontaneous Recovery
D) A Functional Relationship

25. I said “what is your name” to my client. My client immediately said “what is your name”. This is an example of which
verbal operant?
A) Echoic
B) Mand
C) Tact
D) Intraverbal

26. The two types of shaping are…

A) Shaping Within Response Topographies and Shaping Between Response Topographies
B) Shaping Across Response Topographies and Shaping Within Response Topographies
C) Shaping Across Response Topographies and Shaping Between Response Topographies
D) Shaping Within Response Topographies and Shaping Generalized Response Topographies

27. I am having a nice relaxing day for work, playing on my computer when the battery light on the front turns red, which
indicates the battery is running low and needed to be plugged in. I then plug in my computer. The red light turning on is
an example of a…
B) Response Prompt
C) Stimulus Prompt

28. Every time I go to the beach or pool, I get sunburnt. As a result, I put on sunscreen every time I go to the beach or pool
and now no longer get sunburnt. This is an example of…
A) Negative Punishment
B) Positive Punishment

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C) Negative Reinforcement
D) Positive Reinforcement

29. Which basic schedules of intermittent reinforcement have Post-reinforcement pauses?

A) FI and VI
B) VR and VI
C) FR and VI
D) FR and FI

30. I told my client “You did very good today” This is an example of which tact extension?
A) Solistic Extension
B) Metonymical Extension
C) Metaphorical Extension
D) Generic Extension

31. My client has never done dishes before but he wants to learn so he asked his mom to teach him. His mom shows him
how to do each step in order. After each step she shows him, he does the step. This is an example of…
A) Unplanned Model
B) Planned Model
C) Forward Chaining
D) Backward Chaining

32. In verbal operant terms, a “verbal SD” means…

A) A vocal SD
B) A written SD
C) A signed SD
D) All of the above

33. According to Cooper, Contingency Contracting is to Behavioral Contract as High-Probability Request Sequence is to…
A) Interspersed Requests
B) Pre-Task Requests
C) Behavioral Momentum
D) All of the above

34. The two forms of differential negative reinforcement are…


35. I set up the contingency, if my client reaches or exceeds a predetermined rate of responding by the end of an interval,
he gets to play with his iPad (a reinforcer). The predetermined rate of responding is set higher than baseline. By the
end of the week, my client consistently getting to play with his iPad at the end of every interval of the session. Which
form of differential reinforcement did I use?
A) Full-session DRH
B) Interval DRH
C) Full-session DRD
D) Interval DRD

36. I conduct a task analysis and collect baseline data on my client’s ability to do the dishes. I discover during the collection
of baseline data that my client can do several of the steps independently and the steps the client is unable to complete
independently, he needs only minimal verbal prompting. Which task chaining procedure would be the best to use in
this situation?
A) Forward Chaining
B) Backward Chaining

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C) Total Task Chaining
D) Single Opportunity Chaining

37. I present my client with a field of three color cards and says “Point to blue”. The client responds incorrectly, pointing to
the yellow card. I then move the blue card closer to the client and says again “Point to blue”. The client then responds
correctly. What type of prompting did I use?
A) Response Prompt
B) Stimulus Prompt
C) Least-to-most Prompting
D) Most-to-least Prompting

38. The two types of negative reinforcement are…

A) Type I and Type II
B) Escape and Avoidance
C) Unconditioned and Conditioned
D) Reinforcement and Punishment

39. The schedules of reinforcement fall into two main categories, which are…
A) Fixed Schedules and Variable Schedules
B) Continuous Reinforcement Schedules and Intermittent Reinforcement Schedules
C) Basic Schedules and Complex Schedules
D) Schedules with Post-reinforcement pauses and Schedules without Post-reinforcement pauses

40. The time between when the SD is presented and a prompt is given is called a
A) Time-Delayed Prompt
B) Delayed Cuing
C) Progressive Delay
D) All of the above

41. I am teaching my client how to wash their hands by only performing and teaching one step at a time, starting with the
first step. I then move on to performing and teaching the first and second steps next, only after the client has
successfully mastered the first step independently. This is an example of which chaining procedure?
A) Forward Chaining
B) Total Task Chaining
C) Backward Chaining with Leap Ahead
D) Backward Chaining

42. When I sign the word “Open” to my client and my client signs the word “Open” back to me. This is an example of…
A) Duplic
B) Codic
C) A Tact
D) A Mand

43. The client and I are engaging in his favorite activity (painting) during a work break. Knowing that my client will
eventually want the blue paint, I place it on the top shelf. My client wants the blue paint but is unable to reach the
shelf, by himself. He then comes to me and says “May I have the blue paint please?” This is an example of which verbal
operant training?
A) Echoic Training
B) Mand Training
C) Tact Training
D) Intraverbal Training

44. I check on my client every five minutes. If my client is engaging in any behavior besides the target behavior when I
check on him, he gets a piece of gummy worm (which is something he really likes). Which form of differential
reinforcement am I using?

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45. The main difference between a DRL procedure and a DRD procedure is with a DRL you set a ___ criteria to earn
reinforcement in order to reduce the of behavior while with a DRD you set a ___ criteria to earn reinforcement in order
to reduce the of behavior.
A) lower than baseline inter-response time (IRT), lower than baseline rate/frequency
B) higher than baseline inter-response time (IRT), lower than baseline rate/frequency
C) lower than baseline inter-response time (IRT), higher than baseline rate/frequency
D) higher than baseline inter-response time (IRT), higher than baseline rate/frequency

46. At the start of the session, I give my client 10 minutes of extra time break time. If he engages in problem behaviors, I
remove minutes from his extra break time. This is an example of…
A) Positive Punishment
B) Bonus Response Cost
C) Time-out
D) Direct Fine

47. I give my client a piece of his favorite snack every 10 minutes. This is an example of…
A) Variable-time Noncontingent Reinforcement
B) Variable-time Schedule of Reinforcement
C) Fixed-time Noncontingent Reinforcement
D) Fixed-time Schedule of Reinforcement

48. For a response to be considered a mand, it must be controlled by …

A) A Verbal SD
B) A Non-Verbal SD
D) Another Mand

49. Jim’s BCBA is teaching him how to wash dishes by hand. The BCBA conducts a task analysis and determines the step
are: Fill the sink with hot water, add soap, scrub the dishes with a sponge, rinse off the dishes, dry the dishes, and put
the dishes away. Initially his BCBA allows Jim to do as many steps independently as he can. The steps he has trouble
with, his BCBA helps him. These steps are: adding soap, scrubbing the dishes, and putting the dishes away. After the
initial time, Jim’s BCBA completes all the steps except for the last step in the sequence Jim had trouble with (putting
the dishes away). Once Jim has mastered this step, his BCBA completes all the steps except for the second to last step
in the sequence Jim had trouble with (scrubbing the dishes). Jim is then allowed to perform every step after (rinsing off
the dishes, drying the dishes, and putting the dishes away). This process is continued until Jim is successfully washing
the dish by hand completely independently. This is an example of which chaining procedure?
A) Forward Chaining
B) Total Task Chaining
C) Backward Chaining with Leap Ahead
D) Backward Chaining

50. While walking down the street, I see signs for a birthday party. I am very afraid of clowns, so I decide to immediately
cross the street, even though I don’t see any clowns. This is an example of …
A) Escape
B) Discriminated Avoidance
C) Free-Operant Avoidance
D) Punishment

51. My client is doing very well with being compliant during non-preferred tasks on an intermittent schedule of
reinforcement of VI 10 (Variable Interval of 10 minutes), so I decide to thin the schedule to VI 30 (Variable Interval of

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30 minutes). After the thinning of the schedule, the client becomes non-compliant during non-preferred tasks. What
might be the reason for this behavior change?
A) Ratio Strain
B) Limited Hold
C) Unintended side effects of a compound schedule
D) Unintended side effects of switching from an interval schedule to a ratio schedule

52. I am teaching my client put his hands in his lap and verbally asking for attention as a replacement behavior for grabbing
and pulling people to get their attention. I prompt my client at first by physically placing the client’s hands in his lap,
then I fade my prompt to touching the client’s forearm. The client seems to be doing well so I fade my prompt once
again to lightly touching the clients elbow and then I’m finally able to remove the prompt completely. What method of
prompting am I utilizing?
A) Stimulus Prompt
B) Graduated Guidance
C) Least-to-most Prompting
D) Most-to-least Prompting

53. In order for a behavior to be considered imitation it must have…

A) Immediacy, a Model, and Controlled Relations
B) Formal Similarity, Immediacy, and a Model
C) Formal Similarity, Immediacy, a Model, and Controlled Relations
D) Formal Similarity, Immediacy, a Verbal SD, and Controlled Relations

54. I asked my client to select a picture of a dog from a field of three pictures. My client begins to reach for the picture of a
frog. I intervene and point to the picture of the dog. I present the demand again. The client still reaches for the picture
of the frog, so I intervene again and move the client’s hand towards the picture of the dog. I present the demand one
more time. The client still reaches for the picture of the frog, so I intervene once again by taking the client’s hand and
putting it on the picture of the dog. The client then grabs the picture of the dog and hands it to me. I am using which
method of prompting?
A) Least-to-most Prompting
B) Most-to-least Prompting
C) Within Stimulus Prompt
D) Extra Stimulus Prompt

