Cost Sheet - Cost Accounting T. Y. B. Com. Sem V 1644476726

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5 Cost Sheet


Cost sheet is a statement designed to show the output of a particular accounting period along with
break up of costs. It is often considered good to prepare cost sheet with cost data of previous periods.
This facilitates comparison and promotes cost control.
Cost Sheet
(I) Proforma of Cost Sheet
Particulars Total Cost Cost Per Unit
` `
Opening Stock of Raw Materials xxx xxx
Add: Purchases xxx xxx
Add: Carriage Inward xxx xxx
Add: Octroi and Customs Duty xxx xxx
Less: Closing Stock of Raw Materials
Cost of Direct Materials Consumed xxx xxx
Direct Wages xxx xxx
Direct or Chargeable Expenses xxx xxx
Prime Cost xxx xxx
Add: Works or Factory Overheads:
Indirect Materials xxx xxx
Indirect Wages xxx xxx
Leave Wages xxx xxx
Bonus to Workers xxx xxx
Overtime Wages xxx
Fuel and Power xxx
142 Cost Accounting

Rent and Taxes xxx

Insurance xxx
Factory Lightings xxx
Supervision xxx
Works Stationery xxx
Canteen and Welfare Expenses xxx
Repairs xxx
Works Salaries xxx
Depreciation of Plant and Machinery xxx
Works Expenses xxx
Gas and Water xxx
Technical Director’s Fees xxx
Laboratory Expenses xxx
Works Transport Expenses xxx
Works Telephone Expenses xxx
Add: Opening Stock of Work-in-Progress xxx xxx
Less: Closing Stock of Work-in-Progress xxx xxx
Less: Sale of Waste scrap xxx xxx
Works Costs xxx xxx
Add: Office and Administration Overheads:
Office Salaries xxx
Directors Fees xxx
Office Rent and Rates xxx
Office Stationery and Printing xxx
Sundry Office Expenses xxx
Depreciation on Office Furniture xxx
Subscription to Trade Journals xxx
Office Lightings xxx
Establishment Charges xxx
Directors Travelling Expenses xxx
Consultants’ Fees xxx
Contribution to Provident Fund xxx
Postage xxx
Legal Charges xxx
Audit Charges xxx
Bank Charges xxx
Depreciation and Repairs of Office Equipment xxx
Bonus to Staff xxx
Cost Sheet 143

Cost of Production xxx xxx

Add: Opening Stock of Finished Goods xxx xxx
Less: Closing Stock of Finished Goods xxx xxx
Cost of Goods Sold xxx xxx
Add: Selling and Distribution Overheads:
Advertising xxx
Showroom Expenses xxx
Salesmen’s Salaries and Expenses xxx
Packing Expenses xxx
Carriage Outward xxx
Commssion of Sales Agents xxx
Cost of Catalogues xxx
Expenses of Delivery Vans xxx
Collection Charges xxx
Travelling Expenses xxx
Cost Tenders xxx
Warehouse Expenses xxx
Cost of Mailing Literature xxx
Sales Managers’ Salaries xxx
Insurance of Showroom xxx
Sales Directors’ Fees xxx
Sales Office Expenses xxx
Rent of Sales Office xxx
Depreciation of Delivery Vans xxx
Expenses of Sales Branch xxx
Establishments xxx
Branch Office Expenses xxx
Total Cost/Total of Sales xxx xxx
Profit or Loss xxx xxx
Sales xxx xxx

Following items are to to be ignored in the cost sheet:

(a) Advance tax paid
(b) Cash discount allowed on sales
(c) Divedend paid
(d) Dividend received
(e) Debenture interest
(f) Donation paid
144 Cost Accounting

(g) Interest received

(h) Interest paid on loan
(i) Income tax paid
(j) Interest paid on bank overdraft
(k) Income tax refund
(l) Interest on capital
(m) Bad debts
(n) Loss on sale of machinery
(o) Purchase of computer for office
(p) Purchase delivery van
(q) Profit on sale of investment
(r) Sale of machinery
The following expenses are excluded from cost sheet:
(1) Finance Overheads:
(a) Interest on Capital
(b) Bad Debts.
(c) Discount allowed on Sales.
(2) Income Tax, Advance Tax and Income Tax Provision.
The following incomes are excluded from cost sheet:
(1) Non-operating income such as discount received.
The following four items are independent variables and they remain constant unless any change is
given in them:
1. Units produced and sold.
2. Selling price per unit.
3. Variable cost per unit
4. Total Fixed Cost
Cost Sheet 145

Selling and Loss
Overheads Total Cost
of Sales
Office and Cost of
Administration Production/
Overheads Cost of
Works/Factory Goods Sold
Factory Cost
Direct Material Prime Cost
Direct Labour
Direct Expenses

Fig. Composition of Selling Price

Table: Profit Table

Percentage on Cost Price Percentage on Sale Price

1 1
(1) 100%   50%  
1  2

1 1 %1
(2) 50%   33  
 2 3

1 %1 1
(3) 33
  25 %  
3 4

% 1 1
(4) 25   20 %  
   5

2 %
% 1  3
(5) 20   16  
 5 6
 

1  1 
(6) 11.11%   10%  
9  10 

Steps in Preparation of Cost Sheet:

(1) All the cost are classified into Direct Costs or Indirect Costs.
(2) Items of costs are arranged in the order of first, Material then Labour and in the last expenses.
(3) All Direct Costs are also termed as Prime Costs. In a Cost Sheet all the items of Prime Cost are
recorded first strictly in the order of Material, Labour and Expenses.
146 Cost Accounting

(4) Then all indirect costs also termed as overheads are recorded.
(5) In case of indirect costs the items are broadly categorised into three main groups:
(a) Works/Factory Cost: In this case all factory overheads are recorded such as indirect
works material, indirect factory labour and indirect factory expenses. All indirect costs
related to factory is recorded here.
(b) Office and Administration Cost: In this case all administration overheads are recorded
such as indirect administration material, indirect administration labour and indirect
administration expenses. All indirect costs related to administration is recorded here.
(c) Selling and Distribution Cost: In this case all selling and distribution overheads are
recorded such as indirect selling and distribution material, indirect selling and distribution
labour and indirect selling and distribution expenses. Both selling expenses as well as
Distribution expenses are considered together in this case.
(6) Finance expenses are not to be considered in the costs sheet. E.g., Interest paid, Bad debts, etc.
(7) Non-operating incomes and non-operating expenses are not to be considered in the cost sheet.
E.g., Profit or Loss on Sale of Fixed Assets, Fictitious Assets written-off, etc.
Method of Preparing Cost Sheet:
In case of a cost sheet all the costs are classified into three main elements, i.e.,
(a) Materials
(b) Labour
(c) Expenses
Further each of the above items are classified into direct and indirect costs.
(1) Direct Materials: It includes the cost of direct (main) raw material plus all expenses relating to
purchases of such direct material such as carriage inward, octroi duty, custom duty on imported
materials, etc.
(2) Direct Labour/Wages: It is also known as productive wages. It is the wages paid for the staff
(employees) who are engaged directly in productive activities. Employees who take in the raw
materials and introduce it in the machine for production purpose is termed as direct labour.
E.g., Wages paid to carpenter who converts wood into a fine piece of furniture.
(3) Direct (or chargeable) Expenses: Direct expenses are such expenses which are incurred
directly with the production activities. According to CIMA, United Kingdom, "Direct expenses
are those expenses which can be identified with and allocated to cost centres or units". E.g.,
Carriage Inwards incurred for purchase of raw materials, Hire charges of special equipment
required for a job, etc.
(4) Overheads: Overheads is an aggregate of all indirect expenses. It comprises of:
(a) Factory overheads.
(b) Office overheads.
(c) Selling and Distribution overheads.
Cost Sheet 147

Further each of the above item is classified into:

(i) Material i.e., Indirect Materials.
(ii) Labour i.e., Indirect Labour.
(iii) Expenses i.e., Indirect Expenses.

