Officf Memorandum Subjeet: Grant Ofbenefjt Ofone Notional Increment (As Due On July) For The Pensionary Sarne
Officf Memorandum Subjeet: Grant Ofbenefjt Ofone Notional Increment (As Due On July) For The Pensionary Sarne
Officf Memorandum Subjeet: Grant Ofbenefjt Ofone Notional Increment (As Due On July) For The Pensionary Sarne
Subjeet: Grant ofbenefjt ofone notional increment (as due on July) for the pensionary
benefits to those employees who had retires on 30 ofJune before drawing the
The undersigned is direeted to refer to the subject cited above and to state that the issue
of grant of notional increment and consequential pensionary benefits on the rationale of the
Order dated 15.09.2017 passed by the Honble High Court ofMadras in WP 15732 of2017
filed by Shri P. Ayyamperumal was examined and neeessary instructions in this regard were
issued vide this Departments OM 19/2/2018-Estt (Pay-I) dated 03.02.2021. This OM is
avajlable at the Iink,teircularsnicinjD2/DO2est/ I 9-2-20 I 8-Estt%2OPay-
IMVLPO.PDF) or may be aecessed from this Departments website
Notifications : OMs and Orders: 1 3. Establishment: Pay Rules.
Issue notice returnable after three weeks. In the meanwhile, there will be stay ofoperation
ofthe order dated l8th December, 2019 ofthe Central Administrative Tribunal, Bangalore
Bench in Original Application No. 1 70/00677/2019, armed by the judgment and order
impugned The Petitioners shall, however, in the meanwhile withoutprejudice to the rights and
contentions ofparties pay retiral dues ofthe Respondent computed on the basis ofthe lasrpay
drawn by him on the date ofhis retiremenl, that is, 30.062014.
3. Ministries /Departments are requested to take note ofthe contents ofinstructions issued
vide this Departments OM 19/2/2018-Estt (Pay-1) dated 03.02.2021 arid the Order dated
05.04.2021 of the Honble Suprerne Court and defend the Court Cases similariy plaeed on
behalf of Union of India ineiuding this Depart ent, in consultation with this Department and
other nodal Departments, ifnecessary, and keep the interest of this Department in view while
doing so.
(Shuk )
U. der Secretary to the Government ofI . ia
TeI. No.23040489
(Shukd4 a1)
U der Seeretary to the Government of In. ia
TeI. No.23040489