Industrial Microbiology & Food Processing

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Industrial Microbiology and

Food Processing
Shashank Joshi
Food Microbiology: Basic aspects and scope of food microbiology.

Industrial microbiology is a branch of biotechnology/microbiology that applies microbial sciences to

create industrial products in mass quantities, often using microbial cell factories.

Microorganisms play a big role in the industry, with multiple ways to be used. Microorganisms can be
used for medicine, food, industrial ( non food) and agriculture, many more.
Food Microbiology: Basic aspects and scope of food microbiology.

Important genera associated with food - Microbes such as bacteria, molds,

and yeasts are employed for the foods production and food ingredients such as
production of wine, beer, bakery, and dairy products.

The field of food microbiology is very broad, encompassing the study of

microorganisms which have both beneficial and deleterious effects on the quality
and safety of raw and processed foods. Food may also carry pathogenic
microorganisms which when ingested can cause disease. Food microbiology is
the study of the microorganisms that inhibit, create, or contaminate food.
Food Microbiology: Basic aspects and scope of food microbiology.

What aspects does food microbiology cover? -

Food microbiology focuses on the study of microbial ecology related to foods, the
effect of environment on food safety, food spoilage and food manufacture, the
physical, chemical and biological destruction of microorganisms in foods,
control of safety and quality of food stuff, exploration of antimicrobial substances

Microbiology deals with the study of microorganisms and their interactions with
biotic and abiotic components of the environment. Microbes are so small that
they are not seen by the naked eye, and include bacteria and archaea, fungi, algae,
protozoa, and viruses.
Intrinsic and extrinsic factors that affect microbial growth in

Factors affecting microbial growth

2.1 Moisture content
2.2. Oxidation-reduction potential
2.3. Hydrogen ion concentration (pH)
2.4. Nutrient content
2.5. Biological structure
2.6. Antimicrobial component

(i) Intrinsic Factors : pH, moisture etc. (ii) Extrinsic Factors : Temperature, Oxygen etc.

Microbial cells require water in an available form to grow in food products. In ancient
time foods are preserved by controlling their moisture content.

Microbiologists usually express the water requirements of microorganisms in terms of

the water activity (aw ) of the food or environment. It is defined as the ratio of water
vapor pressure of the food substrate to the vapor pressure of pure water at the similar

Most fresh foods i.e. fresh meat, vegetables, and fruits, have aw values that are close
to the optimum growth level of most microorganisms (0.97 - 0.99) Some foods
intrinsically contain inherent naturally-occurring antimicrobial compounds that can
provide microbiological stability to them.
Intrinsic and extrinsic factors that affect microbial growth in

There are a number of plant-based antimicrobial constituents


Examples are essential oils, tannins, glycosides, and resins that

can be found in certain food.

Biological structures are basically natural covering found on plant

and animal origin foods, may prevent the entry and growth of
microbial cells. Such type of structures is considered physical
barriers provide excellent protection from pathogenic
microorganisms. Examples include outer covering of fruits and
vegetables, testa of seeds, shell of nuts, animal hide, egg cuticle,
shell, and membranes.
Intrinsic and extrinsic factors that affect microbial growth in foods.

1. Microorganisms have need of certain basic nutrients for their growth and maintenance of physiological functions.
These nutrients include water, a source of energy, nitrogen, vitamins, and minerals.

Microorganisms select their food as substrate on the basis kinds and proportions of nutrients present in foods.

Varying amounts nutrients are present in foods :

1) Plant foods have high concentrations of different types of carbohydrates and varying levels of proteins, minerals,
and vitamins.
2) Milk and milk products and eggs are rich in nutrients.
2 ) Meats : protein, lipids, minerals, and vitamins. It is a measure of the activity of the (solvated) hydrogen ion.
3) It measures the hydrogen ion concentration. Pure water: pH very close to 7 at 25°C. Solutions with a pH less than
7 are said to be acidic and Solutions with a pH greater than 7 are basic or alkaline.
4) The intrinsic pH of foods varies with origin and types of food i.e. in their natural state, most foods such as meat,
fish and vegetables are slightly acidic while most fruits are moderately acidic.
5) The growth of microorganisms in food differs if the growth medium will act as electron donor or electron receptor. It
is the ratio of the total oxidizing (electron accepting) power to the total reducing (electron donating) power of the

