KrU CSE IV Year I Semester R 2010 2011 Supplementary June July 2015
KrU CSE IV Year I Semester R 2010 2011 Supplementary June July 2015
KrU CSE IV Year I Semester R 2010 2011 Supplementary June July 2015
2. (a) Define modulation . Explain various modulation techniques. (7M)
(b) Explain about FDMA and TDMA. (7M)
(c) Define signal. Explain different signaling techniques. (7M)
(d) Define wireless network. Discuss the applications of wireless networks. (7M)
3. (a) Explain about digital audio broadcasting. (7M)
(b) Explain about routing in satellites. (7M)
(c) Explain about UMTS. (7M)
(d) Explain about cyclic repetition of data. (7M)
4. (a) Explain in detail about HIPERLAN. (7M)
(b) Explain in detail about DHCP. (7M)
(c) Explain the architecture of bluetooth. (7M)
(d) Explain in detail about Mobile IP. (7M)
5. (a) Explain about transaction oriented TCP. (7M)
(b) Explain in detail about wireless transport layer security. (7M)
(c) Explain in detail about Mobile TCP. (7M)
(d) Explain in detail about Wireless session protocol. (7M)
CS/IT/EC 31110
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology/Electronics & Communication
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper I: Professional Ethics and Human Values
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. (a) Define Morals and Values. How they help to live peacefully?
(b) Discuss how work ethics is related to progress of an organization.
(c) Explain the concept of Honesty? Discuss how is dishonesty a dangerous issue?
(d) List important ‘time wasters’. How can one manage his/her time properly?
3. (a) Describe the levels of moral development in human beings as proposed by Kohlberg. How do the views of
Carol Gilligan differ from that of Kohlberg?
(b) State the steps to be used for solving ethical dilemmas.
(c) Discuss briefly about theories of Right Action.
4. (a) Explain in detail the effect of information on risk assessment.
(b) Describe the concept of risk benefit analysis?
(c) Name and describe four important responsibilities of engineers as employees.
(d) Write a detailed note about the employee rights and professional rights that the engineers are entitled.
5. (a) Discuss in detail technology transfer and appropriate technology.
(b) Describe the different ethical problems that exist in computer Science and Technology.
(c) What care should be taken by the MNCs, while transferring hazardous technology? Give your answer with
Bhopal tragedy as the example. Also describe appropriate technology.
(d) Is it ethically correct, for the MNCs, to ‘be a Roman when in Rome’? Give one argument in favour and one
argument against.
EC/ EE 41110
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electronics and Communications Engineering/Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Fourth Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper I: Industrial management
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. Explain the salient features of partnership and state its merits and demerits? (14M)
3. Briefly discuss the Taylor’s scientific management. (14M)
4. Discuss about the basic methods for economic evaluation of alternating with examples? (14M)
5. Explain the meaning, merits, demerits and suitability of DBM. (14M)
6. Define personnel management .Discuss functions of personnel management. (14M)
7. What is leadership? Explain different styles of leadership. (14M)
8. (a) What is purchasing? Discuss the objectives of purchasing? (7M)
(b) Discuss the importance of inventory management. (7M)
9. What is the meaning of channels of distribution? How is distribution channel selected? (14M)
IT 41110
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Information Technology
Fourth Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper I: E-Commerce & ERP
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. a) Describe the online advertising with an example.
b) Define E-marketplace and explain its structure and mechanism.
3. a) Describe E-procurement in B2B.Distinguish between buy-side and sell-side intermediaries
b) Explain how are orders are fulfilled in electronic payment system? Discuss about its security.
4. a) Explain about mobile Commerce and pervasive computing
b) Explain the role of E-commerce in the following applications
i) Insurance sector ii) Real estate business
5. a) Explain in detail about supply chain integration
b) Explain different Phases in an ERP with examples.
ME 31110
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper I: Operations Research
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
1. (a) Define infeasible and unbounded solutions
(b) Define primal and dual problem
(c) Write mathematical formulation of Transportation Problem
(d) Define Unbalanced Assignment Problem
(e) What is a queue? Give an example (f) Define total and free float
(g) Explain advantages of Simulation
2. Solve the following Linear Programming Problem using Big M method
Min Z = 2x1 + 9x2 + x3 Subject to the constraints: x1+4x2+2x3 ≥5, 3x1+x2+2x3≥4, x1, x2 and x3≥0
3. Write the corresponding rules for Primal — Dual relations. Formulate the dual of the following Linear
Programming Problem and solve by dual simplex method
Maximum Z = 240x1+225x2 Subject to the constraints: 3x1+9x2 ≤12, 6x1+15x2≤24, x1 and x2≥0
4. Solve the following Transportation Problem
A 5 7 13 10 700
B 8 6 14 13 400
C 12 10 9 11 800
Demand 200 600 700 400
5. (a) Explain Hungarian method
(b) Solve the travelling salesman problem given by the following data
C12 = 20, C13 = 4, C14 = 10, C23 = 5, C34 = 6, C25 = 10, C35=6, C45 = 20, where Cij = Cji and there is no
route between cities i and j if the value for Cij is not shown.
6. Obtain the steady state solution of (M/M/1): (∞/FCFS) system and also find expected value of queue
length n.
7. Tasks A,B,C…….. H, I constitute a project. The notation X < Y means that the task X must be finished
before Y can begin with this notation.
A<D, A<E, B<F, D<F, C<G, C<H, F<I, G<I
Draw a graph to represent the sequence of tasks and find the minimum time of completion of the project,
when the time (in days) of completion of each task is as follows.
Task : A B C D E F G H I
Time : 8 10 8 10 16 17 18 14 9
8. A bakery keeps stock of popular brand of bread. Previous experience indicates the daily demand as given
Daily Demand : 0 10 20 30 40 50
Probability : 0.01 0.20 0.15 0.50 0.12 0.02
Consider the following sequence of random numbers
48, 78, 19, 51, 56, 77, 15, 14, 68, 8
Using above sequence, simulate the demand for the next 10 days.
(i) Find out the stock situation if the owner of the bakery decides to make 30 breads every day.
(ii) Estimate the daily average demand for the bread on the basis of simulated data.
9. Use dynamic programming to solve the Linear Programming Problem
Maximum X = 3x1+7x2 Subject to the constraints : x1+4x2≤8, x2≤2, x1 and x2≥0
CIV 31111
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Civil Engineering
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper I: Structural Analysis-I
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. Compute the vertical deflection at E of the truss shown in figure. The cross sectional areas of vertical and
horizontal members are 1800mm2 and that of inclined members are 2500mm2. Assume E = 2x105 N/mm2.
Use Strain Energy method.
3. Using Castigliano’s first theorem, determine the deflection and cantilever of a beam loaded shown in
4. Two point loads 75 kN and 160 kN spaced at 4 m apart crosses a girder of span 15 rn from left to right with
the 75 kN load leading. Draw the influence line for shear force and bending moment and find the value of
maximum shear force and bending moment at a section 6 m from the left hand support.
5. Two wheel loads, w1 and w2, spaced “a” apart cross a simply-supported girder of span L, from left to right.
Sketch the maximum B.M and maximum S.F diagram making the salient values.
6. Analyze the beam and find c. b. ∆ . Consider AB=2I. BC=I.
7. A fixed beam AB of span “l” is loaded with a uniformly varying load of intensity zero at left end and
“w/m” at right end. Find out the fixed end moments for the beam. Plot SFD and BMD.
8. A 3-span continuous beam ABCD has fixed end supports. On end span AB=6m there is u.d.l. of 20 kN/m,
while on CD=5m there is a point load of 80 kN at mid span on the central span BC=5m, there is a point
load of 50kN at 3m from B. If the moment of inertia of BC is twice that of AB and CD analyze by
Clapeyron’s theorem of three moments method and sketch the B.M.D.
9. Analyze the given portal frame by strain energy method. Consider AB=I, BC=2I, CD=I.
10. Determine the axial force in the redundant horizontal bar AB of the pin jointed frame shown in Figure. The
cross sectional area of bar AB is 625 mm2 and that of the remaining bars is 1250mm2.
11. The frame shown in figure is supported from a rigid wall at A and E. All the members have the same C/S
area of 1200 mm2. If there is raise of temperature of member BC by 23°C, determine the resulting forces in
the members. α = 0.000016/ °C. E = 2.08°xl05 MPa.
(CIV 31111)
CSE/INF 31111
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper I: Formal Languages and Automata Theory
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Question No. 1 is compulsory.
Each Unit carries 10 marks.
PART A (10 x 1=10 marks)
1. a) Give the Difference between NPDA and DPDA
b) Define ambiguity in CFG.
c) State Pumping Lemma for regular languages.
d) Give Regular expression for L=the set of all strings of 0’s and l’s ending in 00
e) Give the regular set or language for the regular expression: 1(01)*(10)*1
f) What is Turing Machine Model?
g) Explain Unsolvable Problem
h) What is Turing-Decidable Problem?
i) Define mealy machine
j) Define Deterministic Finite Automata
PART B (5 x 12=60)
2. a) Design a DFA which accepts set of all strings contains 1100 as substring, where ={0,1}
b) Construct the corresponding Moore machine for the Mealy machine given below
c) Convert the following NFA to its equivalent DFA.
d) Prove that ‘R’ be the regular expression then there exists an NFA -transition that accepts L(R)
3 a) Derive regular expression for the following finite automaton.
b) What are the closure properties of regular languages? Prove it.
c) Minimize the finite automata given below and show that both the given and the reduced ones are equivalent
4 a) Explain the steps involved in eliminating useless symbols in a given context free Grammar
b) Convert the following CFG to Greibach Normal form.
A a
A bA
A Ab
c) Find the context-free grammar generating the language
L={aibjck | i=j+k}
d) Prove that the given language is not a CFL using pumping Lemma
L={X {a,b}* |nb(x) na(x)}
(CSE/INF 31111)
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Civil Engineering
Fourth Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper I: Structural Analysis-III
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. A curved beam is the form of full continuous circle in plan with a radius of 5m and is supported
continuously on six supports. The beam carries a UDL of 10 KN/m, inclusive of its own weight.
Determine the Bending Moment, Twisting Moment and Shear Force at Silent locations and plot the same.
3. Derive the Bending Moment and Twisting Moment for a semicircular beam subjected to udl and simply
supported on three equally spaced supports. (12M)
4. Using Muller-Breslau principle, calculate the influence line ordinate for i) Reaction at B ii) Moment at A
for the propped cantilever shown in fig. Compute also the ILD at 3m intervals. (12M)
5. For the continuous beam draw the ILD for bending moment and shear force at mid span of any one of
spans EI is constant (12M)
:: 2 ::
8. Analyse the Continuous Beam by Flexibility Method (12M)
9. Analyse the portal frame by Flexibility Method
11. Analyse the Portal frame by Stiffness Method
- (CIV41111)
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering
Fourth Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper I: Advanced Computer Architecture
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
3. a)Explain about Static interconnection network.
b) Discuss about Memory Bounded Speed up models
c) Describe about Multiprocessor system Interconnects.
d) Explain about multistage and combining network.
4. a) What is branch handling? Explain about branch prediction.
b) Define Pipelining. Explain linear pipeline processor.
c) Describe Computer Arithmetic and Static arithmetic pipelines.
5. a) Explain Message passing mechanisms.
b) Describe latency-hiding techniques.
c) Describe Scalable and Multithreaded architectures.
6. a) Explain parallel processing models.
b) Discuss about data dependence analysis of data arrays.
c) Discuss about parallel languages and compilers.
d) Explain about code optimization and scheduling in detail.
ECE 31111
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electronics and Communications Engineering
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper I: Feedback Control System
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. Derive the transfer function of a field controlled DC motor.
3. a) Find the transfer function of the network shown in figure.
b) Write the differential equations governing the mechanical system shown in figure.
4. For the signal flow graph shown below, determine the transfer function using Mason’s Gain formula.
5. Derive the expression for peak overshoot of a
i) second order system ii) Discuss the effect of adding poles and zeros to transfer function.
( . )
9. Draw the Bode Plot for the system G(s)H(s)= ( )
0 1 0 0
a) ̇= 0 0 1 + 0
0 −2 −3 0
= [3 4 1]
(ECE 31111)
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Fourth Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper I: Computer Communication Networks
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. (a) Explain the layers of OSI model. (6M)
(b) Explain different types of wireless transmission media. (6M)
(c) Explain about network software. (6M)
(d) Differentiate between TCP/IP and OSI models. (6M)
3. (a) Explain any two elementary data link protocols. (6M)
(b) Explain CSMA/CD and CSMA/CA protocols. (6M)
(c) Explain the methods used to detect errors in a frame. (6M)
(d) Explain the MAC frame formats of ethernet and wireless LANs. (6M)
4. (a) Explain the design issues of network layer. (6M)
(b) Explain the distance vector routing algorithm with an example. (6M)
(c) Explain the header formats of IPv4 and Ipv6. (6M)
(d) Explain the I-lop-by-Hop choke packets method to control the congestion. (6M)
5. (a) Explain about connection release in transport layer. (6M)
(b) Explain about real time transport protocol. (6M)
(c) Explain how congestion is controlled in TCP. (6M)
(d) Explain TCP protocol and service model of TCP. (6M)
6. (a) Explain about message formats in e-mail. (6M)
(b) Explain about HTML. (6M)
(c) Explain about HTTP. (6M)
(d) Explain about video compression. (6M)
EEE 31111
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper I: Generation of Electrical Power
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Section A has TEN Questions. Section B has FIVE Questions. Attempt all questions
1. a) What is Geo-thermal Energy?
b) What is meant by Distributed Generation?
c) Give classification of Hydro power plants.
d) List factors affecting Thermal power plant site selection.
e) List components in Nuclear Reactor.
f) Define Fusion.
g) Define Load Factor.
h) Define Power factor.
i) What is the purpose of Reactor?
j) Define Resistance Grounding.
2. a) Explain the concept of co-generation.
b) Explain the operation of Gas turbine plant
3 a) Explain in detail different energy sources available in India
b) Write short note on bio generation
4 a) Briefly explain about general arrangement and operation of hydroelectric power plant
b) Sketch thermal power plant layout.
5 a) Explain the merits and demerits of Hydroelectric Stations over thermal power stations
b) With the help of a neat sketch, explain the principle of working of a reaction type steam turbine
6 a) Mention the main parts of a reactor and discuss about their functions
b) With the help of a neat sketch explain the working of a fast breeder reactor
7 a) Discuss the methods to dispose wastes in Nuclear Plants and also list out the precautions to be observed
during disposal
b) How do we classify the nuclear power reactors?
8 a) Discuss the various costs that involved in generation of electrical energy.
b) A generating station has a maximum demand of 20MW, a load factor of 60%, plant capacity factor of
48% and plant use factor of 80%. Find (i) the daily energy produced (ii) reserve capacity of plant (iii)
the maximum energy that could be produced daily if the plant was running all the time
9 a) Define load curve, what is the information obtained from it
b) A 1000 Mw power station delivers 1000 Mw for 2 hrs, 500 Mw for 6 hrs and is shut down for the rest of
each day. It is also shut down for maintenance for 60 days annually. Calculate its annual load factor
10 a) Explain about different bus bar arrangements.
b) Explain about resonant grounding.
11 a) List different equipments used in substation and explain.
b) Write short note on ungrounding system.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Fourth Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper I: Facts Controllers
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. Explain the shunt and series connected controllers with neat sketch.
3. Explain the power flow and the dynamic stability consideration of a transmission interconnection.
4. Explain about integrated gate commuted thyristor.
5. Explain emitter and MOS turn OFF thyristor.
6. Explain about 3-phase full wave bridge converter in detail with neat sketch.
7. Explain about 3-phase full wave diode rectifier with neat sketch.
8. Explain the objectives of shunt compensation.
9. Explain the methods of controllable VAR generation.
10. Explain the objectives of series compensation.
11. Explain switching converter type series compensation.
MEC 31111
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper I: Operations Research
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
4 (a) The time and cost estimates and precedence relationship of the different activities constituting a project
are given below:
Time (weeks) Cost ( Rs)
Activities Predecessor Activity Normal Crash Normal Crash
A -- 3 2 8000 9000
B -- 8 6 600 1000
C B 6 4 10000 12000
D B 5 2 4000 10000
E A 13 10 3000 9000
F A 4 4 5000 5000
G F 2 1 1200 1400
H C,E,G 6 4 3500 4500
I F 2 1 700 800
(i) Draw a project network diagram and find the critical path
(ii) If a dead line of 17 weeks is imposed for the completion of the project, what activities will
be crashed? What would be the additional cost and the critical activities after crashing the
(b) Derive differential-difference equations for a generalized birth-death queuing model. Obtain
steady state distribution of the system size.
Player B
Player A
I 2 4 3 8 4
II 5 6 3 7 8
III 6 7 9 8 7
IV 4 2 8 4 3
(c) Use graphical method to minimize the time needed to process the following jobs on the machines
shown below. Also calculate the total time needed to complete both the jobs.
Sequence of Machine A B C D E
Job I
Time 2 3 4 6 2
Sequence of Machine C A D E B
Job II
Time 4 5 3 2 6
(MEC 31111)
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Fourth Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper I: Engineering Economics and Management
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Note: Answer PART —A and one question from each unit of PART —B
Answer the following questions 10x1=10 M
Define a) Depreciation b) Partnership c) Market research
d) Engineering economics e) Marginal cost f) Ledger
g) Proprietorship h) Therbligs i) Process charts
j) Sunk cost
PART -B 5x12=60 M
2 a) Explain the scope of engineering economics?
b) Explain various forms of business organization with special reference to partnership
3 a) How to determine the economic life of an asset
b) From the following particulars of Ms. XX prepare Trading and Profit & Loss accounts and balance sheet
for the year ended on 31-03-2012.
Particulars Amount (Rs) Particulars Amount (Rs)
Purchases 70,000 Sales 1,00,000
Sales Returns 1,000 Capital 80,000
Carriage Inwards 500 Purchase Returns 2,000
Salaries 1,500 Creditors 25,000
Rent and Insurance 1,500 Commission 2,000
Debtors 36,000 RBD 2,100
Plant and Machinery 50,000 Bills Payable 5,000
Furniture 9,000
Cash at Bank 20,000
Opening Stock 20,000
Bad Debts 5,000
Wages 1,100
Advertisements 500
2,16,100 2,16,100
Adjustments: 1. Closing stock Rs. 10,000 2. Create 5% reserve for doubtful debts
3. Outstanding salaries Rs. 200 4. Depreciation @ 10% on furniture
Fire accident destroyed goods worth Rs.5000 & insurance company agreed to pay Rs. 4000.
4 a) Define Management. Is it universal? List the principles of management given by Henry Fayol.
b) Define depreciation. Mention various methods of depreciation in detail
5 a) Explain the functions of personnel management.
b) Define Method Study. Explain the basic steps involved in implementing it.
6 a) Briefly discuss different channels of distribution?
b) Explain about job specification and job selection interview techniques
CS/IT 32110
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper I: Computer Networks
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
PART B (4x14=56M)
3. a) Explain general principles of Congestion Control and its prevention policies
b) Write notes on following
i) Tunneling ii) Token Bucket algorithm iii) IPV4 header
4. a) Explain services provided by Transport Layer to upper layers
b) Explain in detail about Multiplexing and Crash Recovery
c) Explain about Wireless TCP & Transactional TCP
d) Explain about Remote Procedure call
5. a) Explain about Electronic mail Architecture and services
b) Write about Voice over IP
c) Explain about Multicast Backbone
EC 32110
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electronics and Communications Engineering
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper I: Digital Communications
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
3. Analyse the Portal Frame is loaded as shown in fig 2.Use Slope –Deflection Method .
4 Determine the support moments for the continuous girder shown in fig .3, if the support B sinks by 2.5 mm.
For all members I = 3.5 X 107 mm4 , E = 200 KN/mm2. Draw S.F.D.& B.M.D .Use Moment –Distribution
5 Analyse the Portal Frame is loaded as shown in fig 4 by Moment Distribution Method.
6 A continuous beam ABC consists of spans AB and BC of lengths 3m and 4m respectively .The end A is
simply supported while the end C is fixed .The beam caries a point load of 24KN on the span AB and a
point load of 24KN on the span BC at a distance of 2.5m from C. Determine the support moments.
Assume uniform section for the beam .Use Kani’s Method.
7 A framed structure is subjected to lateral load as shown in fig 5. Analyze the structure by using Portal
Method .
8 Analyse the portal frame ABCD as shown in fig 6 .The flexural rigidity is the same for all the members.
Use Kani’s Method.
9 A Three hinged parabolic arch ABC of span 30m has its supports A and B at different levels. A being at
a higher level than B. The support A is 4m below the crown hinge C and 12m horizontally from A. Find
the depth of the support B below the hinge C. If the arch carries a uniformly distributed load of 30KN/m
from A to C .Determine the horizontal thrust and the vertical reactions at the supports. Find also the
maximum Bending Moments for the arch.
10 A Two – hinged parabolic arch of span 40m and rise 5m carries a UDL of 5KN/m on the left half of the
span and also a concentrated load of 40KN at the crown. Determine the horizontal thrust at the supports
and draw BMD for the Arch .Assuming secant variation of moment of Inertia of the Arch section.
11 A suspension Cable is supported at two points A and B .A being one meter above B. The distance AB
being 20m .The Cable is subjected to four loads 2KN, 4KN, 5KN, and 3KN at distance of 4m, 8m,
12m,and 16m respectively from A. Find the maximum Tension in the cable if the dip of the cable at point
of application of first load is 1m with respect to level at A. Find also length of the Cable.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper I: Principles of Programming Languages
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
a) Syntax of ‘Arithmetic if statement in FORTRAN’
b) What is an exception?
c) Name space in C++
d) What is type checking?
e) Finally clause in Java
f) What is a semaphore?
g) Characteristics that effect Readability
h) What is a thread?
i) Information hiding in ADA
j) What is a co-routine?
3) a) Explain about scope and life time of variable
b) Explain about Statement level control Structures.
4) a) Explain parameter passing methods
b) Explain Co-routines
c) Explain user defined overloaded operators.
5. a) What is data abstraction and parameterized Abstract Data types?
b) Explain support of Object oriented programming in languages.
6. a) Explain the following terms:
i) Semaphores
ii) Monitors
iii) Message Passing
iv) Java threads
b) Explain message passing mechanism in Java?
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper I: Antennas and Propogation
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. a) Prove that the radiation resistance of a quarter wave monopole is 36.5.
b) Define the radiation resistance of halfwave dipole
c) Derive the potential functions using Maxwell’s equation approach.
d) Define near field and far field.
3. a) Explain the terms i) Radiation pattern ii) Radiation intensity iii) Gain and Directivity
b) Derive the FRISS transmission equation
c) Derive the directivity of a short dipole.
d) What is Polarization and explain in detail.
4. a) Derive the expression for array factor of N-element linear array.
b) Explain in detail about Two-element array.
c) Derive the expression for beamwidth of End-fire array.
d) Write a short note on principle of multiplication of pattern.
5. a) Explain about Parabolic reflector antenna.
b) Give short notes on Rhombic antenna.
c) Explain about corner-reflector antenna with a neat sketch.
d) Design a Log periodic antenna for a frequency of 5MHz.
6. a) Write about short note on maximum usable frequency.
b) Obtain the expression for the field strength at the receiving point for space wave propagation.
c) Explain about Duct propagation.
d) Explain about Reflection and Refraction of sky wave propagation.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper I: Linear Integrated Circuits
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
All questions are compulsory.
All Questions carry Equal Marks 5x12= 60
2. Draw the pin diagram of op-amp? Identify their terminals explain them.
3. Derive the expression for output current and voltage of an inverting amplifier.
4. Explain the effect of stray capacitance on the stability of op-amp.
5. Explain the effect of load capacitance on the op-amp & mention the compensating methods
6. Explain the operation of astable multivibrator.
7. Explain the operation of monostable multivibrator.
8. Explain the operation of analog to digital converter operation
9. Explain the operation of digital to analog converter operation
10. Explain the operation of voltage regulator of an IC723.
11. Explain the operation of 555 timer?
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper I: Operations Management
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
1. Answer the following:
a) Forecasting.
b) Smoothening coefficient.
c) Batch production.
d) Fixed position layout.
e) EOQ
f) VED Analysis
g) Bill of materials
h) C-Chart
i) Zero Defect Program
j) Purpose of inventory
2. (a) Explain the procedure of forecasting.
(b) A firm uses simple exponential smoothing with α = 0.1 to forecast demand. The forecast for the
week of February 1 was 500 units, whereas actual demand turned out to be 450 units. Forecast the
demand for the week of February 8.
(c) Explain about at least five different forecasting methods.
3. (a) What is meant by aggregate planning? What are its objectives?
(b) Give a brief note on LDR.
(c) Discuss master scheduling methods.
4. (a) What are the functions of materials management?
(b) Discuss in detail about MRP system inputs and outputs.
(c) What is ABC Analysis and importance of ABC analysis? Explain the steps in ABC analysis.
5. (a) Discuss in detail about Quantity discounts Re-order point, Buffer stock, reserve stock and safety
(b) Discuss in detail single period perishable goods.
(c) Explain multi echelon inventory models.
6. (a) What is the need for supply chain management?
(b) What are the steps in creating an effective supply chain?
(c) Discuss in detail about X-chart, R-chart and P-chart.
CS 41210
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering
Fourth Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper II: Distributed Systems
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
PART B (4x14=56)
3. (a) Explain about Name Resolution
(b) Explain about Threads in detail
(c) Write about implementation of a Name Space
(d) Explain about the processes client and server and their responsibilities
4. (a) Explain the different clock synchronization algorithms
(b) Write about Data Centric Consistency Models
(c) Explain the Election algorithms
(d) Write about the Mutual Exclusion algorithms
5. (a) Explain about Sun Network File System
(b) What is reliable group communication?
(c) Explain about Distributed Commit in detail
CS/IT 31210
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper II: Data Communications
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. a) Explain Guided and wireless transmission in detail
b) Explain about OSI Model in detail
3. a) Write about Error detection and correction techniques (10M)
b) Write about types of Errors (4M)
c) Explain signal encoding signals
4. a) Write about HDLC
b) Explain about Statistical Time Division Multiplexing
c) Explain how flow control is implemented
d) Explain about Synchronous Time Division Multiplexing
5. a) Differentiate Packet Switching and Circuit Switching
b) Write about LAN Protocol architecture
c) Write in detail about
i) Ethernet
ii) Bridges
EC 41210
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electronics and Communications Engineering
Fourth Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper II: Computer Networks
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. a) Derive the transfer function of a armature controlled DC servomotor.
b) Explain Block diagram reduction rules.
3. a) Explain how synchro acts as an error detector and determine the transfer function.
b) Write the differential equations governing the mechanical rotational systems shown in the figure.
4. a) Explain the effect of adding poles and zeros to OLTF and CLTF.
b) Measurement conducted on a servo mechanism shows the system response to be
c(t)=1+0.2e-60t-1.2e-10t when subjected to a unit step input.
i) obtain the expression for CLTF ii) Determine the damping ratio and undamped natural frequency of
5. a) Check the stability of the system s4+s3-3s2-s+2=0, using R-H criteria.
b) Derive the expression for steady state error and explain error constants.
6. a) Draw the Bode Plot for the system
( )
G(s) = ( )( ), H(s)=1 and hence obtain Gain Margin and Phase Margin from the plot.
b) Give the advantages of Bode Plot.
7. a) Sketch the polar plot for the system
( )
G(s) = ( )( )
. Find Gain Margin and Phase Margin.
b) How to measure relative stability using Nyquist criteria.
8. a) Explain construction rules of root-locus plot.
b) Draw the root locus plot for the system whose OLTF G(s)H(s)= ( )
9. a) Derive the expression for state transition matrix from state model.
b) Examine the observability of the system given below.
0 1 0 0
= 0 0 1 x+ 0 y
0 −2 3 0
Y= [3 4 1]x
EE 41210
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Fourth Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper II: Power System Operation and Control
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer Question No. 1 Compulsorily (14x1=14M)
Answer One Question from each Unit (4x14 = 56M)
1. a) What is the objective of power system operation and control?
b) What is meant by incremental cost curve? c) What is series compensation?
d) What decide the loading of generating stations? e) What are the merits of synchronous compensator?
f) What is a static VAR compensator? g) What is meant by tie-line?
h) Define power quality. i) Draw the heat rate curve.
j) Define diversity factor. k) What is the function of load dispatch center?
1) What do you mean by UPFC with schematic diagram?
m) What are the objectives of automatic generation control?
n) Where are synchronous condensers installed?
2 a) Draw the load curve and load duration curve. Explain the importance of these curves in connection with
economic operation of power system.
b) A power supply is having the following loads:
Type of load Maximum demand (kw) Diversity factor Demand factor
Domestic 10,000 1.20 0.8
Commercial 30,000 1.30 0.9
Industrial 50,000 1.35 0.96
If the overall system diversity factor is 1.5 Determine :
i) Maximum demand and ii) Connected load of each type.
3 a) Explain the following
(i) Hot reserve and cold reserve (ii) Load curve and load duration curve
(iii) Governor control (iv) Security control
b) The fuel costs of two units in RS/hr are:
F1 = l.5+20p1+0.1 p12 F2 = 2.5+30p2+0.1 p2
The total demand on the generators is 200mw.fmd the economic load scheduling of the two units.
4 a) Discuss in detail automatic generation control scheme in Two area system with neat sketch.
b) Explain the dynamic response of a load frequency controller?
5 a) Discuss in detail automatic generation control scheme in single area system with neat sketch.
b) Draw and explain the basic p-f and Q-V control loops?
6 a) Discuss generation and absorption of Reactive Power.
b) A 3Φ, 230 kV transmission line having the following parameters operates at no-load. R=20Ω, X= 80Ω,
B= 4x10-4 mho. If the receiving end voltage is 210kV fmd the sending end voltage representing the
transmission line as Π model.
7 a) Explain different types of static VAR compensators with a phasor diagram.
b) Explain how voltage control can be effected by injection of Reactive Power
8 a) With a neat sketch discuss operation of STATCOM.
b) Write a short notes on i) TSSC ii) TCSC
9 a) List out objectives of combined series and shunt connected compensators.
b) Write a short notes on i) SVC ii) TSC iii) TCR
ME 31210
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper II: Design of Machine Elements
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. A plain element in a boiler is subjected to tensile stresses of 400 Mpa on one plane and 150 Mpa on the
other at right angles to the former. Each of the above stresses is accompanied by a shear stress of 100 Mpa
such that when associated with the minor tensile stress tends to rotate the element in anticlockwise
direction. Find a) Principal stresses and their direction b) Maximum shearing stresses and the directions of
the plane on which they act.
3. State and derive the Von-Mises failure criterion for static load with usual notations
4. A machine component is subjected to fluctuating stress that varies from 40 to 100 N/mm2. The corrected
endurance limit stress for machine component is 270 N/mm2. The ultimate tensile strength and yield
strength of material are 600 and 450 N/nmi2 respectively. Find the factor of safety using: (i) Gerber theory
(ii) Soderberg line iii) Goodman line and (iv) Find factor of safety against static failure
5. A power screw having double start square threads of 25 mm nominal diameterand 5 mm pitch is acted
upon by an axial load of 10 kN. The outer and inner diameters of screwcollar are 50 mm and 20 nmi
respectively. The coefficient of thread friction and collar friction maybe assumed as 0.2 and 0.15
respectively. The screw rotates at 12 r.p.m. Assuming uniform wear condition at the collar and allowable
thread bearing pressure of 5.8 N/mm2, find: i) the torque required to rotate the screw; ii) the stress in the
screw; and iii) the number of threads of nut in engagement with screw.
6. An eccentrically loaded lap riveted joint is to be designed for a steel bracket as shown in Figi .The bracket
plate is 25 mm thick. All rivets are to be of the same size. Load on the bracket,P = 50 kN; rivet spacing, C
= 100 mm; load arm, e = 400 mm.Permissible shear stress is 65 MPa and crushing stress is 120 MPa.
Determine the size of therivets to be used for the joint
7. A rectangular cross-section bar is welded to a support by means of fillet weldsas shown in Fig2.
Determine the size of the welds, if the permissible shear stress in the weld is limited to 75 Mpa.
7. An offset bracket, having arm of I-cross-section is fixed to a vertical steel column by means of four
standard bolts as shown in Fig.3. An inclined pull of 10 kN is acting onthe bracket at an angle of 60° to the
vertical. Determine the diameter of the fixing bolts.
Fig 3
9. Design a cotter joint to support a load varying from 30 kN in compression to 30 kN in tension. The
material used is carbon steel for which the following allowable stresses may be used. The load is applied
statically. Tensile stress = compressive stress = 50 MPa shear stress = 35 MPa and crushing stress= 90
(ME 31210)
CIV 31211
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Civil Engineering
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper II: Environmental Engineering-I
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer Question No.1 compulsory. Answer ONE question from each Unit.
1. Answer the following.
(a) Water borne diseases (b) Fire demand (c) Population
(d) Per capita consumption (e) Temporary hardness (f) Slow sand filter
(g) Dissolved oxygen (h) Strokes law (i) Disinfection
(j) Deflouridation
2. Write a detail note on
(a) What is the importance of public water supply schemes in the present day civil life?
(b) What is per capita Demand? Explain various factors that affect per capita demand.
3. (a) Explain the impact of flow rate and mass loading factors on the design of water treatment plants
(b) The population data of a city is given under
Year 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011
Population 76,000 90,000 1,15,000 1,87,000 2,25000 2,50,000
Estimate the population of the city in the years 2014 and 2018 by incremental increase method
4. (a) Briefly discuss the various Sources of water supply.
(b) Explain the utility mass curve
5. (a) What are the types of pipes used for water supply?
(b) Describe the factors contributing to pipe corrosion. I-low can it be prevented?
6. (a) “Water quality can have a significant effect on public health”. Justify the statement
(b) Write the Drinking water quality standards
7. (a) Determine the optimum dose of Alum for coagulation of water.
(b) Draw a typical layout of a conventional water treatment plant. Name and explain the function of
each unit employed in it
8. (a) Design a rapid sand filter to treat water that is to be supplied to a town of 15.0 lakh population. The
per capita water demand is 185 litres per day. Make other necessary assumptions
(b) What do you understand by filtration? Name and explain various mechanisms that take place
during filtration
9. (a) Calculate (i) kilograms of chlorine needed per day and (ii) the capacity of the Contact tank in a
water treatment plant supplying a city of 100,000 people. Given that the maximum daily rate is
99.0x106 L/day, the chlorine demand is I mg/L and the minimum contact time is 30 min.
(b) Discuss the physical methods for disinfection. What is chlorine demand? How does chlorine
behave in water?
10. Discuss briefly the procedure commonly adopted for planning and designing of a distribution
system in a water supply scheme. What precautions you would take to make the design
11. Write short note on
(a) Drain valve (b) Air valve (c) Balancing tank
(d) Water Meters (e) Hydrants (f) Domestic service connection
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Civil Engineering
Fourth Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper II: Transportation Engineering-II
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer to Question No. is compulsory (1 x 10 = 10M)
Answer ONE question from each Unit (5 x 12 = 60M)
1. Answer the following:
a) Give the length of different gauges used in India?
b) What is Coning of Wheels?
c) What is Ballast?
d) What is a Fish Plate?
e) What is Negative Super Elevation?
f) Draw a rough diagram of Level Crossing.
g) Define ICAO?
h) What is a Hanger?
i) What is Fender?
j) What are the three different types of light signals used in Harbor Engineering?
2. a) Describe the classification of India Railways. (6)
b) Draw a typical cross-section of a permanent way. Discuss in brief the basic functions of various
components of a railway track. (8)
3. a) Define gauge of a railway track. Enumerate different gauges used in India and discuss their suitability
at different locations with reasons. (6)
b) What are the commonly used rail joints in railways? Explain them with neat diagrams? (8)
4. What are the different types of fish-plates in use? Illustrate with neat sketches and discuss their uses.
5. Explain the necessity of sleepers in railway track. What are the desirable qualities or requirements of
good sleepers?
6. a) How do you define the super-elevation? What are the objects of providing super-elevation on
curves of a railway track? (9)
b) Write short notes on: (i) Negative super-elevation (ii) Cant Deficiency (5)
7. a) Describe the factors that influence the selection of site for a railway station. How the railway
stations are classified? (8)
b) Explain briefly the different types of railway yards. (6)
8. a) Explain the characteristics of an aircraft and provide neat sketches wherever necessary. (7)
b) Explain different components of the airport system with the help of neat sketches and show the
movement of aircraft and passengers. (7)
9. Explain with neat sketches the limiting heights of objects in the approach and turning zone of an
instrumental runway. (14)
10. a) Why is it necessary to provide facilities like apron, transit shed and wave houses at ports? (7)
b) Sketch a neat figure and explain of different types of jetties. (7)
11. a) Define dredging. Explain the reason for its adoption. How is the dredged material disposed off?
b) What are the requirements of good port design? (7)
CSE/INF 31211
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper II: Operating Systems
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Question No. 1 is compulsory
1. Write short notes on the following (10x1=10)
(a) system call
(b) device drivers
(c) tertiary storage
(d) safe state
(e) kernal
(f) RAID
(g) Rotational latency
(h) Difference between interrupt and trap
(i) Difference between page and frame
(j) segmentation
2. (a) What characteristics distinguish the various elements of memory hierarchy? (6+6)
(b) What is an interrupt? Give three examples of an interrupt?
(c) What are the various objectives and functions of operating systems? (12)
3. (a)What is mutual exclusion? List out the requirements for mutual exclusion (6+6)
(b) List out advantages and disadvantages of ULTS compared to KLTS
(c) Explain the performance, disadvantage of a microkernel operating system (6+6)
(d) What is semaphore? What operations can be performed on a semaphore?
4. Explain paging scheme for memory management, discuss the paging hardware and page model.
(a) What is deadlock? Explain the principles of deadlock? (8+4)
(b) Difference between demand cleaning and pre cleaning?
5. What is the difference between preemptive and non preemptive scheduling? Explain an algorithm for each
scheduling type. (12)
(a) What is the difference between logical I/O and device I/O (6+6)
(b) What are typical operations may be performed on a dictionary?
6. (a) Describe the Linux memory management components in detail (6+6)
(b) Explain file system in UNIX in detail
(c )Discuss about LINUX real time scheduling strategies in detail. (6+6)
(d) Discuss about UNIX password scheme.
CSE41211/ INF41211
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering/Informtation Technology
Fourth Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper II: Object Oriented Modeling and Design
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer ALL Questions
Question No. 1 is compulsory
1. Define the following: (10x1=10M)
a) Message passing
b) Stereotypes
c) Polymorphism
d) Active class
e) Purpose of OOAD
f) Note and tagged value
g) Interfaces
h) Principles of modeling
i) Behavioral diagrams
j) Class & object diagrams
PART B (5x12=60M)
2. a) Explain about Conceptual model of the UML?
b) Draw a class diagram on ATM withdrawal operation?
3. a) Explain about Relationships?
b) Explain about advanced classes?
4. a) what are modeling techniques for class diagram with example?
b) what are modeling techniques for object diagram with example?
5. a) what is state chart diagram? Draw a Use case diagram with an example?
b) Explain about interaction diagram with example?
6. a) Discuss in detail about component &deployment diagram?
b) Draw a component and deployment diagram on library management?
ECE 31211
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electronics and Communications Engineering
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper II: Analog Communications
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
5. a) Explain thermal noise and derive its expression for a single noise source.
b) Derive the effective noise temperature of ‘k’-two port network.
c) Find equivalent noise bandwidth of series RL network.
d) A coil having an inductance of 2H and internal resistance of 1Ω is shunted by capacitance of 2F. Determine
the power density spectrum of thermal noise.
1 . a) Define s-matrix.
b) Give the differences between Isolator and Circulator.
c) What is hybrid ring?
d) What is the condition for oscillation in Reflex klystron?
e) State the applications of TWT.
f) What do you mean by 0-type tubes? Name some 0-type tubes?
g) State the applications of CFA.
h) State the applications of backward wave oscillator.
i) What are the elements that exhibit Gunn Effect?
j) What is a wave meter?
2. a) Explain the constructional and working principle of a two-hole Directional Coupler.
b) Explain the E-plane, H-plane and Magic Tees.
c) Explain isolator and four port circulator based on faraday rotation principle.
d) State and prove the properties of s-matrix.
3. a) Explain the principle of working of IMPATT diode.
b) Draw the Band structure of Tunnel diode and explain how a negative resistance region obtained.
c) Explain the principle of operation of TRAPATT Diode.
d) Draw the band structure of PIN diode and explain its working.
4. a) What are the limitations of conventional tubes at microwave frequencies? How to overcome these?
b) Explain the working of two-cavity klystron with the help of Applegate diagram.
c) Explain the amplification process of Traveling wave tube.
d) Explain the process of bunching in Reflex Klystron.
5 . a) Draw and explain the equivalent circuits of magnetrons and crossed field amplifiers.
b) Explain forward wave crossed field amplifiers.
c) Explain how oscillations are generated in cavity magnetron?
d) Draw and explain the operation of M-type backward wave oscillator.
6. a) Explain the method of measuring impedance at microwave Frequencies.
b) Draw the microwave bench setup and explain the significance of each component.
c) Explain a low & high VSWR can be measured with suitable diagrams.
d) Write the method of measurement of microwave power.
EEE 31211
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper II: Linear Control Systems
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. a) Derive the analogous quantities in Force-voltage systems.
b) Write the differential equations and draw an analogous electrical circuit based on Force-Voltage
analogy for the system shown in figure.
c) Obtain the transfer function for the electrical system shown in figure.
d) Write the differential equations for the mechanical system shown in figure.
3. a) For the block diagram shown in figure, obtain using block diagram reduction method and verify the
same using signal flow graph method.
b) Draw and explain time domain specifications. Derive the expressions for rise time and peak overshoot.
4. a) Explain the necessary conditions for stability.
b) The characteristic equation of a system is given by s6+ s5- 2s4+-3s3- 7s2-4s-4=0. Check the stability
using Routh array.
c) Sketch the root locus plot for the system shown in figure.
5. a) Obtain the correlation between time and frequency response.
b) Sketch the Nyquist Plot for the system G(s)= ( . Where k & T are +ve constants.
c) Sketch the Bode Plot for the system G(s)= ( )(
. Find Gain Margin & Phase Margin also.
. . )
6. a) Explain the concept of state and state model.
b) For the network shown in figure, choose V1( ), V2( ) as state variables, write the state equation.
c) Obtain time response of the following system.
0 1 0
= +
−2 −3 1
Where u(t)=unit step input.
(EEE 31211)
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Fourth Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper II: Industrial Drives
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer Question No. 1 Compulsorily (10 x 1M = 10 M)
Answer One Question from each Unit (5 x 12M = 60 M)
1. a) What are the drawbacks of rotor resistance control of induction motor drive?
b) Give some important factors for choice of Electrical Drives?
c) Why a motor of smaller rating can be selected for a short time duty?
d) State important advantages of eddy-current drives?
e) Why it is usually dynamic braking with regenerative braking?
f) What factors limit the maximum speeds of field controlled Dc motors?
g) Classify Rheostatic braking?
h) What do you understand by constant torque drive and constant Power drive?
i) Define speed sensing?
j) What is single phasing and why should it be avoided?
2. a) Write a brief note on the sources employed in electrical drives.
3. Write a brief note on speed torque conventions and Multiquadrant operation.
4. a) Briefly discuss intermittent periodic duty.
b) The 10 mm rating of a motor used in a domestic mixer is 200 watts. The heating time constant is 40 min
and the maximum efficiency occurs at full load (continuous). Determine the continuous rating
5 Explain thermal model of motor for heating and cooling.
6 a) State and explain important feature of various braking methods of DC motors.
b) A 230v, 960rpm and 200A DC separately excited motor has an armature resistance of 0.02Ω. It is
driving an overhauling load whose torque may vary from zero to rated motor torque. Field flux can be
changed and field saturates at 1.2 times the rated flux. Calculate the speed range in which motor can
hold the load by regenerative braking without exceeding twice: the rated motor current.
7 a) Filed control is employed for getting speeds higher than rated and armature voltage control is employed
for getting speeds less than rated. Why?
b) A 220v, 1200rpm and 15A DC separately excited motor has an armature resistance and inductance of
1.8Ω and 32mH respectively, this motor is controlled by a single phase fully controlled rectifier with an
AC source voltage of 230v, 50Hz, identify the modes and calculate developed torques for:
i) α = 60° and speed = 450rpm ii) α = 60° and speed = 1500rpm
8 a) What is meant by slip power recovery scheme? Explain with the necessary diagram.
b) A 3 phase, 440v, 50Hz ,6 pole star connected induction motor has the following parameters referred to
the stator: RS= 0.5Ω, Rr1 =0.6Ω, Xs = Xr1 = 1Ω. Stator to rotor turns ratio is 2. If the motor is used for
regenerative braking. Determine
i) Maximum overhauling torque it can hold and the range of speed in which it can safely operate.
ii) The speed at which it will hold a load with a load torque of 160 N-m.
9 a) Why current source inverter fed induction motor drive is operated at a constant rated flux.
b) Derive an equivalent circuit for the DC dynamic braking of an induction motor and explain why it is
necessary to account for the saturation in magnetic circuit. What are the important features of a DC
dynamic braking in relation to other methods of braking of induction motors?
10 Explain true synchronous mode and self control mode for variable frequency control of synchronous motor?
11 Explain the paper mill drive industry with block diagram.
MEC 31211
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper II: Design of Machine Elements-I
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
PART-A (10x1=10 marks)
1) Answer all the following questions
a) What are the factors to be considered while deciding factor of safety?
b) Differentiate between toughness and resilience.
c) How the alloy steels are designated?
d) What are the various failure modes that a component may fail?
e) Define notch sensitivity.
f) What are the disadvantages of welded joints when compared to screwed fasteners?
g) Why square threads are preferred to V threads in screw jacks?
h) What is the function of a washer used in threaded fasteners?
i) State the von-Mises failure criterion in case of static loading
j) What is the basic difference between cotter joint and coupling?
3) A crane runway bracket is shown in Fig.2, Determine the tensile and compressive stresses produced in the
section X-X when the magnitude of the wheel load is 15 kN.