The term 'cost' is defined in a variety of ways. Its simple meaning is ‘total expense’.
Cost can be classified in a number of ways:
(a) Direct Costs.
(b) Indirect Cost
(c) Fixed Cost
(d) Variable Cost.
(e) Semi-variable Cost.
Direct Cost:
Direct cost are those costs which can be conveniently associated wholly with a particular unit of
a final product. Direct costs can be directly identified with and allocated to cost centres or cost units.
(i) Materials which form part of the finished product — cost of wood in a firm manufacturing
(ii) Wages payable to worker who is directly involved in production — carpenter's wages in a firm
manufacturing furniture.
(iii) Carriage expenses on raw materials.
(iv) Workers' wages.
(v) Raw material charges
Indirect Cost:
The Institute of Cost and Management Accountants (UK) defines indirect cost as the, "Cost which
cannot be allocated but which can be apportioned to or absorbed by cost centers or cost units." They are
incurred for the benefit of more than one product, activity or job and must be apportioned by some
appropriate bases to the various functions. Costs which cannot be associated or connected with a
particular unit of the final product is termed as indirect costs. Indirect costs cannot be identified and
allocated with cost centers or cost units and therefore they are apportioned on some equitable basis to
cost centers or cost units.
(i) Advertisement expenses
(ii) Office rent
148 Cost Accounting

(iii) Packing expenses [Note: Primary Packing Materials - Direct Cost Secondary Packing Materials
- Indirect Cost]
(iv) Depreciation on Furniture
(v) Legal expenses
(vi) Cost of consumable stores.
(vii) Salaries of foreman, supervisor, factory manager
(viii) Rent and rates,
(ix) Printing and stationery,
(x) Telephone expenses,
(xi) Heat and light,
(xii) Maintenance, etc.
Overheads means indirect cost. Overheads are also termed as "On costs". Overheads is an aggregate
of indirect materials, indirect labour and indirect expenses.
(a) Factory overheads,
(b) Administrative overheads, and
(c) Selling and Distribution overheads


Illustration 1
[M.U., T.Y.B.Com., Modified]
The accounts of Z Ltd for the year ended 31st December, 2010, shows the following:
Particulars (`)
Work Office Salaries 6,500
Administrative Office Salaries 12,600
Cash Discounts allowed 2,900
Carriage Outward 4,300
Carriage Inward 7,150
Bad debts written off 6,500
Repairs to Plant and Machinery 4,450
Rent, rates,taxes, Insurance etc
Factory 8,500
Office 2,000
Cost Sheet 149

Sales 4,61,000
Stock of Raw materials:
1st Jan., 2010 48,000
31st Dec., 2010 62,800
Materials Purchased 1.85,00
Travelling Expenses 2,100
Travellers Salaries and Commission 7,700
Productive Wages 1,26,000
Depreciation on Plant and Machinery 6,500
Depreciation on Office Furniture 300
Director’s Fees 6,000
Gas and Water (Factory) 1,200
Gas and Water (Office) 400
Manager’s Salary (1/4 Office and 3/4 Factory) 10,000
General Expenses 3,400

You are required to prepare a cost statement for the year ended 31st December, 2010.
Z Ltd.
Cost Statement for the year ended 31st December, 2010
Particulars ` `
Raw Materials Consumed:
Stock of Raw Materials as on 1st Jan., 2010 48,000
Add: Materials Purchased 1,85,000
Add: Carnage Inward 7,150
Less: Stock of Raw Materials as on 31st Dec., 20010 62,800
Raw Materials Consumed 1,77,350
Productive Wages 1,26,000
PRIME COST 3,03,350
Add: Works/Factory Overheads:
Work Office Salaries 6,500
Repairs to Plant and Machinery 4,450
Rent, Rates, Taxes, Insurance etc. – Factory 8,500
Depreciation on Plant and Machinery 6,500
Gas and Water (Factory) 1,200
Manager’s Salary (3/4) 7,500
Works or Factory Overheads 34,650
150 Cost Accounting


Add: Office and Administration Overheads:
Administrative Office Salaries 12,600
Rent, Rates, Taxes, Insurance etc. – Office 2,000
Depreciation on Office Furniture 300
Director’s Fees 6,000
Gas and Water (Office) 400
Manager’s Salary (1/4) 2,500
General Expenses 3,400
Office and Administration Overheads 27,200
Add: Selling and Distribution Overheads:
Carriage Outward 4,300
Travelling Expenses 2,100
Travellers Salanes and Commission 7,700
Selling and Distribution Overheads 14,100
Add: Profit (Balancing Figure) 81,700
SALES 4,61,000
Illustration 2
[M.U., T.Y.B.Com., Modified]
From the following date, prepare a Cost Sheet for the year 2010. Number of Units produced:
10,000 Units.
Particulars `
Opening Stock of Raw Materials 3,00,000
Purchase of Raw Materials 8,00,000
Closing Stock of Raw Materials 1,00,000
Carriage Outward 8,000
Wages Indirect 20,000
Office 50,000
Sales Office 40,000
Other Factory Expenses 50,000
Trade Fair Expenses 20,000
Factory 30,000
Office 20,000
Selling 20,000
Direct Salary 50,000
Cost Sheet 151

Advance Interest Received 40,000

Custom Duty Paid for Purchase of Raw Material 5,00,000
Debenture Interest Paid 50,000
Freight Inward 20,000
Custom Duty Paid for Purchase of Plant 50,000
Direct Wages 2,00,000
Other Direct Charges 50,000
Goodwill Written-off 5,000
Number of Units sold 8,000 units at cost plus 18% Profit
Direct Salary is to be allocated to factory. Office and Selling in the ratio of 2:1:2.

Cost Statement for the year ended 2010

Particulars Units Total Total Cost Per
` ` Unit `
Raw Materials Consumed:
Opening Stock of Raw Materials 3,00,000 30.0
Add: Purchase of Raw Materials 8,00,000 80.0
Add: Custom Duty Paid for Purchase of Raw Materials 5,00,000 50.0
Add: Freight Inward 20,000 2.0
Less: Closing Stock of Raw Materials 1,00,000 10.0
Raw Materials Consumed 15,20,000 152.0
Direct Wages 2,00,000 20.0
Other Direct Charges 50,000 5.0
PRIME COST 10,000 17,70,000 177.0
Add: Works/Factory Overheads:
Wages Indirect 20,000 2.0
Other Factory Expenses 50,000 5.0
Depreciation - Factory 30,000 3.0
Direct Salary - Factory (2/5) 20,000 2.0
Works or Factory Overheads 10,000 1,20,000 12.0
WORKS/FACTORY COST 10,000 18,90,000 189.0
Add: Office and Administration Overheads:
Office Salary 50,000 5.0
Depreciation – Office 20,000 2.0
Direct Salary – Office (1/5) 10,000 1.0

Office and Administration Overheads 10,000 80,000 8.0

152 Cost Accounting

COST OF PRODUCTION 10,000 19,70,000 197.0

Less: Closing Stock of Finished Goods
(Valued as per As -2) 2,000 3,78,000 189.0
Cost of Goods Sold 8,000 15,92,000 199.0
Add: Selling and Distribution Overheads:
Carriage Outward 8,000 1.0
Salary – Sales Office 40,000 5.0
Trade Fair Expenses 20,000 2.5
Depreciation – Selling 20,000 2.5
Direct Salary – Sales(2/5) 20,000 2.5
Selling and Distribution Overheads 8,000 1,08,000 13.5
TOTAL COST OF SALES 8,000 17,00,000 212.5
Add: Profit @ 18% 3,06,000 38.25
Sales Value 8,000 20,06,000 250.75
Illustration 3
[M.U., T.Y. B.Com., April 1996, Adapted]
Swadeshi Electronics Ltd. furnishes you the following information for the year ended 31st March,
Production and Sales Units 15,000
Sales ` 12,75,000
Direct Wages ` 2,70,000
Direct Materials ` 3,30,000
Factory Overheads ` 2,25,000
Administrative Overheads ` 1,05,000
Sales Overheads ` 90,000
On account of intense competition following changes are estimated in the subsequent year:
(a) Production and sales activity will be increased by one third.
(b) Material rate will be lower by 25%. However, there will be increase in consumption by 20% due
to quality difference.
(c) Direct wages cost would be reduced by 20% due to automation.
(d) Out of the above factory overheads, ` 45,000 are of fixed nature. The remaining factory
expenses are variable in proportion to the number of units produced.
(e) Total administrative overheads will be lower by 40%.
(f) Sales overheads per unit would remain the same.
(g) Sale price per unit would be lower by 20%.
Prepare a statement of cost for both the years ending 31st March, 2012 and 31st March, 2013
showing maximum possible details of cost.
Cost Sheet 153

Swadeshi Electronics Ltd.
Cost Sheet for the year ended 31st March, 2012
[Output: 15,000 Units]

