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no Title Guidelines
01 Title A comparative study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching
program regarding knowledge on adolescent depression among junior
college teachers of urban and rural community
02 Introduction Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not; and often
times we call a man cold when he is only sad.
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Depression is an illness that involves the body, mood and thoughts. It is a
common mental disorder characterized by sadness, loss of interest or
pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite,
feelings of tiredness and poor concentration, are a leading cause of disability
and a significant source of the burden of disease worldwide

The life time risk of depression in males 8 to 12% and in females is 20 to

26%. However, the life time risk of major depression is about 8%.
Depression contributes to significant disease burden at national and global
levels. At the individual and family level, depression lads to poor quality of
life, causing huge social and economic impact.
Adolescent age group is a very susceptible age group and they are in phase
of transition and undergo a lot of physical, social, hormonal, psychological
and behavioral changes. Thus, adolescence is the important part of human
Adolescent period of transition starts at the age of 10 years and
ceases by the age of 19 years. Adolescence is a period of preparation for
adulthood during which time several key developmental experiences occur.
Besides physical and sexual maturation, developmental experiences include
movement toward social and economic independence, and development of
identity, the acquisition of skills needed to carry out adult relationships and
roles, and the capacity for abstract.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) reports, community-

based studies revealed an overall prevalence rate for mental disorders around
20% in several national and cultural contexts. Epidemiological assessment of
depression during adolescence has been a challenging issue ever since the
first studies in the late 60’s and early 70’sEpidemiological assessment of
depression during adolescence has been a challenging issue ever since the
first studies in the late 60’s and early 70’s
In India, the National Mental Health Survey 2015–2016 reported a
prevalence rate of 0.8% for depression in 13–17-year age group
In Maharashtra Overall 12 month prevalence of mental disorder was found
to be 3.18% which was 3.47% among males and 2.85% among females.
Prevalence of depression (1.75%) was the most 12-month mental disorder,
followed by substance use mental disorder (0.99%) and panic disorder

Background of study

Depression and anxiety disorders are the most prevalent mental disorders in
adolescence, with lifetime prevalence between 17% and 28% by the age of
18. Furthermore, adolescent depressive and anxiety disorders are associated
with decreased levels of functioning in various areas. Symptoms of
depression and anxiety are even more common and are also related to
various maladaptive outcomes. Specifically, low peer contact and peer
rejection, social problem-solving deficits a negative self-image, low
perceived quality of social support, substance abuse, behavioral problems,
poor parent-child relationships and learning disabilities, to name a few, are
all reported to be associated with symptoms of depression and anxiety.
Depression and anxiety disorders also tend to have their first onset in
adolescence and often show a chronic course with a high risk of relapse,
which makes it important to prevent or postpone the onset of these mental
health problems

Adolescents with mental health issues need early intervention for services in
order to be successful in their adult years. Struggling with untreated mental
health symptoms can lead to negative quality of life as well as academic
underachievement. Behaviour problems related to mental health symptoms
can lead to behavioral issues at school, resulting in suspensions and
expulsions. Research has also indicated that a lack of treatment for mental
health symptoms can lead to antisocial behaviour as well as substance abuse
in adulthood. Teachers play a role in referring students for mental health
services. Greater understanding of how teachers’ personal attitudes about
mental health impact access to services is needed in order to have more
positive outcomes for more

Study was conducted with 209 teachers from four (high) schools in
Eskisehir. 139 were female and 70 were male of the sample. Selection was
on the basis of the willingness and ability of the school to conduct the study
within the research time frame and on the availability of an adequate number
of teachers. The identified schools broadly represented the demographic
range of high schools The first was a short questionnaire designed by the
researcher to elicit information about teachers’ individual attitudes towards
adolescent depression. respondents, 87% labelled Emel as depressed while
72% labelled Tarkan as depressed. In both these vignettes males were
significantly more likely than females to make a ‘depressed’ diagnosis. The
non-depressed vignettes were rated as ‘depressed’ less frequently as the
depressed vignettes and did not show a significant difference in response
between males and females The results revealed a mixed level of knowledge
in relation to their ability to ‘label’ depression and to identify the key
symptoms. The fact that there was such a marked difference across the
sample between the labelling response of the two ‘depressed vignette

