Moniplus2 Release 02.03.Xx Global Software Installation and Configuration Guide
Moniplus2 Release 02.03.Xx Global Software Installation and Configuration Guide
Moniplus2 Release 02.03.Xx Global Software Installation and Configuration Guide
xx Global
Software Installation and Configuration Guide
using Basic Media Single Image and MoniACT
for Windows 7 and Windows 10
Ver. 8.0
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Document Organization ................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Audience ....................................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Additional References ................................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Required Tools .............................................................................................................................. 2
1.5 Hyosung Contact Information ....................................................................................................... 2
1.6 How to Use this Document ........................................................................................................... 2
2 Preliminary Activities ....................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Identify the ATM Hardware Model .............................................................................................. 3
2.2 Windows 10 Hardware Support .................................................................................................... 4
2.3 Upgrade Kits for MoniPlus2 ATMs.............................................................................................. 4
2.4 5300XP Only – Receipt Printer Type ........................................................................................... 4
2.5 Remove the Dial Up Modem in 5100T with H81 Core ................................................................ 4
2.6 Obtain the Software for the ATM ................................................................................................. 4
2.7 Collect the Current Configuration Information............................................................................. 5
2.7.1 General Configuration Settings ............................................................................................. 5
2.7.2 Deposit Automation Settings ................................................................................................ 5
3 Install and Configure the Software ................................................................................................... 6
3.1 Verify the Core and BIOS ............................................................................................................. 6
3.2 Install the Software ....................................................................................................................... 7
3.2.1 Assemble the Software Installation Media ........................................................................... 7
3.2.2 Load the Basic Media Single Image Software ...................................................................... 8
3.2.3 Run the MoniACT Configuration Program .......................................................................... 9
3.2.4 Load the NHSecurity CD .................................................................................................... 11
3.2.5 Load the 5300XP Switch CD .............................................................................................. 11
3.2.6 Load the MoniPlus2 02.03.xx.xx Application CD.............................................................. 11
3.2.7 Load Any Additional Software ........................................................................................... 12
3.2.8 Load Hot Fix Update CD .................................................................................................... 12
3.2.9 Finish the Software Installation .......................................................................................... 12
3.3 Configure the Software ............................................................................................................... 13
3.3.1 Enter General Configuration Information ........................................................................... 13
3.3.2 Enter Deposit Automation Information .............................................................................. 18
Revision History
Version Date Change Summary
1.0 6/3/16 Initial issue based on ver. 10 of the existing MoniPlus2 02.03
installation document.
• Added BIOS configuration for the H61 core on pages 11-12.
• Updated the media list and step-by-step installation instructions
on page 13 -17.
• Added troubleshooting section for problem where MoniACT
does not auto-start on page 58.
• Added a list of the devices that can be configured through
MoniACT on page 83.
• Added instructions on loading an MX5200 on page 84.
2.0 8/4/16 Added notation of how to start the MoniACT configuration
program if not preceded by the Basic Media package on page 15.
Corrected the installation instructions for the NHSecurity package
on page 17. You must manually start the installation by selecting
SWUpdate.exe on the CD.
Added block diagrams for 7800i and 8800 terminals on page 67 and
3.0 1/16/17 Added Q87 BIOS settings on page 13.
Added instruction to set the GBRM entry on the Set Cash Mode
supervisor screen to True only if you have a GBRM on page 21.
Added note to use the Local Port Number setting in the Host
Address when the host is defined as server, but requires a static port
number for the ATM on page 23.
Added instructions for changing the HCDU low bill sensor values
on pages 59-60.
4.0 4/25/17 Updated the instructions for installing the Basic Media software on
page 15.
Updated the screen shot for MoniACT on page 16.
Updated the MoniPlus2 application installation organization on
pages 18-19.
Removed the MX8800 block diagram because it does not support
MoniPlus2 02.03.xx Global.
Removed the EPP parts ordering information and recommended
contacting the help desk.
1 Introduction
This document provides step-by-step instructions for installing and configuring the Hyosung MoniPlus2
02.03.xx Global software on a MoniMax ATM using the single image base and MoniACT software.
Instructions are included in this document and identified as such for:
1.2 Audience
This document is written for Hyosung stagers, field service engineers, value added resellers (VARs) and
anyone responsible for installing the MoniPlus2 software. These instructions have been written with the
assumption that you have been trained in general ATM installation and configuration.
⇒ If you are upgrading an ATM to the latest version of 02.03.xx only and not completely
reloading, continue with the section entitled How to Install a Software Update on page 38.
2 Preliminary Activities
Before you load the MoniPlus2 02.03.xx software on an ATM, you need to determine what hardware you
have to ensure that it is supported by MoniACT and MoniPlus2. There is a list of supported ATM models
in the Identify the ATM Hardware Model section below. If your ATM is not one of the models listed,
contact the Hyosung help desk. There are also some model-specific instructions included in this section.
• If you are upgrading to Windows 10, you may also need to replace the CE. Only H81 and Q87 cores
can currently be used with Windows 10. The Windows 10 Hardware Support section on page 4 lists
the core upgrade kits that are available by ATM model number.
• If you are loading a MX5200, go to the Build and Install the MoniPlus2 02.03.xx Software for an
MX5200 ATM section on page 81. This model does not use the typical load process.
When reloading an ATM in the field, including upgrading to Windows 10, you need to collect all of the
configuration information currently on the ATM so that you can re-enter it after you load the new
software. This activity is also explained in this section.
Note: You do not need to reload the encryption keys when you load a new software image on an ATM in
the field. The encryption keys are stored in the Encrypting Pin Pad (EPP) which is not affected by a
software reload.