Microorganisms can be classified into four groups on the basis of Eh values:

A) Aerobe: high Eh value (positive or oxidized)
B) Anaerobe: low Eh value (negative or reduced)
C) Facultative anaerobe: at both high and low Eh
D) Micro-aerophilic: at relative low Eh values i.e. LAB
Microbial spoilage of fruits, vegetables, cereals, meat, sea foods, soft drinks, canned foods

 Introduction
 Factors Responsible for Food Spoilage
 Chemical Changes due to Spoilage
 Spoilage of Different Foods
 Spoilage of Meat
 Spoilage of Poultry and Poultry Products
 Spoilage of Fish and other Sea Foods
 Spoilage of Fruits and Vegetables
 Spoilage of Cereals and Cereal Products
 Spoilage of Milk and Milk Products
 Spoilage of Soft Drinks, Fruit Juices, Fruit Preserves
 Miscellaneous Products
Microbial spoilage of fruits, vegetables, cereals, meat, sea foods, soft drinks, canned foods

 Introduction
 Food spoilage results when microbiological, chemical, or physical changes occur,
rendering the food product unacceptable to the consumer. Microbiological food
spoilage is caused by the growth of microorganisms which produce
enzymes that lead to objectionable by-products in the food.
 The numerous sources of microbial spoilage come from undesired yet ubiquitous
micro-organisms which can originate from the natural habitat, e.g. soil, water, air,
spoiled raw materials, biofilms on the surface of equipment, personal hygiene of
food workers.
 The predominant bacteria associated with spoilage are Brochothrix
thermosphacta, Carnobacterium spp., Lactobacillus spp., Lactococcus spp.,
Leuconostoc spp., Pediococcus spp., Stretococcus spp., Kurthia zopfii, and
Weisella spp.
 Spoilage bacteria are microorganisms too small to be seen without a
microscope that cause food to deteriorate and develop unpleasant odors,
tastes, and textures. These one-celled microorganisms can cause fruits and
vegetables to get mushy or slimy, or meat to develop a bad odor.
Microbial spoilage -Factors Responsible for Food Spoilage

1. Growth and activities of microorganisms, principally bacteria, yeasts and moulds

2. Activities of food enzymes, for instance, enzymatic browning
3. Infestation by insects, parasites and rodents #
4. Chemical changes in a food, for instance, chemical oxidation of fats causing
5. rancidity and non-enzymatic browning reaction.
6. Physical changes, or the damages caused by freezing or drying etc.
7. Presence of foreign bodies, and
8. Physical abuse i.e. contamination with chemical agents
Microbial spoilage- Factors Responsible for Food Spoilage

 Introduction
 Factors Responsible for Food Spoilage
1. Various factors cause food spoilage, making items unsuitable for consumption.
2. Air and Oxygen -One important cause of food spoilage and spoilage is air and oxygen. Because air is colorless,
odorless, and tasteless, it is often taken for granted and sometimes forgotten as a means to cause food to spoil.
 Microorganisms -Oxygen can provide conditions that enhance the growth of microorganisms. Some bacteria require
oxygen for growth (aerobes) while others can grow only in the absence of oxygen (anaerobes). Many bacteria can grow
under either condition and are called facultative anaerobes.
 Enzymes -Certain enzymes that are naturally present in food are known as oxidizing enzymes. These enzymes
catalyze (speed up) chemical reactions between oxygen and food components, and this leads to food spoilage.
 Oxygen -Oxygen can also cause spoilage of foods spontaneously, by itself. Oxidative spoilage is the chief cause of
quality loss in fats and fatty portions of foods. When lipids oxidize, short chain carbon compounds are formed; these
compounds have very strong odors and flavors and are very undesirable and unacceptable. The off -odors resulting
from this type of spoilage are sharp and acrid and have been described as linseed oil-like, tallowy, fishy or perfume-like.
 Moisture -Water is one of the most common substances on earth. It is an essential component of all foods. The amount
of water in food (known as percent water) influences the appearance, texture, and flavor of the food. All living
organisms, as well as food, contain water.
Perishability of Food Classification

