Standard Test Method For Standard Penetration Test (SPT) and Split-Barrel Sampling of Soils

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This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles

for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

Designation: D1586/D1586M − 18´1

Standard Test Method for

Standard Penetration Test (SPT) and Split-Barrel Sampling
of Soils1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D1586/D1586M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the
year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last
reapproval. A superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.

ε1 NOTE—Reference (14) was editorially corrected in April 2022.

1. Scope* 1.5 Penetration resistance testing is typically performed at 5

1.1 This test method describes the procedure, generally ft [1.5 m] depth intervals or when a significant change of
known as the Standard Penetration Test (SPT), for driving a materials is observed during drilling, unless otherwise speci-
split-barrel sampler with a 140 lb [63.5 kg] hammer dropped fied.
30 in. [750 mm] to obtain a soil sample for identification 1.6 This test method is limited to use in nonlithified soils
purposes, and measure the resistance of the soil to penetration and soils whose maximum particle size is approximately less
of the standard 2 in. [50 mm] diameter sampler. The SPT “N” than one-half of the sampler diameter.
value is the number of hammer blows required to drive the
1.7 This test method involves use of rotary drilling equip-
sampler over the depth interval of 0.5 to 1.5 ft [0.15 to 0.45 m]
ment (Guide D5783, Practice D6151/D6151M). Other drilling
of a 1.5 ft [0.45 m] drive interval.
and sampling procedures (Guides D6286 and D6169/D6169M)
1.2 Test Method D4633 is generally necessary to measure are available and may be more appropriate. Considerations for
the drill rod energy of a given drop hammer system and using hand driving or shallow sampling without boreholes are not
the measured drill rod energy, N values can be corrected to a addressed. Subsurface investigations should be recorded in
standard energy level. Practice D6066 uses Test Methods accordance with Practice D5434. Samples should be preserved
D1586 and D4633 and has additional requirements for and transported in accordance with Practice D4220/D4220M
hammers, hammer energy, and drilling methods to determine using Group B. Soil samples should be identified by group
energy corrected penetration resistance of loose sands for name and symbol in accordance with Practice D2488.
liquefaction evaluation.
1.8 All observed and calculated values shall conform to the
1.3 Practice D3550/D3550M is a similar procedure using a guidelines for significant digits and rounding established in
larger diameter split barrel sampler driven with a hammer Practice D6026, unless superseded by this test method.
system that may allow for a different hammer mass. The 1.8.1 The procedures used to specify how data are collected/
penetration resistance values from Practice D3550/D3550M do recorded and calculated in the standard are regarded as the
not comply with this standard. industry standard. In addition, they are representative of the
1.4 Test results and identification information are used in significant digits that generally should be retained. The proce-
subsurface exploration for a wide range of applications such as dures used do not consider material variation, purpose for
geotechnical, geologic, geoenvironmental, or geohydrological obtaining the data, special purpose studies, or any consider-
explorations. When detailed lithology is required for geohy- ations for the user’s objectives; and it is common practice to
drological investigations, use of continuous sampling methods increase or reduce significant digits of reported data to be
(D6282/D6282M, D6151/D6151M, D6914/D6914M) are rec- commensurate with these considerations. It is beyond the scope
ommended when the incremental SPT N value is not needed of these test methods to consider significant digits used in
for design purposes (see 4.1.1). analysis methods for engineering data.
1.9 Units—The values stated in either inch-pound or SI
units [presented in brackets] are to be regarded separately as
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D18 on Soil and standard. The values stated in each system may not be exact
Rock and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D18.02 on Sampling and equivalents; therefore, each system shall be used independently
Related Field Testing for Soil Evaluations.
of the other. Combining values from the two systems may
Current edition approved Dec. 1, 2018. Published December 2018. Originally
approved in 1958. Last previous edition approved in 2011 as D1586 – 11. DOI: result in non-conformance with the standard. Reporting of test
10.1520/D1586_D1586M-18E01. results in units other than inch-pound shall not be regarded as

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

D1586/D1586M − 18´1
nonconformance with this practice. SI equivalent units shown D4633 Test Method for Energy Measurement for Dynamic
herein are in general conformance with existing international Penetrometers
standards. D5088 Practice for Decontamination of Field Equipment
1.10 Penetration resistance measurements often will involve Used at Waste Sites
safety planning, administration, and documentation. This test D5092 Practice for Design and Installation of Groundwater
method does not purport to address all aspects of exploration Monitoring Wells
and site safety. D5299 Guide for Decommissioning of Groundwater Wells,
Vadose Zone Monitoring Devices, Boreholes, and Other
1.11 Performance of the test usually involves use of a drill Devices for Environmental Activities
rig; therefore, safety requirements as outlined in applicable D5434 Guide for Field Logging of Subsurface Explorations
safety standards (for example, OSHA regulations,2 NDA Drill- of Soil and Rock (Withdrawn 2021)5
ing Safety Guide,3 drilling safety manuals, and other applicable D5778 Test Method for Electronic Friction Cone and Piezo-
local agency regulations) must be observed. cone Penetration Testing of Soils
1.12 This standard does not purport to address all of the D5782 Guide for Use of Direct Air-Rotary Drilling for
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the Geoenvironmental Exploration and the Installation of
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- Subsurface Water-Quality Monitoring Devices
priate safety, health, and environmental practices and deter- D5783 Guide for Use of Direct Rotary Drilling with Water-
mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. Based Drilling Fluid for Geoenvironmental Exploration
1.13 This international standard was developed in accor- and the Installation of Subsurface Water-Quality Monitor-
dance with internationally recognized principles on standard- ing Devices
ization established in the Decision on Principles for the D5784/D5784M Guide for Use of Hollow-Stem Augers for
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom- Geoenvironmental Exploration and the Installation of
mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Subsurface Water Quality Monitoring Devices
Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. D5872/D5872M Guide for Use of Casing Advancement
Drilling Methods for Geoenvironmental Exploration and
2. Referenced Documents Installation of Subsurface Water Quality Monitoring De-
2.1 ASTM Standards:4 vices
D653 Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and Contained D6026 Practice for Using Significant Digits and Data Re-
Fluids cords in Geotechnical Data
D854 Test Methods for Specific Gravity of Soil Solids by D6066 Practice for Determining the Normalized Penetration
Water Pycnometer Resistance of Sands for Evaluation of Liquefaction Poten-
D1452/D1452M Practice for Soil Exploration and Sampling tial (Withdrawn 2020)5
by Auger Borings D6151/D6151M Practice for Using Hollow-Stem Augers for
D1587/D1587M Practice for Thin-Walled Tube Sampling of Geotechnical Exploration and Soil Sampling
Fine-Grained Soils for Geotechnical Purposes D6169/D6169M Guide for Selection of Subsurface Soil and
D2216 Test Methods for Laboratory Determination of Water Rock Sampling Devices for Environmental and Geotech-
(Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass nical Investigations
D2487 Practice for Classification of Soils for Engineering D6282/D6282M Guide for Direct Push Soil Sampling for
Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System) Environmental Site Characterizations
D2488 Practice for Description and Identification of Soils D6286 Guide for Selection of Drilling and Direct Push
(Visual-Manual Procedures) Methods for Geotechnical and Environmental Subsurface
D2573/D2573M Test Method for Field Vane Shear Test in Site Characterization
Saturated Fine-Grained Soils D6913/D6913M Test Methods for Particle-Size Distribution
D3550/D3550M Practice for Thick Wall, Ring-Lined, Split (Gradation) of Soils Using Sieve Analysis
Barrel, Drive Sampling of Soils D6914/D6914M Practice for Sonic Drilling for Site Charac-
D3740 Practice for Minimum Requirements for Agencies terization and the Installation of Subsurface Monitoring
Engaged in Testing and/or Inspection of Soil and Rock as Devices
Used in Engineering Design and Construction 3. Terminology
D4220/D4220M Practices for Preserving and Transporting
Soil Samples 3.1 Definitions:
3.1.1 For definitions of common technical terms in this
standard refer to Terminology D653.
Available from Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 200
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
Constitution Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20210, 3.2.1 anvil, n—in drilling, that portion of the drive-weight
Available from the National Drilling Association, 3511 Center Rd., Suite 8, assembly which the hammer strikes and through which the
Brunswick, OH 44212, hammer energy passes into the drill rods.
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on
the ASTM website.

D1586/D1586M − 18´1
3.2.2 cathead, n—in drilling, the rotating drum or windlass driven a prescribed distance of 1.0 ft [0.3 m] after a seating
in the rope-cathead lift system around which the operator interval of 0.5 ft [0.15 m] using a 140 lbm [63.5 kg] hammer
wraps a rope to lift and drop the hammer by successively falling 30 in. [750 mm] for each hammer blow to compute the
tightening and loosening the rope turns around the drum. N-value.
3.2.3 drill rods, n—in drilling, rods used to transmit down- 3.2.10 test interval, n—in drilling, the depth interval for the
ward force and torque to the drill bit while drilling a borehole SPT test consists of an 0.5 ft [0.15 m] seating interval followed
and also connect sampler to the hammer system for testing. by the 1.0 ft [0.3 m] test interval.
3.2.4 hammer, n—in drilling, that portion of the hammer 3.3 Definitions from D6066 Pertinent to This Standard:
drop system consisting of the 140 6 2 lbm [63.5 6 0.5 kg] 3.3.1 cleanout depth, n—depth that the bottom of the
impact mass which is successively lifted and dropped to cleanout tool (end of drill bit or cutter teeth) reaches before
provide the impact energy to drill rods that accomplishes the termination of cleanout procedures.
sampling and penetration. 3.3.2 cleanout interval, n—interval between successive pen-
3.2.5 hammer drop system, n—in drilling, the equipment etration resistance tests from which material must be removed
that includes the 140 lbm [63.5 kg] hammer, lifting and using conventional drilling methods.
dropping assembly, and guide tube (if used) which the operator Discussion—During the clean-out process, the pre-
or automatic system accomplishes the lifting and dropping of vious penetration test interval (1.5 ft [450 mm]) is drilled
the hammer to produce the blow. through and an additional distance is cleaned past the end depth
3.2.6 hammer fall guide, n—in drilling, that part of the of the previous test to assure minimal disturbance of the next
hammer drop system used to guide the fall of the hammer. test interval. The term cleanout interval in this practice refers to
the additional distance past the previous test termination depth.
3.2.7 number of rope turns, n—in drilling, the total contact
angle between the rope and the cathead at the beginning of the 3.4 Symbols Specific to This Standard:
operator’s rope slackening to drop the hammer, divided by 3.4.1 N-value, n—reported in blows per foot, equals the sum
360° (see Fig. 1). of the number of blows (N) required to drive the sampler over
3.2.8 sampling rods, n—in drilling, rods that connect the the depth interval of 0.5 to 1.5 ft [0.15 to 0.45 m] below the
drive-weight assembly to the sampler. Drill rods are often used base of the boring (see 8.3).
for this purpose. 3.4.2 N60, n—standard penetration resistance adjusted to a
3.2.9 standard penetration test (SPT), n—in drilling, a test 60 % drill rod energy transfer ratio (Test Method D4633,
process in the bottom of a borehole in which a split-barrel Practice D6066).
sampler (see 5.3) with an outside diameter of 2 in. [50 mm] is 3.5 Symbols Specifc to This Standard and Pertinent to This
Standard from Test Method D4633:
3.5.1 EFV, n—the energy transmitted to the drill rod from
the hammer during the impact event.
3.5.2 ETR, n—ratio (EFV / PE) of the measured energy
transferred to the drill rods to the theoretical potential energy