Note 1: Your ATM may have an adequate core for Windows 10, but may need a BIOS upgrade. See
Verify the Core and BIOS on page 6 for BIOS version information.
Note 2: the Hyosung 7000, 5200 and 5100 lobby/5100T through the wall ATMs with TTUs will not be
supported in MoniACT. You will need to load these using separate images.
H81 or Q87 CE
ATM Type
Upgrade Kit Part #*
5100T 7900002271 (to H81)
5300XP 7900002272 (to H81)
5600 7900002176 (to H81)
7600FFL 7900002172 (to H81)
7600T 7900002173 (to H81)
7600I 7900002174 (to H81)
*Includes 4G RAM.
The BIOS software version number is typically on the BIOS main screen. Use the tables below to
determine what version of BIOS software is the latest. Contact Hyosung technical support to obtain a
copy of the BIOS software or for assistance.
Widows 7
H81 5.05A
H61 201A
Windows 10
H81 5.11NH
Sample only labels are shown below. Refer to your software release notes to verify that you have all of
the media you need before starting.
1 OF 2 2 OF 2
1 OF 1 1/23/2015 1 OF 1
MP2 Global
MoniACT V (Sample)
V (Sample)
If you are reloading an ATM in the field, be sure you also have all of the configuration information you
need to reenter before you start. Refer to the Collect the Current Configuration Information section on
page 5 for information.
1. Attach a keyboard and optional mouse to the ATM if you have not done so already.
2. If your CE has a Watch Dog switch as shown in the picture below, you must disable the Watch Dog
by moving the switch to the 0 position when the software starts to load. If you do not disable this
switch, the ATM will reboot 10 minutes after you start loading the software.
If your CE does not have a Watch Dog switch, skip this step.
3. Insert the first Basic Media Image DVD (1 of 2) into the CD/DVD drive, power the ATM off and
then back on to start the image installation process. A progress bar displays as Windows files load.
4. When prompted, remove the first Basic Media DVD and insert the second Basic Media DVD (2 of 2).
• You will see onscreen messages as the hard disk is configured. Then the ImageX Tool for
Windows screen displays as the Windows image restores.
• The ATM will restart multiple times as it loads and runs configuration and setup scripts.
• After Windows finishes loading, the completion message “Basic media installation complete”
displays to you on the Windows desktop. Wait until you see this message before proceeding.
11. Select Yes when the screen properties popup box displays as shown at the top of the next page. If you
select No, the installation will continue, but the screen calibration may be incorrect and you may have
to calibrate the screen(s) manually.
21. Insert the MoniPlus2 02.03.xx.xx application CD into the drive. Using Windows Explorer, navigate
to the CD and double-click on the SWUpdate.exe program to begin the installation.
• The ATM will reboot multiple times while installing the software. Remove the CD after the first
• You will be prompted to enter your ATM model name (number) during the installation if this is a
new installation. Otherwise, you will not be promoted for the model.
• After the ATM reboots the final time, the application will start. You will see the supervisor screen
on the rear (or single) monitor and the out of service screen on the front (dual) monitor.
Troubleshooting Note: If the customer touch screen is not responsive at this point, it may be plugged
into the wrong port. Refer to the Touch Screen not Responsive section on page 46 for details.
22. If the location of the device orientation script within the voice guidance file needs to be changed, or
omitted all together, load the Device Orientation package through supervisor as a software update.
Refer to the How to Install a Software Update section on page 38 for instructions on software
updates. Then select the required orientation option from the following when prompted:
• 0 = Turn off device orientation − do not include dynamic device orientation at all
• 1 = Prepend device orientation − prepend the dynamic device orientation text to my orientation
script text
• 2 = Replace device orientation − completely replace the text in my orientation script with the
dynamic device orientation text (default)
The ATM will reboot after you make your selection and then return to the supervisor screen.
Troubleshooting Note: If you are instructed to load one or more files into directories that do not
exist on the ATM, use Windows Explorer to create the required directories.
24. Load any third-party CDs. Refer to the information provided by the vendor for installation
If your ATM does not have Watch Dog switch, skip this step.
⇒ If you are staging ATMs at the warehouse, STOP HERE. Power down the ATM, remove the
keyboard and mouse and follow your established procedures to prepare the ATM for shipment.
⇒ If you are reloading an ATM in the field, continue with the next section to configure the new
29. Select 1 Operation Config and enter the configuration values as listed on the top portion of the
Config Information receipt if you have it. If the default value is correct for a setting, you do not need
to reenter it. Or for new installations, enter at least the machine number (terminal ID).
30. Select Enable for the 9 US Common AID field if this is a U.S. site. If this is not a U.S. site, skip this
When finished, press Previous to return to the Configuration menu.
31. Select 2 Cash Config and then 1 Set Cash Mode. The Set Cash Mode screen displays as shown
below. Enter the cash configuration information listed in the CDM/NOTE INFORMATION portion
of the Config Information receipt. Or for new installations:
• Change Note Counting to the value specified by your customer (typically False).
• Set Cash Unit Mode to the value specified by your customer (typically LCU) and make sure the
Support GBRM entry is set to True if your ATM has a GBRM and False if your ATM has an
When finished, press Previous to return to the Cash Config menu.
32. Select 3 Set Host Type Mapping. The Host Type Mapping screen displays as shown at the top of the
next page. Enter the denominations to match the host type mapping defined by the host or on the
Config Information receipt.
When finished, press Previous until you return to the Configuration menu.
33. Select 99 Next Page and then 12 Time Zone Config. The Time Zone Config screen displays as
shown below. Page up and down to find your time zone index number. Then enter the index number
of time zone in which this ATM is located into the input box. Then press Execute.
When finished, press Previous until you return to the Configuration menu.