Non-perishable foods: As the name suggests, these are the foods

which do not spoil unless handled and stored carelessly and that
can be stored at least for several months. Examples of non-
perishable foods include cereals, pulses, sugar etc.
Semi-perishable foods: Like the non-perishable foods, semi-
perishable foods can survive without any perceptible sign of
spoilage for a couple of weeks or for a few months. Here, of course,
temperature and humidity of the environment makes a big
difference. Examples in this category include cereal and pulse
products like wheat flour, refined wheat flour, semolina, vermicelli,
Broken wheat, bengal gram flour (besan), potatoes, garlic, some
fruits like apples, citrus fruits, fats and oils.
Perishable foods: These are the foods which spoil easily within a
day or two unless special methods are used to prevent such
spoilage. Yes, all animal foods such as milk and milk products,
meat and meat products, fish, poultry and eggs 72 are included in
this category. Most fruits and vegetables too fall in this category.
Chemical Changes during Food spoilage
A food item may have apparently looked safe and wholesome for you to eat, but the rumbling and grumbling in your stomach
at night may have made you think, was the food really safe? Yes, very often the spoilage is not apparent on the surface of
the food. It is the changes undergoing inside the food, not apparent to the naked eye, which might cause ill health.

1. The chemical changes that occur in a food due to spoilage depend primarily upon the composition of food. The changes
vary depending upon the source of the food i.e. plant foods are primarily carbohydrate-rich, while animal foods are rich in
proteins and fats, hence the changes will differ. Let us see what changes takes place withrespect to the nutrients present
in the food when bacteria acts upon them.
2. Degradation of Carbohydrates The carbohydrates can be divided into monosaccharides, disaccharides, oligosaccharides
and polysaccharides. Most commonly occurring carbohydrates are disaccharides and polysaccharides. Bacteria
breakdown these carbohydrates to monosaccharides. This results in softening or liquefaction of the food.
3. Degradation of Fats Fats are the esters of glycerol and fatty acids and are called as 'glycerides'. Fats are susceptable to
hydrolysis, oxidation and other chemical changes that produce both desirable and undesirable flavour changes in foods.
The pure fat cannot be attacked by microorganisms. They need an aqueous phase to grow in foods like butter,
creamsand margarine. Microorganisms degrade fats into glycerol, free fatty acids, ketones and alcohols.
4. Degradation of Proteins Proteins are composed of amino acids combined by peptide linkages. The native proteins are
resistant to attack by microorganisms. The,other compounds like dipeptides and free amino acids in fi-esh meat, fish and
poultry are readily used by microorganisms.
5. Spoilage of the protein-rich foods may be evident before any significant amount of protein is degraded. The degradation
of amino acids is of primary importance in the spoilage of protein foods.
Spoilage of Different foods

 Food spoilage results when microbiological, chemical, or physical changes occur, rendering the
food product unacceptable to the consumer. Microbiological food spoilage is caused by the growth of
microorganisms which produce enzymes that lead to objectionable by-products in the food
 Different food behaves differently based on above factors and contents /nutrients present in the food
 For instance, microorganisms that break down fats grow in sweet butter (unsalted butter) and cause a
type of spoilage called rancidity.
 Another example occurs in meat, which is primarily protein. Bacteria able to digest protein (proteolytic
bacteria) break down the protein in meat and release odoriferous products such as putrescine and
 Food spoilage can also result in a sour taste. If milk is kept too long, for example, it will sour. In this
case, bacteria that have survived pasteurization grow in the milk and produce acid from the
carbohydrate lactose in it.
 Meats and fish products are contaminated by bacteria from the animal's internal organs, skin, and feet.
Spoilage of Meat