4) a) What is stress concentration? What are the various causes that develop stress raising effects in machine
components? What are the various methods to reduce stress concentration in machine components? 4M
b) A transmission shaft carries a pulley midway between the two bearings. The bending moment at pulley
varies from 200N-m to 600N-m. as the Torque varies 70N-m to 200 N-m. The shaft is made of steel
Sut=540, and Syt= 400Mpa. The corrected endurance limit of the shaft material is 200Mpa. Find diameter
of the shaft if FOS= 2. 8M
5) a) Deduce miner’s expression for predicting the life of the component due to cumulative damage.
b) The work cycle of a mechanical component subjected to completely reversed bending stresses consisting
of the following elements 4M
i) 350Mpa, for 85% time ii) 400Mpa for 12% time iii) 500Mpa for 3% time
The material of the component 50c4 (Sut =660N/mm2) and corrected endurance limit of the component is
280Mpa. Find the life of the component 8M
6) A double riveted lap Joint is made between 15mm thick plates. The rivet diameter and pitch are 25 mm
and 75 mm respectively. If the ultimate stresses are 400 N/mm2 in tension, 320 N/mm2 in shear and 640
N/mm2 in crushing, then find the minimum force per pitch which will rupture the Joint. If this Joint is
subjected to a load such that the factor of safety is 4, find the actual stresses developed in the plates and the
7) a) A welded joint as shown in Fig.3 is subjected to an eccentric load of 2 kN. Find the size of weld, if the
maximum shear stress in the weld is 25 Mpa. 6M
b) A 50 mm diameter solid shaft is welded to a flat plate as shown in Fig.4 If the size of the weld is 15 mm,
find the maximum normal and shear stress in the weld. 6M
8) Determine the size of the bolts and the thickness of the arm for the bracket as shown in Fig, if it carries a
load of 40 kN at an angle of 60° to the vertical. The material of the bracket and the bolts is same for which
the safe stresses can be assumed as 70, 50 and 105 MPa in tension, shear and compression respectively.
9) A steel plate subjected to a force of 5 kN and fixed to a vertical channel by means of four identical
bolts is shown in Fig 5. The bolts are made of plain carbon steel 45C8(Sut = 380 N/mm2) and the factor
of safety is 2. Specify the size of the bolt.
10) A cotter joint is used to connect to rods subjected to an axial pull of 50KN, Design the joint? Assume
suitable data, take Syt=400Mpa.
11) (a) Derive the maximum efficiency of a square threaded power screw is given by
(b) The lead screw of a lathe has single-start ISO metric trapezoidal threads of 52 mm nominal diameter and 8
mm pitch. The screw is required to exert an axial force of 2 kN in order to drive the tool carriage during
turning operation. The thrust is carried on a collar of 100 mm outer diameter and 60mm inner diameter.
The values of coefficient of friction at the screw threads and the collar are 0.15 and 0.12 respectively. The
lead screw rotates at 30 rpm. Calculate (i) The power required to drive the lead screw (ii)The efficiency
of the screw.
(MEC 31211)
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Fourth Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper II: Mechanical Measurements and Control Systems
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Note: Answer PART-A and ONE Question from each unit of PART-B.
I. Answer the following: (1x10 = 10 marks)
a) Define the term “Calibration”?
b) Define the term “Hysteresis”?
c) What is secondary transducers?
d) What is a gauge factor?
e) Define temperature compensation strain gauge?
f) What are characterisitics of second order system?
g) Write some Industrial application of Vibrometer used?
h) What is a pyrometer?
i) What are force measuring instruments?
j) What is closed loop system?
PART-B (5x12= 60 marks)
2. (a) With the suitable examples, explain the generalized measurement systems?
(b) Define the Following terms: Accuracy, Sensitivity, Precision and Threshold.
3. (a) Explain the term amplitude response, phase response and frequency response?
(b) Explain steady state error analysis?
4. (a) Explain the basic priniciple of capacitive transducers. With neat sketch, explain the different type of
capacitive transducers?
(b) Explain Piezo-electric transducer?
5. (a) Explain about the resistance strain gauges?
(b) Explain the principle and working of balanced bridge and unbalanced bridge?
6. Explain the working principle of Diaphragm and bellow pressure gauge with neat sketch?
7. (a) Explain about variable head flow meters?
(b) Explain about Laser Doppler Anemometer?
8. (a) How do you measure vibrations in a mechanical system? Explain.
(b) Discuss the working and construction of Load cells?
9. State the law of thermocouples. Discuss in details about calibration of thermocouple?
10. (a) Discuss in detail about the classification of control systems with neat diagrams.
(b) Explain the concept of servomechanism process control and regulator.
11. Discuss the relation between state equation and transfer functions consider the mechanical systems as case
CS/IT 32210
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper II: Compiler Design
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. a) Define compiler. Explain each phase of the compiler with neat diagram.
b) Describe the construction of Predictive Parsing technique. Construct LL(1) parse table for the
following grammar. { E→E+T/T ; T→T*F/F ; F→(E)/id}
3. a) Describe the mechanism in constructing Canonical LR parsing table and write LR parsing
b) Construct Simple LR Parsing Table for the following ambiguous grammar and resolve the
ambiguities. {E→E+E / E*E /(E) / id }
4. a) Explain different Data Structures that are used to implement Symbol Tables.
b) Explain Simple Stack allocation scheme for C’ language with suitable examples.
5. a) What are the different ways three address codes will be stored in the computer. Write three address
statements and its implementations for the following statement. {d = b * b -4 *a *c}
b) Explain with an example the construction of the flow graph from the given set of statements in a
program. What are its uses?
EC/EE 32210
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electronics and Communications Engineering/Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper II: Linear ICs and Applications
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer Question No.1 compulsory (14x1=14)
Answer ONE question from each unit (4x14=56)
1. a) Define PSSR.
b) Define free running frequency
c) Capture range
d) What is level translator circuit?
e) Gain of ideal Op-AMP.
f) Write the condition of oscillation of phase shift oscillator.
g) Define input offset current of an Op-amp
h) Write any two applications of astable multivibrator.
i) Define the active filter
j) What are the applications of PLL?
k) Define precision rectification.
l) Applications of negative feedback.
m) Draw the circuit of differentiator using operational amplifier.
n) Write the application of 555 timer.
2. a) Explain the different methods used to increase the input resistance of an Op-AMP.
b) Draw the circuit of voltage series feedback amplifier and explain it.
c) Explain how Op-amp can be used as full wave rectifier.
d) Explain the summing amplifier with neat circuit diagram.
3. a) Draw the circuit diagram of quadrature oscillator and explain it.
b) Explain how to obtain triangular wave using a square wave generator.
c) Derive the condition of oscillation in RC phase oscillator.
d) Write a short note on comparator characteristics.
4. a) Explain the working of sample and hold circuit.
b) Explain the operation of tracking A/D converter and draw the circuit diagram.
c) Write a short note on positive and negative clampers.
d) Explain the working of dual slope converter.
5. a) Explain the operation of 555 timer as monostable multivibrator.
b) Explain the active LP and HP filters.
c) Explain how PLL can be used as demodulator?
d) Design a wideband pass filter with fr=200Hz; fH=1 KHz and a pass band gain=4. Draw the frequency
response and calculate ‘Q’ factor for the filter.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Civil Engineering
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper II: Environmental Engineering-II
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. (a) What is Sewerage system? Explain the conditions favorable for adoption of separate sewerage and
combined sewerage system
(b) Explain the operation principle and construction details of inverted siphon with neat sketch?
3. (a) What is a partially combined sewerage system? Why is it considered more suitable for Indian conditions?
(b) Explain drop man hole and street inlet with neat sketches?
4. (a) Define BOD & COD; derive an equation for 5 day BOD.
(b) Explain clearly the screens and skimming tank with a neat diagram.
(c) (a) What is bio geo chemical cycle?
(b) With neat sketch, explain the function of grit chamber?
5. (a) Explain the working of septic tank with its design considerations ?
(b) Write the working of leaching cess pools?
(c) Write about the and two pipe systems?
6. Explain one and two pipe system of plumbing and state the conditions under which is suitable to the other.
7. Explain clearly the different zones of self purification of streams.
8. (a) Write about the reuse of treated sewage?
(b) Explain about ground water recharge?
9. Explain the following.
i) High rate digestion
ii) Collection and transportation of urban solid waste
iii) Factors affecting sludge digestion process
10. What are the treatment methods for urban solid waste management?
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper II: Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. Explain the following:
(a) Divide and conquer with example.
(b) Explain about asymptotic notations of an algorithm.
(c) Determine the time complexity of quick sort technique using divide and conquer technique
(d) Compute time complexity of strassens multiplication problem.
3. (a) Knapsack problem.
(b) Tree vertex splitting.
(c) Minimum-cost spanning tree with example.
(d) Single source shortest paths.
4. Explain the following:
(a) Multistage graph with example
(b) O/I Knapsack.
(c) Explain Traveling Salesman problem
(d) Discuss Flow Shop Scheduling.
5. Explain (a) Connected components (b) Bi-connected components.
(c) Explain 8-queues problem. (d) Discuss Knapsack problem.
6. (a) Explain Branch and Bound with suitable example.
(b) Explain NP-Hard and NP complete problems.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper II: Communication Systems
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
All questions carry equal marks
Answer Question No.1 compulsorily
Answer one question from each unit
10x1=10 Marks
1. a. Mention the frequency range of VHF.
b. What are the functions of RF section?
c. Define double spotting.
d. Define image frequency.
e. Define aspect ratio.
f. What is the advantage of interlaced scanning.
g. Define the intermediate frequency.
h. What is the frequency of color sub-carrier.
i. Define compatibility.
j. Define fading.
2. a) Give the frequency allocation and corresponding applications of each radio communication system.
b) Describe with the help of a neat block schematic about AM transmitter in detail.
c) Differentiate between AM and FM. 4M
d) Explain FM transmitter with indirect method of FM generation. 8M
3. a) Explain the principle of super heterodyne receiver.
b) What are the functions of IF amplifier in a radio receiver? and discuss the factors influencing the
choice of the intermediate frequency for a radio receiver.
c) Define AGC. What is the need of AGC? Mention what are the functions of it in detail?
4. a) Explain the operation of vidicon camera tube. 8M
b) Explain about Horizontal and Vertical sync pulses in composite video signal. 4M
c) Explain the following circuits of a monochrome TV receiver.
i) Video Detector ii) AGC iii) Sync Processing and AFC iv) Horizontal deflection
5. a) Explain the operation of color TV camera.
b) Explain the operation precision-in-line (pIL) picture tube in color TV.
c) Describe with suitable diagrams the gun arrangement and constructional details of a Delta-gun color
picture tube.
d) Give the details of purity and convergence aspects in delta-gun. 4M
6. a) With block diagram, explain about NTSC receiver.
b) List the main features of PAL system. 4M
c) Explain with a suitable block diagram the encoding process in PAL color system. 8M
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper II: Micro Processors and Micro Controllers
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
All questions are compulsory.
All Questions carry Equal Marks.
1. a) Draw 8086 flag register format?
b) List different types of hardware interrupt
c) How do select the register bank of 8051 microcontroller?
d) What is the general purpose registers in 8086?
e) What is DMA?
f) What is segmentation of memory? Why it is necessary?
g) Draw the flag structure of 8086 microprocessor?
h) Mention any two applications and uses of ADC and DAC?
i) What is single handshake I/O?
j) What are the program development tools?
All Questions carry Equal Marks (5x12= 60)
2. Explain intel 8086 microprocessor architecture with neat diagram
3. a) Discuss different groups of instruction sets with examples.
b) List and explain the functions of flag registers of 8086 microprocessor
4. a) Write a program to add the contents of memory location 2000H:0500H to contents of 3000H:0600H
and store result in 5000H:0700H
b) Write a program to find the largest number in an array of 10 data. Starting address of the arry of the data
is 4250H
5. What is interrupt? How do we classify interrupts? Also explain interrupt cycle mechanism with suitable
6. a) Explain the block diagram of 8259 I/O Processor
b) What is digital interfacing? Explain handshake IO operation
7. Explain different DAC techniques with example
8. Explain constructional details of programmable peripheral deviceRS232 communication standard with
block diagram
9. Explain in detail about 8251 pheripheral device with block diagram
10. a) Give comparison between microprocessor and microcontroller
b) How do we interface stepper motor with microcontroller? Explain.
11. a) Discuss in detail about addressing modes of 8051microcontroller
b) Explain different instruction sets of 8051 microcontroller
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper II: Design of Machine Elements-II
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer Question 1 from PART-A and any one question from each unit of PART-B.
1. Answer the following: (5x 2 = 10 marks)
(a) Write the desirable properties for materials of shaft.
(b) What is the main function of coupling?
(c) List out different types of springs used.
(d) Differentiate between clutch and coupling.
(e) Define bearing characteristic number.
2. A steel solid shaft transmitting 15 kW at 200 rpm is supported on two bearings 750mm apart and has two
gears keyed to it. The pinion having 30 teeth of 5mm module is located 100 mm to the left of the right
hand bearing and delivers power horizontally to the right. The gear having 100 teeth of 5 mm module is
located 150mm to the right of the left hand bearing and receives power in a vertical direction from below.
Using an allowable stress of 54MPa in shear, determine the diameter of the shaft.
3. A flexible coupling is used to transmit 15 kW power at 100rpm. There are six pins and their pitch circle
diameter is 200mm. The length of pin in contact with the left hand flange, the gap between the two
flanges and the length of bush in contact with the right hand flange are 23, 5 and 35 respectively. The
permissible shear and bending stress in the pin are 35 and 152 N/mm2 respectively. The permissible
pressure for the rubber bush is 1 N/mm2.
(a) Pin diameter by shear consideration.
(b) Pin diameter by bending consideration and
(c) Outer diameter of the rubber bush.
4. Design a close coiled helical compression spring for a service load ranging from 2250 N to 2750 N. The
axial deflection of the spring for the load range is 6 mm. Assume a spring index of 5. The permissible
shear stress intensity is 420 MPa and modulus of rigidity, G= 84 kN/mm2.
Neglect the effect of stress concentration. Draw a fully dimensioned sketch of the spring, showing details
of the finish of the end coils.
5. A single cylinder double acting steam engine develops 150 kW at a mean speed of 80 rpm. The
coefficient of fluctuation of energy is 0.1 and the fluctuation of speed is + 2% of mean speed. If the mean
diameter of the flywheel rim is 2 meters and the hub and spokes provide 5 percent of the rotational inertia
of the wheel, find the mass of the flywheel and cross-sectional area of the rim. Assume the density of the
flywheel material (which is cast iron) as 7200 kg/m3.
6. A single band brake operates on a drum of 600 mm in diameter that is running at 200 rpm. The
coefficient of friction is 0.25. The brake band has a contact of 2700, one end is fastened to a fixed pin and
the other end to the brake arm 125 mm from the fixed pin. The straight brake arm is 750 mm long and
placed perpendicular to the diameter that bisects the angle of contact.
(a) What is the pull necessary on the end of the brake arm to stop the wheel if 35 kW is being absorbed?
What is the direction for this minimum pull?
(b) What width of steel band of 2.5 mm thick is required for this brake if the maximum tensile stress is not
to exceed 50 MPa?
7. A reciprocating compressor is to be connected to an electric motor with the help of spur gears. The
distance between the shafts is to be 500 mm. the speed of the electric motor is 900 rpm and the speed of the
compressor shaft is desired to be 200 rpm. The torque to be transmitted is 5000 N-m. Taking starting
torque as 25% more than the normal torque, determine;
(a) Module and face width of the gears using 200 stub teeth and
(b) Number of teeth and pitch circle diameters of each gear, Assume suitable values of velocity factor and
Lewis factor.
8. A single stage helical gear reducer is to receive power from a 1440 rpm, 25 kW induction motor. The
gear tooth profile is in volute full depth with 200 normal pressure angle. The helix angle is 230, number of
teeth on pinion are 20 and gear ratio is 3. Both are made of steel with allowable beam stress of 90 MPa
and hardness 250 BHN.
(a) Design the gears for 20% overload carrying capacity from standard point of bending and war
(b) If the incremental dynamic load 8 KN is estimated in tangential plane, what will be the safe power
transmitted by the pair at the same speed?
9. A single dry plate clutch is to be designed to transmit 7.5 kW at 900 rpm. Find.
i) Diameter of the shaft.
ii) Mean radius and face width of the friction lining assuming the ratio of the mean radius to the face
width as 4.
iii) Outer and inner radii of the clutch plate, and
iv) Dimensions of the spring, assuming that the number of springs are 6 and spring index = 6. The
allowable shear stress for the spring wire may be taken as 420 MPa.
10. A full journal bearing of 0.10m diameter by 0.15m long supports a radial load of 5500N. The shaft is
500rev/min. The room temperature is 320C and the surface of the bearing is to be limited to 630C.
Select a suitable oil to satisfy the above requirements, if the bearing is well ventilated and no artificial
cooling is to be used. Assume D/Cd = 1000.
11. (a) Explain the static and dynamic load carrying capacities of rolling contact bearings.
(b) The rolling contact ball bearing is to be selected to support the overhung counter shaft. The shaft
speed is 720 rpm. The bearings are to have 99% reliability corresponding to a life of 24000 hrs. The
bearing is subjected to an equivalent radial load of 1 KN. Consider life adjustment factor for
operating condition and material as 0.9 and 0.85 respectively. Find the basic dynamic load rating of
the bearing from the manufacturer’s catalogue, specified at 90% reliability.
CE 41310
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Civil Engineering
Fourth Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper III: Water Resources Engineering – III (Design & Drawing)
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
(1) Design a canal drop of 3m for the following data:
(a) Hydraulic particulars of the canal above drop
Full supply Discharge = 5 cumec
Bed width = 7.00 m
Bed Level = +12.00
Full supply depth = 2.00 m
Full supply level (F.S.L.) = +14.00
Top of bank is 2.50 m wide at level +15.00
Half supply depth 1.30 m
(3) Design the surplus work of a tank forming a part of chain of tanks. The combined catchment area of the
group of tanks is 26 sq. km. and the area of catchment intercepted by the upper tanks s 20 sq. km. water has
to be stored in the tank to a level of +12.00 (m above M.S.L.) limiting the submersion of foreshore lands
up to a level of +13.00. The general ground level at the proposed work site is +11.50, and the ground level
below the proposed surplus slopes off till it reaches +10.00 in about 8 m distance. The tank bund has a top
width of 2 m level +14.50 with 2:1 side slopes on either side. Saturation gradient = 4:1, with 1 m clear
cover. The foundations are of hard gravel at a level of +9.30 m near the work site.
(4) Design an ogee spillway for concrete gravity dam, for the following data:
(a) Average river bed level 300.00 m
(b) R.L. of the spillway crest = 400.00 m
(c) Slope of d/s face of gravity dam = 0.75 : 1
(d) Design discharge = 6500 cumec
(e) Length of the spillway = 5 spans with a clear width of 9 m each
(f) Thickness of each pier = 2m.
Draw the necessary section.
CS/ IT 41310
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology
Fourth Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper III: Object Oriented Analysis & Design
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. a) What is the significance of use cases and Activity diagrams.
b) What is Use case Realization? Explain about Use case diagrams?
3. a) List out the requirements of the agate limited case study and find out actors and use cases from the
b) Draw a sequence and collaboration diagram for ATM withdrawal operation?
4. a) Explain Interaction Collaboration diagrams in detail?
b) Compare collaboration diagrams with class and object diagrams.
5. a) Explain states and events and what the approaches for state charts?
b) What are object constraint languages? Explain.
6. a) What are main difference between the MVC Architecture and the layered and partitioned architecture?
b) What are five steps in preparing a state chart to model a user design?
7. a) What is normalization? Explain with example?
b) What are standards and legal requirements explain?
8. a) List the strategies to reuse and explain them.
b) Draw the component diagram to show the run-time dependency between a java class file, the java.exe
run-time program and the java classes in zip file.
9. a) What are Reusable components? Explain in detail.
b) Explain about Dynamic Systems Development Method in detail?
CS/IT 31310
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper III: Automata Theory & Formal Languages
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2 a) Define NFA and Construct an NFA that accepts a language over the alphabet {0,1} consisting of all
strings where each 1 is immediately preceded and immediately followed by a 0.
b) Explain the construction steps involved in converting an NFA to DFA
3 a) Convert the following NFA into DFA over ∑= {0,1}
b) Define DFA and Construct a DFA for the following language over ∑= {0, 1 }
L = {x|x contains exactly two consecutive 00 and does not contain two consecutive 11}
4 a) What are indistinguishable states in a finite Automata? Explain the algorithm for minimization of finite
b) Construct finite automaton to accept the regular expression (0+1)*(00+11)(0+1)*
5 a) Check whether the language L= {a2i | i ≥ 0} is regular or not
b) Construct the minimized DFA for the following NFA
6 a) Construct PDA for the grammar
b) State and explain the pumping Lemma for context Free Grammars
7 a) Convert the following grammar into GNF
b) Show that the CFG G with the productions S→a| Sa|bSS|SSb|SbS is an ambiguous grammar. can this be
converted into unambiguous grammar
8 a) State and explain the Decision properties of Context Free Languages.
b) Design Turing Machine to compute the function n!
9 a) Define Turing Machine formally; explain how Turing Machine can be used to compute integer functions.
b) Explain halting problem and its significance
EC 41310
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electronics and Communications Engineering
Fourth Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper III: Microwave Engineering
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. a) What are junctions? Explain with examples.
b) Explain the operation of a directional coupler with the help of a sketch, showing the field lines at the
c) What is a hybrid ring with the help of a neat diagram explain its working principle
d) Derive scattering matrix of E- plane Tee using S-parameter theory.
3 . a) Draw the Band structure of Tunnel diode and explain how a negative resistance region obtained.
b) Explain the construction and modes of operation of IMPATT diode.
c) Explain the operation of i) Varactor diodes ii) Crystal detectors
4. a) Explain in detail bunching process & obtain expression for bunching parameter in a two cavity klystron
b) Draw and explain slow wave structures used in TWT.
c) Explain the operation of magnetron oscillator.
d) Give the limitations of conventional tubes at microwave frequencies?
5. a) Explain medium and high power measurement at microwave frequencies.
b) Explain the method of frequency measurement.
c) Show a microwave bench setup for the measurement of VSWR and impedance of a given load and explain.
d) Explain how do you measure scattering coefficient.
EC/EE 31310
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electronics and Communications Engineering/Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper III: Electronic Circuits-II
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer Question 1 Compulsorily. (14x1=14)
Answer ONE question from each unit (14x4=56)
1. a) Classify various power amplifiers.
b) Define crossover distortion.
c) Efficiency of Resistive loaded power amplifier.
d) The gain of an amplifier without feedback is 100dB. If a negative feedback of 3dB is applied, the gain
of the amplifier will be
e) What is Barkhausen criteria?
f) Write the frequency expression for wein bridge oscillator.
g) What are audio frequency oscillators?
h) Disadvantages of positive feedback over negative feedback
i) Define regulated power supply.
j) In what way protection is provided for series voltage regulators?
k) Difference between SMPS & UPS.
l) One comparison between single tuned, double tuned and stagger tuned amplifier.
m) Draw the frequency response of stagger tuned amplifier.
n) Define quality factor
2. a) Explain with neat circuit diagram, the working of a transformer coupled class A power amplifier.
b) A single transistor amplifier with transformer coupled load produces harmonic amplitudes in the output
as, B0=15MA;B1=100MA;B2=15MA;B3=10MA;B4=5MA,B5=1MA. Determine the percentage of total
harmonic distortion.
c) Explain the working of complementary symmetry class B amplifier. What are its advantages?
d) Show that the even harmonics are cancelled at the output of a push pull class B ideal amplifier.
3. a) What are the advantages of negative feedback over positive feedback?
b) An RC coupled amplifier has a mid frequency gain of 400 and lower and upper 3dB frequency of
100Hz and 15KHz. A negative feedback of β=0.01 is incorporated into amplifier circuit. Calculate (i)
Gain with feedback and (ii) New bandwidth.
c) Explain RC phase shift oscillator using BJT and derive the expression for frequency of oscillation also
determine the minimum ‘nfe’ for the transistor.
d) What are the factors that affects the frequency stability of an oscillator? How the frequency stability
can be improved in an oscillator?
4. a) What is stagger tuning? Explain the frequency response of stagger tuning pair.
b) Draw the primary tuned amplifier with BJT and derive the expression for bandwidth.
c) Write a short note on synchronously tuned amplifier.
d) A single tuned amplifier using FET has tank circuit components L=100µ+1, R=5Ω and C=1500PF. The
FET has rd=100kΩ and gm=5MA/V. Find (i) Resonant frequency and (ii) voltage gain at resonance.
5. a) Define different performance parameters of a voltage regulator and explain their importance.
b) Draw the block diagram of series voltage regulator and explain its action.
c) Explain the working operation of shunt regulator.
d) Explain different types of UPS and draw the circuit diagram to produce overload using BJT.
EE 41310
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Fourth Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper III: Utilization of Electrical Power
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer question No.1 is compulsorily. (14x1=14)
Answer ONE question from each unit. (4x 14=56)
a) What do you meant by plugging?
b) What is kando system?
c) Compare D.C and A.C systems of traction
d) Discuss the unsuitability of shunt motor for traction duties
e) Define solid angle
f) State Lamberts cosine law
g) What are requirements of electric drives for traction?
h) What are drawbacks of direct lighting system?
i) What are various reasons of heating element failure?
j) What are specific applications of dielectric heating?
k) What are different types of electric welding?
l) What are qualities of good weld?
m) Define candle power
n) How direction of rotation of traction moto is reversed?
c) The heating and cooling time constants of a motor are Ihour and 2hours respectively. The final temperature
attained is 1000c. The motor is run at full load for 12 minutes and then remain idle for 5 minutes and the
cycle is repeated indefinitely. Determine the temperature of motor after two cycles
d) What do you understand by the load equalization? Where do you find its applications?
3 a) An electric train weighing 400 tonnes runs on level track with the following data:
i) acceleration of 1.5 kmphps for 25 seconds ii) constant speed for 40 seconds
iii) coasting for 30 second iv) Braking at 3 kmphps to rest.
Determine the specific energy consumption if tractive resistance is 50 N/tonne. Rotational inertia: 10%,
overall efficiency of the system 80%. If the track is with an up gradient of 1%, what will be the
Change in the specific energy consumption?
b) Draw simplified speed! Time curve for, main line services and show all necessary conditions
c) Discuss the merits and demerits of the D.C and 1 — phase A.C systems for the Main and suburban line
electrification of the railways.
d) Compare AC and DC supply system for Track electrification on following points.
i) Type of electrical drives used. ii) Weight of traction motor.
iii) Cost of track electrification iv) Distance between two traction substations.
4) a) Write a short note on resistance heating. Deduce an expression for efficiency of resistance heating. Indicate
its applications
b) A 20kW single phase 220V. resistance oven employs circular nichrome wire. If the wire temperature is not
to exceed 11 000c and the temperature of the charge is to be 4000C, calculate the size and length of wire
required. Assume e=0.9 and radiation efficiency, k=0.6. If the size gets reduced to its half, what is the
c) With necessary figures, explain the process of carbon arc welding and metallic arc welding
d) A tobacco film 2 cm thick and 1.5 in area with a relative permittivity 8 is to be heated. 1000V, 20
MHz supply unit is available. Determine the power and current required for heating this film under
dielectric method. If the voltage is to be limited to 400V, determine the frequency
5 a) What are the general principles that are usually employed in the design of street lighting? Explain.
b) A drawing hall 3Omx 1 3m with a ceiling height of 5m is to be provided with a general illumination of 120
lux. Taking a coefficient of utilization of 0.5 and depreciation factor of 1.4, determine the number of
fluorescent tubes required, their spacing mounting height and total wattage. Taking luminous efficiency of
fluorescent tube as 40 lumens/watt for 80watt tube
(EE 41310)
ME 31310
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper III: Machine Dynamics
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. A horizontal steam engine running at 120 r.p.m. has a bore of 250 mm and a stroke of 400 mm. The
connecting rod is 0.6 m and mass of the reciprocating parts is 60 kg. When the crank has turned through an
angle of 45° from the inner dead centre, the steam pressure on the cover end side is 550 kN/m2 and that on
the crank end side is 70 kN/m2. Considering the diameter of the piston rod equal to 50 mm, determine: i)
turning moment on the crank shaft ii) thrust on the bearings, and iii) acceleration of the flywheel, if the
power of the engine is 20 kW, mass of the flywheel 60 kg and radius of gyration 0.6 m.
3. All the arms of a Porter governor are 178 mm long and are hinged at a distance of 38 mm from the axis of
rotation. The mass of each ball is 1.15 kg and mass of the sleeve is 20 kg. The governor sleeve begins to
rise at 280 r.p.m. when the links are at an angle of 30° to the vertical. Assuming the friction force to be
constant, determine the minimum and maximum speed of rotation when the inclination of the arms to the
vertical is 45°.
4. The following data refer to two cylinder locomotive with cranks at 90° : Reciprocating mass per cylinder =
300 kg ; Crank radius = 0.3 m ; Driving wheel diameter = 1.8 m ; Distance between cylinder centre lines =
0.65 m ; Distance between the driving wheel central planes = 1.55 m. Determine : i) the fraction of the
reciprocating masses to be balanced, if the hammer blow is not to exceed 46 kN at 96.5 km.p.h.; ii) the
variation in tractive effort ; and iii) the maximum swaying couple.
5. a) What will be the effect of the gyroscopic couple on a disc fixed at a certain angle to a rotating shaft?
b) The turbine rotor of a ship has a mass of 20 tonnes and a radius of gyration of 0.75 m. Its speed is 2000
r.p.m. The ship pitches 6° above and below the horizontal position. One complete oscillation takes 18
seconds and the motion is simple harmonic. Calculate : i) the maximum couple tending to shear the
holding down bolts of the turbine, ii) the maximum angular acceleration of the ship during pitching, and
iii) the direction in which the bow will tend to turn while rising, if the rotation of the rotor is clockwise
when looking from rear.
8. A mass of 10 kg is suspended from one end of a helical spring, the other end being fixed. The stiffness of
the spring is 10 N/mm. The viscous damping causes the amplitude to decrease to one-tenth of the initial
value in four complete oscillations. If a periodic force of 150 cos50t N is applied at the mass in the vertical
direction, find the amplitude of the forced vibrations. What is its value of resonance?
(ME 31310)
ME 41310
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Fourth Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper III: Finite Element Analysis
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
PART-B (4 X 14 = 56 marks)
3. (a) Write the Potential function for a continuum under all possible loads and indicate all the variables
involved. Also express the total potential of general finite element in terms of nodal displacements
(b) Write short note on (i) Rayleigh- Ritz method (ii) Galerkin’s method
4. Consider the stepped bar shown in figure below. E=200 GPa for the entire bar, Lengths are 1m and 0.6m
respectively. The areas of cross sections of the bars are 125 mm2 and 60 mm2. The load P is 100 kN.
i) Assuming that there is enough gap between the support and the free end of the bar, determine the nodal
displacements and the stresses in the members.
ii) If the gap between the free end and the support is only 0.5 mm determine the nodal displacements, the
stresses in the members and the support reactions. Comment on the result obtained
1 2
5. For the truss shown in figure establish the element stiffness matrices and assemble the global stiffness
matrix for the active degrees of freedom and determine
6. (a) Derive the B Matrix (relating strains and nodal displacements) for an iso-parametric triangular element
with linear interpolation for the geometry as well as field variables
(b) Explain why the above element is popularly known as CST. Discuss about the advantages and
disadvantages of the element
7. (a) Explain the finite element modeling of triangular element with neat sketches (b) Explain how to create the
finite element model for rotating fly wheel.
(ME 41310)
CIV 31311
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Civil Engineering
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper III: Transportation Engineering-I
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
4. a) Derive an expression for the overtaking sight distance. Draw a neat sketch of the overtaking zone
and indicate the sign board (6)
b) What are the objects of camber? Discuss the factors on which the amount of camber to be provided
depends. Specify the recommended ranges of camber for different types of pavement surfaces. (6)
5. a) What are the various tests carried out on bitumen? Briefly mention the principle and uses of each test. (6)
b) What are the desirable properties of aggregates for road construction? Explain (6)
6. a) Explain ESWL and the concept in the determination of the equivalent wheel load. (6)
b) Explain “Flexible and Rigid” pavements and bring out the points of difference. (6)
7. a) Discuss the importance of highway drainage. (6)
b) Explain with sketches how the subsurface drainage is provided to lower the water table, and control
seepage flow. (6)
8. a) Write down the construction steps for water bound macadam road. (6)
b) What are the different types of bituminous construction in use? Discuss the advantages and limitations of
each. (6)
9. a) What are the various types of failures in cement concrete pavements and their causes. (6)
b) Discuss briefly the importance of highway maintenance. (6)
10. a) What are the different vehicular characteristics which affect the road design. Briefly explain. (6)
b) Explain origin and destination study. What are the various uses of O&D studies? (6)
11. a) What are the precautions to be taken in planning the plantation of road side trees? Discuss. (6)
b) Write a note on development of a nursery. (6)
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Civil Engineering
Fourth Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper III: Remote Sensing and GIS
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. a) What is Global Positioning System and explain the concept with a neat diagram? (8)
b) What do you mean by (i) Atmospheric Scattering (ii) Atmospheric Absorption. (6)
3. a) What do you know about PSLV and GSLV? (8)
b) Write short notes on (i) Spectral Resolution (ii) Spatial Resolution (6)
4. What are the various atmospheric interactions with electromagnetic radiation (14)
5. Explain the general procedure for photo interpretation quoting each stage? (14)
6. a) What is GIS and explain the workflow process if GIS using a neat diagram? (9)
b) What is the fundamental classification of the spatial data models in GIS and mention differences between
them? (5)
7. Explain briefly on the data quality in the GIS environment? (14)
8. Differentiate between the two different models in GIS spatial analysis. (14)
9. Explain in detail the process of data manipulation and analysis. (14)
10. Mention various applications where GIS can be used and explain any two of them in detail? (14)
11. a) Write short notes on integration of RS & GIS data (7)
b) What are the various limitations of RS & GIS? (7)
CSE/INF 31311
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper III: Database Management Systems
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer Question No. 1 is compulsory. (10xl=10)
Answer ONE question from each unit. (5x12=60)
Answer all the following Questions
1. Explain about the following
a) Schema b) Entity c) Functional Dependency
d) Specialization e) Atomicity f) Strict 2PL
g) View h) Check point i) Dirty read j) Write-Ahead Log protocol.
2. a) State the characteristics of database approach. (4)
b) Discuss the advantages of using a Database Management System. (4)
c) State the responsibilities of Database Administrator and Database designers. (4)
3. a) Discuss the main categories of Data models. (4)
b) Differentiate between procedural and non procedural Data manipulation languages. (4)
c) Discuss the conventions for displaying ER diagram. (4)
4. Write short notes on (3x4=12)
a) Null values. b) Key constraints c) Characteristics of Relations
5. a) Explain about Tuple relational calculus. (4)
b) Consider the following schema: (8)
Suppliers(sid: integer, sname. string, address: string)
Parts(pid. integer, pname. string, color: string)
Catalog(sid. integer, pid: integer, cost: real)
Write the following queries in SQL
i) Find the names of suppliers who supply some red part.
ii) Find the sids of suppliers who supply some red or green part.
iii) Find the sids of suppliers who supply some red part or are at 221 Packer Street.
iv) Find the sids of suppliers who supply some red and green part.
6. a) What is 2NF? I-low is it achieved and what are its advantages over 1NF? (4)
b) Define Armstrong Axioms and their importance. (4)
c) What is the problem with dangling tuples? (4)
7. a) Define fifth normal form why is it useful? (4)
b) What is decomposition? List the properties of decomposition. (4)
c) Write short notes on Multi level index structures. (4)
8. a) Discuss about desirable properties of a transaction. (4)
b) Explain the need of Recovery and explain about view serializability. (8)
9. a) Discuss the problems of deadlock and starvation and different approaches for dealing with deadlocks. (6)
b) What is two phase locking protocol? How does it guarantee serializability. (6)
10. a) Discuss the three phases of ARIES recovery algorithm. (8)
b) Discuss about shadow paging. (4)
11. a) What is the difference between discretionary and mandatory access control. (6)
b) Discuss the security privileges available in SQL. (6)
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering
Fourth Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper III: Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. (a) What is State Space Search? Give an example. 4
(b) State and solve the Water Jug problem. 8
(c) Explain steepest-ascent hill climbing with respect to Blocks World example. 12
3. (a) Write the algorithm for resolution in Predicate logic. 6
(b) Consider the following facts: 6
(i) Steve only likes easy courses. (ii) Science courses are hard.
(iii) All the courses in the basket weaving department are easy.
(iv) BK301 is a basket weaving course.
Use resolution to answer the question: “What course would Steve like?”
(c) Discuss the various techniques of matching in detail. 12
4. (a) Write about the Primitive ACTs and Conceptual Tenses in Conceptual Dependency (CD).
(b) Consider any six facts and represent them in CD notation. 6
(c) Define and explain ‘Learning’ and ‘Rote Learning’. 4
(d) Explain clearly the process of ‘Learning by taking advice’. 8
5. (a) Explain Hebb Net. 6
(b) Write a note on Linear vector quantization. 6
(c) Explain Kohonen Self-Organizing Maps in detail. 12
6. (a) Explain Gaussian machine in detail. 12
(b) What are Cauchy Machines? Explain. 6
(c) Write about Simple Recurrent Networks. 6
ECE 31311
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electronics and Communications Engineering
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper III: Electronic Circuits - II
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer Question 1 Compulsorily
Answer ONE question from each unit
1. a) Clarify the power amplifiers based on applied biasing.
b) What is the need for heat sink?
c) In voltage shunt oscillator, how its input impedance and output impedance are changes with the factor
d) Emitter follower in an example of which feedback topology.
e) Distinguish damped and undamped oscillators.
f) Expression for frequency of oscillator in RC phase shift oscillator.
g) Expression for bandwidth in Double tuned amplifier.
h) Need for protection circuit in tuned amplifiers.
i) Difference between regulated and unregulated power supply.
j) Limitation of series voltage regulator.
2. a) Distinguish between class A,B and C amplifiers.
b) Prove that maximum efficiency of class-B amplifier is 78.5%.
c) What is harmonic distortion? How the output signal gets distorted due to harmonic distortion?
d) Write a short note on phase inverter circuits for power amplifiers.
3. a) Derive the input resistance, output resistance with feedback for current series feedback topology.
b) The gain and distortion of an amplifier are 100 and 4% respectively. If a negative feedback is applied
with β=0.2, find new distortion and gain in the system.
c) Compare different feedback topologies.
d) Write a short note on (i) Phase Margin (ii) Gain Margin
4. a) Why RC oscillators are preferred for producing low frequencies. Draw and explain the working of wein
bridge oscillator.
b) Calculate the frequency of oscillation for the Hartlee oscillator having C=20pf. L1=100µH, L2=1000µH
and mutual inductance M=20µH.
c) What type of feedback is employed in oscillators? What are its advantages and discuss the conditions
for sustaining oscillator.
d) Explain how frequency stability can be increased in an oscillator?
5. a) What is synchronous tuning? Arrive the expression for bandwidth of an n-stage synchronously tuned
b) Explain the relation between gain and bandwidth of a tuned amplifier.
e) Draw the primary tuned amplifier with FET and derive the necessary parameters.
f) Draw and explain the normalized gain versus frequency curve for a double-tuned amplifier.
6. a) Explain the merits and demerits of series voltage regulators.
b) How is short-circuit protection provided in IC regulators and explain its action.
c) Draw and explain the block diagram of voltage-shunt regulator.
d) Explain the difference between line regulation and load regulation.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Fourth Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper III: Radar and Navigational Aids
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. a) Derive radar range equation from fundamentals.
b) Explain the applications of Radar.
3. Draw the block diagram of a pulsed RADAR and explain the significance of designing IF amplifier as a
matched filter. Also mention the properties of a matched filter for RADAR application.
4. a) With a neat block diagram, explain MTI.
b) What is Doppler effect? Derive expression for the Doppler frequency shift.
5. a) What is the difference between single delay line canceller and double delay line canceller?
b) Explain clutter attenuation.
6. a) What are the limitations of conical scan?
b) Explain briefly about phase comparison mono pulse radar.
7. a) What is Synthetic Aperture Radar? Mention its application.
b) What are grating lobes in a phased array? Discuss the methods to avoid them.
8. a) Explain the principle ad operation of branch-type duplexers.
b) Write about Radomes.
9. a) List various types of radar displays ad explain.
b) Write about stealth applications.
10. a) What is LORAN? What are its specialties?
b) Explain DECCA navigational system.
11. a) Explain the working of modern GPS system.
b) Explain the working of VOR.
EEE 31311
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper III: Digital Signal Processing
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. a) Check whether the given system are linear, time-invariant, causal and stable.
i) y(t)=k(t)+3 ii) y(t)=ex(t)
b) Perform linear convolution of x(n)={1,2,-1,2,3,-2,-3,-1,1,1,2} and h(n)={1,2} using overlap add method.
c) State and prove shifting property in DFT.
d) The impulse response of a linear time invariant system is given by h(n)=2-nu(n). Determine its transfer
function and frequency response.
( )( )
4. a) Realize the digital filter using cascade realization. H(z)=
( )( )( )
( )( )
b) The transfer function of a system is given by H(z)=( . Realize using parallel form.
)( )
( )
5. a) Digitize the analog filter H(s)= at T=1 Sec using impulse invariant method and bilinear
transformation method.
b) Design a linear phase FIR low-pass filter with cut-off frequency 0.45⋀ rad, by taking 7 samples of
rectangular window frequence.
c) Design an ideal high pan FIR filter (N=7) by Fourier series method with a frequency response
Hd(esw)=1 for ≤| |≤⋀
= 0 for |W|≤
6. a) Design a high pan filter with cut off frequency of 500Hz ad dawn 10dB at 200Hz. The sampling
frequency is 2000 Hz.
b) Describe the modes of DSP processors.
c) What are the advantages of DSP processors over conventional processors?
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Fourth Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper III: HVDC Transmission
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
All questions are compulsory. All questions carry equal marks.
I. PART-A (10x1=10)
a) Draw the schematic of bipolar configuration.
b) What are functions of a AC filters?
c) What are the effects of double communication failure?
d) List any two applications of HVDC transmission.
e) What is the relation between , ,∪ ?
f) List any one method to reduce harmonies.
g) What is the overlap angle of a converter to operate as inverter?
h) What are the desired features of control?
i) Write down the expression for average DC current.
j) Write an expression to relate , , .
All question carry equal marks (5x12=60)
2. a) Give a neat sketch in different HVDC links. Why bipolar line is more commonly used?
b) State the advantages of HVDC transmission over EHVAC transmission for bulk power transmission.
c) What are the limitations of a DC line? How are these surmounted in modern HVDC lines?
d) An existing 400 kv, 3-∅ AC line transmitting a power of 100 MW is converted into bipolar DC line.
Estimate the DC voltage/pole and DC line losses, if the resistance of each conductor is 0.015Ω. assume
3. a) Distinguish between firing angle delay and extinction angle of an HVDC converter. Explain the
operation of a converter when working as inverter with necessary wave forms.
b) Explain the operation of cosine control of phase delay used in the IPC scheme.
c) Explain the necessity of ‘VDCOL’ control in HVDC link.
4. a) What do you understand by current margin between two stations in an HVDC link? How is it assigned
to the station? Why is it advantageous to operate the inverter at constant voltage under normal
b) Explain the necessity of compounding both rectifier and inverter stations with constant current control.
c) With the help of a block diagram, explain the hierarchical control structure for a DC link.
5. a) What are the different types of faults that can occur in HVDC system? Discuss their nature and
b) Explain the occurrence commutation failure in inverters. Discuss its effects giving the voltage and
current waveforms.
6. a) Give the protection schemes for the following types of faults.
i) DC line over current protection ii) Valve and bridge group protection iii) over voltage protection
b) Write short notes on
i) DC line oscillations and line dampers ii) clearing line faults and re-energizing the line.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Fourth Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper III: Finite Element Analysis
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Note: Answer PART-A and ONE Question from each unit of PART-B.
I. Answer the following: (1 x10 = 10 marks)
a) Define Principle of virtual work. b) What is Saint venant’s Principle?
c) What is Von mises stress? d) Define shape function?
e) Define element stiffness matrix? f) What is CST?
g) What is local and global co-ordinates of truss?
h) What is stress invariant?
i) What is the principle of weighted resifual techniques?
j) What is axisymmetric?
PART-B (5 X 12 = 60 marks)
2. For the tapered bar shown in Figure the area of cross section changes along the length as A(x) = AOe-(x/t),
where A0 is the cross-sectional area at x=0, and 1 is the length of the bar. By expressing the strain and
kinetic energies of the bar in matrix forms. Identify the stiffness and mass matrices of a typical element.
Assume a linear model for the axial displacement of the bar element.
3. (a) Explain the evolution of Finite Element Method?
(b) What do you understand by plane stress and plane strain body?
4. Write a detailed note on the importance of variational methods and Residual methods in Finite element
modeling. And explain where exactly these methods are useful in Finite element formulation?
5. Use the Rayleigh-Ritz method to find the displacement of the midpoint of the rod shows in fig. below
6. Consider the stepped bar shown in figure below. E200 GPa for the entire bar, Lengths are 1 m and 0.6 m
respectively. The areas of cross sections of the bars are 125 mm2 and 60 mm2. The load P is 100 kN.
i) Assuming that there is enough gap between the support and the free end of the bar, determine the
nodal displacements and the stresses in the members.
ii) If the gap between the free end and the support is only 0.5 mm determine the nodal displacements, the
stresses in the members and the support reactions. Comment on the result obtained
7. For the truss shown in figure establish the element stiffness matrices and assemble the global stiffness
matrix for the active degrees of freedom and determine
i. Nodal displacements ii. Stress in the members and
iii. The reaction at the roller support
Take E= 100 Gpa. A = 100 mm2 L= l00cmP l00 kN
8. (a) Derive the B Matrix (relating strains and nodal displacements) for an iso-parametric triangular element
with linear interpolation for the geometry as well as field variables
(b) Explain why the above element is popularly known as CST. Discuss about the advantages and
disadvantages of the element.
