Portfolio Holding Vs Performance (Since Inception) Sector - Holdings
Portfolio Holding Vs Performance (Since Inception) Sector - Holdings
Portfolio Holding Vs Performance (Since Inception) Sector - Holdings
1. National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE) 4. SBI Life Insurance Company Limited
National Stock Exchange (“NSE”) has dominant position and had a market share by total turnover SBI Life holds the distinction of being India’s largest private life insurer in terms of New Business
of 94% in equity cash trading, 100% in equity futures and options trading and 72% in currency Premium (“NBP”) generated in each fiscal year from FY10 to FY20 with 23.9% market share in
futures trading for Q1FY21. Q1FY21 (up from 20.5% in FY20). Bancassurance network continues to be a strong source for the
Company with 65% of the total APE being through that channel. It has wide spectrum of offerings
Its operating income increased 31% YoY in Q1FY21 to ₹1,074 Cr. on the back of 57% growth in covering individual and group customers.
transaction income to ₹803 Cr. (₹513 Cr. in Q1FY20).
Gross written premium increased 14% YoY to ₹7,643 Cr. AUM increased from ₹1.4 Tn. In June 2019
The Company has improved its cost efficiencies, with the EBITDA margin increasing to 77% (from to ₹1.7 Tn. in June 2020. Inlows into the Company have also increased from ₹33.1 Bn. in Q1FY20
72% in Q1FY20). EBITDA was ₹970 Cr. up from ₹679 Cr. in Q1FY20. PAT increased from ₹426 Cr. to ₹38.6 Bn. in Q1FY21. Market movement of ₹88.3 Bn. Contributed to a total of ₹149.9 Bn. increase
(45%) in Q1FY20 to ₹706 Cr. (56%) in Q1FY21. in AUM from March 2020 to June 2020.
The 13th Month persistency decreased from 84.5% in Q1FY20 to 81.6% in Q1FY21 while the 61st
2. NSDL e-Governance Infrastructure Limited Month persistency increased from 56.3% in Q1FY20 to 63.1% in Q1FY21. Surrender ratio has also
decreased from 3.8% in Q1FY20 to 1.8% in Q1FY21. PAT grew by 5% to ₹391 Cr. in Q1FY21
NSDL e-Gov is engaged in providing IT enabled e-Governance Services, inter-alia comprising Tax compared to ₹372 Cr. in Q1FY20. The Company has a strong Solvency ratio of 2.39x in June 2020.
lnformation Network (TIN), Central Recordkeeping Agency (CRA) for National Pension System,
acting as a Registrar for Unique Identification Authority of India (UlDAl) including providing
AADHAAR authentication services as Authentication Service Agency (ASA) and e-KYC services as
KYC Service Agency (KSA). 5. Northern Arc Capital Limited
The Company’s income fell by 43%, from ₹188 Cr. in Q1FY20 to ₹107 Cr. in Q1FY21. It reported a Northern Arc Capital Limited (“NACL”) is a non-banking financial company setup with the
PAT margin of 9.6% in Q1FY21. The fall in income was primarily due to fall in the Volumes of PAN objective of bridging the gap between companies who serve financially excluded customer
card issued during the lockdown period. We expect the same to recover as the lockdown impact segments (Originators) and debt capital markets. The Company focusses on MFI sector (where,
withers away. besides providing loans, it pioneered various instruments including Tier II Bonds, securitization,
assignment and credit enhancement structures), Small Business Lending, Affordable Housing
Finance, Vehicle Finance, Agri Finance, Corporate Finance and Consumer Finance.
3. Nippon Life India Asset Management Limited Its revenue includes fee income from disbursements it enables in the form of loan syndication,
securitization, assignment and guarantees and interest income from exposure it retains on its
Nippon Life India Asset Management (“NIAM”) offers strategies across mutual funds, pension balance sheet in various deals. It also manages alternative investment funds (AIFs) which invest
funds, managed accounts, alternative investments, and offshore funds. In September 2019, Nippon in credit securities of financial companies in above sectors.
