365 Affirmations For Those Who Are in Recovery

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365 Affirmations For Those Who Are In Recovery

1. I CAN and I WILL do this!

2. Every day, I am getting stronger in my recovery.
3. I know I wasn't made to give up.
4. Any struggle I have, my strength is greater.
5. Every day I work towards being the person I want to be.
6. Today I will better myself.
7. I discovered that I am unstoppable.
8. As long as I work hard every day to better myself, I won't go back to my old ways.
9. I will not let my past self determine who I am currently.
10. I know that I am worth it.
11. Today I will work towards inspiring others.
12. I become what I think.
13. Today I am deciding that I am good enough.
14. Today I am deciding I am worth it.
15. I am brave enough to do anything.
16. I will never find a challenge too great for me to handle.
17. I have the power to create a better life for myself.
18. It's not others' job’s to love me, it is my job to love me.
19. I have the courage and strength to say no.
20. I am intelligent.
21. I am blessed with another day, so I will be thankful.
22. I can weather any storm.
23. I deserve to reach any goals I set for myself.
24. Failure is a stepping stone to greatness.
25. I am worthy of unconditional love.
26. It is about progress, not perfection.
27. I am worthy of true happiness.
28. Unconditional love is always flowing through me.
29. I am worthy of being treated with respect not only by others but by myself most
30. I greet each day with excitement
31. Every struggle I have had has only made me stronger.
32. I know in my heart that no matter what comes my way, I can handle it.
33. I take on my fears head-on and show them who is greater.
34. I will ALWAYS believe in myself.
35. I will ALWAYS believe in my abilities.
36. Today is definitely my day.
37. Today, I will change my life for the better.
38. I am loved by myself and others.
39. Pure, unlimited energy will fill my body today.
40. Today blessings will be attracted to me.
41. I will give love today.
42. Today I will both learn and grow.
43. Today I will be a better person than I was yesterday.
44. I will find my way to success today.
45. I may have a strong addiction, but I am far stronger.
46. I will fear nothing today.
47. I will do my absolute best every day.
48. All the work I do today leads me to a better tomorrow.
49. Today I will keep my heart and intentions pure.
50. I am proud of the person i am today.
51. I wouldn't trade my past for anything because I wouldn't have the gifts I have today.
52. Tomorrow is a new and better day, filled with possibilities.
53. When I look at the world, I can see its infinite beauty.
54. I am thankful to share my gift of sobriety with others.
55. I will be known for my kindness and my strength.
56. I will remain present in all endeavors today.
57. I am amazed by what my body is capable of doing.
58. Today I am stronger than any of my negative thoughts.
59. I will always remember to embrace my individuality.
60. My mistakes are not who I am.
61. I have a full commitment to achieving all of my goals.
62. I am enough, I do enough, I have enough.
63. My life is a splendid gift, and I will cherish my gift with joy and thanks.
64. Everyone deserves love, compassion, and empathy.
65. Faith over fear.
66. Every day I create my life exactly how I would like it.
67. Embrace positivity in all things.
68. I am at complete peace with the person that I am.
69. My actions determine my quality of life.
70. I matter.
71. Today I act with confidence and courage.
72. I am excited about the magical adventure that is my life.
73. I take action in the present to ensure a wonderful future.
74. I turn my dreams into goals.
75. I turn my goals into plans.
76. I turn my plans into action.
77. I turn my action into success.
78. I am willing to change to be a better person.
79. Today I am worthy of attaining my biggest of dreams.
80. Something amazing will happen today.
81. Today I will allow myself to be filled with love.
82. Today I will let pureness guide all my actions.
83. I am open to all possibilities.
84. Today I will keep an open heart and an open mind.
85. Anything I set my mind to I am able to do.
86. Today I will keep going even if its hard.