Note: It is important that you set the time zone PRIOR to setting the time on the next screen so that the
correct time is maintained.
34. Select 3 System Config. The System Config screen displays as shown at the top of the next page.
Enter today’s date and time and the two volume values:
• Master volume
• VG volume
When finished, press Previous until you return to the Configuration menu.
35. Select 4 Network Config and then 2 TCP/IP to enter the communications parameters. The TCP/IP
menu displays as shown below.
• If the network uses DHCP, continue with the Host Information in Step 36.
• If the network does not use DHCP, select 1 DHCP and change the setting to disabled. Then press
Previous and continue with the next step.
36. Enter the network parameters from the receipt or as specified by the host.
• Local ATM Information – only if not using DHCP:
o ATM IP Address
o ATM Subnet Mask
o Gateway
• Host Information:
o IP Address
o Host Port
o Local Port
Note: if the host is defined as server, but requires a static port number for the ATM, use this
setting to assign the ATM client static port number.
When finished, press Previous until you return to the Configuration menu.
37. Print the Config Information receipt using the 8 Print All Config function and leave it in the ATM.
⇒ If this is a deposit automation ATM that supports cash and/or check deposits, continue with the
next section. If this is not a deposit automation ATM, skip to the Load the Master Encryption
Key – Optional by Network section on page 33.
Set the fields that match the way you want your deposit hardware to behave to True. See the
exceptions listed below.
a. If you want the CCIM to behave like a BNA/BCA, set BNA and BCA to True and ensure that
MMA is set to False.
b. If you want the CCIM to act like a single function device, check or cash accept only, set the
desired function to True and the other to False. For example, if you want the CCIM to accept
checks only and not accept cash, set BCA to True and BNA to False on this screen.
When you are finished making changes, press Previous to return to the Device Config menu and
continue with Step 39.
39. Select 2 Advanced Device Setup Config. The Advanced Device Setup Config screen displays as
shown at the top of the next page.
• Cash Acceptor – setting should always match the hardware you want to use to accept cash
deposits. Be careful when you have multiple devices that can accept cash.
• Cash Dispenser – setting should always match the hardware
• Coin Dispenser – setting should always match the hardware
• TTU – setting should always match the hardware
When finished, press Previous until you return to the Configuration menu.
40. Select 7 Deposit Config and then 1 Depository Emulation Setup. The Depository Emulation Setup
screen displays as shown below.
41. Select 1 for True or 2 for False for these options as follows:
• Depository Emulation Mode - Select True.
• Transaction menu has Separate Deposit Cash/Check Button - Select True if the transaction
selection menu or sub-menu has separate buttons for check and cash deposits. Select False if the
transaction selection menu has only one deposit button.
• Test Deposit Mode – Select True to run the ‘Learn’ operation after this configuration session.
The Learn operation is how the software determines when to jump to the deposit emulation
screens to allow customers to deposit cash and checks. This entry will also automatically be set
back to False after the Learn operation.
Depending upon your answer to the Test Deposit Mode option above, you either need to run the
Learn now or come back to this screen at a later time, change the Test Deposit Mode option to True
and then run the Learn at that time.
These instructions take you through the Learn now. If you want to finish the configuration tasks first,
go to the Define the Remaining Deposit Settings section on page 28 then return here to run the Learn
42. Press Previous until you exit Supervisor and go In Service. Then perform one or two deposit
transaction as explained in the next section so that the application can learn the new deposit flow (see
Caution below).
Caution: if you perform any transaction other than a deposit after you exit Supervisor at this
point, the ATM will not learn the new deposit flow correctly and you will need to go back into
Supervisor and define all of your Deposit Emulation settings again.
Further, anything that causes you to go back to the ‘Please Insert Your Card’ screen (such as pressing
Cancel during this deposit) will cancel the learn and you will need to go back into Supervisor and
define all of your Deposit Emulation settings again.
44. Go to the main menu or the menu with the Deposit button and let it time out. The screen shown at the
top of the next page will display briefly when the screen times out.
45. Select Yes to More Time when prompted. The screen below will display briefly and then the main
menu will redisplay.
46. Select the Deposit button and let the next screen time out; the next screen is typically the account
selection screen. The “Select the more time option” message displays again briefly.
47. Select Yes to More Time when prompted. You are next prompted to finish the deposit transaction as
shown below.
48. Finish the deposit transaction. It will not complete successfully and may even look like there is a
problem with the transaction; this is normal. It will typically present the enter amount screen and then
stop, but may go a bit further.
The ATM will reboot after you run this transaction and your new deposit automation transactions will
be available. Run another deposit transaction and verify that cash and check are offered either on the
main menu or a sub-menu after you select the Deposit button. Then run one of each transaction in the
customer’s transaction set. This will flush out any problems.
Continue with Define the Remaining Deposit Settings on page 28.
NOTE: If the host reports that deposits are unavailable, go in and out of supervisor and then run the
post-Learn verification deposit again.
44. Go to the menu with the check deposit button and let it time out. The following screen will display
45. Select Yes to More Time when prompted. The menu redisplays and then the screen below displays
46. Select the Check Deposit button and then let the next screen time out; the next screen is typically the
account selection screen. You will again be prompted to select the more time option.
47. Select Yes to More Time when prompted. You are next prompted to finish the check deposit
transaction as shown below.
48. Finish the check deposit transaction. It will not complete successfully; this is normal. The flow will
return to the Welcome screen.
49. Enter your card and PIN again to run the cash transaction. You will see the following screen for a few
seconds only.
NOTE: If the host reports that deposits are unavailable, go in and out of supervisor and then try
50. Go to the menu with the cash deposit button and let it time out. The following screen will display
51. Select Yes to More Time when prompted. You will briefly see the screen below display which
prompts you to press the Cash Deposit button.