55. Which schedule of reinforcement is most effective at strengthen novel behaviors?

A) Non-Contingent Reinforcement Schedules (NCR)
B) Continuous Reinforcement Schedules (CRF)
C) Intermittent Reinforcement Schedules (INT)
D) Extinction Schedules (EXT)

56. I always wait 3 seconds before prompting my client. This is an example of what?
A) Fixed Delayed Prompting
B) Graduated Delayed Prompting
C) Post-Reinforcement Pause
D) Limited Hold

57. A textual verbal operant is when one _______ while a transcription verbal operant is when one________.
A) Vocalizes a written words, writes a spoken word
B) Writes and spoken word, vocalizes a written word
C) Verbally repeats a spoken word, copies a written word
D) Copies a written word, verbally repeats a spoken word

58. My client wants to learn how to wash dishes by hand. His mother allows him to do the first step independently
(Turning on the water). His mother then does all the remaining steps herself while my client watches. After several
times of completing only the first step independently, the client’s mother allows him to complete the second step

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independently as well. She then completes the remaining steps herself while my client watches. This process is
continued until the client is successfully washing the dish by hand completely independently. This is an example of
which chaining procedure?
A) Forward Chaining
B) Total Task Chaining
C) Backward Chaining with Leap Ahead
D) Backward Chaining

59. I am teaching my client how to say “Apple.” At first I give the client reinforcement every time the client says “app”.
After several successful sessions, I then require the client to say “App-le” in order to receive reinforcement. After
several more successful sessions, I require the client to say “Apple” and in order to receive reinforcement. I am using
A) Chaining Procedure
B) Shaping Procedure
C) Modeling Procedure
D) Fading Procedure

60. All of the following are true about prompting except…

A) Prompts should be as weak as possible
B) Prompts should be unplanned
C) Prompts should be withdrawn as quickly as possible
D) Prompts should not distract the client’s attention

61. For a response to be considered an echoic, the SD and the response must have…
A) Point-to point correspondence
B) Formal similarity
C) A and B
D) A or B but they must not have both at the same time

62. My client typically has immediate access to anything he wants in his house. The parents want him to ask for things
before getting them so they can monitor what he is getting in to. I make receiving access to a desired item contingent
upon him asking for it first. When first implemented the client became very upset (kicking, biting, hitting, crying,
screaming). When this occurred, I put that specific item in “time-out” and he didn’t have access to it until the next
session. He now no longer gets upset and asks first before getting an item. If “upset” was my target behavior, this
procedure is considered to be…
A) Negative Punishment
B) Positive Punishment
C) Negative Reinforcement
D) Positive Reinforcement

63. The two types of time-out are…

A) Planned ignoring and withdrawal
B) Contingent observation and withdrawal
C) Non-exclusionary and exclusionary
D) Planned ignoring and Contingent observation

64. Textual and transcription verbal operants are considered to be…

A) Duplic
B) Codic
C) Mands
D) Intraverbals

65. My client speaks very quietly and his parents would like him to speak louder. I am able to do this by shaping the
A) Frequency

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B) Rate
C) Magnitude
D) Duration

66. I have never been to the airport before and am too shy to ask for help. I instead watch what others are doing and did
the same a few minutes later. This is an example of…
A) Unplanned Model
B) Planned Model
C) Total-Task Chaining
D) Imitation

67. For a verbal operant to be described as being “Codic” it must have a …

A) Verbal SD, point-to point correspondence, and no formal similarity
B) Verbal SD, formal similarity, and no point-to point correspondence
C) Non-Verbal SD, point-to point correspondence, and no formal similarity
D) Non-Verbal SD, formal similarity, and no point-to point correspondence

68. If my client engages in problem behaviors, the consequence is his reinforcers are removed from access. This is an
example of which time-out procedure?
A) Planned ignoring
B) Withdrawal
C) Contingent observation
D) Partition Time-out

69. Every time my wife asks for money, I tell her one of my “corny” jokes. She no longer asks me for money. My jokes could
be considered a…
A) Reinforcer
B) Punisher
C) Duplic
D) Codic

70. Intraverbal are evoked by a ___ which does not have ___ with the response.
A) Non-verbal SD, Point-to-point correspondence
B) Verbal SD, Point-to-point correspondence
C) Non-verbal SD, Formal Similarity
D) MO, Point-to-point correspondence

71. I am teaching my client to say “Daddy”. I say “Daddy” and reinforce the client when he says “Da”. I continue to say
“Daddy”, while my client’s approximations get progressively closer to “Daddy” (“Da” then “Dad” then “Daddy”). After
each approximation, I reinforce the client’s behavior. This is an example of which verbal operant training?
A) Echoic Training
B) Mand Training
C) Tact Training
D) Intraverbal Training

72. For a verbal operant to have point-to point correspondence, all of the following must be true except…
A) The SD must have a least two components
B) The response must have a least two components
C) The SD and the response must have the same delivery method/sense mode
D) Each component of the SD must control its corresponding part of the response

73. Every time I go to the beach or pool, I get sunburnt. As a result, I no longer go to the beach or pool. This is an
example of…
A) Negative Punishment

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B) Positive Punishment
C) Negative Reinforcement
D) Positive Reinforcement

74. A “Listener” is someone who

A) Acts as SD for the speaker’s behavior
B) May also be a speaker during a conversation
C) Controls the reinforcement of the speaker
D) All of the above

75. If my client engages in the target behavior anytime during a ten minute period, he does not get to take six bites of his
favorite ice cream flavor, but he has another opportunity during the next ten minute period. Which form of differential
reinforcement am I using?

76. I ask my client “Where is your bear?” He responds “Over there!” My behavior is an example of which verbal operant?
A) Echoic
B) Mand
C) Tact
D) Intraverbal

77. Which of these designs would be best to use when shaping a behavior?
A) B-A-B Reversal Design
B) Multi-element Design
C) Multiple Probe Design
D) Changing Criteria Design

78. The difference between modeling and imitation is …

A) Modeling refers to a given SD or prompt while imitation refers to the client’s behavior
B) Modeling refers to the client’s behavior while imitation refers to a given SD or prompt
C) Modeling refers to tasks while imitation refers to verbal behaviors only
D) There is no difference, they are AKAs for each other

79. For a verbal operant to have formal similarity, which of the following must be true…
A) The SD and the response must have the same delivery method/sense mode
B) The SD and the response must have a least two components
C) The SD and the response must be identical in every way
D) The SD and the response must have point-to point correspondence

80. I am teaching my client how to appropriately play with his peers. I do this by reinforcing the client every time he mimics
the appropriate play of his peers. I am utilizing which of the following?
A) Peer Play Training
B) Social Skills Training
C) Modeling
D) Imitation

81. My client likes to read the words in books, even though he doesn’t understand what the words mean when probed.
This is an example of which verbal operant?
A) Echoic
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B) Mand
C) Textual
D) Transcription

82. Every time my 2 year old daughter vocally asks for a cookie instead of reaching for one without asking, she gets a
cookies. Which form of differential reinforcement am I using?
A) Differential reinforcement of lower rates of behavior (DRL)
B) Differential reinforcement of diminishing rates of behavior (DRD)
C) Differential reinforcement of alterative behaviors (DRA)
D) Differential reinforcement of incompatible behaviors (DRI)

83. If my client engages in problem behaviors with his mom, she sends to him to the “chair” where he sit watches his
brother play with toys but is unable to participate. This is an example of which time-out procedure?
A) Contingent observation
B) Withdrawal
C) Planned ignoring
D) Partition Time-out

84. I allow the client to have a break from his work about every 20 minutes. This is an example of…
A) Variable-time Noncontingent Reinforcement with a Positive Reinforcement procedure
B) Variable-time Noncontingent Reinforcement with a Negative Reinforcement procedure
C) Fixed-time Noncontingent Reinforcement with a Positive Reinforcement procedure
D) Fixed-time Noncontingent Reinforcement with a Negative Reinforcement procedure

85. I am teaching my client the words to Itsy Bitsy Spider by saying “The Itsy Bitsy ____ went up the water ____.” My client
responds correctly with “Spider” and “Spout”. My client’s behavior is an example of which verbal operant?
A) Echoic
B) Mand
C) Tact
D) Intraverbal

86. The difference between DRA and DNRA is…

A) DNRA specifically involves providing escape or avoidance as the reinforcer.
B) DRA specifically involves providing escape as the reinforcer.
C) DNRA specifically involves providing attention as the reinforcer.
D) Nothing. They are AKAs.