9. Derive element stiffness matrix of beam element.
10. (a) Explain the finite element modeling of triangular element with neat sketches
(b) Explain how to create the finite element model for rotating flywheel.
11. (a) Derive the matrix relating the strains and nodal displacements for an axi symmetric triangular
(b) An axi symmetric triangular element is specified with the nodal coordinates in (R-Z) directions
1(10,5), 2(15,5), 3(10,10). The boundary 1-3 is subjected to an internal pressure of 25 MPa.
Determine the equivalent nodal point loads.
(c) For the above element if there is a body force of ‘pg’ in the negative Z direction determine the
equivalent nodal point loads.
CE 32310
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Civil Engineering
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper III: Water Resources Engineering-II
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. (a) Briefly, discuss the different types of depth measurement and velocity measurement.
(b) Explain the following:
(i) Bubble gauge recorder (ii) Stage discharge curve (iii) Water stage recorder
3. (a) Describe the different types of outlets.
(b) Write the different types of cross drainage works
4. (a) What do you understand by mass curve and demand curve in the context of reservoir planning?
Explain with sketches the importance of each of them
(b) What are the factors that need to be considered while selecting a site for a reservoir?
5. (a) Write a note on reservoir sedimentation. What are the various measures that are taken to control the
reservoir sedimentation?
(b) Explain with the help of a sketch various zones of storages in a Reservoir
6. (a) Briefly explain the modes of failures of gravity dams.
(b) Sketch the single step design of gravity dams
7. (a) write the advantages and disadvantages of gravity dams.
8. Write the different types of earth dams and explain criteria for safe design of earth dams
9. (a) Briefly discuss the different types of hydel schemes.
(b) Estimation of hydro power
(c) Flow duration curve
CS/IT 32310
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper III: Web Technologies
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer Question No.1 Compulsory (14 x 1= 14)
Answer ONE Question from each unit (4x14=56)
1. Briefly explain following:
a) HTTP b) Object c) XML d) DOM Collections
e) URL,URI f) MIME g) XSL h) Lists in XHTML
i) Counter Controlled Repetition in Java Script
j) Break and continue in Java Script
k) Difference between onFocus() and onBlur() methods of java script
l) XMLHttpRequest object in Ajax m) Event Handling Mechanism in java script
n) Web Service. Give an example of web service.
2. a) Write short notes on 8M
i. Inline Style ii) External Style iii) Conflicting Styles iv) Embedded Style Sheet
b) Design the form given below. Write a Java script program to display the details provided when
‘OK’ button is pressed.
3. Explain about Java Script Objects with examples. 14M
4. Write Short notes on Keyboard and Mouse Events in Java Script with examples. 14M
5. a) List XSL style sheet elements and their purpose. 8M
b) Write short notes on Document Type Definitions. 6M
6. a) Explain about Client Side Scripting versus Server-Side Scripting. 5M
b) Explain Rails Framework. 5M
c) Explain the flow of processing in IIIS server 4M
7. Write short notes on Document Object Model 14M
8. Explain about Session Tracking in Java Server Faces web applications. 14M
9. a) Explain on Creating, Publishing, Testing and Describing a web service. 8M
b) Write short notes on SOAP. 6M
EC/EE 32310
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electronics and Communications Engineering/Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper III: Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. a) Enumerate the addressing modes supported by 8086 giving one example for each.
b) Explain the following assembler directives with examples.
i) DQ ii) PROC iii) SEGMENT
3. a) Explain the architectural features of 8086.
b) Explain the following 8086 instructions with examples.
i) XLAT ii) MOVSB iii) MUL
4. a) Describe how an assembly language program is developed and debugged using ALP development tools.
b) With a neat sketch, explain 8086 in minimum mode and explain its various pins.
5. a) Describe the vector interrupt table of 8086. Explain various types of interrupts.
b) Explain the difference between procedure and macro with examples.
6. a) With a neat block diagram, explain the internal architecture of 8255 PPI. Give the details of control
word formats.
b) Explain how an 8 bit A/D converter is interfaced to 8086?
7. a) Draw and explain the architecture of 8251.
b) What are the various functional pins of RS232C? Brief them.
8. a) Explain the signal description of 8051 microcontroller.
b) Explain various arithmetic instructions of 8051.
9. a) Draw and explain how a stepper motor can be interfaced to 8051.
b) Explain different addressing modes of 8051.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Civil Engineering
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper III: Water Resources Engineering-II
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer question No.1 compulsorily (1 x 10 = 10 M)
Answer one question from each unit (5 x 12 = 60 M)
1. Answer the following:
a) What are the forces acting on a gravity dam?
b) Give the classification of reservoirs?
c) What are the factors which effect the selection of type of a dam?
d) What is cross-drainage work?
e) What is importance of channel routing?
f) What are the uses of gallery?
g) Define phreatic line in an earthen dam.
h) What are the different types of spillways?
i) What is the difference between high and low gravity dams?
j) Define utilization factor.
2. a) What are the different methods used for velocity measurement of a stream?
b) Describe the method of river gauging in different situations.
3. a) Distinguish between non-modular and semi-modular outlets with neat sketches.
b) Explain various types of canal falls.
4. a) What do you mean by cross-drainage works to suit a particular location?
b) What are the classifications of aqueducts and siphon aqueducts?
5. a) What are the factors on which the selection of site of a reservoir depends?
b) Describe the procedure adopted for flooding routing computations required for reservoir under any one of
the method s that you know.
6. a) Discuss the relative advantages and disadvantages of gravity dam, arch, and buttress dam.
b) Discuss various modes of failure of a gravity dam in detail.
7. a) Explain various joints and water seals provided in gravity dam.
b) Design the practical profile of a gravity dam with the following data.
RL of base of dam = 1320 RL of HFL= 1355
Specific gravity of dam material = 2.4 Height of waves = 1
Safe compressive stress = 120 t/m²
8. a) Discuss the causes of failure of earth dams
b) Explain the procedure of determining the phereatic line for an earth dam with horizontal filter at downstream.
9. a) Explain ogee spillway.
b) State the necessity and location of spillway.
10. a) Explain design procedure for standard stilling basin type – 1
b) Derive an expression for discharge through the body of an earth dam with the horizontal filter at the d/s.
11. a) What are the different methods of classifying the hydro-electric power plant?
b) Write notes on any THREE of the following:
i) Penstocks ii) Guide banks iii) Groynes iv) Storage plants v) Surge tanks.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper III: Software Engineering
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
3. a) Explain about Software Engineering practice core principles. (3 M)
b) Explain about Modeling practice. (3 M)
c) Explain about The System Engineering Hierarchy. (3 M)
d) Explain about System Modeling with Hatley-Pirbhai Modeling. (3 M)
e) What are Requirements Engineering Tasks (6M)
f) Explain in detail about Building the Analysis Model? (6M)
4. a) Explain in detail about Design Concepts. (6M)
b) Explain about Architectural Styles and Patterns. (6M)
c) What is a component? Explain in detail about Designing Class Based Components. (6M)
d) Explain about the Golden Rules. (6M)
5. a) What are the Test Strategies for Conventional Software and explain in detail. (6M)
b) Explain about the Debugging strategies? (6M)
c) What is White-Box Testing and explain about Basic Path Testing? (6M)
d) What is Black-Box Testing and explain about Object Oriented testing methods? (6M)
6. a) Explain about Software quality Metrics in detail. (8M)
b) Explain about Process and Project Metrics.
c) Explain about Software Quality Assurance. (6M)
d) What are software Quality concepts and explain a Framework for Product Metrics (6M)
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper III: Digital Communications
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
PART - A 10x1=10M
Answer all questions:
a) State Sampling Theorem. f) What is information?
b) What is Quantization? g) State Source coding theorem.
c) Distinguish between DM and DPCM. h) Define Channel capacity.
d) What is Ideal Nyquist Channel? i) What is code rate?
e) What is use of precoder in correletive level coding? j) Give the advantages of cyclic codes.
2. a) Explain Pulse Duration Modulation and Demodulation. [6M]
b) Compare various Pulse modulation techniques. [6M]
c) Draw the block diagram of PCM system and explain each block. [6M]
d) In a binary PCM system, the output signal to quantizing noise ratio is to be held to a minimum value of 40dB.
Determine the number of required levels and find the corresponding output signal to quantizing noise ratio.
3. a) Derive an expression for error probability of matched filter. [8M]
b) Give the properties of matched filter. [4M]
c) What is ISI? How can it be minimized? [6M]
d) Explain Duo binary signaling. What are its limitations? [6M]
4. a) Give the geometrical representation of signals. How do we justify it in mathematical terms? [6M]
b) Explain coherent detection of signals in noise. [6M]
c) Derive an expression for probability of error in BPSK system. [6M]
d) Draw the block diagram and explain DPSK [6M]
5. a) What is mutual information? Prove properties of MI. [6M]
b) A source is transmitting six messages with probabilities 0.3 0.25,0.15,0.12,0.1 and 0.08 respectively.
Find the binary Huffman code. Calculate the efficiency. [6M]
c) What is the capacity of a binary symmetric channel? Derive an expression. [6M]
d) Consider a channel with a noise Characteristics of P(Y/X)
P(Y/X) = Y1 Y2 Y3
X1 0.6 0.2 0,2
X2 0.2 0.6 0.2
X3 0.2 0.2 0.6
Find the entropy of the source and receiver, joint entropy of the systm [6M]
6. a) (6,3) linear block code is generated according to the generating matrix
G = 1 0 0 1 0 1
0 1 0 0 1 1
0 0 1 1 1 0
For a particular code word transmitted, the received code word is 100011. Find the corresponding
Data word transmitted [12M]
b) Design an encoder for a (7,4) binary cyclic code generated by the polynomial g(x) = 1+X2 +X3 and
encode the data word 1110. [6M]
c) Explain Viterbi Decoding. [6M]
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper III: Power Electronics
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
1 Answer the following:
a) Define Power Electronics.
b) What are the modes of operation of an SCR?
c) What is the symbol of an IGBT?
d) What is reverse recovery voltage?
e) Define VDWM.
f) What is the advantage of PWM inverter?
g) Write the principle of operation of a cyclo converter.
h) Give any two important applications of AC voltage controllers.
i) What is Current source inverter?
j) Why is the power factor of a semi converter better than a full converter?
1. a) Draw the switching characteristics of a BJT and explain in detail.
b) Discuss in detail the construction and switching characteristics of an n-channel MOSFET.
2. a) Explain in detail the two transistor model of a thyristor. Derive the relation between α and β.
b) What is forced commutation? Explain the technique with the help of neat diagram.
3. a) With the help of circuit diagram and necessary waveforms, explain the operation of single phase half
controlled bridge converter feeding R load and derive the expression for load voltage and load current for
firing angle α= 300.
b) A single phase half controlled bridge converter is supplied a 230V, 50Hz. Determine the average load
voltage for firing angle of 600. If load current of 30A is continuous and constant, what is the value of load
4. a) Discuss the principle of phase control in single phase full wave ac voltage controller. Derive the
expression for the rms value of its output voltage.
b) What is time ratio control in dc choppers? Explain the use of TRC for controlling the output voltage in
5. a) Describe McMurray-Bedford half-bridge single-phase inverter with relevant voltage and current
b) For the McMurray single phase inverter circuit, obtain the value of commutating components L and C for
the following parameters.
i) Maximum load current=80A
ii) tq of SCR is 40μs
iii) Edc (min)= 200V
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper III: Engineering Metrology
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer Question 1 from PART-A and any one question from each unit of PART-B.
1. Answer the following: (1x10 = 10 marks)
2. (a) Explain the terms line standard and end standard. Write their characteristics.
(b) Define the terms (i) calibration (ii) standards (iii) accuracy (iv) Precision
3. (a) Explain with the help of diagram the principle of operation of sine bar.
(b) Write a note on (i) spirit levels (ii) slip gauges (iii) Angle plates (iv) Bore gauges
8. What are the methods of generating gear teeth and write sources of errors in these methods
9. Explain when a constant chord method is used to find gear tooth thickness and write the methodology.
10. What are the types of CMM, advantages and applications of CMM?
11. Explain the various alignment tests performed on lathe machines.
CE 31410
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Civil Engineering
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper IV: Design of Concrete Structures-I
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
a) Final Class
b) Super keyword
c) Applet
d) Scope of variable
e) Interface
f) Multithreading
g) Garbage collector
2. (a) Distinguish between Procedure-oriented programming and Object-oriented programming.
(b) Explain the structure of a C++ program. What is cascading of I/O operators?
(c) Explain the usage of Scope Resolution Operator with a program to access variables in different blocks.
(d) What are Memory Management Operators? Explain.
3. (a) Explain inline functions in C++.
(b) Define a friend function. Write a program to illustrate friend function.
(c) What is nesting of member functions? Write a program and explain.
(d) What are explicit and implicit calls to a constructor? Explain Parameterized constructors with respect to
these two calls.
4. (a) With reference to modes of processing, discuss (i) Real-time systems and (ii) Distributed systems.
(b) What are System programs? Explain various categories of System programs.
(c) Write about ‘Inter-Process Communication’.
(d) Explain FCFS and SJF scheduling algorithms with your examples. Calculate Average waiting times with
respect to both algorithms.
5. (a) Explain (i) Contiguous memory allocation and (ii) External and Internal fragmentation of memory.
(b) Discuss Paging as a memory management technique.
(c) Consider the page-reference string 1,2,3,4,2,1,5,6,2,1,2,3,7,6,3,2,1,2,3,6 and explain FIFO page
replacement algorithm.
(d) Discuss the concept of Allocation of frames to processes.
ME 31410
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper IV: Basic Electronics & Micro Processors
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer questions I from Part A and any ONE question from each Unit of Part B
PART A (5x2=I0marks)
Answer the following:
PART B (5x12=60marks)
2. (a) Explain about the automation strategies. (8)
(b) A production machine is operated 65h/week at full capacity and its production rate is 20 units/h. During a
certain week, the machine produced 1000 good parts and was idle the remaining time.
(i) Determine the production capacity of the machine.
(ii) What was the utilization of the machine during the week under consideration? (4)
3. (a) Explain about the end effectors. (4)
(b) Explain in detail about the material handling applications in robot applications. (8)
4. (a) A two axes NC control system used as an x-y positioning table has a bit storage capacity of 12 bits for
each axis. Both x and y axes have a range of 15 in. The mechanical accuracy of the machine table can
be characterized by a normal distribution with standard deviation = 0.0003 in. for both axes.
Determine (i) The control resolution (ii) The accuracy (iii) The repeatability of the NC system (6)
(b) What is adaptive control with constraints? How is it used in CNC machines? (6)
5. (a) Write about the nomenclature of NC machine axes.
(b) How can you distinguish NC, CNC and DNC?
6. The following component is to be made using a CNC turning centre equipped with a FANUC
controller. Prepare the part program to completely machine the parts from rolled stock. The work
material is AISI 1040 steel. Clearly show the set point and axes on the sketch of the part. Prepare the
planning sheet also. (12)
7. Write a complete part program for the following component shown in figure using an end- mill cutter
of 20mm diameter. Show the statements only for the profile shown in the top view up to a depth of a
5mm in one cut. Clearly show the axes system chosen with a sketch and the direction of the cutter for
the motion statements. (12)
All Dimensions in mm
8. (a) Explain the MICLASS code system and OPTIZ code system. (8)
(b) What are the benefits of Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP) system? (4)
9. (a) What are the types, benefits and applications of FMS? (6)
(b) Write about the scope of CAD/CAM and CIM. (6)
10. (a) Explain about the operation and programming of CMM. (6)
(b) Write about the applications and benefits of CMM. (6)
11. (a) Define machine vision. Explain about the image acquisition and digitization in it. (6)
(b) Write about the Machine vision applications. (6)
(ME 41410)
CIV 31411
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Civil Engineering
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper IV: Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer Question No.1 compulsory. (10x1 = 10)
Answer ONE question from each Unit. (5x12= 60)
2. (a) If you are performing a rainfall analysis, how would you determine if a rain gauge had a consistent
recording history? How will you correct the data if the data is inconsistent?
(b) In a river basin having an area of 125 sq. km, there are 4 rain gauge stations (A,B,C and D). The Thiessen
polygon is constructed for the basin. The area of influence and the mean annual precipitation for each of
the station is given in the following Table.
Rain gauge Thiessen Polygon Mean Annual
Station Area( Rainfall (mm)
A 35 1290
B 38 1510
C 27 1680
D 22 1375
During one storm, station A was not operating. The other stations B, C and D recorded rainfall totaling to
12.3, 14.8 and 11.9 cm respectively during that storm. Estimate the missing storm precipitation at station A
3. (a) State with proper reasoning, whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE
i) When the intensity of rainfall is high in a basin, the time to peak runoff will be less
ii) Length of overland flow does not have any impact on the magnitude of peak flow from a basin
iii) If the slope of the land surface is increased, the peak of the hydrograph shifts to the right
(b) The peak of a flood hydrograph due to 6-hour storm is 470 m3/s. The total depth of rainfall is 8.0 cm.
Assuming an average infiltration loss of 0.25 cm/hour and a constant base flow of 15 m3/s, estimate the
peak discharge of a 6-hour unit hydrograph for this catchment
4. (a) Write a note on reservoir sedimentation. What are the various measures that are taken to control the
reservoir sedimentation?
(b)What do you understand by a Mass-inflow curve? How would you find ‘safe yield’ if the mass inflow curve
and the reservoir capacity are given
5. (a) Write the benefits of irrigation and ill effects of irrigation.
(b) Define the following terms and express the relationship between them
i) Specific yield
ii) Specific retention
iii) Porosity
6. (a) Describe with the help of sketch various forms of soil moisture. Which of these soil moistures is mainly
available for utilization by the plants
(b) Explain the following and explain the relation (i) Soil water (ii) saturation capacity (iii) Field capacity
7. (a) List out the various methods of improving duty of water.
(b) Explain the following and express the relationship between them:
(i) Water conveyance efficiency
(ii) Water application efficiency
(iii) Water distribution efficiency
10. (a) What is water logging? Write the effects and cause for water logging.
(b) Explain the different types of linings of irrigation channels.
11. (a) Explain the components of a diversion head work.
(b) Explain the design of weirs and causes for failures and remedies.
(CIV 31411)
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Civil Engineering
Fourth Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper IV: Quantity Surveying and Estimation
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer Question No.1 is Compulsory. (1 x 10 =10)
Answer ONE question from each Unit. (5 x 12=60)
I. Answer the following:
a. What are Tender and Tender forms?
b. Define detailed Estimate?
c. Draw a neat sketch for bent-Up bar.
d. What is Contract Agreement?
e. What is Sinking fund?
f. What is SSR?
g. What is Borrow pits?
h. What is analysis of rate?
i. What do you mean by mortage?
j. What is meant by Budget Manual?
2. (a) Explain how to prepare a detailed estimate.
(b) Explain briefly about “Centre Line Method”
3. Estimate the Quantities of the following items of a two roomed building from the given plan and section
Station 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
R.L of Ground 102.35 101.80 102.80 102.50 103.15 103.45 103.00 103.85
R.L of Formation 103.50
And in an uniform upward gradient of 1:200.
5. (a) What is earthwork in canals and explain the different cases of canal sections with neat sketch.
(b) What are the various methods of estimating to calculate the quantities of earthwork of road estimating
6. Write the detailed specifications for the following items:
(a) Plastering (b) Mosaic Flooring (c) Wood work
7. Workout the Rate analysis for the following items
(a) Cement Concrete 1:5:10 in foundation
(b) First Class brickwork in 1:4 cement mortar above plinth
(c) 2.5cm cement concrete floor 1:2:4
8. (a) Define Valuation. Explain briefly the valuation Methods.
(b) The cost of construction of a new building according to present market rate is Rs.80000/- having life of
70years. But if the building is 15 years old determine the depreciation amount which should be deducted
from the new building at 6% compound interest.
9. a) Explain the procedure of contract?
b) What are the important specifications to be placed in contract agreement?
10. A building is situated by the side of a main road of Bombay city on a land of The Built-up
portion is 30m x 15m. The building is first class type and provided with water supply, sanitary and electric
fittings and the age of the building is 30 years. Work out the Capitalized value of the property taking the
interest rate as 10% per annum
11. Calculate the standard rent of a government residential building newly constructed from the following
CSE/INF 31411
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper IV: Computer Networks
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
a) What is DNS?
b) Define scatternet.
c) Define bridge.
d) What is connection oriented service?
e) What is congestion?
f) Define jitter.
g) Define protocol.
h) What is multicasting?
i) What is RCTP?
j) What is audio streaming?
(a) What is the difference between a mono alphabetic and a poly alphabetic cipher?
(b) What is non reputation?
(c) State Euler’s theorem?
(d) Distinguish between differential and linear cryptanalysis
(e) State whether symmetric and asymmetric cryptographic algorithms need key exchange
(f) Write down the purpose of S-Boxes in DES
(g) What do you mean by S/MIME?
(h) List out the parameters of AES
(i) Define Intrusion.
(j) Define malicious software.
2. (a) Discuss the classical cryptosystems and its types and also describe their security limitations
(b) Describe the working principle of simple DES , triple DES with an example
3. (a) Explain RSA algorithm with an example
(b) Explain briefly RC4 Algorithm.
(c) Explain Chinese remainder theorem
(d) Explain the ceaser cipher and mono alphabetic cipher.
4. (a) Explain about message authentication codes
(b) Explain about digital signature standard
(c) Explain briefly about Diffie Heilman key exchange algorithm with its pros and cons.
(d) Describe about Hash functions
5. (a) Explain about Kerberos and its versions
(b) Explain about pretty good privacy
(c) Explain in detail about SET.
(d) Explain IP security architecture.
6. (a) Explain briefly about intrusion detection
(b) Write short notes on password management
(c) Explain the different types of firewall and its configurations in detail.
(d) Explain about secure socket layer
ECE 31411
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electronics and Communications Engineering
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper IV: Electronic Measurements
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
3. a) Explain the difference between a wave analyzer and a harmonic distortion analyzer.
b) Give the block diagram of a CRO and explain the function of each block.
c) With a neat block diagram, explain the principle and operation of stair case ramp type DVM.
d) Explain the applications of a digital frequency meter.
4. a) Discuss the principle of operation of stain guage with relevant sketches.
b) Explain the principle of operation of a piezoelectric transducer.
c) What is thermistor? Explain its limitations.
d) Explain the principle of operation of frequency generating transducer.
5. a) What are the various components of a digital data acquisition system? Explain its advantages.
b) Describe the working details of a PC based data acquisition system.
c) Describe the use of recorders in digital system.
d) Describe the use of multiplexers in data acquisition system.
6. a) Explain the construction and working of micro electrodes and its application in Bio-medical field.
b) Explain Resting and Action potential with a neat diagram.
c) Write short notes on EOG.
d) Write short notes on electrodes for EEG.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Fourth Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper IV: Satellite Communication
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. a) Explain i) LEO Satellite ii) True Anamoly iii) Inclination.
b) List the frequency bands used in satellite communication. Compare advantages and disadvantages of
different bands.
c) Prove that the orbital period of a geostationary satellite is equal to 24hr.
d) Discuss in detail the effects of earth gravitational force on the satellite.
3. a) Discuss the tracking methods adopted in earth stations.
b) Explain about the antennas used in space craft and considerations required.
c) Explain various communication subsystems.
d) Explain about the reliability and redundancy aspects of satellite subsystems.
4. a) Define G/T ratio and explain its significance.
b) Discuss various aspects in the design of large antennas.
c) Write short notes on a VSAT terminal.
d) A GEOSAT radiates a power of low with 17 dB antenna gain at 11 GHz. The receiving antenna has a gain
of 52.3 dB. Determine the received power.
5. a) Draw the block diagram of direct sequence spread spectrum system and explain it briefly.
b) Explain the notion of spread spectrum with waveforms.
c) Draw the block diagrams of frequency-hop spread M-ary frequency shift keying and explain.
d) Illustrate slow frequency hopping and fast frequency hopping.
6. a) Explain the frequency division multiplexing concept with a neat block diagram.
b) Explain the TDMA frame structure and various components involved in it.
c) Illustrate the data bit recovery using an IF correlator in CDMA system.
d) Compare CDMA, FDMA & TDMA.
EEE 31411
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper IV: Electrical Measurements
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Section A has ten questions. Attempt all questions. Each question carry
Section B as five questions. Attempt all questions. Each question carries 12 marks.
1. (a) Define quality factor.
(b) Define damping
(c) Define creeping.
(d) Define calibration
(e) List out peripherals in electronic multi meter
(f) Write formulae for shunts
(g) What is the bridge used to measure high capacitances?
(h) What is the bridge used to measure high resistances?
(i) What is maximum current range of a current transformer?
(j) What is the role of compensation coil in pressure coil circuit?
(k) What is X-Y recorder?
2. (a) Draw phasor diagram of abridge which is used to measure low Q coils, with mathematical expressions
(b) Derive bridge sensitivity of equal arms
3. (a) Describe working principle of schering bridge and derive equations for capacitance and dissipation factor.
(b) Explain measurement of earth resistance by fall of potential method
4. (a) Describe the effect of secondary burden on the ratio and phase angle errors of a current transformer
(b) Explain sources of errors in induction type energy meters
5. (a) Explain measurement of power using dynamometer wattmeter
(b) Explain measurement of reactive power in three phase circuits
6. (a) Explain principle of operation of Weston frequency meter
(b) Explain principle of operation of Q meter
7. (a) Explain advantages and disadvantages of moving Iron power factor meter
(b) Explain true RMS responding voltmeter
8. (a) Explain the working of digital storage oscillo scope
(b) What are the differences between digital storage oscilloscope and dual trace oscilloscope
9. (a) Using lissajous pattern explain how to measure amplitude, timeperiod.
(b) Briefly list out various lissajous pattern available
10. (a) Explain how to interface resistive transducers in electronic circuits
(b) Compare Photo-conductive and photo-voltaic cells.
11. (a) Explain the working of LED’s
(b) Compare LCD’s and LED’s
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Fourth Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper IV: Power System Analysis & Stability
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. a) The admittances between the various buses in a power system are given in the table below. Find YBUS
3. a) A 100 MVA, 33 KV, 3∅ generator has a sub transient reactance of 15%. The generator is connected to the
motors through transmission line and transformers as shown in below. The motors have rated inputs of 30
MVA, 20MVA & 50 MVA at 30KV with 18% sub transient reactance. The three phase transformers are
rated at 100 MVA, 33 KV(∆)/110KV(Y) with leakage reactance of 9%. The line has reactance of 50Ω
selecting the generator ratings as base quantities. Obtain the per unit reactance diagram of the system.
4. a) A symmetrical three phase short circuit occurs on the 22KV bus bar of the circuit shown as single line
diagram. Calculate the fault current.
6. a) The voltages at the terminals of a balanced load consists of three 20Ω Y-connected resistors are 200 01,
100 255.50 and 200 1510V. Find the line currents from symmetrical components of line voltages if the
neutral of the load is violated. What relation exists between the symmetrical components of the line and
phase voltages?
7. a) Derive expression for power in terms of selection of symmetrical components.
b) Explain the phase shift of symmetrical components in Y-A transformer bank.
MEC 31411
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper IV: Metal Cutting and Machine Tools
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer ALL questions.
All questions carry equal marks in PART-A and ONE Question from each unit of PART-B.
1. Answer the following: (10x1=10 marks)
a) Define face Turing? b) Define taper Turing?
c) Mention the types of shaper mechanism? d) What is disc grinding?
e) What is super finishing? f) What is radial drilling Machine?
g) Define rake angle? h) Define Clearance angle?
i) Mention the types of tool wear? j) Mention the types of tool Materials?
PART-B (5x12 = 60 marks)
2. a) Explain the functions of machine tools?
b) Draw a simplified diagram of a lathe and explain various parts in it.
3. a) Describe the following parts of lathe in detail.
i) Apron cross slide ii) Tool post.
b) What are different types of taper tuning methods? Explain.
4. a) What are the differences between grinding and other machine operations?
b) What are the various operations that can be performed on a drilling machine and briefly explain about the
working principle?
5. a) Explain how drill life is determined
b) Explain the reasoning behind the design guidelines for drilling
c) What operations can be performed on a drill press but not on a lathe? Discuss
6. a) Write a short note on Honing Process?
b) Explain in detail about buffing operation?
7. a) Describe the working and constructional features of column and knee type milling machine.
b) Briefly explain some of problems caused in milling. Give their causes and remedies.
8. a) Explain why studying the types of chips produced is important in understanding cuffing operations.
b) What are the effects of performing a cutting operation with a dull tool?
9. a) Explain the chip formation mechanism in metal cutting and discuss various types of chips formed during
various machines processes.
b) When use of positive rake angles and negative rake angles are recommended?
10. a) What are the assumptions made in merchants theory. Derive expression for forces developed during
machining in terms of cutting force and thrust force.
b) Why does the temperature in cutting depend on the cutting speed, feed and depth of cut? Explain in terms
of the relevant process variables.
11. a) What are the types of cutting tool wear patterns observed in a single point tools? How do they affect the
metal cutting performance?
b) Explain the parameters that control the tool life of a single point cutting tool.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Fourth Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper IV: Automation and Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer questions I from Part A and any ONE question from each Unit of Part B
PART A (14x1=14 marks)
Answer the following:
1. (a) List out the reasons for automation.
(b) Write the formulae for work-in-process (WIP) in manufacturing operations.
(c) Write the abbreviation for “SCARA”.
(d) What is the application of tactile sensors in robots?
(e) Define end effectors.
(f) Draw the diagram for machine tool coordinate system for numerical control.
(g) Define the word “repeatability” of NC machine tool.
(h) What are the types of DNC systems?
(i) Write the formulae for index of performance (P1) in adaptive control machining.
(j) Write G-Codes of canned cycles for different machining operations.
(k) Define part family.
(l) Name the part design attributes in group technology.
(m) What are the three capabilities that a manufacturing system must possess in order to be flexible?
(n) List out the basic components of FMS.
PART B (4x14=56 marks)
2. (a) Explain about the different types of automation. (6)
(b) Draw the Pie-Chart for Information-processing cycle in a typical manufacturing firm and explain about
each function. (8)
3. (a) Write about the different joints used in robots. (4)
(b) Define the terms Roll, Pitch and Yaw. (3)
(c) What are types of robot applications? Explain any one type of application which is comfort to you. (7)
4. (a) Explain about the types of NC systems. (6)
(b) What are features of CNC control system? (8)
5. (a) What are the advantages of CNC over NC (6)
(b) What are the benefits of adaptive control in machining? (8)
6. Explain briefly about the APT language and the
statements used in it in an elaborate manner. (14)
7. Write complete part program using the ISO codes for the
following component for the different holes in the
component is shown in fig. the cutting speed to be used is
50m/min and the feed rate is 0.08mm/rev. use the
lower-left hand corner of the part as the datum. Process
planning sheet is necessary. (14)
8. (a) Explain about the OPTIZ system. (8)
(b) Explain about the generative CAPP system. (6)
9. (a) What are the benefits of Group Technology? (7)
(b) Explain about the FMS work stations. (7)
CS/IT 32410
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper IV: Software Engineering
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
1. a) Software Process
b) Verification
c) Prototype
d) ISO
e) Cohesion
f) Metrics
g) Black-box Testing
h) Debugging
i) Frame work
j) CMM
k) Deployment
l) Forward Engineering
m) Cyclomatic complexity
n) UML
2. a) Explain software myths in detail.
b) Explain Linear Sequential Software model in detail.
3. Explain Evolutionary software process models in detail.
4. Explain Requirements Elicitation for software in detail
5. Explain Requirements Engineering in detail
6. a) Explain Interface design models.
b) How can software requirements be mapped into a software architecture?
7. Explain the process of Design and Analysis of user interface.
8. a) Is Debugging an Art of Science discuss?
b) What is a test case? How are they generated?
9. Explain the different testing methodologies of Black-Box Testing.
EC/EE 32410
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electronics and Communications Engineering/Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper IV: Digital Signal Processing
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. a) Find the impulse response and frequency response of the second order system
y(n) − y(n − 1) + y(n − 2) = x(n) − x(n − 1)
b) State and prove the convolution theorem of Z transform.
3. a) Check the stability of the system described by the difference equation y(n) − y(n − 1) = x(n) + x(n − 1)
b) Find the Z-transform of a signal x[n]=b|n| for b>1. Sketch its ROC.
4. a) Show that the DFT of a sequence x(n) is purely imaginary and odd if the sequence x(n) is real and odd.
b) Find the DFT of the sequence x(n)={1,2,3,4,4,3,2,1} using DIF-FFT algorithm.
5. a) What is FFT? Distinguish between DIF and DIT algorithms.
b) Determine the response of an LTI system with impulse response h(n)={2,1,3} for the input x(n)={1,2}
using DIT-FFT radix 2 algorithm.
6. Design an analog Butterworth filter that has a -2dB passband attenuation at a frequency of 20 rad/sec ad
atleast -10dB stopband attenuation at 30 rad/sec.
7. Design a high pass filter using bilinear transform, monotonic in passband with cutoff frequency of 1000Hz
and down 10dB at 350Hz. The sampling frequency is 5000 Hz.
8. Design a low pass filter with passband gain of unity, cutoff frequency of 1000Hz ad working at a sampling
frequency of 5KHz using rectangular window technique. The length of the impulse response should be 7.
9. Realize the digital filter using Parallel realization
( )=
ME 32410
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper IV: Engineering Metrology & Mechanical Measurements
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer all the Questions. Answer one question from each unit.
I. Write a short note on the following: (7x2=14)
a) Is system of limits and fits?
b) Slip gauges and angle gauge.
c) Tool maker’s microscope.
d) Write a short note on surface texture and roughness.
e) Define the terms sensitivity and resolution.
f) What are Thermo-Resistive elements?
g) Explain variable head flow meter.
2 a) Explain Shaft-Basis and Hole Basis system.
b) Sketch and explain any three types of limit gauges.
3. a) Explain briefly the working and principle of “Sine bar” with the help of a neat sketch.
b) Determine the limit of dimensions of the guage for checking holes of±0.02mm diameter
4. a) Explain the working of tool maker’s microscope.
b) State and explain various methods of measuring surface finish.
5. a) Explain the construction and working of Auto collimator.
b) State the advantages and disadvantages of various types of coin comparators.
6. a) Explain the three-Bridge circuits for measurement of strain in deflection mode.
b) Explain the terms, Accuracy, Precision, Resolution and sensitivity.
7. a) Write short notes on ‘Hot-wire anemometer’.
b) What do you mean by ‘variable area flow meter’?
8. a) Explain with a neat sketch the working of Mcleod guage for the measurement of pressure.
b) Write a short note on : i) Thermocouples
ii) Thermisters
iii) Pyrometers
9. a) Explain the construction and working of Bourdon Tube pressure gauge.
b) Explain the importance of Dynamo meter’s in the measurement of force, in machining process.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Civil Engineering
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper IV: Design of Concrete Structures-II
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
1. A rectangular column 400mmx600mm in section is required to support an axial service load of 2500kN.
Design suitable reinforcement in the column (Provide Helical reinforcement as transverse reinforcement).
Adopt M20 grade concrete and Fe415 grade steel. Use working stress method.
2. Design a continuous reinforcement concrete beam of rectangular section to support a dead load of
14KN/m and live load of 18KN/m over spans of 8.0m each. The ends are simply supported. Adopt M20
grade concrete and Fe415 grade steel. Sketch the details of reinforcements in the beam.
3. Design a slab for a room of clear internal dimensions 3.0m x 5.0m supported on walls of 300mm
thickness, with corners held down. Two adjacent edges of the slab are continuous and other two are
discontinuous. Take live load on the slab is 4KN/m2.Assume floor finish of 1KN/m2. Adopt M20 grade
concrete and Fe415 grade steel. Sketch the details of reinforcements in the slab.
4. A flat slab floor with drops is proposed for a ware house 24mx24m in size. Using column grid of 6.0x
6.0m, design an interior panel of the flat slab to support a live load of 5.0KN/m2. Adopt M20 grade
concrete and Fe415 grade steel.
5. Design a circular column to carry an axial load of 1800KN at an eccentricity of 100mm and using helical
reinforcement. Adopt M20 grade concrete and Fe415 grade steel.
6. Design a short column of M20 grade concrete, to carry an ultimate load of 1200KN and an ultimate
moment of 60KN-m about the major axis. Take width and depth of column as 250mm and 350mm
respectively. Adopt Fe415 grade steel at an effective cover of 50mm.
7. Design a cantilever retaining wall to retain earth to a height of 4.0m above the ground level. The top of the
earth is to be level. The unit weight of the back fill and its angle of repose are 18KN/m3 and coefficient of
friction between the soil and base is 0.5. Use M20 grade concrete and Fe415 grade steel.
8. Determine suitable dimensions of cantilever retaining wall, which is required to support a bank of earth
4.0m high above the ground level on the toe side of the wall. Consider the backfill surface to be inclined at
an angle of 150 with the horizontal. Assume good soil for foundation at a depth of 1.25m below the ground
level with a safe bearing capacity of 1600 KN/m2. Further assume the backfill to comprise granular soil
with a unit weight of 16 KN/m2 and an angle of shearing resistance of 300. Assume the coefficient of
friction between soil and concrete to be 0.5. Use M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel.
9. Design a combined footing for two columns C1 and C2 located at 4.0m center to center. Column C1 is
350mmx350mm and carries a concentrated load of 650KN.Column C2 is a circular in shape with diameter
450mm and carries a concentrated load of 800KN.The safe bearing capacity of the soil is 160KN/m2. Use
M20 grade concrete and Fe415 grade steel.
10. A RC column 400mmx400mm carrying a service load of 800KN is supported on three piles
300mmx300mm in section. The center to center distance between the piles is 1500mm.Design the pile
cap. Use M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper IV: Language Processors and Compiler Design
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Question No.1 is compulsory
1. Define the following: (10x1=10M)
(a) Define parse tree.
(b) What is role of look ahead operator?
(c) DAG.
(d) What is activation record?
(e) What is YACC?
(f) Write about assembler.
(g) What is instantaneous description of LR parser?
(h) Differentiate compiler and interpreter.
(i) Write about Loaders
(j) Name any four Function Preserving Transformations.
Answer ONE question from each unit (5x12=60)
2. (a) Discuss in detail about Pass1 and Pass2 of Assembler.
(b) Explain about Inter process communication.
(c) Explain about System calls for the file system
3. (a) Describe the various phases of a compiler while translating following assignment statement into assembly
Position := initial+rate*60
(b) Write the role of lexical analyzer.
(c) Explain about parsing.
4. (a) Write algorithm for non-recursive predictive parse. Generate parsing table for the following grammar:
(b) Write short notes on YACC Tool.
(c) Explain the differences between LR parsers.
5. (a) Briefly explain strategies of storage allocation.
(b) Explain the need for symbol table. List and discuss all the data structures used for implementing symbol
6 (a) Briefly explain about Backpatching.
(b) Explain in detail about Intermediate Languages
(c) Briefly explain about Simple Code Generator.
(d) Why Next use information collected by a code generator?
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper IV: Digital Signal Processing
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Question No. 1 carries 10 marks.
Questions 2 through 6 carry 12 marks each.
Answer all questions.
1 a. Define i)system ii) Discrete time system
b. State stability using Z-transform
c. explain circular frequency shifting property of DFT
d. Compute DFT of x (n) (n n0 )
e. Draw the basic butterfly diagram of DIT algorithm
f. How many no. of additions, multiplications and memory locations are required to a system having M-poles and
N-zeros in direct form -1 realization
g. What are the properties of chebyshev filter
h. what is the most general form of IIR filter
i. Give two examples of anti symmetrical impulse response
j. What is the need for employing windowing technique for FIR filter design.
2. a) Define LTI system. Determine whether the following system is time invariant system
(i) y(n) x(2n) (ii) y (n) e x ( n )
b) Find the linear and circular convolution of the following sequence
x1 (n) {1,1, 2, 2} , x2 (n) {1, 2,3, 4} .
For the same sequence find the graphical convolution
c) Find the inverse Z-transform of X ( z )
1 1.5 z 0.5 z 2
3. a) Prove the following properties of DFT
(i) Differentiation in time domain
(ii) Differentiation in frequency domain
(iii) Convolution property
b) Derive 8 point DIF- FFT algorithm and draw the butterfly diagram
c ) Compute IDFT of the following sequence using DIT algorithm
(i) X(k)={ -1,0,-1,0,1,0,1,0} (ii) x(k)={ 1,1-j2,-1,1+j2}
d) using linear convolution find y(n)=x(n)*h(n) whose x(n)={0.5,2,-1.5,-1,0,0.75,3,2,1.5,1,-0.75,2} and
h(n)={1,2,-1}. Solve it using (i) over lap save method (ii) over lap add method
5. a) Design a low pass FIR filter for the following specifications
Pass band frequency edge =0.25 KHz and sampling frequency is 1 KHz. Use hamming window in
b) Discuss frequency sampling method for FIR filter design.
c) Use Fourier series in conjunction with a hamming window to design an approximation to ideal low
pass filter with magnitude response H (e j ) 1 ,
= 0 , otherwise
d) What is FIR filter? Compare FIR filter with IIR filter?
6. a) Realize the following with minimum number of multipliers.
1 1 3 1 1
H ( z ) z 1 z 2 z 3 z 4
i) 4 2 4 2 4
1 1 1
H ( z) z 1 z 2 1 z 1 z 2
ii) 4 2 9
c) Obtain the direct form – I, direct form – II , cascade, parallel and lattice ladder structure for the
5 1
y (n) y ( n 1) y (n 2) x (n) 2 x(n 1)
6 6
d) Obtain the cascade realization of system function.
H ( z ) (1 2 z 1 z 2 )(1 z 1 z 2 )
5 1
H ( z) 1 z 2 z 2 2 z 3
ii) 2
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper IV: Heat Transfer
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer Question 1 from PART-A and any one question from each unit of PART-B.
1. Answer the following: (2x5 = 10 marks)
(a) Explain the various factors which effect the thermal conductivity of material.
(b) What is meant by critical thickness of insulation?
(c) Write down the enology between fluid friction and heat transfer
(d) What is the physical significance of Prandtl number?
(e) Define absorbility, reflectivity and transmission.
2. (a) Derive an expression for three dimensional heat conduction equations for spherical coordinate system.
(b) The composite wall of an oven consists of three materials, two of them are of known thermal conductivity,
Ka=20W/mK and Kc=50W/mK and of known thickness 0.3m and 0.15m. the third material B, which is
sandwiched between material A and C of known thickness 0.15m, but of unknown thermal conductivity .
The measurement revels an outer surface temperature of material C is 200 C and inner surface A is 6000C
and oven air temperature is 8000C. The inside convection coefficient is 25W/m2 K, what is the value of Kb.
3. (a) Show that the thermal resistance offered by a spherical wall of uniform thermal conductivity is given by
(b) A current of 200 A is passed through a stainless steel wire 0.25cm in diameter. The resistivity of the steel
may be taken as 70ῼ cm (ohm-cm) and the length of wire is 1m. If the outer surface temperature of the
wire is maintained at 1800C. Calculate the centre temperature of the wire. Assume K for stainless steel as
4. (a) Derive the laminar boundary layer equations of free convection on a vertical flat plate.
(b) A 30cm long glass plate is hung vertically in the air at 270C while its temperature is maintained at770C.
Calculate the boundary layer thickness at the trailing edge of the plate.
5. For a laminar boundary layer over a vertical plate under free convection conditions, obtain an expression
for the maximum velocity in the free convection boundary layer over a vertical plate. At what position in
the boundary layer does this maximum velocity occur
6. Air at 270C is flowing across a tube with a velocity of 25m/s. the tube could be either a square of 5cm side or
a circular cylinder of 5cm dia. Compare the rate of heat transfer in each case, if the tube surface is at 1720C
7. A 50mm diameter copper sphere initially at a uniform temperature of 2500C is suddenly exposed to an
environment temperature of 300C having a heat transfer coefficient h=28W/mK. Calculate the time
required for the sphere to reach 900C
8. (a) Explain the concept of mean temperature difference.
(b) Define heat exchanger effectiveness and explain its significance.
9. (a) Prove that for a counter flow heat exchanger, when (Cmin/Cmax)=1, ϵ=NTU/(1+NTU).
(b) A vertical pipe, 15cm OD, 1m long has a surface temperature of 900C. If the surrounding air is at 300C,
what is the rate of heat loss per mere length of pipe?
10. (a) Show that the emissive power of a black body is π times the intensity of radiation.
(b) If the inside surface of a hemispherical cavity of 0.5 m diameter is 4000C and its emissivity is 0.6.
Calculate the rate of radiant heat transfer from the cavity.
11. (a) What is the Stefan-Boltzmann Law? Explain the concept of total emissive power of a surface.
(b) Define radiation intensity. Prove that the intensity of radiation is given by Ib= Eb/π
CE 31510
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Civil Engineering
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper V: Design of Steel Structures-I
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
1. (a) What are the advantages of welded connections over bolted connections?
(b) Explain the different types of bolted joints with sketches.
2. Determine the safe load and efficiency of a double cover butt joint. The main plates are 12 mm thick
connected by 20 mm dia rivets at a pitch of 100 mm. Design the cover plates also. What is efficiency
reduction percentage in Joint if the plates are lap jointed?
3. A double angle tie ISA 150 mm x 75 mm x 12 mm (ISA 75 @ 0.201 KN/m short leg back to back) of a
roof truss is connected to the same side of a guest, with rivets 20 mm in dia. Such that each angle is
reduced in section by one rivet hole only. Determine tensile strength of the member.
4. Design a butt joint using bolts M20 od property class 5.6 the main plate is 250mm x 12 mm with a yield
stress of a 250 mm x 12 mm. Draw neat sketches to show the details.
5. Design a gusseted base for a column section ISHB 350 @ 674 N/m subjected to an axial load of 4000 KN.
The base rests on M20 concrete pedestal. The safe bearing pressure of concrete may be assumed to be 5
6. Calculate the design compressive load for a stanchion 350 @710.2 N/m, 3.5m high. The column is
restrained in direction and position at both the ends. It is to be used as an uncased column in a single-storey
building. Use steel of grade Fe 410.