Life Insurance completed a 75% acquisition of stake in Reliance Mutual Fund and it became a The Company has a gross loan book of ~₹3,769 Cr. with gross NPA of 1.14% as at 30 June 2020.
subsidiary of Nippon Life. In October 2019, Reliance Mutual Fund was renamed as Nippon India The total income increased by 7.2% from ₹158 Cr. in Q1FY20 to ₹169 Cr. in Q1FY21. It generated
Mutual Fund and Nippon Life became the sole sponsor of Nippon India Mutual Fund. Nippon Life profit after tax of ₹26 Cr. during the quarter and has a comfortable DE ratio of 1.7 with a CRAR of
(a Fortune 500 company) is Japan’s largest private life insurer and one of the largest in the world. 36%.
The Company has made significant progress on the technological fronts to originate loans and
The Company had ₹2.74 Tn. AUM on 30 June 2020. This included ₹1.88 Tn. from the mutual fund create benefits in terms of turnaround times, efficiency, integrity of data, customer engagement
business. The average AUM (“AAUM”) reduced by 12% from March 2020 to June 2020. This was and new opportunity creation.
on the back of falling AUM in the equity schemes where the AAUM reduced from ₹1.1 Bn. in March
2020 to ₹871 Bn. in June 2020. However, the Company still witnessed a net inflow of ₹10 Bn. in
Revenue for the Company decreased by 7% from ₹360 Cr. in Q1FY20 to ₹336 Cr. In Q1FY21. This
was primarily due to the MTM impact of ~₹340 Cr. on the equity portfolio. For Q1FY21, digital
purchase transactions increased to 0.5 million, an increase of 43% QoQ. Digital channel
contributed 56% to total new purchase transactions. This is reflected in the Company reducing its
total operating expenses by 24% and employee costs by 13%. PAT increased by 25% to ₹156 Cr.
from ₹125 Cr. in Q1FY20.
Fund Commentary
Market Update:
• The first half of October was relatively less volatile (VIX remaining close to 20). However, as Covid cases surged in Europe and US, and countries in Europe imposed lockdowns, market
volatility picked up in the second half of October (with VIX creeping up to 25 by month-end). Due to the upcoming US elections, volatility is expected to remain elevated.
• Given the pickup in volatility, it was not surprising to see better performance for lower volatility stocks in October. On an overall basis, Nifty and Sensex both increased by 3.5% and 4.1%
respectively during the month.
• In India, we continue to see recovery on both economic and Covid- 19 fronts. Amidst falling active cases and a decline in the daily number of new cases, most economic indicators have
o Covid improvement:
Barring a few states, we are better placed now as compared to where we were in August. Number of daily new cases continued to decline, and recoveries continued to be higher
than new cases, leading to a reduction in active cases.
Kerala, Delhi and West Bengal are the states with the highest growth rate in the number of cases. Most large urban districts (except Delhi) saw a decline in the number of new
cases during the end of October.
o Economic indicators:
The improvement in September GST revenues (collected in October) is a positive — reflecting improvement in economic activity, some normalization in activity/demand
(including festive demand) and impact of unlocking.
Google mobility reports show that the number of visits to grocery stores are already back at pre-Covid level.
Car registrations were up in the first twenty days of October, while two-wheeler registrations were down.
Maharashtra’s property registration numbers continue to be strong.
1. In accordance with Regulations 10 (d) of AIF, IIFL Wealth Finance Limited (Co- Sponsor) has invested Rs. 5 Crore in the Scheme. Additionally, IIFL Wealth Finance Limited has invested Rs. 3.6 Crore in the
scheme under share class A1.
2. NAV mentioned in the factsheet is the fund level NAV and factors in all income & expense incurred/accrued. Kindly get in touch with Investor Relation for NAV of your respective share class.
3. Post tax post expenses Internal Rate of Return of 10% p.a. (on CAGR basis) on net capital contribution from the date of allotment for Class A1, Class A2, Class A3 and Class A4 investors (as detailed in PPM).
4. The Scheme is fully drawn down.
The data stated herein is as of October 31, 2020 , unless specifically stated.
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IIFL Asset Management Limited and its group, associate and subsidiary companies are engaged in providing various financial se rvices and for the said services (including the service for acquiring and
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