87. What are the two types of mand extensions?

A) Superstitious and Magical
B) Codic and Duplic
C) Solistic and Metonymical
D) Generic and Metaphorical

88. When my daughter is doing something she shouldn’t be doing, I yell “No!” She immediately stops and never does it
This is an example of…
A) Negative Punishment
B) Positive Punishment
C) Negative Reinforcement
D) Positive Reinforcement

89. I have a client who rarely raises his hand in the classroom setting even though during his home sessions he answers the
same questions correctly. I collect baseline data on his “hand raising” behavior at school and set a criteria to earn

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reinforcement higher than baseline. Over the course of several weeks, my client is raising his hand more frequently.
Which form of differential reinforcement am I using?
A) Differential reinforcement of alterative behaviors (DRA)
B) Differential reinforcement of incompatible behaviors (DRI)
C) Differential reinforcement of lower rates of behavior (DRL)
D) Differential reinforcement of higher rates of behavior (DRH)

90. My client says “Can you turn down the TV?” because he is trying to do his homework and the TV is distracting. This is
an example of which verbal operant?
A) Echoic
B) Mand
C) Tact
D) Intraverbal

91. I am teaching my client to verbally ask for a break as a replacement behavior for throwing work materials, kicking, and
pushing me. If he engages in the replacement/target behavior, he gets a piece of his favorite food. This procedure has
greatly reduced his throwing work materials, kicking, and pushing behaviors. Which form of differential reinforcement
am I using?
A) Differential negative reinforcement of alterative behaviors (DNRA)
B) Differential reinforcement of lower rates of behavior (DRL)
C) Differential reinforcement of diminishing rates of behavior (DRD)
D) Differential negative reinforcement of incompatible behaviors (DRI)

92. With a DRI procedure, in order for a behavior to be considered “incompatible” with the target behavior, it must…
A) Be emitted at the same time
B) Not be able to be emitted at the same time
C) Be evoked by a verbal SD
D) Be outside the client repertoire

93. The two types of mands are…

A) Regular and Extended
B) Generic and Metaphorical
C) Codic and Duplic
D) Solistic and Metonymical

94. My client likes to write down everything I say. This is an example of which verbal operant?
A) Echoic
B) Mand
C) Textual
D) Transcription

95. I want to teach my client to eat slower so I setup the contingency that he is to take a bit of food every time the timer
goes off, he can have his iPad at the end of the meal. I set the timer for a few seconds longer than his baseline inter-
response time and gradually set the timer for longer and longer. This successfully slowed his eating speed. Which form
of differential reinforcement am I using?
A) Differential reinforcement of alterative behaviors (DRA)
B) Differential reinforcement of lower rates of behavior (DRL)
C) Differential reinforcement of diminishing rates of behavior (DRD)
D) Differential reinforcement of incompatible behaviors (DRI)

Task List Area E

1. Initially, contingency contracts primarily involve what type of behaviors?
A) Contingency-Shaped Behaviors
B) Rule-Governed Behaviors
C) Hypothetical Constructs

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D) Respondent Behaviors

2. When selecting an individual for a dependent group contingency, you should select someone…
A) At random
B) Who is likely meet the reinforcement criteria
C) Who is unlikely to meet the reinforcement criteria
D) Who the majority of the group views as the leader

3. The time before a deadline is a _____ while time after a deadline is a ____.
A) Sd, S-Delta
B) S-Delta, Sd
C) Reinforcer, Punisher
D) Punisher, Reinforcer

4. I implement a treatment plan in the home to reduce the client’s yelling behaviors when he is asked to do a non-preferred
task. A week after starting the treatment plan at home, the client’s school reports he is yelling more frequently when asked
to do something he doesn’t prefer. This is an example of…
A) Behavioral Contrast Effect
B) Grandma's Law
C) Matching Law
D) Premack principle

5. I want to implement a dependent group contingency in a classroom of 20 children. The contingency is if the one child I
select sits in their seat for entire 30 minutes of study time (excluding getting out of their seat to go to the bathroom, get a
book, or sharpen their pencil), the entire class gets an extra 10 minutes of recess. I have four children in mind. James often
engages disruptive behaviors, yelling and throwing items, to make the other children laugh during study time but typically
remains in his seat. Diana is shy and follows directions very well but is often absent. Sarah has trouble remaining in her seat
during most activities but does well during study time. Jason doesn’t like to study and frequently engages in elopement
from the room during study time. Who should be my primary choice for implementing the dependent group contingency in
the classroom?
A) Sarah
B) James
C) Diana
D) Jason

6. Which of the below depicts the Premack principle where homework is an aversive for the client?
A) The client is told to finish his math homework before he can continue to his reading homework.
B) The client is told to finish his math homework before he can play his video games for an hour.
C) The client is given three homework questions, which the client finds easy, and then one question the client finds difficult.
D) The client is given three homework questions, which the client finds difficult, before engaging in the target behavior.

7. Yelling for attention occurs more frequently than biting for attention because the yelling behavior is reinforced with
attention four out of five times, while the biting behavior is reinforced six out of ten times. This is an example of…
A) Behavioral Contrast Effect
B) Practice Effect
C) Matching Law
D) Premack principle

8. The teacher tells the whole class whoever turns in their completed homework at the start of class gets extra time at recess.
This is an example of which group contingency?
A) Interdependent group contingency
B) Dependent group contingency
C) Independent group contingency
D) Whole group contingency

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9. I have to finish and submit my client’s reassessment before the end of the day, today. If I don’t, I will have to postpone
services. I have never missed a deadline so my primary focus today is to finish and submit the reassessment. This puts
everything else on hold until after it is submitted. My behavior is...
A) Contingency-Shaped
B) Rule-Governed
C) An SD
D) Deadline-Shaped

10. I have been working with my client, Thomas, for several years in a clinic setting. He had out-grown most of toys at the clinic
but verbal praise was very reinforcing to him. He did so well at the clinic his parents decided to transfer his sessions to the
home setting. On my first visit to their home for a session, the parents reported Thomas had unlimited access to any item
he finds reinforcing, regardless of his behavior. The first few days of doing in-home session, Thomas was very
noncompliant. When I would ask him a simple question or give him a simple task to complete to earn play time with one of
his favorite toys, he would simply walk away. This was very unlike him. When I arrived for my next session, the first thing I
did was to remove access to all of his common reinforcing items. For the first 20 - 40 minutes of the session, I only used
verbal praise to reinforce appropriate behaviors and correct responses. At a point between the 20 and 40 minute marks, I
begin using the reinforcing item I previously removed. The time which I pick to start reintroducing these reinforcing items
again was unknown to Thomas. He was then completely compliant the remainder of the session. Which of the following did
I manipulate?
A) SD by providing a deprivation period
B) MO by providing a deprivation period
C) S-Delta by providing a deprivation period
D) Responses by providing a deprivation period

11. Which of the following would you give reinforcement with reflexivity relation?
A) When the client matches the sample stimulus to an identical stimulus in a field
B) When the client doesn’t match the sample stimulus to the identical stimulus in a field
C) When the client matches the sample stimulus to an comparison or symbolic stimulus from a field
D) When the client matches the sample stimulus to non-related stimulus from a field as a result of a reflex response

12. Which of the follow must occur in-order to create a conditioned reinforcer?
A) Stimulus-response pairing
B) Stimulus-stimulus un-pairing
C) Stimulus-stimulus pairing
D) Stimulus-response conditioning

13. The teacher says to the class “If Tom turns in more than 80% of his homework on time for the next two weeks, everyone
will have extra recess time.” This statement suggests the teacher is using which type of group contingency?
A) Independent group contingency
B) Interdependent group contingency
C) Dependent group contingency
D) One vs. group contingency

14. I give my client a field of three pictures (a red apple, a red truck, and a blue truck). I then give my client a picture of a red
truck. My client matches picture I gave him to the identical picture in the field in front of him. Next I give my client a field of
three toys (a red toy apple, a red toy truck, and a blue toy truck). I give him a red toy apple. My client matches toy I gave
him to the identical toy in the field in front of him. Finally I show my client short video of a moving blue truck. I then show
him a series of three short videos (a red apple falling, a parked red truck, and the moving blue truck). He then
independently matches the first video he was shown to the identical video from the series. What type of stimulus
equivalence is exemplified in this scenario?
A) Reflexivity
B) Symmetry
C) Transitivity
D) None of the above

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15. A ___ is a result of ontogeny.
A) Conditioned reinforcer
B) Hypothetical Construct
C) S-Delta
D) Artifact

16. Which of the following combinations of prompt removal procedures is most appropriate when teaching a new skill
A) Stimulus Fading and Most-to-Least Prompting
B) Stimulus Fading and Least-to-Most Prompting
C) Delayed Prompting and Most-to-Least Prompting
D) Stimulus Fading and Delayed Prompting

17. Which of the following could be considered generalized conditioned reinforcer?

A) The item you buy at the store with money
B) The money you receive from your job
C) The email you receive containing your paystub
D) The snack you eat at 3 o’clock when you are feeling hungry

18. The teacher divides the class in four groups and says to the class “if your group turns in more than 80% of their homework
on time for the next two weeks, the group will get 15 minutes of extra recess time.” This statement suggests the teacher is
using which type of group contingency?
A) Independent group contingency
B) Interdependent group contingency
C) Dependent group contingency
D) Group vs. group contingency

19. While studying for the exam, I learn the term “Horizontal Axis" is the same as "Abscissa”. When my supervisor asked me
“What is the abscissa?” I respond "The horizontal axis" even though I did explicitly study the relation. What type of stimulus
equivalence is exemplified in this scenario?
A) Reflexivity
B) Symmetry
C) Transitivity
D) None of the above

20. I present several easy demands to my client and then one difficult demand in rapid succession. I provide reinforcement for
every correct response. In a very basic sense, what procedure am I using?
A) Functional communication training (FCT)
B) Compound schedule of reinforcement
C) Non-contingent reinforcement (NCR)
D) High-probability request sequence (High-P)

21. Which of the following is a requirement for using pre-task requests?

A) The behavior you request must be novel and taught during the pre-task requests
B) The behavior you request must already be in the client repertoire
C) The pre-task requests must be presented in a slow manner
D) The pre-task requests must always be used in conjunction with a punishment procedure