4. Significance and Use

4.1 This test is the most frequently used subsurface explo-
ration drilling test performed worldwide. Numerous interna-
tional and national standards are available for the SPT which
are in general conformance with this standard.6 The test
provides samples for identification purposes and provides a
measure of penetration resistance which can be used for
geotechnical design purposes. Many local and widely pub-
lished international correlations which relate blow count, or
N-value, to the engineering properties of soils are available for
geotechnical engineering purposes.
4.1.1 Incremental SPT sampling is not a preferred method
of soil sampling for environmental or geohydrological explo-
ration unless the SPT N-value is needed for design purposes.
Continuous sampling methods such as Direct Push Soil Sam-
pling (Guide D6282/D6282M), or continuous coring using

FIG. 1 Definitions of the Number of Rope Turns and the Angle 6

“Geotechnical Investigation and testing – Field testing- Part 3: Standard
for (a) Counterclockwise Rotation and Penetration Test (ISO 22476-3:2004),” EN ISO 22476-3, European Standard,
(b) Clockwise Rotation of the Cathead European Committee for Standardization, Brussels Belgium.

D1586/D1586M − 18´1
Hollow-Stem Augers (Practice D6151/D6151M) or Sonic result in penetration refusal, damage to the equipment, and
Drills (Practice D6914/D6914M) provide the best continuous unreliable N values if gravel plugs the sampler.
record of lithology. Continuous sampling can be performed 4.3.1 Sands—SPT is widely used to determine the engineer-
with SPT samplers, but it is slow compared to other methods, ing properties of drained clean sands during penetration.
and N values may unreliable (see 4.6.1). Sampling for detailed Obtaining “intact” soil samples of clean sands for laboratory
lithology can be reduced by using screening tests such as testing is difficult and expensive (see thin walled tube, Practice
geophysics and Direct Push profiling tests such as Cone D1587/D1587M), so engineers use penetration results in sands
Penetrometers (Test Method D5778), Dynamic Cone for predicting engineering properties (Appendix X1). Appen-
Penetrometer, or electrical resistivity probe. dix X2 and X1.6 provides some estimated properties of sands.
4.2 SPT N values are affected by many variables allowed in There are problems with SPT in loose sands below the water
the design and execution of the test (see Appendix X1). table since they are unstable during drilling. Practice D6066
Investigations of energy transmission in SPT testing began in provides restricted drilling methods for SPT in loose sands for
the 1970’s and showed that differing drop hammer systems evaluating earthquake liquefaction potential. Practice D6066
provide different energies to the sampler at depth. There are so method relies on mud rotary drilling, casing advancers, and
many different hammer designs that it is important to obtain the fluid filled hollow-stem augers.
energy transfer ratio (ETR) for the hammer system being used 4.3.2 Clays—SPT is easy to perform in clays of medium to
according to Test Method D4633. ETR of various hammer stiff consistency and higher using a variety of drilling methods.
systems has shown to vary between 45 to 95 % of maximum SPT is unreliable in soft to very soft clays because the clay,
Potential Energy (PE). Since the N-value is inversely propor- yields or “fails” under the static weight of the rods alone, or
tional to the energy delivered, resulting N values from different weight of rods and hammer before the test is started. This
systems are far from standard. It is now common practice to problem is accentuated by the heavier weights of automatic
correct N values to an energy level of 60 % of total (PE), or N60 hammer assemblies (see X1.3.1.4) but can be alleviated with
values as presented here and in Practice D6066. In this automatic hammers which are designed to float over the anvil
standard it is not required to report ETR or N60 but strongly (see There is such a large variation in possible N
advised to be noted and reported if available. If ETR of the values in soft clays it is well accepted that SPT is a poor
hammer/anvil/rod system is known, the hammer PE can still predictor of the undrained shear strength of clay. It is recom-
vary after calibration, thus it is essential that hammer drop mended to evaluate soft clays with more appropriate methods
heights/rates be monitored to confirm consistent performance. such as CPT (Test Method D5778), vane shear (Test Method
Report any occurrence of hammer drop heights that do not D2573/D2573M), and/or Thin-Wall Tube sampling (Practice
meet the required value of 30 in. [750 mm] during testing. D1587/D1587M) and laboratory testing.
Using previous ETR data for a hammer system does not assure 4.4 Hammer Drop System—SPT can be performed with a
that it will perform the same on the current project. If onsite wide variety of hammer drop systems. Typical hammer sys-
ETR is not obtained, be sure to check hammer drop height/ tems are listed below in order of preference of use:
rates to assure the hammer is operating the same as when (1) Hydraulic automatic chain cam/mechanical grip-release
previously checked. hammers
4.2.1 Other mechanical variables and drilling errors can also (2) Mechanical trip donut hammers
adversely affect the N value as discussed in X1.4. Drilling (3) Rope and cathead operated safety hammers
methods can have a major effect on testing (see 4.5). While the (4) Rope and cathead operated donut hammers
SPT hammer system is standardized knowing ETR, drilling 4.4.1 Automatic and trip hammers are preferred for consis-
methods are not, and a variety of drilling methods can be used. tent energy during the test. Automatic chain cam hammers are
4.3 SPT is applicable to a wide range of soils. For nomen- also the safest because the hammer is enclosed, and the
clature on soil in terms of N-value refer to Appendix X2 for operators can stand away from the equipment. If the rope and
consistency of clays (cohesive soils) and relative density of cathead method is used, the enclosed safety hammer is safer
sands (cohesionless soils) as proposed by Terzaghi and Peck than donut hammer because the impact anvil is enclosed. For
and used commonly in geotechnical practice. SPT drilling can more information on hammer systems, consult X1.3.
be performed easily using a variety of drilling methods in 4.5 Drilling Methods—The predominant drilling methods
denser soils but has some difficulty in softer and looser soils. used for SPT are open hole fluid rotary drilling (Guide D5783)
This test method is limited to non-lithified or un-cemented soils and hollow-stem auger drilling (Practice D6151/D6151M).
and soils whose maximum particle size is approximately Limited research has been done comparing these methods and
one-half of the sampler diameter or smaller. Large particles their effects on SPT N values (see X1.5.1.1).
result in higher blow counts and may make the data unsuitable 4.5.1 Research shows that open hole bentonite fluid rotary
for empirical correlations with finer soils. For example, cham- drilling is the most reliable method for most soils below the
ber tests on clean sands have shown coarse sands have higher water table. Hollow-stem augers had problems with saturated
blow counts than medium fine sands (see X1.6). In gravelly loose sands since they must be kept full of fluid. The research
soils, with less than 20 % gravel, liquefaction investigations also showed that driven casing using water as the drilling fluid,
may require recording of penetration per blow in an attempt to can adversely influence the SPT if the casing is driven close to
extrapolate the results to sand blow counts (see X1.7). Soil the test depth interval. Use of casing combined with allowing
deposits containing gravels, cobbles, or boulders typically a fluid imbalance also causes disturbances in sands below the

