Bhs Inggris
Bhs Inggris
Bhs Inggris
Npm : 1932121190
Kelas : C 6 / Manajemen
Practice 1 Unit 11
Answer :
1. What caused the decline to be really bad, aka the decline in the value of the rupiah
in 1998, was due to the sudden decline in large companies requiring large amounts
of USD to pay off their debts, and causing what caused more rupiah to be sent to
remain bankrupt) , and ultimately caused a crisis.
2. The weakening of the rupiah against the US dollar reaps more. One of them is the
price of food offered from abroad, including soybeans. This practically makes the
price of tofu and tempeh more expensive.
3. Foreign tourist arrivals Push up the Rupiah exchange rate in the long run.
However, do not expect foreign exchange from foreign tourists will be able to
suddenly increase the rupiah exchange rate when it is tragically rising US Dollars
as it is today.The Tourism Sector is only one of many other sectors that can
contribute to Indonesia's foreign exchange and affect currency exchange rates.
Reducing the value of the rupiah can be used to provide incentives for tourists
because they have to be relatively cheaper. In addition, local support also provides
added value and a positive trickle down effect on tourism support service sectors,
such as the hospitality, restaurant and communication services sector. Reducing
the exchange rate of the rupiah has resulted in rising prices for market goods. Not
only items such as electronics, but also affected according to the price of basic
Practice 1 Unit 12
A : I’ll let him know when he’s available. Is there anything else
I can help ?
A : You’re welcome.
B : Good afternoon, I’d like to reserve a table for five this evening.
A : May I know for who the reservation is and for what time ?
B : Yes, it’s for Mr. Thomas Landay and he’ll be there at 7 p.m.
B : L-A-N-D-A-Y
A : I’ll reserve a table for five for Mr. Landay at 7 p.m this evening.