Connect With Mathematics TM 6
Connect With Mathematics TM 6
Connect With Mathematics TM 6
Teacher’s Manual 6
Eduline Publishers
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Published in India by Eduline Publishers
Copyright © 2014 Eduline Publishers
The moral rights of the author/s have been asserted.
First Published in 2014
ISBN: 978-93-8252-063-4
Design and visuals: Henu Studio
9 7 5 3 8 3 6 9
Student 1 Student 2
Teacher’s Tip
Ask the students to compare the two numbers and make them notice that the
student who pulled out the higher number at the end has the highest number.
Now, ask the students to round off the numbers to their nearest
9 7 5 3
Student 1
Draw a line
Now multiply the digit at the hundreds place of the number of the
number and place it at one end.
In our case the digit is 7 and the number thus formed is 700
Now add 100 to the number and place it at the other end of the line.
In our case the number is 700 and the number formed after adding
hundred is 800.
700 800
Now ask the students to add 50 to the right end number on the
number line and place it at the middle of the line
Teacher’s Manual | 6
In our case the right end number is 700, and 750 is obtained when
we add 50 to it.
Now ask the students to place the number formed on this line.
In our case the number formed was 753 and it lies between 750 and
Ask the students to observe that the number placed on the number
line is near to which end. The closest end to the number will be the
nearest hundred
In our case 753 is nearest to 800 as compared to 700. Hence the
nearest hundreds of 753 is 800.
So, the required number is 9800.
Summative Assessment
1. 2 × (5 × 2) = 2.
4 (5 + 2) =
3. 6 × 2 - (3 + 4) + 6 = 4.
8 × 2 + (1 × 4) - 7 =
5. 20 ÷ (4 + 1) = 6.
(12 ÷ 3)(3 × 2) =
Teacher’s Manual | 8
2 Playing with Numbers
Formative Assessment
Teacher’s Tip
Ask the students to notice that both numbers can be expressed as a product of
primes. Hence, all numbers are made of prime numbers multiplied together.
2 30
2 25 ×
2 15
5 5
3 5
2. Ask the students to find the common factors in both the trees.
3. The H.C.F. is the product of the common factors.
In this case, the H.C.F. of 50 and 60 is 2 × 5, i.e., 10.
Formative Assessment
Teacher’s Manual | 10
2 30
2 25
2 15
5 5
2 × 3 × 50 = 300 3 5
Multiply the non-common prime factors of the number with the other
number to find the L.C.M.
In our case the L.C.M. is 300 for 50 and 60, i.e., 2 × 3 × 50 =
6 × 50
Formative Assessment
Summative Assessment
1. The H.C.F. of two numbers is 23 and the factors of the L.C.M. are
13 and 14. What are the two numbers?
Ans. 322 and 299
2. Bells A and B start ringing together at intervals of 2 and 3 seconds
respectively. In 15 minutes, how many times do they ring together?
Ans. The L.C.M. of 2 and 3 is 6.
So, they ring together after every 6 seconds
15 × 60
Hence, in 15 minutes they will ring = = 150 times
3. What is the greatest number of 3 digits divisible by 15 and 18 ?
Ans. The greatest number of three digit is 999.
L.C.M. of 15 and 18 is 90.
On dividing 999 by 90 the remainder is 9.
So, the required number is (999 - 9) = 990
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3 Natural Numbers and Whole Numbers
Teacher’s Tip
Make students understand that the number formed by multiplying a number by
itself is called a square number.
Now, repeat the same and draw L shaped borders as shown below.
Now, ask students to count and write the number of dots in each
In our example it will be done as shown below.
1 3 5 7
Now, if we add these numbers we get 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 16
Summative Assessment
Teacher’s Manual | 14
3. State if true or false.
10 × (16 + 18) = 10 × 16 + 10 × 18
Ans. True
4. Find 342 × 493 + 342 × 697
Ans. 406980
5. Find 46 × 32 × 87
Ans. 128064
Teacher’s Tip
Ask students to write the number zero in one cell of the table and have few nega-
tive numbers as well.
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53 -84 732 54 19 26 421 18 -171 66
37 344 117 -900 13
Formative Assessment
Summative Assessment
1. What is the opposite integer of - 4?
Ans. 4
2. Subtract - 9 from 14.
Ans. 23
3. What is the absolute value of the Integer 18?
Ans. 18
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5 Fractions
Fractions are used almost every day in our daily lives. When we say we
would like to have half a glass of water. These are fractions. Children
also hear and listen to these references of fractions. It is important to
make students understand the relevance of fractions and their uses in
daily lives.