D1586/D1586M − 18´1
water table. Fluid filled rotary casing advancers (Guide D6286) water content (Test Methods D2216), and specific gravity tests
are included as an allowable drilling method for loose sands in (Test Methods D854). The soil can be reconstituted for some
Practice D6066. advanced laboratory tests. The small-diameter, thick wall,
4.5.2 SPT is used with other drilling methods including drive sampler will not obtain a sample suitable for advanced
reverse circulation, sonic drilling, and direct push methods laboratory tests such as those used for strength or compress-
practices. There are concerns, undocumented by research, with ibility from the core. Consult Guide D6169/D6169M for
direct push (Guide D6282/D6282M), sonic drilling (Practice samplers that provide laboratory grade intact samples.
D6914/D6914M), and reverse circulation methods using heavy NOTE 1—The reliability of data and interpretations generated by this
casing drive hammers (Guide D6286), that the extreme dy- practice is dependent on the competence of the personnel performing it
and the suitability of the equipment and facilities used. Agencies that meet
namic loading and vibrations could disturb some soils such as the criteria of Practice D3740 generally are considered capable of
sands and soft clays past the seating interval. The professional competent testing. Users of this practice are cautioned that compliance
responsible for the investigation should evaluate SPT under with Practice D3740 does not assure reliable testing. Reliable testing
these conditions and if drilling disturbance is suspected, then N depends on several factors and Practice D3740 provides a means of
values can be checked against other drilling methods in section evaluating some of these factors.
Practice D3740 was developed for agencies engaged in the testing,
4.5 or deploy the alternate drilling method through and ahead inspection, or both, of soils and rock. As such, it is not totally applicable
of the casings. to agencies performing this field test. Users of this test method should
4.5.3 SPT is also performed at shallow depths above the recognize that the framework of Practice D3740 is appropriate for
groundwater table using solid stem flight augers (Practice evaluating the quality of an agency performing this test method. Currently,
there is no known qualifying national authority that inspects agencies that
D1452/D1452M), but below the water table borings may be
perform this test method.
subject to caving sands. Solid stem borings have been drilled to
depths of 100 ft or more in stable material. 5. Apparatus
4.5.4 SPT is rarely performed in cable tool or air rotary
5.1 Drilling Equipment—Any drilling equipment that pro-
vides at the time of sampling a suitable borehole before
4.6 Planning, Execution, and Layout—When SPT borings insertion of the sampler and ensures that the penetration test is
are used, often there are requirements for other companion performed on intact soil shall be acceptable. A suitable bore-
borings or test holes to be located near or around the SPT hole is one in which the drilling indicates stable conditions at
boring. In general, borings should be no closer than 10 ft [3 m] the base of the boring (see 6.2). In general the boring should
at the surface for depths of up to 100 ft [30 m]. A minimum have an diameter of 3 to 6 in. [75 to 150 mm] diameter. Borings
would be as close as 5 ft [2 m], but at this spacing, boreholes greater than 6 in. [150 mm] inside diameter may result in lower
may meet if there is significant vertical deviation. blow counts and require a correction factor (see X1.5.4).
4.6.1 Test Depth Increments—Test intervals and locations 5.1.1 Fluid Rotary Drilling Drill Bits—Use side discharge
are normally stipulated by the project engineer or geologist. or baffled bottom discharge bits to avoid jetting fluid distur-
Typical practice is to test at 5 ft [1.5 m] intervals or less in bance in the base of the boring. The tricone roller bit baffles
homogeneous strata. If a different soil type in the substratum is produce some downward discharge. If the deposit is fine
encountered, then a test is conducted as soon as the change is grained, it is preferred to use a fishtail or drag bit with baffled
noted. It is recommended to clean out the borehole a minimum discharge points to advance the boring. Wash boring chopping
cleanout interval of at least 1 ft [0.25 m] past the termination bits should not be used near the test zone.
point of the previous test depth between tests to assure test 5.1.2 Hollow-Stem Augers—The boring can be advanced
isolation and to check drill hole condition for the next test. either using a pilot bit or an interior sampling tube. When
Therefore, the closest spacing for typical practice of SPT is 2.5 drilling below the water table in unstable sands, add water
ft [0.75 m]. The cleanout between test intervals can be adjusted when retrieving the cleanout string and sampler to maintain
by the user depending on borehole conditions and design data water at or above the groundwater table depth. Two types of
needs such as hard soils or thin strata. The practice of hollow-stem auger systems are used, either center rod or
performing continuous SPT for N-value determination is not wireline type. The wireline system suffers from several prob-
recommended but can be done with careful cleanout before lems when unstable soil such as sand gets inside the augers and
testing. The borehole must be cleaned out between tests (see the pilot bit will not latch. If the bit does not latch, the sand
6.5). At continuous spacing, with no additional cleanout depth, must be cleared, but often drillers will pull back the outer
N values may be adversely affected by disturbance of previous augers instead of cleaning causing further disturbance. For that
sample driving especially in softer soils but the effect his not reason, rod type systems are preferred in unstable soils.
known. Some practitioners like to overdrive the sampler an
5.2 Sampling Rods—Flush-joint steel drill rod shall be used
additional 0.5 ft [0.15 m] to gain additional soil sample for a
to connect the split-barrel sampler to the drive-weight assem-
total drive interval of 2.0 [ 0.6 m]. This is acceptable if the
bly. Drill rod mass per foot ranges from 4 lbm/ft [6 kg/m] to 8
N-value remains the sum of the 0.5 to 1.0 ft [0.15 to 0.3 m]
lbm/ft [12 kg/m]. See X1.4.3 for effects on energy in drill rods.
intervals of the drive interval and reasonable cleanout is
If drill rods are longer than 100 ft [30 m], an energy correction
performed between tests.
may be needed to account for energy loss in long drill strings.
4.7 This test method provides a Class A and B soil samples N series drill rods are the maximum size allowed for the test
according to Practice D4220/D4220M which is suitable for soil (see Note 2 and X1.4.3).
identification and classification (Practices D2487 and D2488), NOTE 2—In North America, drill rods specifications commonly used are

D1586/D1586M − 18´1
those from the Diamond Drill Core Manufacturers Association.7 The most % between a constant inside diameter sampler which provides
common drill rods used are A series rods (A, AW, AWJ) of 1.75 in. [45 higher N values than the upset wall sampler and recommends
mm] outside diameter weighing about 4 lbm/ft [6 kg/m]. For depths
greater than 75 ft [20 m] some publications recommend going to stiffer B that a correction may be required for soils with blow counts
or N size rod. Some agencies drill solely with N series rod which are about exceeding N >10 (see X1.4.1). For liquefaction evaluations it is
2.63 in. [67 mm] O.D. and weigh about 8 lb/ft [11 kg/m]. common practice to correct upset wall data to constant diam-
5.3 Split-Barrel Sampler—The standard sampler dimen- eter using the procedures in X1.4.1.1. Report the type of
sions are shown in Fig. 2. Samplers are made from steel and in sampler used, e.g., Liner or no Liners. Liners are usually steel,
most cases are hardened for durability. The split-barrel sampler brass, or plastic and may be sectional and supplied with end
must be equipped with a ball check and vent. The sampler has caps for sealing. Report the type of liner used.
an outside diameter of 2.00 in. [51 mm]. The inside diameter of 5.3.2 Drive Shoe—Drive shoes are made of steel and should
the shoe is 1.375 in. [35 mm]. The inside diameter of the be hardened for durability. The drive shoe shown on Fig. 2 is
split-barrel (dimension D in Fig. 2) can be either 1.5 in. [38 the standard for use in finer soils without gravels. Manufactur-
mm] or 1.375 in. [35 mm]. The upset portion of the split barrel ers do supply thicker more durable shoes for denser soils and
may be equipped with liners making the inside diameter 1.375 where coarser soils are encountered (see X1.4.4). The thicker
in. [35 mm]. The length of the sampler should be at least 2 ft shoes are not in conformance with this standard. There is no
[0.6 m] such that it can accommodate the drive interval of 1.5 research on the effect of shoe size/dimensions on N values. If
ft [0.45 m] plus 0.5 ft [0.15 m] of additional length of material. thicker shoes are used, they should be noted.
This split barrel sampler is also in conformance with Practice 5.3.3 Retainers—Various types of retainers are used for
D3550/D3550M split barrel sampler specifications as shown in sandy soils which may be difficult to recover. These retainers
Appendix X1, X1.4.2.1, and Fig. X1.6. cause a restriction to sample entrance and may affect the
5.3.1 Liners—Typical practice in the North America has N-value. There is no available research on the effect of use of
been to use the upset wall sampler. The use of an upset wall retainers on blow counts. If retainers are used, they should be
improves recovery of the sample but has been shown to reduce reported.
friction especially in denser soils. International practice favors 5.3.4 Sampler Maintenance—The sampler must be clean at
the original use of a constant inside diameter sampler. Limited the beginning of each test and should be smooth and free of
research suggests that N-values may differ as much as 10 to 30
scars, indentations, and distortions. The driving shoe should be
repaired and restored to specifications tolerances or replaced
when it becomes dented, cracked, or distorted. Plugging of the
DCDMA Technical Manual, National Drilling Association, 6089 Frantz Rd. vent ports and ball check system of the sampler results in
Suite 101, Dublin, Ohio 43017, 1991.

A = 1.0 to 2.0 in. (25 to 50 mm)

B = 18.0 to 30.0 in. (0.457 to 0.762 m)
C = 1.375± 0.005 in. (34.93 ± 0.13 mm)
D = 1.50 ± 0.05 − 0.00 in. (38.1 ± 1.3 − 0.0 mm)
E = 0.10 ± 0.02 in. (2.54 ± 0.25 mm)
F = 2.00 ± 0.05 − 0.00 in. (50.8 ± 1.3 − 0.0 mm)
G = 16.0° to 23.0°

