This document lists the past simple and past participle forms of many common irregular English verbs. It provides the infinitive form, past simple form, and past participle form of each verb, along with the pronunciation of each form. Some examples of irregular verbs listed include be, become, begin, bite, break, bring, and build. In total, over 100 irregular English verbs and their past/participle forms are provided.
This document lists the past simple and past participle forms of many common irregular English verbs. It provides the infinitive form, past simple form, and past participle form of each verb, along with the pronunciation of each form. Some examples of irregular verbs listed include be, become, begin, bite, break, bring, and build. In total, over 100 irregular English verbs and their past/participle forms are provided.
This document lists the past simple and past participle forms of many common irregular English verbs. It provides the infinitive form, past simple form, and past participle form of each verb, along with the pronunciation of each form. Some examples of irregular verbs listed include be, become, begin, bite, break, bring, and build. In total, over 100 irregular English verbs and their past/participle forms are provided.
This document lists the past simple and past participle forms of many common irregular English verbs. It provides the infinitive form, past simple form, and past participle form of each verb, along with the pronunciation of each form. Some examples of irregular verbs listed include be, become, begin, bite, break, bring, and build. In total, over 100 irregular English verbs and their past/participle forms are provided.
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written form pronunciation written form pronunciation written form pronunciation
BE /bi/ WAS; WERE /waz; wr/ BEEN /bi:n/
BECOME /bikam/ BECAME /bikeim/ BECOME /bikam/ BEGIN /begin/ BEGAN /bigen/ BEGUN /bigan/ BITE /bajt/ BIT /bit/ BITTEN /bitәn/ BREAK /brejk/ BROKE /brouk/ BROKEN /broukәn/ BRING /bring/ BROUGHT /brot/ BROUGHT /brot/ BUILD /bild/ BUILT /bilt/ BUILT /bilt/ BURN /brn/ BURNT /brnt/ BURNT /brnt/ BUY /baj/ BOUGHT /bot/ BOUGHT /bot/ CAN /ken/ COULD /kud/ --- --- CATCH /keč/ CAUGHT /kot/ CAUGHT /kot/ COME /kam/ CAME /keim/ COME /kam/ COST /kost/ COST /kost/ COST /kost/ CUT /kat/ CUT /kat/ CUT /kat/ DO /du/ DID /did/ DONE /dan/ DRAW /dro/ DREW /dru/ DRAWN /dro:n/ DRINK /drink/ DRANK /drenk/ DRUNK /drank/ DRIVE /draiv/ DROVE /drouv/ DRIVEN /drivәn/ EAT /it/ ATE /eit/ EATEN /itәn/ FALL /fol/ FELL /fel/ FALLEN /folәn/ FEEL /fi:l/ FELT /felt/ FELT /felt/ FIGHT /fajt/ FOUGHT /fot/ FOUGHT /fot/ FIND /faind/ FOUND /faund/ FOUND /faund/ FLY /flaj/ FLEW /flu/ FLOWN /floun/ GET /get/ GOT /gat/ GOT /gat/ GIVE /giv/ GAVE /geiv/ GIVEN /givәn/ GO /gou/ WENT /went/ GONE /gon/ GROW /grou/ GREW /gru/ GROWN /groun/ HAVE /hev/ HAD /hed/ HAD /had/ HEAR /hir/ HEARD /hrd/ HEARD /hrd/
HIDE /haid/ HID /hid/ HIDDEN /hidn/
HIT /hit/ HIT /hit/ HIT /hit/ HOLD /hould/ HELD /held/ HELD /held/ HURT /hrt/ HURT /hrt/ HURT /hrt/ KEEP /ki:p/ KEPT /kept/ KEPT /kept/ KNOW /nou/ KNEW /nju/ KNOWN /noun/ LEARN /lrn/ LEARNT /lrnt/ LEARNT /lrnt/ LEAVE /li:v/ LEFT /left/ LEFT /left/ LOSE /luz/ LOST /lost/ LOST /lost/ MAKE /meik/ MADE /meid/ MADE /meid/ MEAN /mi:n/ MEANT /ment/ MEANT /ment/ PAY /pei/ PAID /peid/ PAID /peid/ PUT /put/ PUT /put/ PUT /put/ READ /ri:d/ READ /red/ READ /red/ RIDE /raid/ RODE /roud/ RIDDEN /ridәn/ INFINITIVE PAST SIMPLE PAST PARTICIPLE
written form pronunciation written form pronunciation written form pronunciation
RING /ring/ RANG /reng/ RUNG /rang/
RUN /ran/ RAN /ren/ RUN /ran/ SAY /sei/ SAID /sed/ SAID /sed/ SEE /si:/ SAW /so/ SEEN /si:n/ SELL /sel/ SOLD /sould/ SOLD /sould/ SEND /send/ SENT /sent/ SENT /sent/ SET /set/ SET /set/ SET /set/ SING /sing/ SANG /seng/ SUNG /sang/ SINK /sink/ SANK /senk/ SUNK /sank/ SIT /sit/ SAT /set/ SAT /set/ SMELL /smel/ SMELT /smelt/ SMELT /smelt/ SPEAK /spi:k/ SPOKE /spouk/ SPOKEN /spouken/ SPELL /spel/ SPELT /spelt/ SPELT /spelt/ SPEND /spend/ SPENT /spent/ SPENT /spent/ STAND /stend/ STOOD /stud/ STOOD /stud/
STEAL /sti:l/ STOLE /stoul/ STOLEN /stoulәn/
STICK /stik/ STUCK /stak/ STUCK /stak/ SWEEP /swi:p/ SWEPT /swept/ SWEPT /swept/ SWIM /swim/ SWAM /swem/ SWUM /swam/ TAKE /teik/ TOOK /tuk/ TAKEN /teiken/ TEACH /ti:č/ TAUGHT /tot/ TAUGHT /tot/ TEAR /ter/ TORE /tor/ TORN /torn/ TELL /tel/ TOLD /tould/ TOLD /tould/ THINK /think/ THOUGHT /thot/ THOUGHT /thot/ THROW /throu/ THREW /thru/ THROWN /throun/ UNDERSTAND /andrstend/ UNDERSTOOD /anderstud/ UNDERSTOOD /anderstud/ WAKE UP /weik ap/ WOKE UP /wouk ap/ WOKEN UP /wouken ap/ WEAR /wer/ WORE /wor/ WORN /worn/ WIN /win/ WON /wan/ WON /wan/ WRITE /wrait/ WROTE /wrout/ WRITTEN /writәn/ MEET /mi:t/ MET /met/ MET /met/ SLEEP /sli:p/ SLEPT /slept/ SLEPT /slept/