87. Today I will have to courage to face myself.
88. Today I will act out of love.
89. Today I will keep my heart open to others.
90. Today I will help everyone that I can.
91. I create the life of my dreams.
92. I am totally and completely in charge of my life.
93. There is nothing I cannot achieve.
94. My energy and thoughts create my reality. What I focus my mind on, I manifest.
95. I am always connected to the infinite abundance of the universe.
96. Today I will make positive choices for myself.
97. Today I will drop things that no longer serve me.
98. Today I love and accept myself completely.
99. Good things always happen to me.
100. Today I will be maximally productive.
101. I value myself.
102. Today I will hunt for the good in every moment.
103. I completely embrace change, it brings opportunity.
104. I am on the path to reaching all of my goals.
105. I am more than capable.
106. Today I will have more strength than any illicit drug has.
107. I have the bravery to do whats right for myself and others.
108. I will do the right thing when no one is looking.
109. Today I will be sure to do the next right thing.
110. I will never give up on myself.
111. My life has purpose.
112. I was created with divine intention.
113. I can, I will.
114. Today I will feed my spirit.
115. Today I am in charge of how I feel.
116. Today I will choose, and not wait to be chosen.
117. Today I tell myself that I am enough.
118. My negative thoughts are not stronger than I am.
119. Today I will recover.
120. I am successful in recovery.
121. Today has many great things in store for me.
122. I strive to be better today than I was yesterday.
123. Genuine love is in my path.
124. Today I will stay happy.
125. I control my choices.
126. Today my life is in my hands.
127. Today I will find bliss.
128. Today I will serve myself.
129. Today I will manifest greatness.
130. I will stay in control of my drug habit.
131. Today, I will put effort into learning and growing.
132. I am willing to grow. I create a prosperous future for myself.
133. My mind, body, and soul are at peace.
134. Every day I will grow and learn.
135. My past will make me, not break me.
136. There is greatness in my future.
137. Today I woke up ready for any of todays challenges.
138. I have what it takes to do great things and I have the will to do it.
139. I am highly motivated to stay clean and sober.
140. Every day is a milestone in my recovery.
141. The primary thing I can control in life is myself.
142. My life is now falling into place now that I am clean and sober.
143. My sobriety is my greatest gift.
144. Today I will surround myself with positivity.
145. The people I keep in my life are positive and uplifting.
146. Today I will manifest the greatest version of myself possible.
147. Today I will take a few moments to ponder on my progress and how far ive come.
148. I’m proud of my life right now.
149. Everyday is a chance to start a new chapter in my life.
150. I’m choosing to forgive myself for my mistakes, because I have learned from all
of them.
151. I will hold myself accountable for my actions.
152. I am completely responsible for what happens in my life.
153. I give thanks to myself for getting as far as I have.
154. I will never stop believing in my potential.
155. I will be know for my generosity and understanding.
156. Giving up on myself isn't an option.
157. I have come so far.
158. I am gifted in the future for the work I do today.
159. One day at a time.
160. A person who stands still in an evolving universe will move backwards.
161. The desire for drugs has been lifted from me.
162. I am free from the prison I was once in.
163. Today I will focus my attention on the better of each moment.
164. Today I am a productive member of society.
165. I am valuable.
166. I am one of a kind so I must cherish my body, mind, and soul.
167. I have what it takes to get through this.
168. Today’s challenge is tomorrows gift.
169. Its okay to say no.
170. Today I will rid myself of old habits.
171. I am here for a reason.
172. I maintain power over my temptations.
173. I am supported and loved by many.
174. All things I choose to put my mind to are within my grasp.
175. My family and friends are cheering me on in my recovery, their support means
the world to me.