7. Design two tier grillage foundation to carry a stanchion, designed to carry 1500 KN. The base plate of
stanchion is 700 mm same in size. The bearing pressure of earth is limited to a value of 250 N/mm2. Take
the allowable bending stress and allowable average shear stress as per IS code.
8. Design a laterally unsupported beam of length 3m and subjected to a load of 60 KN/m.
9. A bracket plate 12 mm thick is butt welded to the flange of a steel stanchion. The bracket carries a load of
100 KN at an eccentricity of 90mm from the face of the stanchion. Design the eccentric connection.
10. A bracket plate is used to transfer the reaction of a beam to a column flange as shown in below figure. The
bracket plate is connected to the column flange by a 6 mm fillet weld. Compute the maximum load that
can be placed over the bracket plates at a distance of 75 mm from the flange of the column section.
CE 41510
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Civil Engineering
Fourth Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper V: Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. A free vibration test of a frame system is performed using a hydraulic jack. With a jacking force of 30 kips,
the frame has displaced 0.3 in. On the first return swing after release, the frame did not come back to the
release point but rather it stopped at 0.25 in. towards the release point. The time required for the first return
is 2 sec. Determine (i) Natural frequency (ii) Logarithmic decrement (iii) Damping ratio (iv) Damping
coefficient (v) Damping frequency (vi) Amplitude of the frame after 6 cycles
3. (a) Derive the solution ofthe equation of motion for undamped single degree of freedom system subjected to
free vibration. (10)
(b) Derive the equation of motion for single degree of freedom system subjected to earthquake excitation. (4)
4. (a) What is the difference between liquefaction susceptible and liquefaction potential? (4)
(b) What is seismic slope stability? Explain Pseudo static analysis. (10)
6. Calculate the centre of mass and centre of stiffness of the building shown in the Figure I with the following
details: No. of storeys: 3, Column sizes: CI = 230 x 300 mm; C2 = 300 x 450mm, Beam size: 230 x
300mm. Thickness of slab: 0.10m. Height of floor: 3.5m. Grade of concrete: M30, Live load: 3kN. Floor
finish: 1kN.
7. A single storey framed building has dimensions 6m x 6m x 3m high. Columns are located at four corners
of the building. The beams are 250 mm x 375 mm in size. The columns are 250 mm x 300 mm in size. The
slab thickness is 120 mm, the live load on the floor is 3.5 kN/m2 and the soil below the building is hard.
The locality is in zone-IV. Analyse a plane frame of the building for 1.5(DL+LL) and earthquake load
8. (a) Discuss about the ideal earthquake resistant features of a building. (7)
(b) What is retrofitting? Discuss some methods to retrofit reinforced concrete columns. (7)
9. Design a reinforced concrete beam with the following details by considering IS: 456-2000. IS: 1893-2002.
IS: 13920-2000. Assume 25 mm cover to reinforcement and M25 as grade of concrete and Fe415 as grade
of steel.
At right support:
a. Sagging moment : 100 kN.m
b. Hogging moment: 75 kN.m
c. Shear force : 50kN.m
(CE 41510)
CS/ IT 41510-3
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering
Fourth Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper V: .NET Technologies
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. What is multi-threading? Explain how it is implemented in C# with the help of an example.
3. a) What is an Attribute? Explain its types.
b) What is Reflection? Explain any 4 tasks it is used for.
4. a) How is interoperability with windows achieved?
b) What is a dataset? How can we create it?
5. What is the support extended by ADO.NET.write sample code to create, modify and retrieve data with
6. a) Write code to implement a data-driven web application.
b) Briefly explain the ASP.NET framework.
7. Explain the different web-services which are supported by ASP.NET.
8. a) How is a windows Dialog Box created?
b) Briefly describe the frequently used Win32 data types.
9. Explain in detail the enterprise services provided,
CS/IT 31510
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper V: Database Management Systems
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. (a) What is data independence? Explain the differences between logical data independence and physical data
(b) Discuss the main characteristics of the database approach.
3. (a) What is an ER diagram end discuss several choices to be made when generating an ER diagram?
4. (a) What is the foundation for relational Query languages like SQL? (2)
(b) Explain the binary operators in Relational Algebra. (12)
5. (a) Give one example of SQL Query forthe following keywords (14)
6. Explain how do you compute the following with example
(i) Dependency closure F+ of a set F of FDs.
(ii) Attribute closure X+ of a set of attributes X w.r.t a set of FDs F.
7. (a) List the problems cau5ed by redundancy. (2)
(b) Under what situations would denormalization of a database schema be used? Give examples of
denormalizations (12)
8. (a) “Concurrent execution of transactions may leave the database in a inconsistent state”. Explain with an
(b) Describe the two phase locking protocol.
9. (a) Explain the desirable properties of transactions.
(b) Discuss about Control based on Granting and revoking privilege.
EC 41510-1
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electronics and Communications Engineering
Fourth Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper V: VLSI Design
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Unit -I
2. (a) Explain BiCMOS fabrication in n-well process. [8M]
(b) An nMOS transistor is operating in saturation region with the following parameters: VGS =5V, Vtn=2V,
W/L = 100, µnCox=90µA/V2. Find transconductance of the device. [6M]
(c) Determine pull-up to pull-down ratio (Zpu/Zpd) for nMOS inverter driven by another nMOS inverter.
(d) Explain the relationship between IDS and VDS. [6M]
Unit -II
3. (a) Explain the Orbit 2µm CMOS design rules for wires. [7M]
(b) Design the layout diagram of pMOS logic for the expression Y= + [7M]
(c) Discuss the scaling factors for device parameters. [6M]
(d) Write short note on (i) Scaling models (ii) Standard unit of capacitance. [8M]
Unit- III
4. (a) Write the Architecture issues of sub system design. [7M]
(b) Explain the carry look-ahead adder. [7M]
(c) Discuss the Gate logic with example. [6M]
(d) Design a 4-line Gray to Binary code converter. [8M]
Unit -IV
5. (a) Write the VHDL code for 4Xl MUX using Data flow and Behavioral modeling. [8M]
(b) Explain briefly Libraries and Packages used in VHDL. [6M]
(c) Explain the architecture of FPGA and its applications. [8M]
(d) Distinguish between Simulation and Synthesis [6M]
EE 31510
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper V: Transmission & Distribution
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
4 a) What is an equivalent π circuit of long line? Derive expression for parameters of this circuit in terms of
line parameters.
b) A 50Hz transmission line 300km long total series impedance of 40+j25 Ω and total shunt admittance of 10
mho. The 220 KV with 0.8 lagging power factor. Find the sending end voltage, current, power and power
factor using nominal π method.
5 a) Derive the expression for sag of an overhead conductor suspended between two supports at different level
of x meters.
b) A 110kV transmission line has the following data:
Weight of Conductor 680kg/km
Length of Span = 260 m
Ultimate Strength 3100kg
Safety factor=2
Calculate the height above ground at which the conductor should be supported. Ground clearance required
is 10m. Which type of tower is normally preferred?
6 a) Derive the relationship between the cost of conductors and voltage for both ac and dc overhead
distribution systems. Comment on the economical option
b) A distributor with 800 m length, fed from both ends A & B, is loaded uniformly at the rate of 1 .2A/m. The
resistance of the conductor is 0.05/km. Determine the minimum voltage and the point where it occurs if
feeding points A & B are maintained at 255V & 250V respectively. Also find the current supplied from A & B
7 a) With the neat layout explain the design of modern substation with all protecting devices.
b) What is surge arrestor? Differentiate between surge arrester and surge absorbers.
8 a) Explain the methods used for improving the voltage distribution along the insulator string of overhead line.
Deduce the relations.
b) A string of 6 insulators (suspension type) is to be graded to obtain uniform distribution of voltages across the
string. If the capacitance of the top unit is 10 times the capacitance to ground, determine the capacitance of the
remaining 5 units.
(EE 31510)
EE 41510
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Fourth Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper V: Power System Analysis & Stability
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. Write short notes on (i) Single line diagram (ii) Change of base (iii) Reactance of synchronous machines.
3 Draw the reactance diagram for the power system shown in Fig.1. Neglect resistance and use a base of 100
MVA, 220 kV in 50ohm line. The ratings of the generator, motor and transformer are given below.
Fig. 1
Generator: 40 MVA, 25 kV, X" =20%
Synchronous motor: 50 MVA, 11 kV, X" =30%
Y -Y Transformer: 40 MVA, 33/220 kV, X =15%
Y -_ 30 MVA, 11/220 kV, (_/Y), X =15%
4 Derive the power angle equation for power system with single machine
5 a) Derive the short circuit currents and reactance of synchronous machine under symmetrical fault condition.
b) Write the procedure for selection of circuit breakers in power system.
G1, G2: 100 MVA, 11kV, X++ X- = 15%, X0= 5%, Xn= 6%
T1 T2: 100 MVA, 11kV/220 kV, XI\leak= 9%
L1, L2: X+ =X- = 10%, Xo = 10% on base of 100 MVA. Consider a fault at phase 'a'.
8 a) Derive the swing equation of a synchronous machine swinging against an infinite bus. Clearly state the
assumption in deducing the swing equation.
b) The generator shown in Fig. 7 is delivering power to infinite bus. Take Vt= 1.1 p.u. Find the maximum
power that can be transferred when the system is healthy.
Fig. 7
9. Describe the equal area criterion for transient stability analysis of a system.
ME 31510
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper V: I.C. Engines and Gas Turbines
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. (a) Explain with a suitable sketch the valve timing diagram of SI engine
(b) List out the disadvantages of fuel injection as against conventional carburetion system?
3. (a) List out the differences between a two-stroke and a four-stroke engine?
(b) Explain with a neat sketch the construction and working of Bosch fuel pump.
4. (a) Explain with a neat sketch, the various stages of combustion in CI engines.
(b) A single cylinder 4-stroke cycle oil engine works on diesel cycle The following readings were taken when
the engine was running at full load:
Area of indicator card = 3cm2 Length of the diagram = 4cm;
Spring constant= 10 bar/cm; sped of the engine= 400 rpm;
load on the brake= 380 N; spring reading = 50 N;
diameter of the brake drum = 120 cm. fuel consumption = 2.8 kg/hr;
calorific value of fuel = 42000 kJ/kg; Diameter of the cylinder = 16 cm;
stroke of the piston = 20 cm.
From these data, find (i) F.P. of the engine. (ii) Mechanical efficiency.
5. The following data were obtained from a test on a single cylinder 4-stroke oil engine : Cylinder bore
15cm, stroke = 25cm, area of indicator diagram = 450 mm2, length of indicator diagram = 50mm, indicator
spring rating = 1.2 mm for a pressure of 9.80865 N/cm2. Engine speed = 400 rpm, brake torque= 225 Nm,
fuel consumption = 3kg/hr, calorific value of fuel = 44200 kJ/kg, Cooling water flow rate = 4kg/min,
Cooling water temperature is = 42 °C, specific heat of cooling water = 4.1868 kJ/kg.K. Compute (i) the
mechanical efficiency (ii) the brake thermal efficiency (iii) the specific fuel consumption and (iv) draw the
heat balance sheet in kW.
6. (a) Derive the maximum pressure ratio attainable with a reciprocating compressor for a given clearance
(b) With a neat diagram explain the working of axial flow compressor.
7. (a) Derive an expression for the volumetric efficiency of reciprocating compressor.
(b) A rotary air compressor working between 1 bar and 2.5 bar has internal and external diameters of impeller
as 300 mm and 600mm respectively. The vane angle at inlet aid outlet are 30° and 45° respectively. If the
air enters the impeller at 15 m/s, find: i) Speed of the impeller in rpm; and ii) Work done by the
compressor per kg of air.
8. (a) Derive an expression for the thermal efficiency of a gas turbine plant, and show that it is independent of the
mass of air circulated in it?
(b) Give the classification of rockets and mention its applications.
9. A turbo-jet unit consist of single stage compressor, single stage turbine and nozzle. The pressure and
temperature at the inlet of compressor, are 0.8 bar and 280K. The pressure at the outlet of the compressor
is 4 bar.
Assuming the following data
Isentropic efficiency of the compressor = 80%,
maximum temperature of the cycle = 550°C.
Isentropic efficiency of turbine = 85%.
Isentropic efficiency of nozzle = 90%.
Combustion efficiency = 98%,
mechanical efficiency = 95%.
Cpa = 1 kJ/kg Cpg= 1.2 kJ/kg. K; = l.4 for air and = 1.35 for gases.
CV of fuel used = 720 km/hr.
Flow of air 20kg/sec.
Find thefollowing:
(i) I.P required to drive the compressor,
(ii) A.F ratio used,
(iii) thrust developed, and
(iv) the propulsion efficiency.
(ME 31510)
CIV 31511
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Civil Engineering
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper V: Design Concrete Structures-I
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer ALL questions. Assume the suitable data wherever necessary.
1. (a) Distinguish between working stress method and limit state method of design of R.C. structures.
(b) A simply supported rectangular RC beam with clear span of 3.5m is supported on 230mm thick brick wall.
The beam is 230mm wide and 450mm deep and reinforced with 4 No’s of 16mm diameter. Fe415 HYSD.
Determine the service load (in kN/m) which can be resisted by the beam, if concrete used is M25 grade.
2. A simply reinforced 100 mm thick slab is cast integrally with the web. The centre to centre spacing
between the T beams is 2.8m. The effective depth and breadth of web are 560mm and 320mm. The
effective cover to mid steel reinforcement of 4 bars of 16 mm diameter is 40 mm. The effective span of
simply supported beam is 3.80 m. Use M25 grade concrete. Determine the depth of the neutral axis of T
beam cross section. Also determine the moment of resistance of the beam.
3. Determine the ultimate moment of resistance of a beam 300 mm wide and 500 mm deep o the centre of
reinforcement if it is provided with (i) 4 reinforcing bars of 12 mm diameter of Fe250 grade steel and M20
concrete (ii) 4 reinforcing bars of 16 mm diameter of Fe415 grade steel and M25 concrete. Assume
moderate environment exposure condition.
4. A rectangular beam is to be simply supported on two walls of 130 mm width with a clear span of 6m. The
characteristic live load is 12 kN/m, fck = 25 N/mm2 and fy = 500 N/mm2.What is the effective span of the
beam? Design a suitable section for the beam and determine the necessary tension steel. Sketch the
reinforcement details. Assume moderate environment exposure condition.
5. Design the shear reinforcement for an RC beam of size 350 mm wide and 550 mm deep to resist an
ultimate moment of 300 KN-m. Assume moderate exposure condition. Use M20 concrete and Fe 500
grade steel. Adopt Limit State method. Sketch the reinforcement details.
6. A simply supported beam of span 6 m the beam is 300 mm wide by 500 mm overall depth is reinforced
with 4 bars of 20 mm diameter. The beam supports a live load of 12KN-m. The effective cover is 50mm.
Compute the short term deflection if M25 and Fe 415 steel is used.
7. A rectangular RC beam of size 300 mm x 600 mm overall depth is subjected to an ultimate moment of 60
KN-m, a factored shear force of 50 KN and a factored torsion moment of 25 KN-m. Design the both
longitudinal and transverse reinforcement. Use M25 concrete and Fe500 grade steel. Sketch the
reinforcement details.
8. Design a one way simply supported slab provided over a clear span of 3.2m resting on 230mm thick
masonry wall. The slab is required to support a live load of 3.0kN/m2 under service conditions. The load of
floor finish may be assumed as 1.0kN/m2. Use M20 grade concrete, Fe415 steel for reinforcement.
Assume moderate environment exposure conditions. Also sketch the reinforcement.
9. Design a square tank of size 6 m x 6 m x 3 m deep resting on ground. Use M20 grade concrete and Fe 415
grade steel. Sketch the reinforcement details.
10. Design a rectangular water tank of capacity 5,00,000 liters. Assume standard specifications for RCC (not
elevated one).
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Civil Engineering
Fourth Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper V: Pre-Stressed Concrete
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. a) What do you mean by pre-stressing? List out the advantages of P.S.C. over R.C.C.
b) Explain need for High strength steel and High strength concrete.
3. a) Explain Freyssinet system with the aid of a neat sketch.
b) Explain pre-tensioning and post-tensioning.
4. A pre-stressed concrete pile 300mmx300mm is pre-stressed by 60 wires of 2mm diameter. The wires are
uniformly distributed over the section. The wires are initially subjected to a pull of 250kN. Find the final
stress in concrete after all losses.
5. A simply supported P.S.C. beam 350mm wide and 800mm deep supports a line load of intensity 25kN/m.
the effective span of the beam is 10m. The beam is post-tensioned by a cable having c/s are 1200mm2. The
cable eccentricity varies parabolically from zero at the ends to a maximum of 250mm at the midspan. The
effective presenting force is 1050kN. Determine the cracking moment at the midspan of the beam. (M50
grade concrete)
6. A P.S.C. beam of span 9m has a section of area 40x103 mm2, the moment of inertia of the section being
1.70x108 mm4. The beam is prestressed by a parabolic cable providing a prestressing force and no
eccentricity at the ends. Ignoring all loses find the deflection at the centre.
i) When the beam carries its own weight and prestress
ii) When the beam carries its own weight, prestress and a superimposed load of 1.75kN/m.
Take weight of concrete equal to 24kN/m3 and the modulus of elasticity for concrete equal to 40kN/mm2
7. A prestressed concrete beam 400mmx600mm in section has a span of 6m and is subjected to a UDL of
16kN/m. The prestressing tendons are located at 200mm from bottom and provide an effective
prestressing force of 960kN using strength concept method. Determine the extreme fibre stresses in
concrete at mid span section i) at transfer condition ii) at service condtion.
8. A post tensioned prestressed concrete beam of rectangular section 250mm wide is to be designed for an
imposed load of 12kN/m, uniformly distributed over a span of 12m. The stress in concrete must not
exceed 17N/mm2 in compression and 1.4N/mm2 in tension at any time and loss of prestress may be 15%.
Calculate i) minimum depth of beam ii) minimum prestressing force and corresponding eccentricity.
9. A pretensioned beam of rectangular section 300x600mm has an effective prestressing force of 1000kN at
a constant eccentricity of 250mm. It carries a service load of 35kN/m over an effective span of 11m.
Design the shear reinforcement of the beam. The grade of concrete is M40.
10. A prestressed concrete beam 400mm wide and 800mm deep is subjected to axial prestressing force of
1900kN. Design end block. Grade of concrete is M40.
11. The end block of a post tensioned prestressed concrete beam 300mm wide and 450mm deep is subjected
to a concentric force of 1250kN by a Fressimet anchorage of area 11720mm2. Design and detail the
anchorage reinforcement for end block.
CSE/INF 31511
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper V: Java Programming
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
3. a) Explain how exception handling mechanism can be used for debugging a program?
b) Describe the complete life cycle of a thread.
c) What are the various ways the threads can be implemented? Explain them with a sample Java Program.
d) Discuss about throwing and catching exceptions.
4. a) Explain Event sources, Event classes and Event Listeners
b) Write a program to demonstrate File Dialog boxes.
c) Write a programs using Labels and buttons.(Use swings).
d) Explain Event Handling Model of AWT.
5. a) Explain JDBC Exceptions.
b) Write a program to demonstrate URL connection.
c) Write a program to demonstrate Scroll Panes
d) Explain package
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering
Fourth Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper V: E-Commerce
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer ALL Questions. Question No.1 is compulsory
I. Define the following: (10x1=10M)
a) E-Commerce
b) Software agent
c) Security
d) Intra business EC
e) Data integrity
f) e-Iearning
g) Operation planning
h) Customer Relation Management (CRM)
i) Sales
j) Digital documents
PART-B (5x12=60M)
2. a) Briefly explain about Retailing in e-commerce and online advertising.
b) Explain about different Business models?
3. a) Explain about E-Supply chain?
b) Explain about Content management and other support services.
4. a) Explain about mobile Commerce and pervasive computing
b) Differentiate between E-governance, E-Iearning and E-tailing.
5. a) Explain how trust and security are useful in middle and mobile agents.
b) Describe about shopping agents and multi agent systems.
6. a) Describe about Enterprise Resource Planning and its examples.
b) How is software project launched? Explain.
ECE 31511
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electronics and Communications Engineering
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper V: Pulse Circuits
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Unit -I
2. a. Explain the steps in n-well process of CMOS fabrication with neat diagram.
b. Write the short note on (i) Thermal aspects of processing. (ii) Production of Ebeam marks
3. a. Explain 2µm and 1.2 µm design CMOS rules.
b. Design a layout diagram for PMOS logic Y= +
Unit -III
4. a. Explain the limitations of scaling.
b. Derive the expression for sheet resistance. Calculate the channel resistance of n-type pass transistor with
L=4 ,W=2 and Rs=104ohm
Unit -IV
5. a. Explain the structured design of parity generator.
b. Discuss the Behavioral and structural description of4bit CMOS comparator.
6. a. Explain various Libraries and Packages used in VHDL. Write a VHDL code for encoder using Behavioral
b. Write a VHDL code for 8xl mux using data flow and behavioral modeling.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Fourth Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper V: Electrical Distribution Systems
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
I. Answer all questions (10xlM =10M)
a) Derive the relation between load and loss factor f) Draw schematic diagram of distribution systems
b) Give any two future trends in distribution planning g) What is the role of computers in distribution systems?
c) Define load forecasting. h) What is the function of Reclosers?
d) Give expression for utilization factor. i) What is the function of Sectionalizers?
e) What is the effect of Series capacitor over voltage j) What is meant by co-ordination?
Answer all questions (5x12M=60M)
2. a) Give the classification of load in Distribution System with their demand factors, load factors and
utilization factors with examples.
b) What are different types of distribution transformer employed in overhead distribution systems?
c) Explain the distribution system i) Diversity factor ii) Coincidence factor iii) Load factor
d) Explain load modeling and its characteristics
3. a) Compare the radial, loop and ring main primary distribution systems on the basis of load, reliability of
supply and economy
b) Explain the ratings of a distribution substation for square shaped and hexagonally shaped substation
service areas
c) Explain how the ratings of distribution station can be calculated. Explain taking a general case with 'n' no.
of feeders
d) Explain about different Substation bus schemes with neat diagrams. Mention their advantages and
4. a) Explain in detail role of shunt capacitors and series capacitors in power factor correction.
b) Explain Economic justification of capacitors.
c) Briefly explain the line drop compensation on voltage control
d) Explain the practical procedure to determine the Best capacitor location
5. a) Explain KW-KVA method of determining regulation
b) Explain the SCADA system for distribution system
c) Explain the different types of distribution transformers, their efficiency and regulation
d) Describe the use of monograms for obtaining efficiency in distribution systems.
6. a) Explain what is the need for coordination? Explain in detail the procedure for general coordination of
protective devices
b) How the voltage level for distribution system is decided?
c) Explain the methods to calculate the voltage dip due to voltage fluctuations in distribution systems and
various methods to reduce the flickering
d) Explain the coordination procedure between a fuse and a circuit breaks
MEC 31511
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper V: I.C. Engines and Gas Turbines
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer all questions.
2. (a) Derive the equation for critical pressure ratio and maximum discharge.
(b) The air leakage in to a surface condenser operating with a steam turbine is estimated as 84 kg/hr. The
vacuum near the inlet of air pump is 70 cm of Hg when barometer reads 76 cm of Hg. The temperature at
the inlet of vacuum pump is 20 °C. Find:
(i) The minimum capacity of the air pump in m3/hr. (ii) Find the dimension of the reciprocating air pump
to remove the air if it runs at 200 rpm. Take L:D = 3:2 and volumetric efficiency = 100%.
3. (a) Steam at a pressure of 10 bar and 0.98 dry is passed through a convergent-divergent nozzle to a back
pressure of 0.1 bar. The mass flow rate is 0.55 kg/s. Find (i) the pressure at throat and (ii) number of
nozzles used if each nozzle has a throat area of 0.5 cm2. The enthalpy drop used for reheating the steam by
friction in the divergent part is 10% of the overall isentropic drop. Take index of expansion = 1.13
(b) List out the differences between Jet condenser and Surface condenser.
4. (a) Steam with absolute velocity of 400 m/s is supplied through a nozzle to a single stage impulse turbine. The
nozzle angle is 25°. The mean diameter of the blade rotor is 1 m and it has a speed of 2000 rpm. Find
suitable blade angles for zero axial thrust. If blade velocity coefficient is 0.9 and the steam flow rate is 10
kg/s, calculate the power developed.
(b) With a neat diagram, explain any one method of governing of steam turbines?
5. (a) With a neat diagram, explain the velocity compounding system in a steam turbine?
(b) A steam turbine running at 3600 rpm takes 4.5 kg of steam per sec. The nozzle angle is 16° and the mean
diameter of the blade ring is 1.2 meter. The blade outlet angle is 18° and the isentropic heat drop in the
nozzle is 165 kJ/kg of steam. The shaft power is 485 kW. Assuming a nozzle efficiency of 92% and blade
velocity coefficient 0.85, find i) Blading efficiency ii) Stage efficiency and iii) Power lost in friction.
6. (a) With a neat sketch explain the valve timing diagram of CI engine?
(b) Explain about the variation of air-fuel mixture requirements from no load to full load in a SI engine?
7. (a) With a neat diagram explain the working of electronic fuel injection system.
(b) List out the advantages of petrol injection system?
8. (a) What are the methods of detecting detonation and how detonation can be controlled?
(b) What is the use of a heat balance sheet of an engine? Mention the various items to be determined to
complete the heat balance sheet.
9. (a) What is abnormal combustion. Explain with a suitable sketch the phenomenon of abnormal combustion in
SI engine.
(b) During the test on single cylinder oil engine, working on four stroke cycle and fitted with a rope brake, the
following readings were taken:
Effective diameter of brake wheel = 630 mm. Dead load on brake = 200N;
Spring balance reading = 30N speed = 450rpm
area of indicator diagram = 420 mm . Length of indicator diagram = 60 mm;
spring scale = 1.1 bar per mm. diameter of cylinder = 100 mm; stroke = 150 mm;
Quantity of oil used = 0.815 kg/h; Calorific value of oil = 42000 kJ/kg.
Calculate brake power, indicated power, mechanical efficiency, brake thermal efficiency and brake
specific fuel consumption.
10. In a gas turbine, air at 15°C is compressed from 1.01 bar through a pressure ratio of 6:1, after which it is
heated to a temperature of 750 °C. It is then expanded in a turbine to 1.01 bar. Assume the following:
Isentropic efficiency of compressor = 0.8
lsentropic efficiency of turbine = 085
Cp of air aid combustion products = 1.005 kJ/kg.K
Ratio of specific heats = 1.4
Calculate the cycle efficiency aid the work ratio.
11. (a) A closed system gas turbine consists of a two stage compressor with perfect intercooler aid a two stage
turbine with a reheater. All the components are mounted on the same shaft. The pressure and temperature
at the inlet of the low pressure compressor are 2 bar and 300 K. The maximum pressure and temperature
are limited to 8 bar and 1000 K. The gases are heated in the reheater to 1000 K. Calculate mass of fluid
circulated in the turbine, if the net power developed by the turbine is 370 kW. Also find the mount of heat
supplied per second from the external source
(b) Discuss briefly on rocket propulsion for space applications.
(MEC 31511)
CS 32510
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper V: Design & Analysis of Algorithms
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Question No. 1 is compulsory. Each Unit carries 14 marks.
1. a Arrange the following growth rates in increasing order of time:
O(x3), O(2x), O(x2), O(5 log x), O(x log x), O(x2 log x)
b For the function f(x) = 3x3 + 2x2 + 1, show that f(x) = O(x3) where ‘0’ denotes ‘big oh’.
c Define Articulation Point.
d Describe the Principle of Optimality in Dynamic Programming.
e What is recurrence relation?
f Explain Space complexity with example
g What is Algorithm?
2. a For the function f (x) = 4x + 6x + 1 show that (i) f (x) = O(x4) but (ii) x4 0 (f (x))
b Sort the sequence of numbers using Quick Sort: 8, 6, 4, 12, 11, 5, 7 and 9.
3 a Write about the Control abstraction for divide and conquer method.
b Write detailed notes on various asymptotic notations used in performance analysis.
4 a How to solve minimum spanning tree problem? Illustrate.
b Write an algorithm to solve travelling salesperson problem.
5 a Find an optimal solution to knapsack instance n=7,c=15,(p1,p2,p3,……p7)=(10,5,15,7,6,l8,3)
(wl,w2,w3,…… w7) = (2,3,5,7,1,4,1) with greedy strategy considering the objects in the order of
non-increasing profit density. Show all steps clearly.
b Write an algorithm to solve longest common sequence problem.
8 a Discuss on LC — Search.
b Explain about different types of NP problem
9 a Write short notes on i) Classes of NP-hard ii) Classes of NP-complete
b Draw the solution space tree for the 0/1 knapsack instances with n=4, solve the following instance of the 0/1
knapsack problem using Branch and Bound technique with bounding functions. Clearly identify the nodes that
do not get reached.
n-4, c62
w=[20,25, 15,35]
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Fourth Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper V: Automobile Engineering
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer 1st Question from PART-A and any ONE Question from each unit of PART-B.
I. Answer the following: (7 x 2 = 14 marks)
a) What are the two types of piston rings?
b) What is clearance volume?
c) What is unit injection system?
d) What are the components of water cooling method?
e) What is meant by turbo charging?
f) What is the purpose of lubricating system? State its types.
g) What is steering ratio?
3. (a) Explain the defects with simple carburetor.
(b) Explain the working of a pintle type nozzle with the help of a neat sketch.
(c) Explain the operation of a battery ignition system.
(d) What is the function of a thermostat in water cooling system? Describe anyone type of thermostat.
4. (a) Differentiate between air cooling system and water cooling system used in automobiles.
(b) Explain the pressure feed system of lubrication with the help of a neat sketch.
(c) What is the function of a clutch? Differentiate between wet clutch and dry clutch.
(d) What is the function of a propeller shaft? Explain the construction of a propeller shaft.
5. (a) What are the merits and demerits of synchromesh gearbox?
(b) Describe the various types of independent front suspension systems.
(c) What are the functions of steering system? Name the components of a steering system
(d) What are the functions of tyres? Differentiate between tubed and tubeless tyres,
EE 32510
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper V: Power Electronics
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer Question No. 1 Compulsorily. Answer One Question from each Unit
1. a) Define holding current. b) What is snubber circuit?
c) What is the use of freewheeling diode? d) Define firing angle.
e) What is line commutation? f) Give some applications of choppers.
g) Give any two comparisons between BiT and MOSFET.
h) What are the drawbacks of thermal and dv/dt triggering?
i) What type inductor is used in Mcmurray Bedford inverter? What is the function of capacitor connected
across source?
j) What type of commutation is used in modified Mcmurray inverter?
k) What do you mean by pulse width modulation scheme?
l) What is current limit control and how it is differ from time ratio control?
m) How can you classify inverters basing on commutation, source and connection?
n) Draw the symbols for SCS, TRIAC, IGBT and MOSFET.
2 a) Draw static V-I characteristics of a thyristor and explain
b) For an SCR the gate cathode characteristic has a straight-line slope of 120. For trigger source voltage of
16 v and allowable gate power dissipation 0.7 watts, calculate the gate. Source resistance
3 a) Why is pulse train gating preferred over pulse gating? Explain, with relevant circuit and waveforms the
pulse-train gating of SCR
b) Explain briefly about various SCR triggering circuits
4 a) Bring out the differences between single phase and three phase converters
b) A 230V, 1KW resistive load is connected across a fully controlled single phase bridge converter. If a load is to
be delivered a power of 800W, find output voltage, firing angle and load current
5 a) Explain complementary commutation circuit with a neat circuit diagram
b) A z-phase half wave converter is operating in the inverting mode connected to a 415V(line) supply. If the
angle of firing advance is 180 and overlap 3.80, find the mean voltage at the load
6 a) Discuss the operation of Modified McMURRAY half bridge inverter with necessary waveforms.
b) Explain series inverter with suitable circuit diagram and voltage and current wave forms.
7 a) Discuss the operation of 3 phase 1200 mode inverter with neat circuit and waveforms.
b) A single — phase bridge inverter delivers power to a series connected RLC load with R=2r and WL=10Ω. The
period time T=0.lm sec. What value of C should the load have in order to obtain load commutation for the
SCR’s? The thyristor turn off time is l0µ sec. Take circuit turn off time as 1.5tq. Assume that load current
contains only fundamental component.
8 a) What is cyclo converter? Enumerate its industrial applications
b) Describe the operating principle of single phase step up cyclo converter
9 a) Explain the principle of chopper operation with a neat circuit diagram
b) A Class-A chopper is supplied from a battery of voltage 120V. The load voltage wave form consists of
rectangular pulses of duration 2m sec followed by off periods of 2.5 m sec. Determine the average and r.m.s
values of the supply voltage, r.m.s value of the fundamental component of supply voltage and ripple factor
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Civil Engineering
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper V: Design of Steel Structures-II
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
3. Design a simply supported gantry girder to be used in a industrial building for the following data
Crane capacity = 250kN Weight of crab = 76 KN
Weight of crane girder = 150KN
Minimum clearance between crane hook and gantry girder = 1.20 m
Distance between centers of girders = 18m Distance between centers of wheels = 5.0m
Height of rail section = 80mm Weight of rail section = 300 N/m
4. (a) What are the assumptions made in the design of composite members with shear connectors
(b) Design a composite beam of effective span 10m to carry a uniformly distributed load of 15kN/m .The
thickness of slab is 120mm. Perform all necessary checks
5. Design a square pressed steel tank of size 5mx5mx2.5m high. The height of columns above the ground is
12m . Take basic wind pressure intensity of 1.5KN/m².
6. Design the staging for the rectangular steel having a capacity of 90,000 litres .The axial load on each
column due to weight of tank and water and self weight of beams is equal to 250kN. The bottom of tank is
9m above the ground level. Take the intensity of wind pressure as 1.5Kn/m².
7. Design I-section purlin for an industrial building roof situated in Chennai for the following data
Distance between c/c of trusses = 5m Spacing of purlins c/c = 1.5m
Span of truss = 8m Intensity of wind pressure = 1.5kn/m²
Weight of galvanized sheets = 150N/m² Yield stress of steel = 250MPa
8. Design a roof truss for a factory building for a span of 20m and a pitch of 1/5. The height of the truss at
eve’s level is 10m . The spacing of trusses is 4m . The factory building which is 30m long situated at New
Delhi. Take fy = 250N/mm² for steel sections
9. Design an end rocker bearing for plate girder bridge for the following data. Vertical load including impact,
LL and DL=1100KN, Vertical load due to wind = 190KN, Lateral load at the pin of bearing due to
wind=80KN, longitudinal load for 20m span=450Kn and allowable bearing pressure on the
10. Design a deck type plate girder , railway bridge for broad gauge main line building, given that Fb=147
Clear span = 24m Effective span = 25 m
Overall length = 26m Centres of piers = 26.6m
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper V: Web Technologies
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
a. XML
b. Array
c. ASP
d. Assemblies
e. Collections
f. Interoperability
h. Enterprise Services
i. Delegate
j. Data Reader
2. a) Explain different Cascading style sheets with examples.
b) Write a program to demonstrate objects in a java script.
c) Explain control statements.
d) Write short notes on a) XHTML b) Dynamic HTML
3. a) Explain about object oriented programming in c#.
b) Write short notes on expressions and control structures.
c) Explain multithreading programming with an example.
d) Explain about I/O and persistence.
4. a) Explain various encryption mechanisms in detail.
b) Discuss ADO.NET in detail.
c) Explain .NET interoperability.
d) Write short notes on application domains.
5. a) Explain ASP.NET page life cycle, stages. Illustrate with suitable c# example.
b) How do you secure ASP.NET application?
c) Discuss about the functionalities of web services.
d) Explain state management in detail.
6. a) Discuss about enterprise services.
b) Explain about smart clients
c) Explain data binding in window forms.
d) Explain about forms control library?
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper V: Linear Integrated Circuits and Applications
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer ALL the questions (10x1=10)
1. a) Draw the block diagram of feedback configurations.
b) What is clamper circuit?
c) Sketch the operational amplifier as integrator with its input and output wave form.
d) Mention the difference between normal rectifier with precision rectifier.
e) Write the applications of operational amplifiers
f) Write any 2 non-linear applications of Op-amp.
g) Define clipper and give the basic difference between +ve and –ve clippers.
h) Sketch the peak detectors circuit with its input and output wave form?
i) Write any two applications of PLL.
j) List the advantages of active filter than passive filter?
2. a) List and explain the functions of all the basic building blocks of an Op-amp.
b) For 741op-amp, connected in non inverting amplifier R1=1KΩ, Rf =10KΩ, A=200,000, R1=2MΩ,
R0=75Ω, f0= 5Hz VEE/VCC = ±15V, output voltage swing = ±13V, calculate the values of Af,
Rif,R0,fF,Voot and compare it with original values.
c) List the parameters that should be considered for AC and DC applications.
d) Give the equation for Slew rate and different effects of slew rate.
3. a) Draw and explain the op-amp as differentiate with its input and output wave forms.
b) Explain the operation of differential amplifier as subtractor.
c) Explain voltage to current and current to voltage conversion.
d) Draw and explain the block diagram of instrumentation amplifier.
4. a) What is voltage controlled oscillator. Explain the operation with its wave form.
b) Explain the operation of triangular wave form generator.
c) Explain the operation of op-amp as Schmitt trigger.
d) Explain about Quadrature oscillator.
5. a) Explain about clippers, clamper and converters.
b) Explain the operation of sample and hold circuit.
c) Classify the convertor. Explain the operation of successive approximation A/D convertor.
d) Explain the operation of R-2R ladder network for D/A convertor.
6. a) Distinguish all the active filters and write their applications.
b) Explain the operation of band pass filter.
c) Draw and explain for a first order active high pass filter.
d) Explain about PLL with its application.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper V: Switchgear and Protection
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. a) Explain Time –Current characteristics of fuse.
b) Explain HRC Fuse with a neat sketch.
c) Define Restriking voltage and Derive the expression for Restriking Voltage.
d) Explain process of current chopping in circuit breakers.
3. a) Describe the construction, principle of operation and application of SF6 breakers.
b) Explain the construction, principle of operation of minimum oil circuit Breakers. Give its applications.
4 a) Explain the operation of following relays
i) Buchholds relay ii) Percentage differential relay iii) Voltage balance differential relay
b) Explain the operation of induction type relays with neat sketches.
5. a) What is translay protection? Give such a scheme of protection for a three phase transmission line.
b) Explain the differential protection applicable to transformers.
c) Explain the concepts: i) Neutral grounding ii) solid grounding iii) resistance and Reactance grounding.
6. a) Explain Static relays and differential relays.
b) with the help of block diagram explain the principle of operation of directional static over current relay.
c) Explain Amplitude and Phase comparators.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper V: Manufacturing Engineering
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer Question 1 from PART-A and any one question from each unit of PART-B.
1. Answer the following: (1 x 10 = 10 marks)
(a) Identify different methods of gear finishing.
(b) What is clamping?
(c) Difference between jigs & fixtures.
(d) Difference between blanking and piercing.
(e) Progressive die.
(f) What is compound die?
(g) What are bending methods?
(h) Applications of E.B.M.
(i) Define Rapid Prototyping.
(j) Applications of Rapid Prototyping technologies and advantages.
2. (a) What are the differences between gear shaping and gear hobbing?
(b) Explain the different types of gear finishing methods in gear manufacturing.
3. (a) Write short notes on the processes of thread milling and thread grinding.
4. (a) What is the 6 point location principle? Explain it with the help of suitable Sketches.
(b) What are the design considerations in jigs & fixtures?
5. (a) State and explain various quick clamping devices used in jigs & fixtures.
(b) What are main types of jigs & fixtures construction? State the advantages of each and discuss relative
merits of each.
2 a) What is vi editor Explain different editor commands
b) Explain in detail about Networking utilities
c) Explain about disk utilities
d) Explain in detail about directory related utilities
3 a) Explain in detail about
i) Pipes ii) meta characters iii) Input redirection
b) Write about predefined environment variables
4 a) Explain about file management system calls with examples?
b) Explain in detail about file locking
c) Explain in detail about orphan process?
5 a) Explain about terminal signals and list of f signals
b) Write in detail about Sockets
CS/ IT 41610-3
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering
Fourth Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper VI: Embedded Systems
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
3. (a) Discuss Function-Queue-Scheduling Architecture.
(b) Write about RTOS architecture.
(c) Explain how Semaphores can work as a Signaling device.
(d) Write about (i) Semaphore variants and (ii) Different ways to protect shared data.
4. (a) Write about Mailboxes.
(b) Explain about Timer functions.
(c) Explain about encapsulation of Semaphores and Queues.
5. (a) What are Cross-Compilers and Cross-Assemblers? 4
(b) Discuss the functioning of Locators for embedded software. 10
(c) What are Logic Analyzers? Write about their two modes of operation.
EC 31610
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electronics and Communications Engineering
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper VI: Pulse Circuits
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. a) Derive the output equation of RC low pass circuit when a square wave input is applied and draw
corresponding input and output wave forms. 7
b) A symmetrical square wave of ±5v at frequency of 5kHz is applied to a high pass RC circuit with a cut off
frequency of 20kHz. Sketch the steady state input and output voltage waveforms. Calculate steady state
output voltage levels.
3. a) What is attenuator? Explain the under and over compensation in attenuators.
b) For the attenuator circuit shown in fig(1) calculate and plot the output for cases (i) C1=50PF (ii)
C1=150PF. The input Vi is a step of 10V.
4. a) Prove the expression for clamping circuit theorem.
b) What is the effect of diode characteristics on clamping voltage?
5. a) Explain the operation of series negative clipper circuit for
sinusoidal input and draw its transfer characteristics.
b) For the diode clipping circuit shown in fig(2), assume VR=10V,
Vi=20 Sinwt, Rf=100Ω, Rr=∞, Vr=0. Neglect all capacitances.
Draw to scale input and output waveforms and label min and
max values if (i) R=100Ω (ii) R=1KΩ
6. a) With the help of circuit diagram, explain the working of collector coupled monostable multivibrator.
b) A collector coupled one-shot multivibrator using npn silicon transistors has the following parameters.
VCC=3V, VBB=9V, R=2.7kΩ, RC=270Ω, R1=1KΩ, R2=15KΩ, C=0.01µF, hfe=25, r1bb=100Ω. Neglect
saturation voltages. Calculate and plot the waveforms at each base and collector.
7. a) Draw and explain the output waveforms of Bistable multivibrator and write its applications.
b) Design a Schmitt trigger circuit for VCC=10V, UTP=5V, LTP=3V. Assume hfe=100 and IC(on)=1MA.
9. a) Explain the circuit used to generate a trapezoidal waveform used in current time base generator.
b) Derive the expression for the sweep-speed error in current time base generator.
(EC 31610)
EC 41610-1
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electronics and Communications Engineering
Fourth Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper VI: Digital Image Processing
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
1. (a) Draw the histogram of 3 x 3 image of 8 gray levels whose pixels are { 1,1,2, 4,1,3, 1,5,1}.
(b) What is alpha blending?
(c) Define weber ratio.
(d) Write the expression for Logarithmic transformation.
(e) Define Region Descriptors.
(f) Write the run length code of the scan line of image {3,3,3,4,4,2,2,2,2,2,2,5,5,1,5,5}.
(g) What is the need of Image compression?
2. (a) Explain the components of an image processing system.
(b) Explain how digital image processing used in different fields.
(c) Write various linear and Non-linear operations used with the images.
(d) Explain the effect of varying sampling interval & quantization levels on the quality of the image.
3. (a) Explain Image smoothing and sharpening in spatial domain.
(b) Discuss Image Enhancement using arithmetic and logical operations.
(c) Discuss about Fourier transform and explain how it is used in image processing.
(d) Explain Image smoothing and sharpening in Frequency domain.
4. (a) Explain Inverse filtering.
(b) Explain noise reduction by frequency domain filtering.
(c) Explain Arithmetic encoding.
(d) Explain Error free and lossy compression models.
5. (a) Distinguish between edge based segmentation and region based segmentation.
(b) Explain the various techniques of Thresholding.
(c) Explain about Boundary Descriptors.
(d) Discuss about Detection of discontinuities.
EE 31610
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper VI: Electro Mechanics-III
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2 a) Derive the EMF equation of an Alternator
b) A 3 phase star connected Alternator is rated at 1500 KVA, 11 KV. The Armature resistance and
synchronous reactance are 1 .2Ω and 24 Ω per phase respectively. Calculate % regulation for a load of
1200 KW at power factor of i) 0.8 lead ii) UPF
3 a) Explain the method of finding regulation of an Alternator using ZPF method
b) A 3 phase, 10 pole Alternator has 2 slots per pole per phase on it’s stator with 10 conductors per slot. The
air gap flux is sinusoidally distributed and equals to 0.05 wb. The stator has double layer winding with a
coil span of 150 electrical degrees. If Alternator is running at 600 rpm calculate cuff generated per phase
at no load
4 a) With neat circuit diagram explain slip test
b) The following loads are supplied by two alternators running in parallel i)1400KW at 0.86 lag ii)900 KW at
0.8 lag iii) 800 KW at upf iv) 500 KW at 0.8 lead. If load on one machine is adjusted to 2100KW at pf of
0.92, calculate load and pf of other machine
5 a) Derive the power angle characteristic of smooth cylindrical type alternator
b) A 3 MVA, 3 phase, 10 pole star connected alternator is connected to 6.6 KV, 50 Hz bus bars and it has
synchronous reactance of 5Ω per phase. Determine the synchronizing power and synchronizing torque per
mechanical degree of rotor displacement at no load
6 a) Explain why synchronous motor is not self starting
b) A 750 KW, 11KV, 3 phase Y connected synchronous motor has Zs=(0+j35) per phase. Determine
excitation emf when motor is operating on full load at 0.8 pf leading. It’s efficiency under this condition is
7 a) What is hunting and what are the methods of suppressing it?
b) A 3300V, Y connected synchronous motor is operating at constant terminal voltage and constant
excitation. It’s synchronous impedance is (0.8 +j5) ohms. It operates at a power factor of 0.8 leading when
drawing 800 KW from mains. Find it’s power factor when input is increased to 1200 KW excitation
remaining constant
8 a) What is reluctance torque? Draw the torque — speed curve of a reluctance motor
b) Explain the construction and working of permanent magnet stepper motor
9 a) Discuss the construction of hysteresis motor and Draw it’s speed — torque characteristic
b) A Universal Motor has an Inductance of 0.5 H and a resistance of 30Ω. When loaded and connected to 250
V dc supply, it takes 0.8A and runs at 2000 rpm. Find the speed and power factor when it is operating on
250 V, 50 Hz ac supply drawing the same current
(EE 31610)
EE 41610-1
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Fourth Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper VI: HVDC Transmission
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. a) Describe the layout of a mono polar HVDC link in detail.
b) Explain technical advantages of DC over AC transmission.
c) Explain modern trends in DC transmission.
d) Write brief summary of the technical details of HVDC projects in India.