FIG. 2 Split-Barrel Sampler

D1586/D1586M − 18´1
unreliable penetration resistance values. Instances of vent port
plugging must be noted on daily data sheets and reported in the
boring log.
5.4 Hammer, Anvil, and Hammer Drop System:
5.4.1 Hammer and Anvil—The hammer shall weigh 140 6
2 lbm [63.5 kg 6 0.5 kg] and shall be a rigid metallic mass.
The hammer shall strike the anvil and make steel on steel
contact when it is dropped. The hammer drop system is to be
designed to permit a constant and unimpeded vertical hammer
fall of 30 in. [750 mm] on the impact anvil which is firmly
connected by threaded connection to the top drill rods. The
anvil acts as an energy damper, such that the transmitted energy
through the drill rods is attenuated; therefore, the larger the
anvil the lower the energy transmission. Special precautions
should be taken to ensure that the energy of the falling mass is
not significantly reduced by friction between the drive weight
and guide system. Periodic inspection and maintenance (clean-
ing and lubrication) should be performed to avoid friction
buildup and to check the hammer and assembly mass.
5.4.2 Hammer Drop Systems—Any hammer assembly that
meets the requirements of 5.4.1 may be used for SPT. Various
hammer assemblies as listed here and in section 4.4 may be
used in order of preference. At a minimum, report the type and
details of the hammer system being used. Many hammer
systems have published information on their respective energy
transfer or ETR. However, these should not be relied upon as
manufacturers can change components during their production
life. It is desirable that that actual hammer being used be tested
for ETR within some reasonable time frame. If available,
report the ETR or onsite measured ETR using Test Method
D4633. Report any operational problems when conducting the
test that may impact ETR. If using a previously calibrated
hammer, check and report that the hammer drops heights and
rates still comply with the calibrated condition. The total mass
of the hammer assembly bearing on the drill rods can be
changed to avoid sinking in soft clays (see X1.3.1.4). Automatic Hammer—The typical automatic hammer
finding widespread use in drilling today is an enclosed hydrau-
lic motor operated chain cam hammer lifting system (Fig. 3). FIG. 3 Typical Hydraulic Automatic Hammer Drop System
These hammers are safer and produce very reproducible drop
heights or energy. These assemblies are often heavy and may
equipped with a view slot on the guide tube to allow drop
add considerable static pressure to the test zone. Some hammer
height checks although some automated systems may not
systems like the Diedrich or eSPT or others8 are designed to
require it. Heavy automatic hammers resting on the sampler
float over the impact anvil. Many of the automatic drop
may result in unreliable penetration test data in soft and very
hammer systems are built on the drill and may be safely swung
soft clays (see X1.3.1.4). The speed of a chain cam automatic
into position for testing but rest on the impact anvil. The drop
hammer affects the drop height and consequently the energy
height of 30 in. [750 mm] assumes the top of the anvil is fully
transmission, ETR; therefore, the hammers must be routinely
inside the guide tube. If the hammer has an adjustable follower,
checked to be sure they are operating at the correct blow rate
the operator should avoid exerting extra pressure on the anvil
and drop height. The automatic hammer system should be
(see X1.3.1.1). A chain cam automatic hammer should be
adjusted to provide the desired blow rate and energy transmis-
sion for the project requirements prior to testing. If ETR data
are not known, then adjust and operate the hammer to assure 30
The Diedrich (, and eSPT (www.marltechnologi- hammer systems and laser depth recorder PileTrac ( are in. [750 mm] drop height. If ETR is known, an automatic
known to the subcommittee D18.02 at this time with special characteristics cited in hammer may be adjusted to provide drop heights of less than
the text. If you are aware of alternative suppliers meeting these criteria or other 30 in. [750 mm] if the blow rate needs to be reduced from
special equipment, please provide this information to the subcommittee D18.02.
manufacturers design speed (see X1.3.1.2).
Other hammer apparatus meeting these features can be added to the standard and
will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical Mechanical Trip Donut Hammer Drop System—
committee,1 which you may attend. These hammer systems use fingers or pawls that grip a donut

D1586/D1586M − 18´1
hammer and release the hammer at the 30 in. [750 mm] drop do not significantly affect drop height. These hammers are
height (Fig. 4). The fall guide is a central tube. This hammer is often available internationally even where truck mounted drills
lifted with a rope and cathead but rope turns and cathead speed are not used. They are not as safe as built in automatic
hammers and must be hoisted and lowered using a cathead and
the hammer anvil impact surface is exposed providing a
dangerous pinch point. Some of these hammers have fairly
large anvils which provide lower ETR. Safety problems
include hoisting, lowering, cathead operation pinch points at
the impact surface, and metal fragments which can come off
the anvil. Rope and Cathead Operated Safety Hammer—The
safety hammer drop system shown on Fig. 5 is a long hammer
assembly used on truck mounted drills in North America and
was developed to enclose the impact surface for safer opera-
tion. This hammer system uses an operator cathead rope drop
with two rope turns on the cathead. Since it is dependent on the
operator, the energy transmission may vary between operators
and single operator precision has a much larger variation than
automatic hammers. The geometry is slender, with a small
impact anvil, and ETR can be much higher than a donut
hammer (see X1.3.3). In order to allow 30 in. [750 mm] drop
height without back tapping, the hammer lift height should
provide for an additional 3 to 4 in. [75 to 100 mm] of vertical
lift. The hammer should have a mark on the fall guide tube,
which is generally another section of A rod, so the operator can
see the 30 in. [750 mm] drop height. Safety concerns include
hoisting, lowering, and cathead operation. Rope and Cathead Operated Donut Hammer—The
donut hammer is the original design and the dimensions can
vary widely (Fig. 5). Some countries have standardized dimen-
sions of the hammer and anvil to maintain consistent energy
transmission. This hammer system also uses an operator
cathead rope drop with two rope turns on the cathead. Since it
is dependent on the operator, the energy transmission may vary
between operators and single operator precision has a much
larger variation than automatic hammers. Donut hammer with
large impact anvils generally have lower energy transmission
ratios, ETR (see X1.3.4). Safety concerns include hoisting,
lowering, cathead operation, pinch points at the impact surface,
and metal fragments off the anvil.
NOTE 3—It is suggested that the hammer fall guide be permanently
marked to enable the operator or inspector to judge the hammer drop
height. Spooling Winch Hammer Systems—This hammer
system uses an automated wireline spool behind the mast to lift
a safety or donut hammer the prescribed 30 in. [750 mm] drop
and then unwind at a computed free fall speed for the hammer
system. Several published studies have shown these hammers
do not perform well and often restrict the drop speed resulting
in very low drill rod energy, ETR and resulting very high blow
counts (see X1.3.5). These hammer systems should not be used
unless their performance is checked onsite using energy
measurements prescribed by Test Method D4633.
5.5 Accessory Equipment—Accessories such as labels,
sample containers, data sheets, groundwater level, and SPT
energy measuring devices shall be provided in accordance with
the requirements of the project and other applicable ASTM
FIG. 4 Mechanical Automatic Trip Drop Donut Hammer System standards.

D1586/D1586M − 18´1

FIG. 5 Schematic Drawing of the Donut Hammer and Safety Hammer (see Note 3)

6. Drilling Procedure 6.2.5 Other Drilling Methods, with concerns listed. It is the
6.1 The borehole shall be advanced incrementally to permit responsibility of the user (driller, site geologist/engineer) to
intermittent or continuous sampling. Record the depth of examine the test conditions and evaluate if disturbance requires
drilling to the nearest 0.1 ft [0.025 m] or better. change of drilling method or procedures. Use of fluid rotary or
hollow-stem auger drilling is recommended if there are serious
6.2 Any drilling procedure that provides a suitably clean concerns and a check boring is required. The other drilling
and stable borehole before insertion of the sampler and assures methods have distinct issues with their usage:
that the penetration test is performed on essentially intact soil
shall be acceptable. Stable borehole conditions are confirmed Wash Boring Method—Wash borings are an older
for each test by comparing the cleanout depths to sampler drilling method using pumped water to a chopping bit which is
depths prior to tests and examining recovered soil cores. Each raised and lowered impacting the base of the boring and
of the following procedures has proven to be acceptable for circulating the fluid and cuttings upward. Casing is also used to
some subsurface conditions. The subsurface conditions antici- help keep the boring stabilized. This method has been listed
pated should be considered when selecting the drilling method previously in this procedure but is recognized as a jetting
to be used (see 4.5 and 5.1). method, Section 12 of Guide D6286. Concerns with this
6.2.1 Open-Hole Fluid Rotary Drilling Method (D5783). method include jetting and impact disturbance in the base of
6.2.2 Hollow-Stem Auger Method (D6151/D6151M). the boring and disturbance caused by casing near the test zone.
6.2.3 Solid Stem Auger Method (D1452/D1452M)—Open See X1.5.1.1 for research information on this method.
hole solid stem augers can be used to advance borings as long Sonic Drilling (D6914/D6914M)—Concerns with
as the hole remains open, stable, and clean. These open this drilling method include the strong vibrations produced
uncased borings are subject to sloughing or caving of cohe- which could influence and disturb sandy soils in the test zone.
sionless soils below the water table and may not be suitable for This method does not use drilling fluid and disturbance in
those conditions. In stiff cohesive soils borings can often be sands below the water table can occur if fluid balance is not
extended below the water table. Typical diameter is 4 in. [100 maintained during removal of the inner barrel. The advantage
mm]. is the outer casing protect the borehole from caving. There is
6.2.4 Fluid Rotary Casing Advancer (D5872/D5872M)— some preliminary research on effects of sonic drilling on SPT
Since this drilling method circulates fluids up the exterior N-values which are currently inconclusive (see X1.5.3) point-
annulus of the rotary casing, care must be taken to maintain ing to a need to perform site specific checks with conventional
fluid circulation (Practice D6066). drilling methods on effect on N-values if required.