 Meat is primarily the muscular tissue which is edible portion of carcass of animals.
 It contains all essential nutrients in the ready form for microbial growth and also it has higher water
content ( aw =0.99) which is ideal for most of microorganisms, particularly bacteria.
 Spoilage of meat depends mostly on initial contamination of the animal – either during raising of
animal or its processing or preservation.
1. Initial Microflora – Hyginic condition of the animal are important for reduction of proliferation of
microorganisms in stored meat. E.g Sanitation of abattoir
2. pH – After the animal is slaughtered, the pH of the carcass srops from around 7.0 to 5.6, as the
glycogenreserve in muscles is used up slowly and lactic acid is formed.Condition of Animal ( e.g
stress/excitement) also abnormal reduction of glycogen.
3. Oxygen reduction potential – After slaughter, the oxygen stored in muscles gets reduced bringing
down the oxidation reduction potential. This condition is favorable to aerobic bacteria ( surface), while
internal condition still favors anerobic.
4. Bacteria’s/moulds causing Protein decomposition are most impacting in this case
5. Temperature – temperature if hold above 200C is subjected to anerobic bacteria. Once meat is
minced, both anerobic/aerobic can grow.
Spoilage of Poultry

 Poultry meat is muscle tissues of chicken/duck/or turkey. Normally

this phrase is used for dressed chicken.
 Spoilage organisms follow more or less same pattern
 After evisceration, meat is stored at lower temperature, during
which surface contamination is predominant e.g Pseudomonas
 Eggs –
1. Mostly happens due to cracks in shell,
2. or external contamination
3. Due to washing which increases the moisture
4. Poor animal health causing the shell to be defective/or porous or
with less strength
 External and internal contamination e.g Salmonella
contamination from bird due to poor health ( both
 Improper sanitary condition of egg during transport, temperature
shock ( variation in temperature) are important factors of the
Spoilage of Fish

Spoilage of fish depends on following factors

1. Type of fish – different species spoil differently. Depend on nutrient it is
rich with it will spoil. E.g Fish containing mostly fat, will decompose the
fat first.
2. Initial Microflora – Flesh and internal organs of fish are normally sterile
naturally however at the time of catching, transport, storage, sell,
external contamination might happen including pollution in sea water
3. Temperature of air/and water source
4. Handling of fish after catching –Storage/handling process, its
slaughter/beheading or gutting process will impact the
5. Chemical changes in fish – Lipids in fish contains high levels of PUFA.
Trimethylamine oxide(TMAO) is reduced to trimethyl amine due to
action of fish enzymes and bacterial action. Presence of TMA is key
test in understanding spoilage level in addition to stale odour.
6. However in some parts of Worlds, stale fish is considered as delicacy.
Control of spoilage.

Spoilage bacteria do not normally cause "food poisoning";

typically, the microorganisms that cause foodborne illnesses are
odorless and flavourless, and otherwise undetectable outside
the lab. Eating deteriorated food could not be considered safe
due to mycotoxins or microbial wastes. Some pathogenic
bacteria, such as Clostridium perfringens and Bacillus cereus,
are capable of causing spoilage.
Issues of food spoilage do not necessarily have to do with the
quality of the food, but more so with the safety of consuming
said food. However, there are cases where food has been
proven to contain toxic ingredients. 200 years ago, Claviceps
purpurea, a type of fungus, was linked to human diseases and
100 years ago in Japan, yellow rice was found to contain toxic This image depicts the process of decomposition
beyond the point of human appeal
Control of spoilage.

 A number of methods of prevention can be used

that can either totally prevent, delay, or otherwise
reduce food spoilage. A food rotation system uses
the first in first out method (FIFO), which ensures
that the first item purchased is the first item
 Preservatives can expand the shelf life of food and
can lengthen the time long enough for it to be
harvested, processed, sold, and kept in the
consumer's home for a reasonable length of time.
One of the age old techniques for food
preservation, to avoid mold and fungus growth, is
the process of drying out the food or dehydrating it.
While there is a chance of it developing a fungus
targeted towards dried food products, the chances
are quite low.
Control of spoilage.