3. a) Explain principles of protection against over currents.
b) Write short note on surge arresters.
c) Explain choice of converter configuration analysis of bridge converters.
d) Explain operation of 12 pulse converters.
4. a) Explain starting and stopping of DC link.
b) Write short note on HVDC simulator.
c) Explain in detail of four operating modes of the DC link.
5. a) Explain procedure of solution of DC load flow.
b) Explain methods of reducing the harmonics.
c) Explain design of AC tuned filter.
d) Write short note on characteristic and uncharacteristic harmonics.
IT 31610
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Information Technology
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper VI: Design & Analysis of Algorithms
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
1. a) What is Backtracking?
b) Write control abstraction for ordering paradigm.
c) What is worst case, best case, and average case for a Quick sort?
d) What is minimum spanning tree?
e) Give the properties of order of growth.
f) What are Bi-connected components?
g) What is Greedy Technique?
2. a) Find Big- oh notation & Little — oh notation for f(n)=9n3+25n2+100
b) Explain divide & Conquer strategy. How it can be useful in the problem solving?
3 a) Write recursive algorithm for finding the Fibonacci sequence and derive its time complexity.
b) Solve the recurrence relation T(n)=2T(n/2)+n.
4 a)i) What does dynamic programming have in common with divide & conquer.
ii) What is the principle difference between the two techniques?
5. a) Write an algorithm for all pair shortest path problem.
b) What id dynamic programming. Explain with suitable illustration?
8 a) Explain the principle of FIFO branch & bound.
b) What is the difference between NP-Hard and NP-Complete classes? Explain with examples.
9 a) Write a short notes on NP, NP-Hard & NP-Complete problem
b) Write an algorithm to solve the knapsack problem with the branch and bound
ME 31610
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper VI: Metal Cutting & Machine Tools
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. a) Write a short notes on primary and auxiliary motions in machine tools. 6
b) Explain in detail the kinematics of a lathe machine. 8
3. a) Explain the tapes turning method using a special attachment. 7
b) Write short notes on gear mechanism in the lathe machine. 7
4. a) Explain with a neat sketch the working of a multiple spindle drilling machine. 7
b) Explain in detail i) Quick Return mechanism ii) Automatic feed mechanism 7
5. a) Explain the types of bonds in a grinding wheel. 6
b) Write short notes on the different types of milling machines. 8
6. a) What is super finishing? Discuss lapping and honing in detail. 6
b) Write short notes on indexing head and explain its significance. 8
7. a) Explain the Broaching Opeartion with a neat sketch. 7
b) Write short notes on i) End Milling ii) Face Milling 7
8. a) Write short notes on chip formation and explain the different types of chip formation. 7
b) Draw a neat sketch of Merchant’s circle and determine the shear angle. 7
9. a) Explain the nomenclature of a single point cutting tool. 8
b) What is tool wear? Explain different types of tool wear with neat sketch. 6
ME 41610-1
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Fourth Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper VI: Automobile Engineering
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer l Question from PART-A and any ONE Question from each unit of PART-B.
PART-B (4 x 14 = 56 marks)
2. (a) Describe the constructional details of L-head and F-head combustion chambers
(b) State the functions of a flywheel.
3. (a) State the purpose of supercharging. What is its effect on fuel consumption of an engine?
(b) What are the different types of air cleaners? Describe them in detail.
4. (a) Explain the pressure feed system of lubrication with the help of a neat sketch.
(b) What are the merits of a pressure sealed cooling system?
5. (a) Explain the operation of a battery ignition system.
(b) What is the function of a thermostat in water cooling system? Describe any one type of thermostat.
6. (a) Differentiate between air cooling system and water cooling system used in automobiles.
(b) Explain the pressure feed system of lubrication with the help of a neat sketch.
7. (a) What is an over drive?
(b) What are the merits and demerits of a synchromesh gearbox?
8. (a) Describe the independent suspension systems for the rear axle?
(b) Describe the classification of brakes.
9. (a) Derive the fundamental equation for correct steering of steering gear mechanism.
(b) What are the major requirements for hydraulic brake fluids for better braking?
CIV 31611
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Civil Engineering
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper VI: Design of Steel Strcutures-I
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
1. (a) What are the advantages of welded connections over bolted connections?
(b) Differentiate between the Welded Joints and Riveted Joints.
2. Determine the safe load and efficiency of a double cover butt joint. The main plates are 12 mm thick
connected by 20 mm dia rivets at a pitch of 100 mm. Design the cover plates also. What is efficiency
reduction percentage in Joint if the plates are lap jointed?
3. Design a lap joint to connect two plates of 10 mm thick using high strength friction grip bolts. Take fy=
250 MPa.
4. Design a double cover bun-joint to connect two plates 280mm x 12mm of Fe410 grade using 20 bolts.
Arrange the both to get maximum efficiency. The joint is required to transmit a factored load of 650 KN.
5. A column section ISHB 450 @ 925 N/m carries an axial load of 1500 KN. Design a suitable gusset base.
Allowable bearing pressure on concrete is 4000 KN/m2.
6. Design a built-up column 7.2m long and required to carry a load of 4000 KN. The column is effectively
held in position at both ends restrained in direction at one end.
7. A beam, simply supported over an effective span of 8 m, carries a udl of 45 KN/m, inclusive of its self
weight. The depth of the beam is restricted to 400 mm. Design the beam assuming that the compression
flange is laterally unsupported. Assume fy= 250 MPa and E = 2 x 105 MPa.
8. Calculate the design strength of a built-up compression member consisting of ISHB 300 with a cover plate
325mm x 16mm on each flange. The length of the column is 6m. Assume the bottom of the column is
fixed and the top is pinned.
9. Design a stiffened seat connection for an 15MB 350 @ 514 N/m transmitting an end reaction of 320 KN
(due to factored loads) to a column section ISHB 300 @576.8 N/m. The steel is of grade Fe 410 and bolts
of grade Fe 400.
10. A bracket plate is used to transfer the reaction of a beam to a column flange as shown in below figure. The
bracket plate is connected to the column flange by a 6 mm fillet weld. Compute the maximum load that
can be p1aced over the bracket plates at a distance of 75 mm from the flange of the column section.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Civil Engineering
Fourth Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper VI: Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. Derive the dynamic equation of equilibrium Find the solution of equation of motion for damped free
3. Derive the equation of motion for free vibration of a single degree o freedom system with damping
i) Less than critical ii) More than critical
4. (a) Discuss about the ideal earthquake resistant features of a building.
(b) Explain in detail the building characteristics.
5. What is soft storey effect and short column effect? Explain in detail the solution to irregular configuration
of a building.
6. A single storey framed building has dimensions 6m x 6m x 3m high. Columns are located at four corners
of the building. The beams are 250 mm x 375 mm in size. The columns are 250 mm x 300 mm in size. The
slab-thickness is 120 mm, the live load on the floor is 3.5 kN/m2 and the soil below the building is hard.
The locality is in zone IV. Analyse a plane frame of the building for 1.5 (DL+LL) and earthquake load
7. A five storey symmetric reinforced concrete frame residential building is situated at Ahmadabad. The soil
below the foundation is assumed to be medium rock. Determine the total base shear as per IS 1893
(Part-I)-2002. Distribute the base shear along the height. The details of the building are as follows
C/s of the column : 300mm x 300mm
C/s of the beam : 230mm x 300mm
Height of floor : 3000mm
No. of bays in N-S direction : 3
No. of bays in E-W direction : 4
Bay width in N-S direction : 4000mm
Bay width in E-W direction : 3000mm
Wall thickness : 230mm
Slab thickness : 120mm
Live load on slab : 3kN/m2
M20 grade of concrete and Fe 415 grade of steel
8. Design a reinforced concrete column with the following details by considering IS: 456-2000, IS:
1893-2002, IS: 13920-2000. Assume 40mm cover to reinforcement and M25 as grade of concrete and
Fe415 as grade of steel.
9. Design a reinforced concrete beam with the following details by considering IS: 456-2000, IS: 1893-2002,
IS: 13920-2000. Assume 25 mm cover to reinforcement and M25 as grade of concrete and Fe41 5 as grade
of steel.
Beam dimensions : 230mm x 300mm
At left support:
a) Sagging moment : 200 kN.m
b) Hogging moment : 120 kN.m
c) Shear force : 75 kN.m
At right support:
a) Sagging moment : 100 kN.m
b) Hogging moment : 75 kN.m
c) Shear force : 50kN.m
CSE/INF 31611
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper VI: Professional Ethics and Human Values
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. (a) What is Work Ethics? Discuss how it is related to progress of an organization.
(b) What do you understand by the term spirituality? Explain in detail.
3. (a) Discuss the theories relating to Moral Autonomy with specific reference to Consensus and Controversy.
(b) Briefly discuss the uses of ethical theories.
4. (a) What are the ethical lessons one can learn from space shuttle challenger tragedy?
(b) What are the aspects of engineering that make it appropriate to view engineering projects as experiments?
5. (a) Explain the concept of ‘Risk-Benefit Analysis and conceptual problems associated with it.
(b) Discuss on the ways and means of reducing occupational crimes in industries.
6. (a) Explain in detail about moral leadership.
(b) Explain in detail the issues pertaining to environmental ethics.
CSE41611/ INF41611
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering/Informtation Technology
Fourth Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper VI: Managerial Economics and Financial Accounting
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer the following questions 10x1=10M
1. Define:
a) Marginal Cost
b) Income elasticity
c) Payback method
d) Demand Schedule
e) SEP
f) Isocots
g) Liquid Ratio
h) Business Cycle
i) Double-entry system
j) Variable cost
3. a) Discuss about the trend projection method of demand forecasting. What are its limitations?
b) What is meant by the elasticity of demand? Discuss about the different types of demand elasticity.
4. a) State and illustrate the Cobb-Douglas production function. What are the properties of this function?
Units produced and sold 85,000 85,000
Revenue Rs. 1,70,000 Rs. 1,70,000
Fixed costs Rs. 85,000 Rs. 34,000
Variable costs Rs. 34,000 Rs. 85,000
Find the break-even point of each company both in units as well as in sales revenue.
5. a) What is meant by ‘peak-load pricing’? Why is sometimes peak-load pricing inevitable? What are its
advantages and disadvantages?
b) Journalise the following transactions.
6. a) Explain the meaning of the term ‘funds’ What could be the possible ‘sources’ and ‘applications’ of funds..
b) Calculate the Payback period and net present value for project ‘x’ which initially costs Rs. 2,50,000 and
generates year end cash flows of Rs 40,000, Rs.80,000, Rs. 70,000, Rs.60,000 and Rs.50,000 in one
through five years. Assume the required rate of return to be 10%.
Year 1 2 3 4 5
(CSE41611/ INF41611)
ECE 31611
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electronics and Communications Engineering
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper VI: Professional Ethics and Human Values
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
3. (a) What is Moral Inquiry? Explain briefly the types of moral inquiry.
(b) Discuss briefly on ethical theory of RIGHT ACTION. Differentiate Act-Utilitarian and Rule Utilitarian.
4. (a) Engineers as responsible experimenters’ Discuss.
(b) Give justifications on how the challenger disaster could have been avoided by engineers.
5. (a) What is meant by risk? Describe the concept of risk benefit analysis?
(b) Explain the expected confidentiality to be maintained by a computer engineer while he shifts his job on
career advancement
6. (a) Explain in detail about moral leadership.
(b) Engineers as ‘Expert witnesses and Advisors’ Discuss.
ECE41611/ EEE41611
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electronics and Communication Engineering/Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Fourth Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper VI: Industrial Management
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. (a) Explain the Fayal’s principles of management.
(b) Explain the salient features of partnership form of organisation.
(c) Discuss the merits and de-merits of Joint Stock Company.
3. (a) Briefly discuss about present worth method and future worth method with examples?
(b) What is cashflow? Describe the equivalent cashflow diagram.
4. (a) Enumerate the various methods of calculating depreciation?
(b) Discuss the need and significance of providing depreciation.
5. (a) What is human resource planning? Explain its importance.
(b) Discuss modern methods of performance appraisal.
(c) Explain the importance of leadership in an industrial unit?
(d) Explain Maslow’s need based theory of motivation?
6 (a) What is inventory control? What are its objectives?
(b) Explain different methods of purchasing.
(c) Enumerate different steps involved in marketing research.
(d) Discuss the objectives of advertising.
EEE 31611
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper VI: Electrical Machines-III
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer Question No. 1 Compulsory (10 x 1 = 10M)
Answer One Question from each Unit (5 x 12 = 60 M)
1. a) What is the speed of a 4 pole 50Hz Synchronous machine?
b) Define regulation of Alternator.
c) Define Synchronous speed.
d) Name the main parts of synchronous generator.
e) Draw vector diagram of alternator with lagging pf.
f) What is synchronizing power?
g) What is synchronous condenser?
h) What are the uses of damper windings in a synchronous motor?
i) What are the different methods of starting synchronous motor?
j) How do you operate the synchronous motor at any desired pf?
3 a) Explain synchronous impedance method and Ampere-turn method for determining the voltage regulation
of an alternator
b) A 3 phase star connected alternator is rated at 1600kVA, 13500V. The alternator resistance and
synchronous reactance are l.7 and 32 ohms respectively per phase. Calculate the percentage regulation for
a load of 1200kW at 0.8 leading power factor
c) Explain the procedure for POTIER method to calculate voltage regulation of alternator
d) A 3300V, 3phase star connected alternator has a full load current of 100A. On short circuit a field current
of 5A was necessary to produce full load current. The emf on open circuit for the same excitation was
900V. The armature resistance was 0.8Ω/phase. Determine the full load voltage regulation for (1) 0.8 pf
lagging (2) 0.8 pf leading
4 a) For a salient pole synchronous machine, prove the d-axis synchronous reactance Xd, can be obtained from
its OCC and SCC. Neglect armature resistance.
b) Discuss basic idea of two-reaction theory
c) Give a brief account on the phasor diagram of synchronous machine.
d) A 2.3kV, 3 phase star connected synchronous machine has Zs(0.3 j2.4) ohms per phase. The motor is
operating at 0.6 power factor leading with a line current of 205 A. Determine the generated emf per phase.
5 a) What are the different losses occur in alternator? Derive expression for each loss.
b) Derive the expression for efficiency of alternator.
c) Explain the effect of mechanical input on parallel operation of alternators
d) What is meant by load sharing? Explain how the alternators share the load.
6 a) With neat phasor diagrams, explain the behaviour of synchronous motor on load at constant excitation
b) Derive an expression for power developed by a synchronous motor and obtain the condition for maximum
power developed.
c) What is Hunting? How it can be suppressed?
d) A 3000 V, 3- , star connected, synchronous motor running at 1500 rpm, has its excitation part constant at
a no-load terminal voltage of 3000 V. Determine the input power and torque developed for a armature
current of 250A, if the synchronous reactance is 5Ω/phase and armature resistance is negligible
(EEE 31611)
MEC 31611
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper VI: Material Science and Metallurgy
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
6. (a) Draw the Iron — Iron Carbide diagram and label the temperatures, compositions and phases.
(b) Explain the experimental procedure to construct TTT diagrams with the help of suitable diagrams.
7. (a) Explain different carburizing methods with suitable sketches.
(b) What is hardenability? Explain how hardenability of steels can be determined.
8. (a) What are the various strengthening mechanisms? Explain any two methods in detail.
(b) What is precipitation hardening? What are the condtions under which the alloy becomes amenable to this
type of heat treatment? State two commercial alloys which can be precipitation hardened.
9. (a) What are composite materials? What unique properties they have over conventional materials?
(b) Explain different types of fibers used in composites with their merits and demerits.
10. (a) What is powder metallurgy? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of powder metallurgy technique
over the other methods of fabrication.
(b) Describe the injection molding process for thermoplastics.
11. (a) What are different types of stainless steels? Explain the properties and applications of these steels.
(b) What are nanomaterials? Why nanomaterials are gaining more importance now a days in various fields of
human life.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Fourth Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper VI: Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Note: Answer PART-A and one question from each unit of PART-B
PART-A (1 x 10 = 10)
1. Answer the following
a) Give the difference between refrigeration and heat pump.
b) Mention the application of NH3.
c) What is the object of undercooling?
d) How the loss due to throttling is reduced in a multistage system?
e) Write the two main thermodynamic requirements of the gas mixture.
f) Write four ideal properties of absorbent refrigerant.
g) Write working principle of steam jet refrigeration.
h) What do you understand by the term Psychometry?
i) Define degree of saturation.
j) Explain the term adiabatic saturation temperature.
PART-B (5 x 12 = 60)
3. a) Derive the expression for COP of Carnot refrigeration cycle. How the value of COP of a Carnot
refrigeration cycle varies with higher and lower temperatures.
b) What are the desirable properties of an ideal refrigerant?
4. a) Explain the effect of the superheating and subcooling in the vapour compression refrigeration system with
the help of P-H and T-S chart.
b) Describe with neat sketch the working of Shell and coil condenser.
5. a) A R- 12 vapour compression refrigeration system has a condensing temperature of 50°C. The refrigeration
capacity is 7 tons. The liquid leaving the condenser is saturated liquid and compression is isentropic.
Determine (i) Refrigerant flow rate (ii) Power required to run the compressor (iii) COP of the system.
Take enthalpy at the end of isentropic compression = 210 KJ/Kg
Take following properties of R-l2
Enthalpy (KJ/Kg)
Temperature (°C)
Liquid Vapour
50 84.868 206.968
0 36.022 187.397
b) Explain in brief the four parameters for the selection of compressor used in domestic refrigerator.
6. a) Explain working of Li-Br vapour absorption refrigeration system with neat sketch.
b) In an ammonia absorption system with an analyser but without a dephlegmator the following data are
given. Condenser pressure 20.3 bar, evaporator pressure 2.1 bar, generator temperature 156°C and
absorber temperature 40°C. Determine per unit mass of the vapour distilled specific solution circulation
7. a) Explain construction, working, advantages and disadvantages of Thermostatic Expansion valve with neat
b) Distinguish four points between vapour compression refrigeration system and vapour absorption
refrigeration system
8. a) Explain Steam jet refrigeration system with neat system diagram and T-S or P-H diagram.
b) Write the application of steam jet refrigeration.
9. a) Draw a neat labelled sketch and explain working principle of vortex tube refrigeration.
b) Explain the working of thermo electric refrigerator.
10. a) Explain briefly the different types of heat loads which are to be taken into account to estimate the total heat
load of a large restaurant for summer air conditioning.
b) Give four industrial applications of air conditioning system
11. a) Dry air at 10°C and 10.4 bar flows at the rate of 0.14 kg/s into a 4cm diameter duct. Water at 10°C is
sprayed into the duct, and heat is then supplied to the mixture so that it leaves the duct as air and dry
saturated steam at 64 °C. Determine water consumption in kg/s and heat required per second neglect
kinetic energy change.
b) Write the design procedure for air conditioning systems.
CE 32610
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Civil Engineering
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper VI: Geo-Technical Engineering-II
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer Question No.1 is Compulsory. (7 x 2 =14)
Answer ONE question from each Unit. (4 x 14=56)
1. Answer the following
a. Sketch a split-spoon sampler.
b. What is the coefficient of subgrade reaction?
c. What are the assumptions made in Terzaghi’s analysis of bearing capacity of a continuous footing?
d. What is the basis for design of strap footings?
e. What are the various methods used for determining the capacity of (i) a driven pile and (ii) a cast-in-situ pile?
f. What is ‘Grip Length’ of well?
g. Distinguish between ‘active’ and ‘passive’ earth pressure.
2. a. Explain in detail about penetrometer test.
b. A 9 metre high retaining wall retains a soil with the following properties: = 36°; = 18 kN/m3. What
will be the increase in horizontal thrust if the soil slopes up from the top of the wall at an angle of 36° to the
horizontal than when it has a horizontal surface?
3. a. Explain in detail Geophysical exploration using seismic refraction (with neat sketch).
b. A masonry retaining wall of trapezoidal section with the vertical face on the earth side is 1.5 m wide at the
top and 3.5 m wide at the base and is 5.0 m high. It retains a sand fill sloping at 2 horizontal to 1 vertical.
The unit weight of sand is 18 kN/m2 and = =30°. Find the maximum and minimum pressure at the base
of the wall assuming the unit weight of masonry as 23 kN/m3.
4. a. An embankment is inclined at an angle of 35° and its height is 15 m. The angle of shearing resistance is
15° and the cohesion intercept is 200 kN/m2. The unit weight of soil is 18.0 kN/m3. If Taylor’s stability
number is 0.06, find the factor of safety with respect to cohesion.
b. Critically discuss the basic assumptions made in the stability analysis of slopes.
5. a. What are the general requirements of foundation location?
b. Write critical notes on the friction circle method of analysing the stability of slopes.
6. a. Explain the effect of ground water table on the safe bearing capacity.
b. Describe the procedure of determining the safe bearing capacity based on the standard penetration test.
7. a. A clay layer 25 metres thick has a saturated unit weight of 19.2 kN/m2. Ground water level occurs at a
depth of 5 metres. It is proposed to construct a reinforced concrete foundation, 12.5 m x 50 m, on top of the
layer, to transmit a uniform pressure of 150 kN/m2 . Determine the settlement at its centre, assuming that
the void ratio drops from 0.725 to 0.700 due to loading. E for the clay is 30 MN/m2 ?
b. How does the construction period affect the time-rate of settlement of a structure? What is the ‘effective
loading period’?
8. a. A footing 3.5m2 is located 2m below the surface of a uniform soil deposit of density 20kN/m3. The void
ratio of the soil is 0.8 and its compression index is 0.08. If the total thickness of the deposit, which is
underlain by rock strata is 5 m, compute the primary consolidation settlement of the footing when it carries
a load of 500 kN.
b. Discuss the construction aspects of Well Foundations. What are ‘Tilts and Shifts’? What are the remedial
measures to control these?
9. a. A square pile group of 9 piles of 25 cm diameter is arranged with a pile spacing of 1 m. The length of the
piles is 9 m. Unit cohesion of the clay is 75 kN/m2. Neglecting bearing at the tip of the piles determine the
group capacity. Assume adhesion factor of 0.75.
b. Explain in detail about the different alternative foundation practices in swelling soils.
CS/IT 32610
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper VI: Operation Research
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
1 (a) What is degeneracy in Linear Programming Problem and how to resolve it?
(b) Write two O R definitions,
(c) Define infeasible and Alternative solutions
(d) Explain Vogel’s Approximation Method
(e) Define Linear Programming Problem formulation of a Transportation Problem
(f) Define Pure and Mixed Strategies
(g) Define Dominance property
(h) Define graphical method of 2 x n games
(i) Explain EOQ
(j) Define ABC Analysis
(k) Explain computational procedure in Dynamic Programming Problem
(l) Define rules of drawing network diagram
(m) Define errors in network
(n) Explain the application to Queuing problem
2 (a) Explain Two phase methods
(b) Use graphical method to solve the following Linear Programming Problem
Maximum Z = 6x1 + x2
Subject to the Constraints: 2x1 + x2 ≥ 3, x1- x2 ≥ 0 and x1, x2 ≥ 0
(c) Use Two Phase method to solve
Minimum Z = x1+ x2
Subject to the constraints : 2x1+ x2 ≥ 4, x1 + 7x2 ≥ 7, x1, x2 ≥ 0
3 (a) Find the optimal solution of the given (b) Solve the following game
Transportation Problem (Use VAM for IBFS)
To Player B
A B C Supply 1 2 3 4 5
Player A
I 6 8 4 14 1 2 4 3 8 4
II 4 9 8 12 2 5 6 3 7 8
III 1 2 6 5 3 6 7 9 8 7
Demand 6 10 15 4 4 2 8 4 3
4 (a) Explain about EOQ models with suitable examples
(b) Solve the following Linear Programming Problem by applying Dynamic Programming Problem
Maximum Z = 2x1 + 4x2
Subject to the constraints: 2x1 + 3x2 ≤48, x1 + 3x2 ≤ 42, x1 + x2 ≤ 21, x1, x2 ≥ 0
5 (a) Draw the network diagram from the following activities and find critical path and total float of activities
Job A B C D E F G H I J K
Time (days) 13 8 10 9 11 10 8 6 7 14 18
Immediate Predecessor - A B C B E D,F E H G,I J
(b) Discuss simulation techniques with suitable examples. What are their advantages and disadvantages?
EC 32610
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electronics and Communications Engineering
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper VI: Communication Systems
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. a) Draw and explain the basic operation of FM radio transmitters.
b) Explain the principle operation of superheterodyne receiver.
c) Explain about i) AGC ii) tone & volume controls.
d) Write the various characteristics of receivers and their measurements.
3. a) Explain about two stage and three stage networks.
b) How are the switching systems classified? In what way is stored program control superior to hard-wired
c) Explain in detail about time space time switches.
d) Discuss about electronic space division switching and bring out its salient features along with necessary
block diagram.
4. a) Explain the block diagram how the video signal is modulated and sketch the output of this modulator?
b) Sketch and explain block diagram of broadcast TV receiver.
c) Explain in detail about generation of composite video signal.
d) Explain the operation of plumbicon.
5. a) Draw the structure and explain the raster scanning in a color picture tube.
b) Explain about PLA system.
c) Write a short note on digital TV & DTH.
d) Draw and explain basic operation of cable television.
EE 32610
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper VI: Electrical Measurements
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2 a) Describe the construction and working of PMMC instrument. Derive the equation for deflection if the
instrument is spring controlled.
b) The inductance of moving ion ammeter is given by = (0.01+C )2 mH. Where is the deflection from
zero position in degrees. The angular deflection of the instrument corresponding to 1.5 and 2A
respectively 900 and 120°.find the value of C.
3 a) Describe the construction details and working of single phase electro dynamo meter type power facto
meter. Prove that the special displacement of moving system is equal to phase angle of the system
b) A balanced load is supplied from a 3-phase, 400V, 3-wire system whose power is measured by two watt
meters. If the total power supplied is 26 kW at 0.75 power factor lagging, find the readings of the each of
the two watt meters
4 a) A 1000/5A, 50c/s current transformer has a secondary burden corresponding a nonreactive resistance of
1.60Ω. The primary winding has 1 turn. Calculate the flux with care, current ratio error on full load. The
iron loss in the core is 1.5W at full load. Neglect leakage reactance
b) Describe any two methods of testing of potential transformers.
5 a) In an Anderson Bridge for the measurement of inductance of arm AB, consists of an unknown impedance
having inductance L and resistance R. The arm BC, CD and DA consists of resistance having values
800Ω, 600Ω and 600Ω respectively. A resistance of 400Ω and a capacitance of 1µF are connected
respectively to the arm DE and BE. An ac supply of 100Hzs is applied between the terminal A and C and
a diameter is connected between the terminals B and E. The detector indicates null under the above
condition. Deduce the condition of balance and hence find out the values of R ad L connected to The arm.
b) Draw the circuit of Kelvin’s double bridge. Deduce the Balanced condition
6 a) Describe the function of shunted flux meter. Prove that the deflection of shunted flux meter is independent
of resistance of coil
b) Explain the working principle of Ballistic galvanometer.
9 a) Define the gauge factor of a resistance strain gauge and obtain the expression for the same in terms of
other constants
b) Discuss the relative merits and demerits of thermistors in comparison with wire wound resistance coils
(EE 32610)
ME 32610
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper VI: Manufacturing Engineering
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. a) What are fundamentals for design of Jigs and Fixtures?
b) Explain different types of grinding fixtures?
3. a) Explain at least three methods of Gear manufacturing?
b) What are the major elements to be measured for a thread and how are they measured?
4. a) Explain the principle and working of ECM process with neat sketch?
b) Write applications of EDM process?
5. a) Explain the principle and working of EBM process with neat sketch?
b) Write applications of LBM process?
6. a) Explain the commonly used bending methods with diagrams?
b) What are the important considerations in Drawing die design?
7. a) Explain major components of press?
b) Explain the principle of operation of Combination die with neat sketch?
8. Explain about CMM construction, operation and programming?
9. Explain the principle of machine vision system with applications?
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Civil Engineering
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper VI: Geotechnical Engineering-II
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer Question No.1 Compulsorily (10 x 1 = 10)
Answer ONE question from each unit (12 X 5 = 60)
1. (a) What are the corrections are to be applied in standard penetration test?
(b) What are the different methods for improving bearing capacity?
(c) What are the forces acting on a well? (d) What is punching shear failure?
(e) What is the stability number? (f) Define undisturbed sample?
(g) What is the negative skin friction of a pile? (h) Write the equation for consolidation settlement?
(i) For which type of soils vane shear test is ideal? (j) What is Taylor's stability number?
2. (a) Describe one penetration test. How the other tests differ from standard penetration tests?
(b) Explain westergaards theory for the determination of the vertical stress at a point. How it is different from
Boussinessq's solution?
3. (a) Distinguish between coulombs theory and Rankines theory of earth pressures?
(b) An excavation was made in saturated, soft clay (Φu = 0) with its sides more or less vertical. When the depth
of excavation reached 6m, the sides caved in. What was the approximate value of cohesion of the clay soil.
Take unit weight of clay = 20kN/m3.
4. (a) Discuss the different types of slope failures?
(b) What are the design considerations taken while designing the retaining wall and explain?
5. (a) Write about c - Φ analysis ?
(b) An infinite slope is made of clay with the following properties: γt = 18kN/m3 ; γ' = 9kN/m3 ; c' = 25kN/m2 ;
Φ' = 280 . If the slope has an inclination of 350 and height equal to 12 m. Determine the stability of slope
when i) the slope is submerged ii) there is seepage parallel to the slope
6. (a) What are the different types of shallow foundations with neat sketches and explain their applications?
(b) Briefly describe various factors affecting bearing capacity of a soil.
7. (a)Write a note on methods of improving bearing capacity of soils
(b) A retaining wall of 7.5 m height is supporting a back fill composed of two layers. Top layer is 3 m thick
below the ground surface and has γ = 18,5 KN/m3 and Φ=280. The next layer has γ=19.5 KN/m3 and
Φ=360. Compute the total active thrust and its point of application for the retaining wall.
8. (a) What are the types of settlements of shallow foundations?
(b) What are the methods to reduce differential settlements?
9. (a) Explain the necessity of pile foundation and also write a note on different types of piles?
(b) Write a brief note on group action of piles?
10. Explain i) what are the various components of well foundation? and ii) With neat sketches, what are different
shapes of wells.
11. In a 16 pile group, the pile diameter is 0.3 m and center to centre spacing of piles in a savare group is 1.0
m. If Cu = 50 KN/m2 , determine whether the failure will occur as block failure or when the piles act
individually. Neglect the end bearing at the tip of pile. All piles are 12 m long. Take α=0.7 for shear
mobilization around each pile. Also determine the safe load on this group?
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper VI: Computer Graphics and Visualization
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer the following questions: (10x1=10M)
(a) Animation
(b) Z-Buffer
(c) Hermite Curves and surfaces
(d) Workstation
(e) Purpose of cohen-sutherland algorithm.
(f) Viewing
(g) Zooming
(h) Windowing.
(i) List of the Polygon filling algorithms
(j) Clipping
2. a) Explain in detail about DDA Scan Conversion line generation algorithm.
b) What are the properties of ellipses? Describe in detail about midpoint ellipse algorithm.
c) Explain in detail about Bresenham’s line generation algorithm.
d) Explain in detail about the Midpoint circle generation algorithm.
3. a) Explain about rotation and translation geometric transforms.
b) Explain about scan line polygon fill algorithm?
c) Write about flood-fill algorithm and explain with an example.
d) Derive Transformation matrix for translation rotation & scaling operations in 2D
4. a) Describe about Cohen-Sutherland line clipping algorithm in detail.
b) Explain about 2D viewing functions..
c) Explain about CYRUS-BECK algorithm with example.
5. a) Discuss about translation in 3-D transformations.
b) Discuss in detail about BEZIER curves and discuss about design techniques using BEZIER curves.
c) Describe about interpolation and approximations plines in detail.
d) Elucidate in detail about polygon and quadratic surfaces.
6. a) Explain in detail about back face detection method.
b) Explain about area subdivision and octree methods for surface detection in detail.
c) Describe about general computer animation functions in detail.
d) Describe about simulating acceleration for key frames in detail.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper VI: Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
I. Answer all questions (1 x 10 = 10M)
a) What are the program visible registers?
b) Give any two differences between an intersegment and intrasegment jump.
c) Define assembler list file.
d) What is an interrupt?
e) What is the purpose of 8086 DEN signals?
f) Why DMA data transfer is faster than doing the same data transfer with program instructions?
g) What is the logical operations of RLC and swap A?
h) What are the different types of data transfers in 8051?
i) RS232 stands for.
j) Define DA and ANL.
2. (a) Explain the internal architecture of 8086 with a neat block diagram?
(b) Explain the memory segment of 8086?
(c) What are assembler directives? Explain briefly with an examples.
(d) Explain branch addressing modes of 8086.
3. (a) Explain briefly language program development tools.
(b) With the help of an example explain WHILE – DO and REPEAT – UNTIL implementations in 8086.
(c) Write an Assemble language program to convert a BCD number to Binary number by using 8086.
(d) Explain about the 8086 minimum mode operations and timing wave forms.
4. (a) Explain how an 8086 is connected with a controller device for operation in it’s maximum mode.
(b) Write a program to generate a square wave with delay of 4 secs.
(c) What is DMA date transfer? Explain its implementation using programmable DMA controller in a
(d) Explain the operation of an 8259A priority interrupt controller and it’s connection with the microprocessor.
5. (a) Draw the pin diagram of 8051. Explain briefly.
(b) List out different instruction set of 8051with examples.
(c) Explain the serial communication data transfer of 8051.
(d) Explain memory organization and I/O ports.
6. (a) Write a Assemble language program to find the sum of BCD numbers. The result must be in BCD.
(b) Explain an interrupt and interrupt responses of 8051.
(c) Write a program to run a stepper motor in different directions by using 8051.
(d) Write a program on timer / counter.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper VI: Professional Ethics and Human Values
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
All questions are compulsory.
1. All questions carry equal marks. (10 x 1=10M)
4. Discuss any three types of inquiries, giving an example each.
5. Explain the Kohlberg’s theory in detail.
6. Explain Codes of Ethics in detail.
7. Explain Balanced Outlook on Law-the challenger case Study.
8. What are the essential elements of IPR? Explain IPR
9. Explain the Risk Benefit Analysis?
10. What are the issues in Computer ethics? Explain them.
11. What are the issues in Computer ethics? Give the IEEE Code of Ethics?
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper VI: Basic Electronics & Micro Processors
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
1. Answer all questions (1 x 10 = 10M)
a) Write the application of P-N junction diode.
b) What are the various regions of transistor?
c) Define Bark hausen criteria for oscillators.
d) What are the ideal characteristics of an op-amp?
e) Convert (0.6875)10 into octal.
f) Solve for X : (90925)10 = (X)9
g) What is the difference between combinational and sequential circuits?
h) Write the characteristic equation for J-K Flip Flop.
i) Give the flag structure of 8086 microprocessor.
j) Write the differences between 8085 and 8086 microprocessors.
2. (a) Explain the V –I characteristics of P-N junction diode.
(b) Explain the operation of full wave bridge rectifier with neat diagram
(c) Draw the circuit diagram of CE amplifier and explain the operation with the help of input and output
characteristics (8M)
(d) Compare JFET with BJT (4M)
3. (a) Explain the operation of instrumentation amplifier with the help of neat diagram.
(b) Explain the operation of comparator using op-amps.
(c) Explain the operation of integrator and differentiator using operational amplifiers.
4. (a) Reduce the following function using K - Map
F(A,B,C,D) = ∑m(0,3,4,7,8,10,12,14) + d(2,6)
(b) Convert the following binary and then to BCD code
( i) (1248)10 ( ii ) (370)8 (iii) (F8)16
(c) List out various logic gates. Explain them with their truth tables.
(d) Convert the following decimal numbers to EXCESS – 3 code
( i) 46 ( ii ) 327.89 (iii) 20.305
5. (a) Define multiplexer. Design eight input multiplexer. (8M)
(b) Explain the operation of half adder with the help of logic diagram and truth table. (4M)
(c) With neat diagram explain the operation of master slave JK flip flop. How the race around condition is
6. (a) Explain the addressing modes of 8086 microprocessor each with an example.
(b) Draw the architecture of intel 8086 and explain function of each block.
CIV 31711
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Civil Engineering
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper VII: Geotechnical Engineering-I
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer Question No.1 is Compulsory. (7 x 2 =14)
Answer ONE questions from each Unit. (4 x 14=56)
8. a. A footing 3.5m2 is located 2m below the surface of a uniform soil deposit of density 20kN/m3. The void
ratio of the soil is 0.8 and its compression index is 0.08. If the total thickness of the deposit, which is
underlain by rock strata is 5 m, compute the primary consolidation settlement of the footing when it carries
a load of 500 kN.
b. Differentiate between unconsolidated undrained test and a drained test. Under what conditions are these
test results used for design purposes?
9. a. Explain the basic differences between box shear test and tn-axial shear test of a soil.
b. Explain various factors affecting shear strength of sands.
(CIV 31711)
ECE 31711
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electronics and Communications Engineering
Third Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper VII: OOPS and OS
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Question No.1 is Compulsory.
PART-A (10 x 1 = 10 marks)
1. (a) Polymorphism
(b) Cascading of I/O operators
(c) Multiple Inheritance
(d) ‘try’ statement in C++
(e) Destructor
(f) DMA
(g) Asymmetric Multiprocessing
(h) Starvation
(i) Best Fit method in external fragmentation
(j) TLBs
PART-B (5 x 12 = 60 marks)
Answer ALL questions.
2. (a) What is meant by Procedure-oriented and Object-oriented programming? Write about their characteristics.
(b) Write about inline functions in C++.
(c) Write about Symbolic constants, Dynamic initialization of variables, and Reference variables.
(d) Define ‘friend function’ and ‘friend class’. Write a program having a friend function that is friendly to two
3. (a) What are the two ways to define member functions of a class? Write a program that uses nesting of
member functions.
(b) Explain Single Inheritance with Public derivation through a program.
(c) Write a program which uses pointers to access members and member functions of a class.
(d) What is a Constructor? What are its characteristics? What are multiple constructors?
4. (a) Write about I/O structure.
(b) What are System calls? Write about their categories.
(c) Write about Inter-process communication.
(d) Explain (i) Multithreading models and (ii) Benefits of threads.
5. (a) Discuss SJF scheduling algorithm (both Preemptive and Non-preemptive) by taking necessary data and
show average waiting times in both the cases.
(b) What is Multilevel Queue scheduling?
(c) Discuss Multiprocessor scheduling.
6. (a) Write about Swapping of processes with necessary diagrams.
(b) How do you allocate Pages to free frames? Explain.
(c) What are Shared pages? Explain with an example.
(d) Write about Segmentation with Paging.
CE 32710
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Civil Engineering
Third Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper VII: Environmental Engineering-II
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. Write a detail note on :
(a) Determine the quantity of sanitary sewage and storm water sewage
(b) Explain (i) Flushing tanks (ii) Inverted syphons
3. (a) Briefly discuss the different types of sewers and write a note on construction and design of sewers
4. (a) Briefly explain Carbon and Nitrogen cycles of decomposition
5. (a) Explain the septic tank design with neat sketch
(b) Briefly discus about the septic tank effluent disposal
6. (a) What are the basic differences between activated sludge process and trickling filters? Explain briefly with
7. (a) Discuss (i) Disposal by dilution (ii) Disposal by Irrigation (iii) Reuse of treated sewage
8. (a) Write the different stages of sludge digestion and factors effecting sludge Digestion.
(b) Discus about the sludge conditioning and sludge thickning
9. (a) How one can minimize the solid waste in the daily?
(b) Write an account on Land filling
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Second Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper I: Mathematics-III
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer Question No.1 Compulsorily. (14x1=14)
Answer ONE question from each unit. All questions carry equal marks. (4x14=56)
1. a) Solve √ + =1
b) Write the complementary function of r-7s+6t=ex+y
c) Find the order of the partial differential equation obtained by eliminating f from Z=f(x2+y2)
d) Find the particular integral of (D2-D12)Z=Cos(x+y)
e) Find Γ(3.5)
f) Write the relation between Beta ad Gamma functions
g) State convolution theorem for Fourier Transform
h) State modulation theorem of Fourier Transform
i) Define Shift operator E
j) Evaluate Δtan-1 x
k) State Newton’s backward interpolation formula.
l) State Weddle’s rule.
m) Explain Euler’s method
n) Write the standard 5-point formula for a square mesh.
2. a) Find the partial differential equation of all planes which are at a constant distance ‘a’ from the origin.
b) Solve x2(y-z)P+y2(z-x)q=z2(x-y)
3. a) Solve (x+y)(p+q)2+(x-y)(p-q)2=1
b) Solve + −6 =
(ℓ) ( ) ℓ
4. a) Prove that ∬ = ℎ where D is the domain x≥0, y≥0 and x+y≤ ℎ
(ℓ )
b) Using Parsaval’s identity, prove that ∫ = .
( )
5. a) Express ∫ in terms of elliptic integral
,| | <
b) Find the Fourier transform of f(x)=
0, | | >
6. a) Find a root of the equation +4 = 0 using Newton Raphson method, correct to three decimal places.
b) Using Gauss backward difference formula, find y(8) from the following table.
x 0 5 10 15 20 25
y 7 11 14 18 24 32
7. a) Apply Lagrange’s formula inversely to obtain a root of the equation f(x)=0, given that f(30)=-30, f(34)=-13,
f(38)=3 ad f(42)=18.
b) Solve yn+3+yn=n2+1, y0=y1=y2=0
8. a) Evaluate ∫ using Simpson’s y3rd rule.
b) Find an approximate value of y when x=0.1, if = − and y=1 at x=0 using Picard’s method.
9. a) Using Runge-Kutta method of order 4, find y(0.2) for the equation = , y(0)=1. Take h=0.2
b) Solve the Poisson equation uxx+uyy=-81xy, 0<x<1, 0<y<1 given that u(0,y)=0, 4(x,0)=0, u(1,y)=100
u(x,1)=100 ad h=1/3.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
First Year (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper I: Mathematics-I
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
First Year - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper I: Mathematics-I
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Second Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper I: Mathematics-III
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. a) Obtain the Fourier series for f(x)=e-x in the interval (0, 2⋀)
b) Expand f(x)=e-x as a Fourier series in the interval (− , )
4. a) Find the Fourier transform of , < 0. Hence deduce that is self reciprocal in respect of
Fourier Transform.
b) Using Parseval’s identities, show that ∫ = .
( )
,| |
5. a) Find the Fourier transform of f(x)= . Hence evaluate ∫
,| |
,| | /
b) Find the Fourier transform of f(x)= . Hence evaluate ∫
,| | /
x 20 25 30 35 40 45
f(x) 354 332 291 260 231 204
x 20 30 40 50
f(x) 512 439 346 243
7. a) Find the polynomial f(x) by using Lagrange’s formula and hence find f(3) for
x 0 1 2 5
f(x) 2 3 12 147
b) Given that
x 4.0 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5.0 5.2
logx 1.3863 1.4351 1.4816 1.5261 1.5686 1.6094 1.6487
Evaluate ∫ by Weddle’s rule.
8. a) Using Euler’s method solve for y at x=0.1 from = + + , (0) = 1, taking step size h=0.025
b) Using Runge-Kutta method of fourth order, solve for y at x=1.2, from = given = 1, =0
9. a) Solve the partial differential equation ∨ = −10( + + 10) over the square with sides x=0=y,
x=3=y with u=0 on the boundary and mesh length=1.
CS/IT 22110
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology
Second Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper I: Probability & Statistics
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
1 (a) Write the probability density function of Gamma distribution
(b) Define Continuous random variable
(c) Define continuous joint distribution
(d) Explain sampling distribution of the variance
(e) Define Interval estimation
(f) Define Alternative Hypothesis
(g) Explain Goodness of fit
(h) Write the normal uqu lions for second degree parabola
(i) Define multiple regression
(j) Explain sampling distribution of the variance
(k) Draw ANOVA table fo two way classification
(l) Explain quality improvement programme
(m) Explain acceptance sampling
(n) Define Simulation
2 (a) Explain the chief characteristics of Normal Probability Curve
(b) Suppose that the service life, in years, of a bearing acid battery is a random variable having a Weibull
distribution with a = 1/2 and f3 = 2.
(i) How long can such a battery be expected to last
(ii) What is the probability that such a battery will still be operating after 2 years
(iii) Derive the mean und variance of the Weibull distribution
3 (a) Explain the test of significance of single mean and difference of means
(b) The means of two single large samples of 1000 and 2000 members are 67.5 inches and 68.0 inches
respectively. Can the samples be regarded as drawn from the same population of standard deviation 2.5
inches (test at 5% level of significance)
(c) A random sample of 500 apples was taken from a large consignment and 60 were found to be bad. Obtain
the 98% confidence limits for the percentage of bad apples in the consignment.