D1586/D1586M − 18´1 Dual-Wall Reverse Circulation—If used with a cas- the hammer drop height (PE) and blow rate should be
ing hammer, this method could disturb sandy soils at the base continuously monitored during testing and any deviations
of the boring. When drilling with air, circulation must be noted.
maintained as there is high risk of soil fracturing in the test 7.1.1 Automatic and Trip Hammers—By using a trip,
zone. This method also provides continuous protective casing automatic, or semi-automatic hammer drop system that lifts the
to stabilize the hole. 140 lbm [63.5 kg] hammer and allows it to drop 30 6 1.0 in. Direct Push Casings—SPT has been routinely used [750 6 30 mm] with limited frictional resistance. Check the
with larger diameter dual tube equipment without problems in drop height and blow count rate as required based on previous
many types of soils. The primary concern with this method is testing (see and X1.3.1).
the hammer impacts disturbing sandy soils in the test zone 7.1.2 Rope and Cathead Method—By using a cathead to
below the water table. This affect can be mitigated by using a pull a rope attached to the hammer. When the cathead and rope
large diameter dual tube sampler in sampling mode (Guide method is used the system and operation shall conform to the
D6282/D6282M) instead of driving with a center plug point. following:
Fluid should be added in saturated sands during extraction of The cathead shall be essentially free of rust, oil, or
the inner tube. The outer dual tube stabilizes the boring for grease with a diameter in the range of 6 to 10 in. [150 to 250
testing. There is some preliminary research on effects of Direct mm]. The mast should only have two well lubricated crown
Push drilling on SPT N-values which are currently inconclu- sheaves for the rope. A third crown sheave could reduce ETR.
sive (see X1.5.3) pointing to a need to perform site specific The cathead should be operated at a speed of
checks with conventional drilling methods on effect on rotation of about 100 RPM.
N-values if required. The operator should generally use either 1-3⁄4 or 2-1⁄4
rope turns on the cathead, depending if the rope comes off the
6.3 All drilling methods, to be successful, require the driller top (1-3⁄4 turns for counterclockwise rotation) or the bottom
to advance the drill rate slow enough to ensure that the cuttings (2-1⁄4 turns for clockwise rotation) of the cathead during the
are removed, and circulation is maintained during the drilling penetration test, as shown in Fig. 1. It is generally accepted that
process. If drilled too fast using fluids, the bit or hole may plug, 2-3⁄4 or more rope turns impede the fall of the hammer and
the fluid circulation may be lost, and soil at the base of the should not be permitted. The cathead rope should be relatively
boring may be hydraulically fractured. Report any major fluid dry, clean, and should be replaced when it becomes excessively
losses. frayed, oily, or burned. For each hammer blow, a 30 in. [750 mm ] lift and
6.4 Drilling Below Groundwater—The drilling fluid level
drop shall be employed by the operator. The operation of
within the borehole or hollow-stem augers shall be maintained
pulling and throwing the rope shall be performed rhythmically
at or above the in situ groundwater level at all times during
without holding the rope at the top of the stroke. If the hammer
drilling, removal of drill rods, and sampling. Numerous inves-
drop height is not 30 6 1.0 in. [750 6 30 mm], then record the
tigations and published data show adverse effects of allowing
actual drop heights used.
fluid levels to drop (see X1.5.1). If the site requires that casing
be installed close to the test interval it is advised to keep it as NOTE 4—Test Method D4633 provides information on making energy
far from the test zone as possible. When drilling in unstable measurement for variable drop heights and Practice D6066 provides
information on adjustment of the N-value to a constant energy level (60 %
saturated sands, the use of a bypass line is required to add fluid of theoretical, N60). Practice D6066 allows the hammer drop height to be
when removing the cleanout string to maintain the fluid adjusted to provide 60 % energy.
balance. If soil heaves into a casing a considerable distance,
there could be a large disturbed zone at the base of the boring. 8. Sampling and Testing Procedure
If this occurs, it must be reported. If sand is flowing into the 8.1 After the borehole has been advanced to the desired
casings, more viscous drill fluids may be required. sampling elevation and excessive cuttings have been removed,
6.5 Several drilling methods produce unacceptable bore- record the cleanout depth to the nearest 0.1 ft [0.025 m], and
holes. The process of jetting through an open tube sampler and prepare for the test with the following sequence of operations:
then sampling when the desired depth is reached shall not be 8.1.1 Attach the split-barrel sampler to the sampling rods
permitted. Casing shall not be advanced below the sampling and lower into the bottom of the borehole. Do not allow the
elevation prior to sampling. Advancing a borehole with bottom sampler and rods to drop onto the soil to be sampled. Record
discharge bits is not permissible. It is not permissible to the sampling start depth to the nearest 0.1 ft [0.025 m] or better.
advance the borehole for subsequent insertion of the sampler If the sampler penetrates past the cleanout depth record the
solely by means of previous sampling with the SPT sampler. partial penetration prior to driving.
8.1.2 Attach the anvil and hammer assembly to the top of
the drill rods.and rest the dead weight of the sampler, rods,
7. Hammer Operating Procedures
anvil, and hammer on the bottom of the borehole. Compare the
7.1 The lifting and dropping of the 140 lbm [63.5 kg] sampling start depth to the cleanout depth in 8.1. If excessive
hammer shall be accomplished using either of the following cuttings are encountered at the bottom of the borehole, remove
using automatic or rope and cathead methods. Drill rod energy the sampler and sampling rods from the borehole and remove
transfer ETR can be measured according to procedures in Test the cuttings. See section 8.2.5 if the sampler begins to settle
Method D4633 (see 4.2 and Note 4). For proper performance, under the weight of rods, or rod and hammer.

D1586/D1586M − 18´1
8.1.3 Mark the drill rods in three successive 0.5 ft [0.15 m] samples recovered in accordance with Practice D2488, then
increments so that the advance of the sampler under the impact place one or more representative portions of the sample into
of the hammer can be easily observed for each 0.5 ft [0.15 m] sealable moisture-proof containers (ziplock bags or jars) with-
increments. If the penetration is known from the hammer out ramming or distorting any apparent stratification. Seal each
system, i.e., Diedrich hammer or recorded using automated container to prevent evaporation of moisture. Affix labels to the
methods such as the eSPT system, or laser depth recorder containers bearing job designation, boring number, sample
(PileTrac)8, the rods do not need to be marked, however, the depth. . Protect the samples against extreme temperature
marks can be used as a visual check. Record any hammer drops fluctuation . If there is a soil change within the sampler, use a
not meeting project requirements regarding fall heights, container for each stratum and note its location in the sampler
changes in hammer speed, or pauses during testing (Note 5). barrel. Samples should be preserved and transported in accor-
8.2 Drive the sampler with blows from the 140 lbm [63.5 dance with Practice D4220/D4220M using Group B.
kg] hammer using procedures in Section 7 and count the 8.5 Borehole Completion and Sealing—Information on the
number of blows for each 0.5 ft (0.15 m) increment until one sealing of boreholes and installations can be found in Guides
of the following occurs: D5782, D5783, and D5784/D5784M for drilling methods and
8.2.1 A total of 50 blows during any one of the three 0.5 ft in Practice D5092, and Guide D5299 for wells. Local regulat-
[0.15 m] increments described in 8.1.3. ing agencies or organizations may control both the method and
8.2.2 A total of 100 blows have been applied. the materials required for borehole sealing. The use of low
8.2.3 There is no observed advance of the sampler during solids content bentonite slurry should not be used in the
the application of 10 successive blows of the hammer. For unsaturated zones (Practice D5092).
automated systems an advance of less than 0.1 in. [2 mm] per 8.6 Equipment Decontamination—Often is required to clean
blow can be considered refusal. the drill rig and equipment prior to and after investigation at a
8.2.4 The sampler is advanced the entire 1.5 ft [0.45 m] specific site. Practice D5088 should be used if the investigation
without the limiting blow counts occurring as described in and sampling equipment require decontamination for environ-
8.2.1, 8.2.2, or 8.2.3. mental investigations.
8.2.5 If the sampler sinks under the weight of the hammer,
weight of rods, or both, record the length of travel to the 9. Report: Test Data Sheet(s)/Form(s)
nearest 0.1 ft [0.025 m], and drive the sampler through the 9.1 The methodology used to specify how data are recorded
remainder of the test interval. If the sampler sinks the entire is covered in section 1.8.
interval, stop the penetration, remove the sampler and sampling
rods from the borehole, and advance the borehole through the 9.2 Record as a minimum the following general information
very soft or very loose materials to the next sampling depth. (data) Data obtained in each borehole shall be recorded in
Record the N-value as either weight of hammer, weight of rods, accordance with the Subsurface Logging Guide D5434 as
or both. required by the exploration program. An example of a sample
data sheet is included in Appendix X3.
8.3 Record the number of blows (N) required to advance the
9.3 Drilling information shall be recorded in the field and
sampler each 0.5 ft [0.15 m] of penetration or fraction thereof.
shall include the following:
The first 0.5 ft [0.15 m] is the seating drive. The sum of the
9.3.1 Name and location of job,
number of blows required for the second and third 0.5 ft [0.15
9.3.2 Names of driller, crew and logger,
m] of penetration is termed the “standard penetration
9.3.3 Type and make of drilling machine,
resistance,” or “N-value.” If the sampler is driven less than 1.5
9.3.4 Weather conditions,
ft [0.45 m], as permitted in 8.2.1, 8.2.2, or 8.2.3, the number of
9.3.5 Date and time of start and finish of borehole,
blows per each complete 0.5 ft [0.15 m] increment and per each
9.3.6 Boring number and location (station and coordinates,
partial increment shall be recorded on the boring log. For
if available and applicable),
partial increments, the depth of penetration shall be reported to
9.3.7 Surface elevation, if available,
the nearest 0.1 ft [0.25 m] or better in addition to the number
9.3.8 Method of drilling and advancing and cleaning the
of blows (Note 5).
NOTE 5—Often, liquefaction studies require recording of penetration
per blow in gravelly soils as described in X1.7. For those cases, automated 9.3.9 Method of keeping borehole open, fluid circulation
recording is desirable because the practice of hand marking the drill rods rates and loses,
is hazardous and data recording is cumbersome. For latest automated 9.3.10 Depth of water surface to the nearest 0.1 ft [0.025 m]
hammer systems, the penetration per blow can be continuously recorded and drilling depth to the nearest 0.1 ft [0.025 m] or better at the
and the blow counts for each increment computed from the data. An
example is the eSPT hammer system that uses terms of n1, n2, n3, to
time of a noted loss of drilling fluid, and time and date when
specify the penetration increments and the N-value is the sum of n2 and n3. reading or notation was made,
Another continuous depth recorder, PileTrac (, can also 9.3.11 Location of strata changes, to the nearest 0.5 ft [0.15
automate collection of penetration per blow data using exterior placed m] or better,
laser distance sensor. 9.3.12 Size of casing, depth of cased portion of borehole to
8.4 Retrieve the sampler and open. Record the percent the nearest 0.1 ft [0.025 m] or better,
recovery to the nearest 5 % or the length of sample recovered 9.3.13 Hammer system used including notes on
to the nearest 0.1 ft [0.025 m] or better. Classify the soil configuration, blow count rates, and drop heights for driving

D1586/D1586M − 18´1
the sampler. Report drop heights not meeting 30 in. [750 mm] 9.5.2 Report calculated N60 values to the nearest whole
requirements or other factors affecting required drop heights or number.
drop speed during a particular test (ETR), 9.6 Record as a minimum the following sampling data,
9.3.14 Sampler length and inside diameter of barrel, no regarding significant digits (see 1.8) as follows:
liner, or liner and liner type if used, shoe type, and if a sample 9.6.1 Report SPT N values to the nearest whole number.
basket retainer is used, occurrence of plugged vent ports, 9.6.2 Record all drilling and sampling measurements to the
9.3.15 Size, type, and section length of the sampling rods, nearest 0.1 ft [0.025 m] or better.
and 9.6.3 Sampling—Report depth interval sampled, sample re-
9.3.16 Remarks. covery lengths to the nearest 0.1 ft [0.025 m] or better.
9.6.4 Recovery, to the nearest five percent.
9.4 Sample Data—Data obtained for each sample shall be 9.6.5 In Situ testing—Report the depths and types of in situ
recorded in the field and shall include the following: tests performed. For devices which were inserted below the
9.4.1 Top of cleanout depth to the nearest 0.1 ft [0.025 m] or base of the drill hole, report the depths below the base of the
better, and any occurrence of excessive heave, hole to the nearest 0.1 ft [0.025 m] or better, and any unusual
9.4.2 Top of sample depth to the nearest 0.1 ft [0.025 m] or conditions during testing.
better, and, if utilized, the sample number, report any sinking of
the sampler under weight of rods, or rods and hammer. 10. Precision and Bias
9.4.3 Strata changes within sample, 10.1 Precision—Test data on precision is not presented due
9.4.4 Sampler penetration and recovery lengths to the near- to the nature of this test method. It is either not feasible or too
est 0.1 ft [0.025 m] or better, and costly at this time to have ten or more agencies participate in
9.4.5 Number of blows per 0.5 ft [0.15 m] or partial an in situ testing program at a given site.
increment (see 8.2.1 – 8.2.3). 10.1.1 Subcommittee 18.02 is seeking additional data from
the users of this test method to provide a limited statement on
9.4.6 Report the N-value rounded to the nearest whole
precision. Present knowledge indicates the following:
number. Variations in N-values of 100 % or more have been
9.5 Hammer Energy Data (optional)—If the energy ratio observed when using different standard penetration test appa-
(ETR) of the hammer system is known from previous ratus and drillers for adjacent boreholes in the same soil
measurements, report the data and how and when the data were formation. Current opinion, based on field experience, indi-
obtained. Alternately, if an assumed value is used, report the cates that when using the same apparatus and driller, N-values
basis for such based on the type of hammer and operation. For in the same soil can be reproduced with a coefficient of
any hammer that has had previous past measurement and is variation of about 10 %.
currently being used, report the most recent date of measure- The use of faulty equipment, such as an extremely
ment. Report hammer drop heights and blow rates to confirm massive or damaged anvil, a rusty cathead, a low speed
hammer performance. If energy measurements are performed cathead, an old, oily rope, or massive or poorly lubricated rope
onsite during testing, report the energy data with locations and sheaves can significantly contribute to differences in N-values
frequency on drill logs or in the report. Rope and Cathead obtained between operator-drill rig systems.
hammers are operator dependent, so the operator should be 10.2 Bias—There is no accepted reference value for this test
identified. method, therefore, bias cannot be determined.
9.5.1 N60 values calculated in Practice D6066 may also be
reported. However never place N60 corrected data solely on the 11. Keywords
boring log. The log shall contain only the measured N values or 11.1 blow count; in-situ test; N-value; penetration resis-
both. tance; soil; split-barrel sampling; SPT; standard penetration test


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 History
X1.1.1 The International Society for Soil Mechanics and
Foundation Engineering published a review of SPT on an

D1586/D1586M − 18´1
international scale in 1988 (1).9 SPT started in the 1920’s when X1.2.2 Refer to Test Method D4633 on how to measure drill
pile driving companies started using wash boring methods, rod energy transmission and note that Practice D6066 requires
standard metal pipe, and different samplers driven by a energy measurements for liquefaction evaluations. The require-
hammer. ASTM first published a recommended procedure in ments for measuring energy depend on the project require-
1958 and in 1967 a standard was adopted. Additional refer- ments. Some operators calibrate hammers annually or based on
ences (2, 3) provide more history. Rodgers reports history of frequency of use. Automatic hammers when operated at a
both SPT and Cone Penetration Testing (CPT) (Test Method constant speed deliver very consistent energy so calibration
D5778) in reference (4). CPT can be more reliable than SPT frequency can be reduced as long as the operation rate is
because it does not suffer from drilling disturbance problems checked. New automatic hammers are being designed to
and mechanical variables in the SPT; however, there is no soil constantly monitor the drop height (e.g., eSPT system8).
sample. Projects requiring a high level of quality assurance should use
automatic hammers and have them calibrated and documented
X1.2 Energy Measurements and Hammer Systems for a particular test site.
X1.2.1 In the 1970’s Schmertmann and Palacios began X1.2.3 Rope and cathead operated hammers are also opera-
testing the SPT energy transmission effects and found some tor dependent and energy can vary widely. Certain drill rigs
significant problems with the hammer designs, the test have features on cathead systems that impede free fall. The
equipment, and drilling procedures. Table X1.1 is from a 1978 drill rig should have preferably only two crown sheaves. Drills
paper postulating the effects from energy measurements and with three crown sheaves have been shown to deliver lower
hammer systems and other test variables on the SPT N-value energy, and subsequently higher N values. Field data have
(5). This table shows some of the factors which since that time shown large variations in energy from extreme cold to warm
many have been further researched, so these numbers are weather effects on rope. The condition of the rope will also
estimates which have now been refined. Energy measurements change the energy.
were collected using force transducers up until the 1990’s (5, 6,
7). In 1985 it was decided that SPT data should be corrected for X1.3 Hammer Systems
energy to a 60 % level of PE (8, 9). Energy measurement NOTE X1.1—Below is a partial summary of some experience regarding
methods switched from force transducers to also adding the use the hammer systems listed in the standard.
of accelerometers for velocity in the Force-Velocity method in X1.3.1 Automatic Hammer Systems:
Test Method D4633 in 2005 (10). Since that time there have X1.3.1.1 The typical hydraulically operated chain cam ham-
been numerous publications on hammer types and energy mer system is highly reliable for delivering consistent ETR
measurements. It has now become common practice for high with a standard deviation of only 2 to 3 % during an individual
level quality assurance projects, to measure the ETR of the test. A typical range of ETR is from 70 to 95 % of maximum
particular hammer system and use corrected N60 values for PE. The hammers are blow rate dependent and for more
design purposes (Practice D6066). information see (11). The original designers set a rate of about
50 blows per minute to throw the hammer slug 30 in. [750 mm]
in the air. The 30 in. [750 mm] drop assumes the anvil top is
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references at the end of
this standard. fully inside the guide tube. To maintain the drop height the

TABLE X1.1 Factors Affecting the Variability of the Standard Penetration Test N (Schmertmann, 1978 (5)).
NOTE 1—Metric conversions: 1 ft = 0.3048 m; 1 in. = 2.54 cm.
Cause Estimated % by Which Cause
Basic Detailed Can Change N
Effective stresses at bottom of 1. Use drilling mud versus casing and water + 100%
borehole (sands)
2. Use hollow-stem auger versus casing and + 100%
water and allow head imbalance
3. Small-diameter hole (3 in.) versus large 50%
diameter (18 in.)
Dynamic energy reaching sampler 4. 2 to 3 turn rope-cathead versus free drop + 100%
(All Soils)
5. Large versus small anvil + 50%
6. Length of rods
Less than 10 ft + 50%
30 to 80 ft 0%
more than 100 ft + 10%
7. Variations in height drop ± 10%
8. A-rods versus NW-rods ± 10%
Sampler design 9. Larger ID for liners, – 10% (sands)
but no liners – 30% (insensitive clays)
Penetration inteval 10. N0 to 12 in. instead N6 to 18 in. – 15% (sands)
– 30% (insensitive clays)
11. N12 to 24 in. versus N6 to 18 in. + 15% (sands)
+ 30% (insensitive clays)

D1586/D1586M − 18´1
drop system must follow the anvil as penetration occurs. systems and it is not known how much they vary in perfor-
Different approaches have been made to accomplish this. Most mance. New automatic hammer systems are being developed
hammers float in a carrier and permanently rest on the anvil to continuously measure drop heights and penetration data such
exerting full mass. The Lift cylinder (Fig. X1.1) can be as the eSPT hammer.8
equipped with a double acting cylinder to maintain contact but X1.3.1.2 The typical chain cam is operated at high speed of
in this case additional pressure is added to the rods. For the 50 to 55 BPM to achieve the 30 in. [750 mm] drop height using
double acting cylinder, the operator can use a follower control an anvil with a specific length inside the guide tube. These
on the cylinder but must be careful not to load the rods in soft hammers achieve high energy but for those involved with
material. The hydraulic motor speed can be adjusted with a liquefaction investigations (Practice D6066) the speed is faster
Flow Control constrictor (see Fig. X1.1). Operators not famil- than recommended 20 to 40 BPM (Seed, et., al. (8)). On most
iar with the drill may allow the Flow Control (Fig. X1.1) to go liquefaction sites the ETR is measured and the hammer than
off speed so it’s important to check the blow rate of automatic can be adjusted to give the desired speed or energy. For
hammers. They should always be operated at a constant example, is you wish to slow the hammer to 40 BPM the
Throttle Speed (Fig. X1.1) so the hydraulic supply pressure is hammer will not drop 30 inches. To maintain the drop height
constant. Once the hammer speed has been set, the hammer some have equipped the anvil with a spacer ring, so the anvil
performance can be checked periodically by using the View is lower inside the guide tube. In other cases, the rate is reduced
Slot (Fig. X1.1) and the hammer can deliver consistent ETR if to the desired speed and the lower ETR is used to correct the
blow rate and speed are checked and constant during testing. data to N60. Another reason for slowing the hammer is to record
There are now several different manufacturers of these hammer penetration per blow in gravelly soils (see X1.7).

