K46000 - K46001 Operation Manual
K46000 - K46001 Operation Manual
K46000 - K46001 Operation Manual
This certificate verifies that part number K4600X, Cloud and Pour Point
Chamber, was manufactured in conformance with the applicable standards
set forth in this certification.
This unit is tested before it leaves the factory, to ensure total functionality
and compliance to the above specifications and ASTM standards. Test and
inspection records are on file for verification.
Jesse Kelly
Application Engineer
Koehler Instrument Company
K4600X Cloud and Pour Point Chamber
Operation and Instruction Manual
K4600X Cloud and Pour Point Chamber
Operation and Instruction Manual
Our instrument manual will include this compliance statement and indicate that any collection of
materials will be handled by their authorized distributor. In the event that the distributor is
unreachable or is no longer a distributor for Koehler Instrument, Co., other arrangements may be
made including accepting the materials directly.
Recycling is free of charge. Shipping is the responsibility of the end users. Whether shipping to a
distributor or to Koehler directly, safe, properly declared, and labeled packaging and shipping
expenses are the sole responsibility of the end user.
WEEE Marking
Since Koehler products are subject to the WEEE Directive we must display the WEEE symbol
shown above in accordance with European Standard EN 50419 on the equipment. It must be
indelible, at least 5mm in height, and clearly legible. If the equipment is too small the mark must
be in the product literature, guarantee certificate, or on the packaging. Rules on marking are
established in section 49 of the WEEE Order.
As a minimum the following substances, preparations and components have to be removed from
any separately collected WEEE:
- Mercury containing components, such as switches or backlighting lamps (compact fluorescent
lamps, CFL),
- Batteries
- Printed circuit boards if the surface of the printed circuit board is greater than 10 square
centimeters (about 4 sq in.),
- Toner cartridges, liquid and pasty, as well as color toner,
- Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC), hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFC) or hydrofluorocarbons (HFC),
hydrocarbons (HC)
- Liquid crystal displays (together with their casing where appropriate) of a surface greater than
100 square centimeters and all those back-lighted with gas discharge lamps,
- External electric cables
- Components containing refractory ceramic fibers as described in Commission Directive
97/69/EC of 5 December 1997 adapting to technical progress Council Directive 67/548/EEC
relating to the classification, packaging and labeling of dangerous substances (2),
- Electrolyte capacitors containing substances of concern (height > 25 mm, diameter > 25 mm or
proportionately similar volume)
K4600X Cloud and Pour Point Chamber
Operation and Instruction Manual
Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................... 4
1.1 KOEHLER’S COMMITMENT TO OUR CUSTOMERS ........................................................4
1.2 RECOMMENDED RESOURCES AND PUBLICATIONS........................................................4
1.3 INSTRUMENT SPECIFICATIONS .................................................................................4
2 SAFETY INFORMATION AND WARNINGS.................................. 4
3 GETTING STARTED ..................................................................... 5
3.1 PACKING LIST ......................................................................................................5
3.2 UNPACKING ........................................................................................................5
3.3 INSTRUMENT INSTALLATION ...................................................................................6
3.4 ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS ......................................................................................6
4 OPERATION.................................................................................. 6
5 MAINTENANCE ............................................................................ 6
5.1 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE .......................................................................................6
5.2 REPLACEMENT PARTS ............................................................................................6
6 SERVICE ....................................................................................... 7
7 STORAGE ..................................................................................... 7
8 WARRANTY .................................................................................. 7
9 RETURNED GOODS POLICY....................................................... 7
NOTES.................................................................................................. 8
NOTES.................................................................................................. 9
K4600X Cloud and Pour Point Chamber
Operation and Instruction Manual
The Koehler K4600X Cloud and Pour Point 1. American Society for Testing and Materials
Chamber immerses four copper test jackets in (ASTM)
suitable freezing mixtures at the required depth 100 Barr Harbor Drive
as per ASTM specifications. West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania 19428-
2959, USA
Cloud point and pour point are indicators of Tel: +1 610 832 9500
the lowest temperature of utility for petroleum Fax: +1 610 832 9555
products. The sample is periodically examined http://www.astm.org
while it is being cooled in the cloud and pour email: [email protected]
point chamber. The highest temperature at
which haziness is observed (cloud point) or the ASTM Publication:
lowest temperature at which movement of the oil ASTM D97: Pour Point of Petroleum
is observed (pour point) is reported as the test Products
result. ASTM D2500: Cloud Point of Petroleum
This manual provides important information
regarding safety, technical reference, installation
requirements, operating condition specifications, 1.3 Instrument Specifications
user facility resource requirements, and
operating instructions for the Cloud and Pour
Models: K46000
Point Chamber. This manual should also be
used in conjunction with applicable published
laboratory procedures. Information on these Ports: Four (4)
procedures is given in section 1.2.