Particulars Total Cost per

` ` Unit `
Direct Materials 3,30,000 22
Direct Wages 2,70,000 18
Prime Cost 6,00,000 40
Add: Works/Factory Overheads:
Fixed Overheads 45,000 3
Variable Overheads 1,80,000 12
Factory Overheads 2,25,000 15
Works/Factory Cost 8,25,000 55
Add: Office and Administration Overheads:
Administrative Overheads 1,05,000 7
Cost of Production/Cost of Goods Sold 9,30,000 62
Add: Selling and Distribution Overheads
Sales Overheads 90,000 6
Total Cost of Sales 10,20,000 68
Add: Profit 2,55,000 17
Sales Value 12,75,000 85

Estimated Cost Sheet for the year ending 31st March, 2013
[Output: 20,000 Units]
Particulars Total Cost per Unit
` ` `
Direct Materials 3,96,000 19.80
Direct Wages 2,16,000 10.80
Prime Cost 6,12,000 30.60
Add: Works/Factory Overheads:
Fixed Overheads 45,000 22.50
Variable Overheads 2,40,000 12.00
Factory Overheads 2,85,000 14.25
Works/Factory Cost 8,97,000 44.85
Add: Office and Administration Overheads:
Administrative Overheads 63,000 3.15
Cost of Production/Cost of Goods Sold 9,60,000 48.00
154 Cost Accounting

Add: Selling and Distribution Overheads

Sales Overheads 1,20,000 6.00
Total Cost of Sales 10,80,000 54.00
Add: Profit 2,80,000 14.00
Sales Value 13,60,000 68.00
Illustration 4
[M.U., T.Y.B.Com., Modified]
From the following data, prepare a cost sheet for the year 2010.
Particulars `
Opening Stock of Raw Materials 3,00,000
Purchases 8,00,000
Closing Stock of Raw Materials 4,00,000
Carriage Outward 50,000
Wages Direct 7,00,000
Wages Indirect 1,00,000
Chargeable Expenses 2,00,000
Rent and Rates: Factory 40,000
Office 5,000
Indirect Materials 15,000
Drawing Office Salaries 10,000
Depreciation: Plant 5,000
Office Furniture 1,000
Salary: Office 25,000
Salesmen 20,000
W.I.P.: 1-1-2010 20,000
31-12-2010 10,000
Sale of by Product 10,000
Other Factory Expenses 57,000
Other Office Expenses 9,000
Managing Director's Remuneration 1,20,000
Other Selling Expenses 10,000
Art Work Charges 40,000
Stock of Finished goods: 1-1-2010 10,000
31-12-2010 50,000
Traveling Expenses of Salesmen 11,000
Carriage Inward 10,000
Sales 30,00,000
Advance Income Tax paid 1,50,000
Advertisement 20,000
M.D.’s remuneration to be allocated as ` 40,000 to factory, ` 20,000 to office and ` 60,000 to
Cost Sheet 155

Cost Statement for the year ended 2010
Particulars ` `
Rew Materials Consumed:
Opening Stock of Raw Materials 3,00,000
Add: Purchases 8,00,000
Add: Carnage Inward 10,000
Less: Closing Stock of Raw Materials 4,00,000
Raw Materials Consumed 7,10,000
Wages Direct 7,00,000
Chargeable Expenses 2,00,000
PRIME COST 16,10,000
Add: Works/Factory Overheads:
Wages Indirect 1,00,000
Rent and Rates - Factory 40,000
Indirect Materials 15,000
Drawing Office Salaries 10,000
Depreciation - Plant 5,000
Other Factory Expenses 57,000
Managing Director’s Remuneration 40,000
Add: W.I.P. as on 1-9-2010 20,000
Less: W.I.P. as on 31-12-2010 10,000
Less: Sale of By-product 10,000
Works or Factory Overheads 2,67,000
Add: Office and Administration Overheads:
Rent and Rates - Office 5,000
Depreciation - Office Furniture 1,000
Salary-Office 25,000
Other Office Expenses 9,000
Managing Director’s Remuneration 20,000
Office and Administration Overheads 60,000
Add: Stockof Finished Goodsason1.1-2010 10,000
Less: Stock of Finished Goods as on 31-12-2010 50,000
156 Cost Accounting


Add: Selling and Distribution Overheads:
Carriage Outward 50,000
Salary-Salesmen 20,000
Other Selling Expenses 10,000
Art Work Charges 40,000
Travelling Expenses of Salesmen 11,000
Advertisement 20,000
Managing Dieectir’s Remuneration 60,000
Selling and Distribution Overheads 2,11,000
Add: Profit 8,92,000
Sales 30,00,000
Illustration 5
[M.U., T.Y.B.Com., Modified]
Hindustan Machine Tools Ltd. furnishes for March, 2012 the following information for a department:
Deluxe wrist watches manufactured 1,000 pieces.
Cost and other data `
Opening stock
Raw materials 4,50,000
Finished goods 3,30,000
(200 pieces)
Closing stock
Raw materials 5,00,000
Finished goods (300 pieces) ?
Purchases of raw material 7,00,000
Direct labour 4,00,000
Indirect labour factory 1,00,000
Consumption of stores and spares 90,000
Sales 21,60,000

Other overheads Factory Office Sales depot

` ` `
Salary 1,00,000 2,00,000 1,50,000
Electricity 25,000 2,000 10,000
Stationery and Printing 10,000 25,000 20,000
Travelling expenses 3,000 10,000 50,000
Rent 5,000 5,000 5,000
Showroom and Exhibition expenses - - 10,000
Miscellaneous expenses 15,000 25,000 20,000
Cost Sheet 157

The stock of finished goods is valued at current month's cost of production.

(a) You are required to prepare a cost sheet for the month of March, 2012 and ascertain the
amount of profit.
(b) What should be the selling price in order to earn additional profit on sales?
Cost Statement for the month of March, 2012
Particulars Units Total Total Cost Per
` ` Unit `
Raw Materials Consumed:
Opening Stock of Raw Materials 4,50,000 450.00
Add: Purchase of Raw Materials 7,00,000 700.00
Less: Closing Stock of Raw Materials 5,00,000 500.00
Raw Materials Consumed 6,50,000 650.00
Direct Labour 4,00,000 400.00
PRIME COST 1,000 10,50,000 1,050.00
Add: Works/Factory Overheads:
Indirect Labour Factory 1,00,000 100.00
Consumption of Stores and Spares 90,000 90.00
Salary 1,00,000 100.00
Electricity 25.000 25.00
Stationery and Printing 10,000 10.00
Travelling Expenses 3,000 3.00
Rent 5,000 5.00
Miscellaneous expenses 15,000 15.00
Works or Factory Overheads 1,000 3,48,000 348.00
WORKS/FACTORY COST 1,000 13,98,000 1,398.00
Add: Office and Administration Overheads:
Salary 2,00,000 200.00
Electricity 2,000 2.00
Stationery and Printing 25.000 25.00
Travelling Expenses 10.000 10.00
Rent 5,000 5.00
Miscellaneous expenses 25,000 25.00
Office and Administration Overheads 1,000 2,67,000 267.00
COST OF PRODUCTION 1,000 16,65,000 1,665.00
Add: Opening Stock of Finished Goods 200 3,30,000 1,650.00
1,200 19,95,000 1,662.50
Less: Closing Stock of Finished Goods
(Valued at Cost of Production) 300 4,99,500 1,665.00
COST OF GOODS SOLD 900 14,95,500 1661.66
158 Cost Accounting

Add: Selling and Distribution Overheads:

Salary 1,50,000 166.66
Electricity 10,000 11.11
Stationery and Printing 20,000 22.22
Travelling expenses 50,000 55.55
Rent 5,000 5.55
Show room and Exhibition expenses 10,000 11.11
Miscellaneous expenses 20,000 22.22
Selling and Distribution Overheads 900 2,65,000 294.44
TOTAL-COST OF SALES 900 17,60,500 1,956.11
Add: Profit 900 3,99,500 443.89
Sales 900 21,60,000 2400.00
Illustration 6
[M.U., B.Com., October 1995, Adapted]
Following is the Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2012 of M/s. Cool and
Comforts Ltd., manufacturers of Table Fans. They manufactured and sold during the year 2000 fans.
Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2005
Dr. Cr.
Particulars ` Particulars `
To Materials Consumed 1,20,000 By Sales 6,00,000
To Wages 1,80,000
To Manufacturing Expenses 75,000
To Gross Profit c/d 2,25,000
` 6,00,000 ` 6,00,000
To Rent, Rates and Taxes 15,000 By Gross Profit b/d 2,25,000
To General Expenses 30,000
To Management Expenses 90,000
To Sales and Distribution Expenses 45,000
To Net Profit 45,000
` 2,25,000 ` 2,25,000
Their estimates for the next year ending 31st March 2013 are as under:
(a) The production and sales would increase to 3000 fans.
(b) The prices of materials per fan would increase by 20%
(c) The labour cost per fan would go up by 10%
(d) The manufacturing expenses would remain in the same proportion to materials consumed and
wages as in the previous year.
(e) The selling and distribution expenses per fan would remain unchanged.
(f) The other expenses would remain unaffected on account of increase in the production.
Cost Sheet 159