 Other than drying, other methods include salting, curing, canning,

refrigeration, freezing, preservatives, irradiation, and high
hydrostatic pressure:
 Refrigeration can increase the shelf life of certain foods and
beverages, though with most items, it does not indefinitely expand
it. Freezing can preserve food even longer, though even freezing
has limitations.
 Canning of food can preserve food for a particularly long period of
time, whether done at home or commercially. Canned food
is vacuum packed in order to keep oxygen, which is needed by
bacteria in aerobic spoilage, out of the can. Canning does have
limitations, and does not preserve the food indefinitely. Lactic acid
fermentation also preserves food and prevents spoilage.
 Food like meat, poultry, milk and cream should be kept out of the
Danger Zone (between 4°C / 40°F to 60°C / 140°F). Anything
between that range is considered dangerous and can cause
pathogenic toxins to be emitted, resulting in severe illness in the
consumer. Another way to keep food from spoiling is by following
a four step system: Clean, Separate, Cook, Chill.
Food preservation : physical methods;

Physical methods of food preservation include dehydration, refrigeration and freezing,

controlled atmosphere storage, modified atmosphere packaging, vacuum
packaging, various forms of heat treatment, ultraviolet radiation, ionizing radiation and
high hydrostatic pressure.
Physical preservation procedures are mostly aimed at prolonging the durability of foods
by slowing down or repressing the spoilage mechanisms by the alteration of relevant
 Dehydration – Removal of water with help of heat either sun drying, hot air drying
 Refrigeration and freezing – Application of Cold temperature of -18 deg /or 4 deg or -
30deg to stop growth of organisms
 Controlled atmosphere Storage – storage of material under specific temperature or
 Modified atmosphere packaging –packing the food under Neutral gases such as
 Vacuum packaging – packing the food under vacuum or vaccum packing
Food preservation : physical methods;

Physical preservation procedures are mostly aimed at prolonging the durability of foods
by slowing down or repressing the spoilage mechanisms by the alteration of relevant
 Pickling – Fermentation of product in presence of of Salt/oil application with or
without heat
 Use of Ionising or non ionizing radiations - They are ionizing radiations such as cathode
and gamma rays and non-ionizing radiation such as infrared and UV rays.
 High pressure Processing -(HPP) is a “non-thermal” technique for food preservation
that efficiently inactivates the vegetative microorganisms
 Pulse electric field processing - Pulsed light (PL) is used for the rapid inactivation of
microorganisms. The use of inert-gas flash lamps generating intense and short pulses
of ultraviolet (UV) light for microbial inactivation
 Microwave processing - the use of electromagnetic waves of certain frequencies to
generate heat in a material. Because it is an electrothermal process, microbial
destruction by microwaves occurs through heat.
Food preservation : physical methods;

 Refrigeration and
 Dehydration

 Controlled
 Modified atmosphere
atmosphere Storage

 Microwave processing
 Use of Ionising or non
ionizing radiations
chemical preservation
There are many preservation techniques using chemical preservation.
1. Chemical preservatives –It Involves adding specific ingredients to foods and
food packaging that allows the food to remain safe and fresh. Preservative, in
foods are used to prevent or retard spoilage caused by chemical changes e.g
oxidation or the growth of mold. Along with other, preservatives also help to
maintain freshness of appearance and consistency. Majorly 3 class are used –
Benzoates, Nitrites and sulphates. However due to their side effects / rampant
use has caused concern for customer health. There are limits set up by many
Governments and even putting restrictions. Trend is increasing to avoid
chemical preservative as much as possible –called as Clean label.
2. Natural anti-microbiological agents -Antimicrobial components in plant
materials are commonly found in herbs and spices (rosemary, sage, basil,
oregano, thyme, cardamom, and clove), fruits and vegetables (guava,
pepper, cabbage, garlic, and onion, citrus), seeds and leaves (grape seeds,
fennel, nutmeg, parsley, and olive leaves)
3. Biology based preservation system -Bio-preservation is a technique of
extending the shelf life of food by using natural or controlled microbiota or
antimicrobials. The fermentation products as well as beneficial bacteria are
generally selected in this process to control spoilage and render pathogen
inactive. Bacteriocins, bacteriophages and bacteriophage-
encoded enzymes fall in this theory. The long and traditional role of Lactic acid
bacteria on food and feed fermentations is the main factor related to the use of
bacteriocins in bio-preservation.
Industrial Microbiology: Fermentation processes: the range, components and types

