Portuguese Appeals Court Deems PCR Tests Unreliable
Portuguese Appeals Court Deems PCR Tests Unreliable
Portuguese Appeals Court Deems PCR Tests Unreliable
Portuguese Appeals Court Deems PCR tests unreliable The blog that's fed by you, the readers. Send in
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In a recent decision, dated November 11, 2020, a Portuguese appeal court ruled against the Azores Regional
Health Authority concerning a lower court decision to declare unlawful the quarantining of four persons. Of these,
one had tested positive for Covid using a PCR test; the other three were deemed to have undergone a high risk of
exposure. Consequently, the Regional Health Authority decided that all four were infectious and a health hazard,
which required that they go into isolation. The lower court had ruled against the Health Authority, and the appeal
court upheld that ruling with arguments that explicitly endorse the scientific case for the lack of reliability of the PCR
tests (e.g., as extensively explained in Lockdown Skeptics by Dr. Mike Yeadon, Dr. Clare Craig and others).
The court’s ruling is a long text. I provide below a summary of the key passage. 104159
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accepted as qualified to practice medicine by undergoing examination with the Ordem dos Médicos, roughly our
equivalent of the UK’s Royal College of Physicians].”
In addition, the court rules that the Azores Health Authority violated article 6 of the Universal Declaration on Robert Steele 100 Resignation
Bioethics and Human Rights, as it failed to provide evidence that the informed consent mandated by said
Declaration had been given by the PCR-tested persons who had complained against the forced quarantine
measures imposed on them.
From the facts presented to the court, it concluded that no evidentiary proof or even indication existed that the four
persons in question had been seen by a doctor, either before or after undertaking the test.
The above would suffice to deem the forced quarantine of the four persons unlawful. The court thought it necessary,
however, to add some very interesting considerations about the PCR tests:
“Based on the currently available scientific evidence this test [the RT-PCR test] is in and of itself unable to determine
beyond reasonable doubt that positivity in fact corresponds to infection by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, for several
reasons, among which two are paramount (to which one would need to add the issue of the gold standard, which,
due to that issue’s specificity, will not be considered here): the test’s reliability depends on the number of cycles
used; the test’s reliability depends on the viral load present.”
Citing Jaafar et al. (2020; https://doi.org/10.1093/cid/ciaa1491), the court concludes that “if someone is tested by Robert Steele 100 Resignations from Congress
PCR as positive when a threshold of 35 cycles or higher is used (as is the rule in most laboratories in Europe and Sidney Powell After BigTech, John Brennan to
the US), the probability that said person is infected is <3%, and the probability that said result is a false positive is Jail? viewed recently: 37648
97%.” The court further notes that the cycle threshold used for the PCR tests currently being made in Portugal is
unknown [N.B. – I know from acquaintances that in at least some Portuguese labs the threshold is 35 cycles].
Citing Surkova et al. (2020; https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanres/article/PIIS2213-2600(20)30453-7/fulltext),
the court further states that any diagnostic test must be interpreted in the context of the actual probability of disease
as assessed prior to the undertaking of the test itself, and expresses the opinion that “in the current epidemiological
landscape of the United Kingdom, the likelihood is increasing that Covid 19 tests are returning false positives, with
major implications for individuals, the health system and society.”
The court’s summary of the case to rule against the Regional Health Authority’s appeal reads as follows:
“Given how much scientific doubt exists — as voiced by experts, i.e., those who matter — about the reliability of the
PCR tests, given the lack of information concerning the tests’ analytical parameters, and in the absence of a
physician’s diagnosis supporting the existence of infection or risk, there is no way this court would ever be able to
determine whether C was indeed a carrier of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, or whether A, B and D had been at a high risk
of exposure to it.”
Portuguese Appeals Court Deems PCR tests
I anticipate this ruling to have massive legal implications in my country. Note that it comes in the back of a previous unreliable viewed recently: 11166
ruling by the Constitutional Court, our highest court, declaring as an unlawful deprivation of liberty a decision by the
Regional Government of the Azores to force into a 14-day quarantine every passenger landing in an airport of the
US Army Seizes Dominion Vote System Servers
territory. in Germany viewed recently: 9158
Stop Press: A reader has got in touch to say he’s looked at the NHS definitions for the terms used in the monthly
data analysed by my doctor friend yesterday and uncovered the following gem: Top Pfizer Whistleblower Trashes Company’s
Vaccine ‘Breakthrough’ Spin viewed recently:
For all relevant data items: a confirmed COVID-19 patient is any patient admitted to the trust who has
recently (ie in the last 14 days) tested positive for COVID-19 following a polymerase chain reaction
(PCR) test.
Patients who have been diagnosed via X-ray and assessment rather than a positive test should be
counted as suspected (and not confirmed) COVID-19 patients.
So patients that have a test but no diagnosis are confirmed COVID patients. Anyone with a firm clinical
diagnosis but no positive test are “suspected”.
By Toby Young
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