Vocabulary: Fractions, like fractions, unlike fractions
Objective: Understanding fractions
Materials required: Sheet of paper, notebook, color pencils, pen/pencil
Ask the students to take out the sheet of paper.
Ask them to hold it horizontally.
Ask them to fold the paper into half. 4
Then ask then to open it and shade using 1
the color pencil one half of the paper. 2
Now ask students to fold the paper into four equal divisions. 3
Now ask students to open up the paper again.
Ask students to make a note of this in their note books.
Now ask students to fold the paper into eighths and sixteenths.
Formative Assessment
Teacher’s Tip
Make students understand equivalent fractions and make them observe these
equivalent fractions.
Summative Assessment
1. Find x if
2 6
3 x
Ans. 9
5 3
2. Add + =?
8 8
Ans. 1
3. Meena has 60 rupees. She went to the market and spent of the
money she had with her. How much money is left with her?
Ans. ` 20
Until now students have learnt about whole numbers. A lot of discrete
quantities are expressed in whole numbers. For example, the number
of students in a class is always expressed as a whole number. However
expressing the heights of the students in a class in whole numbers might
be difficult at times. In order express such quantities accurately, we need
to express them as decimals. Quantities such as weight, area, length,
etc. often require the use of decimals. Hence, it is important to make
students understand the use of decimals.
Vocabulary: Place value, decimal, fraction, equivalent decimals, like
decimals, unlike decimals
Objective: Learn how to convert into decimals
Materials required: Note book, ruler, pen and pencil
Ask the students to take out a page from their note books.
Ask students to draw a square of 10 cm length and 10 cm breadth.
Now ask students to draw small squares of 1 cm × 1 cm and fill the big
square as shown in the figure below.
Now ask students to take colour pencils and colour the squares to form a
Teacher’s Tip
Give the students the freedom to choose colours from 5 colours. Ask them to
use at least three colours.
Formative Assessment
Did you notice any pattern in the number of squares column. If yes
then explain?
Ans. Yes, the numbers in column are evenly reducing by 8. All the
numbers in the column fall in the table of 4. The number of squares
at the centre coloured as green is also 4.
2. What is the sum of the numbers in the fraction form column?
Ans. 100
3. What is the sum of the numbers in the decimal form column?
Ans. 1
Teacher’s Manual | 22
Summative Assessment
1. Ram is 4.5 feet tall, Shyam is 5.1 feet tall and Mohan is 5 feet tall.
What is the sum of their heights?
Ans. 14.6 feet
2. = 4.57, find x.
Ans. 100
3. The price of a commodity A increases by 40 paise every year. If the
current price of commodity A is ` 23.30 then what was it’s price four
years earlier.
Ans. ` 21.70
3. 86.43 4. 92.15
+ 51.61 +
_______ _______
3. 49.47 4. 92.15
+ 16.82 +
_______ _______
23 | Connect with Mathematics
7 Introduction to Algebra
1 2 3 4 5
Present students with the pattern shown above.
Explain them the L shaped pattern.
Ask them to identify the variables.
Formative Assessment
Teacher’s Manual | 24
Now ask them to draw the pattern for the 10th stage.
Ask students now to find the number of squares in the 20th stage.
Teacher’s Tip
Make students understand that the stage varies according to the number of
squares. The stage number can be assumed as X.
Thinking guidelines
1. Identify the number of squares in any stage.
For example: In the 10th stage the number of squares is 19.
2. To find the relationship with the number of squares and the stage.
For example: The number of squares on each leg is the same as the
number of the stage. The 10th stage has 10 squares on each leg.
3. Identify if there is a common square.
There is one common square which is counted on each leg
Formative Assessment
1. Work out a formulae for the given pattern and find the 35th term.
Pattern: 2, 7, 12, 17, ………….
Ans. Formula: 5(X - 1) + 2 [Where X the number of term.]
35th term = 172
2. Find the factors of 4x2y2.
Ans. 4, x, x, y, y
3. Write the coefficient of the term 12a2b.
Ans. 12
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8 Linear Equations
When “two things” are equal they create an equation. The equations
have three parts the left side, the right side and the equal sign. The
equal sign simply means that the left side and the right side are same.
Students should be made to understand that an equation is a statement
of equality which expresses the relationship between known and
Vocabulary: Variable, constant, expression, equality, additive inverse,
Objective: Solving linear equations in one variable
Materials required: Strips of coloured paper (two colours), scissors, pen/
pencil, notebook
Ask students to cut a few of the colour strips into small squares.
Explain to assume that one colour strip represents – x and the other
colour strip represent + x, while one colour square represent + 1 and
the other represents - 1.
=+1 =-1
=+X =-X
Teacher’s Tip
Explain to the students that sum of a integer and its additive inverse is zero.