❑ The term “Fermentation” is derived from Latin Verb “Fervere” means to boil.
❑ Originally fermentation referred to the bubbling, observed when sugar or starchy material caveat
into alcoholic beverages. Here the bubbling is observed due to the production of Co2 gas.
❑ Later on the term “fermentation” was applied to the process in which alcohol was formed from
❑ Later on Pasteur described fermentation as those anaerobic process through which microorganism
obtained energy for growth in the absence of oxygen. But, today Fermentation is broadly use for
both, aerobic & anaerobic metabolic activity of microorganism in which specific chemical changes
are brought in an organic substrate.
❑ Fermentation process normally is carried out either in presence of a fermenter which is majorly is
an Yeast or mold
❑ They need specific minerals or conditions to be present E.g Zinc is required for fermentation with
❑ pH conditions are critical as inappropriate pH will not allow right yeast species to grow and
sometimes unwanted/risky strains might get overpowered and result into a damaged/or improper
❑ Presence of sugar as source of carbohydrate is must
Industrial Microbiology: Fermentation processes: the range, components and types

There are five Major group of commercially important fermentation.

- Microbial biomass – E.g Yeast production
- Microbial Enzymes – E.g Protease, Amylases, Microbial rennet
- Microbial Metabolites – Mainly the Gases such as hydrogen/Carbon dioxide / Ammonia are classic
examples of microbial metabolites production
- Recombinant Product - such as insulin, hepatitis B vaccine, interferon, granulocyte colony-
stimulating factor, streptokinase and others are also made this way.
- Transformation Process- Biotransformation is a process by which organic compounds are
transformed from one form to another to reduce the persistence and toxicity of the chemical
Criteria for selection of industrially important microorganisms

Industrially Important Microorganism

 Industrially important microorganisms are selected basis their
ability to produce end products as required.
 Selection is basis the capability of microorganism which can be • Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast
best suitable to the conditions and which can grow in the for brewing and bread-making)
condition/and survive • Escherichia coli (bacteria for
 The industrial microorganism must produce the substance of recombinant proteins and others)
interest. The microorganism of interest must be obtained in pure • Aspergillus niger (fungus for
culture. Must be genetically stable and, also, amenable to manufacturing citric acid and
genetic manipulation. Must grow in large-scale cultures. enzymes)
 First and foremost, the organism must be capable of growth • Clostridium butyclicum (bacteria
and product formation in large-scale culture. It should used in soured milk and cheeses)
produce spores (if fungi or yeast) or some other reproductive cell
form so that it can be easily inoculated into the large vessels • Xanthomonas campestri (bacteria
used to grow the producing organism on an industrial scale. that produces xanthan gum)
 There will be large scale production, screening, isolation and • Deinococcus radiorans (bacteria for
growing of particular strain type/sequence number. soil and water remediation)
Microorganism and processes involved in the production of industrial alcohol

 Yeasts are the main fermentor and alcohol producer in

the production of wine, beer and other alcohol drinks.
The main yeast species used is Saccharomyces
cerevisiae. It ferments the sugars, coming from
different sources, e.g., grapes for wine, barley for beer,
to alcohol and carbon dioxide.
 All spirits go through at least two procedures -
fermentation and distillation. Fermentation is where
all alcohol is created, distillation is where the alcohol is
separated and removed.
 Many microorganisms are capable of converting
sugars into ethanol via two steps: glycolysis and
fermentation (Fig. 1)[2]. During glycolysis, one
monosaccharide molecule is converted to two pyruvate
at the cost of two NAD+. ... Thus biological ethanol
production using polysaccharides as feedstocks
requires additional steps.
 It is well established that the most important agent of
alcoholic fermentation is S. cerevisiae, the yeast that
is used widely in several fermentation industries (wine,
beer, cider, and bread) as a microbial starter.
Microbiology of effluent treatment in food industry.