Prepare a statement for the two years, 2011 -2012 and 2012-2013 showing cost and profit per fan
and total cost and total profit, giving maximum possible break-up of cost.
M/s. Cool and Comforts Ltd.
Cost Sheet for the year ended 31st March. 2012
[Output: 2,000 Fans]
Particulars Total Cost per
` ` Unit (`)
Materials Consumed 1,20,000 60.0
Wages 1.80.000 90.0
Prime Cost 3,00,000 150.0
Add: Works/Factory Overheads:
Manufacturing Expenses 75,000 37.5
Works/Factory Cost 3,75,000 187.5
Add: Office and Administration Overheads:
Rent, Rates and Taxes 15,000 7.5
General Expenses 30,000 15.0
Management Expenses 90,000 45.0
Total Office and Administration Overheads 1,35,000 67.5
Cost of Production/Cost of Goods Sold 5,10,000 255.0
Add: Selling and Distribution Overheads
Selling and Distribution Expenses 45,000 22.5
Total Cost of Sales 5,55,000 277.5
Add: Profit 45,000 22.5
Sales Value 6,00,000 300.0

Estimated Cost Sheet for the year ending 31st March, 2006
[Output: 3,000 Fans]
Particulars Total Cost per
` ` Unit (`)
Materials Consumed 2,16,000 72.00
Wages 2.97,000 99.00
Prime Cost 5,13,000 171.00
Add: Works/Factory Overheads:
Manufacturing Expenses 1,28,250 42.75
Works/Factory Cost 6,41,250 213.75
Add: Office and Administration Overheads:
Rent, Rates and Taxes 15,000 5.00
General Expenses 30,000 10.00
Management Expenses 90,000 30.00
160 Cost Accounting

Total Office and Administration Overheads 1,35,000 45.00

Cost of Production/Cost of Goods Sold 7,76,250 258.75
Add: Selling and Distribution Overheads
Selling and Distrbution Expenses 67,500 22.50
Total Cost of Sales 8,43,750 281.25
Add: Profit 56,250 18.75
Sales Value 9,00,000 300.00
Illustration 7
[CA Modified]
Dunkel Ltd. Started a factory in Navi Mumbai on 1st April, 2011. Following details are furnished
about its activity during the year ended 31st March, 2012.
Raw Material consumed - 40,000 units @ ` 7 per unit.
Direct Wages:
(a) Skilled worker ` 9 per unit.
(b) Unskilled worker ` 6 per unit.
Royalty (On raw material consumed) @ ` 3 per unit.
Works overheads @ ` 8 per machine hour.
Machine Hours Worked 25,000.
Office Overheads at 1/3rd of works cost
Sales Commission @ ` 4 per unit.
Units produced 40,000
Stock of units at the end 4,000 units to be valued at cost of production per unit.
Sale price is ` 60 per unit.
Prepare Cost sheet showing the various elements of cost, bothin total and per unit.
Dunkel Ltd.
Cost Sheet for the year ended 31st March, 2012
Particulars Units Total Cost per
` ` Unit (`)
Raw Materials Consumed 40,000 2,80,000 7
Direct Wages:
Skilled Workers Wages 3,60,000 9
Unskilled Workers Wages 2,40,000 6
Total Direct Wages 6,00,000 15
Cost Sheet 161

Direct Expenses:
Royalty on Raw Material Consumed 1,20,000 3
Prime Cost 10,00,000 25
Add: Works/Factory Overheads:
Works Overheads 8 × 25,000 2,00,000 5
Works/Factory Cost 12,00,000 30
Add: Office and Administration Overheads:
Office Overheads 4,00,000 10
Cost of Production 40,000 16,00,000 40
Less: Closing Stock 4,000 1,60,000 40
Cost of Goods Sold 36,000 14,40,000 40
Add: Selling and Distribution Overheads
Sales Commission 36,000 1,44,000 4
Total Cost of Sales 36,000 15,84,000 44
Add: Profit 36,000 5,76,000 16
Sales Value 36,000 21,60,000 60
Illustration 8
[CS Modified]
Prepare a cost sheet showing the total and per tonne cost of paper manufactured by Times Paper
Mills Ltd. For the month of March, 2012. There were 26 working days in the month. Also find the profit
earned by the company. The details are as under:
Direct Raw materials:
Paper pulp 6,000 tons @ ` 900 per tonne.
Direct labour:
280 Skilled workmen ` 250 per day
300 Semiskilled workmen ` 150 per day
470 Unskilled workmen ` 100 per day
Direct expenses:
Special equipment hire charges ` 12,000 per day
Special dyes ` 250 per tonne of total raw material input
Work overheads: Variable @ 50% of direct wages
Fixed ` 2,70,000 p.m.
Administration overheads @ 12% of works cost
Selling and distribution overheads ` 80 per tonne sold.
Opening stock of paper 500 tonnes valued @ ` 2,501.60 per ton
Closing stock of paper 300 tonnes valued at cost of production.

The paper is sold @ ` 3,000 per tonne.

162 Cost Accounting

Times Paper Mills Ltd.
[Working Days: 26]
Cost Sheet for the month of March, 2012
Particulars Tons Total Cost per
` ` Unit (`)
Direct Raw Materials:
Paper Pulp 6,000 54,00,000 900.00
Direct Labour:
Skilled Workmen 280 × 250 × 26 18,20,000 303.33
Semiskilled Workmen 300 × 150 × 26 11,70,000 195.00
Unskilled Workmen 470 × 100 × 26 12,22,000 203.66
Direct Labour 42,12,000 702.00
Dieect Expenses:
Special Equipments Hire Charges 12,000 × 26 3,12,000 52.00
Special Dyes 6,000 15,00,000 250.00
Direct Expenses 18,12,000 302.00
PRIME COST 6,000 1,14,24,000 1,904.00
Add: Works/Factory Overheads:
Variable 21,06,000 351.00
Fixed 2,70,000 45.00
Works/Factory Overheads 23,76,000 396.00
Works or Factory Cost 6,000 1,38,00,000 2,300.00
Add: Office and Administration Overheads:
Administration Overheads 16,56,000 276.00
Cost of Production 6,000 1,54,56,000 2,576.00
Add: Opening Stock of Paper 500 12,50,800 2,501.60
6,500 1,67,06,800 2,570.27
Less: Closing Stock of Paper 300 7,72,800 2,576.00
Cost of Goods Sold 6,200 1,59,34,000 2,655.66
Add: Selling and Distribution Overheads 6,200 4,96,000 80.00
Total Cost of Sales 6,200 1,64,30,000 2,650.00
Add: Profit 6,200 21,70,000 350.00
Sales Value 6,200 1,86,00,000 3,000.00
Cost Sheet 163

Illustration 9
The following particulars are extracted from the books of a company relating to commodity Aplha
for the half year ending 30th June, 2012.
Purchase of raw materials 1,30,000
Direct wages 1,00,000
Rent, rates, insurance and works on cost 45,000
Carriage inward 1,500
Stock on 1-1-2012
Raw materials 20,000
Finished products (1,600 tonnes) 17,600
Stock on 30-6-2012
Raw materials 25,000
Finished products (3,200 tonnes) 37,600
Work-in-progress on 1-1-2012 4,500
Work-in-progress on 30-6-2012 16,000
Factory supervision 10,000
Sales – Finished product 3,00,000
Advertising discount allowed and selling cost at Re.0.50 per tonne sold. 25,000 tonnes of commodity
was sold during the period.
You are required to ascertain:
1. Prime Cost
2. Factory Cost
3. Cost of Sales
4. Profit
5. No. of tonnes of the commodity sold.
Cost Sheet of Commodity Alpha for the period ending 30-6-2009
Particular ` `
Raw materials
Opening stock 20,000
Add: Purchases 1,30,000
Less: Closing stock 25,000
Add: Carriage inwards Materials Consumed 1,500
164 Cost Accounting

