Ccub 1621 - Lesson 3
Ccub 1621 - Lesson 3
Ccub 1621 - Lesson 3
ﭟﭠﭡﭢﭣﭤﭥﭦﭧﭨ ﭩﭪﭫﭬ
“(Both of) these prove that Allah is the One True God
(worthy of worship), for He gives life to the dead, and
has power over all things. And the Hour of Doom is sure
to come - in this there is no doubt. And truly Allah will
raise (to life) those in the graves. And yet, among men,
there are some who dispute about Allah, though they
have neither knowledge nor guidance nor a Book
revealed by Allah illuminating the truth. He, disputing,
bending his side in scorn to lead others astray from the
path of Allah, for him is disgrace in this life and on the
Day of Resurrection We shall make him taste the torment
of burning Hell fire. (It will be said to him): ‘This is an
outcome of the deeds your own hands have sent forth,
for Allah is never unjust to His servants’”.
Read Al-Qur’an +
ponder on its contents
• ‘Doodle’
– Form a few groups and every group
can choose to doodle the creation
of human beings from the womb
until they become old or a dry land
rainy day and lovely plants.
– Present their doodles.
Further Readings
• Abdullah Mohd. Basmeih, (2007),
Tafsīr Ar-Raḥmān: Interpretation
of the Meaning of al-Qur’ān.
Putrajaya: Department of Islamic
Development Malaysia (JAKIM).
• Mawdudi, Abul A’la, (1988).
Towards Understanding the
Qur’ān. Leicester: Islamic