Dimensions (dia.xh) 10.5 x 12in
1.1 Koehler’s Commitment to Our (27 x 30 cm)
Weight: 14lbs (6.3kg)
Providing quality testing instrumentation and
technical support services for research and
testing laboratories has been our specialty for
more than 50 years. At Koehler, the primary 2 Safety Information and Warnings
focus of our business is providing you with the
full support of your laboratory testing needs. Our Safety Considerations. The use of this
products are backed by our staff of technically equipment may involve hazardous materials and
knowledgeable, trained specialists who are operations. This manual does not purport to
experienced in both petroleum products testing address all of the safety problems associated
and instrument service to better understand your with the use of this equipment. It is the
requirements and provide you with the best responsibility of any user of this equipment to
solutions. You can depend on Koehler for a full investigate, research, and establish appropriate
range of accurate and reliable instrumentation safety and health practices and determine the
as well as support for your laboratory testing applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
programs. Please do not hesitate to contact us
at any time with your inquiries about equipment, Equipment Modifications and Replacement
tests, or technical support. Parts. Any modification or alteration of this
equipment from that of factory specifications is
not recommended voids the manufacturer
Toll Free: 1-800-878-9070 (US only) warranty, product safety, performance
Tel: +1 631 589 3800 specifications, and/or certifications whether
Fax: +1 631 589 3815 specified or implied, and may result in personal
injury and/or property loss. Replacement parts
Email: [email protected] must be O.E.M. exact replacement equipment.
K4600X Cloud and Pour Point Chamber
Operation and Instruction Manual
3 Getting Started
The instructions for preparing the equipment
assume that the user is aware of the contents of
this document, which lists the warranty
conditions and important precautions.
Unwrap the unit and wipe the shell with a soft
3.1 Packing List cloth to remove smudges caused by wrapping
K46000/K46001 Cloud and Pour Point
Chamber Very high ambient temperatures would also
Including: affect the efficiency of the unit. It is advisable to
Copper Jackets maintain the environment of the machine below
Gaskets 22.78°C (73°F).
Thermometer Holders Carefully unpack and place the instrument and
accessories in a secure location. Ensure that all
Accessories (To be purchased separately) parts listed on the packing list are present.
Inspect the unit and all accessories for damage.
332-004-001 Test Jar
If any damage is found, keep all packing
250-000-05F ASTM 5F Thermometer
materials and immediately report the damage to
250-000-05C ASTM 5C Thermometer
the carrier. We will assist you with your claim, if
250-000-06F ASTM 6F Thermometer requested. When submitting a claim for shipping
250-000-06C ASTM 6C Thermometer damage, request that the carrier inspect the
shipping container and equipment. Do not return
goods to Koehler without written authorization.
K4600X Cloud and Pour Point Chamber
Operation and Instruction Manual
4 Operation
5 Maintenance
K4600X Cloud and Pour Point Chamber
Operation and Instruction Manual
K4600X Cloud and Pour Point Chamber
Operation and Instruction Manual
K4600X Cloud and Pour Point Chamber
Operation and Instruction Manual
K4600X Cloud and Pour Point Chamber
Operation and Instruction Manual
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