 Typical waste water treatment includes

 Primary treatment where screening of effluent is
 Secondary treatment is mainly equalization of
effluent to pH level and uniformity
 Biological treatment is carried out after secondary
to remove biological active material to get desired
water with required Biological & Chemical oxygen
demand ( BOD/COD) BOD of 50 and COD of 500
are common compliance parameters.
 Wastewater treatment is a biological process. A
wastewater treatment plant is a microbiological
zoo that houses bacteria, protozoa, metazoa and
other microlife. The microorganisms do the actual
breakdown and removal of nutrients and organic
material in the wastewater.
 Bacteria are primarily responsible for removing
organic nutrients from the wastewater.
Protozoa play a critical role in the treatment
process by removing and digesting free swimming
dispersed bacteria and other suspended particles.
This improves the clarity of the wastewater
Microbiology of effluent treatment in food industry.
Opportunities in industrial Microbiology or its sub sections

❑ National Centre for Microbial

 A food processing unit must check the microbial analysis of
products and water being used. Hence a Microbiologist is must Resource
here. ❑ NCL Pune
 A third party food testing laboratory provides enough ❑ Microbial Type Culture Collection
opportunities for microbiologist who wish to enter there
and Gene Bank (MTCC)
 Research organisations which work in Microbiology field such as Chandigarh
National Virology Institute or National Centre for Microbial
Resource ❑ Bharat Immunological & Biological
 Cosmetics and pharmaceutical company’s need to measure
compliance to microbiology for impact on skin etc providing an ❑ Indian Vaccine Corporation Ltd
opportunity there (IVCOL)
 Industrial fermentation provides ample opportunities – E.g ❑ Bharat Biotech
Liqour/beer production, or enzyme production or vaccines
production are key examples of opportunities available. ❑ Serum Institute of India
 Hospitals or Pathology laboratories provide another set of ❑ Riddhi Siddhi Glycols
opportunities for Microbiologist
❑ Liquor /Beer Manufacturers
 Biotransformation – new era of using microorganisms for
conversion of Waste and even plastics into compost/or
composting provides opportunities
Opportunities in industrial Microbiology or its sub sections

Employment of microbiologists is projected to grow 3 percent over the

next ten years, about as fast as the average for all occupations. More 
microbiologists will be needed to contribute to basic research and solve msc-microbiology-career-
problems of industrial production. opportunities-and-scope-in-india/
 Industrial Microbiologist or Environmental biologist or Clinical 
microbiologist are few examples of industrial opportunities medical/microbiology
available. 
 Opportunities in Educational sector i.e Acadamia is ample work/75th-showcasing-why-
however it may need to get SET/NET etc cleared before further microbiology-matters/vaccines-the-
growth global-challenge-for-
 More and more Vaccines are need to be made ( Covid vaccine is
one of them) where microbiologist are required and ample
opportunities available 
 Research and working in Aerospace Microbiology is another new
field where opportunities are available. 
 Petroleum and Gas processing are increasing using
microorganisms where opportunities exists
Opportunities in industrial Microbiology or its sub sections

❑ National Centre for Microbial

 A food processing unit must check the microbial analysis of
products and water being used. Hence a Microbiologist is must Resource
here. ❑ NCL Pune
 A third party food testing laboratory provides enough ❑ Microbial Type Culture Collection
opportunities for microbiologist who wish to enter there
and Gene Bank (MTCC)
 Research organisations which work in Microbiology field such as Chandigarh
National Virology Institute or National Centre for Microbial
Resource ❑ Bharat Immunological & Biological
 Cosmetics and pharmaceutical company’s need to measure
compliance to microbiology for impact on skin etc providing an ❑ Indian Vaccine Corporation Ltd
opportunity there (IVCOL)
 Industrial fermentation provides ample opportunities – E.g ❑ Bharat Biotech
Liqour/beer production, or enzyme production or vaccines
production are key examples of opportunities available. ❑ Serum Institute of India
 Hospitals or Pathology laboratories provide another set of ❑ Riddhi Siddhi Glycols
opportunities for Microbiologist
❑ Liquor /Beer Manufacturers
 Biotransformation – new era of using microorganisms for
conversion of Waste and even plastics into compost/or
composting provides opportunities
Industrial Microbiology

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