Need for study

Education is the key component in improving the Knowledge of nurses.
The present study emphasizes on the enhancements in the knowledge
regarding depression and its prevention in students. An awareness to be
created among nurses regarding depression and its prevention. Nurse
educators need to organize regular short-term training programmes,
workshops etc., with support of nursing administrator for the nurses about
depression and its prevention. Nurse educators can identify the student
nurses and nurses who don’t have sufficient knowledge regarding depression
and its prevention. Assess the student nurse and nurse’s knowledge and give
appropriate knowledge regarding promotion of mental health of the general
population and adolescents Identify the areas where commonly seen mental
health issues, especially depression in population, and give guidance
regarding promotion of mental health and how people can overcome with the
depression and suggest Proper interventions. Nurse educators can arrange
education programmes regarding depression in schools and colleges as a
school Mental health programme. Evaluate the teaching programme done
regarding promotion of mental health. Major depression is the second
leading cause of disability as of 2013 both worldwide as well as in the
United States. Major depressive disorder is characterized by a depressed
mood (or irritability in children) or loss of pleasure or interest for at least 2
weeks It is also accompanied by at least three (for a total of at least five) of
the following symptoms present most days: weight loss or change in
appetite, insomnia or hypersomnia, psychomotor retardation or agitation,
fatigue or loss of energy, excessive/inappropriate guilt or feelings of
worthlessness, indecisiveness or diminished ability to concentrate or think,
and recurrent thoughts of death or suicidal ideation or suicide plan or
attempt. Another depressive disorder, persistent depressive disorder
(formerly called dysthymia) in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders , is characterized by a depressed mood most of the time for
at least 2 years, along with at least two of the
Following symptoms: feeling hopeless, insomnia or hypersomnia, overeating
or poor appetite, fatigue or low energy, low self-esteem, and indecisiveness
or poor concentration In children and adolescents, the mood can be irritable,
and the duration of persistent depressive disorder is at least 1 year.
Moreover, there cannot be a gap in these symptoms for more than 2 months,
a hypomanic or manic episode during this period, nor criteria met for
cyclothymia disorder, and symptoms are not better explained by another
disorder, cause significant impairment in functioning or distress, and are not
due to a different medical condition or a substance use disorder For patients
that do not meet the full criteria for the aforementioned depressive disorders
(the depressive episodes with insufficient symptoms) but either experience
recurrent episodes of depressed mood and at least four other symptoms of
depression for 2–13 days The level of population disability associated with
depressive disorders (major depressive disorder, persistent depressive
disorder, sub-syndromal depression, and other manifestations) is a function
of the severity and chronic or recurrent nature of the symptoms, and the high
frequency of the disorder. Unlike other chronic illnesses, the first onset of
major depressive disorder often occurs in late teens or early adulthood. In the
United States, approximately 6.7% to 7.6% of adults report an episode of
major depression in 12 months, with women having approximately 1.7 times
the risk as men
A cross-sectional study design was adopted and the study was conducted in
a large school in Pune Method is used and sample is A total of 500
participants in the age group 12–16 years from a working-class community,
studying in an urban school, were selected for the study. The children with a
score greater than or equal to 19 on the CDI scale were taken for the second
phase, and diagnosis of depression was confirmed by a psychiatric consultant
through a clinical interview. In clinically diagnosed cases, all help was
rendered, including follow-up. Result is The prevalence of clinical
depression among school-going children of age group 12–16 years was
8.4%. There was no significant gender difference in the prevalence of
clinical depression. Significantly, more children had clinical depression in
the age group of 14–16 years than in the 12–14 years of age group.
Depressive symptoms were more among children with first birth order.
Conclusion came is These results show that depression is common in school
going urban adolescents in India and highlight the need for screening school-
age children for depression so that early intervention can be provided.