(d) A die is thrown 60 times with the following results
Face : 1 2 3 4 5 6
Frequency: 8 7 12 8 14 11
Test at 5% level of significance if the die is unbiased, assuming that p(x> 11.1 ) = 0.05 with 5 degree of
4 (a) Obtain the equations of two lines of regression for the following data. Also obtain the estimate of X for
X: 65 66 67 67 68 69 70 72
Y: 67 68 65 68 72 72 69 71
(b) Fit an exponential curve of the form Y = abx to the following data
X: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Y: 1.0 1.2 1.8 2.5 3.6 4.7 6.6 9.1
(c) Three varieties of Coal were analyzed by four Chemists and the ash content in the varieties was formed to
be as followed.
Varieties Chemist
1 2 3 4
A 8 5 5 7
B 7 6 4 4
C 3 6 5 4
Do the varieties differ significantly in their ash content
(CS/IT 22110)
EC/EE 22110
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electrical and Electronics Engineering/Electronics and Communications Engineering
Second Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper I: Mathematics - IV
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
(EC/EE 22110)
ME 22110
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Second Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper I: Engineering Mathematics-IV
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
(ME 22110)
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Civil Engineering
Second Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper I: Concrete Technology
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. a) What are the ingredients of Portland cement? Describe briefly the function of each ingredients in OPC.
b) Explain the method of determining initial setting time of given cement sample.
3. a) Write about i) Sulphate resisting cement ii) Slag cement iii) Rapid hardening cement
b) Write the uses of cement.
4. a) Describe the grading zones of five aggregate as mentioned in Indian standard specifications. Explain in
what way the different grades of sand affect the properties of cement motor?
b) What are the uses of sea water for mixing concrete?
5. a) Explain the difference between super plasticizers and retarding plasticizers.
b) Discuss the effect of silica fume as mineral admixture on strength and workability of concrete.
6. a) Define Workability. What are the factors affecting workability?
b) Explain in detail about water-cement ratio and gel/space ratio.
7. a) Explain i) compression test ii) cylinder splitting tension test iii) flexural strength of concrete
8. a) Discuss various factors affecting creep and shrinkage of concrete.
b) Define durability and its significance in concrete.
9. a) Design a mix of M30 grade of concrete by using standard properties of all the ingredients.
Maximum size of aggregate 20mm (angular)
Degree of workability 0.85 (c.f)
Degree of quality control Fair
Degree of exposure Severe
Specific gravity of cement 3.15
Specific gravity of CA 2.67
Specific gravity of FA 2.60
Sand uniforming to zone-II. Assume any missing data.
10. a) Explain in brief i) Ferro-cement ii) Light-weight concrete
b) Write a note on i) Self compacting concrete ii) No-fines concrete
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology
Second Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper I: Probability & Statistics
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
1. a) Define Standard Normal variate.
b) Define uniform distribution
c) Define population.
d) Define alternative hypothesis.
e) Write the test of null hypothesis for single mean.
f) Define Anova.
g) Define error sum of squares.
h) Write the model equation for CRD.
i) Define statistical quality control.
j) Define reliability.
2. a) f(x) = kx2 0<x<1
= 0 elsewhere
find the value ‘k’ and the probability that the r.v. takes on a value a) between ¼ and ¾ b) greater than 2/3
b) f(x) = 0 for x ≤ 0
= kxe-4x2 for >0 find ‘k’ so that the following can serve as the probability density of a random variable.
3. a) Define mean and mode of normal distribution.
b) Verify that i) Z0.005 = 2.575 ii) Z0.025 = 1.96
4. a) Find the values of F0.95 for V1=12 and V2=15 degrees of freedom.
b) Explain sampling distribution.
5. a) An industrial engineer intends to use the mean of a random sample of size n=150 to estimate the average
mechanical aptitude of assembly line workers in a large industry. If on the basis of experience, the engineer
can assume that =6.2 for such data, what can he assert with probability 0.99 about the maximum size at his
b) Explain point estimation and interval estimation.
6. a) Explain hypothesis concerning one proportion.
b) Explain goodness of fit.
7. Explain analysis of r x c tables.
8. Explain completely randomized design.
9. Explain randomized block design.
10. Explain quality control charts for attributes.
11. Explain exponential model in reliability and in life testing.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electronics and Communications Engineering/Electrical and Electronics Engineering/Mechanical
Second Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper I: Mathematics - IV
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer Question No.1 compulsoriliy. (10x1=10)
Answer ONE question from each unit (5x12=60)
1. a) Find L(cosn2t) b) State convolution theorem for Laplace transforms.
c) Define entire function. d) State Cauchy integral formula.
e) State C-R equations. f) State Rodrigue’s formula.
g) State residue theorem. h) Define essential singularity.
i) Solve xy11-3y1+xy=0 in terms of Bessel functions.
j) Locate the singularities of the function Sin(1/2) and determine their type.
2. a) Find the Laplace transform of i) e2tcos2t ii) Sin2tSin3t
b) Find the inverse transform of ( )( )
c) Find the inverse Z-transform of ( ) ( )
3. a) Determine P such that the function f(z)=1/2loge( + )+itan-1(Px/y) be an analytic function.
b) Find the analytic function whose imaginary part is
c) Find the orthogonal trajectories of the family of curves x4+y4-6 =constant.
d) Show that f(z)=xy+iy is everywhere continuous but not analytic.
4. a) Evaluate ∮ where ‘C’ is |Z|=1
( )
5. a) Evaluate ∮ ; where C:|Z|=2
( )( )
6. a) Express f(x)=x3-5x2+6x+1 in terms of Legendre Polynomial.
b) Show that [ ∩ ( )] = − ( )
c) Express J5(x) in terms of J0(x) and J1(x)
d) Prove that (2n+1)(1-x2)Pn1(x) = n(n+1)[ ( )− ( )]
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
First Year - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper II: Mathematics-II
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology
Second Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper II: Circuit Theory
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. a) Determine the current I in the circuit by using loop analysis in figure(1).
3. a) Find the power delivered by 4V source using mesh analysis and voltage across the 2Ω resistor in figure (2).
4. Find the Thevenin equivalent of the network of figure(3).
5. Find the current i(+) in the circuit shown in figure (4)
6. Determine Z and Y parameters of the network shown in figure (5).
7. For a series RLC circuit with R=100Ω, L=0.5H and C=0.4µF
(i) Find the resonant frequency fr.
(ii) Half power frequencies and band width.
(iii) Q-value of the circuit.
8. a) Write short notes on i) initial and final value theorems (ii) application of Laplace transform in network
b) Find Laplace transform of F(s)= ( )
9. For the circuit given in figure (6). Find the transient current and also find the voltage drop across resistor and
capacitor when switch S is closed at t=0
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Second Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper II: Mechanics of Materials-I
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer First Question Compulsory (7x2=14)
Answer ONE question from each unit (14x4=56)
1. Explain briefly on the following:
a) Volumetric strain b) Thermal stress c) Principal Plane.
d) Define Factor of safety e) Strain energy due to torsion
f) What do you mean by bending moment diagram?
g) State the relationship between Young’s Modulus and Modulus of Rigidity
2. A cast iron flat 300 mm long and 30 mm (thickness) x 60 mm (width) uniform cross section, is acted upon
by the following forces: 30 kN tensile in the direction of the length 360 kN compression in the direction of
the width 240 kN tensile in the direction of the thickness. Calculate the direct strain, net strain in each
direction and change in volume of the flat. Assume the modulus of elasticity and Poisson’s ratio for cast
iron as 140 kN/mm2 and 0.25 respectively.
3. Two vertical rods one of steel and other of copper are each rigidly fixed at the top and 600 mm apart.
Diameters and lengths of the rods are 25 mm and 5 m respectively. A cross bar fixed to the rods at the
lower end carries a load of 7 kN such that the cross bar remains horizontal even after loading. Find the
steps in each rod and the position of the load on the cross bar. Assume the modulus of elasticity for steel
and copper as 200 kN/mm2 and 100 kN/mm2 respectively.
4. a) What is statically indeterminate beam? Give two examples.
b) A beam of 4m length is simply supported at its ends. The beam is loaded by three point loads of 9kN, 2kN
and 9kN acting at a distance of im, 2m and 3m respectively from left hand support. The 2kN point load
tends to pull up the beam while 9kN load tend to push down, the beam. Determine the shear force and
bending moment diagram for the beam.
5. Determine the fixed-end moments (MA and MB) and
fixed-end forces (RA and RB) for a beam of length L
supporting a triangular load of maximum intensity qO
(see figure).
Then draw the shear-force and bending-moment
diagrams, labeling all critical ordinates.
6. A cast iron pipe 300 mm internal diameter, metal thickness 15 mm, is supported at two points 6m apart.
Find the maximum bending stress in the metal of the pipe when it is running full of water. Assume the
specific weight of cast iron and water as 72kN/m3 and l0kN/m3 respectively.
7. A Cantilever 1.5 m long carries a load of 2 tons at its free end, and another load 1 ton at a distance of 0.5 m
from the free end. Draw shear force and bending moment diagrams for the cantilever.
8. A beam of triangular cross section having base width of 100 mm and height of 150 mm is subjected to a
shear force of 15 KN. Find he value of maximum shear stress, and sketch the shear stress distribution
along the depth of beam.
9. A hollow cast iron strut 150 mm outer and 100 mm in diameter and 8m long, one end pin jointed and other
end is fixed, is subjected to an axial compressive load. Taking factor of safety as 5 and Rankine’s
constants 550 N/mm2 and 1/1600, calculate the safe load.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
First Year - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper II: Mathematics-II
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Civil Engineering
Second Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper II: Strength of Materials-I
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
1. (14x1=14)
a) Define saint venants principle.
b) Define Rupture strength.
c) Define longitudinal stress.
d) Define Hook’s law
e) What is meant by virtual hinge?
f) Define point of zero shear.
g) What is meant by neutral-axis?
h) Define ordinary bending.
i) What is meant by lever arm?
j) What is shear stress?
k) Shape of shear stress distribution for circle.
l) Define polar modulas.
m) Define toughness.
n) Define allocable stress.
2. a) Derive an derivation for elongation of truncated cone shaped bar.
b) Derive an expression for thermal stresses in bars of tapering section.
3. a) Determine total elongation for following figure E=205kN/m2.
b) The axially loaded bar AB as shown as C/S area A1 from A to C and 2A1 from C to B. What is the
displacement of of point D, where the load pacts. Find reactions at support A and B.
4. a) A cylindrical shell 2m long and 90CM internal diameter and 12MM metal thickness is subjected to an internal
pressure of 1.6N/mm2. Find a) max intensity of shear stress b) changes in the dimensions of shell, µ=0.3,
b) Prove that volumetric strain of thin cylindrical shell is −
5. a) A bar of 25mm diameter is subjected to a pull of 40kN. The measured extension on gauge length of 200mm is
0.085mm and change in diameter is 0.003mm. Calculate Poission’s ratio and values of three moduli.
b) Explain relation between E and C.
6. Draw S.F.D. and B.M.D. for following beam.
7. Draw S.F.D. and B.M.D. for following beam also draw axial thrust diagram.
8. A beam of triangular c/section with base ‘b’ and height ‘h’ is used with the base horizontal. Calculate the
intensity of maximum shear stress and plot the variation of shear stress intensity over the section.
9. For the following C/S of side length ‘b’ mm is used as cantilever, one diagonal being horizontal plot the shear
stress distribution diagram if it is subjected to a shear force of 8kN and if b=25mm.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology
Second Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper II: Discrete Mathematical Structures
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. a) Verify that the following argument is valid by translating into symbols and by using logic inference
If joe is a mathematician, then he is ambitious
If Joe is an early riser, then he does not like oat meal.
If Joe is ambitious, then he is an early riser.
Hence if Joe is a mathematician, then he does not like oat meal
3. a) How many license plates can be made using either 2 letters followed by the 4 digits or 2 digits followed by
4 letters
b) Find the transitive closure of
{(a,e),(b,a)(b,d)(c,d),(d,a), (d,c),(e,a), (e, b), (e,c), (e,e)}
c) How many ways can five person committee be formed each containing two women and three men from
set of 10 women and 12 men.
d) Find coefficient of x19 in(1+x+x2+x3)
2. a) Determine the current delivered by the source in the circuit below.
b) Find the power dissipated in the 6Ω resistor for the circuit below using nodal analysis.
3. a) State and explain maximum transfer theorem
5. a) Derive the expression for transient current in RC DC circuit.
b) Use step function to write the expression for the following function in fig.(b)
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Second Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper II: Strength of Materials-I
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer First Question Compulsory (7x2=14)
Answer ONE question from each unit (14x4=56)
4. A propped cantilever beam AB of length L carries a concentrated
load P acting at the position shown in the figure. Determine the
reactions RA, RB, and MA for this beam. Also, draw the shear-force
and bending- moment diagrams, labeling all critical ordinates.
5. Determine the fixed-end moments (MA and MB) and fixed-end forces (RA and RB) for a beam of length L
supporting a triangular load of maximum intensity q0 (see figure).
Then draw the shear-force and bending-moment diagrams, labeling all critical ordinates.
Unit —III
6. Derive an derivation for volumetric strain of a rectangular block subjected to normal stresses on three
mutually perpendicular planes.
7. A Cantilever 1.5 m long carries a load of 2 tons at its free end, and another load 1 ton at a distance of 0.5 m
from the free end. Draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams for the cantilever.
8. a) Derive the section module for (i) Rectangular section (ii) circular section.
b) Show that maximum shear stress in a beam of rectangle section is 1.5q average.
9. Explain and derive Mohr’s cycle of plane stress in detail.
CE/CS/IT/ME 22210
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Civil Engg./Computer Science/Information Tech./Mechanical Engg.
Second Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper II: Environmental Studies
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. (a) What is an Ecosystem? Write the concept and briefly discuss about the components of the Ecosystem.
(b) Write a brief note on Land resource and water resource?
3. Write about the types of resources and discuss about the current status of major resources.
4. (a) Write about Bio geographical classification in India.
(b) Write about the conservation of Bio diversity.
5. (a) Define Noise pollution and write the effects of Noise pollution on human health.
(b) Write an essay on Urban and industrial waste Management.
6. (a) What is Sustainable development and Discus its importance?
(b) Discuss (i) Ground water depletion (ii) Cloud Seeding
7. (a) Discus (i) Population growth and Environment
(ii) Environmental Impact Assessment
(iii) Thermal pollution
(iv) Global warming
8. Write short notes on: (i) Air (Prevention and Control) Act
(ii) Environmental Protection Act
9. Write short note on (i) Madhura refinery and Tajmahal
(ii) Silantvally project
(iii) Chipko movement
(iv) Chernobyl Nuclear disaster
EC/EE 22210
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electrical and Electronics Engineering/Electronics and Communications Engineering
Second Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper II: Data Structures using C
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer the following questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Explain 14
a) DLL
b) ADT
c) Complete binary tree
d) AVL tree
e) Max heap
f) B+ tree
g) Splaying
h) Open Addressing
i) Separate chaining
j) Infix expression
k) External Sort
l) Big Omega(Ω)
m) Dequeue
n) POP
2. a) Briefly explain about asymptotic notations O, Ω, ⊛
b) Explain the data representation methodologies.
3 a) Write a C program to join two Doubly Linked Lists in to a single Doubly Linked List
b) Discuss briefly about single linked list.
4 a) With a suitable example explain the conversion of an infix expression to postfix expression using stack.
b) Develop a program for a stack which includes basic operations of a stack.
5 a) Write the array and linked lists representation of Circular Queues. Write Circular Queues Applications 10
b) Distinguish between queue and circular queue 4
6 a) Compare the Best, Average and Worst case time complexity of the following 6
i) Quick Sort ii) Merge Sort iii) Insertion Sort
b) Sort the following numbers by using Insertion sort 56, 36, 47, 12, 66, 69, 24, 27 8
7 a) Explain about internal sorting with suitable example 8
b) Describe two hashing functions with suitable examples 6
8 a) List out the steps in deleting an element from a B-tree.
b) What is a Balanced Tree? List out and write the algorithms for rotations in AVL Trees
9 a) Draw a binary tree whose preorder and inorder traversals are given below
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Civil Engineering
Second Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper II: Strength of Materials-II
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer Question No.1 compulsory. (10x1=10)
Answer ONE question from each unit (5x12=60)
1. a) For no tension is section, what is the condition of eccentricity?
b) An eccentric load “w”, with eccentricity “e” is equal to.
c) Define pure shear d) Compare principal planes and stresses.
e) Define resilience. f) Define strain energy theory.
g) Define strut. h) Define long column.
i) Define closely coiled helical spring. j) Equivalent length for both end hinged of a column.
2. a) The number of coils in a close coiled helical spring is 16. The mean coil diameter of spring wire as
respectively 240mm and 30mm. A weight of 2.6kw is dropped on spring from a height h. Find value of h,
if G=9x106N/CM2
b) A close coiled helical spring having 100mm mean coil diameter is subjected to an axial load of 100N. The
spring is made of 20 effective turns and radius of rod with which the spring is 5mm. G=8.4x106N/cm2.
Find i) maximum shear stress in spring ii) deflection of spring
c) Derive an expression for closed coiled helical spring subjected to torque.
3. a) Construct a Mohr’s circle for two unlike stress 1 and 2
b) The stresses on two 1st planes through a point are 60N/mm2(T), 40N/mm2(c) and 30N/mm2 shear. Find the
stress components and the resultant stress on a plane at 600 to that of tensile stress.
c) At a point in an elastic material under strain, there are normal stresses of 60N/mm2 and 40N/mm2(both
tensile) respectively at right angles to each other with positive shearing stress of 20N/mm2. Find principal
stresses, position of principal planes, max shearing stress and its plane. Use Mohr’s circle.
4. a) If the principal stress at a point in an elastic material are 2f tensile, 1.5f tensile and f compressive calculate
the value of f at failure according to five different theories, µ=0.3, elastic limit=210N/mm2.
b) Explain briefly about Mises-Hencky theory and its limitations.
5. a) Prove that the Euler’s load for one end fixed the other end hinged of a column is =
b) What is the minimum permissible width b of a square wood column with pinned ends and length 3M, if it
must support as axial load P=150kN. E=12GPa, Fc=9MPa.
6. a)
Find slopes at A,B and deflection at mid span by conjugate beam method.
2. a) Write short notes on following
i) Object assignment
ii) Static class
iii) Return by reference
b) Write a c++ program to find the sum of diagonal elements in an array.
c) What are Friend classes ?explain the concept with suitable example?
d) Write a C++ program to illustrate the Array of objects
3. a) Explain Overloading Anachronism with suitable program
b) Write a program to perform multiplication of two complex numbers by overloading “i’ operator
c) Write a c++ program to overload Binary operator using complex numbers
d) Write a c++ program to overload new operator
4. a) Explain any four I/O manipulators
b) Explain Customized I/O and Files
c) Define inheritance? How multiple inheritance can be achieved in C++?
d) Write a program that illustrates virtual base class
5. a) Explain the difference between Early Vs Late Binding
b) Explain pure virtual Functions with examples
c) Describe the process of throwing parameterized objects of a nested exception class
d) Explain how virtual attribute can be inherited?
6. a) Explain about constant member functions
b) Explain casting operators
c) Explain the use of nested class templates
d) Describe the volatile member functions
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electronics and Communications Engineering
Second Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper II: Electronic Circuits-I
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
1. a) What is a filter?
b) What is peak inverse voltage?
c) What is a rectifier?
d) What is resistivity?
e) State Miller’s theorem.
f) What is Darlington pair?
g) What is current gain?
h) What is rise time?
i) What is 3db frequency?
j) What are applications of CE amplifier?
2. a) Draw the circuit and explain the operation of full-wave rectifier.
b) A bridge rectifier uses a step down transformer with primary to secondary turns in 1:4 ratio. The voltage
applied to the primary is 230V(rms) at 50Hz. The load resistance is 200Ω. Find (i) the d-c output voltage
(ii) P/V (iii) dc power delivered to the load.
3. a) Describe the methods of determination of h-parameters from its input and output static characteristics.
b) Draw the hybrid model of CB transistor amplifier. Give the expressions for h-parameters
4. a) Explain the high frequency model for a transistor.
b) Explain the significance of gain-bandwidth product.
5. a) Explain the frequency response of an amplifier.
b) Discuss the effects of cascading of amplifiers.
6. a) Explain the operation of CS amplifier at high frequency.
b) Explain the operation of CD amplifier at low frequency and draw its small signal equivalent circuit.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Second Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper II: Network Analysis
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
1. a) Write the relation between line current and phase current for delta connected system.
b) Define self inductance.
c) What are the advantages of ABCD parameters?
d) Give the expression for coupling coefficient.
e) Define transfer impedance.
f) Draw pole-zero diagram of a network given V(s)=( )( )
g) Express z-parameters in terms of h-parameters of a two port network.
h) Write the conditions for a two port network to be reciprocal.
i) Give the expression for resonant frequency of m-derived high pass filter.
j) Write the expression for propagation constant of -network.
2. a) The input power to a three-phase load is 10KW at 0.8pf. Two watt meters are connected to measure the power,
find the individual readings of the watt meters.
3. A symmetrical 3 phase, 3 wire, 440V is connected to a star-connected load. The impedances in each branch
are Z1=(2+j3)Ω, Z2=(1,j2)Ω, Z3=(3-j4)Ω. Find its equivalent delta connected load. Hence find the phase and
line currents and the total power consumed in the circuit.
4. Explain the restriction on the location of poles and zeros in s-plane.
5. Calculate the driving point impedance of the network shown in fig(a)
6. By applying appropriate IV sources and short circuits to the circuit shown in fig(b), find Y211,Y21, Y22,Y12.
10. a) Find the first and second Cauer forms of the given function.
( )( )
( )=
( )
b) Explain M-derived HPF in detail.
11. Design k-type band pass filter having a design impedance of 500Ω and cut off frequencies 1KHz and 10KHz.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Second Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper II: Probability & Statistics & Optimization Techniques
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
4. a) Define Mean and variance of normal distribution.
b) Write down applications of normal distribution.
5. a) Derive mean and variance of uniform distribution.
b) Explain a normal distribution approximation to the Binomial distribution.
6. a) Find the value of the finite population correction factor for n=5 and N=250.
b) Explain Central Limit theorem.
7. Explain maximum error of estimate.
8. Describe Hypothesis concerning double-mean.
9. Explain X -distribution with suitable example.
10. Write down engineering applications of optimization.
11. Explain multivariable optimization with inequality constraints.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
First Year (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper III: Physics
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer all Question No. 1 compulsorily. (14x1=14)
Answer ONE Question from each unit (4x14=56)
All questions carry equal marks
(a) What is piezo electric effect?
(b) What are lissajous figures?
(c) Narrate superposition principle
(d) What is Nicol prism? Sketch its diagram
(e) State Electro optic effect and magneto optic effect.
(f) State the principle of cyclotron
(g) What is population inversion?
(h) What are radio isotopes?
(i) What is optical fiber? Sketch its diagram.
(j) Mention wavelengths of solid state and gas lasers
(k) What is superconductivity?
(l) What is LED? Give its significance
(m) What is ultrasoncis?
(n) What is polarization of light?
Unit I
2 (a) What is magnetostriction? Explain its production of ultrasonic’s with it. (6)
(b) State stokes principle and explain the interference of thin film with reflected light (6)
(c) Mention applications of Michelson’s Interferometer (2)
3. (a) Explain the construction and working of Nicol prism (6)
(b) Explain the detection of circularly polarized light (4)
(c) What is optical activity? Explain it (4)
Unit II
4. (a) State and explain Gauss law in electricity (6)
(b) What is Hall Effect? Obtain its coefficient for charges (6)
(c) State Biot Savarts law? (2)
5. (a) State Faradays laws of induction (2)
(b) Obtain magnetic field due to circular loop (6)
(c) List in Maxwell Equations differential form? Explain their significance (6)
Unit III
6. (a) Explain the Debroglie’s concept of matter waves? (4)
(b) Obtain the schroedinger time independent wave equation (8)
(c) What is physical significance of wave function (2)
7. (a) What are radio isotopes? Mention its applications in medicine (4)
(b) What is Fermi Dirac distribution? Explain (7)
(c) What is Compton effect? Narrate its wave length (3)
Unit IV
8. (a) What is solid state laser? Explain its working (4)
(b) Classify the types of super conductors (4)
(c) What are opto electronic devices? Explain working of LED (4)
(a) Explain the recording and reproduction of Hologram (6)
(b) What is optical fiber? Obtain its Numerical aperture (4)
(c) Mention the applications of nanotechnology (4)
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology
Second Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper III: Digital Logic Design
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. a) Implement the following Boolean functions
i) F=A(B+CD)+BC| with NAND gates
ii) F= (A+B|) (CD+E) with NOR gates
b) Obtain minimal SOP expression for the complement of the given expression:
F(A,B,C)=Q(1,2,5,7) and draw the circuit using NAND-gates
3. a) Design 4 to 1 multiplexer along with implementation table
b) Write notes on following with applications
i) Encoder ii) Decimal adder iii) Demultiplexer
4. a) Draw and Explain the logic diagram of JK Flip Flop and master slave flip flop
b) Explain how race around condition can be eliminated?
5. a) Explain the working of PLA
b) Draw the waveforms for a 3-bit ripple down counter
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electronics and Communications Engineering/Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Second Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper III: Circuit Theory
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
1. Write briefly on the following:
a) State the basic principle of Mesh analysis.
b) Write the difference between active and passive elements.
c) The voltage across a capacitor C farad is ( ) = 1 − . Determine the current.
d) Define dot convention used in magnetically coupled circuits.
e) What is a cutest and a tie-set?
f) State Norton’s theorem.
g) Define form factor.
h) Explain impedance diagram.
i) Define bandwidth and selectivity of resonance circuit.
j) Define powerfactor and its use.
k) List out PSPICE AC analysis control statements.
l) What is the use of star-delta transformation?
m) Write the applications of periodic functions.
n) Sketch the sinusoidal response of an R-C circuit.
2. a) Find the value of vy of the circuit given in fig(1).
Fig (2)
3. a) For the network graph shown in fig.(3) with given orientation, obtain the all cutest matrix.
b) Explain the difference between (i) active and passive elements ii) unilateral and bilateral elements.
:: 2 ::
4. a) Verify the reciprocity theorem for the following circuit in fig.(4)
b) Determine the source voltage and phase angle when the voltage across the resistor is 20v and capacitor is
30v as shown in fig.(6)
6. a) Find the complex power absorbed by each of the five circuit elements of fig.(7)
b) A series resonant circuit has a bandwidth of 100Hz and contains a 20mH inductance and a 2µF
capacitance. Determine i) f0
ii) Q0
iii) Zin at resonance
iv) f2
7. a) Find Q-factor of parallel RLC circuit.
b) Explain power triangle.
8. a) The network shown in figure (8) is initially under steady state condition with the switch in position 1. The
switch is moved from position 1 to position 2 at t ≠0. Calculate i(+) through R1 after switching.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Second Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper III: Kinematics of Machines
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. Explain crank and slotted lever mechanism. With a neat diagram.
3. In a crank and slotted lever quick return motion mechanism, the distance between the fixed centres is 240
mm and the length of the driving crank is 120 mm. Find the inclination of the slotted bar with the vertical
in the extreme position and the time ratio of cutting stroke to the return stroke. If the length of the slotted
bar is 450 mm, find the length of the stroke if the line of stroke passes through the extreme positions of the
free end of the lever.
4. Explain method of locating instantaneous centres in a mechanism with neat sketch.
5. Derive expressions for coriolis acceleration components.
6. Design a cam for operating the exhaust valve of an oil engine. It is required to give equal uniform
acceleration and retardation during opening and closing of the valve each of which corresponds to 600 of
cam rotation. The valve must remain in the fully open position for 20° of cam rotation. The lift of the valve
is 37.5 mm and the least radius of the cam is 40 mm. The follower is provided with a roller of radius 20
mm and its line of stroke passes through the axis of the cam.
7. It is required to set out the profile of a cam to give the following motion to the reciprocating follower with
a flat mushroom contact face:
(i) Follower to have a stroke of 20 mm during 120° of cam rotation;
(ii) Follower to dwell for 30° of cam rotation;
(iii) Follower to return to its initial position during 1200 of cam rotation; and
(iv) Follower to dwell for remaining 900 of cam rotation.
The minimum radius of the cam is 25 mm. The out stroke of the follower is performed with simple
harmonic motion and the return stroke with equal uniform acceleration and retardation.
Unit IV
8. A pinion of 20 involute teeth and 125 mm pitch circle diameter drives a rack. The addendum of both
pinion and rack is 6.25 mm. What is the least pressure angle which can be used to avoid interference? With
this pressure angle, find the length of the arc of contact and the minimum number of teeth in contact at a
9. a) Explain the terminology used in gears.
b) Derive an expression for the minimum number of teeth required on the pinion in order to avoid interface in
volute gear teeth.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
First Year - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper III: Physics
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer all Questions.
Unit I
1. (a) Explain the production of ultrasonics by magnetostriction method (6)
(b) Define emission process for lasing action (2)
(c) Explain the He-Ne laser with energy level diagram (6)
2. (a) Narrate stokes principle.? Implement it to reflected light in thin films (6)
(b) Mention applications of Holography (2)
(c) Sketch optical fiber? Explain it? Obtain its numerical aperture (6)
Unit II
3. (a) State Gauss law and deduce it from coulombs law (4)
(b) What is Hall Effect? Obtain its coefficient for charges (6)
(c) State Biot Savarts law? Obtain it for long wire (4)
4. (a) State Faradays laws of induction (2)
(b) Obtain resonance condition of an LCR circuit (6)
(c) List in Maxwell Equations differential form? Explain their significance (6)
Unit III
5. (a) Explain the Debroglie’ s concept of matter waves? (4)
(b) Obtain the schroedinger time independent wave equation (8)
(c) What is physical significance of wave function (2)
6. (a) What is Compton Effect? Illustrate it (2)
(b) What is Heisenberg uncertainty principle? Explain it experiment (4)
(c) What is wave function? Obtain it for particle in box (8)
Unit IV
7. (a) Explain the concept of effective mass of electron (5)
(b) What is polarization? Explain its classification (9)
8. (a) Explain the classification of magnetic materials (6)
(b) What is hysteresis? Explain it for magnetic specimen (4)
(c) List applications of ferroelectrics (4)
Unit V
9. (a) What is photo diode? Explain its working with characteristics (6)
(b) List applications of solar cells (2)
(c) Explain the classification of superconductors (6)
10. (a) Explain the classification of nanomaterials (4)
(b) Mention approach to synthesis of nano material’s with sol-gel (8)
(c) Mention applications of nanomaterials (2)
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Civil Engineering
Second Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper III: Surveying-I
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
1. a) Design a direct vernier to read to one minute to the main scale graduated at 30 minutes.
b) Define the following terms (i) checkline ii) Baseline
c) The magnetic bearing of a line was found to be N 600301W in 1950. When the delination was 50101E. Find
its present magnetic bearing if declination is 30W at present.
d) Write a note on selection of traverse stations
e) What are uses of contour maps?
f) What is direct contouring and advantages?
g) Define the terms i) orientation ii) radiation
2. a) Write a short note on field work in chain surveying.
b) Find the maximum permissible error in laying off the direction of an offset so that maximum displacement
may not exceed 0.025cm on paper. Given that length of the offset is 1.5m, the scale is 1cm to 40m and the
maximum error in length of the offset is 0.5m.
3. Discuss the basic methods used in surveying.
4. a) What is declination? What are different types of variation in declination?
b) Differentiate between a chain survey and a chain traverse.
5. Explain the traversing by the method of included angles.
6. The following readings were observed successfully with a leveling instrument, the instruments was
shifted after fifth and eleventh readings.
i) 0.585 ii) 1.010 iii) 1.735
iv) 3.295 v) 3.775 vi) 0.350
vii) 1.300 viii) 1.795 ix) 2.575
x) 3.375 xi) 3.895 xii) 1.375
xiii) 0.635 xiv) 1.605
Determine the R.L. of various points.
7. Write the procedure for dumpy level with neat sketch.
8. Discuss the three point problem. Describe the procedure in detail.
9. Discuss about the direct method of contouring.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology
Second Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper III: Computer Organization
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
3. a) Explain addition and subtraction of signed and unsigned numbers step by step procedure?
b) Describe the organization of micro-programmed control unit and micro-programming sequence in detail.
c) What the following instructions will do in 8085
(i) EI (ii) RIM (iii) CALL (iv) XCHG and (v) XTHL
d) Explain the purpose of the following pins of 8085
(i) READY (ii) HOLD (iii) IO/M (iv) ALE (v) So,S1
2. a) Discuss the salient features and limitations of Gauss law.
b) For charges of 10µc are placed at corners of a square. The Coordinates of corners are (1,1,0), (1,-1,0),
(-1,-1,0). Find the force on 9 charge of 50µc that placed at (0,0,2).
3. What is capacitance? Differentiate between isotropic and anisotropic material.
4. a) Define and explain Amper’s circuital law.
b) A plane y=1 carries current ⃗ = 50 m A/m. Find H at (0,0,0) and (1,5,-3)
5. a) Write a short notes on Faradays law of electromagnetic induction.
b) What is the force experienced by a differential current element placed in a steady magnetic field.
6. With necessary explanation, derive the Maxwell’s equation in differential and integral forms.
7. a) Derive the condition for force between differential current elements.
b) Find whether = + V/m originated from a static distribution of charge.
8. a) Derive the expression for reflection and transmission co-efficient when a uniform plane wave incidents
normally on the surface of perfect dielectric.
b) State and explain different kinds of polarizations.
9. a) Parallel plate wave guide operating at a frequency of 12GHz in TM2 mode with separation of 8cm. Find the
wave impedance of the guide.
b) Define phase velocity and group velocity of parallel plate wave guide and obtain the expressions.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Second Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper III: Electrical Machines-I
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer question 1 compulsorily in PART -A (10 x 1M=10M)
Answer one question from each unit in PART -B (5 x 12M=60M)
1. a) Classify the DC generators. b) What is the necessity of inter pole?
c) Why DC machines need starter? d) List any two application of shunt motor
e) What information get from fields test? f) ‘What are the requirements of Hopkinson’s test?
g) What is all day efficiency? h) SC test done on which side of transformer why?
i) What is auto transformer? j) What is the need of scott connection?
2 Describe the constructional features of DC Machine in detail.
3 a) Explain Lap winding and Wave winding with neat sketches winding. For high current applications which
type of winding is used and why?
b) A 4 pole generator with 1200 conductors generate 250V on open circuit when driven at 500 rpm. The pole
shoes have a bore of 30 cm and the ratio of pole arc!pole pitch is 0.7. The length of the shoe is 20cm. Find
the mean flux density in the air gap
4 Explain the speed-current, torque-current and speed-torque characteristics of a DC shunt and series motors.
5 What is the need of parallel operation and explain the paralleling procedure of DC shunt motors.
6 a) Explain the Hopkinson’s test.
b) Hopkinson’s test on two machines gave the following results for full load test. Line voltage 250v, Line
current excluding field current is 50A, motor armature current 380A, field currents 5A and 4.2A.
Calculate the efficiency of each machine. Armature resistance of each machine is 0.02. State the
assumptions made.
7 Enumerate the reasons for paralleling DC generators. What important conditions must be fulfilled before a
shunt generator is connected in parallel with another?
8 a) Explain the various losses that occur in a transformer
b) When a transformer is connected to a l000v, 50Hz supply, the core loss is 1000W of which 700 is
hysteresis loss and the rest is eddy current loss. If the applied voltage is raised to 2000v and the frequency
to l00 cycles/sec find the new core loss.
9 Describe in detail the operation and constructional details of a single-phase transformer, including the
measures taken to minimize iron and copper losses and selection of core geometry.
10 a) Explain about the auto transformer and comp are it with two winding transformer. Discuss the application
auto transformer
b) Explain the connections of 3 phase transformer.
11 a) Explain the Scott connection.
b) Two single phase furnaces working at 11OV are connected to a 3.3 kV, 3-phase supply through Scott
connected transformers. Determine the currents in 3-phase lines when the power taken by each furnace
500 kW at a power factor of 0.8 lagging. Neglect the losses.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Second Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper III: Fluid Mechanics
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Note : First Question compulsory and answer one question from each unit.
Part-A (2x7=14)
1. Short note on the following:
a) Define stream function and velocity potential function.
b) State Pascal’s laws.
c) Define surface tension and capillarity
d) State Bunoulli’s equation.
e) What is critical Reynolds number?
f) Distinguish between rotational and irrotational flows.
g) Distinguish between Sonic flow, sub sonic flow and supersonic flow.
2. a) Explain the working of inverted U-tube manometer with the help of a neat sketch.
b) Explain the conditions for equilibrium of the floating bodies with diagrams.
3. a) Write a short notes on total pressure and centre of pressure.
b) Define kinematic viscosity. Explain the effect of temperature on viscosity.
4. a) Explain the terms i) stream function ii) velocity potential function
iii) lines of constant stream function iv) equi-potential lines
v) flow net
b) Derive the continuity equation in Cartesian Coordinator.
5. a) Derive Bernoulli’s equation from Euler’s equation of motion.
b) A pipe line carrying water changes in diameter from 20cm at a section A, to 50cm dia at section B, which
is 4m above A. If the pressure at A and B are 100kN/m2 respectively and the discharge is 200 lit/s.
Determine the loss of head and the direction of flow.
6. a) A horizontal venturimeter with inlet and throat diameter 30cm and 15cm respectively is used to measure
the flow of water. The reading of differential manometer connected to the inlet and the throat is 20cm of
mercury. Determine the rate of flow taking Cd=0.98
b) Write a short note on impulse momentum equation.
7. a) What is Reynolds number? Explain the Reynolds experiment with a neat sketch.
b) Derive the Darcy-Wiesbach equation.
8. a) For the velocity profile = − . Find the thickness of boundary layer and the shear stress 1.5m
from the leading edge of a plate. The plate is 2m long and 1.4m wide and is placed in water moving at
velocity of 200mm per second. Find the total drag force on the plate if µ of water = 0.01 poise.
b) Write a short note on boundary layer separation.
9. a) Derive Hagen Poiseulle equation.
b) Define i) Mach Number ii) Mach Cone iii) Shock waves
iv) stagnation point v) stagnation pressure
CS/IT 22310
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology
Second Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper III: Electronic Devices & Circuits
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
1. a) Define peak inverse voltage of a diode.
b) Define ripple factor
c) Draw two level clipper circuit using diodes.
d) What is the relation between α and β of transistor?
e) What is operating point?
f) Draw the n channel enhancement mode MOSFET diagram.
g) Define hfe of a transistor.
h) Draw the approximate equivalent circuit of a BJT.
i) Define pinch off voltage.
j) Which transistor configuration has lowest input impedance?
k) What is Barkhausen criteria?
l) What are the ideal characteristics of OPAMP?
m) What is the basic principle in voltage controlled oscillator?
n) What are the different feedback connections?
2. a) Explain the operation of Half wave rectifier. Draw the waveforms.
b) Draw the h parameter model of CE amplifier with emitter resistance and explain.
3. a) Explain the operation of a full wave rectifier with shunt capacitance filter.
b) Draw and explain input and output characteristics of common emitter configuration.
4. a) Draw the circuit diagram of FET and explain its operation. Plot its transfer characteristics.
b) Compare JFET and MOSFET in all respects.
5. a) Draw and explain the operation of unijunction transistor.
b) Compare P-channel and N-chanel MOSFET’s.
6. a) Compare and contrast different types of feedback connections in amplifiers.
b) Draw and explain RC phase shift oscillator. Derive the expression for frequency of oscillations.
7. a) Draw and explain colpitts oscillator.
b) Explain wein bridge oscillator with a neat circuit diagram. Derive its frequency of oscillations.
8. a) Explain differential and common mode operation in Op-Amp.
b) Explain ideal and practical characteristics of Op-Amp.
9. a) Explain how Op-Amp acts as an integrator.
b) Explain about timer IC unit operation.
ME 22310
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Second Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper III: Probability & Statistics & Optimization Techniques
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
1 (a) Find mean and variance of Hyper Geometric distribution
(b) Define random variable
(c) Explain the applications of Binomial distribution
(d) Explain continuous joint distribution
(e) Define Interval estimation
(f) Write the normal equations of straight line
(g) Explain Engineering applications of Optimization
2 (a) Define the Normal approximation to the Binomial distribution
(b) In a distribution exact by normal, 10.03% of the items are under 25 kilograms weight and 89.97% of the
items are under 70 kilogram weight. What are the mean and standard deviation of the distribution?
3 (a) A Car hire firm has two cars, which it hires out day by day. The number of demands for a car on each day
is distributed as a Poisson distribution with mean 1.5. Calculate the proportion of days on which (i) neither
car is used and (ii) the proportion of days on which some demand is refused.
(b) A and B play a game in which their chances of winning are in the ratio 3:2. Find A’s chance of winning at
least three games out of the five games played.
4 (a) Explain the Beta distribution
(b) Joint distribution of X and V is given by
F(x,y) = 4xye-(x2+y2); x,y≥0
Test whether X and Y are independent. For the above joint distribution find the conditional density of X
given Y=y.
5 (a) Define mean and variance of Gamma distribution
(b) Define sampling distribution and Standard Error and explain the utility of Standard Error.
6 (a) A sample of 450 items is taken from a population whose standard deviation is 20, the mean of the sample
is 30. Test whether the sample has come from a population with mean 29. Also calculate the 95%
confidence limits for the population mean.
(b) A simple sample of heights of 6,400 English men has a mean of 67.85 inches and standard deviation 2.5
inches while a simple sample of heights of 1,600 Australians has a mean of 68.55 inches and standard
deviation of 2.52 inches. Do the data indicate that Australians are, on the average, taller than English man.
7. Fit a second degree parabola for the following data
X: 55 50 20 55 75 80 90 30 75 70
Y: 2 4 1 3 5 9 12 2 7 5
8 (a) Maximize = 3 + 16 −9
Subject to the constraint; x1+ 6x2 ≤16, x1, x2 ≥ 0
(b) Explain the following methods: Newton’s methods and Conjugate Gradient method
9 (a) Maxmize = 3 + + 3
Subject to the constraints: 2x1 + x2 + 3x3 = 15, x1, x2 and x3 ≥ 0
(b) Explain Region Elimination methods
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Civil Engineering
Second Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper III: Surveying-II
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
1. a) Define transiting.
b) Differentiate direct and deflection angles.
c) Give expression of Simpson’s rule.
d) What is substance bar?
e) What is parallax?
f) Classify different types of horizontal curves.
g) What are triangular stations?
h) What is trigonometric leveling?
i) Define phase of signals.
j) List out the problems in setting.
Point A B C D E
Original level 45.2 49.8 51.2 47.2 52.0
Final level 38.6 39.8 42.6 40.8 42.5
Length of AB=50m and BC=80m.
7. a) What are reciprocal observations in Trigonometric leveling? How is it superior to single observations?
b) Explain the term axis signal correction.
8. a) Explain the procedure for setting out grades for foundation of a building.
b) Differentiate between horizontal control and vertical control.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology
Second Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper III: Data Communications
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
1. Define the following:
a) Subnet
b) MAN
c) Asynchronous Transfer Mode
d) Fixed sized Buffers
e) Line Configuration
f) MAC
g) Refraction
h) Port
i) Label Switching
2. a) Explain TCP/IP protocol architecture in detail
b) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of layered architecture
c) Explain in detail about transmission impairments
d) Explain in detail about Data Communication Networking
3. a) Explain briefly about Guided Transmission media and wireless Transmission media
b) Write notes on following
i) Digital data transmission
ii) Wireless Propagation
iii) LOS Transmission
4. a) Explain in detail about Line Configuration
b) Explain in detail about Error Control
c) Explain about the operation of High-Level Data link control
d) Explain about Flow control in Data Link Control
5. a) Explain about Synchronous Time Division Multiplexing
b) Write about Circuit Switching Networks
c) Explain about Packet Switching Principles
6. a) Explain about Layer2 & Layer3 Switches
b) Write about Ethernet
c) Explain about operation of Token Ring
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electronics and Communications Engineering
Second Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper III: Network Analysis and Synthesis
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. a) Obtain open circuit and short circuit parameters. Also obtain the relation between them.
b) Write the necessary conditions for driving point ad transfer functions ad explain.
6. a) What is a positive rela function? Check whether the function ( ) = is a positive real
( )( )
b) An impedance function is given by ( ) = ( )(
. Find the R-L representation of FOSTER form-I.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Second Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper III: EMF Theory
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
1. a) State Divergance theorem.
b) ∇ ∇ ⃗, where P is a vector is equal to _______
c) Write the Faraday’s law in differential form
d) Define uniform plane wave.
e) Write the relation between VSWR and reflection coefficient.
f) Write the condition for paramagnetic material.
g) Write the units of ⃗ ⃗
h) Write the equation for the energy stored in inductor.
i) Write the relation between B and H
j) Define Self-inductance.
2. a) State divergence theorem and what is physical significance of divergence of D?
b) Find the force on charge Q1, 30µC, due to charge Q2, -200 µC, where Q1 is at (0,0,2)m and Q2 is at (2,1,0)m.
3. a) Derive the electric field due to a point charge.
b) State and explain Coulomb’s law using vector form.
8. a) Using the Stoke’s theorem and Vector magnetic potential, obtain the relation ∮ ̅ . ̅ .
b) Explain the different types of polarization.
9. a) State and explain the Ampere’s circuit law.
b) Derive the relation between magnetostatic field ⃗ and magnetic scales potential V.
10. a) In a given lossy dielectric medium, conduction current density Jc=0.02 Sin109t(A(m2). Find the displacement
current density if = 10 / and ∈ = 6.5
b) Compare the conduction current density and displacement current density.
11. a) Write the Maxwell’s equations in differential form and integral form for time varying fields.
b) Derive the boundary conditions at the interface between dielectric and perfect conductor.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Second Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper III: Kinematics of Machinery
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. a) With neat sketch, describe the working of a Whitworth quick return motion mechanism, also describe
Ackermann steering gear mechanism.
b) (i) A crank and slotted lever mechanism used in a shaper has a centre distance of300 mm between the
centre of oscillation of the slotted lever and the centre of rotation of the crank. The radius of the crank
is 120 mm. Find the ratio of the time of cutting to the time of return stroke.
(ii) In a crank and slotted lever quick return motion mechanism, the distance between the fixed centres is
240 mm and the length of the driving crank is 120 mm. Find the inclination of the slotted bar with the
vertical in the extreme position and the time ratio of cutting stroke to the return stroke. If the length of
the slotted bar is 450 mm, find the length of the stroke if the line of strokepasses through the extreme
positions of the free end of the lever.