176. I wont allow my mind to be overtaken by my old thought patterns.
177. My soul radiates a loving light that people love and are attracted to.
178. I will not listen to my addict self.
179. My habits serve my life.
180. I am what I think.
181. If I can stay sober, I can do anything.
182. Everyday I feel more and more in control.
183. Being thankful is what keeps me drug/drink-free.
184. I choose to handle all of my experiences with openness, love, and
185. There is great purpose in my life.
186. I will be here, in the present.
187. I will maintain acute awareness of how I feel.
188. I will follow my heart in all things.
189. Others people’s opinions of me don’t define me.
190. I am so thankful do be healed from active addiction.
191. I will forgive myself for my past, but I will never forget.
192. I will maintain a connection to my higher self.
193. I will embrace all my feelings with acceptance.
194. Its about the journey, not the destination.
195. Success and love will find me today.
196. I choose to surround myself with people that care about my health and well-
197. Life fills me with so my pleasure and happiness.
198. I have the ability to stay in control.
199. Today is a gift.
200. Life is a gift.
201. Sobriety is a gift.
202. The rules to my new life support me.
203. I have unconditional love for myself.
204. I am thrilled to be healed from my active addiction.
205. I can handle any issue with a clear and focused mind.
206. Every day I wake up I am more thrilled with the person I am becoming.
207. Asking for help doesn’t make me a burden to others.
208. I have the determination to keep going no matter what.
209. My life is 100% free from all mind altering substances.
210. I deserve respect in my relationships.
211. As long as I stay focused on my sobriety I will never be led astray.
212. I am always healing my body and spirit.
213. Today I am a magnet for greatness.
214. I will not run away from things that scare me anymore.
215. Today I will give control to my higher power.
216. I have the courage to embrace my imperfections.
217. Today I choose prosperity and health over my previous addictions.
218. I have given myself permission to change.
219. I will recover.
220. I am doing this successfully.
221. I have the courage to give control to my higher power.
222. I am a supportive, loyal, and loving family member and friend.
223. I have the utmost faith in my ability to be successful.
224. I forgive myself for the bad things I did while I was possessed by the evil of
225. No one and nothing is in charge of my life but myself.
226. I will remain free of drugs for the rest of my life.
227. Anything I may have done under the influence, I forgive myself for.
228. Everyday is another step in the process creating a new and better life.
229. My purpose is greater than I could ever understand.
230. Everyday I am free from my active addiction my life improves more and more.
231. I matter.
232. People see me as someone who has beat their drug addiction.
233. I make choices that better my life every day.
234. I am rewriting my story, today is another page.
235. I am ready to take on the exciting adventure that is life.
236. My life is now free from all drugs.
237. I love my current, past, and future self unconditionally.
238. I feed my spirit positivity.
239. If I don’t believe in myself who will?
240. I am smart enough to do the next right thing.
241. Today is a beautiful day to be sober and healthy.
242. I am worthy of my feelings of happiness.
243. Im worth the greatest effort.
244. Today I will put my best foot forward.
245. I’m doing the absolute best I can.
246. I have a wonderful soul.
247. I am now at peace with myself.
248. I deserve to see my dreams manifest.
249. I am becoming a person full of energy who has lots of healthy habits.
250. I am happy, healthy, and addiction free!
251. I am free of guilt and shame.
252. Today I will manifest everything that I deserve.
253. I am no longer shameful about the person I am.
254. The person I have become is the person I need.
255. I have created the best possible version of myself.
256. I am strong, confident, and resilient.
257. I have more energy now than I ever used to.
258. I allow love to guide me in my daily actions.
259. I can rely on my instinct to lead me to a happy life.
260. I wake up excited for the new day.
261. Running from myself is a thing of my past.
262. Any obstacle I encounter in life is something I can easily overcome.
263. In life I will align myself with individuals who will support me.
264. I am complete and more than enough.
265. Its okay to be proud of myself.
266. I very much enjoy my new addiction free lifestyle.
267. I posses great courage.
268. I am manifesting and creating my life, not just reacting to it.
269. I have discovered the unstoppable part of myself.
270. Today I am free of any fear.
271. Every time I say no to drugs, my mind and soul gain strength.
272. The people around me look up to me as someone who fought with their addiction
and came out on top.
273. I cant give up.
274. I am truly blessed in this life.
275. My life is bountiful with gifts, blessings, and happiness.
276. I have the courage to take the next step forward.
277. I respect myself.
278. I act in alignment with my morals.
279. Every morning I wake up, I have greater courage and confidence.
280. No substance has any control over me any longer.
281. I am proud of myself for ridding my life of the things that no longer serve me.
282. I am so thankful to be free of any and all previous addictions.
283. I create peace in myself and my life every day.
284. How I feel today, I am in charge of.
285. Anything I put my mind to is achievable with dedication.
286. I am happy, sober, and no longer shackled to my struggles, but empowered by
the choices I make.