52. Select the Cash Deposit button and then let the next screen time out; the next screen is typically the
account selection screen. You will again be prompted to select the more time option.
53. Select Yes to More Time when prompted. You are next prompted to finish the cash deposit
transaction as shown below.
54. Finish the cash deposit transaction. It will not complete successfully; this is normal.
The ATM will reboot after you run this transaction and your new deposit automation transactions will
be available. Run another deposit transaction and verify that cash and check are offered separately on
the main menu itself. Then run one of each transaction in the customer’s transaction set. This will
flush out any problems.
NOTE: If the host reports that deposits are unavailable, go in and out of supervisor and then run the
deposit again.
57. Select 2 XML File Setting. The XML File Setting menu displays as shown below.
58. Select 1 XML Type on the XML File Setting menu. The XML Type screen displays as shown
59. Select the XML file format that the ATM should generate for the consolidation server: NCRXML or
NHXML. If the host is using the NCR consolidation server or one compatible with it, you must select
If you do not use a consolidation server and, therefore, do not need images and XML files kept for
uploading, select 3 NONE. If you do not use a consolidation server, but do not select NONE for this
entry, the unused check images could eventually exhaust the disk space on the ATM.
60. Press the Previous button to return to the XML File Settings menu and continue as follows:
• If you have a consolidation server, continue with Step 61.
• If you do not have a consolidation server, go to Step 75 on page 32.
61. Select the XML Account Number Element menu item. The XML Account Number Element screen
displays as shown at the top of the next page.
62. For the Extract Account Number Type, select 1 FixedLength or 2 Separator depending upon the
format of the account number sent to the ATM in the host PPD data.
• If FixedLength, you must also enter the starting position of the account number (Offset) and the
length of the account number data. Continue with Step 63
• If Separator, you must also enter the Separator Character that follows the account number data
and the starting position of the account number (Offset). Continue with Step 65.
63. For the Account Number Offset Fixed field, enter the beginning position of the account number
(offset) in the PPD data as a numeric value between 0 and 79. This entry is zero-based.
64. For the Account Number Length Fixed field, enter the number of digits in the account number as a
numeric value between 1 and 30. This entry is zero-based. Continue with Step 67.
65. For the Account Number Separator Char, press the right-arrow button (→) to select an alpha
character or the left arrow button (←) to select the symbol of the separator character that follows the
account number in the PPD data as defined by the host.
66. For the Account Number Separator Offset, enter the beginning position (Offset) of the account
number in the PPD data as a numeric value between 0 and 79.
67. Press Previous until you return to the XML File Settings menu.
68. Select XML Deposit Type Element on the XML File Settings menu. The XML Deposit Type
Element screen displays as shown at the top of the next page.
69. Select the OPCode Byte field and enter the byte number used for the account type identifier in the
opcode as defined by the host.
70. Select the OPCode Char of DDA and press the right-arrow button (→) on the virtual keyboard to
select the alpha opcode character (A – I) for DDA as specified by the host.
71. Repeat Step 70 for the remaining entries on the screen: Savings, Payment, Cashed Check, etc.
Note that Checking and Credit are not currently supported in the XML. You can either enter them
now for future support, or skip them now and enter them later.
72. Press Previous to return to the XML File Settings menu.
73. Select XML Item Type Element on the XML File Settings menu. The Item Type Element screen
displays as shown below. This screen enables you to enter the routing number for On-Us checks to
populate the <ItemType> field in the XML file.
74. Enter the routing number to be used to identify On-Us checks. Then press Previous until you return
to the Deposit Config menu.
75. Select MICR Options on the Deposit Config menu. The MICR Options screen displays as shown
76. Select True or False as specified by the host for each of the MICR items:
• Accept or reject Image Replacement Documents (IRD)
• Must detect at least 1 MICR character on the check before the check will be accepted
• Allow or do not allow reject characters in the MICR line when determining to accept the check
• Require that the check pass Modulus 10 validation before it will be accepted
77. Press Previous until you return to the Deposit Config menu.
78. Select Misc Check Options on the Deposit Config menu. The Misc Check Option screen displays as
shown at the top of the next page.
79. Select 1 for True or 2 for False to the Accept Money Orders and Accept Savings Bonds questions.
80. Enter the maximum amount to accept for a check. This amount is in cents (100 - 99999999).
81. Press Previous until you exit deposit configuration and return to the ATM Status window.
Troubleshooting Note: If several devices are listed as “open failed” on the Initializing Devices
screen when the application initializes, you have a loose connector for a USB cable on the core. Refer
to the Several Devices Listed as “Open Failed” on Initializing Devices Screen section on page 44 for
details on addressing this problem.
82. Login either a 1 Supervisor or 3 Technician and enter the password if you are not already logged in.
83. Select 8 Diagnostics.
84. On the Diagnostics menu, select 4 Key Manager. Go to the front display on the ATM. The Key
Manager menu displays as shown below.
85. Select 1 Enter Password and press Execute. The password screen shown below displays to you.
Follow the instructions on the screen to login. Remember you must press Execute before you can
enter your passwords.
86. After you successfully enter your passwords, the Key Manager menu shown below displays to allow
you to load the master key.
Note: Unlike MoniPlus2 01.04 xx, the ATM will NOT reboot after you exit MoniPlus2 02.03.xx
diagnostic mode unless the function that you perform requires a reboot.
89. Select the 8 Diagnostics menu item and press Execute. The Diagnostic Main Menu will display as
shown below.
90. Select each device from the main menu and press the Execute button to access the diagnostics tests
available for the device. Run at least the initialization function for each device to ensure that they are
operating properly.