22. A teacher wants to use an interdependent group contingency in his classroom. He divides the class in two groups and says
to the class “if your group fails to turn in more than 80% of their homework on time for the next two weeks, the other
group will get an extra 15 minutes of recess time.” What is the problem with how this group contingency is setup?
A) The criteria to receive reinforcement is set to high and the amount of reinforcement is set to low
B) The group which receives reinforcement doesn’t have to meet any criteria to receive said reinforcement
C) The criteria to receive reinforcement is set to low and the amount of reinforcement is set to high
D) There is no problem with how this group contingency is setup
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23. Interspersed requests…
A) Increase the probability of a low probability behavior occurring
B) Increase the probability of a high probability behavior occurring
C) Decrease the probability of a low probability behavior occurring
D) Decrease the probability of a high probability behavior occurring

24. The teacher says to the class “whoever finishes their work before lunch will get 15 minutes of extra recess time.” This
statement suggests the teacher is using which type of group contingency?
A) Independent group contingency
B) Interdependent group contingency
C) Dependent group contingency
D) Whole group contingency

25. When I started with my client, he didn’t want anything to do with me. Sometimes he would even run away when I asked
him to do a simple task. The parents reported he loves to eat cookies but his doctor recommends limiting the amount of
cookies he eats. Knowing this, I began controlling access to the cookies; only given my client a cookie every time he
completed a simple task. After several days I start to give him a cookie and a toy, every time he completed a simple task.
After several more days, I stop giving him cookies for completing the simple task and only given him the toy. Even after he
no longer receives a cookie for completing the simple task, he continues to do so. In this scenario, the a toy I give has
become a:
A) Conditioned reinforcer
B) Generalized conditioned reinforcer
C) Unconditioned reinforcer
D) Discriminative Stimulus

26. In a matching-to-sample procedure, the stimulus in the field which is identical to the sample stimulus serves as a ____.
A) Conditioned Reinforcer
B) Unconditioned Reinforcer
D) S-Delta

27. Tokens are often considered generalized conditioned reinforcers because:

A) They are paired with many other conditioned reinforcers
B) They are paired with many other unconditioned reinforcers
C) They do not rely on a MO to remain being effective
D) All of the above

28. The teacher tells a student “if you turn in your homework before class four of five days, you will get 10 minutes of extra
recess time.” This statement suggests the teacher is using which type of group contingency?
A) Independent group contingency
B) Interdependent group contingency
C) Dependent group contingency
D) This is not a group contingency

29. Which of the following is a disadvantage of using an errorless learning procedure when teaching a new skill?
A) An errorless learning procedure should never be used to teach a new skill
B) It prevents the client or student from making errors
C) It is most effective in when used in groups of clients or students
D) It doesn’t teach the client or student what to do when an error is made

Task List Area F

1. Which of the following would be an equivalent self-management task for the target behavior of completing homework?
A) The client completes his homework assignment independently

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B) The client makes a plan to complete his homework assignment independently
C) The client turning his complete homework assignment independently
D) All of the above when the steps are completed independently in the correct order

2. In a token economy, what is the major factor which determines the effectiveness of the tokens as reinforcers?
A) The reinforcing power of the back-up reinforcers
B) The reinforcing power of the generalized conditioned reinforcers
C) The punishing power of the contingency contract
D) The punishing power of the conditioned punishers

3. With direct instruction, what is one benefit of using choral responding?

A) Each question is asked to an individual student and the whole class response if the student answers incorrectly
B) It is fast-paced and allows for less frequent responses from students who may answer incorrectly
C) It allows one teacher to check the response of multiple students
D) It takes less time to teach all the student to response simultaneously than to teach each student to response independently

4. What is one major difference between a line graph and the Standard Celeration Chart?
A) The Standard Celeration Chart uses bars to display data while a line graph uses lines and points
B) The Standard Celeration Chart is used with all instructional methodologies while a line graph is only used in reversal designs
C) The Standard Celeration Chart has a semi-logarithmic scale on the y-axis while a line graph doesn’t
D) A line graph has a semi-logarithmic scale on the y-axis while the Standard Celeration Chart doesn’t

5. When should an augmentative communication system be used?

A) When the client or student is not able type on a computer
B) When the client or student has limited motor skills
C) When the client or student has limited social skills
D) When the client or student has limited vocal speech

6. Which of the instructional methodologies utilizes the small group, scripted, fast-paced teaching?
A) Direct Instruction
B) Incidental Teaching
C) Precision Teaching
D) Discrete Trail Training

7. Which of the following best describes a semi-logarithmic scale?

A) A scale which equal values/intervals (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.)
B) A scale which multiples exponentially (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, etc.)
C) A scale which only contains even values/intervals (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, etc.)
D) A scale which only contains values/intervals of ten (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, etc.)

8. With contingency contracts, reinforcement is…

A) Given immediately
B) Removed when a specific contract criteria is met
C) Delayed
D) Removed when all contract criterions are met

9. Who is the founder of precision teaching?

A) Siegfried E. Engelmann
B) Ivar Lovaas
C) Fred Keller
D) Ogden Lindsley

10. A contingency contract must always be in written form. True or False?

A) True. To be considered a contingency contract details and procedures must be written
B) False. A contingency contract can also consist of visuals for clients who can’t read

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C) False. A contingency contract can also consist of a verbal agreement as long as there are at least one other person present
to witness the verbal agreement
D) False. A contingency contract can be in any form

11. What are the three parts which make up a token economy?
A) A list of behaviors to reinforce, generalized conditioned reinforcers, and a contingency contract
B) A list of behaviors to reinforce, generalized conditioned reinforcers, and back-up reinforcers
C) A list of behaviors to punish, generalized conditioned reinforcers, and back-up reinforcers
D) A list of possible tokens options, generalized conditioned reinforcers, and back-up reinforcers

12. Which of the instructional methodologies utilizes the Standard Celeration Chart?
A) Personalized Systems of Instruction (PSI)
B) Incidental Teaching
C) Precision Teaching
D) Discrete Trail Training

13. How does Functional Communication Training (FCT) differ from Differential Reinforcement of Communicative Behavior
A) FCT is a consequence based procedure while DRC is an antecedent based procedure
B) FCT is an antecedent based procedure while DRC is a consequence based procedure
C) FCT a newer/updated version of DRC
D) Nothing. They are AKAs.

14. Incidental teaching should occur in an environment where…

A) New skills will be maintained
B) New skills will be overshadowed
C) New skills will be taught errorlessly
D) New skills will be taught using only a multiple baseline design

15. Which of the instructional methodologies is also known as “The Keller Plan”?
A) Personalized Systems of Instruction (PSI)
B) Incidental Teaching
C) Precision Teaching
D) Discrete Trail Training

16. What are the three major parts of a contingency contract?

A) A description of the task, a description of the reward, and specific tokens
B) A description of the task, a description of the reward, and a task record
C) A description of the task, a description of the reward, and a description of the behavior(s)
D) A description of the task, a description of the behavior(s), and a task record

17. Which of the following is an example of an augmentative communication system?

A) Sign language
B) Computerized communication device
C) Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)
D) All of the above

18. When a student makes an error when the direct instruction teaching method is being used, what should be done?
A) Graph the number of errors across a period of time
B) Have the student break the problem or question down into multiple parts or steps
C) Give the student the correct response using a discrimination assignment
D) All of the above

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19. I’m developing a token economy for a client. I selected specific tokens to use, made a list of behaviors to target and criteria
to receive tokens, selected specific back-up reinforcers, selected a relatively low initial exchange ratio, and I am planning to
“field-test” everything before fully implementing it. Did I miss anything for developing a successful token economy?
A) No, I completed all the steps for developing a successful token economy
B) Yes, I should have selected a high initial exchange ratio
C) Yes, I should also include a procedure for what happened if the client fails to meet the criteria for receive a token
D) Yes, I should “field-test” the token economy while fully implementing it and make changes as necessary

20. Which of the instructional methodologies was created for use in college classrooms but doesn’t have teachers lecture on
the study material?
A) Personalized Systems of Instruction (PSI)
B) Incidental Teaching
C) Precision Teaching
D) Discrete Trail Training

21. When developing a token economy, what should be avoided?

A) Making the token desirable items
B) Bankruptcy or having a negative balance of tokens
C) Stating with a initially high exchange ratio
D) All of the above

Task List G
1. I have been working with children, ages 3 to 12 years old, who have been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, for 10
years. I started as an RBT but recently became a BCBA. As a new BCBA, my employer requested I take over a case for
another BCBA where the client is a 39 year old man who has been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Dyslexia.
In order to provide services, I should first…
A) Do nothing and immediately begin providing services where the previous BCBA left off
B) Discuss the treatment plan with my employer
C) Shadow and discuss the current treatment plan with the previous BCBA
D) Analyze the previously collected data and write a new treatment plan

2. While starting a new treatment procedure I learned about at an ABA conference, I discover my notes regarding the
treatment procedure are incomplete. What is the best solution to my problem?
A) Attempt to fill in the missing information with commonly known, research supported ABA procedures
B) Attempt to contact the original author(s) of the treatment procedure
C) Attempt to use the treatment procedure as is
D) Attempt to write my own treatment procedure based on my incomplete notes