Direct wages 1,00,000

Prime cost 2,26,500
Rent, rates, insurance and works 45,000
On cost Cost of factory supervision 10,000
Add: Opening Work-in-progress 4,500
Less: Closing Work-in-progress 16,000
Factory Cost
Add: Opening stock of finished goods (1,600 tonnes) 17,600
Less: Closing stock of finished goods (3,200 tonnes) 37,600
Cost of goods sold 2,50,000
Add: Advertising and selling cost @
Re. 0.50 per tones on 25,000 tonnes 12,500
Cost of sales 2,62,500
Profit 37,500
Sales 3,00,000


(I) Practical Questions

(1) The following is an extract of the costing information for the year ended 31 March 2012:
Sales 1,96,000
Purchase-raw material 60,000
Direct wages 60,000
Rent, Rates, insurance, & other works on cost 21,000
Carriages inwards 1,000
Opening stock –
Raw material 10,000
Finished goods (200 tons) 12,000
Closing stock: Raw materials 11,000
Supervision 3,000
Advertising 4,000
Office overheads 30,000
Selling expenses 8,000
3,000 tons of the commodities were produced. The closing stock of finished goods is 400 tons.
The same has to be valued at work cost. Prepare a detailed cost statement showing:
Cost Sheet 165

(1) Cost of the output-total as well as per unit

(2) Net profit for the year.
[Ans.: (1) Total Cost ` 1,78,800 Cost Per Unit 63.86
(2) Net profit ` 17,200 Cost Per Unit 6.14]
(2) From the following data, relating to the manufacturing of a standard product during September
2012 prepares a statement showing cost & profit per unit:
Raw material used 1,20,000
Direct wages 72,000
Man hours worked 10,000 hours
Man hours rate for recovering works overheads ` 10 per hour
Office overheads 25% on work cost
Selling overheads ` 1.50 per unit
Unit produced 42,000; units sold 40,000 @ ` 25 per unit.
[Ans.:(1) Total Cost ` 4,07620 Cost Per Unit 10.19
(2) Net profit ` 5,92,380 Cost Per Unit 14.81]
(3) X Y & Z carry on business as engineers in partnership, sharing profits & losses equally,
Z devotes to the business only so much time as he thinks fit. Y acts as works manager & X as
office manager. The following figures for the month of march, 2010 are available:
[MU, T.Y.B.Com., Modified]
Purchases of materials
Works wages Direct 48,000
Indirect 6,000
Office salaries 14,085
Carriages inward 450
Carriages outward 42,000
Sales 2,40,000
Opening stock of Materials 26,250
Finished goods (600 units) 6,750
Work-in-progress 9,750
Travelling expenses (25% administrative: 75% sales) 1,800
Interest on capital (equally to X,Y,& Z) 4,500
Advertising 4,500
Power 1,575
Income tax 14,250
166 Cost Accounting

Agents commission 6,750

Plant maintenance 5,490
Lighting (90% for factory, 10% for sale) 1,500
Discount received 450
Bad debts 750
Sundry expenses (Factory) 2,100
(Office) 3,900
Factory Buildings repairs 750
Partners salaries X 1,500
Y 1,800
Depreciation Plant 2,850
Factory 1,200
Building 600
Sale of Scrap

On 31st March 2010 Materials on hand totaled ` 24,000 where as the work-in-progress was
estimated as ` 8,500. 1800 units were produced out of which 650 remained unsold. Prepare cost sheet
& show the profit earned.
(4) In 2009 selling price was ` 10 per article & total sales were ` 1,00,000. In 2010, selling price
was increased by 10%. Total sales realized ` 1,26,500.
In 2009, materials cost was 40% of sales value. In 2010, Prices of raw material rose by 10%.
In 2009, wages were ` 30,000. In 2010, the wages cost was ` 33,000. In 2009, other expenses
were 10% of sales value. These expenses rose in 2010 by ` 1,500.
Prepare cost statement for the years 2009 & 2010. Find out the net profit for 2009, & 2010.
[Ans.:(1) Total Cost- 2009-` 80,000 Cost Per Unit 8.00 & 2010- ` 95,100 Cost Per Unit 8.27
(2) Net profit - 2009-` 20,000 Cost Per Unit 2.00 & 2010- ` 31,400 Cost Per Unit 2.73]
(5) From the following information prepare a cost statement showing maximum possible break up
of cost & total profit:
[MU T.Y.B.Com., Modified]
Sales for January 2010 30,00,000
Cost of goods sold 24,80,000
Administration expenses 1,80,000
Selling expenses 40,000
1.1.10 31.1.10
` `
Raw material stock 3,20,000 4,00,000
Work-in-progress 3,20,000 4,80,000
Finished goods 4,20,000 3,40,000
Cost Sheet 167

Direct wages were 30% of prime cost

Raw materials consumed were 50% of prime cost
Direct expenses were 20% of prime cost
Factory overheads were 20% of prime cost.
[Ans.: (1) Total Cost ` 25,20,000
(2) Net profit ` 4,80,000]
(6) The following particulars relating to the year 2008 are taken from the book & records of a
chemical works manufacturing & selling a standardized mixture:
[CA Modified]
Kgs. Kgs.
Stock in 1-1-2009 opening Raw Materials 2,000 2,000
Finished Mixtures 500 1,750
Factory Stores 7,250
Raw Materials 1,60,000 1,80,000
Factory Stores 24,250
Finished Mixtures 1,53,050 9,18,000
Sale Factory Scrap 8,170
Factory wages 1,78,650
Power 30,400
Machinery depreciation 18,200
Salaries Factory 72,220
Office 37,220
Selling 41,500
Expenses Direct 18,500
Office 18,200
Selling 18,000
Interest on capital Factory 7,000
General 3,000
Advertising 1,40,000
Cash discount on sales 14,500
Bank Interest paid 1,250
Stock on 31-12-2009 Raw Materials 1,200 ?
Finished Mixtures 450 ?
Factory Stores 5,550
168 Cost Accounting

The wastage in raw material is normal. The purchase price of raw materials remained unchanged
through 2009. The stock of finished mixture at the end of the year is to be valued at factory cost. Raw
materials are consumed on FIFO basis. From the above information you are required to prepare a cost
statement shoeing the prime cost, works cost & total cost of the mixture produced during the year.
[Ans.: Prime Cost- ` 3,77,800 Works Cost- ` 5,16,200 Total Cost- ` 16,89,797]
(7) The following figures are extracted from the Trial Balance of Gogetter Co. on 30th September,
[MU T.Y.B.Com Modified]
Particulars `
Finished goods 80,000
Raw Materials 1,40,000
Work-in-progress 2,00,000
Office Appliances 17,400
Plant & Machinery 4,60,500
Buildings 2,00,000
Sales 7,68,000
Sales Return & Rebates 14,000
Materials Purchased 3,20,000
Freight incurred on Materials 16,000
Purchase Returns 4,800
Direct Labour 1,60,000
Indirect Labour 18,000
Factory Supervision 10,000
Repairs & Unkeep – factory 14,000
Heat, Light, & Power 65,000
Rates & Taxes 6,300
Miscellaneous Factory Expenses 18,700
Sales Commission 33,600
Sales Travelling 11,000
Sales Promotion 22,500
Distribution Dept. Salaries & Expense 18,000
Office Expenses 8,600
Interest on Borrowed Funds 2,000
Further details are available as follows:
(i) Closing Inventories:
Finished Goods 1,15,000
Raw Materials 1,80,000
Work in progress 1,92,000
Cost Sheet 169

(ii) Accrued Expenses On:

Direct Labor 8,200
Indirect Labor 1,200
Interest on Borrowed Funds 2,000
(iii) Depreciation to be provided on: office Appliances 5%, plant &
Machinery 10% Building 4%
(iv) Distribution of the following costs:
Heat, Light & power to Factory, Office & Distribution in the ratio 8:1:1.
Rates & Taxes two-third to factory & one-third to office
Depreciation on Building Factory, office & selling in the ratio 8:1:1
With the help of the above information you are required to prepare cost sheet for Gogetter Co. for
the year ended 30th September, 2012.
[Ans.: (1) Total Cost- ` 7,14,220
(2) Net profit - ` 39,780]
(8) The accounts of a small manufacturer showed the following particulars for the year ending
31st March, 2010:
Materials Used 75,000
Productivity wages 60,000
Factory Overheads 13,500
Office overheads 7,425
For the quarter to end on 30th June, 2010 it is estimated that the materials would cost ` 25,000 &
wages ` 7,500. The factory overheads will bear the same production to the prime cost & the office
overheads will bear the same production to the prime cost as in the previous year. Prepare an estimated
cost sheet. Also ascertain what cost as in the previous year. Prepare an estimated cost sheet. Also
ascertain what price should be charged if the manufacturer wants to earn 25% profit on selling price.
[Ans.: Total Cost- March 2010 -` 1,55,925 & June 2010- ` 37,538 Profit- ` 12,512]
(9) The following information is available from the books of a company producing luxury ceiling
fans for the year ended 31-3-2010 Production & sales 1000 units.
[MU T.Y.B.Com Modified]
` `
Direct materials 2,00,000 Administration expenses 60,000
Direct wages 1,50,000 Selling expenses 45,000
Factory expenses 1,37,500 Sales 7,30,000
The following estimates have been made for 2010-2011:
(i) Production & sales will be 1,500 units.
(ii) Materials prices per unit will increase by 25% but due to economy in consumption there will be
saving of 12% with reference to the revised price.
170 Cost Accounting

(iii) The wage rates per unit will increase by 20%

(iv) Factory expenses ` 50, 000 are fixed. The remaining factory expenses will be in the same
proportion to materials consumed & wages as in the previous year.
(v) The total administration expenses will increase by 66-2/3%
(vi) Selling expenses will be ` 90,000.
(vii) The profit desires is 20% on sales.
Prepare a cost statement maximum possible break-up of cost per unit & total cost, profit per unit
& total profit for 2009-2010 & 2010-2011.
[Ans.: (1) Total Cost- 2010- ` 5,92,500 Cost Per Unit 592.50 &
2011- ` 9,90,000 Cost Per Unit 660.00
(2) Net Profit - 2010- ` 1,37,500 Cost Per Unit 137.50
& 2011- ` 2,47,500 Cost Per Unit 165.00]
(10) The following is the trading & profit & loss account of a manufacturing company for the
quarter ended 30th June, 2009:
` `
To opening stock By Sale of finished goods 2,75,000
Raw materials 5,000 By Sale of factory scrap 5,000
Work-in-progress 10,000 By Income from Investments 10,000
Finished goods 25,000 40,000 By Closing stock
To Purchase of raw Raw material 15,000
Materials 1,00,000 Work-in-progress 20,000
To Wages (75% direct & Finished goods 10,000 45,000
25% indirect) 60,000
To Factory expenses 20,000
To Administrative expense 15,000
To Selling & distribution exps. 30,000
To Interest 20,000
To Income tax 25,000
To Net Profit 25,000
3,35,000 3,35,000
Finished goods costing ` 5,000 were used for free samples and those costing ` 10,000 were
donated to a charitable institution, however, no accounting entries have been passed for the same.
Further no accounting entry has been passed for the material costing ` 5, 000 destroyed by fire while it
was being worked in the factory. You are required to prepare a cost sheet.
[Ans.: Total Cost- Rs.2,25,000 & Profit- Rs.50,000]
Cost Sheet 171

(11) A company produced two knids of electric pumps XA and XB details of which are
Pumps manufactured 25,000 12,000
Direct cost: ` 3,140 ` 2,650
Materials 9,400 5,700
Wages 2,100 1,410
Power, etc. 14,640 9,760
Other costs
Factory supervision, etc. ` 3,600
Packing wages and expenses 400
Management and selling expenses 4,400
You are required to prepare a statement showing the cost of each kind of pump when ready for
dispatch, taking the following into considerations.
(i) Factory supervision to be charged in proportion to direct costs.
(ii) Packing expenses to be apportioned in the ratio that direct costs plus factory supervision costs
of XA bear to similar costs of XB.
(iii) Management and selling expenses to be charged in production to the pups manufactured.
[Ans.: Total Cost- XA- 20,013 XB- ` 12,788]
(12) A manufacturer commenced production on 1st January, 2012 of a standard article in two
grades A and B. Both are produced form the same raw material and are sold to wholesalers at
a uniform price – Grade A at ` 150 per dozen and Grade B at ` 240 per dozen. Sale price are
based on the following estimated figures:
[CIMA London Modified]
Cost per Article
Grade A Grade B
Direct material cost 1.50 3.00
Direct wages 5.00 7.00
Production overhead 2.50 3.50
Works cost 9.00 13.50
Selling and Distribution overhead 0.90 1.35
Total Cost 9.90 14.85
On making up accounts for year ended 31st December 2012, the following faits were ascertained:
Cost of Material Used Grade A Grade B
Direct wages 15,000 20,000
Product wages 38,250 76,500
Product overheads (Total) ` 68,125
Selling & Distribution overhead (Total) ` 32,700
172 Cost Accounting

During the year sales amounted to ` 1,05,000 in respect of Grades A articles and ` 1,80,000 in
respect of Grade B articles, and stock on hand at 31st Dec, 2009, valued at work cost as per his costing
were ` 5,400 of Grade A and ` 13,500 of Grade B.
From the information given above, you are required to prepare a statement of revised costing
showing the cost per article sold during 2012.
[Ans.: Total Cost- A- 83,160 B- ` 1,33,650]
(13) The managing director of a small manufacturing concern consults you as to the minimum price
at which he can sell the output of one of the departments of the company which is intended for
mass production in future. The company’s records show the following particulate for this
department for the past year:
Production & Sales (100 Units) Works overheads 7,000
Materials 13,000 Office overheads 2,800
Direct labor 7,000 Selling overheads 3,200
Direct charges 1,000 Profit 5,000
You ascertain that 40% of the works overheads fluctuate directly with production and 70% of the
selling overheads fluctuate with sales. It is anticipated that the department would produce 500 units per
annum and that direct labour charges per unit will be reduced by 20%. While fixed selling overheads
charges are expected to show an increase of 25% but otherwise no changes are anticipated.
[Ans.: Actual Total Cost -` 39,000 Cost Per Unit 390.00 & Estimated
` 1,35,100 Cost Per Unit 270.00]
(14) The cost of manufacturing 5,000 units of a commodity comprises –
Materials 20,000 Fixed factory overhead 16,000
Direct labour 25,000 Variable factory overhead 4,000
Chargeable expenses 400

For manufacturing every 1,000 extra units of the commodity the cost of production increases as
Materials: Proportionately. Fixed factory overheads: ` 200 extra. Wages: 10% less than
proportionately. Variable factory overheads 25% less than proportionately.
Chargeable Expenses: No extra cost whatsoever.
Calculate the estimate cost of producing 8,000 units of the commodity and show by how it would
differ if a flat rate of factory overhead based on wages were charged.
[Ans.: Actual Works Cost - ` 65,400 Cost Per Unit 13.08 &
Estimated ` 89,800 Cost Per Unit 11.23]
(15) Electronics Ltd., furnish the following information for 10,000 TV valves manufactured during
the year 2009.
[ICWA Modified]
Cost Sheet 173

Materials 90,000 Clerical salaries and 33,500

Management expenses
Direct Wages 60,000 Selling expenses 5,500
Power and consumable stores 12,000 Sale proceeds of scrap 2,000
Factory indirect wages 15,000 Plant repairs, maintenance 11,500
and depreciation
Lighting of factory 5,500
Defective work (cost of rectification) 3,000
The net selling price was ` 31.60 per unit sold and all units were sold.
As from 1st Jan 2010, the selling price was reduced to ` 31 per unit. It was estimated that
production could be increased in 2010 by 50% due to spare capacity.
Rates for materials and direct wages will increase by 10%.
You are required to prepare:
(a) Cost sheet for the year 2009 showing various elements of cost unit and
(b) Estimated cost and profit statement for 2010.
Assuming that 15,000 units will be produced and sold during the year and factory overheads will
be recovered as a percentage of direct wages and office and selling expenses as percentage of works
[Ans.:(1) Total Cost- 2009- ` 2,34,000 Cost Per Unit 23.40 & 2010-
` 3,51,000 Cost Per Unit 23.40
(2) Net profit - 2009- ` 82,000 Cost Per Unit 8.20 & 2010-
` 1,14,000 Cost Per Unit 7.69]
(16) American Sprayers Ltd., manufactured and sold 1,000 sprayers during the year ended 31st
March, 2010. The summarized accounts are set out below:
[CS Modified]
Manufacturing, Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31-3-10.
` `
To cost of materials 80,000 By Sales 4,00,000
To Direct wages 1,20,000
To manufacturing cost 50,000
To Gross profit 1,50,000
` 4,00,000 ` 4,00,000
To management and staff Salaries 60,000 By Gross Profit 1,50,000
To Rent rates & Insurance 10,000
To Selling expenses 30,000
To General expenses 20,000
To Net Profit 30,000
1,50,000 1,50,000
174 Cost Accounting