3. a) The crank and connecting rod of a theoretical steam engine are 0.5 m and 2m long respectively. The crank
makes 180 rpm in the clockwise direction. When it has turned 450 from the inner dead centre position,
determine: i) Velocity of piston
ii) Angular velocity of connecting rod
iii) Velocity of point E on the connecting rod 1.5m from the gudgeon pin
iv) velocity of rubbing at the pins of the crank shaft, crank and crank crosshead when the
diameters of their pins are 50mm and 60mm and 30mm respectively.
b) Derive the expressions for Velocity and acceleration of piston in reciprocating steam engine mechanism
with neat sketch. Define Kennedy’s theorem.
4. a) A tangent cam to drive a roller follower through a total lift of 12.5 mm for a cam rotation of 75°.The cam
speed is 600 rpm . The distance between cam centre and follower centre at full lift is 45mm and the roller
is 20 mm in diameter. Find the cam proportions and plot displacement, velocity and acceleration for one
full cycle.
b) Classify with neat sketches the cam follower according to their shape, location and motion. State also their
advantages, if any, with respect to other followers. Sketches neatly the displacement, velocity and
acceleration curves of a cycloidal motion follower. Why is it superior over other motion curves?
5. a) Two 20° involute spur gears have a module of 10 mm. The addendum is one module. The larger gear has
50 teeth and pinion 13 teeth. Does the interference occur? If it occurs, to what value should the pressure
angle be changed to eliminate interference?
b) A pair 20° full depth involute spur gear having 30 and 50 teeth respectively module 4mm arc in mesh, the
smaller gear rotates at 1000 rpm. Determine (i) Sliding velocities at engagement and disengagement of a
pair of teeth and (ii) Contact ratio.
6. a) The sun planet gear of an epicyclic gear train, the annular D has 100 internal teeth, the sun gear A has 50
external teeth and planet gear B has 25 external teeth. The gear B meshes with gear D and gear A. The gear
B is carried on arm E, which rotates about the centre of annular gear D. If the gear 0 is fixed and arm
rotates at 20 rpm, then find the speeds of gear A and B.
b) (i) Compare and contrast the involute and cylindrical profile for the shape of gear with teeth with respect
to their merits and demerits.
(ii) With neat sketches, describe the spiral gears, and Worm gears.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
First Year - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper IV: Chemistry
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Unit -I
2. a) Define hardness of water? How can you determine the hardness of water by EDTA method (7)
b) Explain the cold Lime-soda method with a neat diagram. (7)
c) Describe the ion-exchange method for soften water with necessary reactions (7)
d) Write the mechanism of reinforcement in composites (7)
3. a) What are the differences between thermo plastics and thermo setting resins (7)
b) Define addition and condensation polymerization. Write any three differences (7)
c) Write a note on vulcanisation and Buna —s Rubber (7)
d) Write the important applications of liquid crystals and polymers. (7)
4. a) Define phase rule. Discuss the application of phase rule to Ag-pb system. (7)
b) What is metallurgical coke? Explain the Beehive oven method with neat diagram (7)
c) Describe briefly the working process of lead-acid storage battery with necessary equations. (7)
d) Explain the refining process of petroleum by fractional distillation method (7)
5. a) What are cathodic protection methods explain. (7)
b) What are the factors influence corrosion. (7)
c) Describe briefly the mechanism of electrochemical corrosion. (7)
d) Define Lubricant. Explain any three properties. (7)
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Civil Engineering
Second Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper IV: Solid Mechanics-I
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer First question compulsory and answer one from each unit. (7x2=14)
1. Write short note on the following:
a) Define bulk modulus.
b) Name and sketch the different types of loads.
c) Define lateral strain.
d) Define bending stress.
e) Define volumetric strain.
f) Define thermal stress.
g) Define continuous beam.
2. Derive an expression for major and minor principle stresses on an oblique plane when the body is subjected to
direct stress in two mutually perpendicular directions accompanied by a shear stress.
3. What is Macaulay’s method? Where is it used? Find an expression for a simply supported beam with an
eccentric point load, using Macaulay’s method.
4. Draw S.F.D. and B.M.D. and also find out the distance of point of zero shear form ‘B’ as shown in figure.
5. Draw SFD and BMD and specify the point zero shear for the figure shown below:
6. A cantilever is 1.5m long carries a load of 2 tonnes at its free end and another load 1 ton at a distance of
0.5m from the free end. Draw shear force and bending moment diagram for the cantilever?
7. A beam of triangular cross section having base width of 100mm and height of 150mm is subjected to a
shear force of 15KN. Find the value maximum shear stress and sketch the shear stress distribution along
the depth of beam.
8. A solid aluminium shaft 10cm in diameter is to be replaced by a hollow steel shaft of 10cm as the outside
diameter. The two shaft have the same angle of twist per unit torque over the total length. G for steel=3xG
for aluminium. Determine the inner diameter of hollow shaft.
9. Write a brief note on the following:
i) Angle of twist in circular bars
ii) Shear stress in beam flanges.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology
Second Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper IV: Object Oriented Programming
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
1. Explain the following:
b) asm keyword
c) STL
d) encapsulation
e) This pointer
f) Generic Functions
g) new operator
h) Manipulators
i) Destructor
j) Modular Programming
k) Exception class hierarchy
l) Local classes
m) access specifiers
n) virtual functions
2. a) Write the differences between procedural language and object oriented language
b) Write a c++ program to find the maximum and minimum of elements in an array.
c) What is Friend function? Explain the concept with suitable example?
d) What are Dynamic allocation Operators? Explain with a c++ program
3. a) Explain copy constructors with suitable program
b) Write a program to demonstrate Friend function overloading
c) Define inheritance. Explain inheriting Multiple Base classes with suitable example program
4. a) Explain the difference between Early Vs Late Binding
b) Explain pure virtual Functions with examples
c) Explain the use of nested class templates
d) Describe the process of throwing parameterized objects of a nested exception class
5. a) Write a c++ program to overload <<and >> operators
b) Describe about stream classes
c) Write a c++ program to count number of Lines and words in a File
d) Explain about const Member Functions
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electronics and Communications Engineering/Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Second Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper IV: Electronic Device
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. a) What is the distinction between intrinsic and an extrinsic semiconductor? How is the potential varied in
graded semiconductor?
b) What is the origin and significance of Hall effect in semiconductors? Derive the expression for Hall
3. a) Explain the construction ad working of LED with its characteristics.
b) Explain the diffusion capacitance of a diode.
4. a) Explain the different modes of operation of PnP transistor.
b) Draw the load line on the output characteristics of CE amplifier and show how transistor acts as an
5. a) Give the constructional details of JFET ad explain its operation.
b) Discuss the characteristics of DIAC with necessary diagrams.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Second Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper IV: Fluid Mechanics
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Question No.1 is compulsory and answer one question from each unit.
1. Write short note on the following: (7x2=14)
a) State and explain Pascal’s law. b) What is stream function?
c) Define vorticity and circulation. d) What is meant by hydraulic gradient?
d) What is meant by separation of a boundary layer?
e) Define kinematic viscosity and its variation with temperature.
f) Differentiate between i) compressible flow and incompressible flow ii) Rotational and irrotational
2. a) Define the properties of fluids, mention the notations and formulae.
b) If the velocity profile of a fluid over a plate is a parabolic with the vertex 20cm, from the plate where the
velocity is 120cm/s. Calculate the velocity gradient, shear stress at a distance of 0,10,20cm from the
plate, if the viscosity of the fluid is 8.5 poise.
3. a) Define : i) Absolute pressure ii) gauge pressure iii) Buoyancy iv) Meta centre v) Pressure head
b) A pipe contains an oil of sp gr 0.8, A differential Manometer connected at the two points A & B of the
pipe shows a difference in mercony level as 20cm. Find the difference of pressure at the two points.
4. a) State Bernoulli’s equation, derive Bernoulli’s equation from the Eulers equation of motion.
b) A 40cm diameter pipe carrying water branches into two pipes of diameters 30cm and 20cm
respectively. If the average velocity in the 40cm diameter pipe is 3m/s. Find the discharge in this pipe.
Also determine the velocity in 20cm pipe, if average velocity in 30cm pipe is 2m/s.
5. a) Discuss in detail the formation of flow net, explaining each component that contributes to its formation.
b) A closed cylindrical vessel of diameter 15cm and length 100cm contains water upto a height of 80cm.
(i) The vessel is rotated at a speed of 500 rpm, about its vertical axis, find the height of the paraboloid
formed (ii) Find the speed of rotation of the vessel, when axial depth is zero.
6. a) State the impulse momentum principle and also mention its application.
b) Derive an expression for loss of head in pipes due to friction.
7. a) Define the laminar and turbulent flow and write a short notes on Reynold’s experiment with neat sketch.
b) The rate of flow of water through a horizontal pipe is 0.25m3/s. The diameter of pipe which is 200mm is
suddenly enlarged to 400mm. The pressure intensity in the smaller pipe is 11.77 N/cm2. Determine (i)
Loss of head due to sudden enlargement (ii) pressure intensity in the large pipe (iii) power lost due to
8. a) Derive Von-Karman momentum integral equation for Laminar flow through circular pipe.
b) for a velocity profile given by = − 1/2( for laminar boundary layer find the thickness of
Boundary layer and shear stress 1.8m from the leading edge of plate. The plate is 2.5m long and 1.5m
wide and is place in water moving at velocity of 15cm/s. Find the drag on one side of the plate if the
viscosity of water=0.01 poise.
9. a) Define Mach number, write short notes on i) sub-sonic flow ii) sonic flow iii) supersonic flow.
b) A gas with a velocity of 300m/s is flowing through a horizontal pipe at a section where pressure is 6x104
N/m2 (absolute) and temperature is 400c. The pipe changes diameter and at this section the pressure is
9x104 N/m2(absolute). Find the velocity of the gas at this section, if the flow of gas is adiabatic.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
First Year - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper IV: Engineering Chemistry
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
1. a) i) What is disinfection? Explain the disinfection process of bleaching and chlorine (8)
ii) Write a note on slow sand filter (6)
b) i) Define scale and sludge. What are causes and preventive methods (8)
ii) Explain the electrodialysis method for desalination of brackish water (6)
3. a) i) Write the differences between thermo plastic and thermo setting resins (6)
ii) Explain the preparation, properties and uses of urea- formaldehyde resin and polyesters (8)
b) i) Write a note on compounding of plastics (8)
ii) Discuss the biomedical applications of conducting polymers (6)
4. a) i) Define calorific value of a solid fuel? Explain HCV & LCV and Dulong’s formula (2+2+2+2)
ii) Write a note on Beehive oven method for metallurgical coke (6)
b) i) What is cracking? Explain fixed bed catalytic cracking (8)
ii) Write a note on octane number and cetane number (6)
5. a) i) What are liquid crystals? Explain different types of liquid crystals, and their Application. (8)
ii) Write the properties and applications of fullerenes. (6)
b) i) Describe the electrochemical theory of corrosion (7)
ii) Write a note on cathodic protection (7)
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Civil Engineering
Second Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper IV: Fluid Mechanics
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Question No.1 compulsory and answer one question from each unit.
1. a) Define Buoyancy and metacentre.
b) Define convective acceleration and local acceleration.
c) Explain, how the kinematic viscosity varies with temperature?
d) Define stream line and streak line and path line.
e) What is meant by hydraulic diameter?
f) What is meant by hydro-dynamically smooth surface?
g) Define fanning’s friction factor.
2. a) Explain U-tube and inverted U-tube differential manometers with neat sketches.
b) A rectangular pontoon is 4m long, 3m wide and 1.4m high, the depth of immersion of pontoon is 1m
into sea water. If the centre of gravity is 0.7m above the bottom of the pontoon, find the metacentric
height (density of sea water=1030kg/m3).
3. a) Show that in a fluid which is at rest, the pressure is constant along the horizontal plane and varies
linearly with depth.
b) A ship has a displacement of 5.5x107N sea water ( The moment of inertia of its plan area
at water line is 9000m4. When a load of 300kN is shifted in a transverse direction on the deck by 5m, the
ship lifts over by an angle of 40. Compute the metacentric height of the ship and the height of the ship
and height of its CG above the centre of buoyancy.
4. a) Derive an expression for continuity equation in Cartesian coordinates.
b) In a two dimensional inpcompressible flow, the fluid velocity components are u=x-4y and v=-y-4x.
Show that velocity potential exists and find its form. Also calculate the stream function.
5. a) Derive an expression for rate of flow through a venturimeter.
b) A 20x10cm venturimeter is provided in a vertical pipeline carrying oil of specific gravity 0.8, the flow
being upwards the difference in elevation of the throat section and entrance section of the venture is
50cm. the differential mercury manometer show a gauge deflection of 40cm. calculate (i) the
discharge of oil (ii) the pressure difference between the entrance section and throat section. Take
Cd=0.98 and sp. gr. of mercury = 13.6
6. a) Write short notes on application of Bernoulli’s equation and the limitation of the same.
b) A 25mm diameter nozzle discharges 0.76m3 of water per minute, when the head is 60m. The diameter
of the jet is 22.5mm. Determine (i) the values of co-efficients Cc, Cv and Cd and also (ii) the loss of
head due to fluid resistance.
7. a) Write short notes on classification of mouth pieces and flow through an external cylindrical mouth
b) The pressure difference measured by the two tapings of a pitot static tube, one taping pointing upstream
and other perpendicular to the flow, placed in the centre of a pipe line of diameter 40cm is 10cm of
water. The mean velocityin the pipe is 0.75 times the central velocity, find the discharge through the
pipe take coefficient of pitot tube as 0.98.
8. a) Write short notes on the phenomenon of formation of Boundary layer over thin flat plate.
b) Find the displacement thickness, the momentum thickness and energy thickness for the velocity
distribution in the boundary layer given by = 2 −( ) .
9. a) Explain briefly, what is boundary layer separation and the effect of pressure gradient on boundary layer
b) Why is triangular notch advantageous over a rectangular notch? Explain.
10. a) Derive Darcy’s equation for loss of head due to friction in pipe flow.
b) A crude oil of viscosity 0.9 poise and specific gravity 0.8 is flowing through a horizontal circular pipe
of diameter 80mm and length 15m. Calculate the difference of pressure at the two end of pipe, if 50kg.
of oil is collected in a tank in 15 seconds.
11. a) Derive Hazen Poiseuillie equation for flow of viscosity fluid through a horizontal circular pipe.
b) Write short notes on :
(i) Prandt’s mixing length theory
(ii) favourable and adverse pressure gradient
(iii) water hammer
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology
Second Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper IV: Data Structures with C
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer ALL Questions
Question No.(1) is compulsory
1. Explain about the following: (7x2=14M)
a) Abstract Data type
b) Time complexity B-tree
c) Applications of stack
d) Define B tree
e) Separate chaining
f) Running time complexity
g) Difference between Queue and circular queue
PART B (4x14=56M)
2. a) Define Stack and write a program to reverse a string using stack.
b) Explain about code generation of stack machines
c) Write a program for queue ADT? Explain queue using linked list
d) Explain how to find time complexity of an algorithm
3. a) Define divide and conquer Explain Quick sort with the following numbers
53 82 85 46 72 23 42 67 25 73 86 24
b) Write a program for poiynomial addition using single linked list
c) Explain different hash functions in hashing
4. a) Write procedures for Tree traversals
b) Construct binary tree from the following in order and post order traversals
Post order : JFIHCGDEBA
c) Define heap Write a program for heap sort
d) Create heap tree for the following data
44 52 23 13 6 38 64
5. a) Write procedures for AVL Tree rotations.
b) Explain about Binary search tree and implement it with creation, deletion operations.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electronics and Communications Engineering
Second Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper IV: Electronic Devices
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. a) Explain the working of a PN junction diode in forward bias and reverse bias and show the effect of
temperature on its V-I characteristics.
b) Define stability factors in a transistor and derive them for fixed bias circuit.
3. a) Explain the operation and construction of depletion type of N-channel MOSFET with necessary diagram.
b) Explain the origin and significance of Hall Effect in semiconductors. Also derive an expression for Hall
4. a) Draw and explain the characteristics of common emitter mode for an NPN transistor.
b) Explain the concept of thermal runaway and thermal stability.
5. a) Discuss the motion of charged particles in electric field and magnetic fields.
b) Derive the continuity equation in semi-conductors.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Second Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper IV: Basic Thermodynamics
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
1 Question (Short notes) Compulsory.
4. a) Derive the relation between the specific heats.
b) The properties of a certain fluid are related as follows: µ=196+0.718t Pv=0.287(++273) where h is the
specific internal energy (kJ/kg) is in 0c. P is the pressure (kN/m2) v is the specific volume (m3/kg) for
this fluid find cv and cp.
5. a) What is a polytropic process? Explain.
b) Air (ideal gas with g=1.4) at 1 bar and 300k is compressed till the final volume is one sixteenth of the
original volume. Following a polytropic process Pv1.25 = 10nst calculate (i) final pressure and
temperature of the air (ii) the work done and (iii) the energy transferred as heat per mole of the air.
6. a) Explain a heat engine cycle performed by a closed system.
b) Write the limitations of first law of thermodynamics in detail.
7. a) State the Kelvin-Planck’s statement for the second law of thermodynamics. Also explain what is
b) An engine operating on a carnot cycle works within temperature limits of 600h and 300k it if the engine
receives 2000kJ of heat evaluate the work done and thermal efficiency of the engine.
8. a) What is a Regenerative cycle? How is it used to increase the thermal efficiency of a steam power plant.
b) Compare the Rankine cycle with Carnot cycle.
9. a) A steam power station uses the following cycle steam at boiler outlet -150 bar, 5500c. Reheat at 40bar at
5500c and condenser at 0.1 bar.
Using Mollier chart and assuming ideal processes find i) Quality at turbine exhaust ii) cycle efficiency
and (iii) steam rate.
CS/IT 22410
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology
Second Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper IV: Computer Organization
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Unit I
2 (a) What is System Software? What are its functions?
(b) Write short notes on (i) Bus Structure (ii) Processor Clock iii) Multi Processor & Multi Computer
(c) State the advantage of representing binary no.s in signed 2’s Complement notation. Convert the decimal
numbers (-14) & (11) to (i) 5 bit signed 2’s Complement binary numbers.
(ii) Perform ( -14) — (11) in 5 bit signed 2’s Complement notation.
(iii) State whether an Overflow has occurred.
Unit II
3 (a) Differentiate between hardwired Control Unit and Micro Programmed Control unit and explain in detail
micro program control unit.
(b) Describe a 4-bit carry Look ahead adder.
(c) Perform multiplication of (-13) * (11) using Booths Multiplication Algorithm.
Unit III
4 (a) Explain in detail the virtual memory in memory organization with a neat diagram.
(b) Explain (i) Instruction Hazards (ii) Data Hazards.
Unit IV
5 ( a) Explain (i) USB Bus (ii) SCSI Bus.
(b) Write a brief note on Direct Memory Access.
(c) Describe in detail about different interrupts.
(d) Describe serial port and Parallel Port.
EE 22410
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Second Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper IV: Network Analysis
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
6. a) For the bridged T-network shown in figure, find y-parameters
2. (a) Determine the section of a cast iron hallow cylindrical column 5 metre long with ends firmly built-in if it
carries an axial load of 300 KN. The ratio of internal to external diameter is 3/4. Use factor of safety of 8.
Take fc =567 N/mm2 and Rankine’s constant a=1/1600. 8
(b) Derive relation between bending moment and bending stress 6
3. (a) A hollow mild steel column hinged at both ends is of circular cross-section with an outside diameter of
100mm and an inside diameter of 80mm. The length of the column is 2.5m. Determine the maximum
permissible load with an eccentricity of 15mm if the maximum compressive stress is limited to 75 MPa.
E=205 GPa. 10
(b) What are the assumptions made in simple theory of bending? 4
4. (a) State and prove moment area theorems. 7
(b) A uniform beam is loaded as shown in the Figure 1. Determine the Bending Moment at the middle support
and hence draw the BM and SF diagrams. 7
5. (a) Derive the equation of Clapeyron’s Three Moment 7
(b) A beam ABCDE is continuous over four supports and carries loads as shown in the Figure 2. Calculate the
fixing moments at each support and hence draw the SF and BM diagrams. 7
Figure 2
6. (a) A thick steel cylinder closed at the ends has its outer diameter 1.5 times the inner diameter and is subjected
to internal pressure only. Another cylinder having the same dimensions is subjected to an external
pressure only. Determine the ratio of these pressures if
i) The maximum hoop stress has the same numerical value
ii) The maximum hoop strain has the same numerical value
iii) Poisson’s ratio is 0.3 7
(b) When a curved beam is subjected to uniform bending moment, derive the expression for circumferential
stress induced using Winkler’s Bach Theory. 7
7. (a) A cylindrical shell 900 mm long, 150 mm internal diameter, having a thickness of metal 8 mm, is filled
with a fluid at atmospheric pressure. If an additional 20000 mm3 of fluid is pumped into the cylinder, find
(i) the pressure exerted by the fluid on the cylinder, and
(ii) the hoop stress induced. Take E = 2x105 N/mm2 and 1/m=0.3 8
(b) A crane hook carries a load of 20kN as shown in the Figure 3. The section at X-X is rectangular whose
horizontal side is l00mm. Find the stresses in the inner at the given section. 6
8. (a) Derive the expression for shear centre of a channel section. 6
(b) A built up ring consists of an inner copper ring and outer steel ring. The diameter of the surface of contact
of the two rings is 60cm. Determine the stresses set up in the steel and copper by rotation of the ring at
2500rpm. Both the rings are of rectangular cross-section 15mm in the radial direction and 20mm in the
direction perpendicular to the plane of the ring. Young’s modulus and density for steel are 200GPa and
7800kg/m3 respectively, whereas for copper are 100GPa and 8900kg/m3 respectively. 8
9. (a) Determine the shear cçntre of the cross section shown in the Figure 4. 7
(b) A disc of 50cm diameter and uniform thickness is rotating at 2400rpm. Determine the maximum stress
induced in the disc. If a hole of 10cm diameter is drilled at the centre of the disc, determine the maximum
intensities of radial and hoop stresses induced. Take poison’s ratio as 0.28, density of disc as 7800kg/m3.
(ME 22410)
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Civil Engineering
Second Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper IV: Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machines
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer all Questions (5x2=10)
1. a) State Buckingham’s π theorem. b) Define priming. Why is it necessary?
c) What is meant by Energy Correction factor? d) What is critical flow?
e) What is Mach number? What is its significance?
PART-B (5x10=50)
2. a) Discuss the classification flow in channels? Also discuss the importance of Froude number (Fe).
b) Find the velocity of flow and rate of flow of water through a rectangular channel of 6m wide and 3m deep,
when it is running full. The channel is having bed slope as 1 in 2000. Take Chezy’s constant C=55.
3. a) What is critical slope? Explain.
b) A trapezoidal channel has side slopes of 1 horizontal to 2 vertical and the slope of bed is 1 in 1500. The
area of the section is 40m2. Find the dimensions of the section if it is most economical. Determine the
discharge of the most economical section if C is 50.
4. a) Discuss different types of hydraulic jumps. Mention the applications and locations of hydraulic jump.
b) The depth of flow of water, at a certain section of a rectangular channel of 5m wide is 0.6m. The discharge
through the channel is 15m3/s. If a hydraulic jump takes place on the downstream side find the depth of
flow after the jump.
5. a) Derive expression for depth of hydraulic jump.
b) Determine the length of the back water curve caused by an afflux of 1.5m in a rectangular channel of width
50m and depth 2.0m. The slope of the bed is given as 1 in 2000. Take manning’s N=0.03.
6. A pelton wheel is to be designed for the following specifications. Power = 735.75kw, S.P.Head=200m,
speed=800rpm, = 0.86 and jet diameter not to exceed 1/10th of wheel diameter.
Determine (i) wheel diameter (ii) the number of jets required (iii) diameter of the jet. Take Cr=0.98, speed
7. a) What is meant by Governing of turbines? Explain.
b) Derive an expression for specific speed of a turbine.
8. a) Find the number of pumps required to take water from a deep well under a total head of 89m. All the
pumps are identical and are running at 800rpm. The specific speed of each pump is given as 25 while the
rated capacity of each pump is 0.16m3/s.
b) Write short notes on cavitation of centrifugal pumps.
9. a) Explain the construction and working principle of a centrifugal pump.
b) A centrifugal pump is to discharge 0.118m3/s at a speed of 1450rpm against a head of 25m. The impeller
diameter is 250mm, its width at outlet is 50mm and manometric efficiency is 75%. Determine the vane
angle at the outer periphery of the impeller.
10. a) Define similitude. Explain various types of similarities with examples.
b) How will you determine the total drag of a ship or partially submerged bodies.
11. a) What do you understand by model laws? Discuss the Mach model law in detail.
b) What are the different types of distortion that are introduced in model study? Under what situation the
distortion is necessary?
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology
Second Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper IV: Optimization Techniques
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. Explain the penalty method or ‘Big —M’ method for solving a linear programming problem.
4. Write the corresponding rules for primal-dual relations. Formulate the dual of the following linear
programming problem and solve by dual simplex method:
Maximize Z =240X1+225X2
Subject to 3X1+9X2 ≤ 12; 6X1+15X2≤ 24 and X1,X2 ≥ 0
I 3 2 4 0
II 3 4 2 4
III 4 2 4 0
IV 0 4 0 8
A1 2 -1 5 -2 6
A2 -2 4 -3 1 0
11. An oil engine manufacturer purchases lubricants at the rate of Rs. 42 per piece from a vendor. The
requirement of these lubricants is 1800 per year. What should be the order quantity per order, if the cost
per placement of an order is Rs. 16 and inventory carrying charge per rupee per year is only 20 paise.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electronics and Communications Engineering
Second Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper IV: Signals and systems
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
1. a) What is aliasing?
b) What is mean square error?
c) What is convolution?
d) State Parseval’s theorem.
e) What is the significance of ROC?
f) What is the relation between Laplace transform ad Fourier Transform of a signal?
g) Define Ergodic process.
h) What is Rayleigh distribution?
i) What is conditional probability?
j) What is random process?
2. a) Determine the exponential Fourier series for an impulse train. Also plot its magnitude and phase spectrum.
b) State and prove sampling theorem.
3. a) Derive the relation between bandwidth ad rise time.
b) Explain the properties of energy spectral density ad power spectral density.
4. a) State and prove any two properties of Laplace transform.
( )
b) Determine the inverse Laplace transform of signal ( ) = ( )
5. a) Discuss total probability and Baye’s theorem.
b) Discuss about transformations of multiple random variables.
6. a) Discuss the auto correlation properties of a random process.
b) Show that the random process X(t)=ASin(wot+θ) is wide sense stationary if A ad Wo are constants and
‘θ’ is uniformly distributed random variable in the interval (01<⋀).
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Second Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper IV: Electrical Machines - II
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2 Explain the principle of operation of a poly phase induction motor
3 Explain the production of rotating magnetic field in 3-phase induction motor
4 Derive expressions for ratio of i) starting torque to full load torque ii) maximum torque to full load torque
5 a) Draw and explain the equivalent circuit of a 3-phase induction motor with neat phasor diagram
b) The full load efficiency and p.f. of a 16 H.P, 440 V, 50 Hz, 3-phase induction motor are 84% and 0.84 lag
respectively. The blocked rotor line current is 45 A at 220 V. Calculate the ratio of starting to full-load
current if the motor is provided with a star-delta starter, neglecting magnetizing current.
6 Describe the induction motors i) Crawling ii) cogging
7 With the help of a neat diagram, describe the star-delta method of starting of a 3-phase induction motor.
8 a) Explain the principle of ‘phase split’ in the context of single phase induction motor
b) Give a detailed account on the different types of split phase motors.
9 Explain double revolving field theory. Develop equivalent circuit for single phase induction motor based
on this theory.
10 Explain the operation of hysteresis motor and describe it characteristics
11 Explain the operation of linear induction motor and describe it applications.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Second Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper IV: Advanced Strength of Materials
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer the following questions. Question No.1 (2x7=14) compulsory and answer one from each unit (4x14=56).
2. a) A bar of rigidity fixed between two plates at A and D and is loaded as shown, find the force on portion AB,
BC, CD and displacements of end B and C ∈=200kN/mm2.
3. Obtain the deflection equation for a Cantilever of length l1 having uniformly distributed load ‘W’ kN/m
through its span using moment area method and double integration method.
5. A bar of uniform rectangular section is subjected to an axial pull of ‘P’. show that volumetric strain is
∈ 1− where A is cross sectional area of bar, ∈ is the Young’s modulus of bar material and 1/M is
Poisson’s ratio.
6. A beam of rectangular cross section, 80mm wide an 120mm deep is subjected to a bending moment of
20kN.M. The face of the plane of loading is inclined at 450 to the YY axis of the section. Locate the neutral
axis of the section and calculate the bending stress included at each corner of the beam section.
9. a) Derive the expression for hoop stress induced in a wheel rim rotating with uniform speed.
b) A rim of a rotating wheel is 1.2m in diameter. Determine the limiting speed of the wheel and the change in
diameter if maximum stress is not to exceed 130MPa. Density of the material is 7700 kg/m3 and E=205
GPa. Neglect the effect of spokes of the wheel and assume the rim to be thin.
10. a) Explain the winkler Bach theory.
11. a) Derive an expression for the modified area of cross section (ie. Factor h2) for triangular cross section of a
b) A curved bar of rectangular section of 30mm width 40mm depth and mean radius of curvature of 60mm is
initially unstressed, if a bending moment of 400NM is applied to the bar which tends to straighten it,
determine the stresses at the inner and outer surfaces and sketch a diagram to show the variation of stress
across the section. Also find the position of neutral axis.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
First Year (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper V: Technical English Communication Skills
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. Answer (a) and (b) OR (c) and (d) of the following sentences (2x7=14)
(a) Read the following and answer the SEVEN questions that follow
The first step is for us to realise that a city need not be a frustrater of life; it can be among other things, a
mechanism for enhancing life, for producing possibilities of living which are not to be realized except
through cities. But, for that to happen, deliberate and drastic planning is needed. Towns as much as
animals, must have their systems of organs-those for transport and circulation ae an obvious example.
What we need now are organ systems for recreation, leisure, culture, community expression. This means
abundance of open space, easy access to unspoilt Nature, beauty in parks and in fine buildings, gymnasia
and swimming baths and recreation grounds in planty, central spaces fr celebrations and demonstrations,
halls for citizens’ meetings, concert halls and theatres and cinemas that belong to the city. And the
buildings must not be built anyhow or dumped down anywhere; boh they and their groupings should mean
something important to the people of the place.
i) Cities can be made to provide full facilities for life, only if:
(a) these can be mechanically developed.
(b) proper transport system is introduced.
(c) cinemas, theatres and concert halls are established there.
(d) these are thoughtfully and vigorously designed to serve people’s needs.
ii) A suitable title for the passage would be:
(a) Towns versus Animals.
(b) The Need for Planned Cities.
(c) Transport and Communication System in a City.
(d) The Need for Entertainment Centres in a City.
iii) “A city need not be a frustrater of life” means that:
(a) one does not expect fulfilment of all life’s requirements from a city.
(b) city life provides all the essential needs of life.
(c) a city does not necessarily lift man’s standard of living.
(d) a city should not defeat the fulfilment of life’s aspirations and aims.
:: 2 ::
iv) Which one of the following has the opposite meaning to the word ‘frustrater’ in the passage?
(a) Promoter (b) Applauder
(c) Approver (d) Executer
v) The author talks about ‘Unspoilt Nature’. In what way can Nature remain unspoilt?
(a) If Nature is not allowed to interfere with people’s day-to-day life.
(b) By building cities with the system of organs like those of animals.
(c) By allowing free access to parks and open spaces.
(d) By allowing Nature to retain its primitive, undomesticated character.
vi) The opening sentence of the passage implies that:
(a) the possibilities of living a decent life cannot be found in a city.
(b) only a city can provide the means to lead a full life.
(c) among other places, a city can also help man to lead a successful life.
(d) a city provides better opportunities for good living than a village.
vii) According to the author, the function of a city is to:
(a) provide adequate community expression.
(b) make available centres of recreation and public gatherings.
(c) facilitate traffic and communication.
(d) raise the tone of life and make it more meaningful.
(b) Expand the title of the following companies and state the line of their business activity
i. SAIL ii. FCI iii. NTPC
iv. NALCO v. RBI vi. HSL vii. BPCL
(c) Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow
True, it is the function of the army to maintain law and order in abnormal times. But in normal times there
is another force that compels citizens to obey the laws and to act with due regard to the rights of others.
The force also protects the lives and the properties of law abiding men. Laws are made to secure the
personal safety of its subjects and to prevent murder and crimes of violence. They are made to secure the
property of the citizens against theft and damage to protect the rights of communities and castes to carry
out their customs and ceremonies, so long as they do not conflict, with the rights of others. Now the good
citizen, of his own free will obey these laws and he takes care that everything he does is done
with due regard to the rights and well-being of others. But the bad citizen is only restrained from breaking
these laws by fear of the consequence of his actions. And the necessary steps to compel the bad citizen to
act as a good citizen are taken by this force. The supreme control of law and order in a State is in the hands
of a Minister who is responsible to the State Assembly and, acts through the Inspector General of Police.
:: 3 ::
(d) Bring out the differences in meaning in the following pairs of words and use them in sentences of your
i. Wave.. .waive ii. Ate. . . eight iii. Blue... .blew
iv. Capital.. .capitol v. Brake break vi. Check. . . .cheque
vii. Borne . . . .born
:: 4 ::
(b) (i) Write a report to the newspaper about the college fest that was held in your university.
(ii) Choose the correct pair of words that have the same relationship as the head pair
A) Plot: Story B) Drill : Recitation C) Valedictory: speech
D) Recital : Music E) String: guitar
A) Hibernation: sleep B) Sleep : Dream C) Bear : winter
D) Page :book E) Global: countries
A) Forgiveness : punish B) Stockpile : accumulate C) Testimony : falsify
D) Treasure : money E) Intimation: fear
A) Book: page B) Boost: Elevated C) Desire : Information
D) Avarice : Wealth E)Racket : Badminton
A) Bowl: soup B) Soup: plate C) Dish:spoon
D) Plate:spoon
A) assemblage : information B) imbibe : write C) nibble : Gorge
D) desire :information E) Avarice : wealth
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Civil Engineering
Second Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper V: Fluid Mechanics
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Question No.1 compulsory and answer one question from each unit.
2. a) Explain the differences between U-tube manometer and inverse U-tube manometer with neat sketch.
b) Show that in a fluid which is at rest, the pressure is constant in horizontal plane and varies linearly with
3. a) A circular plate of 4m diameter is immersed in water with the top edge touching the water surface and its
lower edge at a depth of 3m below free surface. Determine the force acting on the plane surface and centre
of pressure.
b) A tank 3m in length, 2m wide and 2m deep containing 1.5m depth of water is given a constant acceleration
in horizontal direction at 4m/s2. Determine water surface lope. How much water will spill out from the
4. a) Write a short notes on classification of flows with neat sketches.
b) A pipe line carrying water change in diameter from 20cm at a section A to 50cm at section B, which is 4m
above ‘A’. If the pressure at A and B are 100kN/m2 and 80kN/m2 respectively and discharge is 200liters/
sec. Determine the loss of head and direction of flow.
5. a) State Bernoulli’s equation and derive an expression for Bernoulli’s equation from Euler’s equation.
b) An orifice meter of diameter 15cm is fitted in a pipe of 30cm diameter. The pressure gauges fitted
upstream and downstream of the orifice meter give readings of 14.715N/cm2 respectively. Find the rate of
flow of water through the pipe in liters/sec.
6. a) Define i) Boundary layer thickness ii) Displacement thickness iii) energy thickness iv) momentum
b) A rectangle orifice, 1.5m wide and 1.0m deep is discharging water from a tank. If the water level in the
tank is 3.0m above the top edge of the orifice. Find the discharge through the orifice. Take the coefficient
of discharging for the orifice=0.6.
7. a) Define broad crested weir and also explain the types of broad crested weir.
∗ ∅
b) The velocity distribution in the boundary layer is given by = ( ) calculate , and if at a
certain section, free stream velocity v was observed to be 10m/s and thickness of boundary layer as 25mm
then calculate the energy, loss per unit length due to the formation of the boundary layer take =
b) Determine (i) the pressure gradient (ii) shear stress at the two horizontal parallel plates and (iii) the
discharge per metre width for the Laminar flow of oil with a maximum velocity of 2m/s between two
horizontal parallel fixed plates which are 100mm apart (given µ=2.4525 N/m2)
b) At a sudden enlargement of a water main from 240mm to 480mm diameter, the hydraulic gradient rises by
10mm. Estimate rate of flow.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology
Second Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper V: Discrete Mathematical Structures
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer Q.No.1 compulsorily. Answer one question from each unit.
1. a) What are well ordered sets.
b) Is [P⋀(P→Q)] a tautology.
c) Let P be a real number. Write the contrapositive and inverse of conditional “If P is an integer then P is a
rational number”.
d) In how many ways can 1 right and 1 left shoe can be selected from 10 pairs of shoes without obtaining a pair.
e) Explain proof by substitution with an example.
f) State the principle of mathematical induction
g) Draw the graph with 0,1,2,2,3 degree of 5 vertices.
h) Find the arrangements of letters in word TALLAHASSE
i) Draw the Hasse diagram for P = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and relation R: “Greater than”
j) What is isomorphism?
k) Determine the coefficient of x5 in (a+bx+cx2)10
l) State the Euler Theorem
m) Give an example of a relation that is reflexive but not transitive.
n) Construct truth table for (PVQ)⋀(PVR)
2. a) Represent the following using predicates, quantifiers and subjects
i. All birds can fly ii. Some birds are illogical
iii. If x is man then x is giant iv. No men are giants
v. There is a student who study Maths but not History.
vi. X is even or x is perfect
b) Show that ~pV(~p^q)) and (~p^~q) are logically equivalent without truth table.
c) Construct the truth table for [(pVq)^(p→r)^(q→r)]→r.
3. a) In how many ways can we distribute 10 red balls, 10 white balls and 10 blue balls into 6 different boxes
and any box can be left empty.
b) What is coefficient of x3 y7 in (x+y)10 and (x+y)20
c) How many ways can five person committee be formed each containing two women and three men from
set of 10 women and 12 men.
d) Find coefficient of x19 in (1+x+x2+x3)
4. a) Solve the recurrence relation an-6an-1+8an-2=3 where a0=3 and al=7
b) Solve recurrence relation is an = 1.06an-1, with a0 = 0.5 using backtracking.
c) Draw the Hasse Diagram for the following
i) P = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} and relation R: divisibility
ii) P = {1, 2, 3, 6, 12, 24, 36, 48} and relation R: divisibility
5. a) Determine whether the following 2 graphs are isomorphic.
b) Illustrate prims and kruskals algorithm with an example for minimum spanning tree.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Second Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper V: Basic Thermodynamics
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
First Question compulsory
1. Write short notes on the following (7x2=14)
a) What is a quasi-static process?
b) What are intensive and extensive properties?
c) Why does free expansion have zero work transfer?
d) What is a PMM1? Why is it impossible?
e) What is a reversed heat engine?
f) Define the cop of a refrigerator.
g) What are saturation states?
4. A piston and cylinder machine contains a fluid system which passes through a complete cycle of four
processes. During a cycle, the sum of all heat transfers is 170kg. The system completes 100 cycles per
min. complete the following table showing the method for each item, and compute the net rate of work
output in kw.
Process Q (kg/min) W(kJ/min) AE(Kj/min)
a-b 0 2,170 -
b-c 21,000 0 -
c-d -2,100 - -36,600
d-a - - -
5. a) Explain the control volume technique in a variable flow process.
b) A blower handles 1 kg/s of air at 200 and consumes a power of 15kw. The inlet and outlet velocities of a air
are 100m/s and 150m/s respectively. Find the exit air temperature, assuming adiabatic conditions. Take
Cp of air is 1.005 kj/kg-k.
6. a) Write about Carnot’s theorem.
b) Explain a heat engine cycle performed by a closed system.
7. a) State the two different statements of second law of thermo dynamics and prove their equivalence.
b) A system has a heat capacity at constant volume Cv=AT2
where A=0.042 J/k3.
The system is originally 200k and a thermal reservoir at 100k is available what is the maximum amount of
work that can be recovered as the system is cooled down to the temperature of the reservoir?
8. A steam boiler initially contains 5m of steam and 5m3 of water at 1MPa. Steam is taken out at constant
pressure until 4m3 of water is left, what is the heat transferred during the process?
9. a) Explain about Rankine with neat sketch.
b) Compare the Rankine cycle with Carnot cycle.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
First Year - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper V: English
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
d) Corporate Information
i) Expand any THREE titles of the following and state their line of business 3
a) TELCO b) bc c) SAIL d) HPCL e) HAL
ii) Name two companies operating in any FOUR of the following segments 4
a) Oil b) Electronics c) Paper d) Petroleum e) Steel f) Coal
b) Choose the correct one that matches the given one in meaning and relationship 7
“My first customer,” he thought as he _____3____ the doorbell of the first house. A middle aged
woman ____4____ curlers in her hair opened the door.
John began to ___5_____ who he was and the product he was selling. The next minute, the door
was slammed ____6_____.
“Not interested !“ John heard her shout ___7___ the closed door.
:: 3 ::
He was very keen to play shehnai again in the local Bihariji’s Temple where he had started playing
shehnai with his father, Bachai Khan, at the age of six. His original name was Quamaruddin and became
Bishmillah only after he became famous as a shehnai player in Varanasi. His father Bachai Khan was the
official shehnai player of Keshav Prasad Singh,the Maharaja of the erstwhile Dumaraon estate, Bismillah
used to accompany him.
For Bishmillah Khan, the connection to music began at a very early age. Byhis teens, he had already
become a master of the shehnai. On the day India gained freedom, Bismillah Khan, then a sprightly 31
year-old, had the rare honour of playing from Red Fort. But Bishmillah Khan won’t just be remembered
for elevating the shehnai from an instrument heard only in weddings and naubatkhanas to one that was
appreciated in concert halls across the world. His life was a testimony to the plurality that is India.
A practicing Muslim, he would take a daily dip in the Ganga in his younger days after a bout of kusti in
Benia Baga Akhada. Every morning, Bishmillah Khan would do riyaaz at the Balaji temple on the banks
of the river. Even during his final hours in a Varanasi hospital, music didn’t desert Bishmillah Khan. A
few hours before he passed away early on Monday, the shehnai wizard hummed a thumri to show that he
was feeling better. This was typical of a man for whom life revolved around music.
Throughout his life he abided by the principle that all religions are one. What marked Bishmillah Khan
was his simplicity and disregard for the riches that come with musical fame. Till the very end, he used a
cycle rickshaw to travel around Varanasi. But the pressure of providing for some 60 family members took
its toll during his later years.
d) Correct and rewrite any SEVEN of the following sentences 7
5. a) Write a report to the editor about the implementation of foreign exchange programs in professional
colleges 7
:: 4 ::
b) Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow 7
Children are the hope and future of a nation, yet there are millions of deprived children in a country who
have never known a normal childhood. They are forced to work for a living from an early age and are
exploited by every adult round them including their own families. These neglected forgotten children lead
a dismal, dark life full of horror and though they exist all around us, very few people really see them or
But those who most often stop for a moment and look into the eyes of these innocent childrei unchanged
forever, there is no going back for them and they know that they have to do something positive to change
these tragic lives even if it is in a small way. CRY — Child Relief and You -- is an organization that was
started by seven such individuals and it has been working from 1979 to change the lives of
underprivileged children all over India.
CRY understood so much the dire need of help. At the same time it realized that there are many peopi were
more than willing to extend a helping hand but did not know how to go about it. Thçy tried link to bring
child relief and the EU elements together
And now seven hundred and fifteen child welfare organizations are being pounded by CRY and mor than
five black guy (children from rural and urban areas) can all have a better life in the future .T continue
giving support to this, one of the organizations enable them to carry on their work in the fie1d of education
and care and the income generation schemes at the grassroots level. CRY is able t generate funds through
various means.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Civil Engineering
Second Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper V: Building Materials, Planning and Construction
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer all questions. Question No.1 is compulsory.
4. a) Explain design considerations of roofs.
b) Explain types of bonds in brick work.
5. a) Explain the Jodhpur Lime Terracing roof
b) Why flooring is necessary in a building and what points one must consider at the time of selection of a
6. a) Plan a staircase for a residential building in which the vertical distance between each floor is 3.20 mts. the
size of the stair hall is laminated to 4.8mx3.2m.
b) Explain causes of dampness.
7. a) Explain how acoustics is important in interior decoration?
b) Explain various types of sound absorbent materials and their importance.
8. a) Explain the various types of plan drawn for a building.
b) Explain the furniture requirements.
9. a) Explain lighting, ventilation, space for equipment for air.
b) With guidelines for selecting doors and windows.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology
Second Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper V: Basic Electronics
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
3. a) With a neat diagram, explain about Colpitt’s oscillator and derive the expression for frequency of
b) Explain the operation in the reverse breakdown region of the Zener diodes.
1. a) Perform (1100.010)2-(1000.110)2
b) Convert (247)8 to Hexa decimal number.
c) Simply the expression = + + +
d) Write the advantages of carry look ahead adder.
e) Encode the message bits m4 m3 m2 m1=1101
f) What is Flip-flop?
g) Write the characteristic equation of SR Flip-flop.
h) Write the applications of counters.
i) What are the different types of memory unit?
j) State the relation between number of flip-flops used a given counter.
k) Specify different triggering methods.
l) Give the TTL input & output voltage levels.
m) Compare TTL & CMOS features.
n) Write the uses of shift registers.
3. a) Explain SR Flip-flop with help of NAND gate also obtain its excitation table.
b) Given a 100MHz clock signal, derive a circuit using D-Flip-Flops to generate 50MHz and 25MHz clock
signals. Draw necessary timing diagrams for all three clock signals.
2. a) Explain how transistor acts as an amplifier with a neat circuit diagram and related waveforms.
b) Compare different types of filters.