+ +
2 1
Now, ask the students to remove the common strips from both the
ends. Do ensure that you remove exactly the same number of strips
and squares from each side.
1 X
Teacher’s Tip
Ask the students to take the coefficient of the variable less than 5 and only use
whole numbers and coefficient and constants.
Formative Assessment
1. If you have two rectangular strips on one side and two square on
other, then how will you find the solution.
Ans. This means that we have 2X = 2.
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We will eliminate 1 strip from one side and one square from the
other side. Hence we will get X = 1.
2. If the equation in the example would have been X - 2 = 2X - 1.
How would you solve it?
+ +
The operation for the red strips remains the same we remove the
common from both the sides. We also remove the common green
square from both sides.
Summative Assessment
1. Find x, if x = 12.
Ans. 18
2. If 6 m is added to the perimeter of a square field it becomes 30 m.
Find the length of the sides of the square field.
Ans. 6 m
3. Raj bought 5 pens and was short by ` 5 which he borrowed from his
friend Mohan. If Raj had ` 45. What was the cost of each pen?
Ans. ` 10
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9 Ratio and Proportion
Teacher’s Tip
Make sure that students start wrapping the string from one end. Make the stu-
dents notice that they are comparing two quantities. Here, it is the thickness of
the thumb and the wrist.
Formative Assessment
Formative Assessment
summative Assessment
Teacher’s Manual | 32
Formative Assessment
Summative Assessment
1. A line segment has definite length while a line has no definite length.
Is it True or False?
Ans. True
2. Give two examples of plane figures.
Ans. Square and Rectangle
3. The line segment that passes through the centre of a circle and joins
two points on its circumference is called .
Ans. Diameter of the circle
2. Is this a Polygon?
4. What is this?
5. This is a Polygon. Is it regular or irregular?
6. Is this a Polygon?
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11 Measurement of Line Segments
A line is a ray that is infinite while a line segment is the part of the line
with a finite length. Students need to understand that a line cannot be
measured as it does not have a fixed length while a line segment can
be measured. The unit of length can be metre, centimetre, millimetre,
kilometer, etc.
In this activity students will learn how to measure line segments at the
same time will understand that shapes can be formed by connecting line
segments in a given pattern.
Vocabulary: Line, line segment, length, units of length, triangle
Objective: Understating line segments and triangles
Materials required: Notebook, pen/pencil, ruler
Ask students to draw any triangle.
Ask them to name the sides as A, B and C.
Now ask the students to measure the sides A and B one by
one with the ruler.
Ask them to note the
measurements of A and B in
their notebooks.
Ask them to add the lengths of
sides A and B of the triangle. C
Now ask them to measure the
side C with the help of the ruler.
Ask them to make a note of the
measurement of side C.
Now ask them to compare the B
length of side C with the sum of
the length of side A and B.
Teacher’s Tip
Ask the students to identify the longest side and name it as C. The other two
sides can be named as A and B.
Summative Assessment
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12 Quadrilaterals
Formative Assessment
Summative Assessment
4. 5. 6.
Teacher’s Manual | 40
7. 8. 9.
10. 11. 12.
Activity sheet
Formative Assessment
1. In how many ways you can fold the rectangle exactly into two halves.
Ans. Two, along its length and along its breadth
Hence, there are two lines of symmetry in a
Now, ask the students to draw a square on
the paper with the help of the ruler.
Ask them to cut out the square with the
help of the scissor.
Now, ask them to fold the square into two
halves such that one overlaps the other.
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2. In how many ways you can fold the square exactly into two halves.
Ans. Two, along the side and along the diagonal
Hence, the square also has two lines of
3. Can the rectangle be folded along its diagonal into exactly two
Ans. No
4. Does folding the rectangle into two halves give a mirror image of one
half to the other.
Ans. Yes, hence the diagonal of the rectangle can also be called the
line of reflection not the line of symmetry.
Teacher’s Tip
Make the students understand the difference between line of symmetry and line
of reflection. Repeat the same activity with a scalene triangle and ask them to
see, if there is a line of symmetry.
summative Assessment
Teacher’s Manual | 44
14 Construction
Teacher’s Tip
Ask the students to draw a circle with radius less than half of the length of the
Now taking the same radius ask students to draw an arc which cuts
the circumference of the circle with the compass. The needle of
the compass should be placed on the point where the line segment
intersects the circumference of the circle.
Place the compass
needle here
Mark the intersection point of the Draw any arc with point o as centre
circle and the line. Say point O. with same radius which cuts the circle
on the circumference at point C.
Now mark the intersection point of the arc on the circle.
