(List Name in Separate Sheet) : Accomplish Ed
(List Name in Separate Sheet) : Accomplish Ed
(List Name in Separate Sheet) : Accomplish Ed
SY 2020-2021
GRADE: ___________ SECTION: ___________ ENROLMENT: M _______, F_________, T_________ DATE : W1 Q1 October 5-8,2020
No. of
No. of Learners who
Learners require Objective Target Deliverables Mode of Delivery Remarks Reasons
Learning who additional Percentage for the Week Accomplish
Day Subject Competency Compet Earned activities/ of Learning Tasks ed
ency 75% in the interventions Accomplishm X Not
Code Evaluation ( list name in ent accomplished
separate sheet)
Monday English To accomplish the All learners were
learning tasks for given LAS and
English and modules to be
Math Mathematics accomplished at
Tuesday Filipino
Wednesday AP
Thursday MAPEH
Name of Teacher