For the year ending 31st March 2011, it is estimated that:

(a) Output and sales will be 1,200 sprayers
(b) Price of materials will rise by 20% on the previous year’s level
(c) Wages per unit will rise by 5%.
(d) Manufacturing cost will rise in proportion to the combined cost of materials and wages
(e) Other expenses will remain unaffected by the rise in output.
(f) Selling expenses per unit will remain unchanged
(i) Prepare a cost sheet for the year ending 31st March, 2010
(ii) Prepare an estimated cost sheet showing the price at which the sprayer should be sold so
as to show a profit of 10% on the selling price.
[Ans.:(1) Total Cost- 2010- ` 3,70,000 Cost Per Unit 370.00 & 2011-
` 4,46,400 Cost Per Unit 327.00
(2) Net profit - 2010- ` 30,000 Cost Per Unit 30.00 & 2011-
` 36,000 Cost Per Unit 30.00]
(17) Tidy Home Limited manufactures domestic vacuum cleaners. For the year ending 30th Sep.
2009, expenses incurred are as follows for an output of 1,000 units.
[CA Modified]
Raw material consumed 1,00,000
Direct wages 50,000
Factory overheads 80,000
Administrative overheads 23,000
Selling overheads (which are 10% of sales value) 35,000
Distribution overheads (for sale of 900 unit) 18,000
For the year 2009-10 following changes are expected:
(i) Raw material prices are expected to rise by 10% but per unit consumption is expected to fall
by 5%
(ii) Direct wages may rise by 15% but productivity of labour may bring down the cost of wages
per unit by 10%.
(iii) Of the factory overheads, ` 30,000 are fixed cost and are expected to remain at the same level,
but variable component thereof is likely to have the same relationship to wages, as it had for the
year 2008-09.
(iv) Administration overheads may rise by 20%.
(v) Selling overheads as a percentage of sale value may remain at the same level, as for 2008-09.
(vi) Distribution overheads per unit may remain the same.
(vii) Output for the year 2009-10 is expected to be 1,500 units.
Cost Sheet 175

You are required to work out the total cost per vacuum cleaner for 2009-10 and the selling price at
which it should be marketed in order to make of profit of 20% on sale value.
[Ans.:(1) Total Cost- 2009- ` 2,80,700 Cost Per Unit 311.88 & 2010-
` 4,56,686 Cost Per Unit 304.45
(2) Net profit - 2009- ` 69,300 Cost Per Unit 77.00 & 2010-
` 1,14,171 Cost Per Unit 76.11]
(18) M/s Bata Shoe Co. manufacturers two types of shoes A and B. Production costs for the year
ended 31st March, 2010 were:
[MU T.Y.B.Com., Modified]
Direct materials ` 15,00,000
Direct wages 8,40,000
Production overheads 3,60,000
` 27,00,000
There was no work-in-progress at the beginning or at the end of the year. It is ascertained that:
(a) Direct Materials in type A shoes consists twice as much as that in type B shoes.
(b) The direct wages for type B shoes were 60% of those for type A shoes.
(c) Production overhead was the same per pair of A and B type.
(d) Administrative overheads for each type were 150% of direct wages.
(e) Production during the year were: Type A 40,000 pairs of which 36,000 were sold. Type B
1,20,000 pairs of which 1,00,000 were sold.
(f) Selling cost was ` 1.50 per pair.
(g) Selling price was ` 44 for type A and ` 28 per pair for type B.
[Ans.: Total Cost- A- 13,50,000 B- ` 22,50,000 Profit- A- 2,34,000 B- ` 5,50,000]
(19) X and Y shoe polish company Ltd. manufactures black and brown polish in one standard size
of tin retailing at ` 1.08 and ` 1.20 respectively. The following data is supplied to you.
[CA Modified]
Direct Materials: Polish 7,38,000
Tins 2,88,000
Direct Wages 2,44,800
Production overheads 3,67,200
Administrative & selling overheads 1,22,400
Sales for the year were: Black 14,000,000 tins & Brown 6,00,000 tins. The opening & closing
stock were:
Black Brown
Opening stock (Tins) 48,000 1,60,000
Closing stock (Tins) 1,08,000 60,000
176 Cost Accounting

The opening stock of the black & brown polish was valued at its production cost of paise 30.4 per
tin & paise 86.4 per tin respectively. The cost of raw material for brown polish is 10% higher than that
for black there is no difference in the cost of tins. Direct wages for brown are 8% higher than those for
black polish & production overheads are considered to vary with direct wages. Administrative & selling
overheads are absorbed at a uniform rate per tin of polish sold. Prepare a statement to show the cost &
profit per tin of polish
[Ans.: Total Cost- Black- 12,44,160 Brown- ` 5,54,400
Profit- Black- 3,11,040 Brown- ` 1,65,600]
(20) A Company manufactures a mixer which is sold for ` 1,200/-
[ICWA Modified]
(a) Materials constituted at 45% of cost sales.
(b) Labour constituted 40% of cost sales
(c) Overhead expenses constituted 15% of cost of sales.
(d) An increase of 15% in material cost & 10% in labour cost is expected.
(e) The anticipated increased costs in relation to the present sales price would cause 35%
decrease in the amount of the present gross profit.
If the only figure available are those given above, what must be the selling price to given the same
percentage of gross profit as before?
[Ans.: Actual Total Cost -` 900 Profit ` 300 & Estimated ` 996.75 Profit ` 195.00]
(21) The cost structure of an article the selling price of which is ` 45,000 is as follows:
[CA Modified]
Direct Materials 50% Direct Labour………… 20%
Overheads 30%
An increase of 15% in the cost of material & of 25% in the cost of labour is anticipated. These
increased costs in relation to the present selling would cause a 25% decrease in the amount of present
profit per article.
You are required:
(1) To prepare a statement of profit per article at present &
(2) The revised selling price to produce the same percentage of profit to sales as before.
[Ans.: Actual Total Cost -` 33,750 Profit ` 11,250 & Estimated
` 37,968.75 Profit ` 12,656.25]
(22) A factory produces uniform type of articles & has a capacity of 8,000 units per week. The
following information shows the different elements of cost for 3 consecutive weeks when the
output has changed from week to week.
[CA Modified]
Cost Sheet 177

Units Produced Direct materials ` Direct Labour Factory overheads

(partly Variable & partly fixed)
800 3,200 1,200 5,600
1,000 6,400 1,500 6,400
1,600 5,600 2,400 8,800
The factory has received an order for 2,400 units upon the selling price of which it wants a profit
of 25%. Finds out what price per unit it should quote.
[Ans.: Total Cost- Week 1- ` 39,600 2- ` 38,160 3-` 36,000
Profit- 1- ` 9,900 2- ` 9,540 3- ` 9,000]
(23) A factory can manufacture 10,000 units every month. The following data is furnished to you
for the quarter ended 31st December, 2009:
[CS Modified]
Materials cost ` 5 per unit
Labour cost ` 4 per unit
Variable factory expenses ` 2 per unit
October November December
Production (unit) 6,000 8,000 7,000
Factory overheads ` 8,000 9,000 8,500
A commission agent introduced a prospective customer who wants to place an order for 10,000
units every month. You are asked to quote your price after considering the following:-
(1) Administration overheads is 10% of works cost.
(2) Sales & distribution overheads is 12.5% of cost of production.
(3) The commission agent is to be paid Re. 1 per unit.
(4) The factory wants a profit of 20% on sales price.
(24) A factory can produced 60,000 units p.a at 100% capacity. The estimated cost of production is
as follows:
[CA Modified]
Direct materials ` 3 per unit.
Direct wages ` 2 per units
Fixed cost p.a ` 1,50,000
Variable expenses per unit ` 5
Semi-variable expenses per annum.
(a) Upto 50% of capacity ` 50,000
(b) ` 10,000 for every increase of 25% in capacity or part thereof.
The factory produces only against orders. If the production programme of the factory is as indicated
below, what should be the selling price if it wants to earn a profit of ` 1,00,000 for the year? The
production programme is :
178 Cost Accounting

(a) For the first 3 months at 50% capacity.

