Kent Mango 1
Kent Mango 1
Kent Mango 1
Casa fresco is a national and international brand, which owns intellectual property belonging to Sersuluz Servicios y Suministros Luz ca, a Vene-
zuelan company founded in 2013, is associated with the national production and export of tropical fruits, grown under the highest levels of quality
in organic and fruit and vegetable products, complying with food safety regulations in all markets to services and protocols to our customers
exceptional quality fruits.
We are specialized in supplying an extensive range of exotic fruits to stores, supermarket chains, hotels, catering services, intermediate industries,
and other types of clients both nationally and internationally. For this we have a team of professionals and technicians, highly qualified in the world
of agriculture, engineering, national and international trade, administration, law, among others.
Throughout the year we receive a stable and exceptionally diverse supply of high-quality, delicious and healthy fruits, the result of a careful selec -
tion of the harvests, which we incorporate into our inventories, which go directly from the producer, to our plant to be processed from immediately,
and thus allow an agile dispatch to our national and international markets. All our fruits are produced in the best lands of Venezuela, a tropical para-
dise located in the north of South America that contain the best flavor of the Caribbean, characterized by its biological diversity, large hydrological
basins and beautiful natural landscapes.
It is important to highlight that Venezuela as a member country of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), encourages
organic agriculture and severely restricts the use of GM crops, the state encourages the fight against the use of the GMOs (Genetically Modified
Organism) for considering that these are not only harmful to the health of the people but to the environment.
More and more consumers are aware of the impact that human beings have on the environment, which is why at Casa Fresca we adopt the
non-use of GMOs in the production of our fruits, we are oriented to contribute significantly to the comprehensive well-being of the health of our
customers by consuming our Venezuelan fruits, being monitored and regulated our production activity, harvests, industrial treatment (in terms of
the selection of excellent quality fruits to meet the demands of our customers), as well as washing , the process of packing, packing, among others,
of our fruits, by the legislation of the Venezuelan State and in affinity with the norms of the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations), IFOAM (The International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements) and the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS (Food Code)
P R E S E N T A C I Ó N | F I CH A S
P R E S E N T A T I O N | F I L E
Family Anacardiaceae The insides of the fruit are yellow-colored vibrant when riped with few fibers
and a small seed, which allows proper use of the pulp.
Tribe Anacardieae It's a fragrant, sweet, fleshy, juicy, and fiberless fruit with a long
commercial life.
Genus Mangifera
Species M. indica
Edible fruit.
High nutritive, medical and gastronomic value. M AN G O
It's used in the cosmetological, pharmaceutical, K E N T
food and liquor industries.
P R E S E N T A C I Ó N | F I CH A S
P R E S E N T A T I O N | F I L E
Internationally certified wooden palette.
Cardboard boxes between 4,5 or 5 Kg according to the volume
of the fruit.
Plastic basket with 25 Kg approximately.
Keep away from hot sources or direct incidence of the sun's rays.