Refer to the MoniPlus VDM Manual (Diagnostic) or similar document for details on the diagnostic
tests if you need details. You will need test cash, checks and cards for these tests.
91. After you run all of your diagnostic tests, continue with the next section to remove load from
CD/DVD capability.
92. Have the CIT or appropriate branch personnel load cash into the ATM. If the CIT or branch personnel
are not available, you may have to return to complete this installation.
93. Bring the ATM in service and run a test transaction as dictated by the bank - typically a balance
inquiry transaction with receipt. Perform any additional transaction tests required by the bank.
• Verify that the receipt contains the header logo (if included), correct location address and
terminal ID (if used). This will also test the card reader and receipt printer.
• If the ATM does not come in service, call the Hyosung or bank help desk for assistance.
94. Plug in your headset or ear buds and run a second balance inquiry, verifying that the VG is working
95. If required, run settlement and balance the ATM with the branch/host.
96. Train the tellers or CIT, as appropriate, on loading receipt paper, loading cash, clearing receipt paper
jams and removing check and cash jams. Details on these tasks are included in the MoniMax operator
manual for your ATM.
97. Set the Cencon Kaba-Mas lock according to the requirements defined by the bank.
98. Transfer all ATM keys to the branch personnel.
99. Contact your Hyosung installation coordinator to notify him that you have completed the installation.
1. Select 9 Software Update from the supervisor menu. The Software Update screen displays as shown
2. Insert the software update CD or USB into the drive, select 1 Execute Software Update. The update
will start immediately and the ATM may reboot multiple times while the update installs.
3. When the update completes, a short message displays and the application loads. Remove the CD or
4. To verify that this package installed successfully, return to the Select menu and select
1 Configuration > 9 Version Information > 3 Installed Packages.
The Installed Packages screen displays a list of all the installed packages. Ensure that the package
name is listed as installed and the Status is listed as Good.
If the package does not display in this list after you install it, or if the Status is Bad, contact Hyosung
technical support:
• Email: [email protected]
• Phone : 877-HYOSUNG (496-7864)
C Troubleshooting
This section contains information on problems that can occur during and after installation. Each problem
listed in this section contains:
• Problem name or description
• Tools required to address the problem, if required
• High-level or step-by-step instructions as required to solve the problem
Note: If you are installing the software through MoniACT, refer to the MoniACT Installation Does Not
Auto-Start section on page 51 if the installation does not automatically start.
Switch pack
2. Move switch 6 to the ON position by pushing the switch toward the ON label at the top of the pack
and away from the line of numbers along the bottom of the pack. The picture below shows switch 6 in
the ON position.
ON position
3. Power down the ATM completely and then power it back up (hard reboot) to reset the printer.
4. Perform another transaction with a receipt to verify that the receipt printer is no longer set for black
mark paper.
Other symptoms of this problem include the unavailability of anything that plugs into this hub, such as
the Panel Control board that controls the sensors, including the EPP and supervisor switch. If the
supervisor switch does not respond when moved, this may be your problem.
You can also use Device Manager to verify this problem - some of your devices/sensors will be missing
from your device list. The picture on the left at the top of the next page shows a sample of the devices that
should be displayed to you in Device Manager when the HUB1 USB cable is connected properly. The
picture on the right shows the devices missing as would occur when the HUB1 USB cable is not
connected properly, particularly the PNC and EPP would be missing. The actual lists that display to you
are ATM dependent.
HUB1 USB cable connected properly HUB1 USB cable not connected properly
Attach the cables as listed above and then test the customer monitor again. If the monitor is still
experiencing problems after you re-attach the cables, contact Hyosung tech support.
C.8 How to Retrieve the Application Log and Electronic Journal Files
When issues occur at the ATM, you may be asked to retrieve the application log file and the electronic
journal (EJ) files to a USB stick. You retrieve these files in supervisor using the Copy Logs function on
the Select Menu. You can login as Supervisor or Operator to access the Copy Logs menu.
3. Select 1 Copy Logs. The Copy Log menu displays as shown below.
4. Select 1 Copy Logs. The Copy Logs copy options screen displays as shown below.
5. Select 1 Copy Today’s Log to retrieve today’s logs or select 2 Copy Date Range Logs to retrieve
the logs for a particular time period.
• When you select 1 Copy Today’s Log, you must press the Execute Copy button to copy the logs
to your USB stick.
• When you select 2 Copy Date Range Logs, you must enter the start and end dates for the range
you want. Then press Execute Copy to copy the logs to your USB stick.
6. If you also need to retrieve the EJ files continue with the next section, Copy the EJ File. Otherwise,
remove your USB stick and press Previous until you return to the Select menu. The press Change to
Normal Mode to exit supervisor.
4. Select 1 Copy Today’s EJ to retrieve today’s EJ file only or select 2 Copy Date Range EJ to copy
EJs for a particular time period.
• When you select 1 Copy Today’s EJ, you must press the Execute Copy button to copy the logs
to your USB stick.
• When you select 2 Copy Date Range EJ, you must enter the start and end dates for the range you
want. Then press Execute Copy to copy the EJ to your USB stick.
The EJ filename has the format, where ‘123456’ is the ATM
machine number and ‘20131210_20131210’ is the start and end date of the ej files retrieved. The
sample name shown is for Today’s EJ, which uses the same start and end date. If you copy a range,
the start and end dates will be different.
5. Remove your USB stick and press Previous until you return to the Select menu. The press Change to
Normal Mode to exit supervisor.
4. Select the start and end dates for which you need to retrieve the logs and press Execute.
5. Insert your USB stick into an open USB slot. The copy will start immediately and a message box with
a progress bar will display onscreen while the files are copied to USB.