287. I find happiness within myself.
288. I immensely enjoy life now that I am freed from my addiction.
289. Tomorrow is a new day, filled with many new possibilities.
290. My life is most important to me.
291. I now find it easy to turn down all drugs.
292. Every day I become a better me.
293. Anything I put effort toward, I will most certainly achieve.
294. I love myself.
295. I am excited to say that today I am addiction free.
296. I promise myself to be a better me.
297. I am loved.
298. I believe in what I am capable of.
299. Being drug free has improved my life incredibly.
300. Any mistakes I have made in the past, that is not who I am.
301. I will take it easy on myself in recovery.
302. Others can see my worth.
303. I don’t need drugs to feel peace.
304. My heart is filled with pure intent.
305. I have done my very best today.
306. I don’t need drugs to feel happy about myself.
307. I completely take responsibility for my health and happiness.
308. I make excellent lifestyle choices.
309. Every day, in every possible way, I am improving.
310. I will achieve inner balance.
311. I cherish and love myself so it is easy to make healthy choices naturally.
312. I very much love the person I am now becoming.
313. I embrace change because that means I’m making progress.
314. Nothing but me will ever control me again.
315. I am worthy of manifesting the greatest life imaginable.
316. I deserve to be free of drugs and to be happy.
317. Today I forgive myself for all I have done.
318. I have enough respect for my body to stay clean.
319. I have the strength, resourcefulness, and fortitude I need in order to heal myself
320. Every action I made today leads to a beautiful tomorrow.
321. I have become a drug free individual.
322. I have become a person who truly loves themselves.
323. I am always making smart, healthy, and effective choices in my life.
324. My addiction may have strength, but I am stronger than it will ever be.
325. I have the strength required to recover from drug use.
326. I am no longer tempted by any drugs.
327. I will never be a victim, I choose to empower myself.
328. I have the willpower required to quit abusing drugs.
329. I make choices that benefit be and serve my highest good at all times.
330. I am filled with excitement to be alive in this beautiful moment.
331. Today I am deciding that I am good enough to care for.
332. I am done blaming others for my issues.
333. One day at a time, I am healing more and more.
334. The longer I am free from active addiction better I feel about everything in life.
335. I have what it takes to effectively manage stress and anxiety.
336. As each day passes I am more matured and experienced in my sobriety.
337. I am exactly who i want to be right now.
338. One day at a time, I overcome my addiction.
339. The choices in make in life are in alignment with my core values.
340. Staying away from drugs is now natural to me.
341. I am truly empowered in my efforts to pursue all my goals and drams in recovery.
342. I love changing, I wouldn't be where I am now if it wasn't for change.
343. I cultivate self love and courage to server my higher self.
344. All of my focus is on the betterment of my health and happiness.
345. Each day I greet with strength.
346. I am far stronger than the power of any illicit drug.
347. I am always connected to the infinite love of the universe.
348. I currently choose to support myself in loving ways.
349. Having a bad moment doesn't mean I’m bad, it just means I’m human. Everybody
makes mistakes.
350. I choose to learn from my past.
351. As each day passes I am more and more free from my addiction.
352. My heart is healing.
353. I have and am using the power to change my story for the better.
354. I will not concern myself with tomorrow, for I am living for the present moment.
355. I am creating the exact life that I want down to every last detail.
356. I am constantly in complete control.
357. My life is filled with abundance of happiness and joy.
358. I am free to express my thought and feelings in a respectful manor.
359. I feel power in the fact that I can make the right choice at any given moment.
360. I deserve sobriety.
361. I am grateful for all of the support I have in remaining drug free.
362. I will never limit myself mentally.
363. I give myself permission to feel intense feelings and let them pass through me as
being seen as neither bad or good.
364. The only limit on what I can accomplish is imposed by myself.
365. My health is the most important investment of my life.

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