FIG. X1.1 Schematic of Hydraulic Motor Operation of Chain Cam Automatic Hammer System (courtesy MARL Technologies)

D1586/D1586M − 18´1
X1.3.1.3 A study of 32 automatic hammer systems was discussed section 4.3.2, the SPT is not reliable in soft clays and
summarized by Biringen and Davie in 2008 (12) as part of this example shows one of the primary reasons. Even a lighter
major investigations for nuclear power plants. Their study also safety hammer will sink through soft clays at depth due to the
looked at previous automatic hammer studies from Utah DOT high rod weight from the longer drill string. For soft clays,
and Florida DOT. Although the hammer brands and blow rates alternate tests are recommended. If one must perform a check
were not reported, they found average ETR of automatic test of automatic hammers, use the mechanical trip or rope and
hammers averaged around 80 % with standard deviations of 6 cathead safety hammer or donut hammers. Their paper also
to 8 %. Based on this and without any energy measurements shows a comparison of donut, safety, and automatic hammers
they recommended a blanket correction factor of 1.24 to at a sand site and show that energy correction worked well at
correct Nauto to N60 with that value being the lower bound that site and that all hammer systems are acceptable if the
standard deviation energy and thus a conservative correction energy is known (Fig. X1.3). But for conditions where com-
factor. A more recent study of six CME automatic hammers of plete sinking occurs, N values are lost. Ideally, the hammer
Alabama DOT resulted in an average ETR of 91 % and ranging system should exert minimal additional weight on the rods and
from 82 to 96 % when operated near the design speed of 50 sampler. Some automatic hammer systems are made to float
bpm (13). above the impact anvil using a guide tube and hydraulic lift
X1.3.1.4 The automatic hammer systems impart consider- such as the Diedrich and eSPT hammer systems. Luttengger
able static mass to the rods and sampler prior to the test causing and Kelley (14) did not test the floating Diedrich hammer
sinking under the weight of rods and hammer in soft clays. Fig. although they list an assembly mass.
X1.2 by Luttenegger and Kelley (1997) (14) shows dramati-
cally the effect in clays. This affect does not occur in sands or X1.3.2 Mechanical Trip Hammers:
denser materials. They observed that typical safety and donut X1.3.2.1 Mechanical Trip hammers are available in many
hammers had masses of 150 to 220 lbm [70 to 100 kg] countries. These trip hammers were reviewed by H. B. Seed (8)
including the 140 lbm [63.5 kg] hammer mass while auto and summarized in Table X1.2 during the SPT review for
hammers had masses of 500 to 530 lbm [230 to 240 kg]. As liquefaction studies. Table X1.2 shows an effort to understand

FIG. X1.2 Illustration of Automatic and Safety Hammer Data in Clays at the NGES Test Site (Luttenegger and Kelley, 1997 (14))

D1586/D1586M − 18´1
individual test, i.e., 5 to 10 %. Two rope turns, or wraps should
be used on the cathead to operate the hammer. The energy
transmission depends on the number of rope turns used on the
cathead. Extra rope turns (wraps) can cause large energy
transmission losses. Use of a new stiff rope can result in
temporary increase of ETR until the rope has been broken in.
X1.3.4 Donut Hammers:
X1.3.4.1 The older Donut hammers have shown a wide
variation of low energies ranging from 35 to 65 %. Once again,
the ETR depends on the hammer anvil impedance ratio. Based
on data from Kovacs, Seed estimated an average energy of
these hammers at 45 % (8). Due to the large variation in ETR
for these hammers it would be unwise to use an assumed value
of ETR, so some kind of previous or on-site energy measure-
ments (Test Method D4633) should be required for the hammer
prior to its use. Some countries such as Japan use hammers
with fixed hammer and anvil dimensions and there are consid-
erable energy data available so that an assumed value could be
used on small projects (Kovacs, Seed (7, 8)). As with the safety
hammer, two rope turns, or wraps should be used on the
cathead to operate the hammer. The energy transmission
depends on the number of rope turns used on the cathead. Extra
rope turns (wraps) can cause large energy transmission losses.
Use of a new stiff rope can result in temporary increase of ETR
until the rope has been broken in.
X1.3.5 Spooling Winch Hammers:
X1.3.5.1 Published data indicate the spooling mechanism
can sometimes impede the free fall of the hammer resulting in
FIG. X1.3 Comparison of Automatic, Safety and Donut Hammers very low energy measurements (15). Before using this test at
at a Sand Site (a) Raw Data, (b) Corrected N60 Values any given site, the ETR must be measured to confirm proper
(Lutenneger and Kelley, (14)) operation. This hammer system should not be used if the ETR
has not been checked.
TABLE X1.2 Summary of Pilcon Mechanical Trip Hammer ETR
(Seed, (8)) X1.4 Mechanical Variables
Study Hammer Energy Ratio (%)
(1) (2) (3) X1.4.1 Sampler Split Barrel – Inside Diameter – Liners and
Decker, Holtz, and Kovacs (in press) Pilcon 55 No Liners:
Douglas and Strutznsky (8) Pilcon 62 X1.4.1.1 There is limited research on the effects of the upset
Liang (29) Pilcon-type 58
Overall average 60
wall sampler barrel with and without liners. The available data
were summarized by H.B Seed (8) and shown on Fig. X1.4 for
liquefaction evaluation. The studies were predominantly done
the Chinese trip hammers which were similar to British Pilcon at sand sites. As would be expected, the differences are more
hammers. The ETR of these hammers depends on the hammer- pronounced in denser soils where internal friction buildup
anvil impedance ratio which means that larger anvils have occurs in a constant wall diameter. Since the bulk of interna-
lower energy transmission. There are quite few variations in tional data are collected with constant wall diameters, it is
design and some systems even have two impact anvils or built recommended that, for liquefaction studies, to correct for liners
in anvil cushioning. The estimated ETR of the Chinese and by EERI (16) a shown on Fig. X1.5. For most standard
British hammers was estimated at 60 % and that is due to the investigations the effect is minor for N < 20 and data are
large anvil. Japanese Tombi trip hammers had 78 % energy lacking for clay soils. Sample recovery is higher with upset
transmission because the impact anvil is very small. wall split barrels due to reduced friction on the soil core.
X1.3.3 Safety Hammers: X1.4.2 Sampler Design:
X1.3.3.1 Safety hammers found common use in North X1.4.2.1 The bulk of the samplers manufactured in North
America in the 1970’s as an improvement to donut hammers. America are made to the Diamond Drill Core Manufacturers
The long assembly length could be accommodated on truck Association (DDCMA) specifications shown on Fig. X1.6 (17).
mounted drills. Kovacs and Salamone (7) measured numerous These barrels have upset wall design.
safety hammer systems and the average energy was 61 % and X1.4.3 Drill Rod Type and Rod Length:
when efficiently operated run as high as 75 % ETR (15). These X1.4.3.1 There is no definitive research on the effect of A
hammers have higher standard deviation of ETR during an versus N size drill rods on N values. These sizes of rods should

D1586/D1586M − 18´1
penetration occurred primarily from the first big incident wave.
Schmertmann proposed, in Table X1.1 for depths less than 30
ft [10 m] there could be some reduction in energy to the
sampler because of termination of hammer contact by the
reflected compression wave and reduction factors were applied
for shallow blow counts. These corrections are still found
today in some liquefaction guidelines (16). However, recently,
researchers have argued that no reductions should be applied,
and it was found that hammer anvil contact was maintained
(18, 19). Part of these conclusions are due to the fact new ETR
measurements use the FV method and include energy content
of the first incident wave and subsequent smaller reflected
pulses that occur past the first major stress pulse (see Test
Method D4633, Appendix X1 and Odenbrecht et al., (20).
X1.4.3.3 Long Rod Lengths > 100 ft [30 m]—Besides the
short rod corrections for liquefaction studies, there is also
concern with energy losses of very long drill rods. Based on
some early studies it was recommended that for borings of
excess of 100 ft [30 m] one should reduce energy about 1 % for
every 10 ft [3 m] (21). More recent energy measurements seem
to confirm N rods lose energy at a greater rate compared to A
rods and in some instances, the loss rate is greater (or efficiency
is less) than previously expected (22, 23).
X1.4.4 Drive Shoes:
X1.4.4.1 As noted in the standard, manufacturers produce
FIG. X1.4 Comparison of Use of SPT Barrel With and Without Lin- several types of drive shoes used for sampling. Fig. X1.7
ers in Sands (Seed (8)) shows shoes commonly used and only the sharper shoe to the
left is made for sampling fine soils while the thicker, blunter,
shoes are used in coarser and denser soils. Thicker shoes are
not in conformance with section 5.3. There has been no known
controlled study on the effects on N values between these
different styles of drive shoes.

X1.5 Operational Variables

X1.5.1 Drilling Methods – Research on SPT and Drilling
X1.5.1.1 One of the early reports on drilling methods was
Parsons (24) where he discovered poor SPT data in sands that
were drilled with water below the water table. The results are
summarized on Fig. X1.8. Although the drilling methods were
FIG. X1.5 Recommended Liner Correction for SPT in Sands for
Liquefaction Evaluation (EERI (15)) not clearly described it was assumed that the low blow counts
in sand were caused by the removal of the drill bit and a drop
in borehole fluid causing sand to flow into the base of the
transmit energy effectively to the sampler. If anything, the boring. It is not clear how the casing was used or if they were
energy reaching the sampler would be less in N rods than rotary or wash borings. Check test holes were carefully drilled
smaller diameter A rods because of reflections and dispersion using auger and drilling mud to clear the test zone which
of the stress wave (strain energy) component in the rods with resulted in very high blow counts in the dense sand.
larger joint pins. There is no indication that a loose joint or rod X1.5.1.2 A study of mud rotary, hollow-stem augers, water
whip and friction on the borehole wall cause significant fluid rotary drilling with driven casing was reported by Whited
reductions in energy flowing through the rods, however this and Edil in 1986 (25). Thirty-six borings in differing geologic
can be noted if suspected. For general practice, the differences conditions in Wisconsin were conducted by transportation drill
in drill rods and the losses from length in typical depth ranges crews experienced with SPT. Hollow-stem auger borings were
up to 100 ft [30 m] are less than 5 % and can be ignored for advanced with the pilot bit in-place and when below the water
most production testing. However, for liquefaction evaluations table drill fluid (Mud) was injected using a spindle adaptor. The
corrections are sometimes used for short length and longer rods water borings were advanced by driving the casing in 1.5 m
as follows irrespective of rod type. increments while cleaning the casing with roller bit and clear
X1.4.3.2 Short Rod Lengths < 30 ft [10 m]—Early energy water. The conclusions of the study were that the drilling
transmission research using the F2 method assumed sampler methods had no effect on SPT in clay soils. The driven casing