6. Press OK to finish and then remove your USB stick.
The files are placed in a zipped file labeled on the USB stick where
SPEP reflects the type of logs you requested (SPEP, SP or EP) and the start and end dates are in the
format YYYYMMDD.
Front of
4. Place the bills you removed back into the cassette and then insert the cassette into the ATM.
D Block Diagrams
This section includes the latest diagrams at the beginning and older diagrams at the end.
The actual process you should use to install the new EPP keypad into the ATM is the same as with the
previous keypad.
A separate kit contains rear bracket which is the unique per ATM type:
Rear Fixing Bracket
3. Affix the rear bracket to the rear of the keypad by screwing the four screws in place as shown below.
4. Verify that the DIP switches on the back of the keypad are set properly:
• USB keypad must have – SW1=Off, SW2=On
• Serial keypad must have – SW1=Off, SW2=Off
5. Install the new keypad into the ATM using the same procedure as you used for the PCI 1.0 EPP
6. Continue with the next section, Software Installation and Configuration.
You must install the software at the same time you upgrade the EPP keypad because you use the new
VDM screens to configure the EPP prior to entering or downloading the keys. Refer to earlier sections of
this document if you need instructions on installing MoniPlus2 images and software updates.
E.2.3 Configure the PCI 3.0 EPP Keypad for Key Entry
After you install the new EPP keypad and supporting software, use these steps to configure the EPP
keypad and key manager software so that encryption keys can be entered. At a high level, this process
has you:
• Add new, more secure passwords to enter Key Manager
• Enter two User IDs and passwords that you use to change the state of the EPP from the Initialization
state to the Installation state, which is the state required to accept keys.
The default passwords are included in these instructions. Generally, customers do not change these.
However, if the defaults are not accepted when you enter them, contact your customer for the proper
Follow these instructions closely.
After you add the new passwords, you exit Key Manager and then reenter using the new passwords.
Likewise, after you enter the new User IDs and passwords to set the state, you exit the set state function
and then enter it again using the new User IDs and passwords.
Refer to the PCI 3.0 EPP Installation Troubleshooting section on page 77 for a possible solution if you
have problems with this process.
1. Enter Diagnostics, and then select 7 Key Manager from the Diagnostics menu. You are prompted to
enter the Key Manager passwords to continue as shown in the sample screen below.
2. Press the 1 Enter password button and then press Execute. The password screen displays as shown
below prompting you to enter password #1.
3. Follow the instructions on the screen to enter the password for each of the password prompts − #1 and
#2. The default passwords are both 000000. If 000000 does not work, contact the customer for his
After you enter the correct passwords, the Key Manager main menu displays as shown at the top of
the next page. You need to change the passwords used to enter Key Manager.
4. Press 1 Change password and then Execute to enter new passwords. The Change password menu
displays as shown below.
5. Change each password to either the defaults of 111111 and 222222 or the values specified by the
customer. (PCI requires these two passwords to be different.) You will need to enter each new
password two times to validate your entries.
6. Press Previous until you exit out of Key Manager.
7. Reenter Key Manager using your new passwords.
8. When the Key Manager main menu redisplays, select 7 Set pinpad state and press Execute. The
Enter ID / Password screen displays as shown at the top of the next page.
9. Press Execute and enter the default values of 000000 for User ID and password #1 and #2.
After the default passwords are accepted, you are prompted to add new IDs and passwords as shown
10. Press the 1 Add ID / Password button and then Execute. Then follow the instructions on the screen
to enter new User IDs and passwords #1 and #2. You can use the new default User IDs and passwords
values of 111111/111111 and 222222/222222 or ones defined by the customer.
11. Press Previous twice to exit the Set State menu. Then press 4 Set pinpad state to enter the menu
again using the new User IDs and passwords you just entered.
After your credentials are accepted, the Set state main menu displays as shown below.
12. Select 4 Set state and press Execute. The EPP state will be listed as Initialization state as shown in
the top portion of the screen sample below.
13. Press Execute to change the state from Initialization to Installation. You are prompted to validate
your selection by pressing Yes or No on screen which is also shown below.
Troubleshooting Note: If you cannot change the state of the keypad, you probably did not exit out to
the Key Manager menu and the reenter the Set state menu using the new User IDs and passwords.
14. Press Yes. The state will be changed to Installation and a successful message displays on the screen
as shown in the sample screen below.
The keypad is now ready to accept encryption keys. Use the Enter Key function as you have in the past to
enter the master key, or inform the host that the ATM is ready for remote key download.
2. Press the 1 Enter password button and then press Execute. The password screen displays as shown
below prompting you to enter password #1.
3. Enter both passwords. The default passwords are 111111 and 222222.
After you enter the correct passwords, the Key Manager main menu will display as shown below.
4. Select 7 Set pinpad state and press Execute. You are prompted to enter the change state User IDs
and passwords as shown at the top of the next page.
5. Enter User IDs and passwords #1 and #2. The defaults are 111111/111111 and 222222/222222, but
your customer may have unique User IDs and passwords. If the defaults are invalid, contact the
customer to obtain the IDs and passwords.
After you enter the correct credentials, the Set State menu will display as shown in the sample screen
below. Note that the current state and number of User IDs are listed on the screen.
6. Select 4 Set state and press Execute. The current state will be listed as Installation state as shown in
the top portion of the screen sample at the top of the next page.
7. Press Execute to change the state. You are prompted to verify that you want change to the Authorized
removal state with Yes/No buttons.
8. Press Yes. The state will be changed to the Authorized removal state and a successful message will
display on the screen as shown in the sample screen below.
The keypad is now ready to be removed and can be installed in another ATM if required.
The keypad can get into this state if you, or someone else, removes the keypad without putting it in the
Authorized removal state. This makes the keypad unusable until the detection pins are pushed back in,
NVRAM is cleared and the keypad is reconfigured as explained below.