4. a) Draw the circuit of an emitter follower and list the three most important characteristics.
b) Draw and explain the common source amplifier.
5. a) Describe the operation of the p-n junction diode with V-I characteristics.
b) Discuss the effects of cascading of amplifiers.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Second Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper V: Casting, Forming & Welding Technology
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
3. a) (i) What are the different destructive and non-destructive testing methods used for casting? Explain them.
(ii) List the steps needed for permanent mould casting operations. State its advantages.
b) Explain centrifugal and investment casting in neat sketches.
4. a) i) Discuss various consumables used in arc welding.
ii) Explain with neat sketch principle of high pressure die casting process.
b) i) Explain with schematic diagram the principle of flash butt welding
ii) List out various defects that are generally found in welding. Describe any four defects.
5. a) Explain tube making, spinning and coining with neat diagrams.
b) (i) Explain blanking and punching operations.
(ii) Explain different types of sheet metal working operations.
CE 22510
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Civil Engineering
Second Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper V: Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machines
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
1. a) What is the significance of Chezy’s equation?
b) What is surge? Give the relevant equation.
c) What is a control section?
d) How do you calculate energy loss in a hydraulic jump?
e) Define angular momentum principle.
f) What is specific speed of a turbine?
g) What is cavitation?
2. a) Derive Chezy’s equation. 7
b) A trapezoidal channel has an area of 2.5m2 and side-slopes of 450. Determine the most economical section,
if the channel is to be concrete lined with Manning’s n=0.012. 7
c) Show that in an open channel, minimum specific energy at a given flow occurs when Froude’s number is
d) A rectangular channel 10m wide carries 10 cusecs of water when flowing 1m deep. Calculate (i) specific
energy (ii) specific force (iii) type of flow (subcritical or supercritical).
3. a) Derive the dynamic equation of a gradually varied flow. 7
b) Find the slope of the free water surface in a rectangular channel of width 12m, having a depth of flow 3m.
Discharge=40cumec, bed slope=1 in 4000. Chezy’s constant(c)=55.
c) Derive the equation for energy loss in a hydraulic jump. 7
d) The depth of flow of water, at a certain section of a rectangular channel 6m wide is 0.7m. The discharge
through the channel is 16m3/s. Find the depth of the flow after the jump.
4. a) i) State and explain the principle on which turbo machines are based.
ii) What are the hydraulic functions of spiral casing, guide vanes and the draft tube?
b) A square plate of mass 12kg, uniform thickness and 330mm length of edge is hung so that it can swing
freely about its upper horizontal edge. A horizontal jet 20mm in diameter strikes the plate with a velocity
of 20m/s. When the plate is vertical the jet strikes the plate normally at the centre. What force must be
applied at the lower edge of the plate to keep it vertical?
c) Explain the functioning of a Francis Turbine with the necessary diagrams.
d) The water jet in a pelton wheel is 8cm in diameter and has a velocity of 90m/s. If the speed ratio is 0.5,
determine (i) the diameter of wheel (ii) power developed and (iii) kinetic energy per N.
5. a) i) Explain in detail about various losses and efficiencies of a centrifugal pump.
ii) Define priming. What is its significance?
b) A four stage pump is required to pump 20 lps of water against a head of 130m at 2500 rpm. Find the
specific speed of the pump. If a single stage pump is used how would the specific speed change?
c) Explain various similarities. Why are they required? What is ‘scale effect’?
d) The pressure difference △P in a pipe of diameter D and length l due to turbulent flow depends on the
velocity V, viscosity µ, density P, roughness K obtain an expression for △P.
CS/IT 22510
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology
Second Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper V: Microprocessors & Microcontrollers
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2 (a) Describe the functions of 8086 queue. How does the queue speed up process operation?
(b) Write briefly about different segment registers of 8086. (10+4)
3 (a) Describe the execution unit of 8086 processor with a diagram. (8+6)
(b) Write an assembly language program to find the maximum from a set of ten numbers.
4 (a) What is the major difference between an 8086 operating in minimum mode and 8086 operating
in maximum mode. (8+6)
(b) Describe the steps taken by 8086 when it responds to an interrupt.
5) Draw the pin diagram of 8086 processor and explain the function of the pins.
6) (a) Explain the importance of 8259 interrupt controller and explain how does it handle interrupt.
(b) Give an interfacing diagram which shows the connections between 8086 and 8259. (7+7)
7. Explain the process of interfacing a matrix keyboard to 8086 with a diagram illustrating the port
connections and explain the operation of key press, debounce and encoder.
8) (a) Explain the various addressing modes of 8051 microcontroller (8+6)
(b) Explain the interrupt structure of 8051 micro controller.
9) (a) Explain the bits of program status register of 8051 micro controller. (7+7)
(b) Write briefly about the rotate instructions of 8051 micro controller
EC 22510
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electronics and Communications Engineering
Second Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper V: Network Analysis and Synthesis
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. a) Draw the pole zero diagram for the given network function and hence obtain h(t)
H(s) = ( )( )
b) Determine the “Z” and “Y” parameters of the network given below:
3. a) The impedance parameters of a two port network are Z11=6Ω, Z22=4Ω, Z12=Z21=3Ω. Compute the Y
parameters and ABCD parameters and write the describing equations.
b) Determine the time response of the network function H(s) =
4. a) Derive the expression for characteristic impedance of a symmetrical π-Network.
b) Design a high pass filter having a cut-off frequency of 1 KHz with a load resistance of 600Ω.
5. a) Design a T-pad attenuator to give an attenuation of 60dB and to work in a line of 500Ω impedance.
b) Design a L-type attenuator to operate into a load resistance of 600Ω with an attenuation of 20dB.
8. a) Investigate if the following partially factored driving point impedance is a minimum positive real function
Z(s) = ( )( )
b) List out the fundamental difference between “RL” and “RC” impedance function.
(EC 22510)
EE 22510
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Second Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper V: Prime Movers and Pumps
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. (a) Derive an expression for the force exerted by a jet of water on stationary curved plate at center. 6
(b) A water jet with a velocity of 40 m/s strikes a blade moving with 20 m/s. The jet makes an angle of 30° and
120° at the inlet and outlet of the blade. Draw the velocity triangles at the inlet and outlet of the blade.
Find: (i) the inlet and outlet blade angles so that the water enters and leaves the blade without shock.
(ii) The work done per kg of water and efficiency of the system. 8
3. (a) Define specific speed of centrifugal pump? And derive an expression for specific speed of a centrifugal
(b) A prototype of a centrifugal pump has to deliver 0.05 m3/s against a head of 20 m when running at 1500
rpm. A model is to be designed to run at 5000 rpm. Find the discharge and head required for the model.
Also find the ratio of power of prototype and model.
4. (a) Explain the working of Pelton wheel and explain the design procedure of Pelton wheel?
(b) A jet of water coming out of 15 cm diameter nozzle strikes the buckets of Pelton wheel and jet is deflected
through an angle of 165°. Find the force exerted by the jet in the bucket and power developed. Take the
data: H = 500m, Cv= 0.97, u/V1 = 0.46. The reduction in relative velocity at exit of the bucket is 15 %.
5. (a) Derive an expression for specific speed of turbine? And also explain its unit quantities?
(b) A Francis turbine develops 300 KW shaft power when head supplied is 60 m and running at 600 rpm.
Assuming the following date: outer diameter is twice inner diameter, flow ratio = 0.2, hydraulic efficiency
= 0.9, overall efficiency = 0.8, the vanes occupy 5 % of circumferential area of the runner, breadth ratio =
0.1, velocity of flow is constant and discharge is radial at outlet. Find : (i) inlet guide blade angle (ii)
runner vane angle and (iii) inlet and outlet diameter of the runner and width of wheel at inlet.
6. (a) Define Thermodynamic system and explain types of systems with engineering examples. 6
(b) Air at 1.02 bar, 22°C, initially occupying a cylinder volume of 0.15 m3, is compressed reversibly and
adiabatically by a piston to a pressure of 6.8 bar. Calculate i) The final temperature, ii) The final volume,
and iii) work done. Assume R= 0.287 k J/kg K and ⋎=1.4. 8
7. (a) Derive an expression for thermal efficiency of a diesel cycle.
(b) An engine 20 cm bore and 30 cm stroke works on Otto cycle. The clearance volume is 1600 cubic cm. The
initial temperature and pressure are 1 bar and 60°C. If the maximum pressure is limited to 24 bars, find i).
Air standard efficiency ii) MEP of the cycle.
8. (a) Classify I.C. Engines? And differentiate S.I engine with C.I engine. 6
(b) The steam supply to an Impulse turbine with a single row of moving blades is 2 Kg/s. The turbine develops
130 k W, the blade velocity being 175 m/s. The steam flows from a nozzle with a velocity of 400 m/s and
the velocity coefficient of blades is 0.9. Find the nozzle angle at entry and exit, if the steam flows axially
after passing over the blade. 8
9. (a) Derive an expression for the maximum work output of gas turbine?
(b) A gas turbine plant operating with air as working substance for which Cp=1 kJ/Kg K and =1.4 .for both
compression and expansion. Temperature at the inlet of the compressor is 27°C and maximum cycle
temperature is 8230C . Pressure at the inlet of the compressor is 1 bar and pressure ratio is 4.The isentropic
efficiencies of a compressor and turbine are 0.8 and 0.85 respectively. If the heating value of the fuel is
41800 KJ/Kg K and heat loss in combustion chamber is 10% of the heating value of the fuel. Find
i) Compressor work in KJ/Kg ii) Heat supplied in KJ/Kg
iii) Turbine work in KJ/Kg iv) Net work output in KJ/Kg
v) Air fuel ratio vi) Thermal efficiency.
(EE 22510)
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Civil Engineering
Second Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper V: Engineering Geology
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. a) Explain in detail about the importance of geology in civil engineering.
b) Define erosion. Explain the importance of the process of erosion in civil engineering.
c) Give an account of the physical properties, chemical composition and mode of occurrence of Feldspar and
Asbestos group of minerals.
d) Explain the physical properties of Bauxite, Galena and clay minerals.
3. a) Describe and classify and various types of sedimentary rocks.
b) Describe the term “Metamorphism” and describe various types of methamorphic rocks.
c) Distinguish between sand stone and lime stone.
d) What are the civil engineering uses of granite, basalt and pegmatite?
4. a) Define folds. How folds are classified? Add a note on engineering importance of folds.
b) Write about the classification and causes of earthquake.
5. a) Give an account of types of tunnels and their useful and need.
b) What are general geological characters of the area that must be known before a tunnel project is decided?
c) Explain the geological considerations for the selection of dam sites.
d) Give an account of various methods of geological investigations for dam.
6. a) Explain in detail about the factors, types and application of electrical resistivity method.
b) Describe the importance of different properties of rocks to act as site rocks for foundation purpose.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology
Second Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper V: Microprocessors
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
1. a) What is microprocessor?
b) What is instruction pointer?
c) What is machine cycle?
d) What is an addressing mode?
e) What is stack?
f) What is the purpose of an interrupt?
g) Name the different flags of 8051.
h) Draw the structure of ROM in 8051.
i) How is microcontroller different from microprocessor?
j) Name the interrupts of 8051 with priority.
3. a) Draw and explain the timing diagram of memory read and I/O read machine cycles of 8086
b) Write an assembly language program of 8086 to arrange the given array of data bytes in ascending order
using bubble sort algorithm.
5. a) Draw the block diagram of 8051 and explain the function of each unit.
b) What are the different addressing modes supported in 8051? Give examples for each addressing mode.
6. a) Discuss in detail about serial data input and serial data output of 8051 microcontroller.
b) Explain JUMP and CALL instructions of 8051.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electronics and Communications Engineering
Second Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper V: Transmission Lines and Wave Guides
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer all the following (10x1=10)
Part-B (5x12=60)
2. a) Explain the general solution for a transmission line.
b) A simulated line is composed of T-Section S of pure resistance Z1=Z2=50Ω, Z3=2000Ω. Find α and Z0.
c) Explain in detail about distortion/ers transmission line.
2. a) Draw the circuit diagram of class-B push pull amplifier and explain the operation.
b) Distinguish between class A, class B and class C operation of amplifiers.
3. a) Draw the circuit diagram and explain the principle of operation of any one LC oscillator.
b) What are the four topologies of a feedback amplifier? Identify the transfer gain and feedback factor for
each topology.
4. a) What is a stagger tuned amplifier? Compare it with double tuned amplifier and discuss.
b) Explain the principle of operation of single tuned amplifier.
5. a) Classify clippers and explain the operation of shunt clipper with positive reference voltage.
b) Derive an expression for percentage tilt at the output of a high pass RC circuit, when a symmetric square
wave is applied at its input.
6. a) Sketch the circuit of a Schmitt trigger and explain how it works as a bistable multivibrator?
b) Elaborate the differences between bistable and monostable multivibrators with respect to their important
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Second Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper V: Applied Thermodynamics
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer Question No.1 compulsory (5x2=10)
Answer ONE question from each unit (5x12=60)
1. a) What is isothermal compressibility?
b) Explain Avagadro’s law.
c) Explain dry and wet analysis.
d) Enumerate different ways of producing refrigeration.
e) Define Actual C.O.P and Relative C.O.P.
2. a) An ideal engine operates on the Carnot cycle using a perfects gas as the working fluid. The ratio of the
greatest to the least volume is fixed and is x: 1, the lower temperature of the cycle is also fixed, but the
volume compression ratio ‘r’ of the reversible adiabatic compression is variable. The ratio of the specific
heats is .Show that if the work done in the cycle is a maximum then ( − 1) + − 1 = 0.
b) Explain with neat sketch about Otto cycle.
3. a) Determine the minimum number of stages required in an air compressor which admits air at 1 bar, 270C
and delivers at 180 bar. The maximum discharge temperature at any stage is limited to 150°C.Consider the
index for polytropic compression as 1.25 and perfect and optimum inter cooling in between the stages.
Neglect the effect of clearance.
b) 12 kg of air per minute is delivered by a centrifugal air compressor. The inlet and outlet conditions of air
are C1 = 12 m/s, p1 = 1 bar, v1 = 0.5 m3/kg and C2 = 90 m/s, p2 = 8 bar, v2=0.14 m3/kg. The increase in
enthalpy of air passing through the compressor is 150 kJ/kg and heat loss to the surroundings is 700
kJ/min. Find : (i) Motor power required to drive the compressor; (ii) Ratio of inlet to outlet pipe diameter.
Assume that inlet and discharge lines are at the same level.
4. a) Explain classifications of fuels in details.
b) Determine the gravimetric analysis of the products of complete combustion of acetylene with 200 per cent
stoichiometric air.
5. a) Explain babcock and wilcox boiler.
b) Explain boiler mountings and accessories.
6. a) Explain the working of Refrigerator and heat pump.
b) Explain vapour absorption refrigeration cycle with neat sketch.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
First Year (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper VI: Computer Programming with ‘C’
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
1. a) fread
b) fwrite
c) static
d) sizeof
e) strncat
f) getche
g) dereference
h) pointer
i) rand
j) associativity
k) typedef
1) variable
m) exit
n) fscanf
2. a) Draw the flow chart and write the algorithm to find smallest among three given numbers. 7
b) Explain different types of constants in C programming. 7
3 a) List the built-in string I/O operations. Give suitable C language statement, example one for each string
b) List out operators in C and explain each with a suitable example. 7
4 a) Distinguish between while, for and do-while constructs in C 7
b) Develop a program to solve a quadratic equation using switch statement and draw flow chart.
5 a) Give the syntax of nested-if and switch statements in C. List merits and demerits of each. 7
b) How is a two dimensional array defined in C? Write a function to find and print the sum of diagonal
elements of a square matrix.
6 a) Write a iterative function to compute n-th Fibonacci number. 7
b) Write a C program of calculate the average temperature of five days. Use the user-defined function
average Q.
7 a) What is meant by storage class? Explain with an example, the working of external variable.
b) Write a program to illustrate the usage of malloc() Function? 7
8 a) Explain command line parameters with an example. 7
b) Define a structure with the following three members: roll number, name, and total marks of a student.
Develop a C program for the above to read and display the details of a student.
9 a) Write a program to illustrate the usage of pointers to structures? 7
b) Explain about Unions inside Structures with an example 7
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology
Second Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper VI: Data Structures
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
PART B (4x14=56M)
2. a) Swap two adjacent elements by adjusting only the pointers(not the data) using:
i) Single linked list ii) Double linked list
b) Write a program to count number of elements in circular linked list
c) Write a program to add two polynomials
3. a) Write an algorithm for shell sort and explain with an example.
b) Write Routines to implement the following
i) Stack using linked list ii) Queue using array
4. a) Explain in detail about Binary search Trees and its implementation
b) Write routines to implement Double rotations of AVL trees
5. a) Explain in detail about different graph traversals
b) Explain about Binary heap and implement it
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electronics and Communications Engineering/Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Second Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper VI: Digital Electronics
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. a) Simplify XY+X1Z+YZ
b) Simplify the given Boolean function into sum of product form f(ABCD)=∑(0,1,2,5,8,9,10)+D(11,13)
5. a) Draw the circuit diagram of a two input TTL NAND gate and explain its operation.
b) Implement the following function using 3 inputs 4 product term and 2 output PLA.
F1=AB1+AC1+A1BC1 & F2=(AC+BC)1
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Second Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper VI: Electrical Technology
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer question 1 compulsorily (14 x1M=14M)
Answer one question from each unit (4 x14M=56M)
1. a) What is called shaft torque?
b) What is the function of carbon brushes in DC generator?
c) Define average value
d) What are the various types of do motors?
e) Why the armature core is made by laminated sheets?
f) How the transformers are classified?
g) What is the function of commutator in DC generator?
h) ‘What is back emf in d.c motors?
i) Why are carbon brushes preferred for dc machines?
j) What is called synchronous speed?
k) State Fleming’s right hand rule.
l) What is speed regulation?
m) Write any two features of moving coil instrument
n) Write two essential requirements of indicating instruments
2 a) A resistor of 6 Ω and an inductor of 25.5 mH are connected in series across a 220V, 50Hz supply. Find i)
Impedance ii) Current in the circuit iii) Power factor iv) Active power v) Reactive power vi) voltage
across R&L.
b) An RLC Series circuit has R10Ω and L0.5H and C= 10µF connected across a 200 V, 50Hz supply. Find i)
Impedance, ii) Current in the circuit iii) voltage across R, L and C.
3 a) Derive the EMF equation of DC machine
b) A 230 V, DC series motor runs at 1000 rpm when taking 155 A. Its total armature circuit resistance is
0.1Ω. Calculate the speed of the motor at half the torque. Assume the unsaturated magnetic field
4 a) Explain the voltage regulation and derive the necessary expressions of single phase transformer
b) Derive the equivalent circuit of a 1-0 transformer and show it is useful in the analysis of the performance
of a transformer.
5 a) Explain how the equivalent circuit parameters are determined from OC and SC test readings.
b) Define voltage regulation of a transformer. Develop an expression for calculating the voltage regulation of
a two winding transformer under i) lagging p.f. ii) unity p.f. and iii) leading p.f.
6 a) Draw the power stages diagram of a 3-∅ induction motor and explain about each stage.
b) Explain the construction details and working principle of 3-∅ induction motor.
7 a) Derive the torque equation of a 3-∅ induction motor.
b) A three-phase, 440V, 50Hz 6-pole induction motor running at 950 rpm takes 50 kw at a certain load. The
friction and windage loss is 1.5 KW and statarloses=1.2kw. Determine i) the slip ii) the rotor copper loss
iii) the output from the rotor and iv) efficiency
8 Briefly explain principles of resistance and induction heating.
9 Explain the principle of operation of moving coil instrument.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
First Year (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper VI: Computer Programming with ‘C’
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
3 a) Write a C program to find the largest and second largest number from the given n numbers, using i) for
loop and ii) do-while loop, without using arrays.
4 a) Write a program to read a positive integer and to test whether it is a palindrome or not. Palindrome integer
is an integer that reads the same backwards as forwards. For example the numbers 3421243 and 15751 are
b) Distinguish between break and continue and give examples. 7
5 a) Give a brief note about different storage classes. What are its application areas? 7
b) Functions in C can be used as parameters of other functions in C. Explain the usage of function parameters
in C.
6 a) Write a recursive function to find sum and product of two positive integers 7
b) What are different parameter passing mechanisms in C? Give examples 7
7 a) Write a C program to count number of characters and words in a given input sentence. 7
b) Give a brief note about the implementation of structure within a structure. Give one example with
8 a) Explain the following with suitable example. 7
i) Nested structure. ii) Array of structures.
b) Differentiate between unions and structures? 7
9 a) Differentiate between text files and binary files? 7
b) Write a C program to append the contents into an existing file? 7
10 a) List different file handling functions in C language 7
b) Explain command line parameters with an example 7
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Civil Engineering/Mechanical Engineering
Second Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper VI: Environmental Studies
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. (a) What is meant by the term ‘Overexploitation of forest resources”? write the impacts of mining on forests.
(b) What are the main causes of desertification?
3. (a) Give a brief account on renewable and non renewable energy resources.
4. (a) How do the different environmental parameters affect the biota?
(b) Write short note on needs for biodiversity conservation.
5. (a) What is meant by soil pollution?
(b) Describe solid waste management.
6. (a) What is Global Warming? Discuss
(b) Discuss (i) Acid rain (ii) Ozone depletion
7. (a) Explain different types of water conservation methods.
8. (a) Write short notes on: (i) Water (Prevention and control of pollution) (ii) Wild life protection act
9. (a) Write short note on (i) Earth summit 1992 (ii) Bhopal Gas Tragedy.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology
Second Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper VI: Digital Logic Design
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
1. Answer the following:
a) Convert (32) to binary
b) Find 2’s complement of 77
c) Construct AND, NOT gate using NAND gate
d) Define EEPROM
e) What is reflexive code?
f) PLA
g) 7-segment display
2. a) Implement the following Boolean functions
i) F=A(B+CD)+BC1 with NOR gates ii) F= (A+B1) (CD+E) with NAND gates
b) Obtain minimal SOP expression for the complement of the given expression:
F(A,B,C)=Q(1,2,5,7) and draw the circuit using NOR-gates
3. a) Design 4 to 1 multiplexer along with implementation table
b) Write notes on following
i) Code conversion ii) Magnitude Comparator
4. a) Draw and Explain the logic diagram of JK Flip Flop and master slave flip flop
b) Explain why clock and presets are needed in sequential circuits
5. a) With necessary sketch explain Bidirectional shift register with parallel load
b) Draw the waveforms for a 3-bit ripple down counter
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electronics and Communications Engineering
Second Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper VI: Electrical Technology
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2 a) Describe the constructional details of dc machines. Explain clearly their functions and specify giving
reasons the materials with which they are made.
b) A shunt generator delivers 50KW at 250V and 400 rpm. The armature and field resistances are 0.02Ω and
50 Ω respectively. Calculate the speed of the machine running as a shunt motor and taking 50KW input at
250V allow 1V per brush for contact drop.
3 a) Explain the principle of operation of a D.C machine as a generator and motor.
b) A 240V, 4 pole dc shunt motor running at 1000 rpm gives 15HP with an armature current of 50A and a
field current of lA. The armature winding is wave connected and has 540 conductors. Its resistance is 0.1Ω
and the voltage drop at each brush is lV. Find (i) the useful torque (ii) the total torque (iii) the useful flux
per pole and (iv) the efficiency.
4 a) Give the concept of 1-phase ideal transformer. Describe its performance with the help of emf equations, its
phasar diagrams at no load and on load.
b) Draw the exact equivalent circuit of a transformer and describe briefly the various parameters involved in
5 a) The efficiency of a 1000KVA, 110 / 220V, 50Hz 1-phase transformer is 98.5% at half full load at 0.8 pf
leading and 98.8% at full-load upf. Determine: (i) iron-loss (ii) full-load copper loss (iii) maximum
efficiency at upf.
b) A 10 KVA, 500/250V, 1-phase transformer gave the following test results: SC test (h.v.side): 60V, 20A,
150W. The maximum efficiency occurs at unity Pf and at 1.2 full-load current. Determine full-load
efficiency at 0.8 pf. Also calculate the maximum efficiency.
6 a) Describe the principle of operation of a 3-phase induction motor. Explain why the rotor is forced to rotate
in the direction of rotating magnetic field?
b) A 3-phase, 400V, 50Hz induction motor takes a power input of 35KW at its full-load speed of 980pm. The
total stator losses are 1KW and the friction and windage losses are 1.5KW. Calculate (i) slip (ii) rotor
ohmic losses (iii) Shaft power (iv) Shaif torque and (v) efficiency.
7 a) Discuss the conditions under which optimum torque is developed in a 3-phase induction motor.
b) The power input to rotor of a 440V, 50Hz, 3-phase 12-pole Induction motor is 75W. The rotor emf has a
frequency of 2Hz. Calculate (i) Slip (ii) rotor speed (iii) rotor copper loss and (iv) mechanical power
8 a) Explain briefly the double field revolving theory in single- phase AC motor
b) Explain the principle of operation of a shaded pole 1-phase induction motor and draw its torque-speed
9 Describe in detail the principle and operation of a 4/2 stepper motor with neat constructional features
10 a) Derive an expression induced EMF of an alternator
b) A 3-phase, 11 kV star connected alternator supplies a load of 10 MW at 0.8 p.f lagging. Its effective
resistance is 0.1Ω per phase and synchronous reactance is 0.7Ω per phase. Calculate the line value of
generated EMF
11 a) What are the constructional differences between synchronous motor and induction motor?
b) Define the following for a 3-phase alternator i) Voltage regulation ii) Synchronous impedance iii)
Armature reaction
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Second Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper VI: Digital Electronics
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
2. a) Simplify the logic function using Quine-MC Cluskey method and realize using NAND gates.
b) Design and explain 2-bit magnitude comparator in detail.
2. a) Explain half wave rectifier with circuit and waveform?
b) Explain the principle of operation of a D.C machine as a generator ar1id motor
3. a) Derived Torque equation of a D.C. Machine from basis
b) A 240V, 4 pole dc shunt motor running at 1000 rpm gives 15HP with an armature current of 50A and a
field current of 1A. The armature winding is wave connected and has 540 conductors. Its resistance is
0.1Ω and the voltage drop at each brush is lV. Find (i) the useful torque (ii) the total torque (iii) the useful
flux per pole and (iv) the efficiency.
4. a) Explain main constructional features of cylindrical rotor type Alternator
b) A 4-pole AC machine has a 3-phase winding wound in 36 slots with nil span of 1400. Calculate i) Pitch
factor ii) Distribution factor
5. a) State and explain Simpson’s theory with suitable example.
b) Briefly explain different forms taken by lightning.
6. a) Explain different belt drives and give their applications.
b) Explain the welding and soldering procedure and precautions should be taken.
7. a) Briefly explain drilling and milling with neat sketches
b) Briefly explain drawing casting, turning with neat sketches
8. Explain different types of boilers with neat sketches.
9. Explain different types of IC engines with neat sketches.
CS/IT 22610
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology
Second Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper VI: Operating Systems
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Explain 14
1. a) Logical address
b) thrashing
c) Solaris
d) Virtual file system
e) Buffering
f) Interrupts
2. a) Write about Evolution of Operating System 7
b) Explain about Memory Hierarchy 7
3. a) What are the five major activities of an operating system in regard to process management? 7
b) Write about MS-WINDOWS operating system functions 7
4. a) Discuss the major complications that concurrent processing adds to an operating system 7
b) Explain the Readers-Writers synchronization problem and describe the solution using semaphores 7
5. a) Explain the four necessary conditions for dead lock occurrence 7
b) Give a solution to the classic five dining philosopher’s problem using monitor 7
6. a) Explain need for Memory Management 7
b) Explain Preemptive and non Preemptive scheduling schemes. 7
7. a) Explain Paging scheme 7
b) Explain Windows Memory Management 7
8. a) Write about organization of the I/O Function 7
b) Write about UNIX File management 7
9. a) Explain various OS Design issues. 7
b) Explain Secondary Storage Management 7
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Civil Engineering
Second Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper VI: Elements of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
1. Answer all questions (6x1=6)
4. Give working and construction of a 1∅ Transformer.
5. With the help of diagrams explain the working principle of alternators.
6. Explain various types of lightening strokes.
7. Discuss the construction, principle and working of a Horn gap arrester.
(Mechanical Sciences)
8. Answer all questions (4x1=4)
a) Define creep b) Define rolling
c) Give classification of IC engines d) Distinguish between welding and soldering
10. a) Explain with the help of neat sketch of nozzle control governing of steam turbine. What are its advantages
over throttling governing?
b) Describe briefly the working of a reciprocating compressor with a neat sketch.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology
Second Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper VI: Environmental Studies
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
4. (a) Explain the hot spots of biodiversity
(b) Describe the endangered species of India.
5. (a) What is solid waste? Write the solid waste management in your city.
6. (a) Discuss about the process of cloud seeding and write the advantages and disadvantages?
7. (a) What is the role of Information Technology in environment?
(b) Discuss the (i) Population growth (ii) Ozone depletion
8. (a) Discuss important features of Wild Life Protection Act.
(b) Explain Forest Conservation Act
9. Write short note on (i) Tehri Dam (ii) Ralegaon Siddhi
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electronics and Communications Engineering
Second Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper VI: Data Structures using C
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
4. a) Derive an expression for force exerted by a jet on a stationary curved plate at its centre.
b) A nozzle of 50mm diameter delivers a stream of water at 20m/sec perpendicular to a plate that moves
away from the jet at 5m/sec. Find: i) the force on the plate ii) the work done iii) the efficiency of jet.
5. Show that for radial curved vane, the work done per second is given by [ ± ].
8. A centrifugal pump has the following dimensions : inlet radius = 80mm; outlet radius=160mm; width of
impeller at the inlet=50mm; β1=0.45 radius; β2 =0.25 radius; width of impeller at outlet = 50mm.
Assuming shockless entry determine the discharge and the head developed by the pump when the impeller
rotates at 90 radius/second.
9. What is an indicator diagram and discuss the types of indicator diagrams with neat sketches.
PART-B (4 x 14 = 56 marks)
2 A circular roller of weight Q = 445N and radius r 152 mm hangs by a tie rod AC = 304mm and rests
against a smooth vertical wall at B as shown in Fig 1 Determine the tension S in the tie rod and the force
Rb exerted against the wall at B
Fig. 1
3. Two smooth spheres each of radius 100mm and weigh 100N, rest in a horizontal channel having vertical
walls, the distance between which is 360mm. Find the reactions at the points of contact A,B,C and D
shown in Fig.2.
Fig. 2
4. Find the forces in all the members of the truss shown in the fig. 3. (All forces are in kN)
Fig 3
5. A block ‘A’ weighing 1.5 KN, rests on a horizontal plane
and supports another block weighing 500 N on top of it as
shown in the fig.4. Block ‘B’ is attached to a vertical wall
by an inclined string, which makes an angle of 450 with
the Vertical. What should he the value of force ‘P’ acting
at an angle of 300 to the horizontal to cause the motion of
the lower block to impend? Take α = 0.28 for all the
Fig. 4
6. A both of weight I KN is on the horizontal surface of a table. This weight is connected to another body of
weight 2 KN by a string passing over a smooth pulley fixed at the corner of the table. The coefficient of
friction between 1 KN weight and the table surface is 0.20. Ii the system is released from rest, find the
velocity of 2 KN weight after it has moved 1.2 m using the work—energy method.
7. a) The cross section of a culvert is shown in fig. 5. Compute the moment of inertia about the horizontal
x-axis. (All units are Cm)
Fig. 5
b) What are parallel axis theorems? Discuss their application.
8. A projectile is projected up a plane inclined at 200
from a point ‘A’ at a velocity of 160 m/s at an angle of
50° to the horizontal as shown in the fig.6. The
projectile touches at ‘B’. Find the time taken, height
of ‘B’ above ‘A’ and the range of the projectile along
the incline. Neglect the air resistance
OR Fig. 6
9. A Hollow uniform circular cylinder of mass ‘m’ and base radius ‘a’ is open at both ends. Calculate the
moment of inertia of the cylinder about its axis.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electronics and Communications Engineering
Second Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper VII: Electrical Technology
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer Question No. I compulsory (14x1=14)
Answer ONE question from each Unit (4x 14=56)
1. Write briefly of the following:
(a) What is principle of DC motor? (b) Define back e.m.f.
(c) Why transformer rating is in kVA? (d) Define slip
(e) Define transformer (f) What is stepper motor?
(g) What is synchronous impedance? (h) Applications of synchronous motors
(i) Define voltage regulation of an alternator (j) What are the losses present in a transformer?
(k) What are the losses present in a 3-phase induction motors
(l) What is the condition for maximum torque in a 3-phase induction motor?
(m) What are the differences between DC generator and an alternator?
(n) Draw the characteristics of DC compound generator.
2. (a) Derive expression for e.m.f. equation of a D.C. generator.
(b) A separately exited generator gave the following data for o.c.c. at 1000 r.p.m.
If in Amps 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Eg in Volts 5 50 100 140 170 190 200 205
The armature resistance including brushes is 0.5Ω. If the generator is now shunt connected and is driven at
1100 r.p.m., then, for a total shunt field resistance of 180Ω i) Calculate the no load e.m.f. ii) Calculate the
output current and the shunt field current for the terminal voltage of 190 V.
3. (a) Derive an expression for torque in a D.C. motor?
(b) Explain how the torque of a D.C. shunt and D.C. series motor varies with the speed of the motor?
(c) Explain constructional details of 3-point starter?
4. (a) What is an ideal transformer, draw it’s on load and no-load phasor diagrams.
(b) The primary winding of a 50 HZ single phase transformer has 480 turns and is fed from 6400 V supply The
secondary winding has 20 turns. Find the peak value of flux in the core and the secondary Voltage.
5. (a) Define voltage regulation of a transformer. Deduce the expression for the voltage regulation for single
phase transformer?
(b) The number of turns on the primary and secondary windings of a single phase transformer are 350 and 35
respectively. If the primary is connected to a 2.2 KV 50 HZ supply, determine the secondary voltage.
6. (a) Explain the principle of 3-phase Induction Motor with the help of rotating magnetic field.
(b) A 3-phase, 6-pole alternator is coupled to an engine running at 1200 r.p.m. The alternator supplies an
Induction Motor which has a full-load speed of 1164 r.p.m. Find the slip and number of poles of the motor.
7. Explain construction and principle of operation of different types of stepper motor?
8. (a) Explain the constructional features of alternator with neat diagrams?
(b) How e.m.f is induced in an 3-phase alternator? Derive the expression for e.m.f induced in an alternator in
terms of pitch and distribution factors.
9. (a) Explain principle and operation of synchronous motor?
(b) Explain how to make synchronous motor self starting.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Second Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper VII: Electro Mechanics-I
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer all compulsorily in PART -A (14x1M=14M)
Answer one question from each unit in PART -B (4x14M=56M)
1. a) What is fringing?
b) List properties of magnetic materials.
c) Which losses called eddy current losses?
d) What is the function of DC Generator?
e) Why inter poles used in DC machine?
f) Which type of winding suitable for high voltage rating machines?
g) List applications of DC shunt generator?
h) Compare lap winding and wave winding.
i) Draw internal characteristics of DC series generator.
j) Draw speed torque characteristics of DC compound motor.
k) List application of DC series motor.
l) Why DC motors need starters?
m) What are different test for determine the efficiency of DC shunt machine?
n) What advantages of Swinburne’s test?
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
First Year - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper VII: Engineering Mechanics
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
1. a) The 500N crate is hoisted using the ropes AB and AC (Fig 1). Each rope can withstand a maximum
tension of 2500N before it breaks. If AB always remains horizontal, determine the smallest angle to
which the crate can be hoisted. (7M)
Fig I
b) Determine the force developed in each cable used to support the 40N crate shown in Fig 2.
Fig 2
2. a) Determine the direction (0°≤ ≤180°) of the force F=40N so that it produces (i) the maximum moment
about point A and (ii) the minimum moment about point A (Fig 3). Compute the moment in each case.
Fig 3
b) The jib crane shown in Fig 4 is subjected to three coplanar forces. Replace this loading by an equivalent
resultant force and specify where the resultant’s line of action intersects the column AB and boom BC.
Fig 4
:: 2 ::
3. a) State the assumptions made in the analysis of the truss. 4
b) Determine the axial force in each bar of the plane truss loaded as shown in Fig 5 10
Fig 5
4. a) Explain the terms ‘Virtual work’ and ‘Virtual displacement’ 4
` b) Using the principle of virtual work, find the value of the angle e defining the configuration of the
equilibrium of the system shown in fig 6. The balls D and E can slide freely along the bars AC and BC but
the string DE connecting them is inextensible. 10
Fig 6
5. A rod of length 50cm is bent so as to form the five sides of a regular hexagon ABCDEF as shown in Fig 7.
Locate the centroid C1 of the figure and determine the distance AC1
Fig 7
6. Find the moments of inertia of the cross section of an iron beam (Fig 8) with respect to the coordinate axes.
Fig 8
:: 3 ::
Fig 9
8. a) Define the terms impulse and momentum. 4
b) A wood block weighing 22.25 N rests on a smooth horizontal surface. A revolver bullet weighing 0.14 N
is shot horizontally in to the side of the block. If the block attains a velocity of 3m/s, what was the muzzle
velocity v of the bullet? 10
9. A roller of radius r =125mm rides between two horizontal bars moving in opposite directions as shown in
fig 10 . Calculate the distance a defining the position of the horizontal path of the instantaneous center of
rotation of the roller. Assume that there is no slip at the points of contacts m and n.
Fig 10
10. A solid cylinder and a thin hoop of equal weights W and radii r are connected by a bar AB and rolled down
an inclined plane as shown in Fig 11. Find the acceleration of the system down the plane and also the force
S in the bar AB. Assume that no slipping occurs and neglect the mass of the bar and friction at the axles.
Fig 11
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Second Year - First Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper VII: Machine Drawing
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
1. Draw (i) the sectional view from the front. (ii) the view from above and iii the sectional view from the
right of the sliding block as shown in Figure.
2. Represent two views of hexagonal nut and square nut with proportions take the diameter of the bolt as
30mm. (20M)
3. Sketch a Knuckle joint showing sectional front view and top view for connecting two rods of 40mm
diameter. (20M)
4. Draw (i) sectional view from the front and (ii) view from the side of a universal coupling, indicating
proportions, to connect two shafts, each of diameter 40 mm. (20M)
5. The details of screw jack are shown in Fig. Assemble the parts and draw, (i) half sectional view from the
front, with top half in section. (ii) view from the right and (iii) view from above. (30M)
ME 22710
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Second Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper VII: Material Science & Metallurgy
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer questions No. 1 compulsory. (7x2=14)
Answer ONE question from each unit. (4x14=56)
1. a) Explain Skotky defects in ionic crystals.
b) Write and explain modified phase rule for binary diagrams.
c) Differentiate fibre and whiststeel and cast iron.
d) What is the limitation of martempering? Explain.
e) What is the composition of duralumin?
f) Write eutectic reaction and eutectoid reaction in steel.
g) Differentiate chilled gray and white cast iron.
2. a) What is critical resolved shear stress? Differentiate slip and twinning
b) Classify binary phase diagrams. Write about non-equilibrium cooling and coring.
3. a) Derive packing factors for S.C, B.C.C and F.C.C crystals.
b) Explain eutectectoid phase diagram with an example.
4. a) Explain the bainitic transformation.
b) What are the stages of tempering? Explain in detail..
5. a) Explain the construction of IT curves for eutectoid steel.
b) Write about flame hardening and induction hardening.
6. a) Explain the various methods of strengthening? Explain relative merits and demerits of each method.
b) Write about fibre reinforced composites.
7. a) Explain any two process of strengthening.
b) Explain the advantages, limitations and applications of composites over monolithic metals/alloys.
8. a) Explain the various methods of compacting quoting relative advantages and Disadvantages and
b) Explain in detailed about manufacture of malleable Iron. Differentiate ferritic and pearlitic malleable iron.
9. a) What are the important characteristics of powders? Explain.
b) Write about brasses in detail.
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Second Year - Second Semester - (Regulation 2011-12)
Paper VII: Electrical Technology
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer question 1 compulsorily in PART -A (10x1M=10M)
Answer one question from each unit in PART—B (5x12M=60M)
1. a) Define electric current. b) What is form factor?
c) What is voltage regulation? d) Write expression of energy stored in inductor.
e) What are different speed control methods of DC motor?
f) Write expression for single phase transformer EMF.
g) Which type of winding suitable for high voltage rating machines?
h) What is the acquired data from OC test of single phase transformer?
i) What is condition for maximum efficiency of induction motor?
j) List any two applications of synchronous motor.
2 a) Explain the analysis of electrical circuits by mesh analysis with a suitable example.
b) Find current in RL resistor show in below figure using nodal analysis method.
c) Derive the expression for RMS value of alternating current wave I=ImSin t
d) A coil takes a current of 1 A at 0.6 lagging power factor from a 220 V, 60 Hz single phase source. If the
coil is modeled by a series RL circuit find (i) The complex power in the coil and (ii) The values of R and L
3. a) What is a D.C. Generator? Explain the constructional details and working principle of a D.C. Generator
with neat sketch.
b) What is the significance of back e.m.f in a d.c. motor?
c) Explain the characteristics of d.c. generator with the following excitations i) series ii) shunt iii) compound
4. a) Draw the phasor diagram of a single phase transformer on load. How does the diagram change if the no
load current is neglected?
b) Calculate the secondary voltage of a 10 KVA 2000/400V single phase transformer with R1 = 5, X1 = 12,
R2= 0.2, X2= 0.48 (all actual values), Io= 0.1A, when the load is 1 +jl.
c) Derive the steady state equivalent circuit of a transformer. Also explain how the parameters can be found
5. a) Compare the advantages and disadvantages of the two types of 3-D induction motors.
b) Explain various methods of starting induction motors.
c) Why the rotor of a 3-phase induction motor cannot achieve synchronous speed? Explain
d) What are the power stages in 3-phase induction motor explain with neat diagram?
6. a) Describe the constructional details of synchronous motor with neat sketch.
b) Why synchronous motor self-starting and explain the measures to make itself start?
c) Write short notes on i) Electric heating ii) Induction heating
d) What are the advantages and disadvantages of electrical heating?
B.Tech Degree (Supplementary) Examinations - June/July, 2015
Civil Engineering/Electrical and Electronics Engineering/Mechanical Engineering
First Year - (Regulation 2010-11)
Paper VIII: Engineering Graphics
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
1. a) Two points A and B are 100mm apart. A point C is 75mm from A and 60mm from B. Draw an ellipse
passing through A, B and C.
b) Construct a hypocycloid, rolling circle 50 mm diameter and directing circle 175 mm diameter. Draw a
tangent to it at a point 50 mm from the center of the directing circle.
2. a) A line PQ, 100 mm long, is inclined at 45° to the H.P. and at 30° to the V.P. Its end P is in the second
quadrant and Q is in the fourth quadrant. A point R on PQ, 40 mm from P is in both the planes. Draw the
projections of PQ.
b) An equilateral triangle ABC of sides 75 mm long has its side AB in the V.P and inclined at 60° to the H.P.
Its plane makes an angle of 45° with the V.P. Draw its projections.
3. a) A pentagonal pyramid, base 25 mm side and axis 50mm long has one of its triangular faces in the VP and
the edge of the base contained by that face makes anang1e of 300 with the H.P. Draw its projections. (14)
b) A cylinder 65 mm diameter and 90 mm long, has its axis parallel to the H.P. and inclined at 30o to the V.P.
It is cut by a vertical section plane in such a way that the true shape of the section is an ellipse having the
major axis 75 mm long. Draw its sectional front view and true shape of the section.
4. a) A cone, base 65 mm diameter and axis 75 mm long, is lying on the ground on one of its generators with the
axis parallel to the V.P. A section plane which is parallel to the V.P cuts the cone 6 mm away from the
axis. Draw the development of the surface of the remaining portion of the cone.
b) A sphere of diameter 50 mm is resting centrally on the top of a hexagonal prism of side of base 30 mm and
height 60 mm. Draw the isometric projection of the solid.
5. a) For this given isometric view draw (i) the front (b) For this given isometric view draw (i) the front view
view in direction of arrow (ii) Side view in direction of arrow, (ii). Side view, (iii) Top view of
(iii) Top view of the following figure: the following figure:
1. a) Two points A and B are 50mm apart. Draw the curve traced out by a point P moving in such a way that the
difference between its distances from A and B is always constant and equal to 20 mm
b) An inelastic string 145 mm long has its one end attached to the circumference of a circular disc of 40 mm
diameter. Draw the curve traced out by the outer end of the string, when it is completely wound around the
disc, keeping the string always tight.
2. a) A line PQ, 100 mm long is inclined at 45° to the H.P and at 30° to the V.P. Its end P is in the second
quadrant and Q is in the fourth quadrant. A point R on PQ, 40 mm from P is in both the planes. Draw the
projections of PQ.
b) An equilateral triangle of 40 mm long sides has an edge on the ground and inclined at 60° to the V.P. Its
plane makes an angle of 45° with the H.P. Draw its projections.
3. a) A pentagonal prism is resting on one of the corners of its base on the ground (H.P). The longer edge
containing that corner is inclined at 45° to the H.P. and the vertical plane containing that edge and the axis
are inclined at 30° to the V.P. Draw the projections of the solid.
b) A cone, base 75mm diameter and axis 80 mm long is resting on its base on the ground. It is cut by a section
plane perpendicular to the V.P., inclined at 45° to apex. Draw its front view, sectional top view, sectional
side view and true shape of the section.
4. a) Draw the development of a cylinder of 50 mm diameter and 75 mm high containing a square hole of
20mm side. The sides of the hole are equally inclined to the base and axis of the hole bisects the axis of the
b) A square pyramid of base 25 mm and height 40 mm rests centrally over a cylindrical block. The
cylindrical block has a base diameter of 50 mm and height of 30 mm. Draw the isometric projection of the
5. a) For this given isometric view draw (i) the front (b) For this given isometric view draw (i) the front view in
view in direction of arrow (ii) Side view direction of arrow, (ii). Side view, (iii) Top view of the
(iii) Top view of the following figure: following figure: