The San Francisco Oracle: by Sally Zimmerman
The San Francisco Oracle: by Sally Zimmerman
The San Francisco Oracle: by Sally Zimmerman
By Sally Zimmerman
History Aesthetics
Mainstream vs Alternative
Press in the 60s
Oracle Stresses An
This wasn’t something author” movement. Whereas them to design a page for it,
that was limited to the front a mainstream paper has the not merely to illustrate it, but
page. The Oracle used color goal of delivering the news to make an organic unity of
throughout the entirety of its and accompanying images, the word and the image. Most
papers. the San Francisco Oracle of the artists would conceive “The media is
They believed that the wanted to deliver graphics and manifest their designs in
media was the message and
therefore, the illustrations
and illustrations with accom-
panying text.
a state of expanded aware-
ness” (Cohen, 1991, p. xxxiii).
the message.”
and graphics done by their When discussing the aes- Simply put, the illustrations
staffers were basically the thetics of the Oracle, Cohen were more important than
“news” that the San Fran- said, “To achieve the oracular the text in the San Francisco
cisco Oracle was displaying effects we wanted we would Oracle. Throughout the pages,
in its newspapers. The Oracle give the text, whether prose small doodles filled space or
was part of the “death to the or poetry, to artists and ask were drawn into the margins.
Spirituality & Drugs Design
The last issue of the paper, factors played into the demise Oracle and the peace and love had already dreamed” (Cohen,
“Symposium 2000 AD & the of the San Francisco Oracle. revolution as a whole. Cohen 1991, p. lii). These numerous
Fall,” ran in February 1968. In The mayor of San Francisco at writes that the Black Panthers reasons for the paper’s down-
all, twelve issues of the paper the time, Joseph Alioto, “hated “had made self-defense the fall show how the social and
were released over a span of the Hippies” (Cohen, 1991, p. priority for revolution instead political events of the time
seventeen months. Both the lii) as it was rumored he was of non-violence” (Cohen, really took their toll on the
cover of this issue and the being withheld from the vice 1991, p. lii). Because of this, Oracle. They tried so hard to
“Tree of Death” illustration presidency of the Democratic more people in the area started create a paper that had noth-
were said to be symbolic of Party because he was being carrying guns. This coincided ing to do with current events
In the sixth issue of the Oracle, an This medicine show bus was a portrayal illustrations and graphics around drugs, the “fragility and exhaustion scrutinized for losing control with increased violence in the or actual news. Ironically, I
illustration by John Phillips called “Dr. of the Oracle’s attitude toward drugs and as they truly believed these were the of the vision” (Cohen, 1991, p. of his city. Because of this, he streets because of hard drugs. believe that if the Oracle had
Mota’s Medicine Show Bus” appears. how they saw them as “medicines for the gateway to being “cured” of societal pres- lii). Cohen writes about how increased security and police The originators of the paper been more in-tune with what
The drawing is supposed to resemble sick spirit of western civilization that was sures and the only way to achieve peace. the counterculture had been forces in the area, which didn’t also felt they needed rejuvena- was going on in San Francisco
an old, broken down bus and has signs suffering from the disease of alienation, This particular illustration is very telling under attack from both local sit well with the counterculture tion, and left San Francisco to and the U.S. at the time, they
all over it saying “Cannabis Cure All,” and the domination and destruction of how openly and lovingly the people of and national authorities for movement. The Black Pan- find it. When they returned, could have maybe created a
“Mushroom Magic,” “Cactus Therapy,” of nature” (Cohen, 1991, p. xxxix). The Haight-Ashbury proclaimed their beliefs quite some time by that point. thers were also credited in the Cohen says most of them “felt strategy to keep the paper in
“Peyote Practice,” “Dope Inc.” and more. Oracle revolved a good amount of their in the healing powers of drugs. Besides this, a number of other downfall of the San Francisco it was time to act out what we existence.
Conclusion Sources
Counterculture in a Cohen, A. (1991). The San Francisco Oracle – Facsimile Edition. Berkeley, CA: Regent Press.
Didion, J. (1990). Slouching Towards Bethlehem. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
“Social Vacuum” Ostertag, B. (2006). People’s Movements, People’s Press. Boston, MA: Beacon.