% Expt 6: To Perform Image Filtering in Frequency Domain (LPF)

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%Name: Shubham Patil
%Division: A Roll no.: 439
% Expt 6 : To perform image filtering in frequency domain [LPF]

I= imread('cameraman.tif')
imshow(I);title("Original Image")

//create a low pass filter

H = mkfftfilter(I,"gauss",0.1);
//figure();imsurf(H);title("Low pass filter, middle of plot shows the low frequencies components.");

//Take the FFT of the image

Ifft = fft2(im2double(I));
figure();imsurf(log(Ifft),128);title("Image imformation on low frequencies - 4 corners")

//Multiply the transform image with the filter

Ishift = Ifft.*fftshift(H);
figure();imsurf(log(Ishift),128);title("After applying low pass filter");

//Take the inverse FFT.

Iout= real(ifft(Ishift));
figure();imshow(Iout); title("Low Pass Filtered Image");

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