1. Ensure that the keypad is already installed in the ATM. The keypad MUST be in the ATM to
successfully clear NVRAM.
2. Push the detection PINs on either side of the keypad back down.
3. Clear NVRAM as describe in the steps below.
a. Move DIP SW1 on the underside of the keypad to the ON position (up).
b. Wait 10 seconds.
c. Move sw1 back to the OFF position (down).
d. Power down and then power back up the ATM.
4. Reenter all the Key Manager passwords and add the change state User IDs and passwords as
explained in the Configure the PCI 3.0 EPP Keypad for Key Entry on page 68. Remember the
keypad has been reset and you need to enter the old default passwords first and then change them to
the new passwords.
To verify that keys have been loaded, run the Check key status function from the Key Manager main
screen. The key types that have been loaded will display on the screen as shown in sample screen below.
• If this screen is empty, enter the master key through the Enter Key function or notify the host that you
are ready for a download. Then try to run a transaction again.
• If only the master key is loaded, the keypad may be in an Unauthorized state and unable to accept the
comms key. Check the keypad state through the Set pinpad state in Key Manager. If it is in the
Unauthorized state, follow the processes described in the Keypad State Is Listed as Unauthorized
removal state section on page 77 to put the keypad in the proper operating state.
During this process you format the USB flash drive on your PC for the Win7 image and platform
software. Therefore, follow these instructions carefully or you could render your PC unusable.
Note: The image software WILL NOT load if it is not transferred onto a bootable USB flash drive.
4. Using the disk # of the flash drive (disk # of the size closest to the size of your USB flash drive),
enter the following commands at the prompt to format your USB flash drive with NTBS. The system
will respond to each command with an appropriate acknowledgement which is shown after each
command below. Disk X is used as the USB flash drive disk # in the sample commands. Substitute
your specific disk #, typically 1, for X when you enter the instructions on your PC below.
Your USB flash drive is now bootable and formatted with NTFS.
G.2 Build the Win7 Image and Platform Software Load Flash Drive
5. Click on the 5200 Win7 and platform software link provided by Hyosung and download the .zip file
to an appropriate location on your PC.
6. After the download completes, copy all of the files from the 5200 Win7 and Platform .zip to your
bootable USB flash drive.
Continue with the next section to set the MX 5200 BIOS to load from USB and then load the software.
Note: If the ATM does not recognize your keyboard or USB flash drive, move them to other ports on
the processor.
12. Set the correct date and time on the Main screen.
13. Arrow over to the Boot menu item. The Boot screen displays as shown below.
14. Press ENTER to select the Boot Option #1 setting and select your USB flash drive from the popup
15. Press F10 and then select Yes to save your changes. The MX5200 will reboot and the image will start
loading automatically. It takes approximately 12 minutes to restore the Windows platform image.
When the Windows platform finishes loading, the ATM will shut down and you will see a blank
screen. This is not an error; this is how the installation ends.
16. Remove the USB flash drive, power the ATM off and then back on.
17. While Windows is loading, insert the USB flash drive with MoniPlus2 02.03.xx into the USB port.
18. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the USB flash drive and double-click on the SWUpdate.exe
program to load the application.
The ‘package loading’ screen displays while files are copied to the hard drive and then the ATM
19. Remove the USB flash drive while the ATM reboots. The software will continue to load and the
ATM may reboot several times. Finally, the MoniPlus2 supervisor screen will display.
20. Load any network or customer-specific software required. This is typically loaded as a software
update through supervisor, but may be a simply file copy as with the AudioGuidanceData.xml voice
guidance file when it is loaded locally instead of downloaded.
21. Load any third-party software required. Refer to the information provided by the vendor for
installation instructions.
22. Continue with Configure the Software section on page 13.
Sample only labels are shown below. Refer to the software release notes to verify that you have all of the
media you need before starting.
3/19/2013 1 OF 2 3/19/2013 2 OF 2
1/16/2015 1 OF 1
1. Attach a keyboard and optional mouse to the ATM if you have not done so already.
2. If your CE has a Watch Dog switch as shown in the picture at the top of the next page, you must
disable the Watch Dog by moving the switch to the 0 position when the software starts to load. If you
do not disable this switch, the ATM will reboot 10 minutes after you start loading the software.
If your CE does not have a Watch Dog switch, skip this step.
3. Insert the first XFS Platform CD (1 of 2) into CD/DVD drive and power the ATM off and then back
on to start the image installation process. A progress bar displays as Windows 7 begins to load.
• If the DVD does not begin to load even after you reboot, you need to use the Boot Menu. Refer to
the CD/DVD Load Will Not Start section on page 42.
4. The Ghost screen displays next as the platform image loads (sample shown below).
5. When prompted, remove the first CD and insert the second CD. Then press Enter on the keyboard to
continue. When the platform load finishes, the ATM will shut down and you will see a blank screen.
This is not an error; this is how the installation ends.
6. Remove the CD, power the ATM down and then back up to continue. Allow the ATM to reboot
again if it requests it when it comes back up.
Troubleshooting Note: If you get a “Windows is not genuine” message and the device configuration
utility does not start, you do not have the latest BIOS upgrade. Contact Hyosung tech support for
older BIOS upgrade information.
The utility configures the software for these devices, reboots multiple times and then returns to the
Windows desktop. Remove the CD while the ATM reboots.
Continue with the Load the MoniPlus2 02.03.xx.xx Application CD section on page 11 or to the Load the
5300XP Switch CD section on page 11 if you are loading an MX5300 and have a switch CD to load.