(b) For the next 9 months at 80% capacity.
[Ans. Total Cost- ` 6,50,000 & Profit- ` 1,00,000]
(25) In respect of factory, the following figure have been obtained for the year 2009.
Cost of materials ` 6,00,000
Wages of Labour 5,00,000
Factory Overheads 3,00,000
Administration charges 3,36,000
Selling charges 2,24,000
Distribution charges 1,40,000
Profit 4,20,000
A work has been executed in 2010 & the following expenses have been incurred.
Materials 8,000
Wages 5,000
At what price should the product be sold? Factory overheads is based on direct labour &
administration, selling & distribution overhead on factory cost. The same rate of profit on the selling
price as in 2009 is required.
[Ans.: (1) Total Cost- 2009- ` 21,00,000 & 2010- ` 13,110
(2) Net profit - 2009- ` 4,20,000]
(26) The present sales turnover of a factory is 1000 articles at ` 550 each. By reason of a price
reduction of 9%, the size of order is expected to increase by 50%. The present cost structure
of the factory is as follows:
Materials 40%
Variable wages & expenses 30%
Fixed overheads 15%
Profit 15%
Present the present & estimated cost sheet. Is it advisable for the company to go for a price
reduction ?
[Ans.: Actual Sales - ` 5,50,000 Profit ` 82,500 & Estimated
` 7,50,750 Profit ` 1,12,612.50]
(27) The State Government granted license to Sweet Sugar Ltd., to manufacture & sell sugar with
a stipulation that 40% of the output should be sold to the State Government at a controlled price
of ` 3,000/- per ton & the balance output can be sold in the open market at any price. Following
are the details of Sweet Sugar Ltd., for the year ended 31st March, 2010. During the year 3,600
tons of sugarcan was consumed @ 350 per ton.
Cost Sheet 179

Direct Expenses 4,20,000
Telephone Charges 3,52,695
Office computer purchased 2,75,350
Factory Rent & Insurance 3,54,760
Machinery purchased 4,25,560
Machinery Repairs 98,847
Commission on Sales 3,37,650
Factory Salaries 2,19,588
Carriages Outward 1,54,090
Packing Expenses 1,94,450
Bank Interest 1,65,895
Factory Electricity 2,61,880
Delivery Van Expenses 1,06,850
Coal Consumed 3,80,125
Depreciation on Machinery 2,49,600
Depreciation on Computer 2,04,180
Depreciation on Delivery Van 1,57,360
Office Salaries 1,89,325
Printing & Stationery 1,13,000
During the year 2,400 tons of sugar was produced. The Company’s profit target for the year, for
fixing the open market selling price on the basis of cost sheet, is 10% of its average paid-up capital of
` 1,42,56,000. Prepare cost sheet & find various components of total cost & per unit cost & suggest the
selling price for open market.
[Ans.: Total Cost- ` 50,54,400 & Profit- ` 14,25,600
Open Market Price ` 2,500 per tone]
(28) Vaijanth Polymers manufactures & sells a typical brand of tiffin boxes under its own brand
name the installed capacity of the plant is 1,20,000 units per year, distribution evenly over each
month of calendar year. The Cost Accountants of the company has informed you about the
cost structure of the product, which is as follows:
[ICWA Modified]
Raw Materials ` 20 per unit
Direct Labour `12 per unit
Direct Expenses ` 2 per unit
Variable Overheads ` 16 per unit
Fixed Overheads ` 16 per unit.
Fixed overheads for the year ` 3,00,000
180 Cost Accounting

Semi-variable Overheads are as follows:

(a) ` 7,500 per month upto 50% capacity &
(b) Additional ` 2,500 per month for every additional 25% capacity utilization or part thereof.
The plant was operating at 50% capacity during the first seven months of the calendar year 2009
& at 100% capacity in the remaining months of the year. The selling price for the period from 1st
January 2009 to 31st July, 2009 was fixed at ` 69/- per unit. The firm has been monitoring the profitability
& revising the selling price to meet its annual profit target of Rs.8 lacs. You are required to suggest the
selling price per unit for the cost & also profit for the period:-
(a) From 1st January 2009 to 31st July 2009
(b) From 1st August 2009 to 31st December 2009.
(29) A manufacturer produces 8,000 units per month, split up cost & sales value of which is given
[ICWA London Modified]
` (per Unit)
Direct Material 30
Direct Labour 20
Factory Expenses
Fixed Overheads (` 2,00,000) 25
Variable Overheads 40
Selling & distribution Expenses 115
Fixed (` 80,000) 10
Variable 15
General Administration (Fixed ` 2,40,000) 30
Margin of Profit 5
Selling price 175
Due to increase in demand & consequent extension of delivery dates & dissatisfaction among
customers, the management decided to provide for an output of 12,000 units per month in the next year.
Prepare a comparative cost statement showing anticipated margin of profit for the present output (of
8,000 units) & the proposed output (of 12,000 units). Assume that in the coming year there will be an
all-round increase of 5% in the different items of expenses expect fixed expense. Selling price can be
increased by 2% in the coming year. Due to the proposed increase in output (if the proposal is adopted)
there will be an increase of 25% in the Fixed Factory overheads 20% in Fixed selling & Distribution
expenses & 10% in General administration.
[Ans.: Actual Sales - ` 14,00,000 Profit ` 40,000 & Estimated
` 21,42,000 Profit ` 63,000]
Cost Sheet 181

(30) The present sales turnover of a factory is 2000 articles at ` 500 each. By reason of a price
reduction of 10% the size of order is expected to increase by 50%. The present cost structure
of the factory is as follows.
[CIMA London Modified]
Materials 40%
Variable wages & expenses 30%
Fixed overheads 15%
Profit 15%
Present the present & estimated cost sheet. Is it advisable for the company to go for a price
[Ans.: Actual Sales - ` 10,00,000 Profit ` 1,50,000 & Estimated
` 13,50,000 Profit ` 2,02,500]
(II) Theory Questions
(1) What is a cost sheet? What are the purposes of a cost sheet?
(2) Give composition of a selling price.
(3) Write short notes on
(a) Works Cost.
(b) Elements of Cost
(4) “Fixed costs are variable per unit while variable costs are fixed per unit” Comment.
(5) Define the term cost. What are the different elements of cost?
(III) Objective Questions
(I) State whether the following statements are True or False.
(1) Cost of a product is decided as per cost attach concept.
(2) Interest on captital is a non-cost item
(3) Cost sheet shows total cost and cost per unit.
(4) Prime cost includes factory overheads.
(5) Cost of production includes selling overheads.
(6) Carriage on material increases cost of materials.
(7) Waste having realisable value is called as scrap.
(8) Fixed cost remains constant irrespective of output.
(9) Variable cost is also called as product cost.
[Ans. True: (1,2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9). False: (4, 5)]
182 Cost Accounting

(II) Match the Following

Group A Group B
(1) Interest on loan (i) Direct Cost
(2) Prime Cost (ii) Factory Cost plus Office Overheads
(3) Cost of Production (iii) Prime Cost plus Factory Overheads
(4) Factory Cost (iv) Sales less Total Cost
(5) Profit (v) Cost plus Profit
(vi) Non-Cost Item
[Ans. (1 - vi), (2 - i), (3 - ii), (4 - iii), (5 - iv)]
(III) Multiple Choice Questions. Select the Right Answer
(1) Total cost includes
(i) Cost of production plus selling overheads
(ii) Direct cost
(iii) Indirect cost
(2) Prime cost includes
(i) Direct material plus direct labour plus direct expenses
(ii) Direct material plus direct expenses
(iii) Direct cost plus indirect cost
(3) Factory overheads includes
(i) Factory salary, depreciation of machine, fuel
(ii) Factory salary, rent of offce, selling commssion
(iii) Office overheads only
(4) Stock is valued at
(i) Cost of production
(ii) Direct cost
(iii) Indirect cost
(5) Selling price is equal to
(i) Total cost plus profit
(ii) Direct cost plus profit
(iii) Indirect cost plus profit
[Ans. (1 - i), (2 - i), (3 - i), (4 - i), (5 - i) ]


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