I Am Enough
I Am Enough
I Am Enough
Content Standards Gr 1:
Addressed (2020) ● Comprehensive Health
● Writing, Communicating (Oral Expression and
This may not be an Listening)
exhaustive list.
Performance/Behavior Students will listen to I Am Enough by Grace Byers and
Criteria complete a learning activity.
Culturally Responsive Guiding Questions for Lesson Planning with Equity in Mind:
Education Strategies How does this lesson engage students behaviorally,
affectively, cognitively and further leverage relationships in the
classroom? In what ways does this lesson support bridging
their social/cultural identities with their academic identities?
(Relationships, Engagement, Cultural Identity)
Words - air, bird, burn, champ, climb, cry, disagree, dictate our
worth, dream, drip, Earth, eyes, fall, fear, fight, fire, fly, frame,
get along, grow, hair, ladder, learn, moon, mountain, pour, pull,
push, rain, rise above, rope, shine, sing, skin, soar, stand,
student, sun, swell, tree, voice, water, win, wind, winner
● Vocab Cards
○ I Am Enough vocab WITH pictures
○ I Am Enough vocab WITHOUT pictures
Instructional Sequence
Anticipatory Set/ 1. Connect to prior learning:
Background ● Teacher should refer to learning from previous lesson,
Spot in the World. For example:
○ “When we read Spot in the World, we learned
how each of us have things that are the same as
others and things that are different. Those
differences might even stand out from other
people. We learned the world NEEDS
differences. We need to be able to have new
ideas, new perspectives and new actions.”
2. Connect to background:
● Sample script with students to help them connect to
their individual backgrounds and experiences:
○ “Sometimes, when our differences stand out, it
can make us feel uneasy. People can say things
that make us feel bad or that cause us to say to
ourselves, we aren’t enough.”
● Some possible questions to spark student feedback,
inquiry, input. (Depending on the age of the child, you
may need to alter the language in the questions to
make it more concrete for little learners, learners with
special needs or who are just learning english):
○ “Do you ever have times when you don’t feel so
good about yourself?”
○ “Has anyone ever said things about you that
make you feel sad? Maybe they talked about
the way you look, your hair, your skin color,
your culture, your family, the way you talk, the
language(s) you speak, the way you learn, the
way you do something, the way you are
different… anything like that?”
■ Teacher should use their discretion in how
many examples to discuss with their class.
○ “How did that make you feel?” Students may say:
sad, angry, hurt, etc...
● Students can verbally engage, raise their hands or use
the student response cards to respond to the questions
○ Student response cards
■ Student response cards (thumbs up/down)
■ Student response cards (smile/frown)
■ Student response cards (yes/no)
Direct Instruction and 1. Teacher sets students' expectations as the story is read
Procedures aloud.
● “As you listen to this story, think about you.
Listen for things that are like you and think about
other things you bring to the world that are
different from the person in the book. When we
are done reading the story we are going to do an
activity to share with the class about who we are
and how you are enough.”
4. Student activity
● Activities and Choice Board
● Teacher could use this in a variety of ways.
○ Teacher chooses one of the activities on the board
to do with their class.
○ Teacher gives students options using the activity
○ Students can select an activity off of the board to
○ If students finish early or teacher would like an
extension, they may choose to do more than one
activity on the board.
**********Depending on the activity chosen, the teacher may
need to model how to do the activity.
3-5 Elementary
Younger kids
may need a
template to do
Circle Map
Older kids can
likey draw their
photo and label.
Photo example