2. After the download completes, open the .ZIP file. You will see a folder that contains the update files.
In the screen sample below, you can see the .ZIP file and folder that opens after you double-click on
the .ZIP file. Both have the same filename - Win7HotFixUpdate-01.00.09-20171127.
3. Double-click on the folder in the main screen area and you will see another folder with the same
name and a release notes .PDF document.
4. Double-click on the folder in the main screen again and you will see 3 files and another folder. These
are the files that you need to put into the root of a new .ZIP file. Do not open the last folder, which is
called HotFix in the sample screen below. That folder contains the actual update files while the rest
of the files are control files.
5. Create a new .ZIP file using whatever tool you have with these files as the content.
3. Press Save on the popup window to save the download package definition.
4. Select Download > Download Update/Patch Files from the MoniView desktop.
When the download runs, you will see the download details in the output window portion of the desktop.
At completion, you will see “Scheduled job completed” in the output windows. See the screen samples on
the next page for examples.
At the ATM, the update will install automatically and the ATM will reboot one or more times depending
upon the update. After the update installs, the ATM will automatically go back in service.
Download in process
Download completed
I.3 Troubleshooting
When a download fails, one or more errors will be reported to you on the MoniView desktop. These could
be MoniView errors or ATM errors and can be used to determine what happened and possibly why.
Errors will display in two areas of the desktop: the Output section and the error columns in the main
window area. You can view descriptions for the errors in the error code database that is installed with
MoniView as explained later in this section.
In the sample screen shown below, you can see that the download for ATM FFL028 failed with an error
code of NHA03 in the Output area and can also see the same error code listed in the MoniView Error
column on the main windows for ATMID FFL028.
When a download fails, you can take several actions to rectify the situation depending upon the reason for
the failure.
1. Restart the download. This is the simplest action and often fixes the problem.
2. View the error code(s) for information and corrective actions. To view an error code:
• Select Database/User Management > View Error Codes on the desktop.
• Select the ATM Error tab or MoniView Error tab depending upon the error. You can then
double-click on the specific error to receive more information.
The screen samples on the next two pages show the menu selection, error code tabs and an expanded
error description for MoniView error NHB13.
You can also reboot the MoniView workstation/server or the ATM if other actions do not provide a
J Index
DHCP setting, 16
5 Diagnostics, 35
Distribute an update with MoniView, 87
5100T modem card removal, 4
Document organization, 1
5200 ATM Installation, 81
5300XP Receipt Printer Type, 4
A Encryption keys, 3, 7, 17, 33
EPP missing, 45
Account number format, 30
Additional references, 2
Audience, 2 G
General Configuration Information, 13
B General Configuration Settings, 5
Basic Media Single Image, 8
BIOS load setting removal, 36 H
Black Mark Paper Setting, 43
H81 core, 3, 6
Blank Lines in Receipt, 43
Hardware Models, 3
Block Diagrams, 53
HCDU low bill sensor value, 51
Boot Menu, 42
How to order software, 4
Bootable USB Flash Drive, 81
How to use this document, 2
Bring Live, 37
Hyosung contact information, 2
CD/DVD labels, 7, 84
Install a Software Update, 38
CD/DVD Load Will Not Start, 42
Install and Configure the Software, 6
Common AID, 14
Install the Software, 7
Complete the Installation, 37
Installation Media, 7
Configuration Information, 5
Introduction, 1
Configuration Information receipt, 5
IRDs, 32
Configure the Software, 13
Consolidation Server Files
Not used, 29 L
Copy EJ File, 49
Load cash into the ATM, 37
Copy Logs, 47
Load from CD/DVD setting, 36
Copying EP/SP Logs Using VDM, 50
Load the Platform Image Software, 8, 84
Core and BIOS versions, 6
Core upgrade kits, 4
CSM50 device setting, 19 M
Current Configuration Information, 5
Master Encryption Key, 17, 33
Media labels, 7, 84
D Models not supported in MoniACT., 4
Money Orders, 33
Deposit automation configuration, 18
MoniACT Configuration Program, 9
Deposit Automation Settings, 5
MoniACT Device List, 80
Deposit Automation Worksheets, 40
MoniACT Installation Does Not Auto-Start, 51
Deposit learn flow, 21
MoniPlus2 application software, 11
Deposit Settings, 28
MoniView distribution of software, 87
Device List for MoniACT, 80
MX5200 loading instructions, 81
Device Orientation package, 12
N StartMoniAct.bat, 9, 51
Supervisor switch seems dead, 45
NHSecurity software, 11 Switch CD, 11
No consolidation server, 29 System Config, 15
Obtain the Software, 4 TCP/IP settings, 16
Open Failed on Initializing Devices Screen, 44 Time zone config, 15
Orientation package, 12 Touch Screen not Responsive, 46
Troubleshooting, 42
P Blank lines in receipt, 43
CD/DVD load will not start, 42
PCI 3.0 EPP Keypad, 66 EPP, 77
Preliminary Activities, 3 Open failed on initializing devices screen, 44
Reboot while loading image, 44
Q USB stick boot problems, 43
Troubleshooting MoniView downloads, 94
Q87 core, 3, 6
Update Installation, 38
Reboot While Loading Image, 44 Upgrade Kits, 4
Receipts too long, 43 Upgrade to a PCI 3.0 EPP Keypad, 66
Remove the load from CD/DVD capability, 36 US Common AID, 14
Remove the Modem Card in 5100T, 4 USB Stick Boot, 43
Required tools, 2 USB stick load for MX 5200, 81
Resolutions, 46
Retrieve the Log and Electronic Journal Files, 46
routing number, 32
Watch dog switch, 8, 84
S Windows 10 Hardware Support, 4
Savings Bonds, 33
Set Cash Mode, 14
Set Note Value, 14 XML format selection, 29
Software Updates, 38