Label each of the following as a A) covert behavior, B) overt behavior, or C) not a behavior.
3. Walking down the street
4. Thinking about a math problem
5. Getting rained on
6. Eating pizza
7. Crying
8. Holding a flower
9. Your skin getting hot
10. Paying a bill
11. Singing a song in your head
12. Feeling tired
13. Thinking something is funny
14. Hitting a nail with a hammer
15. Kicking a ball with your foot
16. Getting burnt by a candle
17. Feeling tired after work

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18. Four RBTs and I are “sharing” a single client so we can provide five days of therapy at between two to four hours each day.
With having so many people on the case, we have weekly meetings to discuss the treatment plan, procedures, progress,
and concerns. Why is it important to collaborate with others when providing services?
A) So everyone implementing the treatment plan will do so correctly and consistently
B) So everyone implementing the treatment plan knows who is also working with the client
C) So everyone implementing the treatment plan understands their roles in implementing the treatment plan
D) All of the above

19. Which of the following is not an indirect assessment?

A) Interviews
B) Observations
C) Screening Forms
D) Rating Scales

20. My client recently started engaging in aggressive behaviors, something which is very atypical for him. When I discussed it
with his parents, they reported he has been having frequent headaches and a lacking appetite. The parents also report he
recently start new medications. After further discussion, it seems the behavior changes coincide with the initial
administration of the new medication. As a BCBA, what should I do first?
A) Implement a peer reviewed, research supported treatment procedure for the new aggressive behaviors
B) Recommend the parents have the client be medically evaluated due to the recent behavior change
C) Discontinue services until the parents report the headaches and a lacking appetite have subsided
D) Conduct a functional behavioral assessment to determine the function of the behavior

21. During an intake, the client’s parents noted they recently noticed him engaging in self-gagging behavior. What should I do
A) Conduct a functional behavioral assessment to determine the function of the behavior
B) Conduct a functional analysis to determine the function of the behavior
C) Implement a peer reviewed, research supported treatment procedure for self-gagging behavior
D) Recommend the parents have the client be medically evaluated due to the recent behavior change

22. When discussing a client’s treatment plan with the client’s parents and teachers, a BCBA should…
A) Use precise and complete ABA terminology
B) Use only commonly known mentalistic terminology
C) Use terminology suitable for understanding based on the individual(s)
D) Use terminology they feel most comfortable with based on their personal experiences

23. While conducting a preliminary assessment for a potential four year old client, the parents report the child’s behaviors at
preschool are so disruptive, he may be unable to continue going to preschool. This has the parents really upset. Does this
justify providing services?
A) No, because the client’s behaviors do not pose a danger to himself or others
B) Yes, because the client’s behaviors are upsetting to the parents
C) No, because the client’s behaviors are similar to peers of the same age
D) Yes, because the client’s behaviors could hinder his access to socialize with peers of his own age

24. When it is necessary to discuss or describe private events, a BCBA should…

A) Only use mentalistic terminology
B) Not use mentalistic terminology
C) Not discuss or describe private events at any time
D) Only use mentalistic terminology when absolutely necessary

25. Which of the following is a direct assessment?

A) Observations
B) Interviews

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C) Checklist
D) ABC Recordings

Task List Area H

1. Which is true about the following graph?
A) Baseline, Treatment A, and Treatment B, all have similar variability but don't have a similar level
B) Baseline and Treatment B share a similar variability but don't have a similar level
C) Treatment A and Treatment B share a similar level and variability
D) Baseline and Treatment A similar variability but don't have a similar level

2. What are the two definitional measures in ABA?

A) Percentage and Trials-to-Criterion
B) Topography and Magnitude
C) Temporal Extent and Temporal Locus
D) Duration and Count/Frequency

3. I am recording the amount of time my client spends on a non-preferred task. Which of the fundamental properties, or
dimensional quantities, of behavior am I measuring?
A) Repeatability
B) Temporal Extent
C) Temporal Locus
D) None, the behavior is not directly observable

4. Event recording measurement procedures should not be used for behavior which …
A) Occur at very high rates
B) Occur at very low rates
C) Occur in the natural environment
D) Have a clear beginning and end

5. I created the following graph to display the FBA data I collected. What should I do to improve how my graph displays the data?
A) Increase the scale on the y-axis to display data between 0 and 20
B) Display the different conditions on separate graphs
C) Add axis labels to indicate what data is being displayed
D) Modify the data points to discriminate between conditions

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6. Which is true about the following graph?
A) Baseline, Treatment A, and Treatment B, all have similar trends but don't share a similar level
B) Baseline and Treatment B have similar trends and don't share a similar level
C) Baseline and Treatment A share the similar level and don't have similar trend s
D) Baseline, Treatment A, and Treatment B, all share a similar level but don't have a similar trend

7. When using continuous measurement procedures…

A) Every behavior the client engages in during the observation period is recorded
B) Every occurrence of the behavior target the client engages in during the observation period is recorded
C) Every non-occurrence of the behavior target the client engages in during the observation period is recorded
D) Only one occurrence of the behavior target is recorded during each interval of the observation period

8. Which of the following discontinuous measurement procedures allows a teacher to collect data on the percentage of students
in her class who are engaging in on-task behaviors during open/free work time?
A) Whole interval recording (WIR)
B) Partial interval recording (PIR)
C) Momentary time sampling (MTS)
D) Planned Activity Check (PLACHECK)

9. In regards to discontinuous measurement procedures, data is always reported as…

A) A number of occurrences
B) A duration of time
C) A interrepsonse time (IRT)
D) A percentage of intervals

10. What are the two derivative measures in ABA?

A) Percentage and Trials-to-Criterion
B) Topography and Magnitude
C) Temporal Extent and Temporal Locus
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D) Duration and Count/Frequency

11. I created the following graph to display the FBA data I collected. What should I do to improve how my graph displays the data?
A) Increase the scale on the y-axis to display data between 0 and 50
B) Decrease the scale on the y-axis to display data between 0 and 10
C) Multiply all data points by five
D) Add axis labels to indicate what data is being displayed

12. I am recording my client’s hand raising behaviors during his math class. I divide the duration of his math class into 10 minute
intervals and record the number of times my client independently raises his hand during each interval. Which of the
fundamental properties, or dimensional quantities, of behavior am I measuring?
A) Repeatability
B) Temporal Extent
C) Temporal Locus
D) None, the behavior is not directly observable

13. Which of the following lists contains all timing measurement procedures?
A) Duration, Event Recording, Time Sampling
B) Whole interval recording (WIR), Partial interval recording (PIR), Momentary time sampling (MTS)
C) Latency, Duration, Interresponse Time (IRT)
D) Whole interval recording (WIR), Partial interval recording (PIR), Event Recording, Time Sampling

14. Which of the following best describes a “Continuous behavior”?

A) The client jumping on a trampoline during leisure play time
B) The client kicking when engaged in a soccer game
C) The client engaging in cooperative play with peers
D) The client response to a question

15. I am using a discontinuous measurement procedure where once a single occurrence of the target behavior is observed and
recorded during an interval, I no longer need to observe for that specific target behavior until the next interval has started.
Which discontinuous measurement procedure am I using?
A) Whole interval recording (WIR)
B) Partial interval recording (PIR)
C) Momentary time sampling (MTS)
D) Planned Activity Check (PLACHECK)

16. Event recording and timing measurement procedures for behavior are …
A) The same thing / AKAs for each other
B) The only two methods of measuring and collecting data on behaviors
C) Both discontinuous measurement procedures
D) Both continuous measurement procedures

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17. I am recording the amount of time between when my client is asked a question and when he begins vocally saying his answer.
Which of the dimensional quantities of behavior am I measuring?
A) Repeatability
B) Temporal Extent
C) Temporal Locus
D) None behavior the behavior is not directly observable

18. I created the following graph to display the FBA data I collected. What should I do to improve how my graph displays the data?
A) Increase the scale on the y-axis to display data between 0 and 10
B) Display the different conditions on separate graphs
C) Decrease the scale on the y-axis to display data between 0 and 4
D) Remove the “Attention” from the graph

19. Which of the following discontinuous measurement procedures allows a teacher to help other students while also collecting
data on the percentage of time an individual student in her class is engaging in on-task behaviors during open/free work time?
A) Whole interval recording (WIR)
B) Partial interval recording (PIR)
C) Momentary time sampling (MTS)
D) Planned Activity Check (PLACHECK)

20. In regards to discontinuous measurement procedures, shorter intervals are likely to yield ____ data than longer intervals.
A) More valid
B) Less reliable
C) More accurate
D) Less accurate

21. I am using a discontinuous measurement procedure where once the target behavior begins, I must insure the target behavior
continues for the entire interval before recorded the occurrence. Which discontinuous measurement procedure am I using?
A) Whole interval recording (WIR)
B) Partial interval recording (PIR)
C) Momentary time sampling (MTS)
D) Planned Activity Check (PLACHECK)

22. I want to take data on my client’s tantrum behaviors in the classroom setting. I am personally unable to observe and record the
data due to scheduling conflicts so I train the classroom teacher on how to record the data for me. Based on previously
collected ABC data, we determined the target behaviors mainly occur when the client is presented with a novel task. The target
behaviors also reportedly occur for long durations and require the observer/teacher to intervene many times to keep the client
safe. Which of the following measurement systems would be best and why?
A) Continuous measurement because it is suitable for behavior which occur for long durations
B) Discontinuous measurement because it is suitable for behavior which occur for long durations
C) Continuous measurement because it is suitable for behavior which occur high rates
D) Discontinuous measurement because it is suitable for behavior which occur for low rates

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23. Which is true about the following graph?
A) Baseline, Treatment A, and Treatment B, all have similar trends but don't share a similar level
B) Baseline and Treatment B share the similar levels but don’t share the a similar tread
C) Baseline and Treatment A share the similar levels and don't share the a similar tread
D) Baseline, Treatment A, and Treatment B, all share a similar level but don't have a similar trend

24. I am using a discontinuous measurement procedure where I record an occurrence of the behavior only if the individual is
engaging in the target behavior at the end of a predetermined amount of time. Which discontinuous measurement
procedure am I using?
A) Whole interval recording (WIR)
B) Partial interval recording (PIR)
C) Momentary time sampling (MTS)
D) Planned Activity Check (PLACHECK)

Task List Area I

1. If I am manipulating antecedents and consequences while observing and recording the effect on the client’s behavior, I am
conducting a _____.
A) Reinforcer assessment
B) Functional analysis
C) Indirect assessment
D) Direct assessment

2. While conducting a Functional Analysis (FA), I present my client with a non-preferred, difficult task. The client attempts the
task but responses incorrectly. I provide a vocal prompt. My client then screams “No!” and kicks me. I then say “Ok, let’s go
play”. After a few minutes of playing a represent the non-preferred task. My client again screams “No!” and kicks me. I once
again say “Ok, let’s go play”. Which condition of the Functional Analysis am I testing?
A) Alone
B) Free play
C) Contingent Attention
D) Contingent Escape

3. I want to conduct a reinforcer assessment. I make receiving a cookie reinforcer contingent upon the client saying “mom”,
receiving a sucker reinforcer contingent upon the client clapping his hands, and receiving the iPad reinforcer contingent
upon the client touching his nose. All of these responses and behaviors the client already has in his repertoire. The client
says “mom” one, claps his hands four times, and touches his nose ten times. Which reinforcer assessment am I using?
A) Multiple schedule reinforcement assessment
B) Concurrent schedule reinforcement assessment
C) Multiple stimulus preference assessment
D) Progressive ratio schedule reinforcer assessment

4. What is a disadvantage of conducting a Functional Analysis (FA)?

A) It may temporarily increase the frequency, rate, duration, or magnitude of the problem behavior

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B) It may show a relationship between environment variables and the problem behavior
C) It may allow for the development of an effective punishment-based treatment plan
D) It may require an indirect assessment to be conducted

5. Rating scales, checklists, and structured interviews are included in which method of conducting a FBA?
A) Direct
B) Indirect
C) Reinforcer
D) Functional

6. Which method of a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) yields the least precise information regarding the function of a
client’s behavior?
A) Reinforcer Assessment
B) Functional Analysis
C) Indirect Assessment
D) Direct Assessment

7. I show my client two objects and have her choose which one she wants. Once she makes her choice, she receives that item.
What stimulus preference assessment am I utilizing?
A) Free operant
B) Multiple Stimulus
C) Forced choice
D) Single Stimulus

8. Which of the following formulas is used to calculate conditional probability?

A) Number of behaviors which are preceded by a specific antecedent event ÷ (divided by) the total number of behaviors
B) Number of behaviors which follow a specific consequence event ÷ (divided by) the total number of behaviors
C) Number of scored intervals where the behavior occurred ÷ (divided by) the number of unscored intervals where the
behavior did not occur
D) A and B

9. A Functional Analysis (FA)…

A) Tests hypotheses regarding the function of a client’s behavior
B) Tests hypotheses regarding the function of a stimulus
C) Tests hypotheses regarding the effectiveness of a reinforcer
D) Tests hypotheses regarding the effectiveness of the behavior plan

10. One disadvantage of a scatter plot is…

A) It can’t be used for determining the function of a behavior
B) It can’t be used for determining when an ABC assessment should be conducted
C) It can only be used in conjunction with a pattern analysis
D) It can only be used for determining the function of a behavior

11. Based on the chart below, what can be concluded regarding the function of the client’s hitting behavior?
A) The behavior is likely being maintained by escape
B) The behavior is likely being maintained by attention
C) The behavior is likely being maintained by sensory stimulation
D) Nothing, the data yields inconclusive results regarding the function

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12. Which method of a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) yields the most precise information regarding the function of a
client’s behavior?
A) Scatter Plot
B) Functional Analysis
C) Direct Assessment
D) Indirect Assessment

13. Based on the chart below, what can be concluded regarding the function of the client’s spitting behavior?
A) The behavior is likely being maintained by escape
B) The behavior is likely being maintained by attention
C) The behavior is likely being maintained by sensory stimulation
D) The behavior is likely being maintained by access to a tangible

14. The assessment in which one stimulus at a time is presented and the client’s response is recorded is known as:
A) Multiple Stimulus Assessment
B) Successive Choice Assessment
C) Paired Stimulus Assessment
D) Free-Operant Observation

15. The contingent attention condition of a Functional Analysis (FA) tests for which of the following?
A) If positive reinforcement is maintaining the behavior
B) If negative reinforcement is maintaining the behavior
C) If automatic reinforcement is maintaining the behavior
D) If the client can maintain their attention for a set amount of time

16. When I start my new client Sarah, I first meet with the parent of the client to gather some basic personal and behavioral
information. The parents report Sarah behaviors at school are very disruptive to her peers and she often is sent to the office
because of her behaviors. With the parent’s permission, I go into the school and ask the teacher about the behaviors she
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has directly observed. The teacher reports Sarah often engages in verbal refusal, yelling, kicking, and throwing school
supplies about an hour before lunch time, every day. I record this information in my Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA).
What method did I use to collect behavioral data for my Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA)?
A) Functional
B) Direct
C) Indirect
D) Stimulus

17. ABC Narrative Recording, ABC Continuous Recording, and Scatter Plots are three methods of collecting data for ___
A) Reinforcer
B) Stimulus preference
C) Direct
D) Indirect

18. When I began charting the collected Functional Analysis (FA) data for my client, I noticed the target problem behavior
occurred at nearly the same frequency regardless of the condition. What can I conclude?
A) My result are inconclusive
B) The problem behavior may be maintained by automatic reinforcement
C) I need to change the scales of my chart
D) A or B are possible

19. Which of the following statements best describes the topography of a “tantrum” behavior?
A) The client engages in a tantrum behavior, which includes but isn’t limited to verbally and physically refusal, when he gets
home from school.
B) The client engages in hitting, kicking, yelling, verbally and physically refusing.
C) The client engages in hitting and kicking adults, yelling at adults, and saying “No!” when told to complete a task.
D) The client engages in a hitting, kicking, yelling, verbally and physically refusing in order to escape doing his homework.

20. While conducting a Functional Analysis (FA), I observe and record my client’s behaviors while she is alone, without access to
toys. What am I testing for?
A) If positive reinforcement is maintaining the behavior
B) If negative reinforcement is maintaining the behavior
C) If automatic reinforcement is maintaining the behavior
D) If access to a reinforcing item is maintaining the behavior

21. Which of the following make up a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA)?

A) Free-operant Observation, Trial-Based Assessment, Reinforcer Assessment
B) Free-operant Observation, ABC Narrative Recording Assessment, ABC Continuous Recording Assessment,
C) Functional Analysis, Direct Assessment, Reinforcer Assessment
D) Analog Assessment, Descriptive Direct Assessment, Indirect Assessment

22. Which of the following statements best describes the behavior in measurable terms, regarding frequency?
A) The behavior occurred more often in the home setting than in the community setting
B) The behavior occurred most often when he client is given a difficult task
C) The behavior occurred twice with the mother and once with the father
D) The behavior occurred twice as many times with the mother than with the father

23. While conducting a Functional Analysis (FA), my client engages in the problem behavior. I say “No! Don’t do that!” and then
immediately turn away from the client. While turned away, my client again engages in same the problem behavior. I once
again ay “No! Don’t do that!” and then immediately turn away once again. Which condition of the Functional Analysis am I
A) Contingent Escape
B) Contingent Attention
C) Alone

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D) Free play

24. A pattern analysis is great for…

A) Isolating specific time periods when the problem behavior occurs
B) Isolating specific antecedents which preceded the problem behavior
C) Isolating specific consequence which follow the problem behavior
D) Isolating specific stimuli which can be used to reinforce the problem behavior

25. I am conducting a direct descriptive FBA where I check off, from a predetermined list, what I observe when the target
behavior occurs. Which ABC recording method am I using?
A) Sequence Analysis
B) Continuous
C) Narrative
D) Scatter plot

26. The contingent escape condition of a Functional Analysis (FA) tests for which of the following?
A) If positive reinforcement is maintaining the behavior
B) If negative reinforcement is maintaining the behavior
C) If automatic reinforcement is maintaining the behavior
D) If the client can appropriately escape the task

Task List Area J

1. Which of the following statements best describes the goal in observable terms?
A) The intervention targets the client’s tantrum behavior, which serve as an escape, in the social setting when peers are
B) The intervention targets the client’s tantrum behavior in the social setting, when peers are present.
C) The intervention targets the client’s hitting behaviors, which has an attention-seeking function, in the playground setting
when peers are present.
D) The intervention targets the client’s hitting behavior in the social setting.