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FIG. X1.6 DDCMA Split Barrel Design (17)

borings yielded high blow counts above the water table and with drill mud. The results indicated minimal differences in the
lower blow counts below the water table in sands. This is due two drilling methods. On Fig. X1.9 there was a trend of lower
to suspected densification above the water table in sands and N-value with Hollow-stem versus mud rotary borings.
the focusing effect of groundwater seepage force at the base of X1.5.1.4 These conclusions by Seed et al., (26) were worth
the casing and sand disturbance by water imbalance by quoting; “In either case it is clear that borehole fluid type
removing cleanout tools. The report does not mention if a (drilling mud or water) had no significant effect on penetration
bypass line is used to add fluid when drilling below the water resistance so long as good drilling and sampling techniques are
table. There was some tendency for hollow-stem auger holes to used, including prevention of hydraulic inflow at the base of
record lower blow counts in sands below the water table. The the borehole.” The purpose of the study was to prove careful
important finding in this study is that driven casing should be hollow stem augering can be used, but the Fluid Rotary
kept away from the test zone. Drilling method using drill mud is considered to be the most
X1.5.1.3 A study of mud rotary drilling and hollow-stem reliable method and should be used as the reference test.
auger drilling was performed by Seed et al., (26) for purposes
of investigating USGS blow count case history liquefaction X1.5.2 Hollow-Stem Auger Type and Problems in Sands:
database. The study focused on sands below the water table and X1.5.2.1 There are two types of Hollow-stem Augers (Prac-
all drilling methods use a fluid bypass to maintain the fluid tice D6151/D6151M) the “Inner Rod” type and “Wireline”
levels at the top of the boring during removal of the cleanout type. Both systems can be operated with a pilot bit or long
string. Four different sites were investigated comparing 66 SPT inside sampling barrel and removal of these tools causes a
drilled with water (in augers or casing) and 147 SPT drilled suction effect in sands below the water table. In order to

D1586/D1586M − 18´1

FIG. X1.7 SPT Drive Shoes for Fine and Coarse-Grained Soils (Rodgers, 2006 (4))

the water table because the bit or barrel is removed rapidly.

When this happens and if sand flows into the barrel, it will not
be able to re-latch. This may require that the whole auger string
be pulled upward to clear the sand inside causing even more
suction and disturbance in the bottom of the boring. Hollow-
stem augers have also been advanced without an interior pilot
bit, however, material may require cleaning if there are soils
inside the augers. This can be checked by comparing the bit or
barrel depth the SPT sampler depth.
X1.5.3 Sonic and Direct Push Drilling Methods:
X1.5.3.1 There is very limited information on comparison
of SPT N-values from Sonic or Direct Push drilling methods
but some studies are underway. One study on Sonic drilling by
Wentz et al., (27) shows that there were negligible pore
pressure increases in sands as close as 300 mm to casings but
comparisons to conventional rotary drilling were inconclusive.
A study by Wotherspoon et al., (28) compared numerous Sonic
and Direct Push SPT N-values to N values predicted by CPT
methods at a site in Canterbury, N.Z. showed that the drilling
methods may be affecting soils with lower N-values and that
site-specific correlations may be required. This points to a need
to check site specific SPT N-values from these drilling methods
to conventional methods such as the fluid rotary drilling or
hollow stem auger drilling.
X1.5.4 Drill Hole Diameter:
X1.5.4.1 A Borehole diameter correction was proposed by
FIG. X1.8 Comparison of SPT Drilled With Water versus Drilling Skempton (9) for use in liquefaction evaluation. He noted the
Fluid (Mud) (Parsons (24)) majority of case history borings were 2.6 to 4 in. [65 to 100
mm] diameter but some borings as large as 8 in. [200 mm] are
minimize disturbance to the test zone below the water table, the allowed for SPT. He proposed correction factors of 1.05 and
inner tube should be kept full of fluid and the barrel or bit 1.15 for 6 in. [150 mm] and 8 in. [200 mm] diameter borings,
removed slowly to reduce suction effect. The lesser used respectively. This standard specifies 3 to 6 in. [75 to 150 mm]
wireline systems have had many problems with sands below borehole diameter. He stated that the size effect in clays was

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FIG. X1.9 Comparison of Mud Rotary versus Hollow-Stem Augers at Salinas Site (Seed et al., (26))

probably negligible but that these correction factors are rec- approximately 1⁄10 the diameter of the penetrometer or smaller.
ommended of liquefaction potential in sands. He noted that There were differences in coarse versus fine to medium sands
there is no research on this topic and it is needed. tested by USACE in chambers (29). There are also data from
field studies with coarser sands. Based on a review of the field
X1.6 Notes on Soil Types – Coarse Grained Soils
and laboratory data, Skempton (9) proposed the following
X1.6.1 Maximum Particle Size – Research on SPT in Sands: modification of Terzaghi’s chart in Appendix X2 as follows on
X1.6.1.1 The maximum particle size is listed in section 4.3 Fig. X1.10.
as 1⁄2 the sampler diameter or smaller. Actually, the test is
generally applicable to soils containing no gravels, soils with X1.7 Recording Penetration per Blow (PPB) in Gravelly
gravels, depending on the percentage will begin to artificially Sands
raise the blow count over non-gravel soils, and hence affect
geotechnical engineering estimates based on SPT data. X1.7.1 As outlined in the EERI publication on soil lique-
X1.6.1.2 SPT chamber test research has been conducted for faction (16) the presence of coarse particles in sands can
clean quartz sands by several agencies and the result were interfere with obtaining usable SPT data for the sand matrix.
summarized by Jamiolkowski et al., (29) in 1988. Numerous Some agencies dealing with these soils, record PBB or pen-
field and chamber studies have been performed in an effort to etration per 0.1 ft [0.025 m]. The goal is to extrapolate a
correlate N and Relative Density as a function of effective reliable sand N-value as shown on Fig. X1.11(b). This method
overburden pressure. Actually, the ratio at which particle size is only reliable for gravel contents of up to 15 to 20 %. For
begins to elevate blow count at a constant Dr and pressure is more information consult the EERI report.

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FIG. X1.10 Revised Classification and Estimated Relative Density of Sands Considering Differences Between Coarse and Medium to
Fine Sands (Skempton (9))

X1.7.2 Use of automated systems that have laser distance can be done but requires a third person recorder or hand
recorders (PileTrac) or system like the new automated eSPT marking on drill rods which is hazardous. Manual recording
hammers greatly facilitate recording and post processing of must be input into spreadsheets.
data and reduce errors (see 8.3 and Note 5). Recording by hand

D1586/D1586M − 18´1

FIG. X1.11 EERI Example of Recording Penetration per Blow in Sands (16).


X2.1 The standard uses consistency descriptors in discus- tables provide SPT N values from this standard and the
sion of drilling and sampling of soils. Fig. X2.1 are two tables corresponding basic soils consistency descriptors for clays and
extracted from Terzaghi and Peck, Soil Mechanic in Engineer- sands.
ing Practice, second edition, 1967, Wiley & Sons. These two

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FIG. X2.1 Terzaghi and Peck Descriptors of Soil from SPT N Values


X3.1 See Fig. X3.1.

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FIG. X3.1 Example Data Sheet

D1586/D1586M − 18´1

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Revisited,” 6th International Conference on Case Histories in Geo- (27) Wentz, F. J., and S. E. Dickenson, (2013) “Pore Pressure response
techncial Engineering, Arlington VA, August 11-16, 2006. during high frequency sonic drilling and SPT sampling in liquefiable
(13) Honeycutt, J. N., “Local and National Scale Energy Calibration of sand,” Proc 19th NZGS Geotechnical Symposium, Ed. CY Chin,
Standard Penetration Test Hammers,” Master’s Thesis, Civil Engi- Queenstown.
neering department, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, May 6, (28) Wotherspoon, L. M., Li, Z., Haycock, I. (2015). Assessment of SPT
2012. – CPT correlations using Canterbury site investigation database.
(14) Lutenegger, A. J., and Kelley, S. P., “Discussion on Influence of 12th Australia New Zealand Conference on Geomechanics,
Hammer Type on SPT Results,” Journal of Geotechnical and Wellington, New Zealand.
Geoenvironmental Engineering, American Society of Civil (29) Jamiolkowski, M., Ghionna, V.n., Lancellotta, R., and E. Pasqualini,
Engineers, Vol 123, No, 9, pp. 890-891, September 1997. “New Correlations of Penetration Tests for Design Practice,” Pen-
(15) Farrar, J. F., “Standard Penetration Test: Driller’s / Operator’s etration Testing 1988, ISOPT-1, DeRuiter(ed), Balkema, Rotterdam,
Guide,” Dam Safety Office Report DSO-98-17, U.S. Department of 1988. pp. 263-296.

D1586/D1586M − 18´1

Committee D18 has identified the location of selected changes to this test method since the last issue,
D1586–11, that may impact the use of this test method. (Approved December 1, 2018.)

(1) A major revision was undertaken in 2018. The standard had (5) Sections 4 and 5: Preferred drilling methods are provided
significant changes to the significance and use and apparatus but most all methods are allowed based on approval of the user.
sections. The major changes were: (6) Sections 4 and 5: Preferred hammer systems are also given
(2) Section 4: The section was revised to include important but any hammer system meeting basic requirements can be
information regarding SPT energy measurements on the test used. It is strongly recommended that the user determine or
result. Its use in sand and clays was clarified and in soft clay know the energy of the hammer system they use and at a
was use has been shown to be problematic. minimum the hammer type must be reported.
(3) Section 4: Sampler with or without liners are allowed and (7) General: Appendix X1 has been added to give the user
the differences are discussed the Appendix. more information on the effects of equipment usage and the
(4) Section 4: Recommends the use of automatic or trip various drilling methods.
hammer system but allows other systems.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
( Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the Copyright Clearance Center, 222
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