Vacon NXS: "All in One" Applikationsmanual

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AC Drives

"All in one"
vacon • 237 Fault tracing


The fault codes, their causes and correcting actions are presented in the table below. The shad-
owed faults are A faults (warnings) only. The items written in white on black background present
faults for which you can program different responses in the application. See parameter group Pro-
NOTE: When contacting distributor or factory because of a fault condition, always write down all
texts and codes on the keypad display.
Table 130. Fault codes

Fault Possible cause Correcting measures
Frequency converter has detected too
high a current (>4*IH) in the motor cable:
- sudden heavy load increase
Check loading.
- short circuit in motor cables
Check motor.
1 Overcurrent - unsuitable motor
Check cables.
Subcode in T.14:
Make identification run.
S1 = Hardware trip
S2 = Reserved
S3 = Current controller supervision
The DC-link voltage has exceeded the
limits defined. Make deceleration time longer. Use
- too short a deceleration time brake chopper or brake resistor
2 Overvoltage - high overvoltage spikes in supply (available as options)
Subcode in T.14: Activate overvoltage controller.
S1 = Hardware trip Check input voltage.
S2 = Overvoltage control supervision
Current measurement has detected that
the sum of motor phase current is not
3 Earth fault Check motor cables and motor.
- insulation failure in cables or motor
The charging switch is open, when the
Reset the fault and restart.
START command has been given.
5 Charging switch Should the fault re-occur, contact
- faulty operation
the distributor near to you.
- component failure
Stop signal has been given from the
6 Emergency stop Check emergency stop circuit.
option board.
Cannot be reset from the keypad.
Switch off power.
Various causes: DO NOT RE-CONNECT POWER!
7 Saturation trip - defective component Contact factory.
- brake resistor short-circuit or overload If this fault appears simultaneously
with Fault 1, check motor cables and

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Table 130. Fault codes

Fault Possible cause Correcting measures
- component failure
- faulty operation
Note exceptional fault data record.
S1 = Reserved
S2 = Reserved
S3 = Reserved
Reset the fault and restart.
S4 = Reserved
8 System fault Should the fault re-occur, contact
S5 = Reserved
the distributor near to you.
S6 = Reserved
S7 = Charging switch
S8 = No power to driver card
S9 = Power unit communication (TX)
S10 = Power unit communication (Trip)
S11 = Power unit comm. (Measurement)
DC-link voltage is under the voltage limits
- most probable cause: too low a suply
In case of temporary supply voltage
break reset the fault and restart the
- frequency converter internal fault
Undervoltage frequency converter. Check the sup-
9 - defect input fuse
ply voltage. If it is adequate, an
- external charge switch not closed
internal failure has occurred.
Subcode in T.14:
Contact the distributor near to you.
S1 = DC-link too low during run
S2 = No data from power unit
S3 = Undervoltage control supervision
Input line supervi- Check supply voltage, fuses and
10 Input line phase is missing.
sion cable.
Output phase Current measurement has detected that
11 Check motor cable and motor.
supervision there is no current in one motor phase.
Check brake resistor and cabling.
- no brake resistor installed
Brake chopper If the these are ok, the chopper is
12 - brake resistor is broken
supervision faulty. Contact the distributor near
- brake chopper failure
to you.
Frequency con-
13 verter undertem- Heatsink temperature is under –10°C
Check the correct amount and flow
Heatsink temperature is over 90°C (or of cooling air.
77ºC, NX_6, FR6). Check the heatsink for dust.
Frequency con-
Check the ambient temperature.
14 verter overtem-
Overtemperature warning is issued when Make sure that the switching fre-
the heatsink temperature exceeds 85°C quency is not too high in relation to
(72ºC). ambient temperature and motor
15 Motor stalled Motor stall protection has tripped. Check motor and load.
Motor overheating has been detected by Decrease motor load.
Motor overtem-
16 frequency converter motor temperature If no motor overload exists, check
model. Motor is overloaded. the temperature model parameters.
17 Motor underload Motor underload protection has tripped. Check load.

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vacon • 239 Fault tracing

Table 130. Fault codes

Fault Possible cause Correcting measures
Unbalance between power modules in
parallelled units.
Should the fault re-occur, contact
18 Unbalance Subcode in T.14:
the distributor near to you.
S1 = Current unbalance
S2 = DC voltage unbalance
Parameter save fault
EEPROM check- Should the fault re-occur, contact
22 - faulty operation
sum fault the distributor near to you.
- component failure
Values displayed on counters are incor-
24 Counter fault
Reset the fault and restart.
Microprocessor - faulty operation
25 Should the fault re-occur, contact
watchdog fault - component failure
the distributor near to you.
Start-up of the drive has been prevented. Cancel prevention of start-up if this
26 Start-up prevented Run request in ON when new application can be done safely.
is loaded to the drive Remove Run request
Check motor cooling and loading
The thermistor input of option board has Check thermistor connection
29 Thermistor fault detected increase of the motor tempera- (If thermistor input of the option
ture board is not in use it has to be short
Cancel Safe Disable if this can be
30 Safe disable The input on OPTAF board has opened
done safely.
IGBT temperature IGBT Inverter Bridge overtemperature Check loading.
31 (hardware) protection has detected too high a short Check motor size.
term overload current Make identification run.
Cooling fan of the frequency converter
32 Fan cooling does not start, when ON command is Contact the distributor near to you.
Ensure that there is another device
34 CAN bus commu- Sent message not acknowledged. on the bus with the same configura-
nication tion.
Contact your distributor. If you are
35 Application Problem in application software. application programmer check the
application program.
NXS Control Unit can not control NXP
36 Control unit Change control unit
Power Unit and vice versa
Option board or control unit changed.
Device changed Reset. Device is ready for use.
37 Same type of board or same power rating
(same type) Old parameter settings will be used.
of drive.
Device added Reset. Device is ready for use.
38 Option board or drive added.
(same type) Old board settings will be used.
39 Device removed Option board removed. Reset. Device no longer available.
Unknown option board or drive.

40 Device unknown Subcode in T.14: Contact the distributor near to you.

S1 = Unknown device
S2 = Power1not same type as Power2

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Table 130. Fault codes

Fault Possible cause Correcting measures
IGBT Inverter Bridge overtemperature Check loading.
41 IGBT temperature protection has detected too high a short Check motor size.
term overload current Make identification run.

Brake resistor Brake resistor overtemperature protec-

42 Set the deceleration time longer.
overtemperature tion has detected too heavy braking
Use external brake resistor.
Problem detected in encoder signals.
Subcode in T.14: Check encoder channel connec-
1 = Encoder 1 channel A is missing tions.
43 Encoder fault 2 = Encoder 1 channel B is missing Check the encoder board.
3 = Both encoder 1 channels are missing Check encoder frequency in open
4 = Encoder reversed loop.
5 = Encoder board missing
Option board or power unit changed. Set the option board parameters
Device changed
44 New device of different type or different again if option board was changed.
(different type)
power rating. Set converter parameters again if
power unit was changed.
Device added
45 Option board of different type added. Set the option board parameters
(different type)
Contact your distributor if the fault
re-occurs while the converter is in
Division by zero in Division by zero has occurred in applica-
49 run state. If you are application pro-
application tion program.
grammer check the application pro-
Analogue input Iin Current at the analogue input is < 4mA.
50 < 4mA (sel. signal control cable is broken or loose Check the current loop circuitry.
range 4 to 20 mA) signal source has failed.
Remove fault situation on external
51 External fault Digital input fault.
The connection between the control key-
Keypad communi- Check keypad connection and possi-
52 pad (or NCDrive) and the frequency con-
cation fault ble keypad cable.
verter is broken.
Check installation.
The data connection between the fieldbus
53 Fieldbus fault If installation is correct contact the
Master and the fieldbus board is broken
nearest Vacon distributor.
Check board and slot.
54 Slot fault Defective option board or slot Contact the nearest Vacon distribu-
Temperature limit values set for the
PT100 board parameters have been
PT100 board exceeded.
56 Find the cause of temperature rise.
temp. fault More inputs are selected than actually
PT100 cable is broken.
Run command was removed before
completion of identification run.
57 Identification Identification run has failed. Motor is not connected to frequency
There is load on motor shaft.

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Table 130. Fault codes

Fault Possible cause Correcting measures
Actual status of the brake is different Check mechanical brake state and
58 Brake
from the control signal. connections.
Check option board parameters.
Follower commu- SystemBus or CAN communication is
59 Check optical fibre cable or CAN
nication broken between Master and Follower
Coolant circulation on liquid-cooled drive Check reason for the failure on
60 Cooling
has failed. external system.
Check encoder connection.
61 Speed error Motor speed is unequal to reference PMS motor has exceeded the pull
out torque.
62 Run disable Run enable signal is low Check reason for Run enable signal.
Command for emergency stop received New run command is accepted after
63 Emergency stop
from digital input or fieldbus reset.
Check the main power switch of the
64 Input switch open Drive input switch is open
Temperature limit values set for the
PT100 board parameters have been
PT100 board 2 exceeded.
65 Find the cause of temperature rise.
temp fault More inputs are selected than actually
PT100 cable is broken.
When using normal Master Follower
74 Follower fault function this fault code is given if one or
more follower drives trip to fault.

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123 021 989 26.04.2018

Móvil: +54 357 644-5465
Teléfono: +54 03576-417610
+54 357 644-5465
FÁBRICA: B. Hubaide 530 - CP: 2334
Arroyito, Córdoba Argentina
Av. Corrientes 1386 piso 10° Buenos Aires
Argentina. Teléfono: 1158883295.

[email protected]

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