2. I conduct a task analysis on answering the door when the doorbell rings. The steps of my task analysis are: walk to the door,
open the door, and close the door after letting the person in. My client mastered “walk to the door” very quickly using a
forward chaining procedure but seems to be having trouble with the next step, “open the door”. All of the following are
possible solutions to help facilitate acquisition and mastery of the task except:
A) Withholding reinforcement until the client completes the entire task independently
B) Add in an additional step between “walk to the door” and “open the door”
C) Switch to another type of chaining procedure
D) Provide least-to-most prompting for the “open the door” step

3. Jim, a BCBA, has a client who is non-vocal. Jim recommended the family buy an iPad as an alternative communication
device but the family is unwilling due to the price. Jim could do all of the following to overcome this resource constraint
A) Jim could recommend the family reach out to local advocates and support groups
B) Jim could threaten to end services if the family doesn’t buy an iPad for the client
C) Jim could teach the client a different form of alternative communication
D) Jim could use a company iPad, with permission, as an alternative communication device during his sessions

4. Jim, a BCBA, started with a new client. During the intake, the client’s parents spoke very highly about their child’s
intelligence and ability to learn new skills quickly. One limitation the parents spoke of is his lack of vocal communication.
Jim knew the new client was “capable” of learning to talk so he started requiring the client to uses phrases with 5 or more
words in order to earn a reinforcer. After several sessions of being unable to receive reinforcement, the client became
frustrated and engaged in very long durations of crying. At this point, Jim determined he had become an aversive stimulus.
What did Jim fail to realize?
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A) He set the requirement to earn reinforcement to low.
B) It is unclear if the skill is in the client repertoire and may need to be taught how to say words first.
C) He didn’t do anything wrong because the parents spoke highly about their child’s intelligence and ability to learn new skills
D) He does not have the authority to make changes to the program, only the director can.

5. Sarah spends her lunch time in the resource room with her teacher. Although Sarah enjoys spending lunch time in the
resource room, she has mastered the necessary social skills to eat lunch in the typical lunchroom. Jim, Sarah’s BCBA, is
preparing to transition her to the lunchroom setting, so she can interact with her friends. In the resource room, Jim
arranges the tables in the same pattern as the lunchroom, plays an audio recorded from the lunchroom, and brings in some
trays which are used in the lunchroom. Which strategy of promoting generalization is Jim using?
A) General case analysis
B) Multiple exemplars training
C) Programming Common stimuli
D) Loosely training

6. My client has mastered and generalized several targets. I then thin the reinforcement schedule to the natural environment.
Several weeks later, I probe the targets to see if my client can still do them. I am checking for …
A) Behavioral cusps
B) Maintenance
C) Reinforcers
D) Behavioral contrast effects

7. Which of the following is not a behavioral cusp?

A) Learning how to pay for groceries
B) Learning how to open a door
C) Learning how to walk
D) Learning how to hold a pencil

8. I am studying to become a BCBA. My supervisor is helping me study by asking me to label the AKAs for several terms. Which
strategy of generalization are they using?
A) Teaching Loosely
B) Multiple Exemplar Training
C) Mediation
D) Indiscriminable Contingencies

9. During a supervision visit to a client’s house, the client’s parents ask me, a BCBA, what they could to do support their child’s
social skills program outside of the session setting. I provide them with some suggestions. The parent’s involvement in their
child’s social skills program outside of the session setting is an example of…
A) Programming Common Stimuli
B) Loosely Training/Teaching Loosely
C) Multiple Exemplars
D) Mediation

10. Learning to drive is an example of a…

A) Pivotal behavior
B) Multiple Exemplar Training
C) Behavior cusp
D) Respondent Behavior

11. I am using notecards, study guides, practice exams, and worksheets to study for the exam. Which of the following strategies
am I utilizing to study?
A) Stimulus equivalence
B) Response discrimination
C) Response generalization

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D) Stimulus generalization

12. Which of the following statements best describes the goal in measurable terms?
A) The goal of the intervention is to reduce the client’s hitting behavior.
B) The goal of the intervention is to decrease the rate of the client’s hitting behavior in the playground setting when peers are
present, to less than two occurrences per month.
C) The goal of the intervention is to reduce the rate of the client’s hitting behavior.
D) The goal of the intervention is to decrease the rate of the client’s hitting behavior in the playground setting when peers are

13. Which of the following is the most supportive environment?

A) Teaching a client to swim on dry land
B) Teaching a client to eat with a fork with pretend food, when he is hungry
C) Teaching a client to ride a bike; something his father supports but his mother does not
D) Teaching a client play skills during a play date with his school friends

14. What is the best way to assess the social validity of a behavior?
A) Have the client perform the behavior in a hypothetical setting
B) Have the client perform the behavior in a clinic setting
C) Have the client perform the behavior in public or the "real world"
D) Have the client perform the behavior 1:1 with a behavior therapist

15. My client has mastered the skill of responding appropriately when someone says “Hi”. Now I want to teach her to respond
to various forms of greetings. I say “Hello!”, “Howdy!”, and “Nice to see you!”. I am using which strategy to promote
A) General case analysis
B) Multiple exemplars training
C) Loosely training
D) Programming Common stimuli

16. I taught my client, Sarah, to say “Hi” whenever one of her friends approach and says “Hi” to her. One day, while on an
outing, we saw one of Sarah’s friends. Her friend says “Hi” to Sarah and to my surprise, Sarah says “Hello! How are you?”
Sarah’s behavior towards her friend is an example of…
A) Stimulus equivalence
B) Response discrimination
C) Stimulus generalization
D) Response generalization

17. What is an example of social validity?

A) Teaching a non-verbal client how to say their name in 3 languages.
B) Teaching a 5 years old how to fix a car because he loves cars
C) Teaching a 5 year old how to read because she loves to look at books.
D) Teaching kicking to communicate they need something.

18. If an intervention is said to have social validity that means the intervention …
A) Teaches socially significant behaviors
B) Is considered to be socially appropriate by those in the client’s environment (therapist, parents, teachers…)
C) Makes socially significant improvements to the client’s life
D) All of the above

19. When selecting a behavior to teach, which of the following abides by the Relevance of Behavior Rule?
A) Teaching a 3 year-old how to request for her favorite food during snack time
B) Teaching a 2 year-old how to wash the dishes by hand
C) Teaching a 19 year-old how to speak Spanish ten months before his week-long trip to France
D) Teaching a 7 year-old how to balance a check book.

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20. I present my client with a picture of a red apple. The client says “apple”. I then present my client with an actual apple. The
client again says “apple”. This demonstrates the client’s ability to ….
A) Generalize between stimuli
B) Generalize between responses
C) Discriminate between stimuli
D) Discriminate between responses

21. When selecting a target behavior to decrease, the alternative behavior to be taught must…
A) Not match the function of the target behavior
B) Match the topography of the target behavior
C) Match the function of the target behavior
D) Match the frequency of the target behavior

22. Learning how to use a microwave is an example of a…

A) Pivotal behavior
B) Multiple Exemplar Training
C) Behavior cusp
D) Respondent Behavior

Task List Area K

1. If I say “This treatment plan has a degree of integrity”, it means…
A) Everyone who is implementing the treatment plan is doing so correctly
B) Everyone who helped develop the treatment plan is a BCBA
C) Everyone who has access to the data collected while the treatment plan is being implemented, is within HIPAA compliance
D) The treatment is very effective

2. When providing feedback to trainees, you should try to end with…

A) Identifying skills performed incorrectly
B) Asking questions
C) Answering questions
D) A positive and supportive statement

3. What is a direct method of measuring treatment integrity?

A) Self-report
B) Questionnaire
C) Observation
D) Rating Scales

4. Which of the following list of requirements must all be met in order for informed consent can be considered valid?
A) The individual must show they have the ability to make a decision; the individual’s decision to participate in the treatment
must be voluntary; and the individual must acknowledge the possible negative side effects of the treatment.
B) The individual must be a legal adult; the individual’s decision to participate in the treatment must be voluntary; and the
individual must have knowledge of all significant parts; conditions; and phases of the treatment.
C) The individual must show they have the ability to make a decision; the individual’s decision to participate in the treatment
must be voluntary; and the individual must have knowledge of all significant parts; conditions; and phases of the treatment.
D) The individual must show they have good motor and vocal communication skills; the individual’s decision to participate in
the treatment must be voluntary; and the individual must have knowledge of all significant parts; conditions; and phases of
the treatment.