Place the compass needle on the intersection point and cut an arc on
the circumference with the width of the compass equal to the radius of
the circle.
Place the compass
needle here
Mark the intersection point of the Cut another arc on the circle with
circle and the arc the radius of the circle
Now similarly cut arc on the circle and complete one round of the
Example: A B
Formative Assessment
Teacher’s Manual | 46
Summative Assessment
3. What is the measure of the 148′
missing angle?
? 78′
4. The perimeter of this figure is
20 cm. What are the values of the
4m ?
two missing lengths?
Teacher’s Tip
Ask the students to take the dimensions as whole numbers. Like 4 cm × 6 cm
Formative Assessment
Teacher’s Manual | 48
Similarly, the perimeter of a square can also be explained.
Now, ask students to draw a similar rectangle on the other piece of
Ask them to divide the length and breadth into equal parts using the
ruler. If the dimensions of the rectangle are whole numbers then ask
them to place dots after 1 unit along the length as well as the breadth.
Now, ask them to draw horizontal and vertical lines joining the dots.
The rectangle will now be divided into squares. See the figure below.
Ask students to cut these squares with the help of the scissors.
Now, ask them to place it over the area of the rectangle drawn on the
other piece of paper.
Assume that each square represents 1 unit.
The area of the rectangle can be given by adding the number of
squares, as each square represents 1 unit.
2. What is an easier way to count the number of total squares?
Ans. Count the number of squares on the length and count the
number of square on the breadth and multiply them.
3. What will be the unit of the product?
Ans. Square units
Summative Assessment
4 cm
2 cm
3 cm
Ans. 36 cm2
49 | Connect with Mathematics
2. The length of a rectangle is 5 cm and its breadth is 2 cm. Find its
perimeter and area?
Ans. Perimeter = 14 cm
Area = 10 cm2
3. Find the perimeter and area of the given figure.
3 cm
4 cm
3 cm
2 cm
6 cm
5 cm
9 cm
Ans. 34 cm
7 yd 5 yd
8 yd 5 yd
12 in
12 in
Teacher’s Manual | 50
3. Which figure has a greater perimeter?
a) b)
6 yd 7 yd
6 yd 6 yd
7 yd 7 yd
6 yd 6 yd
6 yd 7 yd
10 yd
3 yd
6 cm
6 cm 5 cm 5 cm
5 cm
9 cm 6 cm
7 cm
7 cm 7 cm
7 cm 7 cm
7 cm
11 m
Data and its analysis are the key ingredient to the decision making
process. Analyzing data gives us an insight into the scenario. Data is
everywhere right form our vital body statistics to the phones and cars,
we use all are data. The data we pick to analyze depends on the scenario
and the decision we need to take.
It is important for us to make students understand and visualize data in
different circumstances. Right from the height of students in a class to
the color of their school bags all are data.
Vocabulary: Data, analysis, collection of data, pie chart, bar graph,
frequency table, pictograph
Objective: Understanding bar graphs
Materials required: Notebook, pen/pencil, graph paper and ruler
Divide the class into two groups
Ask one group to make a table on favourite sports and the other to
make a table on favourite colour.
Sports Tally Marks Colour Tally Marks
Cricket Red
Football Blue
Basket Ball Black
Badminton White
Now students need to ask any of their ten friends their favourite sports
or favourite colour and fill in the tally marks as shown below.
Sports Tally Marks
Basket Ball
Teacher’s Manual | 52
Teacher’s Tip
Make students understand that the tally marks is a form of frequency table.
Now, ask the students to make a data table from the tally marks as
shown below.
Sports Tally Marks Total
Cricket 3
Football 5
Basket Ball 1
Badminton 1
Now, ask them to take the graph paper and draw x-axis horizontally
and y-axis vertically.
Ask them to put sports or colour on the x-axis and number of students
on the y-axis.
Give the heading of the graph.
Now, grade the x- and y-axis as shown below.
No. of
Students 3
No. of Students
Cricket Football Basket Ball Badminton
For the data assumed above the graph will be as shown above. Based
on the graph shown above answer the questions below.
Formative Assessment
Summative Assessment
1. The birth dates for class 6 children are shown in the chart here.
Number of people
Jan April July Oct
Feb May Aug Nov
March June Sep Dec
Teacher’s Manual | 54
a) How many students have birthday before October?
Ans. 37
b) How many students are there in class 6?
Ans. 51
c) If nobody has their birthday in April and 3 have their birthday in
May, then how many children have their birthday in June.
Ans. 4
Sue asked her friends what their favourite animal was and then made
and then made a pictogram to show her results.
Favourite Animals
Others ? ? ? ? ? ?
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