ST - Kabir School Unit Test - I - Computer Science Paper (083) - 2018 - M.M 50
ST - Kabir School Unit Test - I - Computer Science Paper (083) - 2018 - M.M 50
ST - Kabir School Unit Test - I - Computer Science Paper (083) - 2018 - M.M 50
What are the main types of C++ data types? Write data types of each type.
C++ offers two types of data types:
1. Fundamental data types: These are five fundamental data types: char, int, float, double and void.
2. Derived data types: These are derived data types: array, function, pointer, reference, constant, class,
structure, union and enumeration.
What are the similarities and difference between an array and a structure?
Both are collection of elements.
An array can hold multiple elements of same data type whereas a structure can hold multiple elements
of different data types.
The component element of an array is referenced by the array name and the index value e.g., NAME[3],
FILE[7] etc. on the other hand, the component element of a structure is referenced by the structure name
and the elemet name e.g., style.main, check.value etc.
2 3 4 5
Write a program to read a number n and print n , n , n , and n .
void main()
{ int n; clrscr();
cout<<"Enter n:
"; cin>>n;
What is an integer constant? Write integer forming rule of C++.
Integer constants are whole numbers without any fractional part. Integer forming rule of C++ is as following:
An integer constant must have at least one digit and must not contain any decimal point. It may contain either + or
sign. A number with no sign is assumed to be positive. Commas cannot appear in an integer constant.
What are tokens in C++? How many types of tokens are allowed in C++? Explain your answer.
Token is a smallest individual unit in a program. In C++ following types of tokens are allowed:
1. Keyword: Reserve word having special meaning and purpose. For example, break, for, int etc.
2. Identifier: Name given by user for a part of the program. For example, MyFile, _CHK etc.
3. Literals: Data items that never change their value during a program run. For example, 1234, ‘A’, 2.0 etc.
4. Punctuators: The characters which are used as punctuators in C++: [ ] ( ) { } , ; : * … = #
5. Operators: Operators are tokens that trigger some computation or action when applied to variables ad
other objects in an expression. For example, +, -, &, * etc.
How are keywords different from identifiers?
Keyword is a special word that has a special meaning and purpose. Keywords are reserved and are a few.
example, goto, switch, else etc. are
Identifier is the user-defined name given to a part of a program viz. variable, object, function etc. identifiers are
not reserved. These are defined by the user but they can have letters, digits and a symbol underscore. They must
begin with either a letter or underscore. For instance, _chk, chess, trial etc. are identifiers in C++.
Identify the errors in the following code segments:
(i) int main() { cout<<"Enter two numbers";
float area=Legth*breadth; }
(ii) #include<isostream.h>
void Main()
{ int a,b;
(i) 1. The header file iostream.h has not been included.
2. The variables num, Length and breadth have not been declared before using them.
3. auto is a keyword which cannot be used as a variable name.
What is the function of increment/ decrement operator? How many varieties do they come in? How are
these two varieties different from one another?
Ans. The increment and decrement operators (++ and --) add 1 or subtract 1 from operand’s value. They
come in two forms: postfix and prefix.
Postfix Prefix
It uses the value of theversion version
operand and then changes it. It first changes its operand’s value and then uses it.
For example, a++ or a-- For example, ++a or --a
Writ a C++ program to input a student type (‘A’ or ’B’). if the student type is ‘A’ initialize the college account
Rs. 200/- otherwise initialize the hostel account with Rs. 200/-.
Write a C++ program to input a number. If the number n is odd and positive, print its square root otherwise
print n .
Write a C++ program to input three integers and print the largest of three.
Write a program to generate the following table:
1992 17421
1993 29210
1994 100523
1995 106802
1996 127000
Use a single cout statement for output. (Hint: Make use of \n and \t.)
Write a C++ program that accepts radius of a circle and prints its area.