5. The biggest threat to the data’s accuracy and reliability is…

A) Insufficient supporting research
B) Social validity
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C) Unintentional prompts
D) Human error

6. The computer software I use to collect and record partial interval data only allows percentage inputs in intervals of 10 (10%,
20%, 30%, etc.). What is one major problem with recording data in this manner?
A) The scale is not sensitive enough to show minor changes in the data
B) Partial interval data is not recorded as percentage data
C) The scale is to sensitive and will not show minor changes in the data
D) Nothing, there is no problem with recording data in this manner

7. If there is large variability in the data you have collected during the first few trials of a condition, what should you do?
A) Continue the current condition
B) Start the next condition and see if your data become more stable
C) “Reverse” back to a previous condition where your data were more stable
D) Seek assistance from another experienced BCBA

8. All of the following are parts of a competency-based training procedure except:

A) Provide video modeling
B) Provide a written quiz to evaluate skill acquisition
C) Provide a detailed description of what is going to be taught
D) Have the individual rehearse the skill while you observe

9. I am new BCBA and as a new BCBA, I want to help other pass the exam. The first thing I do after the exam is write down as
many questions as I can remember. I then use the questions I remember to help those I am supervising, study for the exam.
I did violate the code of conduct?
A) Yes, because the questions are unauthorized copies of specific exam questions
B) No, because I did not remember every question on the exam
C) Yes, because I am not a BCBA-D
D) No, because the code of conduct doesn’t cover exam questions

10. When should feedback should be given to staff?

A) At their next annual evaluation
B) At their next supervision visit
C) Immediately
D) When the treatment plan is being updated

11. I am training three RBTs and one family member

RBT 1: I train Sarahed on how to collect frequency data but unfortunately due to scheduling conflicts, she is unable to
collect any behavior data.
RBT 2: I trained Tim on how to collect frequency data and how to implement the treatment procedure. He records 3 days of
RBT 3: I trained Emma on how to collect frequency data on a client but I do not tell her why the data is being collect nor if
the conditions she is observing and collecting data on, will or will not have the treatment procedure in place. She records
another 3 days of data.
FAMILY MEMBER: I trained Ben on how to collect frequency data. He is already aware of how to implement the treatment
procedure and needs no further training. He records 7 days of additional behavior data.
QUESTION: Who would considered a naïve observer?
A) Sarah
B) Tim
C) Emma
D) Ben

12. For an individual to be considered capable of making an informed decision, an individual must…
A) Have an appropriate mental processes or abilities to acquire knowledge
B) The ability to select and express choices

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C) The ability to engage in the rational processes of decision making
D) All of the above

13. At the onset of implementing the treatment plan, I define “aggressive behaviors” as “The client hitting adults or peers with
his hand or closed fist”. At first, I record the frequency of the client’s hitting behaviors alone. A few weeks later I start
recording the frequency of the client’s hitting and kicking behaviors. During data review a week later, I notice I forgot to
note when I start recording the addition kicking behavior. This is an example of…
A) Observer Reactivity
B) Measurement Bias
C) Observer Drift
D) Treatment Drift

14. Monitoring staff in a covert manner may result in…

A) An increase in staff performance
B) Negative side effects
C) A lot of questions
D) Inaccurate data on the staff’s performance

15. I want to measure the exact number of words my 17 year old client can read in one minute. I give her a 175 word short
story to read. She successfully read the entire short story in 44 seconds, with 100% word accuracy. I record that she can
read more than 175 words in a minute. What error did I make in my measurement?
A) I failed to ensure she knew all the words in the short story
B) I failed to ensure the measurement scales were not limiting the way her data was collected
C) I failed to ensure there was no environment distractions which could limit her performance
D) Nothing, there is no error in my measurement

16.How can you measure staff performance objectively?

A) With a time sampling procedure
B) By evaluating permanent products of their work
C) By evaluating the effectiveness of the treatment plan
D) A and B

17. Which of the following is an example of ongoing documentation of behavior services?

A) Keeping documentation of services from the beginning until the end of services
B) Keeping documentation of billing only from the beginning until the end of services
C) Keeping documentation of targets and data from when the target is introduced until the target is mastered
D) Keeping documentation of services until the information is out-of-date

18. What is the advantage of evaluating the permanent products of staff instead of observing the staff directly?
A) There is less direct reactivity when evaluating the permanent products of staff
B) There is more direct reactivity when evaluating the permanent products of staff
C) The evaluation can be done at any time, even without the staff being present
D) A and C

19. I have a very busy caseload and need to delegate some tasks to a few of my supervisees. Before doing so, I should ensure
the person can perform the task(s)…
A) Ethically, effectively, and thoroughly
B) Competently, safely, and effectively
C) Competently, safely, and ethically
D) Quickly, effectively, and thoroughly

20. My client typically engages in yelling behaviors during a non-preferred task at a rate of three times a minute. When his
mother is home and listening from another room, his yelling behaviors during a non-preferred task significantly decrease, to
a rate of once every ten minutes. This change in rate of behavior is likely due to…
A) Treatment Drift
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B) Reactivity
C) Observer Drift
D) Observer Reactivity

21. As a BCBA, I must ensure my supervisions and trainings are…

A) Behavior-analytic in nature
B) Effectively designed
C) Ethically designed
D) Meet the requirement for certification
E) All of the above

22. I have the option of taking on another client but my caseload is already very full. I can barely keep up with updating
treatment plans and conducting supervision meetings and trainings. What should I do?
A) Take on the client because it is more one opportunity to help someone
B) Refer the client or parents of the client to another, well-qualified individual
C) Refer the client or parents of the client to several self-help books
D) Tell the client of parents of the client that I am unable to provide them with a referral because of my heavy caseload

23. While developing a treatment plan, I included details about the antecedents, behaviors, consequences, and teaching
procedures. What did I forget to include?
A) Environmental/Setting details
B) Staff details
C) Training details
D) All of the above

24. When I initially started working with my client, I taught the client how to wash his hands using steps in a specific order.
After several months, I introduced several new RBTs to the client’s case. I trained the RBTs on how I was implementing and
teaching the hand washing skill. A month later, during our supervision meeting, I discovered one of the RBTs was not
implementing the hand washing program using the same specific step order as everyone else. This is an example of…
A) Reactivity
B) Measurement Bias
C) Observer Drift
D) Treatment Drift

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Answer Sheet CBMock - Bill’s Extended Questions v.1

Name: Date:

Answer Study Notes
Area A ------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Area B ------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Area C ------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Area D ------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Area E ------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Area F ------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Area G ------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Area H ------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Area I ------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Area J ------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Area K ------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Answer Key for CBMock – Bill’s Extended Questions v1.1

Task List Area

1. C 1. D 1. B 1. A 49. C 1. B 1. D 1. C 1. C 1. B 1. C 1. A
2. D 2. C 2. B 2. D 50. C 2. B 2. A 2. B 2. B 2. D 2. A 2. D
3. D 3. A 3. C 3. B 51. A 3. A 3. C 3. B 3. B 3. B 3. B 3. C
4. C 4. B 4. A 4. C 52. B 4. A 4. C 4. A 4. A 4. A 4. B 4. C
5. C 5. D 5. B 5. C 53. C 5. B 5. D 5. C 5. D 5. B 5. C 5. D
6. C 6. C 6. C 6. D 54. A 6. B 6. A 6. B 6. B 6. C 6. B 6. A
7. D 7. C 7. D 7. D 55. B 7. C 7. B 7. B 7. B 7. C 7. D 7. A
8. D 8. A 8. D 8. A 56. A 8. C 8. C 8. B 8. D 8. D 8. A 8. B
9. A 9. B 9. B 9. D 57. A 9. B 9. D 9. C 9. D 9. A 9. D 9. A
10. B 10. C 10. D 58. A 10. B 10. B 10. B 10. A 10. A 10. C 10. C
11. A 11. C 11. D 59. B 11. A 11. B 11. A 11. B 11. B 11. D 11. C
12. A 12. A 12. C 60. B 12. C 12. C 12. A 12. A 12. B 12. B 12. D
13. A 13. C 13. C 61. C 13. C 13. B 13. A 13. C 13. C 13. D 13. C
14. B 14. D 14. D 62. A 14. A 14. A 14. B 14. C 14. B 14. C 14. B
15. B 15. C 15. C 63. C 15. A 15. A 15. B 15. B 15. A 15. B 15. B
16. B 16. C 16. D 64. B 16. A 16. B 16. C 16. D 16. C 16. D 16. D
17. C 17. D 17. D 65. C 17. B 17. D 17. A 17. C 17. C 17. C 17. A
18. C 18. C 18. B 66. A 18. B 18. D 18. D 18. A 18. D 18. D 18. D
19. B 19. B 19. B 67. A 19. B 19. C 19. B 19. C 19. C 19. A 19. C
20. A 20. C 20. B 68. B 20. D 20. A 20. B 20. C 20. C 20. A 20. B
21. B 21. A 21. A 69. B 21. B 21. D 21. D 21. A 21. D 21. C 21. E
22. A 22. B 22. C 70. B 22. B 22. C 22. B 22. C 22. A 22. B
23. D 23. D 23. A 71. A 23. A 23. D 23. A 23. B 23. A
24. C 24. A 24. B 72. C 24. A 24. B 24. C 24. A 24. D
25. C 25. C 25. A 73. B 25. A 25. A 25. B
26. B 26. A 26. B 74. D 26. C 26. B
27. A 27. B 27. C 75. A 27. D
28. D 28. D 28. C 76. B 28. D
29. C 29. A 29. D 77. D 29. D
30. C 30. A 30. A 78. A
31. C 31. A 31. B 79. A
32. A 32. D 80. D
33. B 33. D 81. C
34. A 34. A 82. C
35. C 35. B 83. A
36. A 36. C 84. B
37. D 37. B 85. D
38. C 38. B 86. A
39. A 39. B 87. A
40. B 40. D 88. B
41. B 41. A 89. D
42. D 42. A 90. B
43. B 91. A
44. C 92. B
45. B 93. A
46. B 94. D
47. C 95. B
48. C

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