A cross-sectional study was conducted among PHCP Knowledge, attitudes

and practices regarding depression among primary health care providers in
Fako division, Cameroon. A structured questionnaire including the
Depression Attitude Questionnaire: he survey had a response rate of 56.7%.
Most of the 226 participants (92.9%) were aware that depression needs
medical intervention. Only 1.8% knew a standard tool used to diagnose
depression. Two-thirds agreed that majority of the cases of depression
encountered originate from recent misfortune. About 66% felt uncomfortable
working with depressed patients. Also, 45.1% of PHCPs did not know if
psychotropic drugs were available at pharmacies within their health area.
Very few (15.2%) reported to have prescribed psychotropic drugs. Less than
half (49.1%) of the participants had prior formal training in mental
health.400sample is used Conclusion is PHCPs in Fako Division tend to have
limited knowledge and poor attitudes regarding depression. Practices
towards diagnosis and management of depression tend to be inadequate.
There is an urgent need to train PHCPs
3.1) Primary Does the comparative study evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching
research program to reduce level of depression and increase the knowledge among
question junior college teachers in urban and rural community
3.2) Secondary No applicable
question 01
(if any)
3.3) Secondary No applicable
question 02
(if any)
Primary H1: There will be no effectiveness of structured teaching program to study
hypothesis the knowledge of junior college teachers on depression among adolescent.

H01:There will be no significant association between pre –test knowledge

score of junior college teachers in the structured teaching program to reduce
the social demographic variables

H1:there will be an structured teaching program to reduce the level

depression among adolescent

H2: there will be significant association between pre- test knowledge score
of junior college teachers in the structured teaching program to reduce the
social demographic variables
Other No applicable
hypothesis 1:
(if any)
Other No applicable
hypothesis 2:
(if any)
Review of Review of literature is a systemic identification and summary of written
literature materials that contain information on research problems. It is a key step in
research. It refers to an extensive, exhaustive and systemic examination of
publications relevant to research project.
A Study was conducted at the Quassim region on aim to estimate the
prevalence of depression and anxiety among high school student Quassim
region .A cross sectional study was conducted al-Quassim region. The
sample was 1245 Student they used questionnaire Method tool. The patient
Health Questionnaire to assess the depression in the students and the GAD 7
for anxiety Result among 1245 Students: 325 (26.0f) were not depressed 423
(34%) o ere mildly depressed 306 (24.6%) were moderately depressed where
129 (10.4) of the moderately sever depressed and 62 (5.0%) were severely
depressed. In conclusion we have to raise awareness of mental health in our
community as the prevalence mental disorder was Significantly increased
The study is conducted in the Boston , united states of America .The Study
is vignette based method to investigate individual and school contextual
factors, associated with like hood that teacher's Identify and refer students
for mental health services. Teachers were resulted from middle age and high
school by random sampling Strategy in the United states By indicating
mental Health concerns like depression and oppositional defiant disorder
Result teachers School characteristics may contribute. to establish health
disparities in mental Health service

Study was conducted in Bareilly district .A Cross section Study was done in
assessing the depression among late adolescents belonging to literate group
in rural area of Bareilly district. The Samples are collected using multistage
sampling technique, pre-test and pre validated questionnaire method is used
for data collection that was compiled and analyzed using Epi-info software
7.2 .The Sample is approximately 1000 adolescent the sample was
estimated .The Sample had 400 participants The Result is analyzed.
Depression among. adolescent is 52% regression analysing on linear

The study conducted in medical centre, Netherland. The study was done on
prevention of depression and anxiety in adolescents of A randomized
controlled trial testing the efficacy and mechanisms of internet based self-
help problem solving therapy. The sample size is collected 63 subjects in
reach condition and 80 in two-tailed test to the total is 210 participants The
tool is problem solving treatment Used The study evaluate efficacy of
mechanism of internet based problem. solving therapy for adolescents the
Strength and limitations of the study is discussed

The Cross sectional study was conducted in 16 cities of six provenances

namely guizhhou, Hubei, Jiangxshanxisichan and Yunnan on the topic when
does teacher supports Reduce depression in students. The 241 Sample taken
in comparing 485 boys (47.11.) 656 girls and two who did not share the
gender In result self-reporting method is used in this study to collect data
from participant The depressions overcome by the self- help and teacher

B) Reviews related to adolescent depression

The study was conducted in mangluru at selected colleges. The study was
conducted to check the effectiveness of knowledge on depression among
adolescent. The problem statement is to assess pre-experimental Study to
assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge of
depression among students in selected college .The Sample size is 110
students the purposive sampling technique is used .The questionnaire tool is
used. Result is most of the student were females and Christian by religion.
The highest Pre- test level of knowledge among students was average (74.59
%.) and 21% had good level of knowledge of depression .The post- test
knowledge was good among 48 2% of the students and 51'8% of the students
had average knowledge. The STP is effective in enhancing the Knowledge of
student (+lo9=198)at 0.05 level of significance .The aim of study to was to
develop a Structured teaching program among student to take Preventive
measures and initiate treatment who have depression

A Cross sectional descriptive study was done in Lagos stove in oshodi-isolo

district. A total of 222 teachers from public Junior and secondary school
were selected .The 1nstrument for data collection was structured
questionnaire is used. Teachers possess high level of knowledge of
adolescent depression (m.ean). Teachers with low level of knowledge was
51 (23%) while 171(77%) had High level or depression knowledge about
adolescent This study established that teachers have adequate knowledge
about adolescent depression and Positive attitude towards the treatment
The study was conducted in the selected higher Secondary schools of
Ahmadabad and it was a pre experimental study. The study to evaluate the
effectiveness of structured teaching program regarding psychological first
aid in terms of knowledge among teacher of selected higher secondary
schools of city. The 40 higher secondary teachers were recruited through non
probability convenient sampling technique and structured knowledge
questionnaire was used. The post-test were done after 07 days after audio
visual aids are administered, post- test knowledge were more than pre-test
with mean difference of 6.08 + value (13.075) was greater tabulated +
(2.02)at level of significance .Average score of pre-test was 9.20 standard
with deviation of 3.52 where post- test was 15.28 with deviation of 5 So they
indicate that the structured teaching program was effective to enhance the
level knowledge about psychological aid among teachers

A Pre-experimental study was conducted. The study was

done in selected government P.G college solan, Himachal Pradesh non
probability convenient Sampling technique was used for data collect data
collected using structured knowledge questionnaire. The study is on a pre-
experimental study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program
on knowledge regarding depression and its prevention among the students of
government .P.G College. The sample of 80 students was collected. The
Result finding shows that 18.1s+ 6.690 is pre-test knowledge score and post-
test mean knowledge score was 27.10+ 2.836 with mean difference is of
8.950 which I was found to be significant. Majority of college student has
gained knowledge to good level regarding depression and it's Prevention
among teachers.

A quasi experimental study was conducted selected village moga

Punjab, India .On the effectiveness of structured teaching program in
prevention of depression among the elderly 60 elderly peoples are selected as
sample by random sampling technique Pre-test and post-test was done. The
knowledge was average or (45%) prior in STP however the knowledge
improved to 80% afterwards So the Hypothesis was rejected and H1
Hypothesis is accepted this was statistically significant difference between
pre-test and post- test. with exceptions of gender and family type that’s why
they given. necessary awareness prevention of depression
6.1) Primary 1.To assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program
objective 2.To Assess the knowledge of junior college teachers on depression
3. To associate demographic variable with depression among adolescent
6.2) Primary Not applicable
(if any)

6.3 Methodology Appropriate study design /research design

In this study, quantitative research approach will be adopted and the research
design will be True experimental. In these study researcher will be following
two group i.e. Experimental group and control group, pre-test post-test
research design. Here two groups will be observed.


E=O2-O1, where E is effectiveness, O1 is pre-test and O2 is post-test and X is

structured teaching program .

1)Type of study design

True-experimental type of study design
2)Study setting
The study is conducted in selected junior colleges in urban and rural
3)Study population
Target population in the study consist of junior college teachers in urban and
rural community
4)Sample size
The sample size is 176 in selected junior colleges in urban and rural
5)sampling technique
The sample will be selected by purposive sampling technique
6)duration of the study
The duration of study will be 18 months
7) method of the subject of the study

Inclusion criteria
1) junior college teachers who are willing to participate in the study
2) junior college teachers who can speak and understand english /marathi
3) junior college teachers who are present at the time of data collection
Exclusion criteria
1) Junior college teachers in selected colleges
2) Teachers who have previously participated in such research
Operational definition

a) Effectiveness
dictionary meaning; to the degree to which something is successful in
producing the desired result
in the study; it refers to assessing the knowledge desired knowledge of
depression in junior college teachers
Structured teaching program; A systematically developed instructional
program using instructional aids
In this study; In that to implement the knowledge to junior college teachers
Adolescent; In the process of developing from a child into an adult
In the study; the young children who are undergoing depression
Community; a group of people living in the same place or having a
particular characteristic in common (Montreal’s Italian community)
In the study; varying places where the study is conducted
Appropriate study instrument /data collection tool
Section 1: selected demographic variables in the study are age, religion,
type of family, education of mother, education of father, occupation of
mother, occupation of father, monthly family income , attendance of the
school extracurricular activities, habit, duration of sleep, diet pattern
Section 2: questionnaire on depression assessment
Section 3: mental health screening scale
Step 1- After securing written permission from the respective authority,
based on inclusion and exclusion criteria the subjects will be selected school.
Step 2- Formal permission will be obtained from the authorized junior
colleges in urban and rural community
Step 3- junior college teachers will be enrolled by a simple purposive
sampling technique.
Step 4- Informed consent will be taken from the participants and anonymity
will be assured
Step 6- Pre-test will administer using simple questionnaire method
Step 6- structured teaching program will be implemented
Step 7- data will be analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics
It will be done by consulting a statistician and use of computers.
Collected data will be analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics
will be used for data

7 Reference Bhasin S, Sharma R, Saini N. Depression, anxiety and stress among

adolescent students belonging to affluent families: A school-based study.
Indian J Pediatr 2009;77:161
2. Al-Gelban K. Depression, anxiety and stress among Saudi adolescent
school boys. J R Soc Promot Health 2007;127:33-7.
3. Bakshi R, Sandal R, Goel N, Sharma M, Singh N, Kumar, D. Prevalence
of depression, anxiety and stress among school going adolescent in
Chandigarh. J Family Med Prim Care 2017;6:405-10.
4. Al Gelban K. Prevalence of psychological symptoms in Saudi secondary
school girls in Abha, Saudi Arabia. Ann Saudi Med 2009;29:275-9. What Is Depression?. 2018. [online] Available from: depression/what-is-depression.
[Last accessed on 2018 Mar 03
6. Davidson S, Bouchier I, Edwards C. Davidson’s Principles and Practice of
Medicine. 22nd ed. London: E.L.B.S. and Churchill Livingstone; 1991
(N.d.). Researchgate.Net. Retrieved May 18, 2022, from

9) Timeline/Gantt Task Start date End date Duration

Chart Identifying
research problem
Review of
Preparation of
Submission of
synopsis to
Submission of
Chapter 1,2 and 3
Develop Tool for
Content Validity
Reliability of
Research Tool
Statistical Expert
Conduct pilot
Analyze Data of
Pilot Study
Modify Design If
Pilot Study
Final Study Data
Submission of
Master sheet
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Final Editing of
All Research
Submission of
Research To
Research Viva
Dissemination of
I Informed consent form (English)

II Informed consent (Marathi)

III Authentic document of collaborate research work letter

of introduction

IV Study instrument to be used in study



Title ;comparative study to assess the effectiveness of STP regarding

knowledge on adolescent depression among junior college teachers in urban
and rural community

Enrolment No. –

I ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __, age

___ _ _ years, hereby, having fully understood the procedure willingly give
the consent for the above titled study. I affirm that there has been no
compulsion in my agreeing for the same. By this consent I agree to comply
with the procedure explained to me as a volunteer, which I do of my own
free will. I have been explained the general purpose of the experiment that is
for the benefit of science and mankind. I hereby declare that all the
information given is correct to the best of my knowledge.
Name of the study participant:

Participant’s signature:



Subject Address:


Authentic document of collaborate research work letter of Introduction




This is to introduce______________________ First year M.Sc. nursing

student of ____________________, he is conducting of research project,
which has submitted to the MUHS, Nashik for the award of M.SC degree in

STATEMENT: - A comparative study to assess the effectiveness of

structured teaching program regarding knowledge on adolescent depression
among junior college teachers of urban and rural community

So, student needs your kind help and cooperation as he is interested to

conduct research study in your institution.

I request you to kindly extended necessary facility in your

institution to work on the proposed study during dates mentioned by the
student. Further information in this regard will be furnished by the student
Date Principal sign

Annexure ii
Confidential informed consent
Form (marathi)
गोपनीय माहहती सं मतीपत्र

विषय: – शहरी आणि ग्रामीण समाजातील कनिष्ठ महाविद्यालयीन शिक्षकांमधील किशोरवयीन नैराश्यावरील
ज्ञानासंबंधी संरचित शिक्षण कार्यक्रमाच्या प्रभावीतेचे मूल्यांकन करण्यासाठी तुलनात्मक अभ्यास

नोंदणीक्रमांक -
मी____________________________, वय_____वर्षे, याद्वारे, प्रक्रिया पूर्ण पणे समजून
घेतल्यानंतर वरील शीर्षक असलेल्या अभ्यासासाठी स्वेच्छेने संमती देतो. मी कबूलकरतो की त्यासाठी माझ्या
सहमती मध्ये कोणतीही सक्ती के ली गेली नाही. या संमती नेमीएकस्वयंसेवक म्हणून मला स्पष्ट के लेल्या प्रक्रियेचे
पालनकरण्यास सहमत आहे, जे मी माझ्यास्वत: च्याइच्छेनुसार करतो. विज्ञान आणि मानवजातीच्या
फायद्यासाठी असलेल्याप्रयोगाचे सर्वसाधारणहेतू मलासमजावून सांगितले आहे. मी याद्वारेजाहीर के ले आहे की
दिलेली सर्व माहिती माझ्या उत्तम माहितीसाठी योग्यआहे.
तारीख: वेळः
स्वाक्षरी: तारीख: वेळः
निष्पक्षसाक्षीदाराचीसही: तारीख: वेळः
सह-अन्वेषक / प्रधानअन्वेषकांचेनाव: स्वाक्षरीः तारीख: वे ळः


Kindly give the following details by placing a tick mark in appropriate


1. Age
a. 14-16years
b. 16-19years
2. Religion
a. Hindu
b. Muslim
c. Christian
d. Sikh
e. Other
3. Type of family
a. Nuclear family
b. Joint family
4. Education of father
a. Illiterate
b. Primary
c. High school
d. Graduate and above

5. Education of mother
a. Illiterate
b. Primary
c. High school
d. Graduate and above
6. Occupation of father
a. Private service
b. Government service
c. Self-employed
d. Not-employed
e. Others

7. Occupation of mother
a. Private service
b. Government service
c. Self-employed
d. Home maker
e. Others

8. Monthly family income

a. Less than 10,000
b. 10,001-20,000
c. 20,001-30,000
d. 30,001 and above

Section B

Simple questionnaire

1. Which of the following statements about clinical depression is FALSE?

a. It is a medical disorder.

b. It is a weakness of character.

c. It is a common psychiatric disorder.

d. It affects both males and females.

2. What is the risk of death by suicide among depressed patients?

a. The risk is very minimal.

b. The risk is between 15% and 50%.

c. The risk is below 15%.

d. The risk is above 50%.

3. What are the lifetime chances of becoming clinically depressed?

a. One in 1000

b. One in 50

c. One in 3

d. One in 1

4. Which of the following is TRUE about the age of onset of depression?

a. Depression does not begin in adolescence

b. Depression can start in childhood or adolescence.

c. Depression appears for the first time in middle aged people.

d. Depression does not affect young children.

5. Which of the following, about sex differences in depression is TRUE?

a. Only women get depressed.

b. Clinical depression is more common in women than men.

c. Clinical depression is more common in men than women.

d. Only men get depressed.

6. Which of the following is FALSE about the relapse of clinical depression?

a. The number of previous episodes of clinical depression increases the

chances of subsequent episodes.

b. After the first episode of clinical depression, there is an increased risk of a

second episode.

c. Maintenance treatment can reduce the chances of relapse.

d. After recovery, there is zero risk for recurrence.

7. Which of the following behaviour is associated with poor outcome?

a. Taking antidepressant treatments regularly

b. Being involved in talk therapy (psychotherapy)

c. Staying sober

d. Stopping antidepressant medications if feeling well

8. What factors may trigger the onset of clinical depression?

a. Biological factors, such as genes

b. Psychological factors such as having marital problems

c. Social factors such as losing a job

d. All of the above

9. Depression may be triggered by all the following EXCEPT:

a. Prolonged severe grief over loved ones

b. Taking antidepressants

c. Certain medical conditions

d. The birth of a new baby

10. The following are indications of clinical depression EXCEPT:

a. Changes in sleep patterns

b. Poor concentration
c. Frequent crying for no obvious reasons

d. Occasional sadness

11. Which is NOT true about the differences between depression and a
passing blue mood?

a. People with depression can "pull themselves together"

b. Depression can be much more disabling in day to day functioning.

c. Patients who are clinically depressed look sad.

d. Without treatment, symptoms of clinical depression can last for weeks,

months, or years

12. All of the following are recognized symptoms of clinical depression


a. Marked loss of interests.

b. Excessive sleep

c. Loss of energy

d. Good concentration

13. Which of the following is NOT a symptom of clinical depression?

a. Restlessness

b. Changes in appetite

c. Good decisions making

d. Lack of energy

14. All of the following are typical of patients suffering from clinical
depression EXCEPT:

a. Negative thinking that can lead to self-defeating g or suicidal behaviour

b. Mental fatigue and the inability to solve complicated problems

c. Marked forgetfulness

d. Normal memory

15. Which is NOT a common symptom of clinical depression?

a. Poor motivation

b. Normal energy

c. Guilty thoughts

d. Fatigue

16. Which of the following statements about the speed of response to the
treatment with antidepressants is FALSE?

a. Symptoms improve immediately after treatment is begun.

b. Many antidepressants may take several weeks to start to work.

c. It is important to continue taking medication even if there is initial


d. Not all symptoms respond to antidepressants at the same rate.

17. If medication does not improve depressive symptoms, one should:

a. Stop taking all medication.

b. Talk to a health care professional.

c. Double the pills.

d. Ask friends about what to do.

18. Which is NOT a recognized treatment for clinical depression?

a. Medication

b. Talk therapy.

c. Light therapy (photo-therapy).

d. Kiekie therapy

19. Which is NOT a common side effect antidepressant drugs?

a. Upset stomach

b. Sleep disturbances

c. Sexual side-effects

d. Feelings of depression

20. Which is FALSE about the effectiveness of antidepressant medications?

a. About 30-40% of patients do not respond to the initial treatment.

b. Moderate symptom improvement may take few weeks to be achieved in

those who will respond.

c. Using more than one antidepressant may be necessary for some patients.

d. Recovery of symptom can be achieved in all depressed patients

21. What should one do if one's first antidepressant medication fails?

a. Consult one's doctors

b. Take sleeping pills

c. Drink more alcohol

d. Use magnetic therapy

22. Which is FALSE about Electric Convulsive Therapy (ECT) for treating
clinical depression?

a. It is proved to be effective.

b. It is a safe method.

c. It is no longer used for treating depression.

d. It is given under general anaesthesia.

23. If one feels better during the course of treatment, one should

a. Stop taking antidepressant medication.

b. Discuss the course of antidepressants treatment with doctor.

c. Reduce the antidepressant dose by half.

d. Start a course of herbal treatment.

24. Which is NOT a common occurrence during treatment with


a. Gaining weight

b. Severe continuous headaches

c. Feeling sleepy

d. Sweating

25. Which is FALSE about the response to treatment with antidepressants?

a. Up to 80% of people with depression do get better with the right


b. Most people with depression need to be treated

for at least six to nine months to prevent relapse.

c. For some people, it is necessary to stay on medication for long-term

maintenance therapy.

d. If the acute depressive symptoms are relieved, the patient should stop

26. Which is FALSE about selecting the right antidepressant for someone
with depression?

a. There are no available laboratory tests to guide doctors' choices for

treating clinical depression.
b. Different people have different responses to antidepressants.

c. Doctors can tailor antidepressants to suit the symptoms of individual


d. Doctors can always tell beforehand how a person is going to respond to

the medication they prescribe.

27. Psychotherapy can help many people with depression. Which of the
following statements about psychotherapy is FALSE?

a. Both individual and group talk therapy provides an opportunity to express

and discuss thoughts and feelings with the therapist.

b. Therapy may help to resolve life issues that may contribute to depression.

c. All depressed individuals benefit from psycho-therapy.

d. In psychotherapy, negative, and self-defeating thoughts can be replaced by

more positive, realistic thoughts.
Sr time Specific Content Teaching A,v evaluation
no objective learning avaid
Structured teaching program PPT

General objective-At the end of structured teaching program junior college
teachers will be get the knowledge regarding identify depression and can apply
this knowledge in their daily living life.

Specific objective: At the end of structured teaching program junior college
teachers will be able to,
 Know the introduction about the depression.
 Explain the what is the depression
ES  Elaborate the Causes and risk factors of depression
 Enlist the types of depression
 Enlist the manifestation of depression.
 Discuss the prevention of depression Enumerate the treatment of

INTRODUE Introduction:
THE TOPIC Depression is a state of mental illness. It is characterised by deep, long lasting LECTURE
OF feelings of sadness or despair. Depression can change individual’s CUM PPT

DEPRESSIOthinking/feelings and also affects his/her social behaviour and sense of physical DISCUSSIO
N TO THE well-being. It can affect people of any age group, including young children and N
GROUP teens. It can run in families and usually starts between the ages of 15 and 30
years. Women and elderly people are more commonly affected than men.
There are several types of depression such as major depression it is a change in
mood that lasts for weeks or months. It is one of the most severe types of
Dysthymia (chronic depression) is a less severe form of depression but usually
lasts for several years.
Psychotic depression a severe form of depression associated with hallucinations

EXPLAIN and delusions (feelings that are untrue or unsupported).

CAUSES OF Seasonal depression, occurring only at certain time of the year usually winter
Depression is thought to be caused by an imbalance of certain brain chemicals
called ‘neurotransmitters’ that carries signals in brain which the body uses to
control mood. Some of the common factors that may cause depression are
genetics (hereditary), trauma and high levels of stress, mental illnesses such as
schizophrenia and substance abuse, postpartum depression (women may
develop depression after the birth of the baby), serious medical conditions such
as heart disease, cancer and HIV, use of certain medications, alcohol and drug
abuse, individuals with low self-esteem, trauma and high levels of stress due to
financial problems, breakup of a relationship or loss of a loved one.
Signs and Symptoms:
The signs and symptoms of depression include feeling of sadness and
loneliness, loss of interest in activities once found enjoyable, feeling of
hopelessness, worthlessness or excessive guilt, fatigue or loss of energy,
sleeping too little or too much, loss of appetite, restlessness and being easily
The doctor may diagnose depression based on the detailed history and sign
and symptoms of the individual. Many a times the individual is asked a series
of questions to help screen/check for depression symptoms. Specific
examinations include physical examination of the individual such as height
and weight measurement. Examination of the vital signs such as bloodpressure,
heart rate and temperature. Laboratory tests such as blood tests to screen for
alcohol/drugs in blood. Psychological evaluation of the individual’s thoughts,
feelings and behaviour patterns.
DISCUSS Treatment:
TREATMEN The most common treatments of depression are -
T AND a) Counselling & Psychotherapy. LECTURE PPT


N c) Electroconvulsive therapy.
Counselling allows individuals to understand and accept the initial cause of
depression. It can help address low self-esteem or relationship issues or
persistent negative thinking.

Psychotherapy - For mild to moderate depression, psychotherapy may be the

best treatment option. There are two main types of psychotherapy commonly
used to treat depression. Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) helps change
negative ways of thinking and behaving. Interpersonal therapy (IPT) helps
people understand and work through troubled personal relationships that may
cause depression. Medications such as anti-depressants are given to help
balance chemicals in the brain known as ‘neurotransmitters’.
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is carried out in case the treatment with other
therapies such as medications has failed. ECT is a procedure during which
controlled amount of electricity is introduced into the brain in conjunction with
anaesthesia and muscle relaxant medications. It helps restore the balance of
neurotransmitters by causing the brain to produce a mild generalized seizure
(lasting for about 30 seconds).
If left untreated, depression can lead to some severe complications such as
emotional, behavioural, health and even legal/financial problems, relationship
difficulties, social isolation and even suicide.
Preventive measures include regular exercise, healthy diet and stable
Relationships. They are helpful in keeping stress low and thereby reduce the
chances of feeling depressed again. The outcome of depression is usually
favourable. With prompt treatment, a depressed person can return to a happier
lifestyle and more balanced outlook on life.

At the end of the structured teaching program all the group will know about the
various components of depression And gain the knowledge about
Introduction of depression
Types of depression
Causes of depression
Sign and symptoms of depression
diagnostic evaluation of depression
treatment f depression and at the end prevention of depression

Hereby I conclude that the group as well as have gained the knowledge about
the structure teaching program on depression by the information gained by the
group through this structure teaching program will able to use is knowledge in
the daily